#chiang rai
elinerlina2 · 27 days
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Blue Temple is Chiang Rai, Thailand
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psyhaven · 1 year
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Artwork by Chalermchai Kositpipat
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xieyaohuan · 11 months
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Wat Rong Khun - The White Temple, Chiang Rai
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aprilblossomgirl · 11 months
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-- to Pha Pun Dao. 
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kestarren · 1 year
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Doorway at Wat Rong Khun, the White Temple, Chiang Rai Thailand. Photo by unknown. The temple is the work of Chalermchai Kositpipat.
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mirrorlessronin · 1 year
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The famous clock covered by powerlines/Chiang Rai, Thailand
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sheltiechicago · 3 months
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Wat Rong Suea Ten (The Blue Temple) - Thailand
The Blue Temple, also known as the Temple of the Dancing Tiger, is another famous temple located in Chiang Rai and is famous for its brilliant sapphire color. Symbolically, the color blue represents Buddha’s wisdom and purity. The temple is a fusion of traditional Thai architecture and modernism, and it preaches traditional Buddhist values. 
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Frank Loehmer
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laurenkmyers · 7 months
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Wat Rong Khun (The White Temple)- Chiang Rai, Thailand.
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chilimissy · 11 months
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Love love LOVE Thailand and its amazing food
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anxious-local-cryptid · 6 months
October 21st, 2023
The floaty thing doesn't really make much sense.
It's not an air balloon, they say, but I don't really believe it's an alien.
Not even now.
I watch it floating over the corn field, big eyes looking directly at me.
After many failed Inktobers, I decided to stop trying to follow prompt lists that always end up boring me, so I'm challenging myself to draw a cryptid per day for all the month of October!
No lists, no prompts, just me drawing random creatures I like!
How fun is that?
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southeastasiadiary · 7 months
Day Twenty-Four, Part One: A Day in Chiang Rai
Today was devoted to a full-day trip from Chiang Mai to Chiang Rai. Now, if those names seem confusing, it’s actually quite simple. Chiang simply means city. Rai or Mangrai was the first king of Lana, the predecessor to Siam/Thailand. And mai simply means big, as in the Wat Mai in Luang Prabang. So, Chiang Mai = The Big City, and Chiang Rai = Rai’s city.
Our first stop, about an hour outside of Chiang Mai, was a hot spring.
When we returned to the city late in the day, the geiser was even more active. Apparently, that tends to occur in the afternoon.
The water of the hot spring is so Hotel that people actually boil eggs in it: seven minutes for chicken eggs; two minutes for quail eggs.
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A busload of Chinese tourists was also enjoying the hot springs by soaking their feet in the water.
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I decided that I’d pass on that treat.
About two hours later, we reached Wat Rong Khun, also known as the White Temple. Now, I’d been really looking forward to this temple since yesterday, when we were walking down the steps from the mountain temple. I overheard one person tell another that he absolutely HAD to go to the White Temple because it was the single best temple anywhere, even more impressive than the mountain temple.
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Well, everyone has their own taste, I suppose, but the White Temple just wasn’t my cup of tea. Nor was it what I thought it would be. First, despite incorporating the ruins of an ancient temple, the buildings I saw were no earlier than the twenty-first century. Seriously. They’re the work of an artist by the name of Chalermchai Kositpipat who comes across as having the personality of Elon Musk and the taste of Donald Trump. Nothing that can be done to make the temple gaudy, tacky, and “over the top” has been overlooked.
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That’s the second point about why I was disappointed. The outside of the temple is made of concrete painted with bright white paint and inlaid with bits of mirror to make it glitter like something Elvis Presley might have worn.
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Third, the comparison to Elvis Presley is not an exaggeration. The symbolism at the temple is, at times, downright weird. In addition to traditional Hindu gods, the figures that are depicted in the main temple as saving mankind include Superman, Batman, Spider Man, and … um … Michael Jackson.
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Note that the photo above had to be dowloaded off of the Internet. A sign said that we couldn't take photos inside this section of the temple, and as a rule-follower …
The decor of the White Temple was so over-the-top that I refrained from calling this place “Wat Disney" … aloud, at least, but I thought it often enough.
The temple complex is nominally Buddhist, but with strong Hindu influence. It’s supposed to be a microcosm of the universe. A moat surrounding the buildings represents the ocean. The lowest zone depicts people suffering in hell.
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The main temple depicts the battle of good (Michael Jackson et al.) against evil (Osama bin Laden and other terrorists). The paradise section cannot be entered, and the nirvana section is not yet complete.
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Almost as a relief afterward, we stopped at the Opium Museum, which traces the rise, development, and eventual eradication of the opium trade in the area. This was actually my favorite part of the day. On display is an assortment of “pillows” that opium users would recline on while smoking the drug,
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and a large array of opium pipes.
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atlasandacamera · 2 years
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Chiang Rai, Thailand
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Bonjour les gens !
Vous avez de la chance, aujourd'hui vous aurez un post tôt. Nous on a un peu moins de chance, c'est parceque on est coincées dans un bus de 15h30 à 1h du mat (ou 2h30, en fonction d'à qui on parle, ce sera la surprise...) \o/
On commence par le temple bleu ce matin (oui, ils manquent un peu d'originalité sur les noms). Clem n'a pas trop aimé, je pense que ça lui a trop rappelé l'idée de faire trempette, quelle idée.
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On part ensuite vers des jardins très jolis (à 5km du centre ville, heureusement que le guide l'indiquait "dans la ville" ...), où on entendra les oiseaux comme jamais jusqu'ici. Un peu d'air frais pour nos poumons malmenés par la pollution des transports ! (Manifestement, BMW n'a pas dû rappeler de voitures dans la région)
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On en profite pour en apprendre un peu plus sur le teck, un arbre extrêmement utilisé dans l'artisanat Thaïlandais. C'est une espèce qui ne pourrit pas et surtout, ne succombe pas aux termites, ils font donc de tout avec : des chariot, des outils, des portes ou décorations de temple, des palanquins pour reines, des cercueils, des candélabres, ...
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On repasse par l'hôtel récupérer nos sacs à dos (c'est quand même pratique qu'ils fassent tous consigne), et on profite de nos dernières heures avec les fesses à la verticale pour voir un petit temple aux portes magnifiques. Sur le côté, ce sont des troncs de palmier sculptés !
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On cherche ensuite désespérément de quoi manger sur le chemin, et on finit par commander du porc au basilic (ils en mangent beaucoup ici)... Sauf qu'on a oublié de demander "no spicy". Bon, ben aucune de nous deux n'a pu finir son assiette, ça fait cher le riz avec un oeuf frit 😅 Nous repartons donc vers la gare sans papilles gustatives, avec le feu de l'enfer dans les intestins et la bouche carbonisée au 42eme degré. Souffrance et déchéance.
Allez, et comme vous avez été sages et que j'ai le droit de mettre une vidéo par post, vous avez le droit à ce grand moment de notre vie, comme promis hier. Cadeau.
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kellymagovern · 2 years
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The Rescue (2021) dir. Elizabeth Chai Vasarhelyi and Jimmy Chin
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travelella · 11 months
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Chiang Rai, Thailand.
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bershs · 2 years
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