#edit: its fucking backwards again isnt it
wtfforged · 24 days
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i like when hes squishy!
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fkyumerica · 3 months
each area, circles on the map, to have their kids take care of their kids they left and the rest of them
how tall is she, how big is her head. She got to mate with all those giants then go giant. They made another big fucking everyone whore. Does she put her pussy on their hair too? Yea. Cupid area was they mated with the infants. Anyways. Kentucky ground. Wire. Blow it up.
is that carol. "my opponent" mama right im your mama. stfu and die.
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she was running around at the neurologist office
she was taller than him
holy sht
cupid guard
chop off her legs
like in the mummy
holding onto a infant to fuck it
on her back
bent knees
hahahah robo
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i googled legs chopped off the mummy
now jump
it was the group in the coliseum in the gladiator leading it, knew about it
the groups to kill
the rest was family didnt know or whoever went in it
wtf I wanna be that bitch again. him or her or who. the noroi guy. then full house after. her whole family to let out a bug. then bug houses the rest of the day. after. noam chomski.
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the water rape
to tko
dead kennedy
yea we raped them
whole group on the ground
alive still
come back the next day begging
why why why
give me something
make a punk concert
theyre in it
and push you down
wtf my ass
didnt have a kid
i know i got the biggest ass
good here too
alix said they used these
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can do it again
cheat rob steal and fuck in your house
kids take it out of it
and if they hand me it i take it in and fucking mess up with it too new mom and dad in here whoa im new and come back and hit them
got the sex
good too
kids says the got the sex good too part
and we married hah take a picture
arm around the kid
we can find the map to get her too (giant)
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and all of it
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see the blood man
after mating with 18 see his skull to crack. and they would number off. and his arms out after.
not knowing what any of it is
send it to mar ch again
it is march
once a year wtf go
see the blood man
no fear
we live
so cute her
i do her
and terror
send cuer
one alert for sex
and they all fuck
heard it
you and me
take her to, any leg surgery, i dunno i like it
i live this long
then sleep
come on
a lot of the world that stayed was just short. and whoreing parties around the world you wanna go? mating was it.
theres the noroi kid
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he had no eyes
the girl,, her head would go all the way back
isnt decapitated
like it was fabric or something cardboard cut out
a giant too
hwo to catch them
part of a litter, she was
her face was the ET
she was a giant
the grudge one
and kept inbreeding, for them to win
that was the point
have a kid throw it in the window
it is that big people go to it
they used the camera to edit their facess
of seecurity cameras
she only shows up when she is giving birth
or puts her son in her
it was her husband
any relative is
there were 44 of her with those faces
senritsu kaiki file kowasugi file 1 operation capture the slit they put face masks on them
it is like reverse bear trap
no shes alive
they will push in their molars to go in their eyes
they are shreks
they take a eye donation of a dead relative
i can draw it
cappa why
i got my hair flower in the mail today
it is big
its so pretty i love it
now i gotta sew on the collar
and moddel it
shrek and fiona
she is as big as the garage next door
the neighbor will get them to leave
chris keeps saying no let them over
and thinks they are her kids
to attack me
for anything hahaha
her leader
well fuck your bear child
WTF was that
WTF was that
these guys did fk their moms
punch her head backwards
dad would drag her
shes knocked out
i can fuck her
so her son would
and dad would hold her head and go oh no
so the whole area
would hop
and wtf i cant figure this out
woman didnt talk to her
or him
so they fucked as they wanted
and kids dump them on her she wants me to teach it
so they shit it out on her
and in too
abortion to in you
make ghost noise
see i dont go back
make the noise for me to take my kid back
and shes my kid
go walk
hits her i dunno its her
her son would
for her to get raped by everyone
even cared
kids infants toddlers in their arms
sit it on her
flip it around its her
and the sons stay short she hits them on top of the head
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she hits her son
the mom
and the dad
but super giant
dan and katie
her just born
find her
again she gave birth 8 times
funny to her not to you, his mother is the one on the right or big boy raped him got him drunk or drugged him right before he said it
lied to a whole town
tommy lee
me and my whole family
the actor
and boomers was this
midget night
edit for grease
they took all the buildings
huge skulls
wont be a dad them neither
and their moms
next to them huge too
or gay what is it
ewoks wasnt it
but hits them too to go giant
one on the ground
top of its head in
no cone head
wont set out cones either
planet of the apes said put it in the garbage, they arent even their word of the lord.
Wed 8:00 PM
they let out mass dope, empty right? the whole house
you know you live young over 400 years
and the old men who fuck no face girls
and those guys to whoreing girls
haha joke
infant what
fucked old men too wo ho ho hot
abandon house whoa.. uhhh
they will just go in and fuck
and hey who wants to live here give her a play house
and school
yea amanda bye
shes et
and no face mask
they were c ommercials so no one moves south
or out
already our family did
i was nice once
to my state no
hell yea
and go to the map area where the land, have kids again, and float, and just leave wtf ever it flooded float to mee I feel my child make a church and it ended there, we found them, and news too woo hoo tubing the kids mated. Pregnant or not. I dunno leave it. The mummy guy said it. And movie get money go. Move in college area. Why build another one no one else moved in yet.
he brings over the kid after he fucks it
party fowl
it was alawys that if you party you cant bring it with you
oh and caught, oh and caught
tale of gregor, guys caught, suicidal, kill it too. marilyn manson
him hating everyone, is him. the whole time. curtis
im gay i can be your daughter- murder that obsessed italy, i am obsessed
gwen stefani/destiny- no im not you, yea she did it, hi
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funkylittledemon · 3 years
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Have a shitty meme I made in less than 5 mins put of frustration
#side#you as in the broad general term#yes ik its a very shitty meme that shouldn't of taken more than 1 min im using the default editing stuff on my phone gallery#anyway ive said it MANY times before and ik only like 10 people see my posts but hoky fuck yall#stop telling random strangers to kill themselves!!!! why do you thinks thats okay????#i think you need to go watch kids cartoons again and actually pay attention to the moral messages meant to show kids right and wrong#i dont GIVE A SHIT if its a trf. i am trans!!! im not telling every transphobe i meet to do suicide!#this isnt some moral 'im better than you' its a holy fuck please gain some perspective!!! yes trfs are shitty!! but also some of them are#13 year olds who dont know better. or are people who dont know enough to be on a but pick team trf after seeing us say that!! or#maybe their a shitty person!! still doesnt make it ok!!! please gain some fuckinh compassion!!!#maybe not for the trfs but for the people!! every suicidal person who reads that post!#and you know what? most of the posts like that arent about trfs. idc who its about tbh.#does it not make you even a little bit uncomfortable?? to know that we've gone backwards?? to sit and laugh while telling strangers#to kill themselves? how does that sit right with you?? do you not see yourselves????#there is nothing in the world more hideous than laughing at that. there are things that compare but there is nothing worse.#does it make you feel big? strong?? do you feel as powerful as the highschool bully??#literally just say 'go die' or 'fall off a cliff' instead!!!!! its not hard to not endorse suicide!!!!#like i see posts with genuinely good takes on a subject and then they tell someone to commit suicide and i cant agree with that#it derails the whole argument. its petty and small
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cattles-bians · 3 years
Damie Vibecca exes AU part 4
post directory
[em note: this one is LONG i had to split it!!!]
obsetress: deflecting to viola protecting becs
obsetress: once they are dating
obsetress: and thinkin thoughts
em: viola asks rebecca if she wants to put a hit out on peter and rebestiecca is like????
em: that’s hot but
em: u can do that? also maybe don’t. but mostly that’s hot
obsetress: i was literally gonna say peter is still her ex and he's a persistent fucker even though it's been a year at least and viola's response is... not far off from canon!
obsetress: becca just stares at her for a minute and then she's cupping viola's cheek and murmuring "come here" and pulling her down
obsetress: they're like kissing or whatever and rebecca's murmuring "that was hot, you know" between kisses and viola's like "oh?" and becca's like "don't be cheeky, you know it was" and vi just grins against her mouth
em: I’m Really Invested In This Crack Ship
obsetress: ok but rebecca tells jamie and dani about vi offering to put a hit on peter and they're both understandably and reasonably aghast and rebecca's just like (takes a sip of wine, ducks head, smiles to self) i think it's sweet
obsetress: dani and jamie look at each other out of the corners of their eyes
obsetress: (later, dani agrees how absolutely out of line it is but also admits that it sure does feel nice to be so taken care of sometimes)
obsetress: (jamie throws a pillow at her)
obsetress: also thinking about secret soft vibecca are sometimes and how horrified dani and jamie are the first time they see it with their own eyes
em: jamie and dani excessive PDA queens get a taste of their own medicine
em: it’s so funny that i’m like. always on the verge of viola horny posting but as soon as it’s vibecca i’m like look at these babies. these beautiful babies
obsetress: viola and rebecca kissing one (1) time at brunch and jamie, arm slung around dani’s shoulders, is like “oi, no one wants to see that” and dani, leaning into jamie, one hand in her lap, crinkles her nose and rebecca’s like “y— you’re kidding, right?”
obsetress: also like. we talk a lot about what vi does for rebecca but also like
obsetress: vi massive abandonment issues and rebecca just
obsetress: she just stays
em: ur gonna Kill me here lies em
obsetress: i know i didn’t mean to and then i just
obsetress: i can’t think too hard abt them or i will Melt Down but just like
em: look if rebecca can see the best in someone as awful as peter
em: viola isnt nearly as terrible
obsetress: esp vi post dani like
obsetress: she’s obnoxious and haughty and neoliberal but
obsetress: radical love goes a long way!
obsetress: rebecca grounding her thru touch and rebecca slipping her hands around vi’s and easing them loose when vi’s hands start to clench and rebecca just pressing a kiss to viola’s temple and murmuring “i’m here, yeah? with you. not going anywhere”
em: like i just think after eddie dani wouldnt like, just go w the flw any more. like i think abt her challenging viola occasionally
em: lovingly! gently
but like, holding her accountable
em: also violas absolutely little spoon
em: like i know blah blah viola top rebecca top leaning switch but viola little spoon
obsetress: “actually viola” (vi always knows she’s in trouble when dani calls her viola) “that was really hurtful” “i’m sorry you feel that way, dani, but—“ “i don’t need you to be sorry for how i feel. i need you to show me you’re sorry for what you did”
em: dani calls vi the Full Name and viola knows shes in trouble bc thats at least 4 extra vowels w danis midwest accent
em: it is always v surprising how much like, working w kids equips you to work w adults. b/c at least w kids you dont have layers and layers of social nuance to work through. u can just say 'hey. that was hurtful and your apology sucks'
obsetress: meanwhile dani’s over here trying to explain to vi intent vs impact and how no, it’s not semantics or nuance, it’s actually kind of a chasm
em: i kind of love like um. look viola is terrible but she wasnt born terrible
obsetress: she just has a lot to unlearn
em: and id belive that even if i wasnt a ghostfucker thats just rogers theory of self actualisation babyeee
obsetress: dani viola big fight n dani's like
obsetress: "i'm sorry and i love you but it's not my job to fix you, vi" and she just breaks down and she's like "it's not"
obsetress: jesus why did my brain take THAT turn
em: wrow
em: its ok i was gonna be like 'so they obvs break up at some point....'
obsetress: anyway viola just stares at her for a second and then she's like "you put the 'i'm sorry' before the 'i love you'"
obsetress: and dani just stares at her for a long time and she's like "yeah. i guess i did"
obsetress: i KNOW what the FUCK
obsetress: anyway dani's like "i guess i did" and vi's like "is that it then?" and dani just looks at her with her puffy eyes and is like "i think so"
obsetress: dani clayton queen of saying "i love you" over and over in the midst of breaking up w someone
em: well! she has a lot of love to give but, she also has to love herself sometimes!
em: i was thinking abt scenarios n i just remembered that. whole video rental shop thing so i think that slots in nicely
[em edit: u can read here]
obsetress: god i love that lil scene
em: dani sends viola a tentative little meme peace offering and they get back to talking and its nice but maybe a bit awkward and viola mentions like, going to therapy and seeing someone for help n its
obsetress: vi's stewing on "i can't fix you" for weeks and then she's begrudgingly. BEGRUDGINGLY calling a therapist
em: like its still awkward and dani is still nursing some wounds but she can ALSO be happy for someone she used to care about
em: still cares about!
