#big hooded robes long gray beard and hair
cosmik--debris · 1 year
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i picked up skyrim again recently....... tried out a magic based ldb for the first time
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hopefuloverfury · 7 months
What the Bachelor/ettes Would Dress Up as for Halloween
Here’s a short one for today. Happy Halloween, everyone!
No cut because it's relatively short. Mentions of fake blood. Enjoy <3
Used a werewolf costume but is supposed to be the Big Bad Wolf
Probably cut up one of his flannels for the costume
Jodi is very upset about that, it was a nice flannel!
Has a full wolf mask that opens when he talks
Vincent screamed bloody murder when Sam came out of his bedroom
Apparently Sam was unaware that Vincent has a phobia of werewolves
The More You Know™
He felt a little bit bad about that, but thankfully was able to calm down his little brother eventually
A wizard Rasmodius is amused
Probably was going to wear it for a cosplay to comic-con years ago but ended up not being able to go
He’s got a full gray beard, with long billowing robes and everything
Probably has a scepter that he made himself out of paper mache and clay
Definitely wears a wizard hat, too
But the robes are so long that he almost lands on his face multiple times throughout the night
Eventually he resorts to holding up the ends of his robes like a princess
Abigail and Sam cannot stop laughing
Dressed up as Ken
Didn’t want to bleach his hair blonde, but the spirit is there!
Probably has a pink neck tie and a pink button up polo
Takes his role very seriously
Probably learned the choreo for “I’m Just Ken”
Also got Dusty a glittery pink collar for the occasion
Calls literally every woman in town “Barbie” for the whole night
George is weird about it, but Evelyn is having a blast lmao
Dressed up as Mark Twain
He carries around a fake raven skull for the bit
Waxes poetic about death and mortality
Probably quotes a few of Twain’s books but only the very obscure bits that only another “Twain connoisseur” would recognize
Leah tries to comfort him as best she can when no one recognizes him
Even though no one recognizes her either
A mummy
Wrapped himself in toilet paper and called it a day lmfao
Jas makes a stink about not matching with him though
She has a gorgeous fairy dress and was going to wear her bunny-jewel slippers
Marnie was going to put glitter in her hair and everything
But nope
Uncle Shane was going as a mummy, and so she wanted to be a mummy
It’s the cutest thing in the world
Shane is cheesing the whole night, and the rest of the town is terribly endeared by the two of them
Marnie doesn’t even mind the money spent on Jas’ original costume
They look too happy to be upset about it, anyway
Dressed up as a homicidal/mad doctor
He’s not terribly creative, and he’s already got all of the costume pieces anyway
Everyone asks him why he didn’t dress up
He is very perturbed by that
Of course he dressed up! Don’t you see the fake blood on his coat?
What about the wild hair and the dark circles??
No? Seriously?
A robot!
Goes all-the-fuck-out
Has fully functioning extra limbs, probably a voice manipulator as well
Spent months on her physical costume, and Penny helped her with the make-up on the day of
Bought colored contacts that make her eyes look mechanical
Probably also built a candy dispenser into the suit so when Jas and Vincent run around getting candy from all of the villagers, she just presses a button on her wrist band and her stomach opens up to reveal a bowl of candy
The kids love her
She dressed up as Red Riding Hood, but with a twist!
She’s also a wolf!
Her and Sam are doing a duo costume
So she’s got the little dress and the hood, but the edges are tattered and she’s got insane costume makeup on
No wolf mask for her, unfortunately, but the effort she put into every other aspect of it makes up for it
Is horrified to find that Vincent is terrified of her
She probably feels bad about it for a few weeks after that and vows never to touch a wolf costume ever again
Abigail dressed up as a skeleton
Got a few black clothes and drew an anatomically correct skeleton on them with bleach and paintbrushes
It’s wildly impressive
The sweatshirt she used will 100% be worn again, even when it isn’t Halloween
Got a face paint palette and made her face look like an actual skull
Probably pinned her hair back under a black wig cap or something to keep it cohesive
When she shows up for the festival, no one actually knows it’s her because she’s covered head-to-toe
Also has full-eye contacts that make her scleras black
Confuses the hell out of the skeletons Marlon has in those old cages, also confuses Marlon for like half a second before he realizes that it’s a costume
Barbie. Obviously.
Her and Alex are also doing a duo costume!
Has her hair in a high ponytail 
Everything is glittery, sparkly, and pink, pink, pink
Did her nails even pinker and sparklier
Probably has a little purse with a stuffed chihuahua in it
Abandons that idea when she sees Dusty, though
He looks so handsome with his pink collar, you know?
She posts pictures of their costumes on her socials after the night is over
Dressed up as Leonardo Da Vinci
Everyone thinks she’s just some old French Noble or something
Which breaks her heart
And not just because Leonardo was Italian
Oh, except for Haley!
Haley knows who she is right off the bat, and compliments her costume very genuinely
Leah feels a little better after that, until she has to run away and comfort Elliott
“I’ve got a raven skull and everything!” / “I know, I know.”
Someone save her lmfao
Made her whole costume from scratch
She’s a strawberry fairy!
She makes a gorgeous pink tulle dress with embroidered strawberries and fairy wings sewn to the back of it
And she made a headband with some poseable wiring and green cloth to look like strawberry leaves
Her shoes are some chunky pink mary jane “flats”
Also probably made strawberry charms to clip onto the straps
Has a basket full of strawberry candies that she passes out to everyone
Haley helped her do her makeup, and she’s got painted freckles on her cheeks to look like seeds
Altogether she’s the cutest fucking thing anyone has ever seen
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Knell Chapter 1
Knell took a moment to stretch as she got out of bed, her green skin and bulging muscles taut as she lifted her arms over her head and released a mighty yawn, bearing her short tusks. She rubbed the sleep from her bright red eyes before running a hand over her bald head. It was starting to get stubbly, she ould need to shave soon, when she got the chance. She looked over to the other bed to see it empty and her companions possessions gone. He was probably already enjoying breakfast. She took a few minutes to throw on her traveling clothes, a light brown jerkin that went down to her knees, and a pair of heavy leather boots with fur lining. She tightened the laces on her jerkin before throwing a traveling pack over her shoulder and grabbing the giant two handed maul leaning against the wall beside the door.
