#dislyte shadow decree
xxmothangelxx · 7 months
Shady Rambles Dislyte Part 5: The Movie
okay so before I post this I wanna add some context:
I wasn't able to make a typed post that really put my thoughts to words for some reason (autism moment) and I could only really make my point via words. I sped up the audio to save time because I talk slowly + anonymity lol. So, enjoy the video, and lemme know your thoughts!
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Every single day 😌
(edit : I realised after one day of posting this that instead of evey , I wrote ever)
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cosmos741 · 1 month
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Hear me out
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zeriphi · 2 months
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💜 Chu Yao 💜
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pinkniz · 6 months
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Half an hour with Sachiko makes you reconsider your life choices
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callsign-relic · 8 days
going through the early levels of the current event trial is really funny cause I’ll beat the levels super fast and all I’ll hear is just “FOLLOW ME TO VICTORY” every 20 seconds
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fluffykitten231 · 1 year
I also did these
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Mmm monke
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me-and-freddy-xiii · 4 days
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This is the new cover for Dissidia Dislyte Final Re:MIX. The reason it looks so drastically different is because I'm taking this project in a new direction. Hope you like it. And even if you don't, I'm still gonna do it cuz I want to.
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xxmothangelxx · 7 months
Shady Rambles Dislyte Part 6: A Written Movie Sequal
So, I made this post yesterday, and after I was able to make a reddit post that I feel better summarized my point! It may be a tad pretentious in its writing and I do apologize for that, but still, I hope you enjoy!
As a lover of writing and Dislyte, I've always been unnecessarily invested in the story. Funnily enough, unlike most people the story and characters are really my main reason for not giving up on the game – in spite of all the less than favorable updates – so although many argue the story is sub-par, I quite enjoy it. This love of characters and story has made it so I try to keep up with most events. I'll be honest, I stopped playing the game after Valeria's event (and I have yet to read through the ones that I've missed) but I have since completed Cellblock Chaos so I'm making my way back into the game!
Needless context aside, I wanted to discuss the concept of grey morality and why it always bothered me when it was mentioned in reference to the Shadow Decree, it took me a while to figure out why but I feel that I can now put it into words. It is because the Shadow Decree are objectively an irredeemable terrorist organization that have committed human rights violations so extreme, that in a more realistic world Hyde would have been sentenced to death by firing squad upon arrest.
The issue with grey morality and the concept of an anti-hero is a lot of consumers and fans have the false mindset that if a villain has a 'point' then the villain is any less evil. Now, the issue with that therein lies with the fact that morality is less based on thought and more based on action, it doesn't matter if you have a "moral" way of thinking if your actions don't reflect that. This issue can be seen within the Shadow Decree in abundance, many of the characters have seemingly understandable reasons for being members, but their actions within the group contradict their so-called moral standpoint.
For example, many argue that the reason Hyde isn't a villain is because his research is all for the "greater good", he is an ends justify the means sort of person. However, you then have to take into account that Hyde actively partakes in and encourages human trafficking and non-consensual human experimentation. Does it really matter if it is "for the greater good" if you are actively allowing hundreds of innocents to die for experiments that lead to nothing at all?
I am brought back to two events in particular: Brewster and Yun Chuan's. In both events, it is revealed that the Shadow Decree's crimes run deeper than just bothering the Union and stealing their members.
With Brewster, we find out that Shadow Decree actively buys trafficking victims off what can only be described as a black market and experiments on them in an attempt to turn them into espers. These people do not consent, and are nothing more than cattle to them. Few are "successful" like Brewster, with a majority of them dying from the strain placed upon their bodies. Brewster himself was sold by his abusive father and still suffers immense trauma from his time under Kara.
Yun Chuan's hits closer to home however; as someone with many criticisms of the prison industrial complex – more specifically how inmates are treated – to hear that the Shadow Decree makes deals with prisons to experiment on inmates was incredibly chilling. It was one of the most true to life, realistic portrayals of how deep systemic corruption truly is, especially in how it mirrors the real life abuse of incarcerated people globally.
I simply do not see these as the actions of a "morally grey" group of people that only "want the best". I feel that the reason many are quick to slap the morally grey label onto the Shadow Decree is character bounties, most bounties are slice of life stories that show the characters going about their daily business, of course Ophelia and Catherine seem nicer and more likable. Though you then remember that they bombed an orphanage for virtually no reason and suddenly they seem less like good people.
Now, this isn't me saying that you cannot like them or that liking them reflect poorly on you as a person! I for one am definitely a Shadow Decree apologist haha, my top favorite espers are majority Shadow Decree, and I find them to be an interesting group of people with the potential for great storytelling. With that being said, I feel we as media consumers have a habit of becoming so attached to certain characters that we forget that their actions do indeed play a role in who they are.
