#brainy Brian
fungerisms · 5 months
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horrid henry cuz ive been rewatching this series while working and im having quite a lot of fun with it :]]
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catdets · 2 months
Purple Hand Polycule
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florang · 20 days
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Brainy Brian and Clever Clare.
Friend or Foe?
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I had to make this, I was so boreddddd!!!! I kinda changed a few captions to make it fit the characters better. Well enjoy this shitty meme 😂🫶🏻🫰🏻
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an-au-blog · 4 months
People often talk about the main or relevant characters in Horrid Henry.. but I don't think people realize just how interesting some other characters are.
Gurinder, Nicola, Soraya, Linda, and Susan, all members of the secret club, are overshadowed by Margaret. But there's so much to them
We know nothing about Soraya's dad, just her mom, and according to the books, it seems their relationship is up for interpretation, but it does seem like her mom supports her, and she has a bunny rabbit that we see twice in the show, the way she gently holds it and so close to her body might just be me but it seems she's very loving and caring towards it. We see she's one of if not the nicest girl in the secret club, while there's not much to explore, her special interest for music and singing is something I feel can be explored, call me crazy but she also seems autistic coded to me ( as an autistic person )
Nicola strays from the norms of the show, both in terms of mannerisms, gender, accent, and relationships, they're not exactly anyone's friend, they like messing with people and watching the world burn seemingly just for the fuck of it. Whether they're just an ass or have reasons for it, it would still be nice to see more of them.
Linda, in the books, is confirmed to have a SHIT sleep schedule because of her parents, making her sleep at the wrong time, but yet even when asleep, according to that Mastermind episode, she's still conscious of her surroundings in some way and is still able to learn, and even as seen in another episode, she can work well while drowsy, even at her age. So we have her parents and her insane intelligence and skill to explore.
And oh
Gurinder and Susan.. I'll save the most complex for last.
Susan, Margaret's little puppet, het shadow, her magnet, we almost never see Susan alone or away from Margaret, she does whatever Margaret does and just copies her sometimes. We see she's nicer, more apologetic, considerate, and isn't just some broken record, but she lets Margaret take lead and do whatever she says. We don't see her have any other friends, we don't see her talking much to others at all, and Margaret doesn't exactly seem to care, in the red roof hang episode she seems to notice how Susan goes unnoticed but doesn't really care, she gets pissy with Susan over small mistakes and slip ups.. and she just takes it
Now. Remember when Susan said that her mom got her to change her little sister's diapers all the time ? And now her littlr sister is vicious ?
The way she responds to and follows Margaret, the way her little sister acts, and that line about diaper changing alone could say a lot about her life.
Where are your parents.
We've got confirmation of the others' parents existing minus Nicola. What about you ?
You've mentioned your mother twice, we've never seen her. You never mention a father figure.
And if the wiki is correct, how are there so many siblings in your family ?
We've seen Gurinder at that Happiest Family contest, and alone
When the official Twitter account talks about parents, we never hear about Gurinder's family. Is it possible Gurinder's parents are gone ?
We rarely hear him talk about his family in general outside of a mention of his little sister.
And he seems very obsessed with his appearance, likely more than Margaret, even the smallest thing like a needle can make him worry, he's very nervous about it, but why is that ? What makes him seem so obsessed and nervous ? Almost everything revolving around his character relates to beauty and we don't go much into it.
And what sparked the implied friendship between him and Henry ? Out of everyone in the secret club, he seems most comfortable with Gurinder
And will we ever talk about his transmasc coding ?????
There's so much unanswered about the other club members
Perhaps an AU can exist where we have a spinoff of watching the other characters like the other 5 SC members to get more lore on them
Aaaaa! I love overanalysing bg characters!
About Vicky, I was actually so surprised that she's Susan's sister. It's very interesting to me because they seem so different and not even as in a "sisters who act and like different things"... but maybe I'm looking way too much into it. I feel like their family situation is interesting and I'm assuming that the kids kind of self-parent and maybe that's why Susan is so easy to latch onto Margaret, because she doesn't have to be the one making the decisions or taking care of things. (Even though she's kind of used as a secretary anyway... though that would still mean she's not completely in charge because she doesn't take the executive decisions and I'm not a big sister but I've been in a position where I have to decide everything and take charge and it's really tiring sometimes...)
