#gluttony arc
behemobarisql · 1 year
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gelthefunkyblob · 8 months
eat a snickers woman you aren't you when you're hungry
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saragl728 · 9 months
Serious question: Is the fact that Arte and Pollo are around Banica's age not common knowledge or I just see a lot of people that didn't read the novel?
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incorrectevillious · 11 months
Carlos: So vore's vegan right? As long as the prey's consenting and all? Ron: I'm way out of my league here. Arte: Veganism is no meat at all, humanely sourced or not. Arte: The word Carlos is looking for here is halal.
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cementisgud · 9 months
Evillious Theater Productions :: GLUTTONY ARC
sSorry this wasn’t released earlier, we had some... technical difficulties and connection errors but! We’re here! - Evil Food Eater Conchita - I’m watching the Mario Gagabriel PV’s and when Banica says “Come, eat without leaving anything.” she’s at a graveyard. I think it’d be better for a stageplay if we put her on a higher ground (kind of like DoE musical set-up) and then we could have Banica say her lines. When the lines start “In a corrupted mansion with a rotten stench hanging in the air” we could have a fog effect turn on but its dyed purple (if that is a possibility) so then we could have the effect of a rotten stench hanging in the air. “With numerous foods that can make anyone’s hair stand on end” , we could get to see different foods on tables (that were on the menu - obviously this wouldnt be appetizing... wait? would it? i mean Gallerian still ate the food.. well whatever they decide im just the one making ideas) “Honor and praise, our own great Conchita.” - (off topic but I should be playing Arte because I could do her key in the song but im flexing now eiohgoihdoigdh--) I want them to be menacing as they look down in the audience. (aaaaaaaaaa i forgot my idea) (guys... im sorry but im gonna skip this arc for now because i had so many ideas but it all started tumbling down i just woke up from a nap)
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kathzujar · 2 years
Evillious Reversed AU Characters
Yeap I’m bored and I have nothing to post so
Original Sin Story
Levia Barisol (Behemo’s role)
Behemo Barisol (Levia’s role)
Meta Moonlit (Maria’s role)
Pale Twiright (Seth’s role)
Eve Moonlit (Adam’s role)
Adam Zvezda/Moonlit (Eve’s role)
Maria Salmhofer (Meta’s role)
Kiril Clockworker (Irina's role)
Irina Clockworker (Elluka's role)
Seth Noel (Pale's role)
Hansel (Gretel’s role)
Gretel (Hansel’s role)
Irina Clockworker (who is actually Behemo & Levia)
Elluka stays the same in this AU. Except that her fiancé, Kiril is very jealous of his sister, Irina for spending more time with Elluka.
Lust Arc
E.L (Elluka)
Guminila Venomania (Cheribum’s role)
Gumina Venomania (Satieriasis’ role)
Cheribum Glassred (Gumina’s role)
Yufina Krim (Karchess’ role)
Karchess Marlon (Yufina’s role)
Gluttony arc
ABC-E.L (Elluka)
Carlos Conchita (Banica’s role)
Banica Marlon (Carlos’ role)
Pollo (Arte’s role)
Arte (Pollo’s role)
Adam!Platonic (Platonic’s role)
Pride arc
Abyss E.L (Elluka)
Alexiel Lucifen D’ Autriche (Rilliane’s role)
Rin Avadonia (Allen’s role)
Anne Lucifen D’ Autriche (Arth’s role)
Arth Lucifen D’ Autriche (Anne’s role)
Michaela Marlon (Kyle’s role)
Germaine Netsuma (Clarith’s role)
Kyle Arklow (Michaela’s role)
Clairth Avadonia (Germaine’s role)
Allen (Alexiel when after Rin gets executed)
Mayrana Matsumoto (Gumilia’s role)
Sloth arc
June Abelard (Kiril)
Kaspar Felix/Blankenheim (Margarita’s role)
Margarita Blankenheim (Kaspar’s role)
Gatt Blossom (Mayrana's role)
Ney Abelard (Lemy’s role)
Len kun (Rin Chan’s role)
Yuzette Coloumb (Gatt’s role)
Ayn Ora (Yuzette’s role)
Am (Fusion of Kiril, Irina, Behemo and Hansel) Ma’s role
Envy arc
Gakuga Sudou (Kayo’s role)
Kayo Sudou (Gakuga’s role)
Rin (Kokutan-Douji’s role)
Mei Miroku (Kai’s role)
Kai Miroku (Mei’s role)
Kiji Miroku (Miku’s role)
Len Miroku (Rin’s role)
Greed & Wrath arc
Michelle Marlon (Gallerian’s role)
Gallerian Marlon (Michelle’s role)
Nyoze Sudou (Nemesis’ role)
Nemesis Octo (Nyoze’s role)
Four Endings
Master Of The graveyard (Carlos)
Master of the Court (Elluka)
Master of the Hellish yard (Mayrana)
Master of the heavenly yard (Levia)
NOTE: There is plenty of characters I haven’t put it’s because I am still processing of what characters they should switch.
