#but i wont !!!! for now
stil-lindigo · 2 months
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lead balloon (the tumblr post that saved me)
if this comic resonated with you, it would mean the world to me if you donated to this palestinian family's escape fund.
no creative notes because this isn't that kind of comic.
I know I don’t owe any of you anything but I still felt compelled to write about my long term absence. And I feel far enough away from the dangerous spot I was in to be able to make this comic. I have a therapist now, and she agreed that making this could be a very cathartic gesture, and the start of properly leaving these thoughts behind me. I am still, at seemingly random times, blindsided by fleeting desires to kill myself. They’re always passing urges, but it’s disarming, and uncomfortable. I worry sometimes that my brain’s spent so long thinking only about suicide that it’s forgotten how to think about anything else. Like, now that I've opened that door for myself, I'll never be able to fully shut it again. But I’m trying my best to encourage my mind in other directions. We'll see how that goes.
I am still donating all proceeds from my store to Palestinian causes. So far, I've donated over $15K, not including donations coming from my own pocket or the fundraising streams which jointly raised around $10K. In the time since I made my initial post about where this money would be going, the focus has shifted from aid organisations to directly donating to escape funds.
If you'd like to do the same, you can look at Operation Olive Branch, which hosts hundreds of Palestinian escape funds or donate to Safebow, which has helped facilitate the safe crossing and securing of important medical procedures for over 150 at-risk palestinians since the beginning of the genocide.
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pls rb if you think cuddling doesn't have to be s3xual
im tryna prove a point to my bf's mother help me out
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heartbreakfeelsogood · 8 months
i’m sad -> i look at images of my ~40 year old man of choice -> i twirl my hair and kick my legs -> i think crazy thoughts -> i feel okay -> rinse repeat
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scribbledghost · 5 months
Give me a Simon Riley who's soft.
Give me a Simon who, when the guys ask him to run to the pub after a successful mission, turns them down. The reason he gives them is "because I just spent two months with you assholes", but everyone knows it's because he's too eager to get home to you to waste any more time.
Give me a Simon whose favorite place to be is with you in bed or on the couch, laying atop you like a massive weighted blanket; his head on your chest listening to your heartbeat as you massage his scalp. He constantly falls asleep like that, and he swears it's the only position he can sleep in that guarantees he won't have any nightmares.
Give me a Simon looks at you and, for the first time in decades, imagines a future for himself. He's never allowed it before - he's always been convinced that he'd die young and has always known he'd be grateful for it. But now, when he watches you smile back at him, he finds himself thinking of future years he never thought he'd want.
Give me a Simon who lets you trace his scars with your fingertips, and who starts to associate them less with the injuries that caused them and more with the sensations you give him. And all the while, he's looking at you like you hung the moon, the stars, and everything else in the sky.
Give me a Simon who has earned his reputation as a ghost, a phantom, a threat, but refuses to so much as raise his voice towards you.
Give me a Simon Riley who is completely and utterly yours, for as long as you will have him.
Give me a Simon Riley who will burn the world down at your feet to keep it that way.
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lesbianviolet · 6 months
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hi. musical cosmic horrors In My Brain . they wont leave
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cruelsister-moved2 · 2 years
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for real! (from kadji amin)
[Image description: Screenshot of text:
What I've realized is that I believe that the matter of gender is practical and relational. It's not about who you are inside, it's more about how you would feel most comfortable in the world. It's not 'Who are you?' but 'How do you want to live?'
Had that been the discourse when I was coming up, I would have breathed a sigh of relief. I don't have to figure out who I am on the inside, I just have to figure out how I want to live.
end of ID]
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insufferablemod · 1 month
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valarinde · 2 months
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“[Louis] has never even said he’s a [vampire] yet. Won’t even say the word. The fraught complexities of what happens when you are with the right-slash-wrong person.” — Rolin Jones, Episode Insider 3
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toorumlk · 28 days
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summers at the burrow (1998)
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kumzorg · 20 days
more like rave nikki
link to youtube:
dream dance (youtube.com)
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odd-critter · 8 months
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im normal about them :-)
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Forces have been deployed to RAFAH, there are no more safe zones, they have nowhere to go!!
Scream and shout as loud as you can, anywhere and everywhere - we are watching a genocide happen
Your voice matters!!
