#but it just feels lame and anticlimatic
murderbirds · 8 months
You know, one of my least favorite things about season 2 (besides the reason why Galavan did what he did, Iwill get to this some other time, but Theo was an excellent antagonist ruined by his goal) was the fact that Galavan didn't kill Aubrey. Like, he becomes such a nothing character in later season and could have been easily replaced by basically anyone. Killing Aubrey would have shown just how dangerous Galavan was even before he killed Jerome and Gertrude. Hell, I would say that Aubrey's death could have replaced Jerome's, and they would have ultimately served the same purpose. He is just one of those characters that, by the end of the show, you can't help wondering why he lasted so long.
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I'm really annoyed by this MHA leaks honestly. Horikoshi just can't give Bakugou a single fucking win, can he?
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girlwithfish · 1 year
im done w undergrad officially like ummm ok. hasnt rly sunk in and feels anticlimatic since my last assignment was just a final on moodle at home on a saturday. but woww. feels good and im trying to be proud of myself and not feel like a lame horse 👍
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kargathbladefist · 3 years
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HONESTLY THOUGH.. like all that development and involvement in the story he had in mop, just for him to die in the least impactful & most anticlimatic way possible... varian at least got a chance to actually flex his leader muscles and have a significant impact on the story before he croaked, and he died heroically charging on gul’dan, they didn’t allow vol’jin a fraction of that 😩 the lame humiliating death on top of it being at the very beginning of an expansion that he could’ve (& was probably expected to by fans) step into the spotlight in is so disappointing
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MEKKATORQUE NEEDS TO WATCH HIS FUCKING BACK LOOOLLL really though i also like how for almost every alliance group i can think of at least 2-3 other major lore characters that could fill the role if their leader died (aside from gnomes and maybe draenei?) like dwarves have the council already, there is probably a literal waitlist of notable humans who could lead stormwind, gilneas has tess and crowleys..  malfurion is like a loose tooth that you cant pull out no matter what you do... whereas with horde I feel like it’s the complete opposite since their major characters are constantly dropping like flies. there’s already the dilemma of who’s leading the forsaken after sylvanas (lilian being the main contender but she doesnt seem keen on becoming a politician/leader?), rokhan is legit like the only living major darkspear character I can think of... orcs as we all know get swatted like nobody’s business. it’s a bummer :(
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bandicoot88 · 3 years
My Cyberpunk 2077 thoughts...
Gonna go into some spoilers, which I’ll hide under the cut, tho for now, I will share what I thought of the game. I finished my original playthrough a while back now, and did a second, with my same V but with a few different choices (and going back so I could take a bunch of snaps in photo mode, as you may have seen!)
  The game is definetely overhyped tho. Did I enjoy myself? Yes, but the game could’ve been better had it been worked on either more, or taken a step back... and made sure the game ran nicely. There are problems with it, and I’ll share this video here from videogamedunkey who does a good job of explaining the good and bad:
    The length of the game:
  Too short. For about 2 days I was doing side quests only to look for Brendan and Theo, voiced by Bryan Dechart and Ameila Rose Blaire, and even then, I felt like the story just... ends. When I went to do the final mission, I actually didn’t realize it was the final mission. It does say a point of no return, and I’ve experienced that once before in a game, but I just thought it’d be a really long mission, not the end of the game.
  There’s too many side missions I feel, and as mentioned in the video, a lot of copy and paste kinds which are boring, while some are worth doing, but you can’t tell which is which until you visit those locations.
  Game machanics:
  I’m an easily confused person, but I still felt like the game doesn’t really explain... much. All this tech, upgrades, add-ons, abilities, weapons, hacking, and WHY THE FUCK AM I OVERHEATING!? Like... did anyone else feel overwhelmed? I’d be hours and hours into the game, and I still didn’t know what did what. Heck, there’s stuff now I still don’t understand, like... consumerables. I never use them, EVER!
