#arcana kt
star-strand · 7 months
if i come home, baby, will you show your bones?
a gale/julian modern au drabble/vent fic. about 900 words. title from skeleton appreciation day by will wood
cws: gender dysphoria, minor injuries from open chest binding
read below the cut
With one hand, Gale held a wadded-up ball of used KT tape. With the other, he pinched the bridge of his nose, his eyes screwed shut. His chest still itched, itched like the only way to end it was to scratch his skin off.
“Shit,” he repeated. Sighing, he opened his eyes, pulled his hand away from his face, and dropped the wad of tape on the countertop. He had to look at it. He knew he had to look at it.
As expected, it wasn’t good. The skin on his breasts was the angriest shade of pink he’d ever seen. Red patches, bumps, and sores bulged out of it like the uneven terrain of an alien planet. The harsh bathroom light put every detail on stark display. Somewhere in his chest, he felt that revolted twinge of dysphoria. He lightly touched a cherry-red sore on his side and winced. This was what he got for trying to remove his tape with just his bare hands, he supposed.
When he heard the front door opening, he knew who it was. A past version of himself would’ve locked the bathroom door and attempted to suffer in silence for as long as he could. The current version of him still really wanted to do that.
“Gale, solnishko, I’ve returned from my perilous journey to the supermarket!” Though muffled, Gale still heard Julian’s voice clearly. “But all the dangers were worth it in the end. I found everything on our list this time. Even picked up a few seed packets for you.” A moment of silence, then: “Darling? Are you alright?”
He didn’t respond; he kept himself rooted in place, resisting the urge to hide long enough to let himself be found.
It didn’t take long. Julian had exceptional skill in finding him, even when he didn’t want to be found. Especially when he didn’t want to be found. From behind, Julian tapped his shoulder to signal his presence before he wrapped him in a hug. Gale leaned his head back into his chest, closing his eyes as he drew in the warmth he provided.
“What’s wrong, solnishko?”
And here came the part where he had to admit it. “The tape.” He gestured to the used tape on the counter.
“Ohh. Trouble getting it off?”
“Did you use the oil?”
“No. Before you say it, I know I should’ve, it helps break down the adhesive, I know.” He sighed. “It just… it itched so much. I wasn’t really thinking.”
“Yes, I know what you mean. One of the many things I don’t miss about binding.” He pulled away so gently that Gale almost didn’t mind it. “Here, I’ll get the Vaseline.”
“Thanks, honey.” Gale took the container of Vaseline from Julian and rubbed the ointment into his skin, praying for it to work quickly. He only looked down in quick flashes, just to see where it looked most irritated. Some of the most affected areas, he noted, were towards the edges of his back. He craned his head awkwardly to see those spots, struggling to reach them.
“Let me help you.” Julian picked up the Vaseline, covering those spots Gale couldn’t reach. His hands ran cold, but over time Gale had grown used to it, even coming to enjoy the little shiver that went down his spine. It was a comfort, a trademark of the hands that touched him like he was the most precious being to ever walk the Earth.
What Gale thought was, you’re too good for me. What he said was, “thank you.”
Julian paused for a moment to lean down and kiss Gale’s bare shoulder, dotted with light freckles and moles. “Anytime, my dear.”
“I-I just kinda hate this, you know?” Gale ran his fingers through a loose section of his hair. “Not being trans in general, I mean. That’s part of me, I wouldn’t trade it for the world. You wouldn’t either.” He knew as much because Julian had told him so in late-night conversations. They’d agreed on it. Despite both their insecurities, they embraced that part of themselves with love. “But this… this fucking sucks. Either I wear my binder and run out of breath every five seconds, or I wear tape and this happens. And with the dysphoria, going out with neither isn’t an option.”
Now finished tending to his back, Julian handed him his favorite big sweater. The kind of sweater  than swallowed him, the kind that felt safe. He pulled it on as soon as he took it.
“Remind me again why you can’t just chop off my tits right now?” Gale joked.
“Because I’m a trauma surgeon, not a plastic surgeon.” The other reasons that was a certified bad idea, including the ethics, went unsaid. “But I have been talking to my coworkers, seeing if any of the ones who can are open for top surgery consultations, or know someone who is. You’ll get there one day, solnishko. I promise. And when you do, who better to help you through recovery than someone who’s already been through the process himself?”
Gale hugged Julian’s arm, leaning his head into his shoulder. “I love you.”
“I love you too, solnishko. More than words can describe.” A moment of silence where they simply existed in each other’s company came and went. “Now, what do you say to a cozy night in?”
“Yeah. I’m thinking takeout and a movie?”
“That sounds perfect.”
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bewitcherella · 5 months
Hello Bewitcherella! Thank you so much for these readings. May I please ask you if the three women at work who’ve been targeting/harassing/going out of their way to place their attention on me (KV, BP, and KT) are doing so due to jealousy, one sided (theirs) competition - maybe something else? It’s creepy and bizarre behavior, especially when I keep to myself and haven’t spoken to 2/3 of those people. A, Gemini sun
Hi! Thank you so much for reaching out, and firstly let me say that I am so incredibly sorry that you are experiencing such a negative experience at work. Now, here's what I pulled from the flux arcana tarot: strength reversed, the star reversed, and queen of pentacles. Bottom of the deck is the queen of swords. They are definitely picking on you because they are jealous of you, they suffer from low self-esteem and lack of confidence that they think they re-gain when they pick on you. Especially with the star reversed they are so hopeless about their own lives that they only find satisfaction from their boredom when they are harassing you because it provides a momentary distraction from their inner despair, lack of faith, and negativity. They see you as the Queen of Pentacles a mature and grounded woman that they long to be. Your nurturing, sociability, and down-to-earth personality infuriates them because they feel threatened by you. So with the queen of swords (and swords generally representing air energy zodiacs gemini, libra, and aquarius) my first thought was to go off on them! Read them, and tell them that their insecurities will not improve through harassing you. If they wish to embody your beautiful nurturing energy they can nurture their inner child that is acting out rashly in response to you. They have some deep rooted issues to work on, and harassing others will not solve it for them. The queen of swords can be cruel with her words, but she can also be constructive in her criticism in order to provide sound advice. You need to embody both the Queen of Pentacles and the Queen of Swords in your approach to these co-workers. Be honest and not cruel so that you can protect yourself from further negative interactions from them. This is confirmed by the language of flowers deck I got Heliconia: Realisation; The answer is here, take heed. Follow your gut, and do what is best for you in this difficult situation.
