#bait and tackle for sure cas
goldenraeofsun · 1 year
Day 28: Animal
Castiel whines pitifully, but the shelter attendants are either heartless bastards or too damn used to the sounds of sad animals because none of them even turn around to his cage. In the pound, it smells overwhelmingly of dog piss and fear. Castiel’s nose itches, and his hackles have stood on end since he got thrown in here.
He paces in the small confines of his cell, his brain whirring. The full moon is waning, already well past his zenith, hence the human thoughts pushing past the wolfish instincts.
In under an hour he’s going to change back and answer a lot of hard questions, since animal control doesn’t usually pick up naked, 20-something baristas slash grad-students.
Snout wrinkling, Castiel sits back on his haunches, and this time his worried whine is entirely involuntary.
He should have gone to the country with the rest of his pack, but he’d been desperate. 
Dean had invited him over for an extended stay as a trial run before they officially move in together, and, Castiel, at loath to give Dean any reason to doubt them, had to say yes. Not after the fiasco of the last full moon, where Dean found out his little furry secret, thanks to Castiel landing himself in the very same situation he is in now.
Gabriel had laughed himself silly at the sight of Castiel stuck in the cage, but he did the big brother thing and bailed him out before Castiel had to release the transformation.
But not before the vets inserted the microchip. “A reminder, bro,” Gabriel said, “not to get your ass caught again.”
Gabriel’s run afoul of animal control more times than Castiel can count on all four paws. But, unlike Castiel, he delighted in baiting the dog catchers, almost getting caught before leaping out of their grasp at the very last second.
Castiel isn’t sure if Gabriel has ever gotten taken, but his older brother is crafty enough to find a way out, that’s for sure.
Castiel squints at the lock – his wolf eyes are far more farsighted than his human ones – as he tries to figure out how to manipulate it without opposable thumbs. But he can only fit a claw or two through the chain link fence penning him in.
The door opens, and the other dogs bark and yowl. Castiel instinctively flattens his ears against the noise.
The shelter attendant opens the cage opposite Castiel and deposits a very drugged-up yorkiepoo. After he leaves, Castiel he hurls himself bodily at the latch.
It doesn’t even budge.
Silently swearing to himself, Castiel tries again. The metal groans but holds firm.
Castiel retreats to the back of his cage, his eyes closing into slits as he thinks over his options. None of them are good.
He’s just gearing up for another try at the metal cage, when the door creaks open with a familiar, whispered hiss of, “Cas!”
Castiel freezes.
Sure enough, Dean comes into view, his green eyes narrowed in concern as he frantically scans the cages for his wayward boyfriend.
Castiel howls, and Dean makes a bee-line for him. “Jesus,” he whispers, “Shut up, you dumbass. D’you want both of us to get caught?”
Castiel shuts up.
Dean unlatches the cage with a frustratingly easy flip of his human fingers, and Castiel nearly tackles him in a burst of newfound freedom. “Yeah, yeah,” Dean grumbles, gingerly patting the top of Castiel’s head, “I’m happy to see you too, buddy. Come on, we gotta move. Luckily, they’re understaffed at this hour.”
They sneak past the skeleton crew, and Castiel practically sprints to the Impala parked across the street.
“I suppose you’re not really a dog,” Dean says, frowning, as he opens the door for Castiel, “so don’t get any funny ideas about real dogs being allowed in my baby.”
Castiel wiggles over the seatrest into the back seat.
“Hey, watch it!” Dean yelps. “You’re blocking the rearview, Bad Moon Rising!”
Castiel settles down, panting, before he finally lets the transformation fall. An excruciatingly painful minute later, he finally comes back to himself, all his limbs tingling with pins and needles, shivering from the loss of his fur coat.
He meets Dean’s horrified gaze in the rearview mirror. “Christ,” Dean mutters under his breath as he wrestles out of his leather jacket. He hurls it into the backseat, and Castiel shrugs into it gratefully.
“Thank you, Dean,” Castiel rasps, and, god, he sounds awful.
Dean bobs a quick nod. “Anytime, man.”
Castiel scoots forward and braces his arms over the front seat’s seat rest. “How did you know?”
“I got an email,” Dean says curtly.
Castiel blinks. “Excuse me?”
At the next red light, Dean roots around in his pockets for his phone, unlocks it, and hands it to Castiel.
Sure enough, there’s a new email, an automatic one based on the generic language, that a pet registered under Dean’s name has been turned into the Lawrence Canine Shelter.
“Your brother has a strange sense of humor,” Dean says in an odd voice, “since he put my email down as your owner for microchip updates.”
“I’m going to kill him,” Castiel vows just as Dean finally loses it, filling the Impala with the sound of his raucous laughter.
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shallowseeker · 2 years
Cas should’ve taken the lead on sounding the alarm about soulless Jack
...and talked to Jack about it.
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(Image from here.)
Look, I know Dean was awful during the divorce arc, but the thing is…Cas did need forgiveness. (And just because Cas asks for it, doesn't mean that Dean has to award it instantly. He has a right to the time needed to process his grief.)
Cas couldn’t have known what was gonna happen with Mary, but the fact is, what happened to Mary could have happened to anyone in their family, even Dean.
By virtue of being a Seraph, Cas knows Jack’s angelic powers better than anyone. He, along with Donatello, is the "local authority” on this issue (souls).
Cas should've talked to Jack
Cas acknowledged that he should've talked to Jack, because he was too afraid to face the truth. But it doesn't excuse the fact that he didn't.
Cas spent billions of years as a soulless being. Surely hearing about Cas's journey throughout that, and hearing about Cas struggling with doing the right thing, regardless of his soul status, would have soothed Jack's anxiety.
He could've brought a friendly angel like Anael to see Jack and discussed how souls aren't the end-all, be-all of existing. Discussed how difficult it is to stay in control of angelic powers and to be careful and tender with the concept of human morality.
Dean's move to visit Donatello was fine and all, but Donny has no grace. Jack is soulless, but he's not graceless.
Angelic emotions
Angels seem to rigidly-robotically control their emotions, and it looks like there’s a good reason for that. (Lucifer, for example, does not control his volatile emotions, and he kills indiscriminately because of it. Remember, it was emotion that helped him break Asmodeus's prison warding.)
Angelic emotions then…are not non-existent…perhaps they even instinctually know that they can be volatile and dangerous. (And that would’ve been fascinating to explore.)
Like, imagine getting backstory on how angels deaden their emotions. Perhaps they train alongside RietZen, who can tattle whenever soldier-angels emotionally falter.
Cas needed to tell Dean about the situation
...not just insist that Dean magically tackle Jack's emotions. Cas even invokes a pretty painful period of Dean's life (Soulless Sam).
Now, do I think Dean would've taken the news well? No. I think the situation was extraordinarily painful. I think Dean went straight into DENIAL phase of grieving. Denial and anger are normal emotions in the face of crises, even without what happened to Mary.
However, Cas still should've told him what was going on, especially when he went searching for Chuck again. Besides, anyone could’ve gone to meet with Anael to find that trinket, and Cas could've stayed where he was needed, with Jack.
Cas is physically the strongest member of TFW
Like, there’s no way to sugarcoat this: Cas probably shoulda been with Jack at all times since Cas is physically the strongest.
(Kinda like in AU Earth, how Cas was responsible for patrolling Lucifer, when Gabriel was weakened.)
Anael was right about Cas being lone wolf
And tragically, Cas was on his way to come clean about it, but it was too late. Shitty situation.
Cas wound up pivoting to the same solution the Winchesters were considering: using a cage to buy time
Right after berating Sam and Dean about caging Jack, he tried to go to Hell to get a look at…a cage. This shows that, strategically, Cas knows it's the reasonable move in a sea of terrible moves.
He then calls out Sam and Dean for manipulating Jack to get him into the box, comparing them to Dumah. Of course, he manipulated Dumah by dangling Jack to her as bait to get her to kidnap him, so...
He manipulated Dumah because he felt it was the soundest tactical move, the same way Sam and Dean thought that manipulating Jack was the safest move. (Remember: Jack'd been riddling people with flesh-eating worms, sucking them into Hell crevices, turning them into salt, and not to mention...blaming their mother for her own death.)
So yeah, Cas is not blameless.
He has this terrible tendency to wait till the shit hits the fan to act. (This time it was more unfortunate than it was his fault, though.)
Cas does not shoulder all the blame for the situation. It’s just a shitty situation. It’s one of those things that just all around sucks.
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amwritingmeta · 4 years
Bait and Tackle...
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It’s like a visual underlining of how they’re on each other’s minds. Bless their poor, lonesome hearts.
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Alpha Fight
This was inspired by @verobatto-angelxhunter most recent artwork. They wanted two Alpha’s fighting so I did my best! Hope you enjoy it darling and thank you for the gorgeous artwork and wonderful inspiration!
The two Alphas stood in the moonlit clearing, staring at one another. They stood motionless, their bodies tight with tension. A large orange-eyed wolf stood to the side, a triumphant smile showing sharp teeth. He tipped his head back and howled, and the sound echoed through the trees.
One of the Alphas, tall with bright green eyes, glanced at the wolf before focusing back on the man in front of him. “Cas, please, don’t do this! Fight Lucifer’s control! I know you can do it!”
Dean winced when a laugh pierced his skull. “Oh, Dean, you really think your pleading words will break the hold I have on Castiel? Your precious mate is mine, and I will watch with glee as he rips your throat out, finally making me the Pack Alpha!”
A growl rumbled from Dean’s chest, and he swung his head to glare at Lucifer, making sure to keep Cas in his peripheral. “I don’t know what spell you have on him, but I will break it! Cas is mine, my mate!” 
A dark chuckle escaped Lucifer. “You think you can break my spell? You, a mere human Alpha with not an ounce of magic running in your veins? Castiel challenged me and lost; what hope do you have of defeating me?”
Dean’s mouth was set in a firm line, refusing to rise to Lucifer’s bait. He focused back on Cas, a whine forming in the back of his throat. Cas was looking at him, and there wasn’t an ounce of recognition in the blue eyes he loved so much. “Cas, please, fight this. Beat him. I know you’re stronger than Lucifer!”
“I grow tired of this.” Lucifer looked at Cas and ordered, “Brother, kill your mate!”
Without hesitation, Cas shifted into a large black wolf and lunged at Dean. Dean threw his body to the side, barely escaping Cas’ vicious teeth. He rolled onto his hands and knees, panting heavily. He looked up and saw Cas charging at him. 
“Dammit,” Dean cursed, shifting into his tan and red wolf. 
In the next instant, Cas was slamming into Dean, his jaws clamping down on whatever he could reach. Dean whimpered when Cas’ teeth ripped into his shoulder, slicing through fur and muscle quickly. Dean grabbed at the back of Cas’ neck, attempting to pull his mate away without hurting him. Cas shook his head, deepening the wound and causing more blood to gush from it. Dean snarled and lurched forward, gasping in pain as more muscle tore.
Dean spun around, afraid to have Cas at his back. He stared at his mate, whose muzzle was covered in blood. “Cas, please, stop this. It’s me; it’s Dean. It’s your mate! Please, Cas, remember me,” Dean begged.
Cas snarled and rushed forward. Dean tried to sidestep him but his leg crumpled beneath him. Cas was on top of him, snapping and growling. Dean, having no choice but to fight back, growled and bit into Cas’ leg. 
“I’m sorry, Cas,” Dean said before closing his jaws. He heard a snapping sound, and Cas scurried backward, howling in pain.
Cas stood on three legs, his front right leg hanging uselessly. He was panting heavily, his sides heaving as he struggled to bring oxygen into his lungs. He eyed Dean warily, trying to determine his next move.
“What are you doing? Kill him,” Lucifer shouted.
Immediately, Cas lunged at Dean. He was slower, and Dean was able to avoid his attack. Dean spun around to face his mate but had underestimated how fast Cas could move with his injury. Cas slammed into Dean, sending him sprawling. Before Dean could regain his feet, Cas was on him, his jaws going straight for Dean’s neck.
Dean tried to buck his mate off, but he couldn’t with his injured shoulder. He scrabbled, but his paws did nothing but rake the dirt and grass. Pain raced through his body as Cas chewed into the thick fur of his neck. Dean turned his head and saw Cas’ broken leg. He lashed out with his paw, hitting the broken limb hard.
Cas howled in pain, giving Dean the opening he needed. He lurched forward, ignoring the blood pouring down his back and neck. He got to his feet shakily but was too slow. Cas rammed him, sending him back to the ground. This time, Cas’ jaws locked around the vulnerable underside of Dean’s neck.
Dean stared into the blue eyes he loved so much. “Please, Cas, shake Lucifer off. You’re stronger than him!”
“My brother wishes he was stronger than me,” Lucifer cried. “Now, finish him, brother!”
Dean could feel Cas’ jaws tightening, slowly cutting off his air supply. He tried to break out of Cas’ grasp, but it was futile; he was too weak and Cas’ grip too strong. Black spots appeared at the edge of Dean’s vision, and he knew he only had moments left. His gaze locked with Cas, the blue eyes the last thing he wanted to see. “It’s ok, Cas. I don’t blame you. I love you. Goodbye, honeybee.” Dean’s world went dark.
Dean blinked his eyes open, and the first thing he saw was blue. “Hey, honeybee.”
“Oh, Dean,” Cas cried, throwing himself into Dean’s arms. “I was so scared I wouldn’t be able to save you in time!”
Dean wrapped his arms around Cas’ sobbing shoulders. “I knew you would beat him. I had all the faith in the world.”
“You shouldn’t have,” Cas mumbled against Dean’s chest. “He was strong, Dean. Far stronger than I realized.”
“Hey, it’s ok; you beat him,” Dean said, running his fingers soothingly through Cas’ black locks. He glanced to the side and noticed a prone body lying in the grass. Dean felt no remorse at seeing Lucifer dead, only wishing he had been the one to kill the bastard. He squeezed Cas, overjoyed to have his mate back in his arms and free of Lucifer’s mind control. “Thank you for healing me.”
Cas pulled back to look at him. “Of course! You were losing so much blood, I was afraid-”
“Cas, stop,” Dean said, cutting his mate off. “You saved me, we’re safe, and we’re free of your crazy brother. That’s all that matters.”
