#god this... starter is so long....
curiositymemes · 3 months
taken from the 2023 album by noah kahan. trigger warnings for mental illness, trauma, medication, references to suicide, and the exquisite agony of life in rural new england. feel free to change wording and pronouns and provide context as necessary. do not add to this list.
northern attitude.
how you been? 
you settled down?
you feelin’ right? 
you feelin’ proud?
you settle in to routine.
what does it mean? 
i’m not how you hoped.
you’re gettin’ lost.
scared to live, scared to die. 
you’re feelin’ lost.
stick season.
you must’ve had yourself a change of heart.
now i am stuck between my anger and the blame that i can’t face.
it’s half my fault, but i just like to play the victim. 
i’ll dream each night of some version of you that i might not have but i did not lose. 
i thought that if i piled something good on all my bad i could cancel out the darkness i inherited from dad. 
i miss the way you laugh.
you once called me forever now you still can’t call me back.
that’ll have to do.
my other half was you.
i hope this pain’s just passin’ through, but i doubt it. 
all my love.
how have things been?
well, love, now that you mention it.
i’m sayin’ too much, but you know how it gets out here.
now i know your name, but not who you are.
it’s all okay, there ain’t a drop of bad blood.
you got all my love.
if you need me, dear, i’m the same as i was.
what i’d give to have you out of me.
i still recall how the leather in your car feels.
and at the end of it all, i just hope that your scars heal.
i swear i was scared to death.
i smiled stupid the whole way home.
you said, ‘i’ll never let you go.’
she calls me back.
there was heaven in your eyes. 
everything’s alright.
look at me and don’t you lie.
don’t you hold your head up high.
for bullshit, i do not have time.
do you lie awake restless?
why am i so obsessive?
this town’s the same as you left it.
the radio is taunting me.
i don’t get much sleep most nights.
i’m seeing you in every dream.
if only i could fall asleep. 
i’ll love you when the oceans dry. 
i was too afraid of living life in your footsteps.
come over.
it was there when we got here, will be there when we leave.
you won’t have to guess who they’re speakin’ about.
i’m in the process of clearin’ out cobwebs. 
i was takin’ the wrong meds; feels good to be sad.
my house is just barely big enough for my family.
my mouth was designed for my foot to fit in it.
i promise you, darlin’.
you won’t ever go back.
i know that it ain’t much.
i know that it ain’t cool.
you don’t have to tell the other kids at school.
someday i’m gonna be somebody people want.
new perspective.
makin’ me nostalgic.
we were kids; but that don’t make this less hard.
if i could fly i doubt i’d even do it. 
i’d probably get high and crash or somethin’ stupid.
gave me your word.
i can’t pronounce it.
no thing so sure that i can’t learn to doubt it.
everywhere, everything.
would we survive in a horror movie?
we trust everyone we meet.
we’re littered with scars from our preteens.
i wanna love you ‘til we’re food for the worms to eat.
‘til our fingers decompose, keep my hand in yours. 
i know every route in this county.
maybe that ain’t such a bad thing.
i’ll tell you where not to speed.
it’s been a long year.
orange juice.
honey, come over.
it’s yours if you want it.
we’re just glad you could visit. 
feels like i’ve been ready for you to come home for so long.
i didn’t think to ask you where you’d gone. 
why’d you go?
my heart has changed and my soul has changed.
you just asked me to hold you.
it made you a stranger and it filled you with anger.
my life has changed.
the world has changed.
don’t you find it strange that you just went ahead and carried on?
are we all just pullin’ you down?
strawberry wine.
darling, speak to me.
don’t you say a word.
you thought you were cursed?
i’m in love with every song you’ve ever heard.
if i could lose you, i would.
all the time we used to have.
the things i miss but know are never coming back. 
no thing defines a man like love that makes him soft.
growing sideways.
finally found some middle ground.
i said, ‘i’m cured.’
i divvied up my anger into thirty separate parts.
i’m still angry at my parents for what their parents did to them.
it’s a start.
but i ignore things and i move sideways ‘til i forget what i felt in the first place.
