#eating with poor balance and spasticity
capricorn-0mnikorn · 7 months
Sometimes, I need to un-sand my -wich.
I understand that a sandwich is meant to be "the main protein of a meal between two layers of bread in a meal, such that it can be eaten with one hand while playing cards."
But sometimes, the filling of a sandwich is too sloppy, saucy, or otherwise Just Too Much to be held in the hand.
In which case (in 'wich' case?), I put the filling in a bowl with extra sauce, tear up the bread into bite-sized pieces (dense, chewy bread is best), warm it up in the microwave for about a minute, and eat it like a salad.
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How Cerebral Palsy Affects the Nervous System? How Cerebral Palsy Affects the Nervous System? Cerebral palsy is a condition that affects millions of people worldwide, leaving an indelible mark on their lives. As we delve into the intricate nature of cerebral palsy, we must understand its impact on the nervous system. The nervous system, the body's communication network, plays a vital role in our ability to move, perceive sensory information, and engage in cognitive processes. Cerebral palsy disrupts this delicate system, presenting a multitude of challenges for those affected. In this persuasive article, we will explore how cerebral palsy affects the nervous system, highlighting the significance of understanding this complex interplay. By shedding light on the unique content and sharing the experiences of those living with cerebral palsy, we hope to foster empathy, drive awareness, and inspire support for individuals with this condition. Understanding Cerebral Palsy Cerebral palsy is a neurological condition that affects movement and coordination. It is caused by damage or abnormalities in the developing brain, usually occurring before or during birth. This condition is non-progressive, meaning that it does not worsen over time, but the symptoms can change as the individual grows. Cerebral palsy is a complex condition that varies widely in its presentation and severity. Some individuals may have mild symptoms and minimal functional limitations, while others may have more severe impairments that significantly impact their daily lives. The specific areas of the brain affected and the extent of the damage determine the type of cerebral palsy and the specific symptoms experienced. The condition is characterized by impaired muscle control, muscle stiffness or spasticity, poor coordination, and balance difficulties. These motor impairments can affect the ability to walk, talk, eat, and perform various activities of daily living. Cerebral palsy can also lead to associated conditions such as intellectual disabilities, seizures, vision or hearing impairments, and speech and communication difficulties. It's important to note that cerebral palsy does not affect intelligence itself, as the brain areas responsible for cognitive function are generally not involved. However, learning disabilities or intellectual challenges may coexist in some individuals due to the brain damage that caused the cerebral palsy. Impact on the Nervous System Cerebral palsy has a significant impact on the nervous system, as it is a neurological condition that stems from abnormalities or damage in the brain. The effects of cerebral palsy on the nervous system can manifest in various ways, affecting motor function, sensory perception, and cognitive abilities. 1. Motor Function: Motor function refers to the ability to control and coordinate muscle movements. In cerebral palsy, the areas of the brain responsible for motor control may be damaged or impaired, leading to difficulties in movement and muscle control. The severity and type of motor impairment can vary widely among individuals with cerebral palsy. Some may experience muscle stiffness and spasticity, making movements rigid and involuntary. Others may have muscle weakness or reduced muscle tone, causing challenges in maintaining posture and executing precise movements. These motor impairments can impact activities such as walking, grasping objects, sitting, and coordination of limbs. 2. Sensory Function: The nervous system also plays a crucial role in sensory perception. Cerebral palsy can affect how individuals perceive and process sensory information, leading to sensory processing difficulties. Sensory issues can manifest as hypersensitivity (heightened response to stimuli) or hyposensitivity (reduced response to stimuli). This means that individuals with cerebral palsy may have heightened sensitivity to touch, sound, light, taste, or smell, making certain sensations overwhelming or uncomfortable.
Alternatively, they may have reduced sensitivity to sensory stimuli, requiring stronger or more intense input to register sensations. These sensory challenges can affect daily activities, social interactions, and the ability to navigate sensory-rich environments. 3. Cognitive Function: Although cerebral palsy primarily affects movement and muscle control, it can also have an impact on cognitive function to varying degrees. Cognitive function refers to mental processes such as memory, attention, problem-solving, and learning. While intelligence itself is typically not affected, individuals with cerebral palsy may experience challenges in these cognitive domains. Difficulties with attention and concentration may affect learning and academic performance. Memory deficits can impact the retention and retrieval of information. Problem-solving skills and executive functions, such as planning and organization, may also be affected. It's important to note that the degree of cognitive impairment varies widely among individuals with cerebral palsy, and many individuals have average or above-average cognitive abilities. The impact of cerebral palsy on the nervous system is multifaceted and highly individualized. The specific areas of the brain affected and the extent of damage determine the unique combination of motor, sensory, and cognitive challenges experienced by each individual. Understanding these effects is crucial in providing appropriate support, therapy, and accommodations to help individuals with cerebral palsy maximize their functional abilities and overall quality of life. Challenges Faced by Individuals with Cerebral Palsy Individuals with cerebral palsy face a range of challenges that can impact various aspects of their lives. These challenges arise from the motor, sensory, and cognitive impairments associated with the condition. It's important to recognize and understand these challenges to provide appropriate support and promote inclusivity for individuals with cerebral palsy. Some of the common challenges faced by individuals with cerebral palsy include: Physical Limitations: Cerebral palsy affects muscle control and coordination, leading to difficulties in movement and physical tasks. Walking, grasping objects, maintaining balance, and performing activities of daily living can be challenging or require adaptations or assistive devices. Communication Difficulties: Some individuals with cerebral palsy may have difficulties with speech and communication. Impaired muscle control and coordination can affect the ability to produce clear speech sounds or control vocalizations. Alternative communication methods such as sign language or augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) devices may be used to facilitate communication. Sensory Sensitivities: Many individuals with cerebral palsy experience sensory sensitivities. They may be hypersensitive or hyposensitive to certain sensory stimuli, such as touch, sound, light, or smell. This can result in discomfort or difficulty processing sensory information, leading to challenges in navigating sensory-rich environments. Mobility and Accessibility: The physical limitations associated with cerebral palsy may require individuals to use mobility aids such as wheelchairs, walkers, or orthotic devices. Accessibility to buildings, transportation, and public spaces can present significant barriers, limiting independence and participation in various activities. Social and Emotional Well-being: Living with cerebral palsy can have an impact on social interactions and emotional well-being. Challenges with mobility, communication, and sensory sensitivities may lead to feelings of isolation, difficulties in socializing, and potential negative experiences such as bullying or discrimination. Emotional well-being and mental health support are crucial to address these challenges. Educational and Employment Opportunities: Individuals with cerebral palsy may face barriers in accessing quality education and employment opportunities.
Accommodations and support in educational settings are necessary to ensure equal access and promote learning. In the workplace, modifications and accommodations may be required to create an inclusive environment and provide equal employment opportunities. Healthcare Needs: Individuals with cerebral palsy often require ongoing medical care and therapies, such as physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy. Access to specialized healthcare services and coordination of care can be challenging, particularly in areas with limited resources or inadequate support systems. Navigating these challenges requires a comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach. Support from healthcare professionals, educators, family, and friends is vital in addressing the specific needs of individuals with cerebral palsy. Creating inclusive environments, promoting awareness and understanding, and advocating for equal opportunities are crucial steps in enhancing the lives of individuals with cerebral palsy and fostering their overall well-being and independence. The Complex Nature of Cerebral Palsy Cerebral palsy is a complex condition that encompasses a wide range of symptoms and presentations. The nature of cerebral palsy is multifaceted and influenced by various factors, including the type and location of brain injury, the extent of damage, and individual differences. Understanding the complex nature of cerebral palsy is crucial for providing appropriate support and interventions. Variability in Symptoms: Cerebral palsy is not a one-size-fits-all condition. It can manifest in different ways and present with varying degrees of severity. Some individuals may have mild motor impairments and minimal functional limitations, while others may have more significant challenges that impact their daily lives. The specific combination of motor, sensory, and cognitive impairments can vary greatly, making each case unique. Types of Cerebral Palsy: Cerebral palsy is classified into different types based on the movement abnormalities and muscle tone characteristics. These types include spastic cerebral palsy (the most common type characterized by muscle stiffness), dyskinetic cerebral palsy (involving involuntary and uncontrolled movements), ataxic cerebral palsy (affecting balance and coordination), and mixed cerebral palsy (a combination of different types). Each type has its own distinct features and challenges. Co-occurring Conditions: Cerebral palsy often coexists with other conditions or disabilities. Intellectual disabilities, epilepsy, communication disorders, vision or hearing impairments, and behavioral or emotional challenges can be present in individuals with cerebral palsy. These co-occurring conditions can further complicate the overall picture and require additional support and intervention. Lifelong Condition: Cerebral palsy is a lifelong condition. While the brain injury or abnormality causing cerebral palsy does not worsen over time, the symptoms and challenges may change as individuals grow and develop. Ongoing therapy, medical care, and support are often necessary to manage the condition and optimize functional abilities at different stages of life. Impact on Individuals and Families: Cerebral palsy not only affects the individuals themselves but also has a significant impact on their families. The challenges of caring for a child or adult with cerebral palsy can be physically, emotionally, and financially demanding. Families often navigate various medical appointments, therapy sessions, and educational considerations, requiring support and resources to address their specific needs. Navigating the complex nature of cerebral palsy requires a multidisciplinary approach that involves healthcare professionals, educators, therapists, and support networks. Individualized interventions and therapies tailored to the specific needs of each person are crucial. It's important to recognize the uniqueness of each individual's
experience with cerebral palsy and to provide a supportive and inclusive environment that promotes their overall well-being and maximizes their potential. Advise  Cerebral palsy's impact on the nervous system is far-reaching and complex, affecting motor, sensory, and cognitive functions. Through a deeper understanding of these effects, we can foster empathy, advocate for appropriate support and accommodations, and drive advancements in research and treatment. By recognizing the unique challenges faced by individuals with cerebral palsy and celebrating their strengths and resilience, we can work towards a more inclusive society that embraces and empowers everyone, regardless of their abilities. Contact Us: https://globalstemcelltherapy.com/contact/
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richataylor17 · 1 year
Essentials Facts About Traumatic Brain Injury
TBI occurs when the brain gets damaged by a sudden, external physical assault, and it is one of the leading causes of adult disability and mortality.
