#elwe is not having a good time
kitcat22 · 1 month
The steps to her father’s chamber are steep and winding and by the time Luthien reaches the top she thinks she must have been climbing for hours. She doesn’t really mind though, she is in no particular hurry to see her father anyway and she is grateful for the time to think.
The door at the top the landing is made of hard thick wood painted the colour of nightshade. She raises her hand to knock and drops it again. Seeing her father is always an uncomfortable, unhappy experience and she wishes that her mother had just sent one of their servants to speak to him instead. But no Luthien was told to and Luthien is an obedient daughter. She knocks, lightly and first and then two harder knocks but no answer comes. Annoyance stirs inside her but she maintains her smile and knocks harder again until a quiet, melodic voice calls out
Luthien does as instructed and pushes the heavy door open and stepping into the large room. He has been re decorating again she thinks. Candles line the walls casting the room in a faint, golden glow. In the centre of the floor stands a large circular bed with pale curtains surrounding it. There to the right sits her father at his desk. He does not bother to look towards her. She can see his pale hand moving around and realises he is sketching again. He is very talented at it she admits. Many pieces of his artwork hang gracefully from the stone walls. Some depict beautiful places Luthien has never seen before, wide open grasslands and shimmering lakes. Others depict faces with long pointed ears and with hair of molten gold, coal black and white-silver not unlike her father’s own long locks. She wonders if they were people he knew once but doesn’t bother to ask. She doesn’t think he would respond anyway.
‘Father’ she greets him and then feeling gracious,
‘i like the new layout’
There is no response at first and she stands uncomfortable and annoyed until the quiet voice responds.
‘It has been like this for quite some time. I find it dull to stay in one room that never changes. Perhaps it is time i do it again’
Luthien holds herself back from responding ‘maybe you should just leave your room more often’. It would be unkind and unmannerly to speak to her father like that and mother would be displeased.
Her mother is too kind to him, Luthien thinks, too gracious for her own good.
‘ you must not blame him, my beauty’ she would cry ‘your father loves you dearly but ever does his heart bemoan the loss of his kinsmen.’ Luthien thinks Melian gives him too much credit. It has been millennia since the Dark Valar wiped out the Eldar children of Eru and no matter how tragic that may have been, he cannot mourn for them forever.
At least not at the expense of his current family, she thinks darkly.
Grief has left her father a cold and bitter man. Rarely does he smile and rarer yet at Luthien or her siblings.
‘His kinsmen’ she remembers with a startle. That is why she came.
‘Father’ she says ‘there is news. Eol is to be wed’
There was a pause before he spoke back.
‘Eol’ he repeated sounding no more interested than before. ‘Is that so’
‘That is your son’ she thought ‘at least pretend to care’
‘Indeed’ she replied instead with a fake smile ‘but that is not the only news. The maiden he weds is of the eldar’
Now that got his attention.
Her father puts his charcoal down suddenly with a clacking noise and makes no effort to stop it as it rolls onto the floor. he turns to face her for the first time since she entered his room.
‘An elleth?’ He said ‘are you certain?’
‘I have seen her with my own eyes. A fair lady dressed in white clothing, structured and complicated in a way i have not seen before. Dark is her skin and darker her hair. Eol found her lost and confused and injured, when he realised what she was, he lead her further in the forest where it is safer’ The story slides of her tongue quickly, it is not often she has this much of his attention ‘My brother has found himself quite enamoured with her and mother has given them permission to wed. She couldn’t very well say no considering she herself married an ellon’
He did not respond immediately. His silver grey eyes were unblinking and searched Luthien’s face eagerly as if searching for a hint of lies or mockery. His pale hands smudged from his sketching were clutched tightly around the frame of his chair.
‘An elleth’ he repeated ‘your mother said i was the last of my kind, are you telling me that my lady wife is a liar?’
Any strange spark of joy she felt at his attention vanished and she bristled. How dare he imply her mother was a liar. Only he would twist her words in such a way. She spoke again in a more curt, biting tone.
‘Not at all. Mother believes that the girl must have been kept prisoner by the dark lords in Mordor. Poor thing. Otherwise mother would have seen her and told you of her’
‘Of course’ said her father, blank faced again as he pushed back his chair and stood ‘take me to this girl. I should very much like to meet her’
‘The maiden still rests from her weariness, you will meet her at the ceremony. Your presence there is required, I shall send the servants up with appropriate garments for the occasion, until then you may remain here if you so wish’
And with that Luthien turned from him and made her way out of the chambers leaving her father standing alone behind her.
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hereissomething · 7 months
saw the first saw with orgy and my fave part is when u see dr gordon dragging his dad tummy across the floor on his way out of the bathroom
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thesummerestsolstice · 3 months
I love it when Elrond is portrayed as someone who is a little bit incomprehensible to most of the elves at first. Not even just because he's a half-elf, but because he reminds them all of so many other people, and that layering can be kind of jarring.
He sings beautifully, with a voice that sounds like no elf or man, and it reminds many of the Sindar of Luthien. It reminds some of the Noldor of someone else, another singer with raven-dark hair and starry gray eyes.
The braids he does his hair in– and he always keeps it braided at first, because letting it run loose is another thing that makes people whisper of Luthien– are in the traditional Noldor style. The survivors of Gondolin love that; Turgon always wore his hair in classical styles too. The other part of the House of Finwe that clung to traditional braids goes unmentioned. But everyone knows.
And he was clearly taught about court manners; taught to be gracious and charming, and a very good listener. The elf who could have taught Elrond those things is usually skipped over entirely, in favor of those reminiscing about Idril's graceful poise or Melian's endless patience.
