#connel bridge
logi1974 · 2 years
Laird Hasenbär in Schottland - Tag 5 Teil 3
Lairds and Ladies!
Connel ist ein nettes Dorf. Abgesehen von der Brücke sind die wichtigsten Sehenswürdigkeiten: das große Falls of Lora Hotel, das 1894 erbaut wurde, und die nahe gelegene St. Oran's Church. 
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Der Name Connel stammt aus dem Gälischen für raues Wasser, was dem heutigen Namen für die Enge entspricht: die Fälle von Lora. Ein felsiger Schelf (Festlandsockel) verursacht hier während des Gezeitenzyklus spektakuläre Stromschnellen. Diese können entweder vom Dorf oder von der Brücke aus gesehen werden.
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Ende des 17. Jahrhunderts begann sich hier ein Dorf zu entwickeln, um die in Betrieb befindliche Fähre zu bedienen. Aus diesem Grund war das Dorf viele Jahre auch als Connel Ferry bekannt.
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1880 erbaute Connel einen Bahnhof an der neu eröffneten Callander and Oban Railway; und es gibt noch heute einen Schienenverkehr, der Oban und Glasgow verbindet.
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Weniger erfolgreich war die 1903 fertiggestellte Nebenstrecke, die die Hauptstrecke bei Connel mit Ballachulish verband. Diese überlebte nur bis zu den großen Ausdünnungen des Netzes im Jahr 1966. Es hinterließ jedoch ein bleibendes Erbe in Form der Connel Bridge, der markanten Stahlkonstruktion.
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Diese Brücke war nach ihrer Fertigstellung neben der Forth Bridge die größte freitragende Stahlbrücke in Großbritannien. Eine wirklich einzigartige Brücke mit mehreren Elementen, die in ungewöhnlichen Winkeln und Neigungen positioniert sind, was zu einem markanten Erscheinungsbild führt, das seiner Zeit voraus ist und sogar an Bilder moderner Schrägseil- und Stahlrahmenbrücken denken lässt.
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Die Brücke wurde ursprünglich als eingleisige Eisenbahnbrücke gebaut. 1909 kam eine Sonderbahn hinzu, die Kraftfahrzeuge über die Brücke beförderte, allerdings jeweils nur ein Auto. Diese ungewöhnliche Anordnung hielt jedoch nicht lange an.
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Bis 1914 wurde die Brücke mit einer Fahrbahn entlang der Westseite des Decks und der Eisenbahn auf der Ostseite des Decks neu konfiguriert. Trotz dieser Anordnung verhinderte die relativ geringe Breite der Brücke, dass Autos und Züge gleichzeitig die Brücke überqueren konnten. Wenn ein Zug die Brücke überqueren musste, wurde der Übergang wie ein Bahnübergang behandelt, mit Toren, um Autos von der Brücke fernzuhalten.
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1966 wurde die Eisenbahnlinie geschlossen und die Brücke als reine Autobahnbrücke umgebaut, wobei die Schienen entfernt wurden. Die schmale Brücke fungiert als einspurige Brücke, wobei Ampeln den Verkehrsfluss über die Brücke steuern.
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Das unverwechselbare Design des freitragenden Fachwerks ist auf die Anordnung der Fachwerkträger über den Pfeilern zurückzuführen. In der Regel haben freitragende Traversen einen vertikalen Pfosten, der manchmal als "Hauptpfosten" bezeichnet wird und sich direkt über dem Pier befindet, der sich auch am tiefsten Abschnitt des Traversennetzes befindet.
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Bei der Connel-Brücke sind diese Pfosten stattdessen geneigt, nicht nur nach innen zur Mitte der Spannweite, sondern auch nach innen zur Mitte der Fahrbahn. Daher erstrecken sich die geneigten Hauptpfosten über die Fachwerklinien hinaus bis zum darunter liegenden Pfeiler und verleihen der Brücke aus bestimmten Winkeln ein gebogenes Aussehen.
