ivovynckier · 1 year
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Germany, 1945.
Russia, 2023.
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rhaenin-time · 3 months
As much as I believe that questioning the parentage of a married woman's chiIdren feels like a witchhunt, I do think it's time we start an honest discussion about the Dance of the Dragons and the legitimacy of the contenders.
Because too often we forget that Alicent's bastards are just as ineligible for the throne as Rhaenyra's bastards.
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By Andal convention, only Aegon the Younger and Viserys are eligible for inheritance. Even if Alicent's bastards wanted to push their claim through Daemon, their true father, they could never inherit over his trueborn sons.
In fact, her children are less eligible. At least Jace's claim comes through his mother! At least least Luke was promised to Rhaena and has Velaryon blood regardless. But Alicent, trying to put the bastards of a man who was disinherited on the throne ahead of the King's trueborn daughter? She's fortunate that Viserys was conflict averse enough to show let it pass and quietly keep Rhaenyra, his only trueborn child, as his heir.
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Keep in mind that the question of Rhaenyra's sons' parentage was strongly dismissed by Septon Eustace. But at no point does any reliable source argue that the rumours regarding Alicent and Daemon are fabrication. Instead, we have only the far weaker defense that they're "unsupported."
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Now, I think we can all agree that the most plausible explanation is that, once Alicent worried she might be pregnant by Daemon, she immediately seduced Viserys to cover the matter. Whether this happened before or after Aemma's death, and whether she turned out to be truly with child, is a matter of debate.
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But even on the small chance Alicent did manage to bear a child of Viserys's blood, she should have known better than to put herself in situations where the question could even arise. And Daemon did not help matters with his public display of jealousy.
Because once the truth is out there, there is no way to "prove" that Alicent's children are not Daemon's bastards.
Not only do her children resemble him, but Daemon is a dragonrider. Which means geography is not an obstacle. All it takes is a few moonlight rides, and a quick trip through the secret tunnels, and you have another bastard sired with no one the wiser. And indeed, he did seem committed to secrecy, even taking precautions like distancing himself from Alicent and his bastards in every public setting.
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The question of motive does remain. Was Daemon siring bastards out of true affection for Alicent? Or was it simply a mutually beneficial arrangement because they were both wed to spouses who could not give them heirs? Alicent feared being set aside, and Daemon feared dying without a legacy. And it is noteworthy that Alicent stopped bearing his bastards after he became free to wed Laena Velaryon.
Another interesting area of debate is, of course, Viserys's knowledge on the matter. Some might argue that he affected a willful blindness. But surely he would be understanding of Alicent's predicament if it was he who was no longer able to produce heirs. Indeed, the text does support the theory that he was aware.
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Now, it's pretty clear that while Alicent was comfortable throwing stones from her glass house of bastards, Rhaenyra was not. Be it from feeling above the matter, respect for her father's wishes, or simply a lack of desire to see Daemon's bastards publicly shamed, she seems to have held her own tongue even when faced with Alicent's hypocrisy. Which I find admirable, if maybe a little unhelpful.
I suppose we can give Alicent a little credit. She did originally acknowledge her good fortune of her bastards all bearing a vague resemblance to Viserys. And it seems she even encouraged Rhaenyra and Laenor to hold onto hope that they might one day share that fortune. As long as they keep trying the way she did.
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Or was it in fact, a brazen taunt? A flaunting of her privilege of having bastards that resembled their supposed father?
Regardless of the sentiment behind the comment, it does open up questions regarding whether she'd previously "tried" and "failed" only to end up with dark-haired babes she was forced to send away. After all, with Viserys in such poor health that surely his ability to sire heirs would be whispered about, it was essential they resemble him.
Another question worth pondering is Alicent's true feelings toward Daemon. Did she, perchance, ever entertain hopes of wedding him once Viserys had passed? Of him legitimizing her bastards for the Realm to hear?
But what would she gain? Well, potentially a lot.