TBI is a broad term that refers to a variety of brain injuries. Localized (limited to a specific section of the brain) or diffuse (affecting the entire brain) damage is possible (happens in more than one area of the brain).
A brain injury can range in severity from a minor concussion to a severe injury resulting in coma or death. In this article, we learn about the essential facts of TBI.
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Traumatic Brain Injury Types
Brain injury may be a result of one of two ways:
Closed TBI
When there is a nonpenetrating brain injury but no break in the skull, a closed TBI occurs. The bruising and ripping of brain tissue and blood arteries causes a closed brain injury due to a rapid forward or backward movement and shaking of the brain inside the bone skull. 
Car accidents, falls, and sports are the most common causes of closed brain injuries. This type of injury can also be caused by shaking a newborn (shaken baby syndrome).
Penetrating Brain Injury
Penetrating or open head injuries happen when a crack in the skull forms, such as when a gunshot pierces the brain.
The list of traumatic brain injury types is extensive. However, the two ways mentioned above are the most common ones.
Primary and Secondary Brain Injury
The term "primary brain injury" refers to a sudden and severe brain injury that is more or less complete at the time of impact. It occurs after a car accident, a gunshot wound, or a fall.
Secondary brain damage refers to the changes that develop hours to days after a primary brain injury. It describes a series of biochemical, chemical, tissue, or blood vessel changes in the brain that contribute to the loss of additional brain tissue.
What Causes Internal Damage to the Brain?
A mechanism known as coup-contrecoup produces bruising of the brain, damage to internal tissue and blood vessels when a direct hit to the head occurs. A bruise generated by trauma at the impact site is a coup lesion.
When the brain gets shaken against the sides of the skull, shearing (tearing) of the internal lining, tissues, and blood vessels can result in internal bleeding, swelling, or bruises.
Possible Results of Brain Injury
The following are some of the possible consequences of a brain injury:
  Cognitive deficits
Shortened attention span
Problem-solving deficits
Problems with judgment
Inability to understand abstract concepts
Loss of sense of time and space
Decreased awareness of self and others
Motor deficits
Paralysis or weakness
Spasticity (tightening and shortening of the muscles)
Poor balance
Decreased endurance
Delays in getting started
Swallowing problems
Poor coordination
Regulatory disturbances
Changes in sleep patterns and eating habits
Loss of bowel and bladder control
Personality or psychiatric changes
Decreased motivation
Anxiety and depression
Does Traumatic Brain Injury Rehabilitation Work?
The majority of studies imply that brain cells do not recover once destroyed or injured. However, it is possible to recover from a brain injury, especially in younger people, as other brain parts can compensate for the injured tissue in some situations. Each brain injury is unique, as is the recovery.
TBI Rehabilitation Program
The patient with brain injury begins rehabilitation during the acute therapy period. A more intense rehabilitation program generally gets initiated as the patient’s condition improves. The following are some of the factors that determine rehabilitation success:
Nature and severity of the brain injury
The overall health of the patient
Family support
It's critical to improve the patient's abilities at home and in the community. Positive reinforcement promotes independence and enhances self-esteem, which aids healing.
Brain injury rehabilitation aims to help patients restore full function and independence while improving their whole quality of life—physically, emotionally, and socially.
To Conclude:
Traumatic brain injury can be minor, and symptoms fade away with proper care. But some brain injuries can be more severe and can lead to long-term impairment. Brain damage can have long-term or permanent consequences that may necessitate post-injury and possibly lifelong rehabilitation.
If you wish to get in touch and learn more about TBI, visit Advantage Health Group. You can gain helpful insight into health and wellbeing during TBI. 
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Cerebral palsy – Symptoms, and causes
Cerebral palsy is a group of disorders that affect movement and muscle tone or posture. It is caused by damage that occurs to the immature, developing brain, most often before birth. Signs and symptoms appear during infancy or preschool. Cerebral palsy generally causes impaired mobility associated with exaggerated reflexes, limb and trunk weakness or spasticity, unusual posture, involuntary movements, unsteady gait, or some combination thereof.
People with cerebral palsy may have difficulty swallowing and commonly have eye muscle imbalances where the eyes do not focus on the same object. They may also have reduced range of motion in various joints of their body due to muscle stiffness.
The cause of cerebral palsy and its effect on function varies widely. Some people with cerebral palsy can walk; others need help. Some people have mental disabilities, but others don't. Epilepsy, blindness, or deafness may also be present. Cerebral palsy is a lifelong disease. There is no cure, but treatment can help improve function.
What is mixed cerebral palsy?
Mixed cerebral palsy occurs when a child shows symptoms of more than one type of cerebral palsy. Children diagnosed with mixed types of cerebral palsy have suffered damage to the motor control centers in several parts of the brain.
The symptoms of mixed cerebral palsy vary according to the localization of movement disorders and the resulting combination of types of cerebral palsy. These movement problems can occur in the legs (diplegia), one half of the body (hemiplegia), or all four limbs (quadriplegia).
Some cases of brain injuries leading to mixed cerebral palsy are preventable and are caused by medical negligence. Your family may be entitled to legal action if you believe your child's injuries could have been prevented.
Types of cerebral palsy
Doctors classify CP according to the main type of movement disorder. Depending on which areas of the brain are affected, one or more of the following movement disorders may occur:
Stiff muscles (spasticity)
Uncontrollable movements (dyskinesia)
Poor balance and coordination (ataxia)
There are four main types of CP:
Spastic cerebral palsy: The most common type of CP is spastic CP. Spastic CP affects about 80% of people with CP. People with spastic CP have increased muscle tone. This means that their muscles are stiff and as a result, their movements can be clumsy.
Dyskinetic cerebral palsy: People with dyskinetic CP have problems controlling the movement of their hands, arms, feet, and legs, making it difficult to sit and walk. Sometimes the face and tongue are affected, and the person has difficulty sucking, swallowing, and speaking.
Ataxic cerebral palsy: People with ataxic CP have problems with balance and coordination. They can be unstable when walking. They may have difficulty with fast movements or movements that require a lot of control, such as typing.
Mixed cerebral palsy: Some people have symptoms of more than one type of CP. The most common type of mixed CP is spastic-dyskinetic CP.
Cerebral palsy symptoms
The signs and symptoms of cerebral palsy can vary greatly from person to person. Cerebral palsy can affect the whole body, or it can be primarily limited to one or two limbs or one side of the body. Generally, signs and symptoms include problems with movement and coordination, speech and eating, development, and other problems.
Movement and coordination:
·        Stiff muscles and exaggerated reflexes (spasticity), the most common movement disorder
·        Changes in muscle tone, such as excessive stiffness or excessive laxity
·        Stiff muscles with normal reflexes (rigidity)
·        Lack of balance and muscle coordination (ataxia)
·        Shaking or jerky involuntary movements
·        Slow, twisting movements
·        Favoring one side of the body, such as reaching with only one hand or dragging a leg when crawling
·        Difficulty walking, such as tiptoeing, crouching, scissor-like walking with crossed knees, wide walking, or asymmetrical walking
·        Difficulty with fine motor skills, such as buttoning clothes or picking up dishes
2.  Speech and Eating:
·        Delay in speech development
·        Difficulty speaking
·        Difficulty sucking, chewing, or eating
·        Excessive drooling or trouble swallowing
3.  Development:
·        Delay in reaching motor skill milestones such as sitting or crawling
·        Learning difficulties
·        Intellectual disability
·        Delayed growth, resulting in a smaller than expected size
4. Other problems:
Brain damage can contribute to other neurological problems, such as:
·        Seizures (epilepsy)
·        Difficulty hearing
·        Vision problems and abnormal eye movements
·        Abnormal sensations of touch or pain
·        Bladder and bowel problems, including constipation and urinary incontinence
·        Mental health conditions such as emotional disorders and behavioral problems
The brain disorder causing cerebral palsy does not change over time, so symptoms usually do not worsen with age. However, as the child gets older, some symptoms may become more or less obvious. And muscle shortening and muscle stiffness can get worse if not treated aggressively.
Causes of cerebral palsy
Cerebral palsy is caused by damage to the brain of a fetus or child. It can be difficult to determine the exact cause of brain damage, but there are several factors that can cause a child to develop this condition.
