#gen: jutsu
lazyenemygladiator · 2 years
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Team 7 2.0 joins in on the activities with the younger kids. And of course we can't go on doing something without Boruto & Kawaki clashing at some point.
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mixelation · 6 months
has Kakashi/Shisui ever been on a real mission with Tori? (Or Deidara for that matter) Since you mentioned that Deidara is technically part of R&D, do Tori and Deidara go on R&D missions together? Are "R&D missions" even a thing? It's just hard to imagine her on like a legit mission with people who know her and are not reborn!Akatsuki
i haven't hammered out how R&D really... works, yet. i know most of tori's day-to-day activities are research-related. i think most "R&D missions" are internal. like, you'll get assigned to develop a justu that does xyz, or test out the efficacy of some new field protocol someone proposed, etc. you might have external missions to observe or collect something, but i think those are more like "R&D requests the mission, it goes into the general mission pool, someone from R&D may or may not actually be assigned." R&D ninja can take gen pool missions depending on what their assignment in R&D is like, or their expertise might get them assigned to gen pool missions requiring niche knowledge/techniques/etc
deidara has an R&D affiliation because minato is like "oooh that kid needs specialized space or he's going to blow up something important," and then from there it's a lot of R&D higher ups begging him to formally write down how his justu actually, like, work. sometimes someone is like "hey wait can you make you hyper useful animated clay do x?" and then they have to listen to him give an insane diatribe on art, but sometimes he does go and do it. but i don't think he's assigned to any research groups and his main goal as formally stated by the hokage's office is to just be a better ninja (most R&D ninja are not like this, but it's not uncommon for someone to be there for this purpose). so deidara also regularly takes field missions
tori gets field missions less often, but she ends up on a lot of random ones because having a fuinjutsu master on hand is really useful and there's not a lot of them. i talked a little about this before, but i don't think it would be insane for her to be temporarily assigned to an ANBU team that needs fuinjutsu for some reason, or for someone from ANBU to be stuck on a gen pool team including tori. i think minato might be hesitant to match her with kakashi or shisui, but it's not... impossible. idk it might be fun to have them interact in a professional capacity. the tori mood for this au is that she is incredibly good at what she does; it just always comes as a surprise that she is lol
i decided medics do have to put in a certain number of hours training/in the hospital to maintain their status as medics, so what's MORE likely (and possibly funnier) is shisui going in for stitches and tori being like "guess who's doing her mandatory hours!!!!!" (i don't think tori is like.... great as an actual medic. certain aspects of it she's fantastic at because it's her research interest, but she doesn't actually like practicing medicine, and she's constantly trying to dodge her hospital shifts or count missions where she did 0 medical jutsu toward her hours)
one thing i want to play with is tori in a situation where other people's wellbeing/survival depends on her. like a mission gone wrong where she realizes she's the one who has to get other people to safety. i think this would be fun because tori.... never has to do this? she's always been the weakest on the team, and she doesn't consider herself a leader
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zweetpea · 1 month
Eternity or Stasis part 2 of 2
“WOAH WOAH WOAH!! Language! Hehe, Steve… anyway. Previously on… whatever the hell this is!”
“Who are they talking to?” Aether asks
“I, Gen, got shot and ended up here! Then the Raiden Shogun’s army kidnapped me and brought me here!” You wrap your arm around Ei’s shoulders.
“Please stay away from me.”
“Wow! Okay, I see how it is.” You unwrap your arm from around her shoulder. “I thought you were Bae, turns out you’re just Fam. Jk I respect your boundaries.”
Lumine comes up to you. “Gen!” She smacks you. “Pull it together!” She shakes you by your collar.
“Listen listen listen Linda! I appreciate your help mkay, I really do, but you need to take a step back.”
“What is wrong with you?” Aether asks.
“I’m a little meshed up.” You smile.
“We can tell.” Lumine rolls her eyes.
“So uh, what did you guys say your names were? Sorry I’m kinda bad with names.” You ask.
“My name is Sky and this is my sister Light.” Aether smiles and waves.
“…hi.” She rolls her eyes.
“So… good job warding off Dvalin and Osial but I have the Raiden Shogun covered. The talk no jutsu worked. I was just like, you need to fix your attitude and outlook on life and apparently that worked.”
“Well of course. You are the one Celestia fears. There is no doubt in my mind that you are wise.”
“Oh stop Ei! You’re making me blush.” You giggle. “Anyway please let us out. Then take over your puppet and we’ll get to work on fixing your nation.”
“Alright.” Ei opens the rift and the three of you exit. “Everyone! This is the Adored one! The one Celestia fears! Centuries ago the Archons held a meeting in Celestia and we were informed of a prophecy of someone who would take down Celestia and liberate Teyvat! This is that person.” Ei shouted. “Go on. Tell them about how we’re going to fix Inazuma.”
“Me?! Oh uh. Hi everyone! My name is Gen, with a G. I’m gender fluid. So we’re going to be giving back all of the Visions and pardoning everyone on Watatsumi Island.”
After about an hour of diplomatic work you were finally able to walk around the city with the twins and Paimon.
“It’s nice to meet you! Paimon is Paimon. These are the Stardust travelers.”
“It’s nice to meet you Paimon! You are just adorable!”
“Aww. Thank you. Ehehehe!”
“So where do we want to go?” You asked.
“How about we meet up with Ayaka and Thoma?” Aether suggests.
“Sure.” You smile.
You four make your way down to the Yae Publishing House. There stood Thoma, Ayaka, and Ayato actually.
“Thoma! Ayaka! And… who is this?” Paimon cheers.
“Hello travelers! This is my older brother Ayato.”
‘Obilf’ you think.
“And who is this?” He smiled towards you.
“You can call me whatever you like handsome.” You smirk.
“Well how about Gen then.”
“Okay.” You smile sadly. ‘I’m this close to boning Jeht’s dad. I was promise debauchery!’ Grr. Your stomach grumbles. “Heh, sorry I haven’t eaten all day.”
“You poor thing. Come with me, I’ll get you some food.” Ayaka takes your hand. ‘Forget Ayato. Ayaka being wife material right now.”
“Thank you! The beauty of you soul compliments the beauty of your face.” She blushes at your compliment.
Your group makes their way back into the city and you head to the komore tea house.
“Cute! Puppy!” You cheer.
“This is Taromaru.” Thoma introduces.
“Hi sweetie.” He nuzzles into your palm. “This is the greatest day of my life. I’m so happy I might cry!”
Lumine rolls her eyes as Aether chuckles. We all go to sit in one of the rooms and sat at the table. Thoma, Ayaka and Ayato on one side. You and the twins on the other. You sat across from Thoma; Aether sat next to you on your right across from Ayaka; and Lumine sat on the end across from Ayato. Paimon floated beside Lumine. 
The seven of you chatted and ate. “Sky you have to try this!” You held out some food in between your chopsticks.
“Oh sure.” He takes a bite. “That’s really good!”
“I know right!”
“Here you should try some of mine.” He gives you some of his.
“This is so tasty!”
“I’m glad you enjoy our cuisine!” Ayaka cheered.
“I enjoy your face more~ sorry I’m letting the intrusive thoughts win.”
After the meal you and the twins and Paimon left for the wilderness.
“Well I should probably let you guys be for the night.”
“Yeah, good night.” Lumine grimaced.
As you were walking through the mountain side you were ambushed by fatui agents.
 You held out your hand and…
…nothing happened.
“WHAT?!” Your delusion glowed purple. “You motherfu-” a blast of Hydro knocks you unconsciously.
When you wake up you’re bound and gagged. ‘Kinky’ you think, as you stare up at a short man in black and red with violet hair and violet eyes.
“Finally! We meet face to face the one Celestia fears. I only have one thing to say to you.” He grabs you under your chin. “I intend to marry you.”
