#as someone doing therapy i feel like if u have someone for individual sessions and then do a family session thats different
????? okay wait that’s awesome but isn’t that a total conflict of interest?? if she treated multiple family members of yours? i went to the same iop program as my brother and they only had two therapists there and i couldn’t have the one my brother did
yeah so she had uhhhhhhhh several weird ethical things she did actually 😭😭 i actually had another therapist that treated me and my brother and did a session with both of us and my sister and i think their interpretation was that treating the family as a whole allowed for more insight but??? both of those therapists had questionable business practices as a whole sooo.....
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re parent regret article.... recently got my mom to admit she and my dad are deeply unhappy and the only reason they got married and had kids (in their early 20s, and it has dictated every moment of their lives since) is because it was what was expected of them and they felt like it was just the thing to do ... its very upsetting to think of how unhappy and unfulfilled my parents are but at the same time its kind of freeing because I understand a lot of their actions better now and their inability to raise us and give me the care I needed. this year I am older than my parents were when they had my oldest sibling and I kind of feel like im older than them now because theyve never fully grown past that point at least not as individuals. ya I suppose everyone has their paths in life and it all fits together and works and means something but it is very sad to realize your childhood was painful because your parents were really just not suited to be parents and couldn't have done any better. im trying to not be weighed down by their lack of self actualization and to be an example for them by manifesting my life in the way I want despite them being upset by it, and to encourage them to become real people now that theyre 60.. umm ya sorry your inbox has become my therapy sessions recently it just feels so much better to confess these things anonymously and write it all out to someone instead of trying to explain to someone face to face and have it deal with their responses. plus i think u understand a lot of my issues although objectively our lives are quite different! anyway yeah hope you have a nice day!!!! xoxo 2012 :3
ilu <3 i relate to much of this i will detail my thoughts below , im glad my inbox can be of use to u i believ The Confessional is a very necessary function in society it can be so transcendent to get something off your chest w/o having to affect your personal life in any way ^^ and i did have a super nice day ty i hope u did too..<3 :readmore:
it is really crazy to think about the pressure ppl face to start families , seems to be less prevalent now but yeah even 20-30 yrs ago it was just, What You Do.. for my parents, they were in love, and i think they rly did want kids, they were together for 5 years before doing it they planned it out, i DO believe they were soulmates. but then once the reality set in idrk there was just this disconnect. my dad was the more nurturing parent, and he had kids from a prior marriage so he knew wat he was in for, i think he missed my brothers a lot so he had perspective. i assume anyway. but he was also major alcoholic which i thought was normal for so long (in england it is i spose). that took up a lot of his time. i know so little about him or his inner workings its quite torturous to me lol.
and my mom is still alive but i know so little about her too, other than stuff i learned thru drunken outbursts. when i try to ask her anything remotely personal or emotional now she stonewalls me so hard :/ she's always just been closed. her childhood was Horrific tho like both her parents were still minors when she was born, her mom is a WW2 orphan and her dad was a delinquent forced to enlist in the navy instead of being sent to juvie. all the stuff she HAS revealed to me abt her life is absolutely bats**t. its awful like i genuinely can not feel a single morsel of bitterness towards my mom knowing wat she's been thru.
that being said i WAS extremely angry at her for a big portion of my life its been a journey to unravel. but at this point i feel so much forgiveness idek how i got here or when. but i love her unconditionally! i also feel that my moms self actualization was rly stunted, not even by having kids but by my dads death, and being left with these kids she has to care for alone, oh god if i try to imagine how she felt it turns my insides to stone. like it really fractured her soul and made existing problems spiral out of control. although that being said she is doing WAY better now in comparison to the past, im rly proud of her. when we talk i try to always encourage her like u say..
really the best medicine is being able to zoom out and view the big picture of Life, not just your life but how all our lives fit together, when you zoom out you can spot the patterns find the order in the chaos. for ages n ages i cldnt understand the reason everything in my life was hell while all these other ppl i knew seemed to have it so normal. Nowadays i can understand how it lead me here, the trajectory and timing of everything, it brought me a lot of EXPerience i can use to help others..Even just by having this blog where i can talk about vulnerable topics , ppl tell me it helps them, i begin to see a new sense of value in my endured sufferings. if i feel like im healing someone that heals me ..
thanx for the msg :] ermm i hope my response dont come off as traumadumping or something LOL i write this all with a matter-of-fact tone in mind. just explaining some stuff for anyone who may need it. hope u have a good night 2012-chan keep shining bright for your family.. <3pmd9
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rewolfnus00 · 2 years
lesson #1: know your worth, and commit to honoring it
i’m sorry, but what does it take for a girl to f*cking get treated nicely  and not get disrespected?! and then, i start to feel like a dumbass for allowing myself to even tolerate being treated this way. i know this is all so vague, and i haven’t been active on tumblr in literally forever ago but i’m in a moment of weakness but i don’t want anyone that knows me knowing what i’m going through n i hate being like that but it’s just easier to vent to a punch of strangers that i hope when they come across this post maybe they won’t feel so alone in feeling so scared as to what is going to happen next or feeling so shitty that you have to really remind yourself your being ridiculous. sorry for that run on sentence, but your not alone in this shitty ass feeling. specifically for me, it stems from me caring way too much for someone that quite honestly could care less if i jumped off a cliff. but yet, he keeps me around? listen, i’m not asking for pity because ik i’m a didiot ( a dumb-idiot= a didiot) because i knew that thing were going to turn out this way. i could have left, i could have prevented all this, i could have saved myself. but i didn’t. i didn’t maybe because i thought i could really make it work with this guy, maybe i really missed being intimate and close with someone, maybe i felt bad for him, or maybe i got love bombed and stuck in a fantasy world that is now crumbling down because i am not perfect and i f*ck up but this certain individual get upset often when i don’t to things right and this is what i mean by it’s causing me to be stuck in this cycle of man i really am an f up huh i suck huh i should just off myself... then i remember like aye yO?! did we nOt go through extensive & expensive ass therapy session physiatrists journaling & long ass vents & talks with my closest girlies to just let it all go to waste down the drain for some... mAn?! a sAggaiTTariUs mAN at tHaT??? ahh hell nah gmfu i’ve been saying affirmations to myself every chance i get even just in my head while i’m doing something, and honestly i think they actually have been really helping me. i finally realized my dumbass doesn’t have any time to waste crying over some dude that can’t even give me the bare minimum. like, hello??! ugh, whatever. listen, gays, gals, and all my other pals, don’t you ever minimize yourself & lose yourself trying so hard to prove yourself to someone. if they aren’t going to accept every beautiful & every aching part of you & if they don’t have the ability to understand that you are human not an AI that can read minds and do everything “correctly”, then they do not deserve you. periodt. there are no if ands or buts. there is better out there for you, and you know it, so get your a** up and go either go discover it, or create it. either way, know that you are a very beautiful soul still learning, growing, and adapting. there is nothing else more beautiful and human than that. well, in my opinion. so love yours, and remember that even text books have typos, and even apps have glitches. the beautiy is within the error. so don’t ask why things are the way they are, and when did things shift inside of you? go inward, truly inward, and uncover what it is that truly pokes at your inner being to project all your anger & low frequencies outward and onto others around you. i know when i do this, my intention were and are never to hurt anyone. but sometimes, i do. i don’t mean to, but when to we ever? if i could leave with 2 last things: 1. thank u for getting this far in caring for what i even had to type out. and if you did make it this far, i hope you’re having a fantastic day & i’m proud of you. & 2. be mindful of what you project outwards, & what you consume. everything has a ripple effect, and if you can try not to long term decisions based off of temporary emotions. jaz, out. peace xx
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tfw-no-tennis · 3 years
mtmte liveblog issue 28
catch me completely ignoring dark cybertron lmao
yeahhhh so I'm just gonna skip dark cybertron bc no thanks. I did read the tf wiki articles for the issues tho, which is more than I did in the past, so at least now I kinda know what happened, though I had to suffer thru reading about dark cybertron to learn stuff about it. yikes. reading ABOUT dark cybertron further enforced my decision to not actually read thru it
anyways. the best part of dark cybertron was when chromedome threw prowl off that cliff. that was baller lmfao
a 1 page recap of dark cybertron is about all I can handle. thank you
ooh, the 6 months later smash-cut, I fucking love itttt
nautica’s here!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy I love her. also brainstorm, and I love their friendship sm
hvbjdkhfbshdfj god I love them. they have such a fun dynamic 
everyone eavesdropping on a therapy session vhbhdjkhafbhkjsdf. hipaa laws mean nothing as usual 
the casual reveal of captain megatron, oh god 
the title fucking slaps, as usual. this is one of my favorites - ‘world, shut your mouth.’ great stuff, and a song title/reference to boot! and this being part 1: towards peace...chefs kiss
and then we flash back to 6 months earlier...yknow now that I'm rereading this, mtmte has a LOT of framing devices used - there's story-within-a-story, flashback/flash-forwards, storytelling with narration, etc...I love it
god hbvhjakdfbshjkdf rodimus saying ‘magic’ and then the little *magic = science rodimus doesn't understand HBGKJHSDBFKHJSDF my idiot boy ily
rodimus roasting prowl is my fav hbfjdkafshsbjkf ‘maybe the knights can help us find a cure for your personality’ ily sm
and then prowl agreeing w/rodimus a few panels later about megatron’s guilt...
optimus...don't you think that making yourself chief of justice is...maybe a bad idea...like, maybe there's a conflict of interests here...just a little bit of bias...a bit too much history, perhaps...
the fact that all the big roles in the trial were given to high-ranking autobots who were heavily involved in the war...I see that cybertrons justice system is as much of a farce as their medical ethics and patient confidentiality laws 
the ‘you BROKE the MATRIX’ panel is so good bjhkdhfbajskhdf
rodimus: LISTEN dad I just wanna resume my space cruise with my frat bro ship I have no interest in politics
psychiatrists HATE him! local former warlord refuses to recognize the validity of psychological analyzation of people’s actions
ravage casually breaking hipaa laws and chilling in megatron’s therapy session like >:3
I love rung...he’s so good at like, passive-aggressively cutting right to the heart of someone’s issues, and he’s so generally mild that you can’t even really get mad at him 
the sudden inclusion of megatron as a major character in mtmte is kinda jarring at first - mostly, for me at least, due in part because I didn't read dark cybertron so this is like, megatron’s introduction as a relevant character in general - but I feel like jro does a great job laying a lot of intrigue down from the very beginning w/his character - like, I already want to know more about what his whole deal is, even though we have, ostensibly, seen pretty much all of his story play out already 
rung name-dropping froid...i remember that made me lose my shit bc cmon. FROID....jesus christ
rung and megatron: holy shit! we’re suddenly being drawn in a 90s-esque sci-fi tron-looking retro-futuristic style!
interesting that megatron sought rung out, and not the other way around
RIPTIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my favorite sharkboy is HERE
‘we’re not allowed to take anyone who might remind rodimus of prowl’ vhbhjdkshfbhaskfd brutal
I love nautica so so much. a perfect autistic scientist after my own heart
I adore that nautica brought chromia along for moral support
hgvbjdakhfbhsj and then swerve saying that rodimus hates ‘trisyllabic names’ and nautica is like....but....‘rodimus’.....
and then nightbeat busts in to get all bbc sherlock on they asses hgbfhjadkfbjaskdf
WHY was perceptor at the crewditions if he was already part of the crew lmao
ooof, and then we have megatron flipping out when chromedome, a mnemosurgeon, shows up
also damn the autobots were rlly like okay so we wanna speed this trial up so lets just like, probe megatrons brain, that seems completely ethical, especially when you consider the history of shadowplay and stuff that our previous government had
I know important stuff is happening but megatron is holding a CUBE and I love CUBES so I'm distracted by that. C U B E
and then right after a scene where we see chromedome willing to perform mnemosurgery again - despite rewind’s like, dying wish for him not to - we hear that he’s been locked up in his room rewatching rewinds goodbye message over and over again :( I'm fucking depressed
I love nightbeat, he’s so funny and kind of an asshole
and then you see more missing letters behind them next panel...clearly nightbeat is right and there’s a mystery afoot...OR somebody is fucking with the ship’s lettering as a prank, which is a plot point I would absolutely buy
yeahhhh skids is right, chromedome is clearly Not dealing 
the dramatic graffiti on megatrons door...I wanna know who spray-painted ‘die’ everywhere like they're reaper overwatch
oh god. whirl vs megatron
really cool red lighting tho
GOD its so brutal, all the stuff megatron said about how he told the cons not to kill whirl...and doesn't that end up being false anyways? so he was just saying it to dig at whirl, which is awful
also I'm never over the fact that literally everyone - including megatron and whirl - blames whirl for ‘turning megatron violent,’ as if the entire Point isn't that whirl was a tool for a corrupt system, and if it wasn't whirl it would've just been someone else, and megatron turning away from pacifism was inevitable given the circumstances, AND also a choice on his part, so he really only has himself to blame for his OWN ACTIONS
bye bye whirls right arm, see you in lost light 
‘people never stop changing’ that IS something I say all the time...damn you warlord grandpa! how can you steal my philosophies?!
