windwyrmss · 1 year
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windwyrm · 8 months
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pencil version below as usual
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enjoy you.... pencil enjoyers......
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kiunlo · 3 months
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umm i just think they could get up to shenanigans. and fight. is this what orcish foreplay is. idk.
comic panel that this is based off of below the readmore
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celenacallaghan · 1 year
It has been a while, hasn't it? I'm sorry for the long hiatus, but burnout sucks and my mental health took a swan dive off an impossibly tall structure. I've only recently just managed to wrangle it back into submission. But I'm already working on the next chapter and am hoping to get more done in the coming weeks. Thank you all for sticking with me, stay safe and sane, and I'll see you next time.
NOTE! The tags on the story have been updated, so please mind the tags going forward.
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Part of an illustration I am doing to keep myself interested in art (YOU HAVE TO DO STUFF FOR YOURSELF)
Young Garrosh Hellscream part of a band with his highschool mates Jorin Deadeye and Dranosh Saurfang. Punk metal... lots of screaming.
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bububorg · 1 year
Chapters: 10/? Fandom: Star Trek, Star Trek: Strange New Worlds (TV), Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Picard, Star Trek: Discovery, Star Trek: Enterprise, TOLKIEN J. R. R. - Works & Related Fandoms, The Hobbit - All Media Types, Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor (Video Games) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Alatar/Pallando (Tolkien), Bilbo Baggins/Thorin Oakenshield, Frodo Baggins/Sam Gamgee, Fíli & Kíli (Tolkien), Balin & Dwalin (Tolkien), Balin & Fíli & Kíli (Tolkien) Characters: Maxwell Forrest, Gandalf | Mithrandir, Glorfindel (Tolkien), Original Characters, Balin (Tolkien), Original Female Dwarf Character(s), La'an Noonien-Singh, Number One | Una Chin-Riley (Star Trek), Christopher Pike, Christine Chapel, Spock (Star Trek), Alatar (Tolkien), Erica Ortegas, Bilbo Baggins, Thorin Oakenshield, Dwalin (Tolkien), Fíli (Tolkien), Kíli (Tolkien), Ratbag the Coward, Brûz the Chopper, Az-Harto | Ranger, Original Orc Character(s), Saavik (Star Trek), Óin (Tolkien), Ori (Tolkien), Gamling (Tolkien), Lóni (Tolkien), Pavel Chekov, Frodo Baggins, Sam Gamgee, Varok Saurfang, Garrosh Hellscream, Mikey (Bright), Akoth (Shadow of Mordor) Additional Tags: Frontier Day, Multi-Era, Suicidal Thoughts, Anthology, Short Stories, Female Akoth Series: Part 4 of Team Medi: Sons of Durin, Part 2 of Team Medi: Team Medea, Part 3 of Team Medi: Tribe Summary:
Over the years, Frontier Day has been observed by citizens of the Federation as the day Starfleet began its mission to explore the galaxy.
250 years (and more) of history plays out around one special day.
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swampgallows · 5 months
i wish wow orcs were real so i could call them on the hellophone and tell them i love them. hi thrall i love you thrall. i love you saurfang. i love you eitrigg. hi meemaw draka i love you. poppop durotan i love you. hi miss kaz the shrieker hi hi i love you. hi garrosh hi hi hello i love you but it's complicated. hi zaela hi i love you. hi malukaz i love you. yes i know you're a minor npc in terokkar forest but i love you.
hi rexxar hi Misha hi huffer hi i love love love love love you hi hello!!!!!!!!!!!