She arrived in the dining area to find her companion sitting at a table alone, enjoying a bowl of some kind of soup. He was a large man, some would say a behemoth.  Towering several feet over the average man, he was a solid mass of nothing but muscle, draped in furs and hides. The exposed skin and its network of criss crossing scars told the story of many battles. Perhaps most note worthy was the long jagged one on his face, running down the left side, disrupting his tribal tattoos and intersecting with his eye, upon which he wore a tattered old eyepatch. His brown hair,which was pulled back in to a short ponytail, was graying, as was his braided beard. His sullen blue eyes stared at Knell as she walked in as he gestured to a full bowl of soup on the opposite side of the table he was sitting at. Knell walked over throwing off her pack and setting it and the maul against the table before sitting down.
"You, uh, you were out awfully late last night. Anything interesting?" Volfram peered up from his food long enough to raise an eyebrow before continuing to shovel food in to his maw.
Knell blushed as she rubbed her bald head. "Oh heh heh. No nothing like that. There were a couple of traveling performers here last night. They were really cool guys so I decided to hang out with one of them last night."
"I see" Volfram mused between bites.
"No, I swear. We just talked awhile. Swapped stories. Shot the shit. Ya know just--" Before she could finish her thought a pair of men burst in to the common room of the inn where they were dining. One of them looked to be ill or in pain and was being supported by the other. Knell locked her eyes on them right as they came in, after a moment of recognition, her eyes grew wide and she immediately turned her head down towards her food as the threw up the hood on her cloak. Volfram took notice of this and looked up to see what had caused her reaction. His eyes followed the pair as they exited the room,walking right past Knell as they headed out the door.
"These performers from las tnight. They by any chance a Sardonian looking man and another guy who looks like the night sky stuffed in a gaudy red and gold robe?
". . .yes." Knell didn't look up from her bowl.
"Wow Knell, I knew you could be exhausting to listen to, but I had no idea you could do that to a man just by talking."
Her head shot up, whipping her hood back in the process and revealing the deep forest green her cheeks had become. "He wasn't like that when I left, I swear. Gods,how many time do I have to tell you I'm not in to guys."
"Then why is it that I never see you with any girls.
"Girls are uh. . .hard to talk to."
Volfram froze, the spoon already halfway to his mouth. He squinted at her as he pursed his lips,reading her. After a few moments he shrugged and popped the spoonfull of breakfast soup in his mouth. "Whatever, no skin off my back." Despite the constant noise of an inn at this time of morning, a deafening silence reigned over the table for the next several minutes as they each ate their meals without looking at the other. Finally Knell broke the silence.
"So know that I'm ready to be an adventurer, what do we do first?"
"Well, I already submitted the necessary paperwork on your behalf already so need to worry about all that, you are already an official adventurer under the Angry Squid Adventuring Hall.  So I figured first thing would be to head over to the hall and see if we can fill out our numbers some more. Look and see if there are any interesting jobs while we're at it."
"Anything you had in mind?
"No no. This is your show. It's your first day as a real adventurer. Which means it's gonna be up to you to pick our first quest."
"What if the new recruits don't like the job I pick?"
"We get different recruits. Don't worry it will be--" Suddenly one of the men from before,the one in red and gold robes, burst through the door again, he rushed to the back hallways where the sound of a door being thrown upon could be heard, followed a few minutes later by the sound of it slamming shut and the man charging back through the inn, this time clutching two daggers. "I feel like there is probably a story there."
Knell stared at the door that the man had just slammed behind him, lost in thought. "I hope Deimos is alright." She turned back to see Volfram staring at her once again, bemused grin on his face. "God you are such an ass. I'm outta here, see you at the Angry Squid later." Her spoon clattered as she dropped it in to her bowl. She stood up, grabbed her pack and her walking stick leaning against the table, and walked out the door, flashing her middle finger at Volfram as she left.
Volfram arrived at the Angry Squid to find Knell staring intently at the quest board. He spent a few minutes at the bar, exchanging pleasantries and catching up with the gnomish barkeep Sawyer, before ordering a pint of mead and walking back over to Knell. "You find anything interesting."
"No. Its all turnip thieves and deliveries. Not a single village in peril or vip in need of protection."
Volfram took a long noisy sip from his mead. "Well that's unfortunate. Any one of note on the party board?" He strode over to the board on the opposite side of the wall, staring at it intently.
"No. They all read like someone trying to apply to work at a bank."
He scanned the board for a few moments, taking another sip. "I see what you mean. Well, its to be expected. Its only natural that the most interesting quests and people get grabbed quick. If we want a shot at grabbing either,our best bet would just be to sit around her, wait for something interesting to--"
For the third time in less than an hour, there conversation was interrupted by the strange man in the red robes bursting through the door. Both Volfram and Knell watched as he approached the bar and began frantically conversing with Sawyer, the sound of their conversation lost in the early morning din of the adventure hall. After a minute the gnome looked over to Volfram and called "Hey wolf boy, this guy says he's looking for you."
Volfram looked over to his partner,cocking an eyebrow. "Well, looks like things just got interesting."
"So let's start at the beginning. How do you know my friend?" Knell steepled her arms as she propped her elbows on the table and rested her chin on her interlaced fingers.
Saros looked over at the large man in the corner as he twiddled his thumbs under the table nervously. "Why can't I just talk directly to him?"
Volfram looked up from the axe he was polishing. "She's my protege. Its her first day on the job so I'm letting her lead things. You don't like it, there's the door. Now, I suggest you answer my friend. Why is my name on your lips?"
Saros turned to face the orc woman in front of him, but his attention remained focused on the man in the corner of his eye. "A while back my father and I were traveling North out of the kingdom of Alfard. We stopped in a little village to perform and maybe grab a bite to eat, I think it was called Mangold." Saros watched as the muscles in Volfram's neck tensed as the grip on his axe tightened. "There was a girl there,named Erin. I helped her out with something. She said I owed her a favor and if we were ever in Innastorm and we needed help to go to the Angry Squid and ask for Volfram."