Die geneigten Pfosten bedeuten auch, dass sich der tiefste „Turm“-Abschnitt des Fachwerks nicht über dem Pfeiler befindet, sondern auf halbem Weg in die zentrale Spannweite des Fachwerks. Dem geneigten Hauptpfosten steht eine in Fachzeitschriften als "Rückstrebe" bezeichnete entgegen, die sich vom Lager auf den Pfeilern bis zum Widerlager auf Fahrbahnniveau erstreckt.
Die hinteren Streben sind abgewinkelt, um die Hauptpfostenpositionen außerhalb der Fachwerklinien zu treffen, was das gebogene Erscheinungsbild der Brücke verstärkt. Der Endpfosten des Fachwerks, ebenfalls geneigt, reicht bis zum Hauptpfosten des Fachwerks, sodass auf dieser gesamten Länge kein Obergurt vorhanden ist, eine ungewöhnliche Konstruktion, die der Brücke beim Anfahren auf der Straße ein markantes Aussehen verleiht.
Wenn der Endpfosten, der Hauptpfosten und die hintere Strebe an jedem Ende der Brücke als eine einzige Form betrachtet werden, hat die Brücke das Aussehen von zwei riesigen Dreiecken, die auf ihrer Spitze an den Pfeilern ruhen. Ein weiteres ungewöhnliches Detail des Fachwerks befindet sich auf Decksebene, wo ein Balken, der für zufällige Betrachter wie ein Untergurt des Fachwerks aussehen mag, ebenfalls abgewinkelt ist, um auf den geneigten Hauptpfosten auf Fahrbahnebene zu treffen.
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Die Brücke überquert die Falls of Lora, turbulente Stromschnellen, die stark von Gezeitenströmungen beeinflusst werden. Dies ist einer der Gründe, warum an dieser Stelle eine freitragende Fachwerkbrücke gebaut wurde, die ohne den Einsatz von Lehrgerüsten in den schnell fließenden Stromschnellen über die Wasserstraße errichtet werden konnte.
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Während wir dort am Ufer standen und Fotos schossen, wurden wir Zeuge eines Dramas, das sich in den zuvor genannten Stromschnellen abspielte. Mehrere Junge Leute übten sich in der aktuell sehr beliebten Sportart des Stand-Up-Paddling (Stehpaddeln).
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Es kam wie es kommen musste, ein Mädchen fiel von ihrem Board und konnte sich auch nicht mehr hochziehen. Das Sportgerät drehte sich nur, fiel auf sie drauf und die Strömung riss alles mit.
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Die anderen Paddler versuchten zu Hilfe zu eilen, konnten natürlich wegen der starken Strömung nichts ausrichten. 
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Ich wollte gerade mein Handy zücken und Hilfe anrufen, da hielt bereits eine einheimische Dame mit quietschenden Reifen. 
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Von der Meeresseite kam schon ein Boot heran geprescht. Alles ist noch einmal gut ausgegangen, aber da stockte uns schon der Atmen. Vor allem, was kann man da schon groß selber tun ohne sich selbst in Lebensgefahr zu bringen? 
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Leicht bedrückt fuhren wir weiter ...
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Weiter nach Norden und die Hauptstraße schneidet auf dem Weg zum Loch Creran über die tief liegende Halbinsel Benderloch. Dies bietet einige unerwartete Ausblicke.
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Seit Jahrhunderten verkehrten Fähren in der Enge von Loch Leven zwischen North und South Ballachulish.
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Der Name Ballachulish kommt aus dem Gälischen und bedeutet sowviel wie “Dorf der Enge”, und die erste Siedlung, die diesen Namen trug, lag dort, wo sich heute North Ballachulish befindet. Sein Zwilling auf der Südseite des Sees folgte schnell.