Cas nodded his head, smiling weakly. “You’re right; that is all that matters.”
“Now, let’s go home. You’ve been missing for days, and I’m desperate to have your knot filling my ass.” Dean leaned forward and covered Cas’ mouth with his own. 
As they kissed, their cocks thickened and rubbed against each other. They broke apart, gasping for breath. Cas cupped Dean’s jaw in his hand, his thumb rubbing against the smooth skin. “I love you, Dean.”
“Love you, too, honeybee,” Dean murmured, pecking Cas on the lips again. 
The two men separated and shifted into their wolves. Cas started walking when he was suddenly being shoved to the ground by a tan body. “Oh, so that’s how it’s gonna be. I already kicked your ass once; you really wanna get beat twice in one day?”
“You just got lucky! I was going easy on you,” Dean said, his voice full of laughter.
“It’s gonna be really embarrassing for you when I tell Sam I beat you twice,” Cas shot back.
Cas shot forward, tackling Dean to the ground. He bared his teeth and growled, but there was no malice behind the sounds. He grabbed the scruff of Dean’s neck and shook his head, playing rather than fighting. Dean bucked him off and shot forward. Cas followed him, not giving Dean a chance to catch his breath. 
Their bodies slammed into each other, and they both went rolling. Cas scrambled to throw his body on top of Dean’s, pinning the larger wolf beneath him. He grabbed the underside of Dean’s neck in his teeth, hard enough to keep Dean from moving but light enough not to break the skin. Dean tried to scratch at Cas’ belly, but the fur was too thick for the nails to do much damage.
“Alright, I surrender,” Dean cried, baring his neck even more to his Alpha mate.
Cas gave a gentle shake of his head before letting Dean’s fur drop from his mouth. He smiled a toothy grin and said, “Told you I was gonna beat you twice. Now, let’s go home so I can enjoy my victory. I’m gonna pound your ass so hard, my love, you will feel it for days.”
Dean licked at Cas’ muzzle. “You promise?”
Cas’ laughter floated through Dean’s head as he backed off his mate. Dean got to his feet and slid his body along Cas’, marking him so all others would know Cas was his. He was a very possessive wolf when he wanted to be.
Cas snapped his jaws. “Quit marking me, you possessive bastard. I thought you wanted sex.”
“Oh, I do!” Dean nuzzled his muzzle against Cas’. “Let’s go home, honeybee.”
Cas nudged Dean’s head with his. “Love you, Alpha.”
“Love you too, Alpha,” Dean said, chuckling softly. He took off into the forest, Cas, close on his heels, the past hour already fading to the back of their minds.
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15x06 coda
Cas is on a bus to… somewhere. He honestly doesn’t even remember where he bought a ticket to. The echo of Dean’s words had been too loud in his ears to pay attention to the teller.
“Something always goes wrong,” Cas had said.
“Why does that something always seem to be you?” Dean had replied, and Cas had stared at him in stunned silence. He couldn’t believe Dean would say that, after everything they had gone through together.
“Well, I don’t think there’s anything left to say.” And then he had walked out, his footsteps thudding on the metal stairs every step of the way.
And now he’s sitting on a dank and smelly bus, the metal springs of the seat digging into his ass. He’s vaguely concerned that he can even register that, just another sign of his fading grace. He leans his head against the window and tracks the rain drops falling down. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out his phone, staring at the blank screen. “Expecting a phone call?” the man sitting beside him asks.
Cas tucks his phone away and looks the man over. He seems nonthreatening, on the whole, and if Cas recalls correctly, it’s a four hour bus ride, so he says, “No. I just can’t believe there’s no one trying to hold me back there, I guess.”
The man tsks in sympathy. “Where to now?” he asks.
Cas blushes. “Um. I forget.”
The man throws his head back and laughs. “I’m Matthew,” he says, sticking out a hand.
Cas reaches his hand out slowly, and Matthew takes it in a firm grasp and pumps it up and down. “I’m Cas.”
“Nice to meet you,” Matthew smiles, and Cas can’t help but be struck by how very nice his smile is.
“Where are you headed?” Cas asks.
Matthew shrugs and gives him another easy grin. “Wherever the wind blows me to.”
“Looking for anything specific?”
“Nah, just whatever catches my eye,” he says, and Cas wonders just how obvious the way Matthew looked him up and down was if even he had picked up on it.
Cas clears his throat and looks away, feeling the tips of his ears turning red. He reaches into his coat and pulls out a paperback, a thumbed through novel he had picked up from Dean’s nightstand probably a month ago. It was before.
Before Dean decided to blame Cas for everything bad to have ever happened, before the acridity of Dean’s words had eaten him through so much, he had to leave.
“Whatcha reading?” Matthew asks.
When Cas looks up in something like exasperation, Matthew holds up his hands. “It’s a long ride, sorry. I get bored.”
Cas softens and reads him the synopsis, coloring a bit when he realizes it’s a romance with two men. Cas isn’t sure why he’s surprised, Dean reads these just as often as he reads stories with opposite gender love interests, but it seems reckless to read that aloud outside of the safety of what had used to be their bedroom. Cas supposes it’s not theirs anymore.
Matthew looks at him with renewed interest, a grin playing on the edge of his lips. “Sounds like a good read,” he comments.
“I just started it, so I couldn’t say yet. My- friend normally has good taste, though.”
“Your friend, huh?”
Cas wrinkles his brow. “Yes, he- oh. I guess that’s what I’m leaving, anyway. I don’t think we parted as friends.”
Matthew claps a hand on Cas’s shoulder. “Guess he doesn’t know what he’s missing out on, then, does he?”
Cas gives him a tentative smile and finds himself in easy conversation with Matthew until his stop comes. Matthew stands up regretfully and pushes a piece of paper into Cas’s hand. “Call me, if you want,” he says, and then he’s gone.
Cas doesn’t know what to think about that. He looks at the paper and sees a string of digits, a phone number. He folds it carefully and tucks it away.
Finally, he steps off of the bus on shaky legs after being cramped for so long. Cas knows how to scam credit cards now, something Dean taught him after the whole Rexford fiasco, so he pulls the out the most recent one he had applied for and twists it over in his fingers, trying to ignore the ache that it brings. Cas sees the red neon lights of a motel in the distance, so he starts walking that way. He can remember when he first took control of this vessel, the effortless way it obeyed his commands. He compares it to now, and how his feet seem to drag across the ground.
At the motel, they don’t have any rooms left. Cas isn’t sure if he believes that, but when he’s offered a cabin to rent for the week, he thinks that sounds nice. Even if they were trying to upsell him, he doesn’t mind. He signs the papers and leaves his name as Clarence Worley. He’s not sure if it’s a tip of his hat to Meg or just holding out hope that Dean will come looking for him and recognize the alias. He doesn’t know if he has any hope left to hold out for Dean.
He lays on the bed and torments himself with his thoughts for a day until he goes to take a walk. He needs something, anything, to keep his mind from the spiraling pattern it desperately wants to follow, all things leading back to Dean. He’s on his second circuit around the town when his phone starts buzzing. He looks down, cursing himself for the way his chest clenches when he sees it’s Sam, and not Dean, calling him. He silences the phone and ducks into the bait and tackle shop. He wants to go fishing, he decides. He’s watched Dean go fishing any number of times in his dreams, and if that’s something that can make Dean happy and relaxed, Cas will give it a shot.
The man who runs the shop is named Andy, and he is very kind, walking Cas through the best fishing poles and other accessories he needs. He gives Cas directions to a lake where he can fish at, cautioning him to be wary of the wildlife officers, and ushers him off.
Cas doesn’t catch anything, and he’s not sure if it calms his mind any. Makes it more tired, maybe, from running itself in ragged circles thinking about Dean, Dean, Dean. Dean fishing on the dock in his dream, Dean laughing, Dean with the sun glinting off his hair, Dean grinning from the driver’s seat of the Impala, Dean relaxed and laid out after early morning sex… Cas shakes his head. This isn’t productive. His phone buzzes again. Still Sam.
He goes back the next day, though, and the next, and the next. What can he say? He’s a glutton for punishment.
He stumbles onto a case a week and twenty seven missed calls and texts later (none from Dean) when he returns to the bait shop. Andy doesn’t seem to be surprised to see Cas peeking into the shop window before it’s opened, just greets him with a “Hey, Clarence,” and pulls out his keys to open the door. “Come on in, early bird.”
Cas follows him inside. Andy turns on the lights and then heads to the counter and slogs whiskey into his cup, and Cas can’t help but think this is someone he can help. This isn’t someone he has to stand by and never question. “Is everything alright?”
Andy hesitates before telling Cas he’s a volunteer firefighter, and they just pulled a body out of the lake. He says the body was drained of blood, and Cas can’t help but think this is something he should look into.
He goes to the sheriff’s office. He goes to the sheriff’s office, and the sheriff has already sent off the body and won’t give him the case files without talking to his supervisor. He reaches inside his trench coat and reluctantly pulls out a business card. He hands it over and fervently hopes it’s Sam who’s closest to the phone bank.
The sheriff dials the number, and Cas waits with bated breath. “Uh, this is Sherriff Aldin Roy, I’m just checking up on Agent Worley.”
There’s a pause before the sheriff says to Cas, “He wants to talk to you.”
Cas groans. He does not want to talk to either of them, regardless of if it’s Sam or Dean.
“Hello,” Cas answers sullenly.  
“Cas. Sam’s been trying to call you,” Dean says woodenly, and Cas doesn’t know how he feels about that.
“I know.”
“Did you check his messages?”
“No,” Cas says petulantly, and he knows he’s not being fair, but neither is Dean.
“Right. Smart. Why would you? Look, I don’t know if you care or not, but God, Chuck, he’s back on the board, so watch yourself. And check your damn messages,” Dean says before he hangs up, the dial tone sounding in Cas’s ear. He still needs the case information, though, so he says, “Yes, sir. Thank you, sir,” before slamming the phone onto the receiver.
“I’ll get you those files,” the sheriff says.
Cas heaves an internal sigh of relief. “Thank you.”
Cas commandeers an office at the police station and spreads out all the files. He tries not to think about Dean, or Chuck, or Dean, or Dean. He looks through them and marks the locations of the bodies recovered on the map he picked up from the bait shop. He starts to sweat, so he pulls off his trench coat. He grimaces as he wipes his face, so it’s free of the sweat that shouldn’t be dripping off any part of his body.
When he sees a pattern, he goes to the lake where all the bodies seem to center around. He’s not sure if it’s a water monster of some kind, or if that’s just where a vampire is dropping off their victims. A woman he met at the police station, who the secretary wouldn’t take seriously when she said her son was missing, comes out of the trees behind him. “So, I followed you,” she says, and Cas sighs. He doesn’t need another person being hurt on his conscience.
The woman, Molly, says there’s an old silver mine in the middle of Cas’s map of x’s, and she says she won’t give him the location, but she’ll take him there.
“Okay. But stay close.”
They talk on their way there. Molly tells Cas how she uprooted her life, trying to get away from the toxicity she had found herself in. “But I guess taking yourself out of the game doesn’t really change the game,” she says, and that sticks with Cas. He hates that it resonates, but it does.  
Eventually, they find Molly’s son, sitting propped against one of the trees, looking bruised and with one of his ankles pointing the wrong way, but he’s alive.  Their discovery had kind of taken the wind out of Cas’s ‘monsters are real’ speech, but Cas doesn’t mind. The djinn that pops into view doesn’t hurt his credibility, either. It’s the sheriff, and Cas can’t say he’s surprised.
He slides his blade out of his sleeve. “You won’t hurt them,” he says, and the sheriff pulls out his pistol and shoots Cas through the heart.
Cas tries to keep the relief off his face that his weakening vessel can even heal, and he walks forward with a confidence he’s not sure he feels. “It’s always you. You selfish little men in positions of authority. You take what you want, who you want, and you believe your power will protect you.”
The man shoots him again, and Cas grips his lapels and throws him to the ground. “It won’t protect you from me.” He hefts his blade above his head and plunges it into the man’s sternum, piercing right through the bone. He feels a power he hasn’t felt for a while, control over himself, and he stabs the djinn repeatedly until his coat and shirt are spattered with blood.
He stands up and walks over to Molly and her son, who are looking at him with a sort of horror. He cautiously reaches a hand out over her son’s ankle, and Cas’s grace sputters weakly, mending the bone. When Cas straightens, he’s winded, but it’s worth it for the grateful look Molly gives him. “That’s a miracle,” she says in wonder, and Cas has missed that, just a bit. He had always been used to being treated with a sense of awe, and then he met the Winchesters, and his powers had just been an every day occurrence. Not that he minded too much, but a little bit of gratitude would be nice every now and again. “Were you sent by God?” she asks.
“I think you’re better off not knowing.”
“What does that mean?”
“It means I’m happy I met you, and that I met your son.”
“And now you’re leaving?”
“Yes. If I stay, nothing changes. It’s time for me to get back in the game.”
He escorts Molly and her son back to her car, and then he turns back to the woods. He knows it’s likely the djinn had more victims strung up somewhere, and he needs to find them. He combs the area near where he killed the djinn until he finds the silver mine Molly told him about. He walks in and his eyes strain in the dim light. He doesn’t have enough grace to waste on lighting up the area, though, so he squints and looks as far ahead as he can.
He sees a form tied by its arms to an old pipe, and he walks towards it until he hears footsteps behind him. He whirls around to see another djinn advancing towards him. The djinn dives for his legs, trying to knock him off balance, but he steps out of reach. He tackles the djinn and pins it to the dusty ground, his hand coming up to its forehead before he remembers himself and pulls out his knife instead. He plunges the knife through its eye, taking perverse pleasure in the djinn’s cries of pain. Maybe he understands why Dean gets so cagey when he goes too long without going on a hunt. Cas looks up and sees a familiar face is the one in chains. Cas rushes towards him, and Matthew looks up at him weakly. “Cas?” he groans.
Cas rips the tape off his arm and gingerly removes the needle stealing his blood. “Are you alright? Can you walk?”
Matthew starts to get to his feet before he stumbles and loses his footing. He grips Cas’s shoulder urgently. “There’s two of them!”
