#della has ideas
pluttskutt · 1 year
eddie hates his neighbour that blasts christmas music from 1st november the very second that halloween is over n he can see through the windows that he decorates so one day he has enough when all i want for christmas is you plays for like the 100th time in a row so he knocks on the door to ask wtf his issue is when steve opens the door dressed in a christmas sweater in fckng november like just jump out the window-
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korkorali · 8 months
I have Feelings™️ about Beakley
She’s a grandmother she’s a spy she’s an agent she’s a director she loves Webby she’s the worst guardian in the manor she judges everyone she’s extremely good at taking care of kids she’s terrible with children she lies like its second nature she’s barely remorseful for her actions she feels terrible about everything she’s done she’s traumatized she’s the most well-adjusted person in the room she’s one wrong move away from blowing up she’s calm and collected but most importantly she’s a hypocrite.
She’s the biggest hypocrite in the mansion and I absolutely love her for it.
She judges everyone. If you exist in her line of sight, chances are she’s going to look at you and think ‘I could probably do X better than you’ to herself. Especially when it comes to parenting.
And here’s the kicker- she’s wrong. She’s so wrong about that. Without a doubt, she wins the ‘worst of the mansion’s parental figures’ trophy by a landslide. She did terribly by Webby.
She kept her in the manor, alone, and trained her to defend herself from much too early an age. She told her not to bother Scrooge, the only other person in their home, which means that the only person Webby every really had was her.
I mean this woman was ready to straight up kick her ass on the roof of the manor for saying ‘hey maybe traumatizing Huey and Dewey isn’t the best form of training’
This woman, on multiple occasions, looked Webby right in the eyes and lied to her without even thinking- twice! And that’s after knowing that Webby hates being lied to!
She’s had quite her fair share of fuckups when it comes to parenting, and yet she still freely judges Scrooge, Donald, and Della whenever they try to parent.
She’s one of the biggest hypocrites in the show.
And the thing is, it makes sense.
All of her actions so much sense, even the judgement.
She’s a thoroughly traumatized secret agent who’s probably never opened up about herself to anyone (well, maybe Scrooge, but that’s another post for another day), found a child kept in one of their secret bases, and made the impossible choice to abandon her mission (her entire life) to go into hiding and keep the child safe.
She used to be a secret agent, so of course her modus operandi is to lie. Of course she keeps her cards close to her chest (even when nobody else is playing), of course she waits to reveal anything until she’s deemed it absolutely necessary to do so.
She essentially kidnapped Webby, the top-secret project of an evil organization. Of course she never let her leave the mansion (or at least, go anywhere besides the mansion and the Money Bin, because she’s been there before), she had every reason to believe that their agents may one day show up to find and take her away.
Of course she trained Webby relentlessly, of course she reacted so harshly to the idea of not training the boys in the same way. In order to survive, she was treated as a soldier instead of a person, after all. So in order for them to survive, she’s got to treat them like soldiers too.
Of course she judges everyone around her and refuses to admit when she’s wrong, she’s been through hellish experience after hellish experience, took over as director for SHUSH after the previous director was kidnapped by FOWL. She’s learned to hide her weaknesses, bury them so deep that even she wouldn’t be able to find them if she tried. She’s had to lead others, monitor agents, make absolutely sure that no information leaked which meant running the tightest shop possible. After doing that for so long, seeing others not do that is grating (what do you mean, other people got to be safe? What do you mean, nobody else has dealt with the things she has? What do you mean, she doesn’t have to treat everything like a secret war is brewing just under the surface? Preposterous).
She’s been through more than anyone else will ever know, more than she’ll ever say, and she refuses to admit that it’s caused her harm. She refuses to believe that what happened to her may have been wrong. That it shouldn’t have happened at all (It ended up giving her Webby. How could anything that gave her Webby be wrong?)
She’s a bitch and an asshole and a jerk and a hypocrite and a badass super spy and a housekeeper and a grandmother and anything she needs to be to survive and is maybe just starting to allow herself to live.
But there is one thing she most certainly is not:
A secretary
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loveydovey-leviathan · 2 months
i really don't have any hated kotlc characters- i recognise they have flaws and issues and i like a majority of them. even the ones i don't like, I'm just neutral about it.
alden though? alden vacker? that guy can go fuck himself. i have my reasons but i also just hate the guy lol
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nerdalmighty · 4 months
or the names reminded him too much of della to keep
OOOOOH! Another great theory! Yeah, raising her children without her was probably hard enough as it was, best to give them their own names/identities instead of being constantly reminded of the sister you lost (For those who haven't seen Ducktales 2017, first: why not? Second: she's fine, don't worry).
