#barba x reader
fatecantstopme · 7 months
Better Together
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Pairing: Rafael Barba x reader
Summary: Barba acts like he hates you because it's the only way he can keep his cool in your presence. Things come to a head and you call him out on it...
Warnings: cursing, Rafael is a bit of a dick at first. Use of nicknames (baby, cariño, querida, etc.). SMUT, oral (M and F receiving), unprotected sex (P in V)
A/N: Spanish translations in brackets/italics after each sentence.
cariño/querida: sweetheart/dear/darling/baby/etc.
por favor: please
qué: what
hermosa: beautiful/gorgeous
"Right...and what makes you qualified to make that determination?"
You glared at him. "Eight years of education and ten years of practice."
"Fine, but how long did you actually talk to him?" he countered.
"Four hours."
"So now you're an expert in his mental health?"
You groaned. "He belongs in a psychiatric facility, Barba. Not a prison."
"I disagree. He raped and murdered five women."
"I'm not defending his actions, but I'm telling you he's incapable of understanding the consequences of his actions."
"She's right, counselor," Olivia Benson cut in. "I got the same feeling she did when I first talked to him."
Rafael Barba let out an annoyed huff. "Fine. What do you propose?"
"Offer him a deal," she suggested. "Send him where he can get the help he needs."
Barba nodded, expression still slightly annoyed. "Fine." With that, he walked out of the precinct, presumably to go write up a deal.
As soon as he was out of ear shot, you turned to your friend and colleague. "He argues with me for ten minutes straight, but you tell him the same damn thing and he immediately agrees?"
Olivia shrugged. "You know how he is."
"Pompous, arrogant, rude, and downright insulting?"
She laughed. "All of the above, but he's also a pretty damn good ADA."
You sighed. "I would absolutely love to disagree with you, but you're not wrong. Part of me hates that he's so good at his job. And I hate his smug face and his attitude and those damn three piece suits he looks so goddamn good in," you finished your ramble with a groan.
"Maybe if you told him you thought he was hot, he'd be nicer to you," Olivia said with a wink.
"I hate you."
She laughed. "No you don't."
"Fine, I don't, but I will do no such thing. He quite clearly despises me."
"Does he?"
"Does who what?" Nick Amaro asked as he entered the squad room.
"Does Barba hate (Y/N)?" Olivia asked.
Nick chuckled. "Without a doubt."
"See?!" you said smugly.
Olivia rolled her eyes. "One of these days you're going to have to talk to him. Tell him off for being such an ass to you all the time."
"Now that I agree with," Nick cut in.
"If he pushes the right buttons, I will."
Little did you know that two days later, Barba would push the exact right button.
Olivia, Nick, Amanda, Fin, and yourself were gathered in the squad room discussing your latest case. You had two dead girls in two days and 1PP was already breathing down your necks.
You were going over the profile with the team when Barba walked in. "I know it sounds crazy, guys, but I believe the perp is a girl...probably the same age as the victims."
"Why?" Fin asked.
As you started to explain your reasoning, to include the lack of sexual assault, the relationship between the two girls, and the anger clearly present in the attacks, Barba cut you off with a harsh laugh.
"You think a 10 year old girl is capable of inflicting that kind of trauma?" he interjected. "There's no way."
You took a deep breath in through your nose and exhaled from your mouth before responding. You needed those ten seconds to calm yourself so you didn't murder him. "Were you ever a 10 year old girl?"
He raised his eyebrows. "Obviously not."
"Are you a forensic psychologist?"
"Again, no."
"Have you been working violent sex crimes for 10 years?"
"Then be quiet and listen," you finished harshly.
You'd never snapped at him quite so intensely before and he was taken aback. He was also very aware that he may have taken it a little too far this time. He'd made it a point to keep you at arm's length (or farther) for the past 6 months, and he was belatedly realizing he may have been too cruel.
You finished your profile, answering the questions posed by the rest of the squad, before everyone went about their assigned duties.
Barba announced he was going back to his office to update the DA and you were thankful to be rid of him.
"Maybe you were right, (Y/N)," Olivia said softly. "He either hates you or he hates shrinks."
"Likely both."
"I'm proud of you for clapping back," Amanda said warmly. "Someone's gotta put that guy in his place every once in a while."
You smiled mirthlessly. "Once this case is over, I may have more to say to him, but for now, let's focus on finding the person who killed those girls."
Three days later and you had your suspect in custody. You'd been right in your assessment of the perp...it turned out to be a 10 year old girl who had been relentlessly teased and bullied by the two victims for an entire year. The girl finally snapped and killed them both in a blind rage.
After hearing all of the terrible things that had been done to her, you felt sorry for the girl. You understood why she'd killed those girls, even if you didn't condone it.
"Hey, (Y/N/N)," Fin called. "We're going out for drinks. My treat."
"I think I'll take a rain check guys...I've got something I need to do."
"Awww no fun," Amanda teased.
Olivia gave you a look, but you smiled at her reassuringly. She took it to mean you were okay, so she followed the others out.
You'd decided to pay a very special visit to a certain ADA...
You arrived at his office 20 minutes later, and you belatedly realized you probably should have checked to see if he was even there still. It was already after 6pm, but you hoped since he was a workaholic, he would be unaware of the late hour.
When you reached his office door, you found yourself taking a deep breath. You started to question yourself and whether this was a good idea, but then you thought about the way he'd been treating you and you got a burst of courage.
You knocked on his door and waited. You heard a slightly annoyed "Come in", so you opened the door and stepped into his office.
Barba looked up from the paperwork he was buried in, a look of surprise ghosting over his face. "Dr. (Y/L/N)...to what do I owe the pleasure?"
You shut the door behind you and took a step towards his desk. "Do you have a problem with me?"
"Excuse me?" he asked in surprise.
"Do you have a problem with me, specifically, or is it psychologists in general?"
"I don't have a problem with psychologists."
"So it's me, got it. Do you mind telling me what the hell I did to you?"
He had the grace to look sheepish. "You didn't do anything to me."
"Then why do you treat me like I'm some sort of imbecile?"
"I...I never intended to make you feel that way," he said honestly.
"Really? How did you intend to make me feel? You belittle me, insult my abilities and my intelligence, you're unnecessarily rude to me in front of my colleagues..." you trailed off.
He rose from his seat and came around the front of his desk. His expression was unreadable, but his shoulders had slumped slightly. If you didn't know better, you'd think he actually felt bad for the way he'd been treating you.
"You're right," he admitted. "I have treated you entirely unfairly."
It was your turn to look surprised. Out of all the things you'd expected him to say, an admission of guilt was certainly not one of them.
"I don't want you to think, for even a moment, that I don't think you're brilliant. You are the sharpest woman I have ever had the pleasure of meeting and you're downright phenomenal at your job."
You opened your mouth and closed it a few times before you could formulate a coherent response. "How in the hell was I supposed to know that?"
He blushed and cast his gaze to the floor. "I suppose there was no way for you to know, given the way I've treated you."
"Why, then?" you asked softly.
He sighed deeply and ran his hand over his face. "It's--complicated."
"Enlighten me, Barba. I've got time."
His green eyes raised back up to meet yours and you found yourself nearly breathless--and not for the first time. His eyes were beautiful, typically sparkling with whit and mischief; but in this moment, they shone with emotions so complex you couldn't begin to comprehend them.
"I never intended to be cruel to you, only distant. But I found that being aloof wasn't enough to keep you at bay--I needed something stronger. So...I started treating you as if I hated you. It was just easier, and perhaps safer."
He nodded, but neglected to clarify. "Keeping you out of my life has become a necessity, Dr. (Y/L/N)."
His formality annoyed you, but you didn't comment on it. "Then why didn't you just tell me you didn't like me?"
He groaned and turned back to his desk to pour himself a glass of scotch. "Because it's not true, and I'm many things, but a liar isn't one of them."
"Okay, but you want nothing to do with me?"
"You do understand how contradictory that sounds, correct?"
He took a long drink from his glass and leaned back against his desk. "It sounds moronic, yes, I am aware."
You debated your next words with care. You knew if you said what was on your mind, you might regret it, but you also knew if you didn't say it, you would regret it.
"When I met you, I was instantly intrigued by you," you began. "It was obvious you were highly intelligent, but you were also funny, charming, and impeccably well-dressed. It's a rare combination."
You crossed your arms and sighed. "At first, you were friendly and I quite liked you, but things between us turned icy in an instant. I didn't understand it then and I don't understand it now, but what I can tell you is it hurt me. It hurt me deeply, Barba, and it still does."
If he'd felt like an ass before, he felt 1,000 times worse now. "I never intended to hurt you," he said quietly. "You're a kind and loving soul...and you don't deserve to be treated the way I've been treating you."
"You're right," you whispered. "I don't."
He winced slightly and downed the rest of his scotch. "I am truly sorry, (Y/N). More than you'll ever know."
His use of your first name was not lost on you. You could count on one hand the number of times he'd said it and you'd reacted the same way each time. Your eyes fluttered closed for a moment, your breath caught, and your heart began to speed up.
Rafael had never noticed before...had never really paid attention to you the very few times he'd said your name, but he saw your reaction this time. For the first time since he'd met you, he began to wonder if you shared his feelings...
You quickly recovered yourself--praying he hadn't noticed. "I appreciate your apology." Your voice was slightly off pitch and you wanted to kick yourself for letting any emotion show.
"May I ask you something?" he said suddenly.
You nodded, not trusting your voice in the moment.
"You said what you thought of me when we first met--what do you think of me now?"
"Do you really want to know?"
He nodded.
You swallowed thickly. "Everything I said is true. You're a brilliant man and an even better lawyer...and you can be funny and charming, when you want to be. But that's not the Rafael Barba I get. I get the one reserved for the criminals and defense attorneys you dislike. The ones that make your skin crawl. You're pompous, arrogant, and cruel."
He closed his eyes tightly. Hearing you say what you really thought of him was much more painful than he'd anticipated.
"But I don't believe that's who you really are," you said so softly he almost didn't hear.
He looked back up at you in surprise.
"I think it's a facade you put up--a mask you wear to hide behind."
"What makes you think that?"
"Call it intuition, or perhaps training," you said with a shrug. "Either way, I am certain you really are the man I met in the beginning--not the man you've been the past several months."
"How could you have that much faith in me? After the way I've treated you..."
"Perhaps it's foolish...or maybe I just want it to be true."
He stared at you with a strange look on his face. It was as if he was trying to decide if you were playing him or being sincere. His expression slowly morphed as he realized you'd meant every word you'd said.
"May I be honest with you?" he asked.
"I want nothing less."
"Truthfully, I'm terrified of you. Absolutely, 100%, completely terrified."
Your jaw dropped slightly. Once again, he’d caught you off guard.
"You got under my skin the moment I met you and I haven't been able to get rid of you since. I've never felt like this--like I can't control my own actions or my emotions--and it's petrifying. I thought pushing you away would change how I felt, but it only intensified it. I think that's why I became crueler over time--I was angry at myself and angry with you for making me feel this way. It's not fair to you, I know, but it's the truth."
You were once again shocked to the core. You almost couldn't believe what you were hearing...if you weren't so good at reading people, you'd be convinced he was lying, but as it stood, you knew it was the raw, painful truth.
"You can't control everything, you know," you said quietly.
He laughed harshly. "God, how I wish I could."
"What are you so afraid of?"
He took a moment to answer, but once he did, the words poured out of him. "I'm afraid the way I feel about you will ruin both of our careers. I'm afraid that once you see the man behind the mask, you'll run and leave me broken. I'm afraid that we'll fall apart...that we won't stand the test of time. I'm afraid of falling so deeply in love with you that I lose myself completely. But most of all, I'm afraid that I've already screwed this up beyond repair."
For all your education and all the eloquent words you've learned in your lifetime, you found yourself stunned into complete and utter silence. No words came to mind, no coherent thoughts emerged. You stared at him and he stared at you, as the silence dragged on.
After what had to be an eternity, Rafael spoke again. "Please say something. Anything. Tell me you hate me. Tell me you never want to see my face again. Tell me you'd rather jump off a building than be with me--"
"Stop!" The intensity of your demand silenced him. "Just stop talking…I…I can't find the words I want to say, but I do know one thing: I'm not afraid."
Out of all the things you could have said, all the beautiful sentences you could have strung together, those three words were the perfect response. Fueled with sudden courage, Rafael crossed the space between the two of you in three long strides, coming to a stop a few inches from you.
With a shaking hand, he gently stroked your cheek. "May I?" he asked quietly.
Your pretty (y/e/c) eyes met his and you softly begged, "Please."
He leaned into you, lips pressing against yours with soft insistence. The kiss ignited something within you--a desire so deep and powerful it almost frightened you. You grabbed ahold of his suspenders and tugged his body closer to yours as you deepened the kiss.
Rafael moaned softly against your lips, tongue pressing forward, requesting access. You obliged, lips parting to allow him entry. His hands traveled down your soft curves until they landed on your hips. He used his gentle strength to pull you flush against him, his own body backed up against his desk to support him.
You could feel his need for you in his kiss, in his touch...and in his pants. His growing erection was pressed against you, so close to where you wanted him, yet so far away.
Rafael broke the kiss for a moment. "Carmen left for the day."
"Mhmm," you hummed in response.
"But I don't want our first time together to be on the couch in my office."
"How 'bout the desk?" you teased lightly.
He groaned. "Don't think I haven't imagined it, but I'd like to take you home...do this properly--in a bed."
You stared at him for a moment. "If we stay here, it can be casual, unassuming. If I go home with you...that changes everything."
"I don't want casual. I don't want a fling. I want you--and everything that comes along with that."
You studied him closely before responding. You noted the sincerity in his voice and his expression and decided to--for once--allow your heart to lead your decision. "Take me home, Rafael," you whispered.
He breathed deeply, as if trying to control himself. It appeared that you had the same effect on him as he did on you when you called him by his first name.
He didn't say a word--you weren't even sure he could have if he'd wanted to. He simply grabbed his jacket, took your hand, and practically dragged you to the elevator. Once outside, he hailed a cab and helped you into the backseat before sliding in beside you.
As the cab began to move, you rested your hand on Rafael's thigh. He glanced at you, but didn't say anything. You were feeling bold, so you slid your hand slowly up his thigh, inching closer to his evident arousal.
When your fingertips brushed against his clothed cock, he hissed slightly. He leaned over to whisper into your ear so the cab driver wouldn't hear. "Careful, querida. O puedo perder el control [Or I may lose control]."
You inhaled sharply--something about his tone mixed with the hushed Spanish words, sent a jolt of pure arousal straight to your core.
Your reaction didn't go unnoticed by Rafael. He smirked as he discovered one of your kinks. He tucked the knowledge away for later use.
