#babygirl u are so unsettling
puzzlekinq · 9 months
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everybodyloveshippos · 5 months
ganrahast: the soul is tethered to the back of the neck, so to return from astral projection just reach behind and grab it like so-
valentine: like a noose
ganrahast: not like a noose
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wistaliia · 1 year
it's blorbo from my 125 year old vampire novel day
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linos-luna · 11 months
Hii I love ur fics and I was wondering, if u have the time, can u write seungmin x small reader? Wit seungmin being very possessive and intimidating you wit his tall height and infantilizing you? Ty smm💖 <3
Sorry it took forever. My life has been so chaotic lately 😅
Just a Baby 🔪
Yandere!Seungmin x Fem!Reader
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Warnings: infantilization, Yandere
You hadn’t been dating for long but we’re already moved in. Actually, you were forced to move in. You didn’t really have much of a choice. Seungmin wanted you to be with him 24/7. You were just so small and fragile! He has protect you! Or at least that’s what he thought…
He was possessive and scary when mad. He could easily loom over you and scare you into submission.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 🎀
Coming back from the grocery store with bags in hand, you opened the door to find your boyfriend standing there, angrily looking down at you.
“Where were you, babygirl?”
“I… I went shopping… we needed food…” you said while putting the bags down. You had gone out while he was at work. You wanted to go out on your own but your boyfriend never let you.
“All by yourself??” Seungmin said while taking your arm. “You could’ve gotten hurt!”
“I can take care of myself…” you frown as he pulls you to the couch.
“Oh baby…” he shakes his head while sitting you down and crouching down to your level. “You just don’t know anything, huh?”
“Just a baby…” he said while pinching your cheek, making you whine.
“Seungmin stop!” You stand up but freeze as he does the same.
“Or what?!”
His voice was loud in the quiet room and it scared you, making you quiet.
“That’s what I thought…” he said while wiping a tear from your cheek.
You tried walking away but he grabbed you from behind and gave you a tight hug.
“I think you’re just tired. That’s why you’re acting up…”
“No… let me put away the groceries…” you said with a sigh.
“I think it’s time for a nap.” He said with chuckle.
“No seungmin, I don’t want a nap!” You said before he suddenly lifted you up.
“No! No! No!” You yelled, squirming around in his arms before he threw you on the bed, pinning you down. His hand was big enough to hold both your wrists tightly over your head.
“Stop it!” He snapped. “Stop it or you’re going on time out!”
You only looked at him with tears in your eyes. The way he was holding you down was scary, especially how he used his other hand to hold your waist down, making it so you could barely move.
“Hm… I could never be mad at you.” He said with a sigh. “You’re just too cute. So small and perfect… like a little doll…”
You didn’t know what to say at his sudden shift in mood and only nodded.
“After all, your just a baby… don’t know anything, right?”
You nodded again and Seungmin let go of your wrists, then gently kissing your lips.
“You shouldn’t have gone out without me…” he said calmly with an odd, unsettling smile. “Someone could hurt you…”
“I’m… I’m sowwy…” you responded, hoping it’d make him happy.
“I know you are.” He said while rubbing your cheek. “Now… it’s naptime.”
“Okay…” you said quietly as he gets off of you and you lay your head on the pillows.
“I’ll be back in an hour.” He said with a smile.
You lay on your side and say nothing. Your heart was pounding and you just wanted him to leave the room…
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mega-punani · 3 months
omg kinda in response to the siren-reader post, it reminded me (somehow) of the gag in undertale where a monster 'put a line out' for some hot fishes in the river. Sooooooo which of the guys would do this, jokingly or somewhat seriously, and how would they respond to siren-reader attaching their number to their fishing line like 'heyyyy babygirl hot stuff, call me <3'
(It's been fun seeing u on the dash again! Only answer this if u feel up for it of course <3)
YARRR so glad to be back 🤗
LMAO- THAS FUNNY: Sans, Red, Cash
Flustered: Blue, Cinnamon
Lowkey scared/ unsettled: Papyrus, Stretch, Edge, Razz, Bear
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d0cshartens · 2 years
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motor oil covered gerard u r so strange and unsettling i love u my little babygirl freak of nature
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intertexts-moving · 9 months
VASH THE STAMPEDE OFFPUTTING AND UNSETTLING WITH HOW MUCH HE LOOKS LIKE A PAINTING BUT IRL !!!!!! I LOVE THAT SO MUCH!!!!!! looks like he cant be real. got that alien face swag. babygirl you are so painting to me . sometimes he stands in front of the sunset/sunrise and one of the suns perfectly frames his head like a halo and whoever is with him has to do a double take like. what the fuck
YESSSS EXACTLY. U GET ME. like. ok. 99% of the time i LOVE designs & redesigns & like. doubling down on the real human physicality of a character.. i love when guys are just some guy. but. ohhhhhh i love the idea of vash being this like yeag. painting uncanny valley alien kind of beauty. guy who lives in the desert & never gets sunburnt or even tan. light refracts a little weird around him all the time. caravaggio in the firelight. etc. like if u have a character whos whole deal is that they're Not an angel but they Are an angel and they're human shaped but not human and trying sooo hard to be human. literally what is the point if youre not making him ethereal.