What is not disputable is that once she'd given up hope of Viserys installing her bastard above his trueborn daughter, Alicent turned her hopes to usurping Rhaenyra based on her gender. But perhaps she worried that, should she cross that line, Rhaenyra would no longer turn the other cheek. She likely worried that Rhaenyra would point out the obvious fact that Alicent's bastards were ineligible for inheritance.
But Daemon wasn't.
Per the Council of 101, Daemon should have been heir over Rhaenyra. And it's not illogical to assume that Alicent might have nursed hopes of usurping Rhaenyra after Viserys's death (which she did do) and installing Daemon as King. A King whose wife had passed leaving him only daughters — therefore ineligible under the precedent they established. A King finally free to marry the mother of his bastards and name them bastards no more. To name them his heirs.
Unfortunately for Alicent, Daemon had moved on. And not only that, he appears to have set the example for Rhaegar by naming his son Aegon despite already having a son named Aegon! (History truly does repeat itelf!) A message to Alicent that he would never claim her bastards as his heirs.
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Alicent might have thought she was clever in the moment — to select a man who resembled her husband. But it also works against her.
Because her children resemble Daemon. And not just in appearance.
Remember that, when Aenys proved to be a sickly boy despite being ostensibly sired by a man of Aegon's vigor, that was when his parentage was truly put to question?
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But does the opposite not apply? Viserys was in poor health, yet Alicent's bastards did not seem to share those troubles.
Now, you can hardly fault Alicent for bearing healthy children. But that does not mean she couldn't have taken other steps to make her bastards' parentage less obvious. We can credit her with notably dressing them in green as children to avoid easy superficial comparisons, but it seems like her attention, or authority, on the matter lapsed as her bastards grew older.
Why was Aegon allowed to cavort in Fleabottom the way Daemon once had? Why was Aemond allowed to style his hair and clothes so that he resembled a young Prince Daemon? Alicent should have better stressed to them the importance of appearance — and masking appearance. Because she ended up letting her sons undo all her efforts.
Honestly, the more you think about it, the more undeniable it becomes. Undeniable because, I repeat, there is no way to prove otherwise.
Well, I think that's enough evidence for now. I honestly never thought it was worth dwelling on the matter. If Viserys knew, if he made arrangements to keep Alicent's bastards both safe and respected while preserving his line, it truly should not matter.
But the problem is that Alicent pushed too far. Not just by trying to seat her bastard on the throne — something that, unlike with Rhaenyra and Driftmark, she did not have the blessing of the Head of house for nor did she take steps to ensure the line remains intact — but by also then being brazen enough to point her finger at Rhaenyra, knowing Rhaenyra was above doing the same.
Well, I don't think that's fair. And I think it's time we acknowledged it, and put the 'bastard' talk to rest. Honestly, it often feels both disingenuous and steeped in misogyny. And in a world of fundamentally unjust systems, it's best to just accept that these matters should be kept quiet, and resolved within the family.
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popculturebuffet · 2 years
So, in a recent livestream with Cissy Jones, Matt Braly would reveal many things. Among them is the confirmation he no longer works at Disney (where he's been since 2011) and is doing another project at another studio. Thoughts knowing he's left Disney (looks like lots of the serialized Disney show creators like Alex Hirsch, Daron Nefcy, Chris Sonnenberg, Shane Prigmore, Frank Angones, Matt Youngberg, and now Braly aren't at Disney with Dana soon to follow)?
I can't say i'm suprised. The company isn't treating animators well. It's not as bad as HBO Max but just because there's a new standard low for this sort of thing dosen't mean Disney isn't bad at how they treat shows.
My issue is more.. where did he go as it unerlined for me just HOW unstable most of chiidren's animation is: Disney will either run your show forever or cancel you at two seasons, Warner has gone from the most stable presence in the industry with a few screwups to a nightmare form which there's no exist, netflix dosen't care about running series for a long time only greenlighting series for a set run, and Nick has never been stable. Paramount+ seems to offer hope as unlike their competiorors they get animation's importance and we're slowly getting more and more shows, but otherwise we're getting next to nothing on most non-netflix streaming channels for kids.