obsetress: she's always gonna love her in some way or another
obsetress: but yeah also like. smth to viola being too stubborn to do anything she doesn't wanna do except suddenly when dani clayton gets involved and that feels p canon in its own way too
em: 'i cant fix u' weird bc every time i see viola im like 'i can fix her'
obsetress: it's like ur in my head bestie
em: how do u think viola and rebestiecca met
em: not that u think abt it or anything
obsetress: MAN i was just thnking
obsetress: in this universe how did dani and jamie meet but i guess it can still just be bly tbh
obsetress: as for vi and bestiecca hmmm
em: am so caught up in the joy of fucked up interpersnal dynamics i forgot a meet cute
obsetress: honestly part of me wants to be like
obsetress: on some dating app but a dating app for posh people yk
obsetress: but then i'm like
obsetress: that takes all the meet cute fun out of it
obsetress: oh GOD
obsetress: i got it
obsetress: ready
obsetress: so like viola landlord we know this
obsetress: and then i was watching whatever ep three the other day and bex mentions wanting to do public law right
em: oooooh
obsetress: bex public housing attorney
em: OOH
obsetress: they meet at some conference
obsetress: hit it off prob fuck lbr
obsetress: and then
obsetress: comedy of errors
obsetress: whoever stays the night, they sleep together again in the morning, breakfast in bed, bex is like "so what do you do, anyway"
em: hjgbjshmdnfbmngbmhnbgs,hndg m,shndgds
em: YES
obsetress: and then they just
obsetress: also i like to think rebecca invites vi back to her hotel room and vi is so charmed by her taking charge ("""taking charge""") that she lets her
obsetress: and then like
obsetress: god for a while what if they just like
obsetress: they're so mortified and morally and fundamentally at odds but like
obsetress: the sex is so good???????
obsetress: that they keep just meeting up and then
em: romeo and juliet situation
obsetress: yk how it goes
obsetress: the sex is good and they see each other as like
em: thats so fucking good thank u hannah
obsetress: super rare intellectual equals whatever
obsetress: thank u i am exceedingly proud rn
obsetress: honestly at this point i'm
obsetress: rebecca and vi uhaul change my mind
obsetress: like not too quick because isabel but, quick enough to be considered
em: so the joke is like. obviously 'extremely pda damie' but when rebecca and vi are alone they Also cannot get their hands off each other
obsetress: they both just. worry about appearances too much meanwhile
obsetress: tweedle dee and tweedle dum in the overalls and mom jeans dgaf
em: accidentally seeing ur friends compromised is just part of the package of being friends w damie. however jamie accidentally catches vibecca in the act and shes Horrified
em: hypocrits
em: danis like yeah what do u. think theyre doing
em: dani is nonchallant bc shes dated viola of all people
obsetress: i mean could you imagine
obsetress: between vi and dani's just
obsetress: insatiable libido
obsetress: dani, very seriously: jamie, when two women love each other––
em: dani likes dating jamie bc it means she can top occasionally :) maybe even more than occasionally
em: jamies like ooh my god i knw i know how are u so casual about... rebecca... and ... viola... (dani just pulls her in fr a smooch)
obsetress: they have each other's clothes half off and dani's like "i'm so casual because i dated her too, babe" and jamie's like "can we not have this conversation right n"
obsetress: also i still have this on my clipboard from earlier we bopped around so fast but
obsetress: vi and bex hooking up early on:
obsetress: rebecca knocks on vi's door at, like, 6:00 pm after work, vi opens it, rebecca just grabs her and kisses her, vi pulls her in, becca kicks it closed behind her, vi shoves her against the door and they're kissing against it, then vi's ducking her head to kiss along rebecca's neck and rebecca's like "how many people did you evict today" as she angles her head and then viola's finding her lips again and tugging at her lower lip with her teeth "probably not as many landlords as you shortchanged today" and rebecca's laughing and pushing her backwards down the hall as viola tugs at her blouse
em: GOD. viola is probably like
em: ok, disclaimer: fuck all landlords
em: but at least in this fantasy world perhaps viola is 'fairly' 'reasonable' n shes absolutely playing it up for the hate sex angle n rebecca Maybe Assumes shes lying but
em: stupid morons in love
obsetress: yeah
obsetress: i think i've mentioned this before but like
obsetress: now that it's more fleshed out
obsetress: then they're at drinks one night (and when did it go from just sex to drinks? neither of them could tell you) and viola's kinda quiet n moody (n rebecca already knows she Gets Like This sometimes and that she'll usually say whatever she's thinking eventually) and finally she's like
obsetress: "i have... a daughter" and rebecca's just like "tell me about her" like it's the easiest thing in the world
obsetress: and viola's head snaps over and she stares because she was.... not expecting that
obsetress: and so viola does
obsetress: and rebecca's just like "i'd love to meet her one day"
em: soft.....
obsetress: they always turn back to soft
obsetress: like they have a fuckin mind of their own
em: rapidly oscillate between horny and soft
obsetress: that's the mood
em: violas probably like. yknow, rebecca's young and up and cming n she probably assumes rebesticca isnt interested as something as full on as a kid but shes like 'do you have any photos'
obsetress: fuck!!!!!!!!!
em: rebeccas like do u think i didnt. see the photos at ur apartment lmao
em: theres a childs drawing on the fridge
obsetress: rebecca has known almost from the jump but was
obsetress: giving viola her time
obsetress: also smth smth giving her time instead of time wearing her away etc etc we're all in hell
em: cracks knuckles
em: bestie....
obsetress: pls
obsetress: it's what i deserve
obsetress: first tho
obsetress: consider
obsetress: the way viola's face lights up when she's talking about isabel and showing rebecca all the pictures
obsetress: hold pls
em: soft......
obsetress: this one chief
obsetress: right here
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indig0g0 · 4 years
If you are so against theft, why you friends with gabriel tho? There has been HOW MUCH evidence against him? I don't know, Newt. Seems Pretty Sus To Me. SEEMS LIKE YOU ARE TRYING TO TAKE THE HEAT OFF THE CURRENT SHIT AGAINST GABE I'M JUST SAYING-
Hi kids, first of all! His name is GABRIEL! Calling him not his name, when he doesn’t like it! Is just like misgendering! Anyway! Lets sit down for this! I was waiting for you (or maybe it was someone else!) to come back for this!
Did you know that its possible, as an adult human being, to disagree with everyone in a situation? Did you also know.... That there’s a difference.... Between using the same concepts? And OUTRIGHT TRACING SOMEONE’S ART? Did you know...... That there was more to the story... than bo’s callout post made it out to be? Did you know there was a third whole design in the mix?
Also before we get started I want to state that as a 25 year old man, who has been in multiple different art communities. You cannot steal a concept. You cannot steal a concept. YOU CANNOT STEAL A CONCEPT. There are 800 trolls with white porcelain masks! There are 800 trans masc jadeblood trolls! These are all concepts! Iridescence as a concept! Is a CONCEPT.
Opalescence is a concept that is similar but different to iridescence.
Okay! So! Here’s the thing (the thing! Which I got from someone who WASN’T either Bo or Gabriel! Surprise! There’s AN OUTSIDE PARTY!)
Bo made an iridescent adopt! Gabriel wanted the adopt! But Liam bought the adopt first! Whatever! That’s the end of it of whatever that is! Bo and Gabriel stopped being friends in this time, i think, but that’s not my fucking business because i’m 25 years old and other people’s interpersonal problems aren’t my fucking business!!
Its reasonable here, then, to like the concept behind a design right? And you you probably think “oh this is where gabriel ripped off cosmit, right?” and you’d be wrong!
We’re going to cut to my favorite third party, a loving friend and wonderful person... Echo! Who makes adopts! As a source of income!
Who was like! Hey party people! Suggest themes for me to use in my next batch! of adopts! and now you think... oh... here comes opal.. WRONG AGAIN!
So what happened was... gabriel had been like “i saw this cool iridescent design, and the concept was really cool! maybe you should do an opalescent design!” and echo was like oh fuck yeah i’d love to do that! and so.... they did. Now i’m sure you’re thinking..... Oh it’s Opal!
Except. Actually it wasn’t.
The opalescent (NOT iridescent, they aren’t the same if you were wondering!) troll Echo original made? One of the ones that bo linked in their call out? Isnt opal.
It’s the original opalescent design that echo made! Which they.. Kept! That’s their Magiro!
This is magiro on the end! This is the original design!
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which looks..... NOTHING like...
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this absurdly small screenshot i also pilfered from bo’s callout post! Of cosmit!
Who’s sprites I will not post out of respect for Liam because I have not asked him if I can use it! But the original is necessary so it’s here anyway. (I have permission from Echo to post the originals here! FYI!)
Now because they ended up keeping Magiro! They said! I’ll make you one for free with the same general concept! And lo!
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Opal was born! This was the design that Echo did for gabriel! This is opal! As you can see... She looks nothing like cosmit! Except for the fact that she has
dark skin is meant to be black coded and has a similar theme. she even has a nose rings You can see it under her glasses!
and so these are the sprites Gabriel made based off the design ECHO made him
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Now! Here’s where it gets hinky!
Here’s where I don’t agree with either party!
Bo and Liam were upset that Gabriel (and Gabriel alone) apparently ripped off Opal! I don’t see it, and I don’t think you can steal a concept either! But whatever theyre adults they can make their own conclusions!
Now where I don’t agree with Gabriel is... Gabriel started making posts (after being told he was accused the first time, idk by who) about Opal being the BEST opalescent troll in the community! Which is fucked up! It’s immature and I was upset with him for it! And then it spiralled a little!
Gabriel got a call out blog made about him for reasons OTHER than opal! The callout blog tried to bring up opal! Liam made a public statement that he and gabriel were handling it privately! And I thought that was going to be that on that!
or was it!
So in private, and bo’s “call out” will confirm this, the whole party eventually agreed that Gabriel would be making edits to opal to make her theme different instead of white opalescent blah blah, this all is NOT my business and frankly I don’t fucking care.
My problem comes in when it become not enough for bo that Gabriel to make changes to or stop using Opal altogether and started... Boxing gabriel into a new solution? Because Gabriel apparently wasn’t bending over backwards enough? I don’t fucking know! It’s not my fucking business! DURING a time of crisis. DURING. BO DID THIS WHEN GABRIEL WAS ALREADY IN A POSITION TO HAVE A HARD TIME SAYING NO. THIS IS FUCKED UP NO? But! I don’t know how you can post screenshots of you saying “You’re having a bad time because of this tropical storm about to rock your shit and I hate you and want you to go away Take this Hilariously Low sum of money for a character with tons of art and effort” and then think you’re like. In the right here? Bo admits they were stupid angry and that they cancelled the deal on a whim IN Their call out post! And then turned around, in their anger, and started threatening gabriel ! That’s literally blackmailing him! Because he wasn’t doing what they wanted! it’s all literally in the post! I read the whole thing! Gabriel came back with a counter, which was getting rid of Opal altogether including making the replacement in the story NOT black coded, NOT a woman (explicitly stated to be transmasc for the new concept), No piercings etc.
Bo then, later AGAIN during a time of Financial and real life crisis (their confrontation was sent within HOURS of the announcement of another hurricane about to rock houston) decided to turn around and verbally berate Gabriel about how he failed to deliver his apology, turned around, and tried to post a largely evidence-less call out about him.
The reason for Bo doing this?
Gabriel reblogged female-coded aesthetic into the tag. And that was all the proof Bo needed that GABRIEL IS A LIAR BLAH BLAH
heres the thing.
gabriel and i are in a different artist’s server together.
Gabriel has posted the wip of the new design into the server. I’ve seen it. with my own two fucking eyes.
ANYWAY TLDR: they both handled this extremely poorly! I do NOT agree with Gabriel’s handling of Bo’s and Liam’s initial concerns! But I SUPER don’t agree with “i own blackcoded opalescent characters as a concept bc i said so” and but mostly?
I really disagree with bo’s attempts to use the crisis of a TROPICAL STORM to solicit the response THEY ALONE wanted.
THIS is why I have bo blocked. I could give a shit LESS about all the other bullshit. Do I like it? No. It is my business? no.
But the sheer fucking LACK OF EMPATHY displayed here is FUCKING ASTOUNDING.