Please keep in touch, and let me know how things go with your co-workers! I am thinking nothing but positive thoughts for an easy conversation with them that resolves the conflict. You do not deserve to be harassed, and you deserve to stand up for yourself, especially to protect your inner peace. Wishing you all the best! xx
I am still taking tarot readings and natal chart readins in my ask! Please, if you can, tip anything (seriously, even .50 will add up!) and if not please know I will still answer your tarot and astrology questions with the same devotion as I do my paid readings. Can't wait to continue connecting with all of you, and thank you again for your patience!!! xx :)
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charactersmarvel · 2 years
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45) Abd-el-Hazred - Abdul Alhazred (Alhazred, the Mad Arab, the Master, Deathgod, Death God, Death-God) - Abdul Alhazred urodził się w VIII wieku, na terytorium dzisiejszej Arabii Saudyjskiej. W tym samym stuleciu stworzył legendarny Necronomicon, potężną księgę czarnej magii wzorowaną na Darkhold lub zainspirowaną nią, choć teoretycznie Darkhold, podobnie jak Necronomicon, Oracles of Zoroaster i inne mistyczne zwoje i księgi, były w rzeczywistości po prostu zbiorem niedoskonałych kopii starożytnych pism wyrytych na ścianach R'llyeh przez starożytne istoty. W pewnym momencie duch Alhazreda został uwięziony w królestwie Pellucidar, kieszonkowym wymiarze wcześniej dostępnym w podziemnej Ziemi. Postawiono hipotezę, że zmarł w Pellucidarze lub że jego duch został tam przeniesiony przez Great Race of Yith. Duch Alhazreda był przechowywany w krysztale reptilianów Maharów z Pellucidaru. Próbując przejąć syndykat Tyger Tiger w Madripoorze, Abdul wynajął grupę różnych najemników do porwania Tyger Tiger i Archie Corrigana, w tym: Stump, Sheik, Scarface, Dumas, Rhys i Barrett (znany również jako Chief). Kiedy Abdul spotkał Wolverine'a, wysłał przeciwko niemu demony. Jego plan nie powiódł się i Abdul został wygnany do królestwa swoich demonów.
Abdul był uważany za nadczłowieka, posiada szereg magicznych zdolności. Potrafi teleportować się (zwykle pojawiać się i znikać w chmurze zielonego dymu) i hipnotyzować innych. Ma nadludzką siłę i wytrzymałość, ale może to być tylko odzwierciedleniem jego zdolności do kontrolowania percepcji innych. Jego zdolność do przyzywania demonów z innego królestwa. Wykazano, że wytrzymuje bezpośredni strzał z broni palnej w głowę, nie doznając żadnych obrażeń (jakby kula została połknięta przez cień pod maską) lub otrzymał cios Logana w brzuch nawet bez ruchu
Słabości: jeśli ktoś jest w stanie oprzeć się psychicznie atakowi demonów, które przywołuje, generuje potężne sprzężenie zwrotne, które wypędza go do królestwa jego demonów
Ekwipunek: jego moce są przypuszczalnie zwiększone wraz z posiadaniem Necronomiconu
Abdul Alhazred został stworzony przez H. P. Lovecrafta w „The Nameless City” (1921) i został przedstawiony w Marvel Comics we wzmiance w Monsters Unleashed #3 (listopad 1973), zanim pojawił się po raz pierwszy w Tarzan #15 (sierpień 1978)       
"The Nameless City" zostało zainspirowane przez Edgara Rice'a Burroughsa w "At the Earth's Core" (1914). Marvel Comics połączył prace obu autorów w cykl opowieści od Tarzana nr 15 (sierpień 1978) do 23 (kwiecień 1979), którego główny bohater Tarzan został również stworzony przez Edgara Rice'a Burroughsa.
Abdul Alhazred (Abd-el-Hazred), również występujący pod pseudonimami The Mad Arab, Death God i Master, to supervillain pojawiająca się w amerykańskich komiksach wydawanych przez Marvel Comics. Po raz pierwszy został zaadaptowany do postaci Marvela w adaptowanym komiksie Edgara Rice'a Burroughsa Tarzan. Według The Official Handbook to the Marvel Universe: Mystic Arcana, ta seria komiksów miała miejsce w byku. Jest wrogiem Tarzana i Wolverine'a w uniwersum Marvela. Postaci nie należy mylić z istniejącą fikcyjną postacią stworzoną w 1921 roku przez pisarza H. P. Lovecrafta do jego opowiadania „The Nameless City”, mimo że mają to samo imię i pseudonim. Pochodzenie Alhazreda nie jest znane, ale odkryto, że był on pierwszym przywódcą małej grupy niewolników na pustyni. Zaczynając buntować się z powodu jego okrutnej siły nad grupą, niewolnicy walczyli z potężnym władcą, ale zostali pokonani. Jednak Arab został ranny, a z powodu niewielkiej odrobiny samodzielności grupa porzuciła swojego przywódcę i pozostawiła go na śmierć na środku Sahary. Wkrótce natknął się na mistyczną skałę i został uwięziony w maleńkim wymiarowym królestwie w podziemnej Ziemi, gdzie umarł, chociaż jego dusza później zmieszała się z inną istotą, gatunkiem gadów w tym samym królestwie. Później jego dusza uciekła od stworzenia i zdołała uciec ze skały, łącząc się z pobliskim gospodarzem, który zyskał wszystkie swoje dawne cechy (nie licząc jego wyglądu). Alhazred wkrótce przejął kontrolę nad nową grupą niewolników, których zmusił do wejścia przez dużą, ale ciemną jaskinię i do wymiaru (Alhazred zniszczył skałę, rzucając ją w tył jaskini, co otworzyło portal do królestwa), aby zebrać cenny kryształ, który można znaleźć tylko w królestwie. Jeden z niewolników przestraszył się i wybiegł z powrotem, a Alhazred zabił go. Tarzan zauważył to i pobiegł, by walczyć z zagrożeniem i pomścić niewolnika, ale nie mógł. Później tego samego dnia Alhazred schwytał afrykańską księżniczkę, aby służyła jako ofiara w portalu. Widząc to, Tarzan zebrał grupę przestępców, którzy mieli nadzieję powstrzymać to szaleństwo, ale wszyscy zostali schwytani przez Arabów. Gdy grupa udała się do jaskini, Tarzan i księżniczka potajemnie