i know there are worse ways to stay alive.
everyone’s growing and everyone’s healthy.
if my engine works perfect on empty, i guess i’ll drive. 
i forgot my medication, fell into a manic high.
now i’m sufferin’ in style.
why is pain so damn impatient? ain’t like it’s got a place to be.
if all my time was wasted, i don’t mind. 
i’ll watch it go.
it’s better to die numb than feel it all.
the dawn isn’t here, the sun hasn’t rose.
they got money to make and children back home.
i worry for you, you worry for me.
the bridges have long since been burnt. 
i’m leavin’ this town and i’m changin’ my address.
i know that you’ll come if you want.
i’m losin’ myself.
i’m seein’ my life on a screen.
i know that you fear that i’m wicked and weary.
i know that you’re fearin’ the end. 
i only tell the truth when i’m sure that i’m lyin’. 
are you bored yet?
the weather ain’t been bad if you’re into masochistic bullshit.
this place is such great motivation for anyone tryna move the fuck away from hibernation. 
time moves so damn slow i swear i feel my organs failing.
i stopped caring ‘bout a month ago, since then it’s been smooth sailing. 
i would leave if only i could find a reason. 
i got dreams, but i cant make myself believe them. 
i’ll spend the rest of my life with what could have been. 
i will die in the house that i grew up in.
i’m homesick. 
i don’t wanna say goodbye.
it only falls into place when you’re fallin’ to pieces.
you miss something that you can’t place but you can’t deny it. 
you can’t stay here.
it’s hard to face and it feels too ugly.
it’s like i’m still here with you. 
can i fix what is broken?
the view between villages (extended). 
for a minute, the world seems so simple.
i am not scared of death.
i’ve got dreams again.
there is meanin’ on earth. 
i feel so far from it.
it’s all washin’ over me. 
i’m angry again. 
the things that i lost here, the people i knew.
they got me surrounded for a mile or two. 
i found a town big enough for anything i want.
i’m not a city girl, by any means.
it still has a lot of meaning to me.
i grew up there. 
your needs, my needs.
you ain’t gotta tell me what it means.
i promise to be there this time. alright? 
you were a work of art.
that’s the hardest part.
i’m naming the stars in the sky after you.
dial drunk.
i promised to forget you.
i ain’t takin’ any fault.
am i half the man i used to be? i doubt it.
forget about it, whatever.
it’s all the same anyways.
i ain’t proud of all the punches that i’ve thrown. 
for the shame of being young, drunk, and alone.
i gave your name as my emergency phone call.
i’d die for you.
from charmin’ to alarmin’ in seconds.
i’ll let the pain metastasize.
i beg you, sir, just let me call.
let’s wait, i swear she’ll call me back.
son, are you a danger to yourself?
fuck that, sir.
son, why do you do this to yourself?
paul revere.
this place had a heartbeat in its day.
nothin’ was the same.
it just ain’t that simple, it never was.
one day i’m gonna cut it clear.
i’m not from around here.
i’ll leave before the road crew’s out. 
i’ll turn up the music and i’ll forget.
i’m not ready to let go yet.
i’ll just pretend i didn’t hear.
it’s typical, i fear.
folks just disappear.
if i could leave, i would’ve already left.
no complaints.
i thought i had something and that’s the same as having something.
i get mad at nothing.
i pull no punches, then feel bad for months.
thought i was raised better, tried to fake better.
now the weight of the world ain’t so bad.
i saw the end, it looks just like the middle.
i filled the hole in my head with prescription medication.
who am i to complain?
now the pain’s different. It still exists, it just escapes different.
yes, i’m young and living dreams.
i’m in love with being noticed and afraid of being seen.
call your mom.
oh, you’re spiralin’ again.
don’t you cancel any plans.
stayed on the line with you the entire night ‘til you let it out and let it in.
don’t let this darkness fool you.
i’ll drive all night.
i’ll call your mom.
oh, dear, don’t be discouraged.
i’ve been exactly where you are.
if you could see yourself like this.
