#bowers gang band AU
misszura · 2 months
Ok, so i juste finished the book of Be More Chill.
(No, it was 2 weeks ago, but anyway)
And first, i didn't see the musical, but for the songs i heard (all of them, repeatedly in the last 4 years) the end is not the same at all.
And second, i have flashbacks of It cosplayers doing the song "be more chill" (well, i have flashback of losers cosplayers singing the rich part in sellphone hour, but that's not the point)
And i just remembered that when i joined TikTok there were so many Bowers gang and losers cosplayers, and i just feel nostalgic of the lockdown.
And i had these cosplayers i loved, and they deleted all their It videos and now I'm just sad to see how time pass... they had an appcalypse AU, a band AU, a SoundCloud rap AU, and all of them are gone. And it's like drifting away from friends even tho we weren't friends (i mean. I didn't know them, they didn’t know me...)
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prpfs · 1 year
Looking for someone to roleplay against my band au 🎸 Bowers Gang. (Inspired from the It franchise of course) Must be 18+ as i am 21!
About me. I am 21 and use he/him. I enjoy third person , semi lit. I like to push myself to do the best and longest replies I can. I enjoy if you do too.
Roleplay will include dark topics so PLEASE tell me what your triggers are so we can speak about avoiding them.
Looking specifically for crossovers, rival band stuff is a ton of fun. I’ll be playing the whole gang, but don’t feel pressured to play as many characters as I do just because I’m over ambitious.
Interested in a possible !!We Don’t Have To Dance Sally Face!!! cross over eyes emoji!
I’m so cool with playing against ocs too!! I just wanna play my boys!!
Like and I’ll slide in
give a like and anon will get back to you
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roleplayfinder · 1 year
Hello! I have a weeeeird ask.
Looking for someone to roleplay against my band au bowers gang. Must be 18+ semi lit. Looking specifically for crossovers, but ocs rock too! Like and I’ll slide in!
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rosalynbair · 6 years
Shut Me Up 
Chapter One: Deathblow Written by @darth-stetter and @rosalynbair Masterlist | AO3 link | Previous Chapter 
Words: 7.5k | Warnings: mentions of alcohol, cigarettes, sexual language, Henry and Pat are assholes, mentions of blood and a small wound  A/N: Please head the warnings as we update this fic - but we hope you enjoy chapter one!!
A warehouse was not the ideal place to hold auditions. Granted, it was a converted warehouse, but the walls still bled with rust and the scent of metal assaulted everyone’s nose. Y/N’s foot tapped against the cracked concrete floor that was stained with old oil and unknown liquids.
The building seemed to groan with age and history, each blow of the wind outside rattled the window panes and whistled through the rafters. The only other sound in the building other than the breathing of the last few people waiting to audition was the dull sound of an out of tune guitar playing through a monitor in the back room - once an office. Y/N inhaled deeply with her cracked phone in her trembling hands. She furrowed her brows, lowering the volume on her phone discreetly so the other people around her wouldn’t hear what she was watching. Even with her earphones plugged in, the chord dangling and hitting the sides of her face with each movement she made, she felt extremely self conscious that the other tryouts were watching her stalk Mind Failure.
At the moment, she watched in interest as, Danny Lane, the previous rhythm guitarist, went on a monologue about why he left the band, “They were too wild; I was there for the music but I felt like I couldn’t put in any kind of musical input. Patrick was very controlling about that.”
Danny Lane paused for a moment, allowing the reporter to ask, “Mind Failure’s members are known to have a very reckless and dangerous attitude towards life, did you ever feel that you were in danger being in the same room with them?”
The blonde hair man sighed, pushing back his locks to keep the mohawk out of his eyes. His green eyes stared at the floor as he carefully contemplated what he was going to say, his fingers were gripping the fingers of his other hand, wringing them out of nerves. When he finally did answer, he spoke slowly, almost as if he was choosing his words carefully, “I was told many times when I tried out that I didn’t know what I was getting into, I read interviews on their previous guitarists and I thought, ‘Oh these dudes are just pussies,’ but I mean, Mind Failure are who they are, and while some of the members are decent enough, others are bat shit crazy. I love music, and I love their music, but, being around them made me realize that the music wasn’t worth it if I felt that I was constantly in danger, and alienated from a tight knight group of guys.”
“What kind of things did they do that made you feel in danger?”
Danny Lane’s hair now fell over his eye, he shifted uncomfortably in his seat, rubbing his chin, “I am not comfortable talking about that, but, I can say that I wouldn’t recommend anyone trying out for that band. It’s not worth it.”
The video ended at a sudden halt, cutting of the rest of the interview. The person who posted it was obviously only interested in what Danny Lane had to say about Mind Failure.
Intrigued, Y/N fell into the rabbit hole that was Mind Failure, the year’s most popular metalcore band. Prior to being asked to audition for the band, she had never heard of them - though they had won a Kerrang award the year before for best newcomers. She felt slightly terrible for it as she listened to some of their hit tracks - also the first one that showed up on a youtube search, nodding her head and tapping her moss green doc martens on the dirty carpeted floor; the sounds of their songs melding her mind into a dark reality. The angelic voice of the lead singer rang in her ears, making her feel like she was being personally serenaded; his vocals were twisted in with deep guttural growling, and the occasional high pitched squeal. The drums and bass both worked together to give the music the specific oomph necessary to make it not only sound perfectly composed, but powerful.
However, Y/N felt her body shiver when she listened to the sounds of the guitars, small goosebumps rose on her skin as her mind comprehended the technical leads and melodic rhythm guitars. She knew that this track was Patrick doing both guitar track recordings - information given from another interview she had watched. They had been between guitarists at the time, leaving the dark haired musician to gleefully take over the entire process.
This is so good, she thought, feeling excitement budding in her chest for fact that she was trying out for this band.
Still jamming to the Mind Failure’s music on Spotify, she continued to read up on the band’s history, chuckling at their obvious rock star antics, her amusement apparent when she came across a photo of the bassist, Henry Bowers, in handcuffs being pushed up against the hood of a police car, his face bloody and contorted while in mid shout, the long hair of his mullet sticking up in multiple different positions with sweat and blood. The silver blonde haired man next to him being held back by a heavier man. She assumed those two were Vic Criss, the vocalist, and Reggie “Belch” Huggins, the drummer.
Y/N’s Y/E/C eyes trailed over to the other side of the photo, opposite of him, also in handcuffs and pushed against the other side of the hood was a shaggy haired musician, his lips were pulled up into a large, gleeful snarling smile showing off his bloodied teeth, as if he was laughing at the police officers holding him. His nose was bleeding profusely, drops of the thick, red liquid falling into his mouth. His dark grey eyes were wild as he obviously rode a really exciting wave of adrenaline.
Y/N’s curiosity won her over; she immediately clicked on the link below the Google image. The link took her to a metal news website, the dark . Her eyes skimmed the article, smirking when she read about Henry Bowers and Patrick Hockstetter facing charges for aggravated assault, battery, property damage, public intoxication, under the influence of an illegal substance, possession of an illegal substance, assault with a deadly weapon, mild sexual harassment, public nudity (Henry was pantsed by Patrick).
She read the article further, learning that the whole ordeal came to be when two men accused Henry and Patrick of flirting with their dates.
Fucking stupid reason to fight , she thought to herself, shaking her head.
Upon reading more and more articles about the band members, she learned that the photo in question wasn’t their first run in with the law, or the last. As she scrolled further and further down on the news site, she realized there was a pattern; Henry Bowers and Patrick Hockstetter were the ones that always instigated any kind of reckless behavior.
Y/N didn’t realize how much time she had spent doing research on the band until she felt a tap on her shoulder. She jumped in surprise, yanking her earphones out and immediately getting to her feet, her body tensing up for a fight. She eased up a little when she realized who it was that tapped her, “For fuck’s sake, Johnny, what the fuck did I tell you about touching me?”
Johnny smiled at her, the dimples in his cheeks indenting. He pushed his hands into the pockets of his black slacks, his deep brown eyes gazing at her with an amused expression, “That if I ever did it you would knock me on my ass, cut by dick off and shove it in my mouth so I can literally suck it.”
Y/N eyed him, still trying to collect her composure. Everybody knew that Y/N despised being surprised, and especially touched, and right now, Johnny was mere seconds away from getting his ass kicked. She cleared her throat, quickly glancing around the room, taking note of the other two male musicians waiting for their turn to show off their skills.  “Are they ready for me now?”
He shrugged, an aura of frustration radiating from him, “I gave them a few minutes to take a break; the guys tend to get impatient if they’re sitting still for too long.Tryouts are usually a big hassle for them.”
Y/N rolled her eyes - something she did fairly often at the slightest inconvenience “Right, because sitting and watching people play music is so tiring.”
Johnny chuckled, his lips tilting up into a slight smile despite his annoyance, catching on to her obvious sarcasm, “You try going through twenty tryouts a day every few weeks.”
“No one told them to be assholes,” Y/N retorted., leaning back in the uncomfortable chair.
Johnny’s brows raised, “I see you’ve done your research.”
“I did,” Y/N said, not bothering to hide the fact that she had spent the past three hours stalking them online “I wanted to know more about the band I’m trying out for, and so far, I am both intrigued and mildly irritated, seems like they’re in this for the rock star lifestyle.”
“A common misconception; you will be surprised to know that they love music as much as you do, they have behavioral issues,” he paused, his gaze intensifying as he held her gaze, “Just like you do.”