uciekli, ale reszta przestępców ochoczo towarzyszyła Alhazredowi. Kiedy księżniczki nigdzie nie było (ponieważ ona i Tarzan już dawno odeszli za morze), kiedy odbywała się ceremonia ofiarna, grupa wyruszyła na poszukiwanie dwojga. Alhazred przywołał wszystkie swoje magiczne zdolności podróżowania i wkrótce był w stanie wytropić swoją ofiarę. Grupa podróżowała nad Oceanem Atlantyckim i walczyła z piratami. Po zakończeniu rejsu wyczerpana grupa udała się do dżungli Mahar, ale było już za późno. Tarzan i księżniczka już przybyli, aby znaleźć kryształ bardzo podobny do tego w wymiarze Alhazreda. Kiedy zauważono Alhazreda i jego grupę, Tarzan i księżniczka zemścili się na władcy, a nawet przestępcy nagle zwrócili się przeciwko niemu. To wtedy toczyła się bitwa. Podczas gdy Tarzan walczył z Arabem, księżniczka próbowała znaleźć sposób na zdobycie kryształu, ale została zabita przez szalonego więźnia niewolnika. Podczas gdy bitwa trwała przeciwko Alhazredowi, Mad Arab w końcu miał dość i szybko wywołał panikę dinozaurów z mistycznej energii. Po tym, jak ta sztuczka pozornie nie zaszkodziła Tarzanowi, Alhazred postanowił złożyć mu ofiarę. W międzyczasie kryształ tracił energię i potrzebował więcej, aby był stabilny. Następnie kryształ szybko wyssał całą energię z potężnego Araba, a mężczyzna obrócił się w popiół. Abdul Alhazred starał się przejąć kontrolę nad madrypoorskim kryminalnym imperium Tyger Tiger, aby mógł obalić księcia Barana i zdobyć nową bazę władzy. Alhazred wysłał agentów, by porwali Tiger i Archiego Corrigana, ale bandyci pokłócili się, powodując, że rozbili swój samolot w dżungli Madripooru. Tam Wolverine pokonał ich i uratował parę. X-Man powiedział, że nie znał Alhazreda i szanował jego moc. Później sam Alhazred zaatakował i pokonał Wolverine'a, a następnie z powodzeniem porwał Tiger i Corrigana. Kiedy Wolverine przybywa, aby uwolnić swoich sojuszników, Alhazred uwolnił swoje demony, mając nadzieję, że wprowadzi Wolverine'a we wściekłość, którą Alhazred mógłby wykorzystać do kontrolowania mutanta. Logan oparł się, utrzymując kontrolę nad sobą i spowodował, że psychiczna luza wygnała Alhazreda do pozawymiarowego królestwa demonów. Abdul Alhazred ma pozornie nieskończoną liczbę zdolności mistycznych, magicznych i psionicznych. Potrafi teleportować się w chmurze dymu i potężnie hipnotyzować innych. Posiada ogromną siłę i wytrzymałość, dzięki czemu jest kuloodporny. Jako mistrz Necronomiconu, przyzywa demony, aby atakowały innych fizycznie lub psychicznie, i siłą używa strachu i zastraszania do kontrolowania swoich sług.
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the-melting-world · 4 years
Kinktober | Junipers for Julian 🍋
Kirsten x Julian
Requested by @art-of-ket! She was super sweet to work with and anyone reading this should go check out her amazing art! Thanks for letting me borrow Kirsten Yelyzavet! 
CW: biting, body worship
~ 900 words
Alone in a dark and secluded library with the downright handsome and entirely unassuming Doctor Julian Devorak? How did Kirsten Yelyzavet get so damn lucky? Well, she planned it all out of course.
It wasn’t until the two had taken the stairs several levels down to the basement archives that Julian had the mind to ask what it was they were down there for. 
Kirsten didn’t feel the need to come up with a lie. Instead she turned to the doctor, her eyes glinting. She lightly curled her hands over his rib cage and leaned some of her weight against him.
“Look, Ilya, we’re all alone.” Kirsten pressed until Julian bumped into an errant desk, knocking almost all of its contents to the floor. Despite the dip in her gaze and the way she tipped forward to reveal more and more of her chest, Julian chuckled nervously, “Let me get that.”
Kirsten’s lips met only air as Julian ducked under the desk. The move had Kirsten second guessing herself, but then Julian cleared his throat, drawing her attention to his position on the floor.
The doctor was on his hands and knees, his backside, snug in leather trousers, drawing teasing lines. 
“Don’t mind me,” Julian groaned theatrically, “I’m just trying to make sure I get all of the items that fell.”
Kirsten lowered herself to her knees and accompanied him under the table. In a matter of seconds, Julian’s trousers were shrugged down to the middle of his thighs. Kirsten positioned herself behind him, close enough to kiss and nip at his shoulder while pumping his cock with her right hand. Her left was under his shirt, stroking his defined abdominal muscles.
“You’re very – ngh!” Julian stuttered against her quick bites. “Ambidextrous or – ow – good at multitasking, or… gods, I don’t know what to call it, but it feels good.”
Kirsten hummed in amusement as she nuzzled against his sore skin. She dug her fingernails a little into the seam of his linea alba as she reestablished her grip on his cock and jerked a little faster.
“Flattery is nice, Ilya, but it won’t help you come sooner. Are you going to come by the way?”
Julian groaned in earnest this time. Kirsten buried her face in the hair at his nape, which was slightly damp from trying to hold it all in.
“Because if you are, then we can just wrap this up right now and go home for the evening.”
Julian panted, “No, not that. I’m not ready to come. I’m trying not to –”
Kirsten slowed down. “Then tell me what you want and tell me quickly.”
Julian turned to look at her. “Darling, I’m afraid it’s not that exciting.”
Kirsten knew that Julian, being the one who usually sacrificed his own comfort for the happiness of others, needed a little encouragement every now and then.
So she bit down on his shoulder very, very hard.
