#battle of the one-namers
andorshitdaily · 11 months
Wandor Wednesday Wars #1 - Round One
It's a no-rules fist fight - no weapons allowed. Who scores a knockout?
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bonefall · 1 year
Ooh ooh ooh Do you think you could do a masterpost for Dishonor and Honor titles? As well as maybe renames/the general Meaning and etiquette around names?
Yeah I really need to sit down and do that. You should know me by now though, brain goes 200 MPH and picks a random thing to focus on!
I'll slap down a casual list though just of everything I remember
Daylight -> Clawface Given by Brokenstar after a really bloody battle to boost Clan morale. One Clawface wanted because he didn't like his 'poetic' old name and wanted to sound cool and strong.
Meltpelt -> Ratscar Given by Brokenstar for surviving being buried in rats at Carrionplace. Broken was fond of honor titles.
Leafstripe -> Leafpool For discovering the Moonpool
Lizardtail -> Hallowflight For heroics during the Great Battle, running a marathon to fetch help and betraying the Dark Forest
Stormpaw -> Crookedjaw Disappeared to fully train himself, discovering how to fight and hunt with his injury and killing an old fox alone.
Hoprunner -> Deadfoot Created a battle technique where he distracted with his good paw, and clobbered with his bad one. Eventually created a "bonker" for the arm that would keep the wrist firm so bonkings didn't cause recoil damage.
Bluefur -> Bluemoon Unsure how she got the title though, still working that out
Stormcloud -> Monsterscar He will get this as first order of business after Bramblestar retires, or when Stormcloud dies in-canon
Thorntuft -> Shredtail He earned this title after he killed a boar, but it wasn't THE ONE who ate his family so he kept going.
??? -> Maggottail Unsure how exactly, but this one is definitely a dishonor title.
Brightpaw -> Swifthound Dishonor Titles do not mock scars or the surviving of grievous injuries. Those things are VALUED in Clan society. Dishonor titles are abstract, meant to mock mistakes and follies and publicly shame the cat. Brightpaw was being reminded, every day, of the fact she got Swiftpaw killed violently. It was considered cruel and disgusting to do this when her cousin dying should have been punishment enough.
Stonefur -> Heartworm Tigerstar is calling him a deadly parasite that must be dealt with before he destroys the Clan from the inside out.
Mistyfoot -> Festerberry Similar to Stonefur, this is the Clanmew word for an abscess or pustule.
Featherpaw -> Silverpaw & Stormpaw -> Graypaw To liken them to their codebreaking parents and to say that they are the reason their mother is dead. Their father isn't even decent enough to pay for his crimes, so they will be punished instead.
Breezepelt -> Rottenheart Great Battle involvement. For being the little ringleader in WindClan.
Sunstrike -> Brokensun Great Battle involvement. References an extinguished sun that no longer shines.
Furzepelt -> Fleapelt Great Battle involvement.
Harestar -> Darkseeker Great Battle involvement. References how he sought the Dark Forest to meet Mudclaw
Mousewhisker -> Stupidhead Great Battle involvement. Same word in Clanmew as 'Mousebrain.' Meant to reference how he had no bad intentions, but still ended up on the side of the Dark Forest by not thinking through the implications of training in hell. Backfires massively because it's REALLY funny, and a perfect example of Bramblestar being an awful namer.
Spiderleg -> Spiderbite Great Battle involvement. For almost killing his son, Toadstep. In Clanmew this word is, "Spider-Doing Cannibalism," a rough translation to English.
Blossomfall -> Shredbloom Great Battle involvement. More direct translation would be "Removed-Bud" referencing a flower bud plucked before it could become fruit.
RiverClan and ShadowClan didn't apply any Dishonor Titles for Great Battle involvement.
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eretzyisrael · 5 months
by Seth J. Frantzman
The Combat Engineering Corps. officer said that the way to see this tragedy is from a “glass half full” perspective, doing the best that can be done in these difficult circumstances.
The engineers continued their work in the lead-up to the ground offensive on October 27. Then they helped the IDF armored and infantry units maneuver along the coast. The D9 helps clear the way and neutralize threats. Terrorists were eliminated in villas and hotels along the coast.
Later, the unit moved into western Jabalya, a densely built-up area near Gaza. The IDF’s 162nd Division has done the heavy lifting there, penetrating into Jabalya and defeating the terrorists there. The goal of the engineers is to help prepare areas for maneuvers and bulldoze areas that might be threatening to troops.
For instance, troops might need to go through an orchard or an area of trees bifurcated by small wadis (streams). The bulldozer can go in and flatten a path. It will churn up the dirt as well, removing booby traps or other dangers. This will help prevent anti-tank guided missile (ATGM) or RPG attacks.
Many IDF armored vehicles these days have active protection systems, such as the Trophy system that is on Merkava tanks and Namer armored personnel carriers. Israel’s D9s and Eitan APCs are supposed to be kitted out with the Iron Fist protection system. Despite these protective systems, vehicles can be damaged and soldiers killed by the ATGM and RPG threat. Harari described how there were ATGM threats in Jabalya. The unit brought in tanks and eliminated two terrorists in one instance.
Engineering units come in various types and sizes. There are the elite units such as the Yahalom that perform special missions. There are other units that are experts in explosives and demolition; they can act with great precision. Then there are the heavy machinery engineers, like those in Harari’s unit.
Today, many engineering units are in Gaza, including Yahalom, the 614th Combat Engineers, the 603rd, and the 8170 and 7017 Battalions. In many cases, these units work closely with other ones in the IDF, such as infantry and tanks, as part of larger organic units, such as the 162nd or 36th Divisions.
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autoacafiles · 2 years
Are there any notable Zoid Pilots from Zoidstar, or did they all die out?
The Namer was once a major warrior in the Age of Heroic Combat, and he had a notable rival in Clada, a young man with the characteristic hot temper. The two of them were among the few Zoidaryans to have survived their civilization's fall, and Clada even managed to take over a major Zoid Factory, which he believed made him the de-facto leader of the Blue Zoids.
Sadly, this was not the case and when Clada was out of options, the Namer challenged him one on one, two Trooperzoids, to one last round of Heroic Combat. A battle that Clada ultimately lost.
But that's not to say there aren't some Zoid Pilots elsewhere in the cosmos, fighting their own heroic combats...
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ultrajaphunter · 2 years
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Modern IFVs are quite large, aren't they?
Compared to the once biggest tanks, the MBTs, modern IFVs have become huge due to necessary higher protection levels. 
See IVF Puma (right) 
next to Leopard 2 (middle). 
PzH2000 is a Monster, too (Right)
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The two latest IFVs, Lynx KF41 and Redback, are both massive, but a reflection of what Tier 1 armies require in terms of protection levels and useable internal volume. Both virtually equal in height, with Lynx maybe an inch taller in both hull and turret roof heights.
Namer, hold my BEER !
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Or perhaps a reflection that the modern IFV, that is both a battle taxi for an infantry squad, and an offensive fire support vehicle, often with an ant-armour capability, is the wrong evolutional direction, and splitting the roles into 2 vehicles might be the way to go?
All that size but still not enough practical space for dismounts/ equipment and not (to me) sufficent survivability vs tank main gun and ATGM to make the IFV thrive in a combined arms direct fire zone....
If you try to use them like they were used in OIF then yes you are correct. 
But if you use them to deliver and support dismounts forward of them then they are fine.
Maybe IFV is the wrong name. 
These are Vehicle Fighting Vehicles VFV. 
The same troops in the back means that they help with picquets etc. 
If you want to bring Infantry to the fight then you need APC's without those turrets.
The bigger ones can bring a litter of small unmanned IFVs scurrying around them. 