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emoevanafton · 10 months
Talking about why garrosh hellscream is innocent, because i am a garrosh supremacist and i want to talk about it :)
And also to educate the uneducated people who believe he isn’t misunderstood. I hope to educate you on this subject :]
(Please scroll away if you dont wanna listen to a big long rant :) and constructive criticism is very welcome! Give me one valid reason as to why Garrosh is a bad person after reading this, i dare you)
1. Childhood:
Garrosh grew up in draenor, living with his dad (Grommash) and moved away to Nagrand at a young age due to a redpox outbreak, which was a deadly disease that killed hundreds of orcs. Garrosh was quite depressed during his time in nagrand, as the group of orcs he lived with saw his dad as someone who brought a curse apon their people, by drinking the blood of a pit lord called mannaroth. Garrosh felt ashamed of his father’s actions and did not want to take up the leadership of his people, he stated that he would rather die than be a leader. He did not want to become like his dad and was terrified that this would happen.
Thrall, who was a good friend to Grommash, visited garrosh after his death and told him about the heroic acts he had done for his people, and how Garrosh should not be ashamed of his legacy, motivating Garrosh and encouraging him to join the horde and live on azeroth.
Grommash was never really present in Garrosh’s life, and neither was his mum, who died a few months(it is hinted?) After he was born. This could contribute to his later actions and how he sees different people in his life, for example, he looks up to Thrall as a father figure and the way he acts is highly influenced by the people around him.
All throughout garrosh’s childhood, he was in a state of depression. This did not clear off until the beginning of the cataclysm expansion, when he was made warchief by thrall, but I personally believe he just learnt to mask it, and cover it with aggression. But that is a rant for a different day :)
2. Personality:
Garrosh has an arrogant and confident personality, however this is actually proven to be Garrosh’s way of hiding his negative emotions, hr is always shown to be VERY insecure, possibly due to not having his parents around when he was younger. he is also shown to be a people pleaser due to him wanting to make his people happy, and always trying to impress those around him, even his enemies. On the other hand he has also been shown to have a caring and loyal side to him, he sticks by anyone who does the same for him. He is also empathetic as we see in the stonetalon mountains questline, where he shows anger against Krom’gar for bombing a peaceful tauren village.
Garrosh also dislikes it when things do not go his way, he always wants to do things his way, and is quite immature for his age (again due to not having a proper childhood bc of parents)
He also has problems controlling his anger (alot like his dad) and will not hesitate to shout and attack close friends, it they disagree with or disrespect him. Garrosh does not like to be looked down apon either.
And as we see during Mists of pandaria expansion, he will quite literally do anything to get what he wants.
3.Orc culture and politics in Draenor:
Orcs as a species have a very war- like culture, they live in large clans who all compete for territory and resources. If they do not do this, they will die, Its that simple. The ideas on fighting, murder, etc depends on the clan, so it is hard to say what orcs as a whole think on these subjects, other than what is and isn’t honourable. Orcs are very honour-driven, and this is a large factor of their culture. In Draenor, there is also someit isn’t as frowned upon to kill and innocent from the opposing clan as it would be in Azeroth, as their idea is that ‘the innocent could grow up and potentially be a threat in the future.’ As Garrosh himself mentions in his convo with Varok Saurfang during a meeting: and i quote “But surely you cannot think that those children were born into innocence? They would have grown up and taken arms against us!”
The murder of innocents in Draenor is not taken as seriously as it would be in Azeroth. As the politics are completely different.
Why am I speaking about this in particular you might ask? Because Garrosh GREW UP with these ideas, so he understandably would run things the way it would be done in Draenor, he didn’t know any better, no one told him about the politics in Azeroth, Thrall couldn’t help him-
4.Thrall being an arsehole:
Thrall plays a major role in why Garrosh did the things he did, and I’ll keep bringing it up time and time again. Thrall decided to leave Garrosh (who at the time was unwilling to take up the role) as warchief, while he went to Nagrand to sort out the elementals, as he felt something was wrong with them. He did this while the Horde was in the middle of a Crisis, and people were starving and almost dying of dehydration, due to Deathwing attack on Azeroth, and the horde having no available resources after repairing their capital city. Thrall left Garrosh to deal with all of this when it should’ve been a more mature leader, such as himself, Cairne, Voljin, or maybe even Baine. So, Ultimately it was Thrall who allowed everything Garrosh did, to happen, Garrosh was not his only option and had said he did not want to be the warchief, he knew he wasnt fit for this role just yet. He is not a diplomat yet thrall expects him to be one.