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Die größte Siedlung, die den Namen Ballachulish trägt, liegt an der Südseite von Loch Leven, etwa eine Meile westlich des Dorfes Glencoe. Diese Gründung  begann im 15. Jahrhundert. 1693 wurde hier in den Ballachulish Slate Quarries erstmals Schiefer abgebaut (nur ein Jahr nach dem Massaker von Glencoe in der Nähe). Zu Beginn des 17. Jahrhunderts hatte sich dies zu einem großen Schieferabbaubetrieb entwickelt, der über 250 Jahre andauerte, bis in das Jahr 1955, als die Steinbrüche geschlossen wurden.
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Ballachulish hat Queen Victoria während eines ihrer königlichen Besuche offensichtlich nachhaltig beeindruckt. Ihr Tagebuch spiegelt nicht nur den Schieferabbau wider, sondern auch die Anstrengungen der Bewohner, um das Dorf für ihren Besuch zu schmücken.
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Loch Leven verengt sich hier dramatisch und North und South Ballachulish wuchsen um die Slipanlagen herum auf, die schon sehr früh von Fähren benutzt wurden, die den See überquerten.
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Bis 1914 gab es keine andere Möglichkeit, den See zu überqueren, außer der alten und heruntergekommenen Old Military Road von Kingshouse am Rannoch Moor nach Fort William, aber vor und während des Ersten Weltkriegs wurde die neue Straße um Loch Leven (heute B863) gebaut. Dies bot Autofahrern in späteren Jahren eine Alternative zu den langen sommerlichen Warteschlangen für die Fähren.
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Die ersten Autofähren starteten 1906 und waren einfache Ruderboote mit zwei in der Mitte balancierten Planken. Das Auto wurde gefahren und sorgfältig ausbalanciert, bevor das Boot zum gegenüberliegenden Ufer gerudert wurde. Dies muss bei den Gezeiten besonders schwierig gewesen sein, da eine auslaufende Flut sie in Richtung Norden gedrückt würden, und in Richtung Süden würde die einlaufende Flut das gleiche Problem verursachen.
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1912 wurde eine motorisierte Drehscheibenfähre für ein einzelnes Fahrzeug eingeführt, eine zweite im folgenden Jahr. Mitte der 1920er Jahre wurden die Fähren größer und konnten zwei Autos gleichzeitig befördern.
1951 wurde die erste Vier-Auto-Fähre eingeführt, und am Ende des Jahrzehnts waren 3 solcher Fähren in Betrieb. Dann, 1959, kam die erste der Fähren mit sechs Wagen, aber sie waren in der Sommersaison immer noch überlastet, und an beiden Ufern wurden Tafeln mit den Wartezeiten aufgestellt. Im Allgemeinen war es schneller drumherum zu fahren.
1969 wurde die letzte Fähre zu Wasser gelassen. Es gab damit 3 Fähren mit Platz für jeweils 6 Autos. Alle waren Drehscheibenfähren. Der Service verkehrte täglich von 8/9 bis 21.30 Uhr, dauerte etwa 5 Minuten.
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Die Brücke ist in vielerlei Hinsicht eine moderne Variante des Designs der viel älteren Connel Bridge. Der Bau dauerte fast 3 Jahre. Die Brücke wurde schließlich am 23. Dezember 1975, nach einer Reihe von Verzögerungen, eröffnet.
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Die Struktur besteht aus einem großen Stahlkastenfachwerk, das hoch über der Straße steht und Spitzen über jedem Pier aufweist. Der Bau der Brücke kostete ungefähr 2¼ Millionen Pfund, verbrauchte 2700 Tonnen Stahl und hat eine Tragfähigkeit von 2500 Tonnen.
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Gegen 19 Uhr erreichen wir unser heutiges Tagesziel: Das Premier Inn in Fort William.
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Ich muss ins Bett ...
Oidhche mhath!
Angie, Micha und Laird Hasenbär
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travellingdailey · 2 years
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Connel Bridge from Aonadh Bheag, Dunbeg
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colgreen31 · 2 years
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fandomcentralsposts · 1 month
This is my multiverse of madness.
