#but alas they’re all sold out
ashleander · 1 month
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That’s a lot of rat plushies! Wonder what happened to them…
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oharabunny · 8 months
The Grass is Greener on the Other Side
Description: It's Miguel's birthday and you want to surprise him with his childhood favorite foods. With you living in his home, he has rules, and you broke the most important one.
Story is connected to my yandere!caretaker!Miguel fic.
Word Count: 5170
Warning: 18+, mdni, yandere!caretaker!Miguel, fem!afab!Reader, spanking, manipulation, slut-shaming, Stockholm Syndrome, infantilization, physical pain, non-con, not beta read
Please read warnings before proceeding. The following behaviors are abusive and I do not condone them.
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You wake up one morning from Lyla’s alarm and see Miguel isn’t next to you in bed. That is typical of him because he has to go to work early or the rare times he stays there overnight (which he will always give you a heads up on). 
He will almost always come home every night so it doesn’t particularly bother you. (But it definitely bothers him because he just wants to spend an eternity in every waking hour caring for you, but alas the multiverse isn’t going to take care of itself. It’s not like he can entrust the fate and balance of it all to the other Spiders.)
You slowly begin to wake up and slide yourself out of bed. Another day without Miguel as your only friend and husband to keep you entertained. 
That is until you realize what day it is.
You memorize this specific date because it is one of the few things that Miguel will tell you about himself (you pestered him a long time to tell you).
Today is his birthday.
You feel saddened by the fact he is not home to celebrate, but that gives you the chance to surprise him if he comes back home tonight.
You ask Lyla what Miguel’s favorite cakes and birthday food are. 
Lyla says he really likes the pan dulce sold at this specific bakery downtown. Unfortunately they’re a prideful business that does not do delivery. 
That is a problem.
Ever since he took you under his wing to live in his apartment, he has many, many rules for you to follow. They only get stricter after marriage and childbirth. 
Rule number one is you do not leave the apartment for any reason (unless it’s for safety and Miguel is not there to save the day).
Lyla, his AI assistant, is also sure as hell not going to let you go either.
You have a child now, a daughter of 9 years, so there is even less incentive to let you go outside.
You think to yourself, wouldn’t your daughter also want to help set up his birthday surprise?
You immediately wash up and dress in one of Miguel’s favorite dresses that he likes on you. You even put on the style of makeup and hairdo the way he likes them.
You go to your daughter’s room and softly knock on her door. “Hey, Y/D/N, can I come in?”
She swings the door open, and says while yawning, “Hey mama, good morning.”
You step into her room and sit on her bed. You pat the bed to gesture to her to sit down next to you.
“It’s your papa’s birthday today. And I think we should surprise him with his favorite foods when he gets back.”
Her face lights up in excitement and bounces up to her toes. “It is?! Oh can we, mama?”
She pauses, “But wait, you can’t cook.”
It was another one of those rules Miguel set for you: you are not allowed to cook. You can at most use the microwave, with Lyla’s supervision. 
“I know, sweetie, but I know a few places we can stop by to pick up his favorite foods.” You counter.
“But papa says you’re not allowed to go outside, it’s too dangerous for you.” Your daughter looks to the side with uncertainty while playing with her fingers. She does this whenever she feels pressured.
You sigh, “I know…that papa can be protective of me. But sometimes…he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. I’m not as weak as he thinks. Besides, I want to spend time with you outside! I’ll promise to take you to your favorite ice cream spot, if you’ll show me.”
With just that, her face lights up again in glee. She has always wanted to bring you to her favorite places in the city that she usually goes with her papa. You never got the chance to see the outside world beyond that brief time in Spider Society and when he brought you to the hospital for her birth. 
You lean into your daughter’s ear, “But we’ll need to trick the alarm system and Lyla if we want to make it happen.”
You have to convince Lyla into disabling the alarm system without her alerting Miguel.
You also have to make your trip super quick because he likes to video call you randomly. 
There are very few ways to convince or even trick Lyla. None of which would pop up in your head if you aren’t particularly tech savvy. 
And you aren’t.
“Lyla.” You called her.
“Hey there sweetie. What’s up?” The small yellow woman appears on your shoulder and tilts her head in question.
You pause to gather your words and organize your mind. It doesn’t really work.
“It’s Miguel’s birthday today and I want to surprise him.” You start slowly to gauge her response.
“Ah, yes it is, and oh dear…” Lyla pauses, “He doesn’t particularly like his birthday, much less surprises.”
“Well, I still think he should have a little something. Maybe not like a party if he doesn’t like those, but something like getting his favorite foods. And before you tell me I’m not allowed to cook, I know. And… I need to go outside to pick them up.” You clasp your hands together and look down to help with your words.
You can see Lyla is already about to cut in.
“I KNOW, I know, rule number one. But, it’s close by. I’ll make it quick. Y/D/N will be with me.” 
Lyla sighs and readjusts her pink heart-shaped glasses, “You know Miguel is still not going to be happy about that.”
“You don’t have to tell him! I mean, you’ll be with me and if anything happens you can call him. But, I swear, nothing will happen to me!” 
“I’m sorry gal, I just can’t let you do that.” Lyla could only give you a sympathetic look.
“He deserves something special for a special day. Even setting aside his whole birthday, I just want to show him how much I appreciate him for everything he’s done for me.” You could feel yourself becoming dejected.
“You can paint him a picture.” Lyla suggests.
“I painted him a thousand.” You counter.
“You can crochet.”
“I do that every day.” You are getting frustrated and sigh, “And don’t you think it’s a little ridiculous that I’m not allowed outside. I can walk just fine. You can take your diagnostics. Even I need a change of scenery every now and then.”
“Girlie, you know you two have talked about this. Miguel set that rule in stone. I can’t do anything about it.” Lyla is still on the fence.
“I just… I just want to get him something that reminds him of home. I haven’t seen him have that pan dulce at all before. He deserves it for all his hard work. Don’t you think?” You plead and plead in hopes to appeal somewhere in her algorithm for Miguel’s sympathy.
“Well, I can ask one of our Spiders to fetch it for you.” Damn you Lyla.
“I can’t trouble the Spider people for this!” You quickly said.
And then you remembered something.
“Hey Lyla, don’t you have customization mods that you’ve been bugging Miguel to let you have?” Your eyes look devious.
“...no?” Lyla narrows her eyes in suspicion.
“Well… if I can get him the pan dulce, he’ll be very happy. And you know with happy Miguel, I can convince him to let you have your customization mods.” You wink. 
Lyla doesn’t immediately answer and looks up in thought. “Hmmm… Well, as long as you make it quick…”
“And he cannot know!”
“Deal. At least he won’t berate me about it.” Lyla twirls her hand. “But you have to make it quick!” She emphasizes and points at you.
You smile and nod. 
You quickly go and grab your laptop to order the pan dulce for pickup. You also map out a couple other stops to pick up his favorite empanadas, tamales, sopapillas, etc and your daughter’s ice cream spot as you promised. Nothing can go wrong. 
You tell her to get ready to go and Lyla to disable the alarm system.
“Hey Lyla, could you also temporarily disable the live tracking on my watch?” 
She gives you a bored look. “He quite literally checks every 30 minutes. Sometimes 5. Oh and including the camera feed in the apartment as well. He’s gonna notice.” 
“Could you, like, distract him at work? Maybe another anomaly case or what not.”
“Fortunately for you, he’s out in another universe catching an anomaly right now. But it’s an easy one. I can try and distract him a little, but he’s going to finish up pretty fast with this one.” Lyla conjures up her own digital screen to analyze all her possibilities. “I can probably shoot another case for him to do.”
Honestly anything is fine as long he’s distracted long enough for you to go to all of your stops. 
“I’ll try and be fast.” You promise her. “Oh and Lyla-”
“Thank you.” You smile at her genuinely.
“Aw shucks.” Lyla smiles back.
On Miguel’s end, he is finishing up his capture on several anomalies and heading back to HQ. He just can’t wait to go home soon since today is slow and nothing else should be happening. All projects are being handled by the other Spiders, so he can take it easy and go see you.
That is until Lyla pops up on his shoulder and screams, “HELLO MIGUEL–!”
He flinches and covers his ears from the banshee levels of frequency. “What the shock Lyla! Don’t scream into my ear!”
“Haha sorry, sorry. I just wanted to let you know that there’s another case on Earth-2348 that needs your attention.”
“Send another Spider for that. I need to go home and check on Y/N.” Miguel raises his brow at her through his mask.
“You have a point, but this one requires your special attention.” Lyla shows him the data.
Miguel gives a gruff sigh and rolls his eyes, “Fine. Let’s get this over quick.”
You and your daughter are making your way downtown. Walking fast, faces pass and you’re… at Miguel’s childhood bakery!
The walk with your daughter has been a breath of fresh air. You’ve been trapped in that godforsaken apartment for the last 9 years, basically ever since your daughter was born. But even before then, Miguel wouldn’t let you go outside unless it was a date or state of an emergency. He hasn’t taken you out on a date since your daughter’s existence. And emergencies rarely ever do arise, if ever. 
But now, you get to have your own time with your daughter without being shackled to him and the shared apartment. It’s not like you hate him; you just wish he lets you have the freedom to choose and make your own decisions. 
Why can’t he see that?
Picking up the goods is quick and easy, even if there is a bit of a wait in some shops. You know you don’t have time to stall and admire your surroundings. 
You still take your daughter to the ice cream spot that she boasts about going with papa. You’re happy that you get to also share this moment with her as well.
“What flavor does papa get with you?” You ask your daughter. Maybe you can pick up a pint for him.
“He usually gets cinnamon-basil.” Your daughter scrunches up her face in disgust. “I usually get the peanut butter fudgesicle.”
You turn toward the male worker to place your order, “Um, hi there, I would like the peanut butter fudgesicle…”
You turn to your daughter, “On a cone?” She nods. 
“On a cone.”
You continue, “As for me, I would like the [your fav ice cream flavor] on a cone as well. Oh! And one pint each for the peanut butter fudgesicle and the cinnamon-basil.” 
The transaction goes smoothly and he hands you your order. He decides to add, “You are very pretty ma’am. I hope you and your daughter have a nice day.”
You blush at the compliment. Miguel is usually the one feeding you compliments, but it’s nice seeing someone else other than your husband acknowledging you. 
You smile back cheerfully, “Thank you!”
Miguel quickly finishes up on this “special” case that Lyla claims to be. Strange, she usually isn’t wrong with her calculations and data processing. Did something happen to her programming?
He fidgets his gizmo to check up on you since he hasn’t planned on taking on an extra case today. The camera feed of the apartment shows no signs of you or your daughter. Then, he pulls up his map of his Earth to find your pinpoint, but it’s not there. He searches for your ping frantically and it’s not there.
“Lyla.” He calls in a low tone.
She pops up and tries not to look guilty, mentally cursing you for not being fast enough.
“Why did you give me such an easy anomaly to take care of?” His voice is threatening. 
Lyla can’t take it anymore. “I’m sorry! Y/N wanted to surprise you for your birthday. She didn’t want you to find out because you know…you’d freak out.”
