#dsmp transcript
theminecraftbox · 2 years
CHOICE QUOTES from the c!Dream monologue:
“Snakes don’t just bite. Come on. What’d you do? Did you kick it.”
“People don’t just blow up things. We must just—not understand Dream. Did you—did you kick him?”
“I lunge once, now you hunt me down. You try and farm my own venom and use it against me. You run me away from my nest.”
“There are some snakes that just bite. Pure evil. But they weren’t always that way. You made them that way by treating them like that’s what they always were.”
“I’m not gonna stop until you put me down. Because I’m no longer protecting my eggs. They’re already gone. They were stolen by the hawks when you chased me away from my nest.”
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snom-pixelates · 1 year
Transcription of c!Sam and c!Phil's conversation from Awesamdude's 11/2/2022 lore stream
[a very long time ago]
Phil: Sam! Sam: Oh, Phil, hey, hey, Phil, how are you? Phil: How’s it going? I got your message. Sam: You got it? Come here, here, quick, it’s gotta happen soon. Look, I finished it! It’s a massive battery. Look at it! It’s perfect! I built the battery for the villagers, you know, so we can have infinite energy now. Just from this. Phil: Oh, wow that’s really cool. Sam: But Phil I think, I think I might’ve figured out something even crazier. I-I… look, I don’t really know how to explain how I got here, but I found a way we can take all of this energy from the lightning and well… Let me just show you, let me just show you, okay? Just stand here… Okay? Phil: Okay. Sam: This machine right here… Phil: What is this? Sam: It’s, it’s—you’re not even gonna believe me until I show you. I’m gonna go in here and just watch—just watch, okay? Phil: Okay. Sam: Okay, you ready? Phil: Yeah…? Don’t know what I’m ready FOR, but… Sam: Do you see it? Phil: See what? Sam: Yeah, look! Look. Phil: Sam, what is that? Sam: It’s a clone! Of my genetic material! I’m able to convert the energy from the lightning into a literal copy of myself! Everything is the same. Phil: But, why? Sam: Well, that’s the beauty of it—that’s the beauty of it. Here, take these. If we build these tubes like this and if I just stand in here—just seal me in here, and then press that button. Phil: Are you sure, uh… what does it do? Sam, what does it do—? Sam: No, trust me, trust me, it’s okay, it’s okay. I haven’t tested it but it’ll work. Phil: You haven’t TESTED it? Sam: No, not- Phil:…Sam…? Sam [as the clone body]: Not yet I haven’t! [Laughs] Look, Phil, look! Phil: Oh my—! Sam: I can control the clone! Like, it’s so strange, I don’t, I don’t even know how to describe it, it’s like I’m just IN this body now! Phil: What the-? Sam: It’s crazy, Phil! And I have a new design! This is just a prototype! With the real thing, you could control multiple bodies, and you could have them in very different places and be doing very different things, and they could communicate, like, instantly anywhere in the world, Phil! Like whenever we needed to, like, meet up, you could just instantly be there! Just imagine just how much this could change our lives! No one has to suffer ever again, like, ever again! No one has to die, nothing bad has to happen! Phil: No, no, no, no, no, no, this, this—this messes… no…. this is messing with the natural order of things, Sam. This is… What this is is a potential opening to darkness. Sam: But Phil, I mean, just think about it! If you hurt yourself and you break your leg, right? I can just—we can just make you a new body and you can just, like, move your consciousness into that body! It’s, it’s amazing! And then— Phil: And then never die? Sam: Yeah! Like you never have to die! As soon as your body starts to get old and break apart, it doesn’t matter, you can just be done with that body and get a new one—! Phil: She won’t like this, she won’t like this, Sam, she REALLY will not like this. Sam: What? Who? I don’t see how you don’t see how this is a wonderful thing! I just— Phil: Sam. Promise me you will break this machine. This cannot… I know your intentions are good, but this thing? This—this messes with the natural order of everything. You can’t… You can’t eliminate death from the world, Sam, it, it needs to exist. Sam: What do you mean? I’ve already done it—I’ve already… No one has to die anymore! I mean, I can’t! I’ve already done it! You can’t tell me to— Phil: You realize what you’re saying—you realize what you’re saying, Sam? You’re not thinking this through.
