#chihayafuru meta
exiledpotato · 7 months
Since Chihaya was never good at putting her feelings into words, her thoughts during her confession were sort of left as a small puzzle, for the readers to solve on their own.
I feel that we have to break it out panel-by-panel, to better understand her in that scene. We will start after Chihaya's conversation with Desk-kun, where we have these 2 panels of Chihaya (these 2 pages were added in the volume):
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As far as I'm aware, there were only 2 times in the manga, when the author drew Chihaya in that "blurry" way, where we see 2-3 "layers of Chihaya" overlapping with one another, indicating a shocking realization. The second one was in the last chapter, and the first one was when Taichi confessed to her:
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In chapter 138, Taichi's confession finally connected the dots for Chihaya, and gave her the answers to those questions she was asking herself: "Why does Taichi always seem so stressed?", "Why does he look like he's suffering so much?", "Why is he always alone?"...Because he was in love with her. In chapter 247, Chihaya finally connected the dots, and gotten an answer to why Taichi was always in her heart. Why was she so hurt when Taichi seemed to be suffering, and why she wanted Taichi to laugh (ch135), why she felt his presence in the nationals (ch154), why she imagined him at the Omi Jingu temple before the queen match (ch216)...Because she was in love with him. Suetsugu drew both realizations in the same style.
Chihaya then goes to find Taichi, and they first talk about the picture they all took after Chihaya became the queen. Chihaya tried to cover for Hanano by saying that it was her stomach that growled, however Taichi was aware that she was covering for her:
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In the 3rd panel above, we see Chihaya being surprised that Taichi knew that it was Hanano's stomach that growled. She proceeds to gaze at Taichi in awe, as she realizes that:
1. Taichi's hearing improved so much that he's now able to even distinguish Chihaya's stomach growling from other people (even though he was the farthest from them when the picture was taken). 2. By now, he knows Chihaya so well, that he can even recognize the sound of her stomach growling from all the time they've played karuta together.
It was kind of an indication that it's pointless at this stage for the two of them to lie to each other about anything, even little things, because they know each other too well for the lie to work. Which leads us to the next page:
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Chihaya starts off with "Ta............", slightly blushing with a shaded face... but cuts herself short, and asks Taichi about which university he was going. Chihaya was about to tell him how she felt right then and there, but changed her mind at the last moment. And the reason is simple - She wasn't sure whether Taichi was still in love with her, since she overheard what Taichi said to Kana in ch207 about how his feelings for Chihaya may be fading away, and it's been about 3 months since then. Furthermore, Taichi leaving Tokyo (and thus leaving her) was an indication to Chihaya that he may no longer feel the same way about her, which is why she cut herself short of confessing to him.
If she were to confess to him, while Taichi's feelings weren't the same anymore, it would only put a burden on him. Just like in ch142, when she didn't want Taichi to find out that she'd also quit the karuta club, because she thought it would put a burden on him.
However, it is the panels at the bottom of that page that gave Chihaya the answer, on whether Taichi still holds those feelings for her.
4th panel: When Taichi said that he felt like he had to change his surroundings, he couldn't bring himself to look Chihaya in the eyes. Whenever Taichi is hiding something, he can't look the other person in the eyes. This has happened several times in the manga by now. For example, in ch134, Taichi couldn't bring himself to look Arata in the eyes when they were about to play for the first time, because the real reason why he stayed behind to play against Arata, wasn't something he could tell him. And in ch247, the real reason why he was leaving Tokyo, wasn't something he could tell Chihaya, so he couldn't bring himself to look her in the eyes. 5th panel: Chihaya sees that Taichi's body language holds more to it than what he said. As I mentioned, the two of them know each other way too good to effectively hide things/emotions from one another. She sees that Taichi seems stressed, and that he's trying to hide his pain.
6th panel: This is her realization - “Oh, it's because of me.” A year ago, when she was asking herself why Taichi looked stressed, and is suffering, she was thinking “it's because of karuta”. But now she's able to put two and two together. She realizes that Taichi is still in pain because of her, that he's still in love with her, that he's still suffering when he's close to her, and that the real reason why he felt that he "had to change his surroundings" was because of her.
Most likely, what solidified Taichi's decision to leave Tokyo, was when he saw Chihaya and Arata together after becoming queen/master, and couldn't hide his pain seeing them together on those stairs:
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His feelings never faded away of course. Back in ch207, Taichi knew that Chihaya would overhear whatever he was gonna say, so he chose an answer that wouldn't put a burden on Chihaya. But, I'll leave that scene to dissect panel-by-panel in some other post.
Back to the topic, Taichi tries to hide his pain from Chihaya the best he can, but ineffectively.
When Taichi saw her dumbfounded reaction, he tried to put even more effort by forcing a smile while saying to her the same words Chihaya said in ch6 when whey were little. How do we know it's a forced smile? Because it's the same smile as in ch138, which happened just 2 pages after Chihaya's rejection:
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Suetsugu improved her art drastically since then, but nevertheless, it's evident that it was a forced smile. Maybe not as forced and painful as the one from ch138, but forced nevertheless:
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Taichi was trying his best to make Chihaya feel better about him leaving, and Chihaya could see that. Again, Taichi couldn't bring himself to look Chihaya in the eyes, and in the 3rd panel, we can see him diverting eye-contact completely, by looking down, trying to hide what his eyes would tell her.
Chihaya observes him, as she realizes what he truly feels from his body language alone. How can we be sure that that's the case? Because Tsuetsugu already drew Taichi in this way before. All we need to do is compare the panel of Taichi above, where Chihaya is silently looking at him, from the scene in ch135, when Chihaya crumbled over Taichi's suffering. It's the same body language. The answer couldn't be more clear:
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Chihaya realizes that Taichi is still in pain because of her, his pain never stopped, ever since his confession from last spring, which is where her mind goes next:
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As she remembers Taichi's confession, she ends her thoughts by thinking that it was a poem. To Chihaya, Taichi's love for her, was a poem. All those years of fun and joy that happened to her, was mainly because of Taichi. From starting the Mizusawa club, to forming a team, to going to the nationals, to winning the nationals, the friendships that she made on this journey, the love for karuta that grew on Chihaya that led her to becoming a queen... None of it would have happened if Taichi wasn't by her side. None of it would have happened if Taichi didn't love her. And the thought of losing this, losing Taichi's love, is what finally made her collapse.