Garrosh knew that the horde needed resources, and thought about attacking ashenvale, the tauren living there had seen an orc attacking nearby and thought it was because of garrosh, however this was not the case, it was a different orc clan (twilight hammer) who had nothing to do with him. They told Cairne (chieftain of the Tauren at the time) who challenged Garrosh to a duel. Garrosh had his weapon ‘blessed’ by an enemy of Cairne called magirtha grimtotem, who actually poisoned Garroshs weapon instead. Garrosh was unaware of this and killed Cairne by accident.
4.opinions of others
Because Garrosh had accidentally killed Cairne, the people of the horde saw him as a traitor and did not have great opinions of him, despite this being in no way his fault. He dueled Cairne to protect his honour, as in Draenor the loser of a Duel (mak’gora) is either killed, or exiled from their clan. Garrosh knew this.
Peoples opinions of garrosh only worsened after he manabombed Theremore. This made garrosh feel quite betrayed in a way.
Alot of people also bring up the fact that garrosh threatened to kill voljin, and held hatred against him and other non orcs. Garrosh felt threatened by them. Wanna know why?
Authough thrall had said to garrosh that he could go to Voljin for help, when he needed said help, who was there for him? NO ONE.
The only one who was minorly there for him was baine, that is why garrosh seems friendly with the Tauren, he is friendly to anyone who wishes to stand with him. He was friendly with the pandaren and welcomed them happily until they sided with the alliance, (and disagreed with the whole Yashaarj situation, but ill talk about that later.)
Garrosh felt threatened by voljin, he gave him empty death threats to his face and expected him to take it? Garrosh gave him similar death threats back, demanding that he left the city, and guess what? Garrosh was the only one being seen as the ‘bad guy’ in this situation for being threatened. Garrosh booted voljin (and the trolls) out of Orgrimmar completely. And put their island under martial laws. This was only really because voljin had quite literally just threatened treason on him, And dont give me the “Oh but garrosh is bias because he favors orcs more than the other horde races!” No he is not. He treats anyone (in this case, trolls) who decides to side against him with the same respect they give him. He favors orcs, yes, but understand that THEY ARE HIS OWN PEOPLE, OF COURSE HE WOULD TRUST THEM MORE! Why would he give protection and respect to people who dont give the same in return?
(I am not trying to justify Garrosh committing war crimes here, it is a war crime whether you like it or not, but there was reasons for this, therefore it can be excused if you do not look at it from a moral perspective)
The bombing of theremore was very strategically smart!
The bombing of Theremore was not a sudden attack as some people think. The horde and alliance had been fighting over theremore for WEEKS ON END. And the innocent had been given plenty of time to flee. Garrosh knew that this was a smart thing to do, and because of the culture he was raised in, he probably did not know how angry HIS OWN PEOPLE would be if he decided to bomb theremore. As we know, the bombing of theremore is what started off the darkspear revolution, a rebellion against garrosh lead by Voljin. Thrall also became a big part of this revolution. Garrosh was seen as evil once again BY HIS OWN PEOPLE (or who he thought were his people) and in retaliation to this, he created a ‘new horde’. Even though it was Voljin and Thrall who started a revolution in the first place; they turned their backs on Garrosh when he probably needed the most support at the time.
He probably trusted Malkorok the most at this time, along with Nazgrim, they were both loyal to Garrosh and stuck by him no matter what, they (specifically malkorok) killed people who disagreed with garrosh’s actions, as they did not want him to be hurt.
5.pandaren artifacts are powerful and Garrosh wanted to put them to good use.