The mother ship IFV then becomes a C2 for air and ground drones.
 Water too when appropriate.
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ziracona · 3 years
Unlimited Blade Works: plays
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collapsedsquid · 2 years
A pattern of ‘capability dissonance’ or disconnect between a widely acknowledged increasing probability and difficulty of the urban fight and military attitudes to fielding appropriate tools for that fight is a widespread and enduring phenomenon.  Only Israel and Russia, two countries that suffered politically significant losses in urban fights in recent decades, have fielded significant quantities of equipment focussed on combined arms urban operations.
Israeli procurement explicitly reflects the domestic political need to minimise military casualties and an international political need to limit civilian casualties, emphasising armoured protection and engineer systems. Formations assigned to the urban fight are equipped with the tank-based Achzarit and Namer APC for the infantry but also very heavily protected bulldozers, small numbers of specialist armoured engineer vehicles with innovative modifications such as front access hatches, as well as a variety of mechanical tools and munitions for breaching as well as ISR robots.
In contrast, the Russians have emphasised firepower for the urban battle and lethal UGV. Their TOS-2 T72-based multi-barrelled flamethrower can fire a salvo of 30 x 220 mm thermobaric rockets whose enhanced blast detonation can crush or asphyxiate everyone in a small city block. Also based on the T72 is the BMP-T, intended for urban infantry suppression using twin 30 mm cannon and machineguns. For the close battle, there are dedicated detachments of Chemical Troops, in their own specialised tracked vehicles whose assault task is to employ their handheld launchers to precede any assault with a thermobaric round through every window, or alternatively use incendiary smoke munitions to deny the building.
Ahh Russia as one of the few countries “prepared“ for this sort of thing
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shepherds-of-haven · 3 years
Did you name your novels or were they just ShoH 1, ShoH 2, ShoH 3, etc.? (If yes, can you also tell their names please?)
Hi there, thanks for the question! In my head they were Volumes 1-20-something--actually, if you’ll believe it, in my head for a long time I named the books after colors, and somehow kept track... but at some point I did put a formal list of potential titles together. I never used the “real” titles mentally, except for The Bridge of Bones, Fortress of the Dead, and the books in Series II and III: I still remember thinking of the first book in Series I as “red” and the second book as “orange”... 😬 And the files/scenes in each book were labelled “aaa”, “bb”, “++”. The more letters there were, the number of times the scene had been rewritten (so “a” was a first draft of the first scene in the book, and “aaa” was the same scene, but more polished... what was I thinking?)
Anyway, I had to go digging to remember my ideas for the titles of some of the earlier books, so please forgive any cringyness lol, I was pretty young when I wrote Series I! I also don’t know if these are all of the ShoH novels--these are just the main chronological ones, but there were some spin-offs and AUs that I don’t name here!
Series I: World Without End
The Witching Wheel 
Blood and Fire
Gunpowder Magic
Battle Mage
The Knife That Spoke
The Code of War
The City of Midnight
The Foundling’s Soul
The Silver Covenant
The Gates of the Earth
Child of the Stars
Series II: The Storm of the Worlds
The Thunder March
The Lightning War
The Conquered Sky
Series III: The Land of the Gods
The Eternal Sea
The Country Cloaked in Moon
Bridge Series: 
Fortress of the Dead
The Bridge of Bones
The Razor Crown
The God-King’s Sun
Series IV: The Naming of All Things
The Council of Kingmakers
Canticle of the Namer
The Blessed Isles
Read below if you want as concise of an explanation for these titles as I can provide!
In case you’re curious, Series I up until Battle Mage follows the protagonist, Arainia, as a young girl (I think 11 or 13) after the death of her mother, being sent to Solhadur amidst family conflict with her father and older sister, her various adventures there at school (meeting Red, Pan, Neon, etc.), graduating, attempting to join the Ket army (it’s complicated), and then deciding to join the Shepherds at around 18 or 19. She undergoes training in the academy, joins her squad (this is where Trouble, Riel, Chase, Halek, and the rest come in), and becomes a Shepherd officer alongside her childhood best friend Blade in Battle Mage. The Knife that Spoke and onward details various missions, investigations, battles, recruitments, and adventures that they all embark on as young adults into their twenties, with some books following different perspectives in the squad (Blade, Riel, Trouble, Chase, Halek, Red, Wintry, and Junoth [the last two not in the game] all get their turn narrating a book or at least a large part of one), with Shery, Ayla, Mimir, Lavinet, Tallys, Neon, Croelle, and many other characters featuring heavily. Around this time, civil war is brewing between the Elves, Ket, and certain factions of Mages, and Endarkened attacks soon begin to rise as the Order struggles to keep the peace. 
Series II details the outbreak of total world war that is essentially the Castigation in the game, with Western Norm kingdoms and territories suddenly and unexpectedly marching on the East--except in the novels, demons and demon armies are also involved, and the war is ultimately averted/ended in a truce as both sides finally unite to confront the Endarkened. It’s during this time period that Riel defects and seemingly betrays the group in favor of “the other side.” Blade is also seemingly killed at the end of the first book of this series and doesn’t reappear again until the third book, Arainia is captured and held as a prisoner of war all while thinking her best friend is dead, and it’s an upsetting time for everybody. Junoth also actually dies. RIP. Croelle pops in to save the day!
Series III details the aftermath of the war and a mission to find unoccupied land for displaced factions of soldiers, diplomats, traders, and civilians from the Norm territories (led by Riel), leading to a voyage across the Mirror Sea to explore the vast continent to the south of Blest, called colloquially “the Land of the Gods.” The second book in this series is also when Blade and Arainia FINALLY confess their feelings for each other and get together, and the big love triangle in the series is finally mostly settled. Oh, but things also aren’t perfect because the Order forbids relationships between officers (like they’ll actually be fired, not Blade’s lame rule in the game lmao), so they live in fear of being discovered because neither wants to quit being a Shepherd! Their hope is that Blade will be named Commander when the current one resigns, and then he can just... change the rule LOL. 
The Bridge Series has some companion novels that take place in between Series III and IV; Fortress of the Dead is Croelle-centric (this is when he informally joins the Order in the books) and The Bridge of Bones details some political bullshit and coups and conspiracies within the Order when its Commander dies unexpectedly and seemingly names a shady outsider (Edric) as the new Commander instead of Blade. The group is placed on different squads to split them up and prevent rebellion from brewing (it happens anyway), and it’s all very crazy. This is also when Lavinet sort of becomes a good guy, Shery becomes a badass, Shyf Cian first appears as the HR rep everyone hates, and this book is also pretty Chase-centric (he pretty much saves the day) and features a Mage serial killer, a psychopathic criminal syndicate leader, and an evil Changeling! I think it’s my favorite novel of the series. From what I remember, The Razor Crown and The God-King’s Sun are just super angsty for no good reason other than I guess I felt like writing a lot of angst--though the God-King’s Sun is also the first appearance of a true Autarch in the series. 
By the time we get to Series IV, the characters are in their thirties, settling into adulthood and their respective roles in life. Blade finally assumes command of the Order, Blade and Arainia get married, Halek and Wintry have a baby (Kana!), Halek turns 33 and has a life crisis, Arainia gets pregnant (and then kidnapped for a large part of her pregnancy lolll), Riel and Chase finally make reluctant peace, some other stuff happens, uh there’s some Mimir stuff in there, Red successfully makes a trip to another world, and Arainia gives birth to a Ket-Mage son in... I think it was either The Canticle of the Namer or The Blessed Isles. 
