#but I prefer to compare it to PP
byakuyasdarling · 8 months
I like how I say “I don’t have an opinion on this!” And then form a strict opinion 12 hours later LMAO
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demonsword586 · 9 days
Gehenna pp headcanons! (Just nobles)
(A little warning. This gets explicit. I was trying to make it goofy but I think I might have gone a bit....off. Still I hope you enjoy it. Mind you,I never saw a pp before,only an imaginary one of my friend and they still didn't let me poke it.)
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- Okay let's start off with the size...just from what I seen of him,I think he's on the bigger side. Definetlly bigger than Satan and his king is still pissed about that from time to time.
- 20-21 cm I think
-Now he is a gentleman. He was raised in hell called Hades. Which means he was probably taught of proper higene. In other words,this man's lower region is as smooth as a baby.
-Smells like tea. He drank so much tea,his piss now smells good and his cum tastes like black tea.
-Now for the shape and color. I think his tip is on a brighter side of pink. It's suprisingly slim and elegant compared to someone like Satan who's penis looks like a meat claymore.
-Anyway good penis on a good man. Refreshing as well if you need a man with flavoured cum.
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- Hmm....Now for Zagan,I think he's a grower.
-His bulge is pretty small but if we think on how much he exercises,there's no way he isn't training his penis as well.
-Okay hear me out. He has a little workout routine for his pp. He flexes up his muscles and makes it go up and down,probably does a helicopter to warm it up.
-And it actually works! His pp has grown in lenght and girth from his training and now he can make it hard on command.
-He does smell a bit funny though. He works out and while yes,you can hide the scent of sweat on most of your body,this is one part where he can'r mask the scent because it is simply too strong.
-My point? His pp smells...of manliness!
-He tries to take care of his pubes but would prefer to keep a small white bush above the shaft. You can't get him to shave it off tho. The bush stays.
-Also I think most of his cock is the color of his skin except his tip which is just one shade lighter.
-His seed tastes like protein tho.
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- Tucks it. I can't explain why but he tucks it. This bulge? Those are his balls.
-The actual size of it is around 13 cm. A little small for a devil but still packs a punch.
-He wears very cute underwear. He knows no one will see it but it just feels nice to know he has something cute on. Wears comfier undies when he's home and done for the day.
-Likes to put glitter on it. He just thought it would be a funny little thing if he putted some of that super fine and sticky glitter on the shaft....and now he puts on a little fasion show for the other nobles every once in awhile.
-It's actually good tho. He uses those little brushes and stencils. He once even did it for Leraye who then ran around pantless to show everyone how talented Paimon is at dick decoration.
-Sometimes when he thinks he doesn't smell good,he might put some parfume on it. Don't be suprised when his pp smells like flowers or vanilla.
-Very well groomed. No hair on the balls or around the penis. The only thing that he does have...is a little heart shaped bush slightly above his pp.
-The penis itself is on a little more girthy side and when hard it leans slightly to the right. Pretty pale with a pale pink tip.
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- flat
- Anyway Leraye I think is also a grower. It may not look impressive flaccid wirh only 12 cm but when it gets HARD..oh boy. It goes from a puppy to a wolf. This thing is easily 21 cm once you wake it up.
- The shape is on a leaner side. Being slender but also long. He does hower go thicker around the base. But only at the base,like a slight knot.
- He once walked in on Zagan when he was warming up his pp with the helicopter move and then very euthusiasticlly asked Zagan to teach him.
-Next time you two were about to have a passionate night he wanted to show you a trick. Wipes it out and then swings his pp around like a disco ball while saying 'Look what I can do!😃' It ended up being a little joke between the two of you.
-Suprisingly doesn't have a headless teddy anywhere near his cock. If you ask him,maybe just our of curiousity,why he doesn't have a teddy there like on his horn he will look at you with dread. That would be just rude of him to dirty the dead body of a plushie by impaling it on his pp. He can't bring himself to go as low as Glasyal.
- He does have a bit of pubic hair. A small, dishaved,blond bush . Very pretty and suits him. Please let him keep it.
-His cock is as milky as him. A very pretty color with a flush tip.
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- Normal. Questionably normal lenght. It's not too big and not too small. Just...normal. maybe falls a cm or two from perfect.
-It's also on a little skinnier side. Nice and thin.
-Still size isn't everything. It's important how he uses it....and unfortunatelly for you,he's good!
-He manages to fill in for the lack of impressivness with his experience.
-He is quite strong so with him you're able to try some more adventurous positions like the bicycle or the ballet dancer.
-Gets easily moist. His precum is very watery so his tip looks like it's always glistening.
-Very well groomed. Almost no hair down there except for a thin strip. Also the carpet maches the drapes,his pubes have red ends.
- He also has 2 frenum piercings. Astaroth recommended him to get them,saying " You will corrupt many mortals with these. "
-The dick itself is pretty pale with a darker shade of pink at the tip.
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- *cough* Sorry *cough* thighs...
-Anyway! Let's go from the size down....BIG. The snake on his bory isn't the only snake he has.
- 26 cm
- You know how snakes hide their pps in what looks like a slit? Yea Astaroth can do that.
-Normally he keeps it inside of himself,but when he gets shy or horny,it pops out and his pants suddenly look a little heavier. There was a time when Sitri didn't know about his anathomy and just saw him suddenly get a bulge. He asked him if he just shat himself.
- Once out and hard,his cock naturally curves upwards. It's just slightly thicker than a normal one but with how long it is,that may be for the best.
- He has a dydoe piercing on the head of it. He considered going for more but decided not to after how intense it felt. He does always wonder how it would feel like if his piercings got stuck inside of you. How romantic~ Two lovers tied together as one for eternity~ (Thankfully it never happens. He is nice enough to take them off if you don't like the feel of them)
- He likes to keep himself well groomed. I mean very well groomed. He waxes off everything and then puts extra virgin olive oil on top. He also puts some on his shaft from time to time to make it a bit more smooth and squishy.
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telomeke-bbs · 11 months
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I had never thought much about Nong Nao in Bad Buddy, dismissing Pat's favorite comfort object – a puppet of undefined genealogy and gender – as just another prop/device to highlight Pat's kid-at-heart nature.
But now I think there's just a tiny bit more to Nong Nao than meets the eye, if you look a little closer. What we learn also tells us more about Nong Nao's owner Pat (and it's not all light-hearted fun when it comes to the fore).
The Thai words for Nong Nao (I got this from the GMMTV online shop, linked here) are น้องเน่า, and running this through the online dictionaries turns up some interesting information.
The word nong (น้อง), as everybody knows now, is a term of address for someone younger than you (that also carries connotations of familiarity and informality). Most often employed for younger siblings, it can also be used in relationships where there is an older + younger sibling dynamic (e.g., between friends, seniors and juniors in school and university, sometimes at work too). And of course it can also be used as a term of endearment between two romantic partners, especially when the nong is younger and gives off babygirl energy.
The word nao (เน่า) actually means rotten or decayed. So one way to read Nong Nao is Rotten Little One, which helps to explain the doll's jumbled, Frankensteinishly patchworked appearance. But remembering that nong is also used for friends – another way to read Nong Nao is Rotten Little Pal. And tell me now, doesn't that sound more than just a little coincidentally like… Bad Buddy?
