#event planning tools
eventmanagementil · 2 months
Website : https://www.event-management-course.com/
Address : Tel Aviv, Israel
The Event Planning & Management Course, led by Karin, a seasoned professional with over 10 years of experience, offers comprehensive training in event and wedding planning. This course covers essential skills, effective research, supplier management, and budgeting, along with creative aspects like event design and branding. It's designed for those aspiring to excel in event planning, providing tools, secrets, and tips for success. The course includes practical components like downloadable forms and real-world examples, ensuring learners are well-equipped to plan outstanding events.
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/karin_patya
Keywords: event management event management course event management classes event planning course event planning course wedding planner training wedding event management event management skills event management skills online event management course branding for events event planning tools corporate event management event project management event management career online event planning course event planning career event planning and management event marketing strategies event coordinator skills wedding planner course online strategic supplier management event coordination training international event management event management certification event management certification online wedding planning certification event planning strategies supplier management best practices event management workshops event management education creative event solutions event production courses supplier management training learn event management event planning and execution professional event coordinator event management essentials event planning techniques wedding planner certification program certified wedding planner training event planning software solutions event planning tools and resources event design techniques event budgeting skills wedding planning online class event branding strategies comprehensive event planning training wedding planning techniques event planning success tips event planning industry insights wedding planner success strategies event coordinator professional development event planning practical tools professional event planning education advanced event management course wedding coordination skills specialized event design training event budgeting and finance branding mastery for events advanced event planning tools creative solutions for events comprehensive event planning program essential event coordinator skills event branding and marketing successful event planning career mastering event management techniques wedding planner business training wedding coordination best practices event design and aesthetics supplier management mastery effective event budgeting branding excellence for events innovative event planning ideas event management proficiency advanced event coordinator skills event branding success online event planning education wedding planning expertise wedding coordination techniques strategic supplier management skills event budgeting and financial planning branding strategies for successful events comprehensive event planning curriculum online wedding planner training event coordinator professional certification practical event planning tools successful career in event management wedding planner business strategies wedding coordination excellence event design and decor techniques effective event budgeting strategies branding and marketing for events professional event organizer advanced event planning event management fundamentals event logistics training specialized event management practical event management skills
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subwaytostardew · 6 months
its crazy how much work you guys have been putting in, what with everything else life throws at you!! bravo!! remember to take breaks!!
Yup! And it's only the two of us working on this! And uploading and sharing to this blog!
But also you have no idea how much life stuff gets thrown.... Out of the two of us.
For me this project is a break from the said life stuff i'm juggling. I'm able to sit down after work or just a really rough day of life things and just create, write, draw, and share with my best friend!
Honestly we have both been so busy we haven't been able to touch upon the core of the project (We have been handling all of there events first. We are just scrapping the surface of putting together the main core -- the station itself!)
But yes! We will conduct our safety check and take breaks. It is important to not get burn-out especially on a project like this..
Though... I think we are just too eager and excited to be burned out. (And there's a lot we have to get done! FULL STEAM!!!)
But thank you so much for the kind words. I'm really glad a lot of people are excited just as we are for this.
- ◁ Station Stewardess Kade
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i-am-become-a-name · 2 months
the more I listen to new audios with Braxiatel in them (and relisten to old ones) as part of the Year of Braxiatel, the more and more I am just genuinely unsure of what I think about him.
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parameddic · 1 month
i had such a good and interesting characterisation thought re. TK in the context of replying to this ask but i don't remember what it was very clearly and so i'm just. sitting here. trying to trigger the same thought
#something something tk would believe/deny it blind. because the idea that a team (even a sub-sub-sub-team) could be betrayed that badly#just wouldn't enter his vocabulary of allowable events#it would not Occur to him that someone might have left the boys for dead like that#marjan would believe it. it would occur to her. she especially has the media literacy for it but also she is not a. cis white man#right? right? but i don't remember exactly how i wanted that point to come up in the newspaper thing and i don't know how i decided#the others were going to fall on that line and anyway#tk would not be UNWILLING to see it he just would miss it the first few times someone said it bc he would not#be expecting to see it. he Would Not be expecting to see it.#'vocabulary of allowable events' is a good way to put it good work me#who would do that? who would just Set Them Up?#that's not even. those details wouldn't be In. there's like Steps to this characterisation even appearing at all#it would not be a direct one-to-one conversation about it just a. note somewhere abstractly that even if it DID come up he wouldn't have#the tools to believe it. .... i am getting lost.#i know the thought is in there i just keep sitting down to write it and going ahhhhhh!#''aster could this not be a direct message'' yeah but i wasn't planning it to be a whole talking it out in the tags#and now they're all in the tags#and now u get this. love u squid#tbd#when i actually write the thing instead of sitting here. contemplating#plus also it . does not require a response im just out louding. cause it's neat!#it's about tk!#it's about who he is at his core including the messy and a little bit mean (accidentally) bits!#sighs sighs sighs sighs. i love him
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tinytimeofficial · 2 months
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Countdown to Success: Create personalized countdown timers for your events
Do you remember the excitement of waiting for a special event, the anticipation building with each passing day? Whether it's a birthday bash, a long-awaited vacation, or the launch of a new project, there's something magical about counting down the moments until the big day arrives.
But what if I told you there's a way to elevate that excitement to new heights? Imagine not just marking the days on a calendar, but actively engaging your audience, stirring anticipation, and creating an unforgettable experience even before the event begins.
Welcome to the world of personalized countdown timers. In this fast-paced digital age, where every moment counts, these timers have emerged as a powerful tool for event planners, businesses, and individuals alike. And at the forefront of this innovation is Tiny time – your go-to event countdown app.
Join us on a journey as we explore the transformative power of personalized countdown timers and how they can turn ordinary events into extraordinary experiences. Get ready to unlock the secret to building anticipation, fostering excitement, and ultimately, counting down to success like never before.
Are you ready to embark on this countdown adventure? Let's dive in and discover how you can create unforgettable moments, one tick at a time.
Understanding the Power of Personalized Countdown Timers
Countdown timers have transcended their traditional role as mere timekeepers; they've evolved into dynamic tools that wield a profound influence on our emotions, behaviors, and perceptions. Let's delve deeper into the significance of personalized countdown timers and uncover why they're not just ticking numbers but powerful catalysts for creating memorable experiences.
Definition and Purpose:
At its core, a personalized countdown timer is more than just a digital display ticking away the moments. It's a customizable tool that allows you to tailor the countdown experience to suit the tone, theme, and objectives of your event. Whether it's a vibrant visual display or a subtle reminder, these timers serve as digital storytellers, setting the stage for what's to come.
Importance for Event Planning:
In the realm of event planning, where every detail matters, personalized countdown timers play a pivotal role in shaping the attendee experience. By incorporating these timers into your event promotion strategy, you can effectively build anticipation, generate excitement, and foster engagement long before the event unfolds. From sparking curiosity with teaser campaigns to creating buzz on social media platforms, countdown timers offer endless possibilities for enhancing the pre-event journey.
Psychological Impact on Participants:
Beyond their practical utility, personalized countdown timers tap into the psychology of anticipation, leveraging the innate human desire for anticipation and excitement. Research has shown that the anticipation of an upcoming event can heighten emotional arousal, increase engagement levels, and enhance overall satisfaction with the event experience. By strategically deploying countdown timers, event planners can capitalize on this psychological phenomenon, creating a sense of urgency, anticipation, and excitement that resonates deeply with attendees.
