#bc this was getting too crowded?
coquelicoq · 1 year
if you're wondering what the big deal is about the louis-philippe sentence in les misérables, it is, in the original french, 760 words long. the subject of the sentence doesn't appear until 95% of the way through, at word #711; the main verb is word #712. the sentence contains 91 commas and 49 semicolons and is almost entirely a list of laudatory adjectival phrases describing the erstwhile king of france. this is perhaps especially notable because les mis is, shall we say, not known for being particularly gung-ho about the monarchy.
this sentence copied and pasted into Word takes up more than one page single-spaced. in the 1800-page folio classique edition, it is fully two and a half of those 1800 pages. that means that les mis is 0.14% this single sentence. more of les mis is made up of this sentence than earth's atmosphere is made up of carbon dioxide (0.04%). if the page count of les mis stayed the same but every sentence was the length of this one, les mis would consist of only 720 sentences total.
incidentally, guess who named hugo a peer of france 17 years before the publication of les mis?
#he also goes on for another six pages after this but by then he has remembered the existence of the full stop#the endnotes say that hugo 'se devait de faire [ce portrait] aussi favorable que possible à la personnalité de l'homme#qui avait favorisé sa carrière' (had to make this portrait as favorable as possible to the character of the man who had favored his career)#in fairness to hugo it's not like louis-philippe was alive to read this. so he wasn't just sucking up to get something out of it#he says at the end of the chapter that this description is 'entirely disinterested'. which like on the one hand i get#bc like i said louis-philippe was not in power and reading this. but otoh victor 'ancien pair de france' hugo u r not exactly unbiased. lol#les mis#lm 4.1.3#i just looked up the english translation and gasp! hapgood turned it into four separate sentences!!!!#so i think y'all who are reading it via les mis letters (which uses hapgood i think?) are gonna miss out on the full experience :/#my posts#linked to#syntax#idk if i got this across but the worst part is that the subject of the sentence - the beginning of the independent clause -#doesn't occur until the very end. so for the first 95% of the sentence you're just waiting for the bass to drop!!!#like reading it out loud you have to raise your pitch at the end of every dependent clause because you haven't gotten to the subject yet#AND THERE ARE SO MANY CLAUSES!! 49 SEMICOLONS PEOPLE!!! FORTY-NINE!!!!#victor hugo would be TERRIBLE as a hype man. he would take so long that the crowd would tear him to pieces with their fingernails#before louis-philippe could come out on stage. and then they'd be so mad at louis-philippe for inspiring him that they'd tear LP apart too#actually i think i'm using hype man wrong. i'm thinking of the guy that gets the crowd hyped up for the main guy before the main guy#makes an appearance. a hype man is the guy who makes interjections during a song. victor hugo would be bad at both of these#like just imagine the announcer at the beginning of a basketball game. and now...your starting lineup...at power forward...#and then he just says the 760-word louis-philippe sentence.#dead. murdered at the hands of the fans. microphone shoved down his trachea.
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so im listening to the potd audio commentary and jodie's talking about covid restrictions and filming flux and how the restrictions were more intense at the start of filming (was that end of 2020/start of 2021?) and she says "by the time we finished, we could hug" and damn they took that opportunity didnt they
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muzzleroars · 1 year
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two unauthorized bugs in the lust layer!!!! get them now!!!!!!
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rosalinesurvived · 7 days
I should say smth about the new bsd chapter but ngl i just feel kinda dissapointed by it?? It felt really short and we’ve been stuck on the same characters for a whiiile. It just felt like nothing happened. We got Fukuchi but anime-watchers + that one cover of Fukuchi wearing the mask could fill that in without being told.
There are so many more people Asagiri has to fill us in on; the government’s response to all this, Tecchou losing everyone he loved, Atsushi’s feelings on this, the rest of the entire Agency. What does Kunikida think on Fukuzawa being unable to kill Fukuchi? How’s he feeling now that he’s responsible for the Agency members again?? Bro wasnt named their sucessor for nothing! What’s Yosano been doing, what are her opinions on the use of another immortal regiment for the sake of power? Kenji, Junichirou, Naomi?
I just need a goddamn break from Fyodor
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lunearobservatory · 9 months
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@hibiscuslynx YES HE HAS TATTOOS!!!!!!
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here's the full ref sheet from. originally an au that's. erm. it's not dead i have reference sheets so it's clearly. alive.
i've posted the ur gay sketch before for sure 100% here it is again oops sorry
anyway, this has turned into my standard florida design :) this boy fuct up with ink!!! good for him
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hajihiko · 10 months
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It's mostly horror stories which are the ones who actually get Told so I'm definitely confirmation biased, but just like ... Minors sneaking into the Adult channel. Adults being inappropriate in not-adult channels. Some Big Drama going down while you're asleep and everyone blames you because it's YOUR server and you weren't around to stop it. General drama at all in what's supposed to be a fun space but also you can't really say "good vibes only" when it's something Serious. Being responsible for minors in general. Just thinking about it is making me not wanna share anything ever lmao
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yangjeongin · 2 years
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FELIX | 221007 • CASE 143
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3416 · 6 months
anyway. not to do a 180 here, but it's gotta be so complicated for mitch marner, who loves to just be around people and in the center of his guys... to have his controversial dad come on these trips. like i'm sure everyone is An Adult and cordial about it, but there's no way it's a tension-free environment given paul's whole...... personality, lol. makes me sad to think about how the dads trip is not something mitch gets to look forward to as much as some of the others whose dads are so much chiller and just happy to be there and see the leafs and behind the scenes.
