#eoa requests
locitapurplepink · 6 months
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Today is my special day and I wanna do something special this year 🎉
Since I've been making gifs lately, I'm gonna open gif requests. I'll do with star wars and disney princess but I write any specific star wars and disney princess that you guys can use to request on ask box.
Note :
✨️ : star wars rebels
🛞 : star wars resistance
⭐️ : star wars the bad batch
🌻 : Tangled movie / the series / Rapunzel's tangled adventure
👑 : Elena of avalor
🦄 : Sofia the first
How to Request ?
You can write like this : symbol + character / pairing
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Since I know Gabe is kinda your boy so “somehow, i expected that this would happen eventually” if you still have time
Yesss Gabe's absolutely my boy, thank you!
"Somehow, I expected that this would happen eventually." Gabe shook his head. He looked over Rico with a glare that could make mountains cower. "Traitor," he spat.
"Oh, I'm the traitor?!" Rico stabbed himself in the chest so hard it must've hurt. "You knew full well what you got yourself into!"
"You know what? You're right, I shouldn't have let you get here in the first place."
Rico barked out a short laughter.
"You really think you could've stopped me?"
"I know I could've... And I can still stop you now!" Gabe jumped from his seat.
"Oh yeah? I'd like to see you try!" Rico grabbed him by the collar.
"Get your hands off me..."
"If you think you're better..."
They started talking at the same time.
"I swear you'll regret it!"
Naomi broke them up and pushed herself between them. Once she made sure they weren't going to bite each other's throats out anymore, she heaved a deep sigh and pinched the bridge of her nose.
"I know it's the last taquito, but you can just share."
Thank you for requesting, can you believe that this was practically the first scenario that popped to my head when I saw your message XD
Prompt lists
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a-lilacsong · 2 years
Are you still taking requests? If so, can you please draw a crossover between Elena of Avalor and Encanto?
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They are having fun making music together!
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jezyan · 1 year
Hi! I'm not sure if you do requests anymore but maybe you could do D3 for naomi and D7 for Migs both from EoA? only if you want to tho
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hi anon! to clarify, since i’ve taken forever with this challenge, i’m just going through the rest that i‘ve had sitting in my inbox (like yours!) ^o^ thanks for the request!
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apupcalyptic-art · 12 days
Heyyy guys, just wanted to let y'all know I'm opening requests 😊 I really want to draw more EoA stuff, but I'm lacking ideas rn, so I thought I'd ask you guys for some!
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lieutenant-amuel · 2 years
Hi, guys! I'm done with my exams and I've got some free time, so as I promised, video requests are open!
General information:
1. I'll be accepting requests for one week (June 15 - June 22)
2. I accept EoA requests only, which means crossover requests (including Sofia the First) don't go.
3. I accept requests through my inbox (anonymous ones as well) only. Not under this post, not in reblogs, not in my other social media platforms. Please, consider it. It's difficult to keep track of requests when they're spread everywhere.
4. All characters, ships, and platonic relationships are accepted. However:
Characters: I won't accept requests, including the vast amount of characters (like jaquins, sirenas, etc videos). Please, choose one character or a specific dynamic between a few ones.
Characters who never/barely interacted on screen. With my limited editing skills I just won't be able to make it happen.
Inappropriate ships like incest and pedophilia.
Esteriki as my only NOTP. Sorry about that.
5. Videos you can request:
AMV. A typical video edit, accompanied with a song or an instrumental music. If you have a song you want me to use, feel free to share it with me, and I'll make it happen! However, if you don't, it's not a big deal, as I'll choose an instrumental composition myself (or not, as you can suggest it yourself to make me get the mood of the video you want to see) and try to look it as fancy as possible.
Compilation. Just a collection of video clips united by the same theme (like my last video of Gabe and his parents scenes). It can be everything you want, excluding very vast ideas, like "every time the character X was on screen", especially if it applies to one of the mains. The video will long for hours in that case, and I don't think anyone would watch it.