In essence, personalized countdown timers are more than just functional tools; they're strategic assets that have the power to transform ordinary events into extraordinary experiences. As we continue our exploration, we'll uncover the key features of Tiny time – your ultimate event countdown app – and how it empowers you to harness the full potential of personalized countdown timers.
Key Features of Tiny time: Your Ultimate Event Countdown App
When it comes to creating personalized countdown timers for your events, having the right tool at your disposal can make all the difference. Enter Tiny time – your ultimate event countdown app designed to simplify the countdown creation process and amplify the excitement surrounding your events. Let's explore some of the key features that set Tiny time apart and make it the go-to choice for event planners, businesses, and individuals alike.
Customization Options:
One size doesn't fit all when it comes to countdown timers, and Tiny time understands that. With a plethora of customization options at your fingertips, you have the freedom to design countdown timers that align perfectly with your event's theme, branding, and objectives. 
From choosing the countdown duration to selecting fonts, colors, and background images, the possibilities are endless. Whether you prefer sleek and minimalist designs or vibrant and eye-catching visuals, Tiny time empowers you to bring your countdown vision to life with ease.
User-Friendly Interface:
Creating personalized countdown timers shouldn't require a degree in rocket science. That's why Tiny time boasts a user-friendly interface that makes countdown creation a breeze for users of all skill levels. 
With intuitive drag-and-drop functionality, seamless navigation, and helpful tooltips, you can craft countdown timers with precision and ease. Say goodbye to complicated setups and hello to streamlined countdown creation with Tiny time.
Accessibility Across Devices:
In today's fast-paced world, flexibility and accessibility are non-negotiables. Whether you're on the go or working from the comfort of your home, Tiny time ensures that you can access your countdown timers whenever and wherever you need them. Thanks to its responsive design, Tiny time is fully optimized for use across devices, including smartphones, tablets, and desktops. Whether you're managing multiple events or updating countdown timers on the fly, Tiny time has you covered with seamless synchronization across all your devices.
With its customizable features, user-friendly interface, and cross-device compatibility, Tiny time is more than just an event countdown app – it's your ultimate companion for creating unforgettable countdown experiences. In the next section, we'll dive deeper into the step-by-step process of creating custom event timers with Tiny time.
Countdown Timer for Special Occasions: Real-Life Applications
Imagine the joy of counting down the days until your birthday celebration, the excitement building with each passing moment. With Tiny time, this vision becomes a reality as you unlock the potential of countdown timers for special occasions. Whether it's a milestone birthday, a romantic anniversary, or a festive holiday gathering, personalized countdown timers add an extra layer of anticipation and excitement to your events. Picture your loved ones eagerly awaiting the big day, watching as the timer ticks down to zero, marking the arrival of a momentous occasion. With Tiny time, you can transform ordinary events into extraordinary experiences, creating memories that last a lifetime.
Enhancing Your Event Experience with Personalized Countdowns
The countdown to your event isn't just about marking the passage of time; it's about building anticipation, fostering excitement, and enhancing the overall event experience. With personalized countdowns powered by Tiny time, you have the opportunity to engage your audience in a meaningful and memorable way. 
Imagine the buzz surrounding your upcoming product launch as customers eagerly await the big reveal, or the anticipation building among attendees as they count down the days until your next conference or workshop. With Tiny time, you can harness the power of personalized countdowns to captivate your audience, drive engagement, and make every moment leading up to your event truly unforgettable.
As we've explored the transformative power of personalized countdown timers throughout this journey, it's evident that these digital tools are more than just ticking numbers on a screen – they're gateways to unforgettable experiences. From building anticipation and excitement to fostering engagement and connection, countdown timers have the ability to elevate every aspect of your event planning journey.
With Tiny time as your trusted companion, creating personalized countdown timers has never been easier or more rewarding. Whether you're planning a birthday bash, a corporate event, or a holiday celebration, Tiny time empowers you to craft countdown experiences that leave a lasting impression on your audience.
As we bid farewell to this exploration, we invite you to embark on your own countdown adventure with Tiny time. Join the ranks of event planners, businesses, and individuals who have embraced the power of personalized countdown timers to create moments that matter.
Are you ready to transform your events and make every moment unforgettable? Start your countdown journey with Tiny time today.
Call to Action:
Ready to unlock the full potential of personalized countdown timers? Get started with Tiny time – your ultimate event countdown app. Whether you're planning a birthday party, a wedding, or a corporate event, Tiny time has everything you need to create countdown experiences that captivate and inspire. Visit our website now to sign up for your free account and start counting down to success. Let's make every moment memorable, one tick at a time.
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wpeventmanagersblog · 1 month
What are the 6 basic elements that an event manager must plan Most importantly
Organizing a successful event can be rewarding and challenging at the same time. Whether you are arranging a small or a large event, proper planning and attention to details are the things that are most important in this business. Starting from setting up an event goal and preparing a budget to catering and other crucial components of an event, everything needs to be taken into account. Even the smallest of your mistakes can create a big mess in your event and leave a negative impression on your attendees’ mind.  Having a detailed checklist of the things you need to take care of during your event planning phase can help you ensure that you do not miss out on anything.
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Here is a list of things that you need to take into account when you are planning for an event to ensure you cover all the important areas that are needed to conduct a successful event.
1. Set your target
You need to have a clear idea about what you want to achieve through the event. 
Whether it is just a small conference or a huge event, having a goal in mind always makes the journey easy.
However, you need to keep in mind that the target you set for your event is realistic.
Consider the following things:
Be specific about the ideas you have in your mind for your event. 
Select a suitable event theme. 
What type of experience you want to give to your event attendees. 
What is the main objective behind your event?
Having straight-forward answers to these questions will help you plan for your event more efficiently and will also get you closer to success.
2. Identify your target audience
Once you set a target for your event, make sure you know for whom you have set the goal.
Identifying and understanding your target audience is the first step that you take towards your success.
There are mainly three things that you need to keep in your mind and they are.
Sort and select your target audience. 
Find out the place where you can get them. 
Find a way to get in touch with them.
The event planning phase must involve your target prospects and their preferences.
Knowing your target audience includes the following things:
Who are they? 
Understanding their demographics. 
What do they like and are interested in?
Answering these basic questions solve 90% of the task of knowing them. Once you know them, it becomes easier for you to create content for them.
3. Select a suitable event venue
Venue selection is a crucial part of event planning and it mostly depends on your event objective and your target audience. It has a direct connection with what your company is expecting to achieve from the event.
Here is how the event venue influences your event
Event ambience: being an event manager, it is your responsibility to give your attendees a comfortable event ambience and that to a great extent depends on the type of venue you select for the event. For example choosing a casual setting for a formal conference or meeting may turn off your attendees failing the entire event.
Event budget : the event venue puts a great impact on the overall budget of your event. This is because choosing an over expensive venue may force you to compromise on other aspects of the event. Similarly, a cheap event venue may fail to impress your audience. So you need to select a venue that is budget-friendly and fulfills your requirements.
Attendee participation: your event venue greatly influences the attendee participation. An event venue needs to be chosen on the basis of the number of attendees who are going to grace your event. For example, you select a venue that does not have enough space for your audience to be comfortable or it is situated in a location that is difficult to find then your audiences would not be interested in joining the event.
To help your attendees find the event location easily, you can add the Google Maps addon offered by WP Event Manager to your events website. It not only displays the event location properly but also your attendees track their nearby events.