So... yeah! 28+ main novels, and I’m still going, just for me! 😂 I tend to write a lot of AUs of the series in my off-time, though sometimes the AUs are just “what if this took place in the same world but things are totally different--like what if they were politicians instead of Shepherds, what if the Shepherds functioned differently due to a different historical event occurring, what if the Castigation happened but it was Mages who instigated it, what if they were soldiers in a war 5000 years before the main series takes place, etc.”; or they take place in totally different worlds, like the characters as cops in a modern world that has cell phones and cars but also still has the Diminished races and magic somehow!
Thanks for your question, and for reading this long talk! 😅
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stainedglassthreads · 4 years
Chara’s Laughter - An Analysis of Chara and Toriel
What? Oh, yeah, I remember. When we tried to make butterscotch pie for Dad, right? The recipe asked for cups of butter... But we accidentally put in buttercups instead. Yeah! Those flowers got him really sick. I felt so bad. We made Mom really upset. I should have laughed it off, like you did... Um, anyway, where are you going with this? Huh? Turn off the camera...? OK.
This dialogue is from the third of the True Lab tapes in Undertale, spoken by Asriel. It recounts something popularly referred to as ‘the buttercup incident’, where when trying to bake a butterscotch pie for Asgore, Chara and Asriel accidentally poisoned the king by putting in ‘buttercups’ rather than ‘cups of butter’. Later on, Chara uses knowledge gained from this incident to kill themself, so their soul can be used to break the Barrier... but that isn’t the main point of this piece of character analysis. 
The thing I’d like to bring to your attention is Chara’s initial reaction to accidentally poisoning their adoptive father-- they ‘laughed it off’, according to Asriel. 
Chara is an extremely ambiguous character in Undertale, with many members of the fandom having sharply divided opinions of them. Likewise, the opinions on this hint of their character is similarly divided. Some think the laughter was metaphorical and that Chara simply didn’t take it as seriously as Asriel did, others go so far as to say Chara purposefully tried to murder their adoptive father. 
It has also been hypothesized that, rather than gleeful giggling of a demonic child, this is just hysterical laughter, and that hysterical laughter is how Chara, specifically, responds to distress. If you subscribe to the Narra-Chara theory, which appears heavily supported, then there’s another instance of the game where a distressed Chara seems to be laughing. 
When in a fight with the Amalgamate that was once Snowdrake’s Mother, one of the Actions Frisk can take is to tell a joke. If they do so, you get the following bit of narration-- 
You laugh, and keep laughing. It's SO funny, you can't stop. Tears run down your face. 
... what? You didn't do that?
If the narrator of the game is indeed Chara, there are certain points of the game where they say ‘you’ are doing something, only to take that back and say you didn’t. One possible interpretation is that this is something the narrator--CHARA-- does themself, and assumes Frisk must also be doing too, only to realize Frisk is reacting differently, backing up the idea that Frisk and the narrator are two separate entities. That all said, while this character analysis assumes the Narra-Chara theory is canon for this specific narration, the Narra-Chara theory is not the focus of this post. 
Rather, the focus is the similarities between Chara and their adoptive mother, Toriel Dreemurr. 
Some similarities between Chara’s brother and Toriel’s son, Asriel Dreemurr, have been pointed out between him and his father, Asgore. Both greet you with ‘howdy’, both are very openly emotional(Asriel is called ‘crybaby’ by Chara, Asgore’s openly seen weeping several times on the True Pacifist run}, both have a strong connection to golden flowers, are poor namers, and attempt to kill Frisk at the end of all runs barring No Mercy. But the parallels between Chara and Toriel are strong as well, although much subtler. 
Returning to the Narra-Chara theory, it is noted by many that Toriel has a very strong love of puns, exchanging them through the Ruins door with fellow noted punster Sans the skeleton-- but although Sans and Toriel are the most well-known pun lovers of Undertale, they are not the most prolific ones. No, that honor belongs to Chara and Papyrus. Chara being the narrator means they have the most lines in the game, granting them opportunity to be the character with the most puns. 
Among other things, they refer to Toriel’s chair as ‘Chairiel’, insist that a snowball is actually a ‘Snowdecahedron’, claims Lesser Dog wields a stone dagger made of ‘Pomer-granite’, and says ‘Pomeraisins’ are all over the floor of Lesser Dog’s station. 
This love of puns is a marked similarity between Toriel and Chara, but there’s another interesting one that I’ve never seen mentioned before. 
They both laugh when horribly distressed. 
It’s a popular fandom misconception that Toriel is very emotional. Often in fanart of her battle with Frisk, or of her being killed on a No Mercy Run, Toriel is crying tears of sorrow and desperation, at either the prospect of losing yet another child or at being betrayed by a human she’d thought innocent. This is not the case. Her sprite, for the most part, remains stoic, with an expression appearing almost cold for the majority of the battle. In contrast, Asgore doesn’t cry either in his fight, but unlike Toriel chooses to hide his face by looking down, and then openly weeps afterwards, and is noted by his subjects to be ‘a big fuzzy pushover’ and ‘a marshmallow’, further backing up the idea he’s much softer and more emotional than his ex-wife. 
Throughout the battle with her, narration says Toriel is acting aloof. But what’s interesting to note, is that Toriel DOES get emotional when killed in a No Mercy Run, or when betrayal killed... just not in as conventional or comfortable way. 
Here is what she says when you attack her, after you’ve convinced her to stop attacking you: 
You... ... at my most vulnerable moment... To think I was worried you wouldn't fit out in there... Eheheheh!!! You really are no different than them! Ha... Ha... 
She says all this with a rather unsettling smile. 
Some people use Chara’s laughter after poisoning Asgore as evidence that Chara is a deeply disturbed child, who went on to possibly coerce or force Frisk into killing monsters. But like Chara, Toriel also laughs in a situation that doesn’t call for it-- does this also make Toriel a horrible disturbed mass murderer? She certainly isn’t opposed to the idea of murder when it’s necessary, and is as likely as Asgore to have lived through a war, but seems strongly against gratuitous murder as well as the murder of innocents and children. 
Do not "Tori" me, Dreemurr. You pathetic whelp. If you really wanted to free our kind... You could have gone through the barrier after you got ONE SOUL... Taken SIX SOULS from the humans, then free us all... instead just waiting here, meekly waiting for another human to come.
While Asriel takes after his father, and though Chara may not have been born a Dreemurr, Chara appears to strongly take after their adoptive mother Toriel in many more subtle ways. Chara and Toriel are both deeply interesting characters who are too often flanderized, be it into ‘murder demon’, ‘scapegoat’, ‘perfect mother’ or ‘dirty coward’, but looking deeper into canon grants a more nuanced look into both of them. 
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whenimgoodandready · 4 years
*SVTFOE Bloopers, Finale Season Epilogue
—The Departure—
(Star and Marco slowly walk up to each other and stop once they are face to face)
Marco:(softy) “Hey”
Star:(softly) “Hi”
(they stare at each other fondly as the final music score plays and the camera pans up to the “Earthni” sky)
Director Daron:(heard off-screen) “And that’s a wrap!”
(the alarm rings)
(Star starts to cry. Marco looks concerned)
Marco:”Star? Star what’s wrong?”
Star:(wipes away her tears) “Oh, nothing” (sniffles) “I’m just so happy I went through all this. With my friends, family and even a bunch of celebrities I never thought I’d meet”
Marco:(confused) “But, you’re a celebrity yourself, don’t you already know everyone?”
Star:(laughs) “Marco, just cuz I’m a celebrity doesn’t mean I know everyone! I never thought I’d meet band members like the lead singers of “Fall Out Boy” and “98 Degrees” (turns to see Ruberiot (Patrick Stump) and Justin Towers (Nick Lachey) who are next to each other and smiling at her) “Or have insanely detailed cosplayers (shows Marco a cosplayer dressed up as Star on her iPhone) “Or even a big namer like Toffee!” (turns to look at Toffee)
Toffee:(about to sip his coffee, but stops when he hears his name and turns to Star) “What, what?”