you’dve never tried it.
stayed on the line with you the entire night ‘til you told me that you had to go.
throw a punch, fall in love, give yourself a reason.
don’t wanna drive another mile wonderin’ if you’re breathin’.
won’t you stay with me?
you’re gonna go far. 
this is good land, or at least it was.
it takes a strong hand and a sound mind.
it makes me smile to know when things get hard, you’ll be far from here.
pack up your car.
put a hand to your heart.
say whatever you feel.
be wherever you are.
we ain’t angry at you, love. 
you’re the greatest thing we’ve lost.
the birds will still sing.
we’ll be waiting for you, love.
we’ll all be here forever.
we spent so long just getting by.
that’s the thing about survival; who the hell likes livin’ just to die?
you told me you would make a difference.
it won’t be by your own volition if you step foot outside this town.
it’s all we’ve had for always.
you’re gonna go far.
if you wanna go far, then you gotta go far.
let’s drive for no reason.
you look fine in the evening.
honey, it’s starting to storm.
used to wish i meant anything to anywhere, to anyone.
i’m glad i get forever to see where you end.
i won’t be alone for the rest of my life.
i’ll meet a girl in the heat of july.
i’ll tell her so she knows.
i’m broke, but i’m real rich in my head.
when i hold her close, i might loosen my grip, but i won’t ever let her go.
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moss-the-mage · 4 months
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okay so follow me on this. What if. gen 9 starters but beastars.
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dolorousvale · 1 month
❦ a reintroduction to shape and color
closed starter | @thomasicism
Perhaps Dolasach should’ve known better when she agreed to be play bodyguard for a rather… eccentric personality.
She wasn’t a stranger to world-renowned artist Rafayel’s odd quirks, or to his occasional apathy towards coming off as unreasonable. Whispers of those facets of his personality made rounds among her circles in university and never failed to be mentioned in his interviews—artists are stereotyped as strange and anti-social for a reason. Even in her brief encounters with him prior to the arrangement, she could already tell that he wasn’t an exception to the trope.
So why then, she asked herself, did I agree to be his bodyguard?
The answer echoed in her mind in the form of a coral stone and a dark blue envelope. She sighed and kept walking along the city sidewalk, paying little mind to the passing cars or passersby.
Almost as if in mockery, today’s weather brought a slight drizzle, too. The soft pitter-patter of the rain making contact with Dolasach’s umbrella did little to soothe her mood.
Nearing her destination, Flux Arts, she pulled out her phone and reviewed her conversation with her employer from last night.
Noisy Oarfish: im still saddened by the fact that my own bodyguard cant identify my work at a glance. if word gets out and youre called “incompetent,” ill be devastated
Noisy Oarfish: you need to improve your artistic sensitivity
Noisy Oarfish: tell you what. ill leave those forgeries at flux with the original and you need to tell me which one is the real one
Noisy Oarfish: but not only do you have to pick the correct painting, i need you to analyze. no point in this if you just get it right by guessing or asking thomas
Noisy Oarfish: think you can get it done by friday?
Me: Fine.
Something about the whole situation sparked such a deep annoyance in Dolasach that had her determined to get the assignment done as soon as possible. Rereading the messages rekindled that flame, and she felt all the more eager to get started as soon as she entered Flux Arts.
Thomas better be here.
The sudden shift from noisy city sidewalk to quiet white cube gallery made her feel a little too aware of how upset she was. After taking a moment to try and collect herself, she approached the receptionist.
“Excuse me.” Her tone was calm and even. “Is Thomas around? I’m here to run an errand for Rafayel.”
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majesticmagics · 3 months
ohhhhhhh i get it now. working 40 hours 5 days a week actually destroys you from the inside out, huh?
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e-m-p-error · 3 months
[ Valentino ]
It had been a long day of recording, and even Valentino was feeling it.
He'd spent the better half of the day sitting in his favorite, cute (but eventually uncomfortable) little chair with his legs crossed one over the other. The seam of his thighs had been tight and unforgiving, and his lower arms had been folded in his lap for a majority of it. He held the script in his upper left hand, though he'd given up looking at it during hour two and traded it for his cigarette holder.
