#but still hella rude imo right??
coldercreation · 2 years
i feel like shit today but ur writing makes me feel better
ly man
🥺 Awh I hope you are feeling better, crappy days really suck<3 Glad the writing has been helpful, it's always nice to have those little ways to escape for a bit when things get sucky. Reading and writing have always been that for me.
I'm having a bit of a rough one myself, but fortunately it's mostly just because I'm really tired after a long work week with a bunch of new (kinda mehh🙈) people.
Hearing that my writings have been able to make you feel better made me feel better, so thank you for sharing love! xx
(edit: I wrote too many tags so tumblr just deleted the last few lmaoo. Anyway, the last ones just said that all feels are welcome and they too shall pass, and to have a nice weekend<3)
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kobiiioo · 4 months
a reason why i think hobie likes to mess around lihan
Thinking about hanpunk, the main reason Hobie genuinely takes interest into knowing Lihan has nothing to do with things like “love at first sight” or with her being “different” and “mysterious” or with him just being sociable and whatsoever.
To be reaaally honest, lihan is such a ordinary girl (imo). She has pretty much of a blank personality, adapting different personalities depending the environment, just like a chameleon.
She’s naturally a very quiet and cautious person but her struggle to express herself does affect her in many ways;
She doesn’t engage, she doesn’t talk about her opinion, she prefers to listen and follow orders (unlike Hobie) and she never complains. She likes to observe things and simply do as what people say. You can say she’s very selfless in some way.
In simple words; she’s a wallflower (idk why it took me sm time to find this word in my head)
But then what makes Hobie “see” her ?
This might be kind of ridiculous/weird to say but
He likes to see her vulnerable.
Ik what you’re thinking like huh ?? 😨 bUT HEAR ME OUT !! BECAUSE I DON’T MEAN IT IN THE WEIRD WAY AT ALL ?!?! by vulnerable I mean as in when she breaks from her persona and showing emotions.
As I’ve alrd explained on my other posts, lihan is really like- she can seem very rude, reckless and apathetic imo bc she’s just extremely used to enduring her emotions and keeping a cold facade so she doesn’t get emotional in general but also during important situations because deep down she’s extremely like EXTREMELY fragile.
That doesn’t mean she’s a cry baby but she’s very empathetic if you get to know her more; she’s just an expert at pretending and has lot of self control (she’s sooo dishonest and untruthful to herself and others).
And it’s funny because the only person that’s smh able to break that facade is Hobie.
He finds it amusing that he’s the only one capable to do it and so easily too. It’s so interesting and surprising to see how easily she can break that facade simply by teasing her and getting on her nerves.
Talking to him or just interacting with him in general feels like she’s getting exposed or and since Hobie is the only person Lihan can’t beat, that pisses her off SO MUCH.
So yeah, basically,
It’s the fact that she’s not so different than what others think of her that made him even more attracted to her. And despite her seeming ordinary and being a wallflower, he sees something that not much people see immediately in her.
I feel like Hobie is extreeeemely attentive and perceptive. He’d basically know any secrets and gossip going around HQ because he just sees and hears EVERYTHING. And ofc my man is good at keeping secrets so he just stays quiet 🤭
And while others can be clueless about it and Lihan just hides well among a huge group of people, Hobie sees her. And he notices the things she never knew he noticed (this specific quote on slide 10);
He’d sometimes notice her trying to start a conversation with other spider people and trying to get along with them, helping new recruits to get used to the environment and giving them advices while still being very reserved and restrained,
listening to people carefully and giving them life advices, acts of service without anyone noticing she did for them and gifting people things she simply noticed or that reminded her of the person (the christmas comic ☹️)
Like tbh, he at first thought she was kinda like Miguel, as in her seeming emotionless and just hella cold and restricted almost acting like a robot or sum
But seeing her being more compassionate and simply being human and being so caring was what made him actually go like “damn.. that’s new ?”
Ykwim right ? No ? Alright 😔
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asscrackcreed · 2 years
let’s discuss - shit the fandoms wrong about
altaïr pre character development - this guy is a COMPLETE asshole he was a DICK he thought about himself only and al mualim teaching everyone that emotions like love made u weak made him learn the wrong way to act and behave
but ppl just tend to stop at that which is WROOONG this guy might be an asshole but he is emotionally very vulnerable and that’s what made him difficult because he couldn’t process his emotions correctly i mean he was very stoic and u could say that was due to the time of how games were made but see how he never audibly grieved ? basically yeah sure he was rude af but that was because he didn’t know what to do with sad feelings - he just processed it all into aggression
altaïr post character development - he became really wise and loving true and i haven’t read any of the books so correct me if i’m wrong but i feel like he would’ve made hella mistakes as a parent, i.e getting angry often, patience running thin often, raising his voice, learning how to empathise with his sons lmk if it’s specifically stated anywhere where he was a gentle parent but imho i feel like he had to relearn controlling his emotions and i don’t think he was a perfect parent at all
malik - how many times did he call altaïr a novice? once? twice? it’s cute but some of u are overusing it in fanfics that’s eNOUGH SLICES… also he’s not grumpy all the time, he was just angry at altaïr i mean tbf we only ever saw malik interact with altaïr tbf but he did also have a wife and kids and altaïr did accidently end up indirectly killing kadar so… imo he was not grumpy with everyone, maybe a little, but after his brothers death he’d be more reserved and quiet however i don’t think hes legit always super grumpy and angry
ezio - every fanfic he’s throwing a party. stop. just STOP. ezios been one of the most hard working assassins in the series hes not constantly throwin parties if we’re talking about young ezio then it works otherwise he’s probably building a career in a modern au or smth. he fell under the ‘one aspect in the media and we’re gonna run with it for his whole personality’ category
connor - i don’t think connors the most sensible person ever. i think he’s a little selfish, not in the sense that he’d let any harm come to his loved ones but he’s always been straight forward about what he wants (which is always with good intention). he doesn’t need to always be the most sensible and logical 24/7 guy. also i think he’s a little clumsy just a bit ik he was more clumsy as a kid but i like to hc he still kinda is as an adult. the connor is always looking for charles lee jokes are not that funny anymore btw…😭 he’s not your soft uwu brown beat this man is snarky and rude when he wants to be remember he IS a kenway…
edward - he has to be one of the most emotional ppl in the series. he’s always shouting and upset about smth and the fact that he married at like 19…? yeah he’s a bit of alcoholic and likes to have fun but he’s also true to his emotions and i wanna see him be more vulnerable
arno - before i played unity i thought this guy was emotional and stuff but after de la serres death he became a lot more stoic. and work oriented. he reminds me of connor tbh because they were much happier younger and both were hardened by deaths and what the templars did. he’s still a major simp i think but idk why i personally feel like it’s infatuation and elise would never have given him the love he wanted
arno before de la serres death - HES SO CHARMING? hello no one ever talks about this arno he’s so upbeat and funny and sarcastic please whyyyyyyy do we make ezio a whore and not arno like come on
evie - i’ve said it before i’ll say it again yall fuckers NEED to STOOOOOPPPP making her a goody two shoes she wasn’t ‘doing the good thing’ all the time if it wasn’t for the rooks shit would’ve been harder, basically jacob was right to make the rooks cuz u end up taking over areas and reducing resistance and gaining power making it easier to take down crowley with less repercussions in society and she was kinda wrong for making jacob feel dumb sometimes when she was so hard on him for not basically doing what she wanted
jacob - idk if i made evie sound like a villain and ofc jacobs weakness is doing what he wants but he’s still smart he would not be working with evie or fighting alongside her OR assigned work WITH her if he was dumb frfr hes HAS to be academically AND street smart that’s how he knew making the rooks was a good decision. what evie lacks he has and i don’t like when jacob is a COMPLETE idiot. hes dumb sure but he needs more credit than some of u give him. i do also sometimes use that take but he’s one of the more popular assassins because he’s so different to everyone else. hes not serious but that doesn’t make him a total dumbass
bayek - i haven’t played origins so this is a harder one but he seems a lot happier than we make him out to be and yes he seems to be the responsible father but i also feel like he can be kinda goofy sometimes idk like when he’s serious he can be completely terrifying but otherwise he’s extremely sweet
kass/alex: another person who’s very emotional i think they cry like everyday genuinely they are what ppl make jacob out to be
des - i feel like hes bummy af like this guy doesn’t wash his hands as much as he should…
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Hot Take: Jane isn't as bad as you guys say she is, the girl is blunt, a pessimist, and someone's who's always thinking of the future or of what could happen next. I feel a lot of people don't like that, that she's honest about what she's thinking and she's a survivalist.
She relies on herself and prefers to be alone, why do I get the feeling that if she was a man the fandom wouldn't care too much? Yeah you need to have people you care about with you and sometimes you can't be alone. But imo people depend on optimism to survive the apocalypse but you have to be honest and depend on logic and whatnot rather than just believing you'll make it out. Also, I understand that people may think Jane is ableist because she wanted to leave Sarah but the situation would've came down to that, Luke was in bad shape and if she wasn't gonna move then it was no one's fault she died. I blame the writers for the clear ableism they had towards her as a character. But even then if we consider the situation, if Jane and Clementine hadn't made it and if Luke didn't know how to get her to move he would've had to leave her. No one wants to leave Sarah but considering the situation, Jane was right in the fact that you cannot save everyone and imo Kenny doesn't understand that. That you can't rush into situations especially dangerous ones on emotions and impulse. But I also know it's hard to leave people behind, hell I understand why people may not like Jane. That she's cold, blunt, pessimistic, and sometimes rude, sometimes she's mean and doesn't care when she's poking into other people's soft spots. Hell she had no right to bring up Kenny's soft spots and it was fucked up for her to say AJ was dead. But I feel people lack empathy towards her or a bit of understanding. She's not heartless, she's just so focused on surviving that it made it easier to be alone rather than see people you love die over and over again. She'd rather her hear turn cold and ice than to have her heart break over and over again to experience that pain. Probably unhealthy but I understand why she's the way she is.
She doesn't want to abandon people but forcing someone to keep living, surviving, she wasn't abandoning her sister. All she wanted was for her to let her go, lord knows what that'll do to a young teen or young girl. Sometimes you have to let people go and she was more willing to considering she couldn't force them to go. Jane can be cold and I admit that but she's someone who is hella focused on survival more than anything else.
She wasn't trying to be insensitive about the baby or Rebecca being pregnant but it's shit to consider. Having a baby with no good place to stay, no baby formula, and the basic necessities for a baby imo won't turn out well. Yeah she can't control when the baby will come or be born but maybe staying with Carver at least until she gave birth would've been better. She could've gotten baby formula, clothes, and just more shit for the baby.
Though it does seem like she's disloyal or gets tempered by hardship. One thing I will applaud Kenny for is managing to still keep going despite the hell that life constantly throws at him. I don't like that she and Luke had sex when Rebecca was gonna have the baby. It was out of character for the both of them, Jane yeah probably had a lot of boyfriends but it doesn't mean she'd just screw someone she's known for like 3 hours. I view her and Violet as being similar but Jane's more cold and somewhat insensitive.
Jane's not perfect, Kenny isn't perfect, we're allowed to love them or hate within our rights but I think empathy is at least a bit of the bare minimum for Jane rather than disagreeing with her and hating her guts.
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1) Ok so, I need some input on my situation. I'm a mildly disabled person, bad eyesights, and some motoric stuff. Nothing too impactful. I have an able-bodied (AB) acquaintance. Recently a mutual friend also able-bodied made a comment how they had problem with a small YT'ber who's got a heavy accent, they wanted to ask if there was a possibility for the YT'ber to add captions, but also mentioned how they were super insecure about sounding rude. AB told them to "Just say you're HoH, and that you
2) need it follow along with the video." I hadn't really said anything about the accent thing, but I kinda just responded with "Imo, I think you should just be polite and ask, claiming a disability and using it as an excuse when you don't have it is a bit off" AB just loos at me, and asks if I was calling them ableist. After a bit back and forth AB said "You aren't even HOH, why do you care?" Maybe they got a point? I just kinda feel it's unpleasant when able-bodied people use disabilities as a
3) to avoid "confrontation". Especially when the're not even doing it to actually help the disabled, but do it to benefit themselves, without caring about actual disabled people. Maybe the YT'ber becomes more accessible,which would be cool. But why does this have to be done on the backs of disabled people, for the comfort of Able-bodied people? It feels kinda backhanded, just because disabled people get a benefit from it, doesn't mean it was right to use us, in this case HoH though, as a tool
amongst my (many many) physical and mental disabilities, I have auditory processing issues, and my bio brother is deaf (and also has many many disabilities). I don't think ab was ableist, although I do think them snapping back and saying that stuff (you can care about stuff that doesn't affect you, that's not why you're wrong) when you got uncomfortable was pretty rude. sometimes people tell white lies when avoiding confrontation, dealing with anxiety (put a pin here), protecting people's feelings, etc, and provided it's not spreading misinformation or harming someone, it's maybe a touch insensitive, but not straight up ableist, and literally no people with hearing issues would have been involved in this specific incident or affected negatively in any way if you hadn't sent it to me.
they absolutely could feel like the youtuber may feel uncomfortable or upset with "you're hard to understand" and not add any, and if you're like "hey, could you add captions for the hearing impaired?" well that's still not a sure fire either because I've seen first-hand "no actual [disability] have ever asked for this, so fuck off", but "hey, I'm a hard of hearing fan, do you think it'd be possible to add subtitles?" isn't as likely to upset the youtuber. there's obviously levels to this, different situations might be far more ableist, but I don't think this specific incident would be a white lie that'd ultimately hurt anyone.