He looks very much like Luthien, but there is a particular Finwean sharpness in his facial structure; something that makes him look a lot like Fingolfin, as well. Fingolfin looked very much like his father. And his older brother.
His smile is just like Earendil's (whose smile is just like Tuor's), and his strange, birdlike laugh is from Elwing. He fights and writes with his left hand– but then, so did Earendil, because while all elves are right-handed, not all humans or half-elves are. He eats no meat– just like Beren, they say, but the way Elrond tells it the choice had nothing to do with that history. There is ainuric power in him and something very human in the set of his shoulders. The flowers grow around any place he stays long enough. He gets sick in a way no elf, and certainly no maia, ever would. His accent is odd, and archaic, and changes noticeably when he's too tired to obscure it. His mannerisms are a mixture of about twelve people, almost all of whom are dead, and several of whom are not spoken of by the time he shows up in Gil-Galad's camp.
And the reflections of Elrond unsettle a lot of people; because one moment they see a fallen hero or loved one, and the next they see the person that took them. Or perhaps someone else, that they never knew at all. There is reverence and fear and uncertainty. It's messy.
Elrond himself is coming to peace with this by the War of Wrath. There is love in carrying the parts of your ancestors with you, even when they aren't around any more. And he knows better than anyone that he is always himself, first and foremost. Still, it takes everyone else a while to stop seeing a ghost and start seeing Elrond.
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runawaymun · 10 months
Idk is this is too late to ask but I was wondering about blind Earendil for disability pride month. He's half-mortal and wears a star for hours every night, so it makes sense that he'd lose his vision over time. Maybe he has a little seeing-eye bird (courtesy of Elwing).
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[Image ID: A digital painting of Eärendil in the night sky, drawn from the chest up in profile. Eärendil is a blind, brown-skinned half-elf with golden, coily hair and gold freckles across the bridge of his nose. The Silmaril is a oval-shaped multi-colored jewel bound to his brow on a gold headband and lights the whole piece. He is wearing a gray fur mantle and a large owl rests on his shoulder as a companion and guide. /. END ID.)
I haven't drawn adult Eärendil yet, so this was super fun to do. I always headcannoned that he took a lot after Idril's side of the family. I absolutely love this whole idea. It's so cool!!! It makes total sense that he'd start to lose his vision over time. I kind of imagine that Vingilótë's trajectory is pretty fixed, but that doesn't mean that it wouldn't be helpful to have a (or a couple) seeing eye bird hanging around to help.
An owl just seems to fit his vibe (plus, you know, they see super well and have that 360 degree vision). In a lot of cultures across the world they're not only seen as a sign of wisdom, but of protection from evil too. Seems fitting for a seeing-eye bird.
Anyway I'm super in love with this idea and I'm adopting it into my headcannons, thank you. I'm always on the lookout for good Eärendil headcannons!!
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thevalleyisjolly · 7 months
As an intrinsic part of their Mortal heritage, I like to think that all the Half-Elven in Middle-earth have at one point in their lives (but most especially their youths) had a fairly unflattering haircut that they genuinely believed was the hottest shit ever:
Dior had a long feathered mullet that was a pure flex to show off how naturally full and voluminous his hair was. He only cut it once the twins were born and it became too much work to maintain while looking after two babies.
Elúred and Elúrin got their hands on an unattended bottle of hair dye when they were five and gave themselves skunk hair bangs that took months to wash out.
Elwing once experimented with teasing her curls into a big 80's hairdo because people told her how her father used to have big hair.
Eärendil had to cut his hair after a lice scare onboard one of Círdan's ships and went for a bowl cut that he thought would be quick and easy to do. Unfortunately, the bowl he used was a little too small and the high fringe made it look like he was wearing a small hat made out of hair. Idril had conniptions. Tuor managed to hold in his laughter until he could reach the privacy of an inner room. Elwing demonstrated the incredible power of love by both saying yes to his proposal and offering to neaten his fringe so that it at least looked a little less choppy.
Elrond stubbornly sported a man bun undercut for two whole years after he lost a bet with one of Maedhros' Mortal retainers and Maglor made a sighing comment about how he shouldn't worry because his hair would soon grow back out "nice again."
Elros gave himself curtained hair in solidarity with Elrond so that Maglor would get off his back, and kept it until the first time he commanded a war party and got good-naturedly ribbed to hell about looking like a 14 year old kid.
Like father like son, Elladan wore a rat tail for a few years after one of the Dunédain wagered he couldn't pull it off. He really couldn't, although he thought it looked great and was forever trying to do fancy styles with it until Elrohir staged a sibling intervention.
Elrohir maintained a buzzcut for nearly fifty years after his parents a little too amusedly said that he could do whatever he liked with his appearance now that he was of age.
Arwen went through a phase in her 200s where she dyed her hair with whatever colours she could get her hands on. The silver was very nice (Celeborn was extremely proud) and the blue highlights were interesting but still managed to work. She even made a decent ginger. However, the attempt at Arafinwëan gold just ended up a washed-out bleach blonde that is to date the only thing that has ever stunned Galadriel into utter speechlessness.
+Although not born Mortal, Lúthien spent a full Valinorean year with feathers instead of hair while trying to shape-shift into a nightingale. It actually made for quite an aesthetic when she took the time to preen them properly, but as she was far too busy running around having adventures with Daeron, the effect was more often ruffled bird's nest than sleek wings.
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lendmyboyfriendahand · 5 months
Crack fic where Maedhros and Maglor have no concept of half elven ages
"We can't take them back with us," Maedhros said.
"They're just children though, they won't survive on their own!"
"That's exactly the point!"
"What do you mean? I know children won't be much use in the fortress, but we can feed two spare mouths."
