sound-the-dialtone · 2 months
Little gingi :]
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peoplepersonoaktree · 9 months
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weird owl bat creetchur thing ft really sloppy Rise Donnie and ferret thing because that spot felt too empty lol
How many creetchurs do I have? A lot. How many have I actually drawn? ...3. Does this thing have back legs? Pfft, I have no idea. Is my handwriting bad? yes.
does anyone care about this? Pfft. No. What do you think I am? Popular?
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southpawscribbles · 1 year
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mossbed-roots · 2 years
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the-fairy-dogmother · 11 months
When it's not her turn and she has big fomo but also doing her best to not lose her brain cell(s) and distract her friend. 🤐🥺
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creetchure · 3 months
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they saw you across the bar and they think you look a bit like janet from hr
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chapel-of-rizztual · 1 year
New big foot sighting
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moremediums · 1 year
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GOD belugas are the ideal shape,,, effervescent
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spaciebabie · 6 days
Look at these worms
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bookwyrminspiration · 1 month
quil fee free to answer this in private i'm just curious but what the FUCK is going on in the kotlc fandom because i'm looking through the tags and either i've blocked exactly the right ppl or it's all a lot of wind for nothing?? i'm confused and nosy
Ah yeah, looking through the tag isn't a great sample of what I was commenting on, because it's more an ongoing thing the past few months.
Essentially, keepblr has gotten a recent influx of people, which as always, means an adjustment period. This one is just taking its sweet time to work out, which is going a little rougher because some keefe/fitz and love triangle drama has started to seep into the fandom along with it. it's exacerbated in part by confession blogs and unraveled's existence
There's just been consistent things popping up like clockwork every time it feels like we get past another. There's ongoing keefe/fitz arguments, sokeefe/sophitz arguments, keefe taking over the narrative, some spamming, disagreement about ship names (which is quite ridiculous in my opinion. so much so im not even gonna bother anymore), a few convos about race here and there, etc.
Just an overall trend towards negativity that's been going on for a while. And at first its like yeah, bumps in the road, it happens. but it's been long enough i'm a little like. are we seriously still on this. we are NOT letting this be our new normal this SUCKS. you know?
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whumpshaped · 7 months
Werewolf who gets injured bad enough they can heal, or, alternativeky that get injured so *much* that they cant heal it all at once
tw nonhuman whumpee (werewolf), fear of death/fatally injured, implied future murder, mention of past murders
Whumpee could never reason with the wolf. There was no rational thought in its head, no consideration for complicated morals and ideals. But basic sensations? Oh, the wolf understood those. Hunger, for example, was felt by both of them, and they could agree to go out and immediately try to sate it; their methods might've been different, but the end goal was the same.
Another one was pain. As brutal as the wolf's fight response could be, as flighty as Whumpee could become in the face of a threat, the overwhelming sentiment was echoed by both halves: stop the fucking pain.
The wolf was licking at its wounds desperately, panting and trying to ride it out until its flesh knit back together and its bones fused. Whumpee let it, well-aware that if they were to try and take control now, their human body would simply crumble. They'd die deep in the forest, far from houses and any other person, far from hospitals and help. Neither of them wanted to die.
But the truce was short-lived. The wolf heard a sound from the bushes from across where it lay, and its ears perked up immediately. It was gravely injured, Whumpee didn't know whether it would be able to stand on four feet — and yet, it was ready to give a warning growl and oppose anyone or anything about to step out of the shadows.
Don't do this, Whumpee begged wordlessly. You can't. Not right now. Try to flee instead.
The wolf was clear on its position. Whumpee could feel its need to defend itself, the need to go down fighting if it came down to it. The assumption that running was futile in this state, and the fear of being caught and attacked from behind while it was running.
When the human stepped out of the bushes and locked eyes with the beast, it immediately bared its teeth, growling low in its throat. It was an unmistakable warning: get closer, get mauled. So the human stayed at the edge of the clearing, with their hands held up in surrender.
"Easy," they said softly, but it did nothing to ease the wolf's rabid paranoia. "Holy shit… You're an actual werewolf, aren't you?"
Don't attack, Whumpee pleaded again. They don't look dangerous. They're not here to kill us.
There was nothing but more defensive rage from the wolf, a dangerous uncertainty that only served to fan the flames. It didn't trust the human, and it was going to bite if they came closer.
They had to stop this. They couldn't be complicit in yet another murder of an innocent. They had to wrestle control away from the wolf, because every drop of blood on its paws would end up on their hands eventually.
But the wolf had no concept of self-sacrifice. The wolf only understood basic sentiments, and of those the most important one was preserving its own life. No matter how many times Whumpee slammed their whole body against the invisible wall that separated their minds, no matter how many times they tried to force their shared body back into the shape of a dying human, the wolf didn't budge.
Nor did the stranger.
"And a hurt one at that…" They took a step forward, and the wolf growled even louder. "Easy. I'm not here to cause more harm, yeah?"
Whumpee was pushed even further to the edge of their shared consciousness as the wolf prepared for a fight to the death. In a way, it might've been trying to protect them from the horrors that would ensue. Whumpee didn't care for protection. All they wanted to do was scream at the top of their lungs for the stranger to run.
"I can help you," the human went on, slowly approaching the wolf. "If you'll let me."
That was the last thing Whumpee heard before the beast completely locked them out and the world went black.
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antimony-medusa · 6 months
what the HELL is going ON in the HOUSE OF COMMONS
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peoplepersonoaktree · 3 months
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pt 2
raph has a little frien now
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stellarune · 14 days
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my very correct opinion on who would be keefes actual favorite dc character, featuring family costumes with elwin
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sound-the-dialtone · 2 months
I forgot I had this blog oops
Take a gingi doodle
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holloska · 1 month
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Reverse oc mini's ruddy-a little carbuncle allius takes care of every now and again ..
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