In order to better understand Chihaya collapsing, we need to take a break here, and go back to the beginning of the story. In fact, we already had two times, when Chihaya almost collapsed because of Taichi leaving her. First, in chapter 4, Chihaya started wobbling, and hit the desk, after finding out that Taichi is going to a far-away middle school, so he wouldn't be able to play karuta with her anymore:
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Chihaya actually did collapse in chapter 5, but back then, the impression was that she collapsed because both Taichi and Arata were leaving her:
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Afterwards, Taichi and Arata argued over whose fault it was that Chihaya quit karuta, and the story didn't give us a concrete answer at the time:
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However, the story eventually gave us many hints to piece the pieces together, and help us make a conclusion that Arata leaving to Fukui, was simply adding salt to the wound that was created by Taichi. But, it would take too long to analyze that conclusion in detail.
Instead, we will focus on something more simple, and easier to understand - Chihaya's forced smile:
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In chapter 4, when she gave us this smile, as she was worried over Taichi quitting karuta, we didn't understand Chihaya well enough to fully comprehend the emotions behind such an innocent smile. But what's interesting is that we get almost the exact same forced smile from her, including the finger gesture, in ch135, right before Chihaya started crying over Taichi:
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We get Chihaya's forced smile in ch138 as well, right after Chihaya found out that Taichi quit karuta, and right before she broke during her speech. And we also get it in ch184, right after Sudo agreed to Taichi's “loser quits karuta” bet, indicating that she was on the verge of a mental breakdown over Taichi, right before her match with Rion started (which is why she couldn't play her best in that match, and only after Taichi had won against Sudo, Chihaya saw the cards about to be read - floating):
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To wrap it all up, we finally get back to ch247, to the scene when Chihaya found out that Taichi wasn't staying in Tokyo... It was such a big shock to her, that she started wobbling just like in ch4 (noticed the same “wobbling effect”), and Michiru, who noticed it, grabbed her arm so she wouldn't fall.
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When she finally collapses on the tatami mats in front of Taichi, there was no table, and no Michiru to stop her from falling. As we had observed, Chihaya collapsing over Taichi was a reoccurring thing since the beginning of the manga. And Chihaya always thought that she was hurt because “Taichi was leaving karuta”, because ever since she fell in love with karuta, she was seeing the world through “karuta goggles”.
But Taichi wasn't leaving karuta in ch247. He even said that he'll be back to challenge Arata for the Meijin title. And yet, Chihaya collapsed. Because, in reality, her mental breakdowns and worries over “Taichi leaving karuta”, were all this time really a curtain for “Taichi leaving her”, which is something that she only realized in the final chapter.
And since Chihaya is too much of a karuta-idiot to put her feelings for Taichi into complex words, what spoke more than a 1000 words during her confession, was her body language:
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The way that she gently held Taichi's hand with both of hers, as her body language shows repentance for hurting Taichi so much, and complete and utter gratitude for everything that he did for her, for helping her dreams come true, for being by her side, for loving her in the past, and for still loving her in the present.
Just prior to this, she was thinking how as soon as she hears the first syllable, she can recognize the card, but she can't compose the rest of the poem from it. She proceeded to think how Taichi's confession to her was a poem, but that she isn't capable of composing one. So she simply says to Taichi "I love you", or in Japanese "Suki da yo". But the great part in that scene is that 4 bubbles are used in Japanese, 1 bubble for every syllable: "su", "ki", "da", "yo". So she said her confession in syllables.
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That was a throwback to chapter 49, when Chihaya was saying only the first 5 syllables of each card. Even though that sounded like mumbo-jumbo to others, to Kana, it sounded like a poetry, because of the way Chihaya was saying it:
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So even though Chihaya was thinking that her confession was far from being a poem, it was definitely a poem to Taichi. The most beautiful poem he ever heard.
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lesbian-kyoru · 9 months
arata is super interesting because at first he has shifts in disposition that feel almost inconsistent—he can be super sweet and earnest, cold and withdrawn, fiery and competitive, lots of juxtaposed traits etc etc—but all these facets of his personality simply stem from the traumas and experiences he’s been through 1) before the start of chihayafuru and 2) during the story. 
in his first appearance, arata is already established as shy and guarded around new people, which is only reinforced by being bullied by his classmates at his new school. not only has he internalized that karuta is the one thing he is good at in life, and it’s the only thing where his dream (and NEED) is to be the best—but besides the obvious connection to his grandfather’s expectations, a subset of this is that his grandfather tells him that he can make friends playing karuta. unfortunately, as soon as arata moves he’s bullied for literally everything, and excelling at karuta only further alienates him from his peers.
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this pattern continues throughout his adolescence, even after he’s made a life long connection with chihaya and taichi: karuta alienating him from others when it was supposed to bring him friendship and connection. along with the trauma of watching his grandpa die (+ arguably blaming himself for his death) and the following grief, it’s honestly not surprising that arata becomes isolated, emotionally closed-off, and at times cold or insensitive. those experiences would harden anyone, especially a sixteen-year-old. he was treated like an outcast as a child, lost touch with his friends due to distance, and struggled to find community within his passion that’s often incredibly lonely. all of these factors make arata emotionally guarded. he’s quick and impulsive to lash out because he doesn’t feel safe and comfortable until he trusts people. 
even though arata is so kind at heart and really earnest with people he knows well (i.e. chihaya and taichi), just like many characters his experiences and subsequent insecurities/fears haven’t left him unaffected—and i love that we see that thread of his development come up so early on.
