#cornerstore asks
cornerstoreclown · 1 year
I want Art to destroy everyone who's hurt me
Anon you gave me inspiration.
A short ficlet with gender neutral reader venting to Art about people who have treated them badly. And Art... Well, he’s more than happy to oblige the readers request. No warnings listed. Lightly proofread, forgive any errors. 
Not everyone out there in the world has good intentions, you’ve learned through experience and trauma. 
Art is one of those people who have zero good intentions, but you’ve been blessed that he’s on your side. You’ve told him plenty of times about the people in your life that made it miserable, and he wasn’t one of them. You’ve vented to him before about it, and he’s listened diligently while sharpening his weapons, giving nods of acknowledgement in the past as he takes his time working on the next set of instruments to cause misery and pain among his next set of unwitting victims. He knew their names. He knew where you encountered them often if they were faces you would see regularly. For those you were most unfamiliar with and were merely hurtful in passing, he took note of where it last happened. His memory is as sharp as any blade. He’s a predator first and foremost. 
Art’s been the only one who has looked out for you in the way that no one else has. He’s your protector. Your guardian. He’s farthest from an angel, but to you, he might as well have been.  You don’t know why, but you don’t question it. 
You remember the night that you busted into his lair in the middle of the night, crying your eyes out until they were red and trails of snot were running down your face. You looked hideous as grief rippled throughout your body. When you pressed your head into his chest and sobbed, he let you. He stood there firm, a pillar of strength. You’re strong, but even the strongest have the days that they need to break down. Art’s embrace is warm as he runs his hand through your hair and rubs the space on your back between your shoulder blades. 
He smelled like iron tonight. Like blood, but no sight of blood on him tonight to be found. 
Your sobs were ugly and raw, shaking your frame as you let all the anguish leave your frail mortal form. You know you’re getting snot and tears on his clown outfit, but mucus in particular didn’t bother him at all. That was probably one of the least disgusting things he usually comes in contact with. 
“I just want them to go away.” You told him, after explaining what happened through hiccups. “I want them to hurt like how they hurt me.” 
Whoever hurt you, whether it be family, friends, coworkers, teachers–none of them would stand a chance. Not anymore. After crying and crying and crying until you couldn’t squeeze anymore tears out of your eyes, you let fatigue be the calm that washed over you as you stood there in silence, in Art’s arms, speaking to him initially muffled as you kept yourself against his chest, until you pulled away just enough to look at him. 
His gaze was locked onto you, and it’s like he’s piercing through your soul in a way that his knives never could. You saw it, and it was subtle. A glint in his eye. One that you knew too well of what it meant, like an unspoken way of acknowledgement.
He’d take care of it for you. 
Anything for you. 
Anything to indulge in his insidious nature, while he was at it. 
For now, he was focused on you, letting you get out all your feelings until he’s able to break the ice with some humor, whether it be through making faces or squishing your own face and then lifting the corner of your lips up until it’s a smile. You finally relented and let happiness in, having laughed and sniffled your last few sad sniffles.
He’d send you off after he lifted your spirits up just enough to where you could get back home and tuck yourself in bed for the night and fall asleep with a somewhat clear mind. 
Your mind would be significantly clearer than last night when you turned on the news in the morning and saw the face of someone you recognized–someone you knew at least well enough to associate with unpleasant feelings. 
He had a list, and he was plucking them off one by one. 
All for you.
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tennessoui · 1 year
padme using anakin as a psychological test against her other acquaintances is my absolute new favorite thing
(in reference to the tags on this post)
anakin, at the corner store, whining into his phone: seriously padme i don't know what to bring?? how come the fancy host isn't just supplying us with wine and food why does everything have to be a group project you know i hate group projects he better be as hot and single as you promised otherwise i'm stealing his coat rack and running into the night
padme, uncapping her pen and finding a new blank notebook: just be yourself ani i believe in you
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perilegs · 6 months
every time i try to do something scary on purpose for my social anxiety the universe decides to add in unexpected situations 😔
#i was supposed to go pick up a package and then i was like. ok wait. ive gotten good at buying something while pickiing a package up. what#if i also buy stamps#bc you have to ask the cashier for those (same as with the package)#and it was just at my cornerstore so it's a safe nonscary environment#well. as not-scary as any store can be.#but. there were a lot of ppl there. which! i thought would be fine bc the line was still relatively short but. what happened was that they#opened another register.#and i was queuing for the reguster that had stamps and handles packages#and i would have loved to stay at the queue. but. only one person went to the queue of the new register. so there were 2 ppl in line before#me. one already had their stuff on the conveyor belt and the other was about to put their stuff there too#and the person who went to the other register only had like 2 things to buy. so. it was me. in line behind 2 people. versus an almost#empty register. so. i had to switch to the free register before the cashier had the time to b like 'there's a free register here!'#bc i don't have a script for hearing that and saying 'no' !!!#so i just. switched over and bought my snacks. leaving the store with no package and no stamps.#bc if i hadnt i would have had to say something i dont have a social script for and probably stumbled on my words and gone red and dizzy#which. not ideal.#and this sucks ass bc all i really needed was one (1) success in a social situation#bc this week has been kicking my ass social anxiety wise#usually when i go and get coffee from a coffeeshop they dont ask me shit and just make my order to regular milk which. ok. i dont have an#allergy or anything. i just think plant alternatives taste better in coffee#but this week. i got asked 'do you want that in regular milk?' and i was not expecting that#so i was like 'yes please 😊' and drank my grossly milky coffee dreaming about what i could have had#and that happened TWICE#after the first time i did think about it and decide i could have said 'do you have oat milk or something' and then the barista#could have either said yes or no and both of those would b easy to answer#but instead of asking if they have oat milk i just said yes. again.#can you guys imagine some people speak without being scared#some people even go to the store without feeling even an ounce of fear. imagine#leevi talks
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woso-dreamzzz · 4 months
Barcelona Femení x Teen!Reader
Summary: You come home to an intervention
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It's not that you an actual alcoholic. It's not like you craved it everyday or you couldn't go without it.
You were English though so it was practically a rite of passage to get drunk in a park with your friends from cheap alcohol someone had bullied an adult into buying at the cornerstore. Of course, those times spiralled into massive ragers at someone's house but it's not like you drank when you were meant to be working.
Barcelona was the dream and you felt incredibly lucky to be approached with the chance to play.
But It meant less parties, less time in England, less time with your friends but you were fine with that.
You were capable of keeping your professional life separate from your private one.
You would train and train and train in Spain and then when international break rolled around, you would hop on the first plane back home and party your heart out with your friends.
You were slightly behind on the trends because of that so the first time you hit a vape, you sputtered and coughed and vowed to never do it again. You stuck to that for the most part unless you were blackout drunk but you never really remembered that anyway so it was like it never happened.
When training started back up again, you would go from a party to the airport and then back to Spain, slipping back into the house as quietly as possibly so as to not disturb Alexia.
Your head pounded as you slipped inside. You usually didn't drink too much when you were meant to go to the airport but you still felt a little bit tipsy but somehow, halfway to hungover.