ohhh man and then rewind’s goodbye message being different....oooh
AUGH the fact that whirl was basically trying to goad megatron into killing him, just like he did in issue 1 w/cyclonus...It Hurts Man
also I do love the hint at who he’s talking to w/whirl shooting megatron with the bow and arrow earlier, and we know that atomizer is a fan of those
ok, but here’s where my philosophy diverges - megatron talks about throwing away his past and starting new, but I think that you have to learn from and build on your past...either way, megatron’s arc is one that I enjoy greatly from a character writing standpoint, and I'm excited to get it underway, especially w/how controversial it is lmao
big ole double-page spread...I like how you can pick out individual characters in the background crowd, which is crazy cause that's a LOT of people. also how come cosmos is so HUGE
phewwww 4.6 billion cybertronians died in the war, that’s INSANE. that's like, an incomprehensibly huge number. is there an estimate for their current population? I bet its not a lot. no wonder jro leaned into reproductive themes so much in mtmte/ll - of course the continuation of your species would be a concern for many if your numbers have been that greatly reduced
optimus w/his fancy tyrest-lookin crown
oughdajbfsbdf and the fact that megatron ALSO murdered 100 BILLION non-cybertronians...bruh. I feel like they maybe should've dialed those numbers back a little to allow his ‘redemption arc’ to run a little smoother lmao. but also I admire the commitment either way
and then we end w/megatron doing captain stuff, and seeing The Coffin...and we never did see rodimus in any of the flash-forward parts of this issue, did we???? I love how concerning that is. where's my BOY
also of course we gotta remember the warning from way back at the beginning of mtmte: ‘don't open the coffin’....
and so begins mtmte s2! man I love s2. I love mtmte in general lmao. s2 takes on the impossible w/the whole ‘megatron redemption arc’ thing, and I know that’s like, a divisive plot point and stuff, but from a writing standpoint I enjoyed it a lot...I think it was pretty much as well done as it could've been given the enormity of the task, and I thought it was a really interesting direction for the story to go in 
also espec if it’s true that hasbro was like ‘hey jro put megatron in your story and give him a redemption arc’ rather than jro like, planning/asking to do it 
anyways. I doubt ill talk much abt the disc horse(tm) here bc this is just for fun and also my own personal opinions and whatever, but I for one am excited to reexperience this stuff 
so yeah s2 off to a strong start with some wild shit already happening! cant wait to read more!
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menalez · 3 years
Hi, Mena, I'm hoping you can somehow help me. I'm in search of a radfem therapist. I've become severely depressed with all that's going on, and feel like I'd much rather be dead than living life as a woman. I don't want to spend my time having to explain why I think men have ruined my life or having them wonder if transitioning would help me. I live in the SouCal area. I know you don't live in America, but maybe others can help me, too, if you can't. I'm also willing to try online therapists.
hey love,, im glad youre searching for help and i wish you the best in finding the best therapist for you! from my experience, its hard to find therapists meeting very specific requirements, but to my knowledge: these sessions are confidential, you can look for female therapists who are often very sympathetic and understanding of women being tired of misogyny and feeling low because of misogyny, just from my experience. i would recommend that when you choose the therapist, look at her specialisations and areas of expertise to see if you think she’ll be of help to you. 
im wary of recommending anything mostly bc ive never been in the area youre at so i cant guarantee these are good, so don’t take any of this as me vouching for the orgs or the individuals but rather just directing you to places that MIGHT be useful to you. hopefully someone in that area can provide more specific recommendations in that regard bc i cant guarantee anything here,,, but from a quick google search i found “california women’s therapy”, they say on their website that they offer free screening and free consultation, which sounds super good. i found on this site several therapists to choose from (thisll show u ones specifically in LA, you can change the location tho to suit where u are), id recommend reading their descriptions and specialisations before making a deciison, most are obviously not radical feminists but a lot do seem to hold feminist beliefs. 
from my experience w therapists, ive never had a radfem therapist but the female therapists ive had were always very understanding of distress relating to being a woman bc of misogyny and have never suggested transition for me as a solution. maybe its bc im not masculine tho but .. i think you should be able to find a good therapist even if shes not explicitly radfem. so id recommend looking into a therapist in your area that specialises in treating women or focuses on women’s issues, that should be enough to find you someone who meets your minimum requirements even if theyre not explicitly radfem. there’s a good chance that you won’t find the therapist for you from the first try, its normal to take time to find a good match so don’t let that discourage you at all.
if someone has more suggestions for anon, please feel free to chime in! 
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bisluthq · 3 years
Omg I wanna get involved in the drama shsjsjs
So I’ve been a Taylor fan literally since I was 7 or 8 and debut came out like I’ve been there from the beginning and I can say that it’s SO UNHEALTHY to believe that Taylor is ur best friend or that she loves u the way she loves the people physically in her life. Like I have no idea how it feels to be famous, and I do feel like Taylor cares about and appreciates her fans a lot, I think she’s thankful for the position she’s in and that she feels her fans are the ones who like placed her in this position in the sense that fans are the ones buying her shit and seeing her tours etc. But she doesn’t like, love us as individuals because she doesn’t know us, like I’m a fan but she doesn’t KNOW me, if she saw me in the street she wouldn’t recognise me as a fan because she doesn’t know me at all. Her music has helped me through some shit and I can relate to songs and I genuinely do just love her music and appreciate it but at the end of the day that’s just normal fan stuff?? Like me enjoying music from someone is just me consuming some art someone creates and yeah Taylor is probably like “I’m lucky to have fans and be in a position I can put music into the world” but she doesn’t know us at all like it’s one sided. You can watch her interviews or even meet her at a session and yeah maybe that feels like u know her but u don’t really know her, like when ur around strangers u aren’t gonna be completely yourself. I’m not saying she acts fake or anything but she’s not gonna be acting the way she o does around her actual friends and family with her fans, and even though as a fan u could find out a lot of info about her she doesn’t know anything about us. I know this is a bit long but hopefully it makes sense what I’m saying.
This is why I think Stan culture is so toxic. There’s nothing wrong with really liking art that someone makes or liking a person. I like Taylor from what I see of her but I’m also not about to say she’s perfect because she’s not. She’s done stuff I think is wrong. I also don’t know her, at all. I love her music and if someone asked if I liked her I’d probably say “yeah I love her she’s one of my fave artists” but I don’t mean I literally like love her because idk her like💀 Stan culture is so toxic in the sense that people are in ur messages saying she loves fans more than her boyfriend and they’re getting like emotionally distressed at being told she loves her boyfriend more than a stranger. Like. I obviously don’t know what she feels but i do think she appreciates her fans, but if she feels a sense of love towards fans it’s not like, actual love if that makes sense? Like not the love u feel for family or friends. I think Stan culture has got people truly being delusional and I don’t say that word lightly at all. It’s unhealthy to believe u have a bond or relationship with someone when ur ultimately a stranger to them. I truly think a lot of self proclaimed stans really should go to therapy if they can access it because it’s really dangerous to be worshipping someone to the extent you feel like u have a relationship with them and that they’re almost god like and can do no wrong.
I’m so sorry I know this must be long af but these are my thoughts!! I didn’t expect it to get to long tbh, if u read it I hope it makes sense but I can clarify stuff if u need me to.
Hope ur alright with the influx of people kinda going overboard about this ❣️
Thank you for sharing babe.
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turtleinsect1 · 3 years
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It simply appears means too severe to obtain a tan, spray tans are certainly the only choice I would consider. If you are normally extremely pale I would never ever trouble with sunbeds, it's a meaningless and also unneeded danger for a marginal outcome. Some of my member of the family utilize it as well as in my point of view, and i like my phony tan, it looks also orange. It does not look all-natural and u can tell a mile off that its been utilized. I did have some pictures however they are charred to an old CD of times gone by, secured somewhere among a million various other images. This is what occurred to people in my town - they look ridiculous. Usually i would make use of fake tan, however im not also keen on using phony tan as do not want to spoil my dress, but do not want to be pale.
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Melanotan is an artificial hormonal agent that works by raising the levels of melanin, an all-natural dark pigment in the skin. https://ita.melanotan.eu/product-category/vial/ sell Melanotan 2 online as the product is not in fact illegal for consumers to buy, yet the British Organization of Dermatologists' Matt Gass said organizations such as SunKissed must be a lot more liable. The Facebook message, which was taken down the other day, offered five 10mg vials of the medicine for ₤ 20 as part of the studio's 'autumn sale'. If you have actually already used Melanotan consult your General Practitioner quickly if you have experienced any adverse effects or are worried about using sharing needles.
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Nevertheless, the primary aim of Melanotan 2 is skin tanning and so, not everyone who uses it will experience a change in their sexual arousal. In a case where the drug has an influence on sexual arousal, the person is most likely to feel the effect 1 to 3 hours after dosage. The effect mostly lasts for 2 to 4 hours.
When we discuss Grime form this era, we're speaking about MCs. This was waaay prior to the crucial revival had appeared and even I 'd entirely moved away from generating for them at this point. In all sincerity I think individuals simply obtained bored of that trend quickly as well as it passed away out, however Bashment pirate radio did freak for this, and also I keep in mind tuning in as well as hearing someone chatting over Claude VonStroke's 'That hesitates of Detroit', ffs. Extra from Marcus once more, and this kicks things off with one of my favorite under-the-radar deep cuts DJ Mystery's Amazed (ft. Melanotan1 ) which advises me of a summer holiday where I stayed in with the curtains attracted. Allow's kick things off below with the mix that started everything for me, Marcus Horrible's 1xtra mix from '08. This involved my interest when it was linked in a string on Grimeforum hypothesizing regarding why some DJs had changed categories, and also had discuss Mac10 as well as Perempay additionally leaving 140 to sign up with your home songs fold. Mr Unpleasant was playing a lot of these songs before any individual else, as well as I feel this both envelops the spirit of the emerging style, and showcases simply the number of hits appeared in such a short time.
Stunning Tan I No Time.
The editor as well as customers' affiliations are the most up to date given on their Loop research study accounts and also might not reflect their circumstance at the time of evaluation. Melanotan is a peptide, which allows your skin to have all-natural security against UV Rays. Tanning injection or Melanotan shots are growing in popularity and even though they are technically illegal to be marketed below in the UK, they are readily available online by a number of vendors. The "leading up tan" injection, Melanotan, has actually remained in the information once again with reports of individuals seeing their moles quickly grow and colour darken. Maintain infusing Melanotan 2 every various other day as well as have one to 2 sunbed sessions a week until you have the colour that you prefer. like a pen, and also at 90 degrees to your skin, promptly put the syringe right into your skin. Locate a fleshy location of your skin - 4cm to the side of your belly switch is the most typical.
is worried by discovering Bremelanotide (PT-141), an dysfunction-focused by-product of the drug. Both Melanotan II peptide and Bremelanotide were patented and accredited offer for sale to as well as utilize by biotechnology business for possible development into valuable prescription drugs. Target MT II Conjugation Unconjugated Availability Shipped within 5-10 working days.
Once in a while, this web site might additionally consist of links to various other websites. These links are offered your benefit to offer additional details. We have no duty for the content of the connected site. In spite of experiencing similar negative effects, Nicola additionally continues to utilize Melanotan. " I was nervous regarding injecting myself yet I lay on the sofa, grabbed my stomach as well as stuck the needle in," she says.
The safety of these products is unidentified as well as they are unlicensed in the UK.
So they determined to find a much more durable and steady choice, one that would be more effective.
They located that while it seemed to work, natural MSH had a short half-life in the body to be functional.
They presented to examine to see if providing MSH an all-natural hormone to the body to see if it was an effective approach to generate sunless tanning.
Melanotan is not a certified medicine in the UK as well as to sell the medicine is a criminal offense. There are currently no statistics or numbers regarding the amount of have utilized or are using the Barbie drug. The medication can either be injected or breathed in with a nasal spray. Moreover, the combination of researching melanocortin system sensitivity throughout weight problems as well as macronutrient consumption has not been performed before.
Fabricated Dental Fluid Characterisation: Potential For Use As A Referral Matrix In Medicine Testing.
Undoubtedly Melanotan II is just among a variety of illicit medicines that are available to acquire. This is worrying, since as this research demonstrates, the medicines do not always have the energetic materials as marketed. Legal law of these drugs pose considerable obstacles for the future, specifically due to the fact that producers, suppliers, internet site holding and repayment processing might all be based in different countries. Keeping an eye on the need as well as distribution of immoral compounds is notoriously hard, and researchers must utilize novel approaches to quantify making use of such medications. One such method is tracking the medicine using the Internet through on the internet chat rooms and Internet analytic services. Tan shots do not give security to UV damages-- it is categorically incorrect that they do.
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Focusing on a solitary 2 year duration appears pretty silly, however this isn't contacted be some kind of de-facto overview to the Funky category, more what the music suggested to me at the time. I had lost an excellent close friend to self-destruction, and this bring about a complete social withdrawal for me. I would certainly left pirate radio also and also I just didn't really have the heart to play what I was known for playing anymore. Melanotan Switzerland buy cheap is a complimentary online forum for body builders, powerlifters, strongmen and anybody aiming to enhance their figure as well as speak to like-minded individuals.