"Oh yeah, Mangold, I--" Knell was cut off by Volfram clearing his voice loudly, she looked over to see him glaring angrily. "Right. How do we know you actually met this Erin and you didn't just pull her name off of one of the plaques in here." Saros looked around the room at all the various plaques and trophies that lined the walls. There was one that read Jess the Mighty, another partially defaced one read Loramir the Wise. Another particularly large one read Volfram Dragonsbane. He turned back to the orc woman, his vision once again transfixed on Volfram.
"S-she said if I ever wanted to ruffle Volfram's feathers I could c-call him F-faolan." Saros dropped to the floor beneath the table as a hand axe went sailing through the space his shoulder had been a second ago., hitting the wall with a loud THUNK.
A voice cried out from the next room. "VOLFRAM!! RULE NUMBER ONE!"
Volfram got up from his seat and yanked the hand axe from the wall as he yelled back, "Aw stuff it you lecherous old hobbit."
"I'm a gnome, not a hobbit." The voice cried back as Volfram returned to his seat and began polishing the blade of the axe he just threw.
Knell peered under the table to find Saros still curled up in the fetal position. "Nice instincts."
"Yeah. She also told me I should duck afterwards." Saros climbed back up on to the chair and looked over to see Volfram grinning slightly. He wasn't sure whether to be more or less nervous now. Knell looked over to him as well and Volfram gave her a nod.
"The big man buys your story. So, what's this favor?"
"My father, Deimos he was attacked last night."
"Is he okay?" Knell's voice suddenly shifted from mild interest to genuine concern as her posture straightened out.
"No. He, uh. He turned to stone."
"Fuck, that's horrible. I hear its really painful. But there's really not a lot we can do to help with that. Temple of Cinna should be able to heal him. If you need help transporting him there, we can offer that, but that's not really our thing."
""He's there now. Or, the statue of him is. We got him there before he finished turning, but there was nothing they could do to stop it. They said it was both a venom and a curse and they couldn't reverse one without reversing the other."
"I'm sorry but that kind of thing is completely out of our depth as well, not really the curse removal types either."
"That's not what I want your assistance with. You see, before my father turned to stone, he asked me to retrieve his favorite knife."
"Ah I see. And where was this knife last seen.
"Impaled through the hand of the man who attacked my father." Volfram let out a bemused chuckle. "Please, this was the one thing my father asked of me before he turned to stone. But I do not know this city, I do not even know where to begin to look. Erin made it sound like you have sources of information."
Volfram got up from the large throne in the corner of the room as he sighed "Yeah, I know a guy. Let's go."
It was a busy day in Kwix's shop. Customers milled about the store examining the numerous items on display. Occasionally one would approach the counter he sat at and ask to examine one of the more impressive items he had on display behind the counter. He'd pull it down from the wall, which was often easier said than done for such a small Goblin, and tell them about all the special powers or defenses it imbued its wielder. They'd ask how much, he'd give them a price at which point they'd always hand it back acting as if it wasn't quite what they were looking for, but it was obvious that whatever they were looking for was well outside their price range. Magic items aren't something fresh off the boat adventurers can afford.   And yet they always asked.
He couldn't complain too much though. Business was great. He still had plenty of mundane items to sell to the average consumer. He also did very well selling more exotics tuff, like dragon scales and chimera blood, to the wizards and artisans from the noble quarter. 10 years ago he'd been holed up in a little shack in the slums until a mysterious woman had changed his fate by selling him her magical items for a pittance. He'd turned that around and within a few shorts months he actually owned a business in the Trade District. And these days, he was one of the most preeminent place to shop in all of Innastorm. Yeah things were good. But something was missing and he wasn't quite sure what it was.
He needed something else to keep him occupied today. He called Pinkie, one of his employees over to the counter, and then headed in to the back office, closing the large wooden door behind him. He grabbed a book off of one of the shelves on the wall and tossed it up on to his desk before climbing his stepstool up into his chair where he plopped down, his head the only thing visible from the other side of the desk. He grumbled as he gave the lever on it a few pumps, someone had been sitting in his chair again. It was probably Pinkie, she was always using it without permission. Once his chair was back at the correct height, he picked up his small pair of reading glasses and with a long, slender, clawed finger, he slid them up his long hooked nose, resting the arms on his large batlike ears.
There wasn't really much higher he could climb here. He had employees handling most of his work now, hell he could hand the Keys over to Pinkie and things would still keep running.. He'd already expanded his current location as much as he could, even adding on a second story, but he had gotten to the point where his supply was outpacing demand, there just wasn't enough business to be had in this town. Thoughts of what to do now plagued his mind,distracting him from much more beneficial work he could be doing instead. He tried to focus on the ledgers. It was one of the few jobs he still handled himself. Not that he didn't trust his employees to do it. He just liked it. Something about the numbers dancing together and combining, growing ever larger in their fanciful display. He liked numbers. He understood numbers. He wished he understood magic. He looked up from the book over to the large compendium on his desk. It was open to an entry about a magic box that contained a horrifying cat mummy that did its master's bidding. He had seen one once. Carried by a Muridian no less, no doubt for the irony. He looked at it and sighed, lost in thought, he idly twiddled the blue and silver amulet that hung around his neck with his thumb and forefinger
Suddenly the sound of very heavy footsteps heading to his office returned his focus, and he stuffed the necklace beneath his shirt as he turned back to his ledgers,attempting to look busy as any good businessman should. And without a knock, the door flew open, the doorway filled with a man almost as big as the door he had just kicked open. This was intentional, it was a hard earned lesson. Kwix sighed as he made a dramatic show of setting down his fountain pen and closing his books before taking off his glasses and rubbing his temples, "Can you watch it with the doors? I'd hate to have to bill you if you got splinters in my suit,I'll have you know this suit cost me--"
"7800 gold pieces, I know."
Kwix exhaled a small sigh of frustration. "How can I help you Volfram?"
"Need info."
"Of course. What is it this time? Monsters, ancient tombs, misdeeds of nobles, ancient--"
"Daggers and poison."
"Poison huh? That's a new one. What are you needing to now?"
