#cookie crips
90s-2000s-barbie · 1 year
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90s - 2000’s snacks / food
My edit.
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viewfinder-chernobyl · 8 months
HEL P ME this is an amazing tier list stream
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fem-boy-toy · 7 months
I love autumn~
The air is crips again. Its nice and cold so I can wear big oversized hoodies again. I can bundled up in my blankets and enjoy the rain bucketing down outside. Its a time of warm drinks and hearty food. A time for coziness, sitting curled up in blankets, listening to the rain while I'm warm and comfy indoors with a hot cup of tea and cookies.
I wish I had an enormous heavy pregnant belly to go along with that. Keeping me warm, weighing me down as I snuggle in bed all day, waddling to the kitchen to get another hot cup tea, struggling to carry it's immense weight around. So massive and swollen and full of new life.
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vigilante-izuku · 1 year
Nevarro is sweltering, so opposite to the green and crips air of Naboo.
It’s a blossoming city, still sitting under the radar and you see it as yours. You picked Nevarro because it is growing and you could slip into the waves of new comers wandering in and out.
Here you are just a floral shop assistant. You find peace within the beautiful blooms you tend to and love joking with the older shop owner, Mave, who has welcomed you into her business with open arms.
Here you are not the missing and runaway Naboo Queen.
It’s why you so freely give your name because no one back home saw you as a person. No one besides those in the inner circle knew of your identity. You were a figure head and now with the amount of assassination attempts against you could not live in constant fear.
So you shed the ornate gowns and the detailed facial paints for top soil and the sweet giggles of a green baby.
“You better not be trying to eat those purple ones mister.” You don’t even have to turn around to know he’s there. Grogu’s giggle comes so quickly and you can’t help but turn to find him grinning at you so innocently.
You had found this mischievous little green sprout in your shop months ago trying to grab at the large sprouting ferns.
Now he is a constant presence in your life.
Him and his striking sight of a mandalorian father.
Your heart jumps thinking about Din. The absolute force of a warrior who you had only heard whispers about even growing up in the palace and now here he was just as constant a presence in your life.
From the bashful father like apologies he gave for his son sneaking into the shop to simple pleasantries, to finally learning his name “Din, call me Din,” this mandalorian is a quiet beautiful breathe of fresh air.
Din makes the layers of training and etiquette and royal pressures all peel away, leaving you, just you. No royal tied to anything, just a flower shop keeper.
Din stays late into the night when you close up the shop. He even waits until you walk upstairs to the living quarters above the shop and you think he is like something out of a romance tale standing in the moonlight a shining beskar star.
“That Mando is in love with you.” Mave snickers and you roll your eyes but you pray it’s true because you are halfway in love with him.
You learn he likes a certain type of bantha meat broth. He can’t understand binary but has slightly hinted at wanting to maybe learn. He hates sweeter treats and chides Grogu who happily devours any of the cookies you bring to their home on the outskirts of the city.
It is a beautiful soft carved out existence, whatever this is you have with your two boys.
You start leaving ferns and in Din’s homestead. When Grogu wander into the shop you let him draw scribbles on the orders board. Din begins dropping off any items Mave now happily tells him she’s needing much to your chagrin.
This existence, this dream, is yours.
But like a dream, you have to wake up suddenly.
Mave vibes you the night off early and in the warm dusk you head from the shop straight to Din’s. Him and the baby would be back from their simple trip to Tatooine he mentioned days ago. But as you wander through the shopping district, this is when you spot her.
Your old and closest friend, a fellow senators daughter. She was the only one you saw on the night you left. You both cried in each others arms and with a goodbye to her, you ran.
And now here she is with two Naboo guards in everyday clothes helping them blend in. You don’t move fast enough. After she finishes speaking with a booth worker, her eyes snap to you and her face falls recognizing you right away.
Yes, Nevarro is yours, but it would never have you. Because you still belong and maybe will always belong to Naboo and a dream is so nice to have.
But reality is always there to wake you up.
When you turn and run, you run without thinking even as you hear your name get yelled out in the streets. You run and run into your body collides into something hard.