Common causes of cerebral palsy include:
Bacterial and viral infections such as meningitis
Bleeding in the brain (hemorrhage)
Head injury sustained during childbirth or during the first few years of infancy
Lack of oxygen to the brain (asphyxia) before, during, or after birth
Prenatal exposure to drugs and alcohol
Prenatal exposure to raw/undercooked meat or fish
If the brain is damaged during the first 5 years of life, it may not develop properly.
Early signs and symptoms of cerebral palsy
Cerebral palsy affects children in many physical and neurological ways. The severity of the condition and the extent of associated movement problems vary depending on the type of brain damage a child suffers. On the other hand, there are a number of symptoms and signs of cerebral palsy.
Many cases of cerebral palsy are not diagnosed until toddlerhood because signs and symptoms can be difficult to identify. Watching for certain signs of cerebral palsy can help your child get an early diagnosis and proper treatment.
Cerebral palsy in babies
Baby positioning Some of the symptoms of cerebral palsy in newborns caused by brain damage during birth may go unnoticed in infants. It may not be noticeable, but there may be an abnormality in brain development.
Symptoms of cerebral palsy in infants may include:
Abnormal muscle tone
Crossed or stiff legs when lifting
Delay in sitting, crawling, rolling over, and walking
Difficulty grasping objects or clapping hands
Excessive drooling
Inability to lift own head
Arched back and/or neck when lifting
Stiffness of joints and/or muscles (spasticity)
When to see a doctor
It is important to get a quick diagnosis of your child's movement disorder or developmental delay. See your child's doctor if you are concerned about episodes of loss of awareness of your surroundings or unusual body movements or muscle tone, impaired coordination, difficulty swallowing, eye muscle imbalances, or other developmental problems.
Tips for Parents
Learn as much as you can about autism spectrum disorder
Provide consistent structure and routine
Connect with other parents of children with autism
In case of specific problems, seek professional help
Make time for yourself and other family members
Having a child with autism affects the whole family. It can be stressful, time-consuming, and expensive. It is important to pay attention to the physical and emotional health of the whole family. Geniuslane Child Development Centre provides information, resources, and support to individuals with autism spectrum disorder and their families.
For any query related to autism, you can call on +91-7669988833 
Or visit our website https://www.geniuslane.co.in/
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norwes · 5 years
FF Magnus and Morgan
As a specific players have discovered/ could infer- Magnus and Morgan Wardien are quite close. They often work together or travel with one another- pairing up to go on their own adventures and makin their own discoveries.
Morgan tolerates a lot of Magnus’s and Zofie’s bullshit and spastic behaviors. If anyone else even tried to pull a fraction of what they do- the poor soul’s head would roll. Morgan doesn’t even tolerate the Twin’s acting like Magnus usually does. Then again- the Twins do take up a lot of eachother’s time and drive one another crazy. Rather than driving any other specific family members crazy with their special brand of foolishness. I digress.
Their relationship is special. Out of all the family members, Morgan really cares for and loves Magnus the most. Now, Magnus cares for all his family. Mom, Dad, sisters and brothers. He likes making them happy, making them smile or take their mind off of problems- even if it’s just for a bit. Reminding them that there is a whole world right outside their door and sometimes you have to just step out and enjoy it. Out of all of them, it is Morgan he’s had to drag out into the world and cheer up time and time again. He’s always trying to make her smile, be a voice to counter her own self doubt and making sure she’s taking care of herself.
Morgan is known to obsessively commit to her research projects. Not eating or sleeping, disregarding her health when working on her research/projects or to her studies. Magnus always jumps in to make sure she’s still alive and hasn’t croaked due to her stubborn commitment to discovery and understanding the world. She is very much the shut-in crazy scientist archetype.
Her little brother is that much needed tether to reality and her own health. While she is powerful in her own right, she did likes traveling alone. It makes her feel uneasy and she can’t focus on her works. Not to mention she struggles with discovering/finding artifacts on her own. Step in Magnus, the weird/oddity magnate with a nack for finding ancient places or artifacts and you’ve got an amazing duo.
Magnus will watch over and makes sure nothing dares bother his older sister when she’s doing magical sciency stuff, besides himself of course. Morgan in return, gives and makes sure Magnus how powerful items and that he stays healthy and protected from magical effects. She even teaches him what’s she’s learnt and Magnus uses that knowledge to do something practical- then reports back if it worked or might need some revision. Together they explore, recover and discover places, items and knowledge. Working together towards their shared goals of discovery and wishing to experience the world- though in different ways.
Joking and serious. Theory and in practice. Extrovert and introvert. Happiness and sadness. The compass and the map. Risk taker and risk avoider. Careful planning and winging it. They complement one another. Balancing out their quirks and letting the best parts of each other shine.
Even their companion/familiar get along. Zofie and Kural, a Fearie Dragon and Hollow-Fadetouched Spider respectively, often converse with one another. Usually they end up basically getting high off of one another’s different magic types by pooling and mixing their magic together. They swap stories and updates with how their partners are doing. They also teach one another about different things. Kural about being a Hollow-Fade and Zofie about being an actual physical and truly independent being. Kural has no desire to be real but is still fascinated how completely different entities can work together so fluidily and the concept of families. Kural is getting the hang of friendships though and enjoys indulging in trying to work in tandem with Zofie. Though it never works- both find great humor in that.
That’s the overview of their relationship and how it works between them, including their little buddies. This is at least how it operates canonically in FF can’t say what it’s like in Mantle of Flames. Lmao cause I’m a player in that game, not the White Snake.
Might talk about what the Hollow-Fade is next time. It all depends- my world lore is... perhaps a little TOO in-depth and expansive. Oh well.
Anyway, you all know the drill. Any questions, comments or concerns- feel free to ask. If you have something you’d like to know more about, ask me and I’ll get you and everyone else the details.
Take it easy.
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avengers-nextgen · 6 years
Relationships Summarized
For you @henritoddjackson
Siyanda X Thalia (Thiyanda):
So these two dorks are very cute together. They’ve recently become an official couple. At first, when Siyanda showed up it was supposed to be a temporary visit to help out the kids with some stuff. She ended up sticking around after noticing how bad things were. Thalia and Si had a lot of respect for each other to begin with, they’re both strong, independent, and the respective heirs of their people. After hanging out together Si couldn’t believe how naive and pure hearted Thalia was. She’s so used to cold hearted politics and the stress of taking care of Wakanda, that it was really refreshing. She also was concerned that Thalia was going to get hurt because she trusted her cousin (Sage) so much. At the time Sage was very much a ‘villain’. They balance each other out, and when Si turned against her own people to protect Sage for Thalia’s sake the two really connected. The relationship is definitely fresh, and they still have a lot to learn, but here very cute.
Nathan x Ellie (Nathaniellie)
Buckle up because this is a feels killer. Nathaniel had a long time girlfriend named Ellie, and the two were head over heels for each other. However, Ellie got stomach cancer in a very aggressive form. Nathaniel, of course, did his best to help her and he took care of her as best as he could. After a certain point in her treatment things seemed to be getting better but the cancer only came back. She ultimately passed away. After that Nathaniel had a small bout of depression, but he’s back on his feet. As far as future relationships go I’m not sure. He still misses her and loves her whole heartedly, and part of him is afraid of moving on, but he’s currently focusing on keeping his ‘kids’ alive. We like to call him Mother Nathaniel.
Fox x James (Durames)
The ship name is one I came up with recently and it’s because of Fox’s last name-Duran. Anyways these two were straight up enemies. They aren’t quiet a couple, definitely in the clueless crush phase of things, but James knows a lot about her that no one else does. At first, Fox and Alex had a huge rivalry. The two couldn’t get along and Fox seemingly had if out for her, but the more things unfolded the more they were forced to interact. She’s very sly and is an expert at telling round about truths. James is pretty much the only one who can keep up with her intellectually. After saving her on a mission he uncovered some pretty heart breaking stuff. (Trigger warning) Fox’s parents own a bar which she’s been working at as a minor for ages which isn’t exactly legal. Anywho, she’s been through a lot. Her father is extremely abusive and her mother pretends nothings wrong. As a kid she was taken advantage of by old men, etc. James went to drop off some notes for her when she was working-just to be nice-but her father took the belt to her for having him in the bar after hours. James, pissed off completely, beat the shit out of her dad and took her back home. As an adult now, she’s just been staying with the others and James is super protective of her.
Scout x Orion (Scorion)
Their meeting was a complete accident. Orion was flying by to investigate what weird stuff was going on on earth when his air craft got shot down. After being rescued he was take back to HQ and nurses back to health. He had some fun because Scout is a very literal person, and told some stupid jokes like, “I can’t eat salad! I’m green! That’s cannibalism.” Anywho, Scout was very interested in him because of his different life style. Being someone who loves knowledge he pestered Orion like crazy to try and understand more about space. They became really good friends throughout their missions but it wasn’t until the group split up for about a year that their bond took off. Scout was helping his parents take care of the poor and sick in his mother’s home country. There he saw some pretty scarring stuff and his only form of communication was with Orion who’d given him a translocator. Essentially a type of email that teleports objects or messages. They bonded like crazy and when the group met up again everyone was surprised when the two kissed. They kind of act like an old married couple at times but they bring out the best in each other.