Volfram grunted "Just come with me."
Kwix sighed dramatically and rolled his eyes, "Ugh fine." He smiled a little once Volfram turned around. He'd been dying for an excuse to get out of this stuffy office.
Four figures gathered around the statue of Deimos. The clerics had moved him to a small prayer garden with a promise to Saros that they would look after him. It was a simple gesture truly appreciated, it was one less thing to worry about with the threat of hooligans defacing or damaging his father in some way removed from his mind.
"So uh, why didn't they just chop his arm off?" Kwix inspected the stone as he mused.
"I-I do not know. I think maybe he thought I could reverse it some how. I think he puts too much faith in my abilities. His dying wish was for me to reclaim his dagger, which was last seen in the hands of the man who attacked him. I think he believed if I found him I would also find the cure. My father, he had a very peculiar way of expressing himself. He could never just come out and say what he really wanted. But I have no idea why he was attacked much less by who. I do not know how he expects me to find this man or find the cure for this horrible thing."
Knell pushed off against the marble pillar she had been leaning against, the loud sound of stone grinding against stone pierced the air as the column slide a few inches in response, causing Knell to wince briefly.  She rested a reassuring hand on Saros's shoulder.  "Deimos is a good man and a wise man and he was right to put his faith in you.  I see why he trusts you so much.  This will get fixed.  And I'll do everything in my power to help make that happen. "  The air grew quiet from the tension that the sudden serious turn in the conversation had caused.  A few awkward moments passed before Knell clapped her hands and chuckled awkwardly.  "So uh yeah, I figured if we found out anything more about the poison it might lead us to the attacker or the maker of the poison and we could find the knife that way." Saros turned to look at Knell as she spoke, this got her attention and she found herself suddenly looking away and at the ground for some reason as she kicked at a few weeds.
"Well deduced. Well I can tell you this much, the stone appears to be a special type of blue granite which lucky for us is rare and only comes from Alfard and Cortierra,so that narrows it down a bit. You said he was able to grab a piece of cloth, yes?" He held an outstretched hand towards Saros who deposited a piece of black material in to it. Kwix ran it through his fingers a few times, before holding it up to the light and turning it over a few times. He gave it a few sniffs, before holding it up his ear and rubbing it a few times.
"It's a very thick fabric, meant for colder temperatures. It's black obviously, but its so incredibly black its almost impossible to discern any details about it. I picked up a faint whiff of pine sap. The material is very well made,designed to be nearly silent. My guess is this wasn't some random attack, this was an assassin, and he was sent from Alfard, and that is likely where he has returned to, at the very least that is where you will find whoever hired them. The fact that your father was able to retaliate at all and wasn't long dead by the time you arrived means either your father was very good, or this is a very bad assassin who somehow got their hands on some gear that is very very good. I can't tell you much more than that, but it likely means whoever paid for this assassin paid quite a bit. I don't know who in Alfard could afford to hire him, and which one of them would have motive. My knowledge in that regard is lacking, my info on the doings of nobles only extends as far as the city walls of Innastorm. But my guess is that you will find your answer in Alfard's capital city of Carth. That's where all the money lives."
Volfram uncrossed his arms and placed a hand on Saros's shoulder, and broke his silence of the last 30 minutes. "Well kid, there you go. Your assassin is in Alfard. Knock 'em dead."
Knell suddenly pivoted towards Volfram. "You can't be serious, you're not gonna bail already."
Volfram, whom had already began walking away, stopped and turned back around. "What, Kwix usually charges a ton for this kind of info analysis. That's a pretty big fucking favor."
"He still needs our help."
Volfram grunted. "Assassins with unknown motives from other lands means political intrique. Political intrigue mean lots of talking and not a lot of smashing. I'm no good when there is nothing to smash."
"You said I got to pick the first job. And this is the job I picked."
Volfram crossed his arms defensively. "Well we still need new recruits. Splitting night watch two ways is a real son of a bitch, trust me, I know."
A star-like mote of light suddenly appeared inches from Volfram's face nearly blinding him, he attempted to swat it away to no avail. Saros cleared his throat and spoke up. "I would go with you of course. I know some magic."
"Still, that's only three. A proper party needs at least four members, ideally five."
"I might have a solution for that." The sound of Kwix's voice startled the trio who had already forgotten about the presence of the small green figure. "Let's head back to my shop.
Kwix's legs and feet flailed uselessly as he struggled to reach for the contents at the bottom of the ches the was hanging over. Eventually he decided his dignity was already gone, so he just climbed the rest of the way in and began rooting around. He found a backpack which he tossed up towards Volfram who snagged it out of the air deftly
"Hey new guy, did you know I can do magic too?" Volfram held the bag open with one hand, and stuck his other hand in, pushing it deeper and deeper, past the wrist, the forearm, the elbow. Finally he got it all the way up to his shoulder, his arm seemingly vanishing within the small bag.
"I am not a simpleton, I know what a pocket dimension is. And the name is Saros. Saros Aerglo."
Volfram chuckled, "Yeah, I have no idea what you just said, we need to do something about that accent. What is that Sardonian?"
If any pigment could be seen on Saros's skin, you would have seen him blush. His lilting tone of voice and the ways words rolled along his tongue had felt natural to him, but as his father's travels had taken them farther and farther from their homeland, he had noticed his speech feel more and more out of place. It made him uncomfortable and he hated the reminder of just how alien he was.
Saros was smacked in the face by a second bag that he fumbled to grab as it fell to the floor. Once he had it in hand, he took a moment to inspect it. The front of the Bag was emblazoned with the words Kwix Kit. It was light, as if it was empty, but shaking it produced a rattling sound as it it was full of various items.
"That's one of Kwix's failed business ventures. Turns out anyone who needs a bag full of basic adventuring supplies can't afford a Pocket Dimension, and any one who can afford a Pocket Dimension already has all the adventuring supplies they need." Volfram pulled a few misc items from his bag to demonstrate, a shovel, a lantern, 50 foot of rope, a waterskin. Saros reached in and pulled out a ten foot long pole.