The collision knocks you breathless until Din says your name and reality smacks into you harder.
Din. He’s here.
“What’s wrong?” He’s so concerned, already pressing one hand to you shoulder and Grogu starts whining at how visibly upset you are.
“I-I have, I have to go-” you tell him.
“Wait. Why? Tell me what’s wrong I can help protect you-”
Your full given name is screamed out and fear chokes you. You can’t run away more. There behind you stands destiny here to collect you.
Until Din without hesitation, son in his arms, steps between it and you.
“What business do you have with this shop keeper?” He asks demanding fierce and protective. It sets your soul on fire.
In this moment reality might be here to take you home, but you can thank it for giving you this dream of a mandalorian and his son.
Because for your boys, this dream even as short as it was, was worth it.
(Or aka this is bcs our runaway Naboo Queen reader x Din has consumed me and here is my humble offering)
i know we discuss about naboo queen returning to naboo and din and grogu coming with, but do they STAY ??? do they go back to nevarro eventually...erika i need answers !!!
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allergicammy · 2 years
💗Allergens list💗
Disclaimer: Don’t come after me please.. I don’t have actual allergies but Im making them up to make sure I stay away from these foods.
Packaged bread (White, rye and whole grain bread)
Why: contains L-cysteine (comes from human hair or pig,cow, and duck, which I can’t eat)
Why: has a high glycemic index, which make my blood sugar go up ( I’m actually pre-diabetic)
Why: gluten and wheat allergies
Cookies/ biscuits
Why: Allergic, causes rashes
Apple cider donuts
Why: Apple allergy
Why: allergic to gluten
Pizza ————————->
Rice cakes ——————>
Peanut butter/oil
Why: peanut allergies
Blueberries berries
Black berries
Why: Severe allergic reaction to them. My throat will close up and I’ll have trouble breathing
Milk(all types)
Why: lactose intolerance and milk allergy
Yogurt(all types)
Why: lactose intolerance and milk allergy
Why: Cocoa Allergy
Why: glycerin allergy
Sour candy
Sugar allergies in general
(More focused on dairy exactly)
Milk ( so almond and soy aren’t options bc I’m allergic)
Anything containing milk or eggs
Ice cream
Whipped cream
(Salmon,red snapper, flounder, tilapia) can’t eat any restaurant foods.
Any type of bacon or sausage
Not finished!!
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does vpn make you anonymous
🔒🌍✨ Ganhe 3 Meses de VPN GRÁTIS - Acesso à Internet Seguro e Privado em Todo o Mundo! Clique Aqui ✨🌍🔒
does vpn make you anonymous
Como utilizar uma VPN
Uma VPN, ou rede virtual privada, é uma ferramenta essencial para manter a sua privacidade e segurança online. Mas como exatamente utilizá-la de forma eficiente? Aqui estão algumas dicas sobre como utilizar uma VPN.
Primeiramente, escolha um provedor de VPN confiável, de preferência aquele que não mantenha registros das atividades dos usuários. Após a escolha do provedor, faça o download e instale o aplicativo da VPN no seu dispositivo.
Após a instalação, abra o aplicativo e faça o login com as suas credenciais. Em seguida, escolha um servidor VPN para se conectar. Opte por um local mais próximo de você para obter uma conexão mais rápida, ou escolha um servidor em um país específico para contornar restrições geográficas.
Uma vez conectado, a sua conexão estará agora protegida e criptografada. Você poderá navegar na internet de forma anônima, sem se preocupar com hackers, espionagem ou restrições de conteúdo.
Além disso, as VPNs são úteis para acessar redes Wi-Fi públicas com segurança, evitando possíveis ataques de hackers. No entanto, lembre-se de que uma VPN não garante 100% de anonimato, por isso evite fornecer informações pessoais sensíveis enquanto estiver conectado.
Em resumo, utilizar uma VPN é uma medida importante para proteger a sua privacidade online. Ao seguir essas dicas simples, você poderá desfrutar de uma navegação mais segura e privada na internet.