Sam: You can’t ask me to give this up, Phil, this is— Phil: People need to die, they need to move on. They need to grow—new generations need to be formed! It’s how the world adapts, it’s how everything grows it’s how we evolve. Sam, this is… Sam: I can’t give this up, Phil. I-I, I’ve been… This is… I can’t even—I can’t even believe you! I can’t believe you don’t believe in this! Phil:Sam, I’ve known you. I’ve known you a while now. But this… Trust me when I say, this will bring nothing but bad things. This will bring nothing but hurt. Sam: But—but there’s so many people I could help with this, though. Phil: Then help them in different ways, help them—you could, you could cure disease, you could literally—you could do anything but cheat Death! Cheating Death is something you cannot do. And should not do. Sam:I can’t give this up, Phil I won’t. Phil: Then I guess I can no longer… I can no longer be friends with you. Sam: What? Phil: I’m going to have to stop coming by if… Sam, right here right now— Sam: Phil, I’m probably the only person that can hang around with you now! Like, I—I can be there to like, I can, I can, you can, what, what? What do you mean—you told me before! You were looking for something to, like, be meaningful, someone you could be friends with for a long time and it could be ME! I could be there! And like, like, we wouldn’t have anything go wrong—you’re… You’re gonna… You’re gonna, like, give up on all of that—? Phil: But everyone dies eventually, Sam, I—I could die at any moment. I could die and that would be it. Just because I’ve lived a long time doesn’t mean I’m invincible. There needs to be— Sam: But I don’t want that! I don’t want that world. Wouldn’t it be better if we could build like—like, a bunker and we could hide our real bodies and we could be in DIFFERENT bodies. And even if someone murdered us we could break out of the stasis, and we could go out and find those people and take revenge or—or just stay away if we wanted to! Ugh. I can’t… Phil: Sam, promise me you’ll break this machine. Sam: …I’m not giving up on this, Phil. I won’t. I won’t break it. Phil: Then I guess this is farewell. Sam: Fine, fine, but you’re gonna change your mind. And when you need a new body cause that one’s old and breaking down, don’t come to me and ask for one, because I won’t do it. Phil: Fine by me. Sam: Fine. Phil: Goodbye, Sam. Sam: Bye, Phil.
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dykefoosh · 2 years
Transcript of the book c!wilbur wrote to c!eret I think theres a code which is why I wrote it all out
page 1: you didnt deserve any of what was done to you
page 2: It was a pleasure to speak with you today. For the first time in a while I have felt calmness.
page 3: Please never give up trying to unite people.
It is a difficult cause
But one far nobler than any I have ever possessed
page 4: You are not the villian
page 5: Your grand works and statues will outlive any of the horrible tales spun about your past
page 6: When the day comes and we all finally pass on I like to think we will all reconvene in a large desert.
I want to believe that the desert is where people start anew and figure out who they were supposed to be in this grand life of ours
page 7: We've lived too long, Eret.
We were supposed to be together in that desert recounting times we were adversaries and shaking hands with our foes
page 8: We still have a long way to go though. But that desert, that blank slate of sand
It's waiting for us
page 9: Dearest Eret
page 10: c u in ut
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sumwan · 5 months
Unfortunately, DSMP transcripts stopped transcribing lore streams after February 11, 2022. Their transcriptions have been an invaluable resource for many in the DSMP community. As for the remaining lore streams, I transcribed the parts of the streams that feature c!Dream and/or c!Punz. Any parts of the streams that did not feature either of those two characters have not been transcribed.
