#compulsive need to buy plants
rottenpumpkin13 · 5 months
Okay so touch of angst here. But I’ve kind of been thinking about the canon idea that Sephiroth holds no attachment to objects, and that his apartment is really sparse.
And I kind of thought, what if it’s not? What if it’s the opposite? We know he holds onto his mothers photo for dear life, so what if Sephiroth actually has a bit of an issue with getting rid of stuff because of the fact he wasn’t allowed to have many possessions as a child? What if Sephiroth’s apartment is an ordered mess of things that he’s squirrelled away from under Hojo.
I’ve got this idea that maybe Angeal and Genesis have tried to help him sort through it but they struggle to get him to let go of things because he seems to have a story and an attachment to everything. And their shocked because you wouldn’t think Sephiroth is a particularly sentimental person. In fact in everyday conversation he comes of as the exact opposite, but where his stuff is concerned, Sephiroth just cannot let go.
I dunno dude, I’m making myself sad. Thought I’d share.
Let me add my two cents, I hope I did this wonderful idea justice:
• Sephiroth's apartment is indeed minimalistic and neatly-kept at first glance. He has a few personal touches here and there, such as a nice, blue throw blanket on his couch that used to be Genesis's, a few of his favorite books scattered around, a potted plant Angeal gifted him that he takes care of, all normal things.
• But every drawer, closet and cupboard is packed, filled with things he tries to keep as organized as possible but ultimately fills due to the sheet amount of stuff.
• Items Sephiroth refuses to let go of include:
• Newspaper clippings of comic strips he accumulated. There was a brief time in his life where the only joy derived from his day was reading the funny pages in the newspaper every morning. So he saved each one of those moments of bliss in a shoebox under his bed.
• Various toys and trinkets in almost every drawer of his apartment. He is a compulsive buyer of toys he was never allowed when he was a child. He rarely plays with them. Yes he will keep buying them.
• A music box that has long stopped working. It was the first purchase he made with his paycheck that was made purely because he wanted it.
• A jar of candy wrappers that has been sitting in his nightstand for five years. It had been once filled with sweets, but he, Genesis and Angeal ate them all once one night, talking, laughing, and goofing around. It had been one of the first times Sephiroth felt like he truly belonged and was finally making friends. At the time, he had been convinced that he would never be as happy as he felt in that moment. So he kept every wrapper, and hangs onto that memory to this day.
• A pair of wool mittens he keeps in his glove drawer. They're a bit ripped and don't fit anymore, but professor Gast gave those to him. It was the first and only present the professor had given him.
• A broken, plastic hair clip. When he had begun growing his hair out, Genesis had just cut his shorter and no longer needed the clip, so he gave it to Sephiroth. Sephiroth naively tried to lay down with it and broke the clip upon impact. Though he never got to use it, their subsequent shared laughter was enough to make the hair clip special.
• A broken blender in his kitchen cupboard. It had broken long ago, Sephiroth had always meaned to get it fixed, but there is a small chicken wing sticker on the base of the blender that either Genesis or Angeal had gotten from a cereal box and placed there. After a particularly stressful week where he barely ate, Sephiroth looked at the chicken wing sticker and was suddenly struck by the craving for fried chicken. It was the only thing that got him to eat that week. He keeps it around in case it ever happens again.
• A drawer full of magazine clippings of women who vaguely look like that picture of his mother.
• Multiple sweaters and hoodies. The lab was cold and Hojo was stingy with layers, oftentimes insisting that Sephiroth was fine with that he had and reprimanding him for being so weak. As a result, Sephiroth has far too many sweaters, blankets, and layers. Far more than he will ever be able to use. Some of them don't even fit him anymore because of how much he's bulked up over the years.
• A yellow flower pressed and preserved in an old book. It's the very first flower he had seen as a young boy being sent out on a mission.
• An old, green baby blanket he's had since was young. Though Hojo would never admit it, he suspects it could have been given to him by his mother. It's certainly colorful enough, different from the sterile white ones he would've expected. He often wonders if she too held it like he holds it every night before he falls asleep.
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bettsfic · 6 months
hi betts!
do you have any advice/thoughts on writing about hoarding? especially, about being the child of hoarders?
with thanks,
from a writer researching the topic for their fic :))
as i am a child of hoarders, i feel uniquely qualified to answer this.
if you were to describe a minimalist's apartment, you would have no choice but to mention what items are in it. those are objects that define the character who lives in that apartment. what things do they choose to keep? a house plant, maybe. a zero gravity chair. a couple candles. a macbook charging on a desk. maybe in your mind's eye you see big windows and pale beiges and ikea furniture.
people in hoarder houses still live in those houses, which means there have to be spaces for that living to happen. one stove burner is cleared off. maybe one kitchen table chair and a small placemat. there's a clear line from a recliner to the television. a path from the recliner to the bedroom, and maybe it's a narrow, difficult path, but a body can fit through it. maybe the bathroom is totally clean but if you open the back door, the garage is completely full. you can't even reach your hand in to feel on the wall for a light switch. and if you could, you couldn't see the light.
so in a minimalist's living space, you describe what's there. in a hoarder's living space, you describe what's not.
a minimalist holds an object and thinks, "i don't need this. i can get rid of it." a hoarder holds an object and thinks, "i don't need this. but i might." hoarding often comes from deep set financial insecurity, the fear that if you get rid of something, you will never be able to obtain it again. those little plastic things that keep the pizza box from crushing the pizza? they make good doll chairs. maybe one day you'll know a little kid who will need a doll chair, and when that happens, you'll be ready.
the child of a hoarder may not grow up with the same financial insecurity, but they do grow up with spatial insecurity, which often lends itself later in life to control issues. it's not as simple as hoarder children growing up to be minimalists (although they might), but hoarder children growing up to be hypervigilant toward objects, their worth, and the space they take up. they may also be hypervigilant of themselves and other peoples' perception of them, and develop an unhealthily high self-monitor. they may become compulsive buyers. they may develop obsessions with a certain type of item of extremely high quality. for example, a child of a hoarder may have a collection of louboutins.
no matter what direction they've taken though, they will have an unhealthy relationship with the ownership and placement of things. at least, they will until they reckon with it.
what follows is a personal anecdote so i'm putting it under a cut.
here's an example from my life:
when i was born, my parents lived in a pretty big house in a terrible part of town. that house was full but not overwhelming. when my sister was about to start school, they decided that they wanted to move to a nicer neighborhood, but all they could afford was a small apartment. and so they brought a house worth of stuff and shoved it in an apartment. my father was a compulsive buyer; my mother is a hoarder. so my dad would buy stuff and my mom wouldn't be able to get rid of it, and neither of them knew how to organize an entire house of stuff in a small apartment.
ten years later, we rented a house out in the country that could fit all our stuff (and oh boy is that a story). but from ages 3 to 13, i lived in a cramped, uncomfortable space.
fast forward twenty years. my sister and i are in our 30s. my sister wears designer clothes, takes spin classes, has a huge apartment and a nice boyfriend and two cats. she works a very high paying job and is also a local celebrity. her apartment is clean. but once when i was catsitting for her, i was looking for something and opened a closet and its contents nearly toppled out onto me. i opened another closet and the same thing happened.
i am the opposite in nearly every way. to list it all out would be very depressing, but let's just say if you were to ask me what my greatest indulgence is, like the fanciest thing i let myself buy, i would tell you orange juice. not even fancy orange juice. just regular generic brand OJ.
my living space is a mess, but it's organized. people are used to organized meaning clean. yes, my things are out and scattered around, but it's only because i haven't put them away. you could point to any object in my room and i could tell you where it belongs. i know where everything is and where everything goes, and cleaning is the process of putting things in the spaces i've already carved for them. my closet is meticulous.
my sister has grown up to become clean and bougie; i've grown up to become messy and frugal. my sister has no problem getting rid of things, but she likes to buy them; i struggle to get rid of things, but i rarely buy them. and i don't think either of us would have come to these extremes if we'd had a tidier living space growing up.