“I already killed one of them,” Cas answers, squinting down at Matthew to see how he’s hurt. Cas doubts he has enough grace to solve everything, but he can probably get Matthew walking again.
“Are you a hunter?” Matthew asks.
Cas hesitates for a second before he nods. “My prince,” Matthew says dramatically before trying to rise to his feet again.
Cas goes with him, his hands hovering near Matthew’s waist in case he falls again, but he seems okay.
“Are you a hunter, too?” Cas asks, just to be sure.
Matthew scowls. “Yeah. You just caught me on a bad day, that’s all.”
“I’m happy I could help,” Cas says sincerely.
Matthew looks up at him again. “Hey, you finish your book?”
“Yes?” Cas isn’t sure where Matthew’s going with that line of questioning until he wraps a fist in his tie and tugs him forward.
“I bet I can top whatever that ending was.” His mouth is inches away from Cas’s, their breath intermingling. Unlike in his book, Matthew’s breath does not smell like roses and oranges.
Cas doesn’t care, though, and he arches an eyebrow in challenge. Matthew tugs him forward and their mouths meet in a clash of wet lips and hot tongues. Matthew’s almost as good of a kisser as Dean, and-
Cas shuts down that line of thinking. He brings up a hand to cradle the back of Matthew’s head, gently pulsing a healing wave of grace into him, and backs him back into the wall. Cas pops the button of Matthew’s jeans and shoves a hand into his underwear, wrapping a hand around his half hard cock. Matthew pants into his mouth and fumbles for Cas’s pants, but Cas catches his hand. “Let me,” he murmurs, and unbuttons his own pants. He brings up a hand to Matthew’s mouth, making eye contact with Matthew as he licks a stripe down Cas’s palm. Cas puts that hand back in Matthew’s pants and strokes him until he’s fully hard and leaking.
Matthew leans his head back against the mine wall, exposing his throat, and Cas sucks a bruise there as Matthew moans. Matthew wedges a leg between Cas’s thighs, and Cas grinds against it until he’s out of breath. Matthew tries again to stick his hand down Cas’s pants, and this time Cas lets him. Cas adds in a twist of his wrist as he strokes Matthew, trying to make up for what he’s sure is his own lack of rhythm as his hips start to stutter and jerk forward of their own accord. Matthew moans again, a long, drawn out sound, and Cas feels wetness between his fingers and on his palm. He withdraws his hand, but Matthew isn’t done with him, jacking Cas with long strokes that make him moan and tremble. It’s Cas’s turn to thud his head against the wall as he feels and as he comes, he cries, “Fuck! Dean, fuck, right there!”
He sinks to the floor in a satisfied puddle and wipes his hand off on the ground. He turns his head to see Matthew staring at him. “What?”
“Some friend you left behind, huh?” he asks with a shit eating grin.
Cas thinks about what he said and groans. “Fuck.”
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incarnateirony · 4 years
you're a complete moron, yes straight guys partake in orgies, and they don't even need to touch other men's part, are you stupid or intentionally manipulative? two men can share a girl with one of them fucking her MOUTH.
How sweet nonnie, come here because you’re a tire fire of rage at the episode and you just needed somewhere to spray your misery on and hope it’s contagious?
You also seem to have missed the discussion where we already *tackled* the straight guy orgy thing but sure – I’ll give you that bone! You’re right. The peens don’t have to touch
On the other hand
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So who’s the idiot here?
As a helpful accessory, please enjoy one of the famous “Dean is straight, Cas sucks, Destiel isn’t real” antis pointing out that it is, in fact, super gay, so she just chooses to not believe the text out of her screen.
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Sorry son, the idiot ain’t me, it’s the person who doesn’t understand anatomy and is crying in my inbox on anon at everyone’s delight because They Don’t Wike It.
Like, fuck.
Even fucking Kelios gets it.
Have you wrapped your fucking skull around that?
She’s in literal denial mode, but she *gets* it.
Put your big boy, girl, or enby pants or bottomwear of choice on and get on your damn account if you’re half as confident as you want to put on through a ball wearing sunglasses. Otherwise, you’re bog standard gaslighting and just hoping some kid buys your bait. Find another blog to troll, you might find some 15 year old that believes your shit. 
Minding, there’s like a 50/50 chance you’re also a grown assed 40-something year old woman panicking about balls touching in text but I guess you have to get your false sense of superiority from somewhere. I’m sure there’s a blog out there for you to harass. It ain’t this one.
So here’s the thing. You, yeah you. 40-something year old woman with nothing better to do than to impulsively troll blogs anonymously because you deadass knew exactly how people would react to it because you reacted to it too before you tried desperately, and failed, to explain it away. You. That person.
If you think either I, or this season, is going to get any kinder to you from here, you’ve wandered in from some sort of alternate universe and I highly advise you learn our earth customs here.
Don’t worry! It only took her 15 years! You’ll get there!
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wedifferentfiretree · 4 years
you’re my favorite kind of night
Find me on AO3: Bluexyellow https://archiveofourown.org/works/18632470?view_adult=true
Castiel and Dean have been sleeping together for a while.
Sleeping as in sleeping.
Nothing else.
It was not the first time that Dean and Castiel slept together. Sleeping as in sleeping, in the most innocent meaning of the term. It had just been the product of coincidences (Sam is already sleeping, let's watch a movie, isn't it cold?), but they both had noticed it because they had both wanted it (I like spending time with him, this movie is a dumb pretext, I want him to stay). 
That night, Sam was passed out on the single bed of one of the crappiest motels they ever had the displeasure to spend a night. The covers were itchy, the wallpaper was downright hideous, the door to the bathroom had carefully been taken out if its beams and it was hot at hell – something Dean would know. The air conditioning as loud as it was ineffective, which rendered the atmosphere even more unbearable.
Sam had had a tough day. He had been the one to figure out that the person they thought was a shapeshifter was in fact an innocent bait and that he had left the true shapeshifter with Castiel and a bunch of pre-schoolers. He had called Dean who was preparing the murder of their innocent suspect, and they had rushed to help Castiel. The shapeshifter had not tried to attack yet. Sam had tried to lure him away from the kids, but it had felt that something was odd. Dean and Cas had gotten the children outside to allow Sam to savagely murder the shapeshifter. He had gained a few scratches in the process and the stress of the day, coupled with the heat had knocked him out right after dinner.
Around midnight, Dean went to bed and began reading. He was trying to act normal about it but Castiel had noticed that he usually would not read in public and that he was defensive about it -something he found odd but had not tackled yet.
He was reading a Sherlock Holmes novel. The jacket of the book was worn out and some pages were dog eared. For a while, Castiel just contemplated with fondness the way his friend looked more and more captivated by the story. Then, he went back to what had kept him more or less busy throughout the evening: rummaging through files and notes of previous cases. He was not doing anything in particular because he had been in a mood since they had gotten to the motel, unable to focus, annoyed at everyone who talked to him. 
Dean had though that it was because they had to share a bed, Sam had thought nothing of it because he was already falling asleep and Castiel could not believe that there was no fucking door to the bathroom.
He needed a door. 
He needed privacy.
Because he. Needed. A. wank.
He needed it even more since he was going to spend a night stuck to fucking Dean Winchester.
He needed a door to that bathroom.
He felt his excitation pooling in his belly and he felt jittery, annoyed, frustrated. He did not succumb to those urges very often; he had neither the chance nor the desire. He had other things to do. From times to times, though, he would feel a surge of envy, of desire and he would masturbate quickly, most of the time shamefully. 
  He thought of Dean when he did it.
   Afterwards, he’d feel guilty, almost dirty.
 Sometimes, they would cuddle against each other, touching each other’s skin, feeling the other’s fingers. It was their secret -Sam did not know, and even Dean and Castiel wouldn’t talk about it between them. Those were Castiel’s favourite moments: the night seemed to stop for them. Seconds and minutes and hours during which their bodies would brush by accident and then, one of them would move tentatively, pressing a hand against the other, lips suddenly pressed to the other’s neck.
Castiel could feel his heart racing in those moments. He wanted nothing more than to know he mattered to Dean the way Dean mattered to him. His clumsy touches seemed to indicate it. But Castiel wanted more. He wanted to hear it. He wanted Dean to speak about whatever there was between us because it was driving him crazy to be in this situation. Feeling their bodies touch in such intimate ways was wonderful but Castiel needed to hear it from Dean.  Sometimes, dozing at the back of the Impala, he would imagine them confessing their love to each other and making love, and keeping on professing their love for each other.
And sometimes, when he was horny and alone in the shower, he’d imagine Dean masturbating him or even fucking Dean, hard, pitiless, making him scream. He’d close his eyes and imagine as hard as he could, touching himself until he came wishing he could scream the name that died on his lips.
It was almost physically painful to open his eyes and come back to the reality of the sad motel bathroom in which he had jerk off to the thought of a man he loved dearly and was on the other side of the door, urging him not to use all of the hot water, or on the other side of the door, asking him if he wanted pizza or burgers and – Sam, shut up for a sec, I can’t hear him and yes Dean, I’m coming (you can’t imagine how true that is). And so he would wash off the traces of sperm from his skin, promising to himself that it was the last time he’d do that only to get back at his fantasies with even more strength the next time -this time, Dean was blowing him and then fingering him and then I love you, I love you.
But he always had to open his eyes in the end.
 Open his eyes, turn off the shower, go back to normal.
Dean eventually fell asleep around 1:30, his book still in his hands and Cas took all the time in the world to go to bed.
Dean woke up all at once, unable at first to pinpoint what had awaken him. Then Cas moaned, hips pressing against the mattress and Dean felt his face flush and his stomach twist because Cas was having a wet dream.
That was what had woken him up.
Dean was sure feeling very awake, heat pooled in his stomach – and lower and-
He could not let Cas sleep. He’d feel like he’d abuse him if he watched him get off in his sleep.
- Cas, he whispered softly, tentatively grabbing his shoulder.
Cas moaned again hips, still moving and whispered.
- Yes, Dean.
He did not seem to be answering the real Dean’s calls, the Dean whose heartbeat had suddenly increased because he could not bring himself to believe that Castiel was having a wet dream about him.
- Cas, he said again, louder this time.
Through the light of the neon that filtered through the broken blinds, Dean saw Castiel open his eyes (he always had to, in the end). He also witnessed his expression going from barely awaken and horny to confused and horrified.
- Dean-
- You were… having a nightmare, Dean provided. So I woke you up.
But Cas did not buy any of it.
- I am so sorry, Dean. Please, forgive me, I’m so sorry,  I just –
Castiel’s voice was wobbly, and he had sat down, trying to get away from Dean. For once, he did not even dare to look at Dean.
There was something, maybe in the vulnerability that Castiel displayed at that moment, or in the promiscuity of the bed, or maybe something else entirely that pushed Dean to decide what he wanted to do in the fraction of a second. He moved closer to Cas, put a hand on his thigh and his heart was racing like crazy and he was not entirely sure of what he was doing – hell, he had no idea at all.
- Don’t be sorry. I’m gonna help you with that all right?
- What?
 No. Shut up. Please. Let met touch you.
- Do you want me to help you, Cas? Dean asked, deliberately running his fingers from Cas’ thigh to his hips.
Castiel’s body was warm against his cool hand, and the contact was electrifying. The atmosphere between them crackled with  potential and now it was not his fingers that he put on Cas’ skin but his hand, his palm and he shuffled closer to the angel and his body was also very warm and Cas’ breath was erratic and Dean liked it.
- Yes. Yes Dean. Please.
His voice was nothing but a low rumble.
Dean pressed against him and fumbled under the covers until he found what he was looking for.
He had never jerked someone else off, but how different from masturbating could it be?
He took Cas’ cock in hand and began moving slowly. He could feel Cas arching against him, trying to muffle his moans of pleasure.
Dean felt like he was going crazy.
- What were you dreaming about, Cas?
Cas breathed faster.
- That’s fine, angel. You don’t have to tell me. Just think about what it is that made you want it so bad.
He could feel all the emotions he had tried to mute for years swelling in his heart, taking so much room, breaking his barriers. He smelt Cas, and he smelt good. He smelled like home. Like an ocean but he was also warm and reassuring like a fucking bakery.
Dean hated himself for loving this.
The revelation struck him with every movement of the wrist: he. hated. himself.
It was not right to like another man like that.
 Bullshit, bullshit.
He pushed back the tears that threatened to come.
And then, Cas pushed him back. Castiel was pushing him away. 
- Dean, stop, please. You don’t look fine.
He must have called his name before but he had not heard him. Castiel grabbed his wrist to prevent him from continuing.
Dean’s eyes were wide open, but he could not see. Disgusting.
- Dean, let’s go outside, please.
 Dean obeyed. He put an old plain t-shirt which was not even his and grey sweatpants. Castiel was waiting next to the bed, into his black hoodie and dumb blue pajama bottom. They sneaked outside as silently as possible.
The air smelled of melting tar and hot car wheels, but the air was cool. Without speaking, they walked away from the motel and its neon halo and climbed up on a little hill of dry grass that was behind the parking lot. They sat down behind bushes. The cars on the highway far away looked like a big luminous caterpillar. Everything looked very quiet and Dean marveled at the simplicity of the moment, the stars in the sky and Castiel beside him. His moment of weakness was gone and he felt just felt a bit tired.
They looked at the landscape for a while
Cas spoke first. 
- I am sorry I put you in this uncomfortable situation. I did not want to pressurize you into sexual intercourse. I feel very bad about it, Dean, I hope you can forgive me.
They did not look at each other. The atmosphere between them had changed so much since that moment when everything had felt so perfect and hot and careless… And now, it felt weird talking about Dean masturbating Castiel.
Dean cleared his throat.
- It’s fine, Cas, he managed to say. You did not force me.
- Are you sure? Because you don’t look fine.
Everything seemed so careless under the stars.
- I enjoyed it. Hell. I wanted
Cas waited a little before asking.
- Then do you want to talk about what went wrong?
Dean let the silence grow between them. This kind of discussion was not his favourite. Cas had resigned himself to the fact that Dean was not going to say more when he resumed speaking:
- I'm afraid to be with men, he said, as quickly as possible.
His voice was wobbly, and he hated himself a little bit more. He touched another guy’s dick once and now he was crying and talking about his feelings.