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meraus · 4 months
Step 1) meet a guy who likes you
Step 2) be driven insane by him
Step 3) kill him to become him
Step 4) forever share an intertwining psyche with the guy who likes you, therefore liking yourself
Guide to self love formed by observingJung-woo, king of being the mental healthiest
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chrollohearttags · 3 months
said I was going to sleep and instead, I’m thinking of whorish ace + eren fics
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dynamitekansai · 3 months
wwe: C’mon Solo Sikoa, you know you want to 🎤🤣
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en-chi-la-da · 5 months
Tbh I think the whole class should get to smooch hajime. It’s what he deserves
im imagining hajime sitting in a kissing booth looking like lucy from peanuts in her psychiatrist booth. kisses are 5 cents. the hajime is IN.
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zecoritheweirdone · 5 months
first art post of the new year!!! granted, i don't share my art here that much anyway, but– shhh.
hehehehhhooo,, here's something i've been working on for 'bout a month,, albeit not consecutively– took a few,, very very long breaks in between working on this,, but i managed to finish it in the end! am i satisfied with it? .......ehhhh? not completely, but if this took any longer, it might not have seen the light of day, so like. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
anyway,, made a little poster for my favorite fic, tommyinnit's services for villains, vigilantes, and various other vagabonds, by @scorpionoesit!!! it's really really good,,, and i've always wanted to make more art for it,, so i decided– poster! at least,, that's what it's mean to resemble,,, dkdmkdmdkd.
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i will freely admit,, i'm... not the biggest fan of the fan-made logo i tried to design for it,, feels a bit boring, and could definitely have used a bit more pizazz, something to make feel more like the fic itself(what does that mean? you figure that out),,,, but– again, steam was running low,, dkdnksjs. graphic design is my passion. i do also have other complaints, but i'm afraid i already punched my one-use self-critique card,, oh well,,, dkdnkxjdkd.
regardless,, even with the flaws only i can really see,, this still turned out pretty okay!! hope you enjoy it, mx. scorpio and mx. alibi!!! and i hope everyone else has a wonderful new year!!!!
#my art#dream smp#tommyinnit fanart#tommyinnit#i don't wanna try tagging the rest of them so i'm just not gonna <3#anyway wrow i wonder who the skull guy and mysterious shadowy figure are....... could be anyone.#i was gonna try and fit in some sort of hero so i could check all the dots of everyone tommy's help#specifically either dr**m (derogatory) or phil#(was mostly leaning towards phil)#but 1) couldn't figure out a way to make it look good with the current set up#my first thought was to try moving the current characters around a bit; but then it would feel too crowded#my second thought was to have them appear from the smoke; somehow? a smoky figure?#but that only really looked good in sketch form and i didn't have the patience to figure that out properly#and 2) no clue what their designs look like. don't even know what their powers are; yet!#was also wanting to fit fundy in but it didn't work for the first reason#fun rapid fire character design facts: niki has a littol sharp tooth 'cause of the joker stuff!#i originally gave tubbo green eyes;; but i decided blue-green looked cooler#tech– [cough] i mean;; *orion's* cloak has a faint lil orion pattern on can barely see it but it's there i assure you !!!#(i tried my best for his design but i am. not the greatest at outfits;; especially hero/villain ones)#tommy has long hair bc it's *MY* art and *I* say he gets long hair. this definitely isn't canon to vagabonds i just like to do this#<- also why michael and tommy have freckles#tommy has a bit of green in his design(through the patch) due to a theory of mine :D#might have over-rendered the hair a bit but. fuck you i like it#anyway i think that's all i have to say about it? if you've actually read all these tags;;; have a cookie -> 🍪#pretend it's a peanut butter cookie#actually. no pretend it's both. you get two cookies. as a treat.#anyway have a good rest-of-your-day !!!!!!
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bangcakes · 1 month
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ssaalexblake · 1 year
Does anybody want to tell the people still complaining that 13's era didn't have enough political commentary that the anti-imperialism themes, the condemnation of the treatment of refugees and immigrants, the emphasis on violence for violence's sake being bad but violence in the name of protection and self defence is acceptable and heroic (you can and Should fight back against violent colonizers), and and absolute refusal to give any ground to abusers (something the other eras were sketchy at Best over), we could talk about the environmental protection themes that appear about as subtly as a brick more than once (ideally environmental protection shouldn't be a political issue, but idk if you've watched the news lately, it is) were like. Really thematically obvious? And that if you talk about the Less obvious, it gets deeper.
We could talk about medical exploitation and the parallels of the timeless child to henrietta lacks (look her up). We could talk about the northern working class emphasis in the whole era and that its avoidance of the south is a statement in itself, from Sheffield steel to nobody having an upper class accent (sans that one time lord who ran division who had the Snootiest of snooty high class accents. Almost like they were making a Point). We could talk about how all our characters and reoccurring are working class, a bus driver, a trainee mechanic, a hotel manager etc etc, we could talk about the portrayal of actual honest modern poverty, and that it's explicitly shown that Dan Wants to work and is threatened off of the premises instead as the indictment of capitalism it is. We could talk about the very clear condemnation of tech companies taking advantage of their customers (calling fake google Vor was unacceptable tho, no defence available).
I could go on, but I'd like to drink my tea before it gets cold.
Sorry 13 didn't say the words eat the rich, but idk if you noticed, there was an actual whole episode where in the future the 1% who ruin the earth beyond repair literally get hunted and eaten by the mutated remains of the 99% whom they left to die 👍
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faunandfloraas · 2 months
okay but my fav little thing is how whenever Lee Know has a singing moment where it's largely just him up on the stage, you can tell he still gets really nervous about it but Seungmin's always off to the side smiling and amping him up, telling fans to sing along- like you can tell he's trying to boost his confidence and its so :((
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