barrylyga · 11 months
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With a gorgeous cover and incredible interior art by the inimitable @colleendoran, GENERATION WONDER hit shelves one year ago today!
The New Age of Heroes launched with 13 amazing stories by some astonishing authors, including Sarah Maclean, Paul Levitz, Sterling Gates, Danielle Paige, Morgan Baden, Anna-Marie McLemore, Varian Johnson, Lamar Giles, Joseph Bruchac, Elizabeth Eulberg, Matthew Phillion, Axie Oh, and yours truly!
If you haven't already sampled the delights awaiting you in this anthology, I implore you to do so now. You can order it here:
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ce-sac-contient · 1 year
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Jacob Biltius (1633-1681) - A trompe l’oeil with two quails, a kingfisher, a bird net and a whistle, 1666
Oil on canvas (55.4 x 40 cm)
Dominik Eulberg - Braunkehlchen (2022)
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- ¿Y si quedamos como amigos?, Elizabeth Euberg.
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the-final-sentence · 2 years
It appears Disney was right: Sometimes dreams do come true.
Elizabeth Eulberg, from “In a Blink of the Eye”
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postambientlux · 2 years
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• dominik eulberg • avichrom • bit.ly/dKeG-aM
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thewanderingzeppelin · 3 months
Tagged by @afoolofhope <3
Last song: The Nerve by The Republic Tigers (started with their song Buildings & Mountains which is A+ prime, but this one is growing on me)
Favorite color: Blue... usually
Last movie/show: Groundhog Day :-D
Next on my watchlist: I honestly watch stuff usually... I find so many other ways to waste my time haha
Last book: The Elusive Pimpernel by Baroness Orczy
Last game: Currently playing Stardew Valley and also RDR2 again for reasons
Sweet/savory/spicy: Sweet
Relationship status: Married/co-dependent
Last thing I searched online: Probably something with books
Current obsession: Probably RDR2 if I'm honest
Greatest flaw: I succumb to the laziness far too often
Fic i'm currently reading: Past Perfect Life by Elizabeth Eulberg. Also several buddy reads, including Uncle Tom's Cabin, Evelina, The Karamazov Brothers (why), The Sign of Four, and The Mystery at Lilac Inn.
Feel free to play along @fairytalesanddragons @ioannemos @incoramsanctissimo <3 <3 <3
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letal-y-poetica · 1 year
Él había cambiado y yo también . Por lo visto ambos nos estábamos aferrando a una persona que ya no existía.
¿Y si quedamos como amigos?, Elizabeth Eulberg
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alfiiee · 11 months
And anything that might hurt me would just make me stronger in the end.
-Elizabeth Eulberg, The Lonely Hearts Club
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captainpirateface · 2 years
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katakatabijak32 · 2 years
Kata kata bijak untuk orang yang sedang patah hati
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Kata kata bijak untuk orang yang sedang patah hati. Siap jatuh hati memiliki arti siap juga putus semangat. Karena tidak semua perjalanan cinta itu usai membahagiakan. Ada juga yang perlu rasakan sakit hati karena, ditampik, diperselingkuhi, diremehkan, sampai diputusin. Tetapi karena telanjur sayang, pada akhirnya yang didapat cuma rasa sedih dan putus semangat.
Saat ia pergi atau wafatkanmu, kamu akan rasakan sepi dan bersedih. Rasa sedih yang tidak tertahan pasti membuat kamu seolah tidak semangat untuk beraktivitas dan berjumpa seseorang.
Tetapi jika kamu sedang alami putus semangat, janganlah sampai terlampau terlarut dalam waktu lama. Karena kadang keinginan kebalikannya dengan realita.
Semua tidak ada yang kekal, bila ada suka tentu ada bersedih. Percaya jika kehidupan bisa berputar-putar, jadi tetap harus semangat maju. Dengan perlahan-lahan kamu juga dapat belajar untuk move on.
Berikut ini kumpulan Kata kata bijak untuk orang yang sedang patah hati yang sudah kami rangkum dari berbagai sumber.
Kata kata bijak untuk orang yang sedang patah hati
"Seandainya tidak ada badai, pelangi tidak akan muncul. Untuk itu, belajarlah dari badai yang menimpamu."
"Jangan jadikan seseorang sebagai prioritas utamamu sementara kamu hanya jadi pilihannya saja." - Mark Twain
"Sembuhkan dulu hatimu sebelum memulai kisah yang baru lagi."
"Menangis. Memaafkan. Belajar. Move on. Biarkan air matamu menyirami benih-benih kebahagiaan masa depanmu." - Steve Maraboli
"Ketika kita bertemu tragedi nyata dalam hidup, kita dapat bereaksi dengan dua cara—entah dengan kehilangan harapan dan jatuh ke dalam kebiasaan merusak diri sendiri, atau dengan menggunakan tantangan untuk menemukan kekuatan batin kita."