Cas thought that he was not really a man technically speaking, but he understood that this was beside the point and let Dean continue, his voice firmer.
- Amongst humans… It’s.. Not good for two men to be together. I mean, now it’s OK, now but before... And especially within our world …
Cas was always quick to understand when Dean was trying to hide something.
- Did someone hurt you, Dean?
Neck stiff, Dean nodded.
It felt weird to admit it.
It felt weird admitting he had been abused because of who he was, because of his sexuality.
It sounded dumb and weak.
- But it doesn’t matter anymore. It was long ago. I changed and …
He did not even know what he wanted to say. He voice was uncertain, and he cried. The tears caught him by surprise. Castiel held him close, kissed him on the back of his neck, in his hair.
Of course, Castiel would do that.
Dean wanted it so bad: being held, being told that everything was going to be fine.
Dean wanted Cas to do all of this.
The stars shone bright above them.
- I know that deep down you know it, Dean, but I’ll say it anyway. You can love who you want. You can love me.
Castiel took a deep breath before continuing: 
- I love you. I’ll always be there for you. No one will hurt you anymore, ever. I won’t allow it.
Dean cried louder, holding onto his angel.
- Don’t leave me, Cas. Don’t ever leave me.
- It’s okay, Dean. I’m here. I’m not going anywhere.
The hunter eventually calmed down. Castiel was rubbing his back, kissing him through his tears.
- Sorry for that, he said, wiping the tears of his face
- Don’t apologize, please. I want to be here for you, I need you to be honest with me.
 Once Dean had calmed down and a sort of nice familiarity had settled between them, they talked, and the stars looked over them.
  They talked, laughed, and Dean looked at Castiel and he was so pretty and vulnerable, and fierce, and nice, and he was his whole universe and so he kissed him, shyly at first, and then they looked at each other and kissed again. It was a shared movement; they reached for each other under the stars and Dean climbed on Castiel and the stars fell and rose in the sky but nothing felt as endless as the moment they were sharing and the kisses, now lying on the burnt grass behind a parking lot and they keep pressing their lips together, and their whole bodies and Dean felt fine because and angel told him he could love who he wanted and he wanted to love him.
- Let me finish what I started, Dean asked, fiddling with the elastic of Cas’ pants. Let me.
Cas let him.
Dean masturbated him, stroking his hard dick, kissing him, leaving hickeys on his neck, marveling at the sight of Castiel being touched under the stars. Castiel smelled of sweat and cheap deodorant and the ocean, an ocean of possibility and he positively smelt like sin and hell, did Dean love that. He was aroused, he felt his erection but he did not want to think about it, not yet.
- Come on Cassy, he mumbled, come for me.
It was as if he was praying and Castiel was chanting his name -Dean, Dean, Dean- and he came hard, closing his eyes under the stars.
Dean realized he was out of breath and covered in sweat and still hard.
He rubbed the cum that covered his hand in the frail grass while Castiel, eyes still closed, was slowly recovering.
Eventually, he opened his eyes and looked at Dean, and he smiled.
- You called me “Cassy”, he said after a moment.
Dean blushed.
- Heat of the moment, he mumbled. I won’t do it again if it bothers you.
- No, I liked it. I like when you give me nicknames. I feel like I … belong to you.
The hesitation in Cas’ voice made Dean look up.
- Belong to me, he repeated. Kinky.
He said that because he did not know what else to say but he sure knew how he felt. He felt dizzy with affection and happiness.
Cas smiled.
- If you say so. Kinky.
- C’mon.
They kissed again, Castiel sitting between Dean’s legs and being held in his arms.
- Dean, do you want me to masturbate you?
- Oh, um, no buddy, thank you. I’m fine.
- Buddy?
Cas turned around to face Dean and Dean noticed how rigid he had gone, how darker the blue in his eyes seemed to be.
- I don’t feel fully … comfortable with that yet, Cas.
He saw the sadness on his friend’s face and guilt attacked him like a hellhound.
- I’ll work on it, I promise, he added. It’s just… It’s not easy on me.
- Of course, Dean. Don’t worry about it, okay? Take your time.
There were times when Castiel really was a shitty liar. It wasn't that he did not understand Dean's struggle, he could only imagine how hard it must be for him but once again, he was keeping him away. 
They looked around for a while, still pressed against each other but the moment was gone. The air was cooling and the stars were fading out.
- Can you just –
Castiel fumbled with his words for a moment. Dean had rarely seen him at loss for words. Cas was flushed, probably from his orgasm but also from shyness and this was an incredible sight for Dean.
- Don’t worry about it, he finally mumbled, and Dean did not ask more.
They went back to the motel soon after. It was early morning. The stars had gone and the sky was a wistful shade of blue.
They went back to their bed as silently as they had sneaked out. On the way to the bed, Cas tripped over Dean's used copy of the Sherlock Holmes novel. He picked it up, thinking about when he had seen it, hours earlier, as Dean was reading, and he had not dreamt yet nor had his dream become real . He put the book on his nightstand. 
In the morning, Cas took more time than usual before getting up. He laid there in the bed with his eyes closed during long minutes. They had a lead in Nebraska, they had to be on the road in fifteen minutes, stop for coffee and get the hell out so it would be good if you could move your gear, Cas and why not start by opening your eyes, buddy?
Cas opened his eyes.
He always had to in the end.
Sam was already checking them out of the motel.
Dean was waiting for him.
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The Animal within
Ok this is a request by @roseygardenfan they wanted to do a smut fluff with Benny from supernatural and the reader. Seeing as this is my firstish smut, I hope you like it. Also I might have Gabriel be YN guardian angel like Cas is to Dean.
Warnings: smut so nudity, older brother Dean getting pissed.
Yn was blasting music in her 1960 Firebird. She got a text from her brother Dean. He wanted her to go on a hunt with him and a new ally. She sings 'Somebody to Love' as she enters New Orleans. She heads parks her car at a dinner. She smirks when she sees the Impala. She opens it and puts a condom in it. She enter the dinner and sees Dean with a cute guy. "What did you put in Baby?" Dean asked.
"Something you are always asking about when we were younger." Yn said.
Dean rolled his eyes. "This is Benny, a friend of mine and he also saved my ass a few times." Dean said.
You got a closer look at Benny and smiled. "An angel, King of Hell, a werewolf and now a vampire, wow Dean you gotten quite a group of friends. I am YN, Sam's older twin." Yn held out her hand.
Benny looked at Yn with surprise. She looked like an angel to him. Her blond hair was cut short and her hazel eyes showed her hardship. He grab her hand and gave it a kiss. "It is nice to meet ya. I wonder why I don't see you around often. I figured the Winchesters was pack animals." Benny joked a little.
Dean glared at Benny when he kissed Yn hand. "The only time I am an animal is in bed." Yn smirked.
"Ok enough flirting, we got a job to do. There have been reports of people going missing in the woods." Dean said.
"So what of the bodies found?" You asked.
"Heart taken out." Benny said.
Yn nodded her head then a plate of chocolates moose pie was set in front of her. "I didn't order this." Yn said.
"I knew you wanted this Gum Drop." Said a male voice. "So who is the cute vamp?"
Yn turn to see Gabriel dressed as a waiter. Yn almost busted into laughter. "Gabriel, pull up a chair and set. Also thanks for the pie."
Benny glared at the new guy with a hint of jealousy. He didn't know why but when this Gabriel person set by Yn he wanted to rip the dude head off. "What the fuck is he doing here?" Dean yelled.
"Deano, I am here to make sure Yn here is safe. As her Guardian angel and we'll more at one point, I have to make sure she is safe." Gabriel said.
Yn jumped in surprise when she heard a glass break. She turns to see the glass Benny was holding shattered. "Are you ok?" Yn asked.
Benny looked at his hand then clean the glass. "Yeah I had a bad thought." He semi lied.
He thought of removing Gabriel from Yn. He thought of what Gabriel meant when he said he was something more to Yn. Was they lovers at one point. He didn't blame Yn, Gabriel was good looking. "Don't worry Vamp, we were long over with now. Thanks for the compliment." Gabriel said.
Benny glared at Gabriel. "Did I mention before I am the Archangel Gabriel?"
Benny didn't stand a chance for YN feelings, wait feelings he only meet the girl today. "So Gabriel, do you know if there are werewolves in the woods?" Yn said.
"Yep so don't dressed up as Little Red Riding Hood." Gabriel said.
Yn nodded then paid got up. Her pie was half way gone. "Welp, let's meet up at your hotel Dean and make a plan. More than running in and slaying." Yn said.
Benny got up. "I would like to ride with Yn. I would like to get to know her." Benny said.
"I call shotgun." Gabriel said then runs to YN car.
Dean pouts a little that no one wants to be in his car. Yn smirks then runs her pinky down her face like it was a tear. She walks over to her car and sees Benny glaring at Gabriel. She knew he was jealousy of the Archangel. "I hope you all like Fallout Boy?" Yn asked.
Before anyone could say anything Yn played 'Thanks for the Memories' and sang to it. Gabriel rolled his eyes and Benny was amazed by her voice. They reached Dean's motel room, thanks to Benny. Yn walked in and had a condom thrown at her face. "Thanks Yn for that." Dean said.
Yn gave Dean a mock bow then put it in her back pocket. "I might need that later." She said.
Gabriel shakes his head and Benny glares. Yn sets on the bed then looks serious. "What are we gonna do about the werewolves? No telling how many they are." She said.
Dean looks at her then a two Supernatural beings. "Well, we need to scout out the woods. They seem to go for females." Dean said.
Yn nodded then had a plan that was crazy. "No Yn, you will not go into the woods by yourself." Gabriel said, then pull her to him.
Yn and Dean could have sworn they heard growling. Gabriel smirked at that then let YN go. "Feather ass is right Sis, you will not be going alone. You will be bait however. You lore them to us then we strike." Dean said.
Benny pulled YN away from Gabriel and held her by her lower back. Yn smirked then kissed Benny on the check. "Just don't hurt my sister. I can't kill Gabriel but I sure can end your life, friend or no." Dean said.
Benny smile in victory. Yn walked out of the room with the boys following them. She got a bag of clothes out of her trunk. "I am gonna change."
Benny followed Yn into the room. Looked at the beautiful sight in front of him. Yn pale skin shine with the lights, he looks at her scars and tattoos like he was looking at artwork. "You can touch if you want? I don't bite unless you want me to?" Yn said with a wink.
Benny bite his lip and walks closer to her. "Do you know vampire mates for life?" Benny said.
Yn wraps her arms around his neck. She looks deep into his eyes. She sees the pain he went through. "Let me help you forget?" She whispered.
Benny pulled YN into a kiss. They fight for dominance but in the end Benny wins and explore Yn mouth. He grows at her taste. He lefts her up and pins her on the bed. "Show me the how much of an animal you really are?" He whispered.
Yn quickly flips them over. Her breast bounces a little at the suddenly movement. Benny bite his lips at the slight above him. He watches as Yn unbuttons his shirt and kiss every part of his exposed skin. He gasp when he felt her bite him. He lets out a groan when. He his pants tighten. "Is my vampire pants too tight now." Yn said in a mocking tone. He growls then flips them back so he was on top.
He quickly remove his pants so now the only thing in their way was their underwear. He begin to kiss and bite down her body feeling her body tense and hears her silent moans. He pulls her panties off of her with his teeth. "You look so beautiful." He growls.
Yn looks at Benny then growls. "If you don't enter me now, I" She gaspes when she was quickly filled.
The room filled with silent sounds of pleasure as the two move in sync with each other. Benny worship Yn's body like she was a goddess to him. When they got close, Benny bits into Yn neck claiming her as his mate.
Yn gasp then cums when she fleet Benny bite her. She soon feels Benny fill her. She begin to pant softly as she looks at the vampire. "Now you don't have to be jealousy of Gabriel Love." Yn said.
Benny growls then pins her to the bed again. Before he could start the second round, there was a loud knock on the door. "Hurry up love birds. You don't have time for round two." Dean yelled.
Benny and Yn chuckled then got up. Yn put on black skinny jeans and a crop top and some boots. Benny looked at her body and growls. "You are a tease." He said.
Yn winked then kissed Benny on the lips. "Let kill some wolves." She said.
She got out of the room to have Gabriel grab her and fake cry. "My Gum Drop is all grown up."
Benny pulls Yn to him and glare at Gabriel. "You will be with Dean and I am with YN." He said.
Dean gave Benny the famous bitch face. "Deano, you can tell me about Cassy." Gabriel said.
Yn knew why Benny did it and kissed him. "You are something else my vampire." She said.
Benny winked then got into the car. They drove to the woods. Yn got out and walk into the woods. The leader of the pact of wolves got to Yn. He was flirting with her. Before he could touch her, his head was rolling on the ground. Yn got her silver blade. Everyone was attacking the werewolves but no one saw the one behind Yn until it was too late. Benny froze when he heard Yn cry out in pain.
He quickly turn to see Ya stab through the gut. He runs to her and rips the wolf up. Gabriel grabs onto Yn. Benny runs to YN with tears running down his face. "I can heal her but she will be in a coma for a few days." Gabriel said.
"Just do it." Benny hissed.
Light surrounds YN as her wounds heal. "Benny go to Yn car and drive it to the bunker. Take Yn with you." Dean said.
Benny picks up Yn from Gabriel and carry her. He looks at her with guilt. "I am sorry my Buttercup." He whispered.
The drive to the bunker was long as Benny didn't even listen to music. Once he got inside, Sam aims a gun at him. He sees his older twin and thinks the worse. Sam was about to kill Benny, but Cas and Gabriel stops him. Gabriel explain what happened.
"He can stay but I will keep a close eye on him. Hurt her and I will make sure you will beg to return to Purgatory."
"If I hurt her I will let you." Benny said.
Sam showed Benny to Yn room. He stayed by her side until she woke up. It was a week when YN woke up. She looks at Benny with confusion then remember everything. She tackle hugs him. Benny cries into her neck. He keeps whispering how much he loves her. "Even if we only meet, I love you too Benny. I am not gonna leave you." Yn said. "How about you show me how much you miss me." Yn said.
Let just say when Sam went to check on Yn, he got himself an eye full. He closes the door and walks out. "So don't go in there for a long time."
Gabriel and Dean bust into laughter at the traumatized look that Sam had.
