amethyst-fox-jv · 3 years
Tagged by the incomparable @incelhugochavez 😊
Fandom(s): Footy only bby
Where you post: ao3 only
Most Popular One Shot (by kudos): Easily Late Night Hijinks, which is in the process of being made into a series!
Most Popular Multi-Chapter (by kudos): definitely the main narrative of I Could Live A Little More. I haven't forgotten this one, promise! It's just that most of my ideas these days are for flashforwards. I've been theoretically working on chapter 29 for aaaaages now :(
Favorite story you've written so far: ugh, why must I choose 🥺 but I guess, given that I mostly write about a polyamorous relationship between five main characters (and their assorted other partners) I'm most proud of the pieces that involve the most complicated interpersonal stuff, especially Crazy For You.
Fic you were nervous to post: honestly, I haven't really been nervous about posting since the first thing I posted, which was chapter 1 of iClam.
How do you choose your titles?: Mostly song lyrics, occasionally I'll get something from somewhere else (Delegation is the main example I can think of, that one was its working title and it just stuck 🤷‍♀️)
Do you outline: LOL no. I just start writing and see where it takes me. I wish I could outline, honestly-- it seems like it would be so nice to plan things out in advance but it just doesn't work for me
Complete: I have... 22 finished pieces posted, including my entries in the Captain Hugo and Stormfics series, not counting anything that was primarily written by @ayerlind. Dang.
In-progress: 11 flashforwards in iClam, 1 flashback, and the main narrative; 3 pieces in the Hugo/Toby series that I have planned to follow on to Laid In A Star's Light; 2 pieces in the Hijinks series; the final unfinished Stormfic; 1 entry for Captain Hugo; and 7 other random pieces... So 25 in all.
Coming soon/not yet started: I have no idea what might be coming soon, I finish things when the mood strikes and I post pretty much immediately (well, once I have ayerlind's feedback, but that's usually provided as I write). I have a few ideas that I haven't actually started writing yet, though.
Prompts?: Sure! I love the idea of tackling someone else's idea to see what I can do with it :)
Upcoming work you're most excited about: probably Strip Uno (working title, probably not going to be the final title XD) but in order to post that I have to finish and post the rest of Delegation but in order to do that I have to finish and post the rest of I Let It Fall... it's a vicious cycle 🥺
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auti-things · 4 years
I just found your blog like 60 seconds ago and I already adore everything, scrolling down and seeing all the validation for people's stims and advice on scripting and support for self dx... it makes me wiggle :3 Keep up the amazing! 💜
Awwww thank you!!! ❤
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language learningggg
idk just general warm fuzzies?
Belgian leashes ~
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ayerlind · 4 years
|| In addition to lovers they were also friends and teammates, and that meant trusting each other, putting their heads together to fix things, or at least to be able to support each other instead of making it worse by keeping it inside. ||
A new chapter of IWWYE has appeared! It used Angst! It was super effective! 
Yeah this chapter honestly wrote itself, I literally had none of this in the outline whatsoever. Tissues are a must. (Shoutout to @amethyst-fox-jv for fixing my atrocious formatting as well XD) 
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alittledizzy · 4 years
Pssssssst. Might as well do this on here. XDDD Happy birthday, my sweet friend! I love youuu and I miss youuuu and I’m so sad we didn’t get to meet back up at this past con. One day, though. 💜💜💜 I hope you have a wonderful day.
Omg seriously the first time we plan a con together in a decade and naturally apocalypse happens - ONE DAY!! 
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themculibrary · 3 years
Tony And Rhodey (Ironhusbands) Masterlist 2
Links Last Checked: April 27th, 2024
part one
A Bot's Beautiful Mess (ao3) - everythingsace Rating: General
Summary: Dum-E halts. In Other-Dad-Rhodey’s hand is… a box. It is a small, velvet box.
Dum-E knows what this means. The bot has seen the movies and shows. He knows what this is.
The bot screams.
(Or: Rhodey asks Dum-E to assist him in proposing to Tony. Dum-E does his best.)
