mechamede · 3 months
Ola para que não me conhece me chamo, Matheus tenho 31 Anos e vou te contar um pouco sobre mim e por que eu perdi uma coisa chamada Fé.
Sim caro ligo da internet que fé! E quando falamos de fé nao e so sobre questão religiosa, apesar de no meu caso também faz parte, mas continuando eu perdi toda e fé que eu tinha seja em religião ou esperança seja em pessoas ou se houver de alguma forma algo de que realmente nos governe que esteja acima de nos seres humanos, DEUS, OXALA, BUDA, etc...
Sabe comecei pensando !!! Sempre fui cara legal, rezo, ascendo as minhas velas, (PS era umbandista) sou uma pessoa integra, gente boa e tudo mai, e me peguei refletindo o por que as coisas boas nao vem a mim? por que quando eu quero algo sinceramente nao comigo, ou ''nao posso ter``
Algumas pessoas me diriam: hà mas voce tem que entender que deus sabe o melhor para voce, ou deus esta tentando te mostrar algo para aprender, hà deve ser livramento etc, coisas do tipo, e nao eu não concordo com isso.
Jà passei por tanta coisa, por tantas aprovações desafios que hj em dia nao dà mais, entao eu me perguntei ate quando eu ia aceitar ou acreditar e ter esperança para que as coisas boas, para que deus deixa eu ser feliz com algo que eu queira, mesmo conversando e admitindo e assumindo os riscos se desse certo ou nao, e tudo que voce recebe é um silencio ensurdecedor, que beira a loucura e te deixa com uma raiva um ódio que nao há como mensura.
E sim caro amigo, estou falando de AMOR, e de uma pessoa em especifico, mas nesse caso em específico eu entendi e aprendi que para amar o outro primeiro devemos amos anos mesmo antes, e que amor é deixar ir e entender um nao é nao e.
mas também entendi que por mais que voce peça a "Deus" esse tipo de coisa pode nao acontecer, pois nao foi o 1, 2 ou 3 ja venho de uma sucessões de pessoas que eu sempre tenho algum tipo de relacionamento e que realmente gosto de verdade, mas nunca sai nada dai, e quando falo isso nao é tipo ha o problema é voce, ou você sò vai atras de pessoas que nao gostam de voce, nao saberia colocar em palavras o quanto isso é complicado de colocar isso ele palavras, mas de uma coisa eu seu, para mim nao da mais.
Cansei de implorar, chorar, pedir ou rezar por um deus que eu sinto que nao me houve, tenho um plano muito bem detalhado de como eu quero minha vida, e infelizmente nao poderei cumprir pois devido a tudo isso nao quero mais nada com outros homens, alem de sexo
Sim, caro amigo tudo isso me causo muita falta de esperança, e hoje em dia le pego perguntando, o por que realmente voltei para o brasil pois umas das poucas coisas boas que tinha na minha vida e morar na Europa, hoje prefiro acreditar que a vida é uma consequência de tudo apenas que fizemos, fazemos ou ira fazer Saba, tipo 2+2=4 simples assim.
Entao se você esta com quem voce realmente ama ou gosta, sinta-se privilegiado, pois isso é para poucos, nos dias de hoje ainda mais difícil, um tempo de pessoas vazias, corações sujos, e amores líquidos.
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memarcusthecreator · 1 year
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Die For You (For You Lo-Fi Remix) is out now on YouTube! 🧼 #dieforyou #lofi #rnbremix #lofirnb #soapradio #soapradiomusic #dieforyouremix #arianagrande #theweeknd #youtube #foryou #comingsoon https://www.instagram.com/p/CpMUC9IuGRq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lyricallygames · 1 year
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"Die For You" by The Weeknd is a song about unconditional love and loyalty. The lyrics describe a relationship where the singer is willing to go to great lengths to prove his love and devotion to his partner. Arianna Grande and The Weeknd have just released Die For You Remix. Follow @lyricallygames to relive memorable concerts, insights into song lyrics, and music history. #theweeknd #arianagrande #dieforyou #lyrics #lyrically #lyricallygames https://www.instagram.com/p/CpDWK3ZuGyw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ivykavit · 1 year
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The Weeknd & Ariana Grande - Die For You
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canceramorem · 1 year
The Machete Incident -So this is how it went down, the truth will set you free. She was in that crazy other person Marie, the mean , almost seemed like a murderer or something bad Marie state. Even when the sweet, loving Marie referred to her in third person , she just called the other personality, "Her" or "She" it was weird. it was like she was ashamed of the other personality, even though it was her , Or she, damn it gets very confusing when she's in that state. It's a state of everything all at once. I was hoping for just a quiet decompression time from the bus ride and time with her and just fun. Yeah usually she was aways T.T.G. and I had some killer shit too. But it wasn't even that. I had even brought her some really cool gifts and stuff from the heart, that I had made. One was a toothbrush holder with seashells and also I had made a cool Jewery kit from 'our ' jewelry making business aptly named "Street Love and Sea Glass".