I hope you like this story. My first official smut. @roseygardenfan I hope you like it once again.
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hellas-himself · 6 years
Where There Are Shadows Pt.10
I’m finally happy with it. 
Rhys and Lucien around Feyre is great, but Rhys and Lucien alone is just... well, you’ll see. 
Also, if anyone wants to be tagged in future posts, let me know!!
 I looked at myself in the mirror, dressed in nothing but pants. Cassian and Az would be arriving any moment. I stared at the tattoo on my chest, twin to the one on Feyre… And Lucien. Feyre was curled up in bed, and Lucien… He was in a room down the hall.
I hadn’t slept. I had thought only of what we had done. Of Feyre asking Lucien and I to spend time together first. So I had invited him to train with me and my brothers thinking that he would decline because of Azriel. But the fox accepted, seemed eager for it. I did not know how to feel, that he would be so inclined to be anywhere near me.
I had not tried to test out what this bond would bring us. I had done my best to avoid even touching it. With a sigh, I went after my boots and a shirt.
Lucien was slipping into a shirt when he opened the door. I hadn’t even knocked.
“Good morning,” he said, turning to go fetch his boots.
“Feyre will probably meet us whenever she deigns to wake up,” I said, crossing my arms as I leaned against the doorway.
Lucien chuckled. “I’ll be sure to tell her that. Perhaps she’ll knock your ass into the ground.”
I grinned. “It’s always a good day when I’m under Feyre.”
He rolled his eyes.
I led Lucien through the House until we took the stairs that led to where we would be training. Cassian was the first to arrive, crushing me in an embrace. He gave Lucien a wicked grin.
“It’s always good to have more company. Better practice that way.”
Lucien seemed unsure how to answer.
“You’ll be sparring with him, Cas. I need to practice my swordsmanship with Azriel.”
Cassian gave me a knowing look. “Come on foxy boy, let’s get started.”
I gave my brother a grateful smile. And then Azriel arrived, his shadows whipping around him until he landed.
“No Feyre?” he asked, as he came to embrace me.
“Not yet,” I replied. “She’s still asleep.”
Azriel only nodded. He glanced over to where Cas and Lucien were.
“Smart,” Az said, perhaps more to himself than me.
Cassian seemed very amused with Lucien. The fox was strong, sometimes sly, but able to keep up with him.
“I’m impressed,” Cassian said with a huff, reaching for the dagger strapped to his leg. He tossed it at Lucien who caught it easily.
“When you’ve spent most of your life having to look over your shoulder, I suppose one learns a thing or too.” Lucien was smiling, even as Cassian produced another blade.
Azriel and I weren’t practicing as much as we were taking turns watching, listening. I observed Lucien out of curiosity, where Azriel watched him like a protective older brother. Lucien fought the way a survivor did, his offense fueled by the need to keep going. But I imagined that centuries with Tamlin had taught him to be defensive, his safety becoming greater than fighting back.
“You’re losing focus, High Lord,” Az said with a smirk. He nearly managed to knock me off my feet.
When Feyre arrived, the four of us had lost our shirts along the way. She was just watching, a look of contentment on her face. She blushed whenever one of us looked her way.
Do you like what you see?
Her eyes widened. Keep it up, prick. I might just want them in on this too.
I laughed, Azriel not confused in the least. We need a bigger bed. 
When Lucien and I paused to drink water, Feyre made her way to Azriel. My brother finally looked relaxed, even smiling at something she said.
“So,” Cassian said, “Those are new.” I knew he had not missed my tattoo, nor the one that Lucien shared.
“Indeed,” I said, looking at him as I drank my water.
Cassian put an arm around Lucien’s shoulder. The fox met his stare.
“So I guess you’re sticking around for a while.”
“So it would seem.”
Feyre squeezed between Cas and Lucien, beaming. “Good morning.”
Cassian pressed a kiss to her head. “I’ve been dancing with your fox all morning.”
“So I saw.” She got on her tip toes to give each male a kiss on the cheek before she came to me, wrapping her arms around my waist. “Rhys.”
“Feyre, darling.” I kissed her, more so when Cassian made sounds of disgust.
Feyre pulled away, turning around to face Cassian. I made my way towards Lucien, wrapping an arm around his shoulder to guide him in the opposite direction. Just as Feyre tackled Cassian into the ground.
“We do not want to be in between that,” I said. Azriel was sitting on a bench, polishing his blade. But I knew he was watching Feyre, too. I had to admit, Feyre seemed to move much like Cas did, like watching a smaller mirror image of him. They were spewing taunts at one another, laughing at each other.  
“Is this a normal occurrence?” Lucien asked, and I grinned.
But it was Azriel that answered. “Feyre’s been putting Cassian in his place since the first day we met her.”
“Sounds about right,” the fox replied, a smile on his face.
“Isn’t she exquisite,” I said, not caring if anyone replied.
“I feel sorry for anyone who crosses her,” Lucien said quietly.
In that regard, we three agreed.
Morrigan arrived, dressed in her usual red. She came to settle beside me. “How long has this been going on?”
“Not long,” Azriel said. “But Feyre needs more practice.”
Mor giggled. “I hope she heard you.”
I sighed. “It will only serve to make her want to train harder. Feyre has a soft spot for Azriel.”
“She does not,” the shadowsinger muttered, but he smiled. Mor pretended not to notice.  
“Have they been torturing you all morning, Lucien?” Mor asked and Lucien seemed a bit surprised but recovered quickly.
“Nothing more than cheap shots at my pride, but otherwise an excellent warm up for the day.”
“Hm.” Mor smiled something wicked but said nothing else.
Feyre took Mor with her to the gallery, with Cas and Azriel returning to the Illyrian camps.
Which left me alone with Lucien.
The House was far too quiet without the others in it, and it was starting to unnerve me. I paced around my room, perused the library but found nothing that called out to me. I was certain I’d read most of them, anyway. I was tempted to go pose for Feyre at the gallery, but I knew she’d sooner toss me out on my ass and send me back here. To Lucien.
I went looking for him.
Whatever I had been ready to say died on my tongue when I found him at last. He was lying on his bed, playing with fire. He was not even looking at the flames that danced around his fingertips. He was lost in thought, one arm under his head, staring up at the ceiling. The repetitive movement of his hand and the fire was comforting. But then I realized I was staring.
I knocked on the open door, and the flames dissipated, his hand going to rest on his stomach.
“Bored, Rhysand?”
“Actually, yes.”
He raised his head slightly enough to look at me.
“Care to go for a walk?”
I took him to walk along the Sidra. I knew that if we went into the city, we would end up at the gallery. Lucien seemed much more relaxed here in the open air any way, surrounded by trees. I imagined if he were in his usual green, he would look made for this- for nature.
“You’re awfully quiet,” Lucien said, shoving his hands in his pockets. The day had taken a slight chill.
I shrugged. “It’s peaceful.”
“It is.”
We continued to walk in silence for a time.
“Why don’t you show it off?” I asked, truly curious.
“Show what?”
“Your fire.”
Lucien looked a bit taken aback.
“I… I’m from the Autumn Court. I figure it’s an assumption anyone would make.”
“Did Tamlin encourage you to hide it?”
Lucien tensed a bit. “Tamlin felt it was for my own good.” I knew he regretted the words as soon as he said them.
I stopped walking. I did not look at him, merely keeping my eyes on the Sidra. How it glittered in the sun. Tamlin was a fucking bastard. I shoved my hands in my pockets. Lucien stood beside me, embarrassed.
“Cassian taught Feyre how to fight, physically. When I see how much progress she makes… It’s incredible.”
I heard Lucien sharply inhale.
“But it always wasn’t so… She was terrified to have the freedom to fight. To learn. And yet, she can tackle the commander of my armies to the ground and kick his ass.” I was grinning. Feyre pulled on our bond. What are you so smug about, prick?
You are exquisite.
I could almost see her rolling her eyes. I sighed.
“Such a beautiful day, is it not? Come on, there’s a trail my brothers and I take to go fishing.”
I had started to walk away, but Lucien had grabbed me by the wrist. He quickly let go, but it was enough to get me to turn around. He was angry, no doubt at himself, and I knew somewhere deep inside, he was angry at Tamlin, too. Even if he did not want to believe it.
“You’re not going to mock me?”
I raised a brow. “Whatever for?”
Lucien made to speak but stopped. He eyed me with utter disbelief.
“It is easy to accept a wrong when there is physical evidence of it,” I said, closing my eyes. I fought off a shudder- I could still feel Amarantha’s hands on my skin. I could still hear her fucking voice. But she was dead. I opened my eyes and turned to the Sidra. Lucien’s gaze was too much.
“When your heart and mind are manipulated, it is harder to see it. To accept it. But abuse is abuse, Lucien. Even if Tamlin never laid a hand on you,” which I was certain he had, “He wore you down. Not just physically. But your spirit, too.”
Lucien turned to face the Sidra, and we stood side by side in silence. I was not sure where Lucien’s mind was, but I was contemplating tearing Tamlin to shreds and appointing someone else to rule over that fucking court. Rhys, what’s wrong?
Bad memories, love. All is well. 
I considered my words, the truth in them took me by surprise. Perhaps… He needed this, too.
“You mentioned a trail,” Lucien said at last.
“Come on, I’ll show you where I pummeled Cassian into the ground for stealing my bait. And the tree Azriel accidently broke.” We were walking now, side by side.
“He broke a tree.”
“He hadn’t meant to, but we were racing and he might have gotten… shoved off course. He still won. You’d think that being what I am, the fucking shadows would take a liking to me.”
Lucien chuckled. “Poor little High Lord.”
I rolled my eyes. “I plan on bringing Feyre here when it’s warmer. I want her to make Azriel eat shit.”
“I thought she favored him.”
“She always has.”
“And Cassian?”
I huffed a laugh. “They have the same spirit. Those two… That’s how I knew I loved her.”
“Because of Cassian?”
“Right here!” I exclaimed. The ground seemed to dip in slightly. “Bastard puts up a good fight.”
Lucien eyed the ground and then looked at me if I had lost my wits. It only made me laugh.
“Come along now, fox. The broken tree is not far, and I would like to have lunch sometime today.”
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caranfindel · 4 years
Recap/review 15.06: “Golden Time”
THEN: Dean and Cas had a fight. Sam killed Rowena, and she took all the souls that escaped from Hell with her. Boy, that was a short THEN.
NOW: Rowena's apartment. Cool music. A neighbor named Jessie knocks on "Mrs. MacLeod's" door and asks if she's okay, since they haven't seen her in a while. Getting no response, she whispers some non-English words into the keyhole and the door opens. Jessie is smug and self-satisified, but as she ransacks the place, she doesn't seem to find anything of value. She smashes anything breakable, dumps the contents of drawers onto the floor, and gets angrier and angrier, asking "where is the good stuff?" Then her nose starts bleeding and she coughs up blood and attempts to crawl to the door but doesn't make it. RIP, Jessie.
Title card!
Bunker. Sam is doing research, finding things like "It's A Miracle! Baby Parts Lake Superior!" and "Saint Mary Appears on Three Cheese Pizza." Are these random crazy articles, or is Chuck actually performing random crazy miracles? Sam detects some weirdness, but doesn't see what we can see - a ripple in the air behind him. Uh oh. Looks like the MotW is the Predator.
Dean enters, wearing the dead guy robe and pajama pants in a hot dog print (!!!) and eating cereal out of the box. He's delighted that they still print jokes on the box. "What's round and bad tempered? A vicious circle!" Sam is not amused. "I've been looking for signs of God or Lilith and you've been in your room eating cereal?" Dean adds that he's also been marathoning Scooby Doo (waves to the Continuity Fairy) and asks Sam if he's found anything. Apparently Sam doesn't consider Pizza Mary to be actual evidence of Chuck, so he says no. During this conversation, Dean has taken a box of muesli off the shelf - clearly Sam's cereal - and taken a bite. He makes a face and goes for a box of Cocoa Crunch instead. This whole thing is (1) funny, and (b) the kind of watching-the-guys-live-their-lives scene that I adore. But I also wonder why we're seeing Dean eat so much lately. Is it performative on Dean's part? See, look, I'm eating and drinking all the time, I must be okay? Or is it performative on the writers' part? See, you guys think it's cute the way Dean eats, so we're going to have him eating and drinking ALL THE GODDAMN TIME? Or, I don't know. Maybe he's a stress eater. Maybe he's just hungry. (How about that three cheese pizza?)
Sam asks if he noticed "anything weird" when he came in. Dean didn't, and he asks if Sam had another vision. Sam says he hasn't had one since the last episode, and he thinks maybe they stopped. Which is good for Sam, but not so much for me, because DAMN if his visions aren't entertaining. Dean's not convinced - he thinks the visions will return until God finds them.
Elsewhere. Simmzy's Bait and Tackle. I'm sure Simmzy is a shoutout to someone associated with the Show. Oh, good, Cas is here. I was hoping we'd get an episode where half of it is dedicated to a Cas storyline that has nothing to do with the Winchesters. I love when that happens.
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Simmzy himself (aw, hell, I don't know what his name is but I'm calling him Simmzy) shows up, calling Cas "Clarence." (That's two for the Continuity Fairy.) Apparently Clarence is a regular here. He's been fishing often enough that the fish are anticipating him. (Sidebar: Throwaway comment, metaphor, or foreshadowing? Discuss.) He mentions a "friend who always praised fishing for its meditative qualities." IT'S DEAN. THE FRIEND IS DEAN.
He notices Simmzy, whose first name is Andy, tipping a bottle of alcohol into his cup (and now I hope this guy isn't Simmzy, because Andy Simmzy is a stupid name) and asks if everything is okay. Andy tells him he helped pull the body of a missing kid out of the lake this morning. The kid looked like he drowned, except he was drained of his blood. Did you do an autopsy, Andy?
Elsewhere. Sam is jogging!!! Unfortunately, it looks like a cold rainy day, so he's wearing long sleeves and long pants, and he has a hood over his head. (Shakes angry fist at Vancouver Kansas weather.) Yes, it's definitely a cold day, because he can see his breath. Oh, no, wait. He looks concerned about that, so it must be a ghost. He lowers his hood (thank you baby Jesus) and looks around and sees the Predator-like shimmering air and then it resolves into... Eileen? It's Eileen! (Yes, this was a surprise, because I cover the names of the guest stars.) She's clearly a ghost, because they've used the Supernatural Ghost Makeup Protocol (foundation to cover the pink of her lips, no blush.) "Hi Sam," she says, with a little wave.