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uchiha-namikaze-spawn · 2 months
A type of fanfiction I need that is extremely rare to find is how used the characters are to something.
Like, jutsus, for an example, imagine Boruto (I'm going for Naruto: Next Gen for a better understanding) watching Sasuke and Naruto do signals with their hands too fast for human eye to capture and he stops and just thinks how difficult and how many times these shinobi had to use these hand signs in order to be able to even make it one handed - as its Sasuke case, in which he can even use another person's hand to use jutsus - and Boruto just ignores Kurama, sharingan, etc., etc. and focus on asking Naruto if he even knows what he is doing.
After awhile it must become muscle memory, right? You know you want the result to be a huge tower of water and just effortlessly acts on it, your brain not having to think it through, think about every detail so you don't end up with a small water puddle instead.
I know that Boruto is used with "the fastest you can hand sign the more skilled the shinobi" yadda-yadda but- imagine he has a moment to think out of the box as he analyses his father dueling with his sensei just for the sake of it-
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You know, i can see why people would say Kakashi would lose a fight to Hashirama and Naruto. He would. They’re litterally god status shinobi
I think Minato and Tobirama are overrated but i’n tired of fighting with thise fans
But Hiruzen and Tsunade are Hokage’s who Kakashi is on par with. Stats wise Kakashi is between them (Hiruzen has 34, Kakashi 34.5 and Tsunade 35) meaning they’re all very close in skill. Tsunade obviously has her 100 healings which would make her incredably difficult to defeat obviously
But I think people are REALLY over hyping hiruzen. He’s known as the strongest of his generation and the professor but like… His biggest accomplishment is knowing a crap ton of jutsu’s
Which is obv impressive but Kakashi knows more
Both Kakashi and Hiruzen have all the elements mastered
Both of them are incredibly strong and talented shinobi known for being the strongest of their gen (with Kakashi’s friend actually being as strong as him and surpassing him by using the eighth gate while Hiruzen’s friend just stole Uchiha eyes and died a meaningless death but that doesn’t count towards them personally)
How does Kakashi keep getting religated to ‘weakest Hokage’ when Hiruzen and Tsunade are the same level of him, each with different skills
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bestnarutoduo · 10 months
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Sasuke & Naruto (Kid/gen)
Because they are amazing!
Izumo & Kotetsu
They’re bound together
Izumo literally cannot go a few seconds without Kotetsu without becoming a wreck
Izumo yelled at Tsunade because he didn’t get to go on a mission with Kotetsu
Backbone of putting up with Tsunade’s shit (along with Shizune)
Doesn’t get enough recognition for being Tsunade’s assistant’s as well
Their whole relationship is something to die for
Greatest friendship in the entire series
Opposites attract
Kotetsu getting help from Izumo to beat up a Ninja Ostrich
Izumo’s main jutsu inspired by Kotetsu’s syrup eating
Shit they go through together is comedic insanity
Loyal to each other
Friendship seems more natural
best together in any scenario
Despite being minor character’s they are the most iconic duo
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Hyuga Clan Taijutsu is underrated & OP
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There are many interesting concepts which they didn't show or didn't show enough
  ( Sometimes I wish that we didn’t have so much focus on the Uchiha Clan)
 can ignore durability thanks to its ability to directly attack the opponents chakra system. ch 79
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Gentle fist nullifying other Jutsus: nullify any ninjutsu by splitting apart its chakra. Hyuga clan are “Anti Chakra” fighters. Any chakra-based ninjutsu is rendered useless by a Hyuga . (Chapter 192-193) 
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( chapter 257-258)
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Controlling/manipulate the opponents chakra flow however you wish is OP but was only used in a filler (Not canon)(Episode 191). The filler was cool.Hinata made a magnet release user bury himself alive with iron sand by hitting like 1 or 2 chakra points and started to change his chakra flow.Chapter 78-80
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Air Palm(s)  (chapter 257) Basically, the technique is similar to rotation but it has a specific target. Invisible to the naked eye 
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 Talking about the Hyuga clan’s abilities, they always only mention the close combat gentle fist taijutsu. When confirmed the clan currently has two or more  mid-long ranged abilities: Air palm, Wall Palm etc.
Gentle fist in a supporting use Hinata fixing Naruto’s shoulder chapter 617 ( would have been cool to see a hyuga medic, but please not from Hinata her gen already has two healers.)
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Gentle Fist Art One Blow Body
similiar Almighty Push, it can be used as an offence or defence. If a Hyuga member is in a lock, they could easily blast their way through it while simultaneously damaging their opponent's vital points. If a Hyuga member is tied, they can free themselves
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Twin Lion Fists
wish we saw more of this jutsu in use to it’s full potential ( considering how op it is). How it would actually work in combat when draining chakra. since Hinata uses it with 64 palms, she could (hypotically) also use it with air palm like in the video game verison.
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One-shot techniques (higher level than 64 palms)
All they have to do is create a “lock-on” with their Byakugan and target the chakra pool of their opponent directly. It knocks out, kills, and negates durability. We seen Hinata ,Neji their fathers & Himawari do this:
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Extra: Studio Pierrot has a weird thing for making Hinata faint (NO she wasn’t pregnant). When in the novel, she didn’t faint at all, this is what happened in the novel  (Sasuke Shinden pg 50)
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This my problem when SP adapting a novel or manga they basically butcher important moments. I’ve seen them do it with other series and it doesn’t workout well in the long run
Bleach, Tokyo ghoul could be more if I look deeper
the link for the safe free site since it’s a archive of most naruto manga novels
Also, I can understand why people don’t consider light novels cannon unless the creator actually said they helped with the novel and stated it cannon. Instead of slapping their name on it, then doing commission art for the cover. But that’s for another disscusion
Any other underrated Hyuga techniques that needs more shine?
edit 2: I saw someone in the replies say that, Rotation is underrated,to me not really Neji & Hiashi spammed the hell out of it lol. I do feel like other hyuga should have used it more beside the two.
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mintichoco · 1 year
'Boruto' series re-envisioned
tw. opinions (and the wording is all over a mess so read at your own risk), plot-bashing (is that even a thing?)
[This is my opinion on what Boruto, as a sequel to one of the greatest Shounen franchises should have been. Remember, this is entirely my wishful thinking and I don't mean to disrespect any of the writers, animators or the fandom.]
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Boruto, as an MC, had immense potential. This point has been chanted to the ground but it is true. He is a third gen Uzumaki and second gen Hyūga. And we all know Uzumaki have monstrous chakra reserves. What he needed was to work hard for it. Where was the training arc?
Think about it. We never got much backstrory about the Uzumaki clan and what their motives and morals were. It would have been cool to see another character use the chakra chains (beside Kushina and Karin). He could have explored Uzushio, the plot could've called for contacting the remaining Uzumaki who supposedly scattered all over the globe.
Maybe Boruto could have worked with seals? Minato, his grandpa, is known as one of the greatest seal masters. If the writers were going for symbolism, why not use that?
Same goes for his Hyūga lineage. We get so much info about the Uchiha in Naruto, it could have been refreshing to see the Boruto lore delve into the Hyūga faction, which isarguably the third (or even the second, not counting the Senju) strongest clan in Konoha.
Think of all the jutsu Boruto could have had in his arsanel with a Byakugan. It's hightime they get the deserved recognition.
Coming to another member of Team 7, Mitsuki is a clever character idea but ultimately wasted postential as well.
If the power scaling continues to get upped in the pace as it is now, there will be nothing left for the Time Skip. Shippuden gave us Sage Mode but Mitsuki already has that. Viewers will look for something new and we all know even Kishimoto wrote himself up a wall with Rinnegan and the Otsutsuki race. What will Ikemoto give then?