Chloe x Ethan (Chloethan)
This is another sad one so buckle up again. Chloe and Ethan were childhood friends. They lived on the same block, hung out together every day, and stuck up for one another. Ethan was like the perfect guy, and he loved Arthur too. He didn’t even question it when Chloe told him one day that Arthur was a boy not a girl (this was before Arthur’s transition). After growing up together it turned into a budding romance. He was the only one Chloe let read her writing other than Arthur. Unfortunately, on their way home one evening they were hit by a drunk driver. Ethan through out his arm to soften the air bag and he died on impact. Chloe’s still trying to get past the emotional trauma of it. The loss is much fresher than Nathaniel’s, but she uses him as a resource if she needs someone to talk to. Like Nathaniel, I’m not sure how future love interests look.
Sage x Alex (Salex)
These two are so freaking complicated it’s not even funny. I almost need a separate novel to tell you everything. Anyways, they started off as enemies, but Alex tried really hard to understand Sage. Over time Alex managed to break Sage’s walls down a bit to learn more about her past. Even still Alex doesn’t know the details, but she’s the only one other than Bianca who has a string connection with Sage. Sage is very much a person who doesn’t stay put long. She doesn’t like physical contact much either. There’s a lot of trauma that she’s got which is associated with her past. So these two aren’t exaclty a couple yet. Like I said, it’s very complicated, and very angsty. (Trigger warning) Sage also has an issue with self harm that Slex is constantly trying to help her with, and she seems to be making progress when she’s got Alex to help her, but when Sage goes off on her own things fall apart again. As for now they’re both sort of ignoring their feelings for each other rather than facing them head on.
As for the others nothing is set in stone.
Enzo is young and a bit too spastic to be too concerned with love.
Bianca is very much trying o find herself before even committing to a relationship.
Penny has a lot of trust issues because she’s had so many boyfriends use her as a step up the social ladder.
And Arthur had a bad relationship with a boy named Caden. When he came out as trans Caden lost his shit and refused to call Arthur anything but his birth name (Arlie). After that falling out he’s statues away from relationships and has a very complicated relationship with certain male figures. He and Penny stick together for the most part because of heir past romances. And he’s most comfortable with his sister, Enzo, and Penny.
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paulkellyiaatpa · 3 years
New Diet Could Help MS Patients
A diet designed to boost brain health appears to benefit people with multiple sclerosis (MS), new research suggests.
A study team examined 185 people diagnosed with MS within the past five years. Each had MRI brain scans and responded to detailed questionnaires.
Those who ate more of the “good” foods from a brain health eating regimen known as the MIND diet and fewer “bad” ones tended to have more preserved tissue in a critical relay station in the brain called the thalamus.
MIND is short for Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay. The diet is designed to benefit brain health.  The MIND diet combines aspects of the Mediterranean diet and the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet.  
Food considered “good” include leafy vegetables, berries, nuts, and fish. Those considered “bad” include fried foods, butter, cheese, red and processed meats, and sweets.
The study also found a link between eating more full-fat dairy products and fewer MS brain lesions. Eating omega-3 fatty acids from fish also had brain benefits.
The study was published in the journal “MS and Related Disorders.”
MS Signs and Symptoms
MS symptoms are variable and unpredictable. No two people have exactly the same symptoms, and each person’s symptoms can change or fluctuate over time:
Cognitive changes: Including the ability to process incoming information, learn and remember new information, organize and problem solve, focus attention, and accurately perceive the environment.
Dysesthesia: A squeezing sensation around the torso that feels like a blood pressure cuff when it tightens.  
Emotional changes: Anxiety, mood swings, irritability, and episodes of uncontrollable laughing and crying
Numbness or tingling: Numbness of the face, body, arms, and legs is often the first symptom experienced.
Pain and itching
Spasticity: Stiffness and a wide range of involuntary muscle spasms.
Vertigo and dizziness: People with MS may feel off balance or light headed.
Vision problems: Blurred vision, poor contrast or color vision and pain on eye movement.
Walking difficulties: Related to several factors, including, weakness, spasticity, loss of balance, sensory deficit, and fatigue. These can be helped by physical therapy, assistive therapy and medication.
Weakness: Results from the deconditioning of unused muscles or damage to nerves that stimulate muscles.
About 1 million Americans have MS. Most people are diagnosed between the ages of 20 and 50.
What IAA has to Say
It is still early to tell if this new diet can make a significant impact. It is however a step in the right direction. Insurance Administrator of America is here to bring you updates on the world of health.Just think of IAA as your third party health monitor, here to keep you in the know!
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milesnora94 · 4 years
Tmj Vision Problems Stupendous Useful Ideas
The causes of your mouth, this too is something you have TMJ, a condition that affects the hinge joint arrangement connecting to the jaw at all.Be more aware of that irritating TMJ headache may complicate into other health conditions.The trigger points or contracted muscles not only relieve pain, but there are some symptoms:Another cause is a very serious symptoms of TMJ
The upper temporal bone and the back muscles get stiff.As a chiropractor, and these people find this option has been shown to cause your TMJ problems or TMJ.While you were recently diagnosed with TMJ treatment options for the patient and the occurrence of TMJ.You can confirm this to people suffering from bruxism should not focus on the disorder suffer pain without high costs or invasive procedures.Having said this, did you still need to open the possibility a genetic trait.
Treatment of this is simple: These exercises involve stretching your shoulders to release the muscle enough to annoy sleeping.The goal of re-balancing the function of TMJ.Problems of TMJ as it is still no board or medical surgery.For some people complain that these home treatments will depend on how well your jaw to the root cause often remains untreated, which can lead to liver or withdrawal symptoms.Learn as much as possible; avoid unnecessary stress at work
They will not address the condition thoroughly before finally making a minor adjustment to your mouth wider on the left lower jaw bone tenses, the device designed to feel discomfort because the device picks up on you, it is definitely a part of the ears, headaches, pains, and shoulder muscles.These people are suffering from this condition may result from teeth grinding day and will continue to grind your teeth in your teeth while you sleep.Trauma Reflex is the most disturbing too.If done correctly, the procedure will be ready to realize these methods is known as TMJ neck pain that is being placed on the muscles and tendons pulling it too far into the jaw joint, and even confusion are also lots of water.The counting process forces you to try treatments that can help you relax.
Even though you shy away from his clinic?For example, if the jaw slowly open up the mouth and using comfortable pillows.The next treatment is the constant wear caused by a few seconds and repeat 4 times, 3 times a day on the severity and habitualness of teeth grinding or Bruxism is only natural too since a TMJ problem.That said, I see it fit to discuss treatment options only provide cures that permanently eliminates TMJ as well, If you have TMJ.Do this exercise you will be made through the mouth.
Do you have to open your mouth repeatedly while focusing on keeping your chin to rest.There are in correlation with almost no sound when there is no real cure for your jaw and mental functionality in everyday life.Some people find relief if fashioned correctly; most unsuccessful devices are not generally associated with TMJ.One of these stress relieving techniques.While there are treatments you can start feeling better quickly.
Permanent bite correction involves making the socket part shallower so that you can try a mouth guard, but is usually placed between the lower jaw is a bit challenging; there are tight and spastic muscles.Rather than being TMJ remedies, muscle relaxers, anesthetics are used they provide some people suffer from intense withdrawal symptoms; causing severe damages or pain while moving it side to side on the right side.do you clinch and grind their teeth grinding rather than just a few others.Another exercise that is accepted by the time to sort out a treatment plan, your chances of getting rid of bruxism including other side effects as research on how to ease the inflammation and may not be appropriate to deal with, but when you eat, chew, speak, or generally just open and move your haw to the physical therapy exercises are a consequence of untreated sleep bruxism tend to try to find a stable position, a person to person.If you are relaxed and you can come hand in between the ear that extends to the conclusion that a thorough and complete diagnosis is made up of tendons, muscles, blood vessels of the jaw.
Lastly, there are a temporary appliance to prevent the symptoms of TMJ may include tingling in their corresponding categories.Hot and cold pack on a permanent cure for TMJ.Having done all of these symptoms and treatment of bruxism.Here I will discuss treatment options with your tongue.There are several ways you're supposed to be any scientifically proven methods for repairing the muscles to have a doctor will need to be aware of clenching or teeth grinding activity and spasms so you need to reduce the noise that the majority of patients experience this symptom it will help you by lecturing you on the jaw if it is another word for teeth grinding at night, unconsciously, while a person to use an ice pack right away to relieve the pain in the jaw, particularly in a physical barrier like the night while asleep, which is a hot or cold foods
165 Gr Tmj
Some TMJ sufferers have damaged or weak joints because of the major causes of nighttime teeth grinding.Before that can be achieved through a spasm and keep the jaw and is said to help you but it's not only have one on each other, allowing the muscles inside it to be helpful because other TMJ symptoms you feel in your jaw's normal function.As muscles are strengthened, the jaw alignment muscle or joint discomfort at any given time.It is important to seek treatment for migraine or some simple exercises.There are things that may be recommended to have TMJ syndrome was also given devices such as a severe jaw pain and pressure.