  I just find them kinda pointless, and they’re fucking everywhere, which is probably my problem because I pick EVERYTHING up. I just wanted the game to explian things better. Even BOTW just throws you into the wildness with little to go on, but it’s easy to pick up and understand once you know how (yes, I know the games are totally different, but CP77 could’ve learned something from games such as that on how to introduce players on how to literally play their game).
  Did anyone actually craft in this game? I crafted very little, and by that I mean I crafted a few grenades to use. I thought weapons could be upgraded, but I was wrong I think, and legendary weapons could be crafted instead? Either way, I never found enough material to craft anything legendary, and with how often I looted... something ain’t right there.
  Selling stuff:
  On PS4, it’s a fucking nightmare. It’s sooooo slow. It would’ve been nice to have an option like ‘sell all commons/whites’ or selecting multiple items and then go ‘sell’. But no, you have to sell each item individually, and with how the game performs on PS4 currently... yeah, not fun.
        The story:
Confusing. I got the impression that Arasaka were the bad guys, since y’know... killing Jackie, the son killing the father, etc. Then Takemura enters the scene, thinks we’re the killers, then we both get attacked by robo ninjas, who I haven’t got a fucking clue are, and then... Takemura is trying to save me. When it said ‘finish him off’, I thought it meant Takemura (I think I ignored the prompt, thinking Takemura would die in that moment).
I also kept getting confused on character names within the Arasaka’s, namely Saburo and Yorinobu, constantly getting lost on what and who Takemura was referring to, but I think that’s a me problem and not the fault of the game.
  I still have yet to romance someone, but my first encounter with a romancable character was Panam. Little did I know... that she’s straight, so my female V cannot romance her. So. Lame. There’s 4 romances in the game, and we’re limited to 2 per gender? Judy is nice, but I really liked Panam... Why not just make them all bi so from a player perspective, there’s more choice? That’s what Joytoys are, with Skye and Angel as prime examples. Just put the gay/lesbian representation in game elsewhere, but not with romancable characters that are limited, because that’s just lame to me. AC Odyssey didn’t have that problem... It’s really not difficult. According to a YouTube comment on Kerry’s romance, in the Cyberpunk board game, Kerry was bisexual anyway, so... what gives?
Character deaths:
I hated that Jackie died. Seriously? That lovable goof giant just killed off in the most anticlimatic and lame way? If you’re gonna kill off such a great character, at least go out with a bang. The guy didn’t get enough screen time and he was such a lively character in the doom of gloom of Cyberpunk’s world.
It also sucked that T-Bug and Dex died too. T-Bug... how did she even die? The game doesn’t explin anything, and the way she went off comms like that made me think that we’d see her late, as I didn’t realize she was actually dead for a good while, expecting her to make contact at some point.
As for Dex... yes, he did screw us over, but I still liked him. The way he talked, his voice, his style... I just felt he could’ve had more to give.
Then there’s Takemura, another death that I thought had to happen, but the game fucks him over by giving no indication that he could’ve been saved. According to the PS4 trophies, it says 0.8% had Takemura get his revenge for Saburo’s death near the end of the game, so... hardly anyone knew he could be saved.
They couldn’t have done like a decision that could’ve saved him? If they didn’t want to make it obvious, fine, don’t label literally “save Takemura” and “leave Takemura”, but have a decision there at least. Or, explain at some point in the game (maybe near the beginning) that following what the mission says doesn’t have to be taken so literally. When gamers are told by a mission on what to do, they do. How would we ever know to crawl in a tiny hole and find Takemura that way? Again, I assumed we’d meet up later, waiting... waiting... Hanako makes no mention of him whatsoever, and eventually I realized he was dead. Even called him on his phone to confirm it. So lame...
  Smelting legendary weapons:
  I think I accidentally smelted down Johnny’s Revolver, and I fucking loved that thing! The damage, the sound, the awesome reload animation... So now on my other playthrough I’m gonna try and not mess that up. How on Earth are Johnny’s clothes non-sellable/smeltable, but his gun is? How do you mess that up!? Let me mark certain weapons so I don’t accidentally sell them. Again, CP77 can learn from other games...