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formashimataichi · 1 year
i think one of the sort of glaring problems with chyfr fandom whether it’s coming from chyrt or tchy shippers is this complete override of chihaya’s personal agency to the extent that like. you had people prior to the ending acting like it would be unfair to taichi if she got with arata and now you have people following the ending acting like it’s unfair to arata that she got with taichi. and i really don’t understand that sentiment at all bc like, in the end, is the story not about chihaya and her desires and her choices? like granted despite lacking a personal shipping preference i was initially of the belief chyrt would happen but when it didn’t i never really processed it through some lens of it being an unfair outcome to arata bc you don’t process romantic relationships through a lens of whether or not they’re “fair” to another party. i was of the same belief with respect to taichi when i thought chyrt would happen bc ultimately it wasn’t about what arata or taichi felt or what they might have thought was “fair”. they didn’t get to choose or claim chihaya, and they both knew it. so i really have always failed to understand and continue to fail to understand why so much of the conversation surrounding the romance is about what is and isn’t fair to either boy. romance isn’t about fairness. it’s about expressions of feeling and at least with respect to this series it’s about what the protagonist wanted. and personally i think suetsugu remained absolutely true to chihaya making a choice on her own terms and per her own assessment and i really would like it if more people respected that illustration and that maintenance of chihaya’s agency across the story at large, regardless of however you feel about the ending. i think that aspect to the romantic development of the story is really impt and doesn’t deserve to be undermined 
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ursafootprints · 9 months
E, I, M, V, Y
Aaaaaa you spoil me!!!
E: What character do you identify with most? Is there a certain fic of yours that captures these qualities particularly well?
HMMM I don't think there's a "most" necessarily! Neither Tony nor Peter is a character I super identify with just on the face of things, but there are individual traits that they have that I resonate with-- Tony's "gotta fix it (alone)" attitude, Peter's dorkiness and "gotta prove myself" drive, but those traits are expressed very differently in those characters than for me, haha.
The things that I identify most with for them in my fics are things that I put there through my various Situations rather than stuff they reflect in canon, lmao. I identify more with Peter in YNYD and with Tony in the Starkercest saga!
I: How many fandoms have you written in? Do you have a favorite?
Oh I counted this up one time! Assuming I'm not missing any from the actual fics/accounts being long lost to time, I've written for 14~16 fandoms:
Detective Conan
Fullmetal Alchemist
Gundam Wing
The Outsiders (S.E. Hinton)
Cardcaptor Sakura
X/1999 (unposted)
Eyeshield 21
Ookiku Furikabutte (unposted)
Everything on that list that isn't MCU or The Outsiders is an anime/manga of widely varying levels of obscurity, haha. My favorite original work on the list is Cardcaptor Sakura, but my favorite fandom experience has been y'all here in Starker fandom! :P
M: What’s the weirdest AU scenario you’ve ever come up with? Did it turn into a story?
The weirdest AU I've ever come up with/written was the Tokyo Babylon-Starker fusion that @shivanessa and I are collaborating on! Because they drew some Peters and Tonys in the style of early CLAMP and I was immediately possessed by CLAMP Starker brainworms.
TB is a manga from the 90s written by CLAMP about a teenage medium tackling supernatural cases in Tokyo while being romanced by a kind and flirtatious much-older man… who secretly has very dark intentions for him. I might be the only person in the world that it appeals to but I am excited for it to be posting-ready!
V: Are there certain comments you’ve received on your stories that have stuck with you?
Any time a reader has told me that my portrayal of trauma felt resonant/especially realistic/cathartic based on their own experiences-- it's one of those things where obviously I'm sad for anyone to have to have that in common with me, but I also know how important and special it can feel when you read something that really resonates with your own experiences, too, so I'm always very touched by those comments.
(Also, any time I end up writing a paragraph or straight-up essay of meta in response to a comment it means that they said something that I grabbed and ogled and rotated in my mind in delight, so those ones, too!)
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Y: What are your thoughts on your personal satisfaction with something you’ve written vs. the popularity of your stories? Do you tend to be most satisfied with your most popular stories?
It varies by fandom! I'm pretty much equally satisfied with everything I've written for Starker-- there's always stuff that I feel like I did really well, and stuff that I feel I could've executed better-- so it's a moot point there. But for Eyeshield 21, there for a while my most popular fic on that account by far was something I wrote when I was 13 and had only posted for archival reasons/a fun little stroll down memory lane, and until my multichap for the same ship overtook it I was a little jealous of my 13-year-old self!
Thank youuuu for all the questions! 😭💖💖💖😭
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otaku-shipper · 4 years
It’s undeniable that Arata believes Chihaya can defeat Shinobu
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and Arata knows how to encourage her
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and Arata and Chihaya are going forward to a singular goal.
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But Arata doesn’t take Chihaya in the journey 
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Chihaya often finds herself alone
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When one of them succeeds, the other gets left behind. They couldn’t be in-step with each other.
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Maybe that will change when Arata goes back to playing as a team?
He should really take his own advice. 
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haro-hawayu · 4 years
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Will Chihaya make a turnaround? I sure hope so! With the changes that they made for the Queen matches becoming five games instead of three, I hope it gives Chihaya time to show the rest of the karuta world what she’s capable of. 
Maybe it’s the part of me that still yearns for more Hikaru no Go?? Maybe it’s the traditional game aspect, or challengers aiming to become the next Queen/Meijin, or the idea of our MC entering this world full of pro-players that’s beyond what they thought it was?? Anyways, I find myself thinking of HikaGo every now and then whenever I read/watch Chihayafuru, lol. 
I’m like realllllllly rooting for our Challenger-pair (Chihaya & Arata) to win against the current reigning champions who have been, up til now, pretty “untouchable” by everyone else. 
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linkspooky · 6 years
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I ship it. 
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rainbowreflects · 2 years
hello, i found your tumblr from the link on mal, i see that you are one of the admins of taichi appreciation thread on mal, how can i join the club?
Sorry for not seeing the message before! I've been a bit out of tumblr for a while. The TAT is private. I hope it will be reopened before Chihayafuru ends but certain events have made it a closed club and aren't accepting new members for now.
If you want more info on Chihayafuru there is a discord server and on twitter a Taichihaya account with lost of nice meta!
Have a nice day!
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chibinekochan · 4 years
Hmmm, I dunno why I imagine this but, what happens if MC made the brothers (+undateables if possible) watch human world anime, what anime should it be??
Sure I will just use anime that I watched. I'm calling myself out here lol.  
These are just recommendations to them, not really a reaction. It would just be you and them sitting somewhere being comfy and cuddling with you while watching any of these.
Kaguya-Sama: Love is War (Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen) - No brainer here. It's a romcom with a lot of shojo insider jabs. It's funny and meta. Also the main characters are cute together. (JUST DATE ALREADY)
     Pretty Rhythm (and it's male version king of prism)
sion)- So this is an ice skating/idol kinda think. It has music, fashion, and some good drama. It gets very strange. This series is a delightful drug trip. Especially the king of prism movie/series is something else. Well I just want Levi to wtf about it with me. 