Garrosh knew that the pandaren artifacts
Were powerful, and wanted to put them to good use, for the benefit of his own people, the people that sided with him, the people who didn’t decide to stab him in the back, so that they could rid Azeroth from the alliance (which was his ultimate goal). Garrosh was smart for doing this, he used the heart of Yashaarj to collect power from it and use it to his advantage.
(This is still up for debate but ive seen people mention it, so I’ll bring it up briefly.)
The heart of Yashaarj, just like any old god related artifact, will corrupt the mind of the user. Garrosh, being as insecure as he is, was effected by this, the heart of Yashaarj specifically is like a really demotivating audio hallucination. Saying things like “no one is coming to save you..”
now imagine how Garrosh might’ve felt having stuff like that repeated to him over and over again? Not fun.
6.Thrall is an arsehole, the seaquel!
After Garroshs trial, he was deemed innocent by the august celestrials. But before this was announced to him, he was taken to an alternative reality of draenor by a member of the bronze dragonflight, to prove his worth and stop the legion invasion. He does not do this because he wanted to see his dad, he doe’s however, warn his dad about mannaroths blood, and what it will bring if he does decide to drink it, This was effective and we end up with a alternate reality where grommash does not drink Mannaroth’s blood, woop woop!
So Garrosh lived quite peacefully in Nagrand again, with his dad, he probably felt happy for once in his life; at peace. While he was doing this, the iron horde had started to invade azeroth, possibly manipulated by guldan. Their goal was to use guldans power to hold the portal open, so they could invade and take more land for their people. This is just what orcs do, as ive said before.
Thrall hears of this and Immediately thinks it is garrosh who is doing this. Despite him having nothing to do with the attack. (apart from being a part of the iron horde?) Thrall and others go through the dark portal to stop the attack, fair enough right? They managed to destroy the portal and stop the attack, and he could’ve stopped right there, there was nothing wrong with that.
Thrall decided to find and kill Garrosh, even though he had been minding his own business, in nagrand with this clan, where he actually felt welcomed and appreciated; something he hadn’t felt in a very long time. Thrall manages to track down garrosh in nagrand, finds him, and challenges him to a Mak’gora, a traditional orc duel where the rules are as follows:
1. No body armour worn
2. Only 1 weapon should be used
3. Each participant must have at least 1 whitness
The Mak’gora took place at the throne of the elements, Thrall chose to have it there on purpose. There was no witnesses, and as far as i know nobody lived nearby.
The fight starts off a fair one, apart from the lack of witnesses. Garrosh seems to be winning and thrall, knowing he would die, decided to be an absolute coward and cheat. Garrosh, while this fight was happening seems clearly hurt by what thrall has done to him, mentally. He is hurt by the fact that Thrall put him in a high ranking position that he did not want to be in, in the first place, he sees Thrall as nothing but a traitor; and so he should.
Thrall uses the elements against Garrosh, forcing him down so he is unable to attack, or defend himself, he then dismisses Garrosh’s upset, by stating that he was the one who brought it apon himself- Thrall kills garrosh, leaving his body there.
Thrall manages to break Every. Single. Rule.
It was an unfair fight from the start, There was a reason there was no witnesses, so that Thrall could paint himself in a good light. He was wearing (what looks like) full body armour, and used id say about 4 different weapons? Elemental powers count as weapons.
Thrall must’ve known how a Mak’gora works, considering he is an orc. There is no excuse for it, the fact that he chose to have the fight in a discrete location just proves my point, why would he do that other than to dishonourably murder Garrosh? It was a dishonourable kill however you look at it, because of the nature of the Fight.
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noxmachinimafr · 7 months
Hi there, It has been such intensive weeks at work. I had no break in two weeks. Not surprisingly, today being my first full day off, I slept for 12 hours! Anyway, BlizzCon announcements are really cool for WoW, although I am that much into the new allied race. At least, several things sound pretty neat, and I am more intrigued than I was for DF story.
