sokaiweek · 4 years
Good things can never die.
 Sokai Week - day 3 - thinking of you - 1372 words
This fic takes place right after the first encounter in Scala ad Caelum in KH3.
The battle with the armored clones had been rough, for Sora, Donald and Goofy. But although Sora himself was nearly out of breath, he charged ahead of his two companions.
“Come on, guys! We’ve gotta keep going!”
 However, neither Donald or Goofy were ready to fight on just yet and so they tried to halt their friend.
“Sora, wait! You can’t just run ahead like that!” Donald yelled.
 “Donald’s right!” Jiminy chimed in as he crawled out of Sora’s hoodie. “That last fight practically knocked the wind right out of you. You’ve got to slow down!”
 “Slow down?!” Sora retorted. “If we slow down now, Xehanort is going to get away from us!”
 “But don’t you see that this is exactly what Xehanort wants?” Jiminy persisted: “I know you’re upset, but charging in recklessly like this, when you’re out of breath will just get you done in and it certainly won’t bring Kairi back!”
 As Jiminy said that last part, Sora finally stopped running and when Donald and Goofy caught up to him, he was as silent as a ghost with his head hanging down. Until Sora finally broke the silence with a quiet voice:
 “It’s not fair… All I wanted, was to be with Kairi again, to have her see all the things that we do on our adventures… and then this happens… I promised her that I would keep her safe, but in the end, I couldn’t even do that… Sorry guys, I just… I don’t know how to deal with all this.”
 Donald and Goofy exchanged a sad glance with one another, before Goofy answered:
“Gawrsh, it’s ok Sora, we’re sad too.”
 “You are?” Sora asked.
 “Of course, we are. Kairi is our friend too. And you were always so happy whenever you were together with her or when you thought about her. Why, I remember back when we defeated Ansem, you and Kairi were so distraught over being separated.” 
 “yeah.” Donald chimed in: “You missed her so much, that your face got all red, when you saw Jack and Sally or Will and Elizabeth together.”
 “That’s right” Goofy continued: “And when you two finally did find each other in the organization’s castle, you looked so relieved and glad that it made us happy too.”
 The thought of those moments made Sora smile a little, but those memories were now bittersweet knowing that Kairi was gone, and Jiminy could see it on Sora’s face, so he tried to comfort him.
 “If it makes you feel better Sora... Kairi always said that she wanted to come with you on your journey and that she was tired of staying behind and waiting for you. So, to finally stand by your side in one of your adventures, doing what you do all the time, why there’s probably no other place she would rather want to be.”
 Sora answered with a defeated sigh as he looked at the ground away from Jiminy: “If only I was an actual keyblade master, maybe she wouldn’t have had to be destroyed for it.”
 Sora’s companions looked at each other with guilt ridden looks, until Donald finally stepped forward.
 “I’m sorry Sora…” Donald stammered.
 “About what?” Sora asked.
 “I said some mean things to you when you were down, but truth is, you did really good against those clones even when you were upset, you always have.” Donald took his hat off and clutched it close himself with both hands and continued, using all of his strength to keep himself from breaking down in tears: “I just think… If something like this happened to Daisy, I don’t think I could have… AHH! I don’t even want to think about it!”
 Jiminy patted the side of Sora’s neck and continued: “Donald’s right. You did all you could Sora, and Kairi fought well too, it’s not your fault that the bad guys used some cowardly tricks. I know we said some rough things about you when we shouldn’t, but do you know who never once lost faith in you? Kairi! She always believed in you.”
 Sora didn’t give an answer so Jiminy continued: “You weren’t there to see it, but back when you and Riku got separated from the rest of us, right after we fought Xemnas, we the King and Kairi were all standing on the beach, with no idea of whether or not you two had made it. When I asked Kairi if she was ok, I could tell that she was worried sick about you, but she simply said that she was going to be fine, because she knew that you would make it back to her. And just like she said, you and Riku literally fell down from the sky and returned to us, safe and sound.”
 “Ahyuck! That’s right!” Goofy acknowledged: “Back in hollow bastion, when you went poof in front of our eyes to wake up Kairi, we thought you were gone for good. And when you found us as a heartless, we couldn’t even recognize you and Donald even started pounding you on the head, ahyuck!”