Julian crumpled to the floor and cried out. When Kirsten pulled away, his cheeks were dusted with a fresh blush. Apparently, the jolt to his nerves was just what he needed. The doctor swallowed a lump in his throat and said, “I want to jerk myself off while you…”
Kirsten arched an expectant brow.
Julian’s cheeks darkened to an even rosier shade. “While you…” He reached out and gently took Kirsten by the wrist. Then he guided her hand up his shirt again, against his torso.
Kirsten felt her face grow warm. “I didn’t think you noticed, Doctor.”
Julian’s silver gaze held hers as his voice dipped lower. “I have a fascination with anatomy, Kirsten. So I can tell when someone is fixated on mine.”
Kirsten dropped to his level and gave his unsuspecting mouth several full, fierce kisses. Julian’s pants and chopped moans only emboldened her to keep going. He relaxed onto his back and took his cock in his hand while Kirsten edged south. 
Then she sat up, taking a moment to retrieve something from her bag. A small tube of rouge. Julian watched her with a mixture of fondness and excitement as she applied the paint to her lips. It wasn’t blood red, but rather a shade closer to Julian’s hair. Kirsten made the rouge herself, staining it with juniper berries to achieve the color.
“So you’ll have some souvenirs to look at tonight, Ilya.”
Kirsten put the rouge away and went back to what she loved best, loving her doctor. Julian got himself off while she left lip-shaped burgundy gifts all along his abs and on the outside of his thighs.
“Please, Kirsten,” Julian begged, “my cock. Leave some on my cock, will you?”He removed his hand and gave her the reins. Kirsten opened her eyes and locked them with Ilya’s as she kissed his length. 
Julian sighed, “Sweet Kirsten, c-can I come now?”
Kirsten made a thoughtful sound, as if to consider. But she had no intentions of letting Julian off the hook that easily. She passed her gaze over the valley of juniper-stained kisses climbing the planes of his abdomen and spilling over his thighs. It only confirmed that Kirsten did not want to step away from such a view as this.
“No,” she whispered against Julian’s stiff length, “it’s not time yet.”
The doctor muttered something unintelligible as he threw his head back, determined to hold out until his lover said otherwise.
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fangirlstarot · 2 years
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Truth. Logic. The a-ha eureka lightbulb moment!
1. Fresh Idea - Nico & Vinz 2. I See The Light - Tangled Soundtrack 3. Concentrate - Xzibit 4. New Idea - Sonic Rade 5. Suddenly I See - Kt Tunstall 6. Clarity Of Mind - Spy Vs. Spy 7. Crystalline Condition - Nancy Helin 8. Clarity - Kim Petras 9. Beginning To See The Light - The Velvet Underground 10. Lost In The K Hole (New Idea) - Chemical Brothers 11. Breaking All Illusions - Dream Theater 12. A Whole New Plan - Jo Ann Garrett 13. Eureka - Leslie Clio 14. The Truth - James Arthur 15. It's All Clear Now - Surrender Dorothy 16. I'm Beginning To See The Light - Frank Sinatra 17. See The Truth - Marshy And Tame 18. New Point Of View - Gaither Vocal Band 19. Drawn Sword - Sound Effects
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the-lazaret · 5 years
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nahara owns my entire soul
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thephotopitmagazine · 2 years
  101.1 WJRR Orlando’s rock station has their festival Earthday Birthday 28 taking place at the Central Florida Fairgrounds this coming Saturday, April 23rd. The lineup is a spectacular piece of work with headliner Godsmack leading the way along with Earthday Birthday alumni Three Days Grace. Along with them is the Trinity of Terror Tour of BlackVeil Brides, Motionless In White, and Ice Nine…
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animucrystal · 6 years
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i feel compelled to share that the only reason i downloaded the arcana was because i kept getting these ads for it on t*kt*k that featured julian with the options "hug him" or "slap him" and i really wanted to slap him
unfortunately thats not a real option in the game but i still love him
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valhallanrose · 4 years
Ask/Request Prompts
I’m going to keep a running list of the ones I’ve reblogged for the sake of reference - but you’re always welcome to submit an ask from any of these, just make sure to tell me which one!
SFW - Asks
Apprentice Asks by Candlelight
Chaotic....Volume TWO
Dance Party
Deep Tarot
Favorite Things
Fluff Alphabet
In Character
Magic Asks pt. 1
Magic Asks pt. 2
Mannerism Alphabet
Non-Apprentice Asks
OC vs Creator
Planty OC Asks
Soft OC Asks
Tarot Inspired
Valentine’s Alphabet
SFW - Prompts
50 Types of Kisses
Drunken Confessions
Fanfic Dialogue
Fictional Kisses
Kiss Symbols
OC Outfit Prompts
Soft Sentence Starters
Sweet & Affectionate Moments
NSFW - Asks
Random NSFW
Dirty A-Z Headcanon Game
Spicy Alphabet
NSFW - Prompts
100 Smut Dialogue Prompts
Arcana KT
Willing to write outside of October, kink need not be confined (though there are a few I may not write for based on my own boundaries, just ask if you’re not sure) 
NSFW Muse Reaction Prompts
NSFW Prompts/Sentence Starters
Sexual Tension Sentence Starters
Sexy Prompts (Six Words)
Smut Prompt List
Smut Starters and Symbols
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jennathearcher · 4 years
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sing hallelujah: a playlist for muriel of the khokuri, from the arcana
1. it ain’t me, babe - johnny cash & june carter cash 2. twin skeletons (hotel in nyc) - fall out boy 3. slow life - grizzly bear ft. victoria legrand 4. everything i wanted - billie eilish 5. i will wait - mumford & sons 6. become the beast - karliene 7. dream on - aerosmith 8. explosions - ellie goulding 9. deathbeds - bring me the horizon 10. the fault in our stars - troye sivan 11. you - keaton henson 12. change - taylor swift 13. strange sight - kt tunstall 14. make you better - the decemberists 15. breath - breaking benjamin 16. taikatalvi - nightwish 17. therapy - all time low 18. my body is a cage - peter gabriel 19. ready to start - arcade fire 20. right here - natalie walker
[listen here]
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Thank you for your time! Could I get a reading on how my 2020 will go , generally? nickname is kt 💜
I just want to say that this reading has some of the most positive energy i’ve seen for a long time!