I took the opportunity of these quiet days to keep refining the official trailer of Untold Tale of Pandaria. The first version was hastily made to fit a deadline, while, now, I really have time to polish everything. I first worked on the introductory sequence featuring Jiora'Kirh (Kirh) and Karl Whistlewind!
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But the session of the day was dedicated to Garrosh Hellscream. The in-game model is already quite good, and because Garrosh is an emblematic NPC, there is not that much customization I can do. Still, the map is a bit low-def, which gives the tattoo the typical problem of ugly pixelization on the shoulders. And another point is that his necklace (seen in all the artworks and GCI cinematics) is absent! So I have to craft it. Regarding the axe, there are different models in the game files. The original Gorehowl was a bit too low poly and low def, while the upgraded model (dating back to WoD) was the one of the Alternative Draenor, so NOT the real Gorehowl.
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In other words, I had to do the same work I did previously on Dranosh Saurfang's axe that I had made from BFA Varok's axe.
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(I still love this model so much! :3) The work is not fully done yet, but the model got a nice refinement. The leather will be made in 3D. And I will implement his shoulder pads if needed at this time.
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I can now start working on this scene of the trailer. Please appreciate that my OC is nothing but a shrimp compared with the warchief! ^^'
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And, ahhh, look! I need to paint all the panels of the shrine, of course! Plus smallest panels with the pandaren clan portraits that I haven't placed yet. O__O
As I used to say, working on Blender gives a lot of freedom. But choosing to build a Japanese/Sichuan-Pandaren universe means that I have plenty to do from scratch! Hope you enjoy the sneak peek!
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windwyrmss · 10 months
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windwyrm · 9 months
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Sketch is 3 years old but goes so hard that I had to throw some quick color on it.
Close-up on their expressions:
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wolfandwild · 2 years
Warcraft x AO3 Tags Master List
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Character Edition - Part 1
Anduin Wrynn, Malfurion Stormrage, Sylvanas Windrunner, Wrathion, Baine Bloodhoof, Deathwing, Illidan Stormrage, and Sire Denathrius.
Character Edition - Part 2
Kael'thas Sunstrider, Flynn Fairwind, Vereesa Windrunner, Kalecgos, Queen Azshara, Vanessa VanCleef, Kel'thuzad and Sargeras.
Character Edition - Part 3
Alexstrasza the Life-Binder, High Exarch Turalyon, Garrosh Hellscream, Tiffin Ellerian Wrynn, Calia Menethil, Katrana Prestor, Prophet Velen and Algalon the Observer.
Character Edition - Part 4
Arthas Menethil, Nathanos Blightcaller, Edwin VanCleef, Valeera Sanguinar, King Mechagon, Xe'ra, Aethas Sunreaver, and Odyn.  
Character Edition - Part 5
Sally Whitemane, Zovaal the Jailer, Ysera the Dreamer, Remornia, Varok Saurfang, Varian Wrynn, Thrall, and Vol'jin.  
Class Edition - Part 1
Death Knight, Demon Hunter, Druid, Hunter, Mage, and Monk.
Class Edition - Part 2
Paladin, Priest, Rogue, Shaman, Warlock and Warrior.  
Faction Edition - Part 1
For the Horde! Blood Elves, Forsaken, Goblins, Huojin Pandaren, Orcs, Tauren, and Trolls.
Faction Edition - Part 2
For the Alliance! Draenei, Dwarves, Gnomes, Humans, Night Elves, Tushui Pandaren, and Worgen.
Faction Edition - Part 3
Horde Allied Races! Highmountain Tauren, Mag'har Orcs, Nightborne, Vulpera, and Zandalari Trolls.
Faction Edition - Part 4
Alliance Allied Races! Dark Iron Dwarves, Kul Tiran Humans, Lightforged Draenei, Mechagnomes, and Void Elves.  
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celenacallaghan · 1 year
As Izzy struggles with the debacle with Garrosh, a schism forms between her and the young Overlord. A decision to leave for Wyrmrest Temple reunites her with an old friend as the strike against the Wrathgate looms ever nearer.