You slipped the sunglasses over your face and took another long swig of your water. You still had the aftertaste of vodka in your mouth.
You slipped into Alexia's house quietly, dumping your bags onto the floor. You didn't have to creep around though because the light switched on and you jumped.
"Jesus," You said," Have you been sitting in the dark all this time? That can't be good for your eyes."
Alexia was sat on her sofa, arms crossed over her chest. Marta and Irene were sitting with her. All of them were wearing the same stern looks that you usually only saw from Alexia.
Alexia's face was murderous as she looked at you. It was the same expression as the one when Mapi took you to get a stick-and-poke tattoo without her permission. Mapi was still a little wary from the scolding she received.
You didn't like where this was going.
"Wearing sunglasses inside ruins your eyesight too," Irene said sternly and your throat bobbed.
If you took them off now then it would basically be incriminating yourself. This looked like an intervention already and you didn't want to confess to something like this if it was actually to do with something different.
So, you just shrugged.
"I've got a bit of a headache. It was a rough flight."
None of the three looked convinced but that was your story and you were going to stick with it.
"Have you got something to tell us?" Marta asked and you knew a trap when you saw one.
You shrugged again, breezily walking to the kitchen like nothing was wrong. Your rummaged around in the fridge, snatching out some breadsticks and hummus.
"Just that you really ought to hit the gym more, Marta," You teased," It's getting boring running circles around you."
You were deflecting but it's all you could think to do.
"Hmm. Really? That's all you have to say?"
You sighed. "Fine. You caught me. I was the one that hid your socks a few weeks ago. They're in one of the boxes in the physio room."
Alexia glared at you and snapped," Don't get smart. You know why we're here."
You scoffed. "Well, I know why you and I are here. We live here. Marta and Irene, though? Coming to steal our food or something?"
"I mean it," Alexia said. She was by far the most strict with you and you knew you were crossing lines by not confessing now but you'd already hit rock bottom. It was time to get the pickaxe out and keep digging.
"Why don't you enlighten me to why there's an intervention in the living room? I haven't done anything wrong?"
"Really?" Irene said," Can you explain this?"
She showed you a picture from your Instagram posted last night. There was nothing bad on it. There were no drinks or vapes.
You shrugged. "It's me and my friends? What, I can't have friends now?"
"Not friends who are bad influences!" Alexia snapped. She grabbed the phone and clicked on someone's profile that you'd tagged.
You knew you were doomed the moment that Alexia showed you the saved stories. This particular friend had a whole folder related to parties and you knew she posted on it regularly, just as regularly as you were a guest at them.
But, still, you were going to stand your ground, even as the evidence was played in front of you.
"It was a one time thing," You lied.
"And this?" Alexia said, scrolling through your friend's account. "And this? What about this one?"
"Oh my god," You laughed in disbelief," Is this really an intervention? I've not done anything wrong!"
"Well," Irene said," You're drinking underage."
"Ha!" You said," It's legal to drink underage in the UK so long as it's in the house. So, there!"
"And the vaping?" Marta asked.
You winced. "Not really my thing. I don't get the appeal."
"Well thank god for that," She said," One thing to check off the list."
"It doesn't matter if it's legal!" Alexia hissed," It's wrong! You're doing it excessively! I tracked the days! For almost every day you're back in England, one of your friends post about you all drinking at a party! It's excessive."
"God, Alexia," You said," That's obsessive. You need a hobby."
Her angry glare made you shut your mouth quickly as she stood. She approached you quickly and you backed up until you hit the wall.
"Maybe I would have time to have hobbies if I wasn't worried about you getting alcohol poisoning when I'm not around!"
"I can drink responsibly!"
"Can you? Because that video of you throwing up in the toilet does not look like responsible drinking!"
"It was one time!"
"One time turns to two and two turns three and then suddenly you're day drinking and you've got a problem!"
You rolled your eyes. "God forbid I have fun with my friends, Alexia."
"This is a bit more than having fun with your friends," Marta said," Is there no other way to have fun with them? Do you do things with them other than partying?"
You stayed silent.
"We're not doing this because we don't think you should have fun," Irene said," We're doing this because we love you and we don't want this to turn into a problem you can't cope with."
Suddenly, all of those was a bit too overwhelming. Your hangover was in fully swing and you were still pressing up against the wall, Alexia in front of you and Marta and Irene flanking her.
"I don't have a problem," You insisted though your voice sounded a little weak.
"We know. We're just making sure that it doesn't become one."
You sniffled a little bit and moved to lay your head on Alexia's shoulder as tears dripped down your face.
"I never see them," You said," I don't want them to stop being my friend because I don't go along with what they're doing."
"If they do that then they were never your real friends to begin with," Alexia said, gently untangling the knots in your hair as you cried against her shoulder," I worry about you when you go back home. I just want you to be safe."
You nodded against her.
The door swung open and you jumped.
Lucy came bursting in. "Sorry, I'm late!" She said," Have we already started the intervention? Because I have helpful images on the effects of alcohol poisoning! And a picture of decayed lungs!"
"Lucy," Irene groaned," That was meant to be an intervention, not traumatising!"
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heartss4val · 5 months
hellooo! i was just binge reading all your works and immediately followed, and saw that you were taking requests soo i wanted to request a lil something!
it’s a percy x f!reader where they stay up late to wait for christmas together! scenario could preferably be on top of their apartment rooftop or smth, but i wouldn’t mind any other choices you’d like! thank youuu, once again i love your workkkk <3
𐑺 ˖ ࣪ ࿐ྂ MEET ME AT THE ROOFTOP | percy jackson x gn!reader [wc: 924] thank u anon for ur kind words, ur the sweetest!!
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you had a couple ideas of where you'd be on christmas eve. tucked under the covers of the bed you and percy were sharing while you were over for the holidays, wrapping up last-minute presents, staying up late due to the surge of adrenaline, maybe?
you were pretty wrong about all of those.
"'just hope this year isn't as hectic as last," percy's voice cuts through your thoughts as he tosses rocks off the rooftop of the apartment complex, trying to hit a nearby tree.
you nod absently, hands fiddling with the red and green macaroni necklace that estelle had thrust into your hands the moment you stepped foot into the jackson household. the frigid wind bites at your skin, but you don't complain. percy, however, smushes your face into his shoulder, covering the remaining exposed part of your cheek with his hand.
as you nuzzle further into his warmth, percy glances at the blue, glowing watch that he'd picked up from a cornerstore years ago. it was old and looked like it had been through a war, but it still worked. "only three more minutes," he murmurs, holding up his wrist so you could see the neon blue numbers reading '11:57'. against the blackness of the night, the color was almost garish, but it was softened by the warm glow of christmas lights that adorned percy's neighborhood.
you smile, your lips dry and cracked from the cold. percy had brought you up here solely to be the first to give you your gift on christmas day. he and estelle had a running competition, and he couldn't present it to you in the house without her popping up from seemingly nowhere. the rooftop was the only place of privacy. it was technically cheating, but estelle had won for the past two years and percy was petty. the small gift box next to the boy didn't go unnoticed by you.