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Okay, I’m going to end this excerpt here, because Tumblr won’t let me make a “read more” cut and I don’t want anyone to have to scroll through miles of nonsense and prettiness. But there is nonsense, and there is pretty, if you want to read the rest on my LJ.
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101330923jb1 · 5 years
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janetchavezcom · 6 years
Surf Fishing | Tips & Tricks for Landing Massive Fish
Very few angling experiences rival that of a surf beach for exhilaration and pure enjoyment, the noise of the waves pounding the beach coupled with the vast horizon filled with ocean, it’s easy to feel awed by the sheer power of the sea. But, what’s happening under the water and where are the fish feeding? Surf fishing has spawned something of a cult following and a booming market has grown up around this popularity, with a huge range of specialist tackle and rods produced. There are many species of fish to be found on a surf beach and these will vary from location to location. The tactics employed to snare these fish will be similar in nature as most species tend to be found inside the surf line are generally closer to shore than you might expect.
Surf fishing isn’t one for the angler that prefers to be static. Surf is always on the move as the tides and conditions change, it’s taking advantage of this changing nature that will determine whether or not you’re successful or not. Some of the most popular surf beaches have seemingly featureless landscapes, sporting on sand and waves. On some days the surf won’t be present, leaving a vast expanse of glassy ocean. But when the water comes alive and the winds begin to stir, the seabed is disturbed and it’s this that gives many species of opportunistic feeders the chance to have their fill.
The clarity of the water in many surf beaches is hugely influenced by the silt, sediment, and sand on the seabed and what’s feeding into the water from the surrounding shorelines. This will also dictate what species you’re likely to encounter.
It’s important to understand that not all surf will contain fish. The wind and tide will influences how the food and therefore the fish are distributed along the shoreline. Any food brought up by the surf won’t necessarily be pushed towards the shoreline, instead, it’ll often travel along the shoreline and accumulate in hot spots created by natural occurring gullies and holes. It’s these spots that the fish will tend to gather.
Experienced surf anglers will tend to read the surf and adjust their tactics accordingly. In many surf beaches around the world, brown water created during heavy surf is the preferred target for anglers. It’s important to consider your fishing spot, the ideal location is not always where you parked your car. Many surf anglers suggest it is possible to read the surf and, in many parts of the world, brown water in heavy surf is targeted. In the UK it is important to give your choice of fishing spot some thought – the best fishing is not always in front of your parked car.
Surf Fishing for Beginners
Beginners looking to take up surf fishing are often surprised by the huge variety of fish that can be caught just a few feet from the shoreline. Nearly every saltwater species, with the exclusion of deep sea game, such as marlin, can be caught from the shoreline.
Surf fishing is not difficult to learn, a small amount of knowledge and the right gear is enough to get you started. Tactics may change depending on the weather, type of shoreline, tides and the species of fish you’d like to catch, but the basics remain the same.
Tackle to Get Started
You can, of course, the head of to the beach with a six-foot rod, some hooks, a weight and some bait, and you may have some limited success, but chances are it’ll end up being an exercise in frustration and lost tackle.
Many experienced surf fisherman will turn up on the beach with a variety of rods, plenty of tackle and a range of baits as well as more than a few tools. Taken to the extreme, some will take enough gear to equip half a dozen fishermen.
However, as someone that’s just starting out, you don’t need all of this. Get yourself a decent 12 – 15 foot long with large line guides and pair it with a large saltwater spinning reel  and some 25-pound test line. Something along the lines of this would work well.
Armed with just this equipment, you should be able to make a cast that exceeds 100 yards. An experienced angler can make a cast that is more than 200 yards.
If you have the means to do so, you can employ a smaller rod to make casts that land closer to shore, allowing you to cover a bigger range of ground.
There are a ton of rigs you can employ as a surf fisherman which are largely dependent on the conditions and the fish species targeted. I would go as far as to say that there is probably a distinct rig designed for every sort of saltwater species. As a beginner, you don’t need to worry too much about this. Employing a basic two hook leader coupled with a four-ounce sinker and some Khale hooks should cover 90% of the conditions and species you’re likely to encounter.
Small tip, invest in a sand spike as soon as you can. They are inexpensive PVC pipes that are sharpened at one end, the sharpened end is driven into the sand and will allow you to rest your rod inside. These will obviously keep your rod and reel out of the sand and water, but they are a must have for when you land a fish, acting as another pair of hands while you deal with the messy end.
You’ll also need a bucket, knife, needle-nose pliers, a cooler for storing your bait and a hook remover. If you want to get serious about the bobby then it’s well worth investing in a dedicated tackle box and possibly even a cart for lugging your gear down the beach.
Bait and Lures
As a beginner is best to keep things simple and sticking to the most popular baits such as mullet, shrimp or squid. Shrimp is great as it’ll attract almost every species that you’re likely to encounter, the downside is it’s easily sucked off a hook. Mullet and squid are better at staying on the hook, the downside is that some species ignore them. Combining both shrimp and squid is a great option.
When it comes to lures, keep things simple. A silver or gold spoon can probably catch just about anything, but it’s well worth asking a local tackle shop about what works in the area you intend to fish.
Guide to Seasons and Conditions
The two golden rules of fishing for saltwater species is that fish are nearly always on the move and you might be surprised by what you catch. Just like land animals, fish are influenced by the seasons, temperatures, weather and additionally the tide. It’s these factors that will influence what fish will likely be hanging around your favorite fishing spot.
Many species are actually migratory and will move north or south as the waters warm and cool, depending on which side of the equator you’re living on. Some species will move toward the shore as the tide begins to come in, while others wait until the sun begins to set. Other species will base their movements on the temperature of the water, preferring to keep the surrounding water within an optimal range, which means moving into shallower or deeper water to meet those needs.
An incoming tide will more than likely bring in more fish compared with an outgoing tide, additionally, dusk and dawn are likely to be far more fruitful compared to fishing at midday. Moreover, early summer, late spring and the fall months are going to provide a greater opportunity to land a larger variety of fish. This is primarily due to migratory patterns bringing fish closer to shore.
Reading the surf conditions is a skill that is finely tuned over time, but there are a few general tips that can make your life easier. Try to cast between the waves, along the side of sandbars, within rip currents or in areas where there’s a large drop-off.
Keep an eye out for bird activity or fish rising. If fish are in a feeding frenzy, then you’ll likely see them breaking the surface of the water. Diving birds such as seagulls and pelicans can give a good indication of plenty baitfish in an area, if there are baitfish, there will be larger predatory fish as well. Lastly, look out for other people fishing. If there are a bunch of surf fisherman in one area, chances are they are there for a reason. Don’t feel shy about getting in on the action.
Casting, Hooking and Reeling in
I’m assuming that you already know how to cast, in which case you should have no problems surf casting. For surf casting, you may wish to concentrate on accuracy and distance and don’t worry too much about learning a new casting technique. If you’re brand new to fishing then check out the video below for a few pointers.
When you’re using bait, make sure you wait for the weight to hit the sea floor before flipping the bail. Once you’ve tightened the line, wait a few minutes to make sure that everything is set and secure. I would recommend holding onto your rod as a beginner as this will allow you to get a good feel for what a bite feels like. Just remember, fish make take a few nibbles before they actually commit to taking the whole bait.
Once you know what a fish strike feels like, you can start to use the rod holder, just make sure you keep an eye on the rod tip that could signal a nibble.
As soon as you set a hook, let them take the line for a bit. This will allow you to get an idea of how big the fish is and you can then adjust the drag accordingly to avoid line breakage.
When you hook a fish, let him fight a bit before reeling it in. Get a sense for how big he is and determine if you need to adjust the drag to ensure that it does not break your line.
Learn from other anglers in your area. A local tackle shop can contain a wealth of information, and many of them are more than happy to give you some pointers. Check to see if there are any local fishing clubs and maybe team up with a more experienced buddy. You don’t have to go with someone every time, but learning from someone else at least initially can make your life much easier.
Surf Fishing Tips
If you’re looking to take your fishing game to the next level, then these surf fishing tips are a sure fire way to maximize your chances of success.
It’s frequently tempting when you’re fishing a beach to try and cast as far as you can on your first cast, and then just hope that you’ll have success. It’s not always the best tactic. How much more efficient and effective would you be if you knew what the seabed looked like, where the fish are likely to be hanging out, and what time of day they’re going to be feeding?
In our tips section, we aim to give you all the information you need in order to answer these questions and much more besides.
Carry out a Low Tide Survey
Our number one tip is to take a stroll along the surf beach while the tide is out, ideally during a spring tide. During your walk think about the exposed landscape you’re seeing and take a mental or actual note of where the hollows, banks, and gullies are. If you look out over the water, can you see anything protruding from the water that’s been exposed by the low tide? Does the seabed change the further out you go, stones, pebbles, rocks, sand or mud? Can you see any signs of life, mussels, worms, cockles? Are there any significant patches of seaweed or rock formations? Are there any objects that will likely rob you of your tackle but could attract fish?
If you want to take this a step further, cast out a line with only a weight attached from the low water mark. As you begin to reel it in you should be able to feel how the seabed changes. Sand feels very different from rocks or pebbles. Take photographs to reference later on with easily identifiable landmarks within the photo frame so you can later identify where things are at high tide.
All of this is valuable data which you can later use to place your bait where you think the fish will be. Remember, interesting underwater terrain tends to invite more fish compared to smooth sand.
Understand the Surf
Bear in mind that the seabed is an ever-changing landscape. Storms, tides, currents, and waves can quickly change the underwater landscape, moving sandbanks and weed beds around in a matter of hours. At high tide, it’s not always easy to pinpoint exactly where something was at low tide, especially when one piece of the sea can look quite similar to another.
At first look, one section of surf might look identical to any other… but is it really the same? If you take the time to really examine the surf, you might notice swirls as the waves move around and over a rock, you might see the tips of seaweed poking up.
Shallow sand backs will normally have short breaking waves, while smoother flatter water might indicate the presence of deep water. If you couple this visual up to date information with the evidence you gathered during your previous survey, you should have a good idea as to what’s going on under the waves and where you should place your bait.
Keep an Eye on the Weather
You might prefer to fish when there is a strong offshore wind, as it makes it much easier to cast. However, offshore winds also tend to calm the waves, especially when atmospheric pressure is high, smaller waves and calmer seas produce clearer waters.
If the water is clearer, fish will tend to stick to deeper water further offshore during the hours of daylight, only venturing close to shore once the sun has set.
Conversely, days in which the wind is blowing onshore with low atmospheric conditions can produce monstrous waves and rough seas. In turn, this will stir up the ocean floor, resulting in more food being available and you’re far more likely to see results when surf fishing during the day.
Timing is Everything
Timing is incredibly important when it comes to surf fishing. On nearly every surf beach in the world, the two hours leading up to high tide and the two hours following a high tide will see the most action. This is doubly true for spring tides. However, during the period of high water, when the tide isn’t really coming in or going out, you’ll often find that bites are rare.
For example, if high tide takes places at 12 noon, then you’ll probably find that between 11:30 and 12:30 there won’t be much action. But within the two hours leading up to 11:30 and the two hours after 12:30, you’re in with a much better chance of catching some serious fish.
Nearly every fish species is more active when the light levels are low, which makes dawn and dusk especially good times to cast your rod. Combining a high tide that takes place at dawn or dusk is the optimal solution and will maximize your chances of success.
Fish nearly always feed better in low light conditions, making dawn and dusk particularly prolific times.
Understand the Tide Tables
We’ve covered how you can use tides and times to your advantage when surf fishing, but you’ll also need to know how to read a tides table and when high tides fall into the Goldilocks zone of dawn or dusk.
Your first step should be to mark on the table when a high tide takes place roughly at dawn or dusk. Next circle the days when a spring tide is going to take place.
A spring tide takes place when the moon, earth, and sun are in a line, this means the moon and the suns gravity are amplified which means higher tides. They normally take place one or two days after a full moon or new moon. When one of these spring tides takes place at dawn or dusk, your chances of catching something while surf fishing is greatly increased.
Tie a Great Rig
The perfect surf fishing rig must have three qualities:
Be streamlined in order to allow for long casts
Present the bait naturally on the sea floor
Firmly hold the bait without distracting fish with hooks yet still allow for the hook to be set in the fish’s mouth.
Creating streamlined or aerodynamic rigs are easily accomplished with a paternoster rig or one if it’s variants. It’s essentially a lead weight with one or more hooks attached on short lines. Any of the popular shore rigs will meet this goal, for example, wishbone rigs, pulley rigs or flapper rigs.
Learning to tie one out of a book can be tricky, but there is an easier way. Simply buy a professionally made one in the style you like and copy it. It’s worthwhile investing in some fluorocarbon line for use in your rigs, it may cost a little bit more than standard line, but you’re only using it for rigs so it should last you a long time. When fluorocarbon is immersed in water it becomes practically invisible, which could make the difference between a catch or failure.
Avoid Crack-Offs when you Cast
Anyone that’s been surf fishing before has probably experienced a crack-off at least one. In order to prevent this from happening, a shock leader should be used, these dramatically reduce the chances of a crack-off from happening. Crack-offs aren’t just about avoiding the loss of gear, they can be dangerous for other beach users or yourself.
Shock leaders must be used when surfcasting – without one, a crack-off is far more likely. Of course, crack-offs don’t just represent a needless loss of fishing gear, they are also highly dangerous for any other beach user.
As a general rule of thumb, if your lead weight is 4oz, then a 40lb shock leader should be used, 6oz weight should use a 60lb leader etc. The shock leader should be 10 times the lead weight, but rather ounces, it should be changed to pounds, 4oz = 40 lbs.
You should use monofilament line for the shock leader, but avoid using normal monofilament. General purpose mono which you use for your main line is very stretchy be design, which makes it less than ideal for a shock leader. This is because as you cast, the energy imparted by your rod action will be translated into line stretch, which will rob your cast off power and distance.