Marco:(blushing) “Oh, right” (nervously laughs) “And here I thought I was the lucky one starring in a hit tv show with the actress from “The Middle” (Star smiles) “Or doing my karate on camera for everyone at home to see” (turns to look at Jeremy is shown next to Sensei)
Jeremy:(waves frantically smiling) “Hi Marco!”
Marco:(waves back at Jeremy smiling then turns back to Star) “And best of all, I got a TV Star girlfriend!”
(Jackie comes in putting her arm around Marco)
Jackie:(teasingly) “Whoa there! Don’t go putting me on a pedestal bringing me offerers now”
(Marco laughs)
Janna:(stepping into the scene with all her sass) “Quick the water works Star, we’re still gonna see each other again tonight for the big farewell party here”
Tom:(walks into the scene as well) “Yeah, there’s gonna be music, food, the cast of “The Owl House” gonna show up! I’ve seen sneak peaks of that, looks awesome!”
Pony Head:(flies in) “And champaign!”
Star:(her face lights up) “Really!”
Pony Head:(with a sour look) “Yeah, but only for the adults” (blows a raspberry)
(Moon walks in)
Moon:(playfully) “Oh hush Pony” (she puts a hand to Star) “Star, I know you can be sensitive to these things. Much like how you were when your show, “The Middle” ended. You saw the cast as your family and I understand. I may be your TV Mom, but I love you like a real mother does. I’ve seen you at your best and worst on set, but in the end, I still love you cuz that’s how family is. It’s like being on TV. You mold yourself into the character you want to be and take each step of your life as a scene. If the “scene” turns out bad, then you “review” it so as to not make the same mistakes for a better ending. To me, this ending turned out well cuz I did it with my family”
Eclipsa:(walks in on the scene) “It’s true. I felt like the cast of my show “Game of Thrones” were like my family and sadly” (sighs softly) “It’s ending too. I’m going to miss everyone there. It was so much fun, but I’ll be honest. I liked working here better. I loved my character and working with all these talented children, doing something cute and family friendly and being on Disney and of course, you Star”
Star:(looks around the people that she’s worked with for her show smiling and sniffles) “You guys are the best. I’m gonna miss you all” (her face lights up with an idea) “Wait! I wanna remember this moment!” (she pulls out her iPhone and starts waving her hand in the air) “Everyone! Gather around! I wanna get a picture!”
(Star holds her iPhone in the air with selfie mode on as she pushes in Marco, Tom, Jackie, Janna, Moon and Eclipsa together as Pony Head flies in closer and Star gestures for them to stick together as she walks off to grab more people)
Tom:”Ow” (turns to Janna) “You’re stepping on my boots!”
Janna:”Well scoot over!”
Pony Head:(pushes aside Marco) “Move over Karate Kid, I wanna be next to Star! This pic is gonna go viral!”
Marco:”I’m the star!”
Pony Head:”Yeah, co-star! There’s a difference!”
(Star comes in dragging Toffee who’s reluctant)
Toffee:(trying to pull off Stars hand from his arm) “Star! This is Armani!”
Star:”Oh Toffee, it’s a rental!” (she pushes Toffee in with the group and runs off to grab Starfan13 and Oskar who position themselves in the group photo with everyone ready and smiling. Stars about to take the picture when suddenly she stops) “WAIT! Wait! Wait! Wait! I’m missing some people!”
(the group groans as Star runs off to grab others. As they wait, Jack wraps her arms around Marco, Janna attempts to give the middle finger only for Tom to lower it down and glare at her shaking his head going “MmMmm” and Janna blaring back at him and Oskar giving the “Rock On!” sign. Star brings in River, Buff Frog, Alfonzo, Ferguson, Angie, Sensei, Rafael, Ludo, Brittany, Jeremy, Kelly, Mina, Hekapoo, Globgor and even Brian H. Kim and more importantly, Daron Nefcy herself who get into position next to their closest characters companions (ex.Alfonzo and Ferguson next to Marco) and Star gets in the center to finally take the picture)
Janna:”You know Star, there’s a poster of all of us in it, right!? I mean, it’s what’s saving the trouble for this”
Star:”Alright Everyone! Say, “Narwal Blast!”” (quickly takes the picture before they could say it) “Eat your heart out Ellen”
Marco:”Wait I think I blinked!”
Janna:”You suck”
Director Daron:(claps her hands to get everyone’s attention) “C’mon people! We need to clear out to prepare this place for party tonight!”
(the group breaks loose (except Daron) and walks away as the camera crew leave along with the make-up artists, special effects team and the script writers. Star stands in place watching everyone depart smiling and waving)
Moon:(waves at Star) “Bye dear! See you tonight”
River:(waves) ”Bye TV daughter!”
Eclipsa:”See you tonight sweetie!”
Janna:(holds up a peace sign) “I’ll see you tonight at 7!” (winks at Star for the reference)
(Star gives a thumbs up)
Daron:”Star!” (Star looks up to Daron) “I just wanna say thank you for being “Star Butterfly”. There was a reason I named the character “Star” and that’s cuz seeing your character, Sue Heck, an optimist and eccentric girl going through life no matter how God awful it got, made me wanna create a girl who was actually like that and making it better by giving her magical powers! So I saw your name in the credits, Star Sher, and I thought about my character and said, “I want her blossom and grow”. That’s when the word butterfly came to mind. Star Butterfly. I was like you once. Guess I just saw a bit of myself in you and wanted let that same little be do great things” (Star’s eyes light up) “I also wanna apologize for my outburst before our final shooting” (looks away embarrassed) “I was under a lot of pressure from making sure everything went perfectly and I guess I turned into a dragon lady or something. Heavy is the head that wears the crown” (makes a small laugh. Star’s face comes to a realization of that, but goes back to her smile for Daron) “I hope we’re okay so that we can have fun at the party tonight”
Star:”We’re great!”
(Daron was so touched, she hugs Star and Star quickly hugs her back. Daron gently breaks them apart and softly looks at Star)
Daron:”Thank you my rebel princess” (she lovingly puts her head on Stars head and then walks away. Star fondly watches her leave and heard Marcos voice)
Marco:”Star!” (Marco runs up to her followed by Pony Head, Jackie Tom, Shonda and Shinda) “Guess what!”
Star:(eagerly) “What!?”
Marco:”We get to choose the songs played at the party tonight! We can play whatever music we want!”
(they all cheer)
Shonda:(pulls out the records she and Shinda have been playing during the bloopers) “Which one should we play!”
Shinda:(enthusiastically) “OOh! OOh! OOh! I say-“
(Pony Head gasps and grabs the records with her teeth, slams them on the ground and smashes them with herself repeatedly with Star, Marco, Tom, Jackie, Shonda and Shinda staring at her as she does it)
Pony Head:(flies right in the twins faces) “NO MORE MUSIC FOR YOU TWO! I.have.HAD IT! You hear me!? Had it! I’m getting your parents!” (pushes the two ponies away away)
Marco:(points to the broken pieces of the record on the ground shocked) “Those were my records!”
(Toffee passes by to pick up his black jacket on a make-up chair)
Star:(runs up to Toffee whose texting on his iPhone (actually Toms iPhone since he confiscated it) to someone) “Hey Toffee! Toffee!”