Item is prepared forLABORATORY RESEARCH USAGE ONLY. The product might not be made use of for various other objectives. It is unlawful to ship or offer the drug however except consumers to buy it. The centre reported that users were entrusted sores and also tummy pains and in one case, call centre employee Chantelle Tolson was left scarred forever by abscesses caused by the injections. Figures from Glasgow Medication Situation Centre, which is run by Transforming Factor Scotland, exposed a 42% boost of Melanton individuals, up from 152 in 2014-- 2015 to 263 in 2015-- 2016. This year, the centre has already seen 414 individuals that have actually utilized the injection. In spite of the potential wellness threats, such as sores and also belly cramps, even more people are utilizing this solution in Scotland than ever before, according to data from needle exchanges. This research study demonstrates the high degrees of accessibility of Melanotan II on the online market and also how simple it is to acquire illegal medications with a standard Google search.
Shangke Chemical is a state-of-the-art business concentrating on energetic pharmaceutical intermediates, with a a great deal of seasoned specialists, a first-class manufacturing devices and laboratories to control the top quality throughout manufacturing. You can infuse Melanotan peptide below the skin or into the muscle mass; anywhere you can pleasantly reach on your body. Squeeze the skin loose from the muscle and also elevate it to permit the needle to pass through the fat layer of the skin. MT2 is after that soaked up right into the blood stream as well as spreads out uniformly throughout your body.
Does Melanotan change eye Colour?
Although usage of the melanotan peptides is reported to darken hair color of red-heads and gingers (not pure-blondes however) and in canines, it has not been reported to change eye color.
Considering that there are numerous online Melanotan-II providers, it's very simple to get a Melanotan buy. The challenge comes when you do not get correct and also safe instructions on exactly how to carry out the medicine or if you fall short to follow them to the t. It is suggested that you make certain that a Melanotan-II source is authentic prior to you get the peptide as there are many quack Melanotan-II providers. By so doing, you'll make certain that you are utilizing the genuine medication, not something that may end up doing even more injury than good to your body. In such instances, a sex-related efficiency enhancement medication that does not necessarily need physician's prescription can be found in helpful. Melanotan dysfunction renovation capacity is just magical. When it involves sexual concerns, such as disorder, some individuals favor handling them on their own instead of needing to go to a doctor to stay clear of sensation embarrassed.
In no other way can any kind of form of shot give you a safe tan without side-effects. If one point is for certain, it's that there's a lot of incorrect details around online about the effectiveness and also safety of melanin injections. " They have not been effectively examined, are not controlled as well as the reports of destructive adverse effects are typical and so they must be prevented", states Dr Ross. " There have actually been instance reports from customers of Melanotan of moles which have actually quickly changed as well as become darker", states Dr Sophie Shotter, acclaimed cosmetic doctor at The Aesthetic Skin Clinic. " Doctor would be extremely anxious about anything which 'boosts' melanocytes, as a result of the same dangers associated with stimulating them through sunshine or sunbeds i.e. cancerous adjustments."
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we fixed hsm
here are our 3 page fanfic plans
Troy & gabriella break up after like a month in college. Gabriella is around people smarter than her for the first time in her life & she’s really struggling & he doesn’t understand what she’s going thru & she realizes that he’s not that empathetic & bad at communicating. She’s single for like a year just adjusting to college & making new friends & figuring out who she is after hs & also not putting her entire identity in her intelligence. She tries out for theater & they’re like “you’re not that good at singing” & she’s like “never mind” bc she liked it because it was with her friends in the first place. She finds community elsewhere & eventually is in a more fulfilling & communicative & mature relationship
Troy is having a lot of trouble bc being a student athlete isn’t enough at FUCKING BERKELEY!!! And he’s having trouble at school. He also isn’t getting lead roles in the theater program bc it’s like. A hobby as opposed to his major/career path. He has to learn to like things without being the best at them & also communicate w people better. He’s no longer super special and the focal point of everything. He immediately tries to rebound by getting a new gf & she realizes right away that he just wants her to love him and pay attention to him and solve his problems and is like “fuck that dude go to therapy”. He goes to the school therapist which sucks but he finds a good therapist & like. Improves as a person lol. He has to think more abt the experiences of others and not need to have everyone love him all the time. He gets a dog -- good for him bc he has to be responsible for the life of something else but also dogs are very affectionate
Sharpay goes to UA & at first loves it bc she’s the star but then is super underwhelmed & depressed. She talks to Ryan and he’s like “you know you can just transfer” and she’s like “wow i’m so smart i’ll just transfer”. After like a semester she transfers to a different school with a good theater program (not Juliard tho). She has a good mentor figure who’s a prof who’s like “your ambition and drive are good things actually especially bc ur a woman and will be told that ur awful & bossy for standing up for yourself.” she makes her first real friend other than her brother (i am So sad) in a theater class-- not someone who worships her but like an actual human connection. Specifically a girl who she respects & doesn’t feel she has to compete with. She has a learning moment when her friend gets the lead role and Sharpay is genuinely proud of her and she realizes she wouldn’t have been suited to that part and that she doesn’t have to be the center of attention all the time. She learns to derive self worth from her love of theater instead of from everyone validating her. Also her friend is goth & tells her that all the pink she wears is bad. They both initially loved the theater bc they wanted to be accepted but learn together that they can just find worth in each other and themselves and their work. Also at one point Sharpay starts dating someone and gets really annoying and her friend is like “you’re being annoying” and they get in a fight and Sharpay is like “i don’t even like him that much but i feel like i have to be in a huge romance relationship (bc of troy and gabriella but also Society)” and this eventually leads to her realizing that she’s a lesbian and also that she has an unhealthy view of relatioships. She goes to therapy (it takes her a really long time to go but once she realizes she gets to talk abt herself she is more willing). Important that she does not date her friend (her emotional support system) but she does eventually get a gf. It takes her a long time to figure out how to be a good girlfriend and that her professional ambitions are different than her personal ambitions (she’s used to treating her relationships like a business instead of a two-sided thing where there needs to be emotional connection and both people being like vulnerable w each other)
Her and Ryan having space from each other where he can shine by himself and she feels like she doesn’t have to upstage him all the time. He feels for a long time that he can’t rely on her bc she’s a mess but eventually he texts her like 16 times in a row abt a person in his program he’s really annoyed at and she’s like “oh my god he’s ruining your show you Have to talk to the director!!!!” and it’s really helpful to just talk it out w her even if he doesn’t take her advice. It’s helpful for him to realize that it is a problem and he’s not overreacting but also that he should not take things to the extremes that Sharpay does lol. He should not poison this person. They eventually fall into a good & more balanced sibling relationship where they can rely on each other for a certain subset of things but they aren’t the only people in each others’ lives
Ryan meets other gay guys at Juliard who tell him that his hats are bad and show him how to dress not like an idiot. They’re like “it’s ok buddy. I know you were the only out guy at your high school but you don’t need to do that”. He’ll like. Do fine in college! He’s like fairly confident in his abilities and identity & good at like. Balancing career & personal life. He’s fine enough at school and doing well in his theater things. He’s charismatic and makes more good friends. He “formally comes out” to his parents in like a big thing. He choreographs it and makes Kelsey write him a song to sing. His parents are like “well we knew that but did you have to make it this much of a thing” and he’s like “yes”. His mom is generally more accepting than his dad and his dad is like “please don’t talk about this to the people at the country club” and he’s like “i… wasn’t? I don’t know these people. They’re your friends”
After college Ryan gets famous before Sharpay does and generally has a good thing going wrt doing choreography for “really important things” (he isn’t public facing)-- he’s good at choreo and also good at working with divas (thanks Sharpay i love u). He gets Sharpay a good role in a thing but he makes a big deal like “I got you an audition i didn’t get u the part u did it all yourself :)” but he totally got her the part lol in that he recommended her. She does a rlly good job tho (obvs) and does well in the spotlight bc she;s actually like. Hardworking and driven and good at musical theater. Her Big Break is in like a movie adaptation of a musical. She’s Glinda when they finally make a Wicked movie. The choreography is really good bc Ryan does it
Taylor tries to become a politician but slowly realizes that her passion for being an activist doesn’t super align with that and figures out that she wants to enact social change without like. Being a part of the system. She has a youtube channel where she talks about social issues and wears her stupid sweater vests & ties. Also she dates someone who likes women. Before she was invested in the public-facing aspect of the relationship and she learns what it means to actually have private moments of caring & how to not follow a stereotypical relationship and instead to do like. What she actually wants to. She’s bi and she dates a woman and enjoys not having societal expectations wrt how relationships are supposed to go. She dates a guy and realizes that a m/f relationship also doesn’t have to conform to societal expectations. Both are super important experiences for her even if neither are “endgame” (i love u matty)
Chad is heartbroken after Troy goes to a different school but tries to hide it/is in denial. He kind of lashes out at people who want to make friends with him and goes into a depression spiral. He eventually snaps out of it when Sharpay (who is still going to UA at this point) is like “what’s your problem?? Anyway i started going to therapy and it helped actually. Toodles!” and he’s like “what the fuck just happened” but he makes an appointment. The first session he’s like “hwatever this is stupid idk why i’m here. Whatever” and the therapist is like “yeah. Okay.” but he eventually opens up and then like. Learns to see himself as not part of a friendship or group/team and see himself as an individual. He gets over Troy, which takes him a while but he does it & we’re proud of him <3 it also takes a while to make friends who he can be emotionally vulnerable around bc he’s never really had that type of relationship before (bc he and troy are very guys being dudes & he like. Wasn’t super close w Taylor as they were p much just a relationship for show). He makes friends w both some guys and girls who aren’t all on the basketball team and has friends from lots of different places. This process takes him like. All of college.
Chad doesn’t date anyone in college and afterwards it’s super awkward bc it’s like the first time he’s actually dating someone. He ran into Ryan and they have a talk where Ryan’s like “you could’ve been my first love but you were never really emotionally available bc u were in love w a straight guy and also not confident in the fact that u are gay. Like that summer was fun but it wasn’t real” and chad is like “oh”. Ryan was like in a serious relationship at that point but didn’t mention it bc he didn’t want to feel like he was rubbing it in lol. And then Chad thinks about things. This is like during a Thanksgiving break while still in college. Chad eventually dates a guy who understands how it’s like. Hard to be gay and figuring out relationships and stuff at different life stages.
Kelsey gets negative feedback for the first time and freaks out but eventually learns that a prof who only gives positive feedback when she deserves it is good actually. She incorporates criticism and starts to write songs that don’t suck. She continues to wear awful outfits. She has a nice girlfriend who also wears awful outfits. They are an awful annoying couple but they’re happy. They do annoying theater kid things
Ms Darbus realizes that it’s bad to force her students to completely write & choreograph their own shows and stops pouring her entire life into high school theater and fixes her problems with her “legal domestic partner” whom she was feuding with
Zeke realizes that he likes Sharpay in the same way he likes celebrities and that isn’t a crush. He makes plenty of friends in college bc everyone loves a guy who brings baked goods to places. He continues doing basketball & baking as hobbies but neither is a career & he finds passion elsewhere. He loves doing whatever he’s currently doing but doesn’t have like a Thing he wants to do forever and it takes him a while to find a forever career. He ends up teaching a variety of classes at community college and is happy doing that but also he might not do that forever. He comes to terms with his “contentment w the transience of life” and is like “if i’m happy doing what i’m doing now then that’s good enough for now”. He serves as a good contrast to all of the super driven people who know exactly where they want to be (gabriella, sharpay, ryan)
We did it. we fixed high school musical
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besmirchthis · 5 years
this was a couple years ago, i guess.
i think about this a lot. partly maybe because it’s a kind of representation slash particular manifestation of a bunch of things that’ve fucked with me. partly because i guess i haven’t talked it out enough. partly because… well. there’s a path for thinking there, but we’ll put it aside for now.
first off, i’m sure the place i’m going to grouse about works for some people, has served some people well or at least all right, etc.  i don’t know for sure; i’m not going to go seeking that right now.
but like.
god. so the gist of it is that during my final semester of creative writing grad times, i agreed to go to this ed recovery center place. i didn’t WANT to - i deeply didn’t want to leave kristine or laramie - but the timing worked as well as any, i did wanted to get some of my act together, and i had the insurance to cover most of the cost, so. so okay. so i went.
and the gist is that it was fucking wretched, or i found it wretched.
the gist is that i found myself unheard or/and misunderstood or/and ignored.
the gist is that everything in me reacted against that place, left me feeling fucked in that place, and that over and again i was told to endure it. left to feel like it didn’t wound me the goddamn way it did.
i fucking. hate it. i hate that fucking place; i hate the people who kept me in there.
it isn’t that i didn’t try to give the place a chance. like yeah negative goddamn reaction from day one, but i fucking tried. and kept trying. and let myself be talked into staying longer, then longer, every goddamn day rending me.
i didn’t feel okay there. i rarely felt anywhere close to okay there.
i disagreed with… so fucking much about their philosophy? also about the ways certain aspects of eating and eating particular foods were framed like. i’m not going to talk about that here but just. there were some insidious messages woven in here and there and many, many places.