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smoreboi · 2 years
Reminder to my future self to always overstock potatoes and vegetable oil because you will get sudden compulsions to fry things.
Reminder to my future self to always overstock your egg sandwich ingredients, as it is the only breakfast you will willingly make in the morning, and given time and freedom, you will always eat more than one a morning.
Reminder to my future self that even though it is more fun to do dishes in bulk, it is more sanitary to do dishes as you go. Don’t leave dirty dishes in the sink for later, at least thoroughly rinse them first.
Reminder to my future self that cabinets/drawers are unnecessary, and how things get lost. When you need to furnish a kitchen, get rid of them and make unenclosed shelves instead. And make sure to have lots of counter space for utensil holders.
Reminder to my future self to only make dishes in one serving, or only enough servings for the amount of people you’re cooking for. You never remember to eat leftovers and then you waste a lot of food.
Reminder to my future self to always have sticky notes on hand, and to use them all the time for any kind of reminders, and to stick them in the most obtrusive places to draw more attention to them.
Reminder to my future self that you don’t like sorting dirty laundry by color. So don’t. You don’t give a fuck and nobody else can tell you what to do. If it messes up the color of the clothes, well, now you have cloths in a cool new color.
Reminder to my future self to always have a metric ton of cloths hangers. And all the rack space for hanged cloths that money can buy. You will forget you own clothes if they’re in drawers or if they’re smushed together on hangers. So don’t let them get like that.
Reminder to my future self that you will have to pay your own water bill. So have a timer for showers. Because you know as soon as you get into a warm shower, you will forget time exists and then it’ll be two hours later. And hand wash your dishes. You use less water than the machine does when you do it yourself.
Reminder to my future self to have spaces in your home that you are willing to share. You get angry when people are in your spaces, so leave a few rooms unmarked for guests. Because you enjoy having company.
Reminder to my future self to open curtains before turning on lights. Alternatively, have two layers of curtains, one thin one thick, so that room lighting during the day can be adjusted as necessary.
Reminder to my future self that you’re terrible at keeping most plants, but you can keep mint alive like the best of them, and you enjoy mint tea. So buy some mint. And cacti. You’re good at keeping cacti and the plants make you happy.
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mjdirect · 1 year
7 Potential Health Benefits of Cannabis
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Cannabis is a historical multidimensional, albeit controversial plant that is often controversial. The versatility and utility of cannabis has helped to propel cannabis into a variety of industries and products, particularly in the medical field.
Looking for buying online cannabis MJDirect is the cannabis marketplace for California, discover weed, CBD concentrates, Edibles, flowers, Vape pens, Topicals & More.
What do you need to be aware of about cannabis
There's plenty of research to understand cannabis, but we'll attempt to simplify the matter cannabis. It is composed of over 120 constituents that are referred to as cannabinoids. Cannabisbidiol (CBD) as well as tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) are two of the most researched and well-known cannabinoids. THC is the one responsible of that "high" that many people are accustomed to when they smoke cannabis. CBD is an intoxicant-free, non-euphoric ingredient which you've been able to find in oils or gummies, as well as drinks and other items intended for use in medicine.
What do I CBD be used to enhance your health?
It's not a secret that CBD has gained a lot of attention and has even created a new business and you could obtain an education within Cannabis Entrepreneurship* at JWU. Researchers are still trying to determine how effective CBD can be utilized to treat medical conditions however, there are already some promising outcomes. Below are 7 ways CBD has been proven to be beneficial for health.
1. Lowering blood pressure
A study carried out at JCI Insight in 2017 found that CBD decreased blood pressure of humans. It decreased their blood pressure at rest as well as blood pressure following test of mental arithmetic, exercise with isometrics as well as the Cold Pressor Test.
2. Reducing inflammation
CBD has been found to reduce inflammation and neuropathy it causes according to a research conducted by The Rockefeller Institute of Medical Research.
3. Reducing the risk of relapse in drug or alcohol dependence
A study from 2018 revealed that CBD could be beneficial for those suffering from addiction to alcohol or drugs. A preclinical study using lab rats found that CBD helped to reduce the stress-induced cravings as well as anxiety and a the lack of control over impulses which can lead to get back into addiction.
4. Treatment of anxiety disorders
Anxiety is probably the most frequent affliction patients have utilized CBD for. A preclinical study showed that CBD can be beneficial for treating panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder Social anxiety disorders, obsessive compulsive disorder, as well as post-traumatic stress disorder.
5. The treatment of disorders of the gastrointestinal (GI) problems
A study conducted recently found that CBD as well as other non-psychoactive cannabinoids are effective in helping help treat and prevent GI ailments like IBS, irritable digestive syndrome (IBS) as well as IBD, inflammatory digestive disease (IBD) Crohn's ulcerative colitis, and many more. CBD's anti-inflammatory qualities are crucial in reducing symptoms and stopping them from occurring.
6. Preventing seizures
Research over the last decade has been conducted into the use of CBD to treat seizures and epilepsy A recent study has shown that it has positive effects in decreasing seizures and symptoms.
7. Fighting cancer
Not just has CBD been found to be effective in helping combat the negative effects caused by chemotherapy; but research have also revealed that it may slow the growth of cells and cause the death of cervical cancer cell lines. Additionally, it has many anti-cancer benefits that could help to prevent a number kinds of cancers and treat tumours and improve your immune system.
Beyond these benefits, there are others that are being studied and test. We're hoping that students enrolled in our Cannabis Entrepreneurship program will play a the leading role in shaping an exciting future for this business.
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silver-moon1 · 1 year
Food and Beverage Industry
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I think the changes taking place in the Food and Beverage industry are necessary improvements for those who truly care about their health and the food that goes into their body. I can not believe how much processed foods can affect our bodies and minds. "Buying processed foods can lead to people eating more than the recommended amounts of sugar, salt and fat as they may not be aware of how much has been added to the food they are buying and eating. These foods can also be higher in calories due to the high amounts of added sugar or fat in them."
People like to think that the reason for obesity in America has no definite answer as to why it is occurring. America's chronic weight problem and health related illnesses are often blamed on the consumption of too much food and not enough exercise. But why is it that no one questions what is in the food we are eating? Isn't that the underlying cause of it all? Foods such as sugary soft drinks, baked goods, chips, burgers, and fries trigger a compulsive consumption, can have mood-altering effects, and create addictive urges to continue to buy the products/continue eating (binging). We need to investigate the food industry and why these addictive properties are in our food. We need to care less about profits and more about our wellbeing and health in America.