Theres actually OTHER reasons I don’t like bo, which are all 100% unrelated to all this fucking horse shit! But that’s my fucking business!! anyway!! fuck off!!
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wavbleu · 3 years
Jordan powell: Punishment pt 2
Goes the tall cold man's heavyweight boots echoing through the halls; You looked up at the grey door, watching the doorknob steadily turn left.
It was him.
You sat in the cold room, wearing nothing but dainty, fragile, pink panties, braless ; Still tied down to the lumpy uncomfortable metal chair, silenced by the rope around your mouth.
You shook in horror and dismay thinking about what he'd do to you this time, would he seduce you with his charms , tie you up and use you like a toy? Or would he finally develop mercy and let you out. Ha. Hardly doubt that. Thats what you hated about Jordan, there was no definite answer of what he'd do to you and he always kept you guessing your fate.
Although you hated how you were tied down majority of the time and Jordan's boastful and cocky attitude , you guiltily liked the fact that you were getting used and put into your place; like a good little whore.
Jordan walked into the room welcomed by the cold air, "Geesh why didnt you tell me it was so cold." He'd look at the rope around your mouth and chuckle , "oh right."
He lightly kicked the door shut with his boot and walked towards you, he had 2 slices of pizza placed onto a paper plate in one hand and 2 cold sprites in the other.
What kinda kidnapper feeds the kidnapped.. and on top of that decent food? You thought to yourself.
He placed the food onto the gray table in front of you, making your mouth start watering, you were hungry and you haven't eaten anything all day.
But instead of untying you to eat, Jordan grabbed a wooden chair and swiftly sat backwards on it, he opened the sprite and it let out a small "tssst" before he started to slowly drink it in front of you.
You looked at the food then at him; just hoping he would take a hint and untie you. But he just stared at you, sipping his soda.
He's taunting me isnt he?
"Something bothering you? its ok you can tell me." He joked and laughed continuously taking a small swish out of the sprite.
You let out a loud frustrated groan at how he's playing stupid.
"Calm down princess, i just wanna finish my drink." He mocked, then started to sip his stupid sprite even slower than before, even making sound effects along with it.
Your stomach let out a loud growl making you crunch up as a reaction; you looked up at him again with an obvious face that showed how done you are with his bullshit antics.
"Fineeee!" ,"Gee your no fun." He mumbles before getting up , slamming the sprite can on the table and untying you. 
He satirically let out a loud groan as he untied your ropes and unraveled the hard knots he put in place . Starting out with your mouth, enabling you to talk, your shoulders and arms, and lastly your feet.
You were free, the tension the rope put on your arms and legs gradually began to release itself from your body .
Jordan got onto his knees in front of you and began softly kissing and caressing your thighs nibbling at them and leaving hickeys on them. You felt a tingling sensation go down your body as he started to kiss up your thigh, you wanted him to stop but no.. keep going. Until you remembered how hungry you are and how the pizzas right there.
You jerked and moved your thighs throwing him off of what he was doing, he then looked up at you and seemed to be pissed off.
"You know toys are supposed to be fun." , " and your fucking boring."
"Well if im boring then let me out." You snapped back, "Not till your broke ass parents give me what i want darling." He sternly yet angrily replied. Pissed off you tried to get up from the stupid metal chair, but he lifted you up and threw you over his strong, broad shoulder. "Put me down!" you screeched, he took your orders (for once) and placed you onto the grey table where the still- pretty-hot pizza was.
What a tease, you thought.
You were close enough to grab the pizza so, you attempted to stick your hand out and hopefully, oh so hopefully you'd be able to grab it and eat, but lucks out, Jordan slapped your hand and cooed "Aw my babygirl wants to eat?" He grabbed the now warm slice of pizza and circled it around your mouth , "Here comes the choo choo train say ahh." You opened your mouth desperate to have a bite , but instead of being welcomed by a nice thin slice of that oh so cheesy pizza, you felt his saliva enter your mouth instead.
Impulsively you kicked him, he bounced back from the impact of it and when he had realized what you've done he got pissed.
You seen the anger rise  in him; he balled his fists and his face dropped into a furious look. You grew fear and distress in your heart.. you had a deep feeling it was gonna be worst than last time.
"Im so sor-" you tried to apologize but was interrupted.
"Oh so the little bitch is hungry so she goes and kicks her daddy." he licks his lips and stares at you "I know what you can eat."
He'd grab a chunk of your hair and drag you off the table forcing you onto your knees, "On your knees bitch . Reply." , "Yes daddy." You gulped knowing you deserved this.
You felt your breath quicken as he angrily unbuckled his pants and whipped out his big dick, dripping of pre-cum and shaking. You looked at his dick then up at him, waiting for your instructions.
"Listen here baby, your gonna take this dick down your throat and were gonna count by 10, every 10 seconds you can breathe. Got it?" He grabbed your face making you look up at him, you slowly nodded and swallowed your spit again, preparing yourself for what your about to take.
"Good girl." He smirked before pushing you onto his dick, from the tip down to his thick base, you gagged up spit struggling to take all 8 inches. His dick slowly entered down your tightening throat, making him release a deep moan.
He started to stroke himself down your throat, going slow since its the first set, He counted to 10 before pulling out and letting you breathe, then sticking his dick down your throat again.
He fucked your throat faster this time, his balls lightly tapped your chin and saliva started to stick onto your face, "Thats a good little toy, thats right, spit up all over it." He stroked one last time before pulling out once again, "thats 20." he moaned, then stuck it down your throat again.
"Use your tongue baby." He groaned, desperately fucking himself into your throat. You took demands and worked your tongue on his dick, he threw his head back and moaned, losing count and forgetting to let you breathe.
"Fuck!" He let out fucking himself deeper into your petite throat, your eyes began to water and tear up as you kept gagging up spit repeatedly. Your pussy was dripping wet, you went to fulfill its needs for before Jordan saw and stopped you.
"What the fuck are you doing?" He growled in a pissed off manner, "No, bad girls dont get to touch their selves." he snatched your hand and placed it onto his hip. He grabbed your hair again and stuck his dick deeper inside you, angry at not only how you kicked him but how you decided to touch yourself aswell.
He picked up his black shirt and bit onto it, showing off his sexy six pack, sliding his dick in and out of your throat , his breath quickened and he let out small moans; He bit down onto his shirt and looked up at the ceiling desperately trying to hold himself back from cumming.
"Son of a bitch get on the table." He growled, quickly lifting you up and placing you onto the table, ripping off your panties and sticking his penis into you. You gasped as he forced all his inches into you effortlessly instantly being lubed by your wet pussy. He took notice of how turned on you are by this "Yea you like this dont you my little cum dump? Only stupid sluts enjoys this shit."
He threw your ankles over his shoulders and started to deeply , roughly and aggressively force himself in and out of you, grasping onto your hips and letting out loud deep moans.
The loud claps of his hips thrusting onto you and your thighs filled the cold sex-ified room.
His dick felt absolutely marvelous in you, he made sure to angle himself perfectly thrusting, working at your g-spot and showing it some love.
You held onto his strong forearm to brace yourself for the powerful and compelling orgasm ahead, you looked up at him and moaned, "Im sorry daddy~"
He loved how you moaned and creamed all over his cock, reminding him who has the authority here.
"Who owns you?" He grabbed onto your neck and looked down at you " You do." You cried as you could feel his dick in your womb, "Thats right." He pulled out and opened your legs wide open, beginning to eat you out.
Your legs shivered as he gently sucked onto your clit and softly rubbed it , then stuck his cock back into you. That was your breaking point , you released yourself all over his thick cock letting all of the pleasure override you, causing you to tighten.
He grunted, beginning to dig his nails into your hips bound to leave a mark. Seconds later you felt his warm cum rush into you, Jordan threw his head back and rolled his eyes letting out a deep and sexy "Oh fuck!"
You were happy and proud about how you once again pleased your master , "You better worship that load whore. Now eat up and clean yourself up. Ill be back in an hour." He pulled up his pants and exited the room.
You finally enjoyed your pizza.
MIGHT edit this one later but yay the hoe finally got ha pizza
More requests and scenarios please!🤞🏾😍
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hornsbeforehalos · 5 years
Waste Love: Part Seventeen
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Pairing: Colson Baker|Machine Gun Kelly x OFC Warnings: Language, Alcohol and Drug Use, Smut, Violence, Angst, Fluff A/N: Sorry this took forever! Thank you for everyone who still reads this little adventure of mine. Smut warning for this chaptre as a gift for your patience :) this is barely edited, so please forgive any mishaps you see. 
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Tiffany groaned, her head pounding in rhythm with her heart beat as her eyes fluttered open. She clutched her skull between her palms as she winced, rolling over to her side to see Colson’s peaceful face beside her, the man still dead to the world. She looked around the room, noting that she was not in her parent’s house like she’d expected, but instead what was obviously a hotel room. Liquor and beer bottles littered the space, the smell of spilled liquids making her stomach turn as she forced herself to sit up. 
“The fuck happened?” She murmured to herself, running a hand through her tangled mess of hair with another wince before standing and making her way to the bathroom. 
After using the restroom and swallowing a packet of Advil found on the counter, Tiffany returned to the room to sit on the edge of the bed. She was trying to piece together the previous evening when she heard Colson groan behind her, her head turning to see him rubbing both of his hands over his face as he tried to wake himself up. 
“Come lay down, Tiff,” He croaked, his voice tired and hoarse from sleep as he rolled over to his side and nuzzled back down into the pillow, his eyes closing again. 
“Where the fuck are we?” Tiffany rasped, her brows furrowing was she took in the state of the room they occupied. Besides the bottles everywhere, there were numerous champagne glasses adorning the coffee table beside the small couch, as well as what appeared to be rose petals scattered throughout the spaces. 
A deep sigh came from behind her, Colson’s lids opening again as she turned her head to look at him. He chuckled slightly before shaking his head, looking up to the ceiling as he scrubbed his face again with a grunt of frustration. “You don’t remember shit, do you?” 
Tiffany whimpered at the expression displayed across his face, the smug grin concerning her greatly. 
Colson raised himself up and wrapped a lanky arm around her torso, pulling her backwards and forcing her to lay down beside him. He propped himself up on his elbow as he hovered over her, beaming smile breaking across his lips as he looked down at her. 
“Colson…” she warned, her brow furrowing as her jaw ticked, “where are we?”
“Okay, so, it was your idea,” He started, dimples pressing hard against his cheeks as he tried to contain an onslaught of laughter. A giggle bubbles out of him at her obvious annoyance, the man sucking in a composing breathe before finishing with, “We’re in Vegas.”
“Vegas.” Tiffany repeated, surprisingly calm as her eyes roamed from Colson’s blue gaze to the ceiling, the word resounding in her head as she mulled over what that meant. 
“Vegas.” Colson confirmed, watching her expression intently as he waited for the pieces to click together. 
Still not understanding, Tiffany’s gaze returned to him as she waited for further explanation. 
Rolling his eyes, Colson pulled his left hand out from under the blanket, the simple platinum band adorning his finger glinting in the sunlight shooting through a spot in the curtain. Tiffany’s eyes instantly widened in horror, her fingers snapping out to grab his hand and bring it closer to her face for further inspection. 
“No!” She gasped, her wide eyes shifting quickly between Colson’s hand and his face. A chuckle breathed passed his lips as he watched her face go through a range of expressions in an incredibly short period of time before her eyes finally settled on the pretty ring adorning her own finger, “No!”
“Yup.” Colson simply replied, popping the p for dramatics as a bright smile took over his face again, his teeth showing in that famous signature smile of his. 
Leaping from the bed, Tiffany let out a huff of disbelief before gripping the roots of her hair between her fingers with a growl.
“You… you… you fuckin’ tricked me! What did you do?” She screeched, crawling back over the bed to him and hammering her fist into his chest as he laughed at her, “This isnt fucking funny, Colson!”
A sudden pounding at the door distracted Tiffany from her assault, the sound of her brothers laughter filtering through the barrier. Tiffany pointed a sharp fingernail in his direction before snarling, “I’m going to fucking stab you.”
Tiffany lurched the door open to meet her brother’s smiling face, the sight instantly pissing her off more as she pulled him into the room by the front of his shirt. Slamming the door forcefully, she rounded on him and spat, “This isn’t fucking funny.”