this may have been just me with people, but as far as i can recall, i rarely felt comfortable in group therapy sessions; there was always i think more performance in it than i liked. (i mean on my part. i mean partly because i couldn’t just keep talking about how Wrong the place felt to me, how fucking badly i wanted to needed to leave because 1) nobody in treatment needs to hear much of that probably 2) i absolutely didn’t need to hear more of my peers telling me ‘oh u just need to keep waiting you’ll see’ and 3) idk just like… i don’t know i had a three, it’s gone, whatever.) i don’t. feel like going into that further, so whatever, here i go, move along.
related: i was fucking. frustrated and at times nearly infuriated with myself, because it was easy to frame myself as someone Who Was Willfully Resisting Treatment or Who Didn’t Want To Get Better or Who Was Being A Bad Patient (which hahahaha is fuckinggg bullshit anyway heY). like ‘oh no why can’t i just focus on RECOVERY and do what i’m here to do?’ OH YOU KNOW WHAT? IF YOU’R FOCUSING ON HOW TERRIBLE THIS PLACE MAKES YOU FEEL, THERE’S PROBABLY A GOOD REASON!!!
and again, and again: ‘you need to focus on other things.’ ‘it’s fine.’ ‘sometimes treatment is uncomfortable.’ ‘you’ll see.’
like look fellas, pals, i am and i was real sick of this eating disorder bullshit, all right? i’m sure some part of me is clinging to some parts of it, but like. i wanted to improve my shitty relationship with myself and whatever with food. i want to connect to me, and i was fucking looking for ways to do it, ASKING for goddamn help in finding those ways.
and the aid provided was just. not enough. not nearly enough.
like ‘oh you can go sit in your room for an hour at x time (never mind the loud fucking fan in there that fucks with your comprehension) but really this is going to count against you even though we won’t TELL you that until you return to group and we’re like OH YOU ARE IMPROVING LOOK AT YOU BEING AROUND PEOPLE’ like hi fuck you but i don’t need to. socialize the ways you want or participate in all of these fucking groups i feel little belonging in to goddamn be ‘improving’ or whatever.
like ‘here have some earplugs’ okay i’ll try okay guess what THIS IS STILL NOT HELPING.
like mostly, like primarily ‘journal about it! give it another week! you’ll feel more at home!! you just need to give it time!!!’
at no point (i don’t think? i know i forget a lot of things but also if it did happen it was fleeting) did anyone on my treatment team seem to seriously entertain like. the idea that maYBE THIS PLACE WAS JUST NOT GREAT FOR ME. probably it would’ve helped for me to like. set myself up to enter some other program, but the entire Being There thing shook me enough and tbh tbf did set me up with some strategies so that i felt capable of going the fuck back home. (also lmfao like i had money to enter another program, hm.) and also? and also. i wasn’t near like. an actual danger point.
oh and by the way i loved, really super loveD the way my therapist kept questioning my relationship with kristine like. yes i know i talked about her a lot BECAUSE I WAS FUCKING WORRIED ABOUT HER and because i’m a sentimental shithead and like look we’ve had our whatever bumps of figuring things out but she’s super fucking supportive of me and in general i think we do a lot of good for each other? and this therapist was just. clearly super doubtful, hinted and hinted in a ‘this is unhealthy’ way that ours was a codependent relationship and my dudes, i do NOT care for the directions she seemed to be heading in.
also just. therapy sessions - individual as well as group - weren’t helpful to me, and from the sounds of it i had one of the less objectionable therapists. i tried to express this a few times, but she’d be like ‘oh we’ll get to that eventually.’ ‘oh, there’s no rush.’ like excuse me wait are you like?? just kind of pacing out your time according to a certain schedule like what the fuck this isn’t helping so i’m supposed to?? wait another three weeks and maybe, MAYBE then we’ll get to something moderately useful?
like holy shit every session felt useless felt like i was being pulled in directions i didn’t care for felt like i was being scarcely tolerated and you know what i get that it was probably tiresome listening to me talking over and again about how terrible i felt just being in that place, but mayyybe you could have listened to what and why i was saying, rather than continuing to brush it off as ‘deal with it’ and ‘oh sometimes people feel that way at first’ and ‘no i don’t think you know what you want.’ also hi that wasn’t the only thing i tried talking about but you were helpful ummm literally never bye.
and like. thinking on said therapist, there were certain… malevolences, subtle but working their way through her and a would-be ig quirky persona and like. it did not feel great. i did not feel great, anyway.
rarely did i feel even remotely okay in that place. and i know treatment centers aren’t fuckin. famous for being comfortable or whatever but like the alienation i felt was just… it wasn’t entirely related to like. my relationship to myself generally or to my relationship to my body or. i mean. shit and shit and shit, i have a hard time getting at the core of this, or anywhere close to it. my alienation felt very specific to that place, and most everything left me feeling further fractured, fragmented. like i was being taken into pieces and not in ways that worked toward rebuilding. like i was being or allowing myself to be erased with a glance.
i have a history of, i guess, being quietly devastated by other people. particularly people who are supposed to being providing some kind of care.
and it feels strange to me, hearing in a place of supposed recovery that what i’m asking is too much, that i’m just not trying the right way, that my instincts are wrong.
can i fucking. tell you something about my gut instinct, trauma-honed as it’s been for decades? IT TENDS TO BE REAL FUCKING ACCURATE. especially when i meet someone face-to-face or am physically in a place. like. look, i doubt myself about a lot of things, but my reactions are usually pretty solid.
and every impulse in me. every goddamn instinct was telling me GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE. fucking shouting it within the first hour of being there, and yes i told myself give it a few days, give it a week, because yes sometimes you can get used to things or i can. but this? the shouting continued. it was like. a constant fucking battle to muffle this impulse almost the entire time i was there.
like yes, once in a while i was able to convince myself that things were getting a little better and maybe it would be all right to stay after all. but most of that?? i think was like. trying to cling to the stasis of ‘oh this is life now why shake it up?’ because you know what else i’m real good at??? enduring shitty situations in which i feel like i’m being ignored slash my needs aren’t being met, ayyYYYYYYyy.
i’m sure there are things i’m mis-speaking here, misrecalling. but the overall of it feels right. i am… angry. and i am not angry often.
okay also this feels and felt like a minor gripe but also it… really wasn’t? and maybe it simply wasn’t possible to change but like. look it fucked with me, whatever. point being that there was a very large, very loud air vent in my room. and like. i have a hard time concentrating slash functioning slash processing anything where there are constant loud noises happening. (cold’s nearly as bad; no amount of layering keeps me from shutting down in chill.) it wears me out and i cannot, 100% cannot relax. and like I FEEL SO SHITTY BITCHING ABOUT OH NO A LOUD VENT IN MY ROOM but it amped my anxiety up, made talking on the phone real fucking difficult, made writing reading thinking pretty much impossible. every time i told them they were like ‘what can ya do’ or ‘try the earplugs’ but like. whatever. anyway.
something else: i was thirsty all. the fucking. time. which 100% happened the first time i was in treatment, and after like two months of hospitalization they were like OH HUH I GUESS YOU DID NEED MORE WATER ALL ALONG like thanks guys okay. but yeah this treatment center was round two for thaT. i brought it up multiple times, spaced out over days or weeks or fuck if i know. and it was brushed off like ‘no you’re not.’ or ‘live with it.’ or ‘your urine looks fine in the morning so there’s nothing to worry about.’ like cool story fuckos and i get that maybe you think you have reasons for caution but it doesn’t change the fact that i am always thirsty and thirsty in that like painful way? i am just asking for like?? one small extra water drink even once a day? …no? cool. thanks.
i did my shitty journaling, you assholes. i tried to communicate. and do you know what i heard? nothing, nothing, fucking nothing week after week.
and ha. HA. when i did finally screw myself up to leave? when i reached the ‘you know what i can’t keep living like this i have other places to fucking be where i can be me and work on healing with the people i was working with before this’? my treatment team dove hard and heavy into a campaign of ‘oh but if you leave against medical advice, your insurance might make you pay for everything!!’
over. and over. and over.
what i should have done was call my insurance. i’d say i don’t know why i didn’t, only lbr, i’m terrible at phone calls, terrible often at doing what needs to be done, and i was fucking scared like. i don’t know. i don’t fucking know. but i also don’t think anyone suggested that i contact my insurance? which?? is weird, in retrospect (or not weird at all). and like every goddamn day once i’d declared my intention to leave, they just kept hammering it in, and in, and in. and like, really?
i don’t know what the were told. what they might have heard, what they might have known, to what extent this might have been a scare tactic. but i eventually found out from my insurance that it was never going to be an issue. and like. i have some heavy fucking doubts about their intentions in taking that route so very, very hard.
i think there are other things i maybe meant to say.
mostly, i’m just tired. and angry. but too tired to write any more of the angry.
like hey, to be dismissed time and again. to be told my instincts are awry, when i goddamn know they’re telling truth. just.
thanks, fuckers. thanks for the terrible fucking trip.
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questions for neurodivergent folks ( from @shitborderlinesdo )
post here!
if ur autistic:
1. do you stim?
yes, sometimes! i’ve suppressed a lot of it over time but i still do some subtly.
 if so, what are yr favourite stims? 
touching/tapping the tips of my fingers together, stroking soft patches of skin(esp backs of my hands, wrists, or parts of my thighs, hips, ankles), cracking knuckles, stretching fingers/feet/arms/legs rly far, rapid blinking(though i also have a tic involving blinking which is similar, but involuntary), bubble wrap,flicking light switches/door lock mechanisms, bouncing on toes, toewalking, chewing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(esp pens/pen caps and similar textures), biting, mouthing/lipping things, clacking my teeth lightly, whistling, leg jiggle sometimes, jumping, skipping, hopping, and a few other rly specific things (like involving swimming, or being on something and hanging so im upside down and stuff)
2. happy stims? chewing, biting, skin stroking, finger tapping, skipping, hopping, jumping 3. negative stims? snapping fingers, “hiccuping” (it’s a little giggle/hiccup type thing i do, but idk what to call it), teeth clacking, leg jiggle, exposing too long to extreme cold temps, hitting head against things 4. favourite textures? idk how to explain the soft-smooth i like; silk usually looks like it should feel like this, but it doesn't. also when people talk about “plush velvet” the texture that comes to mind is good, like a really nice stuffed animal or a cavalier king charles spaniel with super soft fur, but real velvet feels bad lol. also just most fur in general, esp rabbit, cat, certain dogs. some wing or chest feathers on birds like doves. milk weed fluff. soft, squishy, fuzzy caterpillars(not the bristly guard hair ones. more like forest tent caterpillars), moon jellies, soft leather/suede, really smooth grey granite, polished shiny pink granite, lambs ear/mullein 5. least favourite textures? some types of linen are VERY BAD but idk what they are, they’re like stiff and scratchy and feel super cold? gummy bears, ew. really hard chocolate in cold ice cream, a lot of faux furs, like so many, most (sheep)wool, scallops, often times chinchilla fur feels bad, most velvet, esp crushed velvet, potato sacks, a lot of plastic bags/thin plastic film 6. what's a pet peeve of urs involving a specific sound? squeaky plastic is the worst, esp from plastic wrap. teeth grinding/bruxing is bad, hearing people having sex in another room/apt, heavy footsteps/stomping, esp when fast like running, door slamming, when people slam their hands on a table because they just thought of something, the sound quality of like...having water in your ears/popped ear drums, where everything feels muffled and almost whispery/far away, but also REALLY LOUD AND CLOSE... 7. a specific sound that makes you Really Happy? al snoring softly like a cat, my cat snoring, cats purring, crackling fires, wind whistling, waves lapping, thunder rumbling, THUNDER CRACKING, wood creaking in a strong wind, that soft snuffling of cat/dog noses, the sound of rodents digging in bedding or eating millet, angel caller bells(bola, fairy callers, whatever you call them) 8. when were you diagnosed (self or professionally)? about 6 years ago what has changed with the diagnosis? i dont hate myself for as much of my behaviours/thinking/speech patterns. im slowly trying to let myself let go of “survival mode” NT behaviours i was forced to learn 9. are there any behaviours you have that, prior to diagnosis, didnt make much sense, but now they do? too many to list lmao 10. what kind of representation would you like to see of autistic ppl in media? girls, trans folks, autistics of colour, just less cis white boy perfect example savants. autistics with “atypical” autistic symptoms. autistics with ugly meltdowns and other unpleasant symptoms. autistics who are messy eaters, who can’t dress themselves, who struggle with everyday tasks and self care. autistics with “useless” special interests that cant be reworked to make them more productive genius types. LOUD autistics.  
if ur mentally ill:
11.when were you diagnosed (self or professional)?
6 yrs old or younger
12. what is your diagnosis/are your diagnoses?
BPD, (various types of)depression, DPD/social anxiety(when i’m alone)/agoraphobia, panic disorder NOS, mood disorder NOS, DID, ADD/ADHD-PI, ASD, gender dysphoria at one point, conduct disorder or whatever it was called. IED. all i can think of. all diagnosed professionally over the years, though ASD is not on any official records because i asked it to be left off to avoid that specific abuse/stigma.
13. is the community youve found with other mentally ill ppl helpful?
mostly no. but in some ways, yes. i appreciate having more access to info, hearing relatable stories, common symptoms/experiences that help me understand things better, etc. close friends with illnesses/disorders are nice, but mostly i know them for other reasons outside of diagnoses.