What this seems to be telling us is that Nong Nao must be the doll-pillow counterpart for the real bad buddy in Pat's life – Pran Parakul Siridechawat. Although you wouldn't really have needed to know this to have worked out that Nong Nao can easily be seen as a Pran-substitute in BBS.
Pat refers to Pran as the Nong to his Phi or Hia a couple of times in Bad Buddy (e.g., at Ep.10 [3I4] 18.50 and 19.56) and they themselves joke about Pran being Nong Nao/Nong Noo at Ep.8 [3I4] 6.30. Also, when Pran manages to fend off Pat's romantic thrusts during their Ep.7 courtship competition with gigil/geram-inducing parries, Pat's instinctive reaction is to vent his frustrations out on none other than poor little Nong Nao, his stand-in for Pran (see Ep.7 [1I4] 17.11).
But I think Nong Nao's significance goes deeper than just reminding Pat of Pran. We're also allowed a look into Pat's psychological interior, especially when we contrast his relationship to Nong Nao against what we know about Pran.
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If I'm reading this right, I think Pat's comfort object Nong Nao is also the parallel to Pran's comfort object – his PP hobo bag.
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The double P on Pran's faithful tote can be seen as a single P hiding a smaller one at its center, just the way Pran was nursing an unseen, unspoken crush on Pat in his heart for years (written up here).
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And we saw how Pran, when out and about, would rarely be seen without this emotional crutch that he would clasp to his person as some sort of psychological armor against the external world.
This makes sense, especially when we see how introverted Pran put in so much effort to build up walls against the outside, much preferring the solitude and psychological stillness of his own inner world, desolate as it might have been (see this write-up here for more analysis).
But Pat in many ways is the opposite of Pran, and nowhere is this more immediately visible than in his extroversion. Pat's energy is directed outward and (after Ep.1 and Pran's return) he is often, if not always, full of sunshine and jovial smiles in the company of others (not when the situation is sad or threatening of course, but definitely when it is at least neutral, if not happy).
A clear example of this would be the scene at the Jae Si Curry House starting at Ep.2 [2/4] 0.18 – Pran's demeanor at the Archi boys' table is so serious and buttoned-up, compared to Pat's hearty laughs and unguarded body language at the Engine boys' table (and BBS also takes a highlighter pen to this with Pran inside under shelter while Pat is outside in the open). 🤩
So for extrovert Pat, being out in the world is his comfort zone, and is also why in Ep.8 he couldn't stop himself from posting little photos on Instagram hinting at their love affair with the hashtag #JustFriends (see Ep.8 [4/4] 0.56), much to secretive Pran's chagrin.
However, what BBS only quietly suggests (without showing it to us directly) is that Pat doesn't seem to do so well when it's just him alone. He says at Ep.7 [2/4] 5.46 "I can’t sleep if I don’t have Nong Nao in my arms", which at first I took to be solely a ruse to get Pran over to his apartment. But now I think it hints of more, that extrovert Pat's inner world is not really a place he likes to inhabit, unlike introvert Pran who takes refuge in his internal sanctuary.
With regard to Nong Nao's age, Pran refers to the doll-pillow as neither new nor old, but "oldish" (see Ep.7 [2/4] 5.43). So it's not a relic from Pat's early childhood, which would be about a decade and a half prior (and Nong Nao's appearance also aligns with this).
I'm only guessing, but it would seem that Pat took to needing Nong Nao to help him fall asleep maybe in his early teens or just before? This would be around the time when an individual starts questioning their identity and how it relates to their sense of self.
I think what BBS shows us is that Pran has a pretty strong grip on his own mindset and identity. His inner world can't have been the most comfortable, but it was comfortable enough for him because it was the single source of truth about himself and reassuring in its unchanging nature (see this write-up here).
On the other hand Pat's innermost self, at least before he coupled up with Pran, must have been quite a different environment. From childhood Ming had pushed his son to be a proxy in his battle with the Siridechawats, and the naturally-open and loving Pat was taught, maybe even forced against his better instincts, to "hate" Pran next door (using own word from Ep.10 [4/4] 10.32).
So when in the world outside, Pat was fully sure of himself and his role there. But when it was just him alone, his outside self wouldn't have gelled with his internal reality and must have caused him all sorts of unease and uncertainty.
For how can you be comfortable and secure in your own company, when you are in some ways a stranger to yourself, and you don't truly recognize who you are? Within his inner confines, Pat would have been seeing diverse versions of himself juxtaposed and jostling for centerstage, and to have had these different, seemingly-familiar faces haunting your (sub- or semi-) consciousness would likely have been a scarily disorientating scenario in one so young.
And when Pran was sent away, teen Pat no longer had Pran's company and counsel, and no more tin-can phone calls right before bedtime to comfort him and keep him safe from whatever demons lurked in the darkness whenever it was just him alone in his world.
It's not surprising that Nong Nao would have been a tremendous comfort to Pat, because this reminder of his unadulterated friendship with Pran, borne from his true self and unpolluted by Ming's influence, was also a reminder of his true nature and identity in his head, where other renderings of Pat planted by Ming also had to co-exist like various ghostly beings, animated but not true to life.
What terrors must plague your night-time dreams, that you have to clutch a little stand-in babyghoul, appropriately monsterish as a shield against the monsters haunting your loneliest moments – and the horror only multiplies when you realize that the monsters are various versions of you?
How tragic is that, not to know your own heart, or to feel safe alone with it?
Maybe this is why for most of BBS, Pat is shown to us as being out of touch with his inner self (e.g., he could not tell that his incipient romantic feelings were for Pran and not Ink). I can see him escaping into the day as much as he could, fleeing from the darkness within – and when he had no choice at night, he had to have Nong Nao/Bad Buddy/Pran clutched to his front as armor. (But it appears that he could not escape things entirely, and the darkly-frowning Pat of Ep.1 [1I4] 1.08, devoid of Pran and beset by demons, is our first view of him before Pran comes back into his life.)
Pran was the original savior in BBS, when he saved Pa from drowning in Ep.1. He may not have known it, but I think he saved Pat too – from himself and the monster he had become. For it was Pran who helped Pat to see who he really was inside – someone open-hearted and capable of loving truly, not just some ghostly shell programmed only to hate the boy next door.
But just as Pran remained loyal to his PP bag throughout BBS, Pat never abandoned Nong Nao either, even when the little stitched-up imp no longer had to understudy for Pran in Pat's life after they became a couple, and even after Pat settled into knowing himself for who he truly was.
And I think this is because – even with Pran in his life as partner, soulmate and protector of his heart – our big-hearted boy with so much love to give isn't ever going to forsake any reminder of Pran Parakul Siridechawat, and will hold him tightly to his heart physically and figuratively, for all the rest of his life. 💖‌
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nordleuchten · 1 year
Hello! What was Lafayette's social status at the end of his life? Didn't the French Revolution do away with the entire aristocratic system or something so was he still technically a marquis? Did he still have a huge annual income? I think Adrienne was able to reclaim their confiscated land so I assume they could collect rent that way, but how would that and their general standing in society compare to their days in the ancien regime? Sorry for so many questions, I’m just so curious haha. Thank you for being such a great resource!