"you wanna try?" percy asks, handing you the rock he'd been about to throw. he still hasn't hit his target. you muttered a quiet 'yeah,' took a deep breath, and hurled the rock off the roof.
it hit the tree square on.
percy looked genuinely flabbergasted. mind-boggled, if you will. "you're sick," he says at last. "why would you do this to me?"
"you can defeat the god of war at the age of twelve but you can't hit a tree that's like, thirty feet away?" you retort, breath visible in the frigid air.
"take that back!" percy laughs, his knit beanie tumbling off his head as he tackles you to the rooftop ground, holding your face in his hands.
percy could be intimidating when he wanted to be, but up here, with a smile lighting up his face and his eyes sparkling with mischief, he was anything but.
"i'm gonna make you sorry," he warns.
"sorry for what?" you quip, breathless from the effort of holding him off when he wants to reach you this badly. "that all those years of sword training couldn't build up your muscles enough to hit a tree that close to you?"
he ignored your taunt, his fingers squeezing yours as he ducks down into your space. you laugh, squirming away, pushing your hand (with his still twined into it) against his face.
"you suck at this," you tease. "and you won't win!"
"oh, yeah?" he says, his smile wide and gleaming. two of his teeth are a little sharp at the corners, reminding you of a shark. fitting.
percy's lips part, ready to speak, but just then the alarm on his watch, the old and crusty one that he showed you earlier, went off, the sound piercing through the quiet night air. you glanced at the time.
midnight exactly.
percy releases you, thankfully. your arms were starting to strain. you lied about the muscle thing, he was pretty strong.
"c'mere," he says, picking up the box that he wrapped, the paper crinkling in the spots where his fingers were touching it. you sit next to him, feet dangling off the rooftop. he puts the box in your hands and you eagerly tear off the wrapping paper.
inside was a stunning multi-colored bracelet, with multiple chains and twists and turns that caught the light. you looked up at percy, who was already watching you. "i've been saving up," he says, his eyes downcast. "what do you think?"
you had to take a moment before responding. "i love it perce, really." you slipped the bracelet onto your wrist, admiring the way it glinted in the christmas lights. he even got it in your favorite color. "thank you."
he let out a sigh of relief, pulling up the sleeve of his jacket to reveal a matching bracelet on his own wrist, but in blue. "good," he breathes, a small smile playing at his lips. "'cause if you didn't, then you'd have to see it everytime i held your hand, anyway."
you gape at him, then grin. you like the idea of having a piece of him with you, even when he was away. you reached up to cup his face and pressed a kiss to his cheek. "was this just an excuse for you to buy yourself a cool bracelet?" you tease.
percy shook his head, his smile growing. he leaned in to press a kiss to your temple, then took your hand in his, holding it up to the sky. the christmas lights around you seemed to glow brighter, illuminating the two of you. "one for me, one for you," he says, his voice low and warm.
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gimmeyourlovepls · 2 months
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movie night with miles morales :)
you find yourself cuddling into a side of the couch in miles' living room. you have the popcorn, drinks, and the movie is picked out. now the only thing thats missing is...
"miles, what are you doing?" you yell towards the kitchen, reluctant to leave your spot from the couch, it just got warm :(
"i'm coming baby, just making popcorn-" you hear a loud bang come from the kitchen and run over the couch to check on everything.
you did not expect to find a bunch of popcorn on the floor, along with the smell of burnt butter and sugar, little snowflakes of ash raining down all over to complete the scene of disaster you just entered.
"miles morales, what the heck did you do?!" you start murmuring, your brain finally sensing how much cleaning needs to be done as you run for a broom.
as you sweep, you hear him mumble, "i didn't know that bowl was metal..." god, why is this boy like this?
"miles, you're so smart, but you're so dumb," you say as you dump the popcorn burnt offerings in the trash before going to check on him, picking the tiny flakes out of his hair. "are you ok?"
"been better. ...you think we can salvage this movie night?" he's so cute. quickly, you grab a coat (that may or may not be his) and slip on some shoes that wont fall apart, as well as your wallet, which quickly gets slipped into your pocket.
"we can. im going to buy some microwaveable popcorn cause i think if we try to make it from scratch again, one of us will die. find the movie for me?" you blow him a kiss before you run to the cornerstore, leaving him in the kitchen.
when you come back 10 minutes later and 20 dollars poorer (there was a 2L bottle of pop on sale and gummies), you find miles on the couch, in your former spot, cuddled under some blankets and... asleep?
"baby?" calling out softly to him as you slip off your shoes, leaving your jacket on to embrace the warmth a bit longer. you tiptoe towards him, tapping his shoulder as he jolts with a snore. "you okay?"
"yeah, just got a bit bored waiting. n-not in a bad way! just missed you." he fixed his wording (thankfully, you were about to pounce on him), and took the bag of other goodies out of your hand as you walked to put the popcorn into the now-clean kitchen. "you got gummies? you really do love me."
"mm, yeah, im the best." punching in the numbers for the microwave, you left it alone as you walked to the couch, seeing miles had not opened the bag and had been waiting for you. "i got us pop too, you want it now, or later?"
he opened the lid carefully, which was the cue for you to grab two plastic cups and the now popped popcorn. you slid beside him as he wrapped his arm around you. "...im not watching the minions movie with you again."
"why, its a classic!"
"you didn't let me sleep after cause you had a dream you turned into a minion!"
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a/n: there was a request that asked for this but i couldnt find itttt also i know this is trash but im trying to get back into writing after school literally drained all my creativity so please bare with me here
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archangeldyke-all · 5 months
sevika w gf who uses makeup but all the routine (contour, eyeliner...) but not cause insecure cause she likes
sevika would like? she let reader do her makeup??🥹
men and minors dni
sevika wears some makeup-- she's got a little bottle of khol she applies to her eyes every morning, and a tube of dark coffee brown lipstick she keeps in her side satchel-- but that's about as far as her interest in the stuff goes.
so when she meets you, she's fascinated.
she'll watch you do your entire makeup routine, whether you're just doing a quick coat of mascara and chapstick to run to the cornerstore, or a full beat for a night out, whether you take ten minutes or two hours, sevika's watching you work with heart eyes the whole time.
sometimes you have to shoo her away, because you can't focus while sevika's watching you like that, but most of the time you let her stay.
she loves it when you let her help. she loves carefully swiping your lipstick on for you, cleaning up the bleeding edges with a gentle swipe of her thumb. she also loves when you let her pick out your eyeshadow colors for the day. she'll listen to you blab on and on about new contouring techniques, or the difference between a smoky eye vs. a halo eye. she doesn't give a shit, but she likes the little smile she gets from you when she compliments your makeup with the proper terminology.
"love that cut crease, baby" or "wait hold on, you forgot to brush off this little bit of baking powder."
the first time you take false lashes off in front of sevika, she screams in horror. you laugh.
"what, you thought my eyelashes were 22milimeters long naturally?" you ask. sevika's still gawking at you.