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stairnaheireann · 11 days
#OTD in 1949 – The Republic of Ireland withdraws from the British Commonwealth. The British Parliament recognises the declaration but asserts sovereignty over the six northern counties.
The withdrawal of the twenty-six counties from the British Commonwealth is recognised officially by Britain, thereby, becoming the independent Republic of Ireland. The Ireland Act 1949 passed by the House of Commons recognised the withdrawal. Éamon de Valera had introduced his Constitution (Bunreacht na hÉireann) in 1937, the Irish Free State, or Éire as it was renamed, was well-nigh an…
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gibsonsgirl · 1 year
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paul mescal and daisy edgar jones dressed up as fleabag and hot priest for halloween. i fear they’re never beating the throuple allegations
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highrob · 4 months
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i luv this sm
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ebbythust · 1 year
Böses Blut zwischen den australischen Boxerinnen Ebanie Bridges und Shannon O'Connell
Böses Blut zwischen den australischen Boxerinnen Ebanie Bridges und Shannon O’Connell
Ebanie Bridges vs. Shannon O’Connell “Ich zittere in meinen Stiefeln! Fick Dich selbst!” Ordinäre Beschimpfung zwischen Ebanie Bridges und Shannon O’Connell vor ihrem heutigen WM-Kampf in Leeds Es gibt böses Blut zwischen den australischen Boxerinnen Ebanie Bridges und Shannon O’Connell – und die Dinge kochten fast über, als sie für den Titelkampf am heutigen Samstagabend über die Waage…
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pygartheangel · 2 years
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"Mr. & Mrs. Bridge" (1990)
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denimbex1986 · 26 days
'Welcome to a journey through the onscreen moments where Paul Mescal and Andrew Scott not only captured our attention but held our hearts in their hands. From the raw emotional landscapes of Connell Waldron in ‘Normal People’ to the enigmatic allure of the ‘Hot Priest’ in ‘Fleabag’, these actors have proven their ability to delve deep into their characters, leaving a lasting impact on viewers. Let’s reminisce over seven unforgettable performances that showcase their exceptional talents.
Paul Mescal in Normal People
When Paul Mescal stepped into the shoes of Connell Waldron, he brought to life a character that resonated with audiences around the globe. Fans described his performance as ‘stunning’, and he was praised for his portrayal of grief and mental health struggles. The depth of emotion he displayed, particularly in episode 10, highlighted the impact of losing a loved one to suicide. Mescal’s dedication to his role extended beyond the screen as he used his newfound platform to support mental health causes, demonstrating how art can influence and contribute to important conversations.
Andrew Scott in Fleabag
The character known simply as the ‘Hot Priest’ became a sensation thanks to Andrew Scott’s portrayal. His chemistry with Phoebe Waller-Bridge’s Fleabag was electric, creating moments of vulnerability and connection that captivated fans. One memorable exchange between them had Fleabag admitting her fears and seeking guidance, showcasing Scott’s ability to draw audiences into his character’s complex inner world. His understanding of sexual politics and human connection added layers to the role, making his performance not just charming but deeply significant.
Paul Mescal in The Deceived
In ‘The Deceived’, Paul Mescal played Sean, a builder and volunteer fireman whose presence contributed significantly to the show’s suspenseful atmosphere. While his character was described as one step above peripheral, Mescal’s charisma shone through, offering a different facet of his acting prowess compared to his role in ‘Normal People’. His performance was lauded for its charm, further cementing his status as an actor capable of elevating any project he is part of.
Andrew Scott in Sherlock
Andrew Scott’s portrayal of Moriarty in ‘Sherlock’ stands as one of television’s most iconic villainous roles. His approach to the character was fresh and unnerving, capturing the essence of someone who could be terrifyingly unpredictable yet blend into everyday life. Fans eagerly anticipated each appearance, knowing that Scott would bring something thrillingly unique to the screen. His decision to explore the scary parts of himself for the role paid off, creating a Moriarty that was both memorable and chillingly relatable.