I tend to go for restaurants that have a wide variety of options. Whether that be healthy or not. The most important factor to me would be the transparency aspect of ingredients and freshness of the food being presented to me. I also love a good photo opp so if the environment is cool that is a bonus.
I have tried a Farm to Fork restaurant and found that even when I had a greasy fried chicken sandwich it didn't leave me feeling heavy and gross like some other restaurants do. It is all due to the ingredients and process in which it is made. I appreciate that more restaurants are focusing their efforts on delivering products like these.
Since the pandemic occurred I emphasized the importance of cooking homemade meals in my life. There are many benefits of cooking at home. Such as being able to know exactly what is going in your food and it can act as an outlet to stress relief as well. I try to make something that I haven't before or make changes to a recipe I use weekly. I like to switch it up and keep improving on my skills. That being said, I don't prefer to subscribe to the food box companies. While it is convenient and cost effective, I like to plan, prep, and shop for my own groceries and dinners.
Some things I could see changing in the F&B industry include:
An increase of health conscious consumers/businesses
Decrease of unhealthy fast food service
More people buying organic food products
More people buying plant based food products
More people reading the labels on food products BEFORE making a purchase
Buying foods that are locally grown, produced, and sourced
Buying foods at farmers markets
More people planting gardens
Cooking homemade meals/learning how to cook at home
Lastly, school boards creating meal plans that provide healthy lunches for kids
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qualityherb · 1 year
What Helps People to Trust Hericium Erinaceus Extract?
What Helps People to Trust Hericium Erinaceus Extract?
Medications and talk therapy are some of the most widely used treatments for such issues as obsessive-compulsive disorder. However, these may not always be the answer. Along with other alternative therapies like acupuncture, some people find herbal remedies like Hericium Erinaceus Extract helpful. These natural herbs can provide several benefits without any side effects since they come from plants and are not manufactured drugs.
Hericium Erinaceus Extract can be used as a supplement to support the immune system and help to increase the body’s resistance and flexibility. In addition, Hericium Erinaceus Extract reduces the need for medication when used in this way. But one of its unique abilities is the ability to increase circulation; this extract has been found to improve both blood supply and oxygen flow throughout the body by increasing blood flow to different areas of the skin and organs. Here are some significant factors that help people build trust in this extract.
Produced from Natural Ingredients
This extract is made from natural ingredients which are safe to consume. Thus, people feel free to use this herb whenever they want. Hericium Erinaceus contains four primary elements, including polysaccharides, sterols, and fatty acids, which come from the mycelia of the mushrooms. Mycelia are known for activating immune cells, improving their function, and increasing the body’s resistance to diseases.
Nontoxic and Non-Addictive
People feel safer knowing that the Hericium Erinaceus is non-toxic and non-addictive. In other words, this extract does not affect their central nervous system, blood pressure, or heart rate. Therefore, those aware of this extract’s presence can take this supplement as part of their daily routine without any harmful effects.
Hericium Erinaceus Extract is being Produced in GMP Certified Laboratories
The extract is produced under the strictest quality control, and only materials approved as safe for human consumption are used for its production. Furthermore, the product has been made in GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice)-certified laboratories, and reviews of their products are available on the official website of this company. Therefore, it helps those who want to buy Hericium Erinaceus to build trust towards this product from the first use.
Hericium Erinaceus Extract can Stimulate the Activity of the Immune System.
This herb has been found to increase certain immune system functions in the body, including natural killer cell function. The ability of this extract to stimulate the activity of the immune system will help it to build the trust of people who want to use it. As a result, Hericium Erinaceus Extract helps to strengthen the immune system and make it work more efficiently.
Many people are using Hericium Erinaceus Extract for Their Different Health Benefits.
Hericium Erinaceus Extract has been used for various health benefits. For instance, some people have used this extract to relieve the symptoms of arthritis, psoriasis, asthma, and even cancer. While others have used this extract to help them improve their libido, increase their endurance and improve their memory. People can use Hericium Erinaceus to assist them in improving the function of the immune system, treating various health problems, and even helping them to relax.
Being Sold at an Affordable Price
Hericium Erinaceus Extract is being sold at affordable prices. It has been found that this extract can help people to save money by reducing the cost of pharmaceuticals. Thus, people can use Hericium Erinaceus as a health supplement without worrying about the cost of their treatment. Those not sure about the right amount of this product take one capsule 30 minutes before their breakfast or dinner.
Available in Various Forms
This extract has been sold in the form of capsules for a long time. However, this company has decided to change the way people buy it. The quotes are available in various forms, like tablets, capsules, and soft gels. The tablets or tablets containing both Hericium Erinaceus Extract and Vitamin C are also known as supplements that provide people with multiple health benefits at once.
Hericium Erinaceus Extract is a supplement that provides people with various health benefits. Those looking for a natural and safe alternative to expensive medications may want to try this product. As a result, those who want to buy this extract can build trust towards this product by considering the abovementioned factors.
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GMP, health benefit, Hericium Erinaceus Extract, natural herb, Polysaccharides
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iloveabunchofgames · 1 year
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A Short Hike
by adamgryu
Genre: Adventure, Platformer
Pitch: The real hike up the mountain is the friends you made along the way. A cozy, relaxed adventure of traversal challenges and running errands.
My expectations: I played this game almost three years ago. I finished it, I liked it, I never understood the passionate adoration for it.
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A Short Walk defaults (left) to "chunky pixels," with options for higher resolutions (right).
You know what games people like? Animal Crossing and Zelda’s Wild Breath.
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A Short Hike takes place on a cute, little island populated by cute, little animals with cute, little errands they can’t be bothered to do themselves. Fishing, digging up clearly marked spots, watering plants, buying hats, knocking money out of rocks with a shovel… Animal Crossing was more than an influence or inspiration. The look is copied. The music is copied. The only things that aren’t stolen from Animal Crossing come from Zelda.
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All the aforementioned activities lead, after a fashion, to collecting gold feathers, which function as stamina. Increased stamina is vital for climbing taller cliffs. The primary goal is to reach a mountain peak, which means a whole lotta climbing and gliding and falling. And in case you’re thinking, “Lots of games have climbing and stamina,” there are a few unmarked digging spots with a striking resemblance to Korok seed puzzles.
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It’s a fusion that works, though. This is a breezy, harmless romp (an hour to reach credits; several more for 100% completion) that’s packed with charm. Charm copied from other, better games, but as fan art goes, A Short Hike reaches impressive heights.
+ Animal Crossing and Wild Breath, innit? Two great tastes that taste great together. + Loads of side quests and hidden treasures for those who care; the freedom to ignore most of that for those who don't. + Nails just about everything it set out to do. Indie games often reach beyond their means, and that's not the case here. Nothing's sloppy or unfinished. + As someone who plays PC games with a third-party Switch controller that games natively mistake for an Xbox controller, I can't tell you how nice it is when a game lets me redefine a button and chose how that's button prompts will look in game. No need for Steam Big Picture workarounds! It says "A" and I press the A Button!