"i thought the mascara made 'em longer or something!" she says.
you giggle then place the still sticky lash bands over your top lip, making a little mustache. sevika snorts.
if you ever ask to do sevika's makeup, she'd let you. she wouldn't want anything different from what she usually does-- dark eyes and lips-- but she'll let you add some more products and techniques to make it a bit more cohesive and polished. some contour to bring out her lovely cheekbones, brow gel for her eyebrows, lipliner so her lipstick doesn't smudge as much throughout the day, and setting spray that smells like flowers and adds a little shimmer to her skin. she loves it.
she loves it so much that she makes you do her makeup for her every time she can. she's going into work but you've got the day off? you're doing her makeup. date night somewhere fancy? you're doing her makeup.
sevika's favorite thing about your makeup though, is the colorful kiss marks that decorate her cheeks and neck every day, matching the color painting your lips.
when you buy new lipstick, she always offers to help you 'test the longevity.'
this just means having a handsy makeout session.
@lesbeaniegreenie @fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @ellabslut @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @love-sugarr @chuucanchuucan @222danielaa @badbye666 @femme-historian
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thought--bubble · 7 months
It's ok to hurt me, I'm not worth much (one-shot)
Billy Washington X (Store Clerk Reader)
Warnings after the Break
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Full Master list
Billy W. Master list
Banners By: @arcielee
A/N: this is by far the smuttiest thing I've ever written so please don't judge me too harshly 🤣🤣 I was inspired by the video someone posted of Billy whining and I couldn't help myself.🤣
Warnings: depression, self-loathing, oral sex (M receiving)
When you met Billy Washington, he seemed like a moderately happy guy. He must have had a flat nearby because he was in your cornerstore quite often. He would come alone, or sometimes he would be in the company of a pretty woman hands intertwined they seemed like a happy couple.
When he would come to the counter with his items for purchase, he would always have a friendly smile and ask how you have been doing. You loved it when he came into the store. Mostly because you could stare at him when he did. He was handsome. He had a tall, slender figure. A sharp jawline with piercing blue eyes and shaggy hair.
You didn't flirt with him because you were aware he had a girlfriend. A girlfriend who you surmised was one of the luckiest women you had ever met. She was as beautiful as he was. Light features and a soft laugh.
You always looked forward to his visits, though. You paid such close attention that you picked up on subtle changes. It started with the pretty girl. You noticed that for weeks on end, she had not accompanied him. Then, it was his smile. It seemed each time you saw him that beautiful smile of his got smaller and smaller until there was no smile at all. Then the fluffy hair on his head hung down in what looked like oily globs. His previously clean shaven face now littered with patches of mismatched hairs that looked like a young boy trying to grow a beard for the first time.
You couldn't help but wonder, what had happened to this cheeky adorable man?
You were getting ready to close down the shop. It was a Friday night and you planned on going to the pub with a few friends to unwind. You were counting the till when the little bell over the door interrupted your thoughts. You had thought you locked the door.
"I'm sorry were closing up" you said not looking up.
"Possible just to get a quick pack o smokes?"
You lift your head quickly at the recognition of his voice. Although it no longer sounded cheeky instead shakey and unsure you would still recognize it anywhere.
"Oh, sure. Can't deny you now can I?" You joke while grabbing his brand of smokes from behind the counter and placing them in front of you.
He looks an utter mess. Eyes glossy, hair disheveled, clothes unkempt.
He gives you a half smile that doesn't make it to his eyes. You put your hand over the pack and bite your bottom lip.
"I'll give you these.... IF you answer some questions" You feel a small burst of adrenaline you have never been this forward.
He looks at you confused "questions?" He scratches at his temple. You notice his hand is injured and wrapped in gauze.
"Yep. We have a deal?" You pick up the pack and wiggle it back and fourth in front of him.
"Yeah, alright, I'm not too interesting though"
"I'll be the judge of that." You move from behind the counter and flip the open sign to closed and lock the door. You pull down the blinds over the windows and the last one over the door.
"No interruptions." You go back behind the counter and pull out two stools, bringing them to where Billy is standing. He is shifting his weight from foot to foot. Running the flat of his palms down the front of his pants, no doubt, trying to wipe off the sweat that has started to accumulate there.
You move the two stools so they are facing each other.
"Sit" you motion to one of the stools.
He hesitates, looking between you and the stools with confusion.
"You're fidgety, sit"
He lets out a shakey light laugh and sits down on the stool and you sit down on the stool you had set up across from him.
"Ok.... first question" you look into his eyes he looks so nervous. It endearing.
"What happened to the pretty girl that was always in here with you?"
"Becky.... oh yeah that..... didn't work out" he looks down at his feet nervously tapping them together.
You fight the smirk that wants to crawl across your face. "Is that the reason for all of this?" You wave your hands towards him.
"All of what?" He looks at you confused.
"The dirty hair? Unkempt clothes? No longer shaving?"
"W-what? N-no. " he pats down his hair and brushes off his clothes self-consciously. "I've got a lot of different things going on at the moment"
"Explain it to me" you say gently.
He looks away, not wanting to make eye contact. "You don't want to hear any of this." he nervously runs his fingers through his hair.
"But I do" you scoot your stool forward so your knees are near touching as you reach down and squeeze his with your hand. "Tell me"
His eyes go wide as he stares at your hand on his knee and clears his throat. "U-umm... got rejected from the army"
"That's not a big deal loads of people do" you run your hand up his thigh and back down to his knee in a comforting gesture.
He keeps his head down watching your hand "no not my family. Not just once but a lot of times."
"So..... choose a different career path, " you say now using your thumb to rub circles on his knee.
"Can't keep a job." He lets out a huff mixed with a laugh
"Then you haven't found the right one"
He finally lifts his head and looks at you. "Why are you doing this?"
"Because that happy funny man I always loved to see has disappeared. I would like to find him and bring him back. " You get off the stool and stand in front of him.
"Trust me, I'm not worth it," he says, dejected.
"Hey," you put your hands on his cheeks and lift his face to look at you. His blue eyes are so sad that you feel yourself melt a little. You rub your thumbs along his cheekbones. "What has you saying a terrible thing like that?"
He allows you to keep his head in your hands and keeps looking up at you. "They all tell me. They ain't wrong."
You think he looks like a little puppy that needs to be rescued in this moment. "They hurt you, huh?" You continued caressing his cheekbones. He raises his arms as if he is going to rest them on your hips but instead lets them fall back into his lap.
"It's ok to hurt me, I'm not worth much," your heart breaks as he finally looks away from you, putting his hands over yours and lowering them off of his face.
You kneel down in front of him and place your hands on his knees. He looks at you completely confused.
"Umm.... ermmm.... what are you doing?" He runs the palms of his hands against his pants.
"I want to show you that you are important." He stays silent, eyes wide just staring at you.
You run your hands from his knees up his thighs and back down while you both maintain eye contact.
"H-how would you do that?" He gulps loudly.
"I have a few ideas." You scoot in closer, spreading his legs apart, settling yourself in between them.
"What makes you feel good" you say to him in your best sultry voice.
He's just looking at you, jaw slack. After a few minutes, he finally half responds. "Huh?"