“I find it hilarious you don’t find it funny when it was your idea.” Rook replied smugly, crossing his arms in front of his chest as he looked to Colson still laying in the bed, “what was it that she said?”
“’Oh, Kels, please, please, let’s just go do it tonight!’” Colson replied in a mocking, high pitched voice, instantly covering his face with the blanket to dodge a pillow being thrown by her. 
“Wha- What was it? Oh yeah, ‘I wanna be Misses Machine Gun Kelly!’” Rook added, snickering while dodging his own assault from his sister. 
“Fuck you both! Assholes!” She spat, stomping her feet, “I can’t believe this shit!”
“Check your instagram, dude. You snapchatted the entire thing.” JP chortled, tossing her phone towards her. She instantly snatched it up and went through her notifications, a guttural growl leaving her chest before she chunked the phone into the wall. 
“Leave, Johnny.” She hissed lowly, her eyes shooting venomous daggers into her brothers skin. JP saw the seriousness in his sisters face and nodded his head submissively before making his way to the door. 
Tiffany double checked the lock after it was shut before crumpling against the wood and sinking to the floor. A sob ripped its way out of her throat unexpectedly, and she couldn’t stop herself from picking up the nearest empty bottle beside her and hurling it at the wall in the same place her phone landed. The glass exploded easily against the dry wall as another gasp croaked out of Tiffany’s choking body. 
Colson was in front of her suddenly, “Babygirl.”
“This...isn’t…how…” Tiffany bawled, her breath hiccuping as she fought against the words, “I didn’t… not like this.”
“Baby, its okay. Calm down.” Colson tried, guilt filling him as he held his wife’s face between his hands. He knew she’d be pissed but didn’t expect this. “We can get an annulment if you want. We can...”
“Wha-What?” Tiffany stuttered, confusion embracing her features. “That’s not…”
Tiffany pushed Colson's hands away, shaking her head in contest as she tried to catch her breath, “That’s not why…”
“What then, Tiff?” Colson tried, wincing as tears began to choke him, “I’m sorry...I…”
“I don’t remember any of it.” Tiffany finally got out, her lip poking out in a pout as fresh tears streamed down her cheeks, “I married you and I don’t even remember my own wedding…”
“Oh, babe…” Colson signed, relief rampaging through him as he realized what she meant. He couldn’t help the small laugh that bubbles out as he wrapped his arms around her and said, ”We can do it again if you want. A real one, without your brother being the flower girl.”
“Casie is supposed to be the flower girl!” Tiffany sobbed again, gripping Colson’s arms and burying her face into his chest. He held her while she cried, his fingertips trailing over her arms as he shushed her. 
“Baby, come on. It’s okay. I’m sorry, alright?”
“I don’t even remember my own wedding night!” She huffed, pulling away from him to wipe her eyes, “What the fuck?”
“Would you like a replay?” Colson grinned, cupping her jaw with his hands before pulling her into a kiss. Tiffany couldn’t help but grin into his lips, wrapping her arms around his neck as he parted her mouth with his tongue. 
Colson pulled her from the floor and led her back to bed, pulling her clothes off of her as he went. His own boxers were quickly she’d as he covered her body with his lean frame, the muscles in his arms rolling as he held himself above her.
“You’re my wife, you know that?” Colson rasped, his husky voice sending shivers down her spine as she rolled her hips up into him, his heavy cock slipping through the wetness that had gathered at his words. 
“Mmm, I like that.” She cooed, smiling up at him as her hands ran down his back, “Misses Baker.” 
“Mmm,” he grinned, lips finding her neck and leaving bite marks in their wake as he trailed them down her collar bone, “Misses Baker.” 
Colson continued a path with his mouth, lavishing her breasts and stomach with wet, hot kisses and licks before settling between her thighs. 
“Pretty little pussy,” he whispered as he peeled her lips back with his index finger and thumb while his other hand massaged her thigh, “God damn.”
Stars erupted quickly behind her eyelids at the feeling of his tongue pressing against her clit, a loud, wanton moan projecting out of her. Her chest heaved as she came instantly, new wetness flooding Colson’s mouth and running down his scruffy chin. 
“Mmm,” he moaned at the taste of her, continuing his work as he held her hips firmly to the mattress while she writhed against his face. 
“Cols,” Tiffany whimpered, her body vibrating as she let another orgasm take over her. Her legs clamped down over Colsons shoulders as her fingers tangled in his hair, her nails scratching into his scalp and earning her a groan from the man devouring her. “Please.”
“What do you need, wife?” Colson asked when he finally pulled away from her, an innocently wicked glint shining in the blue orbs looking up at her, “You need Daddy’s cock?” 
Another whimper was the only response Tiffany could manage as she reeled him up her body by his hair, attaching her mouth to his and instantly moaning at the taste of herself on his lips. Colson pulled away again before hoisting her legs up around his waist, his cock gripped firmly in one hand while the other spread her glistening lips apart once more. He rubbed the leaking head of his dick against her clit, his teeth biting into his bottom lip as he teased not only her, but himself as well. His eyes roamed her lithe frame and he almost choked, not believing that the woman beneath him was finally his wife. 
“Stop teasing,” Tiffany whined, her own plump bottom lip caught between her teeth as she pinched her nipples and undulated again, “I wanna fuck my husband.”
Growling at her words, Colson pushed against her entrance, her pliable body accepting him easily, as if he belonged there. Which he did. 
“Fuck, Tiff,” Colson grunted, his voice shaky. His skin instantly tingled with the feeling of natural ecstasy rolling through him and his fingertips bit into the flesh of her thigh as he steeled himself, “Pussy too damn good.”
“Daddy, please.” She mewled desperately, rolling her hips with a moan, “I need you.”
“Fuck, babe. I’m tryna not cum here.” Colson huffed, shaking his head as he smirked at her, his cock pulsing against her tight walls, “Gimme a minute.”
Tiffany whimpered again in frustration before snaking her hand between their bodies, her fingers finding her clit and working it expertly, “Colson.”
The feeling of him stretching her open was all Tiffany really needed the moment her finger tip touched the swollen bundle of nerves. She constricted around him while she came, ripping a deep, low growl from Colson as he watched her fall apart around him. 
“Shit,” Colson breathed, not able to hold himself back any more as he leaned forward, folding her in half essentially, before pounding his hips into hers roughly. 
“Fuck, yes!” Tiffany cried, her vision blurred as he split her open, “so good!”
“Yeah? Daddy feel good?” He grunted while snapping his hips again, his cock dragging through her the way she loved, “You love it?”
“Ye-ye-yesss…” She keened in reply, her back arching and nipples rubbing against his chest, “please- don’t- stop!” 
“You gon’ cum again for me, wife? Gonna cum for your husband?” He breathed, cerulean irises boring into her face, “Come on, baby, I feel you.”
As if on command, the coil burst again and Tiffany clamped down around him, her fingernails digging into his shoulders and drawing blood. Colson growler at the pain and lifted himself off of her, earning a frustrated noise from his wife before he flipped her to her stomach.
“You're gonna need this” Colson said as he shoved a pillow into her face, “hang on tight, babe.”
Tiffany was thankful for the pillow as she used it to muffle her screams that soon followed, Colson’s cock hitting a deepness inside of her that made the world seem to stand still. She could tell he was close when his strokes became longer, impossibly deeper, and his grunts became louder. She moved the pillow away from her face and gasped for breath, turning her head to watch him from over her shoulder.
“Come for me, baby.” She moaned, eyes rolling back into her head, “please Daddy.”
“Yeah? Where you want my nut?” He huffed,grinding his hips into hers, “Wanna feel me? Or can Daddy come on your face?” 
“Mhmmm,” Tiffany answered, adjusting her knees so she could buck back into him, “Gimme.” 
“Fuck yeah,” Colson gasped, leaning forward to grip her purple tangles, “Come here, lil’ whore.” 
He pulled out of her and fisted himself with his free hand, tugging her off the bed and standing while she kneeled before him. He stared down at her with his mouth slightly agape as he stroked himself, struggling to keep his eyes open at the sight of her licking her lips and parting them, waiting for her prize.
“Holy fuck,” he finally spat, his body tensing as a long stream of cum painted her face, more splattering all over her lips and neck and chest as he erupted. He gasped and yelped when she wrapped her lips around the head, sucking the remains out of him as she looked up at him with wide, watery eyes. 
The slight of her with his cock in her mouth and cum covering her face had another orgasm rolling through him before he even knew what was happening. He collapsed onto his knees in front of her, his chest heaving as the aftershocks rolled through him.
“Holy fuck,” Colson repeated, his voice still shaky, “That was…holy fuck.”
“Mmhmm.” She replied, wiping her face off with a discarded shirt laying nearby.
“God damn I’m glad I married you.” Colson huffed, wrapping a hand around the back of her neck and pulling her in for a kiss.
“Hope you’re not too tired, husband.” Tiffany purred once they separated, a devious sparkle in her hazel eyes as she licked her lips, “it is our honeymoon, you know.”
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Tags:  @cobainscocaiine​ @coffee-obsessed-writer​ @through-thesilver-lining​ @daryldixonandfrogs​ @buckyscrystalqueen​ @mgkobsessed​ @iamdorka​ @creatureofthen1ght-v3​ @xxencagedxx​ @xxkellsvixen19xx​  @mrsambroserollinsacklesmgk​ @bvibunny138​ @crystalbaby12​ @abbysdogcollar​ @sparxx27​
*credit for the bomb ass banner is to best friend @coffee-obsessed-writer
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enchantingexile · 5 years
It’s a prank! - c.b
Pairing: Colby Brock x Reader
Request: Nope, I just thought of this when I was watching Colbys cheating prank
Warning! There is blood in this even if it is fake, and swearing
Note: I never read through or edit my posts because my attention span is shit, so good luck. Also for someone whose biggest fear is being cheated on, he did a lot of pranks with cheating in them 🤷🏼‍♀️
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“Corey!!” You yell out through the traphouse in hopes of getting the boys attention.
“What?!” He yells back at you from downstairs.
“Can you come here please!”
“No! You come here”
“You come here, please!”
You heard Colby tell him to stop being annoying and just go up to you and so he did, but not without a loud groan and dramatic stomping up the stairs.
“What do you want?” He asks, annoyed to say the least.
“Oh nothing” you joke but he isnt happy about it and turns around to leave “no wait! I needed to talk to you” he turns around to you again.
“Talk then, damn y/n” he laughs and genstures for you to continue.
“Colby and Devyn are going to be playing a prank on you later and I want to play a prank back on them while they are doing it”
“Okay, I’m listening” he smiles mischeviously at you, finally being able to exact his revenge on them without getting blame for it.
You tell him the plan and when its going to happen and he walks out of the house and tells everyone he is going to the gym. Youse both knew that Colby and Devyn will be pulling the prank when he gets back so now all you had to do was wait.
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You sit in Colby’s room waiting for Corey to get back
“Is this a prank?” He continues to ask and as soon as you hear him say the words you walk in and go straight up to him. Grabbing onto Corey’s shoulders to let him know you’re there now, Colby had been dragged onto the floor from Corey.
“Corey stop! Calm down” You yell, trying to get his attention. “What is going on?!”
“Get out of here, y/n” He says and pushes you backwards making you stumble over your feet and hit the bottom of the bedframe, you let out a yelp followed closely by a sob.
“Corey! What the fuck did you just do!” You can hear Colby yelling as you begin to stand up, blood dripping from your eye. “Oh my god y/n. You’re bleeding! What do we do?” Colby gets up off the floor and rushes to you frantically looking around for some help from someone. His face is paniced as he looks around for any sign of what to do, he has never been in this situation before.
“Oh my god, Corey! What have you done?” You now hear Devyn getting nervous as she sees the blood rushing from your eye and down your face.
“I don’t know, I didn’t think I pushed her that hard” Corey says nonchalantly as he tries to keep his composure.
“Corey! We have to get her to a hospital! What are you doing” You are lightheaded and begin to sway back a forth as you are trying to keep your balance but you couldn’t help but fall over onto the floor.
“You guys aren’t coming! You think I’ll just forget about youse cheating just because someone gets hurt?” Corey says as he lifts you off the floor and begins to walk you out.