O que significa estar anônimo online
Estar anônimo online significa ocultar sua verdadeira identidade ao navegar na internet. Isso pode ser feito através do uso de ferramentas como VPNs, redes privadas virtuais, navegadores privados e até mesmo criptomoedas para transações online. A anonimidade online pode trazer benefícios, como proteger a privacidade do usuário, evitar rastreamento de atividades online por empresas de publicidade e fornecer segurança ao realizar compras ou acessar informações sensíveis.
No entanto, estar anônimo online também pode ter consequências negativas. Por exemplo, essa prática pode facilitar a disseminação de conteúdo ilegal, como material pirata ou abusivo, sem a possibilidade de identificar os responsáveis. Além disso, a anonimidade online pode ser usada por pessoas mal-intencionadas para realizar fraudes, ataques cibernéticos ou disseminar fake news sem prestar contas por suas ações.
É importante ter em mente que a anonimidade online não é sinônimo de impunidade. As autoridades podem rastrear atividades online, mesmo que o usuário tente se manter anônimo. Além disso, muitos websites e serviços online exigem informações pessoais para utilização, o que pode comprometer a anonimidade do usuário.
Em resumo, estar anônimo online pode ser útil para proteger a privacidade e segurança digital, mas é fundamental agir de forma ética e responsável para evitar problemas legais e contribuir para um ambiente online mais seguro e confiável para todos os usuários.
VPN vs anonimato na internet
Ao navegar na internet, muitas pessoas buscam formas de proteger sua privacidade e manter suas atividades online seguras. Duas opções comuns para alcançar esse objetivo são o uso de VPNs (Redes Privadas Virtuais) e a tentativa de se manter anônimo na web. Mas qual a diferença entre essas duas abordagens e qual é a mais eficaz?
As VPNs são serviços que criptografam sua conexão com a internet, protegendo seus dados de possíveis hackers ou rastreadores. Elas também permitem que você mascare seu endereço IP real, tornando mais difícil para terceiros rastrearem suas atividades online. Por outro lado, tentar se manter anônimo na internet envolve tomar medidas como utilizar navegadores anônimos, desativar cookies e evitar fornecer informações pessoais em sites.
Embora ambas as opções tenham o objetivo de proteger sua privacidade online, as VPNs oferecem uma camada extra de segurança ao criptografar seus dados. Elas são especialmente úteis ao acessar redes Wi-Fi públicas, onde suas informações podem estar mais vulneráveis a ataques cibernéticos. No entanto, é importante lembrar que, mesmo com o uso de uma VPN, é recomendável tomar outras precauções para manter sua privacidade na internet, como não compartilhar informações pessoais em sites suspeitos.
Em resumo, enquanto o anonimato na internet envolve tomar precauções simples para proteger sua privacidade, as VPNs oferecem uma solução mais abrangente e robusta para manter seus dados seguros durante a navegação online. Considerando a crescente preocupação com a segurança cibernética, investir em uma VPN pode ser uma escolha inteligente para quem valoriza sua privacidade na internet.
Mitos sobre VPN e anonimato
Os VPNs, ou Redes Privadas Virtuais, são cada vez mais populares entre os utilizadores da internet que desejam proteger a sua privacidade e segurança online. No entanto, existem alguns mitos comuns em torno do uso de VPNs e do anonimato que eles proporcionam.
Um dos mitos mais comuns sobre VPNs é que são totalmente anónimos. Embora seja verdade que um VPN pode ocultar o seu endereço IP e encriptar o seu tráfego online, não garante um anonimato total. É importante ter em mente que os fornecedores de VPN podem recolher dados sobre a sua atividade online, pelo que é essencial escolher um serviço de confiança que respeite a sua privacidade.
Outro mito é que os VPNs são ilegais. Na realidade, o uso de VPNs é legal na maioria dos países, desde que não seja utilizado para atividades ilegais. Os VPNs são uma ferramenta legítima para proteger a sua privacidade online e contornar restrições geográficas em determinados conteúdos.