Speaking of Otsutsuki, it was sort of dissapointing to see them getting introduced this fast. Some will say Boruto is slow paced and yes, I agree, but in terms of keeping that air of anonymity, it fails terribly.
It would have worked better if instead of Momoshiki landing like a bug out a tree, they got clues and rumors instead.
The whole Code and Kara situation should've been handled first and then led to the reveal of an Otsutsuki nest, perhaps?
Or a portal like the one in Last to a mirror dimension or somthing where the Otsutsuki live? Maybe a dive into how they came to be? It is revealed that humans are an entirely different race and what we see of the Naruto cast are a mix between Otsutsuki and humans.
Also, WHERE IS THE BACKSTORY? Same thing with Hyūgas really. The Hamura thing came out of nowhere. The Last is a below average excuse to tie up loose ends.
Now, Kawaki, I have a love-hate relationship with him. On one hand his backstory provides the perfect intro to post-war tragedies (and a hc of mine that smaller villages in the outskirts still get ignored in favour of the capitals)
But he just feels like a dollar-store Sasuke. As if the writers were like, oh Boruto needs a rival? Add in an angsty guy to contrast his sunny demeanor. I know this is a recurring trope in shounen but it works because it is handled well.
And people say Boruto is handed everything on a silver platter? Kawaki basically lives with the freaking Head of the Village, the elite of the elites, is looked after by the former heir to the Hyūga and gets to be a genin because he has a cool explody power? And all that why? Because he is a mistreated orphan? (what about the kids who lost their parents in the war? what about aforementioned kids in small-sized villages? what about cases like sumire? what makes Kawaki SPECIAL, naruto?)
Kawaki shouldn't have been given any of those benifits. Let him figure out how the world works, let him make mistakes, show his potential as a good guy, let him prove himself as a character worth stanning. Give him a serious politics-based arc explaining that part of the Boruto era rather than some murderers chasing a boy with some magical cure.
Coming to the side characters (yes, I'm saving Sarada for later and there is a reason behind it), let's start with Shikadai. First thought, he is the most carbon-copied version of his dad out of every next gen character.
It's no news that scenarios and often characters revered as prodigies are dumbed down to make him shine but imo most of it is owed to the factor that there is no element of suspense or an ultimatum for that matter.
Kakashi, Minato, Itachi, Orochimaru, Shisui worked as prodigal characters because of the situation. It was war time and kids were forced to grow up. The stakes were high and even then, the plot revolving around them was such that it made them raise the bar higher.
Shikadai seems flat compared to many characters. Remember, Shikamaru was not called a prodigy, he even flunked tests because he was too lazy, but whenever the situation was tense, us viewers could count on his snippets of thoughts for a clarification, or little behaviors to show he realized and often times refused to work for what is right over what is needed because that is smartness, taking a level-headed decision with the least collateral.
On the other hand, Shikadai is fed information and he just 'explains' stuff like a NPC.
I can't help but think, what if Shikadai inherited Temari's temper? Mix that with Shikamaru's actual genius (not the baby puzzle-solving we see in that one arc with Kakashi) and he could be one of the team members to look for clue about the Otsutsuki's existence. Also, I'd like more windstyle-user Shikadai plz.
Moving on to Inojin. He is also one of those characters that I neither like nor dislike. He's just... there.
What Boruto needs is better world-building and ain't no better way to accomplish that than exploring side characters. Inojin doesn't have an affinity for the Yamanaka mind-body-switch so make him train for other stuff.
Let viewers know where jutsu like that stems from (yin and yang release), give him some productive time with the border patrol, stress on the fact that Konoha's citizen don't go to sleep at peace just knowing Naruto will pull some god-level jutsu.
The Yamanaka are an extremely important part of the security system. Remember how Inoichi was part of the team figuring out Pain's black chakra recievers? Make Inojin do something similar with, perhaps some Otsutsuki relic or remains (going with the mystery au)
Then comes Chocho. How to put it simply? At first I despised her. And no, it has nothing to do with her appearance. Actually, I find her and that new girl from the recent Labyrinth Game arc, Batta, amazing.
The fact lies with her attitude. Tell me one attribute that comes to mind while thinking of her other than Butterfly mode and eating chips. Sure, she loves to eat, we get it. The fact again boils down to her falling flat as a character.
Chocho could use her lightning release in many ways and it must be strong too, considering her mother comes from Kiri. She could have earth-release, that would be great to see as none of the main cast prior to this have that.
And if they are going for a Ino-like character, let the girl have some reality to her. A twelve-year old girl is far mature and has other troubles than just thinking about cute boys and girls.
She can retain that aspect but make her serious when it comes to missions, or her family, show her spending time partaking in her hobbies that do not include eating, ogling at movie stars and muttering un-funny jokes and inuendos. Give her depth, for a lack of better words.
And for Hagoromo's sake, LET THESE KIDS HAVE SOME SORT OF GOAL and not just exist because their parents hooked up smh.
Last but not least, Sarada. I, like many others, really like her character. She isn't yet another girl who despises anything remotely 'girly' and is not afraid to show her emotions and voice her thoughts loud and clear. She is practical and relatively smart without being an overkill.
What bugs me is her very existence.
No, I do not want to get roped into a 'sasusaku : good or bad' debate but they just don't make sense to me. And this is coming from someone whose first anime ship as a ten-year-old was sasusaku.
In any case, Naruto (not citing the last few chapters) made it clear that Sasuke did not see Sakura nor Karin as a romantic interest. And honestly, I still am onboard with him being an aro ace because, hello representation!
And whatever happened behind the scenes post The Last are only headcanons, so the idea of Sasuke suddenly marrying Sakura seems a stretch to me. Let alone him having a kid who he suddenly cares so much about after ignoring her for twelve years...(coming to the problem of 'as to why he did that anyway' later)
Sarada, in my opinion, should not exist.
Like, okay, Naruto has a kid but why should Sasuke as well because of that? PTSD is a thing and we are repeatedly shown that Sasuke has grown a fear of familial bonds due to obvious reasons.
If we calculate their ages, the new gen was born sometime when they were 20-23 y/o. Yeah, I'm willing to bet Sasuke did not get past that nagging anxiety of eighteen years in just three or four.
If they wanted to make Sasuke the mysterious sensei figure who is rarely in town and is always going in these crazy amazing solo missions, don't make him a deadbeat dad. Come onnn...
Canon!Sasuke would never just abandon his wife and child for the sake of the village that ruined his family (again, trust issues), the village that he saw ab*sing a child because of something out of his control (who's to say Sarada was not picked on and scrutinized because she is a former nuke-nin's kid and an Uchiha like Naruto was due to Kurama?)
Instead, Sasuke should have just been a traveller. He should still be wandering the nations to find his way in life, being someone beyond an Uchiha and escaping the burden that was placed on his shoulders at a very young age.
You know how I keep mentioning the small villages that probably get ignored? Show him helping them, him cleaning up traces of corrupted organizations like in the last few episodes of the anime.
Show his kinder, softer side in a believable way (not the comic relief that Boruto provides), show us him seeing the beauty in life and finding a reason to live.
The Sasuke we see now just feels like an empty shell. I remember seeing a post the other day saying that he showed genuine emotions in Shippuden but now he looks like he has lost all motivation to even stay alive. And he was definitely guilt-tripped into returning to Konoha.
Yes, that would mean Sakura would remain either unmarried or marry some no-name character. Though, that seems unlikely as her pining over Sasuke eliminated all chance of relationship progress with any other character.
It would be refreshing to see her let go of her childhood crush and just moving on, leaving behind the last link to a Sakura she did not accept, the one she changed. I don't mind having an episode dedicated to them having a heart-to-heart as good old pals, all romantic feelings aside.
