procrastinatinglumi · 3 months
Sketching Memory W/ Various Sans(es) UT-AU Characters Until I’m Done W/ My Finals
DAY 2/12 “delivery! crew: feat. XXX!Sans & XXX!Frisk”
Saturday, 16th March
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The Delivery! Crew belongs to .@anovainspace
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anovainspace · 2 years
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major tags;; xxx!frisk , delivery!frisk , delivery!
ꕤ what’s the basic information?
“a determined, out-code frisk that works with two out-code monsters to deliver mail/letters throughout the multiverse.”
“if wanting to know about their personality, they’re just a hard-working individual that doesn’t mind befriending some people here and there (also very determined in general to help/assist people if needed).”
ꕤ do they have a cannon outfit? do they have an alternative outfit? is it okay if i make an outfit for them?
they do have a casual outfit! they also have an alternative outfit!
you can make another outfit! (if you don’t mind if you can @ me? i would love to see and link them/it!)
ꕤ what are their stats?
[LV. 1] [HP. 20/20] [ATK. XXX] [EXP. 0] [DEF. 0(10)]
 ꕤ what pronouns do they go by?
officially, xxx!frisk goes by they/them, but i personally don’t mind if you use he/him or she/her
ꕤ do they have a birthday?
april 07
 ꕤ what nicknames do they go by?
outsider/out-codes/people who met them calls them the “the messenger” or “little messager”
xxx!sans calls them “kiddo”, “kid”, and “little messager”
xxx!gaster calls them “the child” or by their name (frisk)
ꕤ what are their abilities/powers/etc?
âme (ability): “is an invention that one of the out-code monsters created for them to go from au to au, but can be used for a certain amount of time”. âme can break, it’s like a glass-pendent. âme is a mix of determination and some magic (teleportation). âme gives 10 DEF when equipped.
messenger bag (weapon): they never leave without their messenger bag when traveling to au’s. it wasn’t intended to be used as a weapon, but tends to throw it at people when someone scare them (doesn’t do any damage but does sting)
“YOU GOT MAIL!” (weapon): trick/attack that they use when they want to run away. “using three, colorful envelopes they have a built-in voice recorder with one phrase (“YOU GOT MAIL”) to surprise/stun the victim/person”. it doesn’t do any damage/ATK, but is labeled as a weapon.
ꕤ what’s their cannon height? age?
based on this post from NovaStar on steam called “Character Heights” xxx!frisk is taller than the original frisk. (frisk = 4’10, xxx!frisk = 5’1)
i don't have a cannon age for them, but i do have a cannon age-range; xxx!frisk is preteen to teen (aka a minor)
another note i wanted to mention that i do not want xxx!frisk to be aged up to a grownup. end of story.
ꕤ what do they have in their m.bag?
so many random things, ranging between letters/envelopes to chocolates/snacks and sometimes a dog is in there for some reason
ꕤ what au’s do send their letters/visit?
ꕤ what’s xxx!frisk font?
comic neue bold oblique (any font is fine though, it’s just more recommended)
ꕤ what’s their relationship with the other two outcodes?
xxx!sans: they see him as a mentor/older brother. their relationship was rocky from the beginning, but overtime they became the duo/a team.
xxx!gaster: they look up to them as a guardian/parental figure. it was xxx!gaster that saved xxx!frisk when their au was destroyed and allowed them to stay in the void that they currently stay
overall: they see them as family :)
ꕤ what’s their relationship(s) with people/monsters (individuals)?
(Core)Frisk: one of their greatest allies/friends, they just like to talk about things and hang out. The Messenger likes to update Core on their penpal service but not go in depth about it.
Error (Sans): not necessarily an enemy (from their perspective) but will try to avoid him. Has experienced “death” multiple times when encountering him.
Ink (Sans): only saw him once in the distance, talking to Script(Sans) and Post(Gaster).
ꕤ what’s their relationship(s) with people/monsters (aus/timelines)?
UnderTale (Pacifist): doesn’t really go over there, only does a few visits to alternative (pacifist) timeline, since they don’t want to mess up the original and make a mess
UnderFell (Pacifist): like to pull (harmless) pranks, but is neutral with major of them (does seem to keep their distance with sans(fell/red) in the AU)
UnderSwap (Pacifist): it was a long process, but was able to befriend majority of them, and can consider them as best-friend(s)
UnderGut: locked (currently) 
(note: this will be updated if i get more questions and are becoming repetitive)
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haaiiss · 1 year
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susartwork · 2 years
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Frisk and Chara doodle dump ♪(^∇^ )
(From left to right) Sword Frisk, Data!Chara and Data!Frisk by @ask-dcf Break!Human by @artistoons-blog-thing Inversotale!Frisk by @nova2cosmos xxx!Frisk by @anovainspace
I noticed I've put only one Chara Edit: fixed a mistake in Sword Frisk
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sin-content · 2 years
I loved the halloween designs!