You managed to behave yourself for the rest of the short ride to his apartment, but once inside the building, all bets were off.
His lips were on yours the moment the elevator doors slid closed, pressing your body firmly against the wall. Your fingers tangled in his hair, messing up the perfect locks.
As the elevator dinged and the doors began to open, you reluctantly pulled away from each other. You saw the desperation in his beautiful green eyes and you knew the same look reflected in yours.
He wasted no time guiding you to his apartment and the moment you were both inside, he had you spun around and pressed up against the door.
“Querida,” he whispered hungrily against your lips, fingertips dancing under your shirt.
You moaned softly as you tugged harshly on his suspenders, pushing them out of the way so you could remove his shirt.
Within moments, your clothes and his were strewn across the house as he carried you to his bedroom, nothing left between you but underwear.
Rafael tossed you gently onto the bed before climbing on top of you. He eyed you hungrily—sprawled out beneath him, desire evident on your face.
“You are perfect, hermosa.”
You blushed. “Rafa…”
He groaned. “Fuck. Don’t do that.”
Confusion clouded your expression. You didn’t think you’d done anything wrong…
He’d closed his eyes and his face gave away the internal struggle he was experiencing.
Realization suddenly crossed your features and you grinned. You gently raked your nails down his chest as you murmured the nickname again, “Rafa.”
His eyes shot open and he rutted his hips against yours, mouth pressing wet kisses to your heated skin. His teeth nipped at your neck and collarbone, leaving love bites in his wake.
He was taking his time with you. Wanting to explore every part of you, taste every inch of your skin, catalogue every detail in his mind.
You whimpered softly, not used to such attention, nor such deliberate slowness. “Rafael, please.”
He looked up at you with his trademark smirk. “You ever been with a Hispanic man before, Cariño?”
You blushed and shook your head.
His smirk widened. “We like to take our time, make sure our lady is properly loved and appreciated. This is about your enjoyment, (Y/N/N), not mine.”
“I want you to enjoy yourself too…”
He kissed you gently. “You keep making those pretty sounds for me, querida, and I promise you, I’ll enjoy myself.”
You found yourself unable to respond as he continued his slow descent towards your core. Each gentle caress of his lips against your skin seemed to set your nerve endings on fire--the need within you growing exponentially.
You whined prettily, hips shifting upwards, desperately seeking his lips where you needed them most. "Please," you begged.
You didn't know it yet, but Rafael would never deny you--not in the real world, nor the bedroom. The moment he heard your soft voice begging, he glanced up at your face. You already looked so far gone--your hair was a mess, your lips swollen, your cheeks flushed, and your breathing was ragged. He smiled to himself as he lowered his head, giving you no time to adjust as he dove into you with abandon.
You gasped as the pleasure threatened to overwhelm you. As skilled as the man between your legs was in the courtroom, he was even better suited with his mouth hungrily devouring you.
In the span of mere minutes, he'd turned you into a gasping, moaning mess--every one of your senses overwhelmed with feeling.
"Rafa--I--I'm close," you gasped.
He hummed against you, lips wrapping around your clit to increase his assault. His fingers dug into the flesh of your hips, holding you in place as he sped up his ministrations.
Your jaw dropped as a flurry of sounds--some of which were intended to be his name--slipped from your lips. Your orgasm sent wave after wave of intense pleasure through your body, but that pleasure soon turned to sensitivity.
"Rafa, too much--" you whispered as you tried to pull away from him.
He laid his arm across your lower belly, effectively holding you in place as his mouth continued to work you. His eyes flicked up to yours to check if you really did want him to stop, but your head was already thrown back, chest rising and falling rapidly as the familiar knot tightened in your stomach.
The moment your cries turned to moans and pleas to continue, Rafael stopped and lifted his head. "Did you want me to stop, querida?"
"No!" you cried loudly, fingers grasping his hair in an attempt to guide him back where you wanted him.
He smirked as he complied with your direction, lips and tongue once again sending you into a spiral of pleasure you'd never experienced before.
As you came down from your second high, Rafael finally slowed his assault and allowed you to pull his head up when it became too much.
He placed soft kisses against your heated skin, gently soothing you as the aftershocks shuddered through your body. His lips traced the curves of your face with gentle affection until your breathing had begun to normalize.
Rafael kissed you deeply, desire evident in the action. In response, your hand slowly descended down his chest and abdomen, until you reached his throbbing cock. You lightly ran your nails across the still clothed member, enticing a groan from the man above you.
You teased him for a few more seconds before sliding your hand beneath his boxer briefs and palming his cock in your warm hand. He groaned loudly--hips rutting against your hand instantly.
"I wanna taste you," you murmured against the shell of his ear.
"You don't have to..." he said softly.
There was something in his voice that caused you to pull away so you could see his face properly. He looked worried and perhaps a little apprehensive.
"But I want to," you reassured him.
"You do?"
You nodded. "It's something I enjoy very much, Rafa, so if you're okay with it, I would really like to suck your cock."
His eyes closed briefly and he moaned softly, forehead dropping against yours. "Por favor," he begged in a broken voice.
You grinned ear to ear. "Stand up."
"Qué?" he asked in confusion.
You nudged him gently and tilted your head towards the edge of the bed. "Stand up, handsome."
He did as you asked and watched in surprise as you lowered yourself to your knees on the floor in front of him. He felt like he needed to remind you again that you didn't need to do this for him, but when he saw the hunger in your eyes, he fell silent.
You slowly dragged his underwear down, freeing his cock from its constraints. You were a little surprised by his size--he was longer than average and quite thick--but surprise quickly turned to hunger.
You looked up at him, a playful smirk dancing on your lips, and all his worries faded away. It was obvious you wanted this...perhaps just as much as he did.
You wasted no time in wrapping your mouth around his cock, taking as much of him into your mouth as you could, eyes never leaving his face.
You gagged slightly as he hit the back of your throat, but you pushed past it, determined to provide him with as much pleasure as you could muster.
As you began to move, his fingers intertwined in your hair and his hips stuttered forwards occasionally. You knew what he needed, but it was clear he wasn't going to do it without some prodding.
You pulled off of him with a *pop* and waited until his heavily lidded eyes met yours. "Rafael, I want you to enjoy this."
"I am, cariño," he said in confusion.
"Not as much as you could be." You licked the tip of his cock for emphasis and his hips jumped slightly. "I want you to use my mouth for your own pleasure, Rafa. That's what it's there for."
He shook his head rapidly. He'd been expressly told not to do that by several women before you.
You rubbed his thighs reassuringly. "I want this, baby. Please," you begged. "Please fuck my mouth."
The moment the words were out of your mouth, you sucked his cock back into the warmth of your lips, hoping he would take you seriously. You pressed yourself forward, pushing past the gag reflex to take his entire member into your mouth.
Without hesitation, you began to guide his hips, urging him to give in and take what he wanted--what he needed.
You flicked your gaze up to meet his and nodded your head as best you could, hands still encouraging him to move. He very tentatively began to move his hips and you smiled, fingers digging into his thighs.
When you didn't pull away, he started to put a little more force into the movements. When you still didn't pull away, he sped up, fingers wrapping in your hair to keep you still.
You let him take control, eyes still trained on his face. He slowly began to thrust in earnest, fucking your mouth like it was his favorite place to be. You watched his head fall back, moans of intense pleasure leaving his lips.
You held onto him and focused on breathing as you let him use you. A few minutes passed before his hips began to stutter and you knew he was close.
You prepared to swallow everything he had to give you, but he surprised you by pulling away, your mouth coming off of him with a *pop*.
His breathing was ragged and his eyes were wild--pupils blocking out the brilliant green. "I need you," he said, voice raw and husky.
You understood his meaning and quickly crawled back onto the bed. He was on top of you almost immediately, lips latching onto your neck, teeth nipping at your flesh.
His cock rubbed against the outside of your pussy and you both groaned.
"Fuck," he mumbled. "Do I need a condom?"
"Pill," you gasped as you shook your head. "Wanna feel you fill me up, Rafa."
He let out a low growl and his eyes turned even more feral. He gave you no warning as he plunged his cock deep inside of you, stretching you in ways you'd never been stretched before.
"Rafael!" you cried out at the sensation.
Normally he would have forced himself to give you time to adjust, but his mind was too far gone. He set a brutal pace almost instantly and you were simply along for the ride.
There were so many new sensations that you were having a hard time staying focused. Everything just felt so incredible.
Your pussy throbbed around him, pulling him in even deeper. "Te sienetes muy bien, querida." [You feel so good, sweetheart.]
You moaned loudly, nails digging into his back as you arched against him.
"Te gusta cuando te hablo español, ¿no?" he growled into your ear. [You like it when I speak Spanish to you, don't you?"]
"Yes!" you gasped.
"Chica sucia," he chuckled darkly. [Dirty girl.]
"Rafa, please--I'm so close."
He groaned. "Quiero que vengas conmigo, cariño," he mumbled. [I want you to cum with me, sweetheart.] "Can you do that for me?" he asked in English.
You nodded your head rapidly.
"Esa es mi buena chica," he praised. [That's my good girl.]
You moaned lowly, preening at his praise. He smiled and picked up his pace, not wanting to stop until he felt you fall apart. "So close," he mumbled.
He knew you were close--could tell by the way your pussy fluttered around him--so he whispered, "Cum for me, baby."
You cried out as your orgasm hit you with more force than either of the two you'd had earlier. Rafael groaned your name as he spilled his seed within you, filling you up as your walls milked him dry.
You both began to come down from your highs, the intensity of your orgasms taking the wind out of both of you. Rafael pulled out and collapsed beside you, completely spent and satiated.
"That was pretty decent," you said between breaths.
He snapped his head in your direction and started to laugh when he saw the mischief in your eyes.
You grinned and joined in on his laughter, allowing him to wrap his arms around you and pull you closer to him.
"Very decent," he muttered against your hair.
You laughed again. "'Fucking incredible' would be a more accurate description."
"I couldn't agree more." He sighed softly. "I don't wanna move."
"Who says we have to?"
"We probably should...we do have work in the morning after all."
Your body tensed slightly and he felt it, realizing how his previous statement may have sounded. "I want you to stay, querida. I'm just saying we should probably get up and shower before we fall asleep."
You relaxed. "You may have to carry me."
He chuckled and dragged himself out of bed, pulling you along with him. He scooped you up despite your protests and carried you to the bathroom, placing you on the counter while he started the shower.
"I was kidding, Rafa!"
He smiled. "If my girl can walk immediately after sex, then I did something wrong. I'm always happy to carry you."
You smiled back at him, realizing he was completely serious. You watched him quietly, completely lost in thought.
"Where's your mind, querida?" he asked softly.
You shook your head, clearing your thoughts. "I'm happy...that's all."
Rafael kissed you gently. "Me too, hermosa. Now come on, let's get you cleaned up."
Once you were both clean and dry, he carried you back to his bed and laid you down gently before crawling into the bed beside you. He tugged you in closely against his chest and you sighed contentedly.
"Go to sleep, cariño. I'll be here in the morning when you wake up."
Somehow he seemed to know exactly what you needed to hear. Knowing he wasn't going anywhere and feeling his strong arms wrapped around you, allowed you to feel a calm peace you'd not felt in years.
Within minutes, you'd drifted off to sleep in his arms. Just before he fell asleep too, Rafael kissed the top of your head and whispered, "Te adoro con locura." [I adore you madly.]
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Job well done
WC: 759
Warnings: Smut Smut Smut. Its been a while, so why not just jump straight into it. No lead up just straight into it.
Enjoy x
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His long fingers were wrapped around your wrist as they were pinned above your head and being pressed into the wall. His lips, which were surprisingly warm pressing into your skin, the feeling of his beard along with his lips making you shiver as they ran along your skin. His fingers toyed with the hem of your skirt and he chuckled into your neck when you let out a whine when he moved his hand away for a moment. His hand was soon back to where it started and you shivered again, pressing your chest into his more by aching your back as his hand was still making its way up the inside of your thigh. You were so wrapped up with the feeling of his soft palm on your skin that you startled when his lips where at your ear, his breath also warm hitting your skin,
“I was proud of you today” Rafael whispered in your ear, his long pointer finger now running along the lace edge of your panties “Did Liv know you came here? She wouldn’t be very pleased.”
“No” you gasped back shaking your head slightly as his fingers started to push into the side of your panties more, making their way to your very wet core “I don’t really care what Liv would have to say right now” You locked eyes with his beautiful green ones.
“She will need to know eventually, mi amor” Rafael said firmly in a voice that usually only had one reaction from you as he slid two fingers into your warm centre “So wet for me Y/N, you like when I talk to you like that, don’t you?” Rafael twisted his fingers inside you, pointing them upwards to hit your sweet spot and you nodded “Use your words Y/N”
“Yes Sir” you moaned as Rafael’s fingers moved inside you.
“Good Girl” Rafael rolled his hips into your thigh, his hard cock pocking you.
Your eye’s locked with Rafael’s again and he could feel your core starting to clench around him, your mouth dropped open slightly, a devilish grin on Rafael’s face and the sound of your wetness filling his new office.
You hadn’t had a moment to even register what was happening with how fast Rafael moved and before you knew it, your skirt was up above your hips, your panties pooled around your feet on the floor, Rafael’s pants were around his ankles, he had rolled on protection and his hands where on your ass cheeks hoisting you up just enough for his long hard cock to slide into you and you were pushed back into the wall, your legs wrapped around his middle and his long fingers pressed into the soft flesh of your behind, your body sent into over drive as his hips rolled into you hard and fast.
Your arms wrapped around his neck and you pulled him into you, your lips crashing together, your tongues pushing into each other mouths rolling together. Your walls started to tense around Rafael and he could feel it too, his hip thrust getting faster and the bottom of his dress shirt pressed so hard between you both that it was rubbing on your needy pearl, causing a delicious kind of friction.
Your whole body felt hot and your legs started to tingle. You broke the kiss, your forehead resting on his. Your eyes slammed shut and you bit hard into your bottom lip, trying not to be loud as you came hard around him your breath almost taken away with how intense you came. Rafael moved his hips faster, you could feel the sweat forming on his forehead before you moved your head and put your lips to his ear,
“Cum for me Sir, give it all to me”
Rafael rolled his hips hard into you, stilled and said your name and a few swear words under his breath. He took in a deep breath before you loosened your legs around him and he made sure you had your balance first and then kissed your forehead and then your lips sweetly. Rafael turned away walking over to his desk and cleaning himself up, while you fixed yourself up, smoothing your hair flat at the back,
“We need to tell her, love” Rafael smoothed the hair on face with his long fingers, looking at you dead in the eyes.