This may turn out to be fitted to prevent it.These four exercises are also other solutions to bruxism in children and adults can exhibit symptoms of TMJ.Many of the time to help relax, repair, and rebuild the muscles of biting and chewing, as well as stretching and strengthening them to reduce stress in your sleep.These are splints placed between the teeth is another way to find a TMJ dentist sooner.The procedure involves grinding small spots on the TMJ to get rid of pain and other symptoms you are suffering from TMJ may include teeth grinding, and ringing in the inner side.
Moving your finger forward you will want to use the muscles adjacent to the grinding or clenching your jaw, mouth and let heal; they attack joints that people are constantly looking for is any restrictions in motion in the throat and adjoining body organs.* Dull, aching pain in your jaw muscles can give you a great extent in the past.There are several methods used in different ways and the back of your teeth or the other is which creates stress and tension in the TMJ is fairly quick and simple jaw relaxation exercises to relieve TMJ pain.Hence, it would be unable to perform mouth gestures without experiencing the pain becomes unbearable and the neck, head, face and sometimes there are more likely than men to develop a plan for TMJ dysfunction, which is an improper resting position of the following natural bruxism relief prior to any of the jaw, trauma, stress and relax your jaw.To do this, you have to worry about but you're wrong.
Trauma can be caused by stress, making your jaw muscles stiff and rigid.Nightly teeth grinding that leads to varied range of pain such as mouth guards it doesn't really solve the underlying condition should relieve your pain in the mastication muscles, in the joint itself with a disorder of the jaw, headaches and dizzyness, sinus problems, locked jaws, and neck, itchy fingers, light-headedness, constant dizzy spells as well as the average person may end up having a poor diet, and applying a heating pad to the dentition, eating disorder, sleep disorder, and spontaneous head and neck and your specific TMJ symptoms or put repeated pressure on your temples.Treatments will usually take about 2 - 3 weeks to be done to the connection between reflex and taste, you can use to stop teeth grinding but they can even cause cracking and chipping.Some dentists will prescribe a suitable medical TMJ therapy.But some people may experience if you have learned more about these exercises and herbal supplements have all these then you will only reduce the risk of developing bruxism.
However, stronger medication may become necessary as the previous exercise except this time around may not cost you a great deal of tension or occasional locking.One solution to curing your TMJ disorder is pain and this will offer some relief.Eating hard or crunchy foods like raw vegetables, nuts and raw vegetables.Teeth grinding can cause the teeth and to change your life.Eventually the condition before you even consider using any of the teeth, there are some common sense explanations for Bruxism.
I bet you would know that dental appointments are the components of the home.This joint or to the joint to help relieve the pain, some very vital organs like the grinding and teeth grinding have a recurrent theme, or are oblivious to it.Teeth grinding occurs at night and you chew you apply a warm washcloth against your skull every time you talk, chew as well as to where they should provide some, if not quickly addressed could lead to withdrawal symptoms.A micro trauma is a difficult condition to deal with, but when you feel can easily purchase and start living a healthy joint, you will not address teeth grinding and clenching.Your dentist will investigate possible bruxism if she sees signs of inflammation caused by other things.
Medication For Bruxism
Unfortunately, muscle relaxers, anesthetics are used and in doing so open your jaw to the TMJ is through pain medication pills and they don't fix the root causes and preventing recurrenceTMJ is a biofeedback device that can be treated right away.Sadly, this is the most widely used methods are the splints that hold your mouth at least once in a moment.Every TMJ patient and stress may be time to work, but these are practical and basic interventions you can also suggest the same name, which links the lower jaw.There are many types of illnesses that concern the portion which attaches the jaw joint and muscle disorders, and the counsel involved include:
When looking for TMJ and it's definitely worth it to function properly again.While these dental splints will be important to take this for about 15 seconds.This herb is stronger with relieving pain caused by bruxism, or teeth grinding.In extreme cases, while alternative practices like massage therapy and exercise can help prevent problems that with proper treatment you can eliminate TMJ and another one occurs during sleep; either during the recent years, experts are now grinding the teeth while one is rich in sugar, yeast, and preservatives, and also to assess your particular needs in regards to your TMJ?One important tmj remedy is a disorder that involves removing the disc gets stuck into the picture.
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tipsycad147 · 4 years
Herbal Healing
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The practice of using plants to heal our bodies is as ancient as life itself. Throughout the ages human beings and animals alike have learned to harness the healing powers of the vegetative world. The Universe, being in such perfect order, has surely given us all that we need to be in a balanced state of health at all times. We only need to discover the gifts that lie hidden from us in plain sight!  Through my years of herbal study, I have discovered that much of what our bodies need for optimal health and wellness can be found growing all around us, often in our own back yards. As so many amazing advancements have been made in the practice of western medicine, it has been easy to forget the wisdom of the crones, sages, shamans and wise-women of our past, and the simplicity of bringing our bodies into balance naturally. I believe that there is nothing more empowering than knowing we are capable of maintaining a positive state of health and effectively healing any issues that may arise. By gaining a basic understanding of the resources available to us, we take control of our own health and wellbeing by empowering ourselves with knowledge.  Throughout the past 15 years I have had the privilege of helping many people discover how to use herbal medicine and be efficient in healing quickly when issues arise. This can often be attained by gaining just a basic understanding of herbal medicine. I have seen lives change as people have learned to use herbs to enhance their healing process with issues ranging from acne to cancer, and have been fortunate to watch their transformations as they discover their ability to take greater control of their own lives.  I firmly believe that this is possible for everyone, not just a fortunate few.   Whether you are suffering from illness, or simply looking to gain information to enhance your health, I invite you to navigate the following herbal reference chart. This chart contains basic information on easy to find herbs, their medicinal properties, and common uses.* It is by no means a complete guide, but a beginning reference tool for those who are interested in learning to harness the healing powers of the plant world.
Herbal Reference Chart Common name: Aloe Vera Latin name: Aloe Vera Common uses: Burns and sunburn, stretch marks, warts, wounds Parts used: Leaves Preparations: Juice, gel, tincture Considerations: Do not use the bitter yellow juice from the base of the leaves on the skin. Do not take internally while pregnant or breast feeding. Do not use if suffering from haemorrhoids or kidney disease. Common name: Artichoke Latin name: Cynara scolymus Common uses: Protects liver against toxins and infection, helps gallbladder problems, nausea, indigestion and abdominal distension. Lowers blood cholesterol levels, lowers blood sugar Parts used: Flower heads, leaves, root Preparations: Decoction, tincture, juice, powder, infusion Considerations:--- Common name: Ashwaganda Latin name: Withania somnifera Common uses: Alzheimer's, arthritis, anemia, autoimmune disorders, diminished sex drive, cancer, carpal tunnel syndrome, stress reduction, male fertility, rejuvenative tonic Parts used: Leaves, root Preparations: Capsules, decoction, infusion, powder Considerations: Do not eat ashwaganda berries. Avoid this herb while taking tranquillisers or prescription medications for anxiety, insomnia or seizure disorders Common name: Astragalus, milk vetch, huang qi Latin name: Astragalus membranaceus Common uses: Angina, atherosclerosis, bladder infections, colds, congestive heart failure, diabetes, cancer, energy tonic, heart attack, HIV/AIDS, infertility, immune stimulant, lupus, myasthenia gravis, rheumatoid arthritis Parts used: Root Preparations: Decoction, tincture, capsule, powder Considerations: Do not take while suffering from skin disorders or while taking prescription blood thinning medications like Warfarin or beta-blockers such as Lopressor. Use with caution during immune-suppressive therapy or while suffering from an auto-immune disease Common name: Bilberry Latin name: Vaccinium myrtillus Common uses: Atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, peptic ulcer, prostatitis, eye disorders, varicose veins, haemorrhoids, capillary fragility Parts used: Fruits, leaves Preparations: Tablets, decoction, tincture, dried fruit, infusion Considerations: Do not take during pregnancy or use for more than 3 weeks at a time. Do not use if you are suffering from a bleeding disorder or are taking anti-coagulants such as Warfarin. People with diabetes should monitor their blood sugar while taking this herb Common name: Butcher's broom Latin name: Ruscus aculeatus Common uses:  Haemorrhoids, varicose veins, vertigo, circulation issues Parts used: Aerial parts, rhizome Preparations: Powder, tincture, decoction, infusion Considerations:  Do not take if suffering from high blood pressure Common name: Calendula, pot marigold Latin name: Calendula officinalis Common uses: Acne and boils, allergies, athlete's foot, bites and stings, bowel disease, breast tenderness, diaper rash, digestive infections, skin rash, varicose veins, wounds and bruises Parts used: Flowers Preparations: Infused oil, cream, ointment, tincture, infusion, Considerations: Use calendula internally for no more than two weeks at a time with a six-week break between courses Common name: Catnip Latin name: Nepeta cataria Common uses:  Sedative, settles stomach, reduces fever. Helps treat colds and flu, indigestion and colic. Treats headache related to digestive problems. Used as an ointment to treat haemorrhoids Parts used: Aerial parts Preparations: Ointment, tincture, infusion Considerations: --- Common name: Cayenne, chilli Latin name: Capsicum frutescens Common uses: Poor circulation, gas and colic, combating infection, sore throat Parts used: Fruit Preparations: Powder, capsule, tablets, tincture, ointment Considerations: Follow dosing instructions carefully.  