A Guide to Handling the Unhandleable Tony Stark (ao3) - nightrider101 Rating: Teen And Up
Summary: Written for the following prompt on the Avengers Kink meme: The rest of the Avengers assume Tony is an unbound Omega by the way he acts. He's reckless and carefree and does what he wants. Imagine their surprise when they find out that Rhodey is Tony's Alpha. They're all confused at the way Rhodey lets Tony act and how they can be away from each other for long periods of time and Rhodey's just like 'He didn't want to give up his career and I didn't want to give up mine. And I gave up trying to tell Tony what to do years ago.'
Drowning (Without You) (ao3) - ayerlind Rating: General
Summary: IM1 post-Afghanistan, Tony and Rhodey face three months' worth of pent up emotions during a quiet moment together.
Falling Head Over Heels For You (ao3) - SoBeBold Rating: General
Summary: A weird psychic impulse won't stop pulling at Tony, and it's ruining his life. He's falling all over everything trying to figure out where the hell it's taking him. He wishes it would just go away, and it finally does, when he falls in just the right spot.
Home for the Non-Holidays (ao3) - CrunchySalad Rating: Explicit
Summary: Jarvis (the human one) is visiting Tony for the weekend. Pepper has warned the Avengers that Jarvis never approves of anybody except for Rhodey, but the gang takes that as a challenge to do their best to impress him. Rhodey himself isn't particularly looking forward to the weekend, for reasons that are related to the fact that Jarvis is always pushing him to make an honest man out of Tony, despite the fact that they aren't actually together.
i can't seem to get a grip, no matter how i live with it (ao3) - psikeval Rating: Teen And Up
Summary: Tony knows he's got no business being a father.
i let you carve your name all over my insides (ao3) - deathsweetqueen Rating: Explicit
Summary: A warm, hot, heavy palm lands on the curve of his hip and Tony groans into his pillow, clutching at it like a lifeline.
A laugh falls in his ears, tickling the hair on the nape of his neck.
Tony turns towards the side, eyes blinking open with some struggle, only to centre on dark eyes blinking down at him, a smile curling on Rhodey’s lips.
Later on, he’ll deny it to his grave, but he screams, surging up, grappling for Rhodey by the shoulders.
“What are you doing here?” he demands. “You weren’t supposed to get back stateside for another two weeks. What are you doing here, Rhodey?”
Rhodey laughs. “Things finished up sooner at the base than I thought it would. If you’d rather I come back in two weeks, I could-”
Tony silences him with his mouth, dragging Rhodey down on top of him with a yelp, his duffle bag falling onto the floor with a heavy thump.
I See Your True Colours (ao3) - MagicaDraconia16 Rating: Teen And Up
Summary: In a fit of wishful thinking, James Rhodes tells his mom that he and Tony Stark are dating.
He then tells Tony that his mom thinks they're dating (because, duh, he told her so).
Surprisingly, Tony actually agrees to play along with this. It's going to be an absolute disaster.
...Isn't it?
James Rhodes In 8C (ao3) - what_alchemy Rating: Explicit
Summary: Tony has always known.
Love Me Like You Do (ao3) - NotEvenCloseToStraight Rating: Mature
“My name’s Tony Stark.” the kid said, peering down from the top bunk, a mess of hair falling into his eyes. “But you can call me Tony.” “I know who you are.” James set about remaking the bottom bunk so he could sleep there. “I’m James Rhodes.” “Can I call you Rhodey?” “No.” “Well…..” Tony lit up with a smile that could only be called devilish. “Can I call you Honeybear?” “Under no circumstances are you to call me Honeybear.” “Spoilsport.” “Brat.”
Peter Parker's Step-By-Step Guide to Get These Two Dumbasses to Kiss Already (ao3) - everythingsace Rating: General
Summary: Rhodes was on the floor, his legs pulled up beside him, and Mr. Stark was kneeling down beside him, asking questions and checking if he was okay. With the biggest heart-eyes he’d ever seen. Peter’s jaw dropped as he stared, his eyes turning to Rhodes, only to realize that he had the doe eyes, too. Not quite as bad and obvious, but holy shit. Holy shit.
smells just like you (ao3) - samandbucky Rating: General
Summary: Tony wears Rhodey's shirts when Rhodey isn't around, the others tease him a little for it.