 “WACK! Why did you have to bring that up?!” Donald protested
 Goofy chuckled and continued: “But Kairi recognized you, even when you were a little heartless, and like a wonderful miracle, she turned you back to normal. Oh, I remember it like it was yesterday.”
 “And don’t forget what she just did a little while ago!” Jiminy chimed in: “Back when we were all swallowed by the huge storm of Heartless. Even when Kairi was all alone in the dark, she still trusted you so much that you were able to come back from the beyond and revive the rest of us. And when you finally found her in the dark, seeing you two smile and holding hands just warmed my heart.”
 The thought of that moment brought a warm smile on Sora’s face, until he snapped out of it and asked Jiminy: “Wait, you saw that!?”
 “I sure did, Sora. I was in your hoodie when you found her, and I made sure to note it down in my journal as well.”
“Well I’m glad you did” Sora answered: “I just can’t forget how she glowed in that moment.”
 “Garwsh Sora, you’re suddenly not so bashful, when talking about her anymore, ahyuck!”
 “Of course!” Donald answered Goofy: “It’s about time he grew up a little!”
 Donald’s comment earnt a chuckle through the group as Sora scratched one of his cheeks with his finger.
 “Listen Sora” Jiminy said: “Don’t lose hope just yet. Remember what that girl Xion said? Kairi will be alright, and I think she might be right. Kairi has already brought you back from the brink a couple of times already, so who says you can’t do the same for her!”
 So much had happened that Sora didn’t have the time to figure out a way to save Kairi, if she could even be saved at all, but hearing the kind words from his friends brought hope back to him. And so, Sora nodded: “Yeah, you’re right.”
 “Of course, we are!” Jiminy proclaimed: “But that will have to wait a little. Right now, we’ve got to find Xehanort and put a stop to his schemes, because if we don’t, many more of our friends are going to get hurt.”
 “Yeah! Let’s find that old crook and show him what for!” Donald exclaimed while summoning his staff, ready for a fight.
“Then let’s go!” Sora said with a firm nod and set off into a run, to find the evil master. But before he got far, Sora halted and looked back at his companions: “And guys… Thanks. I needed that talk.”
 “Anytime Sora” Jiminy said in a soft voice while patting the side of Sora’s neck: “Anytime”.
 And so, the heroes set off to face master Xehanort and to avenge Kairi, the girl who had given Sora so many wonderful memories and the strength to fight on. What Xehanort had done to Kairi had wounded Sora deeply, but thanks to his friends he realized that no evil in the world can kill what is good. Not the comradery between, not the will to fight for a good cause, not the Happy memories created with those who matter the most and certainly not the girl that Sora had grown to love. Not if he had anything to say about it.
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phoenix-downer · 4 years
So I just played Darkest Dungeon, and my team Got wrecked. Only One of my heroes escaped from the botched mission. If you have Some sokai fluff to spare that I can use as a pick-me-up, then I would apriciate it. I Will pay you back with a cute interaction between Kairi and one of the Darkest Dungeon heroes.
Hi Captainmaws,
Thanks for the ask! Sorry my response is delayed, but here, have some fluff:
Sweet Treat
Kairi held the bowl in her hands and mixed the dough for the cookies. She was about ready to add the chocolate chips in when she felt Sora’s arms go around her. 
“Can I help you?” she teased. 
He mumbled something as he nuzzled her neck.
“What’s that? Can’t hear you,” she said as she grabbed the bag of chocolate chips and added about half of them to the dough. 
“Wanna cuddle.”
“Gimme a few minutes, I’m not done with the cookies yet.”
“Let me help,” he said, releasing her to grab an apron. By the time he’d put it on, she’d mixed in the chocolate chips, and they took turns shaping pieces of the dough into (mostly) round shapes to put on the cookie sheets. 
“There, all done,” she said as she grabbed her oven mitts, opened the oven, and then put the first batch in. As soon as she’d set the timer, Sora swept her off her feet and scooped her up in his arms. 
“Don’t you want to lick the bowl?” she said with a giggle. 
He grinned and kissed her cheek. “That can wait. Cuddles first.”