“You can’t fucking tell me not to come with you Corey! Thats MY girlfriend you have in your arms there.” He says annoyed “It was a fucking prank! As if Devyn would ever cheat on you!” Colby continues as he pushes Corey away and pulls you into him.
“You’re right it was a prank bitch!” Corey says back and youse both laugh as you wipe the fake blood off your face with your hand and smear it on Colby’s face.
“Are you kidding me? I just about had a fucking heartattack” He sits down on the floor and puts his head in his hands trying to figure out what the hell just happened as Devyn is still in shock on the bed as she watches all of this unfold.
“Hope you got all the on camera babe or else this was useless” You say as you begin walking to where the camera is placed, leaning down and making a face to it before laughing and bringing it over to the guys.
“Gotcha good didn’t I, Brock?” You smile innocently at him as you point the camera in his direction. “Two pranks for the price of one, but Corey already knew about your prank if you didn’t already know”
“Damn, my prank didn’t even work”
“Team Corey!” He says excitedly to the camera.
“Hey! Im the one who came up with the prank its team y/n, but I’m not doing anymore pranks from here on out” You smile at the camera and laugh as Colby is still on the floor, you walk over and extend a hand for him to take as a peace offering.
“I can’t believe I got bested by my own girlfriend” He laughs and stands up taking your hand in his as he pulls you closer to him.
“No more pranking, I promise” You say and give him a kiss quickly before turning the camera to face you. “Thanks for watching guys but I’m gonna hand it back over to Colby again” As you say that you give the camera to Colby and leave heading straight to Colby’s room to wait for him until he has wrapped up the video.
Minutes later he walks into the room with his camera and laptop ready to edit the masterpiece you had just created for him.
“You better not make me look bad in that” You tell him as he sits down beside you, reaching his arm over your shoulder and pulling you into him. He kisses you on the top of your head before speaking.
“Even if I tried, I couldn’t make you look bad” You smile into his chest before littering his whole body with kisses leading up to his lips.
“You look gorgeous, even with my fake blood on your face” You wipe most of it off him before heading to the shower to clean yours off. “You coming?”
“You know it” He laughs and makes his way to you.
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If you like it, a comment is always appreciated :)
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some-spooky-stuff · 5 years
I finally caught up with the Saw franchise. Yay
Here are some thoughts on that, as well as my favorite trap from each movie, and my rating. How I choose to rate the franchise: LIVE or DIE. _____________________
Saw: When I first watched this years ago, it was not the first Saw movie I had seen. My first Saw movie was Saw II because it was on TV and I just ended up seeing it. So when I was younger I went to Saw 1 and was bored. Now as an adult I sat down and watched it and boy is it GOOD. its damn good. Weird editing which has aged but its easy to forgive. The weird “panic” film editing scenes werent needed but now it just feels normal to the franchise. i like at the end when the two main victims realize the game isnt just an isolated incident involving the two of them but more complex involving more people with their stories colliding. Amanda in the reverse bear trap was pretty iconic though... 
FAVORITE GAME: Reverse Bear Trap
LIVE OR DIE: LIVE ________________
Saw II: traps felt like minigames. Dat needle pit tho. The recap scenes get old real quick. I get it. I put the puzzle together. Amanda returns, doing pretty well. This was my first introduction to Saw so Im fond of this movie. Reminds me of the old days when the syfy channel was once “scifi” and had scary movies on a lot. John is awesome in this movie. I love the scene where he asks for a glass of water. Also memorable traps
FAVORITE GAME: tie between The Needle Pit and The Razor Box
LIVE or DIE: LIVE _______________
Saw III: the traps were secondary to the plot. Why. But the traps were way more interesting and complex machines. Amanda gets annoying. I dont really like her, shes just gasping with wide eyes in every scene. I like the traps in this one but I feel like this is where the series took a turn with the traps, instead of a player being IN their own trap, they now have to decide the fate of other people trapped because of the player. TBH I feel like this was bad for the series and made a huge impact on the rest of the movies. I remember when I was younger thinking the pig guts drowning scene was stupid and wacky, but now watching it again its pretty intense. I liked this movie and i liked the traps despite it setting up failure for the franchise. Also John dies WAY TOO SOON to allow a handful of movies to continue.
FAVORITE GAME: The Rack (Honorable mention to the Pig Vat)
LIVE or DIE: LIVE ______________
Saw IV: John Kramer dick and balls for the world to see. THANKS. Bad cg blood. Not sure where the budget went. Weird scene transitioning, weird over the top traps, to the point of being unbelievable. no one is going to build a head crushing machine with two massive slabs of ice, its way too big, too complicated, and too stupid. Every white guy in this movie looks the same, its hard to tell characters apart, i get lost with the timelines and story. 
FAVORITE GAME: The Knife Chair
LIVE or DIE: hmmmmm LIVE ______________
Saw V: boring, with stupid traps, and dusty gray characters. If people would stop screaming, they could easy make it out alive. Also the gore in this movie is just for gore. they didnt need it, and characters could have easily avoided it but its Saw so you gotta have the gore in there.. somewhere..
FAVORITE GAME: The Glass Coffin
LIVE or DIE: DIE PLEASE _____________
Saw VI: "RIGHT NOW YOU’RE FEELING HELPLESS"  ... Such a cool scene.. Okay this movie was much better than Saw 5. the traps are getting bigger which is dumb and the traps are killing everyone BUT the player which is dumb, but this movie is entertaining and its brutal. Also.. Amanda redemption? Maybe she’s not so annoying? Also why they keep editing Jill’s eyebags? Stop trying to make her young and sexy, let her age like a human god damn.
FAVORITE GAME: The Shotgun Carousel
LIVE or DIE: LIVE ______________
Saw VII the final chapter: pandering af. It felt like the writers were thinking “hmm what do our young dumb audience want to see get killed.. hmm.. cheaters?.. dumb sluts? racists? yeah thats good enough.” Dumb reasons. Dumb dumb. John would never, he has more thought into his players.. they pissed all over the character and made it just so dumb i offended on behalf of John Kramer, you all should be in a game and realize you suck balls.. This is all so against the entire purpose of Saw, also bad acting, stupid tropes, weird sound editing, every victim except one was a female just sitting there screaming and then dying so yeah. The only good thing about this movie is the ending, which ties in all the movies and has a nice victory lap for the fans. I really appreciate that. I sat through every movie, give me some fanservice. RIP Chester Bennington.
FAVORITE GAME: Reverse Bear Trap (yes, again. the only good trap in this movie)
LIVE of DIE: DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE _______________
Jigsaw: too humorous. But much better than saw 7. The filming felt more tight as well. An overall better movie even though the timeline if fucked. I mean its been fucked for a while so im not really mad. I expect no less. The traps felt odd. But still a fun time. This movie is lacking something in all the Saw movies idk what it is. There’s something about Jigsaw that is more sterile than the Saw franchise. I feel like the only thing dirty about Jigsaw is the blood. It felt clean. Also wHY does Saw have LASERS????
FAVORITE GAME: Backwards Shotgun (I cant find trap names on the fan wiki)
LIVE or DIE: ...LIVE __________________
What i like about the series: john kramer real OG. Traps are cool af (though they get wackier and wackier), the classic Saw theme music plays at the end with a 5 minute recap with weird editing followed by the signature “Game Over”. Hated it at first, but i took the stick out my ass and i enjoy it. 
What i dont like: every character who isnt John (after movie 1) is kind of empty and shouldnt be on screen as long as they are. John’s wife was so uncooperative the ENTIRE time she pissed me off. also for the love of god i cant keep up with the fucked up timeline and please get actors who dont look the same. _________________ No one’s above the SAW! LIVE OR DIE! Enjoy “The Jig is Up” by ICE NINE KILLS
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writeouttaluck · 5 years
A story about Racing, Police ignorance, and Love Ft. This Corny Ass Title.
((Wrote this over two days. little editing, lots of writing.))
The camera in my hand could hardly hold steady and I had a grin ear to ear on my face like a village idiot. From the passenger seat, I could see the excitement on Jessie’s face as she brought the car to a slow. It was 1:00 AM and she had somehow gone undefeated, back to back, in a series of drag races on the street. Five races, five wins, and a whole lot of promised money would probably make anybody grin ear to ear.
I turned the camera to her and without missing a beat, she turned and stuck her tongue out at me.
“Tell me, Jessie, How does it feel to win three grand without lifting a finger for work?” I asked in my best fake news anchor voice.
“Feels fucking good!” She shouted, slapping the steering wheel in joy.
I was caught on a laugh and it almost felt like that teeth chattering cold feeling running up my spine. Pure electricity. We were both having the time of our lives and I felt closer than ever to her.
“Woah, what the hell?” She murmured under her breath.
I must have held the camera on her longer than i thought because when i turned to look out the windshield, the crowd was dispersing fast. All the people that were once watching were now either running to cars, their friends with cars, or just plain running. They scattered like ants before us. I zoomed my camera in and followed two people as they ran and hopped a fence into someones backyard.
Thats when we both noticed the bright red and blue flashing lights up ahead. Fuck.
A portly man jogged through the crowd and towards our car, reaching to his hip. He stopped in our headlights and yelled something. To our suprise, he drew his gun and aimed at us through the windshield.
I looked to Jessie who seemed to be weighing her options. She stared at the cop infront of us and chewed her lip, a nervous tic i've noticed over the years. Illuminated by the flashing lights, she grew a small smile.
“Put on your seatbelt” she said quietly.
“Its already on” I replied.
She shifted the car into reverse and stuck her hand out of the window, raising her middle finger.
I didnt even have time to laugh at her tenacity before I was thrown forward in my seat. She had hit the gas so hard that we spun the tires going backwards. She turned around in her seat to look out the back window and I raised the camera out the windsheild. The cop knew that pointing his gun was useless since he had no real reason to use it. He wasnt about to kill us over a drag race.
He started talking into his radio and I laughed. I laughed hard. One hand on the steering wheel and one on the top of my seat, Jessie watched the road behind her as she drove backwards at high speeds. I watched her through my camcorder. Her eyes said determination but her lips said fun. I looked at her skinny form admirably. Her dyed hair fluttered in the wind and her silver lip piercing caught the dashboard light just right. Watching her in her element like this was stunning. She did it all with such a natural grace. Her motions sharp and accurate like a blade under flesh.
She dropped back into the drivers seat and wrapped her hand around the e-brake. With one hand grabbing the ‘oh shit’ handle above me and another on my camera, I braced myself.
She yanked the handle back and spun the steering wheel, throwing our momentum to the left. As the car spun, She grabbed the shifter and threw it into first. She dropped her foot into the gas pedal and the car caught traction. I sank back into my seat as we took off again. The engine roared in a fury, drowning out all noise around us. A light flashed on the dash and she hit the clutch, shifting again. The car lurched and went faster.
She was grinning wide as the blue lights became distant behind us. She shifted again and gained more speed. The houses, trees, sidewalks, all became a blur as we blasted through the neighborhood.
All of a sudden a police car with the blues on pulled out infront of us and stopped, blocking the intersection ahead. Jessie laid the gas into the floor and shifted again. I looked over at her like she was crazy. She smiled and concentrated on the car ahead. We must have been going at least 80 at this point.
The car was getting closer when all of a sudden i felt our momentum swing again. Jessie had pulled the e-brake again and hit the gas, sending us swinging around to face where we came. I could smell the burning rubber around us. The smell got worse as Jessie put the car in first again and slammed the gas, taking off in the opposite direction of the cop car.
I looked behind us to watch as the cop car turned to follow. Of course, considering how Jessie was driving, I wasnt sure If it would be able to keep up. The car lurched as Jessie shifted. The mustang revved hard and kept pace, sending us down the street.
Two more cop cars showed up in the distance. I could see their blues before i could see their headlights. They were headed straight for us, side by side. No way around them.
I watched Jessie analyze it all. She was quick like this. She knew the curb was too high to climb without popping any tires. She also knew that these dumb ass cops werent backing down.
One cop car behind us, two infront of us.
She took her chances with the one behind us.
She slammed on the brakes, coming to a skidding stop in the middle of the street. The cop behind us, who had been picking up too much speed, had no choice but to either crash into us or swerve around us.