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At the beginning, we have the 8 of swords, which says very loud and clear that you’re feeling trapped by something. This won’t last, though, as the next two cards are the 7 of swords and 10 of cups. I think the message there is that you need to be selfish, as you’ve been neglecting yourself and your own needs for too long.
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Next up is the Ace of Cups, which is a sign of some extremely good fortunes coming your way. Your cup will overfloweth, as they say, haha.
Now, the version of this deck as I mentioned in my last reading, is the centennial special edition. There are bonus cards with it that are not part of the original deck. However, as they are part of this deck, I’ve kept them all together and interpret them based on the context of the reading (they don’t have ‘standard’ interpretations like tarot). The next card is one of those.
in this instance, I think you’re going to have to make a choice in 2020. I say this because of the cards that follow, which are The Moon and Wheel of Fortune, both of which are major arcana. As a tl;dr, major arcana are far more significant and relate to more powerful messages than minor ones.
The moon relates to intuition and I think you will make the right decision, as the Wheel of Fortune relates (among other things) to karma and things coming full circle. It might not seem so at the time, but your choices here are going to have some very big ramifications, though not necessarily in a negative way.
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The next card is the 4 of cups, which i feel makes sense. Even though you have made the right choices and everything is falling back into its proper place as per the wheel of fortune, you might not feel the benefit right away. Maybe you will re-evaluate your decision to treat yourself better, as it might have caused problems with the more toxic people in your life.
i say this because of the next card, the 3 of swords. This card represents betrayal, pain and emotional suffering. I personally think that you living your best life and following your gut is really going to piss off the people that have been leeching off your good energy!
Last card is the Hierophant, which I think in this instance means that you should stand your ground and stick to your convictions. Living your best life in 2020 will absolutely impact the toxic people in your life and they will try and get you to be more flexible in your life journey to benefit their own. Don’t be tempted. Stand your ground and stay firm in your convictions.
Here are your charms:
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So, we have an airplane, which could represent freedom, or maybe it relates to you actually travelling. Perhaps you’ll go on a trip in 2020! Maybe it’s somewhere sunny, as we have the sun charm too. It could also mean seeing the light, as we have the Buddha head charm too, which makes me think of enlightenment. You have the fleur de lis, which has tones of purification, which would make sense if you’re going to have a clear out of the toxic people in your life.
I hope you enjoyed this reading! Have a great 2020!
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sarahmcmenomy · 5 years
Tarot Reflections Playlist
I’ve been working on this for longer than I should probably admit, but I finally finished my complete Tarot Playlist! I’ve chosen one song for each card of the 78-card RWS Tarot deck. In the spirit of the little white book, I have excerpted a line or two from each song to justify its association with its chosen card. Each suit has its own musical themes, and some of the songs were chosen to invoke the elemental association of the suit. The Court Cards get their own playlist because it can double as an astrological playlist. There are also a few sillier songs picked primarily for humor value (though hopefully still in keeping with the theme of the song). What follows is a complete index, so you can easily listen to whichever parts of the playlist you want to or browse the whole thing.
Entire Playlist
Major Arcana
Court Cards
Major Arcana
0. The Fool: “The Wanderer” by U2, The Edge, and Johnny Cash
“I went out there in search of experience, to taste and to touch and to feel as much as a man can before he repents.”
1. The Magician: “I am the Mercury” by Jimmie Spheeris
“For I am the mercury, the light of the morning, looking for shelter in this thunder and this rain. And you, like some windmill, weave light where it's storming, and love, like a potion for the hunger and the pain. Let it rain...”
2. The High Priestess: “Witch” by The Bird and the Bee
“Yes, I am a carnival, a house of mirrors... and I will con you. And all my tricks and all my magic will keep you dizzy with desire...”
3. The Empress: “Suddenly I See” by KT Tunstall
“Her face is a map of the world, is a map of the world... You can see she's a beautiful girl, she's a beautiful girl... And everything around her is a silver pool of light; The people who surround her feel the benefit of it... It makes you calm.”
4. The Emperor: “Viva la Vida” by Coldplay
“I used to rule the world; seas would rise when I gave the word. Now in the morning, I sleep alone, sweep the streets I used to own. I used to roll the dice, feel the fear in my enemy's eyes, listen as the crowd would sing... Now the old king is dead! Long live the king!“
5. The Hierophant: “The Gambler” by Kenny Rogers
“He said, ‘Son, I've made a life out of readin’ people's faces, knowin’ what the cards were by the way they held their eyes. So if you don't mind me sayin’, I can see you’re out of aces. For a taste of your whiskey, I’ll give you some advice.’” 
6. The Lovers: “Dance Me to the End of Love” by Leonard Cohen
“Dance me to the wedding now, dance me on and on; dance me very tenderly and dance me very long. We're both of us beneath our love, we're both of us above... dance me to the end of love.”
7. The Chariot: “Don’t Stop Me Now” by Queen
“I'm a shooting star, leaping through the sky! Like a tiger defying the laws of gravity. I'm a racing car, passing by like Lady Godiva, I'm gonna go, go, go! There's no stopping me!”  
8. Strength: “Roar” by Katy Perry
“I got the eye of the tiger, a fighter, dancing through the fire, 'cause I am a champion, and you're gonna hear me roar, louder, louder than a lion, 'cause I am a champion, and you're gonna hear me roar!” 
9. The Hermit: “Building a Mystery” by Sarah McLachlan
“You live in a church where you sleep with voodoo dolls, and you won't give up the search for the ghosts in the halls... You wear sandals in the snow, and a smile that won't wash away. Can you look out the window without your shadow getting in the way?”
10. The Wheel of Fortune: “Turn! Turn! Turn! (To Everything There Is a Season)” by the Byrds
“To everything (turn, turn, turn) there is a season (turn, turn, turn) and a time to every purpose, under heaven...”
11. Justice: “Botched Execution” by Shovels and Rope
“I gotta find a friend, someone to tell I didn't do it, but my picture's in the paper and there's no way that I can prove it... and the body's in the closet 'cause I never got to move it... Now the neighbor's kids are talking sayin' everybody knew it... All my little seeds have grown... Sooner, later, come back home...”