The links can be found below:
Dream encounters Tommy and Wilbur in Pandora's Vault
Dream visits Foolish at his summer home
Dream and Purpled get revenge on Quackity
Punz hears about Dream's death
Dream and Punz tell Tommy and Tubbo about their plans
Dream and Punz get confronted by Tommy in Pandora's Vault
Anyone can use these transcriptions however they want, it isn't really necessary to give explicit credit to me. I just hope they will be useful to people!
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Ghostbur: but I only have good memories with Technoblade :(
Tommy: aw, okay. Well I’ll give you some bad ones.
Ghostbur: wh- there are no bad memories with Technoblade.
Tommy: oh, I reckon there are.
Ghostbur, after a pause: no? Technoblade, we’ve only had good times together, right?
Techno: only good times. We were bros, man.
Ghostbur, overlapping: yeah!
Ghostbur: exactly!
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call-me-apple · 1 year
Punz's bluntness in this clip has me rolling. (transcription below the cut)
Tommy: "Dream, you're a monster! You can't— Punz! Punz. Tell me—" Punz: "What, Tommy?" Tommy: "Have you always been like this? Cuz we—" Punz: *bluntly* "Yes." Tommy: "—trusted you." Punz: "Alright, well you're a fucking idiot and simple-minded. I've said this like eight times, Tommy. Get it through your head."
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zeta-in-de-walls · 1 year
Transcript of Dream’s message
Hey, here’s a Transcript of what Dream said regarding DSMP. Where he confirmed S2 would not happen. I tried to get it accurately as I could while still being pretty clear.
DSMP... okay let’s talk Dream SMP. I’ll just be completely, blunt, I don’t think there will be a season 2. I mean, That’s not 100%. Obviously that could change, there’s been so many discussions about it and there’s a lot of people. Even though its called Dream SMP, it’s not just like a me thing, there’s a lot of people that are part of it, contributing and who have contributed to it. I feel, I’ve discussed this in discord and expressed my opinion on it... and a lot of people have expressed themselves about it. I want to do what everyone wants to do but at the same time I also don’t want to do anything that doesn’t feel like me. Dream SMP was originally started with just me and my friends f*cking around on the SMP but it’s different now. There’s a lot more to it with the DSMP. And the DSMP obviously was iconic and had so many awesome things to it. So I think realistically there won’t be a Season 2. If there was it’d be different and it won’t be for a while if there was. But, I think realistically there’s not so don’t get your hopes up.
And again that’s another thing that’s like hey you know I’m sorry. That’s something like false expectations. But The thing is, everything was done everything was ready. Everything was coded for DSMP Season 2. I had a whole document with all the new features, all the new plans, we had came up with the initial story etc etc. And just like, it didn’t happen. And then after time passed, stuff wasn’t happening, the finales and stuff. The finales took a lot longer than expected and there was stuff that didn’t ever come through with the finales. 
And I honestly lost motivation. One thing I said when we discussed it later on was like definitely once it ended up not happening it was my fault but the reason that it got to that point was because nobody was as motivated and nobody was as into it for a long period of time and everybody got busy with irl stuff. There were periods of time where I would message people and people wouldn’t reply about doing stuff and periods where I got messaged and wouldn’t reply. But then there was a multi-month period where I didn’t know what to do. I was sitting there like ‘I don’t know if we should reboot, I don’t know if we should do fresh stuff’.
And then of course Techno and obviously that complicated things. Our plan for a while unfortunately before Techno passed was to do like a memory related thing in order to have new relationships and friendships and stuff. But then obviously that was something that Phil pointed out like something he didn’t think about then mentioned later on was like oh that kinda sucks because you know it would be erasing stuff Techno had done and stuff. That kinda affected the plans. Do we change what we do? Do we whatever?
Yeah. As far as I know the server’s still up and has been up. Anyone’s that’s on and whitelisted can do what they want and stuff. I know Karl’s talked about doing lore outside of the SMP for his final stuff and I think Quackity’s talked about the same. Because It’s less reliant on other people to do things. Yeah, I don’t know, that’s kinda my thought process on this so I don’t want to whatever. 