Streetloveandseaglass was the name both her and I came up with together. We were on the hill by target one time early on in our relationship, and came up with the idea of starting a jewelry making business together. She had always told me about how she knows how to wrap crystals and stuff related to Jewelry, and different ways to make money. What she failed to realize (and I'm not some bad ass show off or show out type of dude!) is that Jey Pizzle has sold a lot of things in his life, everything from pussy to pistols to Prada handbags, EVERYTHING. So he was more than happy and actually had made it one of his goals in life, to have a business partner and wife/best friend/partner-in-crime such as Marie Clara Camp. He even had the email [email protected] made and still uses it to this day. Street Love and Sea Glass is still a business actually, all you have to do is google it , the number is there and I usually respond within 15 minutes.
The little pink jewelry kit making box had made it all the way from south Texas filled with love, and pliers and a whole bunch of jewelry making stuff. The other Marie( sweet and loving Marie) would have been happy and at least been somewhat interested. - Not this mean MARIE, NO, she didn't even look at the pink little jewelry kit box . She was acting like it was not even there.
So we had sex. and somewhere along the way , after me being there for at least week, during one of our sextimes it felt like I was pushing something in her with each stroke, It was a godamn tampon!!! She was acting like this zombie , the bad Marie. The good Marie was asleep she said when I asked her, because up until this point , we had been getting high and she would go lay down or sleep. So , somewhere during this time, is when the door had someone knocking on it. I wasn't expecting anyone. She was just acting like she was hiding something or she had killed a man or she got caught. A guy she knows named Trevor, came aknocking .It made me wonder- is she fucking this dude too? Well, she told him something and he left. That night , Duane ( the father of her two sons) came and it was odd. I was in the back room half asleep , and she was like whispering in the other room.There was a wellness check done by the police, that sucked fucking dick! I mean here I am, tired and wanting to be left alone, just Marie and I. We had been through so much bullshit. All the bullshit in Asheville , all the bullshit in Syracuse, and everything in - between. It was like I wasn't welcome there. Some by her , but mostly by " them", the police and Duane and Trevor, and her friends. I would have never came up there , had I known it was gonna be like that. She never told them anything good about me, or about any of our experiences. They must have thought I was the reason she had been gone from all of their pathetic lives for so long. ( I would have left too, they all suck). So they wanted me gone , or did they? Because she acted like she wanted me there, or was it the other, " her" ? Who the fuck knows, all I know is that she betrayed me. It really hurt. She was telling them one thing, and telling me something totally the opposite of what she was telling them. But I loved this woman so much, I stuck it out.
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So one of the times the police came to do a wellness check, they discovered that Marie Camp had a warrant for a worthless check, from many years before. They told her to just Come into the village court which is equal to a municipal court. It was for some petit ass check from years prior. No big deal, we had been through things much worse. I know I have , and I'm pretty sure Marie had too. Think about the whole journey up until this point. Here I was pouring my heart out to this woman and she just ripped an already fragile heart , right back out of where she placed it many times before, broken and trying to heal. (She has the ability to heal it, But her specialty seems to be breaking it.)
One day , adult services was called. So I made the best of it, even asking him to take us to get some groceries which he kindly obliged , and brought us to the store and back. We even discussed with him the chance of her getting her kids , nothing bad or trying to knock Duane out of anything ( she had issues in the past with Duane and the "Golden Boys " they had in common). Mr. Michaels, the adult protective services guy, was cool. He checked everything out, we had nothing to hide. The kit was safely stowed. And if she said the kids were coming, there would be no more "kit". I remember shaking his hand as he left.