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omarfor-orchestra · 5 months
Ma secondo te perché hanno così paura di mostrare questa relazione? Perchè di questo si tratta, paura. E soprattutto secondo te, finale positivo o no?
Rispondo prima alla seconda, finale aperto né positivo né negativo.
Forse il discorso è la "difficoltà" di parlare di bisessualità che non è ""bianca o nera"" (passatemi i termini ma è per fare capire), non è "ah ecco perché non riesco ad avere una relazione con una ragazza, è perché sono gay" oppure "no guarda ti voglio bene ma non sono per niente attratto dai maschi", è qualcosa che richiede anche una certa attenzione e delicatezza e forse hanno paura che non venga compresa oppure non hanno interesse nell'affrontarla e impegnarcisi. Io penso abbiano ancora la convinzione che il target di una fiction di Rai1 sia di un certo tipo, poco plastico mentalmente, che già sta facendo uno sforzo enorme ad accettare Simone quindi meglio non esagerare (quanto scommetto che a Mimmo daranno tutto un discorso su quanto poco amasse la sua ex e farà una specie di coming out come omosessuale)
L'unica cosa che mi auguro è che capiscano finalmente che non è così e che la smettano di avere paura di uscire dai canoni. Non è che se fai un'altra ennesima scatola con sopra scritto "gay" allora hai risolto i problemi di rappresentanza.
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linguenuvolose · 5 months
I do a lot of translation in my job and I've started enjoying it so much more since I started letting myself be a bit more free in my translations. Communicating the message and the vibe is more important than the phrase structure or wording being exactly the same.
#it also improves the quality of the texts because they actually make sense#sometimes these Italians love to put 40000 words that mean nothing and the same thing in a sentence and it's like#girl we don't have to do all that#in the sense that Italian and Swedish text conventions are different and what sounds fine in Italian risks sounding v formal in Swedish#also sometimes I sit there with an Italian origin text that I first have to edit and it's like do I not understand what this says because#1. my Italian isn't good enough in this field#2. this is a complicated field#3. these people don't know how to write#and sometimes when I'm done editing the Italian text and go to do the translation I'm like oh I have no idea what they're trying to say#and think to myself hmm maybe I should've done more editing but oh well eccoci qua#I mean this is like translation 101 but I have done exactly one very bad translation course 5 years ago#that made me go I never want to do this for a job#but my increased freedom now is just I don't care as much about it being exactly the way my boss envisioned#like everything we publish has to go by him first which puts a certain pressure on the text#so when I first arrived at this job I was like uuh the Swedish has to be as similar as possible#but now I'm like man it's more important that it sounds Swedish and not Italian than it being exactly the same#and my boss also doesn't speak Swedish in any case so what does he know#snicksnack#comunque sì queste le riflessioni della serata#domani ho preso il giorno libero perché i miei colleghi mi hanno un po' rotto er cazzo sinceramente so :))
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thesilliestcake · 1 year
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This is super late but here are the first 12 days of duckvember!Some of these doodles are chronological, and some of them are isolated incidents :) Took me a while to catch up, and I’m gonna post the second page on the 26th, but I’ll be posting just this for now.
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ottoline-otter · 7 months
I've been rewatching M.I.High for the nostalgia, and I just came up with a theory. What if Della/Sally, the little girl from the Agent X episode, is actually one of Zoe and Keri's sisters? It literally all matches up when you think about it. Della's been brought up by SKUL to work as an agent for them her whole life, just like Zoe. Della's 10 when we meet her, and the episode that introduces Zoe, who's 14, aired four years later, so the ages match up exactly. Della's real name turns out to be Sally, which could have been a code that was tattoed on her arm just like Zoe and Keri's names (SAL1 or maybe SALIX if that's where her Agent X persona comes from). It all makes sense!
Also another theory I have is that maybe it was meeting Della/Sally that persuaded Zoe to leave to track down her sisters. Because I like to think that Sally would have kept in touch with Oscar a bit. And maybe after the series 6 finale Frank called on Oscar and the rest of the old gang to get a bit of extra protection for Zoe and that's when oscar joined the dots and realised Sally might be Zoe's sister and introduced the two of them, and Zoe left to get to know Sally better. Idk, I just love the idea that somewhere offscreen, Zoe and Sally went off to have sister adventures together!
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Fedex Human AU with Punk Dex x Nerd Student Council Boy Fitz.
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souljellied · 1 year
While I finish writing part three of the Odd/Ulrich bodyswap aftermath fic, have some angst-flavoured Odd/Ulrich pining (which I suppose could take place in the same continuity!)