Multilanguages. Since it's nearly impossible to find EoA songs in different languages (especially from season 3), in that occasion, I'm open for non-EoA requests as well, just keep it Dinsey-related.
6. Not necessarily, but letting me know you saw and liked your video would be highly appreciated :3
And that's it! If you have any questions and want to clarify anything, feel free to ask me! I hope we all will have a fun time together again!
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chelbea-art · 2 years
I know I should’ve said this when I reblogged the ask thing but I don’t draw stf/eoa stuff anymore so if you requested something like that I’m not gonna draw it 
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tradermeximas · 1 month
ERC-4337 é um padrão Ethereum que alcança a abstração de contas no protocolo sem nenhuma mudança na camada de consenso. Implementado na rede principal do Ethereum em março de 2023, o ERC-4337 torna possível realizar transações e criar contratos em uma única conta de contrato. Isso abre a porta para designs de carteiras de criptomoedas amigáveis ao usuário que podem potencialmente facilitar uma adoção mais ampla. Introdução As Propostas de Melhoria Ethereum (EIPs) descrevem padrões como especificações do protocolo central e padrões de contrato para a plataforma Ethereum. Ethereum Request for Comment (ERC) é um tipo de EIP que estabelece padrões no nível de aplicação, como padrões de contrato e token. Um EIP só pode se tornar um ERC quando a governança on-chain autoriza a mudança. ERC-4337 é o mais recente padrão ERC implantado na rede principal do Ethereum para alcançar seu aguardado objetivo de abstração de contas. Alguns ainda se referem ao ERC-4337 usando seu termo original, EIP-4337. No entanto, o EIP-4337 foi inicialmente proposto em 2021 e foi autorizado a se tornar o ERC-4337 em 2023. O que é o ERC-4337? O ERC-4337 foi proposto pelo co-fundador do Ethereum, Vitalik Buterin, e outros desenvolvedores em 2021 para estabelecer a abstração de contas. Foi implementado na rede principal do Ethereum em março de 2023 e espera-se que traga designs de carteira de criptomoedas amigáveis ao usuário. No Ethereum, a abstração de contas visa combinar recursos dos dois tipos de contas existentes no protocolo: contas de propriedade externa (EOA) e contas de contrato inteligente. O resultado é uma única conta de contrato capaz de realizar transações com tokens e criar contratos ao mesmo tempo. Essa mudança permite designs de carteiras criativas, como recuperação social, personalização e atualização. Outra maneira de pensar no ERC-4337 é que ele traz funcionalidade de contrato inteligente para carteiras em uma única conta. Isso torna mais fácil configurar serviços como autenticação multifatorial e pagamentos automáticos. Por que o ERC-4337 é necessário? Para entender por que o ERC-4337 é necessário, é importante entender por que ele foi proposto e implementado em primeiro lugar. Ao contrário do módulo de Saída de Transações Não Gastas (UTXO) da rede Bitcoin, o protocolo Ethereum usa um modelo baseado em contas. Isso significa que o protocolo Ethereum mantém o controle e atualiza os saldos disponíveis das contas à medida que as transações são confirmadas. Os dois tipos de contas no Ethereum têm suas próprias funcionalidades. As EOAs são de propriedade e controladas pelos usuários, enquanto as contas de contrato inteligente são contratos inteligentes implantados na rede. Ambas as contas podem receber, manter e enviar ether ou tokens. A maioria das carteiras de criptomoedas existentes no Ethereum, como o MetaMask, são EOAs, o que significa que estão limitadas pelas regras estabelecidas para as EOAs. Essas limitações incluem depender exclusivamente de chaves privadas para acessar as contas e exigir que todas as transações sejam assinadas. Devido a isso, os procedimentos de configuração de carteira e as medidas de segurança de chaves privadas geralmente são complexos e não amigáveis ao usuário. Se os usuários perderem sua frase de recuperação, geralmente significa perder o acesso à carteira. O ERC-4337 remove essas limitações. Carteiras de contrato inteligente, como UniPass e Safe, são carteiras gerenciadas por contas de contrato inteligente em vez de EOAs e podem alcançar o mesmo objetivo. No entanto, os usuários precisam gerenciar seu ether em duas contas para pagar pelo gás ou depender de um sistema de retransmissão centralizada. O ERC-4337 remove essas limitações, pois combina as funcionalidades das duas contas em uma única, facilitando a implantação de recursos desejados na carteira. Como o ERC-4337 funciona? A comunidade Ethereum tem trabalhado em formas de alcançar a abstração de contas há muito tempo. Antes do EIP-4337, a comunidade apresentou outra proposta destinada a alcançar a abstração de contas chamada EIP-2938.