The Kwix emerged from the chest a moment later with a third bag. He walked to another chest, and retrieved a couple smaller bags, these ones were different, clearly visibily full of contents and made the unmistakable jingling sound of gold pieces. He led them back in to the main room where he grabbed a few large items and then slid open the large glass display case beneath the front desk and grabbed a few more items before holding the bag up towards Volfram. "Switch me." Volfram grabbed the bag from Kwix and handed him the empty one. Kwix locked eyes with Volfram as he did so, clutching one of Volframs massive fingers with his long claws. "Guard it with your life."
"Are you gonna tell us what your solution is yet." Volfram grumbled in response.
"Isn't it obvious, I'm going withy ou."
"Alright!" Knell pumped a fist in excitement
Volfram snorted in dismay "Do what now?"
"I'm sorry what point did you not understand."
"You're a shop keep."
"Yes, but a very well equipped one." He waved a wand at Volfram for emphasis before stuffing it in to the bag. "I've been thinking about expanding my business for a while. Setting up a new location in Carth sounds like the ticket. I'm sure you can see how this is a mutually beneficia larrangement. You'll need someone to gather information when you get there, I know you and Knell ain't the ones for the job, I don't know the first thing about you star man, but I definitely know I can hack it, and you know it too. Plus that means more info resources in thefuture, and wider catalogue of items. In addition, I would outfit this group. After all, your survivability improves my survivability.  This only works out well for you, yes?"
"Yeah, okay fine, but you better pull your weight and I get dibs on all your stuff if you die."
"That sounds fair," Kwix held up a hand, and Volfram held out a large meaty finger. Kwix grabbed it and pumped it a few times eagerly. "So after that's all done, where to next boss?"
The voice of Knell's voice caused his head to turn to face her, "Well, uh, I figure our best bet is to use some sort of tracking or detection magic to see if we can track this cloth back to its owner. Does anyone have any suggestions on how we could do that? Saros, do you have any spells like that?" "Unfortunately no, I specialize in the summoning of extraplanar energies."
"How about you Kwix, you got anything in this store we could use."
"Well I just sold my only scrying orb about three weeks ago, so that's a no from me as well."
"And you Volfram, any suggestions."
Volfram sighed as he crossed his arms disapprovingly. "Yeah, I know someone. But you're not gonna like it.
Journal Day 1 Well it's been an interesting 24 hours. Last night Volfram finally told me I was ready to be be an adventurer, we would just need to flesh out our party and then we'd be ready to undertake a quest. Fucking finally, I've been dying for this for months. I know I've been ready for a while, he's just not seen it. So last night I went out to celebrate, and there were these two wicked street performers. It was a father and son duo, it was the fucking greatest thing. The dad did all this cool acrobatic and juggling shit, and the son did all these really cool illusions, made things disappear and reappear, move things without touching em, it was wild. All without using a spellbook or rod or wand or anything. He didn't even have to chant, it was crazy. And it just so happened they were staying at the same inn. Man I wanted to hang out with Saros so bad. I fed them a line about needing a room for the night. The dad bought it but then Saros took off so it was all for naught. I talked with him for a bit. He's a good man, he loves his son. He told me stories of their travel, I tried to tell him stories about my training but I got nervous so I bolted. I wish I hadn't,  I would have liked to talk to him some more. I would only see him one more time, briefly, before he turned in to stone. I got my chance to hang out with Saros but its at the expense of him losing his father. I know its not my fault, but I can't help but feel guilty for being thankful for this opportunity. I'm a shitty person. Fuck.
So as it turns out an old friend of Volfram's owed Saros a favor and he's cashing it in with us, and know we're hunting this guy down all the way in Carth. Volfram's old friend Kwix, I don't know if friend is the right word, business associate? I get the feeling they owe each other so many favors at this point no one's really sure who's more in debt at the moment. So he talked himself in to joining us on our journey, so know we've got four. We spent the rest of the day outfitting ourselves as well as filling out all the paperwork to ensure the quest and all party members were approved by the Adventure Hall. Tomorrow we head southeast to find another old friend of Volfram's in hopes we can get their assistance. Volfram doesn't seem too pleased by the prospect. Guess we will see why tomorrow.
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➥ What is your character’s full name?: Chass Clement I, The Iron Bull
➥ When were they born?: 221 AC
➥ What are their parent’s names?: Brendol Clement & Elayna Stark
➥ Do they have any brothers or sisters?: He has a younger sister- Ella Brimsblood
➥ What kind of eyes do they have?: Pale gray & hooded
➥ What kind of hair do they have?: It used the be dark brown and very thick, but it's thinned out since his old age (although he does still have a full head of hair) & has turned gray. Chass's hair is wavy and still kept fairly long, going just past his shoulders. He has a full, bushy beard of a similar length to his hair.
➥ What is their complexion like?: Fair, but with warm undertones. He has his deepest wrinkles around his mouth & the corners of his eyes from 70+ years of smiling
➥ What body type are they?: Big Motherfucker. Huge. He's tall & broad, no part of him is small. Chass was very muscular in his youth, & that has translated to still being fairly fit in his old age.
➥ What is listening to their voice like?: His voice is loud & booming, & his tone is almost always jovial. It's a rare occurrence for him to sound angry.
➥ What do they hate most about themselves?: At 6’3”, he was very self-conscious of his height when he was younger. Now that he's in his 70s there isn't much about himself that bothers him. He's had his time to make piece with everything.
➥ Do they have a favorite quote?: Nope
➥ What sort of music do they enjoy?: Something fun and energetic that can be easily danced to. He doesn't get on the dance floor much these days, but he has fond memories and enjoys watching those younger than him enjoy themselves to the music
➥ Have/would they ever cheat(ed) on a partner?: No
➥ Have they been cheated on by a partner?: No
➥ Have they ever lost someone close to them?: His wife of 57 years- Luciya Everbright died when he was 75
➥ What is their favorite sound?: The laughter of his family
➥ Are they judgmental of others?: No
➥ Have they ever been drunk?: Oh yeah
➥ What are they like when they stay up all night?: Lethargic & slow-witted
➥ Have they ever been arrested?: No
➥ What evokes strong memories for them?: White roses, certain songs, long nights with heavy snowfall
➥ What do they do on rainy days?: He attends to his lordly duties that require him to stay indoors & drinks. Rain & particularly cold weather cause him to shift from his normal choice of ale to mulled wine
➥ What religion are they?: The Old Gods
➥ What word do they overuse the most?: “Good show”
➥ What do they wear to bed?: A thick wool tunic, & on occasion a night cap. No pants, he likes his legs to be free.