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jadeclaymoresworld · 1 month
I saw the Hitler movie in a history session. It was so awkward because my friend side-eyed me like...isn't that...they guy you...yk?
And I was like "No, nope, don't know what u mean, that's hitler. I got nothing to do with that-"
Literally anxiety inducing
(Especially because everytime Rumple went off in OUAT I used to say "You go babygirl!" to cheer him on...if that had slipped out while Hitler played I would have died)
So I was curious about how he would look like Hitler and...
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That both looks like Robert and very much not-Robert and it's unsettling me.
I am now curious to watch him in this though.
I can also see how saying that about Hitler could be seen as a very bad thing!
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salsedine · 11 months
Harrowhark nonagesimus!
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Alright, let's gooo.
First impression: love her power, love how much fucked up she is
Impression now: same as above, but also... she cares so much and has so many repressed feelings but no means to express them. Which is completely understandable considering her upbringing, it is almost as if she has no language to truly express herself outside her role within the IXth House or the Lyctorhood.
Favorite moment: two words- pool scene. I also love the first time we see her fight using necromancy (you tried, Gideon) because in a few pages Muir tells you already a bunch of useful things about Harrow - she is brilliant and is constantly playing a chess game with the universe in her brain, and thinks about Gideon a lot.
AND special mention to this:
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Idea for a story: one of Harrow's one AUs, she gives so much material lol
Unpopular opinion: her scenes with Ianthe are a little bit creepy -but then that was probably the desired effect? They are supposed to be a little unsettling.
Favorite relationship: romantic wise- Gideon, Gideon, Gideon. They haven't interacted in two books and YET- You can't take "loved" away, indeed.
Favorite headcanon: this one about the quote 'first flower of my house' - "babygirl u are like a shallot to me" is permanently fixed in my brain.
Thank you for asking! :D I genuinely hope that the answers aren't too bad ops.
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hyperdemona · 2 years
not the same anon - what has been your favourite lovecraft story? i keep returning to dunwich horror (though i hated it at first read) - it feels so much as if it were a town that could exist right around my corner, and an event that may be happening right down the road. everything feels oddly familiar and i like the unsettlement it brings
The Dunwich Horror is the first Lovecraft story I read and it was seriously scary (also bc am babygirl u see)
But my favourites are The Temple and The Rats in the Walls.
Yup I love Lovecraft, he wasn't exactly a great writer in any way tbh but he had a way with imaginative fiction, really unlike anything else. Reading Lovecraft feels like when I smoked too much weed and became extremely paranoid looooool
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ssweetener · 6 years
Just wanted to say, that you are so articulate and I admire how thoughtful your posts are, in particular, your latest about sweet Ariana. I find myself seconding just about everything you say. Thanks for speaking up. With you in hoping ariana will be alright. I know she isn't now. Wish we could do something to help babygirl. Feeling so helpless here, ya know?
:’) first of all thank u so much this is so sweet of you to say. and i know exactly how you feel. not to get completely emo but ariana has been such a light in my life for so many years and i relate to her on such a personal level, it’s such an unsettling feeling to know u can’t help someone who’s helped you through so much. ariana’s always been so positive and has bounced back from what she’s been put through, for her to be at a point where she goes on to twitter and is brutally honest about how she’s truly feeling hopeless is just a different level of heartbreaking. like how fucking sad does she have to be u know…. knowing she feels like this and is genuinely saying nothing will ever be okay. i just want the best for her always and right now that would be to completely disappear and take the time she needs for herself with her friends and family so far away from the public eye and social media with no pressure from anyone to ever return until she was 100% ready but she said herself that it isn’t ever realistic. i dunno. i prob sound crazy but i wish she was able to feel the same amount of love and support and inspiration and hope that she has given to all of us for so many years :( nobody deserves it more than her
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