  Buying cars:
  I’ve bought... one car, and I hate that buying cars are labelled as side missions. Why would I want to buy a hoard of cars? I’m not made of money? I can’t just spend 22k on a car I don’t even really want, especially when I got Johnny’s car, and the bikes of Jackie and Scorpion. Just... have a single place where you can go to buy cars instead of littering the map. I read somewhere that buying cars is the Corpo path only, but I’m not sure?
  The endings:
  I think the ending I got was a common one. I understand there are 5 endings? I chose to go back to Earth and... eventually die I guess, because I didn’t trust Arasaka. I picked the other choice to see what happens, and I wish there was some explaination. You’re just stuck in some program, waiting for a body? If one will even be available? I felt like both endings kinda sucked, and dare I say, the ending you can get much earlier sitting on the roof was oddly more satisfying to me, because you get an actual cutscene with Johnny, and overall, it’s just a nice heart to heart moment. Sure, it’s sad, but there was emotion. The other 2 common endings just felt empty to me. I still have to watch the other, more rare endings.
  Okay I’m done. This is mostly a big rant, but I did still like the game. It just wasn’t ready for release, even after 8 years, and it did had problems, outside of bugs and performance issues.
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liveblog: kuroshitsuji, ep. 113-117
Episode 13:
"i agree that our country would benefit if all those nouveau riche fresh from india disappeared"
Sir Arthur couldn't care less that ciel is actually a child
I love how they say so much surrounded by a crowd
What are these indian accents
Like it aomehow goes in and out???
Could they not have found someone to do this consistently????
I'm truly asking for any lau/ciel fics. It doesn't even have to be sexual
Could you fucking IMAGINE!!! someone barging into your home and fucking ordering you about
I would die and kill them
Hinduism 101
"schedule" in the british accent is... Wrong
Baldroy feeling hismelf after being called "chef" he's a cutie
Finny is too cute!!
Sebaatian literally AMAZED!!!! that the servants can do aomething properly
Sebas looks like he couldnt a single fuck about agni's background story
Ciel absolutely does not care about soma's journey
"unlike you, i am a busy man"
Soma has the balls, he really does
I havent played old maid in... A long time
Episode 14:
Agni and soma's are pretty consistent, so maybe they just didn't care about the crowd
This british dude who imports indian goods sounds so EVIL
Agni's torn between two masters
Oh he's crying tears of blood
No big deal - just fonna go into some guys house and trash it
"his powers are born of something we could never understand, of complete love and trust in another person"
Sebastian really out here killing soma though damn
Ciel's strength of character always stuns me
"you're a naïve idiot; i don't want to chaperone you."
How cute that soma's scared of sebastian
The food illustrations are always so pretty!!
"you don't know real curry"
I feel like the voice for West would work GREAT as sebastian's voice
So... Ciel gave sebastian the idea of putting chocolate in the curry???
I dont remember the manga so whatever
The crystal palace!!! Reminds me of the greenhouse at the botanical gardens
I like that mina and soma have different skin colors
I admire agni's devotion to soma
Oh angela getting her claws into something again
Victoris actually made an appearance??
Episode 15:
Me as lau and ran mao NOT singing "gos save the queen"
Not that i know the words, of course
Oohhh the queen's servant looks remarkably like angela...
The tea i have has no flavor because i've steeped all the flavor out of it :(
Agni is JEALOUS of the bond between sebas and ciel
Oh someone out magic dust in their curry
Yooo one of the judges sounded like stewie haha
Viscount druitt is... A mess
Literally blinded by curry i love it
Druitt is such a diva
Ah, yes, i forgot about soma
Yo mina sent West flying
So... The magic dust.. allows the possessed to sniff out the unclean??