(Yeah it can get a bit boring since it's an idol anime. Much like the Pripara series, but like at one point one girl gets processed by a dress. Where else can you get that?)
                 Cute High Earth Defense Club LOVE! (Binan Koukou Chikyuu Bouei Bu Love!) - It's a magical boy series. It's 90 percent comedy and 90 percent gay, the rest is hot springs. It's honestly a lot of fun. As a lover of magical girl anime Levi will surely enjoy this spoof of the genre. (Also watch Cute High Earth Defense Club Happy Kiss!)
           Zombieland Saga - Zombie Idol girls. Enough said. It's honestly fun to watch.
*Literally every anime you have ever seen*
The Case Files of Jeweler Richard (Housekisho Richard-shi no Nazo Kantei)- This one is like a detective story but with gemstones. It's very interesting. It has some interesting facts and it's a bit like Holmes and Watson but without murder. *Also Richard looks very good*
                                        Ascendance of a Bookworm (Honzuki no Gekokujou: Shisho ni Naru Tame ni wa Shudan wo Erandeiraremasen)- A girl that loves books gets reborn into a world where books don't exist, so she has to find a way to make them herself. This is a very good anime. The heroine is very knowledgeable and it's a fun anime to watch. (Dr.Stone is also an anime that is a bit similar to this one, so might as well watch that too.)
Yakitate!! Japan - An anime about making bread in Japan. It's an a bit older anime and it's pretty long but it is pretty interesting. It follows a typical sport anime formula but with bread.
             Haikyuu!! - Volleyball anime. The boys are pretty hot. *My fave is Kenma.* 
Free! - Hot boys in swimwear. What else do you need? *You all watched this one already*
Yuri on Ice - Ice Skating but with romance. *I don't need to explain this one.*
Chihayafuru - Japanese poem memory sport? I'm not sure how to explain this but just picture a sport anime but with more drama. It's somehow very interesting. * I dunno how good it fits but it got poems so well?* I recommend regardless.
                Kono Oto Tomare!: Sounds of Life - School/Sport/club anime but about learning the Koto. It has classical music and an interesting drama. Even some romance.
Senryuu Girl - This one is about a girl that just communicates with Senryuu poems. She doesn't speak and the anime doesn't “fix” her. The boy in this one is an ex delinquent but a very good boy. It's very sweet.
Astra Lost in Space(Kanata no Astra)-some teenagers get lost in space. (It's much more than that but I don't want to spoil anything). Good drama/mystery, nice locations and good romance. Mammon might learn something from the resident Tsundere.
Uchitama?! Have you seen my Tama?- Anime about cute cats and dogs but they look like humans sometimes. It's cute and funny, the episodes are pretty short and lighthearted for the most part. *One episode is heartbreaking*
Mewkledreamy - Magical? Girl anime. They go into other people's dreams. (I dunno why I watch this one either. I think it was the cat plush)
Black butler - Not to call anyone out but you know. He is one hell of a Butler.
                                       Dance With Devils- I just love this anime so much. Demon musical with romance. I just feel like he will enjoy this one. *I use every excuse I can to at least add one otome anime lol*
My Roommate is a Cat (Doukyonin wa Hiza, Tokidoki, Atama no Ue.)- It's about a guy that adopts a cat. It's cute and it's sad and the cat is very cute. Also the guy is an author.
Pretty Cure - The entire library of all the different series. That will keep him busy. It has some good friendship and team lessons. Also magical girls and pets. 
Yumeiro Patissiere - is a very cute anime about a girl that wants to become a Pastry Chef. It will probably give you diabetes.
                            So here we go. Shoutout to the 500 anime that I didn't add.
Feel free to add some of your own.
              Check my Obey me! Masterlist for more content          
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beneaththetangles · 4 years
Throwback Thursday: Holy (Anime) Week!
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On Beneath the Tangles, we celebrate two Christian holidays with special fervor: Easter and Christmas. As we take a look back at the ten years of this ministry, and with Easter 2020 fast approaching, it felt like an excellent time to throw back to Holy Weeks past and the topics we discussed each year.
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illustration by ゆきやなぎ (reprinted with permission)
2011: Nicholas D. Wolfwood
Is there any figure in all anime that comes more immediately to mind when thinking “Christian” than Nicholas D. Wolfwood? A man of violence and an anti-hero, he’s no saint, and yet that’s what makes him so worthy of discussion and love. His growth throughout Trigun and especially those scenes in the anime are worth analyzing again and again and again, both from a broader perspective and a personal one. If Vash the Stampede is the hero we want to be, Nicholas D. Wolfwood is the man we are.
Nothing Like God: Redeeming Nicholas D. Wolfwood
Spirituality in the Anime Blogosphere: The Gospel According to Wolfwood
While I Was Yet Lost: Wolfwood Meets Grace
The Faith of Yasuhiro Nightow
Spirituality in the Anime Blogosphere: Violence, Grace and Redemption in Trigun
The Invisible God…in Trigun
2012: Loving You for Who You Are
We went topical in 2012 and did something quite fun as we compared specific anime relationships (not all romantic) to how Christ loves us. This is how I explained it:
While Christianity is often called a judgmental religion (probably because of its adherents more than any other reason), Jesus came and showed us that He loves us for who we are. No matter what we’ve done or how we’ve been broken, He offers a warm love that says, “I know who you really are and I still love you.” Some of the great relationships in anime, romantic and friendly, demonstrate a similar love.
Araragi and Senjougahara (Monogatari)
Taeko and Toshio (Only Yesterday)
Arata and Chihaya (Chihayafuru)
Kaji and Misato (Evangelion)
Daikichi and Rin (Usagi Drop)
Naruto and Sasuke (Naruto)
2013: Madoka and Anime Jesus
We didn’t do a week full of posts in 2013, but material presented itself nonetheless in the form of magical girls and a short anime film about Christ, which we post on Easter Sunday almost every year.
Magical Girls and Good Friday
An Easter Invitation
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illustration by よねゆ (reprinted w/permission)
2014: Noragami
Even before the second season of Noragami came out—which was packed full of rich material to dive into—we found enough in season one of the show to spend a whole week focusing on it. The world of gods in Japan—those of calamity, war, and all sorts of other things—were also unexpectedly able to provide ample material from which we could talk about the one true God.