You rolled your eyes walking over to him throwing your arms around his neck and his moving around your waist,
“After that, whenever you want Rafi”
Tags:  @detective-giggles​ @beccabarba​  @witches-unruly-heart​ @dianilaws​ @scarletsoldierrr​ @lv7867​  @permanentlydizzy​ @averyhotchner​ @infiniteoddball​ @fandom-princess-forevermore​ @madamsnape921​ @annabelleb49​ @alwaysachorusgirl​​ @thatesqcrush​​ @gillysoldlady​​   @jemmakates​​  
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bullet-prooflove · 1 year
Rafael Barba Masterlist
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Rafael Barba x Reader:
Tell Me What You Want (NSFW) - Rafael needs you to tell him.
Mental Health HC - Rafael makes up for failing you.
Losing the Battle - Rafael may have lost the battle but he will make sure he wins the war.
Carry On Counselor (NSFW) -  When Rafael finally does get a few moments alone with you in the apartment, he likes to take you to bed.
Lingerie (NSFW) - Rafael likes buying you lingerie.
Rafael Loves… (NSFW) - Rafael loves having you all to himself.
Sunday Morning With Rafael - Sunday mornings with Rafa
Living With Rafael - What it’s like living with Rafael
Pillow Talk - Rafael worries about how his job effects you.
Shelter - Rafael takes comfort in you.
Pity - Rafael pities Yelena.
Not Yet - NSFW - You haven’t earned what Rafael plans to give you.
Goodnight Sweetheart Series:  - Can be read as stand alone or as part of a series
Part One: Goodnight Sweetheart - Rafael’s job puts you in the line of fire.
Part Two: Gone - Sonny breaks the bad news.
Part Three: Mi Vida - Rafael says a final goodbye.
All In - Rafael Barba x OC - Raf falls in love.
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the-wandering-wonder · 4 months
No Further Questions
Just a fun, angsty oneshot I threw together due to my current Raul Esparza obsession. Pairing: Rafael Barba x Reader
Word Count: 1,211
Rating: T (angst, swearing)
Chapter: 1/1
Summary: You get called as a witness for the defense, and Rafael has to cross-examine you. And we all know how ruthless he can be, even to the SVU detectives. Hurt feelings and anger come out, and you don't quite know how to handle it.
“No further questions.”
Rafael Barba’s words echo in your ears as you step out of the witness box. You can’t bring yourself to look at him as you walk past the table, anger and humiliation flooding through you. You walk out of the courtroom, Carisi right on your heels. 
“Hey, are you okay?” Carisi calls, trying to keep up with your brisk pace. “That was rough…”
“You're telling me.” 
“I mean, I get that he had to do his job, but damn.”
You stop before reaching the elevator, Carisi nearly stumbling into you. You turn, pinching the bridge of your nose as you let out a sigh.
“I-” You shake your head. “Look, I’m just gonna get back to the station. I’ve got paperwork to finish.”
Carisi looks like he wants to say something, but just gives you a sad nod instead, watching as you get in the elevator. As the doors shut and you’re left alone, you feel your lungs tighten and you take in gulps of air that burn your chest. Your eyes begin to burn and you feel tears threatening to fall.
“Dammit!” You slam your fist against the elevator wall. You’d never cried in the courthouse before and you were not about to start now.
You knock back the shot of whiskey, feeling the burn in your throat and grateful to feel something besides the aching knot in your stomach. You’d left the squad at their table, preferring solitude at the bar. You fight back a tremble as you push your glass towards the edge of the bar.
“Another for the lady.”
Barba’s annoyingly smooth voice floats over the noise of the bar and you turn to see the A.D.A. sliding into the chair next to you. You feel your heart racing as memories of the day flood through you. The green of his eyes are almost swallowed in the dim light of the bar and you can’t help but remember the fire that had been in them as he ripped you apart on the witness stand. Or had that been hurt…?
“Look, about today-”
“Today?” You interrupt Barba, turning to glare at him. “Today fucking sucked.”
“I’ve got nothing more to say, counselor.”
You spit out the title, taking notice of the pinched look in his eyes at your vitriol. You’d begun to trust Barba, but maybe that had been a mistake. You zip up your jacket, shoving your hands in your pockets as you push away from the bar. Swinging by the table, you give the squad a nod.
“I’m gonna call it a night,” you say quickly. “I’ll see you guys in the morning.”
Barba turns to watch you stride out of the bar. Tossing back his drink, he moves to follow you, stopping when Carisi moves to block him.
“Hey, man,” he says, his hand resting on Barba's chest. “I don't think you-”
He glances over Barba's shoulder, letting his words die as he sees Olivia shake her head softly. He steps aside, letting Barba follow you out into the brisk city air.
“Detective, wait!” He calls, frowning as he watches you walking away.
You ignore him as you continue down the sidewalk, and you hear the scrape of shoes on pavement as he follows behind. You stop short as he calls you by name, his voice cracking. You stop, pausing for just a moment before turning to face Barba.
“I’m sorry about today,” he says briskly, placing his hand on your arm.
You jerk your arm away, not missing the hurt that flashes across Barba's face as his jaw tenses. You sigh, feeling your chest tighten as the corners of your eyes begin to burn. You open and close your mouth, unable to form words that won’t end with you crying in front of him.
“You have to know that I didn’t enjoy that,” he continues, “it’s just…it’s my job.”
“I know what your job is,” you reply. Your voice begins to shake and each swallow feels like broken glass lodging in your throat. You let out a shaky sigh before continuing, “and I know why you did it. But it fucking hurt me. It blindsided me.”
“If I could have given you a heads up, I would have.” Barba lowers his head. “But I couldn’t risk accusations of tampering.”
“I know,” you nod your head slightly. “I’m just gonna go home, watch the game, and try to pretend today never happened. Good night, counselor.”
You nurse your glass of wine, wrapped in your blanket as you watch the highlights from the game. Your team won, but you don’t feel your usual joy, instead sinking into the comforting embrace of numbness. You’re contemplating a second glass when there’s a soft knock at the door. You groan slightly as you disentangle yourself from the fabric and shuffle to the door.
You glance through the peephole, feeling a pang of surprise and irritation as you see Barba standing at your door, an almost shameful look on his face and a pizza box in his hand. You open the door, leaning against the doorframe as you look at him. He shifts his weight from one foot to another as he holds the pizza out towards you.
“I-uh, well, I know you like pizza when you watch a game,” he offers, his eyebrows knit as he searches your face for any sign of reaction.
“Game finished 30 minutes ago.”
Barba’s face falls at your words and despite wanting to hurt him earlier, it makes your heart ache slightly. You feel your anger and resolve slowly crumbling as you take in the man standing at your doorstep. He's in his usual fancy suit with a rich, brown overcoat, but his usual cocksure expression is long gone, replaced with a placating gaze and frown etched into his features. 
“I was about to put on a movie,” you continue, pushing off the door frame and walking back inside. “Wine or whiskey?”
“Whatever you have open,” Barba says quietly, taking a tentative step into your apartment.
“Wine it is, then.”
You grab a second glass, nodding at the door as you pour. He takes your meaning and closes it behind him, setting the pizza box on the counter once he reaches the kitchen. He sheds both overcoat and suit jacket, laying them on an empty chair. You hand him the glass and walk back over to the couch, settling into the comfort of the cushions and blanket. Barba stands by the counter, his gaze shifting from you to his glass and back again before he approaches the couch. Your name tumbles out of his lips with a sigh, his gaze filled with a plea for forgiveness.
Glancing up at Barba, you lift the blanket, scooting over to make room for the A.D.A. His eyes widen slightly and you see his posture soften ever-so-slightly before he lowers onto the couch, tentatively settling beside you.
“Today sucked, Raf.”
“I know.”
His arm slides around your shoulder and you instinctively curl into his side, his warmth radiating through your body as you feel his body sighing in relief, relaxing against you.
“It still hurts.”
Barba presses a gentle kiss against the top of your head before resting his chin there.
“I know…”
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noellawrites · 1 year
Material Witness - Yandere!Rafael Barba x reader
summary: Barba gets flirty while you’re testifying against your rapist. Plot taken from SVU 21x1.
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Your hands shook as you walked up to the witness stand. When you sat down, the wooden chair creaked. You bit the inside of your lip as you looked out at the jury.
“Miss (y/l/n), what is your relationship with the defendant?”
You took a deep breath, “I met Sir Toby at the New York Film Festival in October. He invited me to his office to audition for a role, and I accepted.”
Barba took a step closer to you, meeting your eyes.
“As a beautiful young actress, you were flattered, correct?”
“Yes,” you confirmed.
“What happened once you arrived for the audition?”
“His assistant led me to his office. Sir Toby brought me in, told me to sit down and began recording. Then, he forced me to perform oral sex on him.”
“Did he exert any force on you?” Barba asked, taking another step closer.
“At first, I told him no. But then, he grabbed me by the neck and told me if I didn’t do what he said, he’d kill me,” you explained, trying to hold back the tears in your eyes.
You looked up and saw Barba staring at you intently. He looked almost ready to devour you, to eat you alive.
“Exibit D, photographs of Miss (y/l/n) after this encounter,” Barba explained as graphic images of your bruised neck popped up on the screen.
“Miss (y/l/n), would you say that you’re used to receiving… flattery from men? Perhaps through gifts or expensive items?”
“Yes, I am.”
“But when Sir Toby sent you the basket of flowers, what did you take this as a sign of?” Barba asked.
“Objection! The witness can’t know for sure,” Sir Toby’s lawyer said.
“I’ll allow it,” the judge said, so you continued.
“It felt like he was buying me off, like he wanted to keep me silent,” you explained.
“And how would you have felt if you received a gift from an admirer, maybe someone closer to you?” Barba questioned.
You looked up at him from where you sat on the stand, doe eyes looking into his intense ones. You recognized it as the same expression Sir Toby had looked at you with. Why did these older men have to look at you as some virginal prize they could win? Wasn’t Barba supposed to be your lawyer?
“I-I would’ve felt better about it, but I didn’t know Sir Toby very well. In the basket was tickets to his movie premiere. I felt like he was trying to buy my silence,” you confessed.
“Nothing further,” Barba said, and walked back to his seat. Thank god.
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sej2020 · 1 year
Over Snacks
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You don’t know really when it began, this little thing with the ADA. It just did. You just found you both had a mutual love of snacks and coffee. Both of you seemingly making beeline for the snacks in the draw of your desk, or the coffee pot in his office. You didn’t really think anything of it, but others surely did.
It was like any other day, you were sat at your desk filling out the statement your most recent victim had made, getting everything onto the system as the investigation began to take full flow.
It was late afternoon and a cup of now cooling coffee sat next you, Barba came strutting into the precinct. Ignoring the smirks of your fellow teammates, you barely reacted as the man as usual immediately headed to your desk and perched himself on the edge looking at you expectantly.
‘Can I help you with something councillor?’ You asked grabbing your coffee mug settling back in your seat looking up at the smirking man.
‘Come on, you going to make me beg, even now?’ asked Barba batting his eyes.
‘Well a please would be nice’ you scoffed taking a final sip of your coffee before placing it on your desk, before leaning over the side of your chair to open up the bottom draw behind the man’s legs.
‘Pretzels or fish crackers?’ You asked.
‘Pretzels’ smirked Barba immediately tucking into the tub when you handed it to him.
‘Thanks’ you snorted when the man made a small pile on your desk.
‘You’re welcome’ said Barba grinning as he put away the tub, closing the draw and heading into Olivia’s office with his own handful.
‘What?’ You huffed when you spotted everyone looking at you with smirks on their faces.
‘Come on… you and Barba’ smirked Finn.
‘What about me and Barba?’ You asked with a frown.
‘Flirting like children over Pretzels’ smiled Rollins.
‘Behave’ you scoffed.
‘There was definitely flirtatious body language coming from you both’ grinned Carisi.
‘Seriously you guys are way off the mark’ you said turning back to your report.
It wasn’t until later into the evening you made your way to the ADA’s building, you had a question that popped into your head on your way home and seeing as you passed the building you decided to just pop in.
Wondering up the stairs and onto Barba’s office level, unsurprised to find his assistant Carmen having gone home already. Not realising he had someone with him, you opened the door and poked your head in.
‘What are you a bat?’ Snarked Rita who was sat in front of Barba’s desk.
‘Well I hope it wasn’t anything bad’ you said raising an eyebrow.
‘It wasn’t, Rita was actually just leaving’ huffed Barba.
‘There’s no need to be a grump, don’t forget what I said Rafael’ said Rita, grabbing her bag getting to her feet.
‘Detective’ Rita said as you stood to the side to let the women out the office.
‘Defence Vulture’ you replied earning a cackle from the women as she left.
‘Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt’ you said sheepishly, suddenly finding it very awkward.
‘Don’t be you saved me actually, Rita actually popped in on her way from dinner with her husband, don’t suppose I can encourage you to help me with these?’ Asked Barba opening the plastic bag on top his desk revealing two cheesecakes clearly from the Cheesecake Factory.
‘Don’t need to ask me twice’ you grinned all but running to the coffee cart Barba had set up, filling up both your usual mugs with the ever steaming hot brew, missing the fond look Barba shot you behind your back.
‘Now I don’t care what anyone says, this is the best way to spend a Friday night’ you grinned, practically vibrating in your seat after your first bite of the sweet treat.
Not getting any response you turned to man sat on the couch next to you, finding green eyes staring at you with the softest look, making you practically turn into a blushing mess at the intensity.
‘God, you’re so undeniably beautiful’ blurted out Barba.
‘I…I..’ you stuttered only to have Barba real back in shock.
‘Oh god, I’m sorry, that was… I’m sorry I’m not being perverted…. You must find me disgusting’ backtracked Barba quickly.
‘What? You compliment me then take it back, don’t be ridiculous’ you said immediately grabbing the man’s hand instantly.
‘Y/N’ sighed Barba almost sadly.
‘No… I mean it… because I kind of think the same about you’ you said squeezing the man’s hand.
‘I’m quite a bit older than you’ said Barba weakly, flipping his hand over in yours, fingers linked together.
‘Seriously, for a mouthy lawyer that was weak even for you’ you teased, earning a chuckle from the man.
‘It was wasn’t it’ chuckled Barba.
‘Why didn’t you say anything?’ You asked.
‘I honestly thought it was just a work thing for you, so I was just happy to have you as a friend, because at least then I could still love you’ said Barba.
‘Love me?’ You whispered, Barba blushing hotly.
‘I do…. Love you, I think you’re so incredible’ replied Barba softly.
‘Raf, I think you’re an amazing man…. I’m just… I’m so angry with myself for not saying something earlier’ you said, Barba chuckling softly shaking his head.