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merryane-the-red-cat · 11 months
Evil Food Eater Conchita - 悪食娘コンチータ - Beelzebub party - Conchita, La Gloutonne Démionaque
[Va, je mangerai sans rien laisser]
Dans une demeure corrompue où flotte une odeur de pourriture
Encore aujourd’hui commence le Dernier Dîner
Nombres de plats servis qui donneraient la chair de poule
Seule le sourire d’une femme ravit de manger s’y trouve
Le nom de cette femme est Banica Conchita
Qui autrefois explorait le monde afin de trouver les plats les plus raffinés
Pour que finalement cette femme cherche à déguster
L’Ultime Plat Suprême du Mal
Respectez et honorez
Notre Grande Conchita
Toutes les nourritures de ce monde
Ne sont voués totalement qu’à notre Maîtresse
Dévorer sans laisser une miette le monde entier
Mon estomac a encore et toujours de la place
Ce poison mortel brillant d’un bleu pâle
メインディッシュのスパイスに最適 ♥
Agrémentera parfaitement le plat principal ♥
Rongez toute viande jusqu’à l’os
Si ce n’est pas suffisant, croquez à même la vaisselle
Un délice absolu parcourant la pointe de la langue
Ce dîner est encore loin d’être fini
Mon quinzième chef cuisinier de cette année
Timidement demanda :
[Est-ce que je pourrais bientôt me reposer ?]
On ne peut absolument rien en tirer d’eux n’est-ce pas ?
Respectez et honorez
Notre Grande Conchita
Et les traîtres
Nous leur ferons goûter au dû qu’ils doivent
Dévorer sans laisser une miette le monde entier
Le menu d’aujourd’hui est spécialement préparé
Les cheveux resplendissent d’un bleu pâle
Sublimant parfaitement cette salade, un hors-d’œuvre ♥
Rongez toute viande jusqu’à l’os
Si ce n’est pas suffisant, [Encore] je n’ai qu’à dire
Attend, toi ici, cher serviteur,
Je me demande quel goût tu pourrais bien avoir ?
Mais avant qu’elle ne le remarque sa demeure se retrouva totalement vide
何にもないし 誰ももういない
Il n’y a plus rien et il n’y a plus personne
Seulement la jeune femme continuait de rechercher
L’Ultime Plat Suprême du Mal
Dévorer sans laisser une miette le monde entier
La jeune femme regarde sa propre main droite
Puis rit doucement…
 「マダ タベルモノ アルジャナイ」
[iL ResTE qUeLQUe cHOse QuE jE n’AI PaS mANgé !]
Le Dernier Repas du Mal de Conchita
食材はそう 彼女自身
Les ingrédients étaient, oui, rien d’autres qu’elle-même !