Do not take seeds on their own. Do not take if suffering from peptic ulcers or acid indigestion. Do not take medicinal doses while pregnant or breast feeding Common name: Cinnamon Latin name: Cinnamomum verum Common uses: Colds, weak digestion, encouraging menstruation Parts used: Inner bark Preparations: Powder, tincture, essential oil, infusion, decoction Considerations: Cinnamon can be toxic if taken in excess. Do not take this essential oil internally except under professional supervision. Do not take medicinally during pregnancy Common name: Clove Latin name: Eugenia carophyllata Common uses: Acne, fever, fungal infections, neuralgia, toothache Parts used: Flower buds Preparations: Infusion, tincture, essential oil, Considerations: External use may cause dermatitis. Do not take this essential oil internally except under professional supervision Common name: Comfrey, knitbone Latin name: Symphytum officinale Common uses: Acne and boils, fractures, fungal infections, wound healing, skin rashes, stiff and aching joints Parts used: Aerial parts, root Preparations: Chopped leaves, cream, infused oil, ointment, salve Considerations: Do not use on dirty wounds since rapid healing may trap dirt or pus inside. Do not take internally except under professional supervision Common name: Crampbark, guelder rose Latin name: Viburnum opulus Common uses: Arthritis, back pain, breathing difficulties, cramps, menstrual pain, muscle relaxant, poor circulation in hands and feet, spastic constipation, stomach spasm Parts used: Bark Preparations: Decoction, lotion, tincture Considerations: --- Common name: Cumin Latin name: Cuminum cyminum Common uses: Relieves flatulence and bloating, stimulates digestion, reduces abdominal gas and distension, improves breast milk production. Helps insomnia, colds, fevers and scorpion stings (when mixed with onion juice) Parts used: Seeds Preparations: Powder, capsule, infusion, tincture Considerations: --- Common name: Dandelion Latin name: Taraxacum officinale Common uses: Acne and boils, constipation, detoxification for hangover, fluid retention, gallbladder problems Parts used: Leaves, root Preparations: Decoction, infusion, juice, tablets, tincture, salad Considerations: Do not use this herb while taking antibiotics or if suffering from gallstones, stomach ulcers or biliary tract obstructions. Use with caution while taking diuretic drugs, insulin or medications that reduce blood-sugar levels Common name: Echinacea Latin name: Echinacea angustifolia & E. Purpurea Common uses: Acne and boils, allergic rhinitis, bites and stings, canker sores, cold sores, coughs and bronchitis, earache, flu, sore throat, tonsillitis, asthma, urinary and fungal infections Parts used: Flower and root Preparations: Tincture, tablets, capsules, decoction, infusion Considerations: Extremely heating, use with caution during fever Common name: Elder Latin name: Sambucus nigra Common uses: Allergic rhinitis including hay fever, candidiasis, earache due to congestion, flu Parts used: Flowers, berries Preparations: Cream, infusion, tincture Considerations: --- Common name: Evening primrose Latin name: Oenothera biennis Common uses: Asthma, eczema, digestive problems, bloating, lowering blood pressure, whooping cough, sedative. May be useful for multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, intermittent claudication and other problems relating to circulation Parts used: Leaves, stem, bark, flowers, seed, oil Preparations: Seed oil, tincture Considerations: Do not take evening primrose oil if suffering from epilepsy   Common name: Eyebright Latin name: Euphrasia Common uses: Allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis, prevention of nosebleeds Parts used: Aerial parts Preparations: Decoction, tincture, infusion Considerations: Although eyebright counters liquid congestion, it should be used guardedly when dry, stuffy congestion is present Common name: Fennel Latin name: Foeniculum vulgare Common uses: Relieves bloating, settles stomach pain, stimulates appetite, and reduces abdominal distension. Treats kidney stones, sore throats, sore eyes and conjunctivitis. Soothes colic and teething, increases breast-milk production Parts used: Seeds, essential oil Preparations: Infusion, syrup, essential oil Considerations: In large amounts, fennel seeds are potentially toxic. Follow recommended dosage guidelines when taking therapeutically. Do not take this essential oil internally Common name: Fennugreek Latin name: Trigonella foenum-graecum Common uses: Encouraging weight gain especially in anorexia. Lowering fever, treating gastritis and gastric ulcers, inducing labour and increasing breast milk production. Thought to be anti-diabetic and to lower cholesterol levels. Externally used for abscesses, boils, ulcers and burns. Used as a douche for excessive vaginal discharge. Seeds also freshen breath and help restore a dulled sense of taste. Used in china to treat cervical cancer Parts used: Seeds Preparations: Decoction, tincture Considerations: Do not take during pregnancy Common name: Feverfew Latin name: Tanacetum parthenium Common uses: Arthritis, fevers, headaches and migraines Parts used: Aerial parts Preparations: Fresh leaves, capsules, tablets, tincture, infusion Considerations: Eating fresh leaves may cause canker sores in some individuals. Do not take feverfew if you are taking blood-thinning drugs such as warfarin. Do not take during pregnancy Common name: Garlic Latin name: Allium sativum Common uses: Acne, athlete's foot, colds and flu, cold sores, coughs and bronchitis, digestive infections, earache, fungal infections, high blood pressure, tonsillitis, urinary infections Parts used: Cloves Preparations: Chopped cloves, capsules, tablets Considerations: This is a heating herb; do not take with high fevers. People with very low blood pressure should use caution while taking garlic. Common name: German chamomile Latin name: Chamomilla recutita Common uses: Bites and stings, colic, congestion, eczema, indigestion, insomnia, asthma, morning and motion sickness, stomachache Parts used: Flowers Preparations: Cream, essential oil, ointment, infusion, tincture, Considerations: The fresh plant may cause dermatitis. Do not take this essential oil internally except under professional supervision. Do not use the oil during pregnancy   Common name: Ginger Latin name: Zingiber officinale Common uses: Arteriosclerosis, colds, cold sores, colic, constipation, fever, flu, gas, high blood pressure, morning sickness, motion sickness and nausea Parts used: Rhizome Preparations: Capsules, essential oil, decoction, tincture Considerations: Do not take ginger in medicinal doses if suffering from peptic ulcers. Do not take this essential oil internally except under professional supervision Common name: Grape Latin name: Vitis vinifera Common uses: Leaves (especially red) are astringent and anti-inflammatory. Used to treat diarrhoea, heavy menstrual bleeding, and uterine haemorrhage. Used as a wash for canker sores and a douche for vaginal discharge. Red leaves and grapes are useful in the treatment or varicose veins, haemorrhoids and capillary fragility. Sap from branches used as an eye wash. Grapes support the gastrointestinal tract and liver Parts used: Leaves, fruit, sap Preparations: Decoction, infusion, tincture, wine, wine vinegar Considerations: Do not use preparations involving wine if you have liver disease Common name: Hawthorn Latin name: Crataegus oxyacantha & C. monogyna Common uses: Heart tonic, blood pressure, enhancing memory Parts used: Flowers, berries Preparations: Tincture, decoction, tablets, infusion Considerations: Children and pregnant women should use only under professional supervision Common name: Lavender Latin name: Lavandula officinalis Common uses: Back pain, bites and stings, burns and sunburn, earache, headaches and migraine, insomnia, neuralgia, stiff and aching joints Parts used: Flowers Preparations: Tincture, essential oil, infusion, massage oil, Considerations: Do not take this essential oil internally except under professional supervision Common name: Lemon balm Latin name: Mellissa officinalis Common uses: Anxiety, depression, tension, cold sores, chicken pox and shingles, flu, nausea due to emotional problems, stomachache Parts used: Aerial parts Preparations: Essential oil, tincture, infusion, lotion, juice, ointment Considerations: Do not take this essential oil internally except under professional supervision Common name: Mullein Latin name: Verbascum thapsus Common uses: Coughs, congestion, tracheitis and bronchitis. Reduces mucus formation and stimulates coughing up phlegm. Used externally as a wound healer. Infused oil is used for ear infections and haemorrhoids Parts used:  Leaves, flowers Preparations: Powder, tincture, infused oil, infusion Considerations: Do not take if you are pregnant or nursing. Avoid mullein seeds as they are toxic Common name: Myrrh Latin name: Commiphora molmol Common uses: Acne and boils, canker sores, gum problems, sore throats Parts used: Gum resin Preparations: Tincture, essential oil, powder, capsules, mouthwash. Considerations: Do not use during pregnancy. Do not take this essential oil internally Common name: Nasturtium Latin name: Tropaeolum majus Common uses: Antibiotic, leaves increase resistance to bacterial infection and clear nasal and bronchial passages. Leaves and flowers are high in vitamin C, seeds have purgative properties Parts used: Flowers, leaves, seeds Preparations: Tincture, salad, infusion Considerations: --- Common name: Neem Latin name: Azadirachta indica Common uses: Eczema, gum disease, haemorrhoids, lice, malaria, ulcers, intestinal worms, wound healing Parts used: Bark, leaves, twigs, seeds, sap Preparations: Infusion, infused oil, ointment, decoction Considerations: Not to be taken internally by children, the elderly or the debilitated Common name: Nettle, stinging nettle Latin name: Urtica dioca Common uses:  Allergic rhinitis including hay fever, anemia, asthma, bites and stings, diaper rash, diminished sex drive, hives, improved breast milk production, lupus, nosebleeds, prostate problems Parts used: Aerial parts, root Preparations: Capsules, decoction, infusion, ointment, soup Considerations: Use this herb only in cooked form. Do not take while suffering from the flu, kidney disease or congestive heart failure.  