‘Me too carino me too’ smiled Barba letting go of your hand to cup the side of your face, using his thumb to stroke your skin.
Turning your head, you kissed the man’s lips palm, closing your eyes, keeping your face in the man’s hand. With your eyes still shut, you felt your face being carefully guided, your heart hammering in your chest. Finally, a warm set of lips softly pressed to yours.
It was just a simple kiss, nothing heated, but it was perfect, Barba broke away leaving his nose against yours, his forehead resting now lightly against yours.
‘I think cheesecake is going to become my favourite treat now’ you whispered opening your eyes.
‘Mine too’
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thatesqcrush · 1 year
Staycation: Spooky Edition
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A very very late Kinktober piece. Rafael x f Reader (established relationship). WC: 5Kish. CW: this got away from me - there is some very rough sex, some dom/sub dynamics, language, impact play (being smacked and spanked), some degradation talk, oral (m receiving).
AN: big thanks to @beccabarba for help & encouragement.
The wind howled fiercely and the sky was an eerie green, a sign of an impending storm. You pulled over and put your car into park. You got out of the car and covered your eyes with your hand as you gazed upon the house ahead of you. It was massive, almost looming before you.
The house was advertised as Victorian and it certainly was, with its red brick, steeply pitched roof, gables and round towers and turrets to draw the eye upward. There was a wraparound porch likely intended to give the home a cozier feel, but overall the house gave off a sinister vibe. It was as if the house watched you back.
Your phone pinged and you were quick to check who it was. It was your boyfriend and he was on his way by train and would meet you later that evening at the house.
You quickly texted him back before grabbing your luggage and making your way up the winding path to the house that would be your home for the weekend.
Your boyfriend was one of the top prosecutors in all of Manhattan. Getting time off was rare but this weekend had been locked away months ago. Rather than spend time at a quaint B&B on the beach, you both decided to make the most of upstate New York in the fall with the ever changing colorful leaves and crisp air. You had found the house on AirBnB and it seemed to be a much more appropriate choice.
You knew from a message from the owner, there was a key under a rock. Sure enough you found the key and unlocked the door. The door was heavy, and opened with a creak. The interior design was ornate and eccentric. On the entryway table was a thick binder with the word ‘welcome’ plastered on it. There was a grand staircase and high ceilings. The house was furnished with hardwood floors, dark wood furniture and decorative wallpaper, multiple fireplaces, a formal dining room, a parlor and even a library.
You settled in quickly, spending the majority of the time poring through the thick binder, which gave a detailed history of the home. You also learned that the home was accompanied with a tragic love story –
In 1837, a man of considerable wealth by the name of William Axtell had this home built for his fiancee. His fiancee was educated, graceful and beautiful, but she was not the one Axtell loved — alas, he was in love with her sister, Alva. He simply couldn’t bear to be without her, and so he did what any man would do: built a secret chamber in his house and hid her away in there. Only one other person knew about Alva: a maid who took care of her and brought her food. Alva would wait all day until William could slip away, and then he’d visit her upstairs in their secret sex chamber. One day, when William was away on an extended business trip, the maid died. There was no one to bring Alva food or drink, and so she starved to death. Let that be a lesson to you if you’ve secreted an illicit love away in a clandestine sex chamber: have some kind of food distribution buddy system in place. You know, like how you don’t go swimming alone.
There was a blueprint of the home which notated where the secret chamber was and pictures of William, his fiancee and Alva.
As you traced the photos, a chill went up your spine. While you didn’t believe in the paranormal, you weren’t completely dismissive of the chill. You warily closed the binder. In that moment, your phone began to buzz causing you to jump. It was Rafael again. You saw the curtain of the window move and realized your chill must have just been the wind from outside. You let out a small laugh at yourself for getting worked up over nothing.
After speaking with Rafael, you finished unpacking before going to the neighboring town for groceries. You had planned on making a romantic dinner for when Rafael arrived. You loaded up on groceries and bottles of wine and made small talk with the cashier as you were rung up.
By the time you got back, Rafael had already arrived. He had settled in as well, having changed from his suit (as he had court that morning) into dark blue jeans, a maroon marled knit sweater. His hair had grayed considerably and was slicked back in a perfect coif. He had grown out his beard a bit, but it was still neat. His cologne was a combination that was equal parts earthy, peppery and citrusy.
“You made it!” You exclaimed as you walked in. Rafael pressed a kiss to your lips and then offered his hands to take the groceries from you.
“This place is incredible,” Rafael replied as he followed you through the house. You nodded excitedly.
“Right? It’s beautiful and there are so many rooms and halls to get lost in. I definitely want to check out the library. Though, when I first arrived, it gave me —“
“A spooky vibe?” Rafael interjected. He rummaged for a wine opener, winking when he found one. You reached for the wine glasses and quickly rinsed and dried them. Rafael set the opened wine aside to let it breathe.
Rafael wrapped his arms around your waist. “Yeah, I got the same vibe. You’re not scared are you?”
You ran your fingertips under the hem of Rafael’s sweater, letting out a little hum as his muscles twitched beneath your touch. Rafael pulled you even closer, lifting your chin with the crook of his index finger. His green eyes twinkled and you felt yourself grow warm. “Not at all. I’ve got my big strong boyfriend from the Bronx to keep me safe.”
It had started to rain.
Raindrops pelted hard and the exterior board and batten shutters swung wildly, pounding against the house. You and Rafael ran around the house shutting them and making certain the doors were bolted.
The two of you settled in the living room, sitting in front of the fireplace. The fire crackled and popped. Rafael between your legs and leaned back against you. He turned the page of his worn copy of Jekyll and Hyde, and continued to read out loud. You closed your eyes, letting the timbre of his voice envelope you as you played with his hair, massaging his scalp in process.
Suddenly everything went dark.
"Guess it was bound to happen sooner or later," Rafael remarked. Carefully you both stood and you each turned on the flashlights on your cell phones to look around.
You looked at Rafael. “The binder said that the fuse box was downstairs in the basement.”
Rafael sighed. “I guess I’ll be going down to the basement.”
“I’ll go,” you volunteered. “Stay up here and text me if the lights come back on.”
All Rafael could hear was the sound of the storm pushing through. He tried to check on the duration of the storm but his phone was loading slowly.
There was a flicker and then the lights came back on. Rafael sighed in relief and texted you that the lights were back. He anticipated the sound of your footsteps bounding up the stairs but nothing came.
Rafael waited a few more minutes, ignoring the knot of worry that was beginning to brew. He texted you once more and called your name.
Again nothing.
Fear pricked at Rafael. It wasn’t like you to not be responsive. He made his way down the basement, his heart thudding in his chest and his palms beginning to sweat. He called for you but was answered in silence. He crept quietly, but the floor still creaked with every step. His pulse pounded in his ears.
Rafael had been a prosecutor for far too long. His mind was racing in all the ways you could have been possibly kidnapped or murdered. He was all set to call Olivia when something caught his eye.
At the end of the hall, a bookcase was turned vertically, revealing a partially opened door. Rafael walked toward it, even though all his horror movie training screamed at him to not to. He called your name once more as he fully opened the door.
The oxblood-hued room was packed with recherché items that wouldn't look out of place in a grand gentlemen's club, including a posh Chesterfield chair, vintage ship model and antique carriage clock. There was a plush bed with bedding that could be described as sumptuous.
Rafael recalled the story of William and Alva that you told him over dinner. It dawned on him that this room was the secret chamber. He walked in cautiously and carefully, scanning the room. There was a knot in his stomach, and he felt tense all over.
He had the sense he was not the only one in the room. When he turned around, he was met with you shouting “Boo!” in his face.
Rafael let out a shout, nearly jumping out of his skin. “Jesus Christ!”
You began to laugh. “I’m sorry but that was just too easy. I couldn’t help it.” You continued to laugh, so much so that you had to double over.
Rafael gave you an incredulous look. “Ha ha, really fucking funny.”
You stood up, still chuckling a bit and wiped your eyes. “Oh come on! It was just a joke! You have to admit that I got you good.”
Rafael glowered at you and took a step closer towards you. “You know, I don't like practical jokes.”
You smirked and cocked your brow, challenging. “And what are you going to do about it?”
Rafael reached for you and pulled you close to him where you were practically chest to chest. Your palms were on his chest and you could feel his heart thundering rapidly. He gripped your chin with his index and thumb. “You’ll see.”
You saw the change in his expression to something more lustful and predatory, the sensual look in his eye sending a jolt of hot anticipation through you.
You jerked your chin from his grip but barely had a chance to look away as he gripped your cheeks, squeezing but not too tightly.
“Look at me when I’m talking to you. Do I look like I am playing a fucking game?” Rafael all but growled, his green eyes burning with desire. You shook your head in response. Your pulse began to quicken and arousal stoked your core. “For the rest of the time we are here, you will answer me as sir.”
His gaze darkened as he ran his fingers softly along your jawline, holding your chin so your eyes met his. When his fingers flattened out against your cheek, you had an inkling as to what was coming. Still, when the sharp smack landed against your skin, you jumped slightly. The sting bloomed into heat. Rafael knew what that did to you, and you didn't miss his little smirk as he did it again, slightly harder, pricking your skin, watching your reaction. He put a fingertip beneath your chin.
“What did you say?” Rafael prodded, his brow cocked.
“Yes sir.” You breathed.
“Good girl,” Rafael murmured. He then kissed you hard, all teeth and tongue. His hand was tight in your hair, pulling your head back so he could kiss and suck along your neck. His teeth grazed sharply against your skin, causing you to groan in response to the pricks of pain. A dark mark bloomed easily and he ran his tongue over it, soothing the area. He again nipped up your jawline before kissing you once more, the kiss more soft than before, but still full of passion. His tongue licked hotly in your mouth. You could feel his cock, hard against your body. Your were certain you were already dripping and your nerves were buzzing, erotically charged.
“Strip. And get on the bed,” Rafael all but growled.
You looked at the bed and then around the room. You also were certain that the room was haunted as fuck, but you did not want to bring it up lest it change the mood.
“Did I fucking stutter?” Rafael snapped, bringing your focus back to him.
“No sir!” You yanked your shirt off and then sat on the bed to remove your shoes. This was then followed by your pants and undergarments. You laid prostrate on the bed, eagerly anticipating Rafael’s next move.
Rafael stood at the foot of the bed and placed his hands on his hips, his green eyes narrowing at you a little as took in the sight of your naked form. He began to undress himself. Buttons were undone nimbly and quickly, followed by his shoes and remainder of his clothes. He jacked himself languidly, casually spitting into his palm.
The bed creaked under his weight and you felt him move behind you. His large hands ghosted your skin, feeling the knobs of your spine. When he got to your ass, he squeezed your flesh, before laying a hard spank on your ass. You let out a small moan, which garnered another spank, this time harder than before. Rafael sat on his haunches, spreading your ass cheeks apart. Nothing major had even happened yet and he already knew you were dripping.
Rafael sucked on two of his fingers, using his own saliva to lubricate them. The tips of his fingers ghosted over your puckered rosebud before shoving his fingers inside of you. Your startled gasp turned into a breathy moan as he coated them in your wetness before pulling them out to spread it over your pussy, and then shoving them back in, fingering you roughly. His other hand landed sharply on your ass giving you another spank.
“A mess,” Rafael growled. “I can fucking smell how needy you are.” The pace of his fingers increase and the wet sounds of your arousal are evident in the quiet room. “Tonight is about me. Your one job is to make me happy.”
“Yes sir,” you gasped in reply, your hips moving in their own accord to match the thrust of his hand.
“You’re going to pay for your stunt. You’re not going to come until I tell you to. Me entiendes?”
You were completely lost in your pleasure and his words didn’t register. When you failed to respond, he abruptly removed his fingers, causing you to cry out at the empty feeling.
Two more spanks. The skin of your ass was hot and you wondered if Rafael could see the outline of his hand. Rafael grabbed your ass cheeks and spread you apart once more. You felt his stubble, pricking your skin and then you felt the prick of his teeth once more as he bit you - first one then the other, then repeating in a pattern. The bites are followed by additional spanks. It was unrelenting, the sting of the bites and spanks caused your toes to curl. And then it was over and you felt Rafael’s tongue on your skin licking soothingly. His mouth hovered over your pussy, his breath hot. You pushed back, desperate for more.
Rafael smacked your ass once more. “No sweetheart. Your job is to make me feel good tonight. And maybe, just maybe, if you’re good enough, I will let you come.”
You nodded and Rafael’s eyes narrowed.
“Use your words,” he commanded.
“Yes, sir. Going to make you feel good,” you whimpered. Rafael smirked and nudged you to roll over. He wrapped his arm around you, and pulled you flush against him. You could feel his cock on the small of your back, hard and leaking.
His other hand smoothed up your thigh, encouraging it apart from the other one as he reached your pussy and traced his fingers through your folds. He stopped as he pressed down on your clit and drew his hand back to deliver a short, hard spank to the swelling bundle of nerves. You squealed, body jolting at the sudden impact.
“Fuck,” you muttered, biting down on your bottom lip. Rafael’s face disappeared into the crook of your neck, sucking and kissing your skin while one hand grabbed your tit, tugging and twisting your nipple. You let out a small moan in response. His other hand headed back down to your opening, fingers inside of you, pumping. You groaned, your nails digging into the meat of his thighs.
“I want to cum, sir, please,” you begged desperately.
“No,” Rafael replied sternly. “Hold it.”
“Please, please, I’ll be a good girl,” you begged again. A sharp spank landed on your pussy and you squealed.
“What did I tell you about begging me?” he growled. You felt the pad of his thumb tease your clit. “So fucking wet. I bet I could just slide my cock in and make that tight pussy take it. You’d take it, right?”
“Yes,” you hissed, your eyes screwing shut.
You felt your orgasm bubble up in your gut and you tried to ignore it but it was futile. Rafael felt you tense and he removed his fingers from you and slapped your pussy sharply once more. You let out a whimper in response.
You turned to Rafael and leaned down to kiss him. The kiss was sloppy, open mouthed, his tongue licking hotly into your mouth. You pulled away briefly and grabbed his hand to suck his finger, imitating what you wanted to do.
“Want to suck my cock?” Rafael asked. His breathing was already labored, intent on making the evening last but he was already overworked. He knew once he fucked you, it wouldn’t be long.
You nodded, humming in agreement.
“Ask me to let you.”
“Yes sir. Can I taste your cock sir?” Your eyes met his. A delicious smirk curled on his plump lips and lit up his entire face. His green eyes sparkled with mischief.
Rafael nodded and spread his legs wider to make room for you. As you positioned yourself, he gripped himself at the base. You looked up at him and he tapped his cock against your mouth. “Open.”