Noragami and Treating God as a Genie, Part 1
Noragami and Treating God as a Genie, Part 2
The Book of Hiyori
Yukine and Matters of the Heart
Noragami and a Saving Grace
Patient Yato, Patient Yahweh
Yukine’s Sin and Comprehending Holiness
2015: Key Anime
You know, I admit I’d forgotten we did this series of posts because in each of the last few years, I’ve thought to myself, “We really should do a Holy Week on Key anime!” Well, we did so that. So many emotional, heartfelt, and fantastical series have come from Key—it’s no surprise, then, that we could discuss them for two full weeks’ worth of posts, at least! And who knows? We may revisit this topic again in the future…
Key Anime and Easter
Air: New in Light of the Old
Dive into the World of Rewrite
Rewrite Part 2: The Moon of Possibilities
Angel Beats and Easter
Rewrite Part 3: Terra, the Path of Salvation
Revisiting Clannad and Fathers
Rewrite Part 4: The Meaning of Salvation
Rewrite’s Biblical Meta-Narrative
Kanon: Rising to Life
2016: Christ Figures in Anime
If you look at Christian analysis of anime as a series of levels drilling deeper and more meaningful the further you get, the most surface level is that of comparing some character to Christ (i.e. Goku is Anime Jesus). If we stick with just basic analysis such as that, we might miss the opportunity to really learn and grow in our relationships with God through such examination. But if done correctly, comparing Jesus to anime characters can help you remember what you love about the Savior—and that’s exactly what the staff did in 2016.
L Lawliet as a Christ Figure (Death Note)
Princess Tutu as a Christ Figure (Princess Tutu)
Brandon Heat as a Christ Figure (Gungrave)
Utsugi Lenka as a Christ Figure (God Eater)
Kaname Madoka as a Christ Figure (Madoka Magica)
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art by jaokuma (reprinted w/permission)
2018: The Ancient Magus Bride
After skipping 2017, we focused again on one particular anime in 2018, The Ancient Magus Bride. A particularly meditative and sensitive look at pain, depression, and violence, it was ripe for analysis by staff during Holy Week, and is much beloved by our followers as well, judging by its success this year in Anime March Madness!
The Patient Magus Bride
The Grace Chase of Joseph and Cartaphilus, Part I
The Grace Chase of Joseph and Cartaphilus, Part II
The Love of Chise, the Goodness of God
We also skipped 2019, but did do an Easter Sunday post: Trigun and Easter: Always Never Alone. We are not skipping this year, however! Although more details will be coming on April 5th, I’ll announce 2020’s theme now: Anime and Disability. I’m really happy that we’re covering this topic; we’ve been making a concerted effort to especially reach those in the otaku community who live with disabilities. I’m bringing in a couple of wonderful guest writers in addition to the regular content our staff will be developing. I hope you’ll enjoy the series as we build toward the most important day of the year for Christians, and I hope that the posts will both bring some insight to you that you may not have had before and help you prepare for the holiest of days!
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rocket-bear · 4 years
aaaah ty for asking!!! I’m just gonna take this opportunity to, ramble about a couple of different things so this is going to be real long I’m sorry,
First, two scenes from All-In:
When she tells him that Saikyoudai is her number one choice for university because it has the degree plans that best suit her hopes of double-majoring in child development and education, he ditches his other options and goes all-in on his own application. She’ll get in, he knows, and she does. The football team isn’t sterling– though the big fucking baldy is there, and that’s a mark in its favor– but he’s had experience with building a team from the ground up. He can make it work.
I’ve seen folks critique the idea that Mamori just follows Hiruma to Saikyoudai at the end of the series, and while there are DEF criticisms to be made about HiruMamo– tangent: I personally don’t know why I love it so much, because “male character treats everyone around him including his love interest with blatant disrespect bc the way he actually shows respect does not at all reflect anything that another human being would ever recognize” is like, usually VERY much not my jam, but meanwhile it somehow works for HiruMamo to the point that they’re one of my everlasting OTPs– to me, there’s no actual evidence that Hiruma picked Saikyoudai first (unless it’s in a guidebook or something?), so I wanted to push back on that assumption a little! Everyone that’s attending Saikyoudai is canonically very smart or very talented, so it makes just as much sense to me that they either landed on Saikyoudai together because it’s a great school, or that Mamori was actually the one to choose it and Hiruma followed her there. The only canon character on the Wizards before Hiruma joined was Banba, so while Banba is great, it’s not like the football team would have been a particular selling point for him. Hiruma’s a literal genius who could go to any school he wanted, so– yeah. Saikyoudai was Mamori’s pick, not his!
Next is the kiss scene! I’m not going to quote it because this post is already going to be long enough, but GOSH I have had that specific set-up for The Moment HiruMamo Happens in my brain literally since I was 13 but I just never actually took the time to write it into anything, and then abruptly last night it was just like, IT’S TIME. (The fact that it’s been in my mind for that long always makes me vaguely worried that it was something from another fic or a prompt that someone wrote over a decade ago and I’ve accidentally stolen it by thinking I came up with it myself so ANXIOUS BLANKET APOLOGIES, IN CASE THIS EVER HAPPENS, SOMETIMES YOU COME BACK TO A FANDOM OVER A DECADE LATER AND MEMORIES ARE HARD,)
But!!! In any case, whenever I think about HiruMamo finally happening, in my head it’s always Mamori that actually… not necessarily makes the first move, but actually approaches the conversation?? because Hiruma’s allergic to being actually, genuinely vulnerable, and jokey vaguely antagonistic flirting is one thing, but acknowledging that the Vibes are Real is a whole other thing and Mamori’s the one in that equation that’s emotionally mature enough to accept it. So in All-In, Mamori opens the door by just, legit inviting herself into Hiruma’s room, Hiruma does some flirting that could easily be brushed off if he was misreading things, and Mamori explicitly challenges him to DO IT YOU COWARD. One of my favorite dynamics for them!