A la fin ce corps qui recherchait à connaître tous les plats
Personne n’en connaîtra même le goût
Lien fandom:
 - A venir -
Lien vidéo youtube (ouNND dans ce cas) :
Lien chaîne de Mothy:
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endingboyhansel · 1 year
turns out I definitely prefer the idea of The Frog’s and My Love’s Romance being about Lady Conchita and Carlos than Seth
sorry Seth but apart from the one eye mention it’s… it’s literally a BaniCarlos song
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“Aaaaah i wish mothy would stop referring to Hansel as stupid. like. Wow geez this guy is(as Pollo) at least decently emotionally intelligent lol” - Anon
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fox1234567890 · 2 years
Hi ask me about the irregulars please I need to avoid thinking about writing right now 
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your-local-lucifer · 5 months
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So uh yeah
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shrimphearted · 24 days
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sorry for the absence I was getting into 2000’s anime that no one cares about anymore (Fullmetal alchemist brotherhood) anyway here’s how I think an envy redemption arc could have worked
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howlingday · 6 months
Giving Jaune greed from berserk of gluttony, a sword with a soul that changes forms whenever needed, has auto aim for the bow, and steals some of your aura to become more powerful and is also sassy
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Jaune: How many talking weapons are there here?
Ruby: Too many, to be honest.
Greed: Well, maybe if you spent less time judging and more time listening, you'd actually learn something, wouldn't you, Little Red?
Ruby: Jaune...
Jaune: Y-Ye-
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liquidstar · 1 year
arc 4/season 2 of re:zero really did have a bunch of sets of siblings with lots of focus on them. it seemed to be a bit of a recurring theme for the season. family bonds as a whole were really important, especially where the backstory was concerned, but in contrast to that, the sibling relationships seemed to be about moving each other forward. in different ways though...
like, you have frederica and garfiel. they're estranged half-siblings, but frederica still obviously cares so much about her little brother. the reason she left was because she wanted to make a place for him and the rest of the people in the sanctuary in the outside world. garfiel was stuck inside the past, fearing the outside world for what happened to their mother. but when he finally faces his trial again, it's the memory of his sister that gives him the motivation to move forward.
similarly, in emilia's second trial, it's her conversation with archi that enables her to face the present for what it is. even though trial archi seemed to be pushing her towards the world of the trial itself, that's exactly what reinforces her will. with her memory of the real archi, she calls him "big brother" for the first time, and she thanks him for always being worried about her. the sad thing is, unlike all of the other sibling duos, archi has already been dead for a long time. but even then, like we saw in the first trial, he gave his life because he wanted emilia to keep moving forward.
and in otto's backstory too... he spent most of his childhood completely unable to interact with the world around him. the constant noise was too overwhelming, to the point that he couldn't actually hear anything else. he had no way to understand or communicate his feelings. and though his parents did their best to understand him, he was still stuck in this state. it wasn't until oslo decided to teach him how to write that he was finally able to express himself. despite the fact that it was harder for otto than other kids, he finally managed his first real message to his family, "thank you for everything." and with that, he cried for the first time since was born, and was able to move forward again.
even the antagonists this arc are siblings. meili and elsa dont get as much focus into their relationship as the others (not for this arc at least), but one very obvious development is that elsa has someone she cares about. elsa "bowl hunter" granhiert, a serial killer/assassin/vampire who takes great pleasure in watching people die, and tearing out their organs, has a person she cares about. this is a humanizing trait for her, and that's on purpose. loving meili literally makes her "more" human. someone that she's also willing to give up her life for. and later on, in arc 6, we see just how much elsa's death impacted meili and how she hasn't been able to move forward since that day.
this theme is even more noticeable in the negatives too. in rem and ram's case, who have already been set up as a matching set all the way back in arc 2. they're identical twins, they've loved each other literally since they were born. ram awoke her powers as a newborn just to save her crying sister. they share a deep and powerful bond. but... what the hell happens when that goes away? because rem had her name and memories eaten, ram forgets she ever had a sister. her character digresses, her entire world is now centered on roswaal, she's more devoted to him than she was before. without her sister, ram moves backwards.