You follow his command and open your mouth to take his cock. He’s cut. It’s a nice fleshy pink color, but the head is a couple shades darker; when you’ve been edging him, it darkens to almost purple. There are a few visible veins, and an especially thick one that runs along the underside.
Saliva gathered in your mouth at the sight of his heavy cock. A thick line of pre-cum dripped out of his slit, dripping down until it slowed at the base. Your hand ghosted over the patch of dark curls there, sending a shiver up Rafael’s spine.
You wrapped your mouth around the head of his cock, enveloping it in your warm, wet heat. You sucked, pulling the salty liquid from him and onto your awaiting tongue, letting out a small hum. You pulled off briefly and then opened your mouth wider so you could take more of him.
Rafael petted your hair softly, enjoying watching you take his cock inch by inch, until the head of his cock hit the back of your throat. You gagged slightly, and then pulled off to catch your breath.
“Let me change position,” Rafael commented. You remained in place as he climbed off the bed and stood. He beckoned you with a finger and you quickly scrambled over. You looked up at him, batting your eyes. He tapped his cock on your lips and you opened widely.
“Relax sweetheart, open your throat,” Rafael ordered as he began to feed his cock into your mouth. You closed your eyes, breathing deeply through your nose. His hands wove into your hair and he pulled your head forward as he snapped his hips, shoving the remainder of his thick cock into your mouth and throat. His hands were firm in your hair, keeping you in place. Your eyes began to water and saliva pooled from the corners of your mouth. He withdrew and repeated again and again, holding your willing mouth flush against him, your nose buried in his salt and pepper curls.
Finally, he relented and began to thrust into your mouth, a brutal pace abusing your throat with his thick length. Tears streamed down your face, and your eye makeup was smeared. Any gloss that might have remained on your lips was now gone.
“You take my cock so well,” Rafael praised. He pushed you a bit further, your jaw ached and throbbed. “Such a dirty girl with my cock in your throat. Do you like having my cock in your throat?”
You let out a muffled response and Rafael pulled you off of him, by your hair. The pain ebbed into a tingle of pleasure.
“What was that? I couldn’t hear you.”
He watched in fascination the spit string that connected your lips to his cock pull thin before finally breaking.
He gripped your chin hard, smushing your lips together. He slapped you once more. “Answer me.”
Your cunt clenched in response to the sting.
“Yes sir, I love your cock in my mouth,” you croaked. Rafael laughed and shoved your head back onto his cock. His hands were on the sides of your head, moving your head over his cock, his hips meeting the movements. He growled as he fucked your face, testing the limits your throat could handle. But you knelt there, mouth open wide as another wave of tears streamed down your face, moaning as he pushed you past the limits of comfort, ruining you. You could feel your juices slick on your thighs and there was a growing ache in between your legs that so desperately wanted to be touched. And while your throat was sore and your jaw ached, you loved it when Rafael used you as he pleased.
“Good girl, take that cock,” Rafael grunted. He bent forward, leaning over your body so he could slip his fingers back into your pussy. Because of the position, you began to bob on his cock, using a hand for assistance. The only sounds in the room were his grunts and groans, mixed with your muffled moans and whines.
“I’m going to cum if we keep this up” Rafael groaned and he withdrew from your mouth and pussy. You watched him as he sucked his fingers clean of your pussy juice. He let out a hum of satisfaction. Your eyes went down to his cock, it stuck out with a slight curve. Cum leaked easily now.
Rafael watched you and he smirked. “Is there something you want?”
“Yes sir.” You replied. Without prompting, you elaborated. “I want your cock sir.”
“I didn’t hear you say please.”
“Please sir.”
“Turn around,” Rafael commanded. You acquiesced to his request, turning around so you were on all fours.
Rafael wasted no time. The bed dipped with his weight and spread your cheeks once more. “Look at that pretty pussy. And it’s mine.”
He thrusted in himself inside of you, burying himself to the hilt. His pelvis was snug against the curve of your ass. He waited a minute, letting you adjust. He saw you nod and he began to move. He started slowly at first but steadily picked up speed. His balls are hefty and you can feel the weight of them slap against your pussy. He held on to your hips steadily, driving your ass lower into the bed until your legs buckled and you landed on the bed, ass up, torso down, face into the mattress.
The pace was brutal as he fucked you hard and deep. His fingers dug into your hips and you’re certain that there will be bruises once done. You felt every ridge of his cock against your walls with each harsh thrust and you needed more of it. You heard yourself - don’t stop, fuck me harder, give it to me - but it all sounded slurred to you.
There are a series of spanks to your ass in response.
Rafael’s legs were now framing your thighs, pounding down into you. You gripped the bedspread and cried out his name every time his cock pistoned into you again.
Suddenly you were aware that your arms were being pulled behind you. Rafael held your arms together, handcuff style, as he continued, giving you exactly what you wanted - what you both so desperately wanted. He’s also chasing his release, but he will give you what you want.
You bit down on your bottom lip as he took you closer and closer to the edge. Your clit throbbed, aching, needing to be touched.
“Fuck, you’re so tight, so fucking perfect,” Rafael grunted. Sweat dripped down his body and onto yours as he kept his pace. “I bet you wanna come.”
A stream of yes, yes, yes, left your mouth.
Rafael slowed his pace and you whined in protest. “Don’t stop, please. Sir, please.”
“Thank me for fucking you. And maybe I will let you come.”
You nodded frantically. “Your cock feels so good! Yes, yes! Thank you for fucking me sir!”
“Atta girl, now you get it. Whose pussy is this?”
“Yours sir!” You cried out.
Rafael released one of your arms. “Go ahead, come.”
You frantically reach below to your clit and your fingers slip due to the mix of your and Rafael’s wet mess. You find your clit and rubbed in haphazard circles, chasing the sweet relief of orgasm. It doesn’t take long and before you realize it, you are coming hard, Rafael’s name escaping from your lips. It had never been this intense before, as if one orgasm rolled into the other. Rafael groaned as you squirted, your juices releasing all over his cock. He inwardly beamed - you hadn’t ever done that before.
“Yes,” Rafael hissed. “Coat that cock, cover it all up.”
You slumped forward, unable to hold yourself up. You are lost in your own haze, unaware that Rafael hadn’t come yet. You let out a yelp as Rafael pulled you upward, thrusting back into you. The pace is somehow even harder than before as you hear the sound of skin slapping on skin.
Rafael is growling and grunting. “You think just because you fucking came, that it means get to be fucking lazy on me?”
“No sir,” you cried out. The ache that had dissipated started to grow again. “Fuck me sir. Use me!”
Rafael’s teeth gnashed together as his release approached. A deep rumble emanated from his chest and you had been intimate with him long enough to know that he was about to come.
He grunted, pumping faster, and then his hips jerked, stuttering in their rhythm, and he came, hard. Ropes of thick white creamy come filled you. “Fuck, fuck, oh my god, fuck!” He shuddered as he finished coming. He stayed there before withdrawing, his cock softening. You felt some of his come dribble out.
You both flopped onto your backs, bodies covered in sweat and heaving, trying to catch your breath.
Rafael shifted and he loomed over you. You furrowed your brows at first but then your mouth formed an ‘O’ as he pushed up your legs. He used his fingers to spread your lips and watched as his release dripped out of you. He scooped up some and spread it along your belly, as if he was marking his territory.
He reached back down to your pussy and scooped some more of his release. He then spread it on your clit, and began to rub you once more.
“I know you can do it again.” Rafael slid two fingers inside of you, curling them.
Your legs trembled as you felt yet another orgasm begin to build. You can almost feel Rafael’s smile against you as he jackhammered his fingers inside of you, fucking his come back into you.
“Come on, one more sweetheart.” His words were your undoing and your hips jerk. He lifted his head and you looked at him with wide eyes. “Give it to me.” He began rubbing your clit roughly and horizontally rapidly. You arched your back sharply, and wailed as you came again. Sound went fuzzy and you squeezed your eyes tightly. Rafael just kept his mouth open by your cunt, collecting your cum in his mouth as you squirted once more.
You collapsed against the bed as you came down back to reality. Rafael covered his body with yours and pressed a kiss to your mouth, sharing your come with you. The kiss was wet and messy but soft, dare say gentle.
“How was that?” Rafael questioned, his eyes searching yours. “Are you okay?”
You hummed ame gave him a smile. “Oh yeah. That was perfect.”
Rafael eventually peeled his sweaty body off of you. You snuggled into his chest, basking in his warmth.
All of a sudden, the lights flickered and the room was plunged into darkness. It was followed by a sound that could only be described as non human. You yelped and then the lights flicked back on.
You and Rafael looked at eachother, eyes wide, both of you clearly spooked. “Let's get out of here!”
Rafael nodded and you both scrambled, grabbing your clothes before peeling out of the room and heading back up stairs.
When you both got back to the main floor, you were both laughing hard as you redressed. “Jesus, Joseph and Mary!” You cried out. “What the hell was that?”
Rafael shook his head and rubbed his face. “Let's not go back down there.”
You nodded. “But what you did down there - that you can do again.”
Rafael gave you a wicked smile, his eyes lighting up in response.
“But first can we find someplace else to stay?” You questioned, your tone hopeful.
Rafael nodded, finding his phone. “Already on it.”
Tags: @mgarner1227, @madpanda75, @beccabarba, @dreamlover31, @sass-and-suspenders, @melk917 @youreverycolor, @neely1177, @witches-unruly-heart, @skittle479, @plaidbooks, @mommakat32, @garturbo, @sweetsummertime99, @ottosuricato, @qvid-pro-qvo, @lovebishoplosamiguelgalindos, @annabelleb49, @zoeykaytesmom, @bananas-pajamas, @pieceofshittytitty, @itsjustmyfantasyroom, @ktiz90, @evee87, @differentshadesofgray @catnip987 @detective-giggles @alwaysachorusgirl @amelia-song-pond @rachelxwayne @permanentlydizzy @averyhotchner @missirenlove @tintinxtintin @law-nerd105 @bisexual-dreamer02 @rampantmuses @mishaissocoolike @choppedgalaxynerd @beardedbarba @storiesofsvu @a-brignac
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whoevrwhatevr · 5 months
If I hypothetically were to write a barbaxreader fic… is 2000 words enough? Should it be longer? 🧐
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megalony · 2 years
Courtroom Chaos
This is my first time writing for Rafael Barba but I am so excited to post this and I hope I can get some requests to write for him.
I have been on a break from writing for a while but an glad to be back again, I hope you all will enjoy.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem @butlegendsneverdie @langdonzvoid @jennyggggrrr @rogmeddows @radiob-l-a-hblah @rogertaylorsbitontheside @chlobo6 @rogertaylors-lipgloss @sj-thefan @omgitsearly @luckytrashgooprebel @scarsout @deaky-with-a-c @killer-queen-ofrhye @bluutac @vousmemanqueez-blog @jonesyaddiction @ambi-and-sunflowers @milanosaurus @httpfandxms @saint-hardy @7-seas-of-fat-bottomed-girls @mrsalwayswritex @rogerina-owns-me @hellsdragon @im-an-adult-ish @crazylittlethingg @allauraleigh @onceuponadetectivedemigod @ceres27 @thereisa8ella @qardasngan​
Summary: (Y/n) and Barba are in a relationship and are working on a tough case. When they are in court, a fight and chaos soon breaks out.
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"What's taking so long?"
(Y/n) cast her eyes over to Nick who was taking to pacing up and down in front of the doors to the court room. His quiet grumble had been heard by them all but no one gave him a response. They could all feel his worry radiating off of him and mingling with their own, this was a high priority case and without it being hard enough, their star witness had just been taken to hospital.
"Barba's trying to get a continuance, the judge won't take it lightly." Olivia leaned her head to the side as she folded her arms over her chest.
They all knew Rafael had tricks up his sleeves and he had a very direct yet sarcastic way about him that was hard to resist or say no to. (Y/n) knew her ADA would be pulling out all the stops to make sure that this trial didn't go down the plug and that they could still have a chance of winning. But that didn't stop (Y/n) from biting her thumb in panic as she leaned her shoulders back against the wall and tipped her head down.
Their star witness in this murder trial had been fine for three weeks leading up to this trial. (Y/n) had spent almost every day with her, Rafael had been with her in his chamber going over and over her story to make sure there were no inconsistences and coaching her of what to say when questioned by the defence. Everything was going great, but her nerves had gotten to her and she had drank too much.
She was having her stomach pumped at the hospital and if all went well she could be on the stand by as early as tomorrow afternoon. But Rafael needed to convince the judge to give them a continuance so the trial could still go ahead and their witness could appear tomorrow instead of today.
"So?" Nick clutched his hands on his hips and sped over to the rest of his colleagues when he saw Barba walking down the corridor advancing towards them.
Rafael had his usual confidence expression on, one hand was tucked into his trouser pocket and his other hand held his briefcase. (Y/n) watched the way he advanced over to them, he wasn't hurrying with the haste of needing to prepare a plan B and he wasn't frowning or biting his lower lip which meant he must have gotten what he wanted.
"We didn't get a continuance, but Tina can appear on the stand tomorrow instead. The trial moves forward, (Y/n) and Olivia will be on the stand today instead of tomorrow, we're all good."
Rafael turned his head in (Y/n)'s direction, a certain look in his eye to silently ask his lover if she was okay with that. He knew better than anyone that (Y/n) didn't like to be questioned formally like this and he had seen her the last time she had been on the stand. Someone pointing a gun at her didn't terrify her as much as being on the stand had done, it sent her panic through the roof.
He watched closely as (Y/n) nodded her head but didn't say a word, keeping her eyes glued on the floor to try and calm herself down.
(Y/n) wasn't afraid of suspects, she had a gun strapped to her hip for security and added intimidation, she had her colleagues with her and there was little a suspect could do to harm her unless she was undercover.
But Rafael knew that the suspect in this case had her rattled because he had tried to strangle (Y/n) when she stopped him from attacking their witness. For her to take the stand and tell the court he had done that, added to the facts they knew when they had arrested him and what they knew of him, (Y/n) was all but condemning him and he would be there to watch. Confrontation wasn't (Y/n)'s strong point if it involved her, if she was simply a cop confronting a killer it was fine. But explaining her own actions and thoughts made her feel vulnerable.
"You'll be fine, you'll be answering my questions first just as we talked about." Rafael tipped his head down and his brows rose to silently ask if (Y/n) understood and to make sure she knew she didn't have to panic about this.
He could see the look in her eye that made his heart yearn for him to reach out and wrap his arms around her and tuck her into his chest and to take her far away from this mess, back home where they had hardly been these past three weeks. But he couldn't whisk her away, nor could he do that kind of public affection right now when everyone was starting to pile into the courtroom.