“You know the rules. You’re not programmed to respond to her commands.” He crosses his arms as he gives her a heated look.
“Well, you deserve a little something, and she really wants to show her appreciation for you. You can’t fault me for that!” Lyla protests.
He just glares at her in the most deadpan expression.
“Okaaaaay. It’s mostly because she promised me that she’ll help get me those mods you never let me get.” She rolls her eyes.
“Where. Is. She. Now.” He emphasizes each word, barely holding on to his anger and state of panic from breaking loose. He notes to himself to reprogram her, thoroughly.
“She should be on her way back to her apartment right now! She went to that bakery you grew up with and the ice cream spot you take Y/D/N with.”
And with that, he heads out.
You beeline towards your apartment as you check for the time. Luckily Miguel hasn’t called you all day or else you wouldn’t know what to say or how to react.
You and your daughter reach the second to last block of the apartment when suddenly you get approached by some shady, hooded figure.
“Hey there, pretty lady! Hope you can spare a few minutes with me~” He steps up towards you, a little too close for comfort.
You kind of freeze up in place, and are unsure of how to respond. You are too polite to tell him off. “U-Um, excuse me.” 
You take your daughter’s hand tightly, who is shooting daggers at him, and try to move past the stranger. 
He stops you by grabbing your shoulder and shoving you back into the alleyway behind you, causing you to lose your grip on both your daughter and bag of food. 
You hit against the brick wall aggressively, with your head smacking against it. You start to feel lightheaded and the area of impact pulsating.
He tries to reach for your purse, but is soon met with a loud, booming punch against the gut from your daughter. He is sent flying 50 feet away and smacks against the wall causing him to pass out. (She might have killed him.)
“Mama! Mama! Are you okay?!” Your daughter frantically rushes to your side, gripping the skirt of your dress.
“I-I’m fine. I just need a moment to collect myself.” You hold your head from the impending headache.
Not a second later, you are suddenly hoisted up like a potato sack causing you to scream and flail until you recognize whose back you’re seeing belongs to.
It’s your husband, and he wastes no time to leap to the top floor of the apartment building with not just you but your daughter also, one on each hand, without breaking a sweat. 
“Lyla, open the door.” He sternly commands.
The door opens on its own, and he gently sets both you and your daughter down. You are still shaken from the whole ordeal that your knees give out. He swiftly catches you, almost as if he expects you to. 
He carries you bridal style, and walks you to the living room to set you down on the couch. He takes off his mask, and you can see the tension contorting his face, stabbing you with guilt.
He grabs your chin to scan for any signs of obvious injury, and a quick visual across your body. 
“Lyla, scan her for vitals.”
Quickly, she does and concludes, “All vitals seem normal. Heart rate is 120, likely due to panic and stress. Increased blood flow to the back of her head due to external impact, but no signs of head trauma.”
He drops his head and leans in. He runs his fingers through your hair in the area of impact and massages your scalp. You can feel your headache already melting away, and you lean into his touch.
“Just why…” He whispers into your ear. “Why would you go outside?”
“I just wanted to surprise you for your birthday.” You put your hands on his wide shoulders and give him a light squeeze, trying to placate him.
It does nothing to sooth him. He shifts himself to sit beside you and pulls you into his embrace. You are led to sit on his lap with your face laying on the crook of his neck as he continues to massage your head. His other hand rests around your waist.
“Y/D/N, come here.” He doesn’t stop his ministrations.
She has been standing near the door fidgeting her fingers anxiously. She walks over to you two, and with the smallest voice she says, “Am I in trouble, papa?”
He sits up a little, but assures you that he won’t drop you by tightening his embrace. 
“No, but tell me what happened. Every last detail.” He says firmly, yet tactfully.
She tells him everything, including the part where the ice cream guy complimenting you. You can feel his grip getting harder and tighter as he grinds his jaw. His jealousy is apparent. 
“Thank you for being honest with me. You’re a very good girl for protecting your mother. You take after me which is why you are strong. You are also a smart girl. You must understand that your mother is in no shape to go outside without me. Never let her persuade you again.” He emphasizes “never” to drive home the point. “If she tries to go outside again, tell me.”
And at that, you pull yourself away from him. His arm around your waist doesn’t budge, still straddling you to his lap. The hand that was on your head now rests on your neck.
“That’s not fair, Miguel! I am a grown woman! Your wife, her mother! You can’t keep trapping me here in this apartment.” You protest.
“I’ll…I’ll go crazy.” You barely whisper whilst choking back a sob.
“We already had this discussion before. It’s just not safe. Look at what happened today! Do you really think you’re in any position to be demanding to go outside?!” He glares at you.
You don’t listen. You try to tear yourself from him but his grip is relentless. You push and kick with all your might, but you’re like a mouse fighting against a lion.
You turn your head to your daughter, “Y/D/N, I am your mother, please don’t listen to him.” You plead in hopes that she won’t bar you from ever going outside again too. 
Alas, Miguel is the one with authority here.
“Don’t drag her to your impulse. You also endangered her by taking her with you.” He chastises, and forces your head back down to lean into his, to look him in the eyes. “You may be her mother, but you can’t protect her.”
Somewhere in your heart breaks. You slump as all the energy in your muscles give out. 
Yes, considering today, you never would have been able to protect your child. Yes, it is in fact your own child, who hasn’t even reached puberty, that saved your life. What would have happened if she was taken while you were distracted? You have no survival skills.
“Y/D/N, go to your room. I need to talk to your mother in private.” He orders and watches as she scurries off.
With her bedroom door shut, he calls for Lyla, “Activate soundproofing.”
Your heart begins to race in anticipation for what’s about to happen. He gets up from the couch while holding you (causing you to koala hug him) with one hand on your bum and the other your back.
He carries you to your shared bedroom, and unceremoniously plops you to the bed. He flips you over so that you face down to the bed, and slides you towards the edge so your ass hangs off.
“I’m going to punish you now. This is your lesson for disobeying my most important rule.” He says in a cold tone. 
Goosebumps form and your body shivers in fear. You never would have expected to be here. He has always been so gentle, forceful at times, but gentle nonetheless. 
You fucked up big time.
“P-Please wait…!” You hold your arm out to stop him.
He swats it away and simply says, “Stop moving.”
He hikes up the skirt of your dress over your ass revealing your pretty lace panties, and grips the skirt in place on your lower back.
“You didn’t wear safety shorts under the dress? You’re either a slut or an idiot.”
Before you can answer, he gives you a hard smack on your left ass cheek. You yelp from the sudden impact. It stings and burns.
You squirm, but you don't move out of place from the heavy weight pressing you down your abdomen.
He gives you another smack, this time on the right cheek. His touch is not kind, not tender like you’ve been used to for all these years. Your heart races so intensely; you can feel it beating against the mattress. 
“P-Please…” You attempt to get the words out through your heavy pants. “I…just want to…give you a birthday present.”
He kneads your cheek harshly, and you instinctively hiss from the contrast of earlier hits and round your back to escape his hand. He pushes your abdomen back down.
“And yet, instead, you had not only made me worry, but you endangered yourself unnecessarily and for what? A couple baked goods? I can get them any time.” He hard smacks your cheeks a couple times earning him a scream. “Not very considerate of you on my birthday.”
You sob from his words and the pain from his strikes. He doesn’t loosen his hold and continues to strike your ass in rapid succession. 
You groan into the sheets while you grip them tightly to hold yourself in some form of leverage. 
He spreads your cheeks apart and pulls your panties up. The cloth wedging itself into your cunt.
“You’re getting wet.” He scoffs. “You’re getting off on this.”
He rubs the inner side of your ass near your cunt with his thumb. He pulls on it to spread your cunt out for him to see. He glides his pointer finger across your glistening hole.
“You’re very wet.” His husky voice is low and you can sense he’s beginning to feel aroused. 
He pulls your right leg up and anchors your foot down to the mattress. “Keep your ass up.”
You do as you’re ordered and he smacks the area close to your dripping pussy. He smacks again and again. You can barely hold on. That area is far too sensitive.
Especially when you’re becoming impossibly wet. 
Your cunt is clenching around nothing and you try to push down the neediness that’s building up in the pit of your stomach. Your clit won’t stop pulsating. 
He pushes your hiked up leg back down to focus the assault on just your ass. He forcefully pulls down your panties and inspects your pussy again. While it’s not the first time he’s ever seen it, for some reason, you’re so much more embarrassed being presented in this way. 
“I-I’m sorry Miguel. I w-won’t do it again.” You want to be out of this demeaning hold as soon as possible. You can’t contain your tears and sobs flowing into your bed.
He again kneads your ass, but in thought. As if considering your apology, “If you’re truly sorry, then you’ll continue to ride out your punishment.”
Your eyes widen as his hand crashes down on your ass again. 
Your skin is fiery hot and raw. Your mind is blanking out. Strings of saliva fly out of your mouth. 
He stops for a moment after minutes of nonstop assault on your poor ass to knead and console your sensitive skin and muscles. (If your skin is pale, your ass is beet red, almost glowing like his webs.) 
You make a guttural throat sound in response; the shock shooting your brain awake. 
“Forgive me! Please, forgive me. I didn’t know. I didn’t know. Please stop.” 
He stops but his hand does not leave your ass as he gives you a quizzical look. “You didn’t know? Like you didn’t know this would happen?” 
You make a poor attempt at a nod. “I’m sorry. I didn’t think someone would attack me.”
He lets go of your dress and grabs you by the bodice pulling you off of the mattress. He drags you to the front of the full size body mirror where you can clearly see the dramatic height difference between the two of you. 
He grabs your waist while holding your face out. “Look at yourself!” He yells.
You take a good look at yourself. You’re a mess. The tears streaming down your face ruined your makeup. Streams of black from your mascara stain your cheeks while your lipstick is smeared all over your mouth. Your hair is disheveled. Your eyes are red. Your dress is wrinkled.
You don’t quite understand what he’s looking for. All you see is a mess.
“Do you have any idea how captivating you are? Why do you think I love this specific dress on you? And your makeup? You can tempt any man around you. You can’t possibly think no one would try to take you?” He says while pressing his hard-on on your back.
Sure, the dress hugs your body in all the right places. It shows your cleavage. But still, nothing overly liberal and out of place for a casual stroll in the city. Not when other more scantily clad women are a dime a dozen. Especially in Nueva York, in a time that’s far more advanced and liberal than your own.
“I d-don’t understand what you’re saying. I’m not that pretty.” You struggle to stand, but his grip on your waist keeps you from falling.
“Don’t act like you don’t know.” He grips your jaw harder as he glares at you through the mirror.
“I’m really not. I don’t even know why you married me!” You sob. “I’m weak. I’m useless. There are tons of girls who are better and prettier than I am. Why did you choose me? All I do is give you reasons to do more work at home than you already have.” You can’t help but sulk and spill all your insecurities.
His gaze softens and drops his grip from your jaw. He spins you around and brings you close to his chest. He strokes your head like how he used to comfort you. Your gentle Miguel is back.