The Champagne Room (ao3) - Not Applicable (not_applicable) Rating: Explicit
Summary: Tony stopped short and leaned back on the pole, hips jutting out in front of him, and he rocked them from side to side as he sang along, “Do you like good music? Do you like to dance?”
the first time (ever I saw your face) (ao3) - sara_wolfe Rating: General
Summary: Five firsts in the lives of James Rhodes and Tony Stark.
the great pretenders (ao3) - peterparkr Rating: Teen And Up
Summary: Peter’s an aspiring con artist, Tony and Rhodey are partners in crime in every sense of the phrase, and Pepper just wants a expensive painting to hang in her house
Traditions (ao3) - ruffaled Rating: General
Summary: Every year on the death anniversary of Tony's parents, Tony and Rhodey start the day by visiting their graves. Afterwards, Tony retreats into the solace of his workshop while Rhodey loiters outside, waiting, hoping, for his husband to come out. This time, Rhodey breaks from tradition and ropes in outside help to cheer Tony up.
we made it work (ao3) - samandbucky Rating: General
Summary: Tony gets injured on an Avengers mission that lands him in the hospital, resulting in Rhodey coming home to see him.
You Just Don't See It (ao3) - BlossomsintheMist Rating: Teen And Up
Summary: Set during the plane scene in the first Iron Man movie, Tony and Rhodey get a little caught up in each other.
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philippslahm · 3 years
Hiiii, ayerlind tagged me in for Dutch music recs bc I am obsessed 😁 my music taste is mostly pretty similar to theirs, so hopefully you'll like! This list is a mix of pop and rap mostly.
Slaap by The Opposites (this is my new favorite song in the entire world, I am obsessed)
De Manier by Kraantje Pappie
Sterrenstof by De Jeugd Van Tegenwoordig
Louise by Gers Pardoel
Liefde In De Lucht by Kraantje Pappie
Zandloper by Typhoon
Slapeloze Nachten by The Opposites
Ik Wil Dansen by Froukje
Als Jij Langsloopt by Gers Pardoel
Dominique by Anouk
Ik Neem Je Mee by Gers Pardoel
Ik Wil Alleen Maar Zwemmen by Spinvis
Hyperventilatie by Antoon
Hemingway by BLØF
Treur Niet (Ode Aan Het Leven) by Diggy Dex
Sexy Als Ik Dans by Nielson
Licht Uit by The Opposites
Loterij by Lil Kleine (this one has an asterisk, I love the beat but the guy was recently arrested for assaulting his gf so not as big a fan as I might've been)
And if you're into kids music at all, Kinderen Voor Kinderen is amazing. I particularly love Twee Vaders, Pasapas, and Zij Aan Zij.
I have a feeling I'm forgetting some that I would put on here, but that's a decent chunk to start 😁
hi, omg nice. love music recs so much, thank you sm. 🥺
just listened to slaap - the opposites and i absolutely loved it, didn’t know i’d like dutch rap but turns out i do, in fact, like it.
i love de manier too, idk love the vibes? ahhdjdl.
also absolutely love ik wil dansen!!!
ahhhh same goes for dominique by anouk
there are still a few songs i’ll have to listen to but love the songs you recommended, thank you 🙏🏻 that’s literally so cool also i love dutch sm
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humbug83 · 4 years
Wow brilliant tag @ayerlind ! 👏🤣
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robertdowneyjjr · 5 years
Hi there! I was going through your "god tier" TonyRhodey tag (no better way to describe it) and I came across artwork that was of the duo right after Rhodey finds Tony in IM1. I wanted to ask you if you know of any fics that are in Rhodey's POV set when he is looking for Tony or maybe right after that. This is such a wholesome tag and my Angst Hungry ass cannot deal with it. Also, I absolutely ADORE your blog and THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE RDJ SPECTRUM. You are an absolute angel! Thanks again!
gosh, tonyrhodey really is god tier and i’m so glad you think so too.
anyway, there aren’t like, that many fics, even fewer in rhodey’s pov, because this ship is heavily slept on which is a tragedy, but here are some to tide you over. they don’t necessarily match your request outright, but…they’re perfect for angst goblins like you and me.
someone will come running to take you home by @superhusbands4ever
It’s Tony’s first night back in his own house in Malibu and he’s not coping as well as he’d like everyone to think.