To be a part of the Shadow Decree is to say that you are okay with human trafficking, human experimentation, terrorism, weapons smuggling, political corruption, prison industrial system corruption, child murder (remember the orphanage bombing that killed Stewart's lover and also a bunch of children?). The Union is certainly not free of skeletons, their rampant negligence shows this, however I cannot feel comfortable saying that they are in any way just as bad or worse than the Shadow Decree based on everything the Dislyte lore has told us.
TLDR: I believe the reason many argue that the Shadow Decree are morally grey, or that they're even a well-meaning group, is because many of the characters have sad backstories, attractive designs, and cute personalities. Though I cannot agree, because I feel that it disregards all the genuinely horrific (and mostly unnecessary) actions of the group; I don't see how people that bomb orphanages and experiment on trafficking victims can be any less than evil.
With all of that being said I would give my left kidney and run over a baby kitten if it meant that Catherine would blink in my direction.
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mako-ink · 9 months
TW// Battle & top surgery scars
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IbisPaint my beloved new retro filter my beloved (pt. 1 of warmup sketches :3)
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iwantteaandsleep2403 · 4 months
I've been fixated on the shadow decree and listening to "Cirque" and "Freak" by Sub Urban nonstop for the past 9 hours and I need to share this with anyone that will listen to my ramble or else I'll combust
Shadow decree Circus AU
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crepus · 2 months
I still have no idea why the esper union and the shadow decree have beef with each other btw
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zeriphi · 23 days
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Hammer lady
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poisonioushearts · 9 months
slides in (fashionably)
hiii how are you? hopefully good :]
can i request general mateo relationship hcs, if you write for him? specifically a s/o who's also in the shadow decree and an esper
i enjoy him a normal amount. thank u!!
I had two requests for Mateo (the other asking for non-esper wanderer) sooooo I'm just going to combine both of you don't mind! Here we go!
(I may soon make a self aware and players fav w/ Mateo as well)
I'm on a roll finally 💪
Gender neutral reader
Warnings: not proofread, probably some grammatical errors
Mateo Relationship Headcannons
Missions together 100%
Doesn't matter if you weren't assigned together-he will be working with you.
He knows you can defend yourself-he's seen how you fight, but he's still protective of you.
His past general instincts kick in whenever he's in the middle of a fight with you- even if it's just the two of you.
He laughs a little, when he tells you the story of why he joined the Shadow Decree. You were so livid, and pissed, cursing him out with some very unique words it made him smile in the sense that you both shared the same anger.
He actually had to break the news to you that Nickolas was already dead because you had gotten up and about ran to find him.
Yeah you were still upset.
Xuan Pin would've probably been there, playing against Mateo in a game of chess, and the story would kind of just flow and get told during that time.
One of the things you said was: "How dare he frame my daughter!" "[name] I'm not related to you-" "I don't care I already signed the adoption papers." "The what-?"
So yes, you and him are like- practically parental/older sibling figures to Xuan Pin. (Even though she's an adult.)
Stargazing dates. Often caused by you because you pay attention to the small things. As someone who is "powerless", a human, you focus on the smaller things.
The stars, the moon, the sun in a cloudless day, a flower blooming in the cracks of stone. It's just a thing you two have where you point out something so simple and marvel at at while he looks at it with you and at you.
He will purposely choose missions that will correspond where you are going.
You aren't an esper, and respectfully, not as physically strong as someone who is one.
So he will protect and defend you with his life because even though you can fight decently, you don't have much resistance.
You don't have god-like powers running through your veins. You're just human.
It's enough for him, but it won't stop him from worrying about your well-being.
You also worry about him with how much he worries about you.
When he's working inside his office, you bring him food and stuff. Making sure he is taking care of himself as well.
When he told you about Nickolas did, you you quiet. Then you rummaged in your bag and pulled out a lighter. "[name] why..?" "To burn the rest of his corpse." "[name] no-" "[name] yes."
He makes sure you don't have a lighter in your bag from then on.
He doesn't talk much, but he listens.
If you are a talkative person he'll listening to you rant about whatever and he'll remember it all.
If you don't talk very much, he'll take note of your actions and pay close attention to the words you speak so he can recall it later for future reference.
Strong but silent type.
He's intimidating but a softie for those close to him. He's the big spoon, sometimes, sometimes, he will be the small. But when you wake the roles have already switched.
There was a point where you attempted to cook food over his eye/hand fire. You were able to make some s'mores-barley.
He loves quality time. Just being in your presence is enough.
Thanks for reading! Reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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pinkniz · 11 months
If you think about it Freddy is probably one of the best options for the Shadow Decree when it comes to assesination or punishment because if the body ever gets found they'll just think it was either attacked by an animal or that when the target died animals feasted on the carcass which would also make it impossible to run an autopsy on because of how mauled the body is
That is if the body is found of course
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