#dog proof
grandmashousediy · 2 years
How to Baby Proof Your New Kitchen
How to Baby Proof Your New Kitchen
Did I ever tell you guys that I have eleven nieces and nephews? Whenever anyone asks if I’m planning on having kiddos I always tell them I’m off the hook lol. Whenever I have family gatherings I always spend a certain amount of time scrambling and baby proofing where I can. Especially the kitchen! (more…)
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ludisya · 3 months
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ice skating au by @bnesszai! the costumes were designed by @squidsandthings. i had a lot of fun drawing this
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vickiiix · 9 months
Thinking about how it was hinted that Chuuya was cosplaying as a vampire a few times in the manga
Like we can see his sclera (white outer part of the eye) here
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And his vampire marks were gone after chap 101
This is what Chuuya looked like before chap 101
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This what he looked like after chap 101
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Notice that the vampire marks under his eye are gone? It was god damn make up
The elevator was filled with water… and so it washed the makeup away…
Another thing is that his reaction after he shot Dazai
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I dont know how to explain this but why is he side eyeing Dazai like arent u still a mindless puppet rn why are u “…”-ing him
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bendydudeinc · 6 months
UGHHHHHHHH I want Chūyas hands. His pretty hands. I want to watch his eyes grow hooded and dark with lust as he slowly brings his gloved fingers to his lips and bites his glove off one finger at a time because he knows it gets me hot and bothered. I want Chūya to circle his fingers around the outside of my dripping hole as I squirm and cry for him to put them in. I don’t think he’d last long with that after seeing my folds clench around nothing. I want him to relentlessly thrust into me with his fingers to the beat of our favorite songs, smiling smugly to himself like the stupid sexy asshole he is as he keeps scissoring and thrusting against my most sensitive spots to the rhythm, even as my eyes roll back and I babble that it’s too much during a fast pace song, he’ll just curl his fingers harder to shut me up. I want Chūya to talk down to me like the filthy whore I am and humiliate me when I cry out and gush around his fingers for the god knows what time since he put the playlist on shuffle because godammit it’s just so fucking good.
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abirddogmoment · 3 months
this is so excessive but rory has her dog show debut this weekend and i am having a canadian dog fancier ad made for it and i am just like 👀 publication??? about it
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ranpoesgirl · 2 months
“Penny for your thoughts?” No need.
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fem!DAZAI being your girlfriend meant dealing with other people having zero respect for your relationship, you were always proud of your pretty girlfriend and never really cared when people tried to hit on her even knowing about you guys.
This time was no different, you both were at a bar and you were getting drinks for the both of you and sure enough, when you were coming back to her, you saw a lanky— probably a college student, hitting on DAZAI while she politely tried to let down the young teen.
You laughed to yourself as you rushed in between the both of them and tried getting through the drunk teenager’s thick skull that your girlfriend was taken and not interested, but unlike the usual reaction which was disappointment, insistence, or a drunk angry stomping away, he instead decided…
“Ugh!! It’s always— hic… —the ugly friend that comes in between the attractive female’s when they’re… hic— getting it!”
Then came a shove to your chest and that’s when DAZAI stepped in and put an end to it, you both decided to go home for the night after it was ruined by a kid who probably sneaked into the bar.
But those words stuck with you…
It was always obvious that Dazai was in a whole another level than you— prettier, smarter, funnier, and she was a perfect lover for you…but what did you have to offer?
These thoughts were eating you out as the both of you got home and Dazai noticed everything, of course, she did, she was your perfect partner, she’d do anything for you because that’s how wonderful she was.
You closed the door of your apartment behind you and that’s when you felt her arms wrap around your waist and lips drag on the nape of your neck.
“For what is my pretty girl upset?”, he whispered softly as she nibbled on your skin and rubbed down on your sensitive spot underneath your dress, you shivered at her cold touch and felt tears prick at your eyes unable to form words.
You tried to let out how you felt but couldn’t put them in a sentence in the right order and just pushed yourself back onto her as she picked up the pace of her cold fingers.
“can’t tell?”, you shook your head letting out sharp breaths.