Maybe on that bench too, if you get what I mean. It would show us how far they have come, as shinobi, as Konoha's ninja and as people, from naïve kids to being the village's pillars.
Now, as to what the overall plot of Boruto should be, I have this idea of the war still going on when Naruto ends. Just hear me out.
If Ikemoto wants to resolve the Otsutsuki matters in this series, why not begin it with an intense fight scene where the generations following the main cast (Konohamaru and the rest) are fighting some low rank entities who serve the Otsutsuki.
It could lead to multiple of these strange class of aliens attacking from portals like ones the Rinnegan creates and base the entire series as a survival genre. Not only would that raise the stakes from being a one-episode conflict resolve, as it is now, it would mean the generation in the middle would become hardened veterans who the kids could look up to, not cannon fodder.
Make the prior war times return, but this time with an unknown race altogether. Make rifts between the Alliance, comment on how that affects the social and economical standings of various nations, involve the Daimyo.
Naruto can still be the all-powerful Hokage but make the rest of the caste equally useful.
Another idea that just popped up while writing this: what if they made mosters like in the Worm series appear? That threaten the world and some villages are forced to break the truce as they believe some ancient jutsu caused these attacks but cannot figure out from which nation.
Not even jutsu, it can be scientific modelling too since the Boruto era are scientifically far advanced.
Maybe I'm just reaching but with the huge power scaling like they have done, the stakes actually need to be high. Or else, every situation that they come across, we know they will get through it because of high rank jutsu they possess.
And for the last issue, just 'Boruto'. As in, the name. I'm aware it is supposed to be an homage to Neji but it feels so rip-off. There are so many good ones like : Hiro(for its irony as he is to be a hero and it starts with 'H'), Akihiro (personal favorite, means bright), Kaito (means ocean, an homage to the land of whirlpools), Asahi (mirror's Hinata's name meaning which is sun), Shinya (genuine, personal favorite), etc. etc.
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A/N : That is it for this part. I can make another as I have ideas just buzzing in my mind and no time to turn them into fanfiction. Let me know if you enjoyed these and feel free to PM or reblog adding your own ideas too!
Also, anyone wanna be friends? 😅 I really want to rant about Naruto with someone and none of my friends watch enough anime to even comprehend what I'm saying most times.
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ac-liveblogs · 4 months
So if you want a real answer for went wrong in Boruto let me explain.
Boruto is pretty much written by people who really don't like Naruto as a series because it goes out of its way to shit on the Naruto series (taking away Naruto and Sasuke's power-ups at the first chance which basically reverted them to beginning of Naruto, Naruto and Sasuke). The editor for Boruto is apparently a simp for Sadara. They just really don't like Naruto as a series because:
He's apparently just a missing dad but you probably knew this already.
Absolutely no respect for Naruto characters whatsoever.
They hate ninjas because everything is now aliens and machinery in Boruto. Also, a lot of retconning Naruto stuff to be oh aliens are the reason this exists.
Orochimaru is just there and no one remembers he's not to be trusted.
There's apparently a dimension where one of the villains just has multiple ten-tails clones in there and its weird.
So yeah... I don't even want to know what the fuck happened. The kicker is that Kishimoto, from what I've heard has not been that active in Boruto. His editor pretty much runs the show is what I have heard a lot.
The most I've seen of Boruto was the movie, where Naruto being an absent parent was solved because Boruto just didn't realise how cool his dad was... I think. I just kinda left that movie gobsmacked. Don't you see how cool your dad is Boruto. And also 'jutsu in a can' is illegal in the Chuunin exams for some reason? Literally why, they're a tool you can use...
Thanks for the response, I appreciate the insight. I can see how some of these problems might have come around, like trying to balance Naruto and Sasuke's absolutely absurd power levels against literally any kind of threat, or coming up with an enemy for Konoha to fight that wouldn't leave a black mark on Naruto's reign as Hokage... and the inherent issue of 'no one is watching this for the new characters, they want to see the old ones, but this isn't about them' you'll inevitably get with a next-gen sequel.
No one watched Boruto the movie for Boruto. No one.
But like... why make a next-gen sequel for Naruto of all series? I get why from a 'we want money' sense, but I feel they could've just animated the light novels or fillers into eternity and people would've been happier with those.
"Here's 40 episodes of Kakashi and Itachi in ANBU" or something, I don't know. I'd watch 10 episodes of Sasori's descent into absolute madness.
Maybe the reason they went "ALIENS" is because of Kishimoto's failed sci-fi manga? But it's weird he's hands off given I thought he took over the manga from someone else...
Btw, to add onto what the anon that sent the I gave up on Boruto ask, its a bigger problem than it being the typical female characters don't matter still in Boruto. Its that no one matters in Boruto except Boruto and Kiwaki. Everyone else just gets shit on. Like imagine the old Naruto is x fanfics but actually made real. That's Boruto. He's got everything and he's the bestest and specialest boy.
:/ That sucks. Why bother forcing so many pairings to produce kids if you don't even wanna use 'em. Sasuke didn't deserve this. But also, how are you simultaneously a simp for Sarada and don't really use her? Just shove her in stupid outfits and call it a day...?
I still don't know anything about Kawaki!? He's a moon boy too, right? It feels so weird to neglect the rest of Boruto's team, though. What's the point.
Boruto does really feel like an edgy OC. He's got Byakugan+1 AND Sasuke is his teacher... honestly, Sasuke as a mentor to Naruto's kid is cute in theory, except for the part where he's also a deadbeat dad to a whole other child (his own).
I couldn't help reading TBV thinking "...why didn't they just do this kind of plot with Naruto himself or something". Though I guess they kind of? Did? With Road To Ninja? The opposite direction?
Btw, unless I'm mistaken I don't think Naruto actually forgave Orochimaru. I think he just forgot because Kishimoto forgot about a lot of what happened in part 1 of Naruto except Sasuke imo.
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tamelee · 6 months
Hiiii 🥰 If yin HAD to choose some couples for the Next Gen which one would you choose? Personally I think Shikatema was a okay, but I don’t have any ideas for the others
Hi!~💕 Oh uhm-
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No one really, I'd be happy to eradicate it all.