“Shhh, I know that you can’t do a lot of things like other people, but it doesn’t make me love you any less. Isn’t that enough?” 
You pull your face away from his chest and look up at him. “But I want to be your equal. I want to be worthy.”
“But you are worthy. You don’t have to be my ‘equal’ for me to love you.” He counters. Good point. He cups your cheek and you lean into his touch. He lightly wipes away your tears. 
You have nothing more to say. Perhaps you’ll never understand why he chose you, why he loves you. 
“I love you more than you can know.” He brushes your hair behind your ear. “We have a beautiful family now. I can’t risk losing you, any of you. I hope you understand that.”
His eyes darken. You can see that his words mean more than what he tells you. You don’t know what he really means.
You have no choice but to accept him anyway. He is your rock in this world. Your entire fiber of being and existence completely and solely hinges upon him and his will. Without him, you have nothing, you are nothing. 
He is your savior as much as he is your captor. He is your caretaker as much as he is your jailor. 
He is your God.
You two linger in each other’s hold as if time stood still. His scent calms you down, and you begin to relax more and more in each breath you take as you sink into his embrace. 
Until your stomach growls.
He chuckles as he lets you go slowly. “Looks like someone’s hungry. I’ll go whip up some dinner for us.”
He walks away for a second to grab a box of tissues. He wipes away all of your tears, makeup smears, and dripping nose (which he tells you to blow out while holding up the tissue for you). 
“B-But the pastries and the ice cream I got for you. They got left behind.” You sniffle. 
“Don’t worry about it.” He pauses to think. “How about this? I’ll take the next weekend off and we can go together, as a family.”
You smile up at him; you couldn’t be more happy. “Thank you, Miguel. Thank you.”
He softly smiles back and kisses your forehead, “Now, go rest, I’ll come back to get you when dinner is ready. I’ll wash you up after.”
You nod to that. You make your way to your bed and plop face down. Your ass is still stinging and burning so you can’t lay on your back. Your eyes flutter shut and begin to drift off.
Good grief is what he thought watching you pass out on the bed. You’re going to catch a cold. He lifts you up to untuck the blanket and covers you with it. He carefully tucks the blanket in every crevice around your neck, ensuring no part of you is bare to feel the cool air. 
He stays for a second to look at you and brush away the strands of hair from your face before walking out and closing the door behind him. 
A/N: Well...that was intense. The second part will be fluffier and smuttier. (づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ I spent like at least 12 hours just on part 1 in both writing and proofreading, only to not even get to part 2 yet. Feedback is welcomed. This is not a comfortable read.
Also I want to thank @wreakingmarveloushavok for giving me the idea of what Mexican pastry that's eaten on birthdays! Everything else I googled, including any inaccurate health related mentions.
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carmenberzattosgf · 14 days
my hand is good! I have two scars now under my middle finger on my palm but all is well!
I'm also here to ask about birthday treatment from carmy? I dontnthink he does a lot for his birthday and I personally don't do a lot so I think its either a sup casual affair or he's celebrating the fuck out of it because he's like that's my s/o and I love them and this is the day they started existing and I love that.
it is simply my birthday and i want to be spending it with fiction people but alas!
OMG HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I hope you have a wonderful day my dear friend <3
To answer your question though, Carmy is 100% celebrating the fuck out of you. He’s going to wake you up with breakfast in bed with your favorite breakfast foods. He’ll even buy some silly little balloons to have in the kitchen and the living room. They’re not even displayed all cute they’re just, floating on the ceiling, but he made the effort!
The whole day is all about you. If you want your nails done? Okay, sold, he’s paying for them. Hair done? Yep, he’s tagging along and covering the bill. He’s going to watch all your favorite movies and shows with you cuddled up on the couch.
If you want to have a proper birthday dinner, he’s going to make a phone call and get a table for you and all of your friends ( and him of course) at the nicest restaurant in Chicago. Carmy’s also going to make sure they do a dessert with the candles in it as well.
Although, if you don’t want a proper birthday dinner, he cooks one for you at home, anyway. Carmy’s already come up with the perfect birthday dinner menu. Literally, he’s thought of an appetizer, main course, and he’s made your favorite flavor of birthday cake. Oh, and he sings you happy birthday while you blow out your candles. To be completely honest, he films you blowing out your candles just because he wants to keep the moment forever.
Now to talk about gifts, he probably asked Sugar or Syd for help a couple of days before your birthday. While Carmy is talented in so many things, gift selecting is not one of them. He’d much rather prefer to go ahead and buy you the things you’ve mentioned wanting. There’s so much going on in that head of his, he doesn’t want to forget about things you’ve said.
I like to think that after talking with Syd and Sugar, he decides to buy you a gold necklace with his initial on it. It’s not huge or flashy. The necklace is a simple gold chain with a small round pendant attached to it. He opts to have a “C” engraved on the pendant in a dainty, cursive font.
The gift is perfect. You can’t help the tears that well up in your eyes as you look over the pendant in the velvet box. Your eyes widen when you see the 18k gold certification in the box. “Carmen—this is so gorgeous—you really didn’t have to splurge like this. I would have been happy with nothing.” At this point the tears freely flow from your eyes as you look at Carmy, who’s just smiling happily.
“It’s your birthday, baby. I love you.” There’s a break in Carmy’s sentence as he cups your face, wiping your tears away with his thumb. “You’re worth every single penny and more,” he says before leaning in to give you a small kiss.
“I love you so much, Carm. Wanna help me put it on?” He’s eager to see the necklace on you, so he stands up fast to get the box from you. Carmy stands behind you and clasps the necklace at the back of your neck.
“There we go. How’s it look?” Carmen asks before walking back in front of you. Honestly, he has to catch his breath for a second. He didn’t realize how much of an effect seeing you wear his initial would have on him, but he is a man after all.
“It’s so gorgeous, Carm.” Your face beams you stand up to look at the necklace through the mirror on the wall of the living room. “What do you think?”
Carmen walks up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and setting his head on your shoulder. “I think you’re beautiful. Absolutely beautiful, my love.”
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tkingfisher · 1 year
Following the monk seals snorting eels post, I’d said that it wouldn’t be the tenth weirdest thing I’d heard about mammals. And then someone in the tags asked what the ten weirdest WOULD be.
Okay, I’ll confess there was some hyperbole there, because I didn’t have ten off the top of my head, but here’s three that strike me as A Thing:
CW: Animal injury and death! Also it’s disgusting! Read at own risk!
We all mostly know about hyena genitals by now, which is pretty wild in and of itself, but it gets weirder. Given that they have to give birth through the pseudo-penis, you’d think they’d be better at it, but the umbilical cord isn’t as long as the lady hyena’s junk, AND there’s a weird elbow turn, so cubs often suffocate on the way out. This may explain why they’re born so goddamn angry that siblings have been observed fighting *while still inside the amniotic sac.*
(I once peed while surrounded by hyenas. The African bush is not an easy place for a woman with a small bladder.)
(That’s not a weird mammal fact, except insomuch as I am a weird mammal.)
Lemurs will take giant millipedes, nip them to make them secrete toxins, then rub the millipede on their fur as insect repellent. But the millipede toxins also make them High As Fuck and cause them to salivate, so you end up with a bunch of stoned, drooling lemurs passing around a millipede that probably had other stuff to do today, dammit.
Ambergris is a weird waxy mass that stinks like the devil eating sardines in hell, and so of course is used in perfume. (It mellows.) For centuries nobody actually knew where it came from, just that it would sometimes wash up on shore. Eventually it was discovered in the guts of sperm whales and some clever soul figured out that it involved the indigestible bits of squid, like beaks. “Aha!” said humanity, “it must be whale vomit!”
Humanity, alas, was unduly optimistic. See, the whales regurgitate most of the squid beaks normally—they’ve got four stomachs, like a ruminant, and since they can’t chew, the first stomach is super tough and muscular to crush their food and to resist the assault of the squid, which is often still alive at this point—and so if they barfed up the beaks, there would be no ambergris. But sometimes they swallow the beaks instead and it lodges in the softer bits of the whale intestines. And then more beaks get hung up on it and more and basically it’s like a whale bezoar, and since this is of course moderately painful, the body secrete a mucusy goo to cover the sharp edges so it doesn’t poke the soft bits, the way an oyster coats sand to make a pearl.
Except, of course, it’s a whale intestine, not an oyster, and instead of a grain of sand, it’s like the world’s most disgusting Katamari. (Okay, technically it’s called a coprolith, aka “shit rock” but it’s just sitting there hooking any indigestible bits that get hung up on it, as well as a bunch of whale poop, and getting bigger and bigger, so I stand by my simile, dammit.)
Now, if you get a whale who keeps swallowing their beaks, over time, the coprolith gets so big that it creates an intestinal blockage. And at that point, one of two things happens. Either the sheer force of liquid whale poo trying to come out dislodges the coprolith and the whale takes the sort of crap that songs are written about��
…or the whale’s gut explodes. (Well, ruptures.) And the whale expires, bloats, pops, goes through the process of whale fall (which is amazing in and of itself) and the ambergris floats to the surface and marinates in seawater for a decade or so, casts up on a beach, and gets sold for a whopping $10k a pound.
Interestingly enough, making ambergris is a very rare condition, found in less than 5% of male sperm whales. (It only happens in males. Don’t ask me why.) Hunting sperm whales for ambergris would be ludicrously inefficient, and it’s classed as a “found” object under international treaties, which means that you can sell it if you find it cast up on a beach, unless you’re in the US, which classes it as a by-product of an endangered species, although enforcement is usually a little more concerned with the people smuggling live parrots in their socks and not with your disgusting lump of found whale poop.
So, yeah. Mammals. We’re a thing.
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bookishfeylin · 9 months
I’m curious on what your opinion is on tams red flag behavior in book one and just “fantasy male character behavior” in general. Like I see people talk about how gross and terrible he was in book one and yeah I’d run away fast if I met him but it also wasn’t anywhere near being worse that a lot other popular book men. Like where’s the line for you? Whats going to far? Should these characters be in ya?