Dear Anon,
no need to apologize, I like getting asks. :-) So let us get right to it!
Yes, La Fayette was, at the end of his life, still a Marquis – or rather again. The French Revolution saw the abolishment of the monarchy and of noble titles alike. This was an idea that La Fayette very much promoted and supported so he did not mind the abolishment in and on itself. Later under Napoléon and then during the Bourbon Restoration, noble titles were given back, and new ones were created. La Fayette’s son Georges inherited his father’s title and his son then in turn inherited the titles from Georges. The line ended there because the family ran out of male heirs at this point. But although La Fayette was a Marquis again, he had a marked preference for the address General La Fayette – a nod to his republican tendencies and his military career. It was moreover a title that he had earned himself and that had the same meaning for his friends all around the world.
It is true that Adrienne managed to reclaim most of the family’s property through different methods and strategies. But there was also a lot that she could not get back, especially in terms of items of value that the family had once owned. The years that Adrienne and La Fayette were in prison had cost the family a great deal of money while simultaneously no money could be generated. By the time La Fayette and his family settled in Danish-Holstein, they were deeply in debt. Although never returning to the highs of their pre-Revolution wealth, the La Fayette’s were eventually once more well off – although there were some bumps in the rode and the help of America was greatly appreciated and needed. I have spoken about La Fayette’s financial concerns during different times of his life in the past but never in a single comprehensive post that I could link for you. It certainly is somewhere one my list, but I do not know if anybody would be interested in a breakdown of La Fayette’s finances. So instead of a detailed breakdown of his finances, there is this quote about the nature of his debts:
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“Enclosure: Lafayette’s Description of his Finances, [ca. 18 November 1809],” Founders Online, National Archives, https://founders.archives.gov/documents/Jefferson/03-02-02-0006-0002. [Original source: The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Retirement Series, vol. 2, 16 November 1809 to 11 August 1810, ed. J. Jefferson Looney. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2005, pp. 10–26.] (06/04/2023)
The same report also details La Fayette’s incomes:
3d A working farm that will bring him next year, all expenses taken into account, twelve to thirteen thousand francs in net income and will increase in value in ensuing years.
4th To this landed income we must add the balance of the pension owed to his rank as general, which amounts to six thousand francs minus a slight deduction.
It follows that supposing that all the debts are paid off by the land Congress had the munificence to give him in Louisiana, each of Mr. de Lafayette’s children receiving from him 3000.₶ in annuities, all his family receiving room and board at his house, he would have an income of eighteen thousand livres in annuities, which will be successively raised to 20,000.₶
“Enclosure: Lafayette’s Description of his Finances, [ca. 18 November 1809],” Founders Online, National Archives, https://founders.archives.gov/documents/Jefferson/03-02-02-0006-0002. [Original source: The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Retirement Series, vol. 2, 16 November 1809 to 11 August 1810, ed. J. Jefferson Looney. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2005, pp. 10–26.] (06/04/2023)
Some smaller incomes were left out and some of the numbers mentioned were at this point only estimated values. I would say, from all that I have read, that the farm at La Grange yielded eventually more than the proposed 12.000-13.000 ₶ but I have never seen any reports concerning La Grange’s actual performance. I would however say that the estimated range of his general incomes is correct.
Now to the last part of your question, La Fayette’s social standing after the French Revolution. This one is a bit tricky, because the French Revolution turned the whole of France’s social order inside out. The position that La Fayette had formerly occupied wasn’t any longer existing.
After the French Revolution, La Fayette was first imprisoned, then in exile and finally in “retirement” in France. He was during this time less a public than a private figure, but he could never again completely take off the mantle of a public persona. His engagement in the American Revolution was well known – but his actions during the French Revolution have brought his political, religious, and philosophical ideas to the home front. The French Revolution had made him enemies and had sharpened his profile. La Fayette, who never really like courtly life, used the shifted atmosphere after the French Revolution to engage more directly in politics and turn away from the court. France now had different elected political chambers and La Fayette served many years in those chambers. He took these elected positions very seriously but was also often more a silent member of said political bodies than an outspoken one. That is not to say that he could not be outspoken. He proofed during the 100 Days and during the three glorious days in 1832 that he still was one of the “big players”. As I said before, towards the end of his life La Fayette put more emphasis on his military titles than on his noble titles. He even became once more the commander of the National Guard for a short time in 1832. He was very interested in the cultural, artistical, philosophical and scientific life of the day and was a frequent guest in many of Paris foremost salons. He was not only interested in French political and social life but also in the affairs of other European and American countries. His opinions were well known, and he was respected for his adherence to his principles even by people who did not necessarily shared this principles. After the French Revolution La Fayette had moved away from the picture of the dashing young Marquis who had fought the British in America. Towards the end of his life, La Fayette was seen as more complex, more nuanced, more experienced. His life and social standing was still by far above the average but he also more and more valued a quite afternoon in the midst of his ever growing family.
I hope that answered your questions and if I missed something, do not hesitate to send a follow-up. I hope you have/had a lovely day!
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world-of-wales · 7 months
That is my biggest problem with Harry - He is the member of the royal family with the longest racist history (apart from Prince Philip). No one else in the family has said the things he's said publicly (again, apart from PP) - slurs that he said and compared to being called a redhead! He never understood that he was an a great position of power being a prince and the Queen's grandson. People just had to put up with his shitty behaviour.
It's incredible in a way that marrying Meghan removed that image for him. Now he's "enlightened", and supposedly understands better. Truthfully, I think if he hadn't met Meghan, he would have carried on as he was. He only changed because of her, not because he wanted to a better person.
(Maybe it's just me but I prefer that my partner is already someone who understand racism and works to not be like that)
Basically, had it been anyone else he would have faced consequences of the shit he would say, but he was born in that position which saved him in a sense. And speaking of it, if anything being born in that position should have made him more aware of the powerful position he was in and made him mend his ways. Being born in that position puts even more responsibility on him since he had everything available to him on the tip of his fingers to educate himself, etc. He was excused of his behavior before because he was the Queen's grandson. Now he's excused for it all because of meghan's ethnicity. But I don't think getting married to someone just automatically gives you a clean slate. Not just you anon, Harry's first biggest red flag is all the stuff he's said and done and not feeling like he was in the wrong. Had it been me, I wouldn't even have entertained him enough to date him knowing everything.
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altneuland · 8 months
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The Israeli Empire
I am not sure if it is the right time to introduce you to ancient Israel yet, but I prefer to do it asap because high amount of the content I make of Daniel is from ancient Israel.
before I continue, please remember that the term "ancient Israel" is an umbrella term for few eras that I will elaborate on.
in this piece you are seeing Empire of Israel, and the king was Omri, which surprisingly isn't one of the eras I like to talk about much. not because I don't like this era or anything, only because my favorite era for Daniel is Kingdom Of Hashmonai, which I can sit and ramble on and on about.
in the empire era, Daniel was 15. in the Hashmonai era, Daniel was 18. so chronically, I think introducing ancient Israel would make sense starting here, the earliest I have content on. (tho I do have even earlier years of Daniel, but that includes his parents, which I would like to introduce later.
so, this is a post about the empire now, please enjoy this half assed text I wrote to my friends about him, hope you like it lmao
The Crybaby Empire
This empire has no specific time frame, but I’ll go with what I got now ; 1021 bc - 922 bc,
The empire ended in a huge civil war between all the tribes (more like Judea and Benjamin vs everyone else) and that’s how the empire kinda died, but later the second Israeli kingdom was a great empire as well, and some researchers even say that the empire never actually fell, until the rise of Judea, which is that’s why I tend to disagree with the dates above, but until any further knowledge I’ll use those.