Y/N tilted her head, scoffing as she feigned offense. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Of course you don’t,” he said, his voice sarcastic on the delivery, checking his phone for the time, “I gotta head back in there; we’re taking these two others before we get to you.”
“That’s fucking bullshit, Johnny,” Y/N complained, her voice a high whine. She adjusted her weight on the chair, feeling the ache on her tailbone and back. “You’re the one that asked me to come here.”
“And you would have had your spot reserved if you had shown up on time, Y/N. But, you didn’t, therefore, your slot was taken and you got pushed to the back. Maybe you’ll take my advice seriously next time and show up to your own tryout when you’re supposed to,” Johnny said as he typed in a text into his phone, not even bothering to look up with the explanation.
“For fuck’s sake, Johnny, I had band practice,” Y/N groaned in defense, crossing her arms as and slumping forward in the chair.
His chocolate brown eyes finally looked up from his phone as he addressed her, “You had band practice with a band that you don’t even want to be in Y/N. You’re lucky these guys don’t pay attention to the roster, otherwise you wouldn’t have made it into the running for tryouts.”
Y/N looked up, brows furrowing, taking offense to his words. She was a fucking great guitarist, and in her mind, she was the best. Her elbows pressed against her knees, digging down until there was a discomfort from the pressure, her voice went dark as she asked him, “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”
Johnny quickly caught the attention of one of the other musicians, nodding to the shaggy blonde haired boy that looked like he was fresh from the beaches of California. The musician immediately grabbed his gear as he stood up, waiting for Johnny to lead him into the room in the back, “It means nothing Y/N. Just wait a little longer. Your turn will come.”
He nodded his head to the musician, motioning for him to follow his lead. Y/N still leaned forward on the chair, only lounging back when she dug into her leather jacket for a cigarette and her silver zippo lighter. She inhaled in relief as she took the first drag of nicotine. From the corner of her eye, she could see the other musician stare at her, judging her for daring to light a cigarette in Mind Failure’s warehouse.
Not that it mattered anyways, the whole place was a fucking mess of old beer bottles, cigarette butts, baggies that held traces of cocaine and marijuana. Another cigarette butt in the sea of garbage wouldn’t make a difference.
She sighed deeply, exhaling the smoke from her lungs and out of her nose. The disgust she felt at the how the band lived on their days off was overshadowed by her interest. Their attitudes didn’t bother her, hell, even she had her fair share of felonies under her belt. If anything, it was the music that enticed her into wanting to join their band. A feeling she only started having moments ago when she researched them.
Obviously, Y/N had no prior knowledge to Mind Failure, which was a shame in and of itself because even their older EPs were amazing. So, when Johnny Ray approached her late last night at a show she was playing with her shitty ass band, she was skeptical.
“I think you should try out, you’d be perfect,” Johnny pushed, handing her a bottle of Guinness.
Y/N chugged down the beer and tossed the empty bottle into the crowd with a wince of disgust  when she was finished with it, not checking to see if it hit anyone, and high key not giving a fuck, “Look, suit, I’m not interested in trying out for your jazz, or blues band. I got my own shit to do, and I have my own band.”
“Of course, but, if we’re being honest, your band sucks. And the only reason why you get a crowd like this is because you’re hot, and slightly because of your skill. The rest of your bandmates are shitty musicians, and you have so much potential to be better,” he said, banging his hand against the bar counter to make his point, “With us, you could get there.”
“I told you, dick, I’m not interested in--”
“It’s not a fucking jazz band, and I’m not a band member; I’m the manager,” he informed, as if that would make a difference, “Besides, everyone knows that you hate playing in this band, the only reason you still do is because you need the cash. If that’s the case, you’d be making ten times more if you joined us,” he paused, brining his beer bottle to his lips, “If you even made it past tryouts.”
Y/N waved down the bartender, who immediately brought her three shots of vodka. She lined them up next to each other, taking them down one by one, not even feeling the burn of the alcohol anymore. Once she finished the last one, she slammed the small shot glass on the counter, finally meeting the manager’s stare, “How much cash we talking here?”
“Enough to get you off of your drummers bed bug infested couch,” he said, watching her with a small smirk. “And some new equipment.”
Y/N learned one simple truth as a musician, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably was. But, Y/N wasn’t known for being careful, she was known for jumping from band to band; using each experience as a stepping stone to get her where she needed to be. Where that was? Fuck if she knew. But, if these fuckers had the cash to pay her for her skill, then fuck it. What was another stepping stone but an opportunity to climb higher on the musical ladder.
“Alright, I’ll try out for your band,” she agreed, grabbing the bottle from Johnny’s hands. She took a long drink before she continued, “It better not be a fucking folk band, John, otherwise I’ll burn the fucking place down.”
He reached out to her, trying to planting a card into her leather jacket. Instinctively, she pulled back, snatching the card from his hand as she pointed her finger at him; her pointed acrylics looking more intimidating than she actually was, warning, “And don’t ever fucking try to touch me again, if you do, I’ll cut your dick off and shove it down your throat.”
Y/N began to disappear into the crowd, vaguely hearing his voice calling out to her, “I’ll put you in for 2 pm tomorrow!”
Being the idiot that she was, however, Y/N forgot about the tryouts and rushed out of band practice, only to arrive three hours late with messy hair and a sweat sheen body from the heat of the basement she had practiced in. And, like Johnny said, she was lucky to still be given a chance to tryout. Especially considering the fact that she wanted the money. She needed it.
The musician that went in for his tryouts walked out of the back room in a huff, kicking the cans on the floor and slamming the heavy door of the warehouse shut behind him, she could vaguely hear him yelling curse words as he walked further from the building. The other person in the room stared at her, the intimidation clear on his face.
The echoes from the back room could be heard down the hall as they bounced off the walls, “You can’t keep humiliating and talking down to all the tryouts, Bowers!”
“I was just fucking with him; not my fault he can’t take a fucking joke,” a man said, his voice raspy from the yell, she assumed it was Henry Bowers, as if Johnny calling him by his last name didn’t make it obvious.
She heard childish snickering coming from the room, “Oh, you think this is funny, Hockstetter? We go on tour in three fucking weeks! You need a new guitarist to--”
“I see another guitarist come into that room, I’m going to beat the shit out of them,” Henry said loudly, and she could almost picture the boy standing with his arms crossed and a sneer on his face.
The other musician in the room, seemingly intimidated by Bowers’ words, immediately grabbed his equipment and scurried off. Y/N smiled to herself, crushing her cigarette under her boot, just me now.
“We only have two more left,” Johnny said in a gentle tone, as if he was trying to comfort a band of toddlers.
“Just bring the next person in, Johnny,” a tired, softer voice said, “Henry will get over it once this is over, he just needs to dip into some pussy.”
“Fine,” Johnny spat, “But you’d better fucking sit your ass through these tryouts or so help me god I will--”
“ I will, I will ,” a mocking voice repeated, mimicking Johnny’s voice, “Shut the fuck up and bring those sorry cock suckers in here.”
A roar of laughter erupted from the room. Seconds later, Johnny appeared in the room, confused and puzzled that Y/N was the only one there. Y/N shrugged, simply explaining, “Guess your other tryout bitched out.”
Johnny rolled his eyes and motioned with his fingers for Y/N to follow him, “Just don’t take anything they say too personally- they can be pretty rough.”
“I can handle myself,” she assured, rolling her eyes.
“Seriously,” he paused, a look of terror in his eyes, he needed her now more than ever. “ Please , don’t take it personally.”
Y/N nodded, raising her brow, “I’ll be fine.”
Johnny released a loud sigh from his nose, the stress obvious when he began to rub his hands together. Y/N followed Johnny into a large open room, the walls spray painted with graffiti all around save for the large window on the other end. There was a large plush, black couch pushed against the wall, two men occupied that one, and she immediately matched the guys to their photos; Vic Criss sat on one end of the couch, scrolling through his phone with a bored expression on his face. Belch Huggins looked as if he was dozed off on the other end of the couch, his head laid on the hand rest with his cap over his face, while his feet were sprawled over the edge.
Near the large open window, Henry Bowers and Patrick Hockstetter seemed to be having what looked like an impromptu knife fight. Henry lunged toward Patrick, who jumped out of the way, cackling maniacally, “Getting a little slow there, huh Bowers?”
“Fuck you, twig,” Henry spat.
Johnny cleared his throat, trying to get their attention, “Guys, this is Y/N.”
At the mention of her name, all eyes were now on her. Even Belch, who had been snoring a few minutes prior, was wide awake now, gaping at her like if she was a figment of their imaginations.
Vic Criss tilted his head, a small smile spreading across his lips. He quickly put his phone down and crossed his arms over his chest.
Henry and Patrick however, stared at her in shock. Henry ran his hand through his outdated mullet styled hair, “Are we starting the pussy party early, Johnny? Cause if so, I think you really should have brought more.”
“We can share her,” Patrick whispered, a devilish grin spreading across his lips. His playful figure quickly turned into a sexual gesture, as he thrust his crotch out, his long fingers running over the zipper as he licked his lips. His eyes observed her from her moss green doc martens, the black laces wrapped twice around her ankles, up to her torn skinny jeans, and then to her exposed belly area. His eyes lingered on her obvious cleavage, admiring the way her torn shirt showed just enough skin to tease his imagination, “I go first.”
“In your fucking dreams, creep,” Y/N scoffed, setting her sticker covered guitar case on the ground.
Their eyes watched the movement, and in a sudden instant, their expressions went from flirty to hostile in a matter of seconds. Patrick was the first to speak up, laughing, “Aw, she thinks she can try out for the band, Hen.”