"she is spossessed by the evil spice"
I've never watched an episode of food wars, but this sounds like a plot point
I... What a ridiculous plot point honestly
Eat a curry bun made with kindness and happiness to combat the evil spice???
And ciel's right in that it's a fucking joke that the "good" curry was made by a demon
Sebastian is agni's friend!!
Episode 16:
Who the fuck are these blonde people
Is this another filler episode
Losing sebastian to a chess game
Sebastian absolutely has that keeping silent to fet more answers thing down pact
Sebastian is an asshole and i loce him
Ciel can't even tie his own shoelaces i'm dying
Sebas really has patronizing as an art form
Oh looks like a crypt
"...but for a king i find you to be extraordinarily powerless"
"i've always been faithful to the master i truly serve"
Anticlimatic damn
"you can't move forward without the pain"
Episode 17:
Imagine... In the manga, grell choking undeetaker
Can't imagine it but that would be just as funny as the anime
Angela's twin's name is ash, nice to know
Oh a book that has cinematic records??
I.. forgot pluto existed
I'm somehow very interested in this episode haha
Oohhh the mark of the noble beast!!
Imagine a child coming up to you and calling you "unclean one"
The audacity honestly
Sebastian being seductive like the devil he js!!!
I love this
Literally a fantasy i hope i can live out one day
I wonder why sebastian hasnt told ciel that theres soemthing shifty about angela/ash???
"a meaningless life is a grave sin"
Damn i'm going to hell then
Can tou be considered "clean" if you still lust!!
Why...is sebastian washing ciel with gloves on
Also: ciel gets to be part od the choir because he's a young boy like...be less obvious haha
Angela is a legitimate angel
I really forgot all this
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mikami · 5 years
18 and 24 for the ask meme
18.10 worst anime you have watched
Okay, so this list is… genuinely all over the place. Some of these are anime that are bad on every objective level, some of these are anime that are good in a lot of aspects but one aspect was just SO bad that I couldn’t get over it. Rank 10 is genuinely one of my main fandoms, which just happens to have an objectively bad movie adaptation. So don’t put too much value on the order I put things in here, except for Rank 1, because god, do I hate Fractale.
Also important to note is that I only count anime that I have actually completed here, so a lot of stuff that is ‘so bad I dropped it early in’ or ‘so bad I never even touched it with a ten foot pole’ obviously gets lost. Anything below Rank 4 isn’t like… Garbage Tier anymore for that reason. I’m not a masochist. 
1. Fractale - my hatred for this soulless insensitive pseudo-deep abomination knows no bounds and that counts tenfold because it actually has decent animation and an amazing opening theme, of which it deserves neither. Fractale is the most hollow thing I have ever had the displeasure of experiencing. It pretends to be social commentary but doesn’t think its setting through, it has a horrid shock value ending, its aesthetics are all for show with no substance, also it’s transphobic as hell. It had a concept that could have been good, but it chooses to be the absolute bottom of the barrel. It’s production value is high! It looks good and it isn’t executed terribly! But it has no soul and no coherence.2. ICE (OVA) - so fascinatingly bad, I have watched it twice. I still don’t understand the plot. The main character is called Yuki Ice-T and has the worst voice acting heard in the history of voice acting. It’s legitimately gross too though, don’t watch ICE. 3. Sekkou Boys - this mini-series was such a waste of a funny concept. They came up with the idea of “idols but they’re statues” and then tried to have the rest of the show live off that concept alone and… it didn’t work. It just wasn’t funny at all, at any point past episode 1. I watched it all because I couldn’t believe how lame it was and it only got lamer.4. Papa to Kiss in the Dark - exactly as bad as it sounds. The only reason it doesn’t rank higher is that I genuinely don’t remember a thing about it and that means I have no real strong feelings. It’s a low-budget OVA adaptation of a really trashy BL manga, so I watched it with friends at 2am because we thought it’d be funny. It wasn’t, really, not even ironically.