If the theory of second and first Israeli empires being one big continuous empire, which btw I kinda agree with, I’ll go with what’s currently considered as canon. I’ll go with Israel being an empire, fall, and become an empire once again without Judea. So this is the kingdom with.
Daniel in his age 15 was pretty bad teenager and annoying. He wanted everyone to do whatever he does. He wanted his neighbors, Sidon, Edom (his twin) Moab and Amon, as well as bashan and Amalek to practice in his religion, which wasn’t called Judaism at that time, it was called Israelism. Daniel took over their places and israelized them, first by, you know… cutting their pps. Then forcing them to not touch any pigs (kosherizing their asses), maybe even forcing them to pay 10% of their income to the holy temple, and not work on Shabbat.
Maybe , just maybe, the israelism is what made all of the nations around have a very similar gods. Remember, israelism wasn’t a monotheistic religion at this point, it was yet polytheistic, with Elohim, the Jewish god nowadays, being the main god in the Israeli pantheon.
The era in history is called “the Israeli era” which is the ofc, era where all cities around were Israeli.
A lot of information about this empire is either missing or contradicting so take it with a grain of salt, but countries around did mentioned king Omri and his Empire, as well as his deeds as I mentioned.
everyone agrees though that Daniel was a little b everyone found annoying but also loved him because compared to other empires around he was a sweetheart smarty pants
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puckeyldigest · 3 months
PWHL, LPHF : Comme des Garçons?
A Rink of One's Own : LPHF, PWHL, and the world of hockey.
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= where to start? = The [draft, sorry so sorry] https://www.thepwhl.com/en/professional-womens-hockey-league-pwhl-announces-second-annual-draft-declaration-process is underway! What’s to be seen? A lightning-fast calendar launch. New rules w/six history-making teams selected. Game’s on!
More records, broken. More stories, being written [just not linked here….Phooey]. The league — originating from nearly a century of women’s ice hockey, obscured — offers a top-notch occasion for those attending, and purports to bring together the best players in the world.
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= what’s a living without livelihood? =
The “Ice, Earned” podcast, ep.1, states — “pay well, and you grow the game.” Along similar lines, the more matured FIFA battle demonstrates adequate room and board are necessary for medal-winners of the beautiful game. It’s yet to be proven how a promised base salary of $35,000 compares to a living wage in the cities these athletes call home.
= with the birds?=
In Boston, station WGBH if you prefer, our B’s receive the usual affectionate daily coverage. With our girls playing in Lowell, what are five, hardly six, more syllables, and a couple of new skaters to the city bustle? Radio silence and puff pieces gave pause. I hear in the currents that “the girls are playing hockey;” Factually, these women are living hockey and loving it. WCBV’s words of encouragement for the team on the road shows us that hope is not lost.
In essence, the League of Professional Women’s Hockey harks to utopic visions in its aims. The message to girls, women, and hockey fans WORLDWIDE is clearing up:
If you can see it, you can be it; if you build it, they will come; Undoubtedly, hockey is for everyone.
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League matches may be spectated on YouTube, via select television broadcasts, and, possin’tbly, a city near you! Don’t miss out, before you miss it. Game’s on!
Think something’s missing? Comments/Questions/Feedback? Feel free to Mail in at, none other than, **(no-stars-??)foobo(alloneworld) chider1 (aht)gee, whizze… electronic-snail-mail (dawt, you get it…).
— Puckey Digest
Written by Puckey L'Digest
also available via :
Substack .co,m
Medium .commahe
and, ofc, TuMbLr [¿r we getting meta nao? X3c]
⚘❃⚘⚜❃❁❀✿✾✽ maneyeyeye fllowerz 4 u~!! ✽✾✿❀❁❃⚜⚘
[last updated: 03-MAR-02024]
[PS: Dedicated to Judith Shakespeer, whose page i just can’t pull up.]
Don’t miss it before you miss it. Show the world of hockey what’sup, catsup.
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Surely, many links missing. I opine.. not citation worthy, frankly. 00001
⚘❃⚘⚜❃❁❀✿✾✽ Many Flowers 4 U~!! ✽✾✿❀❁❃⚜⚘ {prev verse below} [lost in transcription, found in spirit] The [draft, sorry so sorry] ...
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sknolls · 11 months
I think I have to hard disagree on the idea that difficulty implies linearity. And I'm specifically talking about Celeste mods. In my experience, having ten solutions to one problem doesn't make a map less difficult if all ten solutions are equally bullshit. The actual problem with balancing difficulty and linearity is that when you design a level with so many potential solutions, you have to make every solution roughly even in execution. Or at the very least, you want to account for the various potential approaches in balancing them. Which just makes designing rooms so much harder.
Generally when designing difficulty, I like to either make something that someone could probably pick up immediately after Chapter 9 or something that I personally can barely beat. So, in more common terms, it has to either be Intermediate, low Advanced, or Cracked GM.
But I've been experimenting recently with making cracked GM stuff where the player is offered multiple approaches and it's absolutely possible. Maybe that's because I really like working with Spike Jumps and Corner Tech, which inherently expand options and make you rethink how you interact with common obstacles, while I hate working with Ultras because they're the exact opposite of that.
I made this as a proof of concept for a bullet hell corner spam hybrid and currently all of these solutions except for the last one are usable and similar difficulty. It all comes down to personal preference.
And this is what the completed screen looks like. Some of the difficulty comes from the corner tech, some comes from the player needing to manage the infinitely spawning homing missiles, some comes from the player having to make decisions and execute shit while under pressure, and some comes from the lack of a single clear solution to any given segment. At some point the player gets such a huge catalogue of options that asking them to perform clearly signaled tech quits being challenging compared to asking them to filter through their options to find the correct one.
Or here's another map I'm working on. The badeline fight is a massive spike in difficulty specifically because the solutions are open ended and combined with having to manage resources, being trapped in a closed in environment without a lot of options to manuever around Badeline chasers, and the heightened pacing, these two rooms are easily a difficulty spike despite the previous rooms using more complex tech. In fact, more than half of my time getting the recording for this was me trying to beat the final screen.
Think of it like this, if the player can afford to put 100% of their attention on executing a tech, then it's easier than if they have to divide their attention. And that division can come from psychological pressure like "is this really the best solution?" or "I need to keep track of the shit chasing me while also doing this thing." Plus, I think open ended shit is more exciting to see run by speedrunners, TAS, and Goldens because part of it is just going "how will they go about it?"
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m-jelly · 2 years
4: Where Levi sees something in the window for us.