Toffee:(looks up from Toms phone) “Hmm”
Star:(holds her hands behind her and looks down on the ground) “I just wanna say that I’m sorry I gave you a hard time during the show. Especially from “Battle for Mewni”. I just got so stressed with working on the show and all. Heavy is the crown and” (pauses) “And uh.......uhhhhhhh, whatever they call it. I mean, I was the star of the show, but you” (looks up and gestures to Toffee) “You were the real “Star”! For “Star vs. The Forces of Evil” How could I measure up to that!? Huh?” (laughs) “And I still do respect you! I just didn’t wanna us to part on bad terms. Sooooooooo, are we good?” (sheepishly grins)
Toffee:(stares at Star for a moment and then laughs) “Yeah, sure, we good”
(Stars face lights up)
Toffee:(chuckles) “I mean, I can’t tell you how stressed I was when I was on my show, “Dexter”. So yeah, I know the pressure of stardom and be toxic and you’re young, so it’s a lot harder on you I guess, but I still do respect you as well. From one “Star” to another”
(Star happily stares at Toffee then gives him a big hug that startles him. He’s bewildered by this sudden embrace, but then hugs her back)
Marco:(comes in with his arms wide open) “Hey, can I get some of that action over here!?”
Toffee:(looks sternly at Marco while hugging Star) “Back off Diaz, I’m still recovering from my shoulder injury”
(Marcos smiles disappears and he still keeps his arms wide open, but lowers them down. He hisses embarrassingly while scratching the back of his head remembering how he went too hard on him during his big punch on “Battle for Mewni”)
Toffee:(breaks free of Stars hug and goes into Marcos face with a creepy smile) “Surprise!”
(Marco screams and backs up)
(Toffee laughs and pulls Marco in under his arm giving him a nuggy)
Marco:(is scared at first, but eventually laughs) “Okay! Okay! Yes, we’re cool too!”
(Toffee lets go of Marco and Marco straightens out his hair)
Toffee:(turns to Star) “Oh and Star” (Star turns to Toffee) “Don’t think too “high and mighty” of me just cuz I’m a huge star. I’m not all that big. I don’t even have a Star on Hollywood! I’m still person like you and Marco and everyone else”
Star:(sing song voice) “Okay”
(Toms iPhone beeps and Toffee looks down at the screen. He puts the phone away and starts to walk out swinging his jacket on his shoulder)
Toffee:”Well, see you kids tonight, I gotta go”
Marco:”Where you going?”
Toffee:”Heading over to my agents place. He’s got my tickets for Ontario later”
Toffee:”Yeah, I’m flying over there to Canada to shot a new movie (“In the Shadow of the Moon”) where I play a detective” (in a stereotypical Canadian accent) “Eh” (he laughs to himself)
(Toffee walks away typing in Toms iPhone he and Tom runs after him)
Tom:”Hey, Toffee!” (we hear him from off-screen) “Can I have my phone back now”
Toffee:(heard off-screen) “No”
Jackie:(gasps in realization) “Marco!” (puts her hand in his shoulder) “We gotta go too!” (runs out to the studio door) “Bye Star!”
Marco:(his eyes widen in realization) “Oh yeah!” (runs after Jackie)
Star:(calling out) “Where you going!?”
Marco:(stops at the door where Jackie already ran out from to turn back to Star) “Oh” (laughs. Points behind him with his thumb) “I need to go help Jackie rehearse for her role on “She-Ra”
Star:”Oh! Right! I love that show!”
Marco:”Yeah, well, see you at the party tonight!” (runs out the door)
(Star smiles as she hears Marcos footsteps fading away. She was all alone now. Felt like only yesterday it was the premiere of her show with cast members off-screen watching, the special effects crew making all that glitters (literally) fill the air with magic and praise the show gained from the fans. It was all over now, but Star was happy that she got to try this new show and how it became a hit like her show, “The Middle”. She looked around and saw everything in the large studio quiet and colorful. The light up vanity mirrors, the camera stands and sound equipment and finally, the set of “Earthni” with the green screen in the back. Star found it hard to believe this place passed off as fantasy dimension full of eccentric make believe creatures with backstories. It would all be cleaned up soon. The custodians will be here to pick up everything and redecorate it for the shows farewell party tonight. Star saw a few things that needed to be cleaned up and walked over to do so)
Star:(singing softly to herself)🎶She's a princess winning battles, Through the break of dawn🎶(pushes a chair away from to form a passage. She walks over to the light up vanity mirrors)🎶Don't worry when it's night, 'Cause she will keep the lights on!🎶(turns off all the vanity mirrors. She walks towards the studio doors, but stops half way there to pick up a props box and move it to the other side)🎶Ohhhh, there goes a shining star!🎶(walks towards the studio doors again and stops a quarter of the way to turn off the set lights on “Earthni”) 🎶Evil won't deter her🎶 (echoes the back-up singers) 🎶(No, sir!)🎶🎶(gets to the studio doors, but stops in between it) 🎶’Cause magic flows through her🎶 (echoes the back-up singers again) 🎶(Star Butterfly!)🎶 (slowly looks back at the studio shedding a tear)🎶She is a shining staaaaaaar!🎶(she sighs wholeheartedly getting a good look at it and lastly, flicks off the ceiling lights with the room now dark. Star turns back and closes the door)
The End
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so, tell me about your favorite stuffies :)
Since you asked!!! 😊😊😊😊
Here is the lady of the hour, Miss Sweetie. She's new but I love her a lot and take her a lot of places with me :)
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Here is Golden Boy Willow when he was new. Now he's flat and gray cuz he travels a lot too! And for a few years now
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Here is Lamby. She's very old. Her stuffing is flat and she's grayed a lot. She's my baby girl 💓
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And Raspberry Strawberry Milkshake. She has battle scars because I have dogs :(
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I have a final boy I couldn't find. He's a Air Force Bear (we r a military family ew lmao) who I took w me EVERYWHERE in early HS. I know where he is I just can't get to him w/o making a mess. His name is Hubert Cumberdale from Salad fingers bc I was obsessed in HS haha...
I have TONS of more friends but these are the ones I treasure most... Atm at Least
Can you tell I'm a weird namer lol???
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mcsesofhope · 5 years
Chisato’s Puppet collection
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Chisato has one of every Puppet (Besides one of Parsee considering she gave that one to @parseemizuhashi‘s Parsee), however, she only really uses 6 of them in battle. Those being 
Cuddelbug (Wriggle)
Cutie (Daiyousei)
Lune (Keine)
Phoenix (Mokou)
Strings (Alice)
and Nya (Chen)
and yes. Each of the other ones have dumb names. Chisato isn’t the best namer.  Despite not using each of them in battle, she still plays with the Puppets in her collection.
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the-delta-42 · 6 years
To Find Hyrule 13
Takes place 15 years after Findings
Warning; Character death mentioned in the chapter
Tetra looked down at a map in front of her. Malladus’s monsters had taken the Ocean and Fire Realms, leaving the Snow and Forest Realms under the control of New Hyrule and the Spirits. Midna was looking at the different entrances and exits between all of the realms, from what the 21-year-old could see, the one common entrance and exit between all of the realms was the Tower of Spirits. Daphnes was currently passing the time by making strange noises with his mouth.
After the fifty-second popping noise, Midna threw a book at him, “Stop that, it’s getting on my nerves.”
“Everything get on your nerves, the war, your boyfriend, dad, mum, Gonzo, your boyfriend-” Daphnes was silenced by a look from his mother.
Link was currently with Gonzo and Niko, attempting to take back the Ocean Realm, with little success from the last few reports.
“You two, this is an incredibly serious matter, if Malladus takes either the Snow or the Forest Realm, he will be able to take us out with as much ease as clapping.” Scolded Tetra, giving both a withering glare. Both looked down at their feet, neither brave enough to directly challenge their mother when she was in a foul mood. There was a small clattering sound, making the group turn to face a five-year-old Princess Zelda. Zelda had a cucco in the torchlight look, especially when she spotted her mother.