Obviously Naruto and Sasuke should've figured their shit out. Both internally and externally and then say; take it or leave it' to the entire village and system. You either going to get two gay-men leading the village and a new system because their bond was the entire answer against war or nothing at all and then just... die ig while Naruto sleeps his years away and Sasuke is stuck in a damn tree 🤷🏻‍♀️ 
Otherwise.... (aka, 'Boruto' meetings be like;) Shitpost (don't take me seriously);
Naruto and Gaara although it probably won't last long. Naruto'd probably settle for some black-haired girl and make her cut her hair so it reminds him of Sasuke if he squints really hard and doesn't think about it and covers his ears, oh wait-
Charasuke and Dark Naruto, fem version. Menma and Zetsu. Since non of it is Canon anyway, Sasuke and his pet lizard from the filler story. They seemed to have an 'okay' connection, yeah? Well, ShikaTema is fine, it's understandable and predicted. I don't even know who Kiba, Shino, Lee or Choji are with lmao. I can look it up, but... I really don't even remember :') I think one of them is with the Kumo girl, right? Sai and Kumo girl would've been better though. They can argue about loyalty and stuff. Wouldn't she kinda think it was hot how he stopped her fist from plunging into Naruto's 'refusing to talk about Sasuke's face?' That's the extend of their development, but it's 'Boruto', the bar is low here. Or.. if we ignore the homophobia for a second, Sai and Gaara. I mean whatever. Size matters obviously to Sai and Gaara had huge bde before his questionable haircut (no I don't think him becoming Kazekage made him weak) and I also don't think Gaara's lack of expressive emotion currently would be too overwhelming for someone that doesn't understand them much. Not a lot of energy in that relationship though but Gaara is very beautiful to draw let's be honest but the lack of eyebrow does make it challenging. Or Sai and Deidara. A bit difficult because one isn't there, but still, just throwing it out there. Or even Kankuro would be good. Gosh, Sai has so many options... and then he ended up with someone he thought was ugly ;-; (Ino is very beautiful though so he's wrong, but still.) Idk, I think Kiba should've married a cat-girl or the blonde one from Kumo. Lee should be with someone that appreciates effort especially now that his effort is proven absolutely worthless -.- and is seen as a loser again which destroyed the poor guy. Well, I wouldn't have minded Tenten, but... GaaLee 👌👀? Aren't they both single fathers? Or? Idk. Maybe Sai Gaara and Lee together, why not. Throw the Shi guy from Kumo in there also, he kinda looks like blonde Sai. Even Naruto thought he was handsome as he used him for inspiration for his sexy reversed harem Jutsu.  Actually, Tenten and Kotetsu would've been a good surprise. It makes no sense Canon-wise and I don't think it even works age-wise, but I approve otherwise and they're both weaponized. I rhyme and reason. Ino and Suigetsu. Okay, hear me out. He can water all her plants. That's all, that's it. Sakura and Kankuro? I mean, by 'Boruto's low standards, they could've made it work and they'd even have history. And fine, even Sasori could've been interesting a little. Or that girl from the Sound from the beginning. Or the guy. Or Kimimaro. Or Kabuto. We're not too difficult here, pick one, but I guess some are dead though. Everyone but Sasuke ffs. Obviously Neji should've lived. Well I'm okay with Tenten or even Lee, but it doesn't make too much sense to me. Actually, let's ship him with Haku for no other reason than them looking good together. Or Neji and Juugo, maybe Juugo'd be able to set the bird free iykwim. I'd say Hinata and her beloved 'Oro-chan'. (Yes she called him that in some novel.) Both creepy as hell. Except one of them is somewhat likable and it ain't Hinata. But age-wise that doesn't work. Or, maybe someone can make her a Mecha Naruto, that's a bit more appropriate. Not much, but still. I'm sure she has the money and I don't think she really minds because she knows Naruto as much as she'd know a robot version of him. I see no difference there. OR, Kankuro's puppet. That way she can always walk next to the one she 'loves' as it follows her anyway with some basic puppet training and have the sentimental wood around for comfort when she reminisces about the time she thought Naruto wasn't gay. No need to be shy either as it doesn't say much. Then Naruto can visit tree-Sasuke in peace without a creepy face glancing up at him from behind it only to be ignored anyway. 
Or maybe a lousy Daimyo because we can't have any less than a Hero or royalty for the princess, of course. CHOJI ACTUALLY should've married the daughter from the ramen stand. Idk her age though.. Or the owner of the BBQ restaurant? If he didn't already. Or, it would've been good if there was a younger version of Tsunade, I think they'd get along. Akamaru and one of Kakashi's dogs- sorry, Ninken. I think Pakkun is too old maybe. Idk what he's into. Maybe Punpun? Am I missing anyone? Oh lmao, Shino ;-; He would've been good with Fu, Jinchuriki of the 7-tails, the flying bug thing. Guess that's not possible either, but we can't have them single and focussing on the world either so... we gotta create imaginary filler babies somehow. Karin with that other guy who emphasized with her during her confession-thing. I mean, what other reason do you need. That's true love right there.  Kakashi and Shizune? Kakashi and Iruka? Kakashi and Gai? Kakashi and Genma? Kakashi and Obit- oh no. Kakashi and secret-ANBU waifu? Kakashi and actress of the movie adaptation of his ero-novel? Kakashi living his best aro life?
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I mean, we could always create a card game if you will and match whatever comes up first. There'd be no difference really.
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rozaceous · 2 months
A word where Mariko was reborn in Minato's gen and takes Obito/and or Rin under her wing.
Madara is tring to brainwash Obito at the cave and a wall bursts open to revel a furious Mariko.
Sometimes assaulting the elderly is the correct and moral choice -Mariko's mission report.
*tired dog sigh*
"You're in a hurry, Rin," Obito observes as his teammate rushes around the training ground, gathering all their kunai and shuriken with greater urgency than the rest of the team. Obito in particular, Minato notes with some amusement. "Are you going somewhere?"
"Mariko-senpai is back in-village and promised to let me shadow her on her shift," she says with a smile, not pausing. "She won't wait for me if I'm late."
"Sounds like a policy we should adopt," Kakashi mutters, too quiet for Obito to hear or no doubt there would be a loud squabble.
Instead, Obito just raises an eyebrow. "I'm still not convinced she exists, y'know."
Rin does pause at that and straightens, if only to be seen rolling her eyes unobstructed. "Just because she keeps getting called away when I mean to introduce you--"
"It's been three times!"
"She's Konoha's best trauma medic since Tsunade-sama!" Rin returns exasperatedly. "She's busy!"
"She totally doesn't exist! She's made up! A mass genjutsu!"
Minato is pretty sure Obito is mostly just teasing.
"Sensei knows she exists--they went to Academy together!"
All three pairs of eyes turn to him at that, and Minato has to swallow back his grimace.
"Mariko-san definitely exists, Obito," he says, drawing out a scowl from the boy.
A mass genjutsu might have been kinder to his ego, after all, than the very real woman who, upon seeing his completed Hiraishin, scoffed and implied that he was a two-bit ninja who needed seals to perform an E-rank jutsu.
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rayshippouuchiha · 1 year
Can I ask your thoughts on something I just thought of? Do you think, hypothetically, that if Lee ended up biting Karin that he might be able to use nin- or gen- jutsu? Like I might be misunderstanding how her kekkei genkai works but like if it is her chakra that helps with like healing and canceling out chakra exhaustion, it would make logical sense in my mind that it might allow Lee to use chakra (ignoring the implication that would mean that he would have to do so repeatedly if he ever wanted to use them again)
The issue of Lee's ability/inability to do ninjutsu or genjutsu is so interesting because Lee can obviously use chakra.
He walks on water which requires the use of chakra. Lee just isn't capable of producing and/or shaping enough chakra on the regular to perform jutsu.
It's a lack of talent/ability and thus not something Karin would be able to heal.
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dark-elf-writes · 1 year
Red Lights and Fox Fire AU during the Gaara rescue arc has me by the throat at the moment.
Kakashi and his Next Gen Sannin team that is only still under him as leader because they want to be sprinting for Sand the second they hear Gaara was taken and wherever they go there are people who see them and know.
Granny Chiyo tries to square up with Kakashi only to be met with the actual white gang reborn in the form of a snarling Sasuke right in her face, daring her to try to attack his brother in law (the facts that Kakashi and Aki aren’t technically married and Sasuke was never officially adopted by Aki in the first place notwithstanding) again. Naruto who rests a hand on Sasuke’s arm with a brilliant smile and cold eyes and he assures them both that any blood spilt today wouldn’t be Kakashi’s. (Those slitted pupils and flashing fangs promised it. There was no missing what he was. Why Konoha had sent him. Only a Jinchuriki could understand a Jinchuriki after all and it’s clear Naruto was willing to hunt Gaara’s captors tot he ends of the earth to get him back.)
Sakura heals Kankuro as normal before they’re ready to head out.
Naruto is at the head of the pack leading them just as much as Kakashi and Sasuke’s summons are. Like he can feel Gaara’s location. Like he’s being dragged there.
Until, all at once, he falls, missing the branch he was going to leap from with a shrill, enraged, shriek clutching his head as he plummets. Pain. Loss. Rage. All in one sound.
Sakura cat he’s him and red eyes look back at her before he forced himself back to his feet.