Por último, muitos acreditam que os VPNs diminuem a velocidade da internet. Embora seja verdade que o uso de um VPN pode resultar numa ligeira redução na velocidade da ligação, a tecnologia avançou muito nos últimos anos e muitos serviços de VPN oferecem velocidades elevadas e estáveis.
Em suma, os VPNs são uma ferramenta valiosa para proteger a sua privacidade online, desde que sejam utilizados de forma responsável e consciente. É importante estar informado sobre os mitos e realidades em torno dos VPNs para tirar o máximo partido desta tecnologia.
A importância da privacidade online
A importância da privacidade online é um tema crucial nos dias de hoje, em que vivemos em um mundo digital cada vez mais complexo e interligado. A privacidade online refere-se à proteção dos dados pessoais de uma pessoa enquanto ela navega na internet, realiza transações online, envia mensagens ou interage em redes sociais.
Manter a privacidade online é essencial para garantir a segurança e a autonomia dos usuários. Quando compartilhamos informações pessoais na internet, estamos vulneráveis a ameaças como roubo de identidade, fraudes, vazamento de dados e invasões de privacidade. Por isso, é fundamental adotar medidas de segurança e proteção da privacidade online.
Uma das formas mais eficazes de proteger a privacidade online é utilizando ferramentas de segurança, como firewalls, antivírus e antimalware. Além disso, é importante configurar corretamente as configurações de privacidade nas redes sociais e em outros serviços online, limitando o acesso a informações pessoais apenas a pessoas de confiança.
É fundamental também estar atento aos termos de uso e políticas de privacidade dos sites e aplicativos que utilizamos, para garantir que nossos dados sejam tratados de forma adequada e segura. Vale ressaltar que a privacidade online é um direito fundamental de todo cidadão e deve ser protegida e respeitada por empresas e governos.
Em resumo, a privacidade online é essencial para a segurança e a liberdade dos usuários na internet. Proteger nossos dados e informações pessoais é um dever de todos e contribui para um ambiente online mais seguro e confiável.
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suiciderape · 8 months
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um! in a minute itll catch eww we go home home homeeuh ew! geto skank! geto geto geto geto geto the ghetto! ew i have so much work to do doing nothing but pleaaure i have found a target audience and they south korean women writer burn sk sui ak 47 max oi! no! the way! over! son of a biitch they got some cookies in my lunch bag ah! ah! i speak BTS likee jhope is crip bff and skatewhores for metamorphosis wait metamorphosis metamorphosis i think i exist! it could be something new! a metamorphosis!
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fit-ojciec · 11 months
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💡Z czego korzystasz najczęściej❓ 🍜ŹRÓDŁA WĘGLOWODANÓW🌾 - 🍚🥖Węglowodany to jeden z trzech głównych makroskładników na których budujemy swoją dietę. Według standardowych wytycznych żywieniowych, powinny stanowić około 50-55 % dziennej podaży energetycznej - oczywiście u niektórych będzie więcej, u innych mniej - różnice będą wynikać m.in z preferencji, czy też ogólnej podaży kalorii. - 🚫Jako jedyny z trzech, nie jest też makroskładnikiem niezbędnym do utrzymania nas przy życiu. Nasz organizm nie poradzi sobie np. bez białka, nie jesteśmy w stanie otrzymać elementów białkowych z cukru, natomiast odwrotnie – jak najbardziej, chociażby przez proces glukoneogenezy. - 🏋️Pomimo tego, że węglowodany nie są makroskładnikiem niezbędnym do życia, to są najlepszym paliwem dla większości z nas, szczególnie osób trenujących. - 😷Węglowodany bardzo często są oskarżane o powodowanie otyłości czy też innych chorób, czy schorzeń takich jak np. IO. Czy słusznie? Odpowiedź brzmi NIE. Główną przyczyną tych chorób/schorzeń nie są węglowodany, a zła dieta bogata w produkty wysoko przetworzone, brak aktywności fizycznej i nadmierna masa ciała. - 🥣 Jeżeli chodzi o platki śniadaniowe, zdecywanie wybieramy te, z niską zawartością tłuszczów np. Cookie crips - niemniej traktujemy je jako produkt rekreacyjny - produkty te u zdecydowanej większości osób nie powinny przekraczać 20% kalorii z diety. - 🧃 Soki i ogólnie płynne kalorie polecam tylko wyedy, kiedy mamy problem z przejedzeniem odpowiedniej ilości kalorii, w innym przypadku świeże owoce będą dużo lepszym wyborem. - 🧸 Żelki to w głównej mierze węglowodany proste, świetnie sprawdzą się jako dodatek przed/po treningowy, lub intraworkout ( w trakcie treningu ).