– The whole time I was playing, I was thinking about how much more fun I would have with the real Zelda and Animal Crossing. Of course, those games are a significantly bigger time investment, and they carry hefty price tags, so maybe A Short Walk is a better choice for you. – I love simple controls! We don't need all those buttons! But maybe a game where the primary actions are talking, jumping, and climbing shouldn't use the same button for all three. – One active item at a time, with no shortcuts. The item menu places every item in a straight line, not a circle or a grid, adding needless steps when switching items. Picking up a new item automatically makes it active. Minor but irritating. – SPOILER/CONTENT WARNING: There's some sick mom stuff that comes out of nowhere. I'm going to assume the writer is injecting something real and personal with this story beat. That emotional challenge could be the reason he made this game. Whatever the case, it is tonally disorienting. There are hints of darkness here and there—grumbling about college debt, bones popping out of the graves for us sickos who can't resist using a shovel everywhere—but this is the only moment that I thought truly broke the cheery, escapist tone. Maybe that contrast is supposed to make it hit harder, but it didn't work for me at all, and it seems like a potentially nasty surprise for those who really need a few hours of cheery escapism.
Bottom Line: Couldn't be more derivative, but that won't stop the dopamine from flowing as you scale rocks and compulsively gather shells. Not a full meal, but a very tasty snack. Just watch out for that story twist if you have any sensitivities.
#JakeReviewsTwitch is a series of daily game reviews. You can learn more here. You can also browse past reviews...
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Global Flue Gas Desulfurization Systems Market Supply-Demand Scenario, Potential Challenges, Driving Factor Segment, SWOT Analysis 2027
Global Flue Gas Desulfurization Systems Market: size is expected to reach nearly US$ 126.34 Bn by 2027 with the CAGR of 12.5% during the forecast period.
Global Flue Gas Desulfurization Systems Market Overview:
This Global Flue Gas Desulfurization Systems Market study's purpose is to give an overview of the Global Flue Gas Desulfurization Systems market as well as extensive market segmentation based on connection type, end-use, and geography. The report includes vital information on the market positions of the major Global Flue Gas Desulfurization Systems companies, as well as notable industry trends and prospects.
Market Scope:
The research also focuses on the top industry players in the Global Flue Gas Desulfurization Systems market, including details such as company biographies, product pictures and specifications, capacity, production, price, cost, revenue, and contact information.
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Global Flue Gas Desulfurization Systems Market Dynamic:
The Global Flue Gas Desulfurization Systems Market dynamics are thoroughly studied and explained in the report, which helps reader to understand emerging market trends, drivers, restraints, opportunities, and challenges at global and regional level for the Global Flue Gas Desulfurization Systems Market. Abstract discussion about market dynamics is given below:
The report study has analyzed revenue impact of covid-19 pandemic on the sales revenue of market leaders, market followers and disrupters in the report and same is reflected in our analysis.
Global Flue Gas Desulfurization Systems Market Segmentation:
Increasing consumption of energy in manufacturing plants is the major reason for harmful industrial emissions, which cannot be avoided at large. These emissions may include nitrogen oxide (NOx), sulfur oxide (SO2), sulfuric acid mist, mercury and particulate, which may cause an adverse effect to environment, living species and non-living infrastructure as well. As a consequence, it is becoming vital to introduce highly efficient technologies to remove these harmful gases.
In addition, increasing public pressure on regulators to mandate consideration of alternatives to coal-fired thermal generation is on the escalation. Moreover, stringent emission standards have enforced by various governments to limit air pollution formed by industries. These rigid regulations have made compulsion on the industry players to install or upgrade their existing Flue Gas Desulfurization Systems in their manufacturing plants, thereby supplementing the growth of the flue gas desulphurization market.
Global Flue Gas Desulfurization Systems Market Key Players:
• Mitsubishi Heavy Industries • General Electric • Doosan Lentjes • Babcock & Wilcox Enterprises • Rafako • Siemens • Flsmidth • Hamon Corporation • Clyde Bergemann Power Group • Marsulex Environmental Technologies • Thermax • Andritz • Ducon Technologies • Chiyoda Corporation • China Boqi Environmental (Holding) • Burns & Mcdonnell • Lonjing Environment Technology • Lab • Valmet • Kawasaki Heavy Industries • Macrotek • Aecom • Ppel- Power Plant Engineers • Beijing Guodian Longyuan Environmental Engineering • China Everbright International
Regional Analysis:
The study also offers a complete PESTLE analysis for each of the five regions, namely North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, the Middle East and Africa, and South America, after considering the political, economic, social, and technical elements impacting the Global Flue Gas Desulfurization Systems market in these regions.
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COVID-19 Impact Analysis on Global Flue Gas Desulfurization Systems Market:
Customer behaviour has changed as a result of the COVID-19 epidemic in all areas of society. Industries, on the other hand, will need to revise their strategy to account for changing market supply. This report provides an overview of the COVID-19's influence on the Global Flue Gas Desulfurization Systems market and will assist you in developing your business in accordance with the new industry standards.
Key Questions answered in the Global Flue Gas Desulfurization Systems Market Report are:
Which product segment had the largest share in the Global Flue Gas Desulfurization Systems market in 2020?
How is the competitive landscape of the Global Flue Gas Desulfurization Systems market?
Which are the key factors aiding the Global Flue Gas Desulfurization Systems market growth?
Which region holds the maximum share in the Global Flue Gas Desulfurization Systems market?
What will be the CAGR of the Global Flue Gas Desulfurization Systems market during the forecast period (2021-2027)?
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About Maximize Market Research:
A versatile market research and consulting firm, Maximize Market Research employs experts from several sectors. Medical device manufacturers, pharmaceutical companies, science and engineering, electronic components, industrial equipment, technology and communication, automobiles, chemical goods and substances, general merchandise, alcoholic beverages, personal care products, and automated systems are a few of the industries we cover. To name a few, we offer client impact studies, technical trend analysis, critical market research, competitive analysis, production and demand analysis, and market-verified industry estimations.
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cbdoilukbuy · 2 years
Buy CBD Oil - What You Must Know
Medical marijuana plant extracts are making waves in the medical sector. The curiosity surrounding CBD products is increasing every day as more people try it and share their positive experiences. CBD oil and CBD gummies are becoming increasingly popular among people who are just starting to understand the topic. A CBD website can help you find the right CBD product for you if you're looking to improve your health. There are many options for CBD online. You can order products and have them shipped to you. The best thing about cannabis plant extract is that it can relieve chronic pain. This creates a balance between people's moods. CBD gummies, oil, and other natural pain relievers provide instant relief. They are able to continue living their normal lives, without worrying about their pain. CBD oils are beneficial for arthritis sufferers. Are you searching about cbd oil uk buy? Go to the earlier discussed website.
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The oil can be applied to the affected areas and the pain will disappear within minutes. CBD is the best choice if you want to find a natural painkiller without breaking the bank. The websites of online CBD sellers offer information that can help customers buy CBD products to their loved ones. CBD can also support heart health and improve cardiovascular health. A healthy heart equals a healthy person. CBD can help people live a healthier lifestyle and improve their heart health. It strengthens the heart muscles and reduces strain. Many sellers offer high quality products at affordable prices and display their certificates and licenses online. After viewing the license of the CBD provider, individuals can buy CBD online. CBD is recommended by many medical centers and doctors as a way to improve mental and physical health. You don't need to be concerned about side effects. However, they must take it in small quantities. Experts agree that CBD oil helps reduce anxiety, depression, panic disorder, and stress.