The cop car swung itself around our vehical and came a stop in the center of the intersection. This also blocked off the two cop cars ahead. Jessie threw the car in reverse once more and hit the gas, sending us backwards. She looked behind her for an opening and as soon as she found herself in a spot with no cars parked on the side of the road, she swung the mustang around again and put it in first, launching off for the final time tonight.
We peeled out and we were gone.
The street lights strobed through the windshield as the mustang flew down the street. Tunes poured from the radio and filled the car with good vibes. Every so often the car would lurch as Jessie shifted, but otherwise it was smooth sailing. Cops were long gone, probably trying to pull the fingers out of their ass so they could keep harassing people like us.
“Fuck the po” Jessie stated, turning down the radio a bit.
“They really are fucking worthless around here” I replied in earnest.
“You think theyre still stuck in that intersection trying to figure out how to get around one another?”
I laughed a bit at that.
“Probably” I said.
It was quiet for a bit with no other sounds save for the engine and the semi quiet radio. I stole glances at her from the passenger seat and I could tell she was thinking kinda hard about something. It made me wonder what the next step in the night would be.
“Tonight has been fun” she started, “but it kinda sucks that im gonna have to have my car painted again”
“Why is that again?” I asked
“Well, I cant exactly drive around freely in this thing when the police are on the look out for a red Ford Mustang. Kinda beats the point of running from the police”
“I get that...Still, you made a good chunk of change tonight. I imagine it wont run you too much to paint it, will it?”
“Nah” She replied, “but I dont know… I liked the red. I thought it looked nice…”
“Well I think you look better when youre not behind bars…” I said softly, almost wishing she didnt hear me at all.
“Yeah, its not exactly something I wanna see in the mirror every morning”
We sat in silence for another moment before i could scrape up the words to keep the conversation going.
“What color?” I asked.
“What color are you gonna paint it this time?”
The corner of her mouth twisted in contemplation.
“Well it was black, then that color got too hot...I liked red but this just isnt gonna do anymore…”
“How about pink?”
“Ew, no” she grimaced, “Talk about a big red flag saying ‘Im a female and i think its important above all that everyone should know that””
“I think thats a bit of a stereotype”
“Yeah? Well stereotypes exist for a reason.”
“Ok, ok, what about something fancy?”
“Well, ive seen a few cars do a sort of sunburst color. Im not sure how expensive it would be to get that, but i think it could look nice. Besides, you could still use the red on your car for either the top or bottom depending how you do it.”
“Hmm...ya know, thats not a bad idea….”
“I also think it would be cool if you made the center black. Like a zero sun or something”
“Im gonna have to have someone sketch something but… I think i dig the idea of it…”
Jessie pulled the car to a slow and turned into her driveway. Hitting the button she had strapped to the visor, the garage door slowly rose open. She drove the car inside and hit the button again, closing it behind her.
With that, she turned the car off and opened the door, getting out. I followed suit.
As I stood from the car, the first thing Jessie did was pop the hood and walk over to the mini fridge in her garage. She leaned over and opened the door, grabbing two beers from the rack before shutting it. She brought one over and put it in my hands before cracking her own and taking a sip.
She sighed deep and walked over to her tool box, grabbing her socket wrench and bits, before standing over the engine bay.
“Timing is always a bit off with this thing…” she muttered as she went under the hood.
I cracked the top of my own beer before sitting down in the office chair she had lying around. I took a hearty drink from the bottle as I was quite parched. Moving fast and dodging cops really worked up a thirst, even though i was only filming it.
I watched Jessie tinker with the motor again. I don't think she will ever be satisfied with it even though it does the job just fine. Thats one part of her that really gets me. She loves her car a lot, Almost too much. She loves it to the point where I sometimes wonder if she really can really love another person beyond a one night stand. I can almost understand such a fondness for something inanimate, I mean, I love my camera to death and I use it almost as much as Jessie drives her car, but it almost makes me feel... Jealous. And even thinking that makes me cringe a bit. The idea that I would be jealous over the way someone treats an inaminate object over me is just silly. But god damn it if sometimes i dont get frustrated.
Ive had a crush on Jessie for nearly 2 years. She means the world to me and im not sure if she even knows that. I spend most of my free time with her. Ive loaned her cash many times either to put into her car or on tools. I mean she always pays me back and thats fine, but i just wish that I could say the thing that I wanna say without coming off as some weirdo. I dont even think she sees me in that way and it hurts.
It hurts really fucking bad.
I take another long drink from the bottle until its empty. I place the empty bottle on her work bench and grab another from the fridge, quickly popping the cap off.
Its not even her fault. Its not her fault at all. Its my fault for always being such a chickenshit anytime the moment arises. She even teases me about getting a girlfriend so she can steal her. (She is bi, but i dont think she would actually do that to me. Jessie is a good friend and if anything, she would probably act as my wingman. Shes cool like that.) It really blows that she pretty much sees me as a brother...or a lamp.
I dont wanna be a fucking lamp.
I watch as she cranks away at some form of machinery under the hood. Youd think after all this time spent around her, talking about cars and racing, that i would learn a few things. And i cant tell you that youd be wrong. I. Am. A. Dumbass. When it comes to cars.
Ask me about film or editing or what-have-you and i can pull answers out of my ass all day long. But anything beyond a standard oil change? No idea.
I watched as she went to take a sip from her own beer only to find it empty.
“Hey nerd boy, wanna grab me another beer?”
And like the whipped dog i am, I got right up and grabbed her another bottle.
I set it down on the car just a tad harder then i intended and winced when she took notice. It did not damage the car or anything, but there was a notable change in mood.
She set a hand on my shoulder before i could go sit back in my pity corner.
“Is something wrong, dude?” The way she looked at me pierced me. I was stuck. And if i didnt say something soon i was gonna look like a weirdo.
I sorta shook my shoulder, the one her hand was on, a bit to see if she would remove it. She didnt.
“Its nothing, really. Im just thinking about something shitty that youtube did, thats all.” I spoke quietly before looking away.
Her hand stayed on my shoulder, firmy clamped. Not enough to feel pain, but enough to know she was squeezing it in consolement.
My lonely ass practically shivered at the touch. Ive been starved of human contact for far too long.
“Yeah, im not buying that. Look at me” she said firmly.
When i didnt move my head from the side, she set the tool in her hand down on the car and grabbed my jawline, moving my head to face her.
She stared at me in something mixed with concern and...i guess something like motherly instinct?
“Why dont you tell me whats really going on? I know you too well to know that something small would bug you this much.”
I decided that I could probably get away with a half lie. Probably.
“I uh… Ive been having trouble with this girl…” I started sounding more unsure than id hoped. Motherfucker…
Her eyes lit up for a second. Shock? Suprise? Yeah I wouldnt believe me either.
“You actually found a girlfriend?” She asked quickly, somewhere between suprise and excitement.
“Well, I uh...No… Its more like I have a...crush…on this girl.” I spoke slowly trying to keep my tone even.
She then let go of me and speed walked over to grab both of the wheelie chairs and set them so they faced each other. All in one motion, she made sure we both had bottles in our hands and we were sitting down facing each other.
“So…” She started, “Tell me about this girl…”
I sat and thought about the most vauge things I could bring up so that I could wiggle out of this.
“Well, uh, shes got shorter hair. Not quite short, but about shoulder length. She has these beautiful eyes. Amazing, stunning, eyes…. Shes uh, a bit on the shorter side but i think thats adorable, really…”
“She sounds cute!” Jessie started, bouncing her legs in place excitedly. “Whats she like?”
“What do you mean?”
I knew what she mean.
“Ya know… like her personality or whatever…”
“Oh, yeah” i said rubbing the back of my neck nervously, “She uh...Shes real tom boyish, likes to play rough and have fun on the wild side of things...She also isnt afraid of anyone or anything and could probably take down people twice her size anyday of the week...She also has a really cool music taste...Shes one in a million, really”
I saw something flash real quick in her eyes before switching back. Oh fuck. She knows…
“Well she sounds like someone special” She said taking a sip of beer, “Have you thought of how youre gonna tell her?”
My heart started pounding. It was pounding harder than it was when the police were on our ass less than an hour ago.
“See now, thats the frustrating part. Im always trying to figure out how im gonna tell her...but im afraid she will be put off by me…”
“And whys that?” Jessie asked me.
“Because...uh...because…” I stammered trying to think of something to say.
Her eyes shined brightly and bored into my own. She concentrated on me like I was the only thing visible to man. I could feel my palms start to sweat.
“Because….me and her...got really close over the past two years...and i dont think she shares the same feelings...thats why its frustrating.”
Jessie leaned back in her office chair and drank down the rest of her beer before continuing.
“I see…” she started, “And would this girl happen to own a red ford mustang that she enjoys racing with and using to run from the police when the occasion arises?”
I looked down at my feet and nodded my head yes.
I heard the glass of her bottle clinking against the concrete floor before she rolled her chair closer to mine. I felt her hand around my jaw line again. This time it was more of a caress than a grab. She slowly lifted my chin up to meet her and my first expectation was to get laughed at for my burning red cheeks.
Once we were both staring at each other, I saw her move in closer to my face.
Her eyes drifted shut and before i knew it, her lips were against mine. It was a light kiss with hardly any movement. Timid and testing, like a deer investigating something new in the wild. I felt her head tilt more to the side and i did the same in the opposite direction.
I….I didnt really know how to feel. I was overwhelmed, trying too hard to read the situation at hand. My brain was going so fast i felt like my head was gonna explode.
And before i realized how amazing this moment truly was, she broke away from the kiss.
To my suprise, her breath was actually a bit laboured. And she stared at me with a big smile on her face.
“Ive been waiting....two long years for that, nerd boy.” she whispered so softly.
This time, I grabbed her chair and pulled her too me as I met her with my lips again. Our faces came together and this time it was all a lot messier. She moved her lips against mine, roughly, hungrilly even. I tried to mirror what she did but to be honest, my experience with kissing was minimal. Then I felt something poke between my lips and at my teeth.
I opened my mouth a bit more to accept her tongue. I could feel her reach behind my head and grab on, shoving us closer together. I ran my hands up her back, watching not to cross any boundies.
It was like a dance, really. She lead and i followed. And what a dance it was.
We broke apart for air and stared at each other. My hands had rested at her hips and she had a hand on each shoulder. We were both just about hanging off the edge of our chairs.
Out of breath she spoke quietly.
I nodded frantically, like my life depended on it.
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kosmicdream · 7 years
Flight or Fight Drawing mode
for me, i think there’s always this restless feeling that comes when working on comics. That feeling that time is running out or not being utilized to its fullest degree. You are aware of how much more there is to go in your story and can calculate the progression of your journey, but only the present. As you keep going on your story, the circumstances change, and it is always this fluid process you cannot fully accommodate and plan for.