Nicola is very interesting because, yes, they are an agent of chaos and don't really fit in either of the two clubs/gangs. But what stunned me was that in the first episode, when she was asked who she wanted as a "guide", they chose Henry because (in my opinion) she thought he would be an easy mark. It was kind of evident that the teacher wasn't very fond of him from the start, so blaming him would be easy? She didn't expect so many people to back her up. And they wouldn't have! If it weren't for the oddly fitting circumstances that gave him the perfect alibi. It's mind-boggling how well she deduced that situation and later on, she keeps reminding the audience how observant she is and how well they can strategies (especially for a kid this age). She's kind of the best type of antagonist - always in the shadows and lurking I love Nicola so much!
Idk about Gurinder's gender, but I love that both the Secret Club and the Purple Hand gang have a member that is on good terms with the "other side". (I'm talking about Brainy Brian.)
Here's one of the boys I love seeing: Brainy Brian is also really interesting to me because, in all 7-to-10-year-old logic, he shouldn't really be considered as cool as he is. And yes, I'm getting into stereotypes here, he asks a lot of questions in class, and as far as I remember he also reminded the teacher about homework/tests, but he's also well-loved and treated as an equal. And I get that it's (again) strongly stereotypical, but I love seeing him do all his smart shenanigan stuff and the rest of them getting all invested in it (like in that one ep where they made a machine to pass on a message for Henry).
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eatralph · 24 days
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i got possessed
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glassheartaura · 11 months
🐣/ rant but it's so obvious that the horrid henry fandom has large favoritism for HenRalph, Henry, Ralph, and like occasionally includes other characters like Margaret Susan Al and Brian.
Henry gets all the love for being transmasc coded and might have a crush on Ralph but god forbid that Gurinder is also transmasc coded and might have a crush on Soraya
Also people constantly portray Peter, Margaret snd Susan as pure evil, yes Peter is spoiled by his parents which then leads to him acting like a bitch, yes Margaret is an asshole to her parents and bullies Henry, Susan.. really isn't that bad, she honestly seems more like she's annoying Margaret on purpose . But we've seen instances of them being good, Margaret and Peter do sometimes genuinely seem to care about Henry and try to help them because guess what their characters are developing, I'm not trying to say they're angels I'm just saying that they're not as horrible as some people make them out to be
Some of you favorite Henry and Ralph so much that you just baby them it's so annoying. They're jokesters, yes, I can see them going " owo " or " I'm sho showwy " but only to be silly or to jokingly annoy others, and it's ok to admit that they're sometimes assholes, Henry is still on about his " boys > girls " thing ( though he is getting better because he's maturing because that's how growing up works ) and Rude Ralph. Is rude. I'm not saying they're horrible kids but it's ok to portray them as being more annoying
I know the show centers around Henry but c'mon, it's ok to expand a little or at least portray the characters right
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typhlonectes · 1 year
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Fish can recognize themselves in photos, further evidence they may be self-aware
Self-awareness may be more widespread among animals than we once thought
Some fish can recognize their own faces in photos and mirrors, an ability usually attributed to humans and other animals considered particularly brainy, such as chimpanzees, scientists report. Finding the ability in fish suggests that self-awareness may be far more widespread among animals than scientists once thought.
“It is believed widely that the animals that have larger brains will be more intelligent than animals of the small brain,” such as fish, says animal sociologist Masanori Kohda of Osaka Metropolitan University in Japan. It may be time to rethink that assumption, Kohda says.
Kohda’s previous research showed that bluestreak cleaner wrasses can pass the mirror test, a controversial cognitive assessment that purportedly reveals self-awareness, or the ability to be the object of one’s own thoughts. The test involves exposing an animal to a mirror and then surreptitiously putting a mark on the animal’s face or body to see if they will notice it on their reflection and try to touch it on their body. Previously only a handful of large-brained species, including chimpanzees and other great apes, dolphins, elephants and magpies, have passed the test.