"Terkadang kita tidak sadar sedang berharap kepada orang yang tidak bisa diharapkan."
"Jika kamu berani mengucapkan selamat tinggal, kehidupan akan memberikanmu hadiah berupa lembaran baru." - Paulo Coelho
"Semua bisa berakhir, orang berubah. Dan kamu tahu apa? Hidup kan terus berjalan."
"Terkadang seseorang akan menoleh ke belakang pada apa yang dia miliki, bukan karena dia ingin pergi ke sana tetapi untuk memotivasi untuk melakukan lebih baik."
"Setelah kamu pergi, aku menjadi sadar bahwa orang baik akan bersanding dengan orang yang baik pula."
"Banyak hal yang tak ingin kita tinggalkan dalam hidup ini namun semua pasti ada akhir sesuai dengan ketentuan-Nya."
"Kenyataan memang tak selalu beriringan dengan harapan tapi bukan berarti kita harus dilanda keputusasaan."
"Saat kata-kata jujur tak lagi punya arti, biarkan Tuhan yang membuat manusia memercayai dan meyakini kebenarannya."
"Langit tidak selamanya cerah, kadang hujan pun bisa membawa bencana dan perasaan juga sering kali bisa terluka."
"Kadang kebahagiaan diungkapkan dengan air mata, dan air mata harus bersembunyi di balik senyuman."
"Ada kelebihan dan kekurangan pada diri tiap orang, yang perlu dilakukan adalah memantapkan kelebihan yang kita miliki bukan meratapi kekurangan yang ada."
"Ketika sakit hati, daripada galau lebih baik kerja keras memperbaiki diri. Karena kesuksesan adalah bentuk balas dendam terbaik."
"Kau yang terbaik, juga terburuk. Kau yang mengajari arti patah hati. Kau beri harap, lalu kau pergi. Garis waktu takkan mampu menghapusmu." - Fiersa Besari
"Setiap kali hatimu hancur, pintu terbuka untuk dunia yang penuh dengan permulaan baru, peluang baru." - Patti Roberts
"Dan apa pun yang mungkin menyakitiku hanya akan membuatku lebih kuat pada akhirnya. - Elizabeth Eulberg
"Hati yang patah hanyalah rasa sakit yang tumbuh yang diperlukan agar kamu bisa lebih mencintai ketika hal yang sebenarnya terjadi." - J.S.B.Morse
"Aku tahu hatiku nggak akan pernah sama, tetapi aku mengatakan pada diriku sendiri bahwa aku akan baik-baik saja." - Sara Evans
"Mungkin ada banyak hal yang sudah datang hanya untuk mengingatkan, tetapi itu semua terlepas dari kesadaran, tentang sebetulnya kita tidak perlu melanjutkan hidup dalam penantian, suatu saat bisa tertawa karena melihat sesuatu yang buruk menimpa orang yang pernah kita sayang." - Zarry Hendrik
"Ada saatnya dalam hidup ketika kamu harus memilih untuk membalikkan halaman, menulis buku lain, atau hanya menutupnya." - Shannon L Alder
"Jadikanlah pasangan kalian sebagaimana mestinya pasangan. Jangan paksa dia jadi ibumu, ayahmu, kakakmu, adikmu, Tuhanmu, apalagi bawahanmu." - Zarry Hendrik
"Tiada mungkin akan terobati, derita karena patah hati ini. Kecuali ia mau kembali untuk hidup bersamaku lagi." - Rhoma Irama
"Tidak peduli seberapa ingin kamu kembali ke masa lalu, di sana tetap tidak akan ada hal baru yang bisa kamu lihat."
“Mungkin, kita sepenggal kisah yang lupa ditamatkan oleh penulisnya. Lalu, terkubur waktu hingga membuat tokoh utama terjebak kenangan."
"Tiba-tiba aku merasa tidak nyaman berada di mana pun. Entah itu di sekolah atau di rumah. Dan aku pun merasa orang-orang di sekitarku menjadi orang asing. Bahkan, aku merasa asing dengan diriku sendiri.” – Flipped
"Apa pun yang membuat Anda tersenyum, pertahankan. Apa pun yang membuat Anda sedih, tinggalkan." – Mario Teguh
"Karena pernah dicintai olehmu, aku jadi tidak bisa merasakan cinta orang lain.” - You’re the Apple of My Eyes
“Lagi dan lagi, kau aku maafkan. Aku kau manfaatkan.” – Fiersa Besari
"Mencintaimu sama dengan berperang; dan aku tidak akan pernah melakukannya lagi." - Warsan Shire
"Kamu benar-benar mencintai seseorang ketika kamu tidak bisa membencinya meskipun ia telah menyakitimu."