and of course, there's the sibling duo that this entire season centers around- subaru and beatrice. i've talked before about how subaru's relationship with echidna and roswaal is like a foil for his relationship with his actual parents. subaru has been raised living in the shadow of his father, but his actual dad never once forced him into it- he encourages his son to stand on his own and be his own person. roswaal is the opposite, he corners subaru in an attempt to make him a mini roswaal. subaru's mother was always watched him closely, but never made his choices for him. echidna is the opposite, where she wants to manipulate and control subaru's every action to satiate her own goals and desires.
but echidna is also beatrice's actual mother, which places beatrice in the role of subaru's sister in his fucked up found family echidna had created. but beatrice and subaru were never forced together, they chose each other. beatrice was left alone in a library for 400 years, abandoned by her mother and left to wait for a person who would never truly come (who never truly existed). she has been stuck for so long, unable to break her chains. but the action that finally does free her from this stasis is when subaru asks her to choose him. the only way for them to escape this "family" and move forward was for them to choose each other.
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suffarustuffaru · 8 months
why otto was pissed off at julius (also - otto might have developed Control Issues???) (another arc 8 otto theory/analysis)
so this is a sequel to my other post on why otto is so pissed off at subaru (arc 8 ch 24) which. yeah this says a lot about otto either way given ive now made more than one analysis post about why hes being a Pissbaby HAH but anyway.
i think ottos anger at julius is super fascinating bc it seemingly comes out of nowhere, but i think it makes sense upon first glance. julius straightforwardly breaks the hard cold truth to subaru about how louis Has to die. otto snaps at julius bc of what you assume to be either 1. otto doesnt agree with louis dying and/or 2. otto doesnt want julius to say this because itll upset subaru. but then theres the answer that otto gives, which is: otto doesnt want an outsider to the emilia camp interfering with this matter because it affects the emilia camp the most.
we know that reasons 2 (subaru will be upset hearing that louis will most likely have to die) and 3 (otto doesnt want someone outside of emilia camp interfering) are True. the latter is obvious because otto himself is being truthful when he states that, and the former is likely true due to otto snapping at julius after julius says that louis has to die right to subarus face after subarus tried to defend louis, showing that subaru cares deeply for her. otto snapping at julius reads partially, to me at least, as him trying to defend subaru with all the energy of covering the ears on a child so they dont hear something Bad.
but only two chapters after otto first snaps at julius we learn that not only does otto agree with julius on louis needing to be dead, but otto agrees to the point where hes withholding information in order for the emilia camp to remain suspicious of louis and so louis is more likely to die. so it’s interesting that the Only Reasons otto gives to julius on why otto does not want julius interfering with emilia camp are 1. you are an outsider to this matter and 2. you are my enemy. otto is specifically very hostile to julius and anastasia Even After julius apologizes for interrupting in emilia camp matters - and otto Still pushes forward to emphasize that he considers julius and anastasia enemies.
for someone as politically savvy as otto, it's Off-putting that he takes such a passionate position against both julius and anastasia when he knows that theyre not only subarus friends, but theyre also strong allies to the emilia camp who aided them in arc 6 and are loyal enough to follow them into vollachia. so why is otto being so hostile to them when, if anything, it's a Detriment to be so hostile to your own camps allies?
but theres also something else about julius - otto specifically notes that julius "walks in the light" just as emilia and subaru do. despite being beaten down by life, they still choose to hold onto their idealism and their genuine desire to save people. but otto also notes that - unlike emilia and subaru - julius draws the line at louis, and, just like otto, julius figures that louis has to die. which is absolutely not something that julius does on the regular (ex novel readers will remember that julius felt saddened by balleroy dying), and otto recognizes that julius's idealism vs his desire to end louis are in conflict with each other. subaru, at the moment, is at the extreme end of idealism - the desire to save Everyone and go against all odds. otto is, at this point, at the extreme other end - otto is pragmatic and not only doesnt believe that everyone can be saved, but otto doesnt believe that he can have everything he wants, so he has to prioritize. julius, meanwhile, is the in between - julius is a knight that serves a pragmatic merchant himself, and while he wants to save people, he wants to kill louis. he recognizes that louis dying is the cleanest outcome, with a suitable punishment for her actions, and for that reason it has to happen. otto seems uncomfortable by this because he sincerely believes that his path is the best one to take, even though it isnt necessarily morally right - meaning that he figures that he has to oppose subaru and emilia in order to move forward. but then julius comes along and challenges everything ottos thinking by being this blend of subaru and ottos beliefs.