“You can try out,” Henry started, slowly walking towards her, “If you get on your knees and suck my dick.”
Y/N laughed, loudly, throwing the men in the room off, “I’m sorry, but I only fuck with guys who are over 8 inches, and you,” she paused, checking Henry out and sighing dramatically, “You look like you’re 3 inches, tops.”
Vic and Belch snickered at the insult. Henry was livid, and Patrick stared at her darkly, his hand fidgeting with something in the pocket of his plaid red and black overshirt. Y/N turned to Johnny, “Where do I plugin?”
Johnny, who was eyeing Henry and Patrick carefully, turned to her, “We use the Line 6 half stack over here for the tryouts.”
Y/N nodded, kneeling down next to her guitar case as she casually flipped the latches open. Her guitar had seen some better days, once, before she owned it. Now, the once white Ibanez GRG had chipped paint on the edges, the fretboard was slightly warped from previous water damage. The permanent marker drawings she made on it were covered with stickers that she had given up on removing. But, she loved that guitar with all her heart; the only thing she ever really loved.
Lazily, she placed the mickey mouse strap over her shoulder, plugging in the amp cord that Johnny handed to her, and strummed the guitar to make sure it was in the proper tuning.
“You really play with that piece of shit?”
Y/N tried to bite her tongue at Henry Bower’s rude comment, instead opting to focus on her guitar, still tuning it, “This piece of shit has more balls than you and your boy put together.”
She could feel Henry’s glare on her, but she refused to acknowledge him, telling herself that if she lost her temper right now, she wouldn’t get the opportunity to earn the cash for her own musical interests.
Stepping stones , she reminded herself; trying to suppress the fact that she genuinely did enjoy the music these assholes created.
Once her guitar was properly tuned to drop d, the tuning she knew these boys played on, she strummed her guitar rhythmically, playing a small piece of a song from her other band.
She turned to face the guys all staring at her, Vic, the lead singer, leaned back on the couch, “Well, go ahead and blow us away, babe.”
Y/N’s fingers went to the slightly warped fretboard, the tips touching the strings - her nails briefly touching the other strings before she adjusted them - as the fingers on her other hand grasped her 0.5 pick, strumming the strings as she played a technical solo, her fingers bent the strings as she shredded on the frets, doing sweep movements, and finger tapping; her eyes caught a glimpse of Vic’s face, his jaw dropped open in awe and Belch nodded his head to an imaginary beat in his head, as if he was playing his drums along to her.
She continued to shred on her guitar for another minute before pausing. When she stopped, Vic and Belch stood up and gave her a standing ovation, along with Johnny Ray.
Belch was the first to speak, smiling as he walked over and high fived Y/N, “That was fucking awesome!”
Vic came up beside him, holding out his fist for a fist bump, “Hell yeah, I like her, Johnny! Better than the fucking sugar sniffers you brought in earlier - she actually knows how to play.”
Johnny, pleased with himself, smiled, “I knew you would,” his eyes trailed over to the other two men who were eyeing their bandmates with vicious disdain, “What do you guys think?”
Henry pursed his lips together, staring at Y/N up and down, “Do you even know any of our songs?”
“I’m a fast learner,” she answered, holding her guitar by the fretboard.
Henry scoffed, staring at Patrick. Though, Y/N noticed a tiny glint in his eyes, like he was impressed as well. Patrick, however, still remained stoic as he lazily waltzed over to her side. He reached out towards the rack of various guitars, picking up a black ESP Kirk Hammett signature guitar with white symbols imprinted on it. Y/N stared at the instrument with awe and envy, wishing she could afford something as beautiful as the guitar Patrick held in his hands, plugging it into the other Line 6 half stack.
It didn’t take long for him to tune his guitar, and he stared at her with dark eyes as he also began to shred in front of her. He was taller than her, staring down to her with his legs spread.
Y/N knew what this was, he was establishing his dominance; he was cementing his territory, saying with his stance, his hard stare, and the gesture of playing during her tryout, that she was never going to be a part of their band.
The hell I’m not , Y/N thought.
She immediately began to finger pick as well, keeping up with Patrick’s ever increasing speed, refusing to back down and let him win.
The air in the room was tense, she knew all eyes were on herself and Patrick, but right now, it was only she and him. Both of them fighting for their right to play in the band, neither refusing to back down. His riffs were raw, angry and powerful; communicating with her that she was not welcome.
Hers were just as heavy, pushing back, unrelenting.
Finally, Y/N shredded so heavily, so quickly, that two of her strings popped loose, flying and snapping hard against her fingers. She felt the pain in her hands as a small cut formed on her fingers, still, she played with the remaining strings, choosing to stick to soloing.
The battle wasn’t over until Patrick ended his solo with a hard riff, prompting Y/N to stop as well.
They both stood still, the silence in the room was deafening as they glared at one another. Johnny came up beside Y/N, keeping his distance, “Y/N, are you alright?”
Johnny pointed to her hand and she looked down at it as it covered her strings and guitar in blood, “Oh? This is nothing, I’ll be fine.” She shrugged, rubbing the cut fingers on her jeans.
“Like a badass,” Belch smiled, nodding his head in approval; Vic nodding along with him in agreement.
Henry’s face was blank, void of any emotion, but his eyes trailed to her open wounds, and then up to her eyes; he furrowed his brows slightly in amusement, but it was quickly replaced with indifference when he gazed upon Patrick’s dark stare.
Y/N scoffed, smirking when she met his eyes, “Is that all?”
Patrick opened his mouth as he was about to speak, when he was crudely interrupted by Vic, “For now, yes. We’ll keep in touch, but, I think you’re the one.”
“Fuck yes,” Belch agreed.
“Fuck no,” Patrick said, “There’s not a chance in hell--”
“We’re not letting a chick in the band,” Henry said, his arms crossed over his chest.
“What the fuck are you talking about? You just saw--”
“No,” Patrick interrupted as Vic was trying to make his point.
Y/N, frustrated with the bitching between the guys unplugged her guitar and gently placed it in its case while the guys continued to argue. She picked her case up from the handle, speaking loudly over the boys, “Look, mull it over or do whatever the fuck you guys gotta do, but I got shit to take care of and I am not staying here to listen to grown ass guys bitch like high school girls.”
The boys stared at her in shock, their eyes wide as she turned to speak to Johnny, “Take down my number, gimme a call when these pussies make up their minds.”
Johnny smirked in amusement at her obvious ballsy nature; he pulled out his phone, dialing her number, “Let me walk you out.”
“Later, bitches,” she casually said, flipping the boys the finger as Johnny ushered her out of the room.
When they were finally out of the warehouse, he spoke to her as he lit a cigarette, “You shouldn’t antagonize them; your chances of joining won’t be pretty now.”
“I don’t think my chances were great to begin with,” she confessed, somewhat defeated. Johnny handed her his cigarette and she graciously took it, puffing on it and exhaling a cloud of smoke in relief.
Johnny lit another cigarette for himself, his voice was slightly a mumble with the cigarette pressed between his lips, “Probably, but, I’ll see to it that you make it in. Whether they care to admit it or not, you’re the best tryout we’ve seen; and you’re not afraid of them, which means you won’t bail at the first sign of trouble.”
Y/N tilted her head, bringing the cigarette to her lips, “Just how much do you know about me?”
“Enough to know that you’re the real deal,” he said, smirking. His phone vibrated in his pocket, and he quickly took it out to read a barrage of text messages coming in. He chuckled with a slight sigh. He pushed the phone back into the pocket of his blazer, looking down at her bloody hand, “Make sure to get that looked at; if you make it in, we can’t have you taking hiatus before you’ve even had the chance to start.”
“I’ll be alright,” she assured, cockiness in her voice.
Johnny laughed in amusement, turning and entering the warehouse, “And get those strings replaced.”
Y/N flipped him off, the blood was now dry on her fingers when the door shut behind him.
She turned, slowly dragging her legs along the hard concrete ground. Nighttime was setting in, and she could have called a cab, but her funds were running low and in all honesty, she preferred to feel the night air on her skin. It was going to be a long walk, but she needed it if she was going to ponder the possibility of being in Mind Failure.
Patrick and Henry were adamant that she was never going to be in the band, but, she had Vic, Belch and Johnny on her side; which had to count for something… right?
It had been two and a half weeks. Two and a half fucking weeks and not once did she hear a peep from Johnny, or any kind of status updates on Mind Failure’s website on the new rhythm guitarist. She checked the sight hourly, waiting to see if it would change, but it still read in big red letters, “Tryouts Open.”
She groaned in frustration for the fifth time that day, vaguely paying attention to the members in her band going on about how they wanted to change the sound of the band, for the third fucking time.
Y/N stood in the background, scrolling through her phone; band practice today was held at Evan’s garage, or more specifically, his parent’s house.
“Yo, who the fuck is that?” Evan asked, pointing to someone outside.
Y/N turned to see Johnny Ray leaning against a black Ferrari.
“Oh shit, yo, I think that’s Johnny Ray, the manager of that fucking band--Mind Failure,” Sam said, snapping his fingers, and jumping up in excitement, “Fuck, maybe he’s here to sign us!”
The guys started yapping away about the possible idea of being signed. Y/N lazily unplugged her guitar, pushing the instrument behind her back as she walked out of the garage and towards Johnny.
“You here to check out my shitty band?”
Johnny laughed, removing his sunglasses, “I’ve had enough of that piece of crap band of yours; and I’m sure you have too,” he turned, opening the door to his expensive car, “Grab your shit, let’s go.”
“Do you want to be in Mind Failure or not?”