“Hilangmu kini tak lagi menarik perhatianku. Sebab aku sadar, harusnya jika kau sayang yang kau pilih adalah pulang, bukan hilang.” – Boy Chandra
“Ada kesadaran dalam diamku. Ada penghargaan dalam teriakku, tapi tetap saja ada yang pergi meninggalkanku.”
"Tau Banjarnegara? Banyak janji kau umbar, tapi kau pergi tanpa bicara." - Wira Setianagara
"Terkadang, pertemuan dan perpisahan terjadi terlalu cepat. Namun kenangan dan perasaan tinggal terlalu lama." - Fiersa Besari
"Kadang, yang terindah tak diciptakan untuk dimiliki. Cukup dipandangi dari jauh, lalu syukuri bahwa ia ada di sana untuk dikagumi dalam diam." - Fiersa Besari
"Cinta tak selamanya tentang kepemilikan. Tapi, cinta adalah tentang keikhlasan. Terima kasih untuk segala rasa." - Wira Setianagara
Sumber: https://openmindmax.blogspot.com/
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brookstonalmanac · 23 days
Birthdays 4.6
Beer Birthdays
Caspar Eulberg (1825)
George Ehret (1835)
Five Favorite Birthdays
Merle Haggard; country singer (1937)
Gerry Mulligan; jazz baritone saxophonist (1927)
John Ratzenberger; actor (1947)
Paul Rudd; actor (1969)
John William Waterhouse; English painter (1849)
Famous Birthdays
Pedro Armendáriz, Jr.; Mexican-American actor(1940)
Philip Austin; comedian (1941)
Elizabeth Barrett Browning; poet (1806)
Graeme Base; Australian author & illustrator (1958)
Helen Berman; Dutch-Israeli painter & illustrator (1936)
Frank Black; rock musician (1965)
Zach Braff; actor (1975)
Leonora Carrington; English-Mexican painter (1917)
Butch Cassidy; desperado (1866)
Nicolas Chamfort; French author & playwright (1741)
Mickey Cochrane; Philadelphia Athletics C (1903)
Ram Dass; guru (1928)
Dorothy Donegan; jazz pianist (1924)
Donald Wills Douglas; airplane maker (1892)
Edmond H. Fischer; Swiss-American biochemist (1920)
Vince Flynn; author (1966)
Anthony Fokker; Dutch aviation engineer (1890)
Marilu Henner; actor (1952)
Jason Hervey; actor (1972)
Charles Huot; Canadian painter (1855)
Walter Huston; actor (1884)
Gil Kane; comic book artist (1926)
Barry Levinson; film director (1942)
Feodor Felix Konrad Lynen; German biochemist (1911)
Maimonides; Jewish philosopher, physician & astronomer (1135)
Ari Meyers; actor (1969)
James Mill; Scottish philosopher, economist (1773)
Gustave Moreau; French painter (1826)
​​Guy Peellaert, Belgian painter & photographer (1934)
Michelle Phillips; singer (1944)
John Pizzarelli; singer-songwriter & guitarist (1960)
Andre Previn; conductor, pianist (1929)
George Reeves; actor (1914)
Hans Richter; Swiss artist (1888)
Raphael; artist (1483)
Jean-Baptiste Rousseau; French poet & playwright (1671)
Levon Shant; Armenian author, poet & playwright (1869)
Sterling Sharpe; Green Bay Packers WR (1965)
Bobbi Starr; porn actor (1983)
Lowell Thomas; writer, television journalist (1892)
Julien Torma; French author, poet & playwright (1902)
Wilhelm von Kobell; German painter (1766)
James D. Watson; geneticist (1928)
Arthur Wesley Dow; painter & photographer (1857)
Billy Dee Williams; actor (1937)
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barrylyga · 1 year
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Absolutely psyched to announce that my anthology, Generation Wonder, has been nominated for an Audie award in the category of Short Stories/Collections...the only children's book so nominated!
Yay! Much gratitude to my publisher, my editor, and my wonderful contributors!
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keirainaustenland · 1 month
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The opening line of this YA retelling of Pride and Prejudice by Elizabeth Eulberg, Prom and Prejudice, opens with the line “It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single girl of high standing at Longbourn Academy must be in want of a prom date.” With an intriguing (maybe feminist?) switch of genders, this parody of the famous Austenian opening sets up the novel as a modern teenage retelling of one of her most famous novels. This novel has gotten a 3.83 on Goodreads and over 6,000 five star reviews, people are clearly loving the Bennets et al. in the 21st century! A modern retelling of Lizzie Bennet, scholarship student at Longburn academy has a mixed up first impression of a snobby friend Will Darcy while in search of a prom date, what is not to love (I already added this to my kindle to-read cart)?! I think that this serves as a primary example of JAne Austen’s relevance in modern day.