Levi murmured as he counted out the amount of cream-filled doughnuts in each pastry box. It had been a tiresome day at work, and he felt a bit down about leaving his wife at home for so long. As he began the short walk back to the condo, he paused at the beloved bakery the two frequently drooled over. Levi preferred the delicate teas, but he could not say no to your begging eyes when the delicious selection of doughnuts were displayed. He knew you enjoyed the cream filled ones… did you once compare them to him somehow…?
Shaking his head free of thoughts, he ordered a fresh half dozen before paying the tab. Safely tucking the bundle in his arms, he continued onward downtown towards home. The sun was hinting it’s descent on the horizon, the massive skyscrapers obstructing its path. Rush hour was in full swing, those who dared to bring their cars downtown were blaring their horns in a never ending symphony of frustration. Levi just continued on his merry way, thoughts consumed with how happy you would be. Or at least, that little voice in his head butt in, he hoped you would be happy. Levi frowned down at the path before him, contemplating if he should change up his hourly shift to be more available for you. You had encouraged him to take the promotion, even with the additional hours.
A particularly bright shop window naturally caught his attention. He glanced over, a bit peeved at the brightness. He haltered in his movement, gawking at what he saw inside. Could it be…?
The sound of the door opening caught your attention. Turning from your game, you lowered your headset at the sight of Levi stepping inside.
You happily announced, scrambling to hug him. Levi gladly met you halfway, embracing you like he had gone on a trip.
“I missed you,”
You paused, poking his chest as you backed away from the hug,
“but I am also proud of your hard work okay?”
Levi smiled, the bags under his eyes looking especially dark today. He held up the doughnut box.
“Here my love, for you.”
You squealed out, smooching his cheek as you took the box from him.
“Thank you! I’ll set them to the-
….is that an ‘embrace the PP’ sign?”
Levi's blush spread on his cheeks. "I can explain my thought process."
You placed the box on the side and smiled at your husband. "Oh, please do, dear husband." You folded your arms and popped your hip to the side. "Explain to your sweet wife what all this is."
He cleared his throat. "Well, I was passing by the bakery we love and I saw they had cream-filled doughnuts."
You hummed. "Right."
He gulped. "I remembered you mentioned something to me before about them, but I couldn't put my finger on it. I bought some anyway because we both like them."
You opened the box of doughtnuts. "Right."
He sighed. "I kept walking and I saw that sign. I know how you jokingly call my...you know...pp."
You hummed a laugh. "It winds you up. I only say it when I'm being a brat."
He ruffled his hair. "I still can't put my finger on the whole doughnut thing though." He stared at you as you bit into the doughtnut causing the cream to ooze out of the filling hole and drop onto your left breast. He gasped when it clicked in his head. "Oh."
You looked down. "Shit." You wiped it up and licked it. "They often overfill these. I'm not complaining about it, but I always forget." You licked your lips and hummed. "But I do love it when they fill it to the brim."
You jumped at Levi shouting. "I'm sorry?"
He blushed bright red when he realised what he just shouted. "The um doughnut."
You looked at it and watched the cream slowly ooze out. "Oh! Oh, I get it." You walked closer to Levi as you slowly licked up the cream with a moan. "Does this remind you of last night?"
He gasped. "Y-Yes."
You pushed your fingers into his hair and held the doughnut between you and him. "You think you can recreate this? Do you think you can get me full like this?" You licked the cream in front of him and sighed. "You think you could make me drip and ooze white cream like this?"
He massaged your hip and yanked you against him. "You know I can."
"You sure? You're not too tired now, are you?"
He purred at you. "Not at all."
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just6f · 3 days
COSPLAY PIG PLUSH TOYS CUTE FROG UNICORN RABBIT TIGER DOLLS -- 12% OFF! HURRY TO GET YOURS! It's going fast, so get it now while you can. At this store, we've cut prices on our popular Cosplay Pig Plush Toys Cute Frog Unicorn Rabbit Tiger Dolls for a 12% discount. Browse our fast-selling selection today and save $2.62. Limited-time offer, while inventory lasts! SPECIFICATIONS OF COSPLAY PIG PLUSH TOYS CUTE FROG UNICORN RABBIT TIGER DOLLS Filling: Pp cotton Material: Cotton Gender: Unisex Features: Stuffed & plush In addition, you get worldwide shipping, and if you don’t like your Stuffed Soft Piggy Holding Bubble Cup Pillow, you can ask for a refund! Not bad for something that costs $18.78, right? So, hurry up before we run out of stock! PRODUCT QUESTIONS & ANSWERS Do I see the real colors in the pictures? The photos of the Cosplay Pig Plush Toys Cute Frog Unicorn Rabbit Tiger Dolls match the actual product colors. However, your device might display a slightly different shade depending on its screen calibration. What makes you think your Stuffed Soft Piggy Holding Bubble Cup Pillow compares well to other options? We strive to provide the best quality for reasonable money. Therefore, all our products match this standard including the Cosplay Pig Plush Toys Cute Frog Unicorn Rabbit Tiger Dolls. If I buy your Stuffed Soft Piggy Holding Bubble Cup Pillow, do I have to pay extra fees? You can see the final price on the checkout page while making the purchase. It includes all the possible fees and taxes. Therefore, there can’t be any extra fees apart from this. I’m not sure I’m ready to buy it. Is this the right price? $18.78 isn’t as high as other online stores charge for similar products. If this item doesn’t meet my expectations, could I get a refund? Glad to inform you that we are responsible for the products we sell. That’s why, if something is wrong with your order, please contact the store’s support service. Our experts will help you to find a way out of your situation. Сan I write a review on my purchase? We will be happy to see your product reviews shared on social media or any other feedback resources, so you're good to go! ORDERING & STORE POLICIES Can my order include two or more items? Feel free to include as many items as necessary into your order because we put no limit on this. Can you make it in a way that I would be able to receive three of these simultaneously? In case you order several units at once, all the packages will arrive at the same time, so you shouldn't worry. I want to buy the Cosplay Pig Plush Toys Cute Frog Unicorn Rabbit Tiger Dolls! How? Choose the Height and Color you prefer, specify the number of units, and click on the ADD TO CART button. Then continue to the checkout page: choose the payment method you prefer, put your email, address and other data on the form and confirm your order. After the payment, you will receive a confirmation email and your product will be packed and sent to you. How can I learn more about the terms of purchase? I can’t find the info page. There are multiple ways to contact the support team in our store, so use any of the channels listed at the bottom of this page. Can I buy the same Cosplay Pig Plush Toys Cute Frog Unicorn Rabbit Tiger Dolls offline? Most typically, offline stores provide a more limited range of products. Besides, they commonly set much higher prices due to numerous extra business expenses. Can I trust this store? You may check the feedback of our previous clients, if you wish, and you will see that they had no trouble dealing with us. Furthermore, most of them indicate that our store always tries to do its best to make you satisfied with the purchases. https://just6f.com/cosplay-pig-plush-toys-cute-frog-unicorn-rabbit-tiger-dolls-stuffed-soft-piggy-holding-bubble-cup-pillow/?feed_id=7500&_unique_id=665704bf18f42
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detomarealestate · 8 days
Difference Between Built in and Attached Garages | DeTomaRealEstate.com