4. Select a suitable time
Just like the event venue, selecting a suitable time for your event is equally important. There are several things that need to be kept in mind while determining the timing for your event.
Consider the following things:
The availability of your target audience. 
The time duration of your event. 
How long will it take for the entire setup?
If the venue is available for booking on your selected date. 
If there is any other special event scheduled to be held on the same day.
Choosing an event time based on the above mentioned things help you plan everything smoothly in your event.
5. Create content to connect with your target audience
Content plays a great role in keeping the spirit of your attendees high before the event. This ultimately encourages them to show up on the actual event day.
Build content for your audience, keeping their tastes and preferences in mind.
Make sure event related content contains all the necessary information that your target audience wants from you. 
It must be attractive as well as interactive. 
Don’t make your content purely promotional as it often turns off your audience.
6. Build and event marketing plan
Marketing is one of the most important aspects of planning a successful event. If you fail to frame up a solid event marketing strategy all the effort that you have put into managing your event goes in vain. Make sure you utilize both online and offline platforms for promoting your events. In fact, online event promotion offers better chances of reaching out to your target audience. There are different ways of promoting events online.
Consider the following things:
Recognize your target customers and create a message that they can relate to.
Identify the channels to trace and reach out to them. 
Your marketing plan should have a specific timeline that must be based on the actual event timing.
Create a method to monitor and measure the success of your event. 
You must ensure that you have a striking and informative events website from where your attendees can access all the necessary details of your event. 
Make sure you have a team to handle the entire marketing process seamlessly and on time.
Your marketing strategies can go a long way if you follow all the above mentioned things. When you are preparing to promote your event online, make ysure you include digital marketing as well as traditional marketing methods. Dont forget to add personalized email marketing and social media marketing to get the best results for your event promotion.
Why do you need an event management software to successfully plan an event
Whether small or big, managing an event is truly a challenging task. A lot of things are to be kept in mind to ensure everything runs smoothly on the event day. Starting from selecting a suitable date, time and venue to catering services and other technical issues everything needs to be on point. The task seems to be a huge burden especially if you take the entire responsibility on your shoulders.
That is why having a good event management software beside you to support you in this process can help you handle the process easily. You can consider WP Event Manager as a partner who is going to take care of each and every step of your event management episode.
Here are the reasons why you must have WP Event Manager to handle your events like a pro:
It allows you to create an event calendar on your website, sell tickets, manage registrations and guests easily. 
It helps you achieve your marketing goals with personalized experience. 
It offers a plethora of addons to fulfill each of your event management requirements.
The plugin is packed with powerful features.
The premium addons are affordable and available in bundles for bulk purchase. 
SEO friendly. 
Offers an amazing support for its premium plugins. 
Multi-language support. 
Hundreds of positive reviews from real customers. 
It lets you manage multiple events at once. 
Helps you automate recurring event management and more.
To get the details of all its addons and their features, discover the plugin now.
We hope that this article will be helpful for you in planning a successful event. You just have to plan everything and WP Event Manager will take care of the rest.
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exhiverse · 3 months
Transforming Exhibitions: The Ultimate Guide to Interactive Floor Plans for Visitors and Exhibitors
The world of exhibitions and trade shows is continually evolving, and the integration of technology has become a driving force behind this transformation. Among the many innovations, the advent of interactive floor plans stands out as a game-changer, offering immense benefits to both visitors and exhibitors. Technical service providers play a pivotal role in providing these solutions, revolutionizing the way people experience and manage exhibitions. Specially Mumbai, a bustling metropolis and a prime hub for trade and exhibitions, benefits immensely from the utilization of event floor plan creation tools
For Visitors:
Personalized Experience
Interactive floor plans empower visitors with a personalized experience. Instead of navigating through a paper map or traditional signs, they can use a digital platform to explore the event space. Visitors can easily locate booths, filter exhibitors by category, and access detailed information about products or services offered. This customization allows for a more targeted and engaging experience.
Enhanced Engagement
Gone are the days of aimlessly wandering through crowded exhibition halls. With an interactive floor plan, visitors can plan their route in advance, mark favorite exhibitors, and schedule meetings or demos. The platform offers real-time updates, enabling visitors to make informed decisions on-the-go and engage more effectively with the exhibitions.
Time-Saving and Efficiency
The convenience of an interactive floor plan saves time and effort. Visitors can optimize their experience by planning their visit ahead of time, ensuring they don’t miss out on the booths or exhibits that interest them the most. It streamlines the overall experience, allowing them to make the most of their time at the event.
For Exhibitors:
Enhanced Visibility
Exhibitors benefit from increased visibility and engagement. An interactive floor plan allows them to showcase their booth’s location, services, and products effectively. It enables them to stand out in a crowd, capturing the attention of targeted visitors and increasing the chances of meaningful interactions.
Data and Analytics
The platform provides invaluable data and analytics for exhibitors. They can gather insights on visitor behavior, foot traffic, and popular booths. This information helps in optimizing their strategies, booth design, and engagement techniques for future events, ultimately improving their ROI.
In conclusion, the utilization of event floor plan creation tools in India, particularly in cities like Mumbai, is reshaping the exhibition landscape. The integration of interactive floor plans into exhibitions has become a vital tool for both visitors and exhibitors. The benefits encompass personalized experiences, enhanced engagement, and efficiency. Technical service providers, by offering these solutions, are pivotal in transforming the exhibition landscape, ensuring a more connected, engaging, and efficient experience for all involved parties.
As the world of technology continues to evolve, the potential for further advancements in interactive floor plans is vast. Technical service providers will play a crucial role in harnessing these innovations to further elevate the exhibition experience, making it more immersive, data-driven, and ultimately more successful for both visitors and exhibitors alike.
To know more: https://exhiverse.in/transforming-exhibitions-the-ultimate-guide-to-interactive-floor-plans-for-visitors-and-exhibitors/
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deep-space-netwerk · 3 months
What do you mean by Venus floating cities?
I'm hoping to write a science fiction story about visiting Venus as part of the space race and I would love your input
Alright so the thing with Venus is that we're all very familiar with her horrible hell-death clouds and 900°F surface temperatures. We all understand the surface of Venus is not a fun place for humans to be.
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But, nobody ever talks about the fact that ABOVE the hell-death clouds, Venus is a paradise. The most Earth-like environment we know of in the solar system, beyond Earth itself, is actually in the skies of Venus.
About 30 miles above the surface, the pressure is ~1 atmosphere, and the temperature ranges from 30 - 100°F, which is Happy Human™ standard pressure and temperature.
What's more, a breathable mix of oxygen and nitrogen provides over 60% the lifting power on Venus that helium does on Earth. In other words, a balloon full of human-breathable air would float to the habitable range of Venus's atmosphere. We could float a ship with the very air we breathe.
The other great thing about this is that it avoids one of the big problems with Mars colonization. On Mars, any habitat on the surface full of breathable air is vulnerable to leaks and explosive decompression, a la the Martian.
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Floating on Venus, a balloon full of breathable air doesn't have a significant pressure difference between the inside and the outside. Which means, any leaks or tears would be very slow and manageable. You could fix that shit with duct tape!
Similarly, because the environment outside the balloon is so Earth-like, humans living there wouldn't need any big fancy pressurized suits for extravehicular work. We'd need air to breathe, maybe some heat protection, and protection against the acid rain. That's it. 