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Oh it seems that DustSwap wants to trick or treat with them! Pfft-
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DustSwap Ella by Me
[Her name is Violet, she is nice, dont worry]
Delivery cast by @anovainspace!
[Xxx!Frisk, xxx!Sans, xxx!Gaster]
They are so cute I couldnt resist
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warverse · 2 years
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There are never enough designs. I think I’ve almost done a concept for all of the Warverse cast now ngl.  MEET DOVE! Delivery Frisk by @anovainspace As well as War!UT Blooky :D
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theartist-june · 2 years
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Managed to squeeze this in today! Someone was seconds away from death  👀 👀 👀. Thankfully, Gut was nearby and saw them, because Escappies don’t hunt and lure their prey alone. Time to get out of their territory!
Start | Part 1 | Next
Collaboration with @anovainspace! A little Delivery! x Undergut for you guys.
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earthtonova · 2 years
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xxx!frisk logic 101 : new person = new friend = kidnap said friend :D @procrastinatinglumi
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margaret14 · 2 years
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All references by @anovainspace
Sorry, but I very want do this. 0v0
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raina-at · 27 days
This is a sequel of sorts to a ficlet I wrote last year, to be found here, but this stands well on its own as well.
Sherlock paces. And paces. And paces.
His shoes squeak on the linoleum floor. The lights flicker.
He stops, glares. “How can you be so calm?”
John raises his eyes from his book and looks at Sherlock over the rim of his reading glasses. “I’m not, really.”
“You’re reading a bloody novel!”
John sighs and puts the book down. “Was reading, from the looks of it,” he mutters, then gets up and catches both of Sherlock’s hands in his. “Look. I know you’re nervous, but you have to pace yourself a bit. These things usually take hours, and working yourself into a nervous frenzy ten minutes in won’t help anyone.”
Sherlock snorts. Nervous. He’s not nervous. 
He’s bloody terrified out of his wits. And John should be too, damn him.
“John. Our daughter is having a baby. How can you be so nonchalant?”
“Because she’s young and healthy and in the care of people who deliver babies every day,” John says, steering Sherlock towards the snack machine. 
“But none of those mothers are Rosie, and none of those babies are ours!”
“I am fully aware of that, love,” John says, calmly and efficiently frisking Sherlock’s various pockets for his chip and pin card. “Here, have some Cadbury’s.” He presses the chocolate bar into Sherlock’s hands, then gets a Mars bar for himself.
“How can you eat at this moment?”
“Because I’m hungry, and like I said, this might take hours yet. I won’t spare Rosie one single contraction if I go hungry until she’s done,” John says mildly and returns to his seat.
Sherlock follows, sitting down heavily next to John. “But what if our little girl takes after her mother? Rosie’s birth was so quick we didn’t even get Mary to the hospital in time.”
John smiles, looking at Sherlock fondly. “I think she did that on purpose. She wanted you to deliver her, not some doctor.”
Sherlock shudders as he remembers that night. How scared he was. How ambivalent he felt helping a person he hated so much through something so intimate. How miraculous it was, to hold his little baby Watson for the first time. 
It’s odd, to think back on that moment now. To a time before she was his daughter. That there was a time in her life when she wasn’t his. That there was a time in his life when he wasn’t anyone’s. 
John nudges him. “What?”
Sherlock shakes his head. “Nothing.” But he takes John’s hand and laces their fingers together, feeling the reassuring click as their wedding rings bump against each other. 
John just gives him a look. After twenty years of marriage, John is very good at telling when Sherlock is bullshitting, and he’s even better at calling him on it.
Sherlock looks in the direction of the delivery room, where his little girl is having a little girl of her very own. Where his daughter is becoming a mother, when she never had one.
“Do you sometimes wonder, what might have been?” he asks quietly, without looking at John. “If our girl had ever had a mother?”
John says nothing for a moment, but he’s rubbing his thumb over Sherlock’s wedding ring, probably an unconscious gesture, but a welcome one. “I… don’t think that was ever an option,” John finally says, obviously picking his words very carefully. “I think Mary gave her all she had to give. She carried her, gave birth to her, loved her for a bit. But Mary wasn’t the type to go the distance. To be there for her, no matter what. To be there for us, no matter what.” John gives Sherlock a significant look. “You don’t become a parent by contributing to the gene pool. You know this. You become a parent by showing up for them and sticking around, even when they barf on your shoes and blame you for every pimple on their face.”
Sherlock swallows, still after so many years unsure how he got so lucky. 
“Not lucky,” John says quietly, and Sherlock wonders if he said the thought aloud, but maybe John just knows him really well. “This,” he holds up their joined hands, “has nothing to do with luck. This is commitment, and effort, and force of will, and sometimes, sheer bloody-minded stubbornness.”
“God knows we’ve got that in spades,” Sherlock says, giving John a small smile, squeezing John’s hand in silent gratitude. 
“That little girl will be the most thick-headed human being ever to walk the Earth,” John answers, grinning now, a proud grandfather to be. “Imagine, your stubbornness, mine, and Rosie’s combined.”
“No wonder this is taking so long,” Sherlock says.