"Well, you have been feeling bad. So -" You run both hands from his knees all the way up to his hips, lingering for a moment before running them back down."I would like to know what makes you feel good"
He makes a small whimpering sound as his eyes quickly scan your face. "If you won't tell me, I guess I will just have to figure it out. If what I'm doing makes you feel bad, you just tell me, yeah?"
He barely squeaks out an "Uh hu"
You run your hands up and down his thighs a few more times and click your tongue. "Tsk tsk so tense, Billy."
He makes another small whimpering noise lighting a fire in your belly. You bring your hands back up to his hips and then slide them under his shirt.
He holds his breath but doesn't pull away. Your hands slowly slide out of his shirt and over his waistband and down into his lap.
When your hands brush lightly over his manhood under his joggers, he lets out a slightly louder whine and his hips jolt forward. You start to caress him through his joggers as he is involuntarily bucking his hips lightly.
"So responsive, sweet boy," he whimpers again as you bring your hands back up to his waistband and start to shimmy them down just enough to free his throbbing member.
"Well, that's impressive" you say while looking and his fully erect cock thats already wet with precum.
Billy is breathing heavily but doesn't say anything he stares at your hand as you wrap it around him.
"Oh shit" he says in a whimper as you start moving your hand up and down in precise motions along his cock not fully gripping.
"It's so pretty" you say and fully grip him as he lets out a gasp. His hands gripping the sides of the stool.
You lean in as if you're inspecting it, making sure your breath can be felt on the tip.
Billy whimpers again, his hips slightly shifting. You give the tip a kitten lick and then look up at billy. His eyes are wide and his mouth open completely entranced.
You take his right hand and place it on the back of your neck before leaning completely forward and taking the head of his cock in your mouth. You feel the hand on your neck start to squeeze, and you hear him starting to pant above you.
You take as much into your mouth as you can and grip the rest with your hand as you start bobbing your head up and down, hollowing your cheeks. Billy slides his hand up from your neck into your hair.
"P-p-please don't stop," he says in between whimpers. You start to move your head more vigorously. Feeling his cock battering the back of your throat. His whimpering is getting steadily louder, and his hips start to buck up off the stool. His hand gripping your hair as if he is hanging on for dear life.
You lower your head as far down as you can until it causes you to gag. Billy moves to pull your hair back with both his hands, watching your every move intently.
"Oh, I'm gonna, oh no, I'm gonna." He doesn't finish his sentence before you feel his cock pulse I'm your mouth as his seed shoots down your throat.
You make sure to swallow everything he gives you and then rise to your feet. He sits on the stool face flushed with beads of sweat on his forehead.
"I bet you really need that pack a smokes now, huh?" You say cheekily as you walk back around to the back of the counter.
Billy is still speechless sitting on the stool, and he hasn't moved an inch yet. Only his eyes are following you around the room.
You go back over to him, sitting in the stool and handing the pack of cigarettes to him. He stares at the pack blankly, not moving.
You giggle, taking his hand and placing the cigarettes in them. This contact seems to wake him up, and he looks at you.
"T-thank you"
You smile sweetly at him. "I have to finish closing this place up now.
"Oh yeah, sure i should....." he looks down and gets himself back into his joggers.
"I should probably get out of your way then," he stands up. He looks over at you like he wants to say something else but can't bring himself to do so. He walks to the door and opens it to step out.
"Billy?" He stops and looks at you.
"I expect to see that happy smiling man back in here. I have a surprise. I can't wait to give him"
Billy dawns a giant cheeky grin that lights up his face.
"I think he will be coming to this store often"
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>×> I loved your headcanons for the 3-A so I wanted to know if you had any for the 3-B as well
If we're being honest- then no!! I did not have any on hand at the time of ask. However, I did let my brain go ballistic at 3AM again so... here we go again.
General Headcanons:
Nazuna is so damn done with these people (except Kuro and possibly Tsumugi).
Kanata likes patting Nazuna on the head while talking to him. Nazuna noisily complains it but if Kanata ever stopped, Nazuna would find it pretty weird.
Tsumugi likes to sit down and sew with Kuro sometimes. Wataru often interrupts such sessions by claiming that he can also make scarves and proceeds to pull out a neverending chain of them out of his sleeves.
Once when Nazuna bit his tongue, Leo had concluded that he was a space invader and threw a pencil at him.
Nazuna likes sending "Get Well" cards with cute stickers and doodles whenever one of his (when they were his current and still when they are his former) classmates are sick.
Kanata likes to take naps on peoples' shoulders, usually Rei or Wataru, but he has slept on everyone in 3-B various times.
Leo often comes up with script ideas and askes Wataru to visualise them for him. It mostly ends up dragging everyone else into it.
Kanata likes hearing peoples' voices in conversations (Rei probably has his favourite voice, by tone) so he closes his eyes while he listens to them and then doesn't end up responding because he fell asleep.
Kuro holds leo underneath the arms like a rabid animal to stop him from causing havoc.
Nazuna has had a hyperfixation on flower language after trying to decipher the message Wataru would send when he kept on giving people different coloured flowers [There was no reason, Wataru just likes those flowers at the time]
Tsumugi likes sending out cards after important events for each classmate. They're usually something from a cornerstore like a card with a puppy on it saying "I'm PAW-SITIVELY proud of you!"
Nazuna likes buying stationery on impulse but he hates when Leo finds out because then he begs to use it and it always ends up with glitter, marker, and stickers on the floors, walls, and both of their faces.
Rei likes to use a "secret language" with Wataru and Kanata so that he emphasised certain words and is very cryptic in speech. Nazuna just looks at him in confusion, Tsumugi and Kuro don't pay it any mind, and Leo asks if he's an alien. Wataru and Kanata don't actually know what it means either, they just like playing along.
Leo jumped into the ocean after seeing Kanata walk in with his clothes on. He immediately found an unidentified creature and wrestled with it, it omitting his vision, until Kanata peeled the octopus off his face.
! era:
Leo has called Kuro mother before. It was probably after something simple as Kuro chiding him for drawing on the desks on the rare occasions Leo did show up, but nobody's letting Kuro live it down.
Rei now calls him mother to tease him, as well as Leo who now frequently does it. Kanata does it with no malice whatsoever but because he thinks it's fun. He just playfully goes, "ok, 'mother'" whenever Kuro says something to him. Tsumugi tries to console Kuro on the fact but ends up accidentally calling him mother anyways. Nazuna wants to tease Kuro but he simply can't bring himself to call Kuro mother. Wataru, on the second Sunday of May, showers Kuro in bouquets as he walks into the classroom, wishing him very loudly a "Happy Mother's Day!! "
Leo was really interested in Rei's vampirism and spent a whole week trying to act like him. Eventually, he tried to sleep upside down like a bat [Despite Rei telling him that he, in fact, does not do that.] and Nazuna walks into the classroom that day with Leo falling on top of him from the ceiling.
Kuro, after some persuasion from Nazuna, embroiders and customises different types of fabric for his classmates.