14. do you find it challenging to tell ppl yr mentally ill?
15. what are the most effective coping mechanisms youve found?
im not sure. i just...cope? somehow? not always effectively, but idk.
16. have you ever been to therapy?
if yes, what helped and what didnt help?
i hate group therapy. in individual therapy, i like having my husband sit in on the sessions for support. therapist NEEDS to prompt me and ask active and specific questions. setting clear goals with clear steps helps. a lot of more “creative” methods actually are super unhelpful for me.
17. do "find your happy place" exercises help you or no?
sort of? i don’t try them much. usually they make me sadder that im not there.
18. what are some of the most Tiresome Cliches ppl tell you to deal with yr mental illness (i.e., "just do yoga!")? 
“everyone gets depressed”, “yoga”, “fresh air, sunlight, and exercise!”, “essential oils”, “meditation”, “_______ diet/supplement”, “mind over matter”, “lose some weight” (THIS DOES NOT MEAN NONE OF THESE CAN BE HELPFUL AND I DO WANT TO DO SOME OF THESE THINGS, BUT STATING THE OBVIOUS ABOUT THIS SHIT AND BEING CONDESCENDING IS SO FUCKING ANNOYING)
19. what books / movies have really helped u?
none in this regard
20. what kind of representation would u like to see of mentally ill ppl in media?
idk. better. sympathetic without condescentding, infantilising, or demonising. sympathetic recovery stories, showing a happy ending, but not some “theyre cured” BS
if ur chronically ill:
21. when were you diagnosed (self or professionally)?
asthma - like 4 yrs old, tendonitis - like 13 yrs old, unspecified pain/inflammation - 2019 professionally (like 2011 ish on my own, but really it started when i was ~13), nocturnal epilepsy - not done with diagnosis process/testing as of july 2019, a few chronic infections that don’t affect me any more were diagnosed when i was a kid, idk
22. do you find the support system with other similarly affected ppl to be helpful?
i’ve not been involved much, tried it out, really
23. what do you struggle w most on a daily basis?
pain/inflammation/stiffness in joints, back, neck, shoulders, feet
24. what helps you most?
i wanna say sleep, but it actually makes everything worse so, new diet(anti inflammation), making goals/plans, spirituality, going to healing places like the woods or by the sea or mountains, massage, soft comforting petting from my husband
25. what do you want to tell able-bodied and neurotypical ppl in regards to chronic illness?
it’s not the same. yeah maybe “everyone has back pain”, but my pain and your pain are different; they happen for different reasons and they affect us in different ways. if everyone is in pain we should do something to make life easier for everyone, not dismiss people who are suffering.
26. how do u keep your strength on a daily basis? i dont
27. if yr family supportive?
mostly yeah?
if not, who do you find the most strength and support in, outside of yourself?
my husband, regardless
28. what kind of representation would you like to see of chronically ill ppl in media?
show me people who find creative, easy, free/cheap ways to be comfortable/improve symptoms. do not fucking cure them to make them happy. let them be happy and comfortable by finding new ways to do things, no by erasing their obstacles.
if u have bpd:
29. when were u diagnosed (self or professionally)?
2014, i think? though it was suggested by a therapist in like 2008 or 2009
30. do you think the support system in the community is helpful?
31. what are some of the ways you keep yrself grounded and remind yrself to Take a Step Back when bad feelings get in the way of rational thinking?
remind myself other people have autonomy, think about how i would feel if someone reacted to things i was doing the way my brain wants to impulsively react to them, talk talk talk, find something else to do as distraction
32. coping skills?
idfk what they are, they’re just there. usually.
33. how do u keep yrself in check when impulsive mood swings come around?
uh, mostly i covered this in 31. gotta reset focus on something else, find distraction that produces different emotions until mood passes
34. what skills do you use to remind yourself that you are loved?
husband. doesnt always work, but mostly.
35. who has been the most supportive of u?
36. how has your diagnosis changed the way you view yrself and yr interactions w other ppl?
more mindful of others feelings and needs, esp my mum with BPD
37. what kind of representation would you like to see of ppl w bpd in media?
not fucking abusive/manipulative or miserable. let us struggle but have great supports and practice effective coping skills so we can build stronger relationship bonds and enjoy socializing and/or things that are personally important
all ppl:
38. how do you deal w ableism that comes at you from all directions?
laugh about it with my friends i guess?
39. who in your life is the most supportive of u and yr recovery?
40. who are some people on tumblr who have really helped u in yr journey?
well, i met cieran here. alice has been a good influence. there’s a few of you for sure, though maybe not all specifically for these sorts of things.
41. best coping skills?
i dont know
42. most irritating Ableist Cliches ppl use to tell u yr not good enough?
infantilizing me(comparing me to a child), mocking my productivity/commercial success, “daddy issues”, trying to gaslight me into thinking i’ve been abusive because we disagree on something/i pointed out something they dont like
43. best most supportive thing anyone's said to you? 
“i want to be like you when i grow up”
44. songs for Happy Times?
counting stars, gooey, just about anything by MIKA, most “meme” songs
45. songs for Not-Happy Times?
a lot of hozier, bastille, of monsters and men, rage against the machine, flobots
46. non-triggering movies that discuss mental illness?
im not sure, i know there are some i love that i could list, but none are coming to mind. not a movie but: moomin and most ghibli media, esp kiki’s delivery service.
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mulliganpt · 3 years
Help the One You Love With PT
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Physical therapy is becoming increasingly important in educating patients, decreasing opioid use for pain, and preceding or, in some conditions, preventing surgery. With this growing prevalence, chances are good that someone you care about is seeing a physical therapist. As we approach Valentine’s Day and think about the people we cherish, let me give you some pointers for how to best support and encourage your loved one as they undertake physical therapy, with a short “playlist” of famous love songs to guide us just for fun.
Track 1: “I Can’t Fight This Feeling Anymore”
There’s a huge emotional component to injury, disease, and recovery. Perhaps a friend dealing with shoulder surgery isn’t just unable to use her arm as accustomed, she’s sad that she can’t lift her toddler. An aging parent with a leg fracture may be eager to walk again but struggling with fear of putting weight on the leg and learning to trust it again. Or your spouse who struggles  with chronic pain may be experiencing depression and anxiety because he wakes up feeling unwell many days and isn’t certain what he’ll manage to accomplish. 
Gently encourage your loved one to share the emotions that accompany their situation. Getting these feelings out into the open can help to relieve stress and fear and prompt a better mindset toward physical therapy. Often, a counselor or mental health therapist can be instrumental in helping patients handle difficult emotions and refocus on improving their lifestyle and function.
Track 2: “Love Hurts”
It’s hard to see someone we care about experiencing discomfort and PT can definitely be uncomfortable at times.  I think WebMD puts it very well:
[Physical therapy] will be safe. But because you'll use parts of your body that are injured or have chronic pain, physical therapy can be challenging, even hard. For example, you may feel sore after stretching or deep tissue massage.
But there’s a reason for that. Your therapist has a specific plan in mind based on your particular needs. Sometimes to get stronger, you have to do some tough training. It will push you, but it shouldn't be too much.
Each person may respond differently to therapy. Your body type, daily activities, alignment, and habits all affect your plan. Stick with it, and you'll get the benefits.
Sharing specific details when asked, “how did you feel after our last session?” can allow the physical therapist to make adjustments, incorporate more stretching or strengthening techniques, and employ heat, ice, and electrical methods to help decrease pain or swelling after a therapy session. Help your loved one bear in mind, though, that the therapist’s job isn’t to pamper them, it’s to help them overcome pain and challenges, which can mean doing the very things they may not feel like doing to attain progress. 
The patient can and should be candid, too, if tempted to skip sessions or discontinue therapy. Ask them to talk to their therapist about their reasons for missing  treatment or quitting so that these reasons can be addressed. I’m always willing to help patients modify their approach rather than stop altogether.
Track 3: “Wind Beneath My Wings”
PT is hard work and it takes discipline to see it through. Here are some simple ways to lend ongoing, practical support: 
>> Cast a vision. Find out a specific goal that the patient is working towards and frequently help him or her envision the good things that will come from achieving that milestone; for instance, “there’s a festival we should check out once you’re more comfortable walking on the grass,” or “your grandson will love it when you can sit on the floor to play with his train set.”
>> Encourage progress at home. The biggest area that I see family members making a difference is with the home exercise program (HEP), an individualized set of therapeutic exercises that’s really one of the most important aspects of physical therapy. Research shows patients who comply with an HEP are significantly more successful at achieving rehab goals and tend to experience relief from pain more quickly. For more tips on home exercises, check out my article.
>> Educate yourself. Check out sites like www.choosept.com for easy-to-understand info about PT’s effectiveness in addressing various injuries and conditions.
>> Defer to the professional. You mean well and only have your loved one’s best interests at heart, but resist the impulse to interrupt a session or naysay the therapist’s advice. PTs are licensed rehabilitation experts with years of schooling and tons of experience. If you have lingering concerns and the patient is a family member, give the practice a call and ask for some time to speak with the therapist. 
Track 4: “Nothing Compares 2 U”
Anyone can encounter a tendency to compare their progress to others, whether that means other clients at the therapy clinic or accounts heard from friends or relatives. But I’m not being trite when I say that physical therapy is unique for each and every individual. Besides a myriad of different conditions, impairments, and degrees of severity, I’ve seen firsthand that personality, lifestyle, and circumstances heavily influence a patient’s progress and outcome - as does the quality of their support system. I don’t use cookie-cutter treatment plans, and my clients don’t experience cookie-cutter outcomes. Each person is on his or her own journey with PT. With the right treatment, they’ll attain the goals most appropriate for their life in the timing that expertly blends safety and effectiveness. If you or your loved one is frustrated by the pace, instead of making comparisons and getting discouraged, revisit my earlier tip and request a time to speak with the physical therapist. 
You have an important role in your friend or family member’s success in PT. Whether you team up to do home exercises, ask about their progress, help them get to and from appointments, or encourage perseverance when the going gets tough, you can help the one you love stick with PT, gain confidence, and achieve their goals.
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Be well, Brian
This article is not medical advice. It is intended for general informational purposes and is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you think you may have a medical emergency, immediately call your physician or dial 911.
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robininthelabyrinth · 6 years
"New writer ask meme: based on my body of work, what’s something you’d like to see me try to write?" like. you wrote a story within a /menu/ so you can take this as a prompt or just respond but. if you can make a menu compelling, what about something else. like a professor binn's history lecture, swapping in for the teacher and subject of your choice, but something where the students have fallen asleep five minutes in but there's a compelling story under the surface. idk if it's possible, (cont)
re: the hist lecture thnx for letting me know tumblr didn’t send it! can’t remember xactly what was in each ½ of the ask but short version: if any1 can make a dry lecture (note: not just any lecture, but a boring one), abt history or other, compelling, it’d be u. just as people say that x celeb reading the phone book could be cool, I feel the same could be true for u, which brings me to thing I’d like to see u write 2: a phone book story. idk how the flip it would work but it’d be interesting
I think that my Makers of History fic might fulfill your first craving - it’s not boring, but it’s written in the style of a history textbook :) 
That being said, your SECOND prompt irresistibly caught my eye.
It’s not a phone book, but I hope you still enjoy!
Fic:  Central City Classifieds: December 2017 Edition (direct link to Ao3)
Fandom: Flash, Arrow, Legends of TomorrowPairing: Leonard Snart/Mick Rory, suggestions of unfulfilled Mick Rory/Caitlin Snow
Summary: Central City Picture News is a respectable news organization, with serious journalism, editorials, opinion columns, sports coverage, arts review, and international news.
So why does everyone keep reading the classifieds?
(Answer: because they’re hilarious.)