Paul Mescal in The Lost Daughter
In a supporting role within ‘The Lost Daughter’, Paul Mescal portrayed Will, a handsome waiter whose interactions with the main character added intrigue and complexity to the film’s narrative. His performance underscored the film’s themes of motherhood, identity, and regret, showcasing his versatility as an actor who can bring depth even to smaller roles. Mescal’s presence onscreen continued to solidify him as an actor with a remarkable ability to connect with audiences on an emotional level.
Andrew Scott in Pride
In ‘Pride’, Andrew Scott took on the role of Gethin, an owner of a gay bookshop who becomes involved with Welsh miners during Thatcher’s government. His authentic and sensitive portrayal highlighted a story about community and solidarity, resonating deeply with viewers. The film celebrated LGBTQ+ history and showcased Scott’s ability to embody characters with genuine emotion and conviction.
Paul Mescal in Aftersun
The film ‘Aftersun’ features Paul Mescal as Calum, a father on vacation with his daughter, grappling with personal regrets while trying to maintain a facade for his child’s sake. His performance has already garnered critical acclaim for its subtlety and depth. Mescal’s portrayal is nuanced, leaving audiences intrigued by Calum’s internal struggles and hinting at the complexities of parenthood and lost dreams.'
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bookcoversonly · 8 months
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Title: Mrs. Bridge | Author: Evan S. Connell | Publisher: Penguin (2012)
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colgreen31 · 2 years
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stevebattle · 9 months
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TJ2 - "The Little Robot That Might" (1994) by Jonathan Connell, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, and Mark C. Torrance, MIT AI Lab, Cambridge, MA. TJ is a Motorola HC6811 based robot built by Jon Connell, on loan to the MIT AI Lab for Mark Torrance’s research on Natural Communication with Robots. TJ makes it simpler for people to communicate with mobile robots using natural language. It can be taught the names and locations of places in simple typewritten English, and then answer questions and navigate to them in real time. Robots have a radically different way of perceiving the world because of their impoverished sensory capabilities and TJ aims to bridge that gap.
User: Where are you? TJ: I don't know where I am right now. User: Which way are you facing? TJ: I don't know which way I am facing. Please tell me. User: You are facing north TJ: I am facing NORTH. Thanks. User: You are at Mark's office TJ: I’m learning about MARK'S OFFICE. User: Turn around TJ: I’m turning around. User: Go until you can turn right TJ: I’m going until I see no obstacle on the right. User: You are at the northeast entrance to the elevator lobby TJ: I’m learning about THE NORTHEAST ENTRANCE TO THE ELEVATOR LOBBY.
The sign pinned to TJ’s back reads, "Don't follow me – I'm lost.”
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Jensen Solo Main Panel Vancon 2022
Quick disclaimer: this post only covers the first half of the panel. Halfway through he got joined by MC (ofc he fucking did 🙄), and then at the last like 20mins it turned into a group panel because he was also joined by Mark Sheppard, Jake Abel, and Ruth Connell. I'm only covering Jensen's solo portion but if you wanna see the full thing there is as always a link to the full panel at the end.
Getting into the panel, Rob Benedict asked him when was he last in Van and Jensen replies that he was there recently back in August for a couple days, doing some scenes for a movie. I guess he still doesn't have clearance to say it was the Buddy Games sequel.
He also again mentions the previous night's unofficial wrap party and that it was fantastic to be able to see everyone and give out those hugs that they couldn't back when they officially wrapped due to the pandemic but that he is heartbroken Jared's not there, and he knows Jared's really bummed out, so they'll have to do it again when they come back to Van. And then when he goes to sit he turns his chair around IN HONOR OF HIS BOY HE LITERALLY SAYS "IN HONOR OF MY BOY" 😭 Then he says he has a better idea, and grabs the other chair on stage and pulls it next to his and turns it around 😭❤️
Question time! What advice would he give to newcomers on a set whether cast or crew members? To have fun. He was asked recently by one of the producers on Big Sky how he managed to go 15yrs on one show, and he replied that a lot of ingredients went into that but the one he remembers the most is the amount of laughter they had on that set. That he doesn't remember laughing harder during those 15yrs than he did when he was at work and that says a lot about the environment. That there were hard days and days when he didn't wanna get out of bed but no matter what he doesn't think that a day went by where they didn't chuckle or laugh on that set.