Difference Between Built in and Attached Garages | DeTomaRealEstate.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPlUmEARgL4 Do you know the difference between a built in vs an attached garage? These 2 different type of garages have their advantages and disadvantages when comparing one beside the other, but space may be the biggest factor. What type of garages do you prefer? Please visit my website to get more information: https://ift.tt/iFqrRx8 🔔Are you ready to buy or sell your dream home? Subscribe now for expert tips and insider advice from real estate pro Anthony De Toma! https://www.youtube.com/@anthonydetoma.realestate/?sub_confirmation=1 🔗 Stay Connected With Me. 👉Facebook: https://ift.tt/PuKz3XI 👉Instagram: https://ift.tt/o7xUgAi 👉Website: https://ift.tt/iFqrRx8 📩 For Business Inquiries: [email protected] ☎️ Leave me a call or text at (416)427-2937 ============================= 🎬 Recommended Playlists 👉 Real Estate Advise https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfLk1SXZo_0&list=PL2i_lfVj940yRbCQZU45-_r9KhyqpCCff&pp=iAQB 👉 Property Tour https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xix5JCrk6AU&list=PL2i_lfVj940zxh77pWBzyviAkH17BlgCq&pp=iAQB 🎬 WATCH MY OTHER VIDEOS: 👉 Is it Better to Renovate a Home or Buy a New Home? renovated home buying house real estate buyer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JnbL3jEMaJU 👉 What to be aware of when buying a pre-construction property preconstruction new home real estate https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXXM4RqKG8Y 👉 When Multiple Properties are For Sale on the Same Street in a Building (Good or Bad?) real estate https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ITgWVQbDK-U 👉 Getting My Real Estate License https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IWqJP_3sWHc 👉 Turn Offs For Buyers Looking for a Property vaughanrealestate real estate tips buying real estate https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MyXe4LDTchg ============================= ✅ About Anthony De Toma Real Estate. My name is Anthony De Toma, and I am a real estate broker in Vaughan, ON, Canada, 40 minutes north of Toronto. I help people buy and sell real estate in the York Region and Toronto. In addition, I am a husband and father of a beautiful baby girl. I have been obsessed with growing my YouTube channel to reach more people and grow my business. Feel free to comment and share my page with anyone you know who is looking for great advice on buying and selling real estate. Anthony De Toma- Real Estate Broker York Region and Toronto Real Estate Re/Max Experts For Collaboration and Business inquiries, please use the contact information below: 📩 Email: [email protected] 🔔 Are you looking to buy or sell a home? If so, don't miss out on the latest real estate updates! Subscribe & stay updated with the latest top tips on buying &selling property. https://www.youtube.com/@anthonydetoma.realestate/?sub_confirmation=1 ================================= ADD HASHTAG HERE ⚠️Disclaimer: I do not accept any liability for any loss or damage incurred from you acting or not acting as a result of watching any of my publications. You acknowledge that you use the information I provide at your own risk. Do your research. Copyright Notice: This video and my YouTube channel contain dialogue, music, and images that are the property of Anthony De Toma Real Estate. You are authorized to share the video link and channel and embed this video in your website or others as long as a link back to my YouTube channel is provided. © Anthony De Toma Real Estate via Anthony De Toma Real Estate https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmJxPftT6QQILMcgTL6ovvQ May 24, 2024 at 11:00PM
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plywoodsinchennai · 3 months
What are the Advantages of Choosing a WPC door and Where Can I Choose Doors in Chennai?
What are WPC Doors?
WPC doors, also known as Wood Plastic Composite doors, are a modern alternative to traditional wooden doors. These doors are gaining popularity due to their unique composition, durability, and various other benefits they offer.
What Does WPC Stand For?
WPC stands for Wood Plastic Composite. This composite material is made by combining wood fiber or flour with thermoplastics like PVC, HDPE, or PP along with certain additives for enhanced properties.
Composition of WPC Doors
WPC doors are typically composed of three main elements:
Wood Fiber
The wood fiber used in WPC doors can be sourced from various wood sources, including sawdust, wood chips, or wood flour. These fibers provide natural aesthetics and contribute to the door's strength.
Plastic Binder
The plastic binder, usually a thermoplastic resin like PVC, HDPE, or PP, acts as a binding agent that holds the wood fibers together. It also provides water resistance and stability to the door.
Additives such as stabilizers, colorants, and UV inhibitors are added to the mixture to enhance specific properties like weather resistance, color retention, and overall performance.
Benefits of Using WPC Doors
Durability and Longevity
One of the primary advantages of WPC doors is their exceptional durability. Unlike conventional wooden doors, WPC doors are resistant to rotting, warping, and cracking, ensuring longevity even in harsh environmental conditions.
Weather Resistance
WPC doors exhibit remarkable weather resistance, making them ideal for exterior applications. They can withstand exposure to sunlight, rain, and extreme temperatures without deteriorating, making them suitable for use in various climates.
Low Maintenance
Maintaining WPC doors is hassle-free compared to wooden doors. They require minimal upkeep and can be easily cleaned with soap and water. Unlike wood, WPC doors do not need regular painting or staining, saving both time and money in the long run.
Aesthetics and Design Options
Despite being manufactured material, WPC doors offer a wide range of design options and finishes, mimicking the appearance of natural wood. Whether you prefer a classic or contemporary look, WPC doors can be customized to complement any architectural style.
Eco-Friendly Material
WPC doors are considered environmentally friendly as they are made from recycled wood fibers and recyclable thermoplastics. By opting for WPC doors, you contribute to reducing deforestation and promoting sustainable practices in the construction industry.
While the initial cost of WPC doors may be slightly higher than traditional wooden doors, their long-term benefits outweigh the investment. With minimal maintenance requirements and extended lifespan, WPC doors offer excellent value for money in the long run.
Insulation Properties
WPC doors provide better insulation against heat and cold compared to wooden doors. They help maintain a comfortable indoor environment by preventing heat loss during winters and heat gain during summers, thereby reducing energy consumption.
Soundproofing Abilities
Due to their dense and solid structure, WPC doors offer effective soundproofing, minimizing noise transmission between rooms. This feature is particularly beneficial in residential properties, ensuring privacy and tranquility for occupants.
Resistance to Termites and Pests
Unlike wooden doors, WPC doors are not susceptible to termite infestation or pest damage. Their composition makes them unappealing to insects, eliminating the need for chemical treatments and regular inspections to prevent pest-related issues.
Easy Installation Process
WPC doors are lightweight yet sturdy, making them easy to handle and install. Their precise dimensions and uniformity simplify the installation process, resulting in quicker and more efficient door fitting, saving both time and labor costs.
Comparison with traditional doors
Compared to traditional wooden doors, WPC doors are far superior in terms of longevity and performance. While wooden doors are prone to warping, cracking, and rotting over time, WPC doors remain unaffected by moisture and environmental factors, making them an ideal choice for Chennai's humid climate.
Where to Choose the WPC Doors in Chennai?
When you choose Lakshmi Timbers and Plywood for your WPC door needs, you're not just buying a product – you're investing in quality, reliability, and peace of mind.
Superior quality
Lakshmi Timbers and Plywood is committed to delivering superior quality products that exceed customer expectations. From the materials used to the craftsmanship involved, every aspect of their WPC doors is held to the highest standards of excellence.