but what is ottos path? otto wants everything to go the way that he plans, which may or may not align with emilia and subarus desires. otto wants it to align with the emilia camps desires because he cares for them and his loyalty to them dictates so much of his actions. but that same loyalty has been leading him to take increasingly excessive actions in the name of trying to keep them safe, both physically and politically, and in his head, keeping his camp safe doesnt Always align with what the rest of his camp wants. keeping his camp safe means doing so even at the cost of going behind his camp's backs. keeping his camp safe means that he's going to keep them safe even if they become upset at his actions.
thats because ottos had this small habit (thats been. steadily growing) of doing what he thinks is best with little to no communication with the rest of his camp. he saved roswaal's tome and kept it hidden from the rest of his camp for a year. he did this out of his continued wariness of roswaal and he plans to restore the book just to find the information in it - and once hes done that, he plans to destroy the book again so that it doesnt fall into the wrong hands. being suspicious of roswaal is understandable, but keeping the fact that he grabbed the tome secret for a year is Definitely a little sketchy. and it doesnt help matters that that same tome he brought into priestella lures the witch cult into the city.
on top of that, theres of course ottos scheming so that the emilia camp agrees to help vollachia in a way that He Wants, along with otto purposefully withholding information about louis. On Top of That, it's not just that ottos withholding information + wanting louis dead - those are already slightly questionable enough, but additionally otto is well aware that subaru cares deeply for louis. otto has not voiced his desire for louis to die and has hidden information that could help save louis's life. theres absolutely No Way that otto doesnt know that if/once louis dies, subaru will be Very distraught by this, but otto keeps going anyway out of pragmatism - out of the thought that subaru will have to eventually get over louis dying, because otto has weighed the possible costs and benefits in his head and hes decided that killing louis has less consequences even though itd deeply upset subaru. thats what walking in the dark means - otto will oppose subaru and emilia out of practicality, because what will actually keep them safe in ottos opinion might not align with what they actually want to do. ottos position in arc 8 thus far implies that hes willing to betray his friends if it means keeping them safe.
this is even more interesting when you bring up a certain quote from the bittersweet peddling trade log side story - otto notes: "But wouldn't I have nightmares if I forsook a person who has done nothing wrong?"
and what is he doing in arc 8? he tried to forsake almost, if not all 50 million people in vollachia. hes trying to forsake someone he knows is innocent now (louis). he's trying to save subaru, but at the same time hes forsaking subaru by withholding information that could potentially save louis. hes tried to forsake julius and anastasia in the sense that his words carry weight as internal affairs minister of the emilia camp and he just declared them - loyal allies to his camp -his enemies.
the thing is - otto is a hypocrite. in more ways than one. otto tells subaru to depend on his friends more in arc 4 - which was the Big Speech of arc 4 - only to turn around and do various things behind his own friends' backs in the name of trying to save them. only to turn around and announce julius and anastasia aka allies to his camp are Enemies. otto snaps at julius to back away as julius is an "outsider" - and while julius is an outsider in the sense that hes not part of emilia camp, everyone reading the novels knows that julius himself has been majorly fucked over by louis and therefore has more than earned the right to have a say in what happens to her. otto remains suspicious of roswaal, understandably, only to agree with todds tactics in arc 7 and make strategies himself (his Leaving Vollachia and only taking who you care about plan) that roswaal agrees with. otto is the one snapping back at roswaal and insisting that roswaals only telling him that opposing subaru and emilia is a poison that will Kill Him because roswaal wants otto to be less difficult and more Compliant so that roswaal can get up to his own schemes - as if otto himself isnt making his own schemes in his head. otto knows that things like his plan to ditch vollachia is callous and hurts innocent people, especially after seeing roswaal agree with his tactics, and he feels guilty for this. but he keeps going anyway, which will likely end up proving roswaal right. the roswaal + otto and todd + otto parallels are Extremely purposeful, especially with the vollachia saga (arc 7-8) where one of the themes is about whether you can truly save everyone without sacrificing morality.