He gifts Nazuna a little hankerchief with detailings of bunnies. He makes a towel for Kanata customised with various sea creatures on the edges. (Kanata barely remembers to use it, his hair always dripping wet anyways) He gifts Rei a pillow to place into his coffin because he assumes that it couldn't possibly be that comfortable in that thing. It's victorian styled (because he asked Shu for an idea) with little bats on the sides. Tsumugi gets a blanket in a clean geometric pattern. Wataru gets a cape with doves embroidered on the sides and it's very flowy. He showingly whirls it around and uses it in some of his performances. Leo got a scarf, but in the process of making, Leo kept demanding that it would be longer and longer. Kuro argued that if it reached his feet, Leo would trup over it, but Leo would keep on insisting so kuro would shake his head as he continued stitching. Leo did indeed trip on his face when he ran outside the first time he wore it.
Leo once shot an arrow into the classroom and used the rope attached to it to slide in through the window from the tree that he just happened to climb that morning, scaring the shit out of Tsumugi who was already in the classroom.
They held a puppet show in their classroom for funsies!!!
Leo had tought of it and ended up manifesting a script out of nowhere. Wataru looks it over and encourages everyone to participate to bring the vision to life. Tsumugi helped with the stage and Kuro made the puppets. Rei said that he was doing important work by supporting them (which just meant he wanted to watch it and do nothing) Kanata didn't know what everyone was doing but he likes putting the puppets in his hand and wiggling them around. Nazuna becomes the second unpaid actor forcibly. After the rehearsal, they do, in fact, force 3-A to watch it.
Nazuna likes to doodle on his notes when he gets bored, and Tsumugi when he notices, made Nazuna little charms that resembled his doodles and gifted to him.
Tsumugi did not find the need to mention his birthday, but when everyone pried, the class found out and Wataru pulled out party supplies, streamers, and balloons out of a hat he just flourished out of nowhere and strings them across the classroom so they can celebrate.
Wataru likes to enter the classroom in various different ways.
Once he jumped out of jack-in-the box set in the middle of the room and knocked Nazuna on his ass.
Tsumugi keeps a first aid kit on hand in case his luck acts up again, but he ends up lending it to Kuro a lot of the time, when he pricks his hand on a needle working with them in class again.
Nazuna forced Kuro to sit in the front with him because he was too short to see from the back and did not want to be alone.
Rei simply suggests that they stack books on a chair for him to sit on and Nazuna scowls (Rei doesn't even go to class!!)
Rei, in an attempt to outdo Eichi's 3-A field trips, suggests places for the group to go to, but ends up dying when it comes to actual event because he's in broad daylight.
Wataru likes to hold scavenger hunts throughout the school by leaving clues and leading everyone along. Nazuna ends up being the most invested.
Nazuna wanted to paint his nails in a cute style when he saw nail decals in a store window. He attempted to get Kuro to do it for him, but Wataru insisted he do it instead when he found out. It turns out surprisingly well, and Nazuna hesitatingly asks him to do more.
Kuro refuses to get his nails painted in any colour but black and runs away when Wataru points a glitter coat bottle at him.
Leo once asked Nazuna if he could be in charge of one of the broadcastings. Nazuna relented and that morning everyone could see Leo messily vlogging his day.
Like, "I climbed a TREE this morning, guys!! And thennnnnn I had a bagel--"
Tsumugi likes holding little trivia games in the classroom when they're all present (rare! also they don't do actual classwork I refuse to believe)
Kuro wins all the time. Tsumugi is the host but when he taps in, he only gets a close second surprisingly. Wataru, Rei, and Kanata always fail the pop culture sections. Leo answers the same thing to every single question and gets frustrated when Tsumugi shakes his head and tells him that's not the answer.
!! era:
Rei keeps on asking Nazuna how his phone works and Nazuna feels like he's talking to his grandpa.
Wataru still likes leaving cryptic notes in his old classmates' belongings and encourages them to finish the quest.
Kuro complains about being too old to do scavenger hunts anymore but still plays along. Nazuna doesn't want to show he's invested but curiosity gets the better of him.
Tsumugi somehow flounders and Rei and Kanata are the first ones at the end of the quest where Wataru holds a party. Wataru has to guide Leo specifically so the guy doesn't get lost.
Nazuna formed the groupchat when he was sitting in college, bored. He often gets frustrated when he doesn't get a response in the next 0.001 seconds.
Tsumugi usually responds first and Kuro follows with them asking how Nazuna's day was. Wataru likes entering the chat with a bunch of sparkle emojis. Rei misspells things frequently and accidentally sends random gifs. Leo just likes sending random voice and text messages about what he sees in his day, ignoring any logical progression in the chat.
Leo usually contacts Wataru when he wants to do some cool (vandalism) pieces on the walls of ES for the sake of art (and mostly so Eichi would be less mad).
Kanata asked Nazuna to puka puka with him in the pond. Nazuna didn't feel like saying now so now he spends the rest of the afternoon getting algae out of his shorts.
Rei likes to collapse on the floor during little meet-ups they'd have in a cafe or similar space for attention. Nobody really seems bothered by it and he usually cries out that the kids of this generation have no heart.
Nazuna once accidentally smacked Tsumugi with a door. He profusely apologised but became more erratic when Tsumugi simply responded that he was used to it.
Kuro has the same instincts to call his old classmates out on thing (like a mother hen-)
He sees Leo run around and wants to grab him by the scruff of the neck. He sees Nazuna biting his nails, he wants to swat it. He sees the Oddballs goofing around he wants to comment.
Kanata takes everyone on a trip to the aquarium.
Leo likes pressing his face against the glass. Nazuna keeps on pointing to cute fish that he sees while Tsumugi talks about little facts about them as Kuro listens. Rei fell asleep so Wataru drags them across the floor by the shoulder, loudly exclaiming at all the fish.
Nazuna wanted to get matching bunny keychains and decals for his phone with Kuro but Rei heard it and begged to be included. Nazuna didn't think he'd still have it but when Rei pulls out his phone in Rhythm Link meetings and Nazuna sees the bunnies, he gets psyche damage.
Aahhh. This class is interesting. In the way that none of them show up to classes and their interactions would be. stagnated somewhat. But I like them, they're eepy.
Thankies for the ask!! I love asks, they make me think more than I ever have in school- More Enstars Headcanons: Class 3-A Headcanons || Marine Bio Headcanons
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yifftwiceplz · 7 months
[ Years in the future, but not many… ]
[ +10 to be precise]
“Is it really that crazy to think I don’t want to lose you?”
“I don’t know what you expect Dave,” Karkat sighs, and pinches the bridge of his nose, “it’s not like I can go down to the hospital and get mortality reassignment surgery.”
“We still have access to the rest of the omniverse. You know I don’t ask the council for jack shit, and you know they love you. We could find a blood quest bed if we just looked around.”
Karkat throws his head back and groans. “You seriously want to risk infecting the universe we worked so hard to protect with another Jack Noir or Lord English? Or some other unknowable horror? Just for this?”
“Just for this?” Dave raises his voice slightly, despite the shakiness permeating his body. “Our marriage, which you so fuckin' casually gesture and refer to as ‘this’, is everything to me, just in case that wasn’t extremely god damn obvious.”