I think painting it as the person "using" disabled people is hella extreme for just one sentence of a white lie to avoid upsetting someone. that said, I'd like to reiterate, I'm not saying it's not backhanded or unpleasant, just that... to be honest, you really don't want me to get a second opinion on this one, because my bio bro hates people like you (that's people without the disabilities, and especially without any at all or with only mild ones, who take offense on behalf of people and groups that they don't belong to, and stand in the way of a net good because it comes across as problematic to you in some tiny way), and your messages here would earn you a slurry of insults if he saw them. especially if ab didn't ask for the subtitles in the end because of you.
of the two of us, I'm the one most sympathetic to the idea of an incredibly minor thing still being insensitive, and of speaking up when it doesn't affect you, and even I'm really finding it hard to give a shit. if I get captions then that's good, it won't bother me if the person who got captions exaggerated their need for them somewhat, so that the person wouldn't indignantly respond with annoyance at an insult to their voice or refuse because no disabled people have ever asked. what's really the benefit of this "yeah but are you disabled?" behaviour, means testing people for the right to advocate for a need? that mindset is what gets me shitty looks when I use the disabled loos, despite the fact that I physically need to use them, or the popularity of clips of people vandalising cars in disabled parking spaces because they thought (rightly or wrongly) that the owner wasn't disabled.
asking for help is hard, and in this situation it's simply not "on the backs of disabled people for the comfort of abled people". first of all, anxiety is a disability (remember that pin from earlier? I did notice how you referred to them both as able-bodied, not abled, and if you're another anon trying to sow discord between the mentally and physically disabled, I will go to the year 3,000 and do awful awful awful things with your great great great grandaughter). second of all, it literally is the able-bodied person doing the work to get the aids? they need them, even if only for comfort (which is literally something we disabled people should be advocating for, given how often our needs that ease pain are written off as "just for comfort"), and they're doing the work to get it. I don't think you've considered that, thirdly, he might not add any without "valid reason". and fourthly, it's also for disabled people, it's not gonna be captions only abled people can see, the captions will appear for everyone.
me and my bio brother grew up unable to learn sign language, despite his deafness and my selective mutism/non-verbal issues and auditory processing issues, because nowhere taught it and we didn't have money. we grew up unable to watch tv with subtitles turned on because it was either unavailable or "distracting" for the adults. that's not even getting into aids for other disabilities, how both of us have had to fight the benefits system to be able to survive, etc. I don't think you understand how it feels when your whole life has been "aids for disabled people are too uncomfortable for us, so no aids" and "even if you are in as much pain as you claim, you can still walk without this", and then someone comes to you like "can you believe this person wants aids!? for their comfort!? that'd help more people than just them! and they wanted to lie to make sure it was actually granted without a confrontation! what an ableist asshole!"
maybe things are different where you're from, but politely asking for an aid, especially if you're not literally paralysed from the neck down, or if it's more for being comfortable than literally surviving, really isn't as easy as you make it sound. "just ask politely for someone to go out of their way to make you comfy!" ma'am I can't even politely ask for the thing I need to be able to drink without getting eyerolls or "we don't have any, you'll have to use paper, it's because of the environment or something".
it feels backhanded, insensitive, unpleasant even, I'm happy to grant all that, but "using" us as a "tool", "off our backs", putting the word "confrontation" in quotes as if it's not a real possibility, there was just so much that went too far for me in your asks. and that is why you're wrong. not because you were offended on behalf of a group you don't belong to, but because you told this story in a very dishonest sounding way, you exaggerated the impact of this, and you potentially disuaded someone from the act of getting aids for disabled people because it upset you.
edit: to clarify, I'm not mad and I don't think you're awful, wrong there was to mean "incorrect", not "simply awful" or whatever. it honestly just feels like ab was doing the thing that'd help people and you were uncomfortable because it's not perfect, and your discomfort is totally valid and understandable, just ultimately the less helpful to the world, of the two options presented here.
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fmdrohan · 3 years
hello, hi ! 👋🏽  i hope this introduction post finds everyone well. ♡ i’m no one new to these parts, but for those of you who don’t know me, you can call me alé. i’m 21+, use he/him pronouns, and i’m the current typist for aria’s main vocalist, nina seo, & now, i’m bringing you all yet another muse. so, without further delay, i’d love to introduce you to brand-new creation of mine called 𝖞𝖔𝖔 𝖗𝖔𝖍𝖆𝖓. he is knight’s main dancer, sub vocalist, and rapper, as well as their currently marketed “sexy” member. outside of his career, he’s honestly just one big douche-bag skater kid that seeks cheap thrills, and who wants to do nothing more than put a smile on your face... even if causes him trouble sometimes. more info about him is below the cut, so please like this to plot ! ♡ tumblr im’s or discord by request.✨ 
born in seoul, south korea, to a working class, christian family.
mom was a manager at a local restaurant, dad worked at a law firm.
both of them were busy all the time; they lived paycheck-to-paycheck.
he didn’t get much attention at home, so he sought it out at school.
there, he was known as a a huge “class clown” or “class daredevil.”
all he wanted was to put smiles on people’s faces and push limits.
did he end up in the principal’s office a lot? YES, that was his “brand.”
as he got older, his class clownery turned to pranks and thrill-seeking.
he also became HELLA interested in skateboarding and parkour lmao.
rohan felt as if he wasn’t living if he wasn’t on constantly on the edge.
he’s broken a few bones, endured tons of scrapes, but never gives in
this, obviously, didn’t please his mother and father... they were just busy.
too busy to reprimand him and care—rohan got away with a loooot of shit.
he didn’t start receiving discipline until he was scouted by bc entertainment.
despite his messy hair, distinct style, and overall vibe, he fit the bill somehow.
the two years he spent in practice changed him a little as a person; for better.
he found a new love in dancing, and he was naturally pretty great at it tbh.
his background made him extremely coordinated, flexible, and really strong.
his fearlessness made him bold enough to try out new moves or stunts.
two years later, he débuted as a main dancer and kept his impulses at bay.
this isn’t exactly what he saw himself doing in life, but he wasn’t mad at it.
over time, his image began to shift into sexier and “stud-lier” territory.
his outfits became more revealing and he was treated differently in public.
this... fucks him up a lot because it’s the exact opposite of how he is.
he’s just some skater / parkour punk that gives off dumb big bro vibes.
how on earth do they expect him to be portray and convey sexy 24/7?
as this is more of a “job” to him than passion, he does what they tell him to.
so long as his checks get signed and he accumulates wealth, he’s good.
as mentioned above, rohan gives off very douchey “big brother” vibes.
he’ll pick on you, tease you, pull pranks on you, etc. all in the name of fun.
he’ll go too far sometimes, and he’ll feel bad, but has “no regrets.” 😎  lol.
lowkey loooves anime and draws his own bad sketches; also into sci-fi.
underneath the dumb, douchebag exterior is just a big ol’ nerd, that’s all.
if you’re a cute guy, he’ll DEFINITELY flirt with you—taken or not taken lol.
he’s someone that hasn’t really let being an idol ruin his personal life tbh??
he still does whatever the fuck he wants within the constraints of his contract.
though, whenever he gets “bored,” he does things he’s not supposed to.
bc entertainment’s warned him of being careful not to injure himself, but...
i don’t really think he cares at this point in his career; he likes more freedom.
little random, but he loooves underground / indie rock music and rap, too.
one of those assholes that doesn’t really listen to any other idol music lmao.
to be fair though, he’s not really a massive fan of knight’s music either. 😁
he just sings or raps whatever they tell him to and rolls with the punches.
lowkey wants to take up tattooing and graffiti at some point, he’s that guy.
loooves to talk and meet new people, even if they find him a li’l annoying.
whenever he’s stressed, angry, upset, hungry... he shows it with aggression.
it’s never gotten intense much, but he’s not much of a sensitive “crier” yk.
there’s more of him for me to discover as time goes on, so that’s it for rn!
no plots page yet, sry :/// i’ve been a little busy this week rip.
some ideas will be below though so lmk if they appeal to you!
one, he’s definitely known to ghost people, so... maybe your muse is one of ‘em? like, this would be locked to males in the lgbt community, but you know. give him some really awkward encounters to make him feel like shit for ditching you after tons of sweet talk. sad thing is, he’s aware of it, and it’s mostly because of his schedule, but also ??? he’s just having fun, you know. he doesn’t wanna get tied down to anything right now.
two, maybe that ONE GIRL he tried to fuck with at the beginning of his career. while he knows he’s always been attracted to men, i think he would’ve convinced himself to at least try it out with a woman to make sure he wasn’t also interested in them, too. he’s a MASSIVE flirt and sweet talker, definitely made her feel special, but like... it never really went anywhere because... he just wasn’t into it, but didn’t wanna make her mad lmao. clearly ended up in a break-up and it could be both an ugly or pretty ending imo idk.
three, i’d DIE if other muses in famed were super into skating, or anime, or really any of his interests, too, and they’ve formed a “club” of sorts? just your local band o’ dirtbags who get together and fuck shit up a little bit here and there. i feel like this could be open to anyone who shares any of his interests tbh ??? maybe closer to his age is preferred, but honestly, i’m here to discuss whatever! i’m all for compromises and shit tbh.
four, maybe someone’s he’s lowkey seeing ( male, male-presenting lock ) that he’s really vibing with, but he just can’t... feasibly reason why he should have a bf right now. he’s got a lot going on, so he’s kind of a flake, but at the same time, he doesn’t intend to be an asshole to them. they’re maybe one of the only people he’s “softer” with. can end up romantic or platonic depending on how they handle it together, me thinks!
five, a dance partner or two would be pretty cool tbh! he’s not a dancer first, so he likes to dance with other people who are passionate about it to learn from ‘em. he can handle his own with choreography, but doesn’t have his own distinct style, so he’d really appreciate all the help he can get in becoming better ig? all in the name of work!
six, maybe a person who fucking HAAAATES him because they find him really annoying and super douchey, so they just... avoid him at all costs. however, he kinda picks up on the fact that they avoid him, so he pesters them even worse, which doesn’t end well... ever. this is definitely more open to anyone tbh and we can plan as we go!
seven, flipside where it’s someone that he CAN’T stand because he finds them really persnickety, snobby, and rude as fuck. if there’s one thing he hates A LOT, it’s bratty rich kids with silver spoons in their mouths. like, if this was a “the outsiders” verse, he’d be a greaser 1000000%, not a soc. lmao. he’d butt-heads with this person a fuck-ton.
eight, however many guys wanna piece of him, he’s happy to have a catalogue of fwb’s he calls on. he’s definitely not someone who says no to a good time, and he can act like a perfect boyfriend if that’s what you want. sadly, this’ll always be a temporary game. any of these fwb’s can go in many directions and can be plotted out individually!
nine, the age old question... “who’s your ideal type?” under pressure, he said you as a joke ( because of this, it could be male or female ) and now, fans of your respective groups ship you two together all the time. it’s a little awkward, and you two haven’t really talked about it much, but here you are... at a shared event sitting next to each other. how do you handle it? what do you do? is it awkward or all in good fun?
ten, someone who kinda hates that he doesn’t really take being an “idol” all the serious. he’s got a lot of shit on his bucket list he wants to do and he doesn’t let fame fuck with that, so he’s careless. he didn’t go into this business because of passion, it’s just where he ended up. your muse doesn’t like that, and thinks people like him are lazy as fuck.
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bigskydreaming · 4 years
The really great thing about allowing Dick and Jason to have a good relationship before A Death in the Family IMO, is that it opens up sooooo many more possibilities for AFTER Jason’s return.
For example:
Imagine a scenario where Bruce is gone for a week or so, the ever so useful “there was an offworld mission or something” excuse will do. And during that time, Dick and Jason are patrolling and working together....and they have an encounter with a particularly nasty villain or serial killer or whatever you want to go with. The bottom line is something happens during that particular adventure of theirs that leaves them shaken enough that they agree not to tell Bruce about it (believing the guy is dead or something), and then they try and put it behind them and never speak of it again.
Except then cut to a few years later, after Jason has come back but before he’s reconciled with the family, things are still strained and tense when their paths so much as cross, but with added angst because an actual brotherly bond torn asunder by death, trauma and lots of changes gives you way more fodder to work with IMO than the singular facet of Dick feeling guilty for not knowing Jason better - I mean, you have to at least admit that does limit your options considerably, in terms of their interactions, BUT I DIGRESS.