Poor mental health is a major problem. This is a common issue among students, athletes, and professionals. Some individuals are uncomfortable with CBD's aftertaste and opt for CBD gummies or capsules to enhance its effects. CBD gummies can be chewed by students to improve concentration and study skills. This helps students learn for longer hours and produces the desired results. CBD gummies can be used if you have clinical depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, or trouble controlling your thoughts. They come in a variety of flavors and are extremely affordable. Nowadays, people do not have to worry about going from one medical store to another in search of quality CBD products as they are easily available online. Online CBD-selling stores respond quickly and help people with their purchases. They offer suggestions and can help customers save money by offering CBD bundles. It is easy to choose a CBD seller, and you will get top-quality recommendations in no time.
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Benefits of Full Spectrum CBD
Full spectrum CBD is a type of cannabis oil that has been found to have positive effects on the body. Its effects have been seen in a variety of medical conditions. It is also beneficial for people suffering from epilepsy, a disorder that causes seizures. Although it is not yet approved for use on other illnesses, full spectrum CBD has shown promising signs for treating anxiety, depression, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Full spectrum CBD contains all of the cannabinoids found in the hemp plant. It also contains terpenes, flavonoids, essential fatty acids, and more. The combination of these substances creates an entourage effect that enables the body to process CBD more effectively. The product is a dark, viscous liquid that is suspended in a food-grade carrier oil for faster absorption. It can be consumed by people sensitive to THC and those who want a more natural way to get CBD into their system. CBDistillery offers tinctures and other products that are made from premium hemp that is certified by the U.S. Hemp Authority. The tincture can be taken orally or added to food and drinks. Depending on your needs, you can also opt for a CBD balm, which contains full spectrum CBD and menthol. Full spectrum CBD does not require a prescription, but it's best to check with your healthcare provider. In some states, full spectrum CBD is still illegal. Before buying any product, read the label and the manufacturer's website to ensure the product you're purchasing contains only the right amount of CBD and THC. Full spectrum CBD is the most effective form of CBD on the market today. It reflects the entire profile of the hemp plant and evokes the entourage effect. It is more powerful than isolated CBD and is better for treating a variety of ailments. It also supports the proper functioning of the endocannabinoid system. When taking full spectrum CBD, it's important to understand that the full spectrum form of the cannabis plant will be in your system for up to two to five days. After that, your urine will not contain any detectable amounts of CBD. Using CBD regularly is recommended to see the full effects of CBD since it builds up in your system over time. Full spectrum CBD is often more effective than CBD isolate, despite the fact that CBD isolate contains trace amounts of THC. However, this doesn't necessarily mean that full spectrum CBD is better for you. Each person's physiology and lifestyle are different, and the right dose depends on what you want from your CBD. For example, full spectrum CBD products can be more effective for treating inflammation because they contain other beneficial plant compounds. Broad spectrum CBD is similar to full spectrum CBD, but it doesn't contain as much THC. It contains trace amounts of other phytocannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids. It's easy to take and can be mixed with food or drink. Full spectrum CBD is also known as whole plant extract, which means that it's composed of all the benefits of the cannabis plant.
About us 
Full-spectrum CBD oil is a natural supplement that can treat a variety of health conditions. It can help reduce anxiety and promote a strong immune system. It is also effective in fighting inflammation. There are several studies that show how CBD may reduce pain. Some consumers have even reported success in treating arthritis and muscle tension. Full-spectrum CBD products contain trace amounts of THC, but they should not cause a high. These products usually have less than 0.3% THC. The amount is considered insignificant and would not register on a drug test. Full-spectrum CBD products have many benefits and are easy to find in pills, topicals, and oils. However, they do have some drawbacks. Full-spectrum CBD products contain a minimum of 0.3 percent THC. These products do not have to have a prescription, but it is still wise to check with a healthcare professional before using them. Some states do not allow full-spectrum CBD, so check with your state's laws to find out if it is legal. Full-spectrum CBD is a natural supplement that contains the whole plant's natural components. In addition to CBD, it contains flavonoids, terpenes, and other compounds naturally found in the cannabis plant. This is not the same as CBD isolate, which goes through a process of further refining to remove the THC.
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dheeraj-official · 2 years
What is the Credit Card? | Who Actually Pays for Credit Card Benefits? | Should you Own it? | The Complete Guide about Credit Card
In this post I’m gonna share you the whole information about credit card like What is credit card actually? Who Actually Pays for your Credit Card Benefits? Should you Own a Credit Card?, and more.
We use the bank to withdraw or deposit money or to take a loan. In order withdraw and deposit money, the bank provide us a debit card so that we don’t have to come to the bank.
Similarly, If we want to buy something, or to take short term loan, we have provided credit cards.
It is not given to all, it has been given to those on whom the bank trusts, means the people who earn by working every month.
The bank does not earn from the manufacturing plant. The people deposit their money in the bank and the bank gives that money on loan and earn interest.
The Interest is a major way to earn money of banks. Therefore the more people take loans, the more it will be beneficial for the bank.
Taking a loan from a bank is a very complicated process. We have to go to the bank frequently, verification is done, we have to give cancel cheque and many more.
That’s why a person takes a loan only when their is a great compulsion.
To make it simple, the bank start giving credit cards, which is the shorter version of the loan and its access is very simple.
The bank has given an easy digital card to its trusted customers, so the people’s habits get spoiled.
Because when someone take a credit card so he doesn’t feel like he’s taking a loan, even they feel like when they will need money it should be with them, so they keep this.
As soon as customer takes the credit card the bank introduced the offers.
The offers are also very interesting like loan for 50 days without any interest and keep paying EMI throughout the year, cashback, reward points, free movie tickets, no cost EMI, and many more.
But have you think ever that why the bank giving everything for free.
See, bank gives 1 lakh of iPhone for a year with no cost EMI without any interest, so what is their advantage in this process, even they are giving it to an unknown man.
On today’s date, when people sell air tied in balloons, so why is the bank giving everything for free.
The bank is not doing charity, by spending the large amount of capital on staff and marketing.
Unless the bank earns, it will not give you anything for free.
The money for all these is taken form your pockets and How?, now you will understand in this post.
We will understand each of concept of banking system and their credit cards in detail.
What is the credit card actually?
The Credit is a type of digital card provide by banks in order to take short term loans for buying something online.
Bank gives credit card to only trusted customers, I mean who are able to earn money on monthly basis.
If you want credit can, then you can also apply for this.
The process of applying for credit card is similar to the debit card.
The credit card works in such a way that if your account has no money, and you wanna purchase something online, then the bank will pay for that.
But you will have to return that money at the end of the month with the interest they have charged.
How to use Credit Card? Rules of using credit card
When you use a credit card there are certain rules for this, which the bank has named the credit card cycle.
Let’s understand the credit card cycle with an example.
Read more…
Original Credit: www.dheerajpatidar.com
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cloud-9ine · 2 years
hey:D may a request a Camilo with a short fem reader I like how they were cuddled together :D
⤷ pairing - camilo madrigal x (fem) reader
⤷ fandom - encanto
⤷ warnings - none
⤷ summary - camilo with a short girlfriend
⤷ notes - as a short person myself, this was fun for me
⤷ word count - 973
⤷ consider buying me a coffee!