FINALLY, from Kick Drum Heart– again, rather than quoting a scene I want to talk about a specific plot device, because if I let myself dig into scenes then we’re gonna be here all day. When I was first plotting KDH, the whole idea was really just Sena and Shin developing their relationship in college via Shin tutoring Sena, and I hadn’t planned for either Shin’s poetry plotline or the consistent presence of Panther in story with his mirroring romance plotline with Homer. I fleshed out Panther’s storyline because I just REALLY, REALLY wanted to include the detail of he and Sena casually hooking up in the US since it’s one of my favorite headcanons rofl, and so I wanted to expand his role to be more central to the narrative out of respect for his character and so that scene would feel more cohesive! And then for Shin’s poetry, I really wanted to find something that would allow me to explore the way ShinSena is mutually supportive, rather than limiting it to just Shin supporting/inspiring Sena. Modern fandom is MUCH better about this so shout-out to all the other wonderful writers still writing for ShinSena, but back in the day there was tendency to reduce Shin down to nothing more than Sena’s Hot Sexy Supportive Perfect Boyfriend, without really delving into the ways that Sena is also a hugely important positive influence on Shin’s life instead of it being a one-way street. (Like!!! Shin literally, canonically does not even enjoy football, the thing he devotes every single second of his time and energy to, until he loses to Sena!! Literally in canon this is true!!!!!! I HAVE A META POST IN THE WORKS ABOUT THIS,)
So, I wanted to think of something that Shin could be struggling with during the story that Sena could support him with the same way Shin was supporting him for biology. This was tricky, because Shin’s canonically a great student and Sena isn’t, so I had to think of something academic that A) Shin would struggle with in the first place, and B) Sena would actually be better at. I faffed around with ideas for a while but finally landed on literature/poetry while I was rewatching Chihayafuru for oh like the fifth time, due to the scene where Chihaya’s summer homework is to write some original poems and some of them are extremely silly (“I FEAST UPON A WHIRLWIND OF ICE CREAM…”) and some of them are accidental beautiful love poems about her love interest. I thought that would be perfect for Shin, who tends to approach things in overly clinical/literal terms and struggles to openly express his more positive feelings, and while Sena’s not a poetry buff, I figured he would at least be able to help Shin rework things to sound more expressive and less clinical! This in turn then set up the entire climax of the story with Shin sharing the theme of his poetry collection with Sena, so I’m soooo glad that I landed on that idea because it really made the whole story come together. (SO LIKE, EVERYONE SHOULD PAY RESPECTS AND GO WATCH CHIHAYAFURU, IT’S AN AMAZING SHOW)
Shin’s poems went through a lot of drafts of mostly small tweaks to change wording or slightly adjust a metaphor, but as a bonus, one that I didn’t end up using at all was [Bradycardia, / until you appear ahead. / My pulse comes alive.] I thought the idea of Shin trying to use the word “bradycardia” in a love poem was hysterical, but then the rest of it was like, actually deeply romantic, and too similar in theme to [Muscles atrophy. / You appear along with spring, / Promising new growth.], so I scrapped it.
my god that’s so much more than you asked for sorry about the wall of text BUT I HOPE YOU ENJOY???????
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komatsunana · 6 years
Have you read Berserk? Otoyomegatari? Other than NANA what are your most beloved manga? I love josei and shoujo that’s a bit more mature, any reccs? Also, have you written/would you write some meta about FMA?
I haven’t read Berserk (yet? idk).  But I have read Otoyomegatari! Absolutely wonderful series - I feel like it’s too good to read illegally so it tops my list of manga that I *need* to purchase in the next year so I can catch up.  I’ve also read (+ watched) Emma by the same mangaka… Mori Kaoru is one of my favorite creators… She just has such beautiful art and it is so obvious how much research she does into the cultures her stories take place in.
Other than NANA, Fullmetal Alchemist tops my list for faves. I reeeally need to give this series another reread because I really love it so… I haven’t written anything, I don’t think, but I feel somewhat comfortable writing meta about FMA if you have any specific questions. Otherwise I’ll probably write a bunch after my next read.
As for my mature recs (some of which are also big faves of mine)…
Chihayafuru, a josei manga. It’s about a teen girl and it’s technically a sports manga but it’s got that more ‘mature’ feeling to it.
Also 3 Gatsu no Lion, which has become popular for the anime recently. Another teenager led series but it’s seinen and definitely weaves a more mature story.
I’ll also rec Gunjo which... idk the genre? Probably Seinen but it’s def not for kids. It’s about adults and it’s extremely dark. It’s labeled yuri, and I’m not sure if I completely agree that it is but I’m not going to argue. You’ll see what I mean pretty much from the first page.
Cheese in the Trap is a manhwa and I’m a bit behind on it but I looove this series. I love the way it weaves past and current events into the narrative, though it takes place with a bunch of university students.
Also Piece by Ashihara Hinako, which is a little melodramatic in spots but ultimately a good piece. (Mangaka also did Sand Chronicles, if you ever read that... it’s also a more mature read)
Pretty much everything Ono Natsume has worked on has been good, with a good mature feeling. Also Yumeka  Sumono’s works!
Also, just rapid fire: Kechonpa, 87 Clockers (mangaka did Nodame Cantabile), Oyasumi Punpun, Basara, Cat Street, Gokusen, Kare Kano, Liar Game (big warning for transphobic depiction of a trans woman), and Pieta. Some of these have been a while since I read so I can’t promise too too much but I remember them not being too childish or anything.As for your second ask about The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms... I haven’t read it yet but it’s been on my to-read list. I’ll consider it double recced now though and try and read it this year.  I’m almost done with Rosemary and Rue and then I’ll move on to A Local Habitation, both by Seanan McGuire, and I am enjoying it so far despite never enjoying fae stories before - it’s not ~Edgy~ like YA fae novels and is a mature read.