But anyway, Jason doesn’t have anything against Dick in the way he does against Bruce, other than accepting Tim into the fold (which he does understand in a way, because its not all that different from when Dick accepted him into the family and Robin role despite having plenty of legitimate reasons to be a lot more reticent about that).....but they avoid each other because its just kinda painful, the fact that they don’t KNOW each other anymore, not the way they used to understand each other in ways even Bruce couldn’t always follow or understand. Plus Jason’s attack on Tim, even leaning on the Pit madness as an altered state of mind mitigating circumstance....like, that’s still a hard thing to get past, one brother being like “Hey, lets do movie night tomorrow and totes just skip over the awkwardness of me just coming from hanging out with Tim who still has bandages on account of you trying to kill him the other day”.....its not the easiest thing to navigate, yeah? 
And the fact that while Jason does understand its not fair to expect Dick to have like, iced out this kid he didn’t go seeking out or anything, just for the sake of Jason’s memory.....that understanding comes and goes with how rational or not he’s feeling any particular day, because he GETS it, but that doesn’t mean he has to like it and he is after all only nineteen, and capable of bouts of pettiness, lol.
So even without Dick barely knowing Jason or Jason hating or resenting Dick, there’s still plenty of roadblocks in the way of an easy brotherly reunion, plenty of understandable and valid emotions and priorities and choices that make everything a confusing mess and create conflicts of interest and just a general miasma of uncertainty where its like, even though they miss each other and would love to get back their sibling bond, they don’t even know where to begin trying to go about that, you know? And throw in the state of affairs between Bruce and Jason still, which can be summed up as picture the Cold War, but now when you picture ‘Cold’ think ‘Ice Age’ and you’re almost there.
Like. That is the Mt. Saint Helens of roadblocks right there. A big ass volcano sitting in the middle of the road and just cuz its dormant now doesn’t mean that it couldn’t at any minute erupt and blow its top and destroy everything within a several hundred mile radius, and that’s just before Bruce and Jason REALLY get steamed, like, that’s just their warm-up.
So. Y’know. Difficulties. They abound.
But now throw in secrets from the time before Jason died that only the two of them know and they never told anyone else, and adventures they had when it was just the two of them, Jason visiting Dick in Bludhaven or Dick enabling Jason in playing hooky in Gotham because at that time Dick rotates methods of pissing Bruce off and that’s his go-to move for Tuesdays, and crimes they solved together like Dick was working on an investigation and let Jason weigh in to practice his deductive reasoning without Bruce and thus impress him with how much he’s improved. 
(My personal headcanon of brotherly advice Dick imparts to Jason on how to deal with Bruce is him telling Jason “when dealing with a man who thinks holding impossible expectations IS taking it easy on someone, he doesn’t understand the question, can you repeat it please....like, in that case there’s no shame in stacking the deck a little, whenever that’s possible.’)
Anyway, point being.....all you really need is one singular bad guy that only Dick and Jason faced, together, when they were younger. Someone particularly nasty or sadistic, enough to disturb even them despite how much they’ve seen and lived. And who for whatever reason, both of them believed to be gone for good, maybe they thought he fell off a cliff into a conveniently placed body of water where no body could be found or blah blah blah look you’re smart cookies, you get it.
Take those few simple ingredients, chuck them in a metaphorical bowl and stir them all together and then leave on low heat to simmer.....
And voila. Just like that, you have a ready-made situation that forces Dick and Jason, specifically, to work together despite how tense and fractured things are between them, and needing to find a way to repair their brotherly bond and figure out how to work together the way they used to.......thanks to everyone’s favorite Tropey McTroperson wherein a villain most foul, long believed dead, seems to be back and up to his old villainy.....and only those two who faced him before know how to stop him.....and despite all the reasons they come up with in their heads for why teaming up together now is just a recipe for disaster and doomed to failure, this is on them. 
They were the ones who stopped this guy before, they were the ones who mistakenly believed he was dead and the threat he posed was gone for good.....which makes his dastardly return....dun dun dun.....unfinished business for them. Its personal. 
All the completely valid, well-reasoned and justifiable arguments for why its absolutely bonkers for them to try and make like the Dukes of Hazzard on this case as if they’re not at least a little bit miffed at each other for various things involving killing certain people and not killing certain people and trying to kill certain people and being totally unreasonable about the trying to kill certain people.....none of that is enough to get in the way of them doing their best to put all that aside for now and team up to stop this guy for good, the way they should have the first time.
Because let’s face it. One of the definitive areas of common ground that Dick and Jason share is when things are personal....they take it VERY personally. And when they feel responsible for something, like, you could get God on the phone to personally deliver absolution and assure them it wasn’t their fault, and they’d still be like “LOL yeah, okay, that’s a good one ‘God.’ Didn’t know all-knowing deities could be super hella wrong about things but hey, everyone’s allowed an off day I guess.”
Two brothers estranged due to extreme circumstances, trauma, loss, grief, blame, the completely unreasonable and frankly just rude passage of time, and assorted other reasons ranging from “you stole my favorite weapon-Bruce-definitely-didnt-know-I-had-and-kept-as-a-souvenir when I was fourteen and you STILL haven’t given it back” to “you can’t just shoot someone as your way of ending an uncomfortable conversation, Jason”......
But force them together via external situations or shared goals, and you have the perfect excuse to sidestep a lot of the more impossible to navigate conflicts born of comic book writers who don’t freaking know how to CHILL when piling on the family dysfunction......and engineer a situation where they pretty much HAVE to retrace previous footsteps, comb their memories for every detail they can recall about that case and in the process remember how close they were then, fall back into old patterns and rhythms while working together....and various other things that give you everything you need to transplant them mentally and emotionally to a time before all those conflicts and problems created by other people, not them, when things were....better. 
While through the mere fact they’re successfully able to fall back into old habits and patterns of working together at all.....you can put them face to face with evidence that despite how much they’ve both changed and everything that’s come between them, they are still fundamentally the same people they always were, and the shared experiences and common ground and all of that which enabled them to become brothers in the first place....its all still there, still able to be brought back out and dusted off and then used to forge a new brother bond that takes into account the ways they’ve changed since they last truly knew each other.
And none of that erases or solves the various complications and conflicts and issues that do still exist in the present, because of everything that’s happened in the past few years and the things they’ve all done.....BUT, it allows for Dick and Jason at least to rebuild or find a new, sturdy foundation on which to stand and plant themselves before wading back into all of that.....so at least now they do so with firmer footing, and with a clear direction and goal in mind.....navigating the emotional minefield from their respect opposing sides.....and aiming to meet somewhere in the middle.
And then with one family bond rejuvenated, revitalized and consciously reaffirmed by both of them......then its that much easier to turn their attentions to the rest of the family, one by one, and repair or forge those bonds through a concerted effort....not just Jason on the outside looking in, or members of the family on the inside looking out at him like he’s a poor, lost soul they need to save (I can’t help but picture Jason upchucking at the very thought, eww, how dare they)......but rather, a mix of both. Jason making his way back into the family via walking side by side with an ally on the inside who is still keeping pace with him so they can present a united front while they work towards a common goal they both want.....a family that acts like a family instead of like.....idk, y’know, that thing they act like in the comics that’s called ‘a family’ but also, they all hate each other and wish everyone else would die except for the times when they forget the others even exist at all.
Anyway. That of course, is just one angle that can be taken with them, out of the many possibilities that arise just from letting them have a good relationship before Jason died.....and all the shared history, in-jokes, secrets, camaraderie, grief, etc that comes with that.
My point is just.....I talk a lot rant a lot about the fanon and fic tendency to paint them as having barely known each other back then and with it largely blamed on Dick having been a stand-offish asshole because he has a chip on his shoulder named Bruce and its not a chip at all its actually Mt. Everest, yup, the whole dang mountain, yetis and all.......
And then I kinda just....keep it there on that and how much it bugs, because, y’know. It bugs.
In keeping tunnel-vision locked on that and nothing else, I’ve never really expanded on the other byproduct of this fanon tendency that I think is worth considering:
And that’s the fact that this angle, this story? The one where Dick was a douche and Jason doesn’t really like him because of that until Dick apologizes for being a douche back then and begs for a second chance to do better, etc, etc? Its been told. Literally hundreds of fic writers have written that story by this point, and in the process limited...confined themselves, to this one singular possible dynamic between Dick and Jason when the thing is, like....that’s pretty much the ONLY story and angle that can result from Dick and Jason barely having a relationship before he died.....basically just various executions of acknowledging their previous lack of a relationship, assigning blame, making apologies and granting forgiveness, and then from there building a relationship from scratch. 
Obviously, people come up with unique spins on this all the time, I’m not saying the stories that do this are all exactly the same....just that there’s an innate ceiling to that particular premise, because when that specific dynamic of ‘no relationship really existed before’ is your one and only starting point......there’s only so many places you can go from that, and wind up in the present where you then proceed to have them make a relationship for the first time.
BUT. But but but but but.
The second you allow for the possibility that Dick and Jason DID have a relationship before ADITF, and it just happened largely ‘offscreen’ due to the fact that no solo Nightwing or Robin titles existed back then so there was nowhere to showcase just the two of them together......
You open up like.....so many more possibilities and angles and avenues and directions.
Because the thing is, y’know how so many people in fandom pride themselves on not feeling constrained by canon, or better yet, speak fondly about the idea of just taking a flamethrower to the whole damn thing and cackling maniacally while shouting “This one’s for Bruce/Dick/Jason/Tim/Cass/whomever your fave fam member of choice might be”?
Well. I mean. *spreads hands*
The second you flip the switch from “Dick and Jason barely knew each other and mostly didn’t like each other, this is the only canon that exists despite the fact that we just made it up because we could and canon can suck it”.....to.....”Dick and Jason did have a relationship and were close before Jason’s death, its just we never saw it develop on the page due to logistical constraints”......
Suddenly.....you have THREE WHOLE YEARS of possible interaction that you can literally cram full of WHATEVER YOU WANT, and canon can’t say a damn thing about it because its Schrodinger’s Adventures of Nightwing and Little Wing......without any canon viewing point set up to observe these interactions and thus force them into a singular form that you either like or you hate and set on fire.....those Adventures can look like aaaaaaaaaaaanything you want, and canon can kiss your patootie if it doesn’t like it!
Its three whole years of “lost family history” just waiting to be mined for all kinds of treasure, and you can unlock it in any number of ways once Jason returns, to any number of potential end points.
They could have faced villains together just by themselves during that time, they could have teamed up on investigations. They could have had sleepovers, Dick could have helped him cram for tests or covered for him when he just needed to take a mental health day because dealing with Gotham’s upper class can be exhausting and he doesn’t know how to explain that to Bruce in a way that won’t just lead to Bruce saying “I know, I get it, I hate it too” even though the ways in which its exhausting to Bruce and the ways its exhausting to Jason are not the same and not interchangeable.....but he doesn’t have to explain that to Dick, because Dick is closer to an understanding of it, he’s been there for a version of that himself, and they were assholes to him because of his lower class and unorthodox upbringing too.
You could have Jason tagging along on various official or unofficial Titans missions or just meet-ups, the way Jason teamed up with them for the Brother Blood story without Bruce ever knowing. Dick’s kid brother that nobody minded him bringing because they all adored him, and thus just by having him and Dick get along, you open the door to Jason having established dynamics and history with any number of Dick’s friends, allowing for a wide range of potential reactions to Jason and his Red Hood persona after he comes back.
You could have Jason being really invested in his brother’s relationship in Kori because he thinks Kori is just the fucking coolest, or you can have Jason secretly shipping his brother and Babs and thinking they’d be a much better match but keeping quiet about his opinion as long as Dick’s happy with Kori. You could have Jason panicked and turning to Dick for help and advice the first time he asks a date to one of his school’s formal dances, because he’s pretty sure he’d be able to provide actual proof that spontaneous human combustion IS possible, if he had to ask Bruce for romantic advice, like, aside from the fact that he’s seen flies trapped in amber whose relationships appear to advance at a faster pace than Bruce’s does with Selina, that’s his DAD, eww, he can’t ask his DAD to fill him in on what’s normal to expect and likely to be expected of him on this kind of/level of dating, but Dick? He can go to Dick for that, and imagine the adorbs potential. 
And the likelihood of various Titans coming up with the flimsiest of excuses to keep popping into the room in order to spy on the adorbs-ness, and the literal natural disaster that is the combination of Wally, Roy, Garth, Gar and Joey all trying to be ‘helpful’ and offer their own dating tips to Jason, while Donna and Lilith kick back with some popcorn while taking shots at the various boys’ expertise and credentials in this matter, if they’re gonna be offering advice to an impressionable young teen who doesn’t deserve to be saddled with having to learn from THEIR mistakes.
And on and on and on. Three whole years you can fill with any manner of adventures, secrets, shared stories, confessed ambitions and hopes and dreams for the future, commiserating on the parts of growing up in the spotlight in Gotham that Bruce just can’t relate to, sharing things from their pasts that they’ve never even told Bruce about purely because there are some things that are just easier to tell or talk about with a sibling close to your age than to your father.