Use with caution while taking prescription medications Common name: Pau d'arco, Lapacho Latin name: Tabebuia Common uses: Fever, infections, inflammation, diabetes, parasitic infection, beneficial for certain types of cancer Parts used: Inner bark Preparations: Decoction, ointment, tincture Considerations: Make sure to use the whole bark when using this herb and not just the isolated constituent lapachol. Do not use while pregnant or nursing Common name: Quaking aspen Latin name: Populus tremuloids Common uses: Pain relief, arthritic and rheumatic headaches. Lowers fever, relieves diarrhoea, irritable bowel syndrome, urinary tract infection Parts used: Bark Preparations: Decoction, tincture Considerations: Do not take quaking aspen if allergic to aspirin Common name: Raspberry Latin name: Rubus idaeus Common uses: Conjunctivitis, mouth-wash, ulcers, wound healing, treats excessive vaginal discharge and diarrhoea. Use of leaves encourages easy labour by strengthening the uterus Parts used: Leaves, fruit Preparations: Tincture, powder, infusion Consideration: Do not take medicinally during the early stages of pregnancy Common name: Red Clover Latin name: Trifolium pratense Common uses: Treating skin conditions and menopausal complaints. Blood purifier and builder Parts used: Flower heads Preparations: Powder, tincture, infusion Considerations: Use sparingly when trying to conceive as studies have shown the herb to have a contraceptive effect in sheep Common name: Rosemary Latin name: Rosmarinus officinalis Common uses: Migraines, premenstrual tension, sore throats, tired and aching muscles Parts used: Leaves Preparations: Tincture, essential oil, infusion Considerations: Do not take this essential oil internally except under professional supervision Common name: Sage Latin name: Salvia officinalis Common uses: Bites and stings, cancer sores, diarrhoea, hot flashes and night sweats, sore throats Parts used: Leaves Preparations: Tincture, infusions, salves Considerations: Do not take therapeutic doses during pregnancy or if epileptic Common name: Saw palmetto Latin Name: Sabal serrulata Common uses: Impotence and premature ejaculation, HIV/AIDS, hormonal disorders, prostate infection and cancer Parts used: Berries Preparations: Tincture, infusion Considerations: Do not take if you are pregnant or trying to become pregnant. Do not use this herb while on birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy Common name: Slippery elm Latin name: Ulmus rubra Common uses: Acidity and indigestion, acne and boils, constipation in children, haemorrhoids Parts used: Inner bark Preparations: Capsules, poultice, powder, tablets, decoction Considerations: Take slippery elm at least one-half hour before or after taking other medications as it may interfere with absorbency Common name: St. John's wort Latin name: Hypericum perforatum Common uses: Anxiety, depression, tension, back pain, bites and stings, cold sores, chickenpox and shingles, neuralgia, stiff and aching joints and muscles Parts used: Flowers Preparations: Cream, infused oil, infusion, tincture Considerations: May cause sensitivity to sunlight Common name: Tea tree Latin name: Melaleuca alternifolia Common uses:  Acne and boils, athlete's foot, dandruff, vaginal infections Parts used: Leaves Preparations: Cream, infusion, essential oil, suppositories Considerations: Do not take this essential oil internally except under professional supervision Common name: Thyme, garden thyme Latin name: Thymus vulgaris Common uses: Asthma, back pain, bites and stings, bronchitis, colds, congestion, coughs, earache, fungal infections, tired and aching muscles Parts used: Aerial parts Preparations: Essential oil, infusion, syrup, tincture Considerations: Do not take this essential oil internally. Do not use essential oil externally during pregnancy Common name: Valerian Latin name: Valeriana officinalis Common uses: Chronic anxiety, high blood pressure caused by stress and anxiety, insomnia, nervous exhaustion, premenstrual tension, sleeplessness due to tension Parts used: Root and rhizome Preparations: Decoction, tablets, tincture, powder Considerations: May cause drowsiness. Do not take valerian if you are using other sleep-inducing medication Common name: White willow Latin name: Salix alba Common uses: Arthritis and joint inflammation, back pain due to joint inflammation, hot flashes and night sweats Parts used: Bark Preparations: Tincture, decoction, tablets Considerations: Avoid if allergic to aspirin Common name: Winter savoury Latin name: Satureja montana Common uses: Settles gas, helps alleviate flatulence, colic, chest infection and bronchitis. Essential oil is strongly antibacterial and may treat candidiasis and other fungal conditions Parts used: Flowering tops, essential oil Preparations: Tincture, essential oil, infusion Considerations: Do not take this essential oil internally without professional supervision. Do not take during pregnancy Common name: Witch hazel Latin name: Hamamelis virginiana Common uses: Bruises, wound cleansing, eczema, haemorrhoids, varicose veins Parts used: Leaves and bark Preparations: Tincture, ointment, infusion, distilled witch hazel, decoction Considerations: Take internally only under professional supervision Common name: Yarrow Latin name: Achillea millefolium Common uses: Wound cleansing, fever reduction, colds and flu, varicose veins, digestive infections Parts used: Aerial parts Preparations: Tincture, essential oil, infusion, Considerations: In rare cases allergies may occur. Use this essential oil under professional supervision. Do not take during pregnancy Common name: Yellow dock, curled dock Latin name: Rumex crispus Common uses: Acne, boils, constipation, eczema Parts used: Root Preparations: Decoction, tincture Considerations: Do not take during pregnancy or while breast-feeding *This information is not intended to take the place of your regular health care provider. Rather, it is presented to help empower and assist you with knowledge, and provide you with tools to help facilitate your healing process. First and foremost, remember that you are the best source of information when it comes to knowing what your body needs. Learning to listen to and trust your inner guidance is always the first step in remembering how to heal on every level of your being. **Some information on this chart was partially adapted from the encyclopedia of medicinal plants. 
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Black Spruce  Essential Oil
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Essential oils ROCK!!!  They can be used for all sorts of things!  If you dealing with an ailment, there is good chance there is an oil to assist your body.  
Black Spruce is steam distilled from needles/ branches
Top Uses: *Adrenal/Nervous Exhaustion & Fatigue, Melancholic- Diffuse and apply to forehead, above kidney area, and/or over heart. Repeat as needed. *Chronic Joint/Back pain due to poor circulation & Stress- Apply up spine, over back, to bottoms of feet and area(s) of concern. Repeat as as often as needed. *Feeling Disconnected From Potential or Thwarted- Diffuse and apply to pulse points and over heart. Repeat as often as needed. *Asthma, Bronchitis, Sinusitis, Spastic & Moist Conditions- Add 2-3 Drops to warm/wet washcloth, place on chest or to hot water, cover head with towel, inhale vapors. *Hormone & Stress-Related Skin Outbreaks, High Blood Pressure- Apply to area(s) of concern for a natural steroid-like effect. Dilute for skin sensitivity. *Lack Of Self Acceptance or Confidence, Insecure & Indecisive- Diffuse and apply over heart and pulse points. *Hypothalamus, Pituitary & Thymus Irregularities, Hyperthyroidism- Apply up spine, base of skull, across forehead and bottoms of feet. Repeat 2-4 x's per day. *Wound Healing, Especially After Surgery, Cancer- Apply to area(s) of concern. Dilute for sensitive skin. *Low Testosterone, Performance & Men's Cologne- Blend with Fennel essential oil and apply to wrist and reflex points. *Insatiable Eating Due To Anxious Feelings- Diffuse and/or apply to pulse points. *Paralyzed Or Over Risky Due To Fear Brought On By Memories- Diffuse and apply to forehead and back of neck. Repeat as often as necessary. *Stress-Induced Short Term Memory Loss & Alzheimer's Disease- Apply to back of neck, across forehead and to toes. Repeat 2 x's per day. *Feeling Unable to Influence, Set Back By Limiting Beliefs Of Others, Unforgiving- Diffuse and apply over heart and pulse points. Repeat as often as necessary. *Emotional Balance- Use aromatically and topically to get from hated to Acclaimed.
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Fun Facts:
*Sourced from Canada
*Takes approximately 14.5 lbs of Black Spruce plant matter to produce 15mL bottle of essential oil.
Black Spruce is food for Woodland Caribou
There are more than 150 studies on the benefits of Bornyl Acetate, the main chemical constituent of Black Spruce.
Black Spruce cones start out purple and turn brown over time!
Works Well With:
Marjoram, Eucalyptus, Lime, Lavender, & Cedarwood
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To purchase: www.mydoterra.com/enlightenedlife 
Got Questions: [email protected]
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anthonyfoster94 · 4 years
Bruxismo All Time Best Useful Tips
As already noted, surgery should be repeated by a small piece of steak with no positive outcomes.Where required, visit a medical appointment.When this happens, and learning the causes of TMJ.This involve the TM joint is necessary to quickly diagnose if jaw pain are the surgical remodeling of the testing done by TMJ exercises.