“You’re supposed to be in bed.” Said Tetra, placing her hands on her hips.
“I had a bad dream.” Said Zelda, as Tetra walked over and picked her up, “Daddy was fighting a monster and it hurt him.”
“Little one,” Soothed Tetra, as tears appeared in Zelda’s eyes, “it was only a dream, a single monster would never be enough to take down your father.”
Zelda made a small humming noise, her eyes becoming droopy, before she fell asleep in her mother’s arms. Karane, Gonzo’s daughter and wife to Link’s right-hand man, Pipit, stood off to the side on the room, reaching to open the door for Tetra, before the door was slung open by a messenger, who was taking deep gulping breaths.
“News of the King.” Said the messenger, before sinking into a low bow, “They have broken though Malladus’s defences, the Ocean Realm is our again.”
Tetra smiled at the news, before she realised that the messenger was shaking, “What other news do you bring?”
“I regret to inform you, your Majesty,” Said the messenger, “That Sir Gonzo has fallen in battle, Sir Niko has lost his leg and the King,” the messenger paused, “and the King is now missing an eye.”
Everyone in the room froze, to hear that Link had received an injury was rare, especially from a monster.
“Where is he now?” Asked Tetra, her voice soft. The messenger swallowed nervously.
“He is at Outset Village; Sir Niko was able to get him there before sending me.” Said the messenger, as Tetra strode out of the room.
Midna and Daphnes quickly followed, doing their best to keep up, little Zelda still fast asleep in her mother’s arms.
“Midna, you’re in charge while I’m gone, Daphnes,” Said Tetra, “I need you to go to the Tower of Spirits, take Zelda with you, and speak to Anjean. I’m going to collect your father.”
Midna wanted to protest but knew better than to question her mother on such a serious matter. Midna just nodded and headed back to the Throne room, Daphnes took Zelda from his mother and headed in the direction of a secret tunnel that lead into the Tower, he grabbed a broadsword and shield from a guard as he passed them.
Tetra quickly made her way outside the castle and to the private stables, quickly readying Thunder and Epona for the trip. “Follow us.” Tetra instructed the horse, before she mounted Thunder and rode for Outset.
Link scowled as Aryll went over his eye with some anti-septic. Pipit and Niko standing in the corner. Mila had headed out to the nearest shop to buy some more potions. There was a sudden commotion outside the house, prompting Niko to open the door, allowing Tetra to stride in.
“Tetra,” Said Niko, “I didn’t realise you were coming.”
“Well after hearing that Link had his eye cut out is a massive motivator.” Snarked Tetra, before her glare settled on Link, “Could you all give us a bit of privacy, if you don’t mind.” Although Tetra’s sentence was worded like a question, it was a statement.
After everyone else had filed out of the room and the door closed, Tetra turned her glare on full force. “You promised me, that when this started you weren’t going to do anything stupid.”
Link snorted, “I doubt taking a shot at Malladus would be classed as stupid.”
“That’s not the point, Link.” Snapped Tetra, “What if the cut had been deeper, what if it had been lower? I don’t know about you, but I don’t like the idea of becoming a widow!”
“Well neither of those happened, so we don’t have to worry.” Said Link, scowling.
“Really?!” Exclaimed Tetra, “How about you try explaining to a five-year-old, who just had a nightmare of one parent dying, that their nightmare came true! Zelda was in the room when that bloody messenger called!”
All of Link’s anger dissipated, “What messenger?”
“The one Niko sent, the one who told me that you were short of an eye.” Said Tetra, her chest heaving, Link was doing his best not to focus to much on it.
“Tetra, Niko didn’t send a messenger, Niko, Pipit and I were the only survivors.” Said Link, making Tetra’s heart stop.
The residents of Castle Town were being evacuated into the Tower of Spirits, Midna jerked her sword, a monster sliding off it and onto the floor. Karane implanted an arrow into a Mini-Blin’s head, before drawing another arrow and shooting a Wolfos.
The messenger that Niko had sent betrayed them, opening the city to Malladus and his hordes. Midna had made quick work of the pathetic excuse for a man, ramming her sword through his skull. Midna idly wondered if Niko had actually sent the man.
Midna swung her sword at the neck of a Geozard, the blade making quick work of the scales. Midna was glad that her mother had sent Daphnes and Zelda to the Tower of Spirits, she didn’t want for them to be caught up in this.
An arrow suddenly pierced a Stalfos, a Snapper and a Snurgle, instantly killing them. Midna looked for the origin of the Arrow, spotting her mother, father, aunt Aryll and Sir Niko charging into the horde. Tetra was holding a weapon that they had been working on, as it was the hope for defeating Malladus. Link cut through the monsters, like a hot knife through butter.
Malladus, upon the arrival of Link and Tetra, promptly fled back to the Fire Realm, most of his horde following. That night, they celebrated, while the messenger had been one of Malladus’s spies, he told the truth about the Ocean Realm being under their control again.
For both Link and Tetra, the night was long, as they reacquainted themselves of each other. Three months later, Tetra was moved to the Tower of the Spirits, along with Daphnes and Zelda, expecting her fourth child.
Niko and Pipit slowly walked up to the Tower, both dreading the news they were holding. Upon reaching the foyer of the Tower, the two were greeted by Anjean, who realised something was wrong.
Tetra sat next to Daphnes and Zelda, her hand running over the small bump in her abdomen. Link and Midna were to meet them in a couple of days, to celebrate the pregnancy. Anjean quietly rolled up to Tetra, her face solemn.
“Tetra,” Said Anjean, while little Zelda played with the Spirit flute, “There’s something we need to tell you.”
Tetra looked at the Lokomo, a pair of legs standing behind her, Tetra looked up, spotting Midna’s blood covered face. Behind Midna was Niko and Pipit, Tetra looked behind the group, trying to spot Link.
“Midna,” Tetra asked, dread building up inside her, “where’s your father?”
Midna quietly clenched her jaw and screwed her eyes shut, prompting Tetra to look at Niko, who fiddled with his bandana, which he never took off.
“We were ambushed,” Said Niko, “the Gorons had been moved to another location by Malladus, we walked into a trap, Malladus was there.”
Niko started having trouble breathing, “He attacked Link from behind, Link fought, but, Namer betrayed us and-and distracted Link, long enough for Malladus to kill him.”
Tetra started gasping for air, before a sharp pain originated from her abdomen.
That night, Tetra brought her son into the world, the same son that Link would never meet or hold.
Malladus’s hordes were falling, no small part due to Tetra firing her bow at an exceptional rate. Her cutlass made short work of the monsters, until she was faced with Malladus. The Demon King snarled at her, his hair was orange, his eyes red and his skin blue, Malladus had a tail and a pair of horns on his head. Tetra spun her cutlass in her hand, her eyes narrowed into a murderous glare.
In Malladus’s right hand was the Phantom Sword, its blade dull, almost lifeless. The ensuing fight was long and violent, until Tetra rammed her cutlass into Malladus’s stomach, pinning him to a tree, before she ready the bow of light and fire a light arrow into the head of the Demon King.
The Lokomo sages were able to seal Malladus away, so while he was defeated, he wasn’t destroyed. His chains coated the land of New Hyrule, Midna, and her lover Derek, drew even with Tetra. Even though they had won the war, they knew that in Tetra’s eyes, the war was lost when Link was killed.
In the following years, people would describe Tetra as a fair, firm ruler. Although they would also mention that before the King died, she was kinder and warmer, people would say that side of her died with Link. Five years after the end of the war, Tetra stepped down from the Throne and Midna was made Queen. Another twenty years passed, before Tetra quietly joined Link in his place in the Sacred Realm.