But you see what I’m saying? Rounding Dick and Jason’s early relationship down to the barest bones until its practically being non-existent......that makes for a paragraph or at most a chapter dedicated to covering that ground, something that everyone pretty much expects to pop up in a story in order to address that history they have, or lack there of. And thus its never really a surprise to see it, there’s not a ton to take away from it, and it oftentimes ends up kinda just being filler despite even the best writers’ best attempts to make it engaging.....because there’s just not a lot to say about a relationship whose defining aspect is it didn’t really exist, and I’m pretty sure most writers would love to simply skip past that entirely and not even bother addressing it because it FEELS like writing filler a lot of times, I imagine. But at the same time, you kinda HAVE to include it and can’t really come up with a way to just leave it out entirely, without having a gaping hole in the meat of your actual story that explains how Dick and Jason got from there to here. Its a part of the story that everybody already knows, or expects.....but still demands being included, because canon just skipped over that entirely so there’s nothing from canon to even reference when shifting Dick and Jason into the kind of dynamic you want them to have or grow after his return.
And so its a paragraph or two paragraphs or a whole chapter that nobody really ever wants to write, because there’s not a whole lot of new ground to cover with it, and its kinda a cause for resentment, being stuck having to include it in every story covering Jason’s return anyway, even though there’s only limited ways you can stretch and exercise your creativity and expand on that particular angle.
But with Dick and Jason having an actual relationship pre-ADITF that is filled with nothing but whatever you choose to fill it with, whenever you feel like delving into it or dusting off an old memory or vacation or want to reveal some long-buried secret only the two of them know.....the sky’s the limit. Instead of that standard stock paragraph/chapter rehashing the take on that particular story that everyone already knows but narrative structure forces everyone to shoehorn in somewhere anyway.....there’s more than enough in those three lost/secret years of family history, especially specific to Dick and Jason, to serve as the basis for entire fics exploring that time, digging up secrets or mysteries that originated in that time, reminiscing about that time or diving back into existing dynamics with people Jason met through Dick during that time without having to write Jason meeting them or only getting to know them for the first time as an adult.
(Omggggggg, imagine a story that’s just Dick and Jason and Uncle Clark, or Dick and Jason and Aunt Diana, and like, Bruce is like I GO OUT OF TOWN FOR ONE NIGHT AND YOU SOMEHOW END UP WITH MY KIDS HELPING YOU FIGHT AN ALIEN/DEMON INVASION ON SOME OTHER PLANET/DIMENSION??? WHAT THE HELL!)
In conclusion, you hate canon and how much it fucks with the Batfamily? Totally with you. But this is the one period in these characters’ lives where canon doesn’t actually weigh you down or cage you in if you don’t want it to....instead it gives you the gift of being whatever the hell you want it to be, just so long as you make sure everyone ends where they need to be by the time ADITF happens. (Assuming you don’t just end up going full AU by that point since there’s no law saying Jason HAS to die or else the DC universe will destabilize and implode in upon itself).
Anyway, I’ve waxed poetic about this long enough, I think, and without a single line of poetry to show for it, but that’s for the best. Me to poetry is like a butcher to a carcass, but only if this particular butcher is very bad at his job and always makes a mess everywhere, and it just never ends well for anybody.
And now, as usual, I end an overly long post that exhausted my brain cells and made me sputter to a stop just before I come up with an ending to the post that actually makes sense and isn’t just me going, hey you know what, maybe there is something to be said after all for the Sopranos’ sty - 
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crystu-cii · 3 years
OF COURSE!!!! I'd say you're hella close to it!!! Definitely closer than I am XDD 💖💞💝💕💝❤️💕💕❤️ A G R EED /hj XDD
Yeah ;w; oohh that sounds super interesting!! I can understand not pursuing a story tho, stories are d i f f icult-- XD fun, but difficult, and you need an attention span for them! (Why do you think I only write one page stories??)
OMS yessss that's so accurate tho-- like I haven't changed much if I'm being honest (I spend a LOT of time inside.. XD) awww-- I can understand that- in japan we didn't have a backyard, so I stopped going outside much at all-- occasionally I biked to convenience stores or walked to vending machines, that was cool, but no backyard :/ having no backyard sUCks, like where am I supposed to scream into the void?? INSIDE?? /j
OMS-- CRYS XDD what a Mood™ tho- "oh I'm gonna continue this thing!!" *does something else entirely*
XDD It was done Against My Will™ (get Against My Will on the album I Haven't Awoken Well Rested Since I Was A Child by the band The Bags Under My Eyes Aren't Makeup! XD) MOOD-- I spent the quarantine summer doing nothing but staying up until the sun rose and sleeping until it was at its peak- where did the time goooo
I AGREE HOW DARE HE- LIKE EXCUSE?? YOU TINY HEATHEN??? anyways now I'm trying to go back to squirting him with a squirt bottle to startle him(even tho he's a fan of water, the harsh spray startles him) but anyways thank you crysss I'm never getting a cat in my life now bc of this rude child (dogs are superior anyways /hj)
(and now time to reply to the OTHER ask cause I'm efficient and not going to send two separate asks to respond to things that can be responded to at the same time.. ....why did I even ramble about that wtf henry(huh I never refer to myself by name that felt weird))
Okay!! No worries dude, you can always take your time with replies, I just don't trust tumblr XD 💞❤️💕💝💝💖💕❤️💖 of course!!! Thank you!!! 💖💕💕💖💞💕
Oooh!!! That sounds super fun!!! Man I miss hanging out with my friends-- but my closest friend(lives in my neighborhood) has a parent who works in other people's houses, so high risk, and the rest live several hours away :)) but anyways yeah that sounds hella!!!! I love that y'all were just like "okay well. we're gonna hang out anyways." XDD
Aww-- I'm glad you are!! My brother and his bf were supposed to come but I think we have to postpone that cause someone in his workplace tested positive for covid :( YESS FOODDDD-- oooh cheesecake?? I've never heard of having it on Thanksgiving!! Usually we have pumpkin, cherry, apple, and pecan pies!! (We're having pumpkin and cherry ones this yeah!! Two pumpkin pies, a cherry pie, and a cherry cobbler--) I... Have never heard of pineapple pie in my life! Sounds like it would make pineapple-on-pizza haters burst into tears tho--
YOURE WHAT-- CRYS YOU HEATHEN IT IS NOVEMBER!!!!! /j I can't stand Christmas music, being a choir student made me not be a huge fan of it-- too much Christmas music.. ugh. (Straight no chaser is tolerable at least. And Pentatonix. And covers by artists I like. But if I have to hear Jingle Bells ONE MORE TIME--) YESSS BESTOW UPON ME THOU'S PRESENCE AND PRESENTS... Ooh nice!! Pfft XDD Yess- I have multiple on my wishlist-- mostly for the switch-- OMS I CAN'T BELIEVE I DIDN'T ASK FOR THSC-- MAYBE IM THE HEATHEN--
Okay, it's January 5th! Literally not even two weeks after Christmas-- Feel free to scream happy birthday at me :3 XDD now I'm curious, what's yours?
awhhh thank you ;w;; 💕💞💕💞💞💕💞
and legiT- and omg- also what i do a lot is thinking i have a story all in control but then i realise that i only focused on the main parts and nOT the transitions and all that shit and then i end up last minute thinking them- XDD and ngl one page stories sound SOO much better- imo- not just for writing- but for reading as well- whenever i go to see a fanfic I always read the ones that has one chapter- dunno how to fully explain it- possibly cause its satisfying to see a story actually have its end other than a long lasting series that will never end- XDD oneshots are my FUEL
buT WoW omg this topic has now made me realise how i barely go outside- XDD i wish there would be other thingd around my neighborhood other than a "park" that has DEAD GRASS and the sprinklers go off like every hour for some reason- duNNo what the builders were thinking but i guess i dont mind- i stay in my house a whOLELE lot xD
and YESS IT GETS ME EVERYTIME- "hey lets draw-" *-WRITES-* XDD AND ABHAHAHAHA (NOW ON YOUR LOCAL MUSIC STORES- XDDDD) and omG MEEE- the times i would usually sleep would be around 3 am to 6 am- ironically my mom has a more screwed up schedule than i do- and SHE STILL HAS- last night she told me that she hasnt slept in 48 HOURSSS- MaMAAA PLEASE SLEEP
GO AWAY CAT HEATHEN- XD and omG a squirt bottle of water yes XDD and awh i definitely understand now how youll not get a cat- sounds like a hecka pain ;0;; i never even had a pet before (or not that i would recall- oh wait i think i had fish but i have an embarrassing story that made my mom ban fish from the household- OH MAN the shame)
and yeahh oh man- i hope you are okay with all these topics XDD and thank you!! 💕💞💕💞💕💞💕💞
awwhh i see- i wish you can hang out with your friends without it being too risky! that reminds me of that one time where my friend said "hey so uh you guys can hang out at my house since at my parent's workplace someone was positive for covid" and then immeadiately after they were like "SO WE NEED TO GO TO ONE OF YOUR GUYS' HOUSE" and Im LIKE- UH- NOO??? nOt AfTEr you just say THAT- nuh uh- thankfully we didnt hang out that day- better safe than sorry xD
and omggg those pies sound AWWESOMEEEE- i always wanted to try pumpkin pie before but when i asked my mom that she was like "nO iTS diSGusTing" and im like "*visible confusion*" and lOwKEY SAME- pineapple pie just sounds a bit off but my mom was really hyped to make it xD i'd actually say its not that bad! but im still not a fan of pineapple so uhhh xD (aNd YEAH IT DOES feel like it would make those haters cry-- XDD)
and PFHAOHFA IM A LIVING HEATHEN- XDD omg at this time of year- it gets CRAZYY for me- first off- Tree is a true filipino- right when it was the first day october- youd hear them say "FUCK HALLOWEEN"(and id just whine to them like "BUT HALLOWENENENEN") and then their family set up a whole christmas tree and over-the-top decorations- and omg- if you hate christmas music- you would despise the philippines sO MUCH- when the FIRST day of SEPTEMBER hits- CHRISTMAS MUSIC ON ALLLLL THE STORES- it will drive you WILDDD ( yeah its actually a normal filipino thing- not that i ever went to the philippines myself at tHAT time of year- but my friends and family tell me all about it- filipinos are the true christmas maniacs XDDD)
and awhhh choir must be a pain ;0;;; that would remind me how on one concert- the beginners class of choir screamed on purpose even though they werent supposed to- the teacher got so pissed XDDD and YESSS PRESENTSSSS- and awh man- i actually dont own ANY consoles at all- so the only things i can ask for is steam games- last year for christmas i got just shapes and beats- which was WORTHHH
and oo YAY- now i shall mark that on my calander- XD and mine is february 7!
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sorikkung · 6 years
You did an intro to got7 a while ago could you maybe do one for A.C.E.??? They seem like a good group but I'm clueless atm so it would be v helpful!!!
lololol i did an intro to mark from got7 but not got7 as a whole, but yes ofc i will i love my talented bois and i love rambling about them heRE WE G O
an introduction to a.c.e, for dummies (jk ily choice is a great fandom pls join us)
also this is gonna get rlly long so im gonna put it under a cut
A.C.E is a 5-member boygroup under beat interactive!! which is a p small company atm so my boys dont exactly have the high quality living and practice areas and food that they deserve :(( THEYLL GET THERE THO IM SURE OF IT THEYRE LEGENDS
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here’s their youtube channel with aaaaall sorts of goodies
i started stanning a.c.e predebut, bc they had a lot of content for a group that hadn’t debuted yet, and it was enough to snatch my attention real quick so you should check that shit out, they did a shitton of AMAZING covers and to get their name out there more, street buskings its a lot but i swear its worth your time theyre so talented!!
also they have matching tracksuits what more could you ask for tbh (as you can see from that vid, they’re literally so fucking extra)
a few of my favs are
this rlly long busking video w girl group songs and just a bit of everything tbh,
THIS amazing remix/cover of kard’s don’t recall by the rap line + this one cute girl,
their flashlight cover that is enough to make a grown man cry omfuckigngOD it makes me feel things hjskskkh
that ONE TAKE dance cover they did of 3 of taeyangs songs, all focusing on a different member of the dance line
im gonna stop here before i link every damn cover they made
okay so now that thats covered (bad-um-tss) time for…DEBUT
THIs beauty right here is their debut song cactus, which has this really deep meaning to it. bc they came from a small company so they have to work extra hard to even be able to debut let alone be successful and they’re like a cactus bc cacti grow in the desert where there’s very little water but they still manage to stand strong even through the hardest of weather an environment conditions and eventually sprout beautiful flowers,, buuuuuut its also a meme for obvious reasons.
