kukactea · 1 year
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when the teacher asks where the chalk went
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meguru-mie · 1 year
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PAPERSKY WEAR National Parks of Japan PAPERSKY with chalkboy
日本に34カ所ある国立公園を巡り そこで出会った壮大な景色、 時間身体で感じた感覚を チョークボーイ氏がグラフィックに表現
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monk-tsujido · 1 year
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3/19(日) ・ 晴れました!☀️ 本日は13:00〜22:00で営業しております。 本日はまだどの時間帯もお席に空きがあります。 愛ある食卓 @aiarushokutaku の扱うお野菜は小松菜と春大根があります🥕🥬🍠 お買いもののみでも、お気軽にご利用くださいませ😊 ・ 【今週の営業とお席の状況】 3/19(日)13:00〜22:00 空きあり 3/20(月)13:00〜22:00 ほぼ満席 3/21(火)13:00〜22:00 まだまだ空きあり 3/22(水)定休日 3/23(木)定休日 3/24(金)愛ある食卓のマルシェはお休み 通常営業18:00〜24:00 満席 3/25(土)15:00〜24:00 ほぼ満席 3/26(日)13:00〜22:00 空きあり ・ オンラインショップ限定で販売しております当店の5周年ビール「TAKE FIVE」350ml缶ですが、残りが少なくなってきました🍺 ・ 昨日の続きになりますが、ビールのスタイルも決まり、もともと缶も作っていただこうと思っていたのでラベルを作成する際にCHALKBOYさん @chalkboy.me にお願いしたいと、これも最初から思っていました。 個人的に大ファンである事はもちろん、クラフトビールがお好きなことも知っていましたが、ご多忙な身である事は重々承知してましたので、お引き受けいただけるご連絡をいただいた瞬間は、思わず「やったー!」と声が出るほどの嬉しさでした。 そしてその出来上がったデザインに添えられていた言葉は 「肩まで使った柔らかいストロークでロイ・ヘインズが叩く"TAKE FIVE"がイメージです」と。 なんっって洒落てるんだろう。 しかもロイ・ヘインズ(ジャズドラマー)というところが、さらに刺さりまくってしまいました😭 グラスを作ろうと思ったのも、この素敵なデザインをずっと使い続けたいという思いからでした。 こうしてbarbaric works x CHALKBOYという、個人的にはまさに夢のタッグが実現することになりました。 ビールも美味しいと喜ばれ、ラベルのデザインもカワイイとたくさんのお客様に言っていただき、本当に本当に嬉しく、今回関わってくださったみなさんには感謝してもしきれません🙇‍♂️ グラスは店頭でも販売してますので、こちらもぜひよろしくお願いいたします😊 ちなみにCHALKBOYさんも所属するwhw! @whw_whatahandwrittenworld が今年、鎌倉に朝食屋さん"eeny" @eeny_breakfast をオープンされますので、こちらも要チェックです👍 https://monk-shop.square.site/ *プロフィールにリンクが貼ってあります *発送についてですが、店舗の業務と並行してますため、毎週火曜日までにご注文いただきました商品を金曜日に発送いたします。 *配達時間帯をご指定の場合は、お会計時のメモ欄へご記入をお願いいたします。 *商品金額が税込16500円以上のご購入で送料無料になります。 *ご決済方法は各種クレジットカード決済(一括払いのみ)になります。 *当店の酒販免許は通信販売酒類小売業免許のため、MONK店頭での販売はできません。何卒ご理解のほど、よろしくお願い申し上げます🙇‍♂️ ご注文、お待ちしております! ・ ・ ・ #monk #monktsujido #辻堂 #辻堂昼飲み #辻堂ディナー #辻堂ワインバー #辻堂イタリアン #ナチュラルワイン #vinnaturel #vinonaturale #naturalwine #craftbeer #finefood #seasonaldishes #apero #aperitivo #愛ある食卓 #barbaricworks #chalkboy #takefive #goldenale #5周年ビール #缶ビール #オリジナルグラス #オンラインショップ限定 #titopuente #mambodiablo #takefive #ベストテイク #御酒vin帖 #お一人様歓迎 (MONK Tsujido) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp9KvxWvbBM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ren2kyt · 2 years
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KIKILUAK 低山ハイクの前に美味しいごはんと 中腹の開けた場所でわいわい言いながらたべるおやつが揃う良いお店◎ 系列のシチニア食堂にも行きたいし清荒神行くこと増えそうです。 #kikiluak #シチニア食堂 #低山ハイク #清荒神 #宝塚 #chalkboy #hike #lunch #sofarcoffeetogo (Kikiluak) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck2Fo4_yBsc/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sanitizarium · 1 year
i want to force feed you chalk
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itskaeee · 2 years
so i double crowned albedo on a whim today- and he did 64k with his burst. I'm proud.