She glanced at the timer. “Well, we have about seven minutes and forty seconds—”
“Plenty of time,” he said as he carried her to the couch. As he set her on it, she playfully yanked him down so she could kiss him. 
The two of them hardly heard the timer go off. 
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phoenix-downer · 4 years
For the ask, 19 or 32? Whatever you Feel the most like doing.
Thank you for the prompt @captainmaws! This one is “A kiss for luck.” Hope you enjoy it!
Lucky Kiss. ~1000 words. Takes place after KH3, Re:Mind, and Limit Cut.
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Today was the big day. Sora would be taking his Mark of Mastery exam again. His palms were sweaty and his stomach was doing somersaults as memories of how poorly his first exam went flooded his brain. Funny how his complete nonchalance before that one was a complete one-eighty from how he was feeling now. 
He sat outside on the steps of the Mysterious Tower, staring up at the starry skies. How many of those stars had he been to now? And yet he still didn’t feel worthy of the title he would be up for in a half hour. He’d been too casual, too cocky about all this the first time around, and he couldn’t afford to make the same mistake again.
“Heya,” came a chipper voice from behind him. He turned his head, and sure enough, Kairi was standing there with two steaming mugs of hot chocolate in hand. 
“Morning, Kairi,” he said as he took one of the mugs from her, then thanked her. She sat next to him and blew on her hot chocolate to cool it down, and he did the same. The way she made it was the best, with a hint of peppermint and more than enough marshmallows to satisfy his sweet tooth. 
“What’s going on inside that spikey-haired head of yours?” she teased before taking a sip, her eyes sparkling. “I can practically hear the wheels turning from here.”
“Just thinking about my exam.” 
“You’re gonna do great.”
He scratched the back of his neck and chuckled. “Not so sure about that.” 
“Why not?” she asked with a frown. 
“Because I flunked my first exam pretty badly.” 
She gave him a knowing look as she took another sip. “That wasn’t your fault, Sora. How were you supposed to know Xehanort would gang up on you?” 
“I didn’t, but I still should’ve taken the whole thing more seriously.” 
He sipped on his hot chocolate as he thought about everything. If only he had treated this with the seriousness it deserved, then maybe he wouldn’t have lost his powers in the first place. Then he could’ve helped Riku and the king save Aqua earlier than he did, and then maybe he could’ve gotten to spend more time with Kairi, and—
“Well, the past is in the past,” Kairi said, breaking through his thoughts. “You’re taking things pretty seriously now, aren’t you? You’ve been training with Terra and Riku nonstop lately.” 
“Yeah, but it’s not about my skills or abilities. It’s what’s in my heart.”
“And I know your heart is worthy.” She poked his chest and smiled. “You’ve more than proved yourself, over and over again. Now all you have to do is just make it official.”
“Is that really all there is to it?”
“Sora,” she said, her eyes softening as she set her mug to the side, “why are you doubting yourself so much?”
He looked away. “I just…” She waited patiently, but he couldn’t get the words to come out. So he plastered on a smile instead. “You know what Kairi? You’re right. I’m totally gonna ace this!” 
He gave her a thumbs up, but his smile wavered as he met her eyes.
“You don’t have to pretend with me,” she said as she found his hand. “What’s on your mind?” 
He chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck. “You know me too well.” 
“The eyes are the window to the soul, and your eyes can never lie to me. So tell me, what’s troubling you?” 
“I feel like a failure,” he said at last. “A test that I should’ve passed easily stripped me of all my powers instead. I know I don’t really like to talk about it, but that’s because it was so… shameful, I guess. Humiliating. Getting captured like that, falling for Xehanort’s trap, my heart and body getting used as a weapon against me, putting everyone else in danger because I needed rescuing—”
“Sounds familiar,” Kairi said with a sad smile. “Guess that makes two of us, huh?”
His heart sank. “Kairi, no, I didn’t mean to—”
“I’m not saying this to make you feel bad or to be down on myself,” she promised. “I just want you to know you’re not alone. You’re never alone. I know how you feel, and you can always talk to me about all this. What happened to both of us is horrible, but we’re stronger than our failures. And that means you can do this. You can get your Mark of Mastery today.” 