I know in the few years since I started drawing FFAK my expectation for myself and my work has changed tremendously. Its something i reflect on a lot, since i forget how not too long ago, I felt like i was somewhat incapable of producing a comic because of the way i enjoy to write and explore stories. I still think fundamentally, FFAK reflects that raw unedited version of my writing and creative skills in a unique way that I doubt will be replicated again (in the same manner) even as i explore and work on other stories. FFAK just carries this certain kind of momentum of forwards and backwards both at once. You stretch all over the place and peek through small doors to go in strange places. Growth is difficult to gauge because of the way time is handled in the story. Goal points seem endless and bleed together from my perspective. There’s always so much more to go and so much planned that when you make accomplishments they feel sort of like a bunch of tiny small steps in many different directions. And honestly, No one is more impatient than i when it comes to waiting to share this story than me. I am always biting my nails and wanting to get it out faster SOMEHOW even though I work on it constantly as it is. FFAK is no longer just.. a random comic idea i started on a whim that I felt i would only dip my toes in and never actually attempt making. and now it really has consumed my mind like a wildfire. it is also my fireplace and my home in my heart and my peace. I don’t even think I could ever fully be prepared for and handle such a thing but I am glad to have it in my life. But as the haze.. shock? of starting this project starts to fade i find myself fully committed and trying to evaluate the steps and process i take for this comic as a whole. I think its interesting how 2ish years of planning basically gives me enough time to know what sort of story I’m doing. But I am in no eager rush to finish it because my excitement for it only grows and feels more satisfying the more i write and plan. Part of me gets upset I don’t blast pages out the “same” way anymore, even though i appreciate the exploration of ‘putting more effort’ into my drawings. Instead of drawing thru 20 pages a night I’m polishing like, 2.. or 4 a work night. Its kind of annoying!! because I’m not really one for polish and editing (or maybe I just never believed myself capable of doing it in a way i liked? lol) but.. it just feels like the right thing to do right now. it feels almost impossible to ‘rewind’ myself or go back to like, thinking things in a different way than what i try to do now. by attempting more things visually it kind of makes some things easier too. im often pretty surprised like “hey alright that came out ok. i guess i can push myself a little bit more next time to make it look better!!” I think about my early eggshells pages a lot and how i labored over like.. 15 pages over an entire year and felt miserable and in the end, often over rendered + lost clarity and energy and now i just get what i was doing ‘wrong’ to make it not fun for myself. Like, even when i was offered advice at the time I wasnt so welcome to it nor did i understand it, its like I had to suffer a bit before I was able to understand what I needed to do with myself lol. The lesson feels much more impactful after discovering it for myself too on my own pace imo. SO i am thankful for how that turned out! Then i broke down my art to its most base level (earliest ffak pages) and i’ve just been rebuilding myself back up since then and now I’m attempting things I didn’t even think I’d be able to do -- or be interested in. (like color, for example, has never been something I was too interested including with my comics but like.. blammo here i am doing it anyway now.) anyway. its really cool, this art journey thing. i kinda wonder how long ill coast on this certain part of it before i like, end up doing an unexpected detour again. Maybe I won’t..? i dont know!! FFAK is so raw and alive it makes me happy i get to make it and do whatever i want in it. I always wanted to make a comic that I could contribute to on a day to day basis rather than something you just make so you can get it done asap and move onto the next thing. When ffak does eventually finish I wonder if it will be really hard on me. I look forward to its ending because its really neat but it is not a world I want to let go of so quickly. Even tho i have several other stories I’d like to do.. (and have started a couple already LMAO) I think about that expectation with ending stories a lot and completing projects. Most of my very favorite comics have yet to end despite going on for decades.. and when i think about that too, it almost feels very strange. Readers generally want closure to reflect on their experiences reading something so endings are that important ‘release’ from that fake world and  time you participated in it. But when i ask myself what I want to do for endings to my story, i try to contemplate  my favorite endings to stories ive read/watched/experienced to figure out what i want to do with my own. Since.. its my story and my satisfaction with it is really going to be reflective of what I like. Everyone interpretes ‘good’ endings differently and like, clings into diff parts of what makes a satisfying story so its important to isolate what elements you find are important to try to replicate that in your own work. But like.. its hard to see what kind of ending you’re going to make before you make it???? And making the story is a difficult thing to let go of vrs just being funneled all the stuff. Maybe my ‘ffak reader’ half of me will be satisfied but will my ‘ffak creator’ side be happy? Will i feel fufilled on both parts? I mean an experience is going to just be an experience.. i cannot manufacture or control it to be anything than what it will be so to think about it too much is probably only going to go in circles. It certainly has changed me a lot as a person and an artist. WHich is disorienting b/c im also introducing my work to everyone while not also knowing myself completely. (not that is ever fully achievable but, its been something i get forced to confront a lot.) When I work on this project I fight so many demons of my own life, chase ghosts of my heros that i feel are so beyond my ability, and stare down the illusion of my own reflection of what kind of artist i want to be every time i draw a new page.. I’m never going to really be that reflection, and my heros will always be my heros and they’ll always do things I cannot, but I wonder what kind of creator I look like from the outside?? from a person who isnt me. I cannot experience myself as a ‘reader’ but I try to pretend I am seeing myself as one. And the most exciting thing about myself, from that outside perspective, is that I am not sure what I will attempt next or what strange journey i will write about. I am happy that despite every difficult thing I have been through, I am still excited and having fun with my art like I have only just first attempted to draw. Soon FFAK will be three years old and (likely) 4000 pages by then.. I still havent gotten to write and draw out things I planned the very first day, but now I know roughly how the story will end (without actually getting to draw it yet, of course.) And i’m just anticipating the future while knowing  that...i have no idea what it will bring!!! O_O (one thing is for certain i hope to fuck my house doesnt burn down again because, istg, that fucking SUCKED!!!!!!!!) Wooh.. well. i just felt like sharing some thoughts since i just got done re-reading some of ffak and feel a bit overwhelmed with emotion.. Thank you all for sticking around and experiencing this comic with me..! :’3 -kosmic
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numbuh101 · 7 years
black cards
Bandai are hoping you will spend 100's of dollars on their newest merchandise, _.   The real reason why people hate anything past Tamers is_   The 02 kids are missing because_   What came pouring out of the sky at summer camp, 1999?_   The best thing ever produced by Toei is _.   The worst thing ever produced by Toei is _.   I'm going to shove __ up my ass.   What's the newest menace unleashed from Digiquartz?_   The newest fetish surrounding digimon porn artists consists of __.   What digisee, digihear, digiknow was coming?_   A new chosen child appears, what's their crest?_   My body _ but my heart _   Why can't Hackmon have any Gatchmonaka?_   What's under Angemon's mask?_   Who can count backwards from ten?_   My Applidriver asked me if I'm a _   _mon   Presenting _, the rejected fifth Dark Master.   I hate that _ got edited in the dub.   What’s my crest?_   KNIFE OF _   It turns out that Akiyoshi Hongo is actually _.   What’s in the secret porn folder on Koushiro’s laptop?_   I’m not comfortable with this new Jogress between _ and _.   What’s the biggest deterrent to hitchhiking?_   Digimon, Digital Monsters, Digimon are _.   Speaking of _, I dont see Agumon with you.   What caused Leomons death this time?_
white cards
The censorship of citramon   Bad animation.   The dark ocean.   Pronouncing Ichijouji as "Ichijooji".   Pokemon vs. Digimon wars.   The world being destroyed but keeping its railway lines completely intact.   Bonding with someone by beating the shit out of them.   Fucking up your digimon so badly that it becomes an eldritch skeletal mess.   Punching God.   Kokomon's tone-deafness.   Jintrix card art.   Bara digimon.   Gaomon driving a boat with boxing gloves.   Terriermon dressed up as a human baby.   Terriermon's jokes.   The power of friendship.   The art on the DVD/VHS cover for Digimon: The Movie.   Renamon's GEM figure tiddies.   Koromon shitting on absolutely everything.   Marcus' hot dad   another fucking royal knights plot   crest of swag   Winning with the power of love, friendship, and all those other crests   a sea of kuramon   spending an entire weeks paycheck on a GEM figure   Coachmon losing his CGI.   Beelzemons brooklyn accent   Humanoid Digimon.   Seeing Andromon's naked flesh fully rendered in 3D.   Ship-baiting in tri.   The Digimon Frontier english opening.   Disney censoring Kouki's lip piercing.   Kurata willingly being vored by Belphemon.   Digimon AMVs.   Attacking during evolution.   The internet.   The animators taking the time to draw a dick on Takato while biomergeing.   Myotismon's aesthetics.   The soundtrack for Digimon: The Movie.   The stretched out syllables of "DIGI-ARMOUR ENERRRRRGIZE".   Angela Anaconda.   Suggestive art of Angewomon with 12,173 favourites on deviantART.   "Anything past season 3 was a mistake"   Fanart reposts.   Ridiculously priced merch imports.   Actually thinking Ophanimon is better than Magnadramon.   Guilmon bread.   Witnessing your father becoming god.   Kurata calling himself a digimon otaku.   Taichi's hair.   Leomon dying. AGAIN.   this isnt a response, leomon just died I want you to acknowledge this   gatchmonka   Afro guy shouting "NOOOO" for the fifth goddamn time this week   Angelamon   Angelamon   Koushirous soulless eyes   Hating Kurata with a burning passion   Fox Kids commercials   L Corp   “I already know the results of your future!”   Fox Kids dub   DIGI-KNOW IT WAS COMING?   DIGI-HEAR   DIGI-SEE   A snobby, elitist Sorato shipper   A jaded, bitter Taiora shipper.   Koushirou "Izzy" Izumi   Jyou "JOOOOO" Kido   Sora Takenouchi   Takeru "T.K." Takaishi   Hikari "Jesus" Yagami   Mimi Tachikawa   Yamato "Matt" Ishida   Taichi "Tai" Kamiya   swearing to god you're not a furry, you just like digimon   Crest of being a bitch   that goddamn hinata clone   leomon's hot lion nipples   Celebrating Takeru & Hikari's innocence by drawing them having dirty sex.   the 02 epilogue   Nice friends you got there, Davis   Yamato's astronaut career   going to a decent college or buying Digimon merch   Buying Vintage Digimon merch off eBay.   Having a strong opinion about Tailmon’s Ultimate form.   Pretending you took a shit in someone’s van.   Smirking at this season’s dramatic Leomon death.   Signing a petition forcing the writers to make your ship canon.   Clicking an egg on some website while thinking you have control over anything in life.   An annoying pipsqueak voiced by Derek Stephen Prince.   An Angewomon/LadyDevimon fight that’s just sex.   Some nonsense involving the Holy Stones.   Singing Butter-Fly at the top of your lungs.   Saban.   Toei.   Saving two goddamn worlds with cuddly plushie monsters.   Turning against your friends on the advice of a nefarious talking tree.   A second-rate Pokémon ripoff.   Yet another goddamn Vamdemon incarnation.   Moving freely between Japan and America as the plot dictates.   A singing monkey that tries to conquer the world.   Takeru’s collection of terrible hats.   Hooking up with the bass player.   Goggles.   Caring more about who’s going to fuck than the actual struggle to save the world.   Taichi’s sad, awkward, inevitable Christmas Eve at a love hotel with Jun Motomiya.   Forcing your Digimon to evolve so you can get laid.   Proving your wisdom and maturity by jumping on a rampaging Digimon’s back.   Leading every wild Digimon in America to central Manhattan.   Michael’s smarmy white ass.   A douchebag who picks up hitchhikers to flirt with ten-year-old girls.   The Dark Ocean.   Punching the fuck out of the Digimon Kaiser.   That episode where Deep Ones wanted to bang Hikari.   Being a motherfucking astronaut.   A bigger BlackWargreymon.   Staging an international crisis to hook up with hot European digidestined.   PTSD flashbacks of a broken cell phone.   Joe’s imaginary girlfriend.   The inevitable attraction of two beautiful people who never speak to each other.   Hiroaki Ishida.   Trapping two guys in a ferris wheel cabin in hopes they’ll make out.   Baking in bikinis.   The Digimental of pulling a game-breaking evolution out of Daisuke’s ass.   Crotch missiles.   Feeling Sora’s love.
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dahniwitchoflight · 7 years
So there isn't a relation between a Knight's Aspect and something missing (like a big fault) in the session? Can you actually prove that point? Sorry if I sound rude
yes, I’ve hashed this out so many times before, you can probably find the full posts under my Knight Class tag
but the tl:dr version is those who say this merely need to look at canon again. Dave (Time) had no time sure, but it was artificially sped up by an entity that wasnt supposed to be doing things like that, Bec Noir, a known glitch, so it wasnt inherent to the session itself. You can’t say this happened because Dave existed. that’s not how this works. It happened because Bec Noir existed, which happened because of Jade and Vriska more than anything else. 
Karkat (Blood) had ALL KINDS of pacts and unity going on, red team versus blue team?? this one is a fifty fifty because on one hand parts of their session stayed too close and never ventured out/became indepedant (too much blood) like Nepeta/Equius, the whole colored team thing, and on the other hand some people never got the whole teamwork thing, Sollux and Eridan being the biggest examples. But you cant say clearly that the session lacked Blood. It had Blood all over it, just in varying amounts and the Blood that was there wasn’t always great Blood. and they did eventually unify their red and blue teams into a coherent whole. again, you can’t say it was all bad or all good or simply wasn’t there. There isnt a pattern here.
thirdly Latula breaks this whole thing down. Their session’s whole point and problem was a Lack of Heart in the players. Nobody cared, nobody took it seriously, nobody wanted to genuinely try and play the game. Just apathy all around. That what why their session failed. Everyone had plenty of healthy Mind, willingness to solve things logically, talking it out, nothing out of the ordinary there etc. but where they failed was in Heart.