Neither of them helped his headache.
Around hour ten, he'd been ready to give up entirely, but he didn't think he'd made his point, yet. He ordered dinner for himself, Vox, and Velvette and ate as quietly as he could during the next scene. Angel Dust's stomach growling ruined three takes and set them back another hour and a half. Valentino was grumpy after the first time, and irate by the third.
Finally, after fifteen hours of recording and little to no relief from his aching head, Valentino called it. He couldn't keep it up anymore. All he wanted to do was go upstairs, fall into bed with Vox, and sleep until he felt vaguely human again.
Rising from his seat, he stretched one upper arm above his head, the other gripping it at the elbow. His lower hands laced their fingers together and he stretched them downward, palms facing the floor. Yawning wide until his jaw popped, he felt tears at the corners of his eyes, but they didn't glow when they fell.
After he stretched out his other upper arm, he unfurled his wings and stretched them out fully at his sides and above his head. He hummed softly as they batted at nothing, curling above his head some. His antennae perked up, then slowly folded back against the sides of his head. That felt better.
As he turned, he stretched one leg out behind him, placing his upper hands on the warm seat of his chair, then let the other leg follow suit. He finally straightened out his posture again, taking a step forward as he yawned again, this time behind his hand.
It was then that he felt someone bump into his ass and he snarled suddenly, narrowing his eyes and whipping around, taking a step forward to chase whoever had done this, "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" He hadn't noticed who it was immediately, his sleepy anger taking over immediately.
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littlemsterious · 1 year
Progress photo for my second furby. I’m knitting the body myself. most of the work is being done on sunday mornings while at church. that’s the only time in get to knit and also it feels pretty cursed. I’m going to sew an inner part to hold the stuffing, which is going to be the weighted stuffing you get for stress plushies.
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it’s name is going to be Pink Lemonade and it is completely agender.
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legaciestold · 4 months
thread: the prismya incident tuesday, july 25th-friday july 28th, 2006 @everythingheard (leon) also featured in overall incident: @myersbprd, claire, ingrid, mara, & jill
tuesday, july 25, 2006 4:45am (stateside local) mild rain, gray morning skies, humid
the screen is eerily blank for multiple seconds, the sounds of clattering items all that's emitted above the gentle static. muttering comes next, a woman's frustration coming through with no visual to accompany it until a silhouette appears, out of focus.
'come on, come on, yes! it worked!'
emits the voice, hushed but triumphant as what can be assumed is keys of what might be an old keyboard by the heavy sounds of it are pressed in the audio. the picture is grainy, as if there's some kind of interference yet it does finally come into focus to display a woman looking at the camera and addressing an agent with a name hunnigan hasn't come across before. the name is typed into a second monitor upon her station though a voice on the phone she's balancing on her shoulder halts her. tells her to wait and watch. the woman on the screen looks a bit worse for wear. there's a small gash on her forehead that looks as if it's scabbed over and the scrubs she wears look wrinkled and disheveled as if they've been worked in a while. it's not what's shocking about the video. hunnigan has seen a lot both in her own field experiences before she'd taken a desk job and in the displays from messages from various agents she aids who are in the field.
she's seen kennedy a hell of a lot worse for example.
what's shocking comes from the words which emit from the woman's lips. she speaks quickly, to the point, an attempt to relay as much information as possible in an efficient manner. hunnigan appreciates it. a final stage of a virus is synthesized and will have enough produced for the final stage of an attack within forty-eight hours. possibly less, most likely less. she's only piecing together what she's been able to hear and catch glimpses of. she's being monitored constantly but one of the other scientists speaks to her as they work, whenever they get the chance to, and he seems to be an ally. the process appears to be faster because of the nature of vampiric materials.