New chapter out and hoo, it was a bit tricky in the beginning, but I got it done in the end. Thank you all so much for your patience, hope you’re staying safe and sane out there, and I’ll post again soon.
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renaultmograine · 2 years
10.0 spoiler anonymous ask below
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imo, people shat on malfurion because they either never read the books he's in, or they did and malf in game does nothing because the writers don't know how to implement him.
his death isn't like a heroic last stand like saurfang or varian's, or hell, even like garrosh's final. there's not going to be an epic cinematic of him going down swinging, showing everyone who's fucking boss. he's going to die because the plot said he needs to. that's it. not only that, he's dying to bring back a character that died in legion and we saw last expansion. i didnt play ardenweald but like the entire fucking leveling quests were dedicated TO her, were they not? and now yay she's back all that meant nothing 🤗
saurfang had an end to his arc where he died for what he believed in. varian, having finished his arcs, died heroically and left the story in a grand show. even vol'jin had a better death, and he died of poison five whole gameplay minutes into him being warchief. meanwhile, malf is dying because ysera needs to be in the story, and that's it. they literally tell you that. and it's not even in the heart-wrenching "i will sacrifice my life to bring back their's" because we could literally see ysera at any time we wish. ysera is in the fucking conversation with them about this.
in a game about war and heroic deaths, that's fucking abysmal. that's why everyone's mad about it.
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sylvanas-girlkisser · 2 years
Additional Sylvanas thoughts: I still genuinely believe Sylvanas kicking the shit out of Saurfang ad calling the Horde a bunch of wankers should have cemented her as warchief, not forced her to abdicate.
Like Saurfang's entire case rested on Sylvanas being viewed as a shrewd politician with no respect for horde culture and tradition. Her accepting his challenge, winning exactly the same way Thrall beat Garrosh, and then telling the entire horde to go sit on a cactus should have resulted in roaring applause. She let the mask slip and that was what the people wanted from her.
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sandwyrm · 2 years
Your top 5 favorite story tropes?
5. Found family.
4. When there's a revolution or questioning the status quo (how I end up simping villains since they're usually the ones to do it because 'good guys don't rock the boat uwu' good guys should definitely rock the fuckin boat too) 3. When guy is large but soft??? Or girl is mean??? or they're TOGETHER?????????????
2. When there's an old guy that's seen too much hurt and done too much hurt and has lost loved ones and is just mostly alone and there in the corner not saying much and either obviously depressed or masking super well pretending he's just a boring old guy, and he keeps hoping against hope that the world will get better but the world doesn't get better so he continues just hoping the new generation will change things and have it better and then they have to fight for a cause and they just fucking bring everything to the fucking table and put every other character before them to shame with kickass skills and fighting to the death for a cause they believe in because finally NOW is the chance after SO LONG.
1.When there's a young guy that functions on spite and determination alone and they're rocking the status quo while at it and THEY'RE PAIRED WITH THE OLD GUY and they get on each other's nerves every single interaction and the old guy is trying to give him tips but the young guy is all NO I WILL NEVER LISTEN TO YOU OLD MAN YOU ARE OLD AND I HATE YOU and you KNOW he means it because you could tell this guy you can't breathe underwater and survive in fire and he will take it personally and do it just to spite you, so the old man is just resigned to things going downhill butTHEN BUT THEN BUT THEEEN the young guy has to do something alone with the old guy nowhere in sight and HE'S DOING EXACTLY WHAT THE OLD GUY WOULD DO / SUGGEST AND HIS ENTIRE MORALITY HAS SHIFTED TOWARDS THE OLD GUY'S IDEAS WHILE HE IS THERE RESIGNED TO HIS NEW SITUATION TALKING TO HIMSELF WITH "someone once told me..." HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH JUST FUCK ME UP (Iroh+Zuko, Hank+Connor, Saurfang+Garrosh etc)
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