#favorite card ask game
mayoiayasep · 2 years
whats your favourite nazunii card!
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human comedy means so much for me and nazuna's growth as a person as well just. it shows so weel just between the bloomed and unbloomed of the card and if i think about it too much i'll start crying so im just gonna say :) yeah :)) fucking love niichan :)))
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tearwolfe · 7 months
I had nowhere else to put this so you can take it, as idk if it’d appeal to anyone
So I’ve had this idea of ruikasa but Tsukasa is just an eepy wish dragon who came down after Rui wished for a friend. Rui saw his hair and thought he’d be some ethereal looking being but instead he gets some sleepy looking friend-shaped guy. Needless to say he is IN LOVE. Anyways yeah idk if that appeals to anyone but me so you get to hold this information.
you came to the BEST possible person with this idea. i LOVE dragonkasa
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my idea was that rui is a freelance writer of sorts slash shut-in. he does not know how to make friends </3 most of his friends are online
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bayheart · 1 year
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HIIIIII so this was for a server gift exchange teehee, my giftee was @funnywizard3000 !!! AS U CAN TELL BY THE USERNAME.... funny wizard image was in order :)
team game night!!!!! bulkhead is winning. also prowl would have corrected bee on the dnd spell name first if he wasn’t busy using this opportunity to look at bulkhead’s cards. u know how it is 💖
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detectivechandler · 2 days
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I kinda listened to some of yall this time.
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seoafin · 8 months
is there anything you can tell us about the alucard fic? no pressure to post!
in my fic i think alucard is understandably hurt by your sudden disappearance. he spends the next 200 years thinking you abandoned him, while simultaneously grieving your death and nursing a bitterness, torn by desire and a betrayal he thinks he has no right to feel. you were never his. he entertained thoughts of you staying but he never expected it. yet it hurt more than he anticipated. he literally puts himself to sleep because he can't deal with it lmfao. during the reunion scene in nocturne he's surprised by how quickly it all melts away. every single horrible feeling. he's still in love with you. he feels like the fumbling dhampir who had watched you take the flowers he had gotten you, breath bated. you're alive. and you don't look a single day older than the last time he saw you, bathed in moonlight on his bed. he's confused. but also still down crazy bad. i think once you tell him the truth about everything he very very very very reluctantly accepts it (he'll find you in the future aka during his fbi agent era). the conversation is predated by a very uncomfortable conversation where you have to tell him that you're leaving. again. (after he tells you that he'll never forgive you if you leave him again and/or turn you into a vampire if you die). anyway after you leave, all alucard wants is to go to sleep until he can meet you in the future. but people keep on making him wake up to defeat world ending evil smh. (he can't meet you if the world ends before then right?)
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loomingtwilight · 6 months
truly the biggest Alhaitham Stan Moment (trademark) thing ive ever done was going from tcg player level 1 to 5 in the couple weeks leading up to patch 4.3 and his character card being added to the roster just so i could duel against him and get his card
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aroaceofthesea · 9 months
Learning how to code apps bc i want to play a very specific game of cards with my friends and there isnt anything online thats good enough to play
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💛Smoshblr December Asks Day 11💙
What are your top 3 favourite video games and/or your top 3 board/card games?
we're gonna see how old i am, are you ready? i'm a boomer when it comes to technology, so my taste in video games skews older.
i love fate enough that i still play it to this day. like the original. like the one that came out in 2005, yeah.
my number one girl, miss sugar pink liquor liquor lips, is stardew valley, which isn't that old but not exactly new either (my favorite villager is haley and yes i mean that).
and then like. if i'm gonna say a normal and semimodern video game, i'd go with the sims 4, but if i'm honest i'm gonna say champions of norrath (2004). i miss the ps2, she was my friend
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colorfulstage-en · 10 months
I’d rather be haunted by Nene. Mafuyu and Toya haunt me any gacha I pull for. Pulling 100 pulls on a gacha I really want, “sorry you can’t get the banner cards but have 2 four stars of Mafuyu and Toya each though. “
Oh, I'm afraid I worded it wrong- Nene never comes home. In fact I had to spark her from the CG/O gacha. The entire 200 pulls I pulled off-banner cards.
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Trust me, as happy as I was to see Kanade, Rui, and Haruka. All pretty high favorites of mine- I was pretty sad to have to spark Nene.
In fact I got curious and checked, my most four stars is KAITO.