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the camera is shifted, loses focus for a moment when it's lifted and redirected over a blurry file that hunnigan already knows is going to have to get sent for enhancement. she can just barely see the name claire red.field on it though ingrid isn't sure if she actually saw the name clearly or if it's her brain piecing it together by virtue of the fact the woman voices the name a moment later. the camera pans too quickly over a separate video feed, camera on camera distorting the picture with lines-- yet, some can be made out. maybe the worse of it is the sound.
there's screaming. wild, scared, pained.
there's frenzied movement on the screen of the screen. there's what ingrid thinks is a woman attacking a man in scrubs and then her being forced back down and injected with something and she thinks the woman cries something to the effect of 'not again' after some profound swearing in-between. maybe that's really the most shocking part because ingrid has never met redfield but she's seen agent kennedy's file and seen claire's picture in it because the girl and leon had escaped raccoon together and as distorted as the picture may be, ingrid understands in the pit of her stomach what she's seeing is the same woman.
the camera pans back once more to the woman sending it with her rattling off something about redfield having been the key to the virus and a location. about something being wrong. she shouldn't have been able to get to this terminal let alone send this video she's not sure where the guards are but she's uploading the communication now and praying they get it. to please send the bprd or anyone they can. there's a sound, a groan really, which emits somewhere in the room the woman is in and she looks away before turning back and starting to say to 'tell leon...' something... but it's cut off with the transmission going dark and somehow, that's when something else connects in ingrid's mind and she chastises herself for not having realized it sooner. she's seen this woman's picture in leon's file too. it's his cousin that survived the attack on their family when agent kennedy was a child.
okay. ingrid thinks. okay. okay.
the voice on the phone begins speaking again, giving ingrid little time to recover even as she begins opening various windows at her computer station. it reveals more information to her. information about the bureau of paranormal research and defense. of an outbreak in a polish village the year before, about redfield being part of the bprd-- which doesn't exist on paper except as the fbi's special operations division. it tells her mara a kennedy was an informant in a company run by fucking vampires. vampires! it tells her a select few members of the bsaa, valentine and the other redfield have been contacted and are deploying with bprd on route to prismya where there's been some strange reports of attacks in the last twenty-four hours. they'll meet agent kennedy there and she needs to relay all this information to him and get him on a military flight leaving in two hours. it's a lot. it's chaos. but it's a chaos she can handle. she has to. first, however, she needs to finish dialing agent kennedy's number.
she does and takes an unusual step further, tells him he needs to get to headquarters immediately, with no delays. she needs to meet with him in person. and someone needs to meet with him, a bprd agent myers who'd be going on a mission with him, reinforcements already on-route to meet them there. she doesn't tell him why but her vocal pattern shows the seriousness of it. she greets the bprd agent in a room off the corridor of the building where the light always flickers and the work order for it has gone into the abyss of low priorities. when agent kennedy gets there she tells him all she knows, she shows him the video, and she lets the bprd agent tell him the rest of the pertinent information as she goes to gather more information for herself to aid them in the field.
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'leon, be careful.'
she calls out to him as she watches him and the other agent leave for the military base (that transport would get them to europe faster than other means). ingrid, rarely calls him by his first name but this was uncharted territory. this was personal territory, at least for him. almost twelve hours later hunnigan has some communication with the bsaa, redfield and valentine, helps them navigate a nightmare on the ground that they'd flown into. she's not usually involved with the bsaa but this whole mission was.. well, there was a lot of players in the game at once and they all had the same ultimate goals. she had the feeling she'd be patching them all into each other the whole time.
fifteen, almost sixteen hours after leon leaves, when hunnigan gets word from that leon and the bprd agent have gotten separated after they'd gotten to one of the companies' facilities where he thinks the outbreak started (an outbreak that wasn't part of the main plot and shouldn't have happened) and that they'd found indications mara and claire had been moved to some location in the countryside but then leon and myers had gotten separated after a car crash outside a local village she's not surprised so she helps him navigate as far toward the castle facility as her access to sat feeds will allow. somehow, this feels a bit like spain all over again. she certainly thinks the stakes are just as high for her agent in the field. this wasn't the president's daughter but it was his family and his friend and a hell of a lot of innocent people's lives at stake.