Customization options
In addition to their wide range of standard designs, Lakshmi Timbers and Plywood also offers customization options for customers who want a unique and personalized WPC door. Whether you have a specific design in mind or need assistance in bringing your vision to life, their team of experts is ready to assist you every step of the way.
Exceptional customer service
At Lakshmi Timbers and Plywood, customer satisfaction is their top priority. From the moment you inquire about their products to the installation process and beyond, their friendly and knowledgeable staff are dedicated to providing you with the best possible experience.
Installation and Maintenance
Installing and maintaining a Lakshmi Timbers and Plywood WPC door is a breeze, thanks to their innovative design and hassle-free installation process.
Installation process
Their team of skilled professionals will ensure that your WPC door is installed quickly and efficiently, with minimal disruption to your daily routine. Whether you're replacing an old door or installing a new one, you can trust Lakshmi Timbers and Plywood to get the job done right the first time.
Maintenance tips
Unlike traditional wooden doors that require regular sanding, painting, and sealing, WPC doors require little to no maintenance. Simply wipe them down with a damp cloth occasionally to keep them looking like new for years to come.
In conclusion, if you're in the market for high-quality WPC doors in Chennai, look no further than Lakshmi Timbers and Plywood. With their superior quality, customization options, and exceptional customer service, they are the trusted choice of homeowners across the city.
What makes WPC doors different from traditional doors?
WPC doors are crafted using a blend of wood fibers and thermoplastics, making them more durable and weather-resistant than traditional wooden doors.
Are WPC doors environmentally friendly?
Yes, WPC doors are considered to be environmentally friendly as they are made from recycled materials and are fully recyclable at the end of their lifespan.
How long do WPC doors last?
With proper care and maintenance, WPC doors can last for decades, outlasting many traditional wooden doors.
Can I customize the design of my WPC door?
Yes, Lakshmi Timbers and Plywood offer customization options, allowing you to choose the design, color, and finish that best suits your preferences.
Is professional installation required for WPC doors?
While professional installation is recommended for optimal results, DIY installation is possible for those with experience in carpentry and door installation.
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zoewilkinson · 5 months
Critical Analysis
BEHM-MORAWITZ, E. and TA, D. (2014) ‘Cultivating Virtual Stereotypes?: The Impact of Video Game Play on Racial/Ethnic Stereotypes’, Howard Journal of Communications, 25(1), pp. 1–15. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1080/10646175.2013.835600.
The text I have chosen to analyse is an article that was published in the Howard Journal of Communications. It is an article written by Elizabeth Behm-Morawitz, a professor and chair in the department of communication at the University of Missouri, Columbia, and graduate student David Ta from the University of Missouri, Columbia. Behm-Morawitz’s work focuses on examining the impacts of media and how it influences perceptions of identity. Ta’s work focuses on cultural theory, communication and gender. Both authors provide an insightful perspective into the topic of medias impact on racial stereotypes, with a focus on the effect that video games have on impressionable audiences.
The article as a whole looks at the effects of video games and how they contribute to an understanding of virtual representations of ethnicity and race, and the real-world impact related to this. The authors focused on the game play of white college students, analysing their racial stereotyping based on the content of a specific game or genre.
I have chosen to look specifically at pages 11-12, as they focus on the key points presented by this study, which includes the impact of game play in relation to ethnic and racial stereotyping based on game content, and how this compares with their real-world opinions.
The first section introduces the main information and findings from the study that they previously conducted, with an emphasis on the effects of the game content on the group of white students racial stereotyping. It argues against the previously made idea that the cultivation effects are specific to certain games, showing that people’s response to game play is a better predictor of stereotyping and racial bias than a real-world interaction. The article debates the way racial and ethnic stereotypes appear in games and looks at the way that these stereotypes aren’t applied to white character in the same way as they are to black and Asian people.
The next section of the article looks at the way that the amount of time a game is played for has a connection to the beliefs of white people about stereotypical representations of black people. The study shows that more frequent gameplay has a significant association with negative views against people of colour. It focuses on the cultivation theory’s idea that repeated exposure to stereotypes has a real-world impact on the way an individual’s attitudes and opinions are formed or changed. The idea of a “video game diet” presents an interesting concept that compares video game exposure to someone’s diet, showing that what you consume has an impact on your mind and body.
The following section looks at an analysis of how a player’s preference for specific game genres impacts their racial bias or views. The study indicated that there was a potential for genre specific impacts, the main issue was coming from the frequency of the games being played. It also specifies that video games are just as impactful as other media forms at changing someone’s ethnic stereotyping, focusing on how television can also be impactful. By connecting video games to television as a storyteller, the authors show that video games are a powerful and under-utilised media format that should have more attention.
Looking further into how virtual representations can affect public perceptions of races, the text draws connections between the way that video games represent different races to the way players perceive them in real life. By understanding this, the article shows that diverse and authentic portrayals in video games is an important topic to look at and shows the responsibility game developers have to create more inclusive characters and narratives that avoid adding to dangerous and harmful stereotypes. While the study shows a correlation between gameplay frequency and racial bias, it’s important to look at other factors that could influence this. External influences and pre-existing beliefs have not been considered in this article and would have a huge impact on the outcome of the study.
The final section of this article looks at how people’s perceptions on race are impacted differently through video games and through real world interactions with different racial and ethnic groups. The outcome of this part of the study revealed that video games consistently had a stronger association with racial stereotypes than real world interactions. The concept of the “mere exposure effect” from Zajonc’s theory suggests that the way video games have repetitive ideas creates a familiarity with racial stereotypes, which ends up normalising it to the player as they are repeated exposed to the same stereotypes. This shows that people that the more players engage with video game content, the more likely they are to internalise stereotypes that change their perceptions. The article discusses the possibility that real world interactions between races are likely to be more diverse and varied than the interactions seen in gameplay, and that people are more familiar with the stereotypical representations shown in video games. This in addition to how immersive video games are nowadays and the repeated exposure to negative representations has the biggest impact on the way people’s perception and behaviours can be changed.
The concluding paragraph of these two pages focuses on the study’s results on cultivation theory and the way white people perceive black people based on racial and ethnic stereotypes in video games. The authors discuss the fact that cultivation theory can also be applied to video games, when previously it had mostly been applied to television, adding to the argument that it can be used for multiple media forms.
This article was interesting and important to my work as a games artist because it further confirms the importance game developers have in creating a more diverse and positively represented industry. The authors make a strong analysis on the way video games directly impact public perceptions of different racial and ethnic backgrounds and was successful in showing the connection between different media formats and cultivation theory. This article shows a strong understanding on the importance of authentic and diverse representation.
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I was a user on TV Tropes, but I was banned for something that wasn't my fault.  Here are the details:
I was a frequent contributor to the Complete Monster forum (the old one, which was closed last year, with a new one opening on January 16 this year), but one day, we started talking about some seasons of Kamen Rider that had no Complete Monsters, and another user said that there were more.  I asked which ones, but before the user could answer, my post was thumped, and a third user told me to stop asking pointless questions, which, because we'd been talking about Kamen Rider and other users had asked about it, confused me immensely.  I tried to explain that I had been responding to the last post, but for some reason, the third user hollered the mods, anyway.