Controversial ones and the other question are under the Read More because this is lengthy.
5. Inazuma Eleven - the original series specifically, GO is actually alright. Inazuma Eleven has a huge fan-base but it just constantly floors me with how incredibly badly it treats its characters. If you ever want to watch a show where the characters don’t seem to care about one another at all, even one bit? It’s your show. Plot happens via manipulative adults infodumping us anticlimatically. I keep watching it (because of friends) and I keep getting angrier.6. Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight - A show that could have been good but opted to very decisively not be it. I don’t have a problem with most of Revue Starlight. It was an uninspired Utena rip-off with mediocre characters (except for Nana, who is stellar) but it was… fine? Watchable? Alright? However, then the last episode goes with the moral being “lesbians and their pain exist for male consumption and enjoyment” - quite literally, complete with addressing the audience all winkwink nudgenudge. I have never gotten over how insidious it felt.7. Chobits - Not… bad? Just kind of…. I keep wondering why they put all of the genuinely emotional plot into the final episodes while making most of the show be a teletubby-like Chii Learns Stuff program. I never rewatched it, though I did reread the manga plenty and I do own it on DVD, so that’s that on it.8. Makura no Danshi - here’s where you can tell that I am running out of ideas. It’s a trashy fanservice miniseries and it does exactly what it is advertised to do. This one earns its badness rating more based on concept. The execution of the concept was exactly as you’d think it’d be, so on that level it doesn’t fail.9. Psycho Pass - I am prepared to be murdered for this, but I didn’t like Psycho Pass. It was hugely frustrating as a show and Akane frankly deserves to be on a better program than that. I still have no idea why Makishima and Kogami were supposed to be fated enemies, it was just all very Tell Not Show. 10. Harmony - A terrible movie that I have seen about 6 times because it happens to be one of my main fandoms. Please watch Harmony, but also prepare to hate how bad it is. That’s all I can say.
24. popular character you hate
Look me in the eyes and tell me you don’t know the answer…..
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Hitoshi Kinomiya from Bakuten Shoot Beyblade! What the heck was wrong with that guy!
(No, my first thought was L, but I don’t really hate L anymore and I wanted to say something less expected, haha.)
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kittyprincessofcats · 5 years
Wow. That was... not worth staying awake for. Sorry, I usually try to stay positive about Steven Universe but that was everything I feared they’d do wrong and worse.
I’ll write a more detailed review tomorrow, but short version: rushed, ooc, conflicts were resolved way too quickly, the Diamonds completely lost their appeal as villains, none of the Crystal Gems (besides Steven and Connie) had time to shine, way too much time devoted to the mecha battle instead of character development, three new fusions being revealed in a minute made them feel super anticlimatic, I hate Garnet’s new outfit, Peridot’s hair shouldn’t have stayed in a Diamond shape, the idea that the Diamonds “just need to get to know the off-colors” is frankly insulting, Lars just kinda appearing at the end without getting to do anything felt lame, Pink Pearl gets healed but then just never mentioned again, what about Blue and Yellow Pearl?, where the hell does the show even go from here?, etc.
Only parts I liked: Rainbow 2.0, Bismuth getting to backhand White Diamond, Pearl and Garnet’s hug, Pink/Rose being truly gone and Steven being truly himself.
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awed-frog · 6 years
Maybe for Gabriel it looked like some kind of redemption arc bc he thinks his help is season 5 was not enough to redeem himself, so he feels guilty and it makes sense to him? ( taking into account that Sam and Cas had just told him everything that happened)
I don’t know what they thought they meant with that line, but whatever it was, it didn’t make much sense. Gabriel had a real redemption arc back in S5, which is why, as much as I like him, I was wary of them bringing the character back, and what happened now is not a redemption arc at all? Not by any definition? In fact, it’s not even much of an arc. Gabriel fooled Lucifer into using the wrong blade (how?), fled to Montecarlo and hid even from God Himself (how?), was kidnapped by a third-tier demon and his two and a half minions (how?), was held in a cell that apparently had no security measures and yet didn’t escape (why?), wrote details of his sexual history on a wall despite his apparent inability, or unwillingness, to talk to Sam at all (why?), was magically cured of PTSD and/or a debilitating mental illness in a matter of seconds at the exact right moment (how?), killed his captor (yay!) and then disappeared (nice). What part of that is a redemption arc? If anything, it’s the exact opposite of one because Ketch saved his life, and Sam and Cas gave him back his Grace, and yet Gabriel did nothing for them in return - killing Colonel Sanders was largely a self-serving act.