"They're far too young for us to be able to care for them."
"Come on, they look like they're at least twenty. I'm sure they know calculus and how to spin by now, even if they're not yet tall and strong enough for more."
"You haven't been keeping track of diplomatic news, or indeed of time at all. We sacked Doriath not three decades ago, and Elwing their mother was an infant then."
"Humans grow fast." Maglor shrugged. "She obviously grew enough to have children, and within a year or two."
"Gil-Galad mentioned that Elwing gave birth to twin boys in a letter only six years ago. And before you ask, I'm sure she didn't also have older children, these were very clearly the first heirs for the Iathrim."
"What? But - they're so tall!"
"Like you say, men grow fast. They grow unevenly though, without enough time to learn everything properly. Those boys may not even know their letters, or how to identify pewter from lead."
"At six years old, what do they even eat? Celebrimbor nursed until he was nearly eight!"
"They might be old enough to survive weaning, but I'm not sure, and we have no one breastfeeding in our camp at the moment, without anyone born since the Nirnaeth."
"I've heard of using cow's milk or sheep's milk to feed babies, rather than just making cheese. Do you think they'd tolerate it?"
"Maybe, but we can't be sure. It's better to leave them here with all the other people who's homes we destroyed; there were enough babies wailing during the battle someone can surely take in the princes."
"Perhaps, if anyone finds them in the next day. Most people fled the city, and I doubt they'll return before the fires die down."
"I'm not going to take in infants just to let them starve."
"Me neither! But I can ask them if they're weaned. They understand Sindarin, and talk, at least enough to call for their mother."
"A child that young will just say they eat nothing but honey and cake, if you let them choose their diet."
"If they know they like cake, that means they can eat solids, and I'll give them normal food."
"Fine. You can ask them, and if they're weaned they'll survive as well with us as any where else."
"And if they're not?"
"I send a couple scouts to follow the sounds of screaming children and deliver two more."
"What? I can't bring their mother back, nor can my most imperious command make someone lactate."
"So you're giving up?"
"No, I already told you my plan." Maedhros sighed. "And I will send a few people to look for goats or ewes we can take with us. We already sacked the city; might as well loot it."
"You're convinced to make everything the most horrible possible."
"Excuse me for being pessimistic when our brothers just died for nothing."
"Fine, I'm going."
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echo-bleu · 6 months
Noldor hair headcanons (2/4)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | On AO3
By the time they’re settled in Beleriand, the Nolofinwëans have largely switched from elaborate styles done by someone else to (slightly) simpler self-braided styles. They’re at war now, so they turn toward practical braids that keep their hair out of their face during combat. There’s more and more of a gap between everyday styles and ceremonial styles.
The Fëanorians however are still doing things the old way. Maedhros is very unhappy that he can no longer braid people’s hair properly (especially Fingon’s) (he learns to do it one-handed eventually, but it’s never as perfect) (Fingon doesn’t mind).
The Sindar wear their hair half-up or even loose. However, they like to play with each other’s hair, and it’s not reserved for family, which is Very Weird for the Noldor to see. Galadriel has a hard time getting used to it and doesn’t let anyone touch her hair beside Celeborn, but she eventually figures out that her hair dazzles people even more when it’s loose, so she starts leaving it down.
It’s even harder to untangle as a result, and Celeborn suffers. (Galadriel is not not into hair pulling.)
Melian and Lúthien’s hair is so silky that braids just undo themselves. Elrond and Elros partly inherit that, and Elrond spends his whole life mourning that fact (he wants to do his hair like Maedhros, okay?).
Finrod is the first elf to let a Man touch his hair. He’s travelling alone and he’s touch-deprived, can you blame him? (It’s Bëor. It results in several uncomfortable conversations.)
Curufin makes himself and his brothers sharpened hairpins and various other weapons disguised as hair jewellery.
Hairstyles mingle during the Siege until, in the more cosmopolitan realms, Noldor and Sindar are no longer identifiable at first sight. Some Noldor elect to keep their hair mostly loose (though almost never entirely) while many Sindar learn the Battle Braids. They are very convenient, after all.
Avari hair customs are very different. It’s mostly about hair brushing/care being very intimate. They usually wear hairdresses or hair covering of some kind, depending on the tribe they belong to.
Gondolin has stayed highly conservative about hair, with hairstyles almost as complex as Tirion in its noontide.
Maeglin hates having his hair touched even more than his mother.
I’m tempted to make Eöl an asshole on this too, who cuts Aredhel’s hair or something, but I think she just never lets him touch her and he doesn’t care enough to try.
Maeglin grows up with his hair loose up until Aredhel takes them to Gondolin, where she remembers how Turgon is about hair, and braids Maeglin’s and her own in hopes of Looking Natural.
Maeglin’s first impression of Gondolin is that Hair Braiding Hurts (though not as much as adar’s hands). It goes downhill from there.
He’s still jealous when he catches Idril doing Tuor’s hair. Tuor doesn’t even have the decency of having beautiful Noldor hair, so it doesn’t even look that good. The next day, Idril’s braids are very wonky and Maeglin, upon seeing her, completely messes up the hair clip he was making her.
Eärendil has Tuor’s hair. It’s fine, because Elwing refuses to do Noldor braids.
Glorfindel is a Vanya and wears his hair completely loose.
We all know how that ends.
Maglor’s hair is partly burned off in Dagor Bragollach. He spends an uncomfortable few years growing it back and recovering from smoke inhalation. He revives some ridiculous hair-related ditties from his youth as voice therapy and they’re soon heard throughout Beleriand.