Y/N turned suddenly, meeting the stares of her ex bandmates and flipping them off as she shouted, “Hey guys, fuck you! I quit!”
She quickly ran to the other side of the car, jumping in and trying her best not to jump in anticipation as Johnny explained to her how her life was going to change, “Right now, I’m taking you to Empire Records to sign a temporary contract.”
“Temporary Contract?”
“So, the way we work this out is we have you sign a minor touring contract; this is only because these guys go through musicians fast, once you have stayed for a full year, then you will sign a permanent contract similar to what the rest of the band members signed,” he said, looking at his phone as he drove, typing a quick text message.
Y/N nodded, “And what are the terms of this contract?”
“You’ll see when we get to the office, I have my lawyer on call to review it for you in case you don’t understand it or want to change something, and I’ll be there as well,” he smiled, eyeing her sideways.
“And the guys?”
“They’re prepping for touring; we leave in a week, so we need to get this underway as soon as possible. If you agree to the contract, I’ll need you to pack essentials to bring on tour with you, as well as your equipment,” he said, turning into a large parking garage.
He hurriedly opened the door, his legs rushing towards the elevator in the parking garage, prompting Y/N to hastily shove her guitar onto the passenger seat. She felt her body begin to tremble with anticipation; she couldn’t believe this was actually happening to her.
She followed Johnny into the large office on the 25th floor, Johnny leaned over the counter of the receptionist’s desk, “Hey Joan, how’s my favorite lady today?”
Joan stared at Johnny with a hard look, the older lady in her mid forties obviously not having Johnny’s flirtatious advances, “You’re late to your appointment, Mr. Ray.”
“Is he pissed?”
Joan smirked, “Fuming.”
Johnny shrugged, walking towards the wide, large doors on his left. Without knocking, he pushed to doors open, strutting inside like he owned the place, “Alright, sorry I’m late, but I was caught in traffic.”
Tristan Roberts, who was sitting behind his desk, leaned forward on his desk, “Traffic? It’s fucking 10 AM,” his hard stare fell on Y/N; he took in her appearance, smirking as he stared at her standing there in her signature green Docs, black jeans rolled up to cuff above her boots. Her fishnets she wore under the jeans rested above the waistband, clinging to her skin, the old standard round neck t-shirt that rested at her hips, eyeing the obvious tattoos on her skin, “Nice, I see why you were adamant about his one Johnny; record sales will skyrocket if someone as good looking as her is in that band.”
“I recruited her for her skills, Tristan,” Johnny said with irritation in his voice, “Now, let’s get this shit started.”
Johnny motioned for Y/N to sit beside him as he dialed the band’s trusted lawyer while Tristan handed Y/N a copy of the contract. She looked over it, listening to Johnny’s lawyer explain to her the legality of it all, “Now, here’s the thing, since you are going to be signing a temporary contract, the only revenue you will make is from playing shows. You will not receive any pay from streaming sites, royalties or record sales until a full contract is signed; this is just so we guarantee that you stay in the band, once that has been established, we will make a permanent contract and you will receive the same amount of pay as the rest of the members, including participating in the making of their future albums.”
Y/N nodded, knitting her eyebrows at the legal jargon on the paper. Tristan and Johnny stared at her when she looked up from the paper, “So,” Johnny said, handing her a pen, “What’s it going to be?”
The tour bus was thick with the scent of cigarettes and cheap beer, Johnny hoped the guys weren’t up partying in the fucking bus again, but once he gazed at the sight in front of him he slowly felt himself die inside; Vic was sprawled over the small couch, Belch was retching in the restroom, Henry laid naked next two blonde women and Patrick was nowhere to be found.
Angrily, he grabbed the air horn he kept hidden in the driver’s seat of the bus and obnoxiously squeezed it; the boys automatically jumped up in surprise, yelling in shock “What the fuck, Johnny?!”
“You guys leave for touring today, get your shit together,” he chastised, his patience wearing thin as he tried not to yell, tossing the blonde woman her skimpy clothing, “Where the fuck is Hockstetter?”
“Fuck if I know,” Henry answered, recording the whole ordeal on his phone; which was going to end up on his instagram account, “Ask mom over there.”
Johnny turned to Vic who shrugged, rubbing his face as he stretched, “You know Hockstetter, he wanders off doing god knows what and doesn’t show up until it’s time to leave, he’ll be here.”
Belch slammed the door of the restroom shut behind him, rubbing his forehead with his sleeveless flannel shirt, “Coffee, aspirin.”
“The coffee is on it’s way,” he said, “Aspirin is in the cupboard right there; you guys really should reevaluate your partying, I don’t think this mess is going to make a good impression on Y/N.”
Henry rolled his eyes, sitting up on the floor, still naked, “I think it will; she’ll see that I’m not a weak three inches and soon enough, she’ll be on her knees begging me to fuck her.”
He laughed at his own joke, amused with his humor. Vic rolled his eyes, tossing Henry his faded jeans, “She’s out of your league, Hen.”
As if it couldn’t get worse, the door suddenly opened and Y/N furrowed her brows at the mess inside the tour bus. She smirked slightly when she saw Henry’s back as he pulled his pants up, catching a glimpse of his ass, “I can’t say much about your dick, but you do have a cute ass.”
Henry turned beet red while the guys all laughed, he marched off towards the restroom in a huff, slamming the door shut behind him.
“Sorry for the mess,” Vic apologized, a sheepish half smile on his lips, his fingers carding through his hair.
“The only thing you need to be sorry for is not fucking inviting me,” Y/N said, pushing the guitar on her strap behind her.
Belch and Vic smiled, already liking the new member of the band. Johnny rolled his eyes, glancing over at Y/N, “Did you bring your equipment?”
“Yeah, your roadies are hauling my stack into the trailer,” she said, kicking the beer cans aside as she sat near Vic, photobombing his selfie with a kiss to his cheek. Vic didn’t seem to mind, as he moved his arm further to catch both of them in it.
“Belch get in here,” Vic called.
Belch jumped on the their laps, prompting groans of pain from Y/N and Vic.
“Vic, show Y/N to her bunk, I have to get back to the office; but remember, try to be on your best behavior- ugh I don’t even know why I bother,” he said, mostly to himself as Belch began to play with Vic’s nipple guard through his mesh shirt, “Make sure Hockstetter is on this bus before it leaves.”
Johnny promptly exited the bus, leaving Y/N alone with the boys for the first time.
Vic and Belch weren’t bad however, they both immediately started complimenting her on her playing, “Your riffs were sick; even Bowers was blown away, though, he didn’t want to admit it.”
Vic got to his feet and motioned for Y/N to follow him to the back of the bus, “The bunks are back here; Henry, Belch and I have the bottom ones, Pat has the top one and that leaves you with the other top one.”
He pointed to the only empty bunk in the crowded room, “It tends to get hot up there, so be careful. Also, there’s an empty drawer over there for your clothes. Make yourself comfortable, breakfast is being brought to us.”
“Thank you,” she said, shooting Vic her most sweetest smile, making the blonde haired guy blush slightly.
Y/N took a moment to glance around the dark bunk room, admiring how each bunk was easily identifiable to whom it belonged to. Vic’s was neat, with fluffy pillows and what looked to be like a soft, feather blanket. Belch’s was slightly ruffled, a pair of drumsticks tossed on it. Henry’s bunk was- surprisingly- somewhat neat, save for the numerous amounts of shirts piled on it. Patrick’s, however, was the filthiest of all. The blankets were on a heap on his bed, the thin mattress peeking out below the blanket; there was no pillow at all and a guitar lay on top of it, with small pieces of paper stuffed into the walls along with a half smoked joint and a pack of Camel Bolds.
She tilted her head, setting her own guitar on the bed. She began to unpack her clothes, fitting them and her accessories into the one drawer. She pulled out her small clip on fan, grateful that she even decided to bring it in the first place.
As she turned to head back towards the “dining” area of the bus, she bumped into the tall, lanky, shaggy haired guy that was Patrick. He wore tight black skinny jeans that were torn at the knees, the cuffs pushed into large, black combat boots. The blue and black flannel overshirt he wore barely covered the dried bloodstains on his white undershirt, his knuckles were cut open as if he was fighting.
He didn’t say a word, he just stood there, staring at her as he smoked his cigarette. Frustrated with the awkward silence, she asked,  “You gonna say something or just stand there and stare?”
Patrick’s stare was still blank, until he finally pushed beside her and climbed into his bunk, his eyes still on her while he exhaled a large cloud of smoke as his hands began to play his guitar.
Y/N scoffed, knowing full well that he was still trying to intimidate her. Just to spite him, she stayed in the room, climbing into her bunk and enjoying the cool breeze of the mini clip on fan, smirking at Patrick’s sweaty face. The heat didn’t seem to bother him, as he was unaware of it, still staring at her.
Belch’s voice cut the silence in the air, “Yo, Pat, Y/N; breakfast is here!”
Y/N continued to stare back at Patrick, finally breaking her gaze as her stomach rumbled, betraying her.
She jumped off of her bunk, heading towards the delicious smell of pancakes, bacon, eggs and coffee in the air; she could still feel Patrick’s eyes on her as she left however, somehow, she knew that the only reason she was here was because of Johnny, Vic, Belch and maybe even Henry.
This was something that Patrick obviously objected to, and he wasn’t going to make her time with Mind Failure easy, she somehow also guessed that he would do anything in his power to make her quit. But, he had another thing coming if he thought he could get rid of her that easily.