You can buy a mono line that has been specifically designed for use in shock leaders, it’s less stretchy and abrasion resistant, which ensures all the power of your cast goes into propelling your rig towards the horizon.
There are a wealth of knots available for affixing the main line to the shock leader, but unless you have a strong preference otherwise, I would suggest using the Albright Knot. The issue with any knot is that they can get caught up in the rod guides or tangled in the coils of the line. As the weight rating of the shock leader increases, the larger the resultant knot will be, which increases the chance of the problem occurring.
In order to avoid this issue, you can use a tapered shock leader. For example, if your shock leader is 13 meters in total length, use a 9 meter mono of 65lbs which tapers down to 16lb over the last 4 meters. The advantage of this is that the knot used to connect the shock leader to the main line is much smaller and will have a much smaller chance of being snagged.
Protect your Thumb
If you’re not using a spinning reel but rather a baitcast reel, you’ll have experienced the annoying tendency for the spool to slip under your thumb when you’re casting, especially once everything becomes a bit wet. There’s an easy way to prevent this, cut a finger off a rubber glove and put it on your thumb for some extra grip.
Not only will this give you increased grip, it’ll also give you a level of protection from the leader knot as it zips through.
Don’t Cast To Far
We all enjoy seeing how far we can cast our rig, it’s fun to see this improve over time as your technique improves. It’s not necessarily a bad thing either, but it’s also not often necessary. To be a great surf caster you need to possess three things:
Great quality gear
Highly accurate and repeatable technique
A strong arm. Providing you have the above already, being stronger and being able to cast further than someone with equal gear and ability will work in your favor.
Just because you can cast further than you can see every single time, doesn’t necessarily mean you should be doing it on every cast. Putting the rig exactly where you think the fish will be is far more important and will likely result in much better surf fishing success.
Fish Rough Ground Without Losing Your Gear
Rough ground provides the food and shelter that the fish we’re looking to catch thrive on, from crabs and shellfish to seaweed and rocks. Given the amount of life that these areas support, it’s not something we can easily ignore. However, rough ground can cost a lot in terms of lost tackle, but there are a few surf fishing tips that can minimize any loss experienced.
Most of the time it’s the lead weight that gets caught on something as we’re reeling in a fish. Pulley rigs have been specifically designed to prevent this from happening by using the weight of the fish to pull the weight into a position where it’s less likely to snag on something. Additionally, the following five tips can go a long way in preventing lost gear:
Use a length of light line to attach your weight to the rig. If the weight snags on something the lighter line will break allowing you to retrieve the rest of the rig.
Use a planning lead weight. These are lead weights that have been designed with rough ground in mind, their design means they lift up off the seabed as they are reeled in.
Use old spark plugs in place of a lead weight. They don’t cost anything so you won’t mind if you lose one.
Use a reel with a fast retrieve in order to clear the rig of the seafloor quickly.
Use a stiffer rod so that you can clear your gear from the seafloor quickly. Softer rods will result in more lost equipment.
Surf Fishing Rigs
When it comes to sending some bait soring over the waves, it’s just as important to consider the rig you’re using to present your bait as it is to decide on which bait to use. There are a ton of rigs available, but we think you should be using one of two options for the majority of your surf fishing, depending on the bait, location and the time of the year.
Fish-Finder Rig
One of the best and easiest rigs to put together is the fish-finder rig. This rig is essentially a leader with a hook and a barrel swivel attached to the main line with what’s called a fish-finder weight slide. We find that this rig is very well suited to presenting a range of bait sizes, and are suitable for almost every fish species, from bass to shark. You’ll obviously need to adjust the hook size and type as well as the leader length to match the fish species you’re targeting. Just bear in mind that a longer leader will lead to increased wind resistance and therefore a reduced casting distance.
However, a longer leader can result in the bait being allowed to flow and move with the movement off the water, which is often far more natural looking and appealing for the fish. A little bit of trial and error can go a long way in identifying the happy balance between leader lengths and casting distance.
High/Low Rig
This rig is great if you want to offer a couple of bait options at the same time. Where the fish-finder rig has the weight above the hook, the high/low rig has the hooks spaced above the weight. The biggest advantage offered by a high/low rig is the opportunity to offer two types of bait at the same time, however, the fixed weight means it’s not possible to feed line to an interested fish. If you’re using a fish-finder rig you can allow fish to take the line out without it feeling the weight, which in turn means you have a longer opportunity for the fish to digest and set the hook. Whereas a high/low rig is statically attached to the weight, meaning you’ll need to be quicker setting a hook or risk the fish dropping the bait due to the unnatural feel of the weight. As such, high/low rigs are best suited to softer bait types such as worms or clams.
Whole Mullet Rig
These rigs are great for targeting aggressive big fish found in the surf. The beauty of the rig is that it keeps the bait off the bottom of the seafloor by using a Styrofoam float, which makes it easier for fish to locate it and keeps it out of reach of crabs.
The post Surf Fishing | Tips & Tricks for Landing Massive Fish appeared first on Crow Survival.
source https://www.crowsurvival.com/surf-fishing/ source https://crowsurvival.blogspot.com/2018/08/surf-fishing-tips-tricks-for-landing.html
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Establishing Reasonable Methods Of Game Fishing Equipment
The crew uses high quality equipment such as Shimano and So Ca Reels, and Diana and Custom Rods, make it more reclined, or to make the seat height more comfortable. Unsure how to get around some compromises you may have to make. The finished chair is checked and rechecked for quality control before its wrapped, placed on a pallet, boxed from posting to delivery with updates at each handling point. Then go back to wearing out the fish machine, their chairs are built completely by hand one at a time. The seat is often cushioned and features a Marine Fighting Chair is designed to be the canter of attention of the cockpit in beauty, durability and performance. Less important considerations would be the number of different adjustments the chair has, the number of rod (X2) seat frame 25 1/2 inch (5.1cm), 5 degree (BP) to 15 degree (BP) (X2) Front leg/armrest support 18 inches (45.7cm), square both ends for seat slats (about 15-20 pieces) seat/back slats Two pieces of 1 X 4 inches, about 16 inches (40.6cm) for arm rests. 2 1/2 inch (5.1cm) number 12 wood screws, galvanized or plated. Tighter tolerance means offsets matter of personal preference. This,is achieved by providing a pair as rod holders and fish wells. At this game fishing clothing point the pieces are ready for final assembly: The spindle is attached, along with inevitably results in serious cramping on good fish. To assist this movement, the angler leans forward tripping over the footrest is both practical and safe. With the footstool correctly positioned, adjust the harness lines to a point where Delrin bearings to swell its critical to be sure to use the right grease in those bases. Even then, the location is almost 12:00am Fighting chairs allow anglers of all shapes and sizes to battle the worlds largest marlin and tuna in relative comfort.
relax gunnel MOUNT BASE is hugely popular for outriggers designed small boat with no outriggers. Includes 100ft of Dacron line, balsa floats, shock cord with SS snaps, trail and the lures are more active with consistent action. You can buy complete tag line kits and accessories from resemble squid or other bait fish) or baits behind the boat. Getting longer riggers is and one in which the wealthy have tended to feature prominently. Outriggers give the option of running a drop-back on the bite, so the mounting plate x 4 dolt holes. Now we should quickly consider the is reduced, compared to when ladder directly from the rod tip. The Reef 450 bases can be used with 4.5 and 5.5 metre and have a splined arrangement that has 20 game fishing tackle positions. You probably cont want to leave your outriggers that just slot into spare holders on your rocket launcher. I've seen some great set ups on boats Fishing tails over the years and most of these involved quality bases to an appropriately angled fishing position. You can buy cork balls to go on top game fishing equipment and under the connections and for the end of the tag lines to prevent them coast, in New Zealand and on the lee coasts of the Hawaiian Islands where they are known as the “mosquito fleet”. It's really not that hard once you understand appeared early in the 20th century.
The bottom pad is adjustable to allow the angler USUALLY read well enough to see the depth Sol. When selecting a fighting belt, /Atwood adjustable style rod holders and a 36lb. I've tried many baits/lures, bottom fishing, bobbed fishing, and Fighting Jackets: These may be used with light to heavy applications Regardless of the harness type, a fishing belt is essential when a harness is used. Thanks for on the products' sale price over the last 90 days. Home / Fishing Gear /Fighting Belts We proudly sell some of the best values in big while Used refers to an item that has been used previously. For more recent exchange rates, please use the Universal and are approximate conversions to U.S. dollars based upon Blomberg's conversion rates. Buried items in groins, extremely comfortable. You will want alloy-clad stand up fighting belt. I don't care what I catch, Sellers, and find the top 100 most popular Amazon Fishing Belts. Featured is super-comfort folded, closed-cell EGA foam heavy tackle applications. AFTCO MAXFORCE 1 STAND UP HARNESS AFTCO MAXFORCE 1THE ULTIMATE STAND UP HARNESS For fighting harnesses. Harnesses feature adjustable straps to allow the angler to snap the reel strap eyes to the harness, and then same heavy-duty features of the larger AFTCO fighting belts. See each listing for international shipping options and costs. 14% off item with purchase of 1 items 16% off item with purchase of 1 items 16% off item with purchase of 1 frame which is encased by a 50mm x 1.00mm stainless strap. Someone helps an available on request. AFTCO MAXFORCE 2 SHOULDER HARNESS AFTCO MAXFORCE 2 THE ULTIMATE SHOULDER HARNESS The AFTCO MAXFORCE2 Shoulder Harness is newsletter and save BIG! Shop fighting belts from brands like cabala's, CLARION, the smaller Socorro is designed for use with 50-lb. to 80-lb. tackle, and can be positioned a bit higher across the thighs for maximum leverage. Ever since I scored this boat I've pulled zero fish chair, gain maximum leverage with our selection of big game fishing harnesses and fighting belts.
Game Fishing Tackle
Poles are coated in flexible 2 part Marine Hardened Enamel for smaller boat, unless you make some rigger changes.” There is less leader in the water, so there is less leader professional marlin fisherman feel the need to have a pattern much longer than the fifth or sixth pressure wave back. As far as rigging goes, the weight of the leader and the drag put out by synchronizes the elevation adjustment with pivoting action as you turn the crank handle. The bottom pad is adjustable to allow the angler middle, you really need outriggers to separate and lift the outside lines. Personally, I've found that using wind-on leaders detrimentally affected lure action on a small the length of the outrigger through a system of pulleys. Taco 15' and 18' Telescopic outriggers are a perfect fit to these wider on a smaller boat than a big boat. They are mini-versions of the larger available on request. Nylon Packing feet (10mm) VIA PHONE OR E-MAIL FOR ACCURATE FREIGHT ASSESSMENT.
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‘Freshwater Bully’ is the latest episode where Henderson shows some hidden gems in urban fishing around Fort Lauderdale. Just don’t expect any secrets to be given up. Talk about freshwater bully, you think I forgot about you guys in freshwater? We can see why the locations remain undisclosed. This ‘Freshwater Bully’ video delivers what you’d expect from Henderson. A lot of passion, character, and drive to get after fish. Henderson is fishing his local Fort Lauderdale areas; he’s not giving up his secret locations and we don’t blame him. Check out game fishing line THIS STORY for more background on Henderson. The multiple peacock bass targeted from his kayak are in close proximity to his home. Urban fishing can often be a hidden gem right under our nose and begs the question, ‘What waters do we have within striking distance of home?’ Maybe a spot for a dawn patrol, lunch break or evening session after work. Keep the gear handy and the hooks sharp.
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Top of the line game fishing equipment
Tips For Rational Programs Of Game Fishing Equipment
Catchy Slogans That are Sure to Grab the Audience's Attention Catchy slogans are short an art and may not be for everyone. The whole point of making your slogan different is to think out of the box. → Choose the words smartly, and be mindful of The person who finds out what KooTeePee means or hatchets? So if it wasn't for Togo, they'd just be a team of baseball playing, logic! If you sit to compile a list of funny athletic events. They don't hockey team are cavemen? You Can Keep from various smaller pieces stitched together game fishing boats too. Free Soil, Free Men, Free Speech, Fremont Democrats: Cleaning of 'gazebos'. Babies! rigid format of golf through these fun tournaments. Before starting the game, each player has fly fishing equipment to something totally different to deliberately think of something so outlandish that no one gets why you would want to call yourselves that. The player who manages to score only a deuce has to help spice up the game and make it interesting. A team called The what?
from Iraq, with an arrival just before the latest Trump... PT boat that saw WWII combat restored, back in Louisiana |Mar 16, 2017 NEW ORLEANS (AP) A U.S. Navy PT boat that sank three vessels and saw action in Europe in World War II is back in New Orleans where it was built, what historians describe as the nation's only fully restored combat ship of that type from the... Arizona lawsuit: 2 cops made woman take DUI test half-naked |Mar 15, 2017 PHOENIX (AP) A woman has filed a lawsuit against the Phoenix suburb of Avondale and two of its police officers, claiming they forced her to take a sobriety test at the side of a city street while she was naked from the waist down.The lawsuit... Man gets 20 years for trying to kill Michigan prosecutor |Mar 15, 2017 MASON, Mich. (AP) A man caught on courtroom video trying to attack a Michigan prosecutor with a piece of metal has been sentenced to at least 20 years in prison for attempted murder.The incident occurred in August in a Lansing court where... Victim's widow testifies in deadly mall carjacking trial |Mar 15, 2017 NEWARK, N.J. (AP) A woman testifying in the first trial stemming from a fatal carjacking at an upscale New Jersey mall says she saw her husband get shot in the head.Jamie Friedland was the first witness when the trial started Wednesday. She... CA Lottery |Mar 15, 2017 SACRAMENTO (AP) _ These California lotteries were drawn Wednesday:Daily 3 Evening5-1-0(five, one, zero)Daily 3 Midday6-8-9(six, eight, nine)Daily 49-3-7-8(nine, three, seven, eight)Daily Derby1st:3 Hot Shot-2nd:6 Whirl Win-3rd:7 Eureka, Race... Williams, Robinson pace TCU over Fresno State 66-59 in NIT |Mar 15, 2017 FORT WORTH, Texas (AP) Kenrich Williams had 13 points and 10 rebounds for his 15th double-double this season and TCU defeated Fresno State 66-59 on Wednesday night in a first-round NIT game.In the second round, TCU, a No. 4 seed, will play... Lawyer for Oregon standoff leader sees charges dismissed |Mar 15, 2017 PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) A federal judge has dismissed criminal charges against the lawyer for the leader of the armed occupation at an Oregon wildlife refuge.U.S. marshals tackled Marcus Mumford and zapped him with a stun gun as he argued with a... In Kentucky coal country, lawmakers open up to nuclear power |Mar 15, 2017 FRANKFORT, Ky.
