kramlabs · 2 months
Anyone remember the literal dead body* in Joe Scarborough’s office when he was a part of the Republican Revolution in Congress?
Meanwhile, Joe gushing over the emperor’s new clothes:
LINK for more gushing
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*Internet archive still has the Gawker article:
Say her name: Lori Klausutis
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immaculatasknight · 6 months
Tarpley's prescience
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sinoeurovoices · 1 year
法廣:自去年底,中國突然結束清零政策,打開國門以來,全球許多國家的領導人便紛至沓來,尤為引人注目的是歐洲多國領導人接連訪問中國:從去年11月德國總理朔爾茨的中國之行,到12月歐洲理事會主席米歇爾訪華;從今年3月,即將在7月1日起接任歐盟輪值主席的西班牙首相桑切斯前往海南參加博鰲論壇,隨後再到北京與習近平會面,到4月法國總統馬克龍與歐盟委員會主席馮德萊恩聯袂訪華,以及德國外長的接踵而至,無一不凸顯了歐盟在斟酌對華戰略的同時,不願放棄與中國合作的���願。 不過,各方領導人在中國訪問期間採取的立場卻不盡相同。尤其是法國總統馬克龍在結束中國之行後作出的一些表述引發了極大的反響,似乎顯現了歐盟內部的不和諧之音。如何看待歐盟與中國的關系?如何評判歐盟各方對中國的不同表現?對此,歐洲之聲社長廖天琪女士向我們闡述了她的看法。法國總統馬克龍與德國外長貝伯克是最近到訪中國的兩位歐洲國家領導人。他們面對中國的…
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stuartbramhall · 2 years
To Govern the Globe: World Orders and Catastrophic Change
To Govern the Globe: World Orders and Catastrophic Change
To Govern the Globe: World Orders and Catastrophic Change By Alfred W McCoy Book Review This book concerns the concept of “world orders,” which McCoy describes as over-arching global control by a single empire. He asserts there have been three world orders in the last 500 years. The first was the Iberian world order, lasting from 1494 (with the creation of the first New World colonies) until…
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fadedday · 23 days
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Photography by Pawel Brzezinski
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tomoleary · 7 days
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Anton Brzezinski “Spaceships Galore” (undated) Source
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gregor-samsung · 1 month
" 1999. La Nato inizia a violare i patti invitando e inglobando Polonia, Repubblica Ceca e Ungheria, anche se la Russia in ginocchio non rappresenta alcuna minaccia. Mosca protesta, ma non ha la forza di reagire. È la prima applicazione delle teorie dell’ex consigliere per la Sicurezza nazionale di Jimmy Carter, Zbigniew Brzezinski, e dei “neocon” della destra americana sull’esigenza di circondare, assediare, provocare e dissanguare la Russia costringendola a un riarmo sempre più costoso, a una reazione armata e a una definitiva sconfitta militare. La seconda mossa della Nato è attaccare il principale alleato dei russi in Europa: la Serbia di Slobodan Miloševic, bombardata per 11 settimane senza alcun mandato dell’Onu. Incredibilmente l’Occidente si schiera con i separatisti albanesi del Kosovo, in gran parte musulmani, che con il loro “esercito di liberazione” – la famigerata Uck – compiono da anni stragi e attentati terroristici contro la minoranza serba e vogliono staccarsi da Belgrado. Ma si finge di non vederli, mentre parte la propaganda Usa sulla “pulizia etnica” e le “fosse comuni” serbe, in parte vere (come quelle kosovare) e in parte inscenate dai Servizi americani per far fallire i negoziati di Rambouillet (Parigi). Così il 24 marzo la Nato, Italia inclusa, inizia a bombardare Belgrado e altri centri della Serbia e del Kosovo, anche e soprattutto su obiettivi civili. Bilancio di quei 78 giorni di attacchi ininterrotti: tra i 1.200 e i 2.500 morti, quasi tutti civili, e un fiume di profughi. Ma la Nato non la chiama guerra, bensì “operazione di ingerenza umanitaria”.
Eltsin telefona a Clinton: “È inaccettabile: è il primo segnale di cosa potrebbe accadere se la Nato arrivasse ai confini della Russia. Le fiamme della guerra potrebbero bruciare per tutta l’Europa”. Ma neppure stavolta ha la forza per reagire: è vecchio e malato, e le sue folli liberalizzazioni suggerite dal Fmi hanno messo la Russia in ginocchio. Però Eltsin scatena la seconda guerra in Cecenia contro i ribelli separatisti e islamisti. Poi nomina premier il direttore del Servizio segreto Fsb (l’ex Kgb), Vladimir Putin, che a fine anno lo sostituirà anche come presidente. E in dieci anni riconquisterà la Cecenia con massacri, devastazioni indicibili e decine di migliaia di morti su entrambi i fronti. Intanto avvierà il riscatto economico e strategico della Russia, ma a prezzo di un regime sempre più autoritario e repressivo. "
Marco Travaglio, Scemi di Guerra. La tragedia dell’Ucraina, la farsa dell’Italia. Un Paese pacifista preso in ostaggio dai NoPax, PaperFIRST (Il Fatto Quotidiano), febbraio 2023¹ [Libro elettronico].