John laughs, and whatever melancholy came over Sherlock dissolves with the familiar, soothing sound of John’s happiness. 
It’s difficult to imagine, now. That it was ever any different. That there was a time when Sherlock was unsure of his place, at John’s side, in Rosie’s life. But John is right. They didn’t get here by luck. They put in the work, all three of them. They’re a family not by blood, but by choice. By vow. By force of will. 
John is eating his Mars bar with relish. “Relax,” he says, leaning his head against Sherlock’s shoulder as they settle in to wait. “Everything will be fine. You’ll see.”
Sherlock rests his cheek against John’s hair and inhales the soothing scent of his husband’s shampoo and caramel. “Can I have a bite of your Mars bar?”
John’s laughter is as sweet as the caramel. 
Sherlock closes his eyes and smiles as he feels calm finally return. Soon they’ll have another little girl to spoil, to protect, to be there for, to argue with. A new life, a new journey. 
And Sherlock can’t wait to begin.
Tags under the cut as usual, as always please let me know if you want to be tagged or untagged.
@calaisreno @keirgreeneyes @jrow @peanitbear @totallysilvergirl @lisbeth-kk @meetinginsamarra @jolieblack @weesi @helloliriels @salmonsown @riversong912 @givemesherbet-blog-blog
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lilybug-02 · 29 days
hello! Just popping in rlly quick because I *love* your Chara timeline AU so much it’s wonderfully drawn and the plot is awesome and i love the weird route so much <33
I reread the weird route after you did the non-cannon drawing regarding chara’s death, and I had a question about one of the lines of dialogue. They say something like “never thought I’d die in the back of a small town diner, frisk would get a good laugh out of that… human habits die hard”. What does that mean?
im not completely well versed in underrune lore, but I didn’t get that line at all and I was wondering why it’s ironic lol
Ah! First of all, thank you so much!! It means the world to hear you like my comic that much ❤️ I'm smiling so hard, I could explode!!!
So when Chara references Frisk and says "I guess old Human habits die hard- We both want to see what happens next." It's referring to the innate curiosity of continuing a story. And somewhat references how Frisk's "detached curiosity" drives the story in Undertale.
But Chara mainly says this because they want to parallel themselves to YOU. They want to see if they actually die and YOU want to see how the story unfolds. (I may have jumbled the delivery a little when writing, but I hope it wasn't too confusing!)
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Proof that I haz ☆inzpiration☆
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I legit have no idea what to call this, or what it even is. It's fanart for sure
It's been so long since I actually feel as inspired as this, I know cus I blank out 99.999% of the time when I sketched it. That's why I felt like I should post this :D
(Da sketch)
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I regain my consciousness when I drew the lineart somehow, I was really excited to draw this probably.
So much so that I can't even focus completely on what I actually tried to draw earlier.
Anyway; XXX!Frisk and Under[XXX] belongs to @anovainspace
I took inspiration from this.
You should read it if you haven't, or I'll find you, and make you go on to that post, and like it and reblog it and stare at it and read it over and over again (pretty please?)
Medibang was used in the process of creating this fanart.
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anovainspace · 9 months
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delivery! × memory!sans ( collab w/ @procrastinatinglumi
IM HERE AND TRYING >:] you miss them? so did i -nova
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haaiiss · 1 year
NEW AU!! Sans but him and papyrus own a pizza restaurant and travel aus giving out pizza
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niyanoireee · 4 months
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little café au doodles. MORE INFO UNDER CUT.
DONT EVEN FRONT WITH ME I LOVE THIS IDEA SM. Core would be the waiter that always gets tipped, does the most work and knows what each person wants. They’d also get paid the least. Cross and Epic would be chefs, Epic is good at one thing and it’s making cookies. But. . any other dessert will not work out. Cross can cook, relatively well, He’s pretty good but sometimes you’ll find like a toy in your food. NOWW for people I didn’t draw, Murder/Dust and Killer would be the delivery people. Murder would take his sweet ass time getting to their house and eating some of the food of the customers order. Killer would get distracted by EVERYTHING he would feed the food to the kitties on the sidewalk. Literally any cat will get food. Neutral Frisk and Reaper Chara would be bartenders, They’d poison your food and chara would NOTT wear shoes. They’d serve you food with their toes. Neutral would probably give you a warm drink. It would have NO ice. Horror and Ink would be the ones transporting supplies for the chefs, Horror would be the lifter of the heavy packages, And Ink would be the really reckless truck driver. LIKE TERRIBLY RECKLESS. I imagine that Error would be the janitor, Because it’s the easiest job, but he’d make swap clean the bathroom for him. Swap would also be a janitor but he’d help around literally everyone else’s jobs so much that he barely does his own. I HAVE SO MANY OTHER IDEAS BUT THATS IT RNN, I’ll draw more when I can.
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sin-content · 2 years
:3 I really wanted to draw her for awhile, I think she is very cute! I always just wana hug her pffft-
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[ xxx!Frisk by @anovainspace ]
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