⤷ join our discord server
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“I swear to god, just give it back.” Sometimes you regretted deciding on such a goofy boyfriend. Sure, Camilo may be a charming, funny, pretty boy, but there were some moments when you debated if that was worth all the suffering you resigned yourself to. Such as now, as Camilo was currently taking great pleasure in holding your book high above your head. 
You were on your tiptoes, one hand curled into the fabric of his ruana and the other reaching up for his arm. You weren’t going to humiliate yourself by jumping for the object (you would never give him the satisfaction), but you were prepared to drag his arm down by force if you needed to. 
“Calm it down, shortstack. I’ll give it back for a kiss?” He snickered, flashing you his dumb little smirk that you hated to admit made your heart flutter. You sighed, rocking back onto your heels. You ran one hand up his arm to grab his chin, the other resting idly on his shoulder. He tensed, eyes growing wide as you angled his face down, planting a chaste kiss on the corner of his lips before pulling away just as fast, catching the book as his grip faltered and dropped it from his hand.
“Gracias.” If that was the only way you could get back at him, then you weren’t going to complain. It was endearing, after all, to see the way his ears grew red and how his eyes darted away. For such a flirt, he really didn’t know how to handle his fluster.
“Ay, mi vida, you have to stop embarrassing me like that, you know,” Camilo whined as you merely shook your head, opening your book up to figure out what page you had been on. 
“I only did what you asked.” You said earnestly. There was a sudden pressure around your stomach as Camilo wrapped his arms around your waist, placing his chin on the top of your head to spy at what you were doing. Your back was pressed right against his chest, close enough that you could feel every one of his breaths. 
“Whatchu reading?” He asked, his chest rumbling with each word. 
“Corazón tan blanco,” you murmured, showing him the front cover of the novel. His chin dug into your head as he looked down to get a good view, and you whined, wriggling out of his grip and sitting down in your bed.
“A romance?” Camilo questioned, wiggling his eyebrows as he fell down on the bed next to you. You scoffed, shaking your head at his teasing expression.
“You have clearly never read Corazón tan blanco if you think it’s a romance.” He shrugged his shoulders, propping his top half up with his elbows. There was something in his expression that was so delightfully addictive, a lingering adoration that pervaded each and every time he looked at you. There was a certain warmth that he met you with, one that kept you coming back like a compulsion. 
Even if he was a bit of an idiot.
“Who cares, chiquito, come relax with me.” His fingers hooked to the back of your dress, and he pulled you down with a sharp tug. You landed on the mattress with a small huff; Camilo’s face practically glowing when you turned to face him, book discarded somewhere behind you.
“Hey.” He grinned, staring right into your eyes.
“Hey.” You responded, voice low. With a chuckle, he shuffled close, arm wrapped around your waist. You fit comfortably underneath his chin, tucked away to his chest. He shuffled a little, brown curls tickling your nose.
“You’re so short.” He mumbled, squeezing you slightly. You rolled your eyes.
“I know.”
“You know, I loose you in crowds sometimes.”
“Yep, I know.”
“You’re shorter than Antonio.” With a groan, you reached up and flicked his forehead, snickering at his little yelp. He fell silent, merely relishing in your presence. The soft rise and fall of your chest, the little stuttering breaths that he couldn’t help but count every minute, the way you shifted to get comfortable, the duvet sinking around you. 
It was warm in your room, a little too hot, even with the window wide open. Every minute or so, the sheets ruffled with the pleasant evening breeze. Each time, you would nudge your head against his shoulder, causing a smile to curl his lips. He couldn’t help it: you were divine, as fresh as a flower in bloom and as great as the environment that cultivated it. 
Even now, with your body hunched and almost asleep you were something of a spectacle- a beautiful enigma he could only dream to comprehend. And of everyone in the world you decided to grace with your presence, you chose him, something he would be grateful for until the day he died.
“Lemme go, I want to get my book.” He groaned, loosening his grip so that you could turn your body, reaching for your book on the nightstand. You sat up, propping a pillow behind you. Camilo latched onto your side, planting his face in the crook of your neck. You threaded your fingers through his hair, periodically pushing away the strands that fell in front of his eyes as you read your book and he was able to relax once again.
As the minutes ticked by, he found himself more and more at ease. He would read the book over your shoulder, eyes flickering to you every time your expression changed even in the slightest, and with only one thought in his mind.
Thank you. 
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gatheringbones · 3 years
["At the end of August in 1981, I found myself in a small town in Arkansas, where I knew no Lesbians other than my new lover, Lynn. I wanted it that way. We were living in hiding from my armed and vengeful ex-lover who had abused me for four years and had threatened both of us with deadly harm. This was five years before the publication of Kerry Lobel's ground-breaking book, Naming the Violence: Speaking Out About Lesbian Battering. I knew I had been battered, but I did not understand how deeply I had been injured.
I only knew that I seemed to have saved my life at the cost of my sanity. I jumped at loud and not-so-loud noises. A frown from a stranger could reduce me to tears. I was afraid to bathe if I was alone in the apartment. I relived every word of every fight in relentless flashbacks. I had blocked much of the unbearable pain of the previous four years out of my consciousness at the time, in order to cope with immediate danger. Now that I was "safe" it all came flooding back. To escape, I watched TV compulsively, avoiding anything violent—nature shows were my favorites—and I read science fiction. Having lost faith in women as well as men, I was a serious candidate for a species-change operation.
Luckily, at some point in that bleak winter, I read a magazine article on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in Vietnam Vets, and I recognized all my symptoms. I had a name for my suffering, and 1 knew I was not "crazy." I'd felt so much guilt and anger towards myself for not being okay, that is, my old self, since I was "free." Now I knew healing would take time and effort, and I gave myself permission to not be normal right away. Also, seeing how much my condition resembled that of war survivors helped break down some of my denial about the hell I'd been through.
Still, I had no guidance on how to recover from PTSD. I followed only the dimmest instincts. First, I began to read accounts by survivors of any serious trauma. These people became my invisible support group. I found myself drawn especially to stories of political prisoners and concentration camp survivors. Although my experience was not like theirs, these were the people I felt would understand how my will had been sapped and my strengths twisted, how the smallest acts of resistance and mere endurance had needed all my wits and courage. Bruno Bettleheim in his chapters called "Behavior in Extreme Situations" (The Informed Heart) finally answered the question I'd put to myself every 44 hour since my escape: "How could I have been so stupid?" He made me realize that under abuse, especially the combination of intermittent threats, unpredictable violence and constant psychological torture, everyone responds differently, but everyone changes fundamentally, and everyone has their breaking point.
One day as I sat reading at the kitchen table, I looked out the window at the small yard beside our duplex apartment, and I began to imagine growing a garden there in the spring. It seemed like a highly improbable idea: the area was very small, steep, bare of everything but gray shale and orange clay, and the house shaded it part of the day. But the notion of a garden took root strongly. For the first time in several years I had something pleasant to anticipate.
I wrangled my landlady's permission to put in a garden. Then I mailed off postcards for seed catalogs. I persuaded an acquaintance who owned a truck to bring me a load of cedar slabs discarded by a local sawmill, and I used these to construct two frames, about four feet by six feet, and two even smaller ones, just three feet by four feet. By this time Lynn and I had saved enough money to buy a very old VW bug, so we drove to a nearby creekbank and filled bushel baskets with rich bottom dirt, which we dumped into the frames to make raised beds about four inches deep.