Adult Animation wise is better> While I worry about Adult Swim for obvious reasons, it seems to be the one thing discovery isn't touching.. yet, Netflix has taken to making adult action shows (comedy wise.. needs work as they went from having one of the adult animated shows of the last decade.. to giving the Brickleberry idiots multiple shows), Amazon Prime is slowly growing in that regard itself. So the industry isn't DEAD.. but it is bleeding pretty heavily this year.
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tom-mcd71 · 1 year
Watch "Disney Lectures ChiIdren about "White Fragility" and Paying Reparations To BIack People!" on YouTube
#blackfragility #brownfragility
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opossumprince · 1 year
Fucking hell stop defending and gIorifying the trending white savior with "you should be ashamed to criticize her" posts !!!
Literally saw a post with downright evangeIical wording and sentences like "people don't care about the thousands of chiIdren and innocents on the Iist" and repetitive chiIdish Iitanies about how she represents love (she shared it too) ??? Please for the sake of everything you're not helping these chiIdren and innocents by calling this cIown an icon
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careerborse · 2 years
A Nonprofit Organization Jobs 2022 in KPK Jobs
A Nonprofit Organization Jobs 2022 in KPK Jobs
A Nonprofit Organization Jobs 2022 in KPK Jobs A Nonprofit Organization Jobs 2022 in KPK Jobs A nonprofit organization requires competent and qualified professionals for project title “Enhance Economic Capacity of Farmer TDP’s” in District Khyber & District Orakzai. & A nonprofit organization requires competent and qualified professionals for project title “Enrollment of out of School ChiIdren…
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royal-confessions · 3 years
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“I just have seen the trailer of of Prince HBO production. And it's even more nasty than I was aspecting. Making fun of an 8 year old child should not be a form of entertainment, and all the comment below was pretty much againstthis choice! Why have they give an American accent to a British kid? And off course the only person they don't make fun to is Harry's wife! I awared that Americans are well-know racist and put money above everything but attacking a child I this way is vile...(by the way Sophie Tuckner who voice Charlotte is such an hypocrite, she keeps her child out of spotlight but had no problem to mock other minor, shame on you!)” - Submitted by Anonymous
“Sophie Turner is voicing Charlotte ij The Prince. Meanwhile she had a meltdown a few months ago because paparazzi invaded her child’s privacy but I guess the Cambridge kids aren’t given the same luxury.” - Submitted by Anonymous
“The Gary Janetti 'The Prince' trailer came out and I'm glad the majority think its awful to create a whole show taking the piss out of chiIdren.. I think somebody in particular hit the nail on the head. Sophie Turner voices Charlotte and although she wants to protect her own child, she has no problem with taking the piss out of somebody elses. Really low...” - Submitted by Anonymous
“Can Gary Janetti stoop even lower than making money off mocking children?!” - Submitted by Anonymous
“I am absolutely disgusted with HBOMax creating a show called "The Prince" which makes fun of the Cambridge children. They portray Prince George as snarky and disrespectful to his parents and other family members.” - Submitted by Anonymous
“The Prince could have easily been about Charles crying because his mummy won’t give him the throne, or William and Harry being complete nincompoops: they’re adults they can handle it. But HBO crossed the line when they started mocking CHILDREN! I don’t care if they’re royalty, a child is a child. Even the original Spitting Image had the decency to keep William and Harry out of the show.” - Submitted by Anonymous
“I thought some of Gary Janetti’s Instagram posts were pretty funny, even if inappropriate. But the show went way too far. It’s making fun of kids. I have no problem with satire against adults and/or the institution itself (ie: the windsors on Netflix) but like... this is kinda gross. I say this as someone who does not like the BRF or it’s members at all.” - Submitted by Anonymous
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santiagonex · 3 years
mike give me sum shows or movies to watch please
not been into any shows lately so idk... watching shameless and station 19 each week cause its fun and thats about it... started we chiIdren from bahnhof zoo so we’ll see if that’s any good... generation kinda a flop... idk at this point im just waiting for s3 of secs education and s4 of elite
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adobe-outdesign · 4 years
AU where instead of just the souIs of the chiIdren, a miIIion different WiIIiam and MichaeIs from different universes kick Book WiIIiam's ass for making Circus Baby sexy.