Marie still had this issue of the retained tampon, and it was actually making her sick, (and me too from the smell). I wanted her to go to the hospital so bad. All she was doing was sleeping, causing the tampon to fester even more with germs, which will give a woman " toxic shock", and possibly kill her.
To make matters worse, I had gotten a small sore on the tip of my penis from when I had discovered the tampon. It had gotten infected from being rubbed against the germ- infested tampon. Well, it hurt to say the least, and I was just disappointed with the whole situation. But again, I love this woman so much, I wasn't gonna let anything , Duane, the police, her eight personalities, the tampon, or the freezing cold weather stop us from at least trying to have a normal, happy , loving life together. We had been up for a few days, and she was sleeping for at least two days. I insisted she go to the hospital, she wouldn't because she was scared about the worthless check warrant. I was angry, hurt, confused, and betrayed. She was going to the hospital, one way or the other for that stinking tampon. I had my trusty machete which had been by my side more than she has since we've been together. I had just finished sharpening it, so it was razor sharp. It has a protective sheath that goes over it, and also I had taped extra padding over it. She had said something and we were arguing,it was then ,without even thinking, it was more of a "YOURE GONNA GO TO THE HOSPITAL NOW!" yelling, and a not intended to cut , just force her to get up , swing of the machete sideways . The blade broke through the padded sheath and cut her right on the knee. FUCK! I immediately apologized to her and told her, I did not mean to cut her. which is the absolute truth, because , I NEVER INTENDED TO CUT HER WITH THE MACHETE, I REALLY DID NOT!
Well, the next thing you know , we had to call the ambulance. and I told her, " I'll just tell them the truth" , which would have been better , and I would have gotten less jail time. Because I really did not intend for her to get cut from the machete. Instead of telling the truth ,she convinced me to go along with her story, that she slipped on the porch ( it was icy, slippery, and had an aluminum window frame that was sharp.) and cut herself on the window frame. I call 911 and an ambulance comes. So we go to the hospital,they sew up her knee. and take out the stinking tampon. Everything was cool, we had gotten the knee and tampon taken care of. Maybe now we can go and relax, and finally not be bothered. It was then she started acting very crazy.
The people from the hospital were taking note of this and quickly came to investigate, which resulted in Marie getting forced in a wheel chair and hauled off to the psych ward. while I stood there beside myself. I felt like " Job" in the bible. I had cursed God for all this bad shit that was happening to me. I remember the last memory of me seeing the woman I love more than life itself, helpless and being pushed off by some hospital people that don't know her, me, or our struggle. It's etched in my mind and heart, the last time I saw her, it will stick with me for the remainder of my life, or until I see her smiling beautiful face again in person. It was like slow motion, words didn't need to be spoken, we communicated , really- telepathically, each of us crying to the other "NOOooo!!!!....." and then there was a silence like the gates of heaven had just closed, and I was stuck outside of them, waiting for the devil to come handcuff me and take me to hell in a police car.