“don’t worry, I’ll make sure you have nothing to be upset about once I’m done with you,”
That was the last words you heard before she got down on her knees and begin eating you out like you were the last meal. pushing herself more and more into you as you tried to stable yourself by grabbing the furniture around you and having a harsh grip on her scalp with your fingers tangled in her hair before she could push her into you anymore and you started moaning like a bitch in heat at the way she bucked your hips back into you—
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a/n: this is my first ¿¿smut?? I tried my best, if you couldn’t tell I am extremely inexperienced— sorry for disappearing btw, doctor appointments make me suicidal and I have a few more so let’s hope for the best,,,
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starlightshadowsworld · 4 months
Mori: Apparently there's rumours of Port Mafia members fraternising with other criminal organisations.
Dazai: walks in after making out with Chuuya Nakahara, king of the Sheep Man some people have no sense of loyalty.
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caluette · 27 days
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the truth
#blue lock#blue lock fanart#alexis ness#ブルーロック#art#fanart#blue lock manga#my art#michael kaiser#in spirit#i think about scenarios where ness leaves kaiser#whether just to pass to isagi or for good#and i believe this is the key to kaiser's awakening#given that his “identity”/ego first appeared not out of malice but out of the desperation to protect the one thing he cared about (the ball#and of course his monologue in 260 about how he treats the ball explicitly parallels how he treats ness#which makes me believe losing ness or the risk of losing ness is instrumental in kaiser's reawakening#BUT.#kaiser is a deeply sad angry person and he cannot let the world know he's weak#so i fear that ness leaves him and instead of admitting oh maybe i do care kaiser snaps#because ness can't leave him if he pushes ness away harder right?#kaiser telling ness exactly what he was to him#exactly why he approached him in the first place#you're nothing but a dog#an experiment#because fury covers up the hurt (hurt that kaiser is even angrier that he *has*) and so the damage is done#so that's what this doodle is based on el oh el#and ness is left reevaluating every moment they've ever shared and wondering if it was real at all#(because even if kaiser did care he doesn't have the capacity to realize he did-- i do believe his behavior in 243 was genuine and proof he#-cares for ness in the only way he can he just does not understand that yet because he fundamentally does not understand kindness)#and he won't before it's almost too late
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chuunai · 5 months
may i request scenario (12) cheating on you with prompt 7 "only if you knew how much i liked you." drabble pls, with dazai, fyodor, and chuuya? those characters were the only ones that popped into my mind lmao . . .
yes ma’am the angst is gonna go crazy and this is gonna be without Fyodor because so many others asked for him TvT
✧˚ · . whose heart could I break today? - BSD men when they cheat on you
He loved you. But he couldn’t help it.
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summary ⋆ ★ angst, cheating, minor NSFW, crying men (chuuya)
Dazai Osamu:
It was just a mission at first. You two were sent to infiltrate a party and intercept a parcel. Easy, right? That’s what you both thought at first. His lips gave yours a short kiss before walking into the building separately. No one should be able to link the two of you together, after all.
Of course soon after entering Dazai was already being pawed at by rich women cooing at him for just a second of his time. A small bit of desire had risen in his lower abdomen, but when he saw you across the room, he urged himself not to be misled. He was a scoundrel, but he wasn’t a cheater. So why was it that barely half an hour later he found himself locked in a room with some woman he hardly knew, hushing her with his fingers while he pounded into her?
A woman that wasn’t you. When he came back out, clothes slightly disheveled and skin glistening with sweat, you knew. Oh, how that dread hit you like a train. How you wished you really were hit by a train in that moment when he looked at you and knew that you knew. You felt so fucking dumb. So stupid to believe his words that he was loyal to you and you only.
There you were, a broken heart and the realization that your partner cheated on you. Your now ex-boyfriend.
When you left the party—the mission completely forgotten by the both of you—he soon followed after, fingers outstretched to grasp your shoulder, lips aching to say how sorry he was and that he just couldn’t resist her. But he held back. Let you walk away as he stood there in the rain, a sad smile on his face.
Yet another one lost. All because of him. Dazai Osamu couldn’t ever keep anything, could he?
Chuuya Nakahara:
Alcohol. The one thing that he resented now.
The thing that made him lose you. Dimmed his moral compass and loyalty to you. Chuuya’s always been such a loyal person. Hell, he was a puppy when it came to you. Or at least used to be. But he fucked it up. Became too tipsy one night at a bar when you weren’t there because you were at your job. Chuuya took another woman to your home, to your shared bed.
While you worked, he fucked.