Tag List: @owentteague @pattycake-hockstetter @purplezebra68 @livelikewonderland @nurserykryme @gizmo-the-gay @thicctor-victor @slyprides-blog @ashisthresh @toungepopperr @i-am-mcbroken @caddywhompered 
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trickkombowerskru · 5 years
Masterlist Part 2
A/N:Tumblr said the first masterlist was too long, but a majority of my work can be found was listed there and it can be found here :)
* = Smut or NSFW
It 2017:
Henry Bowers:
Being Henry’s Little Sister In The Losers Club
Henry Trying To Pick A Fight With His Girlfriend After Butch
Henry With A Domestic Girlfriend
Henry Teasing His Girlfriend For Being Soft
Henry Finding Out His Girlfriend Is A Mermaid
Safe Haven
Henry Falling For A Juniper Hills Nurse
White Picket Fence Life
I Love You
Henry’s Thoughts When Seeing His Girlfriend Again After 27 Years
Welcome Back
Domestic!Henry When The Twins Are Born
Christmas With Henry
A Father’s Worst Nightmare
*Henry Relieving His Girlfriend In Public
Henry Falls For A Stoic Native American Girl
Road Trip Part 2 Part 3
Being Henry’s Daughter
Henry When His Girlfriend Defends Him From Butch
Henry Dates A Soft Girl
I’m Not Crazy
Patrick Hockstetter:
Patrick Dates A Curious Girl
Patrick Finds Out His Girlfriend Has Tourette’s
Patrick Falls For An Obsessive Girl
Patrick Dating Belch’s Older Brother
*Patrick Finding His Girlfriend’s Diary
Patrick Dating A Girl Afraid Of Fire And Knives
Getting Handcuffed To Patrick For The Day
Patrick Dates A Smart Girl
*Patrick Finding His Boyfriend’s Vibrator
Patrick And Vic Date A Punk Girl
How Patrick Met His Girlfriend
Christmas With Patrick
House Party Blues
*Yes Daddy
*Patrick When His Curvy Girlfriend Wears Form Fitting Clothes
*His Plan
Patrick Dates A Girl Who Doesn’t Think She’s Real
What Patrick Looks For In A Goddess
Being Patrick’s Daughter
Victor Criss:
It’s Okay
Patrick And Vic Date A Punk Girl
Snowball Fight
Vic Getting A New Years Gift For His Girlfriend
*Vic Having A Mommy Kink
Being Vic’s Daughter
Belch Huggins:
Belch Dates A Cheerleader
*Belch When His Girlfriend Rides His Thigh
Drunk Belch
*Belch Having A Mommy Kink
Hey Good Lookin’
Thick Skinned
See You Around
Belch’s Girlfriend Putting Makeup On Him While He’s Asleep
Boy Next Door
Being Belch’s Daughter
All the boys:
*Lazy Early Morning Sex With The Bowers Gang
The Bowers Gang When Their S/O Slaps Them During A Fight
The Bowers Gang Having A Horror Movie Marathon With Their Best Friend
The Bowers Gang When Their Girlfriends Have A Panic Attack
The Bowers Gang Catch Their Girlfriends Asleep
The Bowers Gang With Boyfriends Who Like To Get In Fights
The Bowers Gang When Their Girlfriends Work Hard To Get Them A Birthday Present
The Bowers Gang With Girlfriends Who Have Big Families
The Bowers Gang When Someone Insults Their Chubby Girlfriends
The Bowers Gang’s Girlfriends Being Scared Of Another Member
The Bowers Gang Learning To Cook
The Bowers Gang Have A Sleepover With Their Best Friend
The Bowers Gang Dates Religious Girls
The Bowers Gang’s Quirks That Annoy Their S/Os
The Bowers Gang When Shy Girls Ask Them Out
The Bowers Gang Falling For Their Enemies
The Bowers Gang’s Girlfriends Getting Them To Wear Couple Costumes For Halloween
The Bowers Gang Teaching Their Little Sisters How To Fight
The Bowers Gang’s Little Sisters Having Crushes On Another Member
The Bowers Gang Find Out Their Little Sisters Have A Gang Of Their Own
Hello Again
The Bowers Gang Finding Out Their Girlfriends Are Witches
The Bowers Gang When Their Girlfriends Fall Hard On Ice
The Bowers Gang With A Trans S/O
The Bowers Gang When Their S/Os Get Braces
The Bowers Gang Trying To Save Their Girlfriends Lives
The Bowers Gang Getting Their Asses Kicked By A Girl They Cat Called
The Bowers Gang Finding Their Girlfriends Old Scars
The Bowers Gang Meeting Their Girlfriends’ Parents
The Bowers Gang Date Girls With ADHD
The Bowers Gang Watching Disney Movies With Their S/Os
The Bowers Gang Meeting Their Daughter’s Boyfriends
The Bowers Gang With A Bipolar S/O
Poly!Bowers Gang:
The Bowers Gang’s S/O Tells Them They Like Patrick’s Roughness
Belch’s Reaction to The Gang’s Girlfriend Fixing Up Amy
The Bowers Gang When Their Girlfriend Says Another One Member’s Name In Bed
The Bowers Gang With A Mob Tied Girlfriend
The Bowers Gang Helping Their Girlfriend Get Her Mind Off Loosing A Relative
The Bowers Gang Finds Out Their Girlfriend Lives In An Orphanage
The Bowers Gang With A Good Cook Girlfriend
The Bowers Gang When Their Girlfriend Is Nervous To Be Out With Them
The Bowers Gang Falling For A Stripper
The Bowers Gang Dating Bev’s Older Sister
*Working A Summer Job With The Bowers Gang
The Bowers Gang Date A Girl From Another Gang
The Bowers Gang Help Their Girlfriend Through Her Parents’ Divorce
The Bowers Gang Date A Teacher’s Pet
The Bowers Gang When Their Girlfriend Gets Valentine’s Gifts From Others
The Bowers Gang Date A Roller Derby Girl
The Bowers Gang When Their Girlfriend Fights Someone For Them
The Bowers Gang When Their Girlfriend Is On Her Period
The Bowers Gang When The Girl They Like Lays Out What She Wants In The Relationship
The Bowers Gang With A Girlfriend In A Band
The Bowers Gang With A Girlfriend Who Has Anemia
*Talking Body *Part 2
Dinner For Five
Deep Depths
The Bowers Gang Date A Half Devil Girl
The Bowers Gang With An S/O Who Has An Eye For Lipsticks
The Bowers Gang With An S/O Who Knows Hair Care
The Bowers Gang Date A Girl Who Went To Juvy
The Bowers Gang Taking A Long Plane Trip With Their Girlfriend
The Bowers Gang Date A Mom Friend
How Patrick Keeps Guys Away From Henry
It Chapter 2:
Ben Hanscom:
Ben When His Girlfriend Has A Migraine
Going To A Christmas Party With Ben
*Ben Getting Pegged
Richie Tozier:
Richie’s Best Friend Helping Him Come To Terms With His Sexuality
Human Diary
A Punch To The Face
Funny Guy
Baby Mama
Beverly Marsh:
Henry’s Brother Dates Bev
Bev With A Chubby Girlfriend
Eddie Kaspbrak:
Baby Mama
Stanley Uris:
Makeout Sessions With Stan
Mike Hanlon:
Mike Finding Out His Best Friend Avenged His Parents
Bill Denbrough:
Makeout Sessions With Bill
All The Losers:-
Poly Losers Club:-
The 100:
Jasper Jordan:-
Bellamy Blake:-
John Murphy:-
Monty Green:-
Raven Reyes:-
Octavia Blake:-
Harper McIntyre:-
The Flash:
Barry Allen:-
Cisco Ramon:
Day In
Caitlin Snow:
Caitlin Dates Cisco’s Sister
Killer Frost:-
Ralph Dibny:
How Killer Frost Feels About Barry And Caitlin’s Relationship
Being In A Poly Relationship With Caitlin And Barry
Nolan Rayburn:
Nolan Dates A Paranoid Girl
How Nolan Acts When He’s Jealous
*Helping Out
*Nolan When His Girlfriend Rides His Thigh
Christmas With Nolan
I’m A Flirt
Nolan When His Girlfriend Falls Hard On Ice
Nolan’s Soulmate
Nolan Dates A Psychology Major
Nolan Dates A Girl With ADHD
Nolan Catching His Girlfriend Singing
Nolan Helping His S/O Take Care Of Their Sick Kid
Black Mirror:
Ryan “Trick” Trebecki:
Trick Dates A Paranoid Girl
You’re Home
Trick When His Girlfriend Falls On Ice
Trick Helping His S/O Take Care Of Their Sick Kid
Julian Spitzer:
Right Here
Convenient Encounters
Relationship ABC’S
13 Reasons Why:
Zach Dempsey:-
Dean Winchester:
Age Gap
Sam Winchester:-
Baby Angel
Jack Kline:
Just Gone
Jack Comforting His S/O After A Rough Week
Jack And His Girlfriend Getting Caught By The Boys
*Jack Getting Pegged
*Jack Getting Intimate With His FTM Boyfriend
Charlie Bradbury:
Charlie Going To Comic Con With Her Girlfriend And Nerding Out
Claire Novack:
Team Free Will:
Surprising Team Free Will With A Karaoke Machine
Team Free Will When Crowley Gets A Hell Hound In The Bunker
The Umbrella Academy:
Diego Hargreeves:
*Diego Getting Pegged
Allison Hargreeves:-
Klaus Hargreeves:
Klaus’ Best Friend Getting Stuck In The Future With Five
Ben Hargreeves:-
Vanya Hargreeves:-
Stranger Things:
Steve Harrington:
Being In A Poly Relationship With Robin And Steve
Jonathan Byers:-
Robin Buckley:
Having A Secret Crush On Robin In High School
Being In A Poly Relationship With Robin And Steve
Robin Dating A Girl With Anxiety
Nathan Drake:-
Sam Drake (including 19 y/o Sam):-
Rafe Adler:-
Harry Flynn:-
Elena Fisher:-
Chloe Frazer:-
Nadine Ross:-
Rodrick Heffley:
Rodrick Dates An E-Girl
Rodrick Dating A Rebellious Catholic Girl
Rodrick With An Insecure S/O
Rodrick Dates An Athlete
Drummer Boy
Rodrick Dates A Popstar
Rodrick Dates Rowley’s Older Sister
*In Uniform
Game On
Rodrick Trying And Failing To Ask His Crush Out
Casper Galloway:-
Leo Strange:-
Dean Taylor:-
Freddy Klein:-
*First Time
Relationship ABC’S
Boots Conley:
Boots Dates A Soft Straight Edge Girl
Relationship ABC’S
The 100 Arrowverse:-
Supernatural IT:-
612 notes · View notes
reddieao3feed · 4 years
Talent Show // Reddie
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3c9Ubd5
by Stan_Delphine
The Losers want to win the school talent show but The Bowers Gang have similar intentions.