And again I just want to go back to a time where we were all saying it’s gonna happen, it’s gonna happen. It was. Everything was done, everything was ready and then. It wasn’t really, it wasn’t just a me thing being like ‘well guess we’re not doing it’ There’s like a lot of stuff that happened and obviously stuff that happened which complicated things, like publicly as well. Some of the stuff... I’m sure you know what I’m referring to. That happened right around when Dream SMP season 2 was in the works and being finished. And so that obviously genuinely demotivated me a lot and made me like alright well whatever. I don’t care. I just want to hang with my friends and go back to my roots and do what’s fun for me.
And everyone that did reply whenever I kinda said that stuff fairly recently on the SMP, like a month ago or a month and a half ago at this point, everyone that replied was very positive like ‘oh yeah it sucks but we just want to be able play an SMP with our friends and stuff. And like yeah, that’s totally fair but that doesn’t necessarily have to be the Dream SMP, that can be anything.
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smallishbabes · 2 years
Here is a compilation of (almost) every time Techno shouts “PHIL LOOK OUT” or something similar to that effect on Dream SMP (+one moment from Terraria) [two more moments I forgot]
Sources and timestamps used under the cut
Phil’s first day
Moving stream
Turtle stream
Table POG
SBI Terraria:
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faebriel · 6 months
crainduo *cries wails sobs dies*
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RAINDUO !!!!!!
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voted4exile · 1 year
dream’s lore q&a 2022.11.16
Transcript of Dream’s answers to lore questions from his Twitter space on 2022.11.16. Timestamps link to an upload of the Twitter Space on Daily Dream Team Clips channel.
c!Dream’s lore finale [15:27]
Dream lore finale for Dream SMP. That's pretty good. It's a good topic. What about it? Let's talk about it. I think it turned out great. I- I really, I was really happy with it. Obviously, if we had more time and, and everything, we could do, do more. But I'm happy with what we, what we did, with what we were given. And I'm happy with how everything went. It went great. 
I quite enjoyed playing the character, and I like, I like, like role-playing and stuff is fun, obviously. Had a good time. It was great. Kind of the daily streams. Streaming with. With Tommy, it went back. It took me back to back in the day. Tommy and Tubbo and everything. It was a lot of fun. I enjoyed it.
I think revealing a lot of the stuff that in terms of intentions. It was all stuff that has kind of already been out there, but not like kind of concise and also not like to Tommy- c!Tommy and c!Tubbo. But you know, it was fun. It was fun. I enjoyed it.
c!Tommy’s limbo [21:15]
“Can you talk about why c!Tommy saw that in his limbo?” I'd say that that's, that's more of a question for Tommy than, than me. Because my reasoning is, well, it's, it's what pushes the story along. But I don't know what the- Tommy's reasoning behind, behind it is and what Tommy's character's reasoning behind it is. So.
I think that the way that I would, I would look, I would interpret it is that-- It's kind of like it, like Tommy wants like-- This, this is what, this is how I would interpret it. And totally, Tommy could completely disagree. So feel free to disregard everything I'm about to say if you don't like it at all.
But I would interpret it as that Tommy really wants like for his friends to, to be able to, you know. If for it to be simple and for him to just be having fun with his friends. You know how, how, he- how it used to be back in the early days of the server and so seeing that but for his, you know, for-- seeing that, but for Dream. You know, the, the-- Dream experiencing what he, you know, what he wants. And of course, Dream is his nemesis, whatever. That's how. That's how I would interpret it.
c!Tommy did not forgive c!Dream [23:31]
“Hi king, can you confirm the interaction between Dream and Tommy wasn't a forgiveness, it was just understanding?” Yeah. No, no, Tommy wasn't forgiving, was not forgiving Dream. I think it was a-- I think Tommy, Tommy had never seen Dream other, as anything other than just this evil, you know, bastard that's doing all these horrible torturous things to him. Which he did and was. And had never, never stopped to think about or, or even imagine, you know, what Dream was like before, you know, in the, in the past. So it was more of a humanizing moment of kind of like a, you know, this person's, this, hey, this person's a human, too. We're both from the same place, whatever.