In a new study, cleaner fish that passed the mirror test were then able to distinguish their own faces from those of other cleaner fish in still photographs. This suggests that the fish identify themselves the same way humans are thought to — by forming a mental image of one’s face, Kohda and colleagues report February 6 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences...
Read more: 
photographs of Bluestreak Cleaner Wrasse:  Izuzuki; Matthias Kleine; w/ Doubleband Surgeonfish by Brian Gratwicke CC
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little-miss-dilf-lover · 10 months
Sorry sorry but I can't help myself, the power this man holds I swear. I feel like aaron and brian just fit them so right??
Sorry for the angst, I actually wanted to save it for when you're requests are open but I thought it's too sad and you might not want to write it. Is it ok if I extend it a little and send it a few days later? (Apologies if it's too much but you've just awoken something in me that I didn't know I had)
But I'm so in love wirh the idea that you'd be that one unfathomably cool trio that is just so reckless and chaotic. We'd be the brain of the group (if that makes sense) and the only one who thinks before we act. Feel like we would be able to handle ourself in small fights, so he sometimes just stands there, awe struck, watching you like, yep, that's my girl. But god forbid someone manages to lay a finger on you, he'll see red. He WILL choke the man to death, no questions asked.
In the novel it is mentioned that he likes to read while on missions (when he has the time that is) so I can just imagine him grabbing two books for both of you as you sit and read like the classy couple that you two are. ("Killed 12 people and y'all are over here reading." lem, probably)
This is so self indulgent so I apologize but if you're first language isn't english, he WILL learn a few things just for you. He adores the surprised look on your face, followed by that pretty smile and laugh of yours.
In an interview with aaron and brian, aaron looked confused at the word "simp" and I can just picture that with tan and lem. He doesn't spend that much time on the internet so when lem hits him with the "You're whipped." or "Man's got it down bad." he'd look so confused.
Ok but imagine you trim his moustache, omg, he'll have you sit on his lap, his hands gently placed on your waist, you'd be too focused to notice the soft look in his eyes. "Darlin' stop smiling, I'll mess up." he mutter a sorry but the smile still remains present on his face.
Rewatched the movie, love the way this man looks in his full suit. Gotta ask, what's your fav scene of him? Or maybe your fav line of his? I'm in love with the way he explains the white death's backstory, he looks so good in that scene too. Also like the way he says tickety-boo, it's just so silly. Again, I'm so sorry, I said I'll wait a few days but I just couldn't. Just when I send in the ideas I get new ones, no thoughts, head empty, only tan. If you want I'll write them in my notes and save them for few days later.
💺 anon
1. not to worry, he still has me in one too. and right?!?
2. don’t worry about it!! was a beautifully sad idea. yes yes!! you’re more than welcome to expand it
3. YES!!! like the brainy/ maybe techy one. I feel like he’d let you have your moment/ revenge/ fighting time etc until it gets too close, like he knows you can handle yourself and don’t need a guy to defend/ protect, but tan wouldn’t risk it. like after a few minutes if you’re still fighting, he’ll come and help (he knows you could’ve done it, but again he didn’t wanna risk you getting killed/ really badly injured) you’re like “I nearly had him” and he’s like “yeah, I know” but he’s grinning and checking you over for cuts/ wounds etc
4. UGHH I LOVE THAT!! very classy, sitting in first class, legs crossed reading the same book😩 that lem moment😭😭perfect
5. omg yes!!! even more cute and perfect if it’s broken and the verbs and tenses are wrong and he says something in different language and you’re like “you said, ‘I am very beautiful’” 😭😭😭 and you’re trying not to laugh or embarrass him
6. AHAHAHA yes!! I feel like lem knows lots of the lingo, and tan is at a loss, “peng? what the fuck is peng” “what the fuck does that mean?” so lem is always educating him on the words. I feel like he sounds old when he asks about it, like “when did people stop saying …” “what’s wrong with saying …”
7. 🫠🫠🫠🫠 that’s all I gotta say about that one, omg!!?! melting and crying at that thought. WANT THAT
8. well… I haven’t watched it in a while, but I have many memorable moments. so I love when he walks off the train and lighting his cig (for obvious reasons) when he’s punching the back train window (again, for obvious reasons) when he and lem are debating the 16/17 kill count. and quotes … “you following me? stop… arsehole” and something along the lines of “story about when gordon met percy and how percy’s bleeding from his fucking eye sockets” “not particularly, no” “some 80s dance off, innit” AAAAHH NEED TO REWATCH IT AGAIN SO BAD
don’t worry about it bby, if and evenever you get ideas, keep them in your notes and then like this time and last send them over. don’t worry about sending in a few days, if you wanna, send them when you want. I said send too many times😭😭 hope you catch my drift
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hitchell-mope · 2 months
Supergirl hospital au.