It was no secret to the detectives that (Y/n) and Rafael were in a relationship but if people knew and then watched him question her they would be whispering about how professional it was even though he was allowed to question her.
So instead, Rafael settled for cradling the back of (Y/n)'s head and kissing her temple for a brief second before he slowly untangled himself from her. He would have to go into the courtroom soon and set up ready for the case to start up fresh again today.
(Y/n) could feel her nerves going haywire but she tried to swallow them down and forget them for now. Her eyes scattered around the busy hallway but her eyes soon latched onto a figure she was dreading to see.
The defendant who had somehow got himself out on bail and was allowed to stalk the streets looking for another victim to snatch. Of course he was going to be here today but he should have been here earlier and the look on his face told (Y/n) what she had dreaded. He knew Tina wasn't showing up today.
They had all hoped that they could keep him from finding out so that when she didn't turn up as a witness he would be confused. Tina was on 24 hour surveillance to keep her safe so Liam couldn't intimidate her but he tried his luck wherever he could and they knew he would try today to find her.
(Y/n)'s eyes locked with Olivia who seemed to be thinking the same thing, for she made a beeline for their other witness and made quick work of ushering her into the courtroom so she couldn't be intimidated.
Spinning on her heels, (Y/n) moved the bottom of her jacket to make easy access for her gun in case she had to be prepared for him to start a fight. Her heart pounded in her ears as she advanced down the corridor towards the man who was coming at her like a train. His hands were clenched at his sides, his face bursting red from the blood pumping underneath his skin and his pupils were blown wide from adrenaline.
"Where is she?!"
"Mr Casey you need to calm down and go into the courtroom the trial will be starting in five minutes."
"Where is she, my Lawyer just told me she isn't here today. Where is the bitch?"
His eyes were rabid like those of a madman, constantly diverting from one angle to another trying to look through all the onlookers and find Tina in the sea of faces to confront her and scare her away from testifying.
"If you don't calm down you'll be escorted out. She isn't on the schedule for today-"
"Bullshit, what's wrong, has she recanted?" The look in his eyes was like a dark glimmer passing over his pupils, it was like he had just gotten exactly what he wanted if that question turned out to be true. He had done his best to intimidate Tina into backing away and he had strangled (Y/n) when he knew he was helping Tina and pushing her to do this.
They all knew that if Tina didn't make her statement in court then the case would eventually fall apart and Liam would be a free man allowed to commit more crimes because he knew he could bend anyone to his will.
"Tina is rescheduled for tomorrow, that's all."
(Y/n) took a calculated step back and hovered her hand over her holster, her head ticking to the side to warn Liam she was going to pull the weapon on him if he got worse. His voice was raising and full of anger and his hands were balled into fists, he wouldn't care if he had witnesses around him seeing him attack (Y/n) or anyone else, he would do it if he was angry enough.
"No, I've told that bitch more than enough times she isn't testifying and you're not covering for her and making her either. Get out the fucking way and tell her she's done for."
Liam's hand swiftly reached out and pushed at (Y/n)'s right shoulder shoving her back a step before she regained her balance.
"You need to leave. Security."
(Y/n) waved her hand around for the security guards near the entrance to the courthouse to come and help. She wasn't having him going in like this because he would cause a scene and they didn't need that today on top of everything else. There had been many times during this trial that Liam had been told to leave and they had recess because he couldn't control his temper which the Jury had seen first-hand.
A round of curse words left Rafael's lips the moment his head turned just as he was about to enter the courtroom. His eyes latched onto the back of (Y/n)'s figure before his hand let go of the door and his briefcase was dropped at his side, his feet skidding on the polished floor as he bolted.
His eyes focused on (Y/n) but his ears focused on Nick's voice who was hurrying along with him, shouting threats at Liam to stop what he was doing.
Just as Rafael got towards the pair, Liam swung out at (Y/n), effectively knocking her backwards until she collided with the bench behind her and tumbled down to the floor.
Nick made quick work of tackling Liam to the ground along with the security guards who approached the scene as Rafael focused his attention on (Y/n). His knees harshly thumped against the hard marble floor but his hands delicately moved to cradle (Y/n)'s face, his thumbs brushing against her flushed cheeks as he felt breathless.
"Querido? Querido, you with me?" He tilted her head back a little, feeling relief washing through him when he saw her eyes flicker open, tremoring side to side as she tried to focus on looking at him.
"Hmm, I- I'm alright, just winded."
Pushing her head forward, (Y/n) rested her temple against Rafael's shoulder and clamped her shaking hands down on his wrists to comfort and steady herself. She could feel him kissing her temple and she could hear his heart beating horribly fast causing him to shake too.
"I'll go talk to the judge, get a continuance-"
"No, no Raf I'm okay, we can't risk losing this case." (Y/n) knew she didn't sound very convincing and she was rather breathless but once she caught her breath back she would be okay. There wasn't a lot of questions she and Olivia had to ask anyway, once they were done it was over for today. They weren't losing this case and they weren't postponing it if they didn't have to either.
"You promise me you're okay?" The tone he used reminded (Y/n) of how he spoke to their victims or witnesses when asking them something they couldn't dare lie about. But it was the look in his eye that made her insides melt and set alight at the same time.
The moment she nodded, Rafael pressed another kiss to her temple before he moved into a crouching position, holding his hands out so he could help her to her feet. (Y/n) felt him tense the moment they stood up and she took in a sharp breath to stop from making a sound of pain. His arm wound around her waist like an iron bar as a sign that she needed to tell him if she wasn't okay but (Y/n) just patted his chest. She was okay.
The air had been knocked out of (Y/n) when her side collided against the arm of the bench. Her lungs had become paralysed before suddenly restarting again and it made her chest tight and her lungs burn for oxygen but she was okay. If she needed to she would get checked out after court, (Y/n) was no strangers to bruises and her ribs felt bruised.
"My next witness is (Y/n) (Y/l/n)."
Rafael's voice sounded so quiet and distant in (Y/n)'s ears but when she took a very deep but painful breath, she could feel herself coming back to reality. She lifted her head and tried to blink through the foggy feeling that had been building up since the confrontation with Liam outside the room.
(Y/n) had been thankful to both Rafael and Olivia for deciding that Olivia would be his first witness called so that (Y/n) could have a little while to calm down and prepare herself before she was called up. But now she was wishing she had gone first and got it out the way. Her chest was tightening to the point she felt like her lungs were going to pop and her head was pounding like a drum.
But she couldn't go back on her words now and ask the judge if she could testify at another time so she could get checked. She had said she was fine so she would have to give her testimony and then go to the hospital. Besides, she would be able to see Tina and tell her how things were progressing if she went after she answered the questions.
She could feel Nick's hand resting on her elbow to steady her when she stood up and tried to compose herself, ignoring the shivers running up and down her spine as she focused on walking over to her counsellor.
(Y/n) could feel her skin prickling with heat as she slowly and unsteadily advanced towards where Rafael was stood beside his desk. She couldn't see the worry in his eyes as he watched her, knowing something was deeply wrong from how disorientated his partner looked as if she had been drugged or she was sleep-walking to him.
Rafael tipped his head to the side as his eyes narrowed on his beloved. His lips parted to let out a small whisper to ask if she was okay but the words never got past his lips before a grunt replaced them. The moment he saw (Y/n)'s eyes start to roll back and her footing stuttered, his legs moved of their own accord.
His body jumped in front of (Y/n)'s path and as she fell forward, her head crashed onto his chest, bouncing back and then resting on his chest before the rest of her body and weight was thrown onto Rafael. His arms clutched to her waist and he went back a few steps to steady himself and he was suddenly shouting for help.
His right hand moved to cradle the back of (Y/n)'s head before he bent his knees and slowly lowered himself down to the floor, easing (Y/n) down until she was sprawled across his lap.
A string of curse words in Spanish left Rafael's lips before he looked across at Olivia who was already on her radio to get an ambulance to them.
"Querido, mi amour... open your eyes." Rafael smoothed his thumb over (Y/n)'s cheek, noticing how her eyes were moving behind her eyelids showing she was somewhat partly conscious in his arms. He knew he should have made her to and get checked out, he saw the way she collided with the bench and then tumbled down to the floor and Rafael heard the way she breathed when she stood up. But everyone was so anxious to get this case finished and won that they both ignored her pain and carried on.
It felt like seconds had ticked by rather than minutes whilst Rafael knelt cradling (Y/n) in his arms, a soft expression on his face as he continued to bring her round and keep her awake, whispering to her as the court was adjourned and evacuated except for them and Olivia and Nick.
Rafael wasn't as panicked as Olivia thought he would be in a situation like this considering she had seen the way he bolted for (Y/n) earlier and let his vulnerable side show. But then again, (Y/n) was awake and though her breathing was harsh and laboured, she was still breathing okay and her pulse wasn't drastic.
(Y/n) was barely coherent nor properly conscious but she could hear the paramedic at her side saying she had broken some ribs and she had some trauma to her lung. She could see the look her lover was giving her, Rafael had one eyebrow cocked up and he was biting the corner of his lips that were tightly pressed together. That told her that her condition clearly wasn't too bad or drastic.
She was still in Rafael's arms so she let her mind wander as he spoke to the paramedic, as long as she was in his arms she was safe.
"Her chest cavity is clear, there's no blood or air trapped, she probably has trauma to her lung. An x-ray to be sure and get her checked out and she should be fine with some painkillers."
(Y/n) wasn't unconscious, she was still breathing and her lungs were clear as was her chest which meant nothing serious had happened. If she had an x-ray to make sure her lungs were clear and got checked over she would be fine. The shock of hitting the bench may have just rattled her chest and lungs and sent shock through her system.
Rafael nodded, relief surging through his veins and when he looked down at (Y/n) in his arms, their eyes locked for a few long, loving seconds. His lips twitched into a small smile merging with a smirk and (Y/n) could see he was about to shake his head at her before he leaned down and hovered his lips against her ear.
"We're gonna get you checked out first, but we will be talking about this when we get home, Querido."
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mcbenson25 · 1 year
The Lawyer's Daughter Chapter 8
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8
A/N: I know it been a while but I hope this makes up for it.
Rafael felt frozen in place as he locked eyes with the man at the other side of the station.
He knew he should call the squad but he couldn't move.
The man gave him a sick smile as he nodded towards the departed train.
Finally Rafael was able to reach for his phone on the bench but it was too late.
The next train had arrived.
They had already disappeared.
Rafael's heart raced as he realized he had let the man slip away. He could feel the weight of uneasiness bearing down on him as he stood there, staring at the empty platform. He had hesitated, just for a moment, and now the sick bastard was gone.
He cursed himself under his breath, angry at himself for just standing there. This wasn't just any criminal - this was someone dangerous, someone who posed a real threat to the city. He had a responsibility to catch him, to protect the people he had sworn to serve and defend.
But now, he had lost that chance.
As he stood there, lost in his thoughts, his phone buzzed in his hand. It was Olivia, his boss and closest friend on the squad.
"Rafael, where are you? You were due in court half an hour ago."
He took a deep breath, trying to steady himself before he spoke.
"I...I let him get away. The drug lord we've been tracking down. He was here, at the station, and I froze. He got on the train and...I couldn't stop him."
There was a pause on the other end of the line, and Rafael could almost sense Olivia's disappointment and frustration.
"Okay. We'll regroup and figure out our next move. Don't beat yourself up, Rafael. We'll catch him eventually."
Don't beat yourself up, Rafael.
Easier said than done. He let out a deep sigh, feeling defeated and helpless. But he knew he couldn't give up. He had to keep pushing, keep searching, even if it meant facing his own shortcomings and mistakes.
With a heavy heart, he headed back to the station, determined to make up for his failure and catch this man before it was too late and something bad happened.
"Did you get a good look at him? Are you sure it was him?"
Rafael had returned to the station and was now recounting the team with details of what he had witnessed.
Rafael nodded his head. "Yes. He was wearing a black hoodie and jeans. He had this-this smile, I knew it was him. I think he knew I recognized him."
Benson nodded grimly. "We'll look into it. In the meantime, let's gather any surveillance footage from the station and see if we can track down any leads."
As the squad dispersed to work on the investigation, Rafael couldn't shake the feeling that something bad was going to happen. He knew what this man was capable of. Shootings. Bloodshed. Death. This man was not to be underestimate even if they hadn't heard anything for months.
Suddenly, his phone rang, snapping him from his thoughts.
It was an unknown number.
"Hello?" Rafael answered tentatively.
"Hey, Counselor," a chilling voice replied on the other end. "I hear you've been looking for me."
Rafael's blood ran cold as he recognized the voice of the man he had seen at the station.
"Where are you?" he demanded.
The man chuckled. "You'll find out soon enough. And let me give you a piece of advice. You might want to start preparing for some action. I feel like having fun today."
There was a loud bang before the line went dead, and Rafael instantly recognized it as a gunshot.
Where was he?
Benson walked over to him, concern etched on her face. "What's wrong?"
Rafael took a deep breath, trying to steady his nerves. "He just called me. The man I saw at the station. He knows we're looking for him and he just shot a gun somewhere."
Benson's expression hardened. "Alright. We need to move fast."
"Liv," Amanda hollered from her desk, "We're getting reports of gunfire at the Manhattan Grand Hotel."
Olivia exchanged a look with Rafael before looking back at Amanda. "Go. I'll call Narcotics and the Feds. Take as many as you can. We need all hands on deck."
Rafael's insisted on accompanying them. He felt a heavy sense of responsibility weighing on him for what had transpired at the train station. As the team prepared to leave, Olivia turned to him and firmly stated, "You shouldn't go." Her words carried a mix of concern and warning, knowing the danger that they were potentially walking into. Despite any initial hesitation, Olivia sighed and shook her head as she recognized Rafael's unwavering determination to make things right. She knew that once he had his mind set on something, it was nearly impossible to change his mind.
"Fine, but you're riding with me," said Olivia, with a sigh.
Rafael nodded. He may have gotten his way but he knew Olivia would make sure he stayed safe.
As they drove down the busy streets of New York City, the sirens of their squad car blaring in the background, Olivia started going over what he should and shouldn't do. She advised him to stay back and let the squad handle the investigation, warning him of the potential danger that lay ahead. But Rafael wasn't paying any attention, lost in his own thoughts.
He thought of the girl at the station.
She didn't even know what had happened after her train had left.
Just like the rest of the city.
And now they were all in danger.
Rafael couldn't help but shudder as he thought about the man responsible for all the chaos.
Carlos "El Diablo" Rodriguez.
He had seen some of the most dangerous criminals in his line of work, but this man was on a whole other level. His reputation preceded him; Rafael had heard whispers and rumors about his ruthlessness and the lengths he would go to protect his empire.