The losers have a band;
(Eddie isn't a loser YET) Bev - Piano Stan - Drums Bill - Song Writer + guitar Mike - Lead Guitar Ben - Songwriter + guitar Richie - Singer
  (I also wrote this on wattpad - StanDelphine)
Words: 5667, Chapters: 4/4, Language: English
Fandoms: IT - Stephen King, IT (Movies - Muschietti)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Richie Tozier, Eddie Kaspbrak, Ben Hanscom, Mike Hanlon, Beverly Marsh, Bill Denbrough, Stanley Uris, Georgie Denbrough, Connor Bowers, Henry Bowers, Victor Criss, Reginald "Belch" Huggins, The Losers Club (IT)
Relationships: Reddie - Relationship, Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier, Eddie Kaspbrak & Richie Tozier, Connor Bowers/Richie Tozier, Ben Hanscom/Beverly Marsh, Bill Denbrough/Stanley Uris, Bill Denbrough/Mike Hanlon/Ben Hanscom/Eddie Kaspbrak/Beverly Marsh/Richie Tozier/Stanley Uris
Additional Tags: band au, Alternate Universe - Bands, Talent Shows, Fluff and Angst, Music
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3c9Ubd5
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m00nlitknight · 4 years
I hav a few fic ideas But. I need the motivation to continue working on my current ones lol but just to see if theres any interest?
Bowers gang (maybe poly? But i also cant think of a specific member) x reader whos an entity like tomie from junji itos works and also acts a bit like red velvets peek a boo music video. Might face off against pennywise but idk
Band au bowers gang signing under a label and to get the word out abt them they force reader ( popstar turned metalhead type? ) and they but heads, but reader is a bit submissive. Mayb reader x henry?
If not that, then maybe a band au bowers gang x reader whos their muse?
I also have 3 requests in my inbox,,,dw, i see u c: 💕
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neiboltsunflower · 4 years
Belch Huggins info + tags.
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Belch Huggins:
Name: Reginald Huggins
Age: 16 - 18, verse dependent; late 30’s, early 40’s in adult verse {fc: James Corden}
Gender: cis male
Orientation: bi-curious 
Race: caucasian 
Occupation: student, bully (teen years); mechanic/amateur drummer in a garage band (adult years)
Friends: Bowers gang; Henry Bowers, Vic Criss, Patrick Hockstetter 
Aquaintances: Greta Bowie, Loser’s Club
Enemies: Butch Bowers, Henry Bowers (post-death verse), loser’s club (verse dependent, he doesn’t really hate them just harasses them to go along with whatever Henry does.)
Likes: Heavy Metal (specifically 80’s metal), drumming, working on cars, Metallica, Queensryche, Anthrax, hanging out at the quarry, baseball, beer
Dislikes: running, homework, detention, Butch Bowers
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v. wherever I may roam; default verse during Belch's teenage years, aged 16-18.
v. to live is to die; post death, Belch now occupies Neibolt House and the sewers as a ghost, forever bound to do IT's bidding. Sometimes used as a dual verse with my IT OC Jolene Morris.
v. he might have even learned gentleness; adult verse. Belch stuck around in Derry as an adult, now works as a mechanic and is a drummer in an amateur garage band.
{of wolf and man;; werewolf AU} - He thought he was dead, Belch fell out of his Trans Am the moment Henry's knife slashed his throat. It was a smaller cut than it seemed like, he guessed. He awoke in the Barrens, water floating around him and washing away his blood. Belch looked up. It was dark, there were stars. Clouds floated away from the moon, it was full. Belch's eyes watched it, thinking this might be it. Maybe if he just closed his eyes it would stop hurting. Then his skin begins to feel on fire, like it's splitting open. Everything goes black. The next day Belch wakes up, back in his room to the sound of his mom screaming. He's covered in twice as much blood, there's a scratch on his arm. He doesn't remember how it got there. He has to run.
{pale death;; vampire AU} - details pending
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misszura · 3 years
I don't know who asked this on @fuji09 's blog, but i can't take it out of my mind. (Sorry for the tag, but like this the person may see it)
The IT band AU, with Patrick as musician, singing songs like "i wanna be your slave" of maneskin.
So here a draft of him on stage.
(Like on a sheet of paper fond on the ground, and an old pencil not made for drawing)
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Longer hair, because he is older.
(I still don't know how to draw hands XD) (guitars either)
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prpfs · 1 year
Looking for someone to roleplay against my band au 🎸 Bowers Gang. (Inspired from the It franchise of course) Must be 18+ as i am 21!
About me. I am 21 and use he/him. I enjoy third person , semi lit. I like to push myself to do the best and longest replies I can. I enjoy if you do too.
Roleplay will include dark topics so PLEASE tell me what your triggers are so we can speak about avoiding them.
Looking specifically for crossovers, rival band stuff is a ton of fun. I’ll be playing the whole gang, but don’t feel pressured to play as many characters as I do just because I’m over ambitious.
Interested in a possible !!We Don’t Have To Dance Sally Face!!! cross over 👀
I’m so cool with playing against ocs too!! I just wanna play my boys!!
Like and I’ll slide in!
give a like and anon will get back to you
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roleplayfinder · 1 year
Looking for someone to roleplay against my band au bowers gang. Must be 18+ as i am 21!!
I roleplay semi lit but I’m not the most picky.
Looking specifically for crossovers, rival band stuff is a ton of fun. I’ll be playing the whole gang, but don’t feel pressured to play as many characters as I do just because I’m over ambitious.
Interested in a possible !!We Don’t Have To Dance Sally Face!!! cross over eyes emoji!
I’m so cool with playing against ocs too!! I just wanna play my boys!!
Like and I’ll slide in!
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rosalynbair · 6 years
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Shut me up 
Written by @darth-stetter and @rosalynbair
  Mind Failure was founded by the Bowers Gang from Derry, Maine. After going through numerous rhythm guitarists, they’re left to find yet another replacement. Tempers clash and personalities collide when the new guitarist is not only a female, but just as reckless as Patrick. Will Y/N end up becoming another stepping stone in the band’s lineup? Or will they find a middle ground to make it work?
Prologue: Bang Your Head
Chapter One: Deahtblow
Chapter Two: To The Stage
Chapter Three: Coming SOON
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201kl5-dead · 5 years
I’m sorry, you’re a *what*?
Eddie is walking home from school, and is taking a breather from all the shit going on. To his surprise, instead of spending a little time alone he meets a really badly dressed and messy-haired boy, who, by all logic, shouldn't exist.
Aka the 'Richie is a winter spirit and Eddie despises winter' -AU that nobody asked for.
Read it on AO3
thanks to seeki who for some reason volunteered to proofread this piece of garbage
Eddie Kaspbrak hated winter. Or more specifically, he hated all the things that came with it. He despised the chilling cold that always seemed to settle in the marrow of his bones and not want to disappear, leaving him shivering even after a long and steaming hot bath. The layers of clothing he had to wear, partly because of his mother ushering him to but partly also to keep himself safe- the cold winds and glimmering snow banks were treacherous and could swallow you whole in a blink of an eye while nobody was looking. Or, in Derry, even if the whole town was looking, they wouldn't even blink or spare another thought to a small boy drowning in the freezing cotton. Not to mention the ice- that's what Eddie hated the most. Sure, the smooth patches of slippery glass that covered the roads were scary, but they were nothing compared to the black ice, hiding under the safe-looking snow, ready to claim its next victim. Especially since he had fallen  and broken his arm because of said black ice a few years ago, the lingering fear of it happening again, having to feel  the searing pain and being forced to stay in the hospital for so long, was enough to get him to reach for his inhaler, desperate for the puff of minty medicine that would get his lungs working again. Even though he knew full well that it was only spiced water and nothing more, after the years he had spent believing his ‘asthma' was real, the cold and dry freezing air still triggered whatever it was that made it near impossible for him to breathe properly. To make everything even more hellish for him, with winter came the holidays, and with the holidays came Christmas dinner with his relatives at their house, that his mother always insisted on hosting. And with that came the obligation to act like the well-behaved, polite, straight, and loving Christian boy that his mom so desperately wanted him to be. So yeah, it was fair to say that Eddie hated winter.