Karkat narrows his eyes at Dave in a cold glare. “Don’t twist my words. Don’t try to make it sound like I don’t care about our marriage, Dave. That’s not fucking fair and you know it.” He spits, making an effort to bite back tears.
Dave remains silent.
Karkat continues. “Has it not occurred to you, even once, just once, that I don’t want to live forever?”
“Has it not occurred to you that I also don’t want to live forever? Especially if it’s without you?” Dave retorts.
“Oh!” Karkat throws his hands up. “So I’m the lucky one, because I get to die early!”
“Kinda, yeah!” Dave shouts, hands visibly shaking. “You fucking asshole. How do you expect me to take it knowing every day I get a little closer to watching your health decline?? To watching you fade away. Going to your corpse party. And then coming back to our house, alone.” His voice cracks.
Karkat remains silent.
After a long, pregnant pause in the conversation, Dave wordlessly puts on houseslippers and a hoodie.
“Where the hell are you going.” Questions a deflated Karkat.
“I gotta get some air.” Dave mutters to himself. He exits, restraining himself from slamming the door when he hears Karkat call his name. He turns his phone off and shoves it in his back pocket.
Dave stops at a cornerstore for some cigarettes and a cappuccino. Normally he’d mix all the flavors. He barely has the heart to push the buttons and talk to the cashier. He notes Karkat is usually one to facilitate transactions.
He chooses to walk. Kind of annoying to smoke and have coffee while you’re flying around like Superman. Not that he has a solid plan for where he’s walking. The urge to get out of the house provided enough fuel to walk to the gas station, and beyond that, he’s acting on pure impulse. He naturally finds himself wandering through the park to Dirk’s apartment.
Dirk answers the light rapping on the door almost instantly; does this dude ever sleep? Dave makes a note to hound him about that when he’s not in the middle of a fight with Karkat.
“Sup.” He says flatly.
“Sup.” Dave responds flatly. “Wanna go to Vegas?”
There’s barely a moment of pause before Dirk points out the obvious.
“Are you and Karkat fighting?”
Dave sulks, somehow expecting Dirk to not put 2 and 2 together. Or at least not comment.
 “Do you want to talk about it on the way to Vegas or not.”
“... Yeah, ok. Do you want clothes?”
Dave looks down to check his fit. He admits to himself it’s a bit dumpy. It’s then he notices the grey symbol on the chest - he’d grabbed Karkat’s hoodie. His heart sinks in his chest and he flinches. Anyone other than his family wouldn’t have noticed. “No,” Dave voicecracks. After a moment he adds, “It’s Vegas right? Who cares.”
Dirk, equally dumpy looking, blinks owlishly behind his shades and gives a light shrug. “Are we taking the car or flying?”
Dave dumps his empty coffee cup in the apartment dumpster. “I know it’s a pain in the ass but can we take the car? I like the rumbling. And I don’t want my eyes to be dry as shit when I get there.”
“Yeah, of course.” Thank fuck for Dirk always being down to clown.
Within ten minutes, the Striders are loaded up in Dirk’s car with an itinerary, westbound and down.
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cornerstoreclown · 4 months
I hope the new year is going well for you!🥺
It is! I’m alive! I’m around. I hope it has been for you too. (:
I’m HOPING this year’s terrifier movie will light a fire I’ve desperately needed to complete this one fic I’m so close to finishing.
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inlocusmads · 7 months
Hey there! I got this ask game, and I'm passing it on! I literally picked the first 10 people that came up when I scrolled through my list! Play along if you wish! ❤️
Tag game: I will name you some categories or a word, and you will tag a Tumblr friend or a mutual who matches with it or gives you these vibes. Don't worry, just a game. If you get tagged by someone else, you are lucky. Continue this game with the words of your choice :)
New York
Vinyl Records
Elsa, thank you so much for this Ask! And I just wanna take a moment to appreciate the fact that this MADE ME THINK! It's awesome, I love it!
Dancing makes me think of @lovealexhunt's beautifully commissioned artwork - Mal and Daenarya after the ball and IT IS JUST TOO DAMN GORGEOUS OKAY? (I have like seventy posts saved in my drafts as reblogs and I should totally do that sometime soon lol). Honestly @hydn-jpg's art slaps, like hard bass, let's freaking go! Dani, always knocking it out of the park <3
Dagger - obviously @cassie-thorne. Ik ik too specific but I vaguely recall us just talking about daggers and weapons and cool stuff and recently there was this Ask from the playchoicesconfession account that talked about equipping the Crimes MC with something better than a taser. (MAX, CAMERON WITH KNIFE ARTWORK WHEN) and it also reminds me of this piece by @monschoices with Trystan and Sasha dressed up as the characters in Scream (1996). And Max just gives me full chaos vibes - we're all here for the chaos!
Seaside gives me just full @peonierose vibes. I'm just so behind on catching up with Peonie's work, but the last I hear, Luna and Bryce are living their sandy, beachy dreams up! There was this cute little fic where while they're picking out cakes, Bryce and Luna discover they're pregnant and it's just the wholesomest, feel-goodest fic on this earth. Plus, Peonie as a person just makes me associate with beaches, just the warmth of a nice summer's day.
New York is just @jerzwriter XD! Legit! It's synonymous almost! Ik you're from New Jersey, but you get the trademark New York culture, which is just so evident in your Crimes fics. I love them! I love how Carolina's got this wit and charm that's this cleverly calculated thing that helps her navigate tough situations but she is absolutely unafraid to hurl someone in front of a subway train in the slightest and yes, Trystan should be scared. I'd love to visit NYC someday!
Bakery gives me @peonyblossom solely because of the queer coffee shop vibes. I'm pretty sure they have a coffee shop AU and I'm just that terrible to not have gotten to it sooner XD. But honestly, yes, if we're going by vibes and vibes alone, just the atmosphere of a cornerstore bakery. It's very tough to pinpoint to one thing lol!
Vinyl records is just screaming @mydemonsdrivealimo (I don't know if I should be envious of Jensen that he gets to wear cool frickin outfits and just cook up a storm on the performing stage or if I should just sit back and wish why he weren't an actual musician I can binge-listen to on Spotify XD) but seriously, just impeccable of the impeccable-est music tastes ever.
Screaming reminds me of this Aerin x MC artwork by @oh-so-youre-a-nerd and IT'S NOTHING SHORT OF A MASTERPIECE (once again, I'm so behind on reblogging the coolest art and fics that I come across). I haven't seen the Witcher, but just Aerin "Sadboi" Valleros screaming out of his lungs is just a mood (mood I say, when it's heart-wrenching lmao). But damn, they knock it out of the whole freaking universe with their impeccable art! I'm just gonna sit here in awe and doom-scroll through their stuff right now.
Thank you so much Elsa! This was so fun to do <33
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practically-an-x-man · 3 months
uh oh! Dami's pet cow, Batcow, has wandered her way into your OCs' universes! what do they do?