Chuuya felt so guilty when the high wore off and the girl went home. When you got home, he immediately told you and begged for forgiveness, getting on his knees even and sobbing that he didn’t want you to leave. Fat tears rolling down his cheeks as he drunkenly rambled about how you were everything to him.
You left the next morning.
He took the day off—the whole event hitting him coupled with his hangover—and let the memories wash over him. Countless kisses stolen, nights in bed spent gossiping and binging Netflix. Not to mention the more tender ones. You going with him to the Flags’ graves on the anniversary of their deaths. Reassuring him that he was human when he swore he wasn’t. Why didn’t he realize how much you two were meant for one another?
Nakahara Chuuya once had a soulmate.
Now, he lacked one.
A.N: I think you can tell I put in more effort for Chuuya. don’t complain.
Tags: @twst-om-lover, @sinfulthoughtsposts
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darkwood-sleddog · 1 year
Asking for breeders to health test is not too much work. (Ensures dog is free of genetic health issues as much as possible)
Asking for breeders to breed temperamentally stable dogs is not too much work. (Ensures puppies will also be temperamentally stable as much as possible).
Asking for breeders to breed structurally healthy dogs is not too much work. (Ensures dog can function as a dog).
Asking for proof of correct temperament from an outside source like an evaluator, working/sporting test, or real world application such as actual work is not too much work (ensures dog can do what breeder claims they can do as much as possible).
These are like bottom of the barrel expectations for a “responsible” dog breeder. Asking for less is ridiculous. We are responsible for ensuring future dogs are healthy and stable and lowering such expectations below this point is like asking a bar on the floor if it can possibly go lower.
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kangals · 2 months
aw your blog is lovely, i just got an 11 week old collie mix and my mate sent me your way. any puppy tips or wisdom to impart? 😊
congrats on the new baby!
collie tips: try to think of the barking as communication - it's easy to get annoyed by it, but i promise they're barking for a reason. even if that reason is just "i'm happy!" "i'm bored!" "there's a person on the sidewalk!" "i want this!" etc... you'll have a much better mental state if you treat it as a conversation instead of a nuisance.
not sure what type of coat your puppy has, but brush them at least 2x a week and shower them with treats during it. do nails weekly too! few things are more obnoxious than a grown-ass dog that throws a tantrum about basic grooming. and long-haired dogs need grooming, so they don't get the option to be fussy about it.
puppy tips in general: now that i'm on my second puppy, i think the entire concept of socialization/exposure training can be boiled down into thus:
put that beast in situations
make the situations fun
and that's really it. just take your puppy out and look for Situations to put them in. visiting the hardware store? boom, you've been placed on a wooden pallet. you are now 1 foot off the ground. yes, kind of weird. here's some treats for being on the pallet. yay! ok moving on. walking past an (empty) playground? i am now walking under a bridge, please follow me. yay, treats for going under low object. there is a scary object (e.g. traffic cone tipped on its side) outside? we are investigating the object. yay, here's some treats for sniffing the object. etc etc etc just over and over ad over. even at home you can make Situations like a cardboard box, or loud noises playing from a speaker, or relaxing in different parts of the house, etc. put your fingers in their nose. toss them in a puddle. i've come to realize that your job as a puppy owner is to just mildly inconvenience your puppy so much that they become totally unphased by it. and that's a much easier to swallow concept for me than anything else lol.
also: Situations can be passive too. make sure they learn how to be bored. chill in a room together by quietly ignoring them. let them learn to figure out how to entertain themselves peacefully. leave them alone regularly. etc.
also @purplesaline is a font of wisdom and has given me very good advice about puppy raising. several times i have asked her about a problem i'm having and been reassured that "yes it's fine, X thing will happen soon" and i think "well surely that can't be right" and then every. time. it does happen and she is correct.
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teaganrae15 · 2 months
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Tarantino is my fav director ever
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abirddogmoment · 1 year
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losing my entire mind at this hot take in an aggresisvely R+ Facebook trainer's post. comment section is full of people asking for sources and the poster claiming the "prey drive myth" has been debunked same as alpha theory. I can't comment because I'm not in the group but oh my god.
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whywolfprincess · 4 months
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Couldn't find the dog....
An opening :o
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The saddest beast appears.
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syunkiss · 2 months
odango is canon and dazai is their son and I have proof
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tervaneula · 1 month
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Yuichi pillow propaganda
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