Fanfiction, as well as more ‘real’ publications like this novel, allow authors to explore their favorite characters, moments, and plot points, and add their interpretations behind how new elements would alter the story. At a baseline, it is a form of fun creativity and exploration, but it also has the potential (like in this example, or funny publications like P&P Zombies) to open up the genre to new readership. YA readers or younger children, or maybe typical sci-fi readers, might be drawn in and become interested in Austen after reading these retellings. It brings to life Austen’s spirit in new spaces with new audiences.
The entire premise of the novel, Prom and Prejudice, being prom reminded me of the scene in Secrets in the Snow when our heroine Jane Austen is getting ready for the ball. This scene is structured such that of course Jane feels beautiful and intrigued by the love interest, but also the reader is allowed to escape to the romantic setting of the dancefloor. I think that these two novels, and the endless amount of other similar examples, can serve to answer the question in the course title, “Has Jane Austen Jumped the Shark?”. Both Jane’s regency audience and modern day readers are enthralled by the beauty, drama, and potential romance that can spring up from a ball, and the relationships that spring up from very common families and towns. In Pride and Prejudice, Austen says, “to be fond of dancing was a certain step towards falling in love,” and I think that even as details get blurred and changed (like hand flex obsessions!) in modern retellings or YA simplicity, Austen’s ‘perfect plot’ is clearly still resonating with readers.
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- ¿Y si quedamos como amigos?, Elizabeth Eulberg
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splendid-shirts · 2 months
Deep House DJ Mix featuring Stephan Bodzin, Monkey Safari, The Dualz, Joris Voorn, Moonbootica, Artbat, Dominik Eulberg, Pachanga Boys and many more
https://soundcloud.com/ravingcity/onedeephourvolume1 DJs, Techno and nice spots. 🤙Happenings | Live Streams | EventsDon’t miss our latest sessions: linktr.ee/citylake TracklistingStephan Bodzin – WirMarsh – Little Darling (Joris Voorn Remix)The Dualz – Robot HeartHot Sice 82 – Make UpTeho – WoodyDominik Eulberg – Der Tanz der GlühwürmchenEDX – Cool You OffMoonbootica – JuneAndhim – Boy Boy…
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plantdad-dante · 2 months
Book #142 - Serendipity by various authors, edited by Marissa Meyer
(nice and somewhat varied representation, still too many straight people.)
Bye Bye, Piper Berry by Julie Murphy - Boring, did not trust me to follow along, one of those dual POVs were I need the plot to tell them apart because they sound the exact same.
Anyone Else But You by Leah Johnson - I don't really get the conflict, and Jada kinda seems omniscient in the way she reads Perry like a book, but like...  this one's fine? -r than the others?
The Idiom Algorithm by Abigail Hing Wen - There is so much wild shit going on?? And yet it is still so toothless and bland and doesn't acknowledge its own stakes?? But maybe that's the trope's fault, maybe my left-wing ass is just... expecting too much of "Class Warfare".
Auld Aquaintance by Caleb Roehrig - This trope is my shit, for real. Unfortunately it is the only aspect I really like about this story,  because the execution is really only mid. I see a pattern emerging...
Shooting Stars by Marissa Meyer - A story about a normal girl who will sometimes think some really weird shit out of nowhere ("the ants in his tent crawled inside it because something in there smells good for them - I relate" is some wild shit to think about your crush in that situation, sorry.)
Keagan's Heaven On Earth by Sarah Winifred Searle - Possibly the sweetest one yet, although it also suffers from the abruptness that pervades this book like a torture device specifically designed to torment me. But hey, nb presentation!
Zora In The Spotlight by Elise Bryant - This one makes the others look like they weren't even trying. Like, wtf, this is actually good? Without qualification?
In A Blink Of The Eye by Elizabeth Eulberg -  I expected polyamory, and then I didn't get it, but it was fine, because I got platonic bonding instead. And then she obviously had to have another meet-cute and fall in love-at-first-sight and ugh, fine, be boring.
Liberty by Anna-Marie McLemore - Second place, because it still told a somewhat engaging story with at least one somewhat fleshed out character, but it's getting points deducted for expecting me to know cheerleader slang.
The Surprise Match by Sandhya Menon - If you have a long, social media documented history of having a lot in common with your best friend, then a program that skims people's social medias for things they have in common is very obviously going to match you with said best friend. Seems like that should have been obvious even before you tried it on Easton, girl. It's an algorithm, not magic.
Sooo.... one that's actually good, two or three that at least tried to have some tension or themes or characters, and then a bunch of nothing that reads like the author's didn't even try.
Yeah, I'm not keeping this one.
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