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tbh debut era choice culture was just listening to cactus on repeat for days bc it was their only song at the time skjslaas not much has changed tbh LMAO but yes theyre a very edm loving group so their DANCE SKILLS ARE ON POINT SERIOUSLY IVE SEEN FEW GROUPS AS AMAZING AT DANCING AS ACE WOWOW
oh yeah did i mention that their fandom name is choice and that choice are literally the softest fandom my multifandom ass has e v e r been in?? theres literally no cringy or toxic side of the fandom its just so soft and welcoming and pure and everyone is so nice and sweet and friendly and just??? wow i love choice a lot hjkskjsshkhk choice are also SUPER talented too stan talent stan choice
speaking of cringe ace is that group that just like skipped the entire “rlly cringy boygroup debut phase” completely like no weird debut haircuts or outfits or weird lyrics about girls, well actually thats all kinda objective but like they made those outfits work ok and im a cactus isnt that weird of a lyric if you know the deep meaning behind it
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aS yOu CaN sEe, cactus era was the era of the tHIGHS and the hot pants. it was literally so iconic it blew up and with great reason too, have you seen those thighs?? AND THEY KNOW IT TOO they even mentioned they chose the hot pants as their style concept and took better care of their legs than their faces. true kings. heres a video of a.c.e talking about the whole hot pants thing and just their legs in general its some quality shit. and heres a video where they decide to show off just how great their thighs are bc they like to kill choices like that, this video is important and iconic bc its where the wowson ship began and also when they declared who the king of thighs were amongst the kings of thighs. definitely a necessary watch for new choice imo. donghun lowkey grinds on the floor at 4:04, you’ve been warned. honestly that video just gets progressively gayer lmao i love it
also for us international choice they made an ENGLISH cover of cactus CAN YOU BELIEVE IT I LOVE THEM SM they didnt have to but they did and oml stan a group who stans you back this hard their english aint that great but theyre trying and i appreciate it so much theyre so amazing look
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five months later they dropped their second single, callin’, and b o y was this a stressful comeback, beat had us FOOLEd,, i genuinely thought it was gonna be a flowerboy soft concept yknow with like some sweet lowkey ballad or soft pop song, but nOOooOOOooo, MORE HARDSTYLE EDM not that im complaining callin is a bop but i was TRICKED
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LOOK AT THIS SHIT ITS ALL AESTHETIC AND THE CLIP OF THE SONG WAS ALL SOFT I WAS REALLY EXPECTING SMTH SOFT im sorry im still salty that beat tricked me but ITS FINE bc callin is a HELLA BOP like i honestly didnt expect them to top cactus so quickly bc like cactus was hella but they DID and its amazing and heres the link be blessed (warning, these gifs above make it look like a soft vid but there are LOTS of flashing colours and lights and its really intense on the eyes if youre not comfortable with that dont watch, just listen)
they also supplied multiple dance pracs you can find on their channel for callin bc ace feeds us well, although callin had a reaaaally short promotion period bc right after they got thrown onto survival shows for more publicity, but hey, its working!! choice is growing bigger every day and im so proud
donghun, wow and jason all went on yg’s show mixnine, and jun and chan went on the idol rebooting show, the unit. both teams are doing EXTREMELY well on their respective shows!! but ill talk more about that in their individual member profiles bc they havent been put on the same team for anything yet rip
edit: mixnine finished and donghun and jason made the cut for the final group, sehyoon didn’t :(( so dongson will be promoting with the mixnine group for a lil bit!! also chan made it to the unit debut group but jun didnt. im hoping for a sehyjun subunit pls
that was long af but now im gonna dive into the members individually!! so its probs gonna get twice as long sorrynotsorry i warned you
Jun (Park Junhee)
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jun is the so-called fiery leader of ace (also lead dancer and lead vocal) but is honestly just a giant dork and a sweetheart. hes the type of guy who you scream at for being dumb and call him an idiot but thats your weird way of expressing your undying love for him?? ask literally any jun stan, they’ll say they hate him. hate him for being so PERFECT like a fucking DISNEY PRINCE he’s the designated prince of the group you know theres always that one member and hes just so LOVEABLE and stupid and skjdakhkjs he fuckign dropped his cake on his birthday when do your faves ever. dad of the group, probably lost the maknaes in the shopping mall about 3 times already. talks a lot, hates aegyo, his members might be planning on sacrificing him to satan? he does on idol class with chan every…i think its wednesday and fans vote who gets punishments n stuff and jun loses every damn time i think hes losing his faith in choice lmao. #saveleaderjun
he’s kinda married to donghun, they’re the parents of ace but donghun might try murder him in his sleep idk man, but now hes on the unit with chan and theyre all cute and you can literally ship everyone with everyone in this group
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he has HELLA charisma on stage tho oh my gOd also he has one of the most unique singing voices ive ever heard so its really easy to single out, his face also is the first i learned to tell apart?? he has rlly high cheekbones and a wide but thin smile.
this is actually an ot5 video not just jun but jun’s reaction was by far the most iconic so i have to put it in his section, get you a fave who can FLY lmaooo
it would be CRIMINAL if i didnt solo out jun’s ringa linga cover, thE MOST ICONIC JUN COVER EVER HJFKDSJKFDSJK if i ever stop talking about this assume im dead bc IVE NEVER GOTTEN OVER IT jun in a leather jacket looking all rude and staring at the camera like that im WEAK, SO WEAK, AAAAAAAAHHHH
[ahem] MOVING ON
Donghun (Lee Donghun)
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donghun, sometimes romanised as donghoon and often referred to by choice as hun or hoon, is the oldest member of the group and another total sweetheart, honestly ace is just a group of sweethearts, he cares for his members so damn much and is super soft?? but ALSO A s Av Age he’s on mixnine with sehyoon and jason and he SHOT DOWN YG, once again I C O N I C, yg was at a loss for words, heres more receipts of him being savage, i love my sassy boyfriend. BUT HES ALSO A SWEET NOODLE HJKSHJKS oH and did you know that before he joined a.c.e he had no experience in dancing whatsoever and in a year and a half, he caught up with the other four members that have been dancing since they were kids?? I STAN TALENT YALL you’d literally never be able to guess that bc all of them are like on an equal dance level its insane
also he used to have braces during cactus era and it was the softest shit
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[cOUGHS] so like did someone say disrespect,,, bc he can do that too,,,,, aAAAAAAAH the duality of this man istg
he’s the main vocalist and has vO C AL S OF AN A N GEL, he has so much soul and emotion in his voice, and has adlibs for days oh my god, he also has the MOST BEAUTIFUL FALSETTO i’ve ever heard, fight me, actually come at me. his voice works REALLY well with chan so they pair him up with him for quite a handful of covers like the all of me one i linked (one of my favs omfg it makes me emo) cause like, his soulful voice plus chan’s higher, sweet voice just sounds so great together i love our main vocals wow.
Wow (Kim Sehyoon)
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his stage name is wow, but its hard to take seriously so the fandom just calls him sehyoon lmfao. it used to be seyoon but when he went on mixnine, he revealed sehyoon was the official romanization so here we are lmao. even if your bias isn’t sehyoon…it’s sehyoon. he’s just that guy ya feel me?? anyways sehyoon is a relatively quiet and reserved guy, but his members really pull out the dork in him, i love it so much?? he doesn’t talk much but when he does all of a.c.e directs their full attention to him to listen, its really sweet, hes pretty awkward with people but you can tell he just feels so safe and comfortable with ace it honestly warms my heart. he’s the main rapper and main dancer, but!! our multitalented man is also a vocalist. yes, you heard, me, the main rapper can sing, and really well at that. (if you scroll up back to the flashlight and dont recall covers, you can see more of his voice.)
gets the least lines, but not by much. although hearing his singing voice in their actual songs has happened like with 2 lines?? so idk man im just waiting for their ballad song that theyre apparently doing for their third song, god im so ready. i love his voice a lot, damn.
he’s also like reeeeeeeeeally gay for jason…the entire fandom ships it and they even ship it themselves. wowson, the otp of ace, they honestly just cant keep their hands off eachother??? i know a friend who struggled to tell apart jun and jason so she just looked at who sehyoon was standing next to and instantly knew it was jason. THEYRE SO CLINGY. i love my squishy boyfriends. 
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OHHH BOY…i really could’ve used an even more disrespectful gif than this but that would ruin the surprise of watching it in the actual video!! as you can see, sehyoon is the K I N G of disrespect on stage, that shy lil fluffle bean you see offstage?? GONE. DISAPPEARED. VANISHED. this is why his stage name is wow, sehyoon disappears and you just go wow. choice has dubbed him king of bodyrolls with great reason, he makes every concept into a sexy concept, he just has that intimidatingly sexy aura to him, its incredible. 
now…are you ready….i bet youre not…who am i kidding NOBODY was ready for this shit. on mixnine, sehyoon was picked as leader for one of their stages (i think he was leader for ringa linga too??) and got to choreograph the routine. if you think its already rude 10 seconds in, its all over for you bitches when the lighting goes yellow. i feel the need to repeat, our boy CHOREOGRAPHED THIS. IT WAS ALL HIS IDEA. EVERY. SINGLE. PART. this is the same kid who everyone on the show knew as the shy, quiet, handsome boy. but then. 
but then he did this.
Jason (Kim Byeongkwan)
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jason is his stage name that he chose for himself but his real name is byeongkwan, its another case of an idol having a stage name and nobody calling them by it?? i mean most new choice call him jason and i personally switch between the two but most choice seem to call him byeongkwan or bk if theyre extra lazy lmao. memers call him byonk sometimes.
jason is the weird child of the group and we all love him…he’s the second lil ball of sunshine and part ½ of the maknae line. he’s often found clinging to sehyoon or literally any of the members bc he’s an affectionate son who loves cuddles okay?? p r o t e c t   h i m.
he’s also the lead everything. yeah thats really not fair but jason is op ok?? singing, rapping, dancing, visual, like sehyoon he’s the full package, i can hardly call them the rap line they’re just the op line t b h. triple threats.
on their official twt jason likes to confirm wowson a lot, its p great lololol he’s the biggest wowson shipper of all time. want more wowson? i gotchu, here’s one of my absolute fav moments. (ft. junchan/chun)
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he has some HELLA CHARISMA on stage like boy can u pls chill. they also love doing his eye makeup with that red makeup and it looks rlly good bc bk has such pretty eagle eyes and its his Look™ and that along with his onstage persona is a DEADLY COMBINATION HDSJKSKSLKJS 
i’m just gonna keep this short; even if your bias isnt byeongkwan, your bias is byeongkwan. he has that affect on everybody. number one bias wrecker out of the fandom t b h apart from sehyoon (he cant be my bias wrecker if he is my bias so im safe :^J)
Chan (Kang Yuchan)
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INTRODUCING OUR CHANSHINE, MAIN VOCAL OF ACE, CUTIE MAKNAE CHAN!!!! he always introduces himself as a.c.e’s main vocal cutie maknae chan, its his iconic line and it suits him so well like LOOK AT HIM ISNT HE JUST A FUCKING RAY OF SUNSHINE WHAT A PURE CHILD I MUST PROTECC he’s literally the happy virus y’all AND ACE KNOWS IT TOO heres this one time where donghun even said that looking at chan cheers him up. certified sunshines only, everyone. also watch that whole video its long but its worth your time.
anyways our boy is a main vocal and as mentioned in donghun’s part they harmonize!!! so!! well!! i mean tbh all of ace can harmonize with eachother its the most beautfiul thing but these two are main vocal for a reason okay. if you didn’t already watch it in donghun’s part listen to THIS and have your ears be blessed i cry everytime oh my god skdfhd ALSO THIS IS SUPER IMPORTANT ITS LIKE ONE OF MY FAVOURITE VIDEOS ON THE INTERNET i want to cry i lvoe chans voice so much i love chan i love kang yuchan og hmylhdg sodf i was gonna say i swear im sehyoon biased but im not istg ace is bias wrecking me 24/7 its been the hardest group to pick a bias in ever im not kidding i cant even
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also known as kang RUDE, chan was all innocent sunshine and daisies until out of the blue he decided to give the disrespect king sehyoon a run for his fucking money. NOBODY FUCKING SAW IT COMING WE ALL THOUGHT HE WAS SO PURE AND THEN HE SUDDENLY STARTED FLASHING HIS ABS EVERYWHERE AND GRINDING ON THE FLOOR AND DOING THAT AND WE JUST CANT HANDLE IT i dont know a kang yuchan please save me oh my lord
okay this already has an ungodly amount of links and honestly i could go on, but this should be a good enough kickstart for you!!
stan talent stan a.c.e everyone. welcome to the choice family. its literally the softest and sweetest fandom out there. we welcome you with open arms and lots of cacti!!!
22 notes · View notes
lattetimes · 7 years
Latte Talks About: Y//O//I
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okay, fuck it, let’s go.
for context, i use to be a fan of the show in the beginning. i thought it was kind of interesting, and the main character being in his 20′s and coping with constant anxiety was something i can 100% relate to! that being said, i have a shitton of issues with the show and the fanbase itself by extension. 
i’m gonna put all this under a readmore and separate this by categories. before that, i’m gonna start off with a quick summary of what Y/O//I is (for anyone that’s kinda curious and have 0 idea wtf this anime even is about). i tried to keep everything as brief as possible so it won’t be too much to read through, but i have a lot to say about this entire anime that i didn’t get to say last year, soooo.
if you already know what YOI is, you can skip right over this and jump right into PART ONE. 
ok, so. Yuri!!! on ICE (a.k.a. YOI) is a sports anime series that was produced by MAPPA, directed by Sayo Yamamoto and was written by Mitsurō Kubo. it ran from October 6, 2016 – December 22, 2016, with 12 episodes under its belt for one season and talks of a possible second season. 
the story goes that 23-year old (turns 24 in episode 9) Yuuri Katsuki is Japan’s top figure skater and he fucks the fuck up at the last Grand Prix Final (GPF) he participated in. he decides that he might as well put this career on hold or just quit altogether. while he’s chillin’ back at home (which is a hotel-bath house, keep that in mind for a lil’ bit), he recreates an advanced performance done by his idol Victor Nikiforov during that same GPF (Viktor was in first place, Yuuri was dead last). 
well, this performance was secretly recorded by his friends’ triplet daughters and put up on YouTube, getting the attention of Victor and prompting Victor to stop skating for an entire season to coach Yuuri (much to the dismay of Victor’s coach, Yakov). this event sets off Yuri “Yurio” Plisetsky, a 15-year old skating protege that worked with Victor closely and was promised Victor’s help years ago.
the two compete for who gets to be coached by Victor in this season and Yuuri beats Yurio, leading to the rivalry between the two and Yurio returning to Russia without Victor. the anime goes through the entire skating season revolving around these three characters- along with a revolving door of side characters in order to keep the competitions interesting- going through physical and even mental obstacles to kick their opponents’ asses. 