I had to act quickly, it was getting cold and I was a stranger in a strange land. The hospital didn't want to help. It felt like I was in Freddy Kruger's ( A Nightmare On Elm Street) hospital , and he had just taken Marie to his fiery furnace , and I was next. The separation anxiety, couple with the fact that I never really got any good time alone without ANY interruption from other people, was causing me to have panic attacks. When I tried to get a ride back to the trailer, the hospital refused. It was snowing heavily outside at this point. So I quickly decided on a way to get admitted, even volunteering to go in the psych ward to be with her. They told me " NO!" , I was devastated, I would have given my life right there ,just for one last hug from my beloved Marie Bear. So I walked out in the parking lot and slipped on the ice, actually causing myself to bleed, nothing like the wound I had caused on the love of my life just hours before this, but enough to where they had to treat me. Everyone sues everyone nowadays, and New York laws are different than any other place on earth. (making it a place where it's a way of life to sue other people, even if they defame your image, or slander). Slip and Falls are the easy way to sue, especially in a hospital. I told them they needed to salt the parking lot and made a slight reference to suing them. Almost immediately, the head maintenance guy was making his presence known and apologizing for it being so slippery. Within five minutes I was negotiating a ride with the triage nurse. They did a complete 180 and even brought me a turkey sandwich and a sprite in a can to drink. The taxi came, and on the way back to her trailer, he was telling me about the the maple syrup production that this area of Northern New York is so famous for. So much sweetness all around me but all I could taste at this point was salt, the salt of my own tears, it was such a bitter taste. Even in the bible it says once salt loses it flavor, "it's no good". I felt so bad, and so alone, Without the woman I loved so dearly, and after all that happened, I felt like I was salt that was so old and used up, it wouldn't even melt the ice I supposedly slipped on. I made it back to the trailer, and three days later the St Lawrence County Sheriff's Deputies came to her trailer- ten deep. you would have thought they had came to arrest John Gotti the way they were acting. I had made the preparations not knowing if I would ever see her again, I wrote a note for her and left it , not knowing if I would ever see her again. The note said, "I love you Marie". I feared that I would never see her again. it was the worst feeling of my life. The note was still there when they toted me off to jail. If she ever got to see it, I don't know, but I wanted her to know that I love her.
When they came, I opened the door just because it was freezing cold and I didn't want them to freeze. prior to them coming, I had everything illegal put safely up. I knew they were coming, I just didn't know when. I had a ride coming the next day to get out of town. The cops came 12 hours before I was to have made my escape from New York. They asked if I "owned a machete?", my answer was this(-because everything you say can and will be used against you-) , I said "IF I HAD ONE, IT WOULD BE IN THE DRAWER IN THE BACK DRESSER". Note the fact that I said "if" , and also "in the dresser" . Without question , they all rushed to the back room of the trailer, as if I was not an American Citizen and we were in Hitler's Germany. With their Gestapo like tactics, they produced the Machete. I never told them they could go back there, and also the machete was thrown way under the dresser, not in plain view. So they couldn't use the "plain view doctrine" that all cops use to go snooping with. The look on their faces was that of sheer joy, like they had found the gun that killed JFK. I thought to myself- " Godamn Marie, you and the godamn tampons, now my life is over" They booked me into the St Lawrence County Jail. At first it seemed like any of the other Forty -something different county jails I had been booked into. It was so cold in the jail that night. Cold physically , and emotionally. They gave me a pair or sweatpants(orange) , a sweat shirt( orange) and the usual blue shirt and pants jail issue blue. Then they brought me to the intake pod. I will never forget how brilliant the moon looked that night, using the jail pen they gave me with the other jail "welcome kit " stuff (toilet paper, toothbrush and toothpaste), I drew a picture of the moon and stars, and I wrote this - " Even the stars ignored the moon to make it so dark" , it was a metaphor, I was in one of the darkest places emotionally I have ever been in my life. I thought I was actually in hell. What was going to happen to me? and fuck me- will I ever see this woman I love so much? My heart cried out to the moon, praying, wishing that she (Marie) was looking at the same moon from her window at the Claxton Hepburn Mental Hospital ,so she could be that much closer to me. Even though she was only ten miles away, it felt like it was a million miles. It gave me scars emotionally , which I still have today, and probably always will.
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fucking-exhausted · 1 year
Why this song hurts so hard?