➥ Do they have any tattoos or piercings?: No
➥ What type of clothing are they most comfortable in?: Long, loose fitting, fur lined robes. It doesn't matter what he wears underneath just so long as he gets to use one of those as his outer layer
➥ What is their most disliked food?: Eggs
➥ Do they have any enemies?: Not on a day-to-day basis, but in times of war or conflict whoever is on the side opposing his House
➥ What does their writing look like?: Large & messy. It is difficult for anyone who has not served him long to know what he wrote, & only his name is written neatly.
➥ What disgusts them?: The texture of eggs & wet socks
more ocs
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How To Be A Wizard: Chapter One-Welcome To Wizard City
A Wizard101 fanfiction
I don’t own anyone except my own characters!
Chapter one: welcome to wizard city!
A wise old man leaned on his staff in exhaustion, peering into the crystal ball on his desk as if it held the answers to the universe. A gray owl wearing a cap flew onto his staff, peering into the crystal as well.
“Whooo are they, headmaster Ambrose?” the owl asked in a throaty voice.
“These seven teenagers are the key to stopping Malistaire once and for all, Gamma.” the aforementioned wizard teacher stated, stroking his beard in thought. “They come from a world that has magic, yet they don’t even believe in it! How unusual…” he murmured.
“Then we should bring them to Wizard City as soon as magically possible to teach them how to use their magic! There isn’t a moment to lose, headmaster!” The gray owl cried.
The old man sighed and adjusted the monocle on his left eye, “I suppose you are right, Gamma. The fate of the Spiral rests in their, albeit inexperienced, hands.” The owl flew off the staff and hid behind a stack of books, peeking his little grey head out to watch his master perform the spell that would bring the teenagers into their world.
In a matter of minutes and in a flash of light, there in his office stood seven teenagers. Three boys and four girls, all looking confused, worried, and scared.
The tallest boy, a latino with startling grey eyes spoke first. “Ay, what’s going on, ese?!”
“What the hell is going on…??” a girl with brown hair and light blue eyes questioned, examining her surroundings and her new comrades.
“Whoa! Check out the threads we’ve got!” a girl with tanned skin and amber eyes grinned and fingered the hem of her maroon sleeves.
Indeed, as soon as they set foot in this new world, their clothes changed from typical jeans and sneakers to cotton robes and soft but sturdy boots.
The commotion continued amongst the teenagers, as they examined themselves and questioned their whereabouts, their voices growing louder in panic.
This continued until the headmaster slammed the butt of his staff into the ground beneath him, sending out a blast of air and silencing the new students. Seven shocked faces finally acknowledged the person that brought them to Wizard City.
“I understand that you must be confused at the least, but if you will allow me to explain, then I shall.” He straightened up as much as possible, “I am Headmaster Merle Ambrose, of Ravenwood school of magical arts. This is my assistant, Gamma.” He motioned to the now revealed grey owl, who bowed in greeting. “Now, as for why I’ve brought you all here.” He gestured to the crystal ball on his desk and displayed a picture of a man with long black hair and beard. He had beady black eyes and a scowl on his face. “This is Malistaire,” he explained, “a dark wizard who seeks to destroy Wizard City for reasons unknown. He hasn’t done much yet, but he will eventually. And while I pride my school in teaching the wizards of the next generation, I fear that none of them are ready to stop this menace.” He swept a hand over the crystal and the image of Malistaire disappeared.
“Okay, that’s all well and good but…” the boy with gold eyes and long brown hair gestured amongst himself and the others, “…what makes you think that we can stop him? I mean we’re just simple humans, not mages or wizards or whatever.”
“Ah, but that is where you are mistaken.” headmaster ambrose waved his hand over the crystal ball again, this time displaying moving images of the seven teens before him. “You see, you all display great magical power that has been shown in your actions.” he turned to the latino boy. “You, young man, are Antonio Suncatcher. Your intense will and respect for others gives you the ability of divination. Storm magic.” the latino, now named Antonio, glanced at the crystal showing him at a young age sticking his finger in an electrical socket, giggling as his dark hair stood on end. He blushed in embarrassment at the image.
Merle then turned to a girl with black hair pulled into a ponytail and pretty violet eyes. “You are Angela Darkcaller, a woman whose love for others goes beyond even the grave. In turn, you have been given the ability of necromancy, the magic of the dead.” the crystal ball then showed her talking to a ghost standing above its grave. Angela smiled sweetly and forlornly, as the ghost was the spirit of her late mother.
“You, young lady, are Rowan Dragonblood,” said short-haired brunette girl with light blue eyes jumped at her name being called suddenly. “You have a cold soul yet have a warm heart, thus granting you ice magic, or thaumaturgy.” she turned to the crystal ball, which now featured her with longer hair and playing in the snow…in a tee shirt and shorts. Rowan blushed heavily, shielding her face with the hood of her robe.
The headmaster turned to the boy with lime-green eyes and disheveled blond hair. “You, my friend, are Blake Ironheart. Your spirit thrives with light and life, which is the magic you have been given. The magic of life, the theurgist’s magic.” Blake gazed fondly at the crystal ball now displaying a scene where he was making his aunt’s old withered rose bushes thrive with new life.
“You, are Calamity Moonhunter, a girl who was gifted with the magic of balance. You were given this magical talent due to your ability to adapt easily and to see things from all points of view.” the girl with amber eyes and dark brown curly hair grinned childishly as she peered into the crystal, showing her manipulating sand at the beachside.
“Oh, I remember that! You see, I was entering a sandcastle building contest and I was so desperate to win, so I tried my hardest to build the best sandcastle ever and I mean EVER, but it was still kinda disappointing and I was about to give up but then all of a sudden, I was CONTROLLING THE SAND! Can you believe it? I mean, everyone was staring at me like I was crazy, I mean, of course I’m crazy, who isn’t nowadays? And I-”
“Oh for the love of god, shut up!” the shortest girl with blonde hair and ruby red eyes shouted.