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Although to be fair, only 2 of them (Leo/Need and Kamikou Fest KAITO) were pulled off-banner. Otherwise I would say I'm haunted by Honami, as much as I love her, I pulled 3 of her cards (2 different, but I pulled her New Years card twice) during new years and no fes. I was honestly surprised to see Kanade and Haruka show up in my pulls at all considering I only had 1 4☆ of either of them before this.
Although truly I can't complain because I have a four star for every character and I am always happy to see them come home (albeit usually at the cost of not getting someone else)
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broke-on-books · 3 months
#accidentally slept through my only class today#which whoops sorry. (my 9am english)#which kind of killed step 1 of a plan of mine but thats okay#anyways THEN i had to go downtown to pick up this award bc i forgot to show up to the ceremony like a dumb dumb#but the building was like a 25 minute walk and it was COLD (punishment for my dumb dumbness tbh) but anyways i got there early so i walked#around the block and then went inside and picked up my medal#and i was already far downtown so then i popped my head in a couple of stores as i slowly walked back#got a few things from target. new hair clip nail polish m&ms pens and then a mango. very excited to eat that either later today or tomorrow#then i popped in the calligraphy store and then the comic shop and looked around. saw some white ribbon in the calligraphy store which ive#been looking for but didnt get it because it was a bit wide and kind of expensive and i want a lot for my project idea#(want to write out some of my favorite poems on them in sharpie and then use it to accessorize)#and then i went to the comic shop and peeked around. saw a nubia issue and a few gl 2021s in the discount bin but i didnt get them bc#they were all middle issues and i havent read those books yet although i do want to someday bc my guys were in them. one of the gl 21s even#had simon on the cover so i was very !!!!!!!! thats my guy!!!!!#didnt buy anything there but i did ask the guy to make sure to order a copy of the spirit world tpb so ill stop by to get that in a few wks#and then i went to the bookstore cafe and got a cold brew and did a but of English there. they have tables in the stacks its nice. the one i#grabbed was just surrounded by old paperbacks of sci fi and thrillers lol. didnt see anything id read but recognized a few author names like#card (no enders game though) and the pern lady (idk her name i havent read it). anyways did half a blog post thats technically late (ill#backdate though dw) and then packed up and i grabbed a gyro from the halal cart on that block which i just finished back at my dorm <3333#anyways good times. now im gonna try and spam some work and go to freaking trivia team for the first time in a month later. oops#blah#oh and i think the halal cart guy may have given me a free soda. unsure abt that though bc its possible it came with and i was just being#silly again. so anyways i had a ginger ale too
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rai-knightshade · 7 months
Get to know me tag game!
Exactly what it says on the tin, I was tagged by @samblerambles for this one!
Top 3 Ships: I hope this question means just, like, currently, cause no way could I choose a top 3 of all time 😭. Current Nuclear-Levels-of-Brainrot Blorbo ships are: 1) Jeca (Jesse x Beca, Pitch Perfect); 2) Zelink (Link x Zelda, primarily Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom); and 3) Zekkna (Jaina x Zekk, Star Wars Legends/Young Jedi Knights). Honorable mentions go to the polyam versions of these ships tho (JessexBecaxChloe and Jaina's Mini Harem aka JainaxZekkxJag(xmaybe Kyp but I'm not sold on him). And maybe also YonaxSidonxLinkxZelda, which I just think is neat and fun)
Favorite color: yellow! I love a good golden, sunny yellow I gotta say 😁
Last Song: unintentionally, Cake by Itzy (played on the radio at the boba place I went to today); intentionally, Mr. Perfectly Fine (Fearless Vault Track by Taylor Swift)
Last Book: you know what, it's been 7 months since I last read anything, I think that officially makes this answer None until I get around to reading another book 😅.... Or it's the Little Golden Books baby's first biography on Taylor Swift. Which might actually be cringier 😅 (cringe is dead and it's a cute book etc etc but goddamn does this still say something about my ability to read actual books nowadays rip)
Last Movie: The Eras Tour Movie, preceded by The Barbie Movie
Currently Watching: nothing intentionally. I like watching some of the MeTV block of classic 70's/80's/90's shows tho. I'm always down for classic Macgyver and Emergency!
