#elementary (tv)
happygirl2oo2 · 3 months
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saw this textpost and got inspired
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she-s-a-shy-one · 8 days
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i would never kill you.  not in a million years... you may not be as unique as you thought, darling, but you're still a work of art                                                                            -I appreciate art.
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possibility-left · 3 months
I'm rewatching Elementary (TV) and this last episode (3x14 The Female of the Species) a bad thing happens to Watson and Sherlock has a case to work but he still BRINGS HER DINNER every night and eats it with her, even though he rarely keeps a normal schedule, and encourages her to talk about her feelings, and I love love love this as a contrast to how we left things at the beginning of S3, with Sherlock sulking back to London because Watson needed space. He has laboriously taught himself how to be a friend, like he taught himself to be kind, and it's so beautiful to see it.
I love their friendship so much. I've written about it so much. I'm never tired of the way they are shaped by each other.
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that-rabbits-dynamite · 5 months
January 6th, is Sherlock Holmes's Birthday!
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glassfullofsass · 1 year
@cminerva two weeks ago: started elementary btw (casual)
Min now: *meltdown about Sherlock asking Joan to stay in the S1 finale because she makes him better*
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disparition · 1 year
one thing that makes Elementary unique is that Sherlock eats more evidence than any other tv detective. dude just walks into a crime scene and starts putting stuff in his mouth.
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evadne01 · 6 months
I have a type? YEAH
Okay, let's see my favourite shows' plot.
Grumpy older character with emotional issues, father or mother problems:
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Meet this little sunshine, smart, loyal, amazing, always smiling and there to talk about emotions, problems, ....
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And then, the grumpy old character is like this:
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They become extremely fond with the sunshine character and the mere thought of losing him/her drives them crazy.
Plus: Their relationship is platonic, but they put jealousy if the sunshine character flirts with someone else, fear of losing them, and absolutely non-platonic/sexual-tension moments through all the series...
Also: They're friends and I ship them so much.
Yeah, I have a type.
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ihearttseliot · 1 year
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rewatching Elementary (TV) and like! in awe of the messages they send about morality! obviously the show has copaganda, and a major aspect of the show is “breaking the law here means we get the right guy in prison” which is… *gestures* not the greatest thing to say. but what is also present is Holmes’ and Watson’s morality and insistence on doing good, while also acknowledging that the world is not black and white but also shades of gray. S2E10 has a short clip about this topic at around 26 minutes in. Part of S2E10 mentions that it is good that a mentally ill person is not wrongly imprisoned even after he has been framed in a way that really makes him look guilty. there is also discussion of addiction and obsession in Elementary, and neither is demonized! the misogyny in Elementary is very much present, and there’s not really anything to excuse it - but i do enjoy this show quite a lot, and being able to rewatch it and think about police and the institution of police more critically means i get more out of the show, i think.
this isn’t a coherent post at all. but being able to watch this show again with the knowledge i have now is super interesting. also Elementary as a TV show is LEAGUES BETTER than Sherlock.
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kisstheashes · 1 year
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philosophiessss · 8 months
Thinking about how badly elementary fumbled the adaption of Mycroft...... in almost every adaption his main personality trait is that he's too busy serving cunt to care about helping people..... but in elementary he doesn't even serve.... they had to write in morland Holmes just to make up their cunt defecit. That should have been Mycroft!!! Instead they gave him that horrible moustache and that horrible haircut!! He deserved better!!
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happygirl2oo2 · 2 months
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Elementary as textposts part 4/?
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pelgraine · 1 year
Fic commissions now open!
More info found under the Commissions tab on my Ko-Fi page.
With no stable income and enough medical & chronic health issues to keep an entire building of doctors busy for years, I’ve decided to give commissions a try in the hope it might mean a few extra dollars coming in.
I’m fairly familiar with canon for Wednesday, Star Trek Picard, Voyager and Discovery, and for the Witcher (TV) and Elementary. But if there’s any other fandom you’d really like to commission a fic in please let me know - very happy to give it a try!
I’m also open to commissions for original works of fiction as well. Any questions send me a message or leave a comment here.
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ginalover · 1 year
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possibility-left · 2 months
Elementary bravely confronting the fact that Sherlock would be a horrible neighbor as well as roommate, someone had to say it. How desperate was Mrs. Hudson (in the original canon) for lodgers???
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artisticfangirl · 3 months
it's been 10 years and i'm still mad that people said joan shouldn't have been in a relationship with mycroft simply because he wasn't conventionally attractive
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