It was, it was definitely not, “Oh, that means that everything's OK.” Like, I think Tommy said this. Tommy said the same thing in the lore. He was like, “Well, it doesn't, you know, I understand, you know, what your goal is, but this isn't how you do it.” And I think it was one of those things where you-- In my mind, it was, it was a moment of, you know, before in, in the past, you know, you're never going to, if you don't understand somebody's intentions, you don't understand somebody's goals, you don't understand why somebody, what somebody wants and you go into every situation with a, “Well, you're, you know, you're evil or you're, you know, you're a bad person,” you know, whatever. Then you're never going to convince the other person. And it's the same thing with-- You're never gonna make any ground with anybody.
And I think that, so it was, it was the first time where, ever between Tommy and Dream, where they had any, any kind of understanding with each other. Because they had always just been at each other's throats and had always been. You know, fighting for so long. It had never stopped to really, really try and understand each other, but especially for, for Dream. As, as obviously his motives for a million different things had just been, had been up in the air and had been things that not only did the audience not know, but the, the characters themselves don't know either.
But yeah, so I'd say it was, it was 100%. It was not. It was not a forgiveness thing. It was a, it was an understanding. And it wasn't an understanding with a level of forgiveness. It was just understanding it completely. It was just a-- And I think it was more of a Tom- Tommy going up, you know, for the longest time, operating under the impression that Dream is just this, you know, evil bastard that. That, you know, “just enjoys, absolutely enjoys torturing me” and whatever. And, you know, that's the thing is you can interpret things how you like. But I- I'd say that there, there is an element there, and there, there is an element of enjoyment from, you know, from Dream's perspective. Because of, because of the, the past and their history together and whatever. I'm sure Dream does derive some joy from the actions he's seeing, the things he's put Tommy through and whatever.
But obviously those are-- He's not going into it with the intention of, “Oh, I- I- This is my, my goal is just to bring hell to Tommy or bring hell to the server” or whatever. And so I think that the, the moment of understanding is more understanding that if, if that's not, if that's not Dream, if Dream's intention isn't or Dream's main goal is not, you know, being an evil person and, you know, deep down he, he, he does have good intentions even if he's is an evil bastard for the way he went about things. That maybe there is a way to make it work. You know, because if you're just, if you're just pure evil then, you know. You get, get rid of, get rid of it from the earth, you know. Versus if, you know. Oh, you're, you've done horrible things. You deserve to pay, you to deserve to pay for them. You deserve to be punished for them. You deserve to have repercussions from them. But at the same time. Yeah, you can-- There is a way where we can work together because we have the same, we have the same goals, we have the same morals, we have the same, you know, whatever in mind. That’s kind of how I look at it. I don’t know if that-- I don’t know. I think it’s also more up for interpretation.
c!Dream’s plans for the prison [28:23]
“What would have happened if c!Dream's imprisonment had lasted longer?” I don't know what you mean by that. I think that the, the, the biggest, like, behind people, cause people were saying, “Oh, Dream purposely put himself in prison.” So I was like, “Well yeah, but no.” And from my pers- my understanding of it is, yes, Dream did purposefully, you know, put himself into the prison. And the prison was a part of the overall plan in terms of-- It wasn't, it wasn't, I didn't-- 
The prison wasn't built for Dream. The prison was built for the, for fulfilling Dream's goals overall and the ability to do that and one of those things was to-- Obviously, there'd be, there'd be certain people that would be more likely to get in the way and unlikely to-- And, and also having the understanding of the fact that there was a revival book. Dream, after kind of becoming aware of that and, and coming to possession of one himself, Dream had the idea that, well, you know, what if. What if somebody like Techno or somebody like, you know, somebody strong. 