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randgugotur-6 · 1 month
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rawsmackdownnxtdivas · 8 months
Melanie Brzezinski 💞
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kramlabs · 8 months
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immaculatasknight · 6 months
Webster Tarpley on Brzezinski's follies
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Special counsel Jack Smith's team has obtained lawyer notes showing that former President Donald Trump was warned that he could not keep any classified documents in response to a subpoena he failed to comply with last year, according to The Guardian.
Trump lawyer Evan Corcoran, who was ordered to testify before a grand jury by a judge after prosecutors pierced his attorney-client privilege claims, conveyed the previously unreported warning to the former president last year, according to the report. The warning "could be significant" in Smith's probe because it shows that he was aware of his subpoena obligations, according to the report.
"Trump knew. He's always known," tweeted MSNBC legal analyst Katie Phang.
The warning was included in about 50 pages of contemporaneous notes written by Corcoran.
Corcoran in June found about 40 classified documents in a Mar-a-Lago storage room. He met with Justice Department investigators and later drafted a letter affirming that no other materials were at the property. But the FBI later found about 100 more classified documents while executing a court-authorized warrant in August.
Prosecutors are investigating whether Trump intentionally sought to obstruct the subpoena. They have particularly "fixated" on Trump valet Walt Nauta, who told prosecutors that Trump personally told him to move boxes out of the storage room before and after the subpoena was issued.
Corcoran's notes "revealed how Trump and Nauta had unusually detailed knowledge of the botched subpoena response, including where Corcoran intended to search and not search for classified documents at Mar-a-Lago, as well as when Corcoran was actually doing his search," according to The Guardian's Hugo Lowell.
Though prosecutors are typically barred from reviewing attorney notes, Corcoran's attorney-client privilege claims were pierced after a judge agreed with prosecutors that Trump may have used Corcoran's legal services to further a crime.
The notes described how Corcoran told Nauta about the subpoena ahead of the search because he needed him to unlock the storage room, which prosecutors have taken a sign that the aide was closely involved in the search, according to the report. Corcoran also wrote that Nauta offered to help him go through the boxes, though the attorney declined.
Corcoran's notes also revealed that the search took several days and there were times when the storage room may have been left unattended during the search, according to the report.
Prosecutors would need to show that Trump instructed Nauta to remove boxes he expressly knew included classified documents covered by a subpoena with the intention of hiding them from his attorney's search, the report noted.
Trump's attorneys have argued that the subpoena response is incomplete because Corcoran was not as thorough as he should have been because he delayed the search and did not realize how many boxes were in the storage room.
The DOJ interviewed Nauta last year and believed that he was not forthcoming about his account of moving the boxes. Prosecutors threatened to charge Nauta with lying to the FBI after he gave contradictory answers but Nauta stopped cooperating with prosecutors after his lawyer demanded an immunity deal. Prosecutors have since asked other witnesses about what Nauta did with the boxes, according to the report.
"This is nothing more than a targeted, politically motivated witch-hunt against President Trump that is concocted to meddle in an election and prevent the American people from returning him to the White House," a Trump spokesperson told The Guardian.
MSNBC host Mike Brzezinski interviewed Lowell about his report, noting that "every time I read into this, I'm just shocked at the stupidity of those, honestly, of former President Trump, moving documents in and out of his office before and after the subpoena, and I guess having people do it for him."
Lowell explained that the previously unreported warning is a "problem for the former president."
"And it becomes a problem for his legal team and there's a whole bunch of other stuff in the notes about how the valet had unusually detailed knowledge about where the lawyer was conducting his searches for classified documents," he told MSNBC, "and I think the special counsel's office is looking at this as the core, the heart of the obstruction investigation."
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sketchygabz · 1 year
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A lil Valentine’s Day shitpost for all your overpriced holiday needs! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
The good doctor belongs to @lizteaart ~
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factcheckdotorg · 4 months
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fadedday · 19 days
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Photography by Pawel Brzezinski
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tomoleary · 4 months
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Anton Brzezinski - Centaur and Friends Painting Original Art (1995)
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