O EIP-2938 era semelhante ao ERC-4337, mas exigia mudanças na camada de consenso. O ERC-4337 contorna esse problema. Ele faz isso introduzindo um objeto de pseudo-transação de camada superior chamado UserOperation, que compartilha semelhanças com rollups, pois ambos envolvem diferentes versões do conceito de agrupamento. No ERC-4337, diferentes usuários enviam objetos UserOperation para um mempool separado. Os bundlers empacotam esses objetos em uma transação, que é incluída em um bloco. Os bundlers pagam o gás pelas transações agrupadas e recebem taxas pelas execuções individuais das operações do UserOperation. Os bundlers funcionam de maneira semelhante a um validador, escolhendo quais objetos incluir com base na lógica de priorização de taxas. Novas funções, incluindo validateUserOp, também estão sendo adicionadas para permitir que uma carteira seja um contrato inteligente ao mesmo tempo. Um novo contrato chamado EntryPoint também está sendo introduzido para servir como um portão de segurança para a execução dessas novas funções. Quais objetivos o ERC-4337 alcança? Os objetivos que o ERC-4337 visa alcançar incluem o seguinte: Abstração de contas: Permitir que os usuários desfrutem de uma única conta com funcionalidades de contratos inteligentes e EOAs. Descentralização: Permitir que qualquer pessoa chamada bundlers participe do processo. Evitar mudanças no consenso: Possibilitar uma adoção mais rápida, pois a camada de consenso Ethereum se concentra em atualizações orientadas para escalabilidade. Possibilitar casos de uso inovadores: Isso poderia incluir assinaturas agregadas, definição de limite de transação diária, congelamento de conta de emergência, listagem branca e aplicativos de preservação de privacidade. Economizar tempo e gás: Como os bundlers podem empacotar objetos UserOperation em uma única transação, isso poderia economizar tempo e gás. O que o ERC-4337 significa para os usuários? O ERC-4337 poderia marcar o fim da complicada experiência do usuário com carteiras de criptomoedas e, ao fazer isso, também poderia aumentar a adoção. Aqui estão alguns destaques do que o ERC-4337 poderia possibilitar: Configuração de carteira: Não é necessário anotar frases de recuperação. A configuração pode ser rápida e fácil com apenas alguns cliques. Recuperação de conta sem preocupações: Os usuários não precisam mais se preocupar em perder suas frases de recuperação, pois a autenticação multifatorial e a recuperação de contas agora são possíveis. Funções de carteira amigáveis ao usuário: Os usuários podem desfrutar de uma ampla gama de serviços personalizados, incluindo pagamento automático, pré-aprovação de transações e transações agrupadas. O céu é o limite. Melhor segurança: As carteiras podem ser potencialmente mais seguras, pois a possibilidade de erro humano é reduzida - nada de esconder frases de recuperação embaixo do colchão! O ERC-4337 deve, teoricamente, levar a uma experiência mais suave e amigável para o usuário, removendo assim um grande obstáculo para a adoção em massa. Flexibilidade de gás: As carteiras alimentadas pelo ERC-4337 agora podem pagar taxas de gás com qualquer token ERC-20 e além. Os desenvolvedores podem criar carteiras que permitem pagar taxas de gás com qualquer token, e até mesmo com moedas fiat. Considerações Finais As terminologias das carteiras de criptomoedas, como frases de recuperação, chaves privadas e chaves públicas, podem ser assustadoras para novos usuários. O processo de uso de carteiras de criptomoedas ainda é desafiador para algumas pessoas. Muitos concordam que a interface de criptomoedas do usuário médio precisa ser o mais simples possível para acelerar a adoção. O ERC-4337 estabelece a base técnica para suportar carteiras de criptomoedas criativas. O que os desenvolvedores podem construir com base nisso poderia mudar o principal ponto de contato entre criptomoedas e usuários. Independentemente disso, o impacto que o ERC-4337 terá na experiência do usuário e nas criptomoedas como um todo é algo para ficar de olho nos próximos anos.