And I'd say, in my mind, that it was originally, when I came up with the idea for it, it was, it was more so based on Technoblade. And the reasoning for it was Dream being scared of the fact. Well, what if there's more? What if there's more revival books and what if death is not, you can't stop somebody with death? Like it's, it's scary knowing that you can, you, you can beat somebody fully and then they're just there. And so he thought the idea of making a prison where if that ever does come to be where somebody is trying to stop, stop him, stop his goals, stop, you know, hurt the server or whatever that they'd be able to be stopped by putting them in the prison. Which is kind of funny because, obviously, it kind of ended up being the opposite but when Dream- c!Dream put himself into the prison. It was, it was thought of as a very, it was thought of as a temporary thing and ended up lasting a lot longer than he had imagined. And also, on top of that, he didn't expect that Awesamdude would let Quackity into fucking torture him. So that obviously made things a million times worse. But. 
Just to clarify, the prison wasn't built for Techno, but it was just like. Oh well, Techno's-- Seeing Techno’s power and stuff back then and being like, it was one of those things where it was like. Oh. What if somebody as powerful as Technoblade? You know, there are people that can be as powerful as, as, you know, as me or whatever, as c!Dream and so. What if one of them is is not on our side? Or what if Techno is not in the future? Whatever.
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theminecraftbox · 2 years
c!Punz describes c!Dream’s torture to c!Purpled:
Purpled: The prison thing is bullshit, you know they don’t allow anyone in there, ever, like, you know this! Come on, Punz, you’re smarter than this.
Punz: But they were! Dream told me how Sam let him in freely and allowed him to do unspeakable things to him. That wasn’t a prison. That was hell in a box. And Quackity was allowed to go in and torture him every. Single. Day.(Losing his composure) Purpled, do you know what that does to a man? Do you know the limits that people have?It—it goes beyond those limits! It’s not okay!!
Purpled: (sighs) Okay. Go on?
Punz: (back under control) You see, Purpled. I’ve been paid to do some investigating…
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I have no explanation for this
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pipistralis · 2 years
Snakes don't just bite, what did you do?
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Tommy: okayokay *inhales* okay.
Ghostbur: it’s Technoblade! :D
Tommy: politely- politely, die. Politely-
Techno, overlapping: yeahhhh!
Ghostbur, overlapping: Technoblade! Technoblade, I’m here! I’m here! Have some blue, have some blue, please, please, calm yourself! Calm yourself! Calm yourself!
Techno, overlapping: yeahhhhhhh, yeahhh! Have some fooood, my mannnnn!
Ghostbur: whoa!
Ghostbur, muttering: that’s a very expe…
Techno, overlapping: I have a dealer.
Ghostbur, sounding impressed: that’s expensive food.
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belovedgamers · 2 years
catrina ive been playing bideo games for the past hour. what th efuck is happening with foolish
Dream XD showed up to Foolish very briefly, talking about being weak, he’s dealing with something, he also mentioned a debt. He sounded very warped, more distorted than usual, and almost strained.
Dream XD: Foolish?
Foolish: Oh! Oh, hello?
Dream XD: Foolish, listen to me. Listen to me carefully.
Foolish: Are you okay?
Dream XD: I don’t have the strength, just listen. I’m only going to say this once.
Foolish: What’s wrong?
Dream XD: You’ve been very foolish, Foolish. You’ve been very foolish.
Foolish: What do you mean?
Dream XD: You’ve let your guard down. You’ve let you lives slip right out of your grasp!
Foolish: I don’t— I don’t think so!
Dream XD: No? Oh, you thought you got an update? That was you running out of free deaths, okay? I’ve been a little busy dealing with some stuff. But you can’t run from Death. Death never forgets. You have a debt, and you must pay it, or you will pay with your own life.
Foolish: A debt? A debt for what?
Dream XD: Don’t take this warning lightly. I told you that your power had a limit. You passed that limit. Now you owe me deaths, or I will take yours! You only get one warning, don’t take it lightly.
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