Read here, please be aware of the explicit rating and the tags.
If people want to talk to me about this ship my DMs are open, I am obsessed :')
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deathshallbenomore · 2 years
certo che però le persone che per vederle c’è da chiedere udienza mesi prima che nemmeno dal papa un po’ le odio. io al contrario sono l’amica perfetta perché sono incredibilmente simpatica ma anche incredibilmente poco sociale, quindi c’è molta più probabilità di trovarmi libera e di essere tra i pochi privilegiati destinatari della mia impareggiabile simpatia
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pluttskutt · 2 years
thinking if it'd be more fun to write that they're all supernatural beings or if they all are but steve isn't he's just steve nothing special there
nancy and robin are either both witches or one is like a fairy inspired thing, who still has magic obvs but different
eddie is a vampire who's been gone a bit now from [redacted town name] but not like, eons, he knows robin but he likes to roam sometimes
so he gets back after a run-in with a werewolf pack and decides to take a hike back home to [redacted town name] and wants to meet up with robin but she's made new friends while he was gone like how dare?? (jk)
and he knows something is up with nancy when he meets her the first time because supernatural beings do be like that, though werewolves are one of the best at it thanks to their keen sense of smell, which was how they found him back then before he realised he was even being hunted
and nancy knows, because supernatural beings and all that, and she's very interested in eddie because she's never met a vampire before, and points out he looks like he's stuck in the 80's trying to process the 90's still
and then steve comes and he's just a human living his life trying to make it through his day job but he knows about nancy and robin and he's cool with it he thinks it's neat but has a minor freak about eddie he tries to conceal
eddie doesn't care though because he's a monster unlike nancy with her wings and fairy dust and robin with her potions and spells so it's fine he gets it but !!
he also knows that something is up with steve and he's not sure what but something smells odd and he's encountered alike scents before when there's been humans who have supernatural ancestors and so they get like hints of it but most of the time they aren't even aware unless they know the history
he doesn't seem lucky with dating though so it can't be charm and he doesn't seem aware of anything supernatural unless told and eddie's just thankful he's not a werewolf
obvs the pack who hunted him before comes to [redacted town name] and cause issues but that's plot so who cares anyways
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starlingdrawz · 3 months
Au where everything is the same but Donald laid the eggs instead of Della
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Torn between two interests at the moment (Emesis Blue and Ducktales 2017) and the only way I can remedy this is to make the most canon divorced AU that has ever existed. I am a mad scientist in my dark little lab looking at this progressively more foul recipe that has yet to be made real, i wonder if while I should keep EB structure and plot points I should also sprinkle In some vibes from Batman: A Serious House from a Serious Earth. A part of me tells me that if I press on I will only bring ruin upon myself. Yet I do not listen.
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omarfor-orchestra · 2 years
Com’è stato il concerto? 🤩 raccontaci tuttoo
Non ho ancora trovato un video dove si sente il “NicolaS MAUpaS” ma mi fa morire 🤣
È stato bellissimo dall'inizio alla fine, lui continuava a saltare da una parte all'altra e non stava mai fermo, alla seconda canzone era già tutto un pezzo d'acqua non so come abbia fatto ad arrivare alla fine
Spettacolo in ogni senso tra luci, musica e lui che non si limitava a cantare solo, ma quasi le recitava "alla Gaber" e non annoiava mai, scaletta perfetta che alternava canzoni da ballare a canzoni da accendini in aria
Prima delle canzoni spesso faceva una piccola introduzione che permetteva di riprendere fiato sia a noi che a lui, apprezzatissime
Poi simpatico e genuino, si vedeva che era a suo agio ed era contento, si vedeva tutto l'intento di trasmettere allegria e "good vibes" anche nelle canzoni meno movimentate, non so come faccia ma è incredibile
Ci ha dedicato viceversa (🥺🥺🥺), il momento con i ragazzi stupendo e ed era evidente che fosse super felice di averli lì anche se ci sono stati poco (e menomale perché già è durato tipo 3 ore AHAHHA)
Ha voluto fare qualche chicca poco conosciuta (jokes on you Io bimba di Gabbani le ho cantate tutte) e secondo me ci sta perché è anche un momento per farle conoscere, soprattutto perché io avevo attorno solo persone che erano lì per occidentali's karma vi giuro non ne conoscevano mezza (poi il problema siamo noi che abbiamo preso i biglietti dopo l'annuncio del cast, n'ho capito) che magari escono da lì con un nuovo cantante preferito
Lui poi dalla prima all'ultima ha tenuto la voce buona e considerato che era la fine del tour davvero sono rimasta colpita, anche perché alcune canzoni (da completa ignorante ma a cui piace molto cantare) sono difficili da fare bene perché sono un continuo alti e bassi, io ho cantato di diaframma (?) quindi sono riuscita a tenere le corde vocali sane e non mi ha ucciso la gola, però è stato complicato AHAHAHAH
Si è decisamente guadagnato una fan ai prossimi concerti che spero poter fare parterre perché a sto giro per forza di cose dovevo stare seduta ma è un concerto da saltare e ballare, sono felice come una Pasqua e sinceramente il momento con il cast per quanto stupendo è stato proprio solo una minima parte di tutta l'esperienza, al prossimo tour vi consiglio di andarci 💜
Il momento dei nomi che ovviamente stava leggendo, anche da lontano ho visto la rassegnazione negli occhi di Nic che dopo anni di appelli a scuola ormai risponde a tutto
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(no spoilers)
Starkid nation, you aren't ready.