To supplement the tiny growing space, Lynn scavenged large cans from the cafeteria of the hospital where she worked. I painted them a hopeful green, filled them with soil and placed them along the sidewalk below our porch. Old-timey "Corn-row Beans," originally bred to tolerate the shade of cornfields, grew up strings tied to the roof and bore prolifically.
I didn't have much money from my SSI income to spend on garden gadgets, so I made do. I wove a trellis for my peas from six-pack rings liberated from a liquor store trash bin. (I can testify that this plastic never biodegrades—the pea fence survives to this day.) I got some more bushel baskets from the local grocery, painted them with non-toxic preservative and lined them with garbage bags after snipping a few drainage holes in the bottom. Placed around a small stone patio above the garden, these became containers for large plants.
The garden rewarded me before the first mouthful of early spinach was harvested. It moved me out of the gloomy apartment and into the sunshine, watering can in hand. It motivated me to interact with people and to occasionally risk asking for help. I found out they would usually say yes. My attention was now focused on the future, not the bitter, unchangeable past. At night when the flashbacks threatened to roll, when I dreaded the dreams I might have, I put myself to sleep with 45 detailed plans of my next crop rotation. I found out I could learn a major new skill, a little at a time. I could do things right, even come up with ingenious solutions to seemingly impossible difficulties. And when I did things wrong, plants were most often forgiving. The plants themselves were a tremendous source of inspiration. Talk about survivors! They defied every book written about their needs, often thriving with too little sun, too little water, and too little soil. At the end of a year, I could easily stick my shovel in the dirt up to the hilt, where only four inches of top soil had previously existed; compost and the action of the roots had created friable loam out of shale and clay.
When I experienced failure with gardening, it was never the kind of disaster I'd grown to associate with mistakes. We didn't go hungry, because other crops outstripped our expectations. My lover didn't beat or berate me, but sympathized and helped. The garden was important to us economically, because we'd both lost almost everything we owned in our escape. Luckily, in southern Arkansas, it's possible to garden yearround. The garden gave me precious, desperately needed tastes of success. Disabled, unemployed, I still felt like an important contributor to the household. I even had food to give away sometimes, and that was a delicious feeling.
Gardening was not the only factor in my recovery, but it was an important one. I didn't grow up with abuse, but battering and similar traumas can expand minutes into hours, years into decades, until four years feel like most of a lifetime. At the end of a year and a half of gardening, I no longer felt as if I'd spent the majority of my life in a battering situation. Healing had acquired a new definition for me: I didn't insist on having the old me back; I'd mourned her long and well. I accepted the fact that some injuries are too severe to be made whole, that I might never be the same again. But I began to actually like and trust the me I am now, scars and all. As my garden taught me, I must make do with what I am. I have discovered that my flaws are not fatal and my successes are greater than I'd hoped for. So far I have not gone hungry, and I even have something to offer."]
Amy Edgington, Gaining Ground, from Garden Variety Dykes: Lesbian Traditions In Gardening, Herbooks, 1994
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tiredbiostudent · 3 years
i love seeing your posts it's very motivating. if you dont mind me asking, do you have any advice for studying (or tricks you use for urself) ((it's v vague sorry))!!!
hi, thank you! honestly I am absolutely awful at studying but I will try to provide some helpful tips:
1. watching university vloggers always makes me feel more motivated to do work! my favourites atm are nayna florence, moya mawhinney, paigeyy (her old cambridge vlogs bc I think she’s graduated now), linh truong, and may gao 2. I have a really hard time getting started so sometimes you just need to be like alright I can at LEAST open up this pdf or assignment. and I can at LEAST create a new word document and write out what I have to do. and occasionally this tricks your brain into actually starting ;) 3. when you plan a study schedule, give yourself at least one free day where you have nothing planned bc at least for me I will absolutely need it. don’t cram your days full of unrealistic things to do! 4. take advantage of your productive moods, but also don’t be too hard on yourself when you’re feeling super tired or burnt out or unproductive. you can also try and flip your productivity switch on (tho this is hit or miss) by doing less taxing stuff like going on a walk, making your bed, watering your plants- any task that makes you feel like you’re accomplishing something 5. have a hobby and life outside of school. easier said than done, but this will really help alleviate the stress and anxiety you feel when something goes wrong academically and that’s the only “important” thing you feel like you have in life. take time for yourself to learn new things, relax, spend time with friends, be in nature, exercise. all about balance baby! 6. study based on what your exam will test you on. if it’s short answer, study the material but also practice writing out example answers. if it’s matching labels to diagrams, practice that! go beyond just writing out your notes, try and fit your studying method to the format of your test. it helps s o much. 7. similarly, ALWAYS DO THE REVIEW QUESTIONS. if you have no time to do anything else, DO THESE!!! I’ve been burned so many times because I feel obligated to retype out all my notes (bc I have to have everything altogether) and run out of time to do the practice questions my prof gives, and those are always the most relevant to what you’ll be tested on. hell, do these before anything else. cannot stress this enough lol!!!! 8. don’t do the readings unless you NEED to or it helps you learn. otherwise it’s a waste of time (and money for a textbook!) imo 9. switch up where you study. unfortunately this isn’t really feasible right now but I find I’m most productive at the library- at your university (if you go) try to find your favourite study spots, and have a few you can cycle through! for me it’s the lifesci commons, law library and the comp sci building because they’re chill, productive atmospheres (as opposed to the SUB or the health sci building, which are too loud and too intense respectively) 10. keep your phone out of sight lol. and get one of those browser locks like forest to dissuade you from getting distracted. for me it’s more of a split second compulsion to check and once there’s a barrier in my way I’m like oh. nvm. 11. my personal note-taking method is taking written notes in lecture of anything important that’s not on the slides. usually your prof will emphasize the important of a topic too! but if they don’t, pay attention to what they’re spending a lot of time going over. after class I’ll add my written notes to the lecture to supplement it and better explain everything we covered. (for virtual lectures, I basically have the slides open in one half of my screen and the lecture in the other and type notes onto the slides as it plays) 12. practice explaining concepts to yourself out loud- this is a great way to see if you’ve actually understood the material! if you can do this once solidly, you’re good to go and it’ll stick in your brain for a while. 13. also try and make connections between topics you’ve covered because often this is what profs like to ask about on exams (cough ~synthesis~). for instance, recognizing that keratin composes tissues in birds, mammals, reptiles, etc. 14. if you’ve been working hard or having a stressful time buy yourself a nice warm drink because you deserve it! :) 15. this one’s a little weird but if you need to remember something like what the foundational traits of vertebrates are, focus on memorizing how many you need to know! if I know there’s 6 of something I need to remember, it makes recalling them SO much easier 16. if you’ve been sitting down studying for a while take a break to just jump tf around your room. you could also go on a walk I guess but jumping is more fun. 17. it’s good to get a reminder of why you’re in school and what makes you passionate about what you’re studying to drive you to keep going. for me I love to watch nature documentaries or go on hikes or look through field guidebooks or read really neat academic papers :) 18. for the love of god please get enough sleep.