“You!” ambrose pointed to the girl who had shouted. “You, Iridian Flamerunner, have a fire in your heart that reflects your magical gift. You will have to learn to take control of your fire before it burns you.”
“Um…yes sir?” she bit her lip as she glared at the crystal ball displaying a memory of her as an infant playing with hot embers from the fireplace. The headmaster placed a gentle hand on her shoulder.
“Don’t worry young one. You are among friends who can help you master pyromancy. You won’t be alone anymore.” iridian smiled weakly as ambrose moved on to the boy with the gold eyes and long brown hair. “And lastly, Kane Wolftail. You have been given the gift of conjuring, of taming and befriending mythical beasts. You have a heart of gold and a great sense of responsibility.” the crystal ball pictured Kane helping an elderly woman walk her dogs, comforting a little girl who had scraped her knee, coming home with a straight A report card.
Ambrose stepped away from the new students and addressed them all as one. “You are the key to Wizard city’s survival. You were chosen to come to Ravenwood for a reason, to assist each other in the fall of Malistaire.” he gestured to Gamma. “It’s getting late. I will have Gamma show you to your shared room for tonight. Starting tomorrow, you will be attending classes based on your schools. But for now, I suggest you all get some sleep.”
“Wait, I’m sure we all still have questions!” Blake said, stepping forward.
“Questions I am afraid will have to wait for now,” the headmaster said. “Now, off you go. Tomorrow is a big day, after all.”
“Wow, this is soo cool!” Calamity jumped on her maroon-colored bed in excitement.
“No, this is so NOT cool!” Iridian stormed around the large, circular room in a fiery rage. “We’re stuck here with no idea why, a crackpot old man thinking we’re wizards, we don’t even know each other and we’re expected to work together to take down some guy for whatever reason!” unbeknownst to her, her feet started flickering and leaving scorched footprints in her wake.
“Uh, Iridian, you might want to calm down…” Blake said worriedly. Iridian stopped her pacing and whirled to face the Life mage.
“I’M COMPLETELY CALM!!!” she roared as flames shot out of her open mouth and hit Antonio’s long purple and gold robes.
“Ay! Caliente! Someone help!” Rowan shot a blast of ice at the latino, effectively putting out the fire. Unfortunately, it also froze his feet to the ground. “Eh…gracias, Chiquita,” he muttered.
“Ooh, so we’re practicing? Okay!” Calamity jumped off her bed and started waving her hands above her head like a madman. “Lookit what I can do!” out of thin air, it seemed, a mini tornado formed above her head and exploded into what looked like mock fireworks, getting everyone dirty with sand.
“Gah! Hey, care to cool it with the sandstorm, chica?” Antonio, who had successfully smashed the ice around his feet enough to walk, said in exasperation.
“Oopsie, my bad!” the Balance mage giggled cutely.
“Okay, everyone STOP!” Kane’s voice boomed in the large room and like he commanded, everyone stopped what they were doing as if someone had paused a movie. He took a deep breath and sat on his yellow and blue colored bed. “Look, I know this seems…well, insane to say the least,”
“Understatement of the year,” Rowan muttered.
“But we were all brought here for a reason, and that reason is to save this world.” Kane continued.
“But what about our families? Our friends, our LIVES? Do you really think we can just up and leave that behind?” Angela asked worriedly, fingering the skull brooch on her collar.
“I…” Kane hesitated. He took a great interest in his boots.
Rowan saw his hesitation and picked up where he left off. “Listen, we may be stuck here for now, but that doesn’t mean we probably won’t go home once all this is over.”
“So what you’re saying is that if we just off this Mal-whatever dude, we can go home?” Iridian interrupted.
“Yes, exactly!” Rowan said, throwing her hands in the air, accidentally freezing the ceiling in the process. “Oops…”
“Then that’s what we’ll do,” Kane spoke up, “but for now, let’s just get some sleep,” he pulled back the covers on his bed. “Like the old man said, we’re gonna start classes tomorrow, and we’ll need all the help we can get.”
“Okie Dokie, artichokie! G’night!” No sooner had Calamity plopped onto her own bed, she started snoring.
“Jeez, she falls asleep fast,” Iridian muttered as she took off her red and orange hat and set it beside her similar-themed bed. “But the dork’s right,” she followed Kane’s example, “The sooner we stop this guy, the sooner we can go home.”
The rest of the wizards decided to just leave it at that and call it a night.
As Rowan was removing her pale blue cloak, Kane spoke up. “Hey, Rowan?” the brunette turned and saw him sitting up, tugging on his fringe. “Thanks. For speaking up for me…I appreciate it,” His face warmed up as he glanced away from the ice mage.
“Hey, it’s no big deal. It was just impulse, y’know?” Rowan shrugged and got into bed.
“Still, it means a lot to me. Not a lot of people would do that for me.” Kane explained.
“How come?” she questioned, “you seem like a nice enough guy,”
Iridian spoke up from under her covers, “Hey if you two are done flirting yet, some of us are trying to get some sleep.”
The duo blushed and said a hasty “good night” to each other before diving under their own covers.
Tomorrow would hopefully be a bit better.