He knows. They all know.
Still they push on.
(Naruto would want his body brought home. Would die before they let them use Gaara like a fucking puppet like Oro-sensei told him Sasorinliked to do. The master would not get two Kazekage puppets if Naruto had any say in it.)
They run to it Not-Itachi not long after, and Sasuke scoffs.
“You’re not my brother.”
“Excuse me?!”
“Did I stutter? Stop wearing a corpse as a mask and meet me face to face nii-san.”
After a short battle, they end up at the seal with team Guy (with six instead of five this time because I said so) and sasuke just shrugs and take a radio.
(The doppelgänger fight with Sasuke is… far more destructive than any of Team Guy’s fights. He doesn’t seem to have broken a sweat even as he jumps out of the fucking crater him and his double left behind)
Sakura’s fight goes mostly the same with far more singlehanded puppet distraction. (Not many changes can be made when she can’t get hit tbh.)
Naruto and Kakashi wreck Deidara (kinda) and Naruto so about to throw all caution to the wind and use one of Orochimaru’s many forbidden jutsu to bring Gaara back himself when Sakura and Chiyo roll up.
(Sasuke and team guy finish off Deidara for real tbh because Sasuke won’t forget his brother screaming as he realized his friend was dead)
And it’s the first time that anyone outside of Konoha sees these three powerhouses and realizes they are the future.
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narhinafan · 5 months
they did Sasuke dirty by making him end up with a fangirl who wanted him all to herself. Karin or Ino would've been better.
but I prefer SasuKarin. they both deserve each other since they've got no families, had tough childhoods.
sure, Karin was a fangirl like Sakura, but at least she did it when they were alone and she never abused her teammates (except Suigetsu, but she had reasons to) and she even refused to admit her crush on Sasuke in front of others. she's respectful of Sasuke's boundaries, too, unlike a certain pink haired trash.
Sasuke shouted out to Karin when the black flames burnt her, refused to leave her when Jugo suggest it, he unlocked a new ability to deactivate the black flames, ordered Jugo to get Karin.
Sasuke acts differently around Team Taka/Karin than Team 7/Sakura. he was willing to let Kakashi and Sakura die many times and even Naruto one time. he literally only sacrificed himself for Naruto, never Kakashi or Sakura (which is stupid because Kakashi taught him the Jutsu he uses the most and probably how to control the Sharingan). with Team Taka, he refused to let anyone die and protected them, especially Karin.
Sarada should've been SK's daughter but lets be honest, Karin don't need that piece of shit either.
I feel like Karin wouldn't have a daughter with glasses, especially if it has Uchiha & Uzumaki blood. she'd probably have a pretty daughter who actually appreciate her parents, have a good personality, not abusive, and pretty, someone who's worthy of being shipped with Boruto or Kawaki, the two most strongest shinobi as of currently in their gen.
Agreed Karin or Ino would be better even a new character would have been better.
Same SasuKarin works better not only does Karin have a genuine reason to like Sasuke, but as you said neither had good childhoods.
Sarada already looks like SK's daughter just doesn't have the personality. I think Karin would have handled Sasuke's absence better or even he would take the time visit and check up on them. Karin would properly explain things Sarada and won't be any confusion as Karin wouldn't hide Sakura's existence or couldn't cause she is living in the village.
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team7-headquarter · 1 year
Hatake-Inuzuka rant (Kakashi / Team 7 centered) for my Dogs Come In Packs au:
Teeth and nails might not be the most important thing in the world to mo st shinobis, but for clans like the Hatake and the Inuzuka, both have almost sacred connotations.
For the Inuzuka clan, clawns and fangs are things they must keep their eyes on when they learn how to connect with their dogs / canine companions— it is part of their kekkei genkai, of who they are, of how they interact with the world. It's also a more primal way of communication, inherited from the gens and the time they've spent among canines.
Meanwhile, it depends on the level of importance the members of the Hatake clan give to them and the user relationship with their own summonings.
That's because bites and scratches have many meanings, if you speak their language.
For example, it's common for young Inuzuka and Hatake kids to explore the world and satisfy their curiosity through bites, cataloguing through taste and smell. They can also bite their families out of affection, the playful pressure of teeth on skin to claim that person as theirs —instinct that can be extended to friends and people they like. Bites can come out of aggression too; they could be a sort of extreme warning to an enemy, if baring their teeth or snarling didn't work; they could be used as a weapon in a fight, a bite meant to tear apart skin and make the person bleed. Later on in their lives, as lust and sexual encounters become part of their routine, bites can mean a different type of claim, not meaning only possession of the person or companion, but also a reminder of the act or a form of connection. Romantic bites are similar to sexual bites —so it's the act of teaching the ones you love how to take proper care of their teeth.
You can apply most of that to the nails, but in a different sensory level. It's about touch, texture. That's why the state of the teeth and nails of an Inuzuka or a Hatake can tell you a lot about them.
As I said, for the Hatakes it depends on what is their own values and their connection with their summonings— Kakashi Hatake has a whole pack.
Those breakdowns of Kakashi after he killed Rin, when he tried blindly and obsessively to wash her blood out of his young hands, were intensified by the feel of dirt and death under his nails. The fact he wears a mask comes out of his desire to hide his teeth from sight, such a delicate part of him. He can't afford to bite anyone, he never allowed himself to, after his father died. He doesn't claim the people he loves, he protects with all he has as the loyal dog he is, a guard and a guide that only bite or scratch in the form of his jutsus or through his summonings, the manifestation of his instinct.
Like it's obvious that Kiba would bite anyone who tried to hurt his team or family. He'd go absolutely nuts if someone took a bite out of them, right?
So imaging Kakashi's reaction when he sees his cute genins emerge from the Forest of Death and realizes Sasuke has a freak-ass snake bite in the neck, one from Orochimaru —and he hears later from Asuma (of all people) what his kids told him about Sakura biting that shinobi from Sound out of pure desperation. He doesn't know yet about Naruto going feral against Orochimaru (again!) and Orochimaru messing with the Nine Tails seal.
I don't know exactly what I'll do at that point with the Dogs Come In Packs au, but I know Kakashi will be pissed. He's proud of how they fought and what they did to protect each other, but he's also upset in a different level compared to how he was in the Land of Waves mission. He knew that the Chunnin Exams were dangerous and they could end up in rough shape, but Orochimaru? He never saw that one coming. After that it was too late for them to pull Sasuke or Naruto out, 'cause it would be suspicious as hell, every nation was watching. Especially watching Sasuke. Kakashi knew that none of his cute genins would go down easy, so the only option left was to let them participate in the preliminary and properly train them after.
He'd have to stare at Sasuke's mark and Sakura's short hair and Naruto's serious face and resist to bite back. Well, he threatened Orochimaru when they saw each other. If one would ignore that tiny fact —Orochimaru showed him a fucking genjutsu biting his whole head off as if it was nothing— he's a smart man, a dog that's maybe younger than the snake, but certainly not completely stupid.
So he trains Sasuke himself and he asks Jiraiya to train Naruto and they and they do the best they can to redirect their instincts to something that's less lethal or self-destructive, while Kakashi allows Sakura to process the aftermath of the Forest of Deaths and the Preliminaries. Hmmm, something something about Kakashi being way too scared of hurting Sakura to ever train her like he trains the boys, because he could never break his kunoichi, only protect her —the instinct of a soft leader dog with the "weakest-prettiest" puppy of the pack. Or it could be that hurting little Sakura would feel too much like hurting Rin again... He's not prepared. That's all.
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asukaskerian · 2 years
you know the fusion dance in dbz and steven universe, except it’s a naruto founders fic
been a while since i barfed out a weird concept oneshot, huh. i think i read a very good BNHA fic with this topic at some point but it was like last year and... handwave handwave it’s written now, deal with it.