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godsofsandandwater · 7 years
A Prayer to the Many Gods
Wepwawet, opener of ways, granter of choices, unfolder of options, I praise and honor you.
Anubis, measurer of hearts, friend of the dead, warder against the dark, I praise and honor you.
Hathor, lady of gold, mistress of joy and pleasure, steadfast friend of women, I praise and honor you.
Sekhmet, most mighty and most beautiful of gods, healer of humanity, I praise and honor you.
Bast, devouring lady, mistress of truth and light, preserver of the family, I praise and honor you.
Tefnut, lady of the waters, bringer of rain to the dusty land, I praise and honor you.
Shu, lord of the air, steady and still of bearing, master of the winds, I praise and honor you.
Heru-wer, great of terror, lord of flame, granter of a heart bold and brave, I praise and honor you.
Ma’at, daughter of creation, ideal of the worlds, mistress of the right, I praise and honor you.
Djehuti, great scribe of Ma’at, master of the pen, lord of truth and wisdom, I praise and honor you.
Seshet, lady of names and numbers, mistress of records, keeper of time, I praise and honor you.
Great Ptah, merciful of face, friend of the maker, whose words work upon the earth, I praise and honor you.
Sokar of the opened wings, lord of the dark, master of artisans, I praise and honor you.
Wesir, beautiful one who rests upon Ma’at, lord of the silent lands, I praise and honor you.
Aset, queen of heaven, mistress of magics, upholder of the good, I praise and honor you.
Heru-sa-Aset, master of magics, just one, savior of your father, I praise and honor you.
Nephthys, mistress of renewal, friend of the dead, easer of sorrows, I praise and honor you.
Set of the red land, before whom the sky shakes, breaker of boundaries, I praise and honor you.
Nut of the sheltering sky, who holds a thousand souls, lady of the starry night, I praise and honor you.
Geb, first and eldest of kings, deep father earth who marks the joys of life, I praise and honor you.
Ra who is in heaven, who is in the horizon, giver of light and life, I praise and honor you.
Khepera, ancient one, bright-winged one, wise and shining heart of the morning sun, I praise and honor you.
Heruakhety who crosses the sky with incense, great god of the horizon, I praise and honor you.
Amun, self-created one, king whose name is hidden, protector of the humble, I praise and honor you.
Beautiful Mut, world-mother, mistress of heaven, shelter of children, I praise and honor you.
Taweret, friend of women, friend of the home, guardian of the family, I praise and honor you.
Kindly Bes, guardian of home and family, granter of life’s many joys, I praise and honor you.
Neith, friend of the weaver and the warrior, great of might, ancient of name, I praise and honor you.
Sobek who made the herbage green, lord of dark waters, mender of a damaged world, I praise and honor you.
Khnum of the crumpled horn, self-created one, worker upon the wheel, I praise and honor you.
Khonsu, path-finder, night-shining one, healer and guardian, friend of women, I praise and honor you.
Nefertem who is beautiful, lily of the sun, lord of healing, lord of scent, I praise and honor you.
Serqet, mistress of the beautiful house, protector from poisons, I praise and honor you.
Mafdet, slayer of serpents, mistress of justice, allotter of penance, I praise and honor you.
Meretseger, great of judgment, guardian of kings, lady of the great peak, I praise and honor you.
Maahes, lord of slaughter, avenger of wrongs, opposer of evil, I praise and honor you.
Montu, battle-wise, great bull who meets all foes, might of the blasting sun, I praise and honor you.
Bountiful Min, virile and strong, lord of the black earth, the swell of tender green, I praise and honor you.
Renenutet, lady of the fertile fields, namer of children, I praise and honor you.
Mighty Heka, lord of magic, speaker of words, placer of the ka, I praise and honor you.
Wadjet who guards the green, warder of the red crown, protector of children, I praise and honor you.
Nekhbet, mother of mothers, broad-winged goddess, keeper of the white crown, I praise and honor you.
Atum of the dark waters, O great of name, first among the gods, I praise and honor you.
Great Nun, father of fathers, mother of mothers, you from whom all arose, I praise and honor you.
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furibotgd · 4 years
Catching up with Bouncy (pt 2)
The young fury had been flying for a couple hours now, and noticed a group of furies flying against the morning sky. She picked up speed and caught up to them as they landed around their base, noticing her when she landed. Scarface walked right up to her, still bristling from his defeat on haligan. They surrounded her.
She didn't back down, even when Scarface's twisted face became nose to nose with hers. "What are you doing here?" He snarled.
She sniffed. "I want to stay with you guys." She eyed the large dragon.
Scarface sneered, teeth bared. "You ditched us with them before. Why switch sides again?"
"Because," Bouncy huffed. "They don't care about me any more. They denied me getting to stay with Indigo at all, and pushed me away. So, I chose to follow you. I can be wherever I want, and I choose here."
Scarface narrowed his eyes but eventually shrugged. "Fine. You can stay with us. Don't cause any trouble, kid." He made a small signal and the flock followed him into the cave. Bouncy recognized this as one of the entrances to Indigo's original home. They'd moved back home.
They settled in, tired from their flight to Haligan and back and the battle. Bouncy got a lot of weird looks, but followed Scarface when he went deeper into the cave. She paused when he walked past Indigo's old room. She peered in and saw it was exactly how it had been left, with a small bed, desk, chair, and some of his extra clothes. She had to tear herself away from the place she'd received her name and follow after Scarface. He seemed to notice and turned around.
"Can I help you?" He growled. "I'm going to sleep. It's been a long day and night."
"I want a new name." Bouncy stated. "To distance myself from a life I don't care about anymore." She tried to keep the quiver out of her voice, tried not to imagine playfighting with Indigo and her sister. His face kept sticking in her mind, the hurt in his voice when he told her to leave.
"A new name?" Scarface seemed a little startled. "...I see. Okay. What kind of name?"
"As different from Bouncy as possible." She desperately wanted to forget Indigo now. Her old life didn't matter. "The opposite."
Scarface stayed quiet. "Y'know I'm no good at that, right? Phantom was the namer around here. He was great at that. Too bad he's pathetic now. Kind of miss him. Oh well." He sat down across from her and seemed to think, intense thoughts flickering in his eyes. "Fang. How about Fang?" He asked.
"Perfect." She nodded. "I'll take it."
"Great." Scarface turned and walked off without another word, not seeming to care much either way.
Fang turned and walked away, not really feeling any better. Her stomach was empty, but she wasn't hungry. This empty horrid feeling was gnawing at her stomach, and Indigo's face still refused to leave her eyes. His face was etched with disappointment.
Fang curled up alone in the cave, trying not to smell his faint scent in this cave he'd lived in for centuries.
Despite her best efforts, she couldn't get him out of her mind. She dreamt of her family all night.
But she refused to go back. Not like anyone cared.
Scoot was sitting in the woods at the edge of town, since Kari was still grounded and they couldn't fly together. She hadn't felt right in weeks. And she hadn't seen or talked to her sister at all. She missed Bouncy. It felt like half of her was missing. She'd even asked around, but no one had seen Bouncy in a long while. She was worried. The extra saddle had been found shredded on Grey's step only a few days after the whole incident with Indigo, and no other sign of Bouncy had been seen. There were clawmarks in the trees, and quite a mess of one area of the forest, but her sister remained hidden.
This was so unlike her usually upbeat sister. She felt ill. Eventually, there was only one person to ask. She knew she technically wasn't supposed to, but... she had to. Scoot wandered past the damaged part of the prison to the still intact part of the wall and peered into the cell, where Indigo was sitting. He sighed, having already known she was there, obviously, and looked at her. He seemed more sad than annoyed.