That's what he would say, and continues to say to people, he's even said it to those working on The Winchesters. Something he's made sure to very heavily impress upon John F. Showalter, who is currently supervising the show, is to make sure the set is having a good time and the egos are checked, to save the drama for when the cameras are rolling that there's no room for that when they're not.
If that's something he can bring to work, or encourage people to do that when they go to work then he thinks everyone will have a better time. x
How would he have wanted spn to end? He talks about what was originally planned which is that the original script before covid was everything the same up to the point when Sam arrives in Heaven but what was different is that instead of him arriving at the bridge he would arrive in a dusty parking lot in front of a roadhouse, see the Impala and walk up and Dean would come out to greet him and they would have that moment from the bridge then Dean would tell him to come inside where they would have everyone they could get from the cast and crew inside and the house band would be Kansas. And Kansas was actually on their way to set already when they got the call that they couldn't because of covid shutdowns.
That it was unfortunate they couldn't do that, they had to pivot and there was still the heartfelt moment but it would have been nice to have gotten to do it. Jensen, my love, I know you love Kansas and wanted them on the show but sometimes change is for the best. x
How did the idea for the brewery and making it a family-friendly place come to be? It was all a natural progression. It started back around '07 or '08 when craft beer was taking off, he and his brother-in-law, Gino, started making beer in the backyard and they got the itch to open a little nano brewery. In all the research that they did the thing they kept being told is to have room for growth so they got this big property and built for growth but then they thought they should have a place for kids to play because Jensen has kids and that led to them deciding that they wanted to make it a family-friendly place where people could go and have fun with the whole family. The whole time they kept calling it the Family Business because Jensen thought it was kind of tongue in cheek due to its relation to the show but also because it was just Gino and him then when they looked online they saw the name was available (meaning it hadn't been copyrighted) so they decided to make the name official. There was no grand design for it, it just happened naturally. x
Have he and Jared ever gone driving Baby around Austin because they miss playing Sam and Dean? Yes, not because they miss playing Sam and Dean but because they’re children and wanted to go fast in a car that they spend so much time in and they thought it would be great to do that; he says both the Impalas were picture cars, they're not high functioning automobiles, so now that he and Jared own them they're getting fixed up in the same shop, getting them done to where they could put them in a car show but leaving the paint job, and the squeak on the door.
They're just getting the underneath fixed, and putting things in like air conditioning and a sound system because the cars had been stripped of those things as well as anything else the boys could use to annoy the crew. I s2g he sounds like such a husband when talking about he and Jared getting their Impalas fixed together 🥰
He's excited to get their cars back so he and Jared can race them down south congress avenue...and get arrested 😂
In 15.18 if the empty hadn’t come so quickly for C, what would have been Dean’s response? Jensen stops and thinks for a minute, and says he has an answer for that and that he had an answer for that in the next camera setup after C was taken and Dean's on the floor with his head in his hands, and he did that because he lost C but he also didn't say anything. He didn't get him anything.
And what he had in his head was that he should have said I love you too and hugged him, and he knows some people might try to sexualize that in a way but it doesn't have to be that; that it was essentially two sentient beings, that who was in front of him was a family member and someone who was a brother in arms who he truly loved like a brother so Dean lost his brother in that moment and that's how he played it from Dean's perspective. They continue to fish and he continues to not fall for the bait 😈
What is his favorite story to tell his kids? At night, he makes up stories until his kids tell him he needs to leave. It's generally filled with a lot of voices so what he'll do is stand at the door and ask if there's anybody else they would like to say goodnight to and they'll come up with some name and he'll walk away and create a character from that and then go back in and play that character and tell them stories and tell them jokes. So there's not necessarily a book that he reads he just puts on a performance for them every night until they get tired of him. That's adorable x
And that's the end of the panel for me! But if you wanna see the full thing you can do so through the link below.