Venus also provides the tools to keep us fed! It's atmosphere is made primarily of carbon dioxide, even above the dense horrible clouds. What likes carbon dioxide? Plants from Earth!! Lets grow FOOD on FLOATING PLATFORMS in the SKIES of VENUS.
This whole idea actually came out of a NASA effort exploring potential Venus colonization. The program was called HAVOC - the High Altitude Venus Operational Concept.
It hasn't really gone anywhere, and as far as I know there are no real plans to revisit it. Unfortunately, from a practicality standpoint, Mars is a much more viable target for human colonization. Not only is it better poised for outer solar system exploration, being farther away from the sun, but living on Venus would come with too many complicated contingencies. In the event of a major failure on Venus, you'd need to fly to another base, or fuck off all the way to orbit. I understand why people aren't really in a hurry to live somewhere where landing on the surface means certain death.
But that doesn't mean I won't be forever and always enamored by the skies of Venus. Here's one of the artist concepts to come out of HAVOC.
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I want to be there.
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thehardkandy · 7 months
i think i am just getting the impulse for a big life change but i dont actually know what it would be or what it would look like
#i do think i have talked on this point before that i both get comfort and ease from habits and familiarity#while at the same time it is somewhat a noose depending on how much i lean on it#and i would like to find a way that would have me lean on it less (still having it is good!) such that i more regularly do things out of ha#i want it to be substantial! but i also don't want to set myself up for failure#i have been sorta brainstorming what this would all be because i cant just completely change who i am as a person#and so any idea that would depend on that is a no-go (i.e. 'become non-anxious and extroverted' isnt a reasonable goal#but 'go to a concert/event/outing' once a month is though that specifically isnt what im going for)#idk i cant even be reliable at brainstorming because i write off half my ideas for not being feasible#such as dating since kinda my entire life and habits and plans are built around me Not Dating and not planning to#but it's also not an unreasonable option per se. would love to be in love. would hate to change my life to get it however#perhaps more than it could ever be worth#i wish i worked fewer hours at work#like literally i wish I worked 11am to 4 pm#and that it was monday-thursday#and then i would love to use all that extra buffer for Doing Things#but that is unreasonable on 100000 fronts. so i gotta use my time better to do what I want (make games & release tools)#or change what i want to something that better fits the time as i use it now (which is still almost nothing)
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mtbcleadgenbuzz · 1 year
Boosting Your Bottom Line: Winning Tactics For Small Businesses
Boosting Your Bottom Line: Winning Tactics For Small Businesses Small businesses face numerous challenges in today’s competitive market, and one of the most significant obstacles is maintaining a healthy bottom line. Profitability remains an ongoing concern for small business owners who are often juggling multiple responsibilities to keep their enterprises running smoothly. However, there are…
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propicsmedia · 1 year
PLANNING A WEDDING OR OTHER EVENT https://www.soundmaxdjservices.com/planning-tools
#event #eventplanning #onlinetools #onlineplanning #Weddings #Wedding #weddingplan #weddingplanner #DJServices #playlist #topsongs #bestmusic #Forms #assistance #weddingreception #Weddingmusic #WeddingDj #weddingservices #eventservices #audiovideo #media #multimedia #vancouverbc #SurreyBC #LangleyBC #AbbotsfordBC #WestVancouver #NorthVancouver #MapleRidge #PittMeadows #Burnaby #PortMoody #Whistler #Mission #Chilliwack #HopeBC #Aldergrove #FortLangley
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demifiendrsa · 1 year
Hades II - Reveal Trailer
Hades II will launch in Early Access for PC via Steam and Epic Games Store in 2023.
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Key visual
The first-ever sequel from Supergiant Games builds on the best aspects of the original god-like rogue-like dungeon crawler in an all-new, action-packed, endlessly replayable experience rooted in the Underworld of Greek myth and its deep connections to the dawn of witchcraft.
Key Features
Battle Beyond the Underworld – As the immortal Princess of the Underworld, you’ll explore a bigger, deeper mythic world, vanquishing the forces of the Titan of Time with the full might of Olympus behind you, in a sweeping story that continually unfolds through your every setback and accomplishment.
Master Witchcraft and Dark Society – Infuse your legendary weapons of Night with ancient magick, so that none may stand in your way. Become stronger still with powerful Boons from more than a dozen Olympian gods, from Apollo to Zeus. There are nearly limitless ways to build your abilities.
Mingle with (More) Gods, Ghosts, and Monsters – Meet a cast of dozens of fully-voiced, larger-than-life characters, including plenty of new faces and some old friends. Grow closer to them through a variety of new interactions, and experience countless unique story events based on how your journey unfolds.
Every Run is its Own Adventure – New locations, challenges, upgrade systems, and surprises await as you delve into the ever-shifting Underworld again and again. Reveal the mysteries of the Arcana Altar, tame witchy familiars, and gather reagents using Tools of the Unseen to get closer to your goal.
The Perks of Immortality – Thanks to a variety of permanent upgrades and the return of God Mode, you don’t have to be a god yourself to experience what Hades II has to offer. But if you happen to be one, you can brave escalating challenges for greater rewards, and prove just how divine you really are.
Signature Supergiant Style – Rich, atmospheric presentation and storytelling fused with responsive action is the hallmark of Supergiant’s titles. Vivid new hand-painted environments, even smoother real-time 3D characters, and an electrifying original score make this mythic world burst with life.
Coming to Early Access
Getting player feedback through key phases of development was vital for the original Hades, so we plan to reprise that process once more, once this game is further along.
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neoplatinum · 3 months
til' death do us part - part 1 | minatozaki sana
summary: sana minatozaki walks right into your life with a marriage license.
pairing: heiress!sana x reader
themes: arranged marriage au, fluff, angst, tension, lots of elitism, conglomerate power-hungry side characters, implied sex
wc: 5.0k
(series masterlist)
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"the minatozaki's are waiting." you stare at the contract in front of you, frustrated at the idea of the family visiting. they sent the contract to you two weeks ago, and you knew that they were expecting a response, as in a signature. but here lays the contract on your coffee table, left to collect dust.
"let them in." you sit up from the couch, adjusting your shirt. you watch the maid let them in, timed steps in the long marble hallway. you hear their presence before you see them. then you see the matriarch of the minatozaki family step into the room. her head held high and proper, like a leader.
she reminds you of your own mother: the sharp tongue, quick judgements, and inability to let go of grudges.
then walks in sana minatozaki, the only heiress of the minatozaki group. she is not a stranger at all, but you havent decided if she is a friend or foe. when you were both younger, annual balls were centered around her. she always took those events in stride, while you enjoyed sticking by your mother's side.
you often remember watching sana dancing with anyone who would ask her; even from afar, you knew she was someone that everyone awed at. they treated her attention like a prize worth attaining.
"hello mrs. minatozaki and ms. minatozaki, please have a seat." you direct them to sit on the opposing couch. "how may i help you?"
they both get situated while you sit by yourself, feeling the weight of the minatozaki power firsthand. you watch your staff rushing to present them with tea, only for the two to dismiss them quickly.
"yes, we sent over a contract earlier last week, please sign it." the matriach points at the contract on your table.
"yes well, it is a marriage contract, a legally binding one. i need time to think it through."
"what is there to think through? you get to marry into the minatozaki group, and solidify your business with the backings of our family, i see no reason that it's empty now."
you frown at that, those were the exact words your own father told you over the phone, you called him immediately after receiving the contract, he told you the same exact thing, ending the call immediately after.
you dont disagree with the benefits, you would just rather marry someone else. someone that you could be in love with, not sana minatozaki.