Finrod, badly injured and with no bodies of his brothers to bury, makes up a self-braided version of the Mourning Braids (It involves only braiding the hair from the shoulders down. That’s largely because he couldn’t raise his arms at that point, but it becomes a feature of all Mourning Braids—except Maglor’s style—for two ages to come.)
For the first time since the Ice, Fingolfin asks Fingon to do his hair, the morning after they hear of Morgoth’s victory.
He braids Rochallor’s mane and tail before setting out.
Rochallor walks back into Hithlum some days after the Eagle comes, his hair still braided. He lies down and dies with his head in Fingon’s arms.
Turgon braids his father’s hair before burying him, as he did with Elenwë, as he did with Aredhel. There is a custom that’s been developing among the Noldor of Beleriand to only give the dead a single, simple braid, so that they don’t risk being too attached to their body and miss the call from Mandos, but Turgon doesn’t know of it. No one has died in Gondolin since it was built, aside from Aredhel and Eöl.
Finrod and his Ten braid each other’s hair the night after they leave Nargothrond. Beren watches them with no understanding of the custom.
They later find out that werewolves spit out the hair when they devour someone.
It’s not a nice sight.
Beren and Lúthien do their best to clean Finrod’s beautiful golden braids of blood before they bury him, even though neither of them quite get what the braids mean to the Noldor.
Fingon’s golden ribbons are marred with blood when they find his body on the battlefield. His braids are the only way to identify him for certain.
Maedhros revives Maglor’s Mourning Braids. Mostly because Maglor does them for him. Maedhros would be fine with No One Ever Touching His Hair Again, but he’s close to catatonic.
Then the Oath awakes once more.
Celegorm’s white hunting braids and Dior’s black silky hair mingle on the blood-stained floor of Doriath’s throne room.
It takes Maglor longer to find Caranthir and Curufin. He carefully braids their hair into a single plait before they burn the bodies, in case it could help them find Mandos.
Maybe they are for the Void, but at least he feels like he’s done something.
The years up to the Third Kinslaying are awful. Maedhros and Maglor are codependent to an unhealthy degree, while the twins will barely speak to them, or each other. Maglor still does Maedhros’s hair. Maedhros doesn’t return the favour. They scream at each other daily.
Sirion is unthinkable. They attack anyway. Maedhros and Ambarussa’s braids look like bloodstains in the twilight.
Elwing’s hair floats around her as she falls.
To be continued
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polutrope · 9 months
Nolofinwëan caffeine habits
Fingolfin: freshly ground quality beans in an ornate french press every morning with homemade cashew milk, no sugar. Only buys coffee out when someone else invites him, then usually orders a cappuccino because it’s what Finwë drank. Pays for the other person, tips well. 
Fingon: six cans of cola every day. Laughs every time Maedhros tries to suggest this is a bad habit. When he goes out for coffee, he orders fresh-squeezed orange juice or something that no one even realised was on the menu. Always orders a couple snacks and insists on sharing. Tips a normal amount but brings the staff random gifts like boxes of chocolate. 
Turgon: Four shots of espresso from the same place every morning at 7:10am. The staff have it waiting for him, he breezes in, says “good morning”, pays and tips, leaves. If he’s had a really long night he’ll add sugar, otherwise none. Often buys a few treats to go (they’re for Elenwë, Aredhel, and/or Idril; after Eärendil is born he buys a cake pop every single day). 
Aredhel: depends on the day, but enjoys treating herself to a large mocha with whipped cream. Seems to “deserve a treat” most days. Continuously drinks yerba mate on journeys (from a thermos in cold climates, iced when not). 
Argon: Monster energy drinks. 
Idril: Oat milk latte (thanks @swanmaids). No dietary reason, just likes the flavour. Rarely gets it to stay, but takes about 15-20 minutes to leave because she’s making the rounds catching up with staff and customers. Keeps saying, “I better get going!” and doesn’t. Enjoys a cup of tea with milk and the pastry Turgon brought her in the afternoons. 
Maeglin: says he doesn’t consume caffeine but eats chocolate covered coffee beans like popcorn when he’s trying to get a project done. When forced to go out he orders mint tea and lets it go cold. Pays for the other person but does not tip. 
Eärendil: at sea he drinks super sweet instant coffee that is somehow foamy despite being from a packet. When in Sirion, orders authentic chai from a stand in the town square mostly because Elwing likes it and the guy who makes it laughs at his jokes. When shipbuilding, drinks from the barely-functional coffee maker Círdan has had since the Great Journey. 
Fëanorians | Arafinwëans
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that-angry-noldo · 1 year
alrighty new poll
i wanted to add luthien here too but apparently luthien is too much of an "angelic character" and "mary sue" to satisfy some people
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kiirotoao · 23 days
Season 3 rewatch notes
Wait a minute, I just realized that Mike and Will are the only ones in The Party who’ve canonically been dungeon masters. Idk what that means for them, but, yeah. Another exclusive detail of theirs
Oh, lord. Mike’s arm being torn off in the D&D game better not be a prophecy. If those s5 notes are accurate about Mike being seriously injured… I’m scared.
GOD I’ve never noticed how hard Will breathes in the rain scene. Poor baby he was so stunned 😭😭😭😭
The thing that I love most about Jonathan and Nancy is that they’ve been through the real shit. Arguments and hardship through the supernatural and the struggles of discrimination and privilege.