...and this is where my issues with the anime starts.
i have a lot of issues with this anime. a lot. 
for one thing, the entire story hinges on this one accidental night that was revealed in episode 10 after Victor and Yuuri trade matching golden rings: Yuuri got hella wasted after his fuckup in the GPF, and basically gave Victor the time of his life. they danced, and Victor had fallen hard for drunk-off-his-ass Yuuri. (pole dancing was also somehow involved. don’t ask me how.)
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Yuuri forgot the entire night, presumably because he dropped off the face of the earth in social media. my main issue with that is how was this never brought up again with any of the other characters?! how was Yuuri completely unaware of this happening?!
Yuuri’s friend, Phichit, being unaware of it makes a little bit of sense due to his absence during that GPF. but not Yuuri? there was a small segment in the first episode that shows that he had his phone notifications off for a long period of time after he recreated Victor’s routine. 
but, i still find that to be a bit too convenient. and after he’s back into skating how did no one else mention this? i know Chris, Victor and Mickey alluded to it at separate points and that makes sense- it’s a good way to get the shock of what episode 10 dropped on us to be even better.
...but no one’s bothered to straight-up mention, “hey, Yuuri, remember when you spun on a fucking pole and beat a 14-year old in a break dance competition? yeah, what the fuck was up?”
my main issue with the entire story would be the ending, so...
the end of the series has Yuuri coming in second place (a huge improvement from the last year) and Yurio in first place in his first senior-division GPF. oh, also JJ gets in third place somehow, but we’ll get back to that in a second. 
now, i get why they made Yuuri get second place since he promised to quit skating competitively once he wins gold and to also “allow” Victor to go back to skating (there’s a huge internal conflict with Yuuri since a lot of people assumed Yuuri “stole” Victor from competing). what could’ve happened instead of Yuuri getting second is the following:
Yuuri wins gold, and he either stays in the competing world as a competitor for another year because he gained his love for the sport back and wants to go for one more year. or, he decides to teach Minami (an upcoming Japanese skater that greatly admires Yuuri). this would help create a new dynamic with Yuuri and Victor (if Victor coaches Yurio if Yuuri starts coaching), along with introducing Yurio to a new competitor for the next skating season. 
Victor stays as a coach, for either Yuuri or Yurio (since Yuuri does move in with Victor after this GPF). he really enjoys coaching people, and learns how to improve his coaching skills with extra help from Yakov. 
Yurio comes in second. he’s devastated at first, and he’s disappointed in himself. but then he remembers: he’s only 15. and he got second place in his first senior division GPF. and that itself is fucking incredible. 
JJ gets dead last. after an incredible season of completely crushing all of the other competitors and even showin’ Yuuri up by perfectly executing Victor’s signature move (that Yuuri struggled to replicate), he fucked up. he messed up both his skate routines. with the promise he had made is fiance, Isabella, that winning gold means they’ll get married and he fucks it all up. but, Isabella is still with him after he fucks up; his parents- that are also his coaches- still support him; the crowds still chant for King JJ! the king may have fallen, but he’s not gonna give it up. and he becomes stronger from that!
give Phichit or Chris bronze, dammit.
so the character design was handled by Tadashi Hiramatsu, working off of Kubo’s original sketches of how the designs would look. and overall, i think the designs are alright. they don’t stem too far from reality (with a few exceptions, because this is a fuckin’ sports anime so fuck it!). 
i’m only gonna specify a few characters, because tbh almost all the characters are very flat or not interesting. if they didn’t have nice designs  or hella bomb music for their routines i wouldn’t even give a flying fuck about them. but they have that goin’ for them, i guess.
Yurio Plisetksy
oh, we’re gonna get back to this character don’t worry. 
Seung-gil Lee
i personally don’t have much to say about Seung-gil, but the issue of racism against this character was brought up multiple times while the show was airing. 
Seung-gil is a South Korean skater that competes against Yuuri once, and was unable to make the cut. the issue with this character is that he’s rude to a lady skater that seems to have taken some interest in him (and she was being polite and sweet to him) by ignoring her calls and outright saying he has no interest in being her friend. he also is calculating his scores as he’s performing.
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Otabek Altin and JJ
god, i wish Otabek was introduced earlier ‘cause he probably would’ve been a much better character. his entire existence was basically just to contrast Yurio, and not in the way JJ does with Yuuri.
Otabek is a large and powerful masculine man, while Yurio is constantly called the “Russian ice fairy” due to his more feminine appearance (which was stated in the anime). and Otabek admires Yurio’s grace while Yurio admires his strength.  but, other than that, Otabek is basically only a prop for Yurio. his entire character revolves around Yurio, and that’s it. you can’t really talk about Otabek at all without even mentioning Yurio.
with JJ, he’s got his own character arc goin’ for him. he’s always been at the top, he’s incredibly skilled and everyone fucking bows for King JJ. fuck, he has an entire song called Theme of King JJ! and this contrasts amazingly with Yuuri!
whereas Yuuri is constantly questioning his self-worth and skill, JJ owns that shit. but with Otabek and Yurio, it falls flat, and in the next section i’m gonna delve into the character of Otabek a bit more.
the dog is objectively the best character and no one can say otherwise.
honest to god, i think Yurio was the character that was hardest for me to get use to. 
and i’m just gonna start right off with my biggest issue here: Yurio was incredibly sexualized. and not in the way that would be Yurio owning his sexuality.
nope, Yurio’s performance for his exhibition skate Welcome to the Madness was very... uncomfortable to sit through. his performance was like this:
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there is absolutely NO FUCKING REASON to show off one of the youngest characters in this show in this way. there’s ZERO REASON FOR THIS BOY’S SHIRT TO RIDE UP LIKE THIS, OR FOR HIM TO REPLICATE THIS SPECIFIC ICE SKATING MOVE. you want one of your characters to perform that kind of move as a homage to Stéphane Lambiel? HAVE YUURI DO IT- HE WAS THE ONE THAT SKATED TO EROS- A LITERAL SKATING ROUTINE ABOUT PASSION AND LOVE-MAKING AND ALL THAT JAZZ.
yeah, Yurio was the one that wanted to go for that spicier routine (basically personifying lust) over Agape (personifying wholesome love), and you can argue that having Yurio do shit like this was for the character to show everyone that he has control over his own sexuality, but that isn’t the case.  having his arc be about how he’s coming to terms with his sexuality or how he feels pressured into being more sexual while still being a minor- leading to him being uncomfortable and having a new friend step in and say “hey you do wtf you wanna do” would’ve made this shitshow better. 
no, the creator made this routine in order to get more sales (which duh), and to garner more interest from the side of the fanbase that wants to see Yurio get together with Otabek by throwing him in the routine.
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Otabek’s part in the routine was only for a decoration, like icing on the cake for Yurio’s performance! he was only there so they could upstage Yuuri and Victor’s duet!
this isn’t a character taking charge of his sexuality or even an arc about how figure skaters. no, they only had Yurio doing this performance because a lot of people wanted to see Yurio and Otabek end up together (which is something I’ve already stated i have a few issues with). 
a really good way they could’ve taken Yurio’s arc was to show him being pressured by the adults in his life into having to sexualize himself, and constantly showing Yurio being uncomfortable with this. he just wants to skate his own way, but then the fear of the judges and other competitors looking down on him because he’s the youngest competitor in this year’s GPF (everyone’s in their 20′s, minus JJ who is 19) he falls into a state of depression because he’s not doing things on his own terms. have Yurio combating with this inner struggle and have him overcome it by saying, “hey fuck you, stop staring at me like this.” have Otabek back him up- have Otabek (who is 18) be someone that isn’t confident with himself and have him be the one that tells Yurio, “hey, this is hella gross, are you even okay with any of this?”
or, y’know, don’t sexualize kids just for money, just sayin’, that’s a better option.
another issue i’ve seen with Yurio is that he’s fucking everywhere. 
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yes, Yurio is a main character and i get that he’s gonna get a shit ton more merch than Georgi or Leo, but he’s overshadow the other two main characters. and honestly, i’m sick of seeing him. it’s upsetting, but true. i’m sick of that character entirely. 
so, another issue i have is that the animation really isn’t jaw-dropping. 
the only time i was fucking impressed by the animation was episode one, showing off Victor’s performance of Stammi Vicino! 
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the show’s animation was subpar at best, and it wasn’t anything revolutionary or stellar at all. it was very flat and static, and even the ice skating routines were boring in that regard. there’s barely any real effort that is put into the animation of the anime, and it’s a real let-down!
y’know what anime had crazy-good animations? Mob Psycho 100.
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this character is just talking to people, and he’s incredibly animated and overall interesting to watch!
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this show has very interesting use of squash and stretch when it comes to making characters emote. even the smallest of expressions are easily magnified due to the solid execution by the animation team at Studio Bones!
YOI could’ve better attempted at doing this with at least the skating routines, and the bare minimum with the main three characters. it would’ve made the anime a lot more engaging instead of having everything be so damn static or consist of shot reverse-shots. having more interesting angles in the show would also help with the expression of feelings, as this show is very heavy on emotional weight when it comes to Yuuri and Yurio’s struggles to compete against the other.
and i’m so not upset about MP 100 losing to YOI in the Crunchyroll anime awards because it was totes not biased. which, by the way...
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these are a few examples of the issue i take with the fanbase. for this section, i’m going to list off what problems i have with the fanbase, and why i now have the entire YOI tagged blacklisted.
Victor and Yuuri’s relationship (homophobia!!): this is one of the biggest reasons why i don’t associate with the fanbase anymore. the fanbase constantly takes this couple and tries to add toxic “relationship problems” to them. this includes (but is not limited to):
threatening to divorce each other
doting “wife” Yuuri
“playboy” Victor
Yurio’s “constant disgust” with the two being happy together (Yurio seeing “sin” if the two so much as cuddle with each other)
basically calling two men that are together “a dirty sinful ship”
“Victor is the man of the relationship” “no, Yuuri is” (basically the application of heterosexual standards onto a gay pairing, and having a “power struggle” with them instead of them being happy together)
fanfics (which i will make a separate part for)
Yurio’s sexualization (OtaYuri): i’ve went well into depth about this, but there’s another point i would live to bring up. there are actual minors that don’t want to see Yurio in a sexual way because they’re around the same age as him and don’t like the idea of having people having sexual fantasies about a teenager. that thought genuinely makes them uncomfortable. well, the side of the fanbase that ships OtaYuri (the ship name) will go well out of their way in order to make them uncomfortable. some OtaYuri shippers join anti-OtaYuri discord servers or skype groups, and then spam them with OtaYuri content until they’re permanently banned from the chats. 
Killing Stalking (also referred to as “KS”): i already can’t stand the fucking online series called Killing Stalking, and it’s horrid to sit through. the fanbase of KS already has a fucked up vision of shipping the two main men- one of them being a homophobic serial killer that breaks the other guy’s legs in order to keep him trapped in his home and another his obsessive stalker that broke into his house. and the Yuri!!! on ICE fanbase flocked right into that the second the anime ended, and decided it was okay to take Victuuri (the ship name of Victor and Yuuri), and try to come up with their fucked up headcannons and AU’s with KS.
The YOI Fanfics: okay. this is honestly a huge part of why i’m very cautious of interacting with YOI fans. there’s a multitude of fanfics that incorporate homophobic, non-consensual aspects into their writing just so people can get their rocks off to it. and that really bugs me. i’m going to talk about the kinds of fanfics that really seem to bug me the most. WARNIING: this is NSFW-related, since that’s the most kind of fanfic i’ve seen of them. 