Hi anon! I’ve talked about this topic quite a bit all over my blog but it’s complicated for me. IMO I DO think YA romantic relationships (fantasy romance in particular) as a whole are more toxic than not and really ought to be examined, critiqued, and called out more often, but ACOTAR is a unique case as it started as NA (or book 1 specifically was first published in NA I should say). If it’d stayed in NA it wouldn’t be an issue but alas. ACOTAR was moved to YA to sell more (this all occurred prior to ACOMAF being published iirc), and then after YEARS of the series being sold as YA they were moved back to NA with the release of ACOSF. I feel like they simply never should’ve been in YA to begin with, especially if she ultimately moved them back to NA, so… Additionally, the books, unlike your average YA fantasy, are trying specifically to teach the audience about healthy and unhealthy relationships. That complicates the convo more so than if these books DIDN'T discuss and attempt to teach about abuse like most other YA fantasy books. I do think, if you’re going to attempt to teach about a topic as important as abuse, you should hold your relationships to a higher standard, and ESPECIALLY if you’re writing for a younger and more impressionable audience. BUTTTTTTTT ACOTAR 1 is for all intents and purposes a BATB retelling. The BATB fairytale is nearly inherently unhealthy by real world standards, but we all… know that? Including teens (or I’d like to believe that, at least)? And Tamlin's character is the beast, so how much do we truly gain from calling out his red flags when we all knew he was going to act beastly going in? Like sure, I don’t like to see these types of behaviors promoted in YA as a general rule and I’m certainly glad to see them critiqued by the author, but I and I’m sure most others do expect them and arguably make exceptions for them in a BATB retelling *specifically* because. That’s the fairytale??? And I don’t think BATB retellings should be banned from YA or anything in spite of the fact that they’re again nearly inherently unhealthy? So yeah. It’s complicated. And because I want some nuance here I’ll just copy and paste some of my more concise opinions from other posts I’ve made:
As I've said in all of my posts where I discuss Tamlin's red flags, he certainly HAS them, but I've yet to see anyone name a red flag he has that Rhysand doesn't also exhibit. While I don't necessarily agree that other characters are more of a bad guy than he is, ACOTAR!Tamlin does not stand out much from any other male in the rest of this series. Is he a significantly older male with power and influence courting a younger less powerful woman? Yes. Is he violent, possessive, and jealous to a degree (though it's not nearly on ACOMAF! Tamlin's level)? Yes.
But so is everyone else. It doesn't work as a red flag because everyone acts that way. If we indict ACOTAR!Tamlin, then either EVERYONE has red flags, or it's "just how faeries are" and we leave it at that. Is Rhysand a significantly older male with power and influence courting a younger less powerful woman? Yes. Is Rhysand violent, possessive, and jealous to a degree? Yes.
ACOTAR!Tamlin is no worse than the bat boys. ACOTAR!Tamlin truly doesn't stand out in this series. It makes calling ACOTAR!Tamlin a walking red flag very very HARD when he's objectively not worse than the main heroes of the story--unless they too are walking red flags.
I love BATB retellings and Feylin, in book 1 where I ship it, is just that. It is no better or worse than a BATB retelling in a world with fae can be, and this works because Sarah isn’t trying to sell book 1 Feylin's relationship as healthy or frankly as anything other than a retelling of a popular fairytale a fairytale that has been scrutinized for Stockholm syndrome and the like. The rest of the books, aside from being very different in characterization, worldbuilding, tone, theme, and overall being very disjointed, retconned-filled continuations of the first book, also are hypocritical in the discussion of domestic violence, attacking said fairytale retelling for failing to meet real world standards of what a healthy relationship is (something it could never do as it was, again, a retelling of a fairytale that’s KNOWN to not be 100% healthy) while simultaneously propping up ANOTHER retelling-based-relationship as the ~healthier option~ despite it likewise being incapable of truly meeting our standards of healthiness and morality. The fandom often insists on critiquing Tamlin’s “red flags”, proclaiming Feylin was unhealthy and doomed from the beginning, but if the same treatment is done back to Rhysand and Feysand then the fandom’s tune becomes “how dare you use real world morality to critique their relationship???” Feysand literally begins with Rhysand mind-raping Feyre and then molesting her for months UTM??? Which is much worse than ANYTHING Tamlin ever did in the first book? If this series, and this fandom, truly cared about abuse as a theme then both Feylin and Feysand would be correctly critiqued as abusive, as neither of the fairytales they’re based on and are retelling are healthy. So that’s where I come in, and I correctly call them both toxic. But the fandom at large and the books don't do this, and the real world standards injected in the second book are deemed only applicable to Feylin, the BATB retelling, and not Feysand, the Hades and Persephone retelling. So I won’t judge my ship in the ***first book*** based on standards that were included ***later*** in the series and that are applied hypocritically to them alone and no other relationship. As I’ve said before, it’s very clear from the way no other major relationship in this series is critiqued by the same standards that abuse, domestic violence, and red flags were only discussed as themes solely to discredit their relationship, not least of all because it’s incredibly hard to apply real world standards to every character in a fantasy series without everyone being labeled unhealthy or problematic to some degree, to say nothing about that difficulty increasing in a fairytale retelling specifically. Feylin in book 1 is a fantasy fairytale retelling and nothing more; it’s not trying to comment on abuse. The rest of the books do, but hypocritically by only holding one retelling-based-relationship accountable for failing to meet real world standards of healthiness and morality instead of critiquing them both. The hypocrisy ruins the rest of the series for me (and has me side-eye a lot of the fandom for not caring about one relationship being analyzed by real world standards and the other one getting a pass and being labelled healthy anyway), so I simply prefer to enjoy book 1 and the relationship therein as an (imperfect) standalone fantasy.
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morvantmortuary · 1 month
I tried to post something at the show itself, but tumblr… ate it :’D alas.
so, a few days late but still exciting, have some photos of the tiny!morvants accompanying me and our bestie @bigtiddythanos to the Hozier show over the weekend!!
(left is me trying to take a photo of them in my lap in their Enclosure, right is tiddy generally providing a better angle from where they were sitting in front of us lmao.)
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we had really amazing seats at the very end of our row, which meant we both got to go absolutely feral during respective songs (me during Francesca, specifically, bc I didn’t think he was going to play it and then I throttled poor Tiddy’s hands all the way through), and not worry about crowding anyone with our massive emotions lmao
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this photo’s a bit zoomed in, but you get the general sense of where we were!
The Man himself was amazing: he was tall, his hair was up and then it was down, and he said the sweetest little “thank you so much! :D” after each song when the crowd lost their minds, as though we’d all just shown up to a little club gig and he hadn’t literally sold out the entire venue. he even came out in the crowd for his first encore, Cherry Wine!! (which I have video of but won’t post so I don’t have to subject people to me singing along under my breath :’D)
and ofc, here he is after his last song of the official set (none other than Take Me to Church, which was its own kind of religious experience ngl), with the pride flag he brought up for his mic:
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it’s grainy, but I thought the thumbs up was so cute lmao
part of the original, pre-show post that got eaten was me guessing which song each necromancer(/vampire) would lose their mind during if it got played. however, now that I’ve experienced the whole set for myself, I can tell you with certainty what songs each of them would definitely have flipped out about that evening :D
Maxi - To Be Alone and It Will Come Back, bc they’re both v much how he feels about you. Probably the one freaking out the most during the whole evening; you’ll recall Hoze was his favorite artist to sprawl out on the embalming table and daydream about you to during the early days of your relationship. ;D actually, there was also one dude there in a full suit (with his girlfriend, in her own flowing black dress morticia-style, I was extremely jealous) and I couldn’t help but subtly point him out to Tiddy like ‘yep. that would be our guy. there he is, Mr. Suits-or-Sweatpants-No-Inbetween, the King ♥️’ lol
Hex - Work Song, for the above, which he would’ve been exceptionally excited about as the v last encore, but also Too Sweet bc its a fun jam when he has the radio playing in his dark room or the kitchen
Rora - Like Real People Do, for the same (which she would have insisted on kissing you during), but also the Cherry Wine encore for her own reasons. some things just are too familiar, even when you haven’t bled like a human in a long time.
Seth - Eat Your Young, bc it’s a deeply sexy song about cycles exploitation, which is. his entire vibe tbh, but also secretly From Eden for the above even if he wouldn’t cop to it
Leon - Mostly there just to hang and vibe, but he’d have done the leo dicaprio pointing meme while the necromancers were losing their shit during Take Me to Church like ‘I recognize that one!!! :D’ (he is. not always the most aware of ‘modern’ music, despite having local bands at his bar as often as he can lmao.)
anyway! thank you for humoring me as always 🖤 and thank you once again to our buddy Tiddy for inviting us along 🥰 it was a magical evening, and it’s kickstarted not one but two pieces I was stuck on, so thank you for that too ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
happy may day/beltane to all in the meantime, and I hope everyone’s week is off to a good start! cheers to meeting the halfway point!!!
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barmans-fault · 10 months
You made a good point of how this staged photoshoot will lead to increased exposure and ticket sales esp ahead of the US tour, because correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think all their US dates are sold out? They’re not as popular in the states and it’s been a couple months since I checked but I only saw a handful of shows that showed sold out. All this just reminds us of a curated version we have of him. Someone who likes privacy and wants to be lowkey doesn’t date attention seekers consistently and calls the paps on themselves. He just lost all credibility he had
Words of wisdom here from a lovely anon and thank you for sharing these thoughts, i agree with every word 💘
I think people generally get very caught up in the whole "alex is a romantic little prince too busy with his mind on clever lines he's innocent and private and not like other celebs and his privacy has been violated" narrative and tend to forget how much of a business this whole thing is.
The primary purpose of any business, be that show business or not, is to make money. The band is an asset that needs to generate revenue. American market has huge potential for that, alas, as the anon above correctly pointed out, very few of the US shows are sold out at this point, just a month ahead of the tour and the sales need to be boosted. The best strategy would definitely be to hype it up a little. American audience seems to be really into the whole straight dominant greaser bad boy persona (where do you think all those endless alex/your name fics with that shitty 50 shades of grey vibes come from?) and the target audience must be catered for. Both parties benefit: Alex gets the publicity of a cool rockstar kind of tired of his fame with a beautiful gf by his side on an expensive posh Italian resort. The pictures will now be all over insta/twitter/tiktok igniting interest in new fans and rekindling the old ones. The girls will fantasise about taking Louise's place in his arms (oh to be a girlfriend of this rich handsome millionaire musician who is also intelligent and talented and famous and who will fuck you like a whore then treat you like a princess!) and the boys will be jealous of him and his beautiful French girlfriend, wanting to be like him (oh to be this rich handsome millionaire and get all the girls!). Some more tickets will be sold, some more records, some more merch, and a couple of tens (or hundreds) of thousands of dollars will be made. Louise on the other hand, will get more followers and will have more ads, which will also lead to more revenue for her and hence whoever is managing her. Not bad, no?
Alex is usually perceived as a poet with his head in the clouds, an ethereal creature, a poetic and storytelling genius, vulnerable, autistic woodland creature, too exquisite for earthly problems, fragile and defenseless. He is, however, in no way disconnected from reality or too naive not to know how the business works - after all, he's been in it for almost twenty years. And I am supposed to believe his privacy has been violated when it has hardly been violated for the 5 years he was hiding from everyone and no paparazzi whatsoever gave a fuck about him? Oh give me a break. His net worth is estimated to be millions of dollars, same as the band. He is one of the richest rock stars of the generation. I am not saying it is a bad thing - well deserved, he is a genius after all, - but money, even for geniuses, has to be earned. Their music is a product that needs to be sold, and their public image is one of the means to increase those sales.
I do not think that Alex or Louise called the paps themselves last minute - I am pretty sure the whole thing has been set up by the management in advance, with Alex's explicit consent. Again, it is just a marketing strategy which the sales and marketing department decided to go with in order to maximise the revenue. Why would Alex refuse? And please spare me the argument of 'he doesn't need any more money'. Maybe he doesn't (although i am not sure), but the band and the whole machine working for them definitely does as it employs hundreds of people who need to get their paychecks from this whole thing. Mr. Schwarz is staying strong for them, remember?