I love how Max is usually the one who speaks after Will. It’s like she’s the only one brave enough to answer after he says something profound or important. I need more of Max and Will’s friendship and them having well-thought out arguments I swear
Omg I love Erica’s little green star on her cheek. It’s so cute 😭🩷
After watching The Princess Bride, I am fangirling so much over Cary Elwes - it’s so crazy to me that he got him to play such a character! I wonder if they thought of him because of all the physical stunts lmao
As much as Karen isn’t in the know of much of anything in the supernatural story, I love how she’s a picture of raw strength in the Wheeler family, the true head of the household. She takes charge. Stops at nothing to help. Not even in the face of temptation. Go Karen.
DAMN I forgot that Billy dropped an f bomb! I thought that the closest that the show got was when Max got cut off in the hospital, but nope. There it was
Shit, I’m tearing up at that scene when El collapses into Mike’s arms because I know that that was real exhaustion. Poor Millie 🩷🩷🩷. She did such a phenomenal job there.
I LOVE whenever Joyce is angry this season. Now that’s how you demand. Straight to the point, justified in her worry, and cutting past any unnecessary bs while still including the cherry on top “please” or “good day” of politeness out of basic decency. I want to be her when I’m upset.
I’m always so blown away by Maya’s performance when she comes out to Steve. Straight (haha) through the heart, so good. And I always, always smile at Steve’s reaction. So in character, so accepting. No questioning if she’s being honest, just immediately questioning her type and believing that she’s into girls. So, so important.
Oh, no. Holly saw the trees moving in the woods. Thus far, she’s noticed the demogorgon coming out of the wall, and now this. She’s definitely a target next season.
When El tells Billy the memory of his mom, I teared up a little! Something about the way that El says, “you were happy” breaks me, dude. Millie and Dacre did so well.
Also, thinking in foresight of s4, Max’s letter is so heartbreaking. The Mind Flayer made a huge show of killing Billy slowly and painfully. I don’t blame her for being too horrified to move. It really wasn’t her fault. That was traumatic. Sadie did amazing there, too. Ouch.
I’m never getting over the helicopter lights being blue, yellow, and red. Were starboard and port always blue and red? And isn’t starboard supposed to be green? It’s all intentional, I’m telling you
I love how Max and Lucas are supposed to be “butchering” Never Ending Story but those two theater kids actually sound amazing. I just wish they harmonized 😆
Oh my gosh Jonathan did the Byers hold to Nancy 😭😭😭😭 I am not okay 😭😭 I never noticed that
Okay wait. This is kinda horrible. I feel bad for saying this. But y’know how Mike has a Will voice? Well I just noticed that Mike definitely does not have a soft voice for El. I swear, he’s always so loud around her like nothing’s different about her 😂😭 Any time he’s sweet with her he’s just like YEAH. COOL. and it’s kinda hilarious.
Jancy is WRECKING me this season wtf. Charlie and Natalia are so cute 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Oh my gosh David’s voice kinda breaks at “doze off.” Fuck.
Erica has blue, yellow, and pink balloons plus a rainbow drawing on her door. I now headcanon Erica as pansexual/panromantic, thank you.
AHHHGHH I can’t wait for the original version of Heroes to play next season over Byler kissing when everyone thinks that they might be dead but they’re just surviving in the Upside Down, clinging to each other and having the highest moment of their lives!!!!!!!
This has been my s3 thoughts for the 6-8th time watching? I forget? And I missed a number of moments because I got too absorbed so, oops. Anyway, I love Jancy, I love Jopper, I love the Scoops Troop, I love Suzie, I miss Alexi, Byler is endgame, and this season was way more fun than I remembered and it always makes me laugh. My list of favorite seasons has been shaken expertly.
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velvet4510 · 3 months
The thing about Bagginshield is… it’s just so tragic.
Samfro, Farawyn, and so many other Middle-earth couples feel like destined soulmates who cannot be kept apart by any force. Lúthien, Tuor, and Arwen even break the rules of their own race to spend eternity with the loves of their lives. And even couples parted by death, such as Thingol/Melian and Russingon, have hope for a reunion since Elves are re-embodied.
But Bilbo and Thorin…don’t. Thorin will reside in the Halls of Mandos until the end of days. Bilbo will leave Arda forever when his life ends. There is a chance that they might briefly reunite when Bilbo stops in the Halls before leaving the world, but it would just be that: brief. They can never be together forever. And not only that…fate only unfolds the way it should because Bilbo loses Thorin. If Thorin had lived, Bilbo just might’ve stayed in Erebor, meaning Frodo would’ve had nobody to adopt him from his apparently sad life in Brandy Hall as an orphan. The Ring would not have come to Frodo, and he would never have met Sam, since Sam lived far away from Buckland in Hobbiton. Bilbo had to return to the Shire for the world to be saved, and the only way to ensure that was the loss of Thorin. As a result, Bilbo spends 80 years remembering a love he only knew and had for 1 year.
And yet…. and yet….
A good many of the aforementioned couples achieve great things together and contribute to the shaping of the fate of the world. These unions have wide ripple effects: Eärendil & Elwing save Middle-Earth in the First Age, Frodo & Sam save it in the Third Age, etc. The world is changed for the better as a direct result of these couples having met.
And the same actually applies to Thorin & Bilbo. Because they met, Bilbo had Thorin’s mithril shirt, and he gave it to Frodo, and it saved Frodo’s life twice and enabled the Quest of the Ring to succeed. Middle-Earth’s fate is indeed affected by that hobbit and dwarf having met.
But unlike pretty much every other couple who made such a contribution, they must be separated for all time. They cannot receive that ultimate reward of eternal togetherness.
The only Tolkien couple as tragic as this…if not more so…that also truly and properly aligns with the term “star crossed lovers”…is Aegnor & Andreth, which…don’t even get me started on them.
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thelordofgifs · 1 year
Counting lines of dialogue in the Silmarillion
A while ago (before I even got on tumblr), for reasons best known to myself procrastinating writing cover letters, I went through the entire published silm and counted up the number of lines of dialogue assigned to each character. Here are the results!