wednesday, july 26, 2006 8:13am (prismya local) prismya countryside, mountain valley filled with small villages and an expansive castle complex which used to house the local ruler of the region. has held an increase in activity, construction equipment, and people to the area in recent years. also many disappearances. rainy and dark gray skies, foggy, cloudy, low visibility
she's cold. then she's hot. both make her hurt like a fucking train is chugging through her blood stream and making her want to tear into something but they've taken everything away she could possibly break after she'd managed to turn a part of the bed into something she could stab with. it'd been a blunt edge but she'd still managed with a spirt of strength to impale one of the people that'd come into the room to sedate her with it. her mind is scattered, hair messy and in all directions around her shoulder's when she awakens in a new place. mara's no where in sight but claire is sure she'd seen her. she's positive. she wasn't losing her mind. she wasn't. she'd seen her. she had! metal surfaces are around her, there's a camera too. she attacks it with her bare hands. they come into the room. she can't remember what happened after that. she thinks she drew blood. or they drew her blood? no, she'd hurt one of them. she's sure. the feel of a badge, a key.. she'd hurt him, the man injecting her, but he'd slipped her something. why? she doesn't understand. was he the one mara said was a friend? is she imagining it? but he hurt her. did he have a choice?
wait.. then.. now. then wasn't now. that already happened. key.. badge. her body hurts. she's thirsty but she's not supposed to be. she can't let herself be. remember. remember to fight it. mara had said the longer she does the slower the infection will move through her. she'd said that, back at the other place. where is mara? where is she? her body shifts, rolls over where it'd passed out before. flashes of memories playing at her mind. she tires to piece together her memories. her eyes aren't open but she sees....
there'd been a mission. she can remember that. but then.. so much death. she'd fought. injections.. experiments. she'd fought. she'd screamed. she'd attacked. it hurt. her mind scatters. she remembers a desert. no, that was a long time ago. she remembers a police station. no that was further away. blonde hair.. she remembers a dinner with a child laughing and the surprise on their faces when another person had shown up at their door with pizza from that hole in the wall place she'd taken sherry to and mentioned. it wasn't an every-day thing, the three of them getting to spend time together and so they'd held on to it at the time. a thread, it forms a thread into another string of flashes. a chip. anger... understanding.. an email.
'stop being like that claire, just send the god damn fucking email.' she'd told herself.
the thread.. mission. facility. he'd slipped her something to escape. she'd gotten out. they'd chased her. a crash. something spilled. screams. zombies but.. different, she thinks. had to find a lift. had to find a way up. a way out. metal turned to stone. corridors. maze. castle? they'd found her. blood. she'd stabbed. she'd stabbed them, not bitten. she hadn't bitten. but they'd stabbed her too, she thinks. maybe? find somewhere to hide. hide first. figure out next step after. there'd been a room. supplies in it. boxes. she remembers boxes.. utah had boxes. rebecca had gotten shot. the boxes had fallen. circle the memories back. boxes in front of her. climb. hide on top. she wants to see her brother. she wants to see leon. to not have how they last saw each other be the last... claire passed out.
it's cold against her skin but her body feels hot. sweaty, clammy. dark veins creep along her arms. she's only wearing a thin tank top type shirt with pants, she should have tried to find something but there hadn't been time. it wasn't as much of a concern as escape. the blood across her top is crusty. how long as she been there? there's no wound... it healed. but she'd been stabbed.. she can't think about it. not yet. not yet. find mara. get a cure. escape. no she couldn't.. mara had said something about them releasing it.. hadn't she? or had she imagined it? claire's clearer now then she was, and yet not fully clear either. it's hard to keep a hold of her thoughts, takes effort. she can do this. she has to do this. there isn't a choice. one step at a time.
there's sound. a scuffle. a grunt. gun shots. something had spilled before.. she remembers it.. kind of, sort of. outbreak. shit. she thinks there'd been one before too. back wherever she'd been but now.. had she caused this one? in her attempt to escape? or had it come with them like it had antarctica from rockfort, along with the personnel? shit. shit. shit. another gun shot. wooden door splinter's below, figures move into the dark room, crash across it like godzilla to a city. someone hits the boxes, they all fall down with her with it. ouch. pain radiates and blood fills her senses. someone's bleeding. she knows it like she knows what air is. in a way that unsettles her. it makes her mind go fuzzy, the veins on her skin burn. there's fighting in the low light, another gun shot. one of them stops moving.