So let's start with the obvious. Look, I spent thirteen years growing up with Starkid. That initial Michigan gang are deeply special to me and I will always miss Dylan, Brian R., and Corey in any show they aren't in. And this one's no different. But just as Janaya came in and took over Belle from Britney so flawlessly, Curt, Brian, and AJ were all WONDERFUL in their new roles. The gentle-but-high-energy, truly decent, romantic himbo charm Curt brought to our Springsteen boy Jim (you all are going to LOVE Jim, I promise) perfectly offset the defiant, sneering anger of Young Scrooge in "That Scrooge." Brian's reactions (particularly to the "rather take my own life" line) were so funny and some of my favorite parts of the show. And AJ... this is now my favorite thing AJ has ever done. And that's saying something. The smaller casting shake-up moments (Joey as Fezziwig, other little line re-distributions) were so fun as well!
The new act 1 is PERFECTION. I was actually surprised by how absolutely hysterical it was? Like, I won't tell you what was up with that clip on Instagram of Brian, Lauren, and Joey doing a freak-out dance, but I can tell you that their whole Act 1 deal threatened to steal the show every. Single. Time. I already mentioned Curt as Jim, but you will also love Della, who is so funny and real and truly carries us through the start of the show (Janaya is a STAR and she Curt have brilliant chemistry). Ali did a terrific job of balancing the sadness and hope that are both at the center of the devastating little Match Girl. And Jamie's Grandma... well, honestly I have no idea how to talk about Jamie's song without giving stuff away.
But the real star of the show in Act 1, as he should be, was our man Clark. I can't emphasize enough how much he nailed the writing of this whole new act. I mentioned that the new stuff is hilarious, but it's also deeply heartfelt, and also sad exactly when it needs to be. Like, the transition after Jamie's song? I can't really talk about it yet, but what that moment does with emotion is unreal. And, as expected, every song is a banger! My one complaint about this show, and it IS a big one, is that there is no cast recording of the Act 1 songs. I want to listen to them all the time.
But the good news is, I CAN listen to Christmas Carol as much as I want! The classic that started it all is back, with so many people reprising the hell out of their truly iconic roles (God I love the VHS Cratchits), and better than ever. I traditionally hate change, and I love the version of VHSCC Live! we already have so much, but I think I somehow loved this version even more? The staging is alive and clever and there are some additions and changes, particularly in "Final Ghost"/"Christmas Day," that frankly blew my mind and somehow managed to elevate the material even further. I can't wait for the digital ticket to come out so that I can talk about them. To put it simply, James Tolbert mastered his Starkid directorial debut like you won't believe. I'm so proud of him and grateful for the larger role he's taken in Starkid since they moved base to LA.
Also, the Ghost of Christmas Past is extra unhinged this year? Jaime pulled out all of the impish stops and it was the BEST.
Basically, everyone more than delivered. I haven't talked about Meredith yet but she rocked it in the band and continued to validate the hell out of my opinion that "3 Spirits" is the dark horse best song in the show.
And a special shout-out to June Saito for continuing to be a costuming GENIUS. I always love her work and this production is no exception. I honestly wanted to give the return of the Bob Cratchit costume its own round of applause.
You know, the world is a mess and everything is pretty much terrible. It's been a hard year in an impossible decade. But every once in a while you come across some art that takes all of that, acknowledges the truth of it, and somehow pulls back the curtains to harness the joy and hope that's still there under the rubble. To me, Starkid in particular has always been about finding and holding onto the hope and the beauty and humanity that allows us to endure an existence that can so often feel bleak. And VHSCC is maybe the most perfect encapsulation of that idea.
So thank you Clark, James, Meredith, Brian, and everyone who worked so hard on this little bit of magic. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Let's make a little light.
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