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lesbian-kyoru · 1 year
What do you think of Akihito Sudou as a character? His relationship with other characters? He's my second fav character in chihayafuru but i don't see anyone talking about him that much anywhere🤧 plus I wanted to read some fanfics about him but couldn't find any good one,so if you don't mind,any recs?👀 Thank you,have a nice day😊
oh i am a big sudo fan! he was a character that i initially didn't focus on a ton, but rather the more i read of the manga, the more i really came to appreciate his character, to the point where i'd probably list him in my top 5-6 chihayafuru characters….. he started out as more of a background rival character (i think i didn't like him at first because he was mean to chihaya amshd;falkhsd), but with sudo, suetsugu did one of the things she's best at as a character writer: taking characters that fit neatly into archetypes at first, and over time fleshing them out beyond that point. all of her characters, even supporting or background ones, end up feeling like fully realized people; she accomplishes something similar with characters like suo, shinobu, and even taichi.
building upon this idea of archetypes, what makes sudo so compelling to me is the fact that at first he seems like a sadistic karuta player who will bring adversarial tension to karuta tournaments, nothing more—but there's a lot more to him than that. over time, we as readers and the characters around him start to see that sudo is a sadist, but he's not a cold-hearted or uncaring person. he truly loves karuta, and his sadistic, intense nature as a player is how he displays that passion and love for karuta. (in a way this acts as a precursor to arata’s internal struggle, where even though he doesn’t want to, playing karuta ruthlessly turns out to be the truest way to show respect to his opponents as his equal—with sudo, he has already reached the point where he’s comfortable going to that place in karuta, because he has internalized that that’s how his passion for it comes through.) he shows an unwavering passion for not just becoming the meijin or the top player, but a desire to stay involved in karuta his entire life because he loves it that much. even among a cast of characters who are literally all obsessed with karuta, sudo is special to me in that way because our perceptions of him as a player shift so greatly over time.
sudo also cares deeply about the people around him—his team, suo, even his rivals like taichi and chihaya. i think this second point is something very striking about him. there's actually a quote in the manga fruits basket about how every person's kindness looks a little different, how it takes a different shape, and for a lot of people you have to look harder to recognize that innate kindness—because it doesn't look the same as what we imagine “kindness” will look like. for some reason, sudo is always the chihayafuru character that makes me think of that quote! i found it really impactful to see a character like sudo, who at first glance appears mean and malicious, turn out to be one of the kindest characters in the series, one who loves karuta in a truly uncomplicated way. the way he shows affection for other people is more complicated by his hard exterior, but he genuinely has a very big heart. obviously his relationship with suo is a standout and probably what made sudo a favorite for a lot of readers, including myself. there’s something really special about watching sudo do everything he can to keep suo in the karuta world—and when he cried for suo, mountains were simply moved! it’s just clear to me that sudo is in love with him loves him a lot even if he doesn’t say it directly, and their bond is quite meaningful to me.
aside from this obvious one, i also love sudo’s friendship with chihaya so much!! i never really expected to, but i was obsessed with their little challenger/qualifier training arc together! the way they play off of each other is very fun to read. i think their dynamic is also interesting because chihaya typically hates people who play karuta in a “nasty” or mean-spirited way, but i feel like she’s able to reach a common ground with sudo because his sadism is so deeply rooted in a love for karuta, which chihaya can understand. i also really love sudo’s scenes with taichi and desperately wish they had more scenes together. the way sudo teases and simultaneously pushes and motivates taichi….. it’s good. specifically, i think the interplay of suo-sudo-taichi is fascinating and no one talks about it enough. it isn’t lingered on a ton in the text, but sudo must have been feeling immense jealousy when suo started focusing all of his attention on taichi; i love fanworks that dive into that aspect of his character and his relationships with suo and taichi. (there’s a lot that can be said about how those three characters intersect and are juxtaposed to each other—suo and taichi drawn together by their common “apathy” towards karuta while sudo is “left out” as someone who truly loves it; taichi who appears to love karuta but secretly thinks he hates it vs. sudo who loves karuta in such a warmhearted way that’s obscured by his harsh exterior….. however, that’s a far more complicated post; i genuinely feel like i could talk about those three forever, so i will rein myself in!)
i haven’t read a ton of fics with sudo featured, unfortunately! most of the ones i’ve seen are chihaya/sudo, which i don’t ship, but if you’re looking for something to read there are several on ao3 that you could check out! my favorite fic portrayal of sudo, however, is definitely how he's characterized in perfectly still in the dark by bloodletters. while suo and taichi's relationship is the main focus of the fic, sudo has the most striking scene with taichi—even if you are not a gay sudo truther like myself, it's so worthwhile to read just because of how expertly and subtley he is characterized. now that i think about it, i think that fic might've actually been what jumpstarted my love for sudo, but i digress LMAO. tl;dr out of all the chihayafuru characters, sudo for me is the closest to being canonically gay, and he should be celebrated more for that reason alone 🤍
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formashimataichi · 2 years
i thought I didn't care about the endgame but godddd I'm so happy my 17 year old me it's crying tears of happiness but I need time to process how I feel about this I love taichi and chihaya the most and I feel like I have been reading something wrong jsjsjs I had this idea that taichihaya endgame was going to damp taichi's development so I need time to process but I'm happy I wish you would post your thoughts soon I always liked reading your blog
I was honestly of the same belief! I think the way Chihaya's reciprocation of anyone's feelings has been talked about in fandom at large (i.e., the idea that either Arata or Taichi "deserves" that reciprocation simply by virtue of loving her) really led me to become averse to any sort of ending where she did reciprocate because there was a fear that it actually would end up validating that philosophy. And I'll be honest, I think that was a very prevalent mindset in the Taichi camp especially! Maybe not from you specifically, but it was one I saw a lot and it's what caused me to divest from Taichi fans in general despite him consistently being my favorite character and his relationship with Chihaya consistently being my favorite as well. I was really exhausted of seeing it parroted that Taichi's personal growth and journey in passion or love or self-fulfillment would be worthless if he wasn't reciprocated by Chihaya. There was so much about his character arc that was genuinely borne of his own self-sufficiency and persistent desire to grow into a better, sturdier person. It felt belittling to me to reduce it to hinging on a reciprocation of first love.
But, lo and behold! One should always trust Suetsugu to stick to her guns and stand by her espoused philosophy to the end. It makes complete sense to me that Taichi was allowed that ownership of his own growth in karuta and friendship, and that the reciprocation of his feelings came as an external aftermath to that resolution, not as a reward for it. A mutual of mine on Twitter mentioned this, but I think it was very purposeful and poignant that the reciprocation and the buildup to it in the chapter was framed entirely from Chihaya's perspective. It was truly her pursuing what she wanted on her own terms and timeline rather than her being beholden to the demands of anyone else in the story (or the fandom, lmao). I still don't know that it's a conclusion that revives the old fondness I used to have for them as a romance, I really do feel like I've moved on from romance being at the apex of my investment in this narrative as a whole, but I deeply respect that Suetsugu executed her story the way she wanted to to the very end, and that the emphasis was on this being a beautiful moment in time for both Chihaya and Taichi to appreciate and enjoy to the fullest. We don't know what will happen with them down the line, whether they'll last or whether they won't, but it's unimportant in the face of their present content, and that's a very admirable picture to paint as a writer who's spent so much time emphasizing on the present beauty of youth.
