#bbc quacks headcanon
jamiewintons · 1 year
Going on a carriage ride with William where things get heated would include…
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Requested by: Anonymous. Warnings: Smut (18+ ONLY). Married!William/Reader. William Taglist: @pink-booty-butts, @demontoucansam, @the-fandomgremlin, @glow-inthe-darkstarz, @memelous-mrs-maisel, @agir1ukn0w, @definetlynotasmutaccount, @thingses-and-stuffses (Please fill this form out if you want to be added!)
● During the early days of your marriage, you and William would go through a phase where you absolutely cannot keep your hands or lips off each other. Your passion for each other wouldn't fade, of course, but you'd find it easier to control yourselves later.
● You would enjoy how easy it is for you to turn your husband on. The fact that he desires you as much as you desire him would make you feel powerful in a way.
● When you have the time, you and William would enjoy taking carriage rides together, and even then, both of you would still be as insatiable as always.
● You'd be sitting together in the carriage when suddenly, you'd place your hand on William's thigh. He'd look over at you, his cheeks flushing pink.
● Ever so slowly, you would move your hand upwards, with William unable to keep his eyes off of you.
● William would be hard already just from that simple touch, but you'd take things further. You'd begin to palm him through his trousers, and he'd bite his lip to try and stop any sounds from escaping him.
● However, he would have to speak up when you begin unbuttoning his trousers.
● "Dear, is this really the place...?" William would ask you in a strained voice, his pupils blown out with lust for you despite his words.
● "My love, you wouldn't want anyone to see you like this, would you?" you would inquire teasingly in reply, indicating to his very visible erection. You remove one of your gloves and tuck it into the front of your dress. "Please, allow me to be a good wife and take care of it for you."
● William would bite down on his lip yet again when he feels your hand grasping his cock, gently but firmly. He wouldn't be able to decide whether to watch your hand touch him or your face, with your tempting coy smile.
● Soon his body would make the decision for him, as William would have to close his eyes tightly as you pumped him in your hand.
● Having William completely at your mercy would turn you on even more. Your hand would move faster at this point, while William's own hand comes to grip your thigh, over your dress.
● William would barely be able to contain his noises when he comes all over your hand, biting his lip so hard that he nearly draws blood. You would slowly continue stroking him until he's spent, breathing heavily while his thighs still tremble a little.
● You would take a handkerchief from William's pocket and wipe the mess he made off of your hand, though not before taking a quick little taste. William feels himself beginning to get turned on again as he watches your tongue dart out to lick your finger.
● "It is very important that we get home as soon as possible," William would tell you breathlessly, as you finish cleaning your hand and put your glove back on.
● You would be able to tell from the look in William's eye, that you would not be leaving your bedroom for quite a few hours once you arrived home.
Requests for fics/drabbles, headcanons, and character preferences are currently OPEN!
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moo9395 · 3 months
The fandom for Quacks is far to small so I’m contributing
Quacks sexuality headcanons
I will elaborate if anyone wants me to
Robert Lessing
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Asexual and greyromantic (Hetero)
John Sutton
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Pansexual and demi-romantic (Pan)
William Agar
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Demi-sexual (Bi) and greyromantic (heteroromantic)
Caroline Lessing
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Pansexual and panromantic
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mari-ocs · 1 year
Tags: Writing | Headcanons | Aesthetic | Gifs | Photos | Art | OC Profiles
Ships: Jamie x Jules | Octavia x Thomas | Bryony x Voltari | Chris x Lucy
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My OCs
Juliet "Jules" Woods (You, Me & The Apocalypse)
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Octavia (BBC Ghosts)
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Bryony (Yonderland)
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Lucy Flanagan (Spy)
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Amelia Hendrick (Quacks)
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autisticheadcanons · 5 years
William Agar and Robert Lessing from Quacks (BBC) are autistic
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go-diane-winchester · 5 years
Tumblr, please penalize destiel shippers for spamming all the tags.
@sincerely-chill was greatly offended that I called out a heller for bad tagging:
''You know, just saying, but most of those are valid tags since, if you haven't noticed, "Dean Winchester" is a character in the headcanon ship, the ship and characters are taken from this show called "Supernatural" ("spn", for short), and is broadcasted on the platform "CW", and the man "Jensen Ackles" plays Dean. So, maybe stop bashing people for spending their time creating content that some others enjoy, and trying to spread that content to others. Just a suggestion.''
Thanks for leaving this comment, because it allows me to speak about how to tag.  I find it very baffling that destiel fans are so stupid, that they don't understand that. 