Notes on methodology: Quenta Silmarillion only; characters listed in order of first line of dialogue; dialogue that can be attributed to multiple characters because a whole group was talking/the speaker wasn't identified is omitted; so is dialogue spoken by unnamed characters. Also I may have miscounted slightly because I'm not going back to check this.
Eru: 4 Aulë: 5 Yavanna: 10 Manwë: 9 Tulkas: 2 Mandos: 9 Míriel: 2 Finwë: 2 Melkor: 7 Fingolfin: 4 Fëanor: 13 Ungoliant: 3 Olwë: 1 Maedhros: 6 Fingon: 2 Thingol: 19 Caranthir: 2 Ulmo: 3 Melian: 13 Galadriel: 3 Finrod: 5 Angrod: 2 Turgon: 10 Aredhel: 4 Eöl: 7 Maeglin: 2 Curufin: 5 Bëor: 2 Bereg: 1 "Amlach" (actually someone pretending to be him): 1 Amlach: 1 Haleth: 2 Húrin: 12 Galdor: 1 Sauron: 3 Beren: 11 Lúthien: 4 Celegorm: 2 Edrahil: 1 Draugluin: 1 Huan: 1 Huor: 1 Saeros: 1 Beleg: 9 Túrin: 18 Mîm: 5 Gwindor: 8 Finduilas: 2 Glaurung: 6 Aerin: 1 Brandir: 3 Niënor: 3 Gurthang: 1 Mablung: 1 Thorondor: 1 Morwen: 3 Eärendil: 3 Elwing: 1 Eönwë: 1 Maglor: 4
Some thoughts on this:
Thingol has a solid claim by at least one metric to being the main character of the Silmarillion! No doubt this would annoy literally everyone, including Thingol ("What do you mean it's called the Silmarillion?").
Anyone who features in one of the Great Tales gets a slightly disproportionate amount of dialogue, as expected for the more novelistic style of those chapters.
Lots of divine beings chattering in the early chapters, but they're obviously much quieter once the action moves to Beleriand.
Huan, despite famously speaking three times, only has one line of actual attributed dialogue (the others are reported speech).
Maglor, one of the most popular characters in the silm, is the literal last one to be given a speaking role and he only has four lines of dialogue (all of which are very good lines though. do not come after my boy).
Characters who notably don't get anything to say: Orodreth, Círdan, Tuor, Idril.
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sillysistersusi · 3 months
Because they loved us so
Fandom: The Silmarillion
Celebrimbor & Elrond
Summary: Elrond and Celebrimbor braid each others hair and talk about the family they have lost.
Celebrimbor laughed as he continued to braid Elrond's hair. "Uncle Maglor did what?"
Elrond wiped a tear away from under his eye, for he had laughed so hard that his eyes had begun to water. "Yes, Maedhros was anything but enthusiastic about it, but in the end even he could not help but grin."
"I really did not think Maglor would be so bad at baking, because he is not bad at cooking at all," Celebrimbor said gently. "Atya was actually marvellous at baking, even if he did not do it often." He fell silent.
Celebrimbor hadn't wanted to talk about Curufin at all. It was the one subject that was taboo in his mind. He almost never spoke of his father anymore, as much as he felt the need to. Not after everything that had happened.
His hands became still in Elrond's hair.
Like every time he thought of his father, Celebrimbor was overcome by this incredible surge of emotion.
His mind always thought briefly of the beautiful moments. How Curufin had taught him how to forge, how he had cuddled him in the evening until he fell asleep or how he had put a protective arm around his shoulders.
But then his thoughts always drifted to another time. A time when his father was under so much pressure to please Fëanor that he only worked and hardly had any time left for his family. Then came the memories of the battles and how his father had sometimes returned covered in blood and just sat there staring at the ground for a while. Once Celebrimbor had gone to Curufin at such a moment, hoping to help him, and Curufin had pressed his face into the side of Celebrimbor's hair and cried. Celebrimbor had never seen his father cry before.
After that came the memories where Curufin was... was different. Meaner. Celebrimbor had decided then to stop blindly trusting and following him.
But to this day, he wondered if that had been the right decision.
"It is all right." said Elrond, who was still sitting with his back to him, obviously to give him some privacy, something Celebrimbor was very grateful for, because as always when he only thought about Curufin, he had started to cry.
Carefully, he leaned against Elrond's shoulder from behind and buried his face in his neck. "Sorry. I- I should have known not to mention him, and now I have ruined everything."
"No, my friend. It is all good. "Elrond gently placed a hand on Celebrimbor's knee. "If you want to talk about it, that is fine. He was your father and you loved him incredibly. And I am sure he loved you too, always."
"I just miss him so much, you know?" Celebrimbor stammered softly and Elrond nodded. He understood all too well. He also missed Maglor and Maedhros. Sometimes, when he lay in bed at night and couldn't sleep, he thought he could hear Maedhros' rough voice saying goodnight and Maglor singing a lullaby. He always fell asleep immediately afterwards, with a smile on his lips and tears in his eyes.
But he also missed Elwing and Eärendil, even if his memories of them were few and hazy, he felt a longing in his chest for them.
"Sometimes I think about whether I could have saved him if I had gone with him," Celebrimbor whispered softly and sniffled. "Maybe it would have been all right then."
But Elrond knew that probably wouldn't have happened. "I have seen the effects of the oath on Maedhros and Maglor. No matter how much Curufin loved you, the pressure of the oath would have destroyed him sooner or later. And I am sure he would have pushed you away before that happened, precisely because he loved you so much."