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ryvrr · 6 years
writing ask: A, H, J, M, P, R, T?
send more writing ask questions if you’d like! i’m still accepting them~
* u * you are the best for asking me, i am sO PUMPED TO ANSWER, okay let’s seeeeee–
A) If you could rec a piece of music to accompany one of your fics, what would you pick? Why?
So for my story “clutched my life (and wished it kept)” (a sad, angsty Climbing Class fic I wrote way, way back), I listened to “In the Woods Somewhere” by Hozier on repeat for it! Which I mentioned in the author’s note. But also, you should totally listen to “You” by Keaton Henson as well, because it also goes really well with it, I think. (Please do not read this story if major character death upsets you! Because there is major, major, major character death in this one, folks!)
H) How do you write? Paper, pen, computer? Music, no music?
I write my outlines or plot ideas in Google Keep on my phone if I can’t make it to a computer! I also have a notebook I jot down ideas in if I feel in a mood to use a paper and pen. Otherwise, I write actual content on my computer, and I have to listen to music when I write. No exceptions. If there’s no music, I just can’t get the creative juices flowing!
J) What are the best jokes you told this year? Any jokes you thought were funny that people didn’t catch? Vice-versa? 
Oh god, I tell so many bad jokes, I can’t even remember them all. Just today my best friend was telling her dog, “Hold on!” and I looked at her and yelled, “Hodor!” and watched her face crumble as she remembered. That was great. She didn’t appreciate that enough, I feel. I say a lot of puns. No one appreciates my puns. :( 
M) Meta! Have any meta about a story you’re dying to throw out there? 
I. HAVE. SO. MUCH. META. Tbh, people could ask me this question a bunch more times and I would never run out of meta to share. If you want, you can always send me more of this one and put a ship with it! But for now, currently, I have a story I want to write for Iwaoi that’s a Chihayafuru AU. The meta is that Oikawa is pretty much Arata, and Iwaizumi is Chihaya. The Aoba Johsai team is also on the karuta team. Pretty much, Oikawa gets Iwaizumi into karuta before he has to move away, and they don’t keep in touch as well as they should. I’m thinking they exchange a lot of emails at first, and it peters off. But Iwaizumi keeps playing karuta, because he honestly belives it’ll reconnect them someday, because Oikawa wants to be like his grandfather and become a professional player and someday be the “King” of it. So Iwaizumi single handedly gets a team together to play it in high school, and eventually he meets Oikawa again, and it’s a lot of pining oh my god so much long distance pining. It’ll follow the manga/anime, but there will be lots of differences in their own personal plot, cause I have way more plans for them that don’t follow what the anime/manga tells, so. :3c
P) What are your pet peeves in other people’s work?
Okay. I want to preface this that this is just grammar peeves. Honestly, I don’t hate on anyone for their own personal twists on writing, even if I don’t personally like it. Grammar wise, however, I really do not like when someone uses when someone doesn’t use a comma with speaking sentences, etc. Those sorts of things.
For the speaking sentences thing, it’s like this:
I hate when it’s like this —-> “Hello.” She said.
It should be like this —-> “How are you,” she asked, “and what are you doing here?”
Does that make sense? Anyway, all my pet peeves are with grammar tbh. Also when you don’t space your paragraphs, or if you space them too much. I like simple spacing. One line between each paragraph to break it up so it doesn’t strain my eyes, etc. LOL
R) If you had to rewrite one of your stories from scratch, which one would it be? What would you do to it? 
Oh God. I mostly write PWP nowadays. I used to write a lot of reader-inserts, and I’d probably rewrite those. Actually, I have recently rewritten quite a few of those. If I had to choose one from what I’ve written so far for canon characters I’ve shipped, it would probably be “clutched my life (and wished it kept),” the story I mentioned earlier. I think I could do it a lot more justice now than I did back in 2015. However, not a lot of people like it that much to begin with, so like. What’s the point, you get what I’m sayin’? lmfao
Also I could probably improve on the brojobs fic. I kind of want to add more mutual pining and give it plot, but also. I’m kind of shitty with writing longer fics. Look at my soulmate fic. I’m still slowly chipping away at that.
BTW that just reached 5k recently. So, you know, it’s still comin’ along. At a glacial pace. I’ll be done with it by the time literally no one ships Climbing Class anymore.
T) Themes, motherfucker, do you have them? What are they?
Themes, like, for my stories? Ah. Not so much, I don’t think. Kind of hard to have them when you mostly write PWP right now. (I’m going to be honest. I very nearly put “write now” and keyboard smashed, I was so mad at myself for it.) The only thing that really has a theme would be the soulmates AU. It’s supposed to be about how, sometimes, you might meet your soulmate, but you might not be ready for them. You’re young, you’re dumb, you’re a shitty person who hasn’t grown up and matured yet, and maybe it’s just not meant to be until you’re ready to be a more level headed, better person. That sort of thing. That’s the only theme I currently have with a story.
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corporativoarcanos · 5 years
Estrenos de octubre #Anime #Animación #Ovas #CorporativoArcanos #Masukomi #SutaArcanos #Noticias #Octubre
Estrenos de octubre #Anime #Animación #Ovas #CorporativoArcanos #Masukomi #SutaArcanos #Noticias #Octubre
Titulo: Z-X. Code Reunion Tipo: Serie Genero: Seiyus: Fecha Estreno: 01/10/2019
Titulo: Granblue Fantasy 2 Tipo: Serie Genero: Seiyus: Fecha Estreno: 01/10/2019
Titulo: Chihayafuru 3 Tipo: Serie Genero: josei Seiyus: Fecha Estreno: 01/10/2019
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Estrenos de octubre #Anime #Animación #Ovas
Titulo: Boku no Hero Academia (2019) Tipo: Serie Genero: Fecha Estreno: 01/10/2019
Titulo: Kono Oto…
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