When a non-shipping fan of Dean Winchester, types his name in the search engine, that fan wants to only see things pertaining to the character.  Destiel is not part of canon Dean.  My readers are constantly complaining to me, about finding destiel in every tag, and the Dean Winchester tag is totally a lost cause.  It is nearly impossible to go into the tag and not see destiel.  Almost every post is a destiel post.  This is because Destiel fans are extremely selfish and discourteous people.  They think the character belongs to them.   Destiel is a headcanon ship.  You are right about that.  In other words, you made it up in your head.  But Dean is not a character in anything, other than the show.  Which idiot is going to read the name destiel and think that it is about talking parrots?  Obviously destiel is a ship with Dean in it.  Dean Winchester is not a headcanon. 
If you are making ship content with Dean and Cas, just tag it DESTIEL.  Just looking at the tag will tell people exactly what the content is about.  Don't tag it Supernatural or SPN, because that has nothing to do with your laughable ship either.  Unless CW is paying you to finger yourself to destiel, destiel has nothing to do with them.  Its not like Supernatural is on the BBC.  Its on CW.  We all know that so you don't need to tag it, because its still got nothing to do with your ship, dummy.   Destiel, cockles and other dumb things you cook up on your head have their own tags, so use thoseDon't use any actors tag in a stupid destiel post, except maybe Misha.  That kiddy fiddler pushes destiel like his life depends on it.  Next time, spit the semen out.  Swallowing it is affecting your brain.  Just a suggestion. 
This is how that quack chose to respond.
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jamiewintons · 2 years
Mat Baynton Characters + How They Let You Know That They’re Turned On
Characters: Thomas Thorne, Christopher Payne, Jamie Winton, Ariel Conroy, Bill Shakespeare, William Agar
Tags/Warnings: S*xual Content (please don’t read if you’re under 18 or uncomfortable with this kind of content!)
A/N: Requested by an anon. I’m still not used to writing this kind of content, so please, please go easy on me. That being said, I hope you enjoy, and as always reblogs and comments are very much appreciated!
Thomas Thorne
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When he’s turned on, Thomas is very clingy and needy, showering you with even more compliments and affection than he usually would (and that’s saying something). He thinks he’s being subtle but he’s definitely not, as you can already tell how he’s feeling just from the look in his eyes.
Christopher Payne
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Christopher tries to be really smooth and cool to seduce you, but he's actually a massive dork, so most of his flirting is pretty awkward but endearing. Other times he'll just walk into whatever room you're in wearing his robe with no shirt on underneath, because he knows that will always get your attention.
Jamie Winton
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Jamie lets you know that he’s in that kind of mood by trying to be subtle about it, awkwardly making eye contact and suggesting that the two of you try and find somewhere private. You always realise what he means pretty quickly, and you’re more than happy to find a nice quiet place to have some alone time with him.
Ariel Conroy
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Ariel has been known to just push you up against the nearest (clean) surface and kiss you to let you know that he’s turned on. Or, if he happens to be sitting at the time, by grabbing your arm and pulling you down onto his lap to kiss you instead. He'll always want to exert the power that he knows he has over you to show you how much he wants you.
Bill Shakespeare
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Bill is never shy about letting you know that he’s in the mood, often coming up behind you and pressing himself against you, his hands on your hips as he kisses your neck and then whispers sweet words in your ear.
William Agar
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When William is turned on, he’s a complete flustered mess, unable to keep his eyes off of you or even think clearly. He’ll try and find any excuse to get you alone, and as soon as you’re in private he’ll be all over you, kissing every inch of skin that he can get to.
Requests for fics/drabbles, headcanons, and character preferences are currently OPEN!
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jamiewintons · 2 years
Navigation (Updated 9/10/22)
Masterlists | Send Requests Here | Prompt Lists | Fic Recs | Spicy Headcanon Tags | Mat Baynton Discord Server
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Requests for fics/drabbles, headcanons, and character preferences are currently OPEN!
Latest Fic/Imagine/Preference: Jamie Winton Smut Alphabet
Characters/Fandoms I Write For (*currently most inspired for):
BBC Ghosts
Thomas Thorne*
Julian Fawcett
Humphrey Bone
Helmut Zemo (on hold)
Vincent Nigel-Murray
James Aubrey
Jessica Warren
Wendell Bray
Scribe Elder Ho-Tan
You, Me And The Apocalypse
Jamie Winton*
Ariel Conroy*
Bill (2015)
Bill Shakespeare (for Mat Baynton character preferences only)
William Agar (for Mat Baynton character preferences only)
Spy (2011)
Chris Pitt-Goddard
I only write for the fandoms and characters listed above. This list may be subject to change when I think of new characters I'd like to write for.
I do write smut now, but I probably won’t take requests for it except from people in the Baynton Babes server. This rule might change eventually, but it makes me feel comfortable for now. I hope you understand!
I tend to write requests I'm most inspired for first, because I find that my writing is better that way. I'm sorry if you send a request and it takes ages for me to post it!!
You can send me requests even if I haven't reblogged a prompt meme recently! Please be specific about what you want, though.
I write for F!Reader only. Some of my fics can be vague enough to seem gender neutral, but I will use she/her pronouns for the reader if need be.
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