To make a long story short, I'm now unable to participate in any forums (that also includes the Edit Banned/Suspended thread, so I can't make an appeal), edit or create any pages, read, send, or get any messages, write any reviews, upload any videos, make any changes to my profile (like editing my signature or my avatar), or use the Wishlist, Ask the Tropers, Trope Finder, You Know that Show, the Trope Launch Pad, the Cut List, or Submit a Bug.  The Contact Us feature is useless to me as well, because the only people who can respond to messages sent through that feature are the mods and the staff, and they aren't replying to my messages.  
Fortunately, I remember the name of one mod: kory. I also remember the (user)names of some people who use the site: ACW, Lightysnake, and TheMadCr0w. What's more, I've heard that mods can read thumped posts. Could you contact kory and ask them to read Post 23 of Page 6082 on the Complete Monster thread, compare it with the previous post, and see how they relate to each other? (Don't forget to specify that the thread you're talking about is the one that ran from 2010 to 2022.) Could you ask them to talk with their fellow mods to better judge how the two posts relate? If it helps, you can also ask them to contact the other three users I mentioned and ask them to join the conversation. You can also join the conversation to see how the posts relate and whether it was truly off-topic. Don't forget to tell me the whole conversation.
PS: I'd prefer if you tell no one anything about our conversation on Tumblr or of my involvement in this matter.
PPS: There does exist a user called Lightysnake; they've just not made a Tropers page.  If you want proof, simply click on their Edits button.
The mods don't listen to anyone and tend to be authoritarian pricks.
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nils-bcm-111 · 10 months
Blog #1
Answering the question "What pop culture do you consume?" sounds very easy at first but while thinking about it in more detail, it challenges one to think about it more than what meets the eye. In this blog post, I use a combination of two of the six definitions introduced in Storey’s (2015) article, which describe pop culture as “culture that is widely favored or well-liked by many people” (Storey 2015, p. 5) on one hand and on the other as “[…] the culture that is left over after we have decided what is high culture” (Storey 2015, p. 5). In the same vein, Storey (2015) evaluates claims that state that pop culture is a mass-produced commercial culture instead of a product made by an individual. With this definition in mind, I think that pretty much all the media I consume falls under the term popular culture. The three media channels that I use the most are Netflix, YouTube and Spotify, which are all specialized in media output and therefore fall into the category of mass-produced commercial media. What adds even more oil to the fire is the fact, that I am not following certain genres in the different media products I consume. When it comes to movies on Netflix, I’m just looking for new stuff or movies that friends or the media are talking about. The same thing happens on YouTube, where I don’t have preferences other than sports and the algorithm takes care of rest. When it comes to Spotify/music, my field of interest is a little bit less broad because there are certain genres that I don’t follow at all. What I’m most interested in at the moment are podcasts, which have had a huge “boom” in the last couple of years and also have been promoted by a huge variety of people to become this popular. The preference for new stuff is possibly closely connected to the globalism we are experiencing all over the world in different areas and especially in media. Music-wise, I’m always checking out newly dropped songs and albums by artists that I like, which are mostly American or English-speaking in general. Nevertheless, my go-to favorite music, as well as artists, are German, which probably nobody in this course knows. Thinking about the original question, German music was also what popped into my head right away when I heard the term ‘cultural proximity’ for the first time. Ksiazek and Webster (2008, p. 5) describe the term as "[…] a dimension of individual media preference”. In other words, this means that people gravitate towards media from their own culture and since language is very deeply connected to culture, it’s probably a very important factor for my music preference. Even though I like English or French music, German or Swiss-German songs of well-known artists trigger emotions and feelings that can’t be compared to the other languages. The reason for that is surely the fact that it is much easier to understand and therefore also to put oneself in the position of the artist.
Storey, J 2015, Cultural Theory and Popular Culture: An Introduction, Routledge, London.
Ksiazek, T & Webster, JG 2008, 'Cultural Proximity and Audience Behaviour: The Role of Language in Patterns of Polarization and Multicultural Fluency', Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, vol. 52, no. 3, pp. 485-503.
Tumblr media
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beautycounterwipes · 2 years
You can be assured that these are the bags
Could we count on such a minimal fraction and utilize the throw-away plastic bags that finally end in lowland. The NC State University analysis facility recently published articles that explains that standard plastic bags are consisting of many toxic polymer particles. You can be assured that these are the bags that might be reprocessed and will not pose any risk to the surroundings.e. You can most likely employ the plastic or paper bags a couple of occasions and when you discard them they get added to trash. Polypropylene is regarded safe and is not vulnerable for this kind of hazard. The spread rumor was that the plastic material bags were not so harmful to the surroundings. Here, you can oppose me by stating paper bags could be employed too why only Reusable polypropylene grocery Care Wipes Manufacturers bags! But, this is a very strong point to think about that on one hand paper bags are reckoned to be eco-friendly but in contrast lots of woods ought to be hacked to produce these paper bags in that case how can they be truly ecological friendly. 
This content is manufactured in a way that is definitely favorable to the ecosystem and that doesn't add much pollution, particularly compared to plastic bags. Nevertheless, many reviews have uncovered that plastic bags are very hazardous and roughly only 1 % may be reprocessed. However, PP woven shopping bags are incredibly strong and could be utilized for transporting stuff for many times before they wear. Reusable polypropylene grocery bags are produced of polypropylene. This is because polypropylene is intrinsically wear and tear immune. Due to several benefits, reusable grocery bags are currently being employed and produced in huge volumes. The PP woven shopping bags are tougher than paper or plastic bags. polypropylene is extremely sturdy and endures a bit longer. Moreover is the fact these Reusable polypropylene grocery bags are more durable. We are actually encouraged to act so because of the delusion which was spread a while back concerning plastic bags. If you take a step ahead and utilize PP woven shopping bags then you may actually lend to the safety of ecosystem. 
Moreover, the PP woven shopping bags do not cost a lot.  3. Many shoppers are getting awareness about the advantages of these Reusable polypropylene grocery bags to them in person and to the ecosystem globally. PP shopping bags are extremely useful in comparison to paper or plastic bags. 2. More than likely after understanding about the above mentioned unpleasant details about plastic and paper bags plus the advantages of utilizing PP woven shopping bags, you will prefer PP woven shopping bags that happen to be absolutely risk-free to use. Hence they aren't hefty on the pockets of the customers. When they eventually do break down, they discharge harmful toxins out into the atmosphere! Those manufactured by reusable shopping bag manufacturers, however, tend not to have this problem.
You can find a few bags that happen to be really advantageous to the end users and undamaging to the surroundings. To be exact, a PP woven shopping bag, though, can be utilized in well over 100s or even thousands of times before it will begin to wear out. Reusable polypropylene grocery bags are very useful for the environment because they are created harmlessly.Many of us always make use of plastic bags inspite of being aware of the hazards induced by them. The positive aspects of Reusable polypropylene grocery bags are: 1. Utilize reusable shopping bags such as pp shopping bag is a great way to help the surroundings. We ought to be really careful about the practice of the shopping bags that contain harmful effects to the ecosystem. These bags are named pp shopping totes. This is possible because the materials employed to create these Reusable polypropylene shopping bags i. Even though plastic and paper bags can keep only modest weight, the PP shopping bags can carry above one hundred kg.
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