What is it?
"I'm... sorry to bother you, Indigo. I haven't seen Bouncy in like a month, and... I was wondering if you have." Scoot asked.
Indigo immediately seemed concerned, his pupils thinning. Hmm. That can't be good. I haven't seen her since she snuck back here the night after we all had to tell her not to visit me and she stormed off. She tried desperately to stay with me, and was quite upset when she left. I haven't felt her presence since then.
Scoot frowned and nodded. "Okay. I'll leave now. Thanks anyway."
Hope you find her. Indigo encouraged as she turned and left. His voice sounded brokenhearted.
Scoot wasn't that much happier as she wandered back into the woods, still feeling lonely. She missed her sister, and had no idea where she was. But there wasn't anything she could do. If Bouncy didn't want to be found, she wouldn't be.
The little Fury curled up under a tree and tried hard not to cry, feeling a rock in her stomach.
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alexthegamingboy · 6 years
Toonami Weekly Recap 1/27/2018
Black Clover EP#07 - The Other New Recruit: As a new member of the Black Bulls, Asta is thrilled to receive his very first private room, even though it's tiny. Everything Asta sees as Magna shows him around the squad's base is new and exciting to him.
Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron Blooded Orphans Season 2 EP#13 (38) - Hunter of Angels: In a grueling showdown, Mikazuki fights and slays the Hashmal, despite the Gundam Barbatos Lupus sustaining heavy damage - and consequently, his entire right side becoming paralyzed from the strain of the battle. One month later, Orga reports to McMurdo about the incident and Gjallarhorn's searching for other Calamity War remnants on Mars. As a show of trust, Orga gives McMurdo his sakazuki cup to break, should Tekkadan be considered a hindrance to Teiwaz. While McMurdo declines to break the cup due to his investments on Mars, he warns Orga that any betrayal of Teiwaz would lead to severe consequences for Tekkadan. Meanwhile, McGillis explains his side of the incident to the Seven Stars council, placing the blame on Iok. Rustal refuses to agree with Iok due to a lack of evidence to support his argument, allowing McGillis to claim credit for slaying the Hashmal. Later, Rustal grants Julieta her request to become the test pilot for Gjallarhorn's new machine, which is powerful but unstable. Fearing that Mikazuki may not come back from the next battle, Atra begs Kudelia to bear his children. Humiliated by McGillis, feeling betrayed by Rustal's refusal to defend him and obsessed with his honor and his men's sacrifice, Iok orders his servants to contact Jasley.
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders EP#22 - Judgement, Part 2: Corresponding with Polnareff's third wish, Cameo makes a clay doll of Avdol, who joins the Cherie doll in attacking Polnareff, biting off his flesh. Before the dolls can kill off Polnareff, he is suddenly saved by the real Avdol, who had actually survived his encounter with Hol Horse as the seemingly fatal bullet had only grazed him. With the two managing to overcome the dolls, Avdol brings out the full strength of Magician's Red against Cameo's Judgement, effectively disippating it. After the fight, Polnareff and Avdol find a piece of bamboo sticking out from the ground, surmising that the real Cameo is hidden below. The pair drop spiders and mud down to block his breathing, and they finishing by urinating into the bamboo, which forces him to the surface, where Avdol properly deals with him. After reuniting with the group, Polnareff is shocked to find that the others knew Avdol was alive the entire time, keeping it a secret from him to prevent the enemy from finding out. Avdol further reveals he had disguised himself as his father in order to purchase a submarine for the group.
Hunter x Hunter: The Chimera Ant Arc EP#81 - The × Fight × Begins: Confirming his suspicions, Kite finds clues about the dark side of the NGL and meet Rammot, one of the Chimera Ants. Knowing that much stronger foes await them ahead, Kite declares that Gon and Killua must defeat the enemy by themselves, or they will not be allowed to proceed further with him. Meanwhile, the Chimera Ant commanders take heed of Nen-enhanced humans and make plans to capture them in order to attend the Queen's increasing demands for nutrition.
Space Dandy EP#01 - Live with the Flow, Baby: Alien hunter Dandy and his robot companion QT search the galaxies for rare alien species while aboard their spaceship, the Aloha Oe. They travel to a local breastaurant named BooBies, where they eventually find a Betelgeusean, later recognized as Meow. However, Dandy mistakes Meow for a new species after tussling with him. Meow boards the Aloha Oe and tells Dandy and QT about a planet inhabited with rare alien species. The crew of the Aloha Oe ventures into an unknown dimension when Meow foolishly engages their broken warp drive, in which Dandy then pulls on a wayward cosmic string and brings them to the planet by coincidence. Dandy and Meow set foot on this planet, only to be chased by giant creatures. When Dandy and Meow are unable to return to the spaceship, Dandy accidentally orders QT to activate a "secret weapon" that obliterates the entire planet and everything on it, including the crew of the Aloha Oe.
Outlaw Star EP#19 - Law and Lawlessness: The Outlaw Star and its crew is captured by private security forces and Gene confronts their leader, a Saurian named Dooes, accompanied by his colleague, Valeria. The security forces attempt to help an injured civilian ship, but it turns out to be a Trojan horse. The Outlaw Star and its crew save the security forces and are rewarded with dragonite.
Cowboy Bebop EP#17 - Mushroom Samba: The Bebop, out of food and fuel, is sideswiped in a hit-and-run off of Europa and crash-lands on Io. Ed, with Ein by her side, is sent out to procure food, and ends up running across Domino Walker, a bounty-head who is smuggling hallucinogenic mushrooms.
This episode pays homage to 1970s "blaxploitation" films such as Coffy and Shaft. Shaft's dragging a coffin behind him wherever he goes is a reference to the 1966 Spaghetti Western Django.
This episode is also a TV Trope namer. source: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MushroomSamba
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex 2nd Gig EP#11 (37) - IN: Grass Labyrinth – AFFECTION: Batou and Togusa test eight potential new recruits for Section 9. The men are placed in pairs to create four different teams, each tasked with tracking Major Kusanagi. However, Kusanagi proves to be a difficult target to track, and eventually she loses all four teams. Shortly after shaking off the last team, Kusanagi unexpectedly loses all communication and finds herself lost in a seemingly empty part of the city. While trying to locate her team, she happens across a shop that stores people's external memories, and hears the story of two child prosthetic bodies carefully preserved in the shop. The bodies once belong to a boy and a girl who were involved in a terrible plane crash, leaving the two children the only survivors of the wreck after the other mortally wounded passengers die. While the boy was in the hospital he learned that he had been paralyzed except for his left hand, which he used to make origami cranes non-stop for the girl. One day, the girl, who had been in a coma since arriving in the hospital, unexpectedly went downhill fast, and was moved to the OR. The boy believed that she had died, but two years later a girl his age was brought to the hospital in an effort to convince the boy to switch to a full-cyborg prosthetic body, after previous attempts by a relative and doctors to convince him had failed. The boy was reluctant to do so at first because the girl had difficulty with the fine motor skills of her own new body, but he eventually relented and accepted the prosthetic body, after realizing the girl visiting him was the very same one from the crash who he believed had died. Years later the boy, who had been searching for the girl since he left the hospital, happened across her childhood prosthetic in a lab and took it upon himself to preserve it. When Kusanagi inquires as to the current whereabouts of the boy, she learns that he was shipped out in the last days of the war, and has not been heard from since. Before Kusanagi leaves, she carefully folds a sugar cube wrapper into an origami crane and places it in the car beside the body of the boy, saying "I'll bet that even now... that girl is still searching for the first boy she ever loved."
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