New Business Opening:Super Tailoring: For All Your Superhero or Supervillain NeedsAsk for ~Leo~–New Business Opening:Supersuit Construction Corp.Super-suits for Superheroes, Supervillains, and More!Theme-appropriate nicknames included!Ask for C. RamonOur Motto: “We make proper supersuits here – our competitors should just go back to their stupid earth where the bad guys need suspenders to hold their outfits together.”–New Business Opening:Super-RepairsWe Fix Mistakes In Science Done By Supersuit Construction Corp.Ask for Harry W.–Announcement:All creditors to whom Harrison Wells owed money, please come to STAR Labs for a pleasant surprise. Ask for C. Ramon; he’ll direct you to the right place.–New Business Opening:TherapyVery Reasonable Prices – Sliding Scale AvailableFree to Superheroes and SupervillainsPLEASE YOU SHOULD ALL GO GET THERAPY RIGHT NOWAsk for ~Leo~
–Announcement:39 Surprisingly High-End Possibly-From-The-Future Toasters for Sale. No returns.Ask for B. Allen.–For sale, goods:One Cold Gun, barely used. Must go to good home. Must agree to take angst, hallucinations, budding drinking problem, and mourning of 30 years of partnership and marriage with you.–New Business Announcement:John Constantine – Exorcist, Demonologist and Master of the Dark ArtsIn Town for a Limited Time Only!–Wanted:Better security system capable of removing unwanted stowaways from advanced-future time ship. Call and ask for Sara.–Wanted:Any security system. At all. Please. Villains just walk in all the time.Call STAR Labs.–New Business Opening:Legendary Security ServicesBe Protected By the Legends of Tomorrow(no warranties apply, please ensure you have appropriate insurance before hiring)–Job Opening:Legendary Security ServicesSeeking Security Consultant – Superhero Experience WelcomeMust have Zambezi Totem To ApplyAsk for A. Jiwe and Z. Tomaz.All Time Periods Welcome.–Wanted:Any OTHER security system.Call STAR Labs.–New Business Opening:Colorful Light Show & Anger Management TherapyProcess Your Emotions, See Beautiful ColorsAsk for R. G. Biv.–Job Opening:Individual with meta powers wanted for long-term scheme against the Flash.Applications can be left by the statue of the Thinker in Central City Art Museum.–Announcement:Are you fucking kidding me?? Does that actually work?? – B. Allen.–Job Opening:New Mentor Figure. Must Not Be Evil.Harrison Wells doppleganger preferred.No individuals named Eobard need apply.Stringent interview process being implemented.Applications can be sent to STAR Labs. Honestly, just walk in, there’s no security system.–New Business Opening:Outdoor Wedding ServicesPlanning Your Outdoor Wedding? Worried About the Weather?Don’t Be!Call M. Mardon To Ensure Your Perfect Day!(Also available to ruin your exes’ wedding, but it costs extra.)–New Business Opening:Welcome to The FLASH Museum!Learn all about your favorite local Supehero in intimate, behind-the-scenes detail!Call: the H.R. Wells Estate.–Cease and Desist Order Lawsuit Filed Against the Flash Museum. C/O the Flash, STAR Labs.–While I’m at it, Cease and Desist Order Filed Against Local “Team Flashers” Club. It’s not funny! C/O the Flash, STAR Labs.–Wanted:Someone capable of making puppets in a wide variety of shapes and sizes.Preferably soft and capable of resisting impact; designed to be used in therapy sessions.Ask for ~Leo~–For sale, goods:Slutty clothing, barely used. Very reasonable price, just need to get rid of it.Ask for Snow at Star Labs.–For sale, goods:All clothing in my closet. Basically free. Need to get rid of it in revenge.Ask for Frost at Star Labs.–For sale, services:All the ice you could possibly want, no need for ice machine.Ask for Frost at Star Labs. Say that Snow sent you.–For sale, services:Under-the-table medical care. Reasonable prices.Feel free to report to the local medical licensing board afterwards if dissatisfied.Ask for Snow at Star Labs. Say that Frost sent you.–Announcement:Local man with flamethrower seeking attractive girl with ice powers for NSA good time while he is in the present location/time. Willing to annoy additional personality for free.–Announcement:Nice try. No.– Snow and Frost–Business Announcement:Therapy – now offering relationship and family counsellingAlso lessons in pre-planning, emotional openness, and honest communicationAsk for ~Leo~–New Business Opening:Ever wanted to swim with the sharks, but afraid or unwilling to pay for travel? Never fear!Swimming Lessons with King SharkReasonable prices.Call ARGUS for additional details.–Wanted:Secret room for plotting and/or emotional processing of grief. No spying devices allowed.If you have any locations, call John Constantine, Leo Snart, or Mick Rory.Payment available only in Earth-X cash, since the other two are broke.–Announcement:Oliver Queen and Felicity Smoak are pleased to announce that they will be wed in a ceremony on the Star City Central Green at the end of this week.–Announcement:Another one?! Didn’t you two get married ALREADY?A Totally Not Bitter Central City Picture News Journalist–Announcement:Oliver Queen and Felicity Smoak are pleased to announce that they will be renewing their vows at the end of this week, this time before a rabbi and their friends.–Announcement:You didn’t have a rabbi the FIRST time?Noah Kutler & Donna Smoak–Announcement:What the hell are you two doing filing a joint newspaper announcement???Felicity Smoak–Announcement:Answer us about the rabbi question.Noah Kutler & Donna Smoak–Announcement:They would’ve been able to use the rabbi we used at my wedding, but they got him killed.Frost–Announcement:That was MY wedding, not yours!Snow–Announcement:Best wishes to Felicity Smoak and Oliver Queen on their upcoming vow renewal.We’re sorry for accidentally setting your entire extended family on you.Team Flash–Announcement:Did you REALLY re-gift us the espresso machine we gave you??Oliver Queen–Announcement:It was on your registry in exactly the same way it was on ours.Iris West.–Wanted:Someone willing to obtain a list of ingredients, some very esoteric, without asking too many questions as to why. Speed of the essence – need to get all the ingredients before the next full moon.Call John Constantine, Leo Snart, or Mick Rory.–Wanted:An army willing to destroy the world and worship at the feet of GRODD.No need to apply. Just think the name of GRODD and we will come for you.–For Sale:Telepathy-Resistant Emergency Evacuation Devices, available to help you resist Grodd’s mind control long enough to escape. The newest fashion statement. Also, basically free.Available at STAR Labs.–Job Opening:Qualified therapists with an advanced understanding of ethics, client confidentiality, and self-defense. As many as possible. At once. This is so much worse than I could have possibly believed.Ask for ~Leo~–New Business Opening:Freaky Supervillain Carnival(Totally NOT a set up trap for the Flash)Come see the Dangerous MIRROR MAZE! The magnificent, nauseating WHIRLYGIG!Job opening available for a clown, preferably with teeth, to keep away certain unwanted old acquaintances.Call S. Scudder and R. Dillon.–Wanted:Surveillance method capable of keeping an eye on three grown men with the capabilities of John Constantine, Leo Snart, and Mick Rory (included for comparison).Something’s up, and Gideon’s not sharing.Must be compatible with 25th century technology.–For sale, goods:Exploding dreidels, for a ridiculously deadly Hannukah prank!Totally not the CCPD trying to trap the Trickster again.Entirely by coincidence, please call the CCPD if you’re interested.–Wanted:Young black men who for a variety of flimsy reasons are no longer currently engaged in active super-heroing except in awesome but sadly brief cameos.We’re making our own club over in Keystone.Call c/o W. West and J. Jackson.–Wanted:Bounty Hunter capable of tracking and eliminating that pesky C. Ramon for having made a crude comment at my precious and perfect daughter.Call Josh (Breacher) on Earth-19–Wanted:Bodyguard capable of protecting me from a crazy overprotective asshole dad who can’t accept the fact that we’re ALREADY SLEEPING TOGETHER.Female bodyguard capable of extreme badassery preferred.Call C. Ramon on Earth-1–Announcement:I, Josh, hereby apologize to my adult daughter for having sought to control her sexuality in such an inappropriate manner. She is free to date whomever she wishes and progress in her relationship at her own chosen speed.Please call off your Amazons.–Business Name Change:Legendary Security Services will now be known as Legendary Amazon Security.Because we’re just that awesome.A. Jiwe, Z. Tomaz, K. Saunders–Police Announcement:Will anyone with any knowledge of what caused that giant blue-green explosion in STAR Labs please call the CCPD immediately? Ask to speak with Detective West.–Retraction:Cold gun no longer available for sale following explosive retrieval process.Bill for all property damage may be directed c/o John Constantine.–Announcement:We are sad to announce that John Constantine has passed away.Please send any bills for property damage care of Zatana.–Announcement:John Constantine is not actually dead. He’s just hiding away on the Waverider again.Personal note: John, if I get one more bill, I’m coming for your balls.Zatanna–Retraction:The reports of John Constantine’s death are greatly exaggerated.We apologize for the inconvenience.He is, however, unavailable to accept any bills.–New Business Opening:Magic Tricks by Abra KadabraMention Harry Potter One More Time And I Will Break My Parole And Kill You All–Invitation:The Epic Len and Leo Welcome Back/Going Away PartyAll Welcome – Bring Presents(Puns preferred)–For sale, goods:One freaky supervillain carnival set up, barely used. Very reasonable price.Have to leave town ASAP because there are now TWO Snarts and that’s two too many.Call S. Scudder and R. Dillon.–Wanted:Seeds for Golden Delicious Apples, Golden Berries, and Golden Corn.Please send to Gotham City, c/o Lisa Snart.–Announcement:Lisa, why are you in Gotham? And what’s with all the plants???With love,Your Concerned Friends and Family
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khursheedsahardat · 3 years
Whenever I see a plant, I wouldn’t just get fascinated by the anatomy or color of it, but also upon its very existence. I would immediately look at its roots and surroundings and see the dying sprouts. Then may be someone will water the dying sprouts at night and the sun will cooperate in the morning and so the sprout will be healed and grow up to become a plant too.  Then some days, when I am sick and lethargic, I consider my body just like that sprout, in need of my water and sun; but humans have different ways of healing, so I am given a magic potion by the doctor which was sometimes called a calpol and other times with different names, healed me as days went by. I was healthy and hearty again. So I reflected upon the idea of how faith prevails, wounds get healed, tears go away, smiles come back, everything becomes alright and life goes on. This is the most beautiful reality of living. Those very details of getting back all the power and fortitude kept me wondering for days. How does something get healed? What makes it live once again? What breathes life into it? How beautifully something travels from one stage to another, completely letting go of the previous one, growing in the forward direction. Launching forth into a better state of being. So this idea informed my wish to study art therapy.
Reflecting on my journey as art therapy trainee , why I feel the way I feel about everything surrounding me, I am an international student, a lot has changed since I moved here and started my first semester, I am from a third world country so moving here was a culture shock obviously, with a baggage full of loads of things that are deep rooted in my belief system be it ethical or cultural or individual feeling or a sudden need of running along the world around me. My parents’ expectations with me, my great friendships and my toxic friendships and my mental peace. I experienced a shift in everything. A shift of a place, a shift of emotions, a shift of priorities, new friendships, new responsibilities, It is safe to say that when we read, we relate, we become protagonists of a story we read, we keep up with the story as our own, when words come in front of us, we narrate our story back as answers, first in our minds, then through the very text itself, a very unique exchange of dialogue between words and reality is born.  To authenticate a human experience, I relate every text and every problem and its solution to my current circumstances to get a grasp of the experience of the author and see what I would have felt in such circumstance, this has increased my trait of being an empathetic person.
A change of place was a very impactful emotion in the beginning of my semester as I was in a new home with a new routine where no one but myself to take care of, sometimes I would have internal dialogue with myself about how I made it here and I will just go down the memory lane, when you are from a brown family and you are a daughter, it is not always easy for u to actually make your dreams come true especially if they demand a lot of freedom and a lot of time. So when my dream did actually come true, all my sorrows flew out of the window, I was living in my dream place, London’s grey clouds were not depressing at all, rain was never bothering me. I realized, that my very room was my safe place, I could restart my life and be whoever I wanted to be, I was out of my family’s scrutinizing eyes and I could let my emotions out whenever and however I could. Here I think the safe place reinforces a person to let the fragments of the past become obsolete and let out the emotions as raw as possible, the baggage of the past, I thought, sometime becomes too heavy that the existing place doesn’t feel like a safe place anymore no matter how safe it is, visuals matter so much that mind constantly denies any visual of existing place that reminds of uneasiness and discomfort of the bad memories, bad relationships and toxic interactions.
 I wonder, in this uncertainty of the times, where human interaction is limited and we are constantly being denied of meeting our loved ones, our therapist to say, we have entered an era where we are somehow forced to stay away and use technology rather than face to face interaction and technology has limited us to our homes, we can’t go places, we can’t have new visuals, we can’t have rather good stimulus, here the question arises, are the digital therapy sessions effective for the service users? Do they provide us the safe place we need? And to what extent, as there is definitely a lack of change of place, lack of safe visuals, lack of new air and a lack of new fragrance. Safe place being the primary protocol of therapy, one thing that adds up to my frustration is continuous digital encounters have taken over many meetings which could have been in person. I wonder how different and how much beneficial that would have been.
Being a fine arts student, expressive arts has been a strongest tool for me to express my own feelings; I have always believed that art has a lot more to offer to people than just a wall painting. Art carries in itself attributes that are not revealed to many people and it takes a different viewpoint to understand what more art could offer in a clinical setting.
·         Therefore the way I artistically work comes from my personality which is altruistic, and I want to do anything I can with my skill to making lives better. This may have great impact in my art therapy training because this is what keeps me motivated, to serve human beings, and with a passion like this, I think I will prove myself a compassionate therapist professionally.
    Art therapy is an ongoing research based practice that is going on in the world, everyone in their reach has tried their best to bring out the benefits of art therapy both on mental and physical health. Art therapy has managed to solve the mind-body problem through neuroscience and mental intervention has proven to improve moods and even physical pain for longer times now. I relate therapy to natural healing process of the wounds, how the condition of anything changes overtime and becomes stronger than before. Metaphorically, art therapy is a medicine to mental injuries and offers healthy and sound-minded outcomes through sessions.
·         Art Therapy being a unique form of therapy under psychotherapies, is a complementary form of treatment that service users get, art therapy involves a range of materials that suits different temperaments of the service users making it vastly approachable to clients, art therapy is an intimate experience between a service user and their artwork where the end result of art making is not important but rather is what the service user experienced and revealed through it. Sometimes art therapy is opposite of intimate, it is intimidating to many people who don’t feel confident in using certain materials and are scared of being judged.