"mrs. minatozaki, as much as i understand the power and backing of your family. i am rather old-fashioned. i only believe in marriage out of love." you nod solemnly to the older woman.
she lets out a trained laugh and holds her daughter's hands like they're her prize and tool. "love? you don't think that you could love my daughter?"
"mrs. minatozaki, i didn't mean it in that way-"
"so, what way did you mean it? my daughter sana," you say, watching as her daughter stands up from the couch, tall and proud, just like her mother, and smiling at you in that coy smile. "she has a line of suitors far longer than you could imagine; you should reconsider."
"mrs. minatozaki' please if i may-"
she holds her palm up, completely stopping you from speaking. "enough. here's what we're going to do: a three-month commitment. truly court my daughter for three months, and if you can honestly tell me you aren't in love with her, then i won't bother you with this matter for any longer."
"mrs. minatozaki, i think this is a completely archaic idea!" you exclaim, shocked to hear her say these plans. how quick she is to decide for her daughter's life.
"watch your tone. do not forget that your mother and I are well acquainted." she points her finger at you, and in a split second, she's back to that trained smile that is always so unnerving and threatening.
"i'm very sorry mrs. mintatozaki, please forgive my rudeness." you bow deeply at the woman. you return to your trained demeanor, letting mrs. minatozaki run your life for the next three months. who knows what she'll say to your mother if you decline?
both women get up promptly at the matriarch's signal, and you rush to walk them out of the manor. their resounding footsteps echo through the halls. the matriarch continues speaking of the three months of "dating," and you nod at every word in appeasement.
you assist them into their car, and soon they speed away from your manor. leaving you frustrated in your own driveway. by the time the sun has set, you finally return to your room.
the thought doesn't bother you anymore, while you were nervous at the idea of the minatozaki's pressing you on this marriage, you had gotten way too swamped with work.
in a week's time since the visit, you were giving a big presentation to shareholders and clientele. countless nights spent languidly going through the motions of collecting data for infographics and reports to extrapolate data. all part of your stressful day job.
a job that you take pride in, to take over the family business. dedicating years of your life to build the rapport needed for your father to put the company in your name.
you begin to wrap up on your final slide, indicating the prosperous quarter that your company has been seeing. beautiful graphics that display profit margins through the roofs. in every chair of that conference room sat a wide smile at your future projections.
"we expect to see a projection of 33% from our previous annual profits, along with more assets, and with the likes of a possible acquisition, this company will continue to flourish. thank you all for today." you conclude your presentation and smile to the many shareholders. they all stand and applaud you; you take a deep bow and shake hands.
the shareholders hound you, all gathered around in suits that costed more than the average house. they only bowed to the sound of money dropping into their pockets. so they push you, push your boundaries of how much you'll let them take.
mr. seki has always been the most persistent, asking for more money than he knew how to spend. so he stands before you, eyes twinkling and his grubby hands rubbing together like he found a gold mine.
you listen to him speak of the golden days with your father, business had little to regulations, making money was easier than breathing, but now he breaths down your neck for bonuses. the words travel in one ear and out the other, he forgets that you were a young child listening in to his discussions with your father.
before you know it, you hear that sharp clicking sound, the sound of sharp hard rubber hitting the tiled floor, you hear heels. short confident steps of a woman, and then you see it through the frosted glass, a womanly figure.
she's walking right into the conference room. then you notice the details: long brunette hair in waves, branded sunglasses atop her nose, a light pink suit adorned with blinding diamonds. behind her are bodyguards that tower over everyone. everyone's conversation stops at the sight of her, she stops right in front of you.
eyes strong and daring, she slips off her glasses and you recognize her, the woman of all your friend's dreams: sana minatozaki. more confident than ever, not being guided by her mother, she smiles that smile that you know your friends swoon over. delicate fingers slip off her glasses as she hands them to her assistant. eyes still focused on yours.
then she does it, grabs ahold of your tie, and slams her lips against yours. and you can hear it faintly, the sound of the shareholders all gasping, drowned out by the sound of your own heartbeat. the searing kiss lasts so long, like a time loop. when she pulls back, you gasp for air, choking and doubling over coughing like you inhaled chili powder. all your presentation material spilling on the ground.
"sorry to cut the festivities short, gentlemen." she bows lightly, an amused smile underlying her sarcasm. "my fiancé and i have things to attend to, i'm sure you know how demanding your wife can be". she giggles at that, letting them all nod, and disperse.
"fiancé?" you cough out, still catching your breath. sana grabs ahold of your hand and drags you out the conference room, and out to the elevators. you watch her two bodyguards at your feet, ready to intervene with broad and thick builds.
they remind you much of your father's bodyguards. but you never wanted them because it just felt so unnatural to be followed by men who protected you.
sana stands before the elevator, and without missing a beat walks in, at the sound of the door opening. you get pulled by the two bodygaurds into the box. now you stand next to a smirking sana and two men who could break your spine ten times over.
you exit into the lobby, all the staff rising to their feet at the sight of you and miss minatozaki. greeting you all, as you rush to follow after sana. you have a sinking feeling if you don't that those two men behind you are going to toss you right into the ocean. right outside of the lobby, is the sight of the signature black marked sedan. a true sign of a minatozaki. like the fortress of a family, this car is far than capable of withstanding a nuke, how true this statement is? you never want to know.
sana is quick to sit herself inside, being guided by her chaffeur. you nod to him before sitting inside, seperated by the middle seat. the door closes and suddenly you feel claustrophobic.
the last time you spoke to sana was years ago, back in law school, you never did like her clique but they were everywhere. so you have interacted with her through case studies and presentations, steering clear of the intimidating minatozaki group. so much for avoiding them, now you're stuck in a car with the exact person you were avoiding all your life.
"mother is furious." she comments, grabbing her heels off her feet, tucking them into a compartment. you stare at her for a while, confused with what she means. "well?"
"miss minatozaki, i thin-"
"sana. just sana please." she corrects you.
"miss sana, please, you cannot barge into my shareholder meetings and attack me like that. that was unacceptable on all levels." you continue. loosening the tie that felt like it was choking you when she grabbed it. you slip it off your neck and into your pocket.
"i thought mother made it clear her expectations. you sign that marriage license, and we're good." she continues to correct you, disregarding your frustrations.
"sana. i apologize but i have been swamped with work, i cannot even begin to think about marriage." you complain.
"work? you marry into the minatozaki group and you'll never lift a finger. those infographics you put together were cute, but the minatozaki's never put themselves through work they can pass off to others. marry in, and we'll find a suitable ceo the second you say so." she is everything you stand against, a figurehead as the ceo is the last thing you want for your budding company.
"i think you are mistaken, miss sana. this company is me, i am this company, that will not change if i marry into the minatozaki group." you don't waver for a second, conviction running through your blood.
she smiles at that, "you are one of those. the ones that are married to their work before anything else." she takes a second to contemplate this thought, what would you bring to the minatozaki group? profit, drama, not a headache that's for sure.
"i'm going to let you in on a secret," she leans her head towards you. "like how you are married to your work, i am married to wealth. doesn't matter if you have a million mistresses, or a thousand bastard babys. as long as you don't smear the minatozaki name, you will fit right in."
"i do not think so miss sana. the minatozaki's are adamant about blood purity, they don't let bastards live." you explain. she smirks at that, you've clearly done your research about the minatozaki clan. "miss sana, please, me marrying into your family would not beneficial to you. i am too concerned with my own self to be a pawn for your clan." you finish, hoping they will let this issue to rest.