Once this is all over, the tour is over, the contracts are done and he disappears without a trace, we'll remember this and count how many times paps will ever try to take pictures of him or his gf (zero, mark my words).
Thank you for coming to my ted talk (or thesis defence, more like)♥️
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cto10121 · 1 year
R&J Clown Takes Special Edition (+ Shakespeare Clownery)—My & Juliet Angst Is Killing Me
The Folgers alas stooped to interviewing the ~geniuses behind the jukebox musical & Juliet, and so of course they got to air out both their R&J and their Shakespeare clownery for the whole Internet, the finest meat for my clown-eatery. We feast tonight! Spoilers, of course
R&J Hate Dumb
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Romeo is many things, but shallow isn’t one of them. If he or Juliet were, their love affair would have been over when they first found out they were each other’s enemy. There is only one thing shallow about Shakespeare’s play and that is Veronian society itself, deliberately depicted as such.
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These knuckleheads then go on to reference Romeo bro-ing with his bros as “proof” of this. Never mind that Mercutio and Benvolio weren’t supposed to know about R&J’s relationship, no one could, so Romeo getting them off his tail and being normal can be in no way performative. Juliet has her Nurse on the know so she doesn’t have to perform either. And again, she has to make sure her parents aren’t on her tail. Even then, though, she makes sure not to lie (technically).
The only point where either Romeo and Juliet can be said to be in any way performative is Romeo’s “love” for Rosaline and Juliet having to come up with a diplomatic response to her mother and nurse on the question of marriage.
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“Older pair of lovers” with “Teenage Dream” with nightingale and lark rip-off…it’s giving unintentional parody. It’s giving “no thoughts, head empty.”
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Romeo “I killed myself for my true love and honored my rival’s dying request to be lain with her because of course that is perfectly logical to me” Montague, an ego?????? This is arguably worse than Fey!Romeo. What is with modern musicals and their insistence that every single male love interest/character be a huge egotistical dick?
Shakespeare Hate Dumb
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Because of course a small town 16th century SAHM who ran a merchant house and stored 800 bushels of malt for ale would be more ~progressive about gender and social issues than a classics-educated theater actor and writer who traveled England and wrote genderbending social comedies and whose sonnets are frequently interpreted as bierotic. Because men smart, woman smarter, always!!! No thoughts, head empty!!!!
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Die (Reprise, andante con grande emozione).
Also, Something Rotten called, they’re suing you for copyright infrigement. Is this Shakespeare going to complain about how it’s hard to be the bard too? Seriously, wtf?
Okay, so Tumblr won’t let me add in another screenshot, but I have to talk about the fact that these numbskulls straight up confessed they wanted to do a Max Martin musical (per producer diktat) and came up with the R&J plot afterward because, and I kid you not…most of Martin’s songs are about young teen love. 😑 Yeah, dude, like 95% of all pop music ever since the Beatles.
Also, also, not all songs about young teen love necessarily fit R&J!!! From what I can tell, the songs they chose have little to no relevance to the characters or dynamic at all, hence this new fanfic plot. And judging by the excerpts, I don’t think they even bothered changing the lyrics to fit the new context. They really should have just changed the names à la West Side Story, but they definitely knew the show wouldn’t have sold as well without the tie-in. It just pisses me off, this consistent disrespect for the source material all the while exploiting it for profit.
Bonus: Very ~Apropos Song Lyrics
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Because of course these lyrics about a breakup completely fit a girl who just found her love dead beside her, having committed suicide. 🙃 No thoughts, head empty
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writersblockedx · 2 years
Protector of the Party: Chapter 4
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Chapter Four: Breaking and Entering 
PAIRING - Steve Harrington x Reader BASED OFF - (A little) 1x04, 1x05 WARNINGS - Violence, Mentions of kidnap, drug use and death WORDS - 3.5K
Read on AO3 / Wattpad
Series Masterlist Masterlist
Y/n hadn't left her room since she returned home. She really should have gone to find Hopper, make sure she was still in the clear and tell him the real reason behind Steve Harrington's list of lies he had woven together. But as she wondered around her room, the sky now painted dark, she put that as a errand for tomorrow.
A knock came from the front door. In the small house the Henderson's lived in, Y/n could hear it from her room. As could Dustin. She waited to hear the smaller boy ponder out of his room to collect whatever parcel was being delivered, or whatever item was yearning to be sold. But that never came. Y/n knew it was late, but Dustin never abided by the bedtime Claudia enforced. The knock came again. "Dustin!" The girl yelled at the top of her lungs. Nothing. No reply, no sound of movement. Only another knock.
Huffing, Y/n pulled herself from her bedsheets and, in a mood, made her way to the front door to attend whoever stood behind it. She certainly hadn't expected Hopper to be standing at the other side when she swung the door open. "Hopper?" Then she realised: the party - that she had never even been a part of. "Look I don't know what Harrington has told you, but I was never at that stupid party on Tuesday-"
The man's brows furrowed and he looked back at Y/n as if she were speaking gibberish. "Party? What party?" He questioned.
"The one your officers were asking me about today." Hopper still wasn't following. "At Steve Harrington's house?" He was completely blank. "You really need better communication with them officers. What are you doing here then?"
Hopper dropped his confusion as he came back to his purpose. "You still have them pliers?"
Y/n nodded, "Yeah."
"And you still want to find out what's going on with your mum and Will?"
Again, she nodded, "Yeah."
"Then let's go."
Y/n probably should have thought about it before agreeing. It was a school night and she was sure following after some conspiracy theory and breaking into a lab wasn't the best way to spend her time. Alas, she was her. In a flash, she slipped into her bedroom, uncovered the pliers from beneath her bed and jumped into the police truck with Hopper.
They glanced to one another; neither of them completely sure of this. "Seatbelt." Hopper stated before starting the engine.
Y/n obliged and pulled it across her body as he started pulling out from their driveway. "You really haven't heard about this party they're investigating?" Y/n then started as they entered the main road.
"I've had some bigger things to deal with right now, Kid." He answered as if that were obvious.
"Really? Because they're saying that this party was the last place Barb was seen at before she went missing. Which, by the way, is nowhere near the lab." She explained.
He glanced over at the girl, "And you were at this party?"
"No!" She snapped as she had felt like doing all day. "Harrington just said that because he can't help but save himself." She took a much needed exhale as she felt her hands start to fidget with the other. "As always."
"Just sounds like teen drama to me." Of course it did.
Y/n took a moment to calm from the memory of the words that had come from Steve earlier in the day. "What if it's not?" She suggested. "What if, that night, Barb left early because they were all irritating her. Maybe she passed the Lab on her way home and saw the same thing Will did." She paused. "Maybe they're all connected."
Hopper turned down a road that was going the opposite direction to the lab. "Hopefully we're about to find out."
She looked over at the man in the driver's seat, "This isn't the way to the lab." She observed.
"I know." He replied as the car turned into the morgue car park. "I just need to check something first."
Hopper slid into a parking spot, turned off the engine and unbuckled his seatbelt. Y/n wondered what had happened throughout the day to bring him back here. What he had discovered while she had been getting caught between 'teen drama' as he had called it. "Stay here." Jim instructed as he jumped out from the car.
Y/n watched for a moment as the man entered the morgue. Once he slipped inside, her eyes landed onto the glove compartment. She thought for a minute but she gave into her urge. She clipped it open and watched as the pistol stared back at her. She glanced between the shut door of the morgue and the weapon. Fuck it, her brain told her. Her hand grasped the gun as she shifted in her seat to shove it into the back of her jeans, pressing against the waistband.
The girl then left against Hopper's orders. She wondered into the morgue, the reception empty other then the lady who sat behind the desk. She sat up as Y/n entered, confused as to why a young girl was here at this hour. "I'm with the chief." Y/n rushed out before the women could object to anything, already walking through the closed doors to find the chief.
Y/n's feet slid down one the hallways, finally stopping as she caught Hopper and a state cop by the entrance to where the bodies were held. She was about to speak when Hopper threw a punch. The girl froze. He threw another punch and the cop fell. Y/n chuckled as her legs drew closer to the scene. "Out in two, I'm impressed."
Hopper's expression fell the moment he met Y/n's pupils. "I told you stay in the car." He stated like a father might have done.
She shrugged, "Since when did I do anything you told me too?"
The man supposed she made a good point there. Y/n reached over the unconscious body of the cop, flicking the keys out from his belt and into her hold. "What are we doing here then?" She questioned as she tested each key on the lock.
"The only people to have any contact with Will's body were people from state." Hopper informed as Y/n finally unlocked the door, letting it swing open.
She waited until moving, "So people from the Lab?"
That was something Hopper couldn't be entirely sure about. "Or people hired, paid, by the lab, yeah."
Y/n stared back at the empty room in front of them. "You think they might have done something to the body?" She asked, not letting her gaze break from the freezer where she knew Will's body must lay.
"I'm not even sure it really is a body." Well that was definitely something - the same something Dustin had too mentioned.
The girl swallowed the lump that had since grown in her throat and took the first step into the room. She could have sworn it got ten degrees cooler. Still, she stood in the centre of the freezer, several doors staring back at her. "Which one is Will's?"
Hopper didn't reply. Instead, he reached out to one of the handles on the right hand side. He pulled it open and dragged out the table. A cloth covered the body. Y/n couldn't stop starring down at it. "You don't have to watch this." Hopper told her.
Y/n reached down to her boot, pulling at the small pocket knife she hid behind her sock. She glanced to Hopper as he glared down at the blade held in her grip. "We're gonna need to check if it's real or not, right?" She pointed out. Hopper nodded before they both let their sights fall back down the sheet that shielded their eyes from the lifeless corpse.
Hopper was the one to throw back the sheet. Y/n felt like her breath had gotten caught in her throat. Will was blue. It was as if her muscles were stuck and the knife in her hand seemed like it might never move. But, slowly, she brought it to hover over Will's chest. She couldn't pull her eyes away from Will's closed ones. Hopper pressed his hands over Y/n's, bringing her back to what she was meant to be doing. "On three." The man said.
Her hands started to shake.
She felt like looking away.
Y/n pushed the blade down, hating the feeling of it slicing through the skin. From there, they dragged it down towards the belly button. It didn't take either of them long to realise something was off. No blood or muscle tissue was in sight. Once they had it open enough, Hopper reached in. All he pulled out was stuffing.
They looked up at one another. "Now what?" Asked Y/n.
"Now we find where Will really is."
So to the lab it was.
The lab wasn't too far from the morgue - ironically. And by this time, Y/n doubted the lab to be very busy. Hopper didn't get too far to the building. He pulled into a side road that lined the steal fence. He slowly stopped the car, switching the engine off until silence erupted through the truck. The pair glanced at one another. Their expressions asking if they were really going to go through with this.