“Thank you,” he said quietly. How was it that she always knew just what to say?
“And you know why? Because I believe in you, and I know you believe in me. So have a little faith in yourself, okay?”
He nodded, and she smiled again. 
“Good. Now,” she said as she brushed off his jacket, “there’s something else I came out here to give you.” 
“Something that’s very important for your Mark of Mastery,” she said, very seriously. But her twitching lips were giving her away. Before he could reply, those lips were pressing against his, soft and warm and full, and she cupped his face with her hands as she kissed him. Oh man he was gonna melt into a puddle if she wasn’t careful. 
“For luck,” she said as she withdrew from him all too soon, cheeks flushed and eyes dancing. 
“For…  luck…” he echoed as he tried to sort out his scrambled brain. 
She giggled and grabbed their mugs. “Now go get ‘em tiger.” 
“Right. I got this.” 
Nothing like a Kairi kiss to lift his spirits. He already felt more confident in himself. There was more than one kind of magic, and she possessed it in spades and was more than happy to share it with him. 
“Darn right you do,” she said with a wink. 
He grinned. “Yeah.”
He stood up, feeling energized and ready to go. Sure, there was still a lot riding on his exam. Maybe he would fail again. But that didn’t really seem to matter much anymore. With Kairi by his side, he felt like he could take on the worlds.
A/N: Thank you again captainmaws! Hope you enjoyed it! And thank you to @angel-with-a-pipette for suggesting a moment before Sora’s Mark of Mastery exam for the setting. 
I’m still working on the remaining couple of kiss prompts (thank you to everyone who sent them in!), but if you’d like to read the previous ones, they include, “A kiss to pretend, “A good morning kiss,” “A kiss on a falling tear,” “A kiss in secrecy,” “A kiss in public,” and “A kiss out of necessity/A kiss to wake up.” Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed!
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phoenix-downer · 4 years
49 for the ask meme?
Thank you for the prompt @pearl-nocturna! This one is “A kiss out of necessity.” The idea I went with is similar to “A kiss to wake up” that I got from @dusky-dancing and @captainmaws, so I decided to combine both the ideas into one fic. Hope you enjoy!
A Kiss of Awakening. ~1260 words. Takes place after KH3, Re:Mind, and Limit Cut. 
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Find Sora. That was the one goal Kairi had been fixated on for the past year. She’d thrown away everything else in the hopes of saving him. Getting him back safe and sound was all that mattered. She hadn’t thought about the details because the end goal was what was important. 
She skittered to a halt and stared at the sight before her. It was a life-size statue that looked exactly like Sora, as if some master carver had hewn his shape out of pure crystal. His back was arched and his arms were outstretched, like he’d been frozen while trying to move, and she was struck by how… how real he looked.
On a whim, she reached for the crystal’s hand, reminded of the last time she’d held hands with him, right before he’d faded away and disappeared from her life. The crystal’s hand was exactly like his, and as her fingers connected with it, her breath caught in her throat.
She’d come all this way, plunged deep into Sora’s dreams and traveled through this strange realm to find him. She’d traversed a city she’d never been to and climbed to the top of this building in the hopes of saving him. And all just to realize the awful truth that was waiting for her at the end of her journey. Perhaps it had been waiting for her all along.
She was too late. Sora was here, but she couldn’t save him.
Her vision blurred, and a lump formed in her throat. “No, this can’t be real—” 
She sank to her knees and let the tears fall freely. Sobs wracked her entire body as she wept and wept and wept. She’d come all this way for nothing; spent so many weeks and months searching for him and pining after him, only to be met with tragedy once more. And worst of all, his crystal towered above her, unmoving, unmoved, so unlike the Sora she knew and loved. He would be the first to comfort her in her misery if he could, and that just made his cold, lifeless form that much difficult to bear. 
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry—”
No. Apologizing wasn’t good enough. She needed to make this right. But what could she do? How was she supposed to save him now? He was a crystal, and no amount of wishing would make him human again. 
“Think, Kairi, think,” she commanded herself as she wiped her eyes. It wasn’t like she’d never heard of this kind of thing before. Legends from long ago spoke of people who were turned into crystals. It happened when they’d done what the gods had asked. And only the gods could reverse the process and make them human again. 