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theloveinc · 2 years
OH…INCH RESTING………i have one of their fics in my likes bc the premise sounded fun and the celeb couple post appeared on my fyp………..ಠ_ಠ…….one eye open indeed
but nvm enjoy your time in hawaii!!!!! no time to devote to this when u r surrounded by gorgeous beaches n volcanoes. i went there a few years ago n it was soso fun!!!! i ate cookie crisp cereal btw but froot loops r my childhood comfort food 😔🫶🏻
ndjsjdjic watch me go stalk their profile now to see what’s up with it………… that’s what I mean tho like… they’re clearly NOT unpopular or even untalented, just maybe… a fucking idea thief LOL. But it’s not like that’s truly illegal ig.
Anyway thank u sm!!!!!!! Im going home first thing tomorrow so sadly I don’t have much time left to enjoy, but I definitely did!!! And Im happy to hear u had fun too, tho how could someone NOT???
Anyway. Cookie crips. I don’t think I’ve had a bowl of those in YEARSSSS. Good taste tho 10/10 ily
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vilevampire · 3 years
my brain still feels mushyyyyyyyyyuuuuuu
I feel slightly better today
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jwbjwb · 4 years
why can’t i stop eating cookie crisp
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macamellow · 5 years
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piilbug · 2 years
Things that work as treats for me!
Cheese! (Lil blocks preffered :D)
Those little strawberry twist wafer things
Cookie crips (the cereal)
Tbh any cereal!
Cupcakes !!!!!!!!
Peppermint Bark
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gumballcannon · 3 years
All of the gnome statues despise pomegranate cookie because she ruined dark chocos mental health horribly -Crip
The sugar gnomes have never met this woman but from what dark choco says and what the main characters tell them they all know she's no good
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silverrose6 · 3 years
Yo so I saw a video asking what cereal mascot is more likely to kill and I haven't been able to get it out of my head. I thought about this question a lot and here is my answer. Sorry really long post ahead.
Tony the Tiger (Frosted Flakes): No
Tony's an athlete and is too focused on sports and getting kids to active. I don't think he interacts with the others much, has a friendship with Shaq and maybe has a friendship with Tucan Sam. He had problems with the Grinch and I don't think he ever recovered from that.
Tucan Sam (Fruit Loops): No
He is a family man. He is constantly looking after his nephews and keeping them out of trouble. Think Donald Duck but with less anger issues. He doesn't have time to plan a murder when he's too stressed about keeping his nephews safe.
Snap, Crackle, Pop (Rice Krispies): No
The brothers are just trying to run their family business. But the Kebler elves have beef with them. The Keblers are like a mob family and the brothers have enough to worry about to be planing a murder.
The Flintstones (Fruity and Cocoa Pebbles): No
Like the brothers they are a family business. The Flintstones and the Rubbles started the business for their children, Pebbles and Bam Bam. They are a blue collar family business they are not gonna plan a murder.
L.C Leprechaun 'Lucky the Leprechaun' (Lucky Charms): No
Lucky is a capitalist he owns the cereal that everybody wants and he does everything to keep them from getting it. He has money and power and he gets a kick from playing keep away. He's not gonna murder.
Captain Crunch(Cap'n Crunch): No
He is a military man in power if he wants to kill someone he'll do it during war or on a battle field and it will be justified. He doesn't need to do it illegally.
Trix Rabbit (Trix): No
Trix is a thief, he does petty crime but he's not about to kill. He's as bad as a Scooby Doo villain.