3k, gen, tobirama&hashirama&izuna&madara.
... someone give me a tiiiiiiiitle T^T
"And as a mark of new alliance and the forging of bonds of brotherhood, let us now become one in truth."
Tobirama has been braced for this for weeks. Has worked on his feelings and his convictions and his memories, meditating and reframing and just, reminding himself. He is as calm and accepting as he can possibly be in the situation.
Which isn't very, but hopefully, it will suffice.
Nobody can reasonably expect him and Izuna to grin and clasp a hand to their opposite number's wrist and give barely a quick swing around their new anchor point, their new center of gravity, and just like that be a single being. Not like them.
"Ah! This is a fantastic day to be born in." The person his brother and Madara have become has longer hair than Mito and Madara combined, falling in smooth ebony sheets and trailing to the ground; he beams like Hashirama but toothy like Madara, a second pair of arms branches out of his back like wings, and when he turns with all four hands on his hips to stare at Tobirama and Izuna in turn his eyes are narrow and -- very strange.
Not that Tobirama has any time to look at them. 
"Auspicious, my lord, very auspicious," one of the Senju elders says, looking half-displeased and half-resigned. "May we have your name, to record this momentous occasion properly?"
"I," the fusion says self-importantly, "am Buchikotoji."
He chose the kanji of Hashirama's name that didn't have any trace of Senju tradition, of course. Unsurprising.
"Do you think they had secret meetings to name him in the last week, or?" Izuna mutters from the corner of his mouth to one of his clansmen, pretending to smile. "He came up with it so fast."
Tobirama isn't meant to overhear and he knows it, but he can't help but snort and mutter back, "If you think this is the first time they fuse, I have a bridge to sell you." 
He's pretty sure their first time was when they were still kids. There were several years during their early adolescence in which Hashirama didn't fuse with Tobirama at all. Back then he thought it was grief from knowing they would never be Juuhigebanma with Kawarama and Itama again, but it might have become a convenient excuse not to let it slip at some point.
He takes a deeper breath. Alright. After the show their brothers just put on, he can't be seen to balk. "Our turn, then."
He takes a step forward and holds out his hand. Izuna clasps it. Nothing happens. Tobirama pulls him in a little and Izuna's mouth tightens but he steps forward, and nothing keeps happening; and Izuna snorts and sweeps his free hand up to shape a hand seal.
After a very long fraction of a second thinking it's an attack, the expected betrayal, Tobirama recognizes it as the Dog seal -- the start of a water jutsu. Snorting back, he shapes a Tiger seal; then they sweep under their still linked wrists in a knife-handed attack that misses the other man's cheek by an inch at most. With their level of precision it was never a serious attack. A threat shaped like a game, or a game shaped like a threat.
This parody of a dance is actually extremely ridiculous, and therefore funny. He snorts, then chuckles out loud, once. Oh, he's much taller now, but almost spindly. One of his arms splits at the elbow into two forearms, two left hands. He wonders if he could one-hand-seal a water bullet with it while the other two make a katon and then merge them for superheated steam; that could be devastating, especially if he can shape the steam. 
"Brother...?" Buchikotoji is laughing at him. 
He frowns back, lip jutting out in thwarted pique. "What? Oh. My bad, my bad, I was thinking."
Oooh, Buchikotoji is shorter than him. This is amazing. 
"About?" Buchikotoji asks, as if he can't tell from his beloved little brother's conciliatory smile that he's vaguely started planning something.
"Oh, terrifying jutsu. You know how it is."
The same Senju old fart clears her throat. "My lord heir? Have you a name yet?"
... Oh, right. He's two people. Tobiizu sounds stupid and also he knows that Tobirama's kanji don't fall out like that and neither do Izuna's. 
He's not Senju -- he's a little Senju -- he's half-Senju really but what side is the mother, obviously that would be Izuna as he's slenderer and prettier of face which is not a compliment, fuck you, and Tobirama is younger (by nine days!) so traditionally he's the one who should bottom and... he's about to break apart without having given out his name to be recorded and after all the bullshit they went through to get here he is damn well fucking not falling apart until their task is done. He's ambivalent about this peace -- they both are, of course he'll betray him... self? Of course there'll be problems, it's ridiculous to think there won't be, but Tobirama gave it everything he had to iron out this treaty and Izuna wants to rub it in all the Uchiha elders' faces that he can hold on, that they must follow Madara, that... 
Anyway so apparently he's not going to be anything-ma either. 
"Hitsuna," he says decisively. The rope tying a door closed? Hah. He's certainly stubborn enough and spiteful enough to decide on a course and keep at it, refusing all other paths. He supposes it sort of fits.
If you squint. But, hey. 
It's a stupid mismatched name from two mismatched kanji because they belong to two different people, two enemies who can and will hold a truce because nobody thinks they can, but for a brief moment of spite and sadism and way too much imagination they consider staying one until it's time to choose where to go home for the night. Forcing the reluctant elders and their own brothers to deal with him -- to watch them try to pretend they like it that he loves being himself so much he does not wish to separate fills Hitsuna with wistful glee... 
But they have other -- heh -- people to get into. 
With a sigh, they relax out of the fusion.
It comes surprisingly smoothly, only a last little stutter as their hands come apart, like a muscle spasm; then Tobirama takes a step back out of Izuna's space. 
Then they stare at each other like two cats accidentally come face to face past a corner, and give each other a stiff, formal little bow. And it's done. 
It was... not as bad as it could have been. Tobirama doesn't hate the person they make. They're surprisingly similar in a lot of ways, really, and he kind of -- the willingness to tease and poke and play and get funny revenge was oddly compelling, even if he can never indulge in that. He...
"Great job, little brothers!"
He buries his elbow in Buchikotoji's solar plexus, or that's what it would be on Hashirama but Buchikotoji is about two heads taller and his arm bounces uselessly on tight stomach muscles. Growling under his breath, he submits to the side hug. Couldn't Madara have reined that in? Tobirama doesn't see him routinely molesting Izuna in public -- and, it was just a quick squeeze, already done. Huh.
... Alright, not bad either.
"Auspicious, quite auspicious," commends an Uchiha that Tobirama somehow dislikes more personally than other Uchiha elders. Even as Izuna smiles with sharp teeth, Tobirama gives a slow blink and politely nods back. (He wants to needle him.)
"Indeed. I believe Hitsuna would do particularly well on retrieval and assassination missions. Hit-and-runs and short-term infiltration, also. He is both extremely goal-oriented and highly adaptable to changing circumstances. I would not mind creating him again."
Izuna doesn't even blink, even though Tobirama knows he was surprised. "Indeed. His smarts and heightened senses would also be pretty good on a hunt. I suppose it wouldn't hurt to practice."
Tobirama isn't entirely sure what Izuna means by heightened senses. He has his chakra sensing, yes, but his other senses are baseline. His hearing is even a little off in one ear, from being too close to an explosion as a child. Hitsuna's eyes were better, true, but he figured that was the sharingan.
"Right!" Buchikotoji booms in delighted pride. His second pair of hands is raised and turned palms up to the skies like a prayer answered. "Swift and keen, of course. My brother could not be anything else."
He grins. Tobirama sighs. Of course Hashirama and Madara would make each other's ridiculousness worse. 
His eyes are really odd, though. That's not quite a sharingan, but he would have thought Hashirama's brown eyes would make it darker, not lighter. 
"As for me," Buchikotoji declares, "I believe--"
"You're the ultimate one-man-army, a castle wall and a divine battering ram all at once," Izuna says with false gravitas, subtly teasing them. "You could not possibly be anything else. Onii-sama."
Buchikotoji chuckles, like he got the joke on him, but still found it funny. "Cheek," he chides, amused. 