"But if it is so clearly the truth, why does it hurt so much?" Celebrimbor pressed himself tighter against Elrond, because whenever he felt so helpless, all he wanted was to be surrounded by the warmth of someone he cared about.
"I guess it hurts because you loved him as much as he loved you," Elrond replied softly. He wished he could do more to help his friend.
"I am really sorry for crying all over you." Celebrimbor said quietly and full of shame. He lifted his head slightly.
"As long as you need me, I will be here to catch you, just like you do for me and all our other friends. You cannot always be strong, Tyelpë," Elrond whispered. "I am the last person who would tell you not to cry."
So Celebrimbor pressed his face back into Elrond's neck and wrapped his arms around his waist to press himself even closer to him.
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thesummerestsolstice · 3 months
So the Silmaril is *extremely* bright, right? Earendil is next to it all the time. And mortal eyes aren't built for that kind of intense radiance– or for Valinor's light, to that point. Conclusion: either Earendil has been blinded by the Silmaril, or he needs some very serious eye protection to keep his vision intact. Either way, he's probably going to choose to keep his eyes covered. I have some suggestions.
Solid helm. Standard armor, but without eye holes. Probably made out of dragon scales. Good for protection against void monsters, and entirely masks his expression.
Blindfold. Comes in a variety of colors and fabrics, flowy and aesthetically pleasing. Hearkens back to blindfolded depictions of justice, which feels appropriate for him.
Stained glass visor. Shaped a bit like a face shield, but with multiple colors and pieces of glass. A little bit eerie. Pretty, but impractical. Mostly for ceremonial purposes.
Veil. Probably layered for better light protection. For Finwean dramatics and Peredhel gender fuckery. Always waves as if underwater. A personal favorite of Elwing's.
Sick-ass shades. Entirely a-historical. Extremely funny. A gift from Ulmo. Presumably worn to taunt Morgoth in the void.
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Bonus inspired by @runawaymun. Many half-elves actually use glasses in their day-to-day lives. Look, elvish and mannish senses work very differently, so Peredhel tend to have some weird sensory stuff as a result of the two mixing. Lightly enchanted glasses are often used to deal with visual issues– you know, sensitivity to light, focusing distance problems, strange and unknowable colors in the corners of your vision, all that. Elrond has a few pairs with really intricate glasses chains that he's gotten as gifts over the years. They are very gender and Elrond loves them dearly.
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Photo Credits:
Shades: https://www.fruugonorge.com/rimless-wrap-around-sunglasses-for-women-men-trendy-womens-y2k-sunglasses-oversized-shades-cool-star-fashion-sun-glasses-uv400/p-142701338-301669064?language=en
Glasses Chains: https://daelunejewelry.com/products/silver-stars-glasses-chain
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runawaymun · 2 months
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Ask me about my not-yet-written-fics from this list
thanks, @eowyn7023 also tagging: @polutrope because you sent me an ask about this a while ago and I just haven't had the spoons to respond until now, sorry! <3
Elrond in Valinor + Second Flight of the Noldor
so this stems from three possibly spicy Opinions I have about LOTR: 1) The Valar kind of suck, actually, and it was wrong of them to bring Elves to Valinor in the first place and it went directly against Eru's plan. 2) Valinor is kind of liminal and bad for you if you were born in Middle Earth 3) Elrond sailing (and staying) in Valinor is makes very little sense for him as a character, and is more about Jirt's wish fulfillment than it is good writing.
Obviously, unfortunately, due to the narrative, Elrond must sail at the end of LOTR. He needs to recuperate from the absolute havoc Vilya wreaked on his system, and he also needs to reunite with Cel and get some closure about a few things, like Celebrimbor's death, Gil-Galad's death, and his relationship with Elwing.
So Elrond sails, as he does. He reunites with Celebrian. He spends some time meeting his various family members and spends quite a lot of time with Gil-Galad and Celebrimbor. He has exactly one (1) talk with Elwing to ask her some questions and explain what became of Elros, but in my head he is not really interested in pursuing much of a relationship with her. Elwing respects that.
He and Celebrian work on healing their relationship and re-establishing intimacy.
Elrond slowly recovers from the damage Vilya did to him.
He might need to spend some time in Lorien actually. He is very good friends with Este and Nienna.
After a while though, things just don't feel right. Valinor feels very static and strange to him, and he doesn't really feel like he Fits. And that hurts because everyone is so glad to have him there and they expect that he's just as glad to be here as they are.
Also he really misses his kids, and wonders about his grandkids, and the Dunedain.
Eventually he starts connecting with more and more people who feel like they don't Fit. Mostly Noldor and the few Sindar that sailed. Many of them are still dealing with PTSD from Middle Earth and Beleriand, or with scars that refuse to heal. Many of them are just Restless. Most Vanyar do not understand this, and it's hard to talk about.
He and Cel begin work on a second Rivendell, and this keeps them both busy for a short time. He still doesn't feel Right though.
Eventually he starts experiencing like a reverse sea-longing and it gets more, and more, and more painful.
Finally, he talks it over with Celebrian. And they petition the Valar, who are not very happy to be petitioned. And then Elrond starts preparing to sail East.
Listen listen listen. Everything that Elrond has ever built, worked for, or loved is back in Middle Earth. It makes zero sense for him to be happy in Valinor. He aligns overwhelmingly with the Sindar and with the Dunedain in the books, and the Dunedain also consider him as one of them. Rivendell is there (he left it in the care of the Dunedain). Arwen and Aragorn are there. Gondor, and what is left of Elros are there. His grandchildren are there. Elladan and Elrohir are still there. The people left for him in Valinor are all people he has already mourned and found closure with.