Ooh fun! Thank you lol
Rae: She's actually fairly used to cows, since she grew up with a lot of neighbors who raised Highland cattle, so she manages to keep Batcow calm and get her navigated to somewhere a little safer so she can contact Dami
Robin: Is more confused than anything else, but asks around the mansion until she finds someone who can 1. explain and 2. manage to get Batcow back into her rightful universe
Madison: Is mostly focused on keeping Bravo from nipping at Batcow's ankles and spooking her. Dami better get here soon...
Ophelia: Sighs, fashions some sort of lead to guide Batcow along, and opens a portal to the right universe to get her home.
Jasper: .... Has literally no idea what's going on. They're from New Orleans - why the fuck is there a cow here? Not their problem.
Kestrel: Transforms into a cow themself and manages some fairly rudimentary communication to get the story from Batcow directly. From there, they're able to contact Dami and get her home.
Quinn: Honestly... she probably assumes she's hallucinating. She gets hallucinations frequently, and it's easier than trying to come up with why and how there's a cow dressed like Batman in the middle of the desert.
Katherine: Ties Batcow to a tree or a fencepost somewhere so she can't run off... and goes down to the nearest cornerstore for a sixpack of beer (or asks Jace to do it, since he's a few years older than she is). She doesn't drink, but it's her best bet at calling in a favor with Sekhmet/Hathor and getting Batcow sent back to her rightful universe.
And.... honestly I have no clue for Eris or Nikoletta. Nothing's coming to me there, sorry.
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holygeist · 1 month
need a friend that will cry with me and leaves me voicemails and stops by and sends me things that make me laugh and knows why they’re funny and knows the things that make my brain itch in a good way and sends me cryptic text messages and asks me what song this is and has flaws and comes over to cook dinners and share recipes and walk to cornerstores.
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vulturereyy · 1 year
Thinking after a royal ball or some event that ran very late into the night and had hegemol in formal wear instead of standing guard, and Lurien also attended as a guest instead of The Watcher. And they both spent the entire time trying so hard not to be together as much because the rumor mill in the upper elites is fucking brutal, but maybe hegemol had a bit more brandy than he thought, and maybe Lurien kept accepting glasses of wine from noble guests because he definitely didn't want to come off as *dismissive* right.
So they're both a little buzzed, maybe a little more than buzzed, and Hegemol of course escorts Lurien back to the spire. But after spending the entire night in the palace trying to not be romantic and a little too much alcohol, hegemol convinces Lurien to take the long way home with him once they reach the city. It's like 3-4 am, they left after all the guests did specifically because lurien hates full trams and hegemol won't really fit in them, so it's just dead outside really.
And hegemol of course tries to use his cape as an umbrella for lurien as he usually does but because he's tipsy he's not doing the best job and Lurien kind of stops and looks at the rain dripping onto his hands. And Hegmol is at first very worries like OH wyrm's bones sorry sorry--
But Lurien lifts a hand up to gently push Hegemol's arm down until he's fully in the rain. And he just kind of stands there for a few minutes, mask tipped up to the sky, letting the rain get to him. And finally he says in a quiet, slightly slurred voice, "You know... Of all my years living in this city... I have always been so busy, so quick to get from place to place, that I do not believe I have ever stopped to let myself get soaked by the rain."
And Hegemol is surprised by this but doesn't say anything really, not yet at least. He's letting Lurien process this. He does tip his big ol head up to the rain though and stretch his mandibles out from beneath his mask to catch a few drops in the whiskers.
And Lurien comes to the conclusion that "It feels... Nice, upon the mask. Low and gentle and drumming... Soothing. I should have... Stopped being so concerned with being on time sooner."
And Hegemol laughs at that and leans down with a low, almost mischievous rumble, and asks his dear watcher if he would like to know a peasant-born beetle's opinion on the *best* place in the entire city to sit in the rain.
Lurien curiously gives in and (very surprisingly) takes Hegemol's arm when offered and lets him lead. And Hegemol takes him down to his family's candy shoppe in the old quarter of the city of tears (he also definitely slows down so they can step through puddles together and laugh about it, though Lurien decides he doesn't quite like the puddles as much)
Hegemol always has a key and he knows he's always welcome in the shop. They get water everywhere but he assures Lurien he'll clean it up, he always does. Grabs a box of leftover sweets from the day and leads him very carefully up the ladder to the rooftop.
The candy shop is *old.* It's one of the oldest buildings in the City of Tears, still in the very same place it was built when the capitol was first started. It's been updated and renovated, sure, but the building is still the same. And because it's old, it's far, far shorter than the newer, towering installations around it. Just a humble two-story cornerstore, really.
So Hegemol leads Lurien up to their roof, lush with all sorts of sugarcanes and flowers and sweetmallows they use in their treats. But most of all, it's surrounded on all sides by the taller, ornate buildings of the newer districts. It's like it's own ampethetre really, and the rain is the star of the show. The sound of it falling onto roofs and windows echoes all the way down, the buildings glisten from the water running down their sides, the pipes and gutters all serve to direct both rain and *sound* down to the streets that they sit so close to.
There's woven grass pillows to lay on in the middle of this cramped rooftop garden, just barely big enough for the two of them. And they curl up together and let the rain fall against their Masks and listen to the song of the city until the first light of morning.
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🍋 and 🎁 for the sidestep(s) of your choosing?
🍋Do you have a song that you associate with them? (Wheel Says Rashad)
Oh, man, I've been hoping someone asks me song questions! I'm a big nerd for music, lyrics, and symbolism. Rashad had two whole playlists that I need to clean up and consolidate: Speaker for the Dead (their personal and villainous playlist) and Four Knights Game (a playlist analyzing the trajectory of the relationships between Rashad, Wei, Ricardo, and their puppet Xiao).
I've already briefly mentioned Dangerous by Son Lux on my recap of Rashad's origins (though I'd be happy to expand upon it, if you're interested). So I'd like to pull what I feel is one of the most Rashad-esque song off of Four Knights Game: De Selby (Part 2) by Hozier.
The themes of running from your anxieties and wishing for nonexistance juxtaposed against the comfort of someone you love and trust, who sees you and might could understand you, and the sweet rending asunder as both sides pull you is such a peak Rashad story. Paired with that low bass and the longing croon of Hozier's voice feels tonally aesthetic to them.
🎁What is something they keep like: a souvenir, a keepsake, or a family heirloom; that means a lot to them? Why is it so important to them? (Wheel Says Mateo)
Mateo keeps a few things that remind him of his old life, but are not actually from before the Heartbreak Incident. Cheap snacks eaten in cornerstores with friends. An old console with couch co-op games that he can't play anymore, because there are no neighborhood teens from the little street he spent learning about humanity beyond the Farm.
He has a necklace that stayed in his locker as he went back to the Farm. It used to hold a crucifix that he tossed out when Ricardo gave it back to him. He kept the saint pendant, though, out of nostalgia and a caustic sense of humor. It's of San Judas Tadeo, patron saint of hope and impossible causes. Along the bottom it reads, ruega por nosotros.
But, mostly, what he's kept as a tie to the old woman who took him in from his first escape from the Farm is his name. She always told him he was a gift from God, so he took a name to reflect that.
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