12. The Hanged Man: “Philosophy” by Ben Folds Five
“Won't you look up at the skyline, at the mortar, block, and glass, and check out the reflections in my eyes. See they always used to be there, even when this all was grass, and I sang and danced about a high-rise. And you were laughing at my helmet hat... Laughing at my torch...”
13. Death: “End of the Line” by The Traveling Wilburys
“Well it's all right, even when push comes to shove. Well it's all right, if you got someone to love. Well it's all right, everything'll work out fine. Well it's all right, we're going to the end of the line.” 
14. Temperance: “Under Pressure” by Queen
“Turned away from it all like a blind man. Sat on a fence, but it don't work. Keep coming up with love but it's so slashed and torn... Why, why, why? Love, love, love, love, love... Insanity laughs, under pressure we're breaking.”
15. The Devil: “Sympathy for the Devil” by the Rolling Stones
“Just as every cop is a criminal, and all the sinners saints, as heads is tails... Just call me Lucifer, 'cause I'm in need of some restraint.”
16. The Tower: “The Beginning Is The End Is The Beginning” by the Smashing Pumpkins
“The sewers belch me up; the heavens spit me out. From Ether's tragic I am born again, and now I'm with you now, inside your world of wow, to move in desires made of deadly pretense, ‘til the end times begin.”  
17. The Star: “You Gotta Be” by Des’ree
“Listen as your day unfolds, challenge what the future holds. Try and keep your head up to the sky.”
18. The Moon: “Hope Eyrie” by Leslie Fish
“But we who feel the weight of the wheel, when winter falls over our world, can hope for tomorrow and raise our eyes to a silver moon in the open skies and a single flag unfurled. For the Eagle has landed; tell your children when. Time won't drive us down to dust again.”
19. The Sun: “Sunshine of Your Love” by Cream
“I'm with you my love, the light's shining through on you. Yes, I'm with you my love, it's the morning and just we two. I'll stay with you darling now, I'll stay with you till my seas are dried up... I've been waiting so long, to be where I'm going, in the sunshine of your love.”
20. Judgement: “Ring the Bells” by James
“Ring, ring the bells! Wake the town! Everyone is sleeping. Shout at the crowd! Wake them up! This anger's deeper than sleep! Got to keep awake to what is happening, I can't see a thing through my ambition, I no longer feel my God is watching over me. Got to tell the world we've all been dreaming, this is not the end, a new beginning... I no longer feel my God is watching over me.”
21. The World: “What a Wonderful World” by Louis Armstrong
“The colors of the rainbow, so pretty in the sky, are also on the faces of people going by. I see friends shaking hands, saying, ‘how do you do.’ They're really saying, ‘I love you.’ I hear babies crying, I watch them grow... they'll learn much more than I'll ever know. And I think to myself, what a wonderful world.”
1. The Ace of Wands: “Spark” by the Bird and the Bee
“Tell me a tale, something with fire, to break from the sorrows. To break through the dirt, piles of earth, to see where the sun goes... What if I stopped just for a while to see if I'm closer? Still half the night, just for a while to see where the sun goes, oh, oh, oh...”
2. The Two of Wands: "First We Take Manhattan” by Leonard Cohen
“I'm guided by a signal in the heavens. I'm guided by this birthmark on my skin. I'm guided by the beauty of our weapons... First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin.”
3. The Three of Wands: “Billionaire” by Travie McCoy ft. Bruno Mars
“Oh every time I close my eyes... I see my name in shining lights... Yeah, a different city every night, oh right, I swear, the world better prepare for when I'm a billionaire.” 
4. The Four of Wands: “Eternal Flame” by The Bangles
“Say my name, sun shines through the rain... A whole life so lonely, and then you come and ease the pain. I don't want to lose this feeling, oh... Close your eyes, give me your hand. Do you feel my heart beating? Do you understand? Do you feel the same? Am I only dreaming? Or is this burning an eternal flame?“
5. The Five of Wands: “The Ultimate Showdown” by Lemon Demon
“This is the ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny: good guys, bad guys, and explosions as far as the eye can see... and only one will survive: I wonder who it will be? This is the ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny.”
6. The Six of Wands: “We are the Champions” by Queen
“We are the champions, my friends, and we'll keep on fighting 'til the end! We are the champions! We are the champions! No time for losers, 'cause we are the champions of the world!”
7. The Seven of Wands: “Uprising” by Muse
“Rise up and take the power back. It's time that the fat cats had a heart attack, you know that their time is coming to an end. We have to unify and watch our flag ascend.”
8. The Eight of Wands: “Fast as you Can” by Fiona Apple
“I let the beast in and then I even tried forgiving him, but it's too soon. So I'll fight again, again, again, again, again and for a little while more, I'll soar the uneven wind, complain and blame the sterile land.”
9. The Nine of Wands: “Conquest of Spaces” by Woodkid
“I'm ready to start the conquest of spaces expanding between you and me... Come with the night, the science of fighting, the forces of gravity...”
10. The Ten of Wands: “Running up that Hill” by Kate Bush
“And if I only could, I'd make a deal with God, and I'd get him to swap our places, be running up that road, be running up that hill, be running up that building...”
1. The Ace of Cups: “Quiet” by Milck
“But no one knows me, no one ever will, if I don't say something, if I just lie still. Would I be that monster, scare them all away, if I let them hear what I have to say? I can't keep quiet.”
2. The Two of Cups: “Bus Stop” by The Hollies
“Every morning I would see her waiting at the stop. Sometimes she'd shop, and she would show me what she'd bought. Other people stared as if we were both quite insane... Someday my name and hers are going to be the same.”
3. The Three of Cups: “The Cult of Dionysus” by The Orion Experience
“I'm feeling devious, you're looking glamorous... let's get mischievous... and polyamorous. Wine and women and wonderful vices... Welcome to the cult of Dionysus!”
4. The Four of Cups: “High by the Beach” by Lana del Rey
“I don't wanna do this anymore, it's so surreal. I can't survive if this is all that's real... All I wanna do is get high by the beach, get high by the beach, get high...”
5. The Five of Cups: “What Have I Done to Deserve This?” by The Pet Shop Boys
“I bought you drinks, I brought you flowers. I read you books and talked for hours... Every day, so many drinks, such pretty flowers. So tell me, what have I, what have I, what have I done to deserve this?”
6. The Six of Cups: “In My Life” by The Beatles
“There are places I'll remember, all my life, though some have changed... Some forever, not for better. Some have gone and some remain...”