Current obsession: while you might come to the conclusion, based on this post, that it's Taylor Swift, I'm actually still fairly normal about her I promise 😅 I maintain the distinction that I'm a swiftie, but I'm not a Swiftie™. There's a difference. No, the actual answer is only mentioned once so far: Pitch Perfect, more specifically Jeca (and also SwanSongs aka Jesse/Beca/Chloe), even more specifically the secret good sequel to the third movie where Jeca can still win (and everyone is truly, canonically queer in a myriad of ways) that lives rent-free in my head, multiple pages of my sketchbooks, and as the Big Damn Fic™ I've been posting very slowly to AO3 since last year. Don't believe me? I'm gonna add '#jeca' and '#not to Blorbo on main but' to the tags of this post, look through the reblogs and actual blogs I've tagged over the past couple years and you'll truly understand how deep it all goes.
Currently Working On: allegedly, it's chapter 2 of the Big Damn Fic™ I just mentioned, 'these hands had to let it go free and- (This Love came back to me)', for which i just posted the ending a couple weeks ago as its own fic in the series to show that I'm doing something with it.
Country You Want to Visit: Scotland, Norway, and New Zealand. And also maybe Iceland. Pretty much in that order. I'd take a tour of Europe too tbh but those are the Big 3 (4).
Tags for Funsies: @thesorrowoflizards @lord-owlsnake @qcboeifzzz @beautiful-flutey @avian-violet and anyone else who sees this and wants to do it! Go for it! (No pressure tho ofc)
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mayoiayasep · 2 years
favorite mika card?
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another two for the price of one<3 this is my favorite genre of mika card i think like knowing that mika's fs outfit has RIBS on the chestplate changed me permanently as a fucking person
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ad-hawkeye · 1 year
ppl keep talking about Artem’s ass in the mechanic one but I’m way way to preoccupied by Rosa’s leg to focus on that tbh. it’s right there.
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pissfizz · 7 months
saki and toya for 13 4 and 5!!
13- non prsk song you associate with them/want them to cover- alice in freezer by orangestar! I want a honasaki cover of it so bad especially cuz the instrumental is almost exclusively piano and drums
4- fave event focus song- from Tokyo
5- fave trained cards-
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One of these is my fave I think tbh
13- non prsk song you associate with them/want them to cover- monster by ayase is the only one I can think of rn off the top of my head despite having an entire list 💀
4- fave event focus song- utsuro wo aogu but ONLY his solo I hate the full unit version
5- fave trained cards
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He needs more cards that are just cute tbh and these are the closest thing I got lol
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clockwork-nebula · 7 months
Okay so like I know I really only post about BSD, but can we just
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mantisgodsdomain · 7 months
30, 21, 14 for the art ask game!
For this ask game (which is supposed to be hosted on our art blog but this works too we suppose!)
30. What piece of yours do you think is underrated?
...well realistically this would probably be either a fic or a list of fics but look at our watercolor pearlescent effect on Survivor and while you're at it look at our cool shading on this art.
21. Art styles nothing like your own but you like anyways?
...that's honestly a bit of a tough one! Our own art style is sort of an amalgamation of every cartoony to pseudo-realistic style we've ever liked, and we tend to experiment with imitating other art styles often enough that we aren't sure we can really pin down what "nothing like our art style" would look like! We suppose... @boiledegghole's forays into stylized art would work for this? cosmopoliturtle's Pokemon redesign works in particular are excellent, and though our appreciation for formline is a bit more general than linked to a specific artist we do wish to point you to telekitnetic-art's works.
14. Any favorite motifs?
...like, in visual art or in general? We'll be real with you, our symbolism is usually mostly localized to writing, not visual art. We love a good decay motif in writing, we guess? We like using specific colors to mean things? Even if we're specifically doing art for symbolism purposes (generally for the sake of interconnecting with written work) we tend to have different "libraries" of what means what by character, so, uhh... there's a lot of ground to cover there and what the "favorite" recurring thematic and design element is is gonna vary by story, universe, AU, et cetera...
We generally have favorite symbolism for given universes but those are specific for a given universe and would take, like, way too long to list, even beyond the fact that 99% of our favorite flavors of Recurring Theme don't transfer well to visual art or are a wild bitch to draw, and again... inconsistent between different 'verses, and the way that any sort of symbolism is a tool for whatever story you choose to tell makes this question insanely broad in a way that makes it hard to answer.
Kjdrira uses decay and disassembly as control and self-definition of identity. Half of Mothiva's specific symbolism library revolves around the concept of the exotic pet. Selkieverse Vi gets a massive amount of mileage out of every stripe of fire symbolism imaginable. What are we meant to narrow this down to? Incredibly broad conceptual strokes like the vague idea of destruction? The word "blood"? We've got way too much going on in this department! This question's not made with us in mind! They might as well ask us, like. "hey, what words do you like using in your work". Easier to answer.
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