United States --
Contact the White House
Contact your senators
Get on Social Media
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(please add more contacts to this if you are in other countries 🙏)
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mipmoth · 30 days
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Cain instinct strong enough to traverse time and space
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choccy-milky · 1 month
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scene from my newest chap of seb discovering that daisies are also his favourite flower (and why)😊
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blushingzephyr · 11 months
saw this
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and you KNOW it had me mind body and soul
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pov: they’re at your house
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+bonus! kendall and kendall undercover
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jedi-starbird · 4 months
Time Travel is my favourite trope and I think we need more fics where both Obi-Wan AND Qui-Gon time travel together because no matter when they get sent it's chaos. They're saving the galaxy and being physic flash-bangs to everyone around them.
like before Bandomeer?
The entire council is baffled to watch as Qui-Gon 'never taking a padawan again' Jinn has suddenly cut off his post-Xanatos depression tour to return to the temple and beeline to the creche with a frantic energy. His wild eyes immediately single out a fluffy, red-haired initiate.
"You." he exhales with a pointed finger, slightly ominous as he towers over the child. Said child starts vibrating with delight. "Me." he agrees, launching himself at the man. Qui-Gon drops to his knees with a thud that cannot be healthy. Obi-Wan's attempts to clamber into Qui-Gon's robes and maybe onto his shoulders is thwarted by the fact that Qui-Gon's massive hands are cupping Obi-Wan's tiny squishy cheeks. He stares at the initiate for a few minutes with an intensity that is starting to worry people.
Finally, "You're so small." Qui-Gon sounds like he might cry.
'What the fuck?' Plo Koon projects at Mace.
"I'm 9! That tends to be the case!" the child chirps back.
"You're nine." Oh. Ah. Qui-Gon's eyes are distinctively misty. He squishes the boy in a hug so hard he squeaks. Mace makes a series of gestures that imply the need for a head-scan. Depa obligingly drifts off towards the halls. Qui-Gon scoops the child up onto his hip and claims him as his padawan on the spot. The assorted council members and creche-masters burst into noise. Mace tells Depa to bring some space ibuprofen as well.
after Naboo?
Anakin is a little apprehensive of his place in both the order and Obi-Wan's life, but then one day Obi-Wan wakes up and is suddenly a lot less sad in the force?? In fact, if Anakin didn't know better he'd say he was almost giddy, but he's watched Obi-Wan try to pretend his world hasn't fallen apart for the past few months so it can't be that, right? And um, Miss Bant? He knows grief is a funny thing that affects people differently but he's pretty sure 'massive mood swing' and 'having full conversations with invisible people' is not...great? and you said to tell you if Obi-Wan got really weird in any way.
Anyway after a lot of medical exams, intense consultation with the archives, and a couple exorcisms, Anakin ends up being raised by his 'real' master and his ghost master. He is far more well adjusted emotionally and far less well adjusted for what counts as normal people behavior(not talking to thin air). When questioned on this, all he ever says is that he's talking to Qui-Gon. Isn't he...dead? Well, yes. Wait, he's a ghost? Ghosts are real? ...Well this ghost is real.
This starts a great number of existential crises among non-force sensitives and incredibly heated theological arguments amongst the Jedi. Whenever Obi-Wan is questioned on this, all he ever says is some variation of "the force got to know him for 5 seconds and kicked him back out." Mace backs him up on this even though that reasoning is technically blasphemous. Qui-Gon is having the time of his un-life. He's ascended to his final form, his sheer existence is a heresy, this is truly all he has ever aspired towards.
the Clone Wars?
The minute they get dropped back Qui-Gon immediately goes and haunts the shit out of Dooku. They have a signed terms of surrender and promise of info on the Sith Lord within the year. Only half of it is because Qui-Gon's giving Dooku complexes that are only perceptible to shrimp, the other half is because they now have a ghost spy that is not bound by the laws of physics nor spacetime.
Obi-Wan only nominally pays attention to this as he immediately goes and implements his 19 step seduction plan with Cody (he had to focus on something on Tatooine to pass the time). It fails. Spectacularly. Publicly. Ah right. Tatooine was not exactly the height of his sanity. Everyone in the GAR and temple is now riveted by High General and Councilor Obi-Wan Kenobi's attempts to go on a date with his Commander, who bats him away him like a particularly annoying stray and seems one bouquet of cactus away from committing mutiny. Anakin is worrying if it means his master knows about his secret marriage and this is some sort of really weird power play. (It is, but not in the way he thinks)
The next time Dooku goes after Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon spends a good few months appearing tear-stained at the edge of Dooku's perception and only communicating in terrible wails and discordant mutterings of 'padawan. my padawan. my little one.' 24/7.
"Wait, you're annoying Dooku into surrendering?"
"Oh no Anakin, we're crushing his psyche like a bug. :)"
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