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ailtrahq · 7 months
Huobi Global’s HTX crypto exchange was hacked on Sept. 24, according to a report from blockchain analytics platform Cyvers. A total of $7.9 million of crypto has been drained in the attack.A known Huobi hot wallet posted a message to the attacker in Chinese. According to the message, the exchange knows the identity of the attacker and has offered to let them keep 5% of the drained funds as a “white-hat bonus,” but only if the attacker returns the remaining 95%.Red CodeYesterday, our ML-powered system detected a suspicious transaction involving @HuobiGlobal and @HTX_Global. Despite our attempts to reach out, we received no response. An EOA received 5K $ETH $7.9M from @HuobiGlobal's hot wallet.This morning, we spotted… pic.twitter.com/3oqHhAVi8P— Cyvers Alerts (@CyversAlerts) September 25, 2023 On Sept. 24 at 10:00 am UTC, the suspected Huobi hot wallet 0x2Abc22eb9A09EbBE7b41737CCde147F586EfeB6A sent 4,999 Ether (ETH), worth approximately $7.9 million, to an address which had no previous history. The following morning, a separate wallet belonging to Huobi sent a message to the attacker in Chinese. It stated (according to a Google translation):We have confirmed your true identity. Please return funds to 0x18709E89BD403F470088aBDAcEbE86CC60dda12e. We will provide you with a 5% white hat bonus. This offer is valid for 7 days and ends on October 2, 2023. If you do not return the funds by the deadline, we will request judicial intervention.Cyvers reported the attack on Sept. 25. The wallet that sent the message is identified as a Huobi hot wallet by blockchain analytics platform Arkham Intelligence. According to Cyvers, the wallet that sent the message is listed on a Huobi support page as belonging to the exchange.This is a developing story, and further information will be added as it becomes available. Source
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thatgirlonstage · 1 year
secret future writing posting
(not that secret, obviously)
We're close enough to Mermay that I am starting to Plan so here's my bucket list for this year:
I gotta write something for Ethersea
I gotta write something with the Octavinelle boys
I have a fjorester fic that didn't get finished in time last year but I'm pretty sure all it needs is a concluding paragraph and maybe some polishing and it should be ready to go
I have an old Leverage fic that was a prompt response I posted on here a year or two ago, I'm archiving that to Ao3
There's a two part gravity falls fic that was also a couple prompt responses ages ago, I really want to whip up a quick third part to it so it feels complete enough to move to Ao3
I'd really really like to do at least one more OFMD fic, whether a sequel to Sink or something new. Maybe with mer!Jim.
Unfortunately I don't think witcher mer fic is happening this year either :( I haven't really worked on it since last year and it's a huge endeavor, so I'd have to try to battle through it for the rest of this month and probably most of May to get it finished, and I am currently working on something... else.
The something else is not a mermay fic, but I am starting to be cautiously hopeful it may actually be possible for me to finish this month, or at least get close. And then probably wait until June to actually post it lol. Maybe. We'll see how good my self restraint is and/or if I actually stay focused on this project, which is not a guarantee. Most likely alternate scenario is that twst eats my brain because GOD KNOWS IT'S TRYING
The EoA fic No One Asked For needs one last burst of energy from me but it's otherwise just final edits and posting so it's just kinda chugging along in the background, which is novel for me
Anyway--no Big mermay projects this year unless I enter a fugue state and write 10k in one go without meaning to. Which is always a possibility I should not discount. But assuming that doesn't happen, all just short pieces this year. Which is kinda sad because I like having one Big piece to work on besides the short stuff, but hopefully this mean I write a bunch of short stuff this year. Definitely planning on taking prompts. So if you like my writing enough to be reading this, start thinking about what you want to request lol. But yeah the hopeful goal for mermay this year is just a big ol' spread of fandoms and characters. Hopefully people send prompts I want to throw spaghetti I haven't thought of at the wall
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sofiaanddisney · 2 years
Are you still taking requests for fics?