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kitwing-moving · 2 years
vivian probably calls albedo chief too since she forgot his name the first few times he told her💀 and she just started calling him blondie and chief and it ended up sticking
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magicalink · 4 months
Sleep Headcanons💤
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How your non-human husbandos need or not need to sleep. This is part of Better Find Husbandos AU and speaks of the times when reader was in a relationship with each of the boys. Contains: fluff! Domestic slice of life! Headcanons canon for Better Find Husbandos!
Characters: Venti, Albedo, Xiao, Scara/Wanderer/Kuni in order x female reader. (arranged in the order reader slept with them :3)
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The body your dear wind spirit created to inhabit completely resembles the one of a human. Even if he is strong and resistant due to his nature, he needs to eat, drink, go to the bathroom, etc, to sustain this vessel without resorting to using his Archon or wind spirit powers, which cost energy that is no longer unlimited now that he doesn't have the Gnosis anymore.
Therefore, obviously, he totally needs to sleep. He sleeps every single night (or day, after a hangover) like any healthy human. That keeps him in shape and without the need to cheat and grab elemental or divine energy from his stash, which he only does when strictly needed. Because of this, in his humanoid, weakened state, it's really easy for him to get drunk. But if something very bad happens and he needs to sober up to protect you, he won't hesistate to grab that power and using it to strengthen or modify his body and fight alongside you.
As I said, he sleeps every night and he likes doing it with you. He was so happy when you gave him a room in your teapot, since then he didn't need to sleep on the street or sneaking under Diluc's vines to get shelter. But ever since you got intimate with him he doesn't use that room and to be perfectly clear, he has no intentions to go back to it. He crawls into your bed every single night and he loves it.
He uses the cute little pajamas you made for him when Barbara taught you how to sew, sleeping hat and all. He snuggles up to you and demands being little spoon. He snores all night, most of the time softly light a spring breeze, but some nights noisily like a hurricane, and he drools all over your pillow.
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Your dear friend Albedo, the chalkboy, the homunculus. It took a bit of time of friendship and some nights of sharing the bed with him whether because there was a snowstorm after you visited his lab and you were trapped or because he invited you with a straight face, but you learned about his sleeping habits too.
Very much like Venti, he needs to sleep and eat. He is a nice cook but he has weird tastes, such as eating spiders or so, but when he has guests he cooks decent food. He does have some resistance when it comes to spending some days without sleep, but it's not clear if this is due to his physical nature or his workaholic behavior. Sometimes he works for three days in his experiments running on 3 hours of sleep and caffeine seeminly unaffected. But besides those marathons, he does sleep regularly. He is careful with his health and the health of those close to him, like Klee and Sucrose, and he always exercises and eats healthy. (Matbe thst's why he is obsesses with the nutrients of spider and other unconventional foods) He is a grat brother and a grear friend and makes healthy foods for Klee and forces Sucrose in and out of bed whenever she is in one of those workaholic insomniac marathons or depressive strikes that prevent her from going out. After all, she doesn't have his superhuman resistance.
From the few times you slept with him, you know that he has a comfy double bed in a room behind his lab, sheltered from the frigid environment of Dragonspine. You were super comfy there, but honestly Albedo is kinda restless even when he sleeps. Apparently his curiosity doesn't stop even if he is dreaming, and he twitches and mumbles things about his experiments in his sleep. Sometimes he sits up, turns on the lamp, and writes notes on the notepad he keeps on the nightstand for when he gets ideas in the middle of the night. The few times you were with him, he apologized for waking you up, he gave you a warm smile and a gentle kiss and tucked you back, spooning you just to fall back asleep and mumble things about whopperflowers in your ear while his hand twitched like he was trying to write in his dreams.
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Xiao doesn't need to sleep. He can go an entire century without doing it, but it doesn't mean that doesn't take a toll on him, or that sleep doesn't help him. In fact, it's wonderful for his health, both psychological and physical, making him get stronger.
But sleeping is not easy for him. He hadn't slept in a long time, because he is scared of stopping his watch over Liyue for the smallest second, and because the nightmares he gets are atrocious.