Kara Danvers. Chief of Paediatric Surgery. Nicknamed “Supergirl” for her near perfect success rate. Married to Mike. Mother of Eddie and Tony.
Mike Matthews. Chief of General Surgery. Nicknamed Mon El for his middle names of Montgomery Ellington. Uses his very large inheritance to fund life saving surgery for the patients whose insurance won’t allow it. Married to Kara. Father to Eddie and Tony.
Alex Danvers. Chief of Orthopaedic Surgery. Kara’s adoptive sister. Bit of an adrenaline junkie. Wife to Kelly. Mother to Esme.
Kelly Olsen. Chief of Psychiatry. Staunch advocate for her patients rights. Even if it means going against Alex. James’s sister. Alex’s wife. Mother to Esme.
James Olsen. Chief of Cardiothoracic Surgery. One of Kara’s best friends. Very kind. But can lay down the law when necessary. Kelly’s brother. Lucy’s husband.
Lucy Lane. Chief of Trauma Surgery. Military Veteran. Tends to be tougher than need be sometimes. But she’s getting better. James’s wife.
Nia Nal. Chief of Plastic Surgery. A teensy bit New Agey. But not to the degree that it interrupts her career. Sees Kara as her mentor. Brainy’s wife.
Brian Ackerman V. Chief of Neurological Surgery. Nicknamed Brainy due to being a child prodigy and working at the hospital since he was 16 years old. Nia’s husband.
Winn Schott. Chief of Radiology. Knows how to put patients at ease. One of Kara’s best friends. Samantha’s husband. Ruby’s stepfather.
Samantha Arias. Chief of Obstetric Surgery. One of Kelly’s more recent patients due to her previously undiagnosed bipolar disorder. Winn’s wife. Ruby’s mother.
William Dey. Chief of Oncology. Recently moved from England. Excellent baker. Samantha’s best friend. Has a will they/won’t they going with Andrea.
Andrea Rojas. Used to be a pharmaceutical representative. But now she’s joined Mike’s class of interns as penance for the actions of her father and her former friend Lena. Has a will they won’t they going with William
J’onn J’onzz. Former Chief of Neurological Surgery. Now Chairman of the Board. Has a little bit of trouble staying out of the game. Father figure to Kara and Alex.
Eliza Danvers. Former Chief of General Surgery. Now on the Board of Administrators. Always up for a chat. Alex’s mother and Kara’s adoptive mother.
Cat Grant. Former Chief of Cardiothoracic Surgery. Now on the Board of Administrators. Carter’s mother and self ascribed mother figure to Mike.
Morgan Edge. Former Chief of Trauma Surgery. Now on the Board of Administrators. He’s a realist, therefore prickly. But otherwise harmless.
Carter Grant. In Mike’s intern class with Andrea. Nicknamed The New Brainy for being the hospitals newest child prodigy. Cat’s only son. Ruby’s best friend.
Ruby Arias. The hospital is her second home. Wishes to be a Trauma Surgeon. But she’s scared of blood. Carter’s best friend. Tries to keep him grounded where she can.
Lillian Luthor. Runs a highly successful pharmaceutical company. More concerned with appearances than people. Lex’s mother. Lena’s stepmother.
Lex Luthor. Pharmaceutical representative. Smarmy and shallow. Doesn’t care who he hurts as long as the product is sold. Lillian’s favourite child.
Lena Luthor. Pharmaceutical representative. Lillian’s stepdaughter. Hated by all who know her. Including her husband Maxwell.
Maxwell Lord. “Celebrity Doctor”. Deals more in placebos than actual cures. Not as charming as Lex. But he gets the job done. Lena’s husband.