·         I am interested in intervening art therapy into palliative diseases like cancer and Alzheimer’s, although art therapy has already begun touching those subjects but my area of interest specifically is mind-body correlated investigation in which I would research how cancer patient may have a reduced bodily pain through mental stabilization.
I want to talk about family, about attachment and mentalization, they say the baby mirrors the mother, and the mother mirrors the baby, such concept has deeply moved me, when you are a child, your first human interaction is with the mother who shapes your personality, tells you when to eat when you want to cry she lets you cry but tells you when it is not okay to cry, there your emotions are being supervised without you realizing it, you are being conditioned, and your stimulus is your mother’s permission, agreement and disagreement to whatever emotion you need to display. same goes with fathers, my father has been an extremely important person in my life, he has motivated me and he has loved me to bits. but even with such close relationships, when you grow up, your brain untangles itself from the previous conditioning, you are the slave of your growing hormones and hence moods and emotions. the autonomic nervous system outgrows your parent’s scrutiny and will and whispers in your brain: “it is you who decides, when to smile and when to cry”
Art Therapy is a type of psychotherapy which deals with visuals and their movements and color to heal trauma and mental illnesses. Art therapy has made its way through clinical practices of treating mind body problems. Art Therapy of image making plays a significant role in client’s mental health evaluation because of the very instinct of human beings and their need to relate to the surroundings and art therapy provides just that. Visual image making is an important aspect of the human learning process (Waller, 2006)
art made in the safe confines of the art therapy room may enable a child to explore and express feelings that cannot easily be put into words. Instead of acting out ‘difficult’ feelings the child puts these into the object. This can then be shared with the therapist. The art can act as a ‘container’ for powerful emotions, and can be a means of communication between child and art therapist. Some art therapists focus on the physical enjoyment, and the ‘play’ elements of art therapy, believing that the more a child can become creative, the better for his or her psychological growth.
Person or a Place? NEW PLACE AND A NEW PERSON, Therapeutic enough?
Art made in the safe environment enables the client to explore and express feelings that cannot be easily said through words. So it helps the client to not act difficult and let the image or object convey his emotions. Art artwork or an outcome of an art therapy session can act as a container for powerful emotions and can be means of communication between client and therapist (Waller, 2006) the final product made with clients can be the most authentic and raw form of self. Art opens media to all kinds of expressions of emotions and helps bridge the gap of misunderstandings between communicators for better understanding of the feelings, because verbal barrier may often be the reason of bottled-up emotions and thus Art therapy is expected to make way and help well-being and investigate limbic states of the mind of a client. Art therapy is not just an understanding of client mental state; nor a set of instructions to teach art; but is a method through which we try to analyze and heal the patient by understanding his feelings and thoughts. Hence this art and its science are very powerful and must be valued in the domains of psychotherapies.
Various new forms of art therapy are introduced which include expression through painting, collage making, sculpting, drama therapy, music therapy and drawings. These are different modalities in art therapy and they help one in overcoming the effects of traumatic or unpleasant memories in their life. Many referrers would like the opportunity for their clients to experience assessments in all of the arts modalities, each modality having its own specific benefits and values (Fenwick, 2012).Art therapy modalities require specific space in which art therapy is given are also designed to suit the needs of the patients, The art therapy rooms and working spaces for art therapists working in different settings vary enormously, but all of them attempt to provide a sense of permanence, consistency, a ‘set apart’ space or ‘creative arena’ for interactions to take place between therapist, client and art materials (Caroline, Dalley, 2004)
The primary purpose of art therapy is to accelerate positive emotions while inhibiting negative emotions providing feeling of self mastery and control within a safe and comfortable environment.
I believe that art to a common mind is a world of possibilities, and i see my role in this world of art is to make each and everyone hopeful in themselves and hopeful to the world. 
Because as it is, Images, words, surroundings and sounds have huge impact on our lives. And as a therapist i would like to know which frequencies to set for my clients to navigate them towards a way of healthy and sound mind. The therapist in the room on the other side of the table is as much of a visual stimulus as any art material in the room, the experience that is intimidating at first is because of the transference of the personalities that the client/service user and art therapist encounter with each other. 
by now we have established that the right brain has its own language of aesthetics, less corporate if you like, no language but music. no numbers but abundance hence emotions win over logic. and that is why i think, art therapy is such unique intervention to the mind to heal trauma and any irregular emotion that has lost its way and has walked toward the extreme side of the life’s see-saw.
Art therapy and clinical neuroscience  is one of the holy grail books that i first encountered, it not only gave me an insight into the mind-body relativity and how we are less hampered now in regards to their coherence. one of the most beautifully explained chapter about stress expressed that the idea of stress is always taken as a negative thing, one that must be tackled down before it drains us human beings. but the book mentions another way of tackling the stress, that is to take every setback as a transformative experience, rise above any adversity, understand the whirlpool of the situation, and come out of the tunnel as a well-lived through adverse times person and well learned as well. 
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winterhip6-blog · 3 years
Skin Tag therapies Wimbledon & Kensington, London Clinics.
Cryolipolysis treatment
Vivo center Birmingham Reviews
skin Care.
exactly How Is A Facelift treatment Performed?
just How To find us and Opening Times.
Shockwave For Cellulite.
Some sorts of skin sores may return in other places if you are vulnerable to them. Once in a while you might require to return for greater than one session. The Nitrous oxide expelled from the CryoPen rapidly freezes the skin acne creating it to crystalise. The CryoPen ™ releases a fine jet of nitrous oxide under high stress, which enables the clinician to deal with millimetre accuracy. We advise a follow-up go to after 2 to 4 weeks to confirm that all pathological cells has gone away or that a follow-up treatment is necessary. The CryoPen Cryosurgical System gets rid of benign cosmetic sores in a matter of seconds. It is the most sophisticated, advanced modern technology in the field of cryosurgery, utilizing straight compression cooling down technology that does not require the handling of harmful cryogenic gases as well as fluids.
Cryotherapy is the use of severe cool produced by fluid laughing gas for the fast, efficient and also secure option for the regulated damage of unwanted skin imperfections. For all Medical spa, Face as well as Body treatments, please effort to arrive at the very least 20 minutes prior to your arranged consultation time. This will offer you lots of time to change into your robe and begin to loosen up in our peaceful Relaxation Room with a refreshment, prior to your specialist arrives to take you to your therapy. Secondly, CryoPen might not be used if the lesions are as well near delicate structures of the body such as the eyes. Blistering is also a common consequence of cryotherapy and also blisters work out after a few days as the scab types.
How do u tighten your Virginia?
To strengthen your vaginal muscles using a pelvic tilt exercise: 1. Stand with your shoulders and butt against a wall. Keep both of your knees soft. 2. Pull your bellybutton in toward your spine. 3. Tighten your bellybutton for 4 seconds, then release. 4. Do this 10 times, for up to 5 times a day.
True scarring, entailing much deeper layers of the skin is not likely. I've used them for my lazer hair elimination and it has actually been very successful. They are unbelievably specialist, fast as well as organised, always texting or calling before appointments, always in a timely manner and the treatment itself has actually functioned actually well as well as I'm going to proceed utilizing them for even more. Skin tags, age places, excrescences, actinic keratosis, verruca's, Milia, cherry angiomas and also other benign skin blemishes.
Vivo facility Birmingham Reviews
It generally takes 1-6 weeks depending upon the size of the therapy location. Lesions normally think a darker colour as the skin regenerates beneath it will slough or flake away. Cryopen is an excellent service for the elimination of skin lesions and also imperfections such as; Skin Tags, Milia, Cherry Angiomas, Age Attractions, Warts as well as Verrucas in a fast, pain-free fashion. Perfect skin can be achieved in seconds with very little invasion as well as without the demand for shots. Yes, nevertheless, cautions regarding skin kind and also place must be thought about before choosing freeze times. There will certainly be a moderate experience similar to a stinging nettle on the skin when the laughing gas reaches the bottom of the location.
How can I become virgin again?
Yes, you can get back your virginity by getting an artificial hymen strip or undergo a hymen reconstruction surgery. Among the two, an artificial hymen strip stands out to be the best option in terms of safety and budget. You Don't Have to Bleed to be a Virgin!
Healing takes place from 1 to 6 weeks, relying on deepness of freeze and also size of lesion. The CryoPen produces a great jet of laughing gas under high pressure, which permits the medical professional to work with millimetre accuracy. This ruins the tissue by freezing the inter-- cellular liquid, developing ice shards and crystals which burst the membrane layer, thus ruining the cell. CryoPen TM is a sophisticated cryotherapy advancement that is a quick, efficient, risk-free and also new solution for elimination of skin blemishes. The majority of people will experience some form of hyper-pigmentation during their lifetime. Hyper-pigmentation can take numerous forms, but is basically an overflow as well as an unusual distribution of coloring, usually melanin.
Does prolapse make you tired?
Pelvic organ prolapse can produce varying degrees of discomfort and a variety of symptoms. The most common complaints are leg fatigue, low back pain, and a feeling of pelvic pressure, or bearing down. Some women say they feel as though they're sitting on a lump.
There are no constraints on task other than to shield the area from damage or abrasion, they can work, bath, swim, promptly after the therapy. There's no cut, no blood loss, no sutures and also no threat of infection. There may be a small pain as the location is treated with a sensation similar to that of a nettle sting on the skin when the laughing gas gets to the nerve finishing at the base of the blemish that we are treating. The CryoPen emits a great jet of nitrous oxide under high stress which permits us to work with millimeter precision. This destroys the broken cells by cold the inter-cellular fluid, forming ice shards and also crystals which fracture the cell membrane, the body then declines the broken cells leaving healthy tissue. It is incredibly exact and sensible without any civilian casualties to the healthy and balanced tissue. This second therapy should be done within 1 to 4 weeks of the first one.
skin Care.
For bigger and deeper sores a second crust might create making the healing time somewhat longer. The nitrous oxide ruins the cells by freezing the inter-cellular liquid immediately, creating ice shards and crystals which fracture the membrane, consequently ruining the cell. The applicator is held as close as possible to the skin blemish and moved rapidly towards as well as far from it. This can be from 1-30 seconds, relying on the dimension as well as depth of the lesion.
It's an extremely quick procedure with minimal pain and also downtime. More than one therapy might be called for to accomplish the very best results.
The CryoPen ™ ices up at a rate of around 1mm per 5 seconds. The Cryopen strikes the cells utilizing a fast freeze (-40 degrees on the lesion in 12 secs), damaging the center for that reason eliminating the lesion as it has not time to protect itself. It is likewise believed that this procedure aids the body immune system to acknowledge the virus to ensure that the client may be less likely to get a verruca again. The CryoPen gets rid of the sores in one procedure without any risk of infection as well as no message treatment called for.
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There could be a little residual stinging for a few minutes after therapy as well as the area can be a little scratchy for about 10 minutes after the procedure. Most clients get an anaesthetic result from the extreme freezing temperatures. A common skin condition that is identified by benign, pain-free, typically wart-like skin lesions that appears to be "stuck" on the skin. The CryoPen ™ is a FDA and CE signed up innovative cryotherapy technology. It is a pen-like instrument which delivers a penalty identify spray of liquid nitrous oxide at a consistent temperature level of minus-127 degrees under high pressure which permits the therapist to deal with millimetre precision.
how Is A Facelift treatment Performed?
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how To discover us as Well As Opening Times.
Emiting a great jet of extremely cool gas under high pressure, you'll be instructed to work with millimetre precision. Cryosurgery needs no anaesthesia and also has less scarring than various other techniques of skin lesion removal with marginal post-op treatment.
To find out more concerning HIFU treatment, publication in online for a complimentary examination with our skilled aestheticians or contact us on or to consult with a participant of our group.
Our prices start from ₤ 50 relying on therapy areas and variety of sessions.
I extremely advise Life Aesthetic appeals and can't wait to get more therapies done right here.
Some might feel a mild pulse of pressure/heat on the skin for a short minute.
Normally, only one session is needed as the treatment constantly enhances the skin tightens as well as cell renewal over 6-9 months.
Dr Leah facility provides totally free examination to evaluate whether this therapy appropriates for you.
A suitable prospect is someone that is aged 30+ who has actually observed that the skin on their face or neck has actually come to be a lot more lax and also wants to lift and also tighten the pertinent location.
As this collagen building process proceeds, continued renovations can appear for as much as 6 months.
For that reason, a second if needed would certainly not be encouraged for at least one year.
There might be a little residual stinging for a couple of minutes after therapy. This therapy is offered at our Dewsbury Hospital adhering to a consultation with one of our veterinarians. Treatment times differ with the dimension as well as intricacy of the lesion, our veterinarian will go over whether the treatment can be performed as a day case or an extensive assessment. With Cryotherapy training you can currently have these treatments in your business.
Shockwave For Cellulite.
Cryopen is essentially pain cost-free and also without the need for shots, it's also suitable for youngsters. Any individual that suffers with skin blemishes can be taken into consideration as a prospect for this procedure, however it is great method to always go over with a qualified specialist prior to the treatment. Costs usually start from ₤ 50 for a 25 second therapy with discounted costs being readily available for several lesions/areas. The Cryopen therapies are carried out by Nicola, Lucy and also Katie that jointly have 56 years' experience in charm therapy and minor cosmetic procedures.