If so can you do one we’re Isabel goes searching for Esteban when he’s on the run and ends up hurting herself on her mission to find her primo
I'm very sorry, but I'm not as familiar with EOA as I am with STF, so I don't think I can do this request. However, I am still taking requests for STF stories.
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touching prompt 42 for gabe and isa please !!
"It's fine, this is fine, everything's fine," Isa repeated under her breath as she paced around her room. She had already changed into the right dress, packed the present and left the guitardeon by the door so she wouldn't forget it. There were still two hours to the party, so substracting the time needed to drive to Amara's house and the braiding itself, it still left Elena over an hour to get there.
A sudden knock on the door pulled her out of her thoughts.
"Come in!" she called out and sighed in relief at the same time. "Finally, I was afraid you wouldn't- oh it's you Gabe." Her shoulders immediately dropped when she noticed him walking in.
"Uh, yeah I wanted to tell you I just got a message from Elena, she said the meeting is dragging on and she probably won't be able to come back as soon as she had hoped. Is... everything alright?" He asked as Isa flopped into a chair and loudly dropped her head on her dressing table.
"Everything's just splendind," her voice was muffled by the wood. She heaved a deep sigh and finally leaned back on the chair. "I just really hoped Elena would help me with my hair."
"Oh," Gabe scratched the back of his head. "Should I call the royal hairdresser?"
"No, no, I don't want it to be that fancy." Isa quickly shook her head. "It's not such a big deal anyway."
"Than maybe I could go get your abuela?"
Isa shook her head again.
"No, she went out with abuelo today, so you wouldn't find her anyway." She sighed again. "I suppose I'll just go" she flung her arms out and let them flop back into her lap "like this."
"Well... maybe I could be of some help?" Gabe finally offered, hesitantly.
Isabel slowly raised her head only to send him an incredulous look.
"you could be of some help... with my hair," she asked him carefully, like you'd ask someone who just said that iron is lighter than copper. "You do realize I'm talking about briding my hair for a party."
"Yeah," Gabe chuckled nervously. He was starting to regret his offer.
"Do you even know how to braid hair? Or... Do a crown braid, for example?" She still sounded unsure, but he could hear a tiny bit of hope sneaking into her voice.
He exhaled quickly and called on his best smile.
"There's only one way to find out, isn't there?"
Slowly, almost against herself, Isa returned his smile and excitement sparkled in her eyes.
"Now do you have like, a drawing of this hairstyle or something?" Gabe clapped his hands walking over to the dressing table. "I might be a bit out of practice, but growing up with my cousins we often..."
A few hours later
"Wait, are you talking about a real hen? A real, living hen? And it just stayed there?"
"Yup," Gabe's voice was muffled by the hairpins he held in his mouth. "Of course we thought about going back and - hold this for a moment now" he interrupted quickly handing her another strand of hair. "We thought about going back and looking for the owner to give it back, but honestly, we had no idea where it even actually came from. Add to that all the trouble with mooring the raft, then walking probably a whole day upstream - and anyway we wouldn't leave it for so long, we were extremely paranoic someone would steal it, though realistically speaking I don't think anyone would even want to steal it," they both chuckled "but the thing is, we had no idea where it could even come from. I mean almost everyone there keeps chickens, so if we'd go and..."
"I'M SO SORRY I TRIED TO LEAVE AS SOON AS" the door slammed into the wall, pushed with the power of a hundred typhoons, revealing Elena, with a frantic look in her eyes. "Possible..." her voice trailed off as she took in the scene before her.