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nupurguptasblog · 1 year
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Your ride or die chick🤎 . . . #dieforyou #theweeknd #abel #abeltesfaye #xo #xotwod #theweekndedits #theweekndxo #ınstagood #fyp #explorepage #explore #foryou #delhi #ncrdays (at JLN Stadium, New.Delhi) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClapYKtvhdq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sushi777trash · 1 year
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xsnobx · 2 years
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DiE4U #Bmth #DieForYou #bringmethehorizon #posthumanexperience https://www.instagram.com/p/CkPODPHtxLV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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itsmikeymedrano · 2 years
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The Weeknd: After Hours Til Dawn Tour ☄️💥 #TheWeeknd #AfterHoursTilDawnTour #SantaClara #California #BayArea #WestCoast #Gasoline #CantFeelMyFace #TheHills #Often #Starboy #Heartless #KissLand #PartyMonster #Faith #AfterHours #OutOfTime #IFeelItComing #DieForYou #WickedGames #CallOutMyName #TheMorning #SaveYourTears #BlindingLights #AfterHours #DawnFm #BeautyBehindTheMadness #XO #August #Summer https://www.instagram.com/p/ChyX7qKL6EX/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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You know what I'm thinkin', see it in your eyes
You hate that you want me, hate it when you cry
You're scared to be lonely, 'specially in the night
I'm scared that I'll miss you, happens every time
I don't want this feelin', I can't afford love
I try to find a reason to pull us apart
It ain't workin' 'cause you're perfect
And I know that you're worth it
I can't walk away, oh
Even though we're goin' through it
And it makes you feel alone
Just know that I would die for you
Baby, I would die for you, yeah
The distance and the time between us
It'll never change my mind 'cause
Baby, I would die for you
Baby, I would die for you, yeah (Say)
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nervoushag · 1 year
I heard that you’re happy without me,  and I hope it’s true
it kills me a little, that’s okay cause I’d die for you
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pandorasword · 1 year
Chaeri as the 8th and youngest member of BTS.
Chaeri's masterlist
Chaeri and The Weeknd as work husband and work wife
A work spouse is a co-worker of the opposite sex with whom you have a close platonic relationship.
The first collaboration
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The success of 'Save your tears'
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Performing together for the first time
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Chaeri as the main character in the videoclip of 'Out of Time'
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The second collaboration
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Female version of 'Starboy' by Chaeri
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Tweets related to them
💭 Chaeri and Abel need to make a full album like nowwww 💭 tbh idk if i'd be alive w/o chaeri and abel. I love them so much 💭 Not everyone can hop on a song and take it to #1. Abel keeps hitting up Chaeri for a reason. He knows who he needs. The song is still stable top 5 but everyone thought it would free fall after hitting 1° #dieforyou
💭 The alchemy between them, damn #TheWeeknd #Chaeri #OutOfTime 💭 Their friendship is adorable 😭 Just look at the way he is thrilled to have her on stage with him #IHeartRadioMusicAwards 💭 Abel really took Chaeri under his wing, he's such a sweetheart 💭 I never thought I'd see the day where my two favorite artists would collaborate, but here we are. Chaeri and The Weeknd sound so good together 💭 I don't get why that BTS girl is collaborating with The Weeknd. They're not even in the same genre. This is just a desperate attempt for attention 💭 Another example of BTS selling out and trying to pander to American audiences. We don't need them here
taglist: @alixnsuperstxr
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g-xix · 7 months
Who do I write this fic for? 🤔💭
Right, I LOVE LOVE LOVE Joji's music. And assuming you guys know about the 2 songs, glimpse of us and die for you... Well, I wanna write smth which is DieForYou!reader x GlimpseOfUs!YouTuber
What I meant by that is the YouTuber/guy follows the storyline of the "Glimpse of Us" song, post breakup. That means he's just sort of feeling meaningless in life, dating n hooking up w people in futile efforts just to feel something, and kinda j craving that same feeling he had with the reader.
Alternately, the reader follows the storyline of the song "Die For You", meaning that she's unable to move past their relationship, post-breakup. She's just a wreck, unable to sleep at night, full of stress, looking at old photos and unable to stop thinking about what they were and what they no longer are.
Thus all in all, the reader n guy just can't move past each other.
So yeah, I wanna write smth super angsty and heart-achy like that, but the big question is...
Who do I write this for?
I've recently been writing lots about AngryGinge and ArthurTV and I KNOW you guys wanna see more of them (don't you worry, we got more of those tow coming soon), but realistically I just can't imagine either of them being like this. I kinda envision this maybe being a ChrisMD, maybr one of the Sidemen n co ones...? Fuck it, maybe even a beta squad boys????
To be quite frank I'm very undecided who to write this for and whether I even wanna write this, but i do think it is such a cute idea, so like- just leave your ideas down in the replies or in my inbox bc I'd love to see who everyone thinks this idea would suit
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dable-world-blog · 3 months
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lovesunsetsandyou · 8 months
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