"you seem to know a lot about our family for someone who isn't interested marrying in." her eyebrow shoots up and with the snap of a finger, the bodyguard hands her a manila folder through the slit of the window.
"once again, we urge you to sign this. i hope we become lifelong partners, fiancé." she winks and steps out of the car. speaking to the chauffeur, and soon you're being driven by the minatozaki car, another car ready for sana in an instant.
now you're left with a manila folder, weighing heavier than anything else in the world. when you are sit in your armchair with the manila folder, nursing a nice drink to unwind, you finally untie the manila folder. opening the contents, you find the same contract on your coffee table. signed with sana's signature in the bottom, and another paper.
in a written letter from your own father, you nearly crumple the paper in your own hand. the clauses of placing your company in the hands of your father, all shareholder signatures at the bottom. indicating the removal of power. in another line it reads in big bold letters, date sana for three months or your company will be absorbed by your father.
you call up your father.
"father, this is ridiculous, you cannot do this to my company. why are you meddling now?"
"you insolent child, given the opportunity to grow your business, you choose instead to be selfish? i present to you the opportunity of a lifetime: marriage into the minatozaki group. and i've been told you're pushing their patience." his deep voice rumbles into the phone. "my final words are these: you want your company so bad, prove that you are committed to the minatozakis, then i will transfer the power back." he firmly states.
"i don't even have the time, father. my schedule is busy with the new year and final changes with new clientele."
"i've already spoken to your assistant, all work for you the next three months have been transferred to my coo. he will take over for the time being, i trust him to run my own company, so don't you go spouting nonsense about his credibility." you bite your tongue at the sight. how dare your father meddle in your company? one that you built up with your own hands. the only piece of yourself that wasn't controlled by your father.
"do not forget who raised you. i can take everything away." his voice booms through the speakers. he ends the phone call there. and you throw that phone like a baseball, shattering the device into pieces.
so you do date sana for three months, finding it absolutely absurd in the beginning. often visiting her wherever she traveled. when she was busy, you would send out bouquets in your absence. you tried your best to date her, devoting time to getting to know her better. she's like you remembered when you were younger, loud rambunctious and had an eye for all things expensive. you spent trips all over the globe within those three months.
it's a strange feeling. letting yourself rest, you can't remember the last time you went on a vacation other than in law school. here you are, lying in a lounge chair on a private beach in santorini. drinking mai tais while you stare into the horizon. confused with your own life right now.
it should've been the merger. you get antsy just at the idea of your father's coo leading the merger, but what can you do. that company is not "yours" right now. while you are trying to enjoy the sight of the bright sun and clear waters, you watch out of the corner of your eye as sana flirts openly with a resort worker.
hand on his bicep, leaning in to show more cleavage, all the while keeping a sultry smile on her face. you're done letting your life be decided for you. you walk over.
"hi honey, how is it going?" you smile towards her, leaning in for a quick kiss. holding her neck in place, as you watch the man walk away. you let her go.
"jealous?" she smirks.
"no. i need answers." you sit down in front of her. "why me?"
"what do you mean why me?" she sips on her cosmopolitan, not provoked by the question.
"why marry me? my father is well known, but we are not a conglomerate group, why do you wish to marry me? i provide nothing to the minatozaki group, it doesn't make sense. there's the watanabe clan, the abe clan, the ito clan. i really don't understand why my family."
"it's not your father or his companies, it's you." she points at you. still sipping her drink. she doesn't skip a beat, no hesitation in her words.
"i hold no power on the world stage, you would be well off marrying any clan." you try reasoning with her, beyond perplexed on why she chose you.
"the watanabe clan are dirty: plagued with dirty lust, the abe clan are ruthless killers, the ito clan has been known to kill their woman. so tell me, how much better off i will be marrying them?" she continues. face hardened.
"i see...they are not as great as their name." you stare at her. less perplexed but definitely confused.
"we all grew up together, all the heirs, i know them better than they know themselves. and i do not like what i see. but you and i didn't speak to each other." she signals for another cosmopolitan, thanking the staff member and digging through her bag. pulling out photos of you two when you were children at the annual balls.
"you are worlds better than all of them combined. i could see it in the way you never vied for my attention. they all were intact dogs, hoping to hump something by the end of the night."
"sorry for the assumptions," you offer. the way she looks away from you, watching the ocean. and letting out a long and heavy sigh. she tucks the photos away. "so, marriage out of convenience? is that all this is?"
"yes." she nods.
you grab the contract from your bag, signing it in front of her. and then placing it in her hands, "to a happy marriage sana minatozaki, i hope you can handle my snoring." you laugh.
she grins at the contract, and tucks it into her bag. "then i hope you can handle my kicking. you groan jokingly and laugh loudly, her joining you.
minatozaki weddings were no joke. halls lined with marble pillars with gold accents. dishes made out of the finest and purest porecelin. waiters dressed in their finest, not a single hair out of place. global leaders and their children attending, even if they had no ties to the minatozaki.
the grandiose hall with beautiful mirrors dating centuries ago. recovered artifacts from the edo period, adorning the shelves. the giant minatozaki family crest on the back wall. with long tables lined with wedding gifts. you stand next to sana as the reception procession continues into the night. many notable figures congratulating the marriage. as well as the intricate gifts being handed off to you. each gift being placed and documented by the minatozaki security team.
the minatozakis look happy, wearing traditional kimonos and inviting all the guests to talk about their daughters marriage.
even though the place is filled with laughter and happiness, you can't help but feel like you just entered a loveless marriage. where you are destined to avoid sana, she smiles at everyone, showering in the attention, while you can't wait to get back to work.
you had explained to sana you wanted a quiet honeymoon, one that was peaceful and relaxing. so you both went puglia, to enjoy the rich Italian culture and the beautiful greens and blues of the water.
sana spent nearly ever second of the day buying herself clothes while enjoying pestering you. often times dragging you along to carry her bags, and be at her beck and call. she calls it "conditioning for a happy marriage." you had rolled your eyes when you heard it, but you wanted a happy marriage too so you complied.
now you stand in the middle of puglia, taking photos of sana, at her request. for the third time that day.
"how many photos do you need sana?"
"as many as i want. stop talking, more clicking!" you get back to taking photos and letting her enjoy the scenery. it's quite nice being with sana, she may be a bit high maintenance, but she doesn' t overstep when it comes to your boundaries. letting you enjoy your own alone time and venturing through the city alone.
sometimes you bring back flowers or a small gift to her, all of which she happily enjoys with a warm smile.
after the honeymoon, its back to the real world. in which your father happily returned the company back to you. the merger had been successful, but you're still catching up on paperwork that only you could sign. in the coming months, sana has moved in.
living together has become a routine. when she moved into your manor, she claimed it was a nice change from her home. you were confused because her house was far more amenities, but you let her move in.
so, every morning and night, you spend time with her, sleeping in the same bed, drinking the same coffee, and sitting at the same dining table. you don't share more than a few words with her, but her presence has become a nice addition to your life.
she's made herself comfortable, her makeup products all lining your sink, heels filling the floor of the closet. her closet so big that she ordered construction to build her own walk-in.
often times you see her out lounging in the sun room doing yoga or pilates. or when she's in a good mood, she'll join you in your study room to do work herself.
she goes out at night frequently, so you make it a habit to stay up until she gets home. you know she's protected and safe with her trained bodyguards and chauffeur.
it just brings you a sense of comfort to bring her inside in case she's unwell. some nights she gets home with love bites all over her body, other nights she comes home drunk falling into your arms. you never comment on it.
she comments on your life first.