7. The Seven of Cups: “Which Will” by Nick Drake
“Which do you dance for? Which makes you shine? Which will you choose now, if you won't choose mine?”
8. The Eight of Cups: “Go West” by The Pet Shop Boys
“(Go West) Life is peaceful there, (go West!) in the open air, (go West!) where the skies are blue... (go West!) This is what we're gonna do.”
9. The Nine of Cups: “No Surprises” by Radiohead
“Such a pretty house... and such a pretty garden... No alarms and no surprises, no alarms and no surprises, no alarms and no surprises, please...”
10. The Ten of Cups: “Rainbow Connection” by Kermit the Frog
“Someday we'll find it, the Rainbow Connection... the lovers, the dreamers and me.”
1. The Ace of Swords: “One” by U2
“You say love is a temple, love is a higher law... Love is a temple, love is a higher law. You ask me of me to enter, but then you make me crawl, and I can't keep holding on to what you got, 'cause all you got is hurt.”
2. The Two of Swords: “I Can’t Decide” by The Scissor Sisters
“I can't decide whether you should live or die... Oh, you'll probably go to heaven; please don't hang your head and cry...”
3. The Three of Swords: “The Killing Type” by Amanda Palmer
"I would kill to make you feel. I don't mean kill someone for real. I couldn't do that, it is wrong... But I can say it in a song.”
4. The Four of Swords: “Take it Easy” by The Eagles
“Take it easy, take it easy. Don't let the sound of your own wheels drive you crazy. Lighten up while you still can, don't even try to understand, just find a place make your stand. Take it easy.”
5. The Five of Swords: “Young Men Dead” by the Black Angels
“Run for the hills, pick up your feet and let's go. We did our jobs, pick up speed now, let’s move. The trees can't grow without the sun in their eyes, and we can't live if we're too afraid to die.”
6. The Six of Swords: “I Will Survive” by Cake
“At first I was afraid, I was petrified. I kept thinking I could never live without you by my side. But then I spent so many nights just thinking how you'd done me wrong. I grew strong; I learned how to get along.”
7. The Seven of Swords: “Sabotage” by The Beastie Boys
“I can't stand it, I know you planned it! I'mma set it straight, this Watergate. I can't stand rockin' when I'm in here, 'cause your crystal ball ain't so crystal clear. So while you sit back and wonder why I got this fuckin' thorn in my side, oh my god, it's a mirage! I'm tellin' y'all, it's sabotage.”
8. The Eight of Swords: “Whipping Post” by the Allman Brothers Band
“Sometimes I feel, sometimes I feel, like I been tied to the whippin' post, tied to the whippin' post, tied to the whippin' post. Good Lord, I feel like I'm dyin'.”
9. The Nine of Swords: “Counting Bodies Like Sheep to the Rhythm of the War Drums” by A Perfect Circle
“Don't fret, precious, I'm here. Step away from the window, and go back to sleep... safe from pain, and truth, and choice... and other poison devils. See, they don't give a fuck about you, like I do. Count lies like sheep, like sheep, like sheep, like sheep, like sheep, like sheep...”
10. The Ten of Swords: “Hurt” by Johnny Cash
“I hurt myself today to see if I still feel. I focus on the pain, the only thing that's real. The needle tears a hole, the old familiar sting. Try to kill it all away, but I remember everything. What have I become, my sweetest friend? Everyone I know goes away in the end.”
1. The Ace of Pentacles: “Dime” by Cake
“I'm a dime, I'm fine, and I shine. I'm freshly minted. I am determined not to be dented by a car or by a plane or anything not yet invented...”
2. The Two of Pentacles: “Down to Earth” by Peter Gabriel
“Did you think that your feet had been bound by what gravity brings to the ground? Did you feel you were tricked by the future you picked? Well, come on down. All these rules don't apply when you're high in the sky, so come on down, come on down.”
3. The Three of Pentacles: “With a Little Help from My Friends” by Joe Cocker
“What would you do if I sang out of tune? Would you stand up and walk out on me? Lend me your ears and I'll sing you a song, I will try not to sing out of key.”
4. The Four of Pentacles: “This is the Life” by “Weird Al” Yankovic
“They say that money corrupts you, but I can't really tell... I got the whole world at my feet, and I think it's pretty swell.”
5. The Five of Pentacles: “You Can’t Always Get What You Want” by The Rolling Stones
“No, you can't always get what you want... You can't always get what you want... You can't always get what you want... But if you try sometimes, you find, you get what you need.”
6. The Six of Pentacles: “Rent” by The Pet Shop Boys
“We never ever argue, we never calculate the currency we've spent... I love you, you pay my rent “
7. The Seven of Pentacles: “Landslide” by Fleetwood Mac
“I took my love, I took it down, climbed a mountain and I turned around. And I saw my reflection in the snow covered hills ‘til the landslide brought me down.” 
8. The Eight of Pentacles: “The Weaver” by Steeleye Span
“The loom goes click and the loom goes clack; the shuttle flies forward and then flies back. The weaver's so bent that he's like to crack... such a wearisome trade is the weaver.” 
9. The Nine of Pentacles: “My Way” by Frank Sinatra
“I've loved, I've laughed and cried. I've had my fill, my share of losing. And now, as tears subside, I find it all, all so amusing... To think I did all that, and may I say, not in a shy way... oh no, no, not me. I did it my way.” 
10. The Ten of Pentacles: “Monument” by Röyskopp and Robyn
“This will be my monument. This will be a beacon when I'm gone, gone, gone... When I'm gone, gone, gone... When I'm gone... So that when that moment comes, I can say I did it all with love, love, love... All with love, love, love... All with love.”
Court Cards
1. The Page of Wands: “The Arsonist’s Lullaby” by Hozier
“All you have is your fire, and the place you need to reach. Don't you ever tame your demons, but always keep 'em on a leash.”
2. The Knight of Wands (Sagittarius, the Archer): “Portrait of the Knight of Wands” by Suzanne Vega
“His mood was melancholy, his attitude severe. His inner burden weighed upon him mightily.” 
3. The Queen of Wands (Aries, the Ram): “The Queen of Hollywood” by the Corrs
“She's never gonna be like the one before. She read it in her stars that there's something more. No matter what it takes, no matter how she breaks...”