Alpha/Omega/Beta Fics: this category for fanfictions involves an AU where occasionally characters will go “into heat” and have the uncontrollable need to breed with either their partner or anyone nearby. and usually it’s the “uncontrollable, lusty, submissive Omega” (which is commonly Yuuri) that needs their “dominating and powerful Alpha” (usually Victor) to give into desires and screw. a lot. now, this is wrong for a coupe of reasons: it portrays these gay men as people that cannot control their desires at all; this isn’t always consensual sex at first; there’s always a focus on a power dynamic between the two+ characters involved due to being “presented” as an Alpha, Omega, or Beta. 
its music was composed by Taro Umebayashi and Taku Matsushiba, and they did a fucking great job workin’ with the music. On Love: EROS will remain as my favorite song from the entire album that YOI released.
seeing Yuuri attempt Victor’s move in episode 7 and then successfully master it in episode 12 was something amazing to see. it was an incredible thing to see Yuuri land on his feet as opposed to him hitting the ice again, and it really shows how far’s he’s come. 
another positive would 100% be the fact that figure skating had gained a lot more popularity. it was so nice seeing so many people become more interested in the sport itself, and i loved seeing pro skaters even love the show! Stéphane Lambiel even had a cameo in episode 12!
the characters’ designs are really not all that bad. and the voice work is great! i don’t really watched dubbed anime often, but the dub for YOI was over-the-top and ridiculous! and the VA for Yuuri in the English dub (Josh Grelle) was at SuperCon this year, and he kept talking about how much he loved Yuuri’s character. he loves the fact that the story of YOI takes place in a world where no one has to be afraid of loving who they love, and that’s something he wants to see in the near future, and i find that incredibly sweet.
the dog is immortal.
so. there you go. that’s all i have to say about the entirety of Yuri!!! on ICE. 
did i enjoy it? well, yeah, a little bit. i was a part of a YOI skype chat when it began because i was so excited that we were getting a sports anime about figure skating!
was it worth all the Internet-breaking hype? eeeeh, not entirely, no? episode 7′s kiss was something special, yes, but the show itself wasn’t allowed to be critiqued that often while the show was still riding the high of popularity it had. 
and if you liked the anime, that’s awesome! i’m glad you did! i can 100% see why the show was very popular and why a lot of people still love it! 
i don’t label every YOi fan a homophobe for liking the show, but seeing this kind of behavior way too often has made me lose my love for the show overall. i can’t even look at the show anymore, and that’s really upsetting to me. but, it did make me happy for the time being. it’s just a fucking shame that the show had a shit ton to work with, and they didn’t go for it. 
i’m sorry this got very long, but there were some areas that i needed to delve more into than others and i got carried away.
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birbtrash · 6 years
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flappyfluellen · 7 years
julius caesar at ashland
...i’ve only seen 3 but still
this is hella long so i’ll put it under a cut
(also, one quick thing about these reviews: they’re partially so i can reread them and remember aspects of various performances, and partially so that others can get production ideas and [hopefully] appreciate the productions, even if they don’t get to see them!)
the things i liked:
everything was in modern dress
ok so the original 8 or so conspirators? they were there for the whole play! instead of adding in characters in act 4/5 like messala, pindarus, titinius, etc—all of those lines were reassigned to the original conspirators, which made the play feel a lot less disjointed, and i thought it was a great decision
the stage was really fantastic!! it was made of this cardboard stuff that was really fractured and warped at the beginning
and parts of it kept breaking off as the play went on
there were a Lot of elements inspired by modern dance
brutus was the mildest of the main conspirators, but once in a while he would get Really Angry (like in the tent scene)
cassius and casca were Best Buddies, which was awesome. like they were always touching each other and stuff
casca was super intense!! he tried to stab caesar twice before he was supposed to, but cassius held him back
he was also really skeptical and sassy and rude as casca should be
he didn’t kill himself, which was too bad, but omg they built casca up so much and it made total sense to give him titinius’ lines, because he really was cassius’ best friend
(also i’m so amazed that they used a production idea i came up with independently)
i loved so many things about casca ok. he was my favorite
this cassius was a lot more playful (at least in the first scene) than mine, which was cool
cassius hated antony a Lot. it was really clear and obviously quite deep-rooted
wow ok so the funeral scene was one of the best bits
calpurnia was there! she was sitting by caesar’s corpse
brutus gave his speech on this balcony thing, while the citizens were below
but in antony’s speech, he was on their level—while some of the citizens were on the balcony
which i think was pretty symbolically significant
antony was great!! both very angry and very heartbroken, just a generally emotional antony, more so than i’ve seen before
calpurnia definitely loved caesar, which was interesting... she was really scared for him
portia was pregnant D:
the soothsayer was this ~12 year old girl, which made total sense, because that was why no one listened to her!!
caesar’s death was super chaotic! as it should be! (and realistic too)
but after that, most of the other deaths/battles were more symbolic
like cinna the poet. his death was brutal ahhh
they didn’t stab him—he basically rolled around on the floor in a pool of blood, and when the citizens stomped, he twisted around in agony. it was Painful
all the citizens were wearing these slightly creepy grey masks, which made them seem less individual and more like a collective or mob
in the scene where the second triumvirate were figuring out who to kill (“this many, then, shall die; their names are prick’d”), all the names were written out on this HUGE piece of paper that was on the wall of the stage. antony had to use a ladder to write on it. the first thing he did was to write, on the wall, the names of all the conspirators, and then underlined brutus and cassius
that scene also happened right after the intermission, so antony was just sitting on the ladder for about half of intermission, looking casually at the wall and sucking a lollipop
octavius was super overconfident which was good
caesar’s ghost was actually scary!!
the battles were awesome. they weren’t actually real fights... they were more like Really Intense dances, kinda like the haka from maori culture
i can’t really describe them well but they were really interesting
characters would just drop dead in the middle of the dances, and sometimes they would be singled out to actually fight
everyone had incredible stanima WOW
the guy who killed cassius killed himself right after
lucius killed brutus and it was Sad
casca was the last to die
he also had this epic and truly impressive fight with octavius
all the conspirators slowly got killed off until antony and octavius were the only ones alive on stage, surrounded by dead bodies
the things i didn’t like
there weren’t many things i didn’t like! which was great
one was that casca didn’t kill himself
ok i need to talk about cassius, because he was mostly good, but there were a couple not so great things
they cut a lot of cassius’ suicidal ideation lines. on the whole, they didn’t cut a lot from the first 3 acts, but for some reason they made sure to cut those lines??
which leads me to my next point
cassius wasn’t anxious. at all. his anxiety, especially over his relationship with brutus, is such an essential part of his character!! and i just didn’t see that in this performance
so that made the tent scene—the most important scene imo—the only scene i felt a little meh about
he was just Angery and indignant in that scene
brutus was sufficiently angry though
but if you have a chance to go to ashland, see it if you can!!!
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rachello344 · 7 years
5, 6, 11, 17, 24? for the pride ask!
5. Share a positive memory about coming out!Hm, well, because I’m ace, I’m mostly closeted.  My friends know, my family doesn’t, and I only tell strangers if it’s relevant.  But I think the best memory I have was the second time I came out to one of my best friends.  (The first time, I don’t think she understood what I was trying to say.)  One of her other friends had also come out as Ace, so when I brought it up, she nodded and said something like, “Yeah, that makes sense.  You’ve always been like that.”  And, I don’t know, it was really reassuring.  ^^
6.  How do you feel about pride month?It’s great!  I’m not a big parade or party person, so I’m not really participating, but it makes me happy seeing so many queer people have such a great time.  I hope everyone stays safe, and I hope all of the parties and such are extra fun~
11.  Tell us about your first crush?Well, I don’t really “crush” in the way normal people do, but when I was like 15? I had my Big Gay Panic.  See, my best friend was ditching me for her BF and I was crazy jealous.  Like, I have never been this jealous in my life, before or since.  And because I’d never been jealous, I thought “Ah, so this is love?”  And spent the next three hours or so trying to figure out if I “just” loved her, or if I was “in love” with her.  I eventually figured I just loved her, but like.  Damn.  (Also, that paved the way for every future moment of, “I love my best friend and would probably marry them, but probably mostly in a friend way? idk about kissing but I want to be with them forever?” and further confusion.  Being ace is... so fun...  How do romantic feelings work?  How can you tell if you don’t want to kiss someone, but you do want to spend the rest of your life with them???)  ANYWAY.
17.  What’s your biggest pet peeve when it comes to lgbtq characterization in media?Two things:  One, their plot REVOLVES around their being queer--suffering for it, being bullied, coming out, etc.--rather than being a characteristic, like “enjoys rock climbing” or “arrogant in X situations” or “enjoys breakfast foods.”  None of those things would take away from a larger plot about, idk, fantasy world domination or superheroes, so why should being a lesbian or bisexual or trans?  LET CAPTAIN KIRK BE PAN.  LET SPOCK BE DEMI-ACE.  LET THE KNIGHT BE GAY!  etc.Two, I hate when it’s played for shock or the “gross out” factor.  Like... can you maybe not?  That’s super rude.  Like, I complain about straight kissing all the time because I’m trying to watch an action movie here, thanks, but like...  “Is this a kissing book” as an expression of exasperation with ANOTHER ill-timed kiss scene is not the same as someone saying “Gross” in response to a man kissing another man in a political drama or a horror drama.  (Penny Dreadful, ty for my bisexual werewolf and also for my life.)  At the very least the response was probably not meant to be “gross” but it just shows that we need to hella normalize it.  I wanna see queer couples kissing all the time.  LET THEM KISS!!!!!  Every movie that has a straight kiss should have at least one queer kiss from now on.  (Could you imagine?)
24.  How do you feel about the term “queer”?I love it!  It’s easy to say, it doesn’t leave anyone out, and it’s a great way to identify if you’re feeling iffy about labels imo.  It also means you don’t have to give strangers your sexual and romantic inclinations right off the bat.  You can just...  Identify as queer and go on your merry way.  Oh, plus, it’s the word used in academia still, so I use it in class and such.  “Queer readings” are so fun?  I just get to point out queer coding?  For a grade?  Honestly, so fun.  Has a lot of (Queer) theory behind it, but it’s worth it for the payoff.  ;D
Thanks for the ask!!!  
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survivorkomnata · 5 years
Episode #5: "my wig is scalped. i am ascending, friends." - Jake
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Just realised I forgot to confess about my winner pick yet. I have predicted correctly both the the times I have done this. Looks like this is the only thing I am good at in ORG's so why not keep the trend going. With that said, my winner pick for this season is Zac...wait nooo. I said I am done with playing nice. Gotta give myself a chance , so my winner pick is Karthik. GG
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Okay so the swap continues to be great! Basically my relationship with Zach has improved a lot so hopefully he is down to work with me! And it would depend on what he wants if they wanna eliminate Jake or not, I personally don’t care lmao but I think that maybe keeping Jake might help me to have options with the original Kato aswell (who Idc about but as I said I can’t close that door) but anyways I really don’t wanna have to decide yet so I wanna win this challenge more than anything right now.
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We going full crackhead
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not much has changed. we are immune again, and so i'm final 12 (which is the common # for merge, but i anticipate otherwise this game). it's exciting because my main goal right now, bar winning/jury, is just single digits, and i think that's achievable.
on my current tribe, i think i trust karthik the most. i speak to him daily & we have fun conversations, and he likes to mock me which is really fun for me. tim i trust but we have been lacking conversation (though i believe that's due to inactivity opposed to us being weird). i already went through miguel & jake in my last confessional so i'm not going to regurgitate that. i love all 4 of these men so much.
i can't help but think i'm majorly fucking up with my physical side. i really carried in the puzzle immunity, which was a public immunity. this means that other tribes are going to notice me. on top of that, i was in a majority like i deadass could've lost and have been fine (afaik). i sent ally/liam to tribal in the minority (luckily they thrived) & i sent another og-takagi majority to tribal and i lost one. odd, but whatever. i'm just paranoid i think because my biggest thing is skewering others perceptions of me and i think i'm making it much harder by performing exceptional in most challenges.
i'm thriving tho. i lost my trail of thought but... king. love u all. i am talking to a friend about driving n life but there was something i wanted to fucking talk about im STRESESDDDDDD. idk. yeehaw.
oh i remembered - the exile decision. though this wasn't for the complete round, it was so stupid for tim to suggest 'jess' and 'stephen' or something. like???? sister???? either send alyssa so she lacks connection & they boot her or send someone else. idk. it made no sense to weaken the social game of one of our own, but maybe he's playing it odd. regardless, miguel and i spoke in pms about it and we were on the same page (and i made a mistake of saying ''hope they vote alyssa out'' or something similar, which isn't ever my game (to elaborate: i never directly say anything but rather insinuate because im ditzy n dmubb :p)). it was just annoying like maybe i'm overthinking it but ... bye.
im getting like 7th-10th i know it.
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I’m ecstatic right now, my tribe won immunity and I have officially broken my Survivor ORG record. It’s also looking like an og Takagi is goi g home tonight which helps as going into merge I want as many og kato as possible. I’m a little wary of Stephen at this point but that’s the game of Survivor. Stephen is a strong player and while I like working with him, I think he needs to be voted out down the road because he is definitely a strong strategic player like me, maybe a stronger one. Right now I need to focus on getting back into the game as I definitely was limited for the past few challenges. It showed in this challenge as I helped my tribe win the challenge. The merge is coming soon and I’m hoping to make the merge and continue showing a new side of myself, like David did in Milennials vs Gen X. Doing this helped David excel in his game and it’s helping me excel in my season of Survivor. I’m pushing myself to see just how far I can go and see if maybe I can win this competition.
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So glad we won, tribals are dumb. Would’ve liked to vote out Liam though. Still, can’t wait to be the only Stephen left in the game, Stephen Prime, Stephen Supreme.