"do you...have someone special in your life?" she asks with a glass of wine in hand. you look up from your table, eyeing her in the doorframe.
"no, i'm married to my job." you look back at the work laid out for you, pushing glasses back up the bridge of your nose.
"have you slept with a woman before?" you stop your work, putting the pen down.
"sana, are we asking about each other's sex lives now?"
"well i can be curious, cant i? you always look so proper." she walks in to sit by you.
"well, yes in the past i have." you comment, a little thrown off with the line of questions. she nods her head and gives you her wine, you sip it and place it on the desk. "why do you ask?"
"we've never consummated our marriage, don't you think it's time?" she leans over, eyeing the work on your paper.
"what happened to marriage out of convenience?"
"marriage out of convenience could mean we're sex partners out of convenience," she smirks. she stands up, pushing the paper off to the side. you raise your eyebrow, trying to get her to stop messing with your work.
"yes?" she takes the glasses off your face. a coy smile on her lips.
"we don't have to do this."
"i want to. do you?" she stands in your way, eyes trained on yours. a playful smile on her face. you get up to set your mind straight, no way were you sleeping with your non-wife.
"sana, please, you must be drunk." you walk past her, calling out to staff. "hi, could you please assist sana to bed." sana scoffs at you, flipping you off and pushing past the maid.
you return to your desk, eyebrows pushed together and a headache forming. but you can feel that spike in your stomach, you're sexually frustrated.
you've been actively avoiding being too close with sana. whenever she circles around, you scoot further away. opting for open spaces where she won't make sexual advances. rejecting her isn't fun either, she gets all pouty about it, but the way she makes you feel lately, has been dangerous. so you try your best to exercise restraint.
in the coming weeks it's harder and harder. some days she visits with your dress shirts tucked into a pencil skirt. walking in like a wet dream into your office. you will yourself to have self control but you can feel it slipping. the way you want to grab her, feel her skin under your fingertips, wanting to wrap around her.
today she manages to get under your skin. "darling, you must be so tired." she slides behind you. and starts massaging your shoulders, pressing the knots away.
you let her, feeling the tension release from your shoulders. her hands move expertly, and soon you feel more relaxed than ever. her hands begin to wander, sliding over your torso and frame. you turn to look at her, playful eyes staring back at you. you pull her into your lap, grabbing her neck for a kiss.
"i think it would be rather impolite of me to have our first time here in my office. maybe later?" you offer, playing with her pencil skirt.
"i don't care where we do it, as long as we do it now." she smirks and plays with your hair. you pull her up and place her atop your desk. walking quickly to close the door and drop the blinds.
she laughs when push her back, back hitting the desk, and then you lean over her. giving her a long kiss, before sliding your hands up her legs.
"come take what yours." she grins. you begin unbuttoning her shirt, hands trailing down until they reach her hips.
you kiss her fervently, moving towards her like a magnet. "yes miss minatozaki."
you might have to label yourself a sex addict, maybe a sana minatozaki addict actually. after sleeping with sana, you can't keep your hands off of her. often messaging her and taking days off to be around her.
it's unlike you, so unfocused and nonchalant about work. but you can't help it, sana feels like a drug and you need your supply. so here you are in your study, trying to clean up the smell of sex before your mother-in-law arrives. sana's an absolute vixen and trying to coax you into another round, but you know at any second her mother will walk into the house like its her own.
you spray a scent over top of the room urgently before closing the door behind you. a clingy sana kissing you deeply, trying so very hard to get you in bed with her.
"sana, no. your mother will be here any second." you force yourself to be the bad guy, pulling her arms off of you. to which she flicks your forehead.
"sana!" the sound of her voice booming like it's through a speakerphone. sana immediately tenses up, posture straight like a board.
"hi mother."
"glad to see you still recognize me." her mother chastises her. you watch the two woman, and you stay quiet. letting sana speak to her mother in a hushed tone, while you stand nearby.
it's hard to get a gauge on sana's mother, she's fierce and demanding. you also can't tell if she likes you, she keeps her distance. but you also can't tell if that's a good or bad thing. oftentimes she shows up requesting your presence at her events. but you play the part well as much as you can.
the older woman walks towards your living room, where she was months ago, and requesting you to marry her daughter. now she moves around your home like it's her own.
"now that you two have been happily married, it's important to discuss the next step." she starts. "we need heirs, multiple."
you and sana look at each other in horror.
"sana was the only heir in her generation of minatozaki's, i need you two to produce more than a single heir. to protect the minatozaki clan." she states firmly.
you groan into your hands, horrified at the conversation. and for the first time you see the matriach smile as she shows off photos of sana as a baby, cute as a button.
it does make you wonder about having a little sana running around, so you take the conversation topic in stride. letting the matriarch discuss traditions, schooling, extracurriculars and education to maintain the minatozaki standard.
sana is horrified to hear all this from her mother, but when she leaves, a light bulb turns on in her brain. then she smiles at you in that knowing smile.
"honey, come on, you heard my mother. we have to produce heirs. you know what that means?" then she wiggles her eyebrows as she drags you upstairs.
and you let her.
a/n: sana, sana, sana. she's been plaguing my mind recently. hope you enjoyed, proofreading is difficult work so i didn't do it. stay safe and stay healthy everyone!
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vasilissadragomir · 6 months
one of the most heart-wrenching things about thg universe is that you feel the loss of who each character would be outside the circumstances of their birth almost as acutely as you feel the loss of the characters themselves.
sure, we know what lucy gray and her family would be doing in a different world; she’d be dancing and singing and making music which defines a cultural identity. but what about the others? would haymitch have been a hilarious, loving father with a family had he not been forced to survive 47 other children’s brutal deaths? would finnick have been a charismatic and beloved actor, bringing joy to immeasurable people on his own terms? would beetee and wiress have worked together to develop technology to make it easier to connect loved ones far and wide? what would reaper and annie have given to the world, or thresh, or rue, or even coral or cato or glimmer or clove?
if katniss wasn’t half-starving and forced to spend each day hunting to feed her family, would archery be her true passion? or if she’d been a well-sustained little girl with access to art supplies, would she have spent her time sketching captivating dresses? she picks up ropes and making fish hooks quickly—could her dexterity have lent itself to knitting, sewing, or crocheting with vibrant yarns and fabrics? there’s so much evidence that katniss finds clothing inspiring and empowering, even when she dismisses it as frivolous. she likes being pretty, she just hates the circumstances under which she’s made to look pretty. cinna shows her that beauty has its own power, and there are several moments in her interactions with cinna and his designs that make me wonder who she’d be if she had space for art and creativity in her life.
conversely, peeta has had art in his life since he was a small child, but for him, art has always been entangled with his trauma. he could bake and decorate well because he learned from his mother, a mother who beat him his whole life. but his talent grows, not only as a survival tool in the first games, but when he paints rue on the floor of the training center before the second games. his art becomes not only a symbol of his trauma, but a means of resistance and solidarity. in a world where peeta’s intrinsic kindness and loving heart had been nurtured and welcomed rather than abused, could he have been a painter, helping people find collective meaning in the simple realities of life?
could katniss and peeta have still found each other in another world, a world without the horrors they were raised with, and bonded over their love of art? could they have been each other’s muses?