“I’m no goddess,” Kairi said bitterly, though she wished she was, more than anything. Maybe then she could actually do something for Sora besides sit here and cry. “I’m useless and weak, even after all this time.” 
A goddess wouldn’t have gotten kidnapped or had her heart splintered into seven pieces. A goddess wouldn’t need to go to sleep to find her beloved. She could just… bring him back, with no further issues or complications. 
Bring him back. She’d done it once before, when she’d transformed him from a Heartless back into a human. She’d lit his way home from the Realm of Darkness when he’d gotten stuck there with Riku. And she’d kept him alive when he was on the verge of dying, refusing to give him over to death even if it meant defying fate itself.
Maybe… maybe it was possible to bring him back from this, too. There was much she didn’t know about the nature of reality, about the full extent of her powers, about where her abilities as a Princess of Heart ended and her abilities as Kairi began, but she did know one thing. Her bond with Sora was special, and if nothing else, she would put her faith in that. 
She rose to her feet and banished her tears. She wouldn’t cry again until Sora himself could comfort her. Reaching for his face, she gently cupped it in her hands, ignoring how cold it felt against her fingers.
“Sora, come back to me,” she said, then closed her eyes and sealed her warm lips against his cold ones. She poured all of her light and love into the kiss, imagined it filling his heart and spreading all through his body till he was completely human again.    
When she leaned back and opened her eyes again, hoping that she would see his beautiful face, the same crystal greeted her instead. 
Her hands lowered to her sides, and her head drooped. Of course. That kiss was out of desperation and grief, out of a misguided belief that fairy tales really could come true. She turned around, not able to bear looking at him anymore. 
“It didn’t work,” she said, so quietly she knew no one could ever hear her. The tears came back and spilled down her cheeks, but she made no move to wipe them away. 
“Oh, but it did.” 
She froze. No, it couldn’t be. That voice—
She turned around, and sure enough, Sora was standing there with the biggest smile on his face. 
“Kairi, thank you.” 
He held his arms out, and she burst into tears and threw herself into his embrace. How wonderful it felt to be held by him and comforted by him. The reality was better than all of her dreams by far.
“I missed you,” she choked out as he ran his hand over her hair. The tender gesture was just like what he’d done during their last reunion, and it made her heart melt.  
“I missed you too.” His voice was gruffer than she expected it to be, and when she pulled away a little to look in his eyes, they were shining with tears. “Kairi, I’m sorry for leaving you again—”
She shook her head. “No apologies. I’m just glad you’re here.” 
“Yeah, me too.” He cupped her cheek and gently wiped her tears away. “And all because you saved me. I really can’t thank you enough. With you watching my back, I know I’ll be okay.”
She smiled, and her cheeks flushed pink. “It’s like I told you. You’re safe with me.” 
Even as she said the words though, her face fell. He wasn’t safe with her. He’d faded away from the Realm of Light before her very eyes, and all because of her. 
“No apologies. What I got in return for my sacrifice was more than worth it.” He sighed, a happy sigh, a contented sigh. “Especially right now. I know we’ve been through a lot, but what matters is we’re together again.” He searched her eyes as he stroked her cheek. “If it’s okay with you though, I do have one more request.”
“What’s that?”
“Kiss me. Not because you have to so I’ll wake up, but because you want to.” 
That was enough to make her smile return. “Gladly,” she said as she cupped his face and brought her lips to his. He kissed her back, his lips soft and warm against hers as they held each other and savored the moment. She had kissed him to wake him up, but now he was returning the favor, waking something up deep inside her, bringing her heart back to life, showing her how to hope once more. 
And the best part of all? They were together again, and that meant they could kiss any time they wanted. 
A/N: Thank you again pearl-nocturna, dusky-dancing, and captainmaws! Hope you enjoyed!
I’m still working on the rest of the kiss prompts (thank you to everyone who sent them in!), but if you’d like to read the previous ones, they include, “A kiss to pretend, “A good morning kiss,” “A kiss on a falling tear,” “A kiss in secrecy,” and “A kiss in public.” Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed!
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