It was only very deep into his relationship with you that you convinced him to sleep. The bond you have with him is so special, not only you cleanse his karmic debt energy but also your proximity manages to calm him down enough as to fall asleep. It took a long time to reach this stage but then when he laid by his side he could finally sleep, even if Venti was making a ruckus with his snoring and drooling. He loves him too, and wants to protect the both of you. So no, he doesn't need to sleep, and most of the time he is only keeping guard while in bed with you, enjoying the peace and quiet and your proximity, the sound of your breath. But sometimes he does relish in the luxury of sleeping by your side, and the morning after he always feels so refreshed that he feels like a different person: light, stronger, healthy.
He is a big spoon with an iron grip, his protective instincts never go down, not even when he is asleep.
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Ei created Kuni based on Khaenrian technology that aspired to create perfect humans, (such as Rinherdotir plans for Albedo) with a twist. She didn't want to create a human, he wanted a puppet that could fool humans into thinking that it was one of them.
She did succeed in making him indistinguishable from a human from head to toe. On the outside. But on the inside, he doesn't have the same organs humans have, (not even synthetic, improved humanly organs like the ones Albedo has) but synthetic organs that even if they are not like the ones of humans, they were designed to mimick their noticeable functions.
That is to say, as we all know, Kuni can drink and eat, and feel the flavor of the food. He loves bitter tea and despises sweets. But that doesn't mean he needs to expell those things. In fact, his "stomach" will dissolve everything with a potent acid which its recepy was lost along with Khaenria's demise.
So that's about all his bodily functions: he can perform them, to trick humans, because that was his original purpose. But he doesn't need to do it to survive. Eating, drinking, peeing, breathing. That is unnecessary keeping himself alive. That's just for show (As Kabukimono, not only he began drinking to pass as a human, but also he learned that he had to blink often to make humans less uncomfortable). Or for pleasure.
Because he knows you love when he breathes in your neck when he gives you kisses. And he loves to enjoy the flavor and aftertaste of a bitter black tea. Or to accompany you with a little platter of whatever you two are making for dinner for you and your glutton floaty companion.
Same goes for sleeping. He doesn't need to sleep. He could go an eternity without doing it and he would not die, his body would not get weaker. And as Kunikuzushi and Scaramouche, he never slept, he deemed it lowly and weak and he considered that the fact that he was able to wake himself from the slumber in which Ei put it was a signal of his superiority.
But sleeping is good for his mental health.
Ei planned his body meticulously, making sure to be in control of all his bodily functions. But as we all know, she everything regarding his mind slipped out of her control. She wanted a thoughtless, emotionless, empty puppet. But Kuni is so much more than that.
He had his own thoughts and emotions and desires from his first waking moment, and oh those feelings were human. They were so profoundly human Ei panicked and did what she did. Because if humans do have a soul, then Kuni definitely has one too.
And even if the body and brain don't tire, age or wear down, the mind does. The heart does. The soul does. Going around without sleeping won't make his body crumble, but it sure makes him stressed, irritable, depressed.
He got back in touch with the act of sleeping when he was still the Balladeer, when he started hooking up with you. Just to play. Just to experiment. After your passionate nights, he fell to the temptation of closing his eyes while you were cuddled up against him, nestled in his bed he never used before he met you. He was just planning to rest his eyes for a while, to experiment with those mundane pleasures. He never expected them to feel so good.
Nowadays, he loves sleeping. But it has to be with you. Otherwise, who would comfort him when he gets those atrocious nightmares??
When they don't haunt them, there's nothing better than to cuddle up against you in your shared bedroom in the Teapot after a long day. To close his eyes, hold you tight and relish in the warmth of your human flesh, of your steady breath, of your beating heart. Well, maybe there is something better: to wake up beside you the next morning and play with your hair until you wake up, laughing at you because you're grumpy that he interrupted your sleep.
He demands being big spoon all the time: he NEEDS to cling to you and cage you in his arms all night to feel like you will never abandon him because he truly doesn't want to end up alone again. He doesn't hate being little spoon though, it's just that it makes him feel so...vulnerable. Receiving love always makes him feel so vulnerable. Because it reminds him of how much he is convinced that he doesn't deserve it. So getting in contact with his feelings it's a struggle for him. He prefers when you hug face to face, when you nestle your face in his chest.
The same way he loves your human flesh, you love his truly special body. You love how cool it feels. It's not cold, it's just cool. His warmth is subtle, it's there, but it's not enough to make you sweat under the covers. He is the perfect cuddle buddy for summer! You love the way he syncs his breath to yours until you fall asleep. You love the sound you hear when you press your face to his chest. That sound you found that night when you held Scaramouche close for the first time in his camp. When you discovered it ticked.