Y/n grabbed the pliers that had lurked by her feet from the moment she entered the truck. That gave Hopper the go ahead as he exited the car, her only a moment behind him. They wondered up towards a certain part of the fence that seemed quiet. Y/n waited a second or two (just in case) before letting the long blades clip around the metal, breaking it free with a snap. She kept going until a large enough hole was created for the both of them to climb through.
Hopper turned to her before even of them dared to step through, "You can wait here, if you want."
Y/n could have laughed. "If I didn't want to go in, I never would have left my house." In fact, she never would have taken such an interest in the ancient newspaper the chief had been reading a couple of days ago now. "Ladies first." She gestured her hand back to the hole.
Hopper huffed at the comment but crawled through anyway, searching the area as Y/n followed. "Anything?" She asked as she watched his gaze.
The man pointed over towards an entrance to the building. "Our way in." He said. The two tip toed towards the glass doors. Hopper had tried to open them: locked. Something they hadn't anticipated. I mean if you were hiding dead kids (who weren't really dead) inside, then yeah, locks were a good idea.
Hopper slid to the wall next to the double doors, encouraging Y/n to do the same. And they waited. As they heard the door swing open, they stiffened and Y/n fought the urge to reach for the gun she had stolen from Hopper's glove compartment. The urge left her the moment she watched the two scientist continue on with their duties, completely unfazed. Hopper moved swiftly as he grasped the door before it shut, he and Y/n slipping inside.
It was a completely different part of the Lab then where Y/n was usually taken when visiting her mother. The anxiety bubbled in her stomach as she stuck close to Hopper, eyes wide for any threat that may reach her. A pair of scientists came in sight as they wondered down an adjacent corridor. Both her and Hopper jolted, jumping into an open room, pressing their backs against the walls that were situated next to the door way. Y/n held her breath.
She listened as their discussion gained closer. And closer. And then so close Y/n could hear the breath they took between sentences. Then it got lower. And soon enough, the voices passed into the distance where they couldn't harm the girl. She finally let out the air her lungs had been holding onto.
She looked to Hopper and they both nodded in sync. They exited the small office room and continued. Everything seemed normal, conventional. Certainly didn't look like they were holding kidnapped children here.
Then her and Hopper turned a cornor.
They were faced with a plastic hazard curtain.
Hopper huffed as both his and Y/n's feet came to a stop. "If he's going to be anywhere..." There was no need for her to finish her words; Hopper knew the point she was making. And he agreed with it.
He tilted his head in thought before taking a step forwards and breaking through the seal.
The moment Y/n stepped through, it was as if the normality of office buildings had been stripped away. It was replaced with blinding white tile that covered the wall and the floor. Now it seemed like they were standing in a lab. They rushed down the hallway until finally meeting tall, double doors. Hopper went straight for the handles: locked. And the only way to unlock it was through a key card that they didn't have. But if Will was here, this would probably be the best place to look.
"What do we-" She started. But her hold body stopped as she felt the barrel of a gun jabbed against the back of her head.
"Hands in the air." Demanded a voice Y/n didn't recognise.
Hopper spun around and obliged, surrendering with his palms up. He met the petrified expression that was written all over Y/n, a stab of guilt paining at his gut; he should have never brought her here. "Woah, woah, woah." Hopper sung as the girl took a slow step towards him, turning to face her threat.
"Forgot all the cameras, bud?" The man in the suit had questioned with some sadistic glint in his eye as he held his gun.
Y/n wasn't sure who the man was, but he knew Jim. "Look, Doctor Brenner asked for us, specially, okay?" He defended as his hand gently pointed between himself and Y/n. As the conversation went on, the girl felt safe enough to let her arms fall. Slowly enough in that no one would suspect anything. "How else do you think I got in here?"
The man in the suit was still uncertain and grabbed his walkie. "Names?" He demanded.
"It's Chief Jim Hopper." He said with a shrugged and a smile as if everything was completely fine.
Y/n's hands kept moving as they lurked at her waist. "And you?"
A long pause followed. Hopper was about to answer for her, but she broke the pause herself, smacking the walkie to the floor with one hand, and using the other to slip out the gun from the back of her jeans. She let it hover against his forehead. Everything felt still for a second.
Hopper then moved, throwing a fist into the cheek of the man. He fell to the ground with a thud as Y/n took a few steps backwards. Hopper took his own gun against the guard that had been (badly) protecting the man in the suit. At that point, Y/n had turned back, facing the lock that still troubled them. But, as she had done back at the morgue, she stepped over the unconscious man and took his key card.
Hopper joined her side by the doors, still pointing his gun at the guard who quivered against the tile wall. Y/n slipped the key car through the lock. It clicked. It opened. She rushed through and Hopper followed.
As the double doors closed behind them, Y/n's gaze found the lock on the other side. She held the pistol up again and her finger found the trigger. She pressed it and the force felt as if it had jolted through her whole body. But the lock broke and fuzzed, meaning they were secure in here for now.
They finally turned and faced the dark hallway. "I told you that you couldn't have that gun." Hopper scolded as if this were the time for that.
"Yeah, well I thought it might come in handy when breaking into a possible kidnaper lair." She responded as they took their first steps through this new setting of the Lab.
He shuffled around in his coat pocket, pulling out a flashlight and offering it the girl. "First lesson: You can't shoot, if you can't see." Y/n's eyes flicked between the metallic flashlight and Hopper's expression before she took the equipment for herself.
Then they faced the long corridor that had been starring back at them. It's trapped between shadows and lights that flickered. Hopper moved first. He went to one of the room's, inspecting it and calling out, "Will!" There comes no reply, so he continued on.
Y/n followed suit. Going from room to room as she yelled out for the younger boy. "Will!" Nothing in that room. "Will!" Nothing. "Will!" Nothing. "Will!" Nothing. Nothing. Nothing.
She finally made it to one of the rooms towards the end of the hallway. Her light roams around the room. She was about to move on, give in, then her flashlight lands on something. The room is the complete same as the others but for one thing. A photograph. It's hung on the wall by a thread. It's obviously been folded for a long time due to the creases that scar the ink. There's something that seems familiar about it and draws the girl closer.
She stepped into the room and wondered towards the photo. A sting of guilt hit her. An old family photo stared back at her. She recognised Claudia first, holding new born Dustin in her arms. And then she spotted herself - maybe only five years old. The younger version of her clings to her mother whose only just breaking a smile. She could stare at in for ages. The family picture mocked what she knows her family to be now. Here, it seemed normal, capturing two sisters and their children. It pained Y/n to know how things had changed.
"Hey, Kid!" She heard Hopper call as his footsteps followed, slowing in the doorway.
It's only then she realised the tears that were pricking at her waterlines. She sniffled, turning to face the chief who felt like the Earth had shifted, seeing Y/n on the verge of genuine tears. "This-" Her words get caught in her throat. "This is my mums room." Though, it still lacked her in it.
Hopper tensed at the idea. He wasn't the best with being genuine. Y/n strode over to him and passed over the photo. "What if-" She could barely even let the thought process, never mind saying it aloud. "What if they did something to her?"
What if they had killed her?
"Hey," Hopper spoke, pulling her back to reality rather than the dark hole of her thoughts. "We'll find her, just like we'll find Will." He said as if he could promise her that.
Still, Y/n nodded. "Okay."
They then heard it. The several sound of heavy footsteps gaining closer. "Come on." Hopper urged as he led the way out of the room.
Y/n shoved the picture into her pocket before rushing out with him. They had nowhere else to go other than the elevator that awaited them at the end of the corridor. Hopper slammed the open door button, forcing them both to wait as the guards got closer. Y/n felt her breaths quicken as the footsteps came round the corner. There must have been at least five of them.
"Y/n!" Hopper yelled before tugging her into the elevator she had been too distracted to realise had opened. And he slammed the button again as it shut, the figures of the guards soon disappearing.
She didn't let her eyes fall from the door, "We don't have anywhere to go, you know that right?" As if he needed reminding.
"I know." He huffed with his words.
"Then what's your plan?"
"We run."
Y/n was about to point about the many, many, flaws in his plan, but the doors pinged open once again. This time, welcoming them to a floor that felt like it was in another dimension. The lights flashed more than ever and some kind of dust filled the air which made Y/n worried to breathe it in. Still, she followed Hopper as he took the first step into this abnormal floor.
Her hand reached around her nose and mouth, covering best she could from the specs that clouded the atmosphere. "Oh god," She muttered as the only thing to guide them being the flashlights. But, with nowhere else to go, no way to turn back, they went forwards. And things only got worse from there.
They ended up in a room, overgrown with some sort of vines that Y/n could of sworn she saw move. It wrapped around the walls, leading to the giant source in the centre of the back wall. It flashed a little and shimmered due to the slimly texture it was covered in. "What the hell?" Y/n heard Hopper speak aloud from next to her.
They could have kept staring, attempting to work out what they were looking at. But then the heavy footsteps returned.
The two sprung around.
A man in a white hazmat suit faced them.
Y/n attempted to put up a fight.
Then another white hazmat came into view.
And another.
Then a sharp pain stung at her neck. --
Chapter Five (The Mother) to be published Thursday 9pm (BST) Taglist - @fanficfanatic204 @neverylee @myheartonthemove​ (let me know if you would like to be added or removed)
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comphetkoncass · 5 months
bat royalty au where bruce wayne is the prince of gotham but is an antimonarchist seeking to set up representative government for his kingdom but knows there is too much corruption among the nobles for it to succeed yet. so he spends his time rooting out corruption and removing titles from corrupt nobles and deeding land back to the people. he is waiting for the moment it is safe, and when it is, gotham will become a representative democracy. to be clear, this at times sounds like he’s stalling, but he waits partly because his parents were killed by monarchists for ceding too much power away from the throne and breaking traditions etc. it threw the country into chaos for years, and he’s trying to keep war from breaking out.
he also micromanages his relationships to prevent having a “true heir” recognized by gotham nobility. but he cares about children too much not to adopt ones in need. so then when they get older he has to micromanage their relationships to avoid them having any relationship that could count as a political alliance that would give the wayne ‘bloodline’ too much power to monarchists who want to maintain the throne.
…which doesn’t seem to be so hard, until his eldest son falls in love with a princess. and his third son falls in love with the cousin of the lost prince of krypton. and when it turns out he has a blood heir, despite trying to take every precaution against one.
(notes: jason is killed in this one when bruce is on the verge of dissolving the monarchy. but it’s clear jason would just be the first of many deaths to follow; gotham nobility still is to corrupt and has too much power, and would truly start a war and force a tyrant onto the throne. the only way to keep gotham safe is for bruce to continue to lead it and continue the slow work of removing threats and boosting the people’s living conditions, education, and political rights)
(i’m also entertaining the idea of kory being an unknown princess serving as a maid in wayne manor for a time to look out for political information on the state of the world. she seeks refuge in gotham specifically for its anti monarchy sentiment, as her sister betrayed kory and their people and sold her into slavery. she escaped and fled to gotham to plan a rebellion and take back her people’s freedom. funny enough, bruce supported dickkory in this au when he thought kory wasn’t royalty because no one could claim royal blood in dick’s descendants if he married a maid. but alas she’s a princess. kory reassures him eventually that she wants her people to be liberated too, and would like them to have self-determination so they’re never at the mercy of a dictator or foreign powers, like her sister or the gordanians, ever again.)
yes this is all on one planet in like a 1700s-ish era. yes i just binge watched bridgerton. what about it.