4. The King of Wands (Leo, the Lion): “King and Lionheart” by Of Monsters and Men
“And as the world comes to an end, I'll be here to hold your hand, 'cause you're my king and I'm your lion-heart.”
1. The Page of Cups: “The Salmon Dance” by The Chemical Brothers
“Hello, boys and girls, my name is Fat Lip, and this is my friend, Sammy the Salmon! Today we're gonna teach you some fun facts about salmon and a brand new dance.”
2. The Knight of Cups (Pisces, the Fishes): “Knight of Noir” by Susanne Sundfor
“I can't go back again and lock the door. In the dead of night I hear her call out for more. I want to be stung by the stars, I gave her my soul and my heart, and now I am a slave.”
3. The Queen of Cups (Cancer, the Crab): “The Queen and I” by Gym Class Heroes
“I love it how she breaths booze in the morning... and it’s so sexy how she can't remember last night... I made the fatal mistake of letting her drink again. But who the hell am I to tell her how to live her life?”
4. The King of Cups (Scorpio, the Scorpion): “Sea King” by Eisley 
“Sea King, Sea king, can't you see that you're so silly? Sea King, I know things, and without love you won't get far...”
[Honorable mention: Franz Schubert’s rendition of Goethe’s “Der Koenig in Thule” is probably the ultimate King of Cups song, but it felt too different in musical style -- and language -- to include in this playlist. Still, it’s gorgeous, and the lyrics are perfect.]
1. The Page of Swords: “The Sword and the Pen” by Regina Spektor
“What if the sword kills the pen? What if the god kills the man? And if he does it with love, well then, it's death from above, and death from above is still a death...”
2. The Knight of Swords (Gemini, the Twins): “Knights of Cydonia” by Muse
“No one's going to take me alive. Time has come to make things right. You and I must fight for our rights. You and I must fight to survive.”
3. The Queen of Swords (Libra, the Scales): “My Snow White Queen” by Evanescence
“You belong to me, my snow white queen... There's nowhere to run, so let's just get it over.”
4. The King of Swords (Aquarius, the Water Bearer): “The Idiot Kings” by Soul Coughing
“Batting in the light, my reptile-lidded eyes. And all this strung end to end, is wider than the mind.”
1. The Page of Pentacles: “Sweet Child” by Pentangle
“You've been working so hard all day, won't you take your rest? You've been driving my blues away, now it is my turn. Come fly beneath my wings, sweet child it may not be for long.”
2. The Knight of Pentacles (Virgo, the Virgin): “Knights of Malta” by Smashing Pumpkins
“Where omens scar your door... Like a harvest we're bound and set for war... But no soldier comes...”
3. The Queen of Pentacles (Capricorn, the Goat): "Dreaming of the Queen” by The Pet Shop Boys
“Then carriages arrived... We stood and said goodbye. Diana dried her eyes and looked surprised, for I was in the nude. The old Queen disapproved, but people laughed and asked for autographs.”
4. The King of Pentacles (Taurus, the Bull): “A Farewell to Kings” by Rush
“Cities full of hatred, fear and lies, withered hearts, and cruel, tormented eyes... Scheming demons dressed in kingly guise, beating down the multitude, and scoffing at the wise. Whoa, can't we raise our eyes and make a start? Can't we find the minds to lead us closer to the heart?”
Giant shout-out to the Tarot Nerds Facebook Group for inspiring me. You are the best.
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terumiafuro · 7 years
why are gay people so obsessed with brunch
today in tfk: had brunch stormed the palace, killed the demon, took down the dome, stole some shit, went home
we spent like 20 minutes pre-game talking about kangaroo jack. we weren’t even waiting for someone or something we just kept talking about it
“there’s no sacrilege in this hous”
“aww....” “shut the fuck up?”
“why does brunch equal drama?” “have you never watched reality tv? are you even gay?”
the kc is a whole bunch of hooligans
rensford, rensfield, wensfield
“i feel like he’s the final form of a marylander”
“okay... i don’t need to see my arm”
selxi was back on her bullshit with her rolls and got like 3 nat20s
orna was also back on her bullshit with her rolls
keen rolling +21 to stealth
“brunch elk is a really good concept”
“this is rensford, and he DROVE me here”
“fuckin... sunny d power of the sun failing me”
“i hate this man and all of his arms”
“orna takes a turn for the worse” “orna takes a turn for the even worse”
seraphina using vicious mockery
3 arcana rolls of 10 in a fucking ROW
twink solidarity
bell got his ring back and BARELY made the dc for it
damn you live like this?
can we crowdfund the assassins that got our friends out of jail
cik offering to intern for the silver lady
ancient sonico
“this game is so stupid. you reduce the stupid fucking door”
“bells gonna b one of those historical figureso n their wiki page that says he lived w/ his fclose plationc friend for a longtime” “kt i hope you die”
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katharaya · 7 years
Your recent Asra fic (synonyms for things unsaid) was stunning and inspired me with the “bed you used to share” line to write my own fic called “my side of the bed,” on AOO. No pressure to check it out, just wanted you to know that your writing is beautiful and I loved your formatting/style of it. (The parenthesis are fab I love it) looking forward to reading more of whatever it is you choose to write!! :)
Oh gosh, thank you!!!!!! I’m glad you liked it (and my writing in general aaaahhh you’re so sweet thank you thank you thank you!!!) Also I am sh o o kt that someone not only picked up on that one throwaway line (tbh I made myself sad when I wrote it and I wanted to expand on it a bit more but it just didn’t fit the flow of the story *cries*) BUT ALSO got inspired enough to write a fic about it!!! It’s a lovely fic btw go check it out guys!! :D
Anyway this is me also taking the opportunity to air out my headcanon that (assuming Asra and the apprentice were in a relationship before Stuff happens) they used to share a bed and now Asra’s basically been relegated to sleeping on the couch so like. How does he feel about that. Does he still subconsciously reach for them before he’s fully awake only to realize he’s alone? Does he worry if they’re having a nightmare and he’s not there to comfort them??? These are important questions Arcana fandom please discuss
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gildedmaggot · 6 years
Parts of me really want my Apprentice to be the elegant, regal flower to Julian's absolute shithead goofball, but let's be honest they're just as much if not an even bigger drunken fool
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