He was defensive and ashamed back then, and he is insecure until today. He is convinced he doesn't have a heart, he can't press his ear to his chest, he can't hear the magical sound you claim to hear. He thinks it's your infatuation for him playing tricks with your mind.
But you know what you hear. When you nestle your face in his chest, on the left side, you can hear it. Tic, tac, tic, tac, steady, a mechanical sound ticking like a clock. Tictactictactictac, quickens, if you mamage to fluster him. It's the only sound that soothes your nights, along with your voice, so you sleep by his side every time you can.
But when you're away in yoyr travels, so busy or imprisoned in Meropide Fortress for stealing Furina's cake that you can't even go back to spend the night in the Teapot, what can he do?
He doesn't wanna sleep. There is no point. He has spent ages without doing it, so he can keep going without sleeping until you come back.
He is now a college student, and the mental health toll of having to keep up with the Akademiya classes, his classmates that seem to chase him everywhere, and the constant deadlines of his thesis is too much to bear without sleeping. He knows he wouldn't be able to survive that hell without ending up snapping and kicking some sage's butt if he doesn't sleep regularly. He doesn't want to upset Nahida, so he does sleep when he has time. But it's just not the same without you! Hurry up and come back from those dumb travels to cuddle him!
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Author Notes: I guess it surprises no one that Kuni's part is always longer ehe. Homegirl has her favorite. Also I'm super sorry I always do the same: posting a new random thought I had one night instead of finishing chaptwrs of ongoing series I've been promising for ages. I swear I'm working on them. I'm working on finishing that Albedo fic and I had a meeting with my editor (aka my boyfriend) to talk about the major plotpoints of Assembled Love and that gave me some inspo to write the next chapter. Im also working on another spin off chapter for it. (Honestly my most popular post is the other spin off, I wonder why)
Weird of me to post something that it's not smut, ain't it? 🤔 Normally my fluff has smut in it but ig this is like, my 3rd or 4th completely sfw post. Anyway, the posting of something new and random instead of finishing old wips is like a personality trait of mine 🥲 I struggle so much to finish old things cuz I don't find the right vibe that I craved to write something fresh and new. Note to self: hurry up and finish what I'm writing while it's new and the vibe is not gone, exactly what I did with the Assembled Love spin off that blew so much, I pulled an all nighter finishing it before I forgot the plot bc it was a dream I had.
In other news, I haven't had a genshin smutty dream in AGES. I bet that's the cause of my relapse into depression and not the economic crisis. Praying for Kuni to visit me in dreams like old times 🙏
Ig you can see I'm very in the mood of talking about my fics and genshin in general so inncase you are too, my dms and mailbox are always open, and so are my requests.
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eviltits · 2 years
out of the way chalkboy im boutta get it
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fandoms-spamdom · 2 years
I’ll break it down for you:
Sleepygirl Lumine. Chalkboy Albedo. Sleepyboy Zhongli. Creepygirl Hu Tao. Snowboy Xiao. Bookboy Xingqiu. Posterboy Aether. Literally-a-fetusgirl Kusanali
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ladyhawke · 1 year