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indigozeal · 1 year
Kei Shigema wrote up a proposal for a Lunar 0, and other Lunar news
I've been systematically translating the Lunar interviews from Beep21, but there's news that I think can't wait.  In the second part of his Eternal Blue interview, series scriptwriter/visionary Kei Shigema talks about having drawn up a treatment for another Lunar—and it's not the story you might first think.
- Do you think you'll be able to be present the tale of the Four Heroes era (the so-called Lunar 0) touched upon in the PSP version of Silver Star in a game or other media?
Shigema: Lunar 0 has become a story of a bit different era!   As for the tale of the Four Heroes: the emotions and conflicts and fated bonds involved are released and resolved in Alex's story, so I don't think there's any need to depict it independently. However, I'd like to write a little bit about Laike's story after the end of the game.
- Be honest: is there even a 0.1% chance of Lunar 3 in the future?  I'm on pins and needles!
Shigema: I think the statute of limitations is up, so...  (Actually, about 21 lines of grown-up stuff was deleted here...)   ...So several years after the above was suspended, there were talks about whether we could now create a Lunar 0 about the details of how humanity moved to Lunar, and for consideration, we created a simple plot and characters.  Mr. Kubooka even drew up rough sketches of the main characters.   These were just for consideration; they didn't go to production. That means that, as for as the 0.1% chance goes: I don't think it's zero. However: an extraordinary amount of manpower and funding is necessary to create an RPG from scratch in this day and age, and when I think of getting to the point of getting that all together, I think it would be enormously difficult. I myself still want to hold out hope, so let's give Game Arts our support!
He also talks about his ideas on what may have happened after EB, which include a number of surprising concepts...
- What happened to Hiro and Lucia afterward?
Shigema: Welllll, I don't know—I suppose they went on a variety of adventures together? Lucia may have awakened the Blue Star, but I don't imagine it would have revived immediately just like that.  I wouldn't be surprised if an exhausted Hiro & Lucia had two or three more adventures on the level of Eternal Blue!  Making new comrades from people sleeping on the Blue Star—maybe everyone on Lunar coming to help, of course.  I also kind of doubt whether that would've really been the last we saw of Ghaleon-sama.   And perhaps at the end of Hiro and Lucia's adventures, the frozen earth would have changed to green...
Shigema also thinks that the spiritual successor to Lunar has already been made:
Incidentally, while it's not a sequel to Lunar, Tales of Destiny 2 (TOD2) is its spiritual successor—its emotional heir.
I'd wanted overseas Lunar fans to play it, too, but, alas, there was no overseas release! Abroad, Tales of Eternia was sold as "Tales of Destiny 2".
The role of TOD2's lengthy animated cutscenes; the expressions; the characters and story construction; the thematic material; the position of the heroine; the music production; and on and on—I think they're all connected fairly directly to Lunar.  The element of romance between the characters etc. too is that way.
Particularly thematically, Lunar is, as an action-adventure tale, thoroughly about how the hero fights to save the girl he loves and saves the world in the process. With TOD2, we tried to go further and depict the decisions and growth of a hero forced to choose between the girl and the world.
Shigema is credited as a “script producer” on Tales of Destiny 2.
So, to recap:
Kei Shigema spoke with an unspecified somebody (Game Arts seems likely, but it's not explicitly specified) about making another Lunar game, to the point where he drew up a rough plot and characters (for which series character designer Toshiyuki Kubooka drew up rough sketches).  Nothing’s gone to production, and he thinks funding would be a major obstacle.
This proposed Lunar game, "Lunar 0," would be about how humanity came to live on Lunar.
Shigema does not want to do the Four Heroes story as a standalone work.
Shigema thinks Hiro and Lucia might have had adventures after Eternal Blue in order to revive the Blue Star fully.
There are other people sleeping on the Blue Star, apparently.
Ghaleon might have shown up in some manner after his passing in Eternal Blue.
Shigema considers Tales of Destiny 2 (the Japanese title, not Eternia) to be the spiritual successor to Lunar.
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lord-vermin · 7 months
Oh shit I don’t think I’ve actually told this fucking story on here BUT (and this story is totally made up for many reasons) I ~accidentally~ kinda stole(?) a painting/tile worth iirc 15,000
So this was back at my old shop and basically it used to be an art gallery, the building was old as shit and I had a theory that the loft (attic) of the building connected to the other two buildings & my boss wanted me to store some furniture but we were so limited on space in this tiny fucking studio that I decided hey - I’m going to strategically break (gently rip it open) the door to the loft & see if we can get away with storing the furniture upstairs.
I get up there and it’s creepy as shit but my theory is true it’s HUGE up there & because it’s not the same building we can store stuff up there & hopefully the landlord won’t have a clue. But on my exploration into the world of black mould and asbestos I find these cardboard boxes filled with pictures, frames, tiles, etc.
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(Fictional pictures to help your imagination)
& bc the building used to be a gallery up until the 80(?)s when the guy who owned the gallery passed away. I immediately start seeing what’s good - I decide ‘hey let’s not go crazy’ and I took 3 downstairs for people to look at.
Alas I only have pictures of the two that aren’t relevant to this story & not the third one which was the once that caused all the fucking trouble in the first place.
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But I take them downstairs wayyy too eager to please my boss and I’m like “hey these are cool maybe we should put them on the wall?” I mostly just liked the one with the crows Ngl. We all agree they’d be good to fill some gaps on the wall and they go into a plastic bag on the floor while we all procrastinate on actually putting them up. Which turned out to be a fucking miracle.
So the landlord comes by and this is the first time in years he’s stopped by, first time I’ve ever seen the dude and he’s PISSED because SOMEONE broke into upstairs and has gone through all his paintings (no idea who that would be) and even worse some are missing. We own up to using it as a cheeky storage space which he says is fine. And I SOMEHOW had to look this man in the eye, with said paintings wrapped in a plastic bag on the floor in front of him and go “no clue mate sorry” while this painting shaped plastic bag sat on the floor in front of him. My boss decides he will keep the paintings because they’re his bc he pays the rent despite me saying maybe we should just put them back upstairs.
So the dude apparently reports the paintings as stolen & takes everything he had from upstairs and removes it. And my boss on a slow day tasks me with finding out what the fuck is up with these paintings and why this guy lost his shit. The first two paintings, the ones pictured above - worth £100 at a stretch. Valued at that but no one is buying. But the other one was this ceramic tile that I end up bringing to a gallery and I’m like “do you know anything about this” the guy immediately is like “oh my god where did you get this I haven’t seen one of these in forever” I lie. Just frantically making shit up as I’m starting to realise it’s probably been reported nicked and I’m getting it fucking checked out. And he tells me the artists name & some info and I get back to the studio and we do about 5 seconds of googling and this guys incredibly well known & his stuff goes for a lot. This piece was part of a set and some of the other pieces of the same set had been sold at auction for roughly 15,000. I am fucking mortified.
This is where the realisation that I’ve fucked up really starts to set in. We don’t want this anymore. We wrap it up in plastic & bubble wrap - put it in the store room and never speak of it. Kinda running off the logic of ‘it’s never left the building so it’s not stolen it’s just misplaced’
until one of the tat-artists who decided to secretly move studios steals a bunch of shit including the tile-painting-thing. But then he suffered a psychotic break and gave it to someone. So now it’s just out there somewhere??? The other two got put back up stairs into storage.
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contrarynonsense · 8 months
I felt like sharing my thoughts on the gmmtv 2024 lineup (so far) since I ended up watching the livestream last night. Without further ado:
My thoughts on the gmmtv 2024 (part 1) line up! (Dramas only)
My Precious: Congrats to the cast but I did not watch the movie (which like literally just came out it feels like) and I don’t have a high interest in watching the drama adaptation.
Ploy’s Yearbook: I was slightly confused on the plot but as long as it’s not time travel I might give it a try. The girl lead ensemble cast seems real enjoyable.
We Are: Not gonna lie, I have some mixed feelings on this one. I love all the pairings but four couples in one series with low plot is far too many. I don’t think the screen time balance will be good and this feels like they are wasting some strong talent. Best I can phrase it is they are using the popularity of the couples to carry the show rather than have it be a story that can stand on its own. :/
The Trainee: I will always love OffGun and I’m most likely going to watch this, though I find it a little silly to announce another show for them when Cooking Crush hasn’t even aired yet. They really do need to let Gun spread his wings a bit more though imo. Also people keep saying there were no subtitles on the trailer but there definitely were??? So I don’t know what that’s about.
Only Boo: Love the fresh faces and the cast seems pretty good, but I have a very strong distaste for idol dramas. So unless this gets some seriously good reviews I’m probably going to give this a pass.
Pluto: A GL!!!! I’m not super sold on the plot, seems reminiscent of Not Me with the whole “pretend to be your twin while they’re in a coma” thing, but the girlies be stunning and working, and we need to show gmmtv that there is a market for this! So I will definitely be watching and supporting. 😤
Summer Night: They had me in the first half, I really thought they might be mixing couples and giving us DunkPhuwin. I was sold on that in seconds. But alas, it’s a messy heterosexual love square… thing? Honestly I got very lost on what was happening as the trailer went on. Love triangles/squares are overdone and really not my cup of tea, so I’ll skip this one and dream about what could have been.
Peaceful Property: I’m really, really excited for this one!!! Idk if it’s BL or Bromance but honestly I don’t care. The found family with ghosts and slapstick had me sold, the casting is incredible and TayNew with a dynamic swap is sending. Probably one of my favorite offerings on this list.
Ossan’s Love: while I love and respect the original for what it did for normalizing a lot of lgbt+ media in Japan, idk how I feel about them doing a remake. Even if neither Earth or Mix play the Ossan (which I doubt they will), they are still a bit too young for the other roles. I doubt doubt their skills, but these two are my age and they keep casting them (especially Earth) as these older aged characters. Like, these guys aren’t even 30 yet. I know they are very popular in Japan but… I will wait and see on this one. We didn’t even get a trailer so maybe it will surprise me and surpass my expectations.
My Golden Blood: This one I think caught ALL of us by surprise. Gawin bringing back a retired BL actor in a new pairing for a cheesy vampire romance? Amazing and honestly a little hilarious. I’ll be giving this one a watch most likely, mostly because I think the premise is very amusing.
Kidnap: While good for Ohm (possibly? little unclear on if this is BL or not, it might just be strong friendship) being in a new pair after the mess that was the fan base for Bad Buddy, I cannot stop laughing at the line “for some reasons, I have become a kidnapper.” I’m not supremely interested in the plot, but I hope it turns out good for people who are excited for it.