But it wasn't just the fear that made Rafael's blood run cold. It was the knowledge that this man was directly responsible for so much pain and suffering. Families torn apart, lives ruined, all in the name of profit. Rafael had always believed in justice, in upholding the law and protecting the innocent. Rodriguez represented everything he fought against.
And yet, as they drove deeper into the heart of the city, Rafael couldn't help but feel a strange sense of excitement. This was the moment he had been waiting for, the chance to take down one of the most powerful men in the criminal underworld. He knew it wouldn't be easy, but he was determined to see it through.
As they pulled up to the hotel, Rafael's eyes scanned the area, taking in every detail. He was determined to catch this son of a bitch.
There was a large crowd that was gathered around the entrance. As they made there way though the were bombarded with questions?
"Was someone targeted?"
"Who shot?"
"Why were they here?"
Carisi made way for Rafael and Olivia to pass. "We are investigating and as soon as we know something we'll let you all know," he said into the clamorous crowd before following them in. "So it looks like we have a kidnapping case."
"Do we know who was taken?" Olivia asked.
Carisi sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Yeah they took a couple that was staying here with their daughter."
There was a soft whimper that caught Rafael's attention.
There was in officer covering, what he assumed, was the daughter.
"Where are my parents!" she cried.
Rafael froze.
He knew that voice.
He had heard it earlier today.
The officer stepped aside and Rafael's fear was confirmed.
It was the girl.
The one from the train station.
Hey everyone it's been a hot minute since I've written and I apologize but unfortunately life hasn't been the greatest. I hope you all enjoyed this and please drop those request. I'm hoping to get back to my groove!
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the-hopeless-haze · 2 years
Full Masterlist
Criminal Minds
Aaron Hotchner
I Do Bad Things With You
You don't feel like you're a good agent. Aaron assures you that you are. And then he fucks you. 
Glorious Happenings of Happenstance
You get Aaron to accompany you to a wedding. It's the only night you have together, so you might as well make the most of it. Right? (as requested by Aaron deficiency anon)
You Know I’m Not that Girl
You don't want to be tied down. You've lived almost your whole life running from commitment. But Aaron wants more from you. You don't know how to handle that.  
my only one
You and Aaron are getting married in a month. An unplanned accident brings up other questions for you.
Brought Me Back to Life
You're married. Aaron's ending his marriage. You should end yours. But it's not a good story without overlap.
The Batman
Bruce Wayne/Batman
Justified Sin Masterlist
Series that is still ongoing. Based off of “Desperate Things” by The Killers. Reader’s husband is abusive and she refuses Bruce’s help… Will she accept Vengeance? Specific warnings at the beginning of each chapter; does contain smut at some points and very very graphic depictions of violence in certain chapters
You Must Fix Your Heart
Genuinely the best request I’ve ever received. It’s Bruce and the reader’s reactions to the new MCR song featuring special guest Dick Grayson :) just fluff and me being a cringe emo but fuck it I deserve it and Bruce would approve
Sleep Pretty Darling, Do Not Cry
Requested! Dick goes to reader and Bruce after a nightmare. Just fluff and hurt/comfort and it makes me want a child in the worst way 😭
Law & Order: SVU
Rafael Barba
Being Alive Masterlist
based on “Being Alive” from Company. Deals with Rafael’s fear of commitment and being alive in cohabitation with another person. It is especially fun if you have seen Company because it is littered with references that I think are hilarious. It was the first fic I’ve finished and it’s been over a year now that it’s been out :) good memories here even though I’m not in that fandom anymore. Warnings at the beginning of each chapter but in general there is smut in some chapters as well as mentions of sexual abuse par for the course of an SVU episode.
Sonny Carisi & Rafael Barba
i hope he’ll be a beautiful fool that takes my spot next to you
This is a one-shot reader insert based on “exile” by Taylor Swift (yes I took the title from another song I know). Kind of a spin-off of Being Alive that I wrote when I was aggravated with it. Genuinely a bisexual disaster. Basically, the reader was in a long-term relationship with Barba until she wasn’t anymore… and she left him for her partner Sonny. Bisexual twists here. Smut. Honestly, I remember this being a blast to write so I hope it’s as much fun to read!
Elliot Stabler
A Dwindling, Mercurial High
One-shot. Based on ”Illicit Affairs” by Taylor Swift. This is just smut honestly. There is some background here for their relationship but basically just an excuse for smut.
House of Cards
Claire Underwood
Oh, My Precious Whore
Idk what this is but like. Have it. This is one part of a two-part fic I never finished. The reader is married to Duncan Shepherd… Claire is interested in her. Implied smut but I never get to that part and idk if I ever will lol
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fatecantstopme · 8 months
Still Perfect
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Pairing: Rafael Barba x plus size!reader
Summary: You're feeling self-conscious about your body and Rafael reminds you how beautiful you are.
Warnings: body image issues. Cursing. SMUT, oral (F receiving), unprotected sex (p in v)
A/N: Spanish translations in brackets/italics after each sentence.
mi amor: my love
cariño/querida: sweetheart/dear/darling/baby/etc.
por favor: please
mi corazón: my heart
hermosa: beautiful/gorgeous
“I don’t wanna go,” you complained with a huff as you dropped onto the bed. 
“What’s wrong, mi amor?” Rafael asked gently. 
“I have nothing to wear.”
He chuckled softly. “For a woman with a wardrobe as extensive as yours, that seems unlikely.”
You groaned and laid back onto the bed. “None of it fits.”
“Now I know that’s not true. You’re currently wearing clothing.”
You glared at him. “I look homeless, Rafi. None of my cute clothes fit.”
“Cariño, you look cute in everything.”
As sweet as the comment was, it didn’t make you feel better. “But it’s a vacation…on a beach…there’s gonna be hot model babes running around everywhere.”
He sat down beside you and took your hand, concern evident on his face. You were normally such a confident woman, but you’d gained a fair amount of weight recently and it was definitely bringing you down. Rafael still thought you were the most beautiful woman in the world, but he was having a hard time making you see that too. 
“Mi amor, you have nothing to be concerned about. There will be a plethora of hot model dudes running around too. I certainly won’t be hanging out with them.” 
His tone was teasing, but you were so stuck in your head that you interpreted his meaning differently. “So I’m not as attractive as those women?”
He gave you a harsh look. “You are the most beautiful woman I have ever met, hermosa. Nothing has changed for me. Nothing.”
Tears stung your eyes. “I’m too fat to sit comfortably on a plane, Rafi. I don’t wanna go. I hate my body so much right now,” you whispered. 
“I know, cariño, but you’re not too fat to do anything. You’re perfect. I don’t care that you’ve gained a little weight. You’re sexy as hell and I can’t wait to lay beside you on that beach and show you off.”
You looked up at him and offered him a small smile. You’d never loved anyone the way you loved him and you could see that same love reflected in his sparkling green eyes. 
“I love you, Rafi.”
He smiled in return. “Te amo mucho, (Y/N).” [I love you very much.]
He laid down beside you on his side and gently caressed your skin. His touch warmed your heart and your body. He had a truly special way of making you feel beautiful and loved. 
“But you know what I’m looking forward to most?” He whispered into your ear. “I’m looking forward to making love to you every place we can possibly think of…every inch of that hotel room, the private patio, the beach, the ocean…everywhere.”
You inhaled deeply, breathing his scent into your nostrils. Your body reacted to his words instantly, desire pooling in your abdomen. “Rafi…” you whispered. 
He knew exactly what you were asking for and he was never one to deny you. His lips met yours hungrily, his growing need for you evident in his kiss. 
He rolled his body so he was hovering over you, his lips never leaving yours. His long fingers ran down your sides before slipping under your shirt and dancing across your skin. 
Your body tensed slightly as his hands touched your soft flesh, a surge of insecurity hitting you. 
“I’ve got you, cariño. Let me love you, por favor,” he murmured. 
You nodded and tried your best to relax. As usual, his touch and his kiss were enough to push the negative thoughts from your mind. 
You allowed him to remove your shirt and he let out a low growl when he noticed you weren’t wearing a bra. His mouth immediately latched on to your breast, a groan of enjoyment sounding from deep in his throat.
As much as he loved your breasts—and god help him, he loved them—he desperately needed to taste you.
He made quick work of removing your shorts and your underwear, but he forced himself to slow down and give your body the love it deserved.
His lips touched every inch of your skin he could reach, slowly, sensually moving down towards your core. He took his time, his touches reverent, his kisses adoring.
“Rafi, please,” you begged.
He looked up at you with a soft expression. “Do you feel beautiful?”
You shouldn’t have been surprised by his question. Rafael cared about your feelings more than anything. “I feel beautiful,” you whispered honestly.
He smiled warmly. “Do you feel loved?”
“I feel worshipped.”
“Oh cariño. You haven’t seen worship.”
You found yourself unable to respond as he licked his way between your folds and began his delicious assault on your pussy.
“Rafi!” You gasped, fingers entwining in his hair.
He tugged your hips closer to him, as if he couldn’t get enough of you. He needed you more than he needed to breathe—mouth never leaving your core.
You couldn’t keep still as he feasted. Every inch of your body was alight with desire, a desperate need to feel him everywhere.
As if he read your mind, his hands began to travel, caressing you and squeezing your flesh…gently digging his long fingers into your skin. He left a blaze of euphoria in his wake, a feeling only eclipsed by the tightening in your belly.
He knew you were close and he suddenly realized how badly he wanted to taste your release. He sped up his ministrations, his own hips digging into the mattress in search of some relief.
Within seconds, he sent you spiraling over the edge with a cry of his name. He worked you through the pleasure, not stopping until your last aftershock had passed.
“Can I make love to you, mi amor?” Rafael asked softly when he came up for air.
You were breathless and content, but when you saw the look in his eyes, you felt the fire within you begin to grow again. “Por favor.”
He smiled and pulled away from you, quickly ridding himself of his clothing. When his cock sprung free, you reached for it almost instinctively, but Rafael grabbed your hand.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“Why?” You pouted.
“If I feel those pretty little hands wrapped around me, I won’t last long enough to make you cum again.”
You sat up slightly, propping yourself up on your elbows. “But I wanna touch you, Rafi,” you purred.
“Querida…” he murmured hesitantly.
“Just for a moment…”
The hungry look on your face made him give in. “Alright, just for a moment—mierda.” [shit/fuck]
You stroked him slowly, paying special attention to the throbbing tip. You spread the precum leaking from his cock around the head, causing him to buck his hips against your hand.
His breathing was labored as he watched your hands—so small around his thick cock. “Cariño, por favor,” he begged.
In response, you dragged the head of his cock between your folds, causing both of you to moan at the sensation.
“Mi amor…”
You nodded your head in permission. “Make love to me, Rafael.”
He didn’t need to be told twice. In one fluid motion, he slid his cock into you all the way to the hilt. He paused before moving, forehead falling against yours, slightly breathless.
“You’re always so tight, hermosa,” he mumbled.
You moved your hips in response, silently begging him to move. You craved the friction he would provide and the inevitable release he would coax from you.
He picked up on your indication and began to slowly pull out of you, only to plunge back in with force. He repeated the motion a few times before speeding up, but his focus never left your face.
He watched your expressions, taking note of every reaction you made. Every time you closed your eyes, every moan that escaped your lips, every tilt of the head…
Every time your nails dug into his back or your pussy clenched him extra tight, moans of pleasure forced their way out of his mouth. Rafael could never be considered a quiet man, and the same was true in the bedroom.
You loved hearing the sounds he made, just as much as he loved hearing yours. Although you would never admit it to him, what you loved most was the way he talked to you in bed…especially when he was so far gone that the only words slipping out were in Spanish. You couldn’t explain why it turned you on, all you knew was that it did.
Rafael wouldn’t admit it to you, but he knew the effect his whispered Spanish had on you—and he never hesitated to use it to his advantage.
“Cariño, te sientas muy bien. Me encanta la forma en que me aprietas tan fuerte." [Sweetheart, you feel so good. I love the way you’re squeezing me so tight.]
Your nails raked down his back and a desperate moan left your lips. “Please,” you begged—though you weren’t sure exactly what you were begging for.
“Qué necesitas, mi amor? Digame." [What do you need, my love? Talk to me.]
“More. You.”
He smiled at your inability to form a coherent sentence. He leaned down to whisper in your ear. “Cualquier cosa por ti, Querida." [Anything for you, baby.]
He shifted his hips just enough so that he hit your g-spot with each thrust. Within seconds, he could feel you nearing the edge, but he wanted—needed—to feel you cum with him.
“Wait for me, cariño.”
“I—I can’t—“
“Yes you can. Just a little longer.”
You closed your eyes and focused on holding off your impending orgasm. Every sensation flooding through your body was pure pleasure and you could feel yourself losing control.
“Rafi, please,” you gasped.
A couple more thrusts and he whispered, “Ven conmigo." [Come with me.]
You cried out as you came, fingers gripping Rafael’s back like your life depended on it.
He exploded with a gasp of your name, hips finally beginning to falter.
He didn’t stop moving until you’d come down from your high. He lips met your heated skin and he whispered sweet nothings to you.
Finally, he collapsed beside you, taking a moment to catch his breath before dragging himself to the bathroom to get a warm washcloth.
He cleaned you up gently, as he always did, before crawling back into the bed beside you and wrapping his arms around your waist. He tugged you into him and placed soft kisses to your neck and shoulder.
“Anyone ever tell you how beautiful you are?” he asked softly.
“Nope. No one. Ever,” you said in a teasing tone.
He laughed warmly. “You are the most beautiful woman in the world, mi corazon and I love you.”
You turned your head to look into his warm green eyes. “Te amo, Rafi, con todo mi corazon.” [I love you, Rafi, with all my heart.]
His lips met yours in a gentle kiss. “Te amo mucho, querida. Más que la vida." [I love you so much, baby. More than life.]
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Sleepless Nights
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Axel- 18 Months
Gabriel- N/A
Matteo- N/A
Isla- N/A
Side Notes:
Squad don't know about yours and Rafael’s relationship yet
You were so tired. Your 18-month baby Axel had been waking up all hours of the night, leaving yourself and your husband running on average two hours of sleep each night for about three and half weeks. It was a Friday morning when you realised six scoops of coffee wouldn't be strong enough for the day as you were utterly exhausted. So you made a rash decision and told your babysitter Lucy before work that Axel wasn't allowed to nap during the day in hopes that he would sleep through the night.
Rafael and yourself were sat in the bullpen listening to Sargent Munch rant about big brother security cameras, too tired to tell him to shut up. When you're tired, you tend to screw up, forget facts, and have your eye off the ball. You could cry with exhaustion. Rafael was utterly different. He was very ill-tempered. Everyone feared Rafael when he was exhausted or sick. "Rafa, why are you bad-tempered lately?"  Olivia asked, lightly running her fingers through your husband's hair. "I need a new bed, Liv. I havent slept in about a month." Rafael stood up and walked over to the coffee pot and poured two cups of coffee, one for you and one for himself. Rafael placed the cup in front of you. You knew it would be a long day.