He's not really made for Valinor anyway. He's made to watch over Middle Earth, to keep its lore and secrets, and to caretake Elros' line. He made a vow, once, and sure Aragorn and his descendants are doing just fine but he still feels half-whole without them.
And he's not the only person who doesn't feel Right in Valinor, who miss the mold and the rot and the fungi and the sheer diversity of life, and the Men!!! The humans!!! The normalcy of pain and suffering and scars and disabilities!
And so Elrond sails with Celebrian, and many of the Noldor say 'fuck it' and they go with him. They're tired and restless and have misgivings about the Valar anyway. A remnant returns to Middle Earth, and this time they go for love.
Elrond retakes his seat in Rivendell and the Dunedain rejoice that the eldest of their race, their most beloved uncle has come home. Celebrian reunites with Arwen, and meets a long line of adopted children that she never got to see, and meets Aragorn and her grandchildren.
They live through the ages, quietly doing what they have always done: living as watchers and caretakers, carefully preserving memories and lore and history.
Rivendell becomes a place that is both mythologized and startlingly real, where it is rumored that anyone who needs it will find help and sanctuary.
Many of the Noldor live in Rivendell, but some set up their own small kingdoms or simply live alongside the men and dwarves. They're finally there to guide and watch over the Secondborn, just as was intended in the Theme.
Eventually, of course, Elrond must grieve Arwen and Aragorn, but he's there for his grandchildren, and his great grandchildren, and his great grandchildren, and all of his family thereafter -- and in Arwen and Aragorn and their line, it almost feels like he is reunited with Elros again.
Elrond is there to help.
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mama-qwerty · 4 months
Wade's Bedroom
Okay. So, in the trailer for the Knuckles series, we see Knux take out a bounty hunter in what appears to be Wade's bedroom. I'm thinking this is his bedroom at his mother's house, so when he was a teen.
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You can tell a lot about a person by how they decorate their personal space. And since I love Wade and am on my knees begging for better characterization, I wanna see what they put in the guy's bedroom.
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Let's break it down.
1 - Little Robots
I can't tell exactly what robots these are, whether they're action figures from games or movies, or some model kits he's built himself. If they're models it shows Wade spent a lot of time on his own, and had the opportunity to focus on building something that required attention and patience.
2 - Books
There are a lot of books on his shelves, and the ones especially between Knux and the bounty hunter look like a series. Obviously we can't read the titles, but Wade strikes me as someone who'd enjoy manga, and the Choose Your Own Adventure stories.
3 - A Little Rainbow Sticker
This may indicate he knows someone who is LGTBQ+, or possibly he himself is. Or maybe he just likes rainbows.
4 - "Pistol" Pete Whipple poster
I'm not exactly sure how Pete is related to Wade, but I'm going under the assumption that Pete is his uncle. (Cary Elwes is 20 years older than Adam Pally, so while it's possible he's a brother, it's unlikely.) Here's this very impressive and 'famous' Whipple, who everyone looks up to and admires. (I'm assuming.) Wade feels so unimportant, he has this poster to remind him that he's related to greatness, and maybe he too can be important some day.
5 - Addams Family movie poster
I'm pretty sure this is the first movie, and Wade likes it because it shows people who are strange, people who don't look or act like everyone else, people who have odd hobbies and interact with the world in their own unique manner. And yet they love each other, Gomez in particular would do anything for his brother. Considering the nonchalant way his sister and mother behaved when he was yanked off the porch in the trailer, maybe Wade never really felt a connection like that.
6 - Robin Hood Prince of Thieves movie poster
The most famous example of helping those less fortunate than you, and being a hero to those on the receiving end of that help. Wade wants to help people. He wants to stand up for those who can't. I have no idea what his relationship with his father is/was like, but maybe the whole 'stand up to a corrupt authority' resonated with him for personal reasons as well.
7 - Speed movie poster
Maybe he wished he was Keanu Reeves, the hero with a calm head and always knew what to do. Maybe he always pictured himself as Sandra Bullock, an average person pulled into something dangerous and assuming an important role that helps save others.
8 - Ren and Stimpy poster
Okay, so he's a teen boy in the 90s. He's gonna like that gross-out humor.
9 - Total Recall movie poster
This movie is about an average joe who discovers he's actually someone Very Important. Wade has always thought of himself as a nobody. Deep down he wants to be someone Very Important. At least someone competent who isn't brushed off as a joke.
10 - TMNT bedsheets (and he was wearing a TMNT shirt under his robe before he's dragged down the street)
Obviously he's a man of good taste. But again, a group of teens fighting bad guys. The man just wants to be a hero so badly.
Based purely on the way he acts as an adult (and I'm trying to look past the "oh boy isn't he dumb!" pathetic characterization the movies have so far given him) I see Wade as a lonely man. He's likely never had many friends, always feels like the odd man in every situation, and just isn't very comfortable in his own skin.
In the trailer scenes where Knuckles decides to train Wade, there are posters and notes tacked all over the room with encouraging messages to himself regarding working out. Maybe he's trying to change his image because he thinks that will make others like him more. Maybe he's just trying to get a date. Maybe he's wrestling with his own self-worth.
Whatever is going on with Wade, I think pairing him with Knuckles is a good way to have them both realize things about themselves they'd never known before. Wade will help Knux realize that it's okay to let his guard down and enjoy himself, and Knuckles can help show Wade that there's more to him than anyone (including himself) thinks.
Maybe I'm waaaaay off base with these. Maybe I'm thinking way too hard about it. Wouldn't be the first time. But I love Wade and I really want to understand him, and hope to see him grow and become more confident by the end of the series.
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