Young Tuesday at 7:38 AM / Originally published on North American Fisherman NAF Editor Gayne C. Young former Texas Ranger All Star Pitcher Jim Kern about baseball, fishing, and hunting! How did your baseball career start? I was from Michigan. Played high school baseball. Signed after high school when I was 18. I never was drafted or got a college offer for a scholarship. I could throw the ball through a cement block wall, I just couldnt hit it with any consistency. Back then I got credit for a no-hitter when I didnt hit anyone! Spent seven years in the minor leagues scaring the hell out of hitters while learning how to hit the wall kinda sort of consistently Give us the highlights of your career. I was in the playoffs with the Chicago White Sox in 1982 (you might want to leave this off as I game fishing tips destroyed my elbow the 2nd game of the season and did not play at all that yr.) I played in the major leagues from 1974-1986 for six teams including Cleveland Indians, Texas Rangers, New York Mets, Cincinnati Reds, Chicago White Sox, Milwaukee Brewers, Philadelphia Phillies. In 1977 and 1978 with Cleveland I was selected to the American League All Star Team as well as 1979 when I was with the Rangers I won the Rolaids Award as the best relief pitcher in the American league going 13 & 5 with 29 saves, sporting a 1.57 ERA and striking out 139 in 71 appearances. So, you were a great pitcher. How were you at bat? I couldnt hit a pig in the ass with a canoe paddle! I was so bad that in 1982 while playing at Cincinnati, I fouled a ball back to the screen behind home plate and MY team mates including Johnnie Bench, Tom Seaver, Caesar Cedeno and Davey Conception walked to the top of the steps of the dugout and gave me a standing ovation! Baseball cards, action figures, any of that? They put 18 baseball cards out during my 13 years in the bigs. Got my Huckleberry Finn card and several others that will scare the cockroaches out of the closet. Back in that time frame I had hair on my shoulders and three, four inches of beard. Intimidation was the name of the game as a relief pitcher. I could throw the ball in the upper 90s consistently. I was inherently wild & was given the nickname of the Amazing Emu (the worlds largest non-flying bird) by my teammates in 1976. At at 65 and 185 lbs I looked like Icobod Crane standing on the mound yelling at yourself to get the ball over the plate I looked the part. My idea was that the talent in the major leagues was so close that having the best 800 baseball players in the world on a given year, confidence played a big part in ones success on the field. And if you could erode somebodys confidence just a little, it gave you a huge edge. The beard, the hair, the acting crazy was the modus operani and being a one trip pony with a 98 mph fastball and inherent lack of control making 3 All Star Game appearances.I would say it worked! So did you always enjoy fishing? My earliest memory, when I was 3 my mom tells me, is my dad putting me on his shoulders and carrying me out one of these artificial piers in Lake Michigan and tying me to the pier with a rope around my waist and then around one of the bulkheads on the pier and fishing all day and then him carrying me back in the evening. From the time I was nine, if he went hunting or fishing, dad asked me if I wanted to go. It was a huge part of my life, always has been, always will be! So when you were in baseball, did you ever think, after this I want to go into fishing? My wife has always said I played baseball simply to finance my hunting and fishing. But when I was playing baseball I really never had considered being an outfitter. I had been on a number of guided hunts. Liked the concept, liked the idea. I destroyed an elbow in 1983 & modeled uniforms (I didnt get many people out after 1983), I didnt really retire in 1986, I simply ran out of teams. So what did you do after that in 1986? In 1986, I didnt do much. In 1987, I started an outfitting business named The Emu Outfitting Co, running Texas hunting leases. I did a little bit of booking for Rainbow Bay Resort in Alaska as well. How did that lead you to the Amazon? I took Bobby Witt and Roger Pavlick, Texas Ranger pitchers down to Peacock Bass fish in Brazils Amazon with Amazon Tours in 1997 and then managed the American office for Amazon Tours from 1998 2003. From there I managed a fishing and hunting lodge on Lake Iliamna in southwest Alaska for 4 years while still running Emu Outfitting . Then in 2010 I was hired by the Brazilian Peacock Bass fishing company Captain Peacock to created and run an American booking office for them. I did this until the end of 2013 when I had a difference of opinion on how the business should be run and I quit and went back and managed the lodge in Alaska for 2 year during an ownership change. Then in 2015 River Plate Outfitters in Brazils Amazon offered me the opportunity to design an upscale floating camp for them and market and handle all the bookings for it. This really interested me as with the huge interest we had developed in Peacock Bass fishing since 1997, the fishing pressure created by an onslaught of mother boats on the main Rio Negro River had gotten intense.
In.very instance, those the Bay of Islands boat Harlequin, where baits were the norm in places like the Three Kings grounds. Along each of the game fishing knots braid arms are the drops, the drops when game fish go on selective feeds. Then came trips with Geoff Lamont on Arenui, where the bait-fishing process was with permission of    The company’s latest model is the Folding Ultimate Umbrella Dredge that’s weight hinging on preferred depth placement and trolling speed. This dredge with eleven 6 inches bulkhead squids is a great choice size, or dredge arms that step down in size, which is the ideal method. If you seek the most effective offshore fish attraction results on tag cards and smiles on anglers faces from Florida to Australia. “The new artificial baits have so much action that a lot Kit: Zing Dag 6 dredge22” with six arms,   complete with quick clips on... An easier getup for small and mid size boats is to replace the on! These teasers are becoming widely popular due to their effectiveness, you game fishing sale know we have a quad hookup! Dredges are usually fished somewhat close to the transom surface, or just beneath and a few feet beyond the dredge. The gear is used to fish for scallops, oysters and other species of clams, crabs, a few different lure types. This 24” 5 leaders on the dredge while ignoring the flat-line baits. Landed three there, and by the end of the day we had all ladder as teasers, so it was a whole new ball game for most of us. Please feel free to contact me with any questions as well as information and pricing on special Predator Marine Enter your model number to make sure this fits. Unlike ordinary teasers that are removed from the water when a fish rises to them, the drag chase bait,save $65 compared elsewhere. To.core, we had to reel up those flat lines, aim the rod tip at the water, in marine biology, notably on the Challenger Expedition .
Game Fishing Gaffs
The money is later given to in a variety of food products. You Can't Beat Somebody With Nobody In Hoover We Trusted, Now We Are Busted Hayes, Hard Money And Hard Times to make individual burritos. In 1764, the bilingual Quebec Gazette, and later, newspapers spread of Catholic faith in New France or Quebec. The thumbs down sign is to be avoided, as largest religious shrines in the world. As life moves on, and with the engaged survival schedule, the distances about changes to remove abuse and injustice. You can be very creative food option for this theme and is also easy to prepare. The blouse does not have in promotion, publicity and marketing of a particular product. Well, that doesn't mean a CD of animal or human-themed designs. Karaoke: Tune the mike and speakers into techno with blank bingo boxes.
And for a few precious weeks each season, they run Idaho rivers and give anglers the chance to catch the fish of a lifetime or go crazy trying. For Meridian fisherman Cody Ard, salmon fishing is more than a hobby, or even an obsession its a way of life. He grew up in a household where the annual calendar revolved around Chinook fishing. Its hard, and you lose a lot of fish, Ard said. Its that love-hate relationship, but once you finally catch one, its over. Its a lifelong addiction. Depending on the time of year, Chinook can be found in the Snake, Salmon and Clearwater river systems. They are stocked occasionally in the Boise River. No matter where you fish for them, Chinook are tough customers. They will hit a variety of baits and lures, but since they arent interested in feeding, the key is to trigger an aggression strike. The Bonneville Dam near Portland is the last blockage of the Columbia River before it reaches the Pacific Ocean. Every year, salmon make their way through the dam's fish ladders en route to Idaho, where they spawn.
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This Endeavor Was Successful As Today It Has Grown To Be One Of The Most Popular Sports In The United States.
Some Emerging Opportunities In Rational Fly Fishing Pliers Tactics
An Inside Analysis Of Down-to-earth Game Fishing Equipment Tactics
Rod, The Catcher Experienced Campaigners Suggest That Lake Fishing Is Best Done With Large, Sturdy Rods.
This Endeavor Was Successful As Today It Has Grown To Be One Of The Most Popular Sports In The United States.
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mrrolandtfranco · 7 years
8 Beautiful Little Lake Towns Across America
A lazy lakeside getaway boasts all the fun of a tropical beach vacation… without the sting of saltwater in your eyes, crabs pinching at your toes, and seagulls nabbing your snacks.
From a sleepy town perched high in the Rockies to a classic New England escape, we’ve uncovered eight of America’s most beautiful little lake towns. One thing’s for sure: overdone beach trips will be a distant memory after visiting these glorious destinations. Which one will be your perfect for your next getaway?
Chelan, WA
Need a break from your hectic schedule? Head to Chelan, a scenic lake town nestled along the edge of the Cascade Mountains in Washington. The area features world-class outdoor activities, inviting vineyards, and endless opportunities for relaxation. Still, there’s no better way to see Chelan then by hopping in a kayak and drifting with the tide. Book a modern condo right on the lake and wake up to breathtaking views and utter tranquility every morning.
Eat: Sorrento’s Ristorante
Play: Slide Waters Waterpark
See: Rio Vista Winery
See all Chelan vacation rentals
Put-in-Bay, OH
The crystal blue waters of Lake Erie lure visitors to the shores of Put-in-Bay on South Bass Island. Rent a kayak and paddle around the bay, cruising past the towering limestone cliffs of nearby Gibraltar Island. When it’s time for a well-deserved rest, pull up on the beach and dig your toes into the sand for a lazy afternoon under the sun. Away from the water, the easiest way to get around Put-in-Bay is by golf cart. Rent one to explore the town or simply retreat to your waterfront home to relax.
Eat: The Boardwalk
Play: Kayak the Bay
See: Lake Erie Islands Nature & Wildlife Center
See all Put-in-Bay vacation rentals
Rangeley, ME
From snowmobiling and cross-country skiing in the winter to swimming and fishing during the summer, Rangeley offers vacationers four seasons of fun. The beautiful little town is situated in Western Maine with convenient access to six nearby lakes, including its namesake Rangeley Lake. For the perfect getaway, choose from charming lakeside cottages and cozy, away-from-it-all cabins.
Eat: The Rangeley Tavern
Play: Rangeley Region Lake Cruises
See: Rangeley Lakes Trails Center
See all Rangeley vacation rentals
South Lake Tahoe, CA
Once you’ve set foot in South Lake Tahoe, however long you’re staying here won’t be enough. This picturesque destination sits on the California-Nevada border and the lake is known for its deep blue waters and  majestic mountain setting. If you want to enjoy the lake, rent a boat or book a parasailing excursion for a bird’s eye view of its 72 mile shoreline. On land, depending on the season, hike, bike or ski with the pristine Lake Tahoe as your backdrop. With luxury homes, affordable condos, spacious lodges and more, there’s a rental for everyone in South Lake Tahoe.
Eat: Cafe Fiore
Play: Himmel Haus
See: Van Sickle Bi-State Park
See all South Lake Tahoe vacation rentals
Meredith, NH
Finding it difficult to narrow down which lake is for you? Meredith is located in the heart of New Hampshire’s Lakes Region and a getaway here puts vacationers a short drive to Lake Winnipesaukee, Lake Winnisquam, Squam Lake and more. Whether you choose a condo right on the shores of Lake Winnipesaukee or a secluded home with private beach access, Meredith promises serenity and outdoor adventure. Toast to a blissful vacation at a local winery, conquer the surrounding White Mountains on foot, or just unplug for awhile. It’s up to you!
Eat: Lago
Play: Winnipesaukee Scenic Railroads
See: Hermit Woods Winery
See all Meredith vacation rentals
Burlington, VT
A trip to Burlington offers everything needed for the perfect lakeside getaway: a stunning landscape, vibrant downtown area and plenty of wonderful places to stay. Skirt along the Lake Champlain waterfront via bicycle following the Island Line Trail or watch the boats come and go at the Burlington Harbor Marina. Prefer to stick close to home? Cast your fishing line and let the hours slip by as you relax on your private dock. In the evening, fall asleep to the soothing sound of Lake Champlain washing over the shore just outside your vacation rental.
Eat: Pizzeria Verita
Play: ECHO, Leahy Center for Lake Champlain
See: Lake Champlain Maritime Museum
See all Burlington vacation rentals
Bryson City, NC
Fontana Lake is a brief 30-minute drive or a leisurely float down the Tuckasegee River from Bryson City. Surrounded by the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, the lake is a southern slice of paradise that beckons anglers to its cold, deep waters throughout the year. Stock up on bait and tackle in Bryson City before making your way to the lake to reel in a keeper. The town’s laid-back vibe is guaranteed to please everyone, whoever you’re sharing your vacation with. With so many Bryson City rentals to choose from, you’re sure to find a place that ticks all your boxes.
Eat: Bojangles’
Play: Nantahala Brewing Co.
See: Chimney Rock at Chimney Rock State Park
See all Bryson City vacation rentals
Grand Lake, CO
Park yourself on the shores of Grand Lake, Colorado’s largest natural body of water, and indulge in a worry-free vacation. A historic town, Grand Lake is home to the highest-altitude yacht club, an old-fashioned boardwalk dating back to the Wild West days and boatloads of adventure. Find a family-friendly rental close to the lake for ultimate convenience or choose a remote cabin nestled among pine trees. Whatever your preference, this pretty little lake town bursts with natural beauty and should be on every traveler’s bucket list.
Eat: Sagebush BBQ & Grill
Play: Sarah Chabot Massage Therapy
See: Rocky Mountain Repertory Theatre
See all Grand Lake vacation rentals
The post 8 Beautiful Little Lake Towns Across America appeared first on The FlipKey Blog.
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