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nastya-sokolova-2002 · 10 months
Julia Brain’s mother could be named Jessica and Julian could have a brother named Brian.
Sorry, anonym, but you're late because now there is Julia Brain's mother in the previous post. :) And yes, Julia Brain's mom in the previous post is called Brainy. And about brother of Julian, I need to think very well🤔
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influencermagazineuk · 10 months
Anthony Michael Hall, A Journey Through Iconic Roles and Versatile Performances
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Anthony Michael Hall is a versatile and accomplished actor known for his contributions to the world of entertainment. With a career spanning several decades, he has left a lasting impact on film and television with his memorable performances. Let's delve into the career and accomplishments of Anthony Michael Hall. - "Sixteen Candles": Anthony Michael Hall gained widespread recognition for his role as the lovable and geeky character, Ted "The Geek" in the classic coming-of-age comedy "Sixteen Candles." His portrayal of the awkward teenager endeared him to audiences and showcased his comedic talents. - "The Breakfast Club": In another iconic '80s film, Anthony Michael Hall played Brian Johnson, the brainy and nerdy student in detention. His performance in "The Breakfast Club" resonated with viewers, as he brought depth and vulnerability to his character's struggles and insecurities. - "Weird Science": Continuing his successful collaborations with director John Hughes, Anthony Michael Hall starred in "Weird Science" as Gary Wallace. The film follows two high school students who create the perfect woman using computer technology, leading to a series of hilarious and entertaining misadventures. - "Johnny Be Good": Anthony Michael Hall showcased his comedic talents once again in this sports comedy film, portraying Johnny Walker, a highly sought-after high school football player. The movie provided an opportunity for Hall to display his charisma and wit on the big screen. - "Edward Scissorhands": In Tim Burton's gothic fantasy film, Anthony Michael Hall took on the role of Jim, the antagonistic boyfriend of Kim Boggs (Winona Ryder). The film allowed him to explore a darker and more complex character, showcasing his versatility as an actor. - "The Dead Zone" (TV Series): Anthony Michael Hall's talent extended beyond the big screen to television, where he starred as Johnny Smith in "The Dead Zone." His compelling portrayal of a man with psychic abilities garnered critical acclaim and solidified his place as a respected actor in the television industry. - "War Machine": In this satirical war film, Anthony Michael Hall appeared alongside Brad Pitt, playing the role of Greg Pulver, a no-nonsense military officer. The film offered him the chance to work with renowned actors and showcase his abilities in a different genre. Throughout his career, Anthony Michael Hall has demonstrated his versatility as an actor, effortlessly transitioning between comedic and dramatic roles. His performances have left a lasting impression on audiences, and his talent continues to be celebrated by fans and fellow actors alike. As he continues to take on new projects, the entertainment industry eagerly anticipates more remarkable performances from this seasoned and accomplished actor. THE BREAKFAST CLUB, Anthony Michael Hall, 1985. ©Universal Pictures/Courtesy Everett Collection Read the full article
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dirtyyellowdog · 1 year
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mojoworlddotcom · 2 years
I love it when i read one issue of a random comic because a character i like makes a cameo and one of the main guys is like "i cant teleport away because our fight with gorgonzala prime wore me out!*" [*last issue! --brainy brian] and im like oh no not the teleportation!
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eatralph · 1 year
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who is that blondie, i dont recognize them
josh, soraya and brian with their white friend /j
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glassheartaura · 2 months
I've discussed this before but I'll say it again; the PHG and SC seem to parralel and connect to each other in some ways
There's obvious ones like Henry/Margaret, Ralph/Susan, and Al/Linda
We can argue Bert/Soraya as Bert is a tall, heavy built guy who doesn't speak much, while Soraya is small, chubby built, and pretty vocal
That just leaves Gurinder who I believe has this sort of connection with Brian
Outside of appearance, I would argue they have things in common
Brian has academic smarts, while Gurinder has survival smarts ( hygiene )
This bit now is just a hc but I think it'd be funny amd make sense if, because of this, Gurinder had lots of media smarts, knowing a lot about certain franchises and characters
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