How do you relax tight sphincter muscles?
Sit, stand or lie with your knees slightly apart. Slowly tighten and pull up the sphincter muscles as tightly as you can. Hold tightened for at least five seconds, and then relax for about four seconds. Repeat five times.
The infiltration of the cold is about 1mm per 5 secs of treatment, so a 2mm sized sore would take 10 secs of laughing gas gas to deal with. The B model includes one applicator head for treating sores that are in between 2 as well as 6mms wide and also a 23.5 g cartridge for the laughing gas gas, which has 300 secs of circulation. There is a B+ upgrade readily available which includes an extra, much longer applicator go to dealing with condyloma. Contact us if the cured area is still weeping 2 weeks after therapy. Scientific information shows that the outcomes are irreversible after simply one session.
We'll aid You discover The treatment That's Right For You.
This indicates the laughing gas is delivered directly to the treated location as well as not to the healthy and balanced surrounding cells. Any kind of skin kind consisting of tanned skins can be treated and CryoPen is superb for pain complimentary removal. There will certainly be a pain experience comparable to a painful nettle on the skin when the laughing gas gets to the bottom of the area.
Can you push a prolapse back into place?
If you or your child has a rectal prolapse, you may be able to push the prolapse back into place as soon as it occurs. Your doctor will let you know if this is okay to do.
Cells destruction occurs when cells are low in temperature and at the very least -80 ° F and also ice crystals will create. The ice crystals break the cell membrane layer, destroy the cells organelles and protein matrixes. click this link hurries right into the surrounding area creating blistering as well as disturbance of the regional blood supply. Cryotherapy is quicker than various other therapies as well as individuals can be in and out in seconds.
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Luckily, there are many therapies on offer to reduce and/or eliminate such coloring. At my facility in East Finchley, I have actually efficiently been getting rid of sunlight, age and liver areas with cryotherapy for numerous years. Pale discolouration - Some lesions, specifically those on the face, may leave a mild pale discolouration.
Some individuals blister more quickly than others and also does not always imply that the skin has actually been iced up excessive. Periodically the blisters might end up being full of blood; this is safe and also only if a blister was really uncomfortable would it be required to puncture it, using a sterile needle. CryoPen utilizes non reusable cartridges loaded with Nitrous Oxide which have been authorized to comply with the strictest safety standards. The pen-point accuracy and also regular freeze temperature of the CryoPen minimizes the risks of major burns as accuracy is to a millimetre.
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subwaycamp04-blog · 3 years
What Is Fat Freezing, Does It job, Is It Safe and Also Does The treatment Make You drop Weight?
Cryolipolysis therapy
Vivo center Birmingham Reviews
skin Care.
how Is A Facelift procedure Performed?
just How To find us and Also Opening Times.
Shockwave For Cellulite.
We'll help You locate The therapy That's Right For You.
Some types of skin lesions might return in various other areas if you are susceptible to them. Once in a while you might need to return for more than one session. The Laughing gas ejected from the CryoPen quickly ices up the skin blemish causing it to crystalise. The CryoPen ™ sends out a fine jet of laughing gas under high pressure, which allows the medical professional to collaborate with millimetre accuracy. We suggest a follow-up visit after 2 to 4 weeks to validate that all pathological cells has disappeared or that a follow-up treatment is required. The CryoPen Cryosurgical System removes benign cosmetic sores immediately. It is the most sophisticated, cutting edge innovation in the area of cryosurgery, making use of straight compression cooling modern technology that does not call for the handling of harmful cryogenic gases and fluids.
Can a girl bleed again after losing her virginity?
Some women will bleed after having sex for the first time, while others won't. Both are perfectly normal. A woman may bleed when she has penetrative sex for the first time because of her hymen breaking. The hymen is a thin piece of skin that partially covers the entrance to the vagina.
Cryotherapy is using severe cold created by fluid nitrous oxide for the quick, effective and safe solution for the controlled damage of unwanted skin blemishes. For all Medical spa, Face and Body treatments, please effort to get to least 20 minutes prior to your scheduled consultation time. This will offer you plenty of time to change into your robe as well as start to take a break in our relaxing Leisure Space with a drink, before your therapist shows up to take you to your therapy. Secondly, CryoPen might not be utilized if the sores are as well near fragile frameworks of the body such as the eyes. Blistering is also an usual effect of cryotherapy as well as blisters work out after a few days as the scab kinds.
How do u tighten your Virginia?
To strengthen your vaginal muscles using a pelvic tilt exercise: 1. Stand with your shoulders and butt against a wall. Keep both of your knees soft. 2. Pull your bellybutton in toward your spine. 3. Tighten your bellybutton for 4 seconds, then release. 4. Do this 10 times, for up to 5 times a day.
Real scarring, including much deeper layers of the skin is unlikely. I have actually used them for my lazer hair elimination and it has actually been extremely effective. They are exceptionally specialist, fast as well as ordered, constantly texting or calling prior to visits, always in a timely manner as well as the therapy itself has worked truly well and I'm mosting likely to proceed using them for even more. Skin tags, age areas, protuberances, actinic keratosis, verruca's, Milia, cherry angiomas and also various other benign skin imperfections.
Vivo center Birmingham Reviews
It usually takes 1-6 weeks depending on the dimension of the therapy location. Sores typically think a darker colour as the skin restores underneath it will discard or flake away. Cryopen is a perfect service for the removal of skin sores as well as flaws such as; Skin Marks, Milia, Cherry Angiomas, Age Destinations, Warts as well as Verrucas in a quickly, pain-free fashion. Flawless skin can be attained in secs with marginal invasion as well as without the need for injections. Yes, nevertheless, warns about skin type and location should be thought about prior to picking freeze times. There will certainly be a light feeling similar to a painful nettle on the skin when the laughing gas gets to the bottom of the area.
Recovery occurs from 1 to 6 weeks, depending upon depth of freeze and dimension of lesion. The CryoPen releases a great jet of laughing gas under high stress, which enables the medical professional to collaborate with millimetre accuracy. This destroys the cells by cold the inter-- mobile liquid, developing ice shards and crystals which rupture the membrane, thereby damaging the cell. CryoPen TM is an innovative cryotherapy technology that is a fast, effective, secure and also new service for removal of skin flaws. Most individuals will certainly experience some type of hyper-pigmentation throughout their life time. Hyper-pigmentation can take numerous kinds, however is basically an overflow and also an unusual circulation of pigmentation, generally melanin.
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Does prolapse make you tired?
Pelvic organ prolapse can produce varying degrees of discomfort and a variety of symptoms. The most common complaints are leg fatigue, low back pain, and a feeling of pelvic pressure, or bearing down. Some women say they feel as though they're sitting on a lump.
There are no restrictions on task except to shield the location from damage or abrasion, they can function, bath, swim, quickly after the treatment. There's no cut, no blood loss, no stitches as well as no danger of infection. There might be a minor discomfort as the location is treated with a feeling comparable to that of a nettle sting on the skin when the laughing gas gets to the nerve finishing at the base of the imperfection that we are dealing with. The CryoPen releases a great jet of nitrous oxide under high pressure which enables us to deal with millimeter precision. This ruins the damaged cells by cold the inter-cellular liquid, developing ice fragments as well as crystals which fracture the cell membrane layer, the body then rejects the damaged cells leaving healthy cells. It is incredibly accurate as well as practical with no civilian casualties to the healthy tissue. This 2nd therapy should be done within 1 to 4 weeks of the very first one.
skin Care.
For bigger as well as deeper sores a 2nd crust might develop making the recovery time somewhat much longer. The nitrous oxide ruins the tissue by freezing the inter-cellular liquid immediately, creating ice fragments and crystals which rupture the membrane layer, therefore ruining the cell. The applicator is held as close as possible to the skin imperfection and moved swiftly in the direction of as well as away from it. La Lipo’s free online service for removing skins tags might be from 1-30 seconds, relying on the dimension and also deepness of the lesion.
It's an extremely quick procedure with minimal discomfort and also downtime. Greater than one therapy may be called for to attain the best results.
The CryoPen ™ freezes at a price of around 1mm per 5 seconds. The Cryopen attacks the cells utilizing a quick freeze (-40 degrees on the sore in 12 secs), damaging the nucleus consequently getting rid of the sore as it has not time to protect itself. It is also believed that this process helps the body immune system to identify the virus so that the individual might be less most likely to obtain a verruca once again. The CryoPen removes the sores in one treatment without threat of infection and no blog post care needed.
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There may be a little recurring stinging for a couple of mins after treatment as well as the location can be somewhat itchy for concerning 10 minutes after the procedure. The majority of clients obtain an anaesthetic effect from the severe freezing temperatures. An usual skin problem that is characterized by benign, painless, often wart-like skin sores that seems "stuck" on the skin. The CryoPen ™ is a FDA and CE registered innovative cryotherapy technology. It is a pen-like tool which supplies a penalty identify spray of liquid laughing gas at a consistent temperature of minus-127 degrees under high pressure which enables the therapist to work with millimetre precision.
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exactly How To locate united States as Well As Opening Times.
Sending out a great jet of extremely chilly gas under high pressure, you'll be taught to deal with millimetre accuracy. Cryosurgery needs no anaesthesia and also has much less scarring than various other techniques of skin sore elimination with marginal post-op treatment.
To learn even more regarding HIFU treatment, book in online for a totally free examination with our knowledgeable aestheticians or contact us on or to consult with a member of our team.
I very recommend Life Visual appeals and also can't wait to obtain more treatments done below.
Some may feel a minor pulse of pressure/heat on the skin for a short minute.
Usually, only one session is required as the treatment constantly improves the skin tightens up and also cell renewal over 6-9 months.
Dr Leah clinic provides cost-free examination to evaluate whether this therapy is suitable for you.
An appropriate candidate is someone who is aged 30+ who has actually noticed that the skin on their face or neck has ended up being extra lax and also wishes to lift and tighten up the pertinent location.
As this collagen building procedure continues, continued enhancements can appear for as much as 6 months.
As HIFU treatment is non-invasive and for this reason as soon as the session is over, there is definitely no healing time, so you are free to move on with your everyday activities.
As a result, a second if called for would certainly not be advised for a minimum of one year.
There could be a little recurring painful for a couple of minutes after treatment. This therapy is available at our Dewsbury Healthcare facility following a consultation with one of our veterinarians. Therapy times vary with the size as well as complexity of the sore, our vet will certainly discuss whether the treatment can be accomplished as a day situation or an extended consultation. With Cryotherapy training you can currently have these therapies in your organization.
Shockwave For Cellulite.
Cryopen is virtually discomfort totally free and also without the demand for shots, it's also suitable for children. Any individual that experiences skin flaws can be thought about as a candidate for this treatment, however it is great practice to always discuss with an experienced professional prior to the treatment. Costs normally begin with ₤ 50 for a 25 second therapy with discounted rates being readily available for multiple lesions/areas. The Cryopen therapies are executed by Nicola, Lucy as well as Katie who collectively have 56 years' experience in charm therapy as well as small cosmetic treatments.
How do you relax tight sphincter muscles?
Sit, stand or lie with your knees slightly apart. Slowly tighten and pull up Lipo freeze as you can. Hold tightened for at least five seconds, and then relax for about four seconds. Repeat five times.
The penetration of the cold is approximately 1mm per 5 secs of treatment, so a 2mm sized sore would certainly take 10 seconds of nitrous oxide gas to deal with. The B design comes with one applicator head for dealing with lesions that are between 2 and also 6mms large as well as a 23.5 g cartridge for the laughing gas gas, which has 300 secs of flow. There is a B+ upgrade offered which includes an extra, longer applicator head for dealing with condyloma. Contact us if the treated area is still crying 2 weeks after treatment. Scientific information reveals that the results are permanent after just one session.
This suggests the laughing gas is provided directly to the treated location as well as not to the healthy and balanced bordering cells. Any type of skin kind consisting of tanned skins can be dealt with and CryoPen is exceptional for pain complimentary removal. There will certainly be a discomfort experience similar to a stinging nettle on the skin when the nitrous oxide reaches all-time low of the area.
Tissue destruction happens when cells are low in temperature level and also a minimum of -80 ° F and also ice crystals will create. The ice crystals damage the cell membrane, ruin the cells organelles as well as healthy protein matrixes. Water then rushes into the surrounding area causing blistering as well as disruption of the local blood supply. Cryotherapy is quicker than various other therapies and also clients can be in and also out in secs.
exactly How Does This treatment work?
Thankfully, there are numerous therapies on offer to reduce and/or remove such pigmentation. At my facility in East Finchley, I have successfully been removing sun, age and liver areas with cryotherapy for a number of years. Pale discolouration - Some sores, specifically those on the face, may leave a slight light discolouration.
Some individuals blister even more easily than others as well as does not always indicate that the skin has been frozen excessive. Occasionally the blisters may come to be full of blood; this is harmless and also only if a sore was very uncomfortable would certainly it be needed to pierce it, using a clean and sterile needle. CryoPen utilizes non reusable cartridges filled with Nitrous Oxide which have actually been approved to follow the most strict safety and security requirements. The pen-point accuracy and also regular freeze temperature of the CryoPen reduces the dangers of serious burns as precision is to a millimetre.
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