These were all reasons why he was kicking the snow on the ground while walking, or rather limping towards his house after school had ended. He knew he would have to walk normally and grit his teeth through the pain with a smile, or his mother would usher him to the ER and keep him there for the next week or so. And seeing as nothing was broken, he would be fine with just enough rest and a way to let his anger and frustration out. Sure, he had always been bullied; that's what being the delicate, small and ‘pretty' boy in a town like Derry got you. But boy oh boy, it had gotten so much worse around 6 months ago, right after Eddie's 17th birthday when his friends had encouraged him to sneak out of his house, and he had gone to a party. Thinking his alcohol tolerance was better than it actually was and that he could take two cans of beer had certainly been a mistake, but at least if he got one good thing out of it he learned the hard way he was a lightweight. Unfortunately, someone at the party had seen his condition and decided to have a little fun with the little ‘girly boy', and had pulled him to what he had assured was a safe and shielded corner, and Eddie hadn't been able to tell the difference from a shielded place and somewhere out in the open, so he had let his dick lead him. Against all his better judgement.
Eddie Kaspbrak was a virgin and had never even kissed anyone. The most obvious reason for that would be that the small brunette boy was a huge germaphobe, but there was another that one nobody, except maybe his closest friend Bill, knew for certain. Eddie was gay, and he had figured it out at a young age. At first, he had thought that his blatant disinterest in girls, kissing, and just any kind of physical contact in general was because of his fear of germs, but he had finally realized that that might have not been the case in fifth grade when he and Bill were in the school locker rooms after gym, hiding from the bullies and their gang, and Eddie had watched with reddening cheeks and a tightening chest as his best friend came back from the shower, dripping wet and then drying himself off before changing. That night his dreams had been a little more than restless, and he had had a hard time looking his friend in the eyes for the following week before finally breaking down and confessing to him what had happened. To his luck, Bill did nothing but pull the young and sobbing boy against his chest in a tight hug, and had held him for close to two hours telling him that it was okay, he wasn't sick, he would never hate him, and that he still loved Eddie all the same, even if it was all platonic. Bill had also told him that he might like both boys and girls, but couldn't be sure about it yet. Despite Bill's unsureness, to Eddie that was maybe the most meaningful news he had ever received. He wasn't alone, it wasn't only him. He wasn't alone.
Ever since that day, he had allowed himself to look at other boys in a completely different light- yes, he still felt guilty some nights when he buried his magazines inside several clothes and stuffed them under his mattress as his breathing started to even out and he eyed the mess he made in disgust, always scared to death his mother would find out, and send him away for being sick. To his luck, nobody but Bill had found out, at least not until that one fateful night at the party. The random boy whose name Eddie didn't even know, but wasn't a permanent resident in Derry, had managed to convince Eddie to come with him, to try something thrilling and amazing, and after a flirty smile and a wink, the boy had grabbed Eddie's wrist, tugging him along. He had already been smitten, ready to follow his Prince Charming to the ends of the Earth. Turns out, that wasn't far at all, and Eddie found himself being pulled under the stairs and up against the boy, but he assured him that they were safe and shielded, so what was the harm? Especially when every cell and atom in his body was seeming to crave closeness with the tall boy, maybe reeking of cigarette smoke and alcohol which would have been enough to make Eddie gag and swear to stay away on a normal way, but that night it had seemed intoxicating, and he just had to have a taste. Despite it being messy, clumsy, way too horny and not meaningful at all and the worst of all, filmed and spread all around the school, the thing that made Eddie sob the hardest on the following nights in his bed, hiding under the covers, was that he had wasted his first kiss on that. And he'd never be able to get it back.
Logically, he knew that he should be more worried about the way everyone laughed and pointed at him at school, whispering and yelling derogatory and awful comments at him, or even about the fact that instead of getting punched or pushed once in a week or two, people seemed to at least try to attack him every few days. But the worst of them was Henry Bowers and his gang of goons who followed the insane boy like a herd of puppies follows its mother. The said gang was the reason why he was limping again and being forced to swallow the copper taste of blood and the salty tears rolling down his cheeks - there was no way in hell he could let his mom see him like this. Luckily, he had just only left school and had enough time to gather himself up before getting home, and maybe, just maybe, he would have a chance to sit for a few minutes in the woods he had to walk through. And then, for a few minutes, he would be able to breathe, let his tears fall, and tell his mind to calm down. 
As Eddie walked through the woods and looked up at the sky and the snow-covered tree branches, he felt like he could finally breathe again. Despite his burning hatred of the winter, there was a smallish and fairly hidden opening in the woods, right by the path he used to walk to school and home, that he had stumbled in while running away from Bowers and his gang. It was small and slightly dirty, and full of leaves and other dirt he didn't want to know the specifics of when it wasn't coated in a thick blanket of snow, but it was *safe*. And it was his. It was a place where even despite the cold air prickling his skin and making his lungs dry up he felt free. Like nothing his mom or the bullies would say to him could affect him, like the hits he received felt only like balls of fluff thrown at him. It always felt like someone, or something, was watching him, but not in a creepy way. At least that's what he hoped.
But this time around it felt different than it usually was Instead of feeling like just a general presence somewhere around him, it felt more like a person- almost scarily much so. Eddie could practically feel the staring eyes boring into his head, and looked around himself, yelling out a small and shaky "Who's there?"
For a few seconds all he could hear was the wind blowing, before a small laugh could be heard from the edge of the opening. He snapped his eyes to the spot immediately, already trying to map out his surroundings for the quickest escape route he could dash towards if there was someone there waiting to jump him. Instead of a bully closing in he watched with wide eyes as a boy, around his age from what he could tell, with unruly and curly, shaggy black hair, his skin too white, lips tinted slightly blue and rectangle coke bottle glasses on his nose. What made the situation even weirder was the way the boy was dressed- he was wearing a worn out band t-shirt, khaki shorts, old black sneakers and a.. bright coloured hawaii shirt on top of it all. He had his hands shoved in his pockets and an impish smile stretched over his face, eyes trained on Eddie curiously. For a few minutes, neither of the boys moved. It was like they were frozen in place, one engulfed in fearful confusion and the other in child-like curiosity.
While Eddie stayed rooted to the spot he was sitting in, the boy started to slowly walk closer, tilting his head like he was inspecting him. Eventually, the dark haired teen walked up to Eddie and squatted down next to him, making him jump as the boy poked his cheek. That was what finally snapped Eddie back into reality, making him let out an annoyed noise as he slapped the hand away. "What the fuck do you think you're doing? Who even are you, what are you doing here,  how are you not freez-" The boy cut his flow of questions short with a loud laugh that startled Eddie, and left him staring at the laughing teen with wide eyes. As his laughter finally died down, the boy sat down on the ground next to him with a mischievous smile, the smoothness of his voice surprising the smaller boy. "Wow, calm down there, firecracker. How about one question at a time?"
As his initial curiosity wore off, Eddie felt mostly annoyed. The first thing the raven-haired boy had said was to call him a firecracker? "First of all, do not call me that! And second, who even are you, and how can you be here wearing only that?"
"Well, I guess one question at a time was an unfair wish, so I'll let that slide," the boy chuckled before tipping off an imaginary hat. "The name's Richie, and how I'm not freezing my balls off? That's simple, winter spirits don't really get cold, so I'm all warm and cosy."
Wait. What? Winter spirits? What the fuck? "Wait, what did you just say? A ‘winter spirit'? What do you take me for? I'm not a gullible idiot."
The other teen, who was apparently named Richie, just let out a chuckle and nudged the glasses on his face up a little. "Well, believe it or don't. Honestly, I couldn't tell you that much either, it's not like we get a crash course on the whole spirit thing at any point, so everything I know is stuff I've either made up, figured out, or pulled from the wind. But what I do know, is that I've seen you walking here with your head down for quite some time now, and your face is way too cute to have a frown like that on it."
That just deepened the frown on Eddie's face, and he tried his best to ignore being called cute, and blamed the small blush that was rising on his face to the cold. "Oh yeah, prove it then," he spoke in a challenging tone, and crossed his arms as he gave Richie an unimpressed look. To his dismay, the spirit didn't give up but rather got a mischievous twinkle in his eye as his grin widened a little and he raised his hand. And lo and behold, a small snowstorm, one sized like those miniature snow globes, started to slowly swirl on top of his hand. The smaller brunette couldn't help but stare in awe with his jaw hanging open, mesmerized by the small snowflakes dancing in the air, only to suddenly drop to the ground as Richie closed his fist and lowered his hand. As he slowly let his eyes travel up he could see the slightly cocky but also excited smile on the other teen's face, before it turned into a small frown as he looked up, alerted, as if listening to some voice calling to him, unheard by Eddie. Before he could properly say something he felt Richie's fingers on his cheek, and he shivered at the ice cold touch, although it was almost.. surprisingly pleasant.
"I have to go, but I'll  see you around, cutie," was all he heard before Richie  suddenly stood up and dashed towards the edge of the woods, disappearing into the snowy landscape in less than a minute, while Eddie was left looking after him with his thoughts jumbled in a confused mess.
After sitting there for a few minutes, already doubting whether he'd actually just talked to someone or if his brain was so desperate for friends and comfort that it had made one up, and discovering that there were no prints on the snow in front of him, except a small dent where Richie had been sitting, did nothing to convince him that the boy he just met was real. And cute, exactly his type if he was honest- no! No. Bad Eddie. No. He was not even going to go there the slightest bit. He didn't even know if this ‘Richie' was even a real person- or spirit, he guessed. Which still made absolutely no sense, but he'd seen the evidence, right? There was just no way to suddenly fake that and make it look that real, so either he was really losing it or the boy actually controlled the snow. The thoughts and wonder continued to plague Eddie as he finally stood up and he realized that he had been sitting in the snow for too long, and his fingers and toes had lost all feeling in them already. Even later that day as he laid in his bed, he couldn't help but secretly hope that he'd see the boy again.