(And it was also so easy, despite the fact the guy had been guzzling Grace for years - so easy it makes me wonder why, exactly, hadn’t Lucifer dealt with this guy? Was he that weakened? Has he been weak for this entire season? I honestly don’t remember.
Also, his death was pretty anticlimatic. He’d been puffed up as Ye Big Olde Villlain for months now, and he had this Ye Olde Evil Plan in motion to fill the Earth with slimy monsters and he was a direct threat to Jack and he’d harassed our heroes in a hundred different ways and now - he’s just gone. Took two seconds for him to evaporate from the inside out. Finger lickin’ lame, and if this is how we deal with villains, I’m predicting AU!Michael will be killed in a cold open by a cursed and warded potato cannon.)
And I mean - as a last point, I don’t think Gabriel feels guilty at all - that doesn’t seem to be an emotion that’s part of his vocabulary - and, more importantly, he wasn’t written as guilty. He just did what canon!Gabriel would have done, which is why it makes zero sense Sam suddenly started talking to fanon!Gabriel (well - at least that answers the age-old question: yes, Sam does read Supernatural fanfiction, and most likely Sabriel Hurt/Comfort Librarian!Sam, Professor!Gabriel, this is a happy storiy, everyone has dogs!, very light BDSM, restraints fanfiction) and whatever, I’m happy his characterization was coherent (‘Listen to what happened to me so you can do the same thing’) but I’m a little tired to get these very reduced glimpses of this character (so he’s conflicted about hunting now? didn’t he tell Charlie *checks watch* three years ago that he was okay with his destiny or something?). 
Anyway - this episode was just weird, and I’m guessing part of the reason why is that Buckleming seem to have more interest and more empathy for Lucifer than they do for any other character on this show.
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madfictionland · 5 years
Overall did you think KH3 was better than KH2, despite the disappointments with the former?
Hard to tell and I’m not really judging based on gameplay, just story parts. But yeah, I would probably say KH2 was better but that’s also because… well, it had no weightof entire “xehanort trilogy” behind it so maybe it was easier to handle? On the other hand… KH2 managed to fuck with us a bit + deliver some nice fucked-up explanations that make you go wtf but which actually make *specific* sense in the end, one way or another. I like these. Sadly, KH3 had very little of them, almost none, and even 3D (which was just a secondary title, so understandably not explained too well) went to greater lengths to explain stuff. Now, if we get other new titles that cover questions and details from KH3 AND DDD… then maybe it gets better but I’m not sure if we’ll get it. It just feels like Nomura doesn’t care about these details anymore (time travel, Nortification etc) and he just wants to move on - into his new crazy ideas of MoM and data realities. So yeah, KH3 will probably just stay as is, not detailed enough, with an awkward ending aka “fight all those bosses from previous games but don’t ask for details, forget backstories, no one cares.” For example, being a “Nort” turned out to be pretty lame - it doesn’t even seem like Xehanort’s heart changes them in any major way or influences their character or goals, they act as they always had and now Nomura is trying to tell us Braig (and thus Norted Braig/Xigbar) was Luxu all along (consciously!). So he only acted as a fool (as Xigbar) and Nortification doesn’t really influence him much, whether it comes to power, loyalty or character (he just doesn’t pretend anymore, hence he acts a little tougher and more serious than Braig we knew from BBS flashbacks). So well… yeah, not a fan. No drama of ‘he sold his soul for power,’ no internal struggle in some Norts when they maybe try to resist the process as an actual story for us to see and explore. The consequences, story and logic behind those processes are just forgotten, after first being hyped for so long. Such a waste. Some people don’t really care and think this was a shitty story even way before DDD but I actually liked all these concepts. They were good