If you don’t mind me asking (you may have answered this previously but I wanna check to be sure since I couldn’t find it on mobile earlier), do you have all of the fonts for this set? https://www.tumblr.com/ladyhawke/714333487118925824/steve-harrington-bruce-springsteens-dancing-in
here it is anon
tw cen mt std (the little one in all of them)
cartoon empire
doctor punk
doctor glitch
party letters on a rope
neon led light
neon bines
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ebi-art · 4 years
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「バンコク旅行記②」 #spoonfulzakkacafe #スプーンフルザッカカフェ #chalkboy #チョークボーイ #バンコク旅行 #バンコク #バンコクデザインウィーク2020 #Bangkok #トンロー #สถานีทองหล่อ #バンコクカフェ #パワースポット https://www.instagram.com/p/B8_vm4FlcMs/?igshid=ldl155vg0sja
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monk-tsujido · 1 year
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3/18(土) ・ 冷たい雨が降り続く土曜日☂️ 本日は15:00〜24:00で営業しております。 本日はご予約で満席になっております。 お席空き次第(20:30前後が予想されます)ご案内できますので、ご来店前にお電話でご確認ください☎️ 愛ある食卓 @aiarushokutaku の扱うお野菜は小松菜と春大根があります🥕🥬🍠 お買いもののみでも、お気軽にご利用くださいませ😊 ・ 【今週の営業とお席の状況】 3/18(土)15:00〜24:00 満席 3/19(日)13:00〜22:00 かなり空きあり 3/20(月)13:00〜22:00 ほぼ満席 3/21(火)13:00〜22:00 まだまだ空きあり 3/22(水)定休日 3/23(木)定休日 3/24(金)愛ある食卓のマルシェはお休み 通常営業18:00〜24:00 満席 3/25(土)15:00〜24:00 ほぼ満席 3/26(日)13:00〜22:00 空きあり ・ オンラインショップ限定で販売しております当店の5周年ビール「TAKE FIVE」350ml缶ですが、残りが少なくなってきました🍺 ・ そもそもなぜ「TAKE FIVE」という名前なのか。 当店が開店して記念すべき一番最初につないだバーバリックワークス @barbaric_works のビールが「№5」(ゴールデンエール)でした。 5周年ビールを造っていただけることになったときに、愛ある食卓さんの扱う石田勝さんのみかんを使ったゴールデンエールでお願いしようというアイデアは導かれるように思いつきました💡 名前もファイブがつく音楽に関連する名前にしよう思い、カウントファイブ、ジャクソンファイブ、ピチカートファイブetc…色々ありましたが、やはりテイクファイブがベストだなと😊 ・ 最初で最後の機会ですので、お買い逃しないよう、ぜひよろしくお願いいたします! https://monk-shop.square.site/ *プロフィールにリンクが貼ってあります *発送についてですが、店舗の業務と並行してますため、毎週火曜日までにご注文いただきました商品を金曜日に発送いたします。 *配達時間帯をご指定の場合は、お会計時のメモ欄へご記入をお願いいたします。 *商品金額が税込16500円以上のご購入で送料無料になります。 *ご決済方法は各種クレジットカード決済(一括払いのみ)になります。 *当店の酒販免許は通信販売酒類小売業免許のため、MONK店頭での販売はできません。何卒ご理解のほど、よろしくお願い申し上げます🙇‍♂️ ご注文、お待ちしております! ・ ・ ・ ・ #monk #monktsujido #辻堂 #辻堂昼飲み #辻堂ディナー #辻堂ワインバー #辻堂イタリアン #ナチュラルワイン #vinnaturel #vinonaturale #naturalwine #craftbeer #finefood #seasonaldishes #apero #aperitivo #愛ある食卓 #barbaricworks #chalkboy #takefive #goldenale #5周年ビール #缶ビール #オリジナルグラス #オンラインショップ限定 #davebrubeck #greatesthits #御酒vin帖 #お一人様歓迎 (MONK Tsujido) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp6zvd9P5aC/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ren2kyt · 3 years
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#bussanten #chalkboy #whathandwrittenworld #handwritten #signpainting #lettering #typography #osaka #大阪 
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bouken-life · 6 years
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昨日は毎年愛知県蒲郡市で開催の 森道市場の「実験」こと Traveling circusへ。 ・ 岩瀬さんと山田くんの想いを観察しつつ 出店してるみんなの愛を感じつつ この市場をもっと濃いものにするには 何ができるかな、と 妄想する。 ・ #弊社長 (3さい)は あいかわらず人の家族に紛れ込んでいて デッドストック工務店の デミー家のみなさま 本当にお世話になりました。 ・ 数字と足し算好きな彼には ブラックジャックは最高な遊びだったようで すんごいギャンブラーっぷりだった😂 ・ 岩瀬さんの行いの悪さか、 天気がヤバくて ラーメンのチャーシューがお店の人曰く インスタ映えだったり タルマーリーのパンをたくさん食べれたり トークもかぶりつきで聞けたり 堀田くんの米からつくったパエリア食べたり 結果的にわたしはおいしかった。 ・ 出店者のみなみなさま、 ごちそうさまでした! 主催者のみなみなさま、 本当にお疲れさまでした! ・ ・ #森道市場 @morimichiichiba #traveringcircus #chalkboy #foodscape #デッドストック工務店 (ラグナシア) https://www.instagram.com/p/BoVcM1jB1UR/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=128dhccv3rg6h
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itskaeee · 2 years
Happy Birthday to my favorite blond alchemist of all time, the one and only chalkboy albedo. sadly i don't have a story prepared yet again for him (okay maybe i come up with sth during work today, who knows (as in I'm already taking notes in my head))
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