I also have a whole tag of #study tips that is 1000% more helpful than what I can provide so definitely take a look through there! good luck, you got this :) ps sorry this got so long winded lol I hope it helps!
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a little something i made for @sylenspotionsandspells​​
Superman and Superboy were on a distant planet, Since Superman felt his son was slacking, which is not ideal for a superhero, since you always need to be as prepared as you can. Superman found a distant planet so that he and his boy could really test their limits. It was a rocky landscape, and Clark ensured the small plant was devoid of any life and decided perfect for the abuse of full kryptonion power could demonstrate. The two men went at it for hours, and the planet was chipped and worn away easily.
It was after a powerful punch, that a earthquake was started from a chain reaction and as a result, the world slowly cracked open, showing a gleaming beautiful gem inside. The reckless and headstrong son of superman, wanted a look, his common sense taking a backseat as he flew to investigate, before superman, who learned to be careful of crystals after one incident too many with pseudo-kryptonite, could stop him.
The shining, sharp blue gems gleamed and shone from within the rock from which they were embedded, and as Superboy grew closer, his eyes glossed over with a pale baby-blue glow and he felt a burning compulsion to reach out and feel it. Superman realized something was wrong too late as his son as absorbed by the crystal. He bolted to the crystal, but he too was quickly taken over by the unnatural compulsion of the material. He felt his body resonate and vibrate as the crystal sapped him into its frozen embrace, and his last free thought was the revelation this was a blue variant of kryptionite... Hours passed, but eventually Superman opened his eyes...metaphorically as he saw he was in the Batcave. He tried to struggle but could barely move a inch or move his eyes, or any part of his body. In fact he could not feel any limbs. He felt a something grab at his body, and felt a intense wave of vertigo, which when he recovered form it, saw... Batman's Giant masked face smiling down at him. He tried to scream up to Bruce to help him and release him from the brooding mans grip, but felt his dread increase and he felt batman toss him into the air, and catch him, over and over again. He tried to fly away but it was no use. “You are lucky I had those trackers placed on you, Kent.” Batman said with a grin as he pulled out a mirror in front of superman, and if superman still had a heart, it would have dropped from what he saw in that reflection, it was a ball, a stress ball! It had a superman motif like a childs toy he would see in the newspaper stand that a parent would by buy for their noisy child. He was a kryptonion stuck inside a soft stress ball. “Well I managed to find you on that world you almost destroyed with my Bat Drone but I cant change you back so” Batman said with clearly fake sympathy, before squeezing down on the stress ball, filling superman constraining body with a strange, but not inherently painful sensation. “I guess you'll just be my stressball.” Batman kept tormenting the living stress ball with a deep chuckle as he filed out reports on new criminals imprisoned in Arkham and at one point dropping superman, and pressing his dirty boot down on the ball instead of picking him up. This went on for a while before superman, pleading in his mind for some release from this torment was plucked up and brought to his owners eyes. “You make a great stress reliever, Clark, I will enjoy helping me out personally for a change” Batman dropped him indifferently onto the table, clearly amused at the unwilling bounces of superman, as he slid the ball into his dark drawer under the table, and before closing it, looked down at his former partner in heroism and teased him cruelty with “Your boy came out bigger then you did, but don't worry, Clark, He makes a excellent basketball for my boys” and then with a satisfied grin, closed the drawer, leaving the stress ball left in the musty darkness and cold metal, as Batsy left the cold Batcave to play some hoops with his boys and their new unwilling terrified ball.
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ravenadottir · 3 years
carl: ‘working at home’ headcanons
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✐ glasses, glasses, glasses.
✐ he doesn’t like wearing his glasses in public, but at home you already said he looks sexy, so he keeps them on.
✐ his desk is in a ‘c’ formation, because he needs three desk tops... you know how messy he can be...
✐ one is just for the devices like his tablet and phones. phones. as in more than one.
✐ and the mess is something to yet be studied. he’s the only one who understand his very unique system of “storing” his tasks.
✐ lamps. he prefers the spot illumination than the ceiling’s.
✐ after he met you, you insisted on art on the walls. he bought a very peculiar spock painting. “well... i didn’t mean that kind of art, but i guess it counts.” *carl poses next to it* “right?!”
✐ he gets lost in his “notes” apps, so he uses a cork board, which instigates you to make fun of him “so much for technology, huh” *rolls his eyes* “har, har”.
✐ he had to quit on energy drinks, but there’s still a mini fridge with cold brew and cans of coke. “you do know it’s 11 pm, right carl?” “yep...” tssss *opens another can*.
✐ he started getting hooked on books, and from time to time he enjoys reading with you, on the couch he has in front of his desk.
✐ often wearing grey sweatpants, which it’s definitely the biggest distraction for you.
✐ heating device, because his hands and feet are so cold.
✐ videocalls always get his manager and assistant angry. “damn it carl, it’s too dark!” “no, it’s not. let’s move on to monday’s schedule...”.
✐ he loves stationary even though he doesn’t use them as frequently as he wished.
✐ he has a compulsion with buying notebooks, especially the leather covers type. they’re all blank.
✐ he’s always analyzing his desk, thinking of a replacement.
✐ getting distracted and spilling his beverages.
✐ you know he’s “in the mood” because his desk’s surface is clean.
✐ carl didn’t know how good it felt to have plants in his office until you introduced him to lilies and snake plants. “i guess they look alright...” “ah, just admit it, it looks great.” “can you... help me choose some for my other office?”
✐ * keeps shaking in his chair with annoyance* “i need a new chair!”
✐ on a busy weekend, there’s receipts of food delivery E-V-E-R-Y-W-H-E-R-E.
✐ during the pandemic, he had a hard time adapting to the morning in his home office, putting all the furniture exactly like they’re displayed in his company’s, as close as possible. “carl, they’re not even the same...” “i know... still.”
✐ doesn’t stop his tasks to eat, which leads you to drag him out of the room. “we’re gonna eat and watch something, then taking a rest for an hour!” “AN HOUR?!”
✐ loses track of the time. every - single - day.
✐ heavy metal blasting when he’s programming. lo-fi when he’s in a meeting. heavy metal while coding. lo-fi while talking to his employees. rinse and repeat.
✐ he accepted a “happy hour” on fridays, which is basically the music that was already blasting but with beer, snacks and you.
✐ “i need more space.” “carl! you’re one person...” “i know... that’s why. otherwise i would need the entire living room.”
✐ breakfast on his desk, while you’re curled up in a blanket, having your cuppa and food, sitting across from him. “you do know we have a dining room and a kitchen, right babe?” “i know.” he grins while taking a sip of his coffee.
✐ a drawer just for external hard drives.
✐ another one just for flash drives and memory cards.
✐ and another one just for personal devices with pictures, files and music. “you know i like the cloud, but like, what it it rains?” “what if it rains... wow...” “i know, it’s so funny!”
✐ work laptop, home laptop, work desktop, home desktop, work tablet, home tablet, work phone, home phone.
✐ he actually loves a fresh printed page.
✐ too much stress? he smokes. hiding from you, but he does.
✐ “so, i got this ambiance thingy...” *sprays and shoves his head in the mist* “it smells pretty good!"
((i saw that picture on pinterest and i had to make this list... carl lives in my head rent free))
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