julius might be the proof that there is some sort of middle ground between subaru and ottos worldviews and strategies. you can do unpleasant things that may need to be done while still remaining kind and trying to save as many as you can - instead of abandoning them.
but ottos been Excessively harsh to julius, anastasia, and even roswaal and subaru. getting so angry at someone that you punch a wall hard enough to break your hand not just once, but nearly twice, is Excessive, especially when subarus goal is ultimately just trying to save people. and i think you could also attribute ottos Harshness to the stress hes under right now. otto is - friendly reminder, hah - the same guy who gets anxious easily to the point where his stomach hurts. he gets anxious over paperwork. he gets anxious over his friends and their. lacking. negotiation skills. hes always been Very Loud in his complaints whenever they do things hes not happy with. he admits that hes lost weight because of stress at the BEGINNING of arc 5 (otto, im so sorry but you literally havent gone through all of arc 5+ yet). his drinking is also to cope with stress (our introduction to him in arc 3 is otto coping with his new debt by drinking in a bar). so - otto is Easily anxious. over a lot of things. by the time we get to arc 8, hes gone through a Lot to get here. and stress does Not look good on otto.
where do control issues stem from? yeah, ottos main motivator is to save his camp, but past that, hes tired of not having control. in ch 24 he questions himself - he questions his purpose and his existence and he comes to the conclusion that his meaning for existence is to oppose subaru. subaru, at his core, is all about exerting his will - he brute forces the outcomes he wants because of rbd.
otto, meanwhile, is left to be dragged into danger again and again. ottos life is already out of his control often because of his bad luck and because of his dp making life difficult for him in his formative years - and now hes been dragged into danger repeatedly the moment he got involved with subaru. arc 5 in particular, however, was partially a consequence of otto bringing the tome to priestella - but its a consequence that he didnt expect at all. ottos legs were injured severely by gluttony, leaving him out of commission with no choice but to watch subaru and some of their camp walk away to the watchtower to face more danger without otto being able to be there to make sure theyre safe (otto specifically tells subaru at the end of arc 5 that hes Very Unhappy with this decision). then otto has to go to vollachia to save rem and subaru, only to arrive there and realize that subaru wants to stay to help vollachia. otto goes - fine. if thats what you want, ill help. and then otto finds out that subarus trying to defend gluttony. otto, i think, has grown increasingly resentful of the danger he and his friends have been put in (which is a mix of factors Out of their Control, but its also just. his friends sometimes deciding to do dangerous things as well), so hes developed this mentality that its him and his camp versus everyone else. it all boils down to the thought he has that he cant have both. and if his friends are really going to try to have both, hes going to try to do what he thinks is best. because if they keep trying to pick the more dangerous options - ie the worse options, in ottos opinion - then hes going to make more decisions behind their backs. because hes not gonna trust them to make the decisions that he thinks are the better ones, because its not in Their Nature to do so.
but its in his nature to do that. what do you do when something grows out of control? you try to exert control. theres also the possibility of: why keep allies to your camp around when they encourage your camp to continue staying in vollachia? how can you trust them if theyre going to interrupt on your internal camp affairs?
which is why he grows angry at julius for trying to interfere - because being the internal affairs minister to the emilia camp is otto's job, and he doesnt want someone outside of the camp interfering with his friends and any possible plans he has or will have. this is also why julius apologizes to otto - he recognizes ottos protectiveness and ottos status within his camp.
so. anyway. TLDR: ottos acting a little similar to arc 4 subaru, isnt he? thinking he knows whats best.... trying to manipulate everything around him to get the outcome he wants..... pushing forward on his own instead of depending on his friends..... refusing to depend on his friends.... having Confrontations with roswaal...... etc, etc.
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mamangasick · 7 months
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Tite Kubo
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