Oh Lazarus Have You Risen Again? by SuperstringSymphony
“Tony.” He murmurs against the slight curls at Tony’s temple. “Do you really think after I spent three months looking for you, that I’d leave you over some new body jewelry? Is that why you’ve been depriving me of my favorite show?” He hugs Tony a little more tightly, pressing his palms in to the small of his back.
Tony comes back from Afghanistan with more than a little baggage, but James Rhodes will not be deterred.
Touch by @bewareofchris
After Rhodey finds Tony in the desert.
Drowning (Without You) by ayerlind
IM1 post-Afghanistan, Tony and Rhodey face three months’ worth of pent up emotions during a quiet moment together.
A Million Shades of Blue by @notfknapplicable​
“I just know that if I could get to wherever he is, I could find him. Dead or alive, I’d bring him back to us.”
James Rhodes will never stop searching for Tony Stark.
Write in Dust and Marble by sinuous_curve
Rhodey says, “You passed out,” when they land, as Tony is fending off the obnoxiously invasive hands of half a dozen medical personnel buzzing in his ear about physical trauma and internal trauma and cuts and bruises and broken bones and what is that thing glowing in his chest.
Fiercer and More Frail by icarus_chained
Soulbond AU. In a world where soulbonds exist and are sacrosanct, Tony and Rhodey do not have a bond. Then Afghanistan happens.
A Silver Anniversary series by @notfknapplicable​
This is it, okay? This is forever, you and me.
What if Tony Stark wasn’t some huge slut? What if he only made it look like he was a slut when he’d actually been dating the same person since college? What if he really was that fucking boring and sentimental and normal? What if he was one of those dorks that was still dating his childhood sweetheart?
25 scenes from 25 years together, and more.
have fun reading (and crying)!
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amethyst-fox-jv · 3 years
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee @ayerlind has posted the first chapter of a piece they've been working on for ages, I am so excited for y'all to read this one bc it's amazing 🤩
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amethyst-fox-jv replied to your post “omg, 3 of my fav fic writers updating today, i am hashtag BLESSED…”
Eeeeeee ilu ��
right back atcha <3 <3 <3
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ayerlind · 4 years
A new flash forward, easily the hottest thing I’ve written in eight years lmao.  The outline? Two pages long. The first two chapters? Fifty pages long. Because I am me, and never in my life have I been able to write what I plan, 95% of the time it ends up about 100x longer. Just ask my 600 page Marauders fic, or my 300 page Tony/Rhodey at MIT, neither of which I never finished or even started posting 😂😩
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alittledizzy · 4 years
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dawn is latina and mary-anne is half black and charlotte johanssen has two moms and there’s an episode where one of the kids mary-anne sits for is trans and god i just love it?? all??? 
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ao3feed-mash · 6 years
A Good Night's Sleep
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2BZGcsL
by ayerlind
Un-beta'd. Set during/slightly divergent from Hawk's Nightmare. BJ takes matters into his own hands. Or arms, more accurately.
Words: 3061, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: MASH (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen, M/M
Characters: Benjamin Franklin "Hawkeye" Pierce, B. J. Hunnicutt, Sherman Potter, Margaret "Hot Lips" Houlihan, Kellye (MASH), Frank Burns
Relationships: B. J. Hunnicutt/Benjamin Franklin "Hawkeye" Pierce
Additional Tags: Episode: s05e13 Hawk’s Nightmare, Nightmares, Sleepy Cuddles, Protective BJ, Unrequited Crush (except not), based on my own actual experiences with hypervigilance, army cots are too small
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2BZGcsL
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amethyst-fox-jv · 4 years
Merry Christmas 😁🎄
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amethyst-fox-jv · 3 years
Aaaaaaaand if pure smut isn't your speed, here's some lovely Christmas fluff for you 😍🎄
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