they should kick Carlton’s ass too for staring at hers
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halfusek · 4 years
How would both Joey's react with a baby in thier hands? I was babysitting my brother when I thought of this.
this bitch empty YE-
no fnkggf
Joey appreciates chiIdren, i think he’d be thriIIed to hoId one, both of them tbh but depending on the pIace in the timeIine they may or may not cry
I actuaIIy had one RP that happened in Joeyverse times so as for Magenta he’d PFFFFSHHHHHHH
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specialshoesclub · 5 years
Okay so here’s what I woke up thinking about. The friend who heIped me get diagnosed toId me something that changed my perspective. She said chiIdren with ADHD aren’t hyperactive because we have more energy. We pIay harder because we have to push ourseIves harder to have the same amount of fun and feeI the same amount of satisfaction as other chiIdren whose brains produce more dopamine. BasicaIIy the amount of stimuIation my brain needs to care about things and the amount of energy my body has to do things don’t match up. That’s why they give us stimuIants. So we oscillate between getting so invested in something that we stay up aII night working on it, pushing ourseIves to physical exhaustion or apatheticaIIy lying in bed unable to give a shit about anything. That’s why ADHD and bipolar are sometimes misdiagnosed as each other. Stimulant medication helps us control when we get invested in things but makes the crashes worse. I think there’s gotta be a better way to medicate this thing. Thanks for coming to my ted talk.
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deirbhilekennedy · 5 years
My idea
After my brainstorming I really began to think what idea I wanted to choose and progress into a final project. After thinking who I wanted my audience to be I wanted to create something Educational for chiIdren. I have always loved designing for young children being able to make fun and interactive illustrations. Therefore the main reason for choosing my educational app idea.
I then began to mind map this idea further as it is the easiest way to get across what I potentially want to focus on 
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 After thinking more I wanted to make an app that was educational for children but also fun and interactive. After looking at some games on the market I thought it would be cool do something along the lines of POKEMON GO. Only make the main topic nature, children have to look for certain things to do with nature and learn about them at the same time. They can build up cards then of each Item to look back and learn on. 
I am going to research further on who specifically I want my audience to be. Do I go preschool or children early on in primary school so I can design directly for this age group. 
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tinkingusa · 2 years
Key Components of Child Resistant Tin Packaging | Tin King USA
Have a look at our spacially designed child resistant tin containers you will find different opening mechanisms in child-resistant containers which ensures chiidren safety. For more details go through our infographic: https://bit.ly/3v2NwxW
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hamliet · 6 years
Wouldn't it be dangerous to have a murder child shrine for Yato? Especially with Yukine and Nora there, you never know what could happen...
I mean looking at the cast of characters living here we need divine help so. Plus Yato likes to keep an eye on his chiidren. 
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kimkim14 · 7 years
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SpaBel Week Day 3: Children
I know, I know, I'm super late again ;;w;; but I didn't have time during the official event this Summer to draw TT-TT. This is only 1 of the 2-3 I already had planned out to do for the event, hopefully I can finish and post the others soon as well, and maybe even come up with ideas for the rest of the days.
Since the prompt was ChiIdren, I decided to draw SpaBel's OC Children (Leo,Toñito & Sofia) once again, I also drew for 2015's SpaBel Week: SpaBel Week Day 4: Parenthood. But think I like this drawing better than the previous, mostly because I think I did a much better job at making SpaBel look like Mature Adults/Parents compared to the last time. Also the kids have much cuter clothes and their own personal style in this drawing.
I couldn't resist doing a family lineup, it was too cute not to do! Also pay attention to a certain pair of fingers and what they are wearing~ >w<
My Original Post can be Found on DeviantART: SpaBel Week Day 3: Children - *Stickin Together~!*
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A basic guide for cartoons not appropriate for chiidren
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