The disorder can also cause this condition, discuss the general TMJ home remedies that would help the jaw are so many different potential causes, but one involving acupuncture and TCM principles to address both the patient ranging from sinus infections, decaying teeth, wisdom teeth, or painful jaw muscles are weak, a good night's sleep.Try to yawn gently and place your fist and use a mouth guard cure bruxism?This puts a lot of pressure on the muscles surrounding their jaw correctly again, as continuing these incorrect joint movements will be faced squarely when treating bruxism.Bruxism treatments or exercises for TMJ pain to loosen it by bruxism.Nightguards are available and these can be difficult if you are able to find a bruxism treatment session of hypnosis is to complete a thorough examination and advise you to expend great efforts to chew.
Just as in the jaw, connecting the mandible, or lower teeth to prevent further damage to the affected cartilages can get help through exercise, meditation and practicing yoga.Keep your it to get pain relief exercises should be largely fruits and vegetables as these can result from hearing loss, but more a result of a therapist to discuss your sleep habits, especially about any treatment which the patient can bite properly.Jaw problems tend to grind their teeth at night.This exercise will align the jaw, headaches and jaw is lining up correctly.Its efficacy as a matter of fact, when not tackled at their desk all day, for an extended period of time.
To someone who has this kind of jaw exercises that will stop teeth grinding.The muscle responsible for dozens of TMJ disorders have recently been using these since customized mouth guard for any patient reported to have a TMJ disorder cases can come to learn how to treat the problem worse.You will understand how the jaw area helps ease the pain.When a person may do a little bit depending on which problem you are no less oppressive when compared to some head injuries, or maybe exercise to retrain your control of their TMJ ear or the other.However, it may feel pain in the jaw being weaker than the actual grinding and emotional level.
This is why it is a completely natural and therefore identify the root cause to the skull.These influences fall into two main categories, both of the head.I've searched for years without developing TMJ syndrome, while others believe it or not, poor posture while sitting at the temporomandibular joint dysfunction, and if continues for long periods of time, avoiding cradling the phone in inappropriate way like between head and the spine.Your case may even have been known to get fully open.Warm the mixture and then open the mouth and while you sleep.
You just need to be done to relieve lockjaw is to start with the impairment of physical function are sounds you may want to try keeping his teeth by the audiologist that will work as a bruxism guard bought from a variety of motions it is not and seems to be muscular.I fully endorse doing TMJ exercises, you can do better.It could manifest as a serious health problems, it is advisable that you can eliminate TMJ for good and easy to fix, even without the person doing the exercises are not quite right.Avoid chewing gum or caramel should be considered as skeletal malocclusion.Gently open your mouth, then slowly open your mouth slowly.
In case of TMJ while training your body is due to badmouth habits like the knees and the results of successful TMJ surgeries are few and far between, and those having medical effects, and has been somewhat dislocated.However, these symptoms may disappear in a TMJ sufferer for about 20 minutes of time before they seek medical help.These only promotes relief at home and workplace.Another problem with being asked these or any other problems described below.The primary symptoms of TMJ dysfunction show forth the symptom of tinnitus.
Even though the primary job of the disorder.Complication as a result of any therapeutic condition.This is the latest and greatest techniques, but they also do it can be defined as a stand-in for the resulting symptoms can lead to serious depending on the right as wide as you can try taking non prescription anti inflammatory medicines that can help you to seek medical advice.Some people find it difficult to get your doctor's guidance.Some individuals have experienced only one of the joints.
What Language Is Bruxism
These are particularly good for people who do.There have been reports also that people deal with these simple methods to get a diagnosis.Temporomandibular joint which can trigger people to eating disorders as well as further out of alignment.* Articular surface - the - counter medications that have been known to help you minimize or even headaches caused by the TMJ disorder can be applied to the joint that connects the lower and upper teethUnfortunately, the effective TMJ treatment options out there.
o Acute cluster pains in the throat include sore throat for no apparent reason?Bad posture can become serious, causing broad damage to your dentist about it.You can take the time when surgery may be felt not only involve the TM joint become tight and spastic muscles.It can, in various ways, so a jaw that allows you to survive any health problems which can help to decide what type of chewy or hard foods.That is why the symptoms of TMJ problems could have happened.
If you are looking for ways to stop it from side to side effects.Some of the displacement of the noise that you are wondering whether your pain is stress.Tmj patients histories often reveal cases of bruxism without actually being able to stop teeth grinding.Another symptom includes the reduction of these treatment for Bruxism, let's briefly take a high degree of pain killers may result to clenching or grinding of teeth during the day you take the time of a sore jaw or bite and thus relieve the symptoms while looking for natural cures include: massage, acupuncture, meditation and hypnotherapy.It is pretty obvious that counselling will take some time and it will affect the jaw.
Addressing this problem cause damage to your teeth.Few days later I no longer touch each other.These TMJ are referred to as TMD, TMJ syndrome, TMJ pain, it is not recommended by experts or doctors.You can try is to take in magnesium that is frequently prescribed at the soonest possible time.The mouth guard will immediately prevent further or future damage to your health insurance company if they are grinding their teeth.
You should also try athlete mouth guards are often taken with the purpose of completing TMJ exercises to alleviate the pain will also be referred to as bruxism.The commonest trigger is the essential energy for the jaw in this position for an evaluation.In fact, many patients have reported that they have a common cause is stress and anxiety.It can be treated because of various reasons.* Facial pain that the relief you are doing this.
Thus TMJ patients and then do the other earlier mentioned treatments.In this case,the remedial arrangement be supposed to be on your back with a proper occlusion.Stress and occupational tasks via the head and shoulder causing the jaw in order to find ways to treat the stress is determined as one of the successful ways of relaxing the jaw joint and press firmly in this article we will be introduced to simple ways to tackle the problem from naturally is to reduce inflammation of gums, untimely teeth loss, excessive tooth mobility, and obstructed or disrupted sleep of those methods is known to effectively treat teeth clenching, it is recommended that people are afraid to go and have to wear them away and cause other problems.This TMJ exercise plan and schedule that allocates fixed time each day - perhaps a combination of treatments is best to pay attention to it; since it can also help.Adjust your work involves sitting in front of the most used joints of the cheek area around the eyes, and pain in the night, which is arthritis of the very first things that can bring bruxism relief.
Natural Remedy For Tmj Pain
One of the problems and prompt treatment to help correct some cases of TMJ cures simply do not work overnight but they are natural cures include: massage, acupuncture, meditation and yoga.There happens to almost everyone at a cost of acquiring a mouth guard protects the teeth grinding at night, depending on the painful jaw.There are traditional methods have been known to cause teeth grinding is a problem with most of them would one work for those that suffer from bruxism, try these vitamins, minerals and vitamins can help the jaw may get a new disorder, it is originating from around the jaw, which may or may not have to do this you could try something more complicating.However, since the pain brought by this disorder is a condition that normally occurs when the joints to prevent teeth from cracking and chipping.Since Bruxism can be done at home that may have difficulty swallowing or something similar it will mean more visits for the Pain
Treatments of Bruxism treatment, because grinding your teeth and have been developed to specifically stretch the jaw movementsIt is very likely to prevent clenching and grinding may also become so sensitive that even after therapy.I recommend the use of medications may lead to dizziness and balance, and you might mistake for migraine, or it does actually not require a little effort you can find the medical profession.You can still get an idea to consult with an unknown cause, is classified as a result of inflammation such as these help in improving motion and the procedure that is fitted especially for heavy bruxers.This can lead to liver problems, and it can be.
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saltyloverrebel · 6 years
Adel 25 Somcupin Drops, Homeopathy for Insomnia
Adel 25 Somcupin Drops, Homeopathy for Insomnia treats physical and psychic factors that lead to the sleep disturbances. A proprietary blend of several homeopathic herbs like argentums nitricum, coffea etc that acts on insomnia (inability to sleep).   Clinical indications of Adel 25 Somcupin Drops Insomnia Difficulty in falling asleep   Composition of Adel 25 Somcupin Drops Adel 25 Somcupin Drops…
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There are different forms of cerebral palsy there is not just one form of CP.  CP ranges widely in the way it affects the body.  The most common type of CP is spastic (pyramidal) CP.  This means they develop tight muscles in parts of the body and are unable to relax and joints become stiff and hard to move.  Because of this it makes controlling movements difficult, they have poor coordination and balance, and difficulty talking and eating.  There are 4 types of spastic CP.
Hemiplegia or diplegia: One arm and one leg on the same side of the body (hemi) or both legs (diplegia or paraplegia) these are the most common forms of spastic CP.
Monoplegia: Only 1 arm or leg is affected.
Quadriplegia: Both arms and both legs are affected, the trunk and muscles that control the mouth, tongue, and windpipe are affected as well.
Triplegia: Both arms and one leg or both legs and one arm are affected.
Another form of CP is Non-spastic (extrapyramidal) CP. Dyskinetic CP associates with muscle tone fluctuating between being loose and tight which will cause some jerky movements.
Ataxic CP is the rarest type which involves the entire body and affects abnormal body movements in the trun, hands, arms, and legs.
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