High School Frenemy: Apparently this is a remake of the Korean show School 2013, but I have not seen the original so I didn’t notice. Lots of gangs and fighting, as well as new faces. Don’t honesty have a strong opinion on this? Again, not my cup of tea. I lean more into comedy than I do angst and high drama.
Wandee Goodday: Yo this one was a ride. I had to get out of my chair and squat to the side for several minutes to recover. I’m not into high heat but damn were they committing and very unabashed about, like, anything. I also love the comedic timing of a lot of it. I don’t know if I’m personally going to watch this one but God I hope it succeeds and goes as good as the trailer.
My Love Mix-Up: GemFourth are back! Little sad that it’s not an original story but I love Kieta Hatsukoi and I know they will kill it. And they have (as far as I can tell) clarified that this is a new adaptation based on the manga, and not a remake of the Japanese drama. As such, I will not be comparing the two and waiting to see what their take on the story will be. Hopefully they will adapt further into the story than the JBL did (though no shame on that version, they did spectacular).
Enigma Season 2: I did not watch season 1 and I will not be watching season 2. Sorry.
Those are my thoughts on the lineup from part one! Missing some big names like FirstKhao and ForceBook, but honestly they are probably gonna be in part 2 in December so I’m not too worried. Overall the announced shows are kinda… meh? Like there is some standouts but overall not super sold on a lot of them. Plus a lot of them probably won’t even make it into 2024 with how behind schedule they are with this years shows. (Where is 23.5 gmmtv? Where?) We shall see what the offerings will be in part 2!
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variousqueerthings · 2 years
Episodes we’ve seen in the last few days that have given us some amazing things Part I of III
Margaret and Hawkeye friendship continues, including general fondness and smiles, but especially in An Eye For A Tooth in which Charles creates a fake vendetta between her and the boys – also loved the way they really sold the Anger when they were tricking Charles, and BJ checking in that Margaret is okay after pretend-choking her (also her answer “I enjoyed it”?? (paraphrased)).
Also that episode… Margaret stealing Hawkeye’s and BJ’s clothes and then gathering the nurses to laugh at them ….. I am not too proud to say I watched that scene twice (also her coming in and them ducking behind the shower “doors” like they’re self-conscious, as if Hawkeye didn’t once walk naked into the mess tent and hasn’t literally had sex with Margaret. We love to laugh at their self-consciousness... and rewatch the scene 👀👀👀) + Potter looking out for her with that pilot who’s considering hitting on her. I notice that happened with BJ before. Generally she’s really Part Of The Gang and they watch out for her and vice versa!!!
I think she and Hawkeye keep purposefully seeking one another out in their vulnerable moments and really bring out the best in each other + challenge each other – see also Inga, which I have some general Thoughts On...
Inga: written and directed by Alan Alda. I have seen at least 2 places where he says the show was definitely not about Making Political Points, and sir! Sir this episode is your 70s feminism manifesto! In all seriousness I like what it was saying and that it was so direct about it and I think Inga herself was a great character and we got some wonderful Margaret moments in her putting Hawkeye in his place (wish we’d seen her getting to interact more with Inga, but alas… time) + BJ being like “lol not respecting women, couldn’t be me, have I mentioned how great my wife is lately?”
The one thing I don’t believe in this episode is that Hawkeye didn’t know he liked bottoming before this! No way this guy hasn’t been topped before! 
Actually though I feel like in his particular growth narrative this episode would fit better earlier. I’ll take it now because I don’t think it was possible to make it before, but I think it would have fit better in the iteration of Hawkeye who did tend to mainly get written only interacting with women in a sexual context, and before he respected Margaret as much as he does now. I enjoyed it now, I’ll just mentally place it earlier in the timeline.
And while I don’t quite buy the sadness he feels when Inga leaves (unless from the context of “well that experience awakened something in me”) I like that Margaret came to find him to make sure he didn’t wallow!
Also can we talk about “written and directed episode by Alan Alda” having a whole conversation about gender affirming surgeries in Sweden in the 50s???????????????????? I’m sure back in the day it prompted the laughtrack, but sans laughtrack it’s just… hello???!!!! Klinger doesn’t want that though because the process was still really binary back then (back then and now...) and Klinger is more genderqueer, and I don’t think wants to have any surgeries.
Kinda felt overall like a totally non-judgemental conversation, both from Inga of course, but also from Klinger. Could have been so easy to put in a “and I thought I was crazy” line, but in the context of the conversation itself, how Inga is presented as an incredibly rational and forward-thinking, smart, compassionate person, and Sweden as being further ahead medically… Alan. Alan I know you don’t talk about MASH much anymore, but Alan!!!! How much did you know about gender affirming healthcare in the 70s and in the 50s???
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theluckyr · 2 years
New Routine
What day to day looks like now that there's (y/n) in HQ
Will take you to Chinatown. It's a must, no question asked and it's her treat.
Whether it’s for just a casual walk or eating out at one of k-bbq places, she wouldn't mind at all.
After she done training, immediately she ran to you.
"Did you see what I did there?"
"Yep, that was amazing
Always makes sure to put her knives and firearms away when talking to you. Because she's really afraid that you might get hurt.
Surprise her with a pillow fort and movies after a long day of work, her fatigue would go away.
You're now her assistant. Whenever she needs a pair of hands or second opinion, she always ask you.
She enjoys your presence, because every day she deals with just chaos on top of chaos from sage trying to keep up with Jett who has low Hp, Skye accidentally blind her sight, to Kay/o just being his own self. So whenever you're around she feels calm.
Really likes listening to your ramblings about anything while drinking her cup of coffee.
You can talk for hours about bugs or dinosaurs in her lab and she would reply "Oh, I never knew they would do that. Care to elaborate?"
Because of this, she will give you a replica of your favorite moth or dinosaur's fossil as a present.
Well, this man is quite the character.
Seeing you idling around the HQ, really made him more motivated with his work and not having artblock very often.
To him, your voice was like a sweet melody and he could never get enough of it. So it’s not a surprise for you two to have some late night talks with a glass of wine or sparkling cider (he’ll cater to your preferences, no worries).
Occasionally, he would listen to your conversation so he’ll know what to get for you.
(Y/n) : *sigh heavily* I failed….
Raze : What’s wrong?
Neon : There’s a bakery around the HQ and they’re famous for their fresh pastries. Whenever (Y/n) pays a visit, it already sold out
(Y/n) : Freshly baked croissants dipped in hot coffee would be perfect for this evening. Alright then I’ll set my alarm early tonight. Hope i’ll be there before the store open
KJ : That’s the spirit! I’ll convince brim if we can borrow his jeep tomorrow.
But alas, you woke up late and just right when you’re about to get your jacket, you saw a pink box from the same bakery wrapped in gold ribbon with a note that says “Enjoy.”
If you have something that are bothering you, please just ask for his help. Please 🥺 financially? Emotionally? Get rid of a body? He'll do anything. Just ask, Mon Cheri.
Every bit of physical gesture you made to him, he will savor it every moment. Even as simple as dusting off the sands on his shoulders after his work in Bind or accidentally holding his hand when you handed him something.
I'm obsessed with him, ik it's a problem
This man is the definition of dreamy when you see him in person.
Because of this, you apologized to him for not mastering his lineups very well.
No worries, he understands your struggles. It’s okay <3
Instead of worrying about your past actions, why don't you enjoy the time with him, please?
(Y/n) : hey Sova
Sova : Hm?
(Y/n) : Knock knock
Sova : Who’s there?
(Y/n) : Mike Weaver
Sova : Mike Weaver who?
(Y/n) : Mike Weaver is never full
That cheesy joke really made him burst out laughing. Even everyone in the HQ never heard him laugh so happily like that.
Because of this, he really treasure that moment and if cypher try to recreate it, rest assured he would savor sova’s knuckle sandwich as his tea time snack.
Definitely not a Tsundere, what are you talking about? (¬/////¬)
He always wants to talk with you the same way you talk with others, but his pride wouldn’t let him.
One thing that he loves hates is how you could be very nonchalant towards his actions.
One time, he did the infamous kabedon on you instead of being mesmerized, you pull him for a tight hug.
“You know, you can always ask for a hug. I wouldn’t mind at all :) “ then they walked away
The man dropped on his knees, too stunned to speak and stayed in his room for days to recover from the interactions.
But that doesn’t mean he’s giving his rivals a chance, no way.
Now whenever (y/n) taking a photo, there would be a familiar blue figure with a scowl on his face in the background.
Wouldn't admit that the hug felt really warm and (y/n) smelled really sweet yet very…. addicting.
One of the culprits of taking some of (y/n)'s perfume/cologne into a spray bottle. So whenever he is in a grumpy mood, he'll spray some on his pillow and hug it really tight, pretending that it's you.
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GWEN (2018)
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Gwen is a young woman who lives on a farm in Wales with her mom and sister.  Dad has been sent off to war.  As she’s going home one day she sees that the family in a nearby house have all died of cholera!  Things pretty much go downhill from there:
Gwen hears someone poking around their house at night, and the next morning all of their sheep are dead!
Gwen goes to look at the house of the dead family, but her mom catches her and sends her home.  Gwen thinks that the local coal mine owner got the family sick so he could take their land.
Gwen’s mom gets sick.  The doctor, who works for the coal mine owner, loans her a bottle of “tonic wine” as medication.  Gwen sees her mom draining her own blood, which obviously isn’t helping her condition.  Gwen goes to market to try to earn enough money for more medicine, but no one wants to buy from her.  The doctor takes pity on her and gives her some more medicine, but on the way home the horse is spooked and runs off, breaking its leg.  Mom puts the horse out of its misery because Gwen is too distraught to do so.  Oh, also, the coal mine owner accuses Gwen of stealing the bottles of medicine.
Gwen’s mother is laid up in bed, and she confesses to Gwen that her father is dead.  We also see the coal mine owner looking at the house and handing a knife to a dude!  That night, Gwen burns her cross and follows her mother outside.  The dude appears and drags mom back inside, locking Gwen out.  The man tortures mother, but Gwen uses an axe to break down the door and get inside.  The man takes the axe and begins to choke out Gwen, and mother grabs his knife and stabs him once in the side and then slits his throat!  Mother sends Gwen and her sister away as a mob, led by the coal mine owner, approach.  The man slaps mother to the ground and burns her alive.  He instructs the mob to burn the house, and only one person, a young man who showed some interest in Gwen earlier, looks perturbed.
Gwen and her sister escape.  Little sister asks where they’re going, and Gwen says, “to find dad.”
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This was marketed as folk horror, and there are certainly elements to that in this film.  The acting is sold.  Many shots are nicely composed, little works of art.  There’s a generally creepy atmosphere, along with a rising sense of dread.  There's maybe the slightest hint that maybe Gwen or her mother are witches who will visit righteous vengeance on the coal mine owner, but, alas, no. They are just poor people. Our frights aren’t supernatural.  They’re human.  At one point Gwen’s mother laments, “steal a sheep, and they’ll take your hand.  Steal a mountain, and they’ll make you a lord.”  This is another form of existential horror.  Our villain, the industrialist, the capitalist, the horror, is a person who has everything, but it still isn’t enough.
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