Jensen Main Panel Vancon
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stairnaheireann · 12 days
#OTD in 1949 – At midnight 26 counties officially leave the British Commonwealth. A 21-gun salute on O'Connell Bridge, Dublin, ushers in the Republic of Ireland.
The first ceremonies to mark the promulgation of the Republic of Ireland took place in Dublin at midnight, when a salute of 21 guns and a feu de joie were fired from O’Connell Bridge. The main civil, military, and religious ceremonies were at noon at the Pro-Cathedral and at the General Post Office in Dublin. At 11 45 p.m. it seemed impossible that the guns, riflemen, and band would ever get…
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bracketsoffear · 1 month
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The Most Dangerous Game (Richard Connell) "Big-game hunter Sanger Rainsford and his friend Whitney are traveling by ship to the Amazon rainforest for a jaguar hunt. Rainsford falls overboard while investigating the sound of gunshots in the distance and swims to Ship-Trap Island, where he finds General Zaroff and his manservant Ivan. Zaroff, another big-game hunter, knows of Rainsford from his published account of hunting snow leopards in Tibet. Over dinner, he explains that although he has been hunting animals since he was a boy, he has decided that killing big game has become boring for him. After escaping the Russian Revolution, he purchased Ship-Trap and rigged the island with lights to lure passing ships into the jagged rocks that surround it. He takes the survivors captive and hunts them for sport, giving himself handicaps to increase the challenge. Any captives who can elude Zaroff, Ivan, and a pack of hunting dogs for three days are set free; to date, though, Zaroff has never lost a hunt. Rainsford denounces the hunt as barbarism, but Zaroff replies by claiming that ‘life is for the strong.’ Zaroff is enthused to have another world-class hunter as a companion and offers to take Rainsford along with him on his next hunt. When Rainsford staunchly refuses and demands to leave the island, Zaroff decides to hunt him instead. Rainsford uses traps and cleverness to outmaneuver Zaroff, killing Ivan and one of the dogs before jumping into the sea. Disappointed at Rainsford's apparent suicide, Zaroff returns home, but finds Rainsford waiting for him, having swum around the island to evade the dogs and sneak into the chateau. Zaroff offers congratulations for defeating him, but Rainsford prepares to fight him, saying that the hunt is not yet over. A delighted Zaroff responds that the loser will be fed to his dogs, while the winner will sleep in his bed. The story abruptly concludes later that night by stating that Rainsford enjoyed the comfort of the bed, implying that he killed Zaroff in the fight."
The Hunt (Stanisław Lem) "A runaway is chased by humans with dogs. As the story evolves, it becomes clear that it is a robot, an intelligent machine, one of many created by humans to be hunted. For this reason it was endowed with wit and strength and an ability to be afraid, so that it would run away and make a hunt interesting: "… a tangled plot full of surprises, a forest strategy, a duel of cunning, of tactics, including laying double trails, dodging, looping the scent back on itself, crossing white-water streams and aerial bridges formed by fallen trees". A little girl helps him to hide, but eventually it turns out that her goal was to lay her hands on a gun and shoot the hunted robot herself. It is well known that Lem was ruthlessly burning his unpublished works, and the researchers were puzzled why Lem kept this one. Stanisław Bereś attempts to explain this as follows. Lem never wrote and seldom spoke about his life during World War II in Nazi-occupied Lwow. However one can decipher subtle hints about his experiences of that time in various Lem's works of fiction. Bereś points out an obvious parallel of the runaway's hopeless struggle for his life from The Hunt story, with the experience of the Jews during the Holocaust, including Lem's own. Therefore Bereś suggests that Lem felt overexposing himself in the story, therefore he set it aside and eventually wrote another, a more entertaining version and possibly forgot about the older manuscript."
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