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readbookywooks · 7 years
THERE WAS NO NEED for the screaming. The freak was pretty shocking, but he was chained up inside the cage. I think the people who screamed did it for fun, the way people scream on a roller coaster, not because they were actually afraid. It was the wolf-man. He was very ugly, with hair all over his body. He only wore a piece of cloth around his middle, like Tarzan, so we could see his hairy legs and belly and back and arms. He had a long bushy beard, which covered most of his face. His eyes were yellow and his teeth were red. He shook the bars of the cage and roared. It was pretty frightening. Lots more people screamed when he roared. I nearly screamed myself, except I didn't want to look like a baby. The wolf-man went on shaking the bars and jumping around, before calming down. When he was sitting on his backside, the way dogs do, Mr. Tall walked on and spoke. "Ladies and gentlemen," he said, and even though his voice was low and croaky, everybody could hear what he was saying, "welcome to the Cirque Du Freak, home of the world's most remarkable human beings. "We are an ancient circus," he went on. "We have toured for five hundred years, bringing the grotesque to generation after generation. Our lineup has changed many times, but never our aim, which is to astound and terrify you! We present acts both frightening and bizarre, acts you can find nowhere else in the world. "Those who are easily scared should leave now," he warned. "I'm sure there are people who came tonight thinking this was a joke. Maybe they thought our freaks would be people in masks, or harmless misfits. This is not so! Every act you see tonight is real. Each performer is unique. And none are harmless." That was the end of his speech and he walked offstage Two pretty women in shiny suits came on next and unlocked the door of the wolf-man's cage. A few people looked scared but nobody left. The wolf-man was yapping and howling when he first came out of the cage, until one of the ladies hypnotized him with her fingers. The other lady spoke to the crowd. "You must be very quiet," she said in a foreign accent. "The wolf-man will not be able to hurt you as long as we control him, but a loud sound could wake him up, and then he would be deadly!" When they were ready, they stepped down from the stage and walked the hypnotized wolf-man through the theater. His hair was a dirty gray color and he walked with a stoop, fingers hanging down around his knees. The ladies stayed by his side and warned people to be quiet. They let you stroke him if you wanted, but you had to do it gently. Steve rubbed him when he went by but I was afraid he might wake up and bite me, so I didn't. "What did it feel like?" I asked, as quietly as I could. "It was spiky," Steve replied, "like a hedgehog." He lifted his fingers to his nose and sniffed. "It smells strange, too, like burning rubber." The wolf-man and ladies were about halfway down the rows of seats when there was a big BANG! I don't know what made the noise, but suddenly the wolf-man began roaring and he shoved the ladies away from him. People screamed and those nearest him leaped from their seats and ran. One woman wasn't quick enough, and the wolf-man leaped on her and dragged her to the ground. She was screaming at the top of her lungs, but nobody tried to help her. He rolled her over onto her back and bared his teeth. She stuck a hand up to push him away, but he got his teeth on it and bit it off! A couple of people fainted when they saw that and a bunch more began yelling and running. Then, out of nowhere, Mr. Tall appeared behind the wolf-man and wrapped his arms around him. The wolf-man struggled for a few seconds, but Mr. Tall whispered something in his ear and he relaxed. While Mr. Tall led him back to the stage, the women in the suits calmed down the crowd and told them to return to their seats. While the crowd hesitated, the woman with the bitten-off hand went on screaming. Blood was pumping out of the end of her wrist, covering the ground and other people. Steve and I were staring at her, our mouths wide open, wondering if she was going to die. Mr. Tall returned from the stage, picked up the severed hand, and gave a loud whistle. Two people in blue robes with hoods over their heads ran forward. They were short, not much bigger than me or Steve, but with thick arms and legs and lots of muscles. Mr. Tall sat the woman up and whispered something in her ear. She stopped screaming and sat stiff. Mr. Tall took hold of the wrist, then reached into his pocket and took out a small brown leather pouch. He opened it with his free hand and sprinkled a sparkly pink powder onto the bleeding wrist. Then he stuck the hand against it and nodded to the two people in the blue suits. They produced a pair of needles and loads of orange string. And then, to the amazement of everybody in the theater, they started to stitch the hand back onto the wrist! The people in blue robes stitched for five or six minutes. The woman didn't feel any pain, even though their needles were going in and out of her flesh, all the way around the wrist. When finished, they put their needles and unused thread away and returned to wherever they'd come from. Their hoods never slipped from their faces, so I couldn't tell if they were men or women. When they'd gone, Mr. Tall let go of the woman's hand and stepped back. "Move your fingers," he said. The woman stared at him blankly. "Move your fingers!" he said again, and this time she gave them a wiggle. They moved! Everybody gasped. The woman stared at the fingers as though she didn't believe they were real. She gave them another wiggle. Then she stood and lifted the hand above her head. She shook it as hard as she could, and it was as good as new! You could see the stitches but there was no more blood and the fingers seemed to be working fine. "You will be okay," Mr. Tall told her. "The stitches will fall out after a couple of days. It will be fine after that." "Maybe that's not good enough!" someone shouted, and a big red-faced man stepped forward. "I'm her husband," he said, "and I say we should go to a doctor and then the police! You can't let a wild animal like that out into a crowd! What if he'd bitten her head off?" "Then she would be dead," Mr. Tall said calmly. "Listen, buster," the husband began, but Mr. Tall interrupted. "Tell me, sir," Mr. Tall said, "where were you when the wolf-man was attacking?" "Me?" the man asked. "Yes," Mr. Tall said. "You are her husband. You were sitting beside her when the beast escaped. Why did you not leap to her rescue?" "Well, I...There was no time...I couldn't...I wasn't..." No matter what he said, the husband couldn't win, because there was only one true answer: he had been running away, looking after himself. "Listen to me," Mr. Tall said. "I gave fair warning. I said this show could be dangerous. This is not a nice, safe circus where nothing goes wrong. Mistakes can and do happen, and sometimes people end up a lot worse off than your wife. That's why this show is banned. That's why we must play in old theaters in the middle of the night. Most of the time, things go smoothly and nobody gets hurt. But we cannot guarantee your safety." Mr. Tall turned around in a circle and seemed to look everybody in the eye while turning. "We cannot guarantee anybody's safety," he roared. "Another accident like this is unlikely, but it could happen. Once again I say, if you are afraid, leave. Leave now, before it is too late!" A few people did leave. But most stayed to see the rest of the show, even the woman who nearly lost her hand. "Do you want to go?" I asked Steve, half-hoping he'd say yes. I was excited but scared as well. "Are you crazy?" he said. "This is great! You don't want to go, do you?" "No way," I lied, and slapped on a shaky little smile. If only I hadn't been so scared of looking like a coward! I could have left and everything would have been fine. But no, I had to act like a big man and sit it out to the end. If you only knew how many times I've wished since then that I'd fled with all the speed in my body and never looked back...
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