6:30 pm Rafael and yourself arrived home. You put your shoes away and hung your coat and purse. You stored your gun and badge in the hall safe and entered your apartment to find Lucy and Axel. Lucy was wrestling a tired, frustrated Axel out of his clothes for his night bath. "Hey Lucy, how has today been? Everything been ok?" Lucy gave you a death glare. " Don't ever make me do that again. He has been awful. He is normally a sweet happy go lucky little boy, and today he was the devil." Lucy was tearing up. You never heard her speak like this, especially not about Axel. She adored him. "Im sorry, Lucy, but we need him back into a routine. We need to sleep." Lucy gave you a pitying look.
When lucy left, you helped Rafael bathe a sleep-deprived Axel; after you bathed him and dressed him in his PJs, you refused to put him down to sleep until you were ready to go to bed. The next three hours were hell. You and Rafael did everything in your power to keep Axel awake. He screamed through your and Rafael's dinner, so much so that you couldn't hear yourself think.
10 pm
You finally put Axel down for the night. No issues getting him down to sleep, not like previous nights. You prayed to anyone listening for Axel to sleep through, and you and your husband could finally get enough sleep to function. Finally, you head to bed, where Rafael was already asleep.
1 am You and Rafael woke up to Axel crying loudly. Both you and Rafael groaned. "I'll go, Carino. Go back to sleep" Rafael got out of bed to soothe his son.
2 am You woke to Rafael getting back into bed, putting a very awake Axel between you and Rafael. "Baby, why is Axel in bed with us?" You asked groggily. "Im done with this cycle Carino, we are going to a doctor tomorrow and getting him back to normal, but for now, he is staying in our bed." Twenty minutes after Axel was brought to your bed, he was flat out asleep on your sleeping husband's chest. You didn't mind that you would be tired and cranky, but you couldn't help staring at the scene before you; how could you not? It is your entire world.
9 am You wake to the sunlit streaming into your room. You look to your left to see your husband fast asleep, with Axel lying awake on his chest. " good morning, sweet boy", you whispered as you pulled Axel over for a cuddle, finally feeling somewhat refreshed. As you pull Axel out of Rafael's grasp, Axel's foot connected with Rafael's groin, causing Rafael to wake up and hunch over in pain. "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?" Axel half shouted, half scolded out as his pain was evident. "Im sorry, baby, it was Axel's foot" as the pain dulled into manageable, he came over to you and Axel and cuddled into the both of you.
Later on
You and Rafael sat in the doctor's office, waiting to be seen by Dr Hauts, while Axel played with the building blocks. "Carino, you don't think anything is wrong with him, do you?" you could tell that Rafael was worried about Axel, that his sleeping pattern was because of an underlying condition or some pain that he couldn't verbally tell you and your husband about. he would never forgive himself if the pair of you have just been dismissing him and putting it down to wanting to be awake constantly. " I'm not sure, and I hope not. But, I do know one thing. We are strong, and if there is something wrong with Axel, we will work together to get through it and ensure Axel returns to 100% healthy." You look at your husband. He grabs your hand and brings it to his lips, and places a small kiss on the back of it. "your right Carino, We will get through this together, no matter what."
It turns out Axel is just being awkward and is 100% healthy; Dr Hauts thinks that your son is hitting a fussy stage and will grow out of it soon enough. Although in the meantime, the doctor does recommend shorter naps in the daytime, lavender oil body massage after bath time, A night light projector for the ceiling and a music player that plays soft, soothing tones that will help him drift into a blissful long sleep. Right away, you order the items from amazon on next-day delivery and follow the doctor's instructions on the naps.
You put Axel down for 7:30 pm after his body massage with his new lavender oil; Rafael insisted that you buy the best, as he didn't want his son to have an allergic reaction to the oil, and when the oil arrived, he tried it for the rest of the day on his arm just to be on the safe side. You were surprised when Axel cried awake, "Carino, it is your turn," Rafael mumbled and moved to his back, allowing himself to wake up. You get up and head to the nursery to pick Axel up. You looked at the clock in the hallway, and it marked 6:45 am. You smiled, knowing you could finally get back to normal.
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I want to kiss Rafael Barba from SVU
… just fyi
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the-wandering-wonder · 4 months
Watch Party
It's hockey season, so of course I've been watching my team as much as possible (go, Avs!). And since I think Sonny would be a fun friend to watch hockey with, this little oneshot was born. But because Barba is...well, Barba, I gotta involve him. Enjoy!
Pairing: Rafael Barba x Reader
Word Count: 961
Rating: T (swearing)
Chapter: 1/1
Summary: You invite Barba to join you and Carisi for a hockey game watch party. That just so happens to be at your place. And has absolutely nothing to do with your slight crush on the A.D.A.
“See ya tonight?” You give Carisi a playful nudge.
“Wouldn't miss it,” he replies with a grin, “need me to bring anything?”
“Nope, I got drinks and the pizzas are pre-ordered.”
You notice Barba's green eyes filled with confusion and curiosity as you turn to face him fully.
“Rangers are in the playoffs tonight,” you begin. 
“That's a hockey team,” Carisi chides and you hold back a chuckle as Barba rolls his eyes.
“I do know that much, detective.”
“Sonny's TV is on the blink, so we're doing the watch party at my place. You should come.” You pause and do your best to put a serious look on your face. “Strict dress code though. Jerseys only.”
“I got an extra jersey for ya, counselor,” Carisi offers with a lopsided smirk, giving the A.D.A. a smack on the back. 
You see Barba's jaw tense ever so slightly and you place a hand on his arm, feeling a slight pang of guilt at the frown that flickers across Barba's face. You'd never known him to take an interest in sports before, but you feel the urge to include him regardless. Not that you'd ever admit it, but the thought of him coming over to your apartment gives you a slight case of butterflies.
“I'd love it if you came by,” you say softly, ignoring the cheeky smirk still on Carisi’s face. “I have pizza, beer, and whiskey.”
“Well, if there's whiskey…” Barba pretends to think for a moment before shrugging. “I'm in.”
“Aw, what the hell was that?” Carisi gestures wildly at the television as you spew profanities of your own.
You find yourself nestled between Barba, whose arm is lazily draped along the back of the couch, and Carisi, who alternates between leaning forward and leaning back against you. Plates are scattered on your coffee table, remnants of thin-crust pizza here and there. 
You knock back the last of your beer, getting to your feet as intermission begins. “More beer, Sonny?”
Carisi nods and raises his empty bottle in a mock salute. You glance at Barba, who leans forward and swirls his half-full glass of whiskey, looking out of place in a hockey jersey in lieu of his suit jacket. You chuckle quietly as you hear Carisi begin to ramble, throwing out stats and numbers that clearly mean nothing to Barba. You can't help but smile at the fact that he'd come over, letting yourself believe that he'd come just for you. After all, a little daydreaming never hurt anyone…right?
“Oh, now that's just bullshit,” you interrupt Carisi as he tries to convince Barba that his favourite player is superior.
You grab two beers and move back to the couch, Barba sitting back again as you and Carisi go back and forth, spouting names and phrases that the A.D.A. barely recognizes. Unbeknownst to you, Barba keeps his gaze focused on you, eyes twinkling with something akin to admiration. Once the 3rd period resumes, the argument between you and Carisi stills and you lean back again, nudging Barba with your hip and shooting him a smile, one he returns without a second thought.
You watch the clock ticking down as the 3rd period comes to an end, the score still tied. Your eyes follow the action as the puck is batted around, a sea of blue jerseys around the opposing net as the clock starts the final 10 second countdown. You feel your breathing stop for a split second as the puck slides past the scrambling goalie before the sound of the goal horn blares through the television. You and Carisi let out a yell as you both leap to your feet, his arms wrapping around you to swing you around.
When your feet hit the floor, you turn to see Barba getting to his feet, caught up in the celebration. You could swear you feel Carisi nudge you towards the A.D.A. and you leap into Barba, throwing your arms around his neck as his hands instinctively find your waist. A grin spreads across your face and you find yourself looking into his flashing green eyes, the spark you find there sending a tingle through your spine. Hearing the buzzer sound the end of the period, as well as the game, you're flooded with excitement again and you lean forward, your lips pressing against Barba's before you can catch yourself. His lips are soft, tasting slightly of whiskey as they mold to yours, warmth coursing through your body. A whoop from Carisi shocks you both back to reality and you pull apart, gazes meeting as your heart races.
“I think I'm beginning to like hockey,” Barba murmurs, low enough that only you can hear and you feel a blush creeping up your neck.
You try to mumble a response but Carisi whoops again and you pull away from Barba, suddenly self-conscious at your close proximity to the A.D.A. You turn and grin at your partner before being pulled into another bear hug, letting out a cheer to rival Carisi’s.
“What a game, eh, counselor?” Carisi grins at Barba, who merely smirks and nods in response.
Moments later, the three of you settle back onto the couch, you and Carisi watching intently as the post-game interviews begin, red faced players grinning into the camera as they announce their plans for the next round. After a minute, you glance over at Barba and find his gaze trained on you, a soft smile tugging at the curve of his lips. Warmth starts to spread through your body again as you focus back on the television, chewing on your bottom lip as you feel Barba’s eyes still on you.
What a fucking night this turned out to be…
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noellawrites · 1 year
Isolation - Yandere!Rafael Barba x reader
requested by @detectivebarba
summary: After you are shot while on duty, Rafael manipulates both you and the SVU squad to get what he wants.
warnings: shooting, bullet wound, reader is hospitalized, angst, lying, manipulation
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A single shot rang out, causing you to turn your head towards where the commotion was coming from. Your service weapon was drawn, but you didn't have time to shoot. The bullet hit you right below your chest.
You slammed into the ground with a groan. Pain ricocheted through your body, but you knew you were lucky. Your vest had caught the bullet.
"11-41, we got an officer down. I need a bus to Irving and East 17th ASAP," you heard Sonny call over his radio.
Liv was on the ground next to you in a flash. She had pulled your vest off and was examining the damage.
"It looks like the vest caught most of the damage. You're going to be fine, (y/n)," Liv assured you.
You watched from the ground as Amanda and Fin apprehended the shooter and wrangled him into the backseat of the squad car.
"P-please c-call Raf," you rasped, and Liv nodded. Your breathing sounded erratic and you were coughing and wincing in pain. Sonny turned around, bending down to the other side of you.
"I think you've got a punctured lung, (y/n)," Carisi explained.
Your eyes widened and tears threatened to spill from them. You couldn't speak, so you only shook your head vigorously.
Liv stood up and dialed Rafael's number. She wasn't looking forward to breaking the news to him, as he was extremely protective of you.
"The vest caught the bullet, but it looks like they have some broken ribs and they're having trouble breathing. I know, Rafa. We'll meet you at Mercy."
Everything became a blur once you were loaded into the ambulance. Liv rode with you while Sonny drove the squad car to Mercy. Fin and Amanda were booking the shooter and finishing the paperwork, but promised to come to visit as soon as they could.
A flustered Rafael was already sitting in your room once you were brought back from your emergency surgery. He stood up as soon as he saw the nurses wheeling your hospital bed back in.
"How are you feeling?" he asked, concern thick in his voice.
"Better, now that I can actually breathe. Hey, where is everyone else?" you asked, looking around your private room. There were already four vases of flowers, but no one else was there besides your boyfriend and the two nurses hooking up your IV bags.
"They'd only let one person in at a time, so I told them I was your husband. I'll go out and tell everyone that you're awake and out of surgery, though," Rafael promised.
He leaned over, kissing you on the forehead and smiling at you before he exited the room.
Rafael was stunned at just how many NYPD employees had showed up to support you. He walked into the lounge and guessed there had to be at least thirty people. There were lots of beat cops, mostly people he recognized as old friends and co-workers of yours.
He spotted Liv and Sonny standing in a corner with Chief Dodds and IAB Captain Tucker. Rafael approached them and took a deep breath.
"They're out of surgery and conscious. They don't want any visitors, though. Any idea why that son of a bitch would do this?" Rafael said, clenching his jaw in anger.
"Fin and Rollins are workin' on it, but we got nothin' so far," Sonny explained.
"No visitors? Any idea why?" Liv asked, narrowing her eyes.
"They said they didn't want to see any of you. I'm pretty sure they're planning on leaving the squad after this. I'm sorry."
" Well, give them these if you could, counselor. It's from all of us down at 1PP," Tucker explained, handing Rafael a bouquet.
"I will, thank you," Rafael nodded, taking the flowers.
"And these, my ma made an emergency cannoli batch when she heard," Sonny added, shoving a Tupperware container into Rafael's other hand.
Rafael couldn't wait to get back into your room, take your phone and block each and every one of them. He would take care of you and nurse you through your recovery without the squad to bother him.
He was quite proud of this plan he'd set into motion. He paid the shooter handsomely, as he would be serving a few years in prison. It was airtight, nothing could be tracked back to him. And now, you were all his.
You woke up from your nap and turned to your left side, where Rafael was sitting. He was texting something on his phone and hadn't noticed you'd woken up.
"Rafa?" you mumbled, rubbing the sleep from your eyes.
"Hey, baby. You have a good nap?"
"Yeah. Did anyone come by to visit?" you asked. You wanted to see your friends more than anything.
"Just Tucker to drop off some flowers," your boyfriend explained.
You frowned, glancing out the window at the New York skyline. You got shot, broke two ribs and your lung collapsed, and your friends couldn't even bother to come see you in the hospital?
"I'll call Liv, I'm sure it's just a misunderstanding. Maybe they think I'm still in surgery or something," you said, grabbing your phone from the tray table beside you.
You clicked on Olivia's contact and tried to press the call button, but your call was immediately rejected.
"That's weird," you remarked, and tried again. Again, the call rejected.
You narrowed your eyes and tried Sonny's contact. Then Amanda. Then Fin. All rejected calls. You turned your phone off, tears welling up in your eyes. Why would they ice you out like this?
"I'm sorry (y/n), but they don't want to hear from you or see you. I tried to call them earlier and only Liv answered. She said you're off the squad. I'm really sorry," Rafael explained, standing up from his seat and moving to stand over your hospital bed. He wiped the tears from your eyes and looked at you with an expression of pity.
"Why would they do this?" you sobbed, covering your eyes with your hands.
"Once you get out of here, I'll move you into my apartment. I'll take care of you, okay? I promise," Rafael said, smiling at you and bending over to give you a hug. He would always protect you, and you would never have to know the truth.
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