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It just feels like a repeat of my previous ORG where I make the merge without ever going to tribal council and get voted out soon after. I am not so sure if this is a good thing for me. Its getting a bit boring. I want to play the game, be part of strategy talks, organize a blindside. get blindsided etc etc. These are the fun parts of the game imo and I feel these are about to happen as I am expecting the merge soon.  Hope I do not flop like my last game and last for a longer while this time around. Zach seems to like Miguel and Miguel has been feeding a lot of info to Zach. Probably they know each other from the past or something but either way they appear to be close. Zach had been planting seeds in my mind, saying more than once that Miguel seems to be cool and loyal whereas Jake is sketchy. I personally seem to connect better with Jake and feel like he is a better person to work with for me personally. He is a strong competitor and even if he doesnt happen to be the loyal kind of player, he is more of a threat and its likely that he would be targeted later in the game which are the kind of players I need around whereas I find Miguel to be a less threatening player who could slip under the radar and steal your spot at the end. I believe there would have been a push for Jake to go if we had lost but glad that didn't happen coz I do not wish to create any waves yet and cannot afford to go against King Zach's words. Fun fact - Zach has added me in 4 alliances within the past 2 days but none of those are with people in the game :)
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Daniel leaving at the last vote has been a big blow to my game, but it wasn't the worst-case scenario. With me and Jess still in I still have my most trusted ally on the tribe. I questioned Alyssa about having the idol since apparently I do that to all of my allies now, but she said she didn't have it. She brought up the possibility that there was only one Hallway idol available for everyone, and while I'm not sure I totally believe that explanation she did admit that she has reached 100.
We came up with a plan last night, where she convinces Isaac that the plan is to flip me and vote Jess out. Assuming Alyssa is loyal to the plan and Isaac buys it, I shouldn't be getting any votes tonight. I'll tell Jess everything when she gets back and hopefully this vote will be 3-1. But even if Alyssa is lying to me, there's a chance Jess might find something in the basement. And if she does, well.... I'll be trying to use it to "both" of our benefits ;)
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So woahhhh that double tribal huh!! I did not see either vote out happening. TJ went out on a unanimous vote and Ratboi played an idol into a split vote!!! I wonder what TJ did or failed to do in order to get voted out. Did his enemies end up on the tribe with him? And what about Ratboi. When did he get an idol? Was this from Kato or the basement?? Who split the vote in the first place? I have many questions and not too many answers as of now.
Ok so here is what I concluded so far. TJ, Jake, Alyssa, and Stephen W (The Australian) are one side of the old Kato and the other side was Miguel, Fredrico, Isaac, and Luke.
TJ ended up with Luke in the swap but Stephen W on his side so I am confusion??? Ally and Liam were there as well so idk.
So we win the challenge and I am PUMPED. Our tribe managed to work together and draft some potential questions as well as help one another out during the challenge. I managed to get a score of 7 which is dope!! Oh and our tribe also finished in first place meaning we got to send someone from the losing tribe into the basement.
The losing tribe was Atila 2.0 which consisted of Jess, Alyssa, Isaac, and Stephen Z. Now I initially thought the person going into the basement was immune so I suggested Alyssa because I know that she is aligned with Jake and I wanted to try and work with them at merge potentially. However, once I discovered that the basementee would return I switched up and supported Jake in wanting to send Jess. This was great for me because Jess is my ally and I didnt immediately suggest her so that sheds some weight off my shoulders. But umm I was also kinda rude and I stiff armed Miguel from trying to send Isaac back there. I know that they are aligned so I could not allow that to happen. I made the decision for the tribe and @'d Anna to let her know that the tribe (Aka me....) had decided on Jess. Now this could hurt my game because this could make me seem like I am hard to work with or not willing to compromise but only Miguel would think so and he's one of my targets so lol.
Hopefully at Attila's tribal Isaac goes home and the merge happens so I can slay it.
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What isn't going on? That is the real question...
Let's take it back to BEFORE Daniel's departure.
Prior to the vote ( literally 20 minutes before) I went on call with Alyssa and I can't tell if I'm just sipping Paranoid Bitch Juice™ or not.... BUT the first thing she asks me is if I have the idol. I was thrown off because.. 1) Why are you asking me this BEFORE A VOTE...AM I BEING VOTED OFF?. 2) Why do you have a SMILE on your face while asking me this. Anyways.. I've come to the conclusion that she may have an idol and isn't telling me because I want to kill her in this game. The purpose of this call was to warn her that I was actually voting out Isaac so she wouldn't be blindsided. I was trying to sugar coat it. Telling her I was conflicted and that Isaac may or may not have an idol but then the Google Hangouts link was sent and I didn't have enough time to tell her. After this Chaos and Daniel going I was hella shook. Alyssa seemed pissed at me and at that point I had no regrets. An idol was flushed and someone who would potentially come after me was gone. It was a major win/win situation for me personally. Then TJ going on the other tribe.. someone who potentially would have came for me... also: another freaking win.
THEN my night gets turned upside down and I'm summoned to the basement. I can't tell if the other tribe sent me there so I could find something and they LOVE ME or because they wanted to MURDER me in this game. It's still up in the air tbh. Being away from my tribe for a long period of time was scary. I'm kind of just hoping my relationship with both Stephen and Alyssa are solid and we can bo$$ this game up. However, am I afraid of Isaac possibly finding two idols in the basement? yes? do I want to be a paranoid bitch once again in a game? no? am I dying on the inside and thinking it could be me tonight? yes? am I going to drink wine before tribal? basically.
My game plan is simple. I'm going to be straight up with Alyssa and say I'm NOT doing Stephen. She either will vote out Stephen and we tie and we can go to rocks. 50/50 odds. Or she can keep Stephen. That's it. If an idol is played and I'm who they vote out.. I'll probably cry.
I refuse to even look ahead to after this tribal because I'm sort of extremely uncertain.
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Fuck this week, man. I'm so glad that Ally and I went from a minority to a tie at the best, but I'm just not super confident in much right now. Hopefully we just keep winning.
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hi i literally don’t have anything to say because nothing has changed since last round
i’m rly glad tj left i liked him but i liked everyone else more... and he VOTED me i’m glad daniel left in the tie on the other tribe cos we never spoke and i’m close to stephen z it’ll be interesting to see how their tribal goes this time with 2-2 tribal lines. i’m excited. i love jess and stephen so i’m rly hoping nothing happens to them that’s p much it. i got nothin. sry.
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Sisters this might be the end of the road for me. I hope it’s not because I’m having a blast but this 2-2 fuckshit is annoying. If I go I have a successful idol play to my name and a few iconic one liners, see y’all in All-Stars. Rotten Luck.
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Isaac is voted out in a 3-1 vote.
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jacktherph · 5 years
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{ ⋌ } —- favorite fc?
aha that’s like asking my fav food -- changes too often. at the moment though probably jason ralph; both to use and rp against because you know
{ ⊿  } —- talk about your favorite character!
canon??? oc?? what?? so vague?? i mean right now going off that jason ralph thing i’m fucking in love with quentin makepeace coldwater and how much he fucking slays me with how relatable he is and how much i both want to hug his sads away and also want to make the fuck out with him. if you don’t watch the magicians nonn you should. spectacular, raw character building
{ ⋐ } —- underrated fc you like?
i’ve always really been into alexander vlahos. he’s gaining some popularity, especially since versailles, but he’s still pretty niche imo?
{ ⋍ } —- favorite 1x1 and/or indie experience?
man i have so many i hate to pick just one. but my friend of like 4 years now and i met in the indie torchwood fandom; she played a canon and i played an oc. she liked my starter call but didn’t follow me and while i was hella confused?? i did it anyway?? she later told me she was nervous about ocs in the fandom personal bad history, totally understandable even though at the time i definitely joked she was being rude and waited to see some of my writing before following back. not even a week into writing together we were screaming over headcanons and writing some iconic^tm lines together. we’ve hung out in person 3 times and she’s definitely one of my oldest friends now. rp brings you great friends people!!
get to know me!
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strangetrip · 7 years
i saw this post on insta that was like you can be “black” without be “african american” and there was a lot going on in the comments mostly about how ppl of african decent are all black and african (i.e., black british ppl, african ppl can be black, black mexicans or w/e) and this is a very curious concept to me bc
1) it’s all very complex.
2) we’re all african like it doesn’t matter if you’re the whitest person out there we’re all out of africa you can fight me on this but you can’t fight science so let’s just get that out of the way.
SO now it’s about a) how you present b) your culture c) your experience (not in that order but w/e) (and this 100% comes in to play with american identity)
3) i always thought of black as an american thing in the sense that like....there are afro-british ppl who are the same as black americans but its different like if you tell me someone is black i know they’re an american and i know they’re history and as a person living in america with a connection to this history i understand the experience (like.....i couldn’t tell the first thing about being afro-british like idk at all and i don’t believe they know whats it’s like to be a black or african person in america)
3A) IMO black american and african american are very different. black americans have been here since slavery, they have the potential to be and/or present mixed, and they have a Shared Experience. african americans are like first generation or people who have come to america from africa in their lifetime and while they can be impacted by the same things that experience is very different (more on this later)
3Aa) there is a lot going on here too tho bc there are black americans who identify with their african roots and comfortably say they’re african american but i honest to god can not relate to that therefore i can’t talk about it
3B) also black americans have a very specific look imo and thats the shared history coming in to play like if you show me someone who has been here and someone who is first generation you can tell the difference and you’re lying if you say otherwise (you can see this all over, too. ppl of afro decent in the carib look different from americans and africans. indo ppl in the carib/south africa/etc look different from each other and from desi ppl. you can still see they’re related but they’re different).
and anyway there were also pretty respectful white ppl who were genuinely curious but there were also arguments about how ppl self identify what were hella condescending and flat out rude which were Wild to me like you don’t have a say in how a mixed person identifies or how dominicans or w/e identify if you are 1 race or not dominican or w/e
4) i agree that (in america) black =/= african (but it does mean that you have some distant history in africa) i consider myself black but not african american. i know that my experience isn’t that of an african american bc i am mixed and i present as such (i mean...in some cases [black] ppl refuse to acknowledge that i’m also indo Until which is so annoying and disrespectful bc i’m pretty obviously Other but also like you can’t pick and choose when it’s convenient but thats a different post) also bc growing up it was basically ‘if you aren’t white, you’re black’ which is changed a Whole Lot as we become a more global society but yeah i mean i’m black and i’m indo-trini they’re both very important to me. i grew up with my black family but as a girl who looked exactly like her non-black mother (i mean...my mother identifies as black and it’s as complex as it is problematic bc she very obviously is not of african decent and she isn’t brown skinned and it’s just truly not her Experience but again thats Another Story) so i really identify as a hybrid of the two (this also gets tricky bc there are ppl i know who are from the caribbean who i know are of indian decent but get classified as black/african american here bc they dont look like the stereotypical indian and somewhere a long the lines got a western surname. it also gets tricky bc most people in the caribbean connect with their island first and their race second and again this comes in to play as we become more global and cosmopolitan and its a Different Post)
4A) both black americans who have been here since slavery and newly arrived africans are identified as african americans and i have even less in common with the newly arrived african experience than i do with the been here experience and i don’t believe that i have a right to intrude on their feelings and safe spaces bc i experiences privileges they don’t (i mean in south carolina i’m still followed around the store by racist white ladies and and in massachusetts there are white ppl who won’t acknowledge my presence by pointedly doing something else and i’m a brown skinned girl w an american surname like come on but in the bigger picture these are isolated incidents [and actually if im being honest there have been more times that black ppl have accused me of being racist like these are not isolated it happens more often than you’d think; and the only truly verbally racist thing that’s happened to me happened bc they saw that i was indian and it was the Wildest thing to me but my point is there are LAYERS ppl, LAYERS and experience is such a huge player in this] and i’m very aware that my cousins who are 100% american have a completely different view and understanding of the world that i cannot relate to empathetically) (actually even newly arrived africans who did not grow up in america experience a very different america those who have been here or those who have grown up with those who have been here) (and actually i know african ppl who refuse to let their children befriend black american kids and look down on them which is DISGUSTING but this is Not the Post for That)
and like honestly its all a social construct like both of my grandfathers (biological [who was for all intents and purposes a white guy but had a native and black grandparent so] and step [black]), my dad (who is black), my cousin (who is indo trini and nigerian), and i all have different names for black on our birth certificates basically what ever white people thought was politically correct at the time so like it Doesn’t Matter but it does because how you present and identify impacts your entire life (and actually i do wish my birth certificate said mixed and i’m very curious to know what ppl born post 2000 are called when their parents are two different races)
but anyway i was just in awe by the amount of Bull Shit that was in the comment section like if you don’t know and you haven’t had that experience just shut up please thank you and goodnight like if you have something constructive to say than OK lets discuss it but like....how can you just say “listen you’re black, you’re black, and you’re black too stop hating black people” but in the same vein i PROMISE YOU THIS HAPPENS BC IT’S HAPPENED TO ME treat them like a 2nd class black citizen and police them and even call them racist when their experience doesn’t line up w/ yours like come on
it’s hard i get it but come on
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