Eddie could clearly tell that he wasn't paying attention in class the next day, and he wasn't the only one. After three of his first classes he had already been called out by his teachers five times now to focus, which in itself was already unheard of - Edward Kaspbrak, the student that got straight A's in everything but gym, being scolded by a teacher several times? At this point, Bill had already checked him for a fever thrice, and was clearly  trying for a fourth as the two boys were sitting at one of the otherwise empty tables at the corner of the dining hall, making the smaller teen swat his hand away in an annoyed manner "I'm fine, Bill! Seriously, do you really think that my mom would've let me leave my bed if I showed any signs of being sick?"
"Normally no, but come on Eddie, something's going on that you're not telling me," Bill huffed as he reluctantly settled back down in his seat. "You've been unfocused the whole day, and that's really out of the ordinary. I'm allowed to be worried-"
He was cut off by Eddie sighing softly and swatting his shoulder, signalling for him to shut up. "Alright alright, I'll tell you if you just shut up- and won't call me crazy."
As Bill nodded quietly, albeit with a frown, Eddie took a deep breath before summing up what had happened the previous day. Except he might've left out just how cute the boy, or alleged winter spirit, was. It took maybe ten minutes after Bill's amused smile began to fade as he stared at Eddie, sighing softly when he quieted down again.
"Holy shit, you're not kidding," the taller boy breathed out, looking at his friend with raised eyebrows. He only got an annoyed huff as a response, Eddie shaking his head as he got up.
"Wait- I believe you! I think. But I know you wouldn't just make that up, so yeah I believe you," Bill said as he looked over at Eddie, the latter just nodding slowly with a shrug. "Yeah. Honestly, I wouldn't blame you for not believing me, I don't even believe myself." The two were cut off by the bell ringing, and as usual, they gathered their bags with groans and grumbling about how stupid all of this really was, and which teacher they'd have to stand in their next class. They parted with a wave and with Eddie promising he'd call if anything more happened, or at least tell Bill after the weekend, no matter how reluctantly he had made said promise. *******
Eddie didn't remember when was the last time he was actually this excited to leave school. Sure, it sucked and was full of assholes, but at least there he had his friends and some adults who would be obliged to keep him safe. At home, yes his mother looked after him, but too much and in her own, twisted way that did nothing but harm Eddie in the end. And anywhere in town or on his way home, he was not even the slightest bit safe, seeing as he never knew what or who could be lurking around the corner, looking to pick at him or try and ‘ask a favour from the small pretty boy'. He shivered at the thought, but this time, this time he would be safe. He hurried out of the classroom, being the first one out so that he could get outside. He made sure that nobody was following him as he crouched behind the ramshackled toolshed behind the school. The place quite frankly disgusted him- it was falling apart, most likely mouldy, and probably infested with who knows what kind of germs and bugs. He guessed that was the reason why no one thought to search for the schools' infamous germaphobe there, and Eddie was able to wait somewhat safely until the other students had left the school grounds to go home or wherever they spent their time in.
When he finally left his cover, he stretched while a small smile made its way onto his face. The parking lot was empty, excluding a few stray staff cars, and the sun had started to shine slightly through the thick cloud covers, filling the sky. He treaded calmly on the snow-filled path through the woods, happy that for once, he wasn't in a hurry- he had told his mother that he would be staying over at the school library with Bill, so she couldn't even call in to keep tabs on his whereabouts. Eddie hummed to himself quietly as he looked around, still despising the cold and whiteness, but maybe he was slowly starting to warm up to it. Just maybe.
As he arrived at the opening, Eddie took a deep breath in and walked to the same stone he had been sitting on yesterday. Just as he was settling down, he heard a familiar voice behind his back, and he whipped his head around to find the same boy from the previous day standing there. He was wearing the same, all too chilly summer clothing, the same bulky glasses, and the same mischievous smirk. Eddie exhaled slightly and looked at him annoyed, crossing his arms. "You can't just do that, you fucking scared me!"
The boy laughed and moved to sit down next to Eddie and patted his knee, making Eddie blush more than he would've liked to admit. "Sorry, and I most certainly will do it again!"
He huffed, annoyed at Richie's remark, but he wasn't angry, not like he would've been in some other situation where someone else had said that. Instead, he had to hold in the laughter that was bubbling up inside of him. 
Yeah, maybe Eddie could learn to like winter one day. He just may need a little help from a certain winter spirit to get there.
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askmagelosers-blog · 5 years
Powered Losers Club/Freedom's Path
What Powers?
Bev: Control of fire and super strength
Ben: Control of plants and animal communication
Stan: Flight, never forgets anything
Bill: Forcefields, can see briefly into the future
Richie: Shapeshifting (voice included), control over tech
Eddie: Super-speed, healing factor
Mike: Mind-reader, locator
Georgie: Conviction, weather control
The AU: In-Depth
In a world where a kid with powered genes, or mages as they're known in this world, is an abomination, not a hero they're sent away from society. Shipped off to a remote island and held there like animals, Bill Denbrough doesn't think it's right. Neither does his little brother Georgie, or his friends, Beverly Marsh, Ben Hanscom, Stan Uris, Richie Tozier, Eddie Kaspbrak and Mike Hanlon.
With the spark of rebellion lit among them, the eight band together to fight off Robert Gray's prejudiced anti-mage policies on the long and difficult path to freedom.
Who Fits In Where?
The Losers Club: A group of rebellious kids fighting for the freedom of all mages
Georgie Denbrough: Supports the Losers' cause and helps when he can
Robert Gray: This fics' Pennywise, a prejudiced leader in charge of mage policies
Henry Gray: The fics' Henry Bowers, Robert's phsycotic son who murders on the norm
The Bowers Gang: Henry's goons who like to help hide the bodies
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reddieao3feed · 4 years
Let Me Adore You
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2PTX9cK
by Lil_Birb
At first glance, no one would think there would be anything to do in a one-light town in the middle of Maine. And really, there wasn’t – Eddie was just lucky. He guesses if he actually thought about it, he had to be thankful for becoming friends with Bill Denbrough all those years ago. Because if he hadn’t, he’s not sure he ever would have been dragged into what was now called the Losers Club – because they wanted to beat anyone else to calling them losers. Not that it stopped anyone, and Eddie wasn’t sure he’d ever get the title off his forehead, but he wasn’t about to complain. It could be a lot worse.
Words: 6966, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: IT - Stephen King
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Richie Tozier, Eddie Kaspbrak, Ben Hanscom, Beverly Marsh, Stanley Uris, Bill Denbrough, Mike Hanlon, Patricia Blum Uris, Henry Bowers's Gang (IT)
Relationships: Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier, Minor Ben Hanscom/Beverly Marsh - Relationship, Minor Stanley Uris/Patricia Blum, PAST Bill Denbrough/Beverly Marsh - Relationship
Additional Tags: Richie Tozier & Stanley Uris Are Best Friends, Beverly Marsh & Richie Tozier Are Best Friends, Bill Denbrough & Eddie Kaspbrak Are Best Friends, Good Parents Maggie & Wentworth Tozier, Good Parents Sharon & Zack Denbrough, Everyone is Alive Except Georgie Denbrough, Alternate Universe - High School, Alternate Universe - No Pennywise (IT), band au, Period-Typical Homophobia, Homophobic Language, Minor Injuries, Underage Drug Use, Underage Drinking, Recreational Drug Use, Aged-Up Character(s), Mutual Pining, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Suicidal Thoughts
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2PTX9cK
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mrsarnasdelicious · 6 years
Poly Bowers Gang Band AU!
> Avery running the major fansites
> Book Canon other gang members [Moose, Peter, ect] as roadies
> Very Punk Rock, some metal influences and a little bit of nu-metal
> Ripped skinny jeans and flannels galore
> Lotsa tatoo’s and piercings
> They are very open about their poly relationship, the tabloids are eating it, but they don’t care for the gossip
> Kissing on stage during a gig, especially HenVic or HenPat
> HenVic Spray Painting the tourbus
> Having sex on the toubus is pure hell for Patrick’s long limbs
> Making a mess in the hotelroom during all too kinky sesions
> Vic stagediving
> Vic smashing his guitare
> Patrick setting his bass on fire
> Reg being a kinda good rapper
> Patrick trolling on twitter
> Vic’s instagram being goals
> Reg’s instagram basically being food aestetic heaven
> Henry not excisting on social media whatsoever
> Getting busted giving each other BJ’s in public toilet and owning it on the Ellen show.
> Vic and Pat wearing guyliner
> Patrick having no filter in during interviews, spilling a lot of sexual details
> ‘Vic can’t sit right now, his ass hurts too much from what happened in the green room’ before the accustic song
> Deep emo lyrics that Patrick somehow comes up with at the most dumbass moments, even though Patrick’s ability to emote is like -3
> Self made music video with low budget that still look good
> Rivalry with the Losers!Band
> Twitter Spats between Vic and Stan that are too snarky for the world
> Flipping off paparzzo’s is Henry’s hobby
> Reg and his passion of sexy fast cars
> Being sensual with each other in music video’s
> Messy af live streams
> There are sex tapes
> They might be leaked, or not
> Maybe Vic is deliberately on pornhub
> Crossdressing Vic
> Getting high in the studio
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