Tobirama wants to shoot something back, but they're still in the middle of something official and really quite serious, and he has let them ramble on unprofessionally for too long. "Buchikotoji-san. It's time for you to separate, so that we may proceed to the last step." 
He gets a quick glare for that, or maybe for not calling them brother. But Hashirama is his brother, not this new person; and this new person might be Hitsuna's brother but Hitsuna is not Tobirama either. He's just... familiar. Close. 
They separate in a slow, glowing wave and not Hitsuna's crackling flash. The look on Hashirama's face is melancholic already; he smiles like an apology. Uchiha Madara stares at him for a too-long second, unreadable, before he breaks eye contact and turns to the elders and the clanspeople arrayed in front of them all to witness the momentous event.
"Our turn then, Izuna-san?" Hashirama offers with an engaging smile. Tobirama somehow doesn't tense at Izuna's measuring look; if he wanted to kill someone who's ready to fuse with him he'd have killed Tobirama. Hashirama is much more dangerous in ability but much less likely to lay waste to their whole clan to take revenge for the murder of his last brother.
It goes... fairly well. Tobirama didn't think their senses of humor would match at all but when it appears the long hair is braided in whimsical patterns and it's wearing both family crests, one on each side of the chest. Tobirama doesn't think Hitsuna was wearing any crest at all; Buchikotoji's were layered on top of each other, much too merged. This fusion -- "Kotojitsuna!" -- is still aware that the Senju and the Uchiha are two different clans; and his allegiance is balanced equally, but separately.
Then said Kotojitsuna turns his speculative, four-eyed look onto Tobirama and he thinks that maybe their senses of humor fuse in the most horrible way. This? It's a sadistic "plotting a good prank" look, he can feel it. Haa.
"Kotojitsuna-san. No."
They unfuse, laughing quietly in amused chagrin. 
"Was it not stable enough, my lords?" the Senju note-taking elder enquires, a touch too hopefully.
"Oh, it was quite stable. But Kotojitsuna-kun might have some, let's say, ah, whimsical tendencies..."
So, Tobirama notes to himself, to be brought out when they need a mindfuck. Snorting quietly, he steps forward, putting a stop to the interrogation. The fusions' personalities don't need to be described in the treaty. They just need to be said to be stable and useful, or not.
"Madara-sama," he greets, eyes on Madara's chin, and he wants to reach out but he's not the higher-ranked one, so he doesn't. He waits.
Madara waits, too, staring at him, until his hand shoots forward and catches Tobirama's kimono at the shoulder to reel him in.
It is not a dance.
It is not even as much of a dance as the mock-spar with Izuna, both of them well-used to the way the other man moves and strikes by now. It's a sudden fistfight -- Tobirama has no idea what the hell that idiotic man was thinking, starting them off so violently, but it's a spinal reflex to counter the grab and strike back, and by the time he realizes, they're already three parries in. His heart is loud in his ears and they've jumped to a wider-open place so they won't trample their brothers and they both grit their teeth and punch and swipe, never stepping out of arm's reach. 
Tobirama wants to step back out of range, but that would defeat the purpose, so he grits his teeth and keeps close.
It's ridiculous, it's not peaceful, not trusting, not a -- if it's a conversation then it's one through gritted teeth on opposite sides of a table. It's the last attempt to find common ground before it all breaks down, restraint keeping it this side of an actual fight instead of a spar but only just, it's wasting all the effort he made to believe in his brother, to hope, and he's -- he's surprised. At himself. It's not a relief that it's probably going to be war again.
It's not what he wanted but if it's what's offered to him, if they have to fight their way out of it then he will lead the charge, but he's so disappointed.
Was there anything he should have done differently? He can't concede more without bending over, or can he? Is it -- 
Is it his fault?
If it is. 
Then he'll take responsibility for it. For the failure and the ruin of hope and the lives of his people that he can still salvage. If he -- 
If there's a hard decision to make, he will make it. He won't let his (elder/too-trusting/younger/I-told-you-so) brother shoulder the weight of his failure. He won't...
He's standing in the middle of the field, thirty paces away from the gathered watchers, his clanspeople staring tense with hands on weapons they aren't supposed to have. None have drawn yet, though some are too close. Threat levels and angles of attack flash through his mind as he takes them in.
The threats to his people are...
All of them.
All of them are threats, both sides, because they fused.
His brothers worst of all, people he loves, but that he still must/shouldn't ever kill.
They almost tear apart over this, over Hashirama's fearless care and Izuna's aggressive wariness (both threats for different reasons), almost -- but.
It can't fail now. 
He can't fail his brothers now.
"Ahh... Fusion-san?"
Elder. So pleased. So hopeful.
Smug, traitorous threat.
... but killing her off would run them right into the trap she laid, the ending she hopes for, and oh, they can do better than that. 
They smile.
They have absolutely no idea why every single elder and about half of their forces take a step or five back. Mm. None at all.
"Ah... This is terrifying," Izuna drawls, a hand resting loose and heavy on the pommel of his sword. "The worst idea anybody's ever had in the entire universe!"
"There's the time Tobirama tried to figure out how to use the corpses of his enemies as self-directing meat puppets," they drawl (Tobirama didn't want it known -- his clan already suspects -- they said tried, didn't they? It'll be fine. It's fine if they fear him more.)
"He was young!" Hashirama protests, laughing, though his eyes are -- wary/worried. "He was young and had read too many ghost stories. So... How are you doing -- brother?"
Not little brother. Not friend. Just -- sibling, twice over. It aches. "Fantastic."
"The start was a little rough, though?" another elder, from the other clan, asks, and --
They smile again, taking long, ambling steps back to the group. It's funny that they have just four limbs, perfectly balanced. "We just had to figure out something to agree on. And there you have it."
Izuna makes a show of sighing, of leaning a casual elbow on Hikaku's shoulder. "Yes, yes, sadism and world domination. Have you got a name yet?"
It's not hard to come up with one. Madara's name only has one kanji and he'll be damned if they use the Bushi reading, name himself with such a cumbersome, ridiculous samurai allusion. What is he, a bumbling rampaging honorable avalanche of a man? Damned Buchikotoji...
"Hiban." Short and to the point.
He catches the meat of Izuna's cheek between index and thumb and starts twisting a little bit.
"--Ow, what the hell! Aniki what the fuck--"
... Aniki. 
It's -- not niisan. It -- good, no, he wants niisan, he was niisan and never again, not with Izuna, even though -- no.
"Living up to the first part of your expectations, dearest brother."
"Ow -- ow, ow, it was a joke, you're the nicest person ever, how is your grip this strong, I'll bruise--"
Oh, so that's how healing jutsu feels. Very odd. Very... Hrrmph. But he doesn't want Izuna's cheek bruised. He -- brother -- elders watching, and he's being too familiar with -- no, to hell with them, the village is happening, it's happening right now, they cannot stop it anymore.
He taps Izuna's healed cheek with smug haughtiness, relishing the glare, the barest hint of a pout, quickly bitten back. 
"Is -- is this fusion -- useful, then -- Hiban-sama?"
Hiban tilts his head, a wild lock of slate-gray hair falling to the side, considering the question. 
Considering the man who asked it, all the others who didn't have the courage to ask, threats and traitor-hopefuls and righteous-but-rightfully-terrified.
The chakra crackling in their coils that he can sense and see with such a depth of color-feel-intention, elements and emotions. The starry-night scattering of tenketsu and the fear--
And his brothers, standing there, watching him with their eyebrows knit in vague, 'what will we do with you' worry. 
"Oh, yes."
He smiles.
"Very useful."
He thinks, but doesn't say, 'Pray you never find out how much.'
He thinks everybody present hears it anyway.
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