on paper but needed more depth and backstory and details which was a perfect opportunity for KH3… Instead, all it did was prompt MoM’s future and… except for some cool, heartwarming moments for good guys… failed to live up to its name as a “grand epic conclusion of Xehanort saga.” It had some cool scenes and animation porn, yes (gameplay wise! because I actually expected more story related cutscenes, with actual dialogues and explanations, and more Norts interacting for us on-screen) But basically it was very anticlimatic. Short story short: I do think KH2 gave justice to KH1 and begun a great crazy series that’s pretty unique. But KH3 utterly failed to bring it to proper conclusion (especially lore and explanations) so it failed to give justice to previous entries. Sure, KH3 is better at gameplay and damn wasn’t the PotC world and acting much better than the last time… but BUT, when we look at industry standards… KH2 was a decent enough thing back then. So they’re really dependent on the release date. Newer games have better and even superior graphics, effects, levels and thus gameplay, that’s normal, and it’s hard to judge the game based on this. 
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omiworks · 7 years
press ♥ to pause
last night i couldn’t sleep because that’s just what i do i don’t know why i can’t sleep and i don’t need an answer i need a solution and i found several but two cups of chamomile tea only made me want to pee (again) a light snack that soon turned into a full course meal only made me feel guilty and four masturbations later, the only thing in my head was the fact that i was too disgusting
oh also i don’t do sleeping pills anymore
i gave up and started scrolling down my entire instagram feed and deleting things i had very specific criteria as to what should be deleted black and white photos obnoxious photos of me smiling things with pretentious captions photos from freshman year sunsets
looking behind me and saying i’ve come this far isn’t comforting there’s a pair of eyes in my the back of my soul permanently looking behind overlapping the sight forward overwriting the future throwing back in my face things i thought but didn’t say promises i made and didn’t keep leftover food that spoiled alarm clocks that didn’t go off clothes that no longer fit feelings that no longer make sense bad selfies i took and then deleted
i hear a noise and i have to go back and check it and when i get there it’s either nothing or a giant monster that looks like me it looks at me it is me i run and run and run out of time just before i die which is lame and anticlimatic there is never enough fucking time for anything
happiness is flat and one sided and maybe that’s the beauty of it it’s like a rothko painting you just stare at the thing and it’s transcending if you allow it or if you’re high enough and i guess i never am
some tears, a small panic attack and 38 deleted posts later i was sound asleep.
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surveysonfleek · 6 years
1: What do you put on hot dogs? i like onions, a bit of relish, mustard and bbq sauce.
2: Do you say “anticlimatic” or “anticlimactic”? anticlimactic.
3: Do you check flyers before grocery shopping? not usually because i always go grocery shopping on a whim or in a rush. when i have time i’ll look through them before going.
4: Blue, black, or some other colour pen ink? black.
5: Do you use your parking brake? i always do. i don’t get people who don’t?
6: Look to your left. How many framed pictures are on the wall? none.
7: Do you know how to play chess? no. it’s the only ‘common’ board game i have no idea how to play.
8: How often do you clean the interior of your car? not often as i should. i looks clean but it does need a vacuum.
9: Do you ever read the last few pages first? omg never. that’s nuts.
10: Ever fallen in the shower? nope.
11: On a scale of 1-10, how likely are you to swear at other drivers? i swear at them in my head alllll the time. they’d have to be doing something really stupid for me to yell at them.
12: What’s the worst thing you’ve ever called someone you care about? lol. bad things.
13: Do you have a Snuggie? nope. i don’t see a point if the back is open.