Cookie Jarvis (Cookie Crips): No
See Trix Rabbit.
Dig'em Frog (Honey Smacks): No
He's a kid and is honestly just happy to be included.
Buzz Bee (Honey Nut Cheerios): No
He's too busy helping people stay healthy.
Sunny (Kellog's Raisin Brand) and Cornelius Rooster (Kellog's Corn Flakes): Hell No
They are sitting back and watching everything unfold and won't get involved they are too far above all that.
The Monster Cereals: No
The Monster cereals are Franken Berry, Count Chocula, Boo Berry, Fruity Yummy Mummy, and Frute Brute. They have their own club they are not gonna get mixed up in problems with the other mascots. They basically live in their own world so no they wouldn't kill.
Sonny (cocoa puffs): Maybe?
Sonny is an addict who tries to get clean but always falls back into the habit because he is around people who are eating what he's addicted to. I feel bad for him because he tries but fails, even if it's not his fault. While I don't think he would kill anyone I do think he might do something while he's going "cuckoo for cocoa puffs" by accident.
The Cinnamon Squares (Cinnamon Toast Crunch): Yes
But not intentionally. The square are like a sub species of intelligent beings that were born and raised on a secluded island. They were found and brought back to civilization and now they are going wild. Like they are smart enough to do and understand tech, modern things, and function in civilized society but they are cannibals. They eat each others without a second thought and honestly it's normal for them. While they haven't eaten anyone other than other squares I wouldn't but it past the to move on to other things. But like I said they don't see it as wrong, it just their nature. They can be taught not to do it but...
CinnaMon (Apple Jacks): No
He is too laid back to kill anyone.
Bad Apple (Apple Jacks): Yes
It's not because of his name but because the dude is one bad day away from snapping. He has anger issues and if anyone is gonna plan a murder it's gonna be him.
If I missed one feel free to add it.
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what the II cast would smell like (to me at least)
LB - tires
Fan - G fuel and BO
OJ - freshly baked bread
Paper - vanilla
Mic - chocolate
Pickle - BO and peanut butter
Cherries - Kids soap (like the berry flavored shit with the super hero containers you find in Walmart)
Trophy - AXE and BO
Yinyang - Cherry blossoms
Soap - cleaning supplies with a hint of perfume
Taco - like someone who just got out of a lake and a hint of lemon
Paintbrush - paint and daisies
TB - chemicals
Salt - an ungodly amount of Pumpkin spice latte
Pepper - roses
Tissues - Vaporub and cough drops
Cheesy - velveta cheese
Box - cardboard and ice
Bomb - gunpowder
Toilet - sewer water
Mepad - oil and grapes
Mephone4s - oil and gunpowder
Mephone4 - cookies and oil
Bow - old bubble gum
Apple - gogurts
Marshmallow - sugar
Nickel - death and BO
Baseball - sports mats (like those ones you have in the Gym)
Dough - flour
Balloon - rubber welcome mat
Suitcase - freshly folded laundry
Knife - gardenias
Cabby - freshly printed paper
Clover - honey
Goo - slime
Lifering - sunscreen
Cobs - bad smelling chalone
Teddy Bear - baby lotion
Thermos - coffee grounds
Kumquat - grass
Haybale - Farm
Bandanna - stables
Silver Spoon - cologne
Candel - herbs
The Floor - dirt
TV - burnt wires
Poptart- cherry flavored poptarts
Magnifying Glass - oranges
Cookie - baked goods
Spikey Mervert - tar
8-Ball - poker tables
Dictionary - old books
Bell - metal
Banana - banana candys
Rubber Ball - plastic dollar store ball
Guitar - fried chicken
Frank - hotdogs
Traffic Light - gasoline
Shell - the ocean
Black Hole - bleach
Barrel - rotting wood
Blueberry - ash
Tea Kettle - floral tea
MePhone7 - car freshener
Chives - garlic
Hot take but I think Painty would smell like burning paint but that is my only critique
This is hilarious wHABSHSBSH
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