maybe they find their way to share art, after the events of mockingjay, as part of their process of healing and falling in love with each other. when they’re finally safe and have been for a long time, maybe katniss fashions peeta an easel for him to paint in their living room. after months of watching him gaze out the window and paint the changing leaves, katniss takes to knitting on a rocking chair in the other corner of the living room to steady her restless hands. they work silently as the days go by, quietly exchanging the things they’ve made to give each other the reassurance and love neither could ever fully convey with words.
and maybe one day, when they learn there’s a baby on the way due in midwinter, katniss takes a page from peeta’s sketchpad and starts to plan a series of sweaters and hats and socks she can knit for the baby. and peeta goes to the little nursery upstairs and starts working on a mural, so the baby will have something beautiful to look at every day. they work together to design the perfect baby blanket for their child, to ensure they will always be wrapped in a layer of protection and love by their parents.
but even if they find creativity and beauty in their lives after the end of mockingjay, the art they make will simply never be what that art could have been had they not faced what they faced. art comes from suffering, yes, but the human condition has so much suffering as is, and we’d never know what kind of art they’d make if they hadn’t experienced trauma of a distinctly sadistic and inhuman nature. but maybe their children, raised in a better world with love and protection and safety and joy and creativity and expression, will be the ones to create the art peeta and katniss never could.
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androdragynous · 1 year
It's almost July so 'tis the season, and I haven't really seen an information post go around despite Tumblr being full of artists and OCs, so for those not informed -
What is Art Fight?
copied from https://artfight.net/info/about , illustrated by Queijac
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Art Fight is an annual art game that lasts for 1 month. [ Note: usually takes place during July ] Users can register on the site to join in. Each year, participants are split into two teams to which they are assigned randomly.
[ Illustration: a furry character colored blue and a human character colored red brandish art supplies at each other like weapons. ]
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Players "attack" people of the opposing team by making art of original characters you choose belonging to members of the other team. You are free to use almost any style (see Attack Rules section of the rules).
Your team receives points based on what you create for the other team with each attack.
[ illustration: the blue furry character shows off a red drawing to the red human character, who is bending down to see it and looks excited. ]
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The artist that receives the attack can then counter that attack by drawing the character belonging to the person who attacked them, or pay it forward by attacking a different person on the other team.
At the end of the month, the team with the greater score wins.
[ Illustration: the red human is sitting at a table with drawing tools in front of them thinking of a blue character. They are holding a pen and looking determined. ]
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But remember, while there are point scores, the real goal is to celebrate characters with your fellow artists. Art Fight is about giving and recieving amazing art. ♥
If you're interested in joining up before this year's event period starts (or during it! You can join at any time) come and take part here ! The teams for this year are going to be revealed on the 23rd, so you have plenty of time to add your characters and scope out potential targets :3c
Extra info:
Digital art and traditional art are both accepted, including sculpture, fursuits, 3d modeling, animation, and more!
There is sometimes a bit of site downtime at the start of the event as traffic spikes. This is normal, is briefer each year, and will resolve after a bit. I recommend downloading a few ref sheets in advance if you plan on drawing from the first minute
Don't start art early! It's against the spirit of the thing to sneak in extra work time. If you're just doing it to give people art, you can always make it a normal, no-points-involved gift!
Character reference images and attacks created have to be non-sexual. The site has content filter guides and submission rules that go into more detail about what is and isn't allowed!
Don't have character references finished? Here's a quick guide on what's best to include at the minimum.
my profile is @ canonkiller owo
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avocado-writing · 5 months
Could I request headcanons for Astarion, Gale, Wyll, Halsin, Dammon, Rolan, and Zevlor react to his shy gn s/o nervously asking if they can kiss him on the lips?
note: going to answer his as if it’s their first kiss together reader is asking for!
bg3 Taglist: @ghosti02art @sadandanxiouswtf @yeethaw13
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tries to downplay how genuinely pleased he is by putting on his typical bravado “oh well I knew you couldn’t keep away, darling”
secretly chuffed because he understands having boundaries over your body and he’s pleased that you’re comfortable enough with him to ask
doesn’t want to make a big deal about it in camp but doesnt hide, either — wraps an arm around your waist and brings you to where he’s standing in the mouth of his tent
wants to make it special. catches your lips with his fangs a little but not too hard.
melts a little when he feels your hand gently run up his chest.
when you break apart, smiling, he feels a little thrill at how happy you look ❤️
surprised you’re asking! out loud says, “you don’t need permission to kiss me, they’re always gladly accepted.”
but sees how much courage it took for you to ask. Is so happy you trust him.
looks around, “where do you want me…? it has to be perfect…”
that’s enough to break some tension, you laugh and press your lips to his
his hands settle on your waist. not too tight, just enough to anchor you to the moment
you can feel him smile into it 💕
“well I certainly hope that we’re able to repeat that.”
you laugh, and go in for another one…
my man is a romantic. this kiss is at a planned event.
not that he’s pressuring you into it! he just wants to have a lovely romantic date and it so happens that that’s where you feel safe enough to ask.
you're sequestered away from the group, little picnic spread out, he wanted to have a nice moment for just the two of you.
you gather up the courage to ask him and he’s surprised for a moment! but then he smiles; hand sliding up your arm to cup your face, his lips meet yours when you lean into it
it’s perfect. soft, gentle, loving. you can feel the emotion behind it.
he’s smiling when he pulls back. for a moment, you want to apologise for not instigating this sooner. but then, as if he’s read your mind:
“you’re worth waiting a lifetime for.”
honoured you trust him enough to ask.
he doesn’t care about rushing into anything. he’s an older man, happy to wait to take things at your pace.
not to say he isn’t pleased you asked — he is! he’s wanted to know what your kiss tastes like for a while now.
when we see him kiss in game there’s a ferocity behind it. but this time it’s soft, he lets you take the lead with pace.
uses his body to shield you from the rest of the camp so that the moment isn’t too public.
hands softly wrapping around you, bringing you to his broad chest. keeping you safe against him.
he mutters against your lips. “nature truly look its time with you. you are perfect…”
if he says it enough, maybe you’ll believe it’s true.
is so immediately thrown he can’t even answer for a moment.
is the heat in his cheeks from the forge or something else…?
manages to find his words after a moment, “oh… yes! hang on, let me…”
cleans his hands, quickly splashes his face with water to remove the soot, turns to you-
“how should I…”
you reach over and gently press your lips to his, surprising him!
but then he wraps his arms around you, tail swishing in such enthusiasm it takes out a row of tools
he’s a bit nervous to start with but gets super into it
wants to do it again and again… if you’ll let him…
(and you do)
you ask if you can kiss him.
an immediate “YES”
he’s so excited. there’s a non-zero chance this is his first kiss.
tries to be soft and careful but can’t hold in how happy he is.
teeth clack together a bit, maybe a bit too eager with tongue… but you find yourself smiling into it anyway 💕
again, another tail swisher. can’t keep his emotions hidden from you. doesn’t want to.
he wants to touch you all over but keeps his hands to your waist to make sure you feel comfortable.
when you pull away he’s blushing, muttering “wow…”
he’s left speechless by you.
my man is the most respectful tiefling around.
honoured to be asked to kiss you. I think he takes you somewhere quiet, secluded. doesn’t want people staring.
slowly brings you against his body before pressing his lips to yours.
you feel… protected by his kiss? it’s hard to explain.
you just know he’d protect you.
and the kiss is perfect.
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