14: Are you allergic to anything? i have hayfever and am lactose intolerant.
15: Do you have any TV shows on DVD? yes.
16: How many times do you hit the snooze button before finally getting out of bed? never. i’m the type that wakes up before my alarm or as soon as it plays.
17: Ever driven away in anger? yes haha.
18: What’s your favourite freezie colour? red if i had to. i haven’t had them in years.
19: Are you a vegetarian? nope.
20: Do you have a garbage receptacle beside you? What’s on top? yes. nothing is on top, it’s empty.
21: Do you cross out your mistakes or erase/whiteout them? cross them out because i don’t own whiteout anymore. not since uni days.
22: Ever torn something up that you instantly knew was too important for such treatment? hmm nope.
23: Do you think that things will get better? yes but in saying that i’m responsible for making that happen too.
24: Do you have an unpopular opinion? What is it? i love pineapple on pizza.
25: What’s your favourite quote? none really.
26: Did you/are you going to go to prom? i did. it was lame and not like american style proms. our parents had to attend, it was more of a formal dinner and farewell. we had a better time at the after party haha.
27: What’s the most physically painful thing you’ve ever experienced? this intense migraine/virus. doesn’t sound like much but i actually thought i was going to die.
28: What’s the most emotionally/mentally painful thing you’ve ever experienced? 2008.
29: Have you ever legitimately saved a person’s life? i don’t think so.
30: What’s your favourite book genre? any. i have favourite books across a range of genres.
31: Did you like “Gigli”? Be honest. never seen it.
32: Have you ever walked out of a movie at the theatre? yeah. it was during star wars episode something when i was like 8 and it was too long and i was getting mad restless.
33: Do you peek between your fingers during the scary scenes? no. i’m more likely to cover my ears and watch lol.
34: What was your reaction to Tatum getting killed whilst stuck in the pet door in Scream? i honestly forget the plot of scream.
35: Do dogs like you? hmmm. sometimes... it’s 50/50 with dogs lol.
36: Would you say that you project an air of authority? haha no.
37: Do people listen when you speak? my friends usually do.
38: How are your elbows? Are they okay? they’re fine and moisturized lol.
39: What is one thing that you do exceptionally well? Be honest. i’d like to think i follow instructions pretty well. that’s sorta lame. actually i guess i’m good at doing my own nails. haven’t needed a manicure in forever.
40: Do you use torrents? not anymore.
41: When was the last time you paid for music? apple music, monthly.
42: Are you addicted to technology? tbh i probably am. i’d be pretty sad being without my laptop or phone for a day.
43: Pick a person (you don’t need to give their name). How do you feel about them? Be as honest as you can get yourself to be. i love him even though he annoys the shit out of me sometimes. every time i get angry at him i need to sit back and think about how grateful i should be.
44: Do you check your computer’s dictionary for the definition of words you’d otherwise feel confident about using during in-person interactions? Just to be sure? no, my laptop is super slow these days. doing that would lag.
45: How heavily to you rely on spellcheck and autocorrect? spell check not at all. autocorrect is handy when typing really fast with my fat thumbs lol.
46: Have you ever gotten into an argument on the internet? Did you win? ugh, probably years ago. i hate that sort of shit.
47: Do you pause movies/TV shows if you have to go to the bathroom or the kitchen, or do you just let them keep playing? it depends how into the show/movie i am.
48: If you use a regular alarm clock, do you have it set to music or that obnoxious beeping? like a soft alarm tone lol.
49: Peter Pan? cool.
50: How often do you fall up the stairs? not often.
51: Do you pronounce “anti” as ant-eye or ant-ee? (Example: “That scene was very anticlimactic.”) ant-ee.
52: Do you pronounce “via” as vee-uh or vie-uh? (Example: “We can get there via Tremont Street.”) vie-uh.
53: How often do you forget to close your parentheses? hardly because i hardly use them lol.
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