Isa was seated on the floor, her dress carefully evened out so it wouldn't crinkle, and she held her head tilted a little forward so Gabe - Gabe - (Elena rubbed her eyes here to make sure she wasn't hallucinating) was sitting on the bed above her and braiding her head.
"Hi, Elena." He waved to her quickly with his free hand.
"Don't worry," said Isa. "Gabe told me you'll be late, but luckily he could help me with my hair do."
"I mean, I don't know how to a crown braid, but Isa said two braids connecting into a low bun will be good enough, so." He fell silent for a moment, pinned down a few last strands of Isa's hair and finally leaned down. "Alright, I'm finished! Let's see how it looks like from the front though."
Isa let out an enthusiastic "woohoo!" and they both walked up to the big mirror by the wardrobe.
Elena finally recoverd from her shock and also waled by to them, looking over her sister's hair.
"Are saying you did all this? I mean you can actually... do hair nicely? Honestly I wouldn't suspect you actually knew your way around elegance..." she mused, looking between Gabe and Isa.
"No, I'm pretty sure Gabe actually got under some spell of Mateo's, but I'm not complaining for now," she said, beaming at her reflection.
"Why do my talents always go unrecognized," he shook his head and chuckled.
Okay this is much longer than the other ones, but IT WAS A TRAP YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I LOVE GABE AND ISA.
Prompt lists
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a-lilacsong · 1 year
Hi! I hope you don’t mind, but I am back with another request. I loved the request you drew of Carla riding Vestia from a few months back, and have only been inspired to ask for another. I have always loved your artwork. The way you draw the characters, and even clothing, makes it look like it comes straight out of the show. There is nobody I would trust, or want to ask to draw this, but you. I know you love Victor, so I hope you enjoy. Could you draw him and Carla in Dia de Muertos outfits?
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Día de los Muertos is a very emotional time for them.
(Thank you for your kind words they mean so much to me, and I had a lot of fun designing the outfits!)
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Organic Essential Oils Market 2022 Recent Trends, In-depth Analysis, Size and Forecast To 2027
Organic Essential Oils Market research report covers inclusive data on prevalent trends, drivers, growth opportunities, and restraints that can variation the market changing aspects of the global industry. This report provides an in-depth analysis of the market segmentation that contains products, applications, and geographical analysis. Global Organic Essential Oils market report delivers a close watch on leading participants with strategic analysis, micro and macro market trend and scenarios, pricing analysis, and a complete overview of the industry conditions during the forecast period.
Report Coverage:
The research report of the defending coatings industry offers a inclusive analysis of existing companies that can affect the market outlook throughout the forthcoming years. In addition to that, it affords an accurate assessment by highlighting data on multiple aspects that may contain growth drivers, opportunities, trends, and hindrances. It also represents the overall: Organic Essential Oils market size from a global perception by analysing historical data and qualitative insights.
Organic Essential Oils Market is envisaged to record an expansion at the CAGR of 16% over the forecast period, 2022 – 2027.
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Organic Essential Oils Market Analysis:
The Organic Essential Oils market research report provides an in-depth examination of the key factors stimulating market expansion. It also sheds light on the challenges or restraining factors that are poised to hinder industry growth over the forecast timeframe. The segmentation chapters enable readers to understand aspects of the market such as its products, market size, manufacturer details, share, available technology, and applications. The research report also provides detailed information on new trends that may define the development of these segments in the coming years.
On the basis of types, the: Organic Essential Oils market is primarily split into
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Skin Care
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“Love is friendship that has caught fire”~Ann Landers
Hi! I’m sorry it took so long to make your request, it’s been a very eventful week for me. I’m glad I could finally make your request💛 I really like the Gabaomi ship, i always mostly canon them together in the show lol✨ I hope it turned out how you wanted it✨thanks for the request!✨
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jezyan · 2 years
If that's okay to request EoA stuff, may I ask 1E, 4E, 6D, and 10G for Gabe, please?
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of course eoa is okay!! thank you for the fun set! 😊
(request me a character + emotion!)
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