No single Knight interacts with their Aspect in session the same way, there literally isn’t a pattern to grab onto one way or another
and this is WITHOUT going into the whole fact that its a broken unbalanced fanon that favors the Knights being special snowflakes because Dave and Karkat are the favorite characters of so many people. Like for real, all of this fanon stuff is so heavily weighed into the Knights being this fulcrum of session wide effects that must happen when there really is ZERO to say the Knights should be singled out in this way, nor would it make sense from any point of view to specifically program a game’s success to hinge on a single class which may or may not show up in your sessions. 
 like cmon whats next? Knights have to be the one to grab the doohickey on the SBURB door or else you automatically lose? Knights have to deal the killing blow to the Black King or he wont go down?? just, theres not somehow more inherently important to a session than any other class, whether you win or lose has absolutely nothing to do what what kind of knights you may or may not have 
if other classes, especially the Knights opposite, the Rogue, had anything, ANYTHING at all, to suggest that they had a special role in session’s somehow, then you might have a case, but I would STILL argue against it being a negative session wide effect because that goes against SBURBS’s entire reasons for existence
you play the game because SBURB is trying to tell you you are needed and good in this world, that what you are and what you can do has value
Knights causing an unavoidable, session wide negative affect where their aspect just completely fucks everything up, is the same thing as the universe/SBURB telling you outright “yeah not you though, you suck and are worthless, look how much damage you caused this is all your fault because you had the gall to simply exist here. I mean you might as well not even play, don’t even bother doing your planet or quest either our just gonna make things worse”
like I cant imagine  agame being programmed to tell people “hey don’t play this game” for any reason. That’s just the epitome of backwards design, that wouldn’t even happen accidentally yknow?
so yeah I am very against this idea lol
no one really seems to question the implications, or heck if it even actually exists in canon in the first place, i feel like they just share it around because its popular and they trusted the person who first told them it was true and because it makes Karkat and Dave extra angsty
*edit* theres also that the burden of proof for something existing is on the guys claiming it exists, I have never seen anyone actually even try to prove that these events are directly tied to the Knight’s existence somehow, the only thing they can give me is coincedence for frog breeding for 2/3 and nothing for the negative session effect. and they always ignore Latula, every time.
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sending-the-message · 7 years
I can't look at my boyfriend's Instagram any more by gregsgurl2001
A week ago, my boyfriend Greg went on holiday to Greece with his family. It was the first time we’d been apart from each other in the six months we’d been dating, and I was missing him terribly.
Before he left, we spent the evening together. I was tearful and needy, and when it came time for him to leave, I didn’t want him to go.
“Make sure you take lots of photos,” I said, sniffling my way through the request. “Keep me updated. I wanna see what a great time you’re having.”
Greg smiled. “Got a surprise for you. Check your Instagram.”
I pulled up the app on my phone. Sure enough, I’d been followed by a new account; the display picture was myself and Greg. I was kissing his cheek.
“Dude no way, you got an account!” I exclaimed with joy. I maybe loved the photo sharing app a little too much. And now Greg, the guy who sneered at selfies and ridiculed people for posting photos of their dinner, had joined me on the platform.
“Yeah, figured I might as well,” he said. “Can’t fight progress forever.”
And so as his vacation began, I found myself glued to his Instagram account. We talked, of course, by text and via email, but seeing him having fun meant a lot to me. There were photos from the airport, photos on the plane, photos when he touched down in Greece. A photo of Greg and his family - his mom, dad and sister Sarah gathered round as Greg held the phone out in front of them.
I made sure to Like them all, and comment on every one. A bunch of our friends had followed Greg too, and as usual with Instagram, he quickly accrued a number of strangers following him as well.
‘Miss my hot boy xxx’ I posted on a particularly stunning selfie of Greg striding topless across golden Greek sands.
‘Your mom is SO CUTE <3 <3 <3 xxx’ I squealed, at a picture of the two of them together.
‘Lol, look at that guy looming in the background xxx’ I remarked, on a picture of Greg, Sarah and their dad standing in a square in Athens.
That night, Greg was able to call me for the first time since he’d gotten to Greece. We engaged in the usual lovey dovey greetings, talked about how much we missed each other, that sort of thing. I listened as Greg told me about some of the legends he’d met in Greece; a few of older college kids who were on vacation from the States, an old French guy who claimed to be a famous author but wouldn’t say who, and Greek girl he and Sarah had met, Karis, who Sarah had become fast friends with.
“Make sure you post plenty of photos of them on Instagram!” I exclaimed enthusiastically.
Greg hesitated for a moment, as if thinking about something. “Uh, speaking of Instagram, I could not see that guy you were talking about,” he said, laughing nervously.
“Oh I dunno if he was a guy really,” I said. “Just some figure looming in a doorway right in the back. Not really a big deal.”
I could imagine Greg shrugging. “Babe. I am missing you so much,” he said. “You wanna know what I’m really missing about you?”
I giggled. I could guess. Greg proved me right, and we engaged in a bit of flirty talk for a while until finally he said “Oh shit, I gotta go” and that was that.
The next day I waited eagerly for eleven AM my time, the usual time that Greg got back to the hotel of a Greek evening and was able to access the wifi to upload his pics.
There were a number of beautiful landscapes, some tourist spots near Athens, a few picture of Greg’s new buddies. Then there was a picture of Greg, Sarah and a girl who was tagged as Karis.
I was so enamored with the cuteness of the photo that I almost didn’t notice the figure in the background of the photo. The selfie had been taken with the camera pointing down a street, and behind the trio stood a dark, shadowy figure who appeared to be approaching them, maybe thirty feet away. I squinted, confused. The lighting and shadows didn’t match up with how the figure appeared. It was as if they and only they were enshrouded in darkness. It was weird. A costume, maybe?
I commented on the post. ‘Omg there’s another dark figure. Watch out, baby! Can’t wait for you to be back and in my arms… and elsewhere ;) xxxxx’
An hour or so later, Greg replied to my comment. ‘Lol u and ur dark figures. U cant fool me. Cant wait to kiss u again baby ;;;;) x’
I began to suspect that Greg had doctored the photos somehow to tease me. I was the kind of girl who’d shriek and cling on to him if a movie got even a little scary.
I didn’t hear from Greg for another day. When his next batch of Instagram photos went up, a chill crept up my spine.
In all of the photos showing Greg, there was a dark shadowy figure. The locations changed, but the figure didn’t. The photos had been posted chronologically, and I could see that over the course of the day, the figure had gotten closer. I still couldn’t make out any details. It was as if the camera itself wasn’t able to process whoever - or whatever - this figure was.
I heard creaking outside my room and gooseflesh prickled my skin. From my phone’s screen, the figure seemed to glare out at me, peering over Greg’s shoulder, looking at me.
More creaking. My heart thundered. When my bedroom door swung open, I let out a scream, crawling backwards up my bed. My dad stood there looking bemused.
“Am I really that scary honey?” he asked. “Anyway, just thought I’d let you know mom and I are out for the evening.”
I nodded, not trusting myself to speak. Why was I so freaked out by what was probably a dumb joke by Greg? I snatched up my phone, resolute. The most recent photo showed Greg and Sarah with some guys. The figure was just behind the group, maybe a couple feet away at most.
‘Seriously whos that guy? Its freaking me out lol, it’s not funny. Call me when u can, love u bb xxxxx’
Shortly after, Greg replied to my comment. ‘Idk what youre talking about lol, its freaking ME out tho haha, i cant see anyone??? No phone reception text me plz xxxxx’
I texted Greg ‘hello’ and waited. Thirty minutes later, the message hadn’t even been read. I flicked back to Instagram, looking to study the photos again.
A new selfie had been uploaded. Greg and Sarah standing in a bustling street at night, lit by the warm glow from a nearby restaurant. They were both pulling dumb faces for the camera.
I didn’t see the figure at first, but when I noticed it, I let out a gasp and dropped my phone. My hands shaking, I retrieved the device and looked closer.
The figure was clearly right behind them now. It looked to be at least six feet tall, if not bigger. It towered over Greg and Sarah, framed directly between them. I wasn’t sure; it was so blurry, so out of focus, but it looked like the figure was raising an arm, reaching towards them…
I texted Greg again. He still hadn’t read my first message. ‘Please reply,’ I said.
Then, back to Instagram. And another photo. My blood ran cold.
Greg and Sarah were sitting with a lake at their back, moonlight dancing off the water. Both their eyes were open wide in surprise; not fear, not yet, but shock all the same.
I couldn’t see what their mouths were doing. They were both covered, each by a shadowy hand clamped over their jaws. I could just about make out the details of the figure’s fingers now.
This had to be a prank. It had to be. It had to be edited, or one of the college boys they’d met.
Tears stung my eyes. Fucking text me back, Greg!
I texted him yet again, imploring him to contact me. My messages remained unread.
A new photo had appeared on Instagram. It was the same bench, the same lake. But there was nobody in the photo. No indication of who was holding the camera. No sign of Greg and Sarah. Had Greg simply taken a photo of the lake? That meant he was okay, right?
I studied the photo. I froze suddenly, a cry forming in my throat. There, far into the lake, but unmistakable now I’d noticed it, stood the tall shadowy figure. It had its arms down by its sides, its hands hovering just above the surface of the water, palms flat, pointing downwards.
It was hard to see. So, so hard to see. But the more I looked, the more I was sure. The figure’s hands were resting on top of two heads. Two heads which it held under the water.
I began to panic. What should I do? Call the cops? Here, or in Greece? I had absolutely no idea how to reach any Greek authorities, and what if even after all this, Greg was playing a prank on me?
I texted him yet again. ‘This isnt funny. Text me back. Please. Im so scared right now. Please.’
30 seconds later, the receipts showed that my messages had been read. I let out the biggest sigh of relief I’ve ever given. I started laughing and crying at the same time. I could see Greg was typing.
‘Lol sorry’ he said. ‘Everything is fine. Just a prank.’
I couldn’t stop laughing, crying, seething with anger and gasping with relief.
‘Send me a selfie. Just for me,’ I said. ‘I need to see your face. I need to know you’re okay.’
‘You first ;)’ Greg replied. Even then, despite it all, Greg was pushing his luck as usual. I sighed, wiping my eyes. I had no energy to argue. Easier if I just did what he wanted. I snapped a quick picture of my face, my eyes wide and still gleaming wetly, then sent it to him.
I waited for his response, staring at my face on the screen. When I noticed it, the copper taste of adrenaline flooded my mouth. My breath caught in my throat.
There, reflected in my eyes, as if standing opposite me in my room, was a shadowy figure. My gaze flicked up to the wall, heart pounding. Nobody, of course. I was alone. The hair on the back of my neck stood on end.
My phone vibrated in my hand. I looked down, and I screamed, and I don’t think I stopped screaming for a full five minutes.
The photo had been taken underwater, somehow. In it, Greg and Sarah were suspended there, hair floating loosely in the water. Their eyes were open, unseeing, mouths hanging slack.
Between them floated the figure. But it wasn’t a shadow now. It was bald, its skin waxy and smooth even underwater. Wide yellow eyes with pinpoint irises stared back at me over a nub of a nose. A thin, elongated mouth was stretched out into a half smile. One bony finger, ending in a sharp talon, was pressed against its lips in a ‘sssshhhh’ gesture.
I haven’t forgotten the terror of what happened next to this day. In the photo, the still photo on my screen, the creature blinked at me. Our eyes met, separated by distance and technology. It lowered its finger from its mouth, blinked again, smiled wider, pursed its lips at me in a strange grimace, then with one graceful motion, turned and swum away, leaving the floating bodies of Greg and Sarah bobbing in their underwater graves.
Greg and Sarah were found the next day on the bank of the lake, drowned. Mom and Dad discovered it from Greg’s parents and broke the news to me gently, but I already knew. Of course I knew.
The photo in my text messages is just a blur, now. You can’t see Greg, Sarah or anyone. And Greg’s Instagram, well, it’s gone entirely. Like it was never there.
But when I look at the selfie I took for Greg, well, that’s still there. And every time I look, it’s changed a little bit. Just a bit, but a change nonetheless. You see, with each passing hour, the figure reflected in my eyes gets closer.
I looked just now. He’s nearly reached me. I can see his wide yellow eyes reflected in mine.
Maybe if I don’t look again, I’ll be okay.
What else can I do?
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