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claire reacts.
she lifts herself from the tangle of boxes and launches herself at whoever still stands with a sudden fury and strength she shouldn't have. she feels like it's temporary. it's not going to last and some part of her seems to realize the more she exerts herself the more the infection is going to take root but she has to get away. and to do that she has to stop whoever else is there. so they can't take her away again. so they can't hurt her again. so they can't make her veins feel like they are on fire and her so thirsty. it's all nails and desperate punches when she lands as if she's a wild and wounded animal backed into a corner. hair blocking her face as she attacks. she remembers the feeling of the injections. she remembers the experiments. she's angry, it's taking hold. it's overwhelming her, clouding her mind. she can feel it. but whoever she's fighting is strong. they react too and her arms are suddenly being forced to halt, her struggling wildly until some of her hair that was blocking her vision shifts and she sees eyes. his eyes and now a war is happening within her. something inside wants to fight. wants to hurt. but she. claire. she sees his eyes. she sees them. she knows them. she's crying. it burns her eyes. it's his blood she smells. she wants it. no. no. fucking hell no! she's not lost yet. she won't let herself be. this fucking infection wasn't going to take her. she wouldn't let it. she wouldn't hurt him. why is he there? her mind starts to clear, a little. she stops fighting and fear laces her features.
"l--leon?" this is real. he's real. she can feel him. and yet it almost comes out as a question as if some part of her is suddenly scared she's imagined this whole thing to cope and is still in whatever room they locked her in for their experiments. "i-- i'm sorry! i'm sorry.. i-- couldn't... stop.. i thought you were.. i thought they found me.. i thought they were going to take me back.. oh my god.. did i hurt you?" horror washes over her.
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burncdheart · 2 months
Plotted starter for @diverse-hearts-ocs with the twins ♥
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The rain had just stopped from falling, leaving a surprisingly fresh scent in the way too loud city. Tires screeched over the still wet pavement, drivers pushed into their wheel, their car annoyingly honking in synch to each of such push. Announcing from meters away that they must be in a traffic and impatient to move forward. 
Afternoons in the heart of Yokohama were like this.
The sun broke free, causing the girl to squint as it's rays shun almost into her face, even though still hanging rather high in the sky. Though it was yet another thing of annoyance to add to today's list, she did not regret the earlier conversation of her twin and herself walking home.
“I can't believe there was still a car waiting for us.”, she vented, the main topic since they had left the school's grounds, “We are old enough to go home on our own!”.
She played with the long sleeve of her uniform, the bad mood clear on her expressions ever since. While she got and understood that their parents worried for a good reasons, did they not see how suffocating it was? Their classmates were surely asking questions tomorrow, with the way they glared at them while Taru had discussed loudly with the driver of a vehicle standing in front of the school.
Well, maybe she was kinda to blame too. She could have just moved the discussion to another time and the two people inside the car, who looked more like they were part of the hotel's security, had not deserved the way she yelled at them like they were to threat her brother's and her own life, before running off without ever taking a step into the safety of the car.
It was healthier to walk anyway.
The noises had ebbed down, whatever kept the cars from stopping apparently was gone. Leaving room for another, quiet noise to take place. It caused Taru to halt in her steps to scan their current surroundings. A glance taken behind them, she realized that they were being followed by a small, way too thin kitten that stubbornly avoided to step on it's right front paw. Another, weak meowing left it's throat, as if begging for food.
Taru kneeled down, reaching out her hand to the kitten, which started sniffing on it. “Does it not have an owner who takes care of it?”, she wondered out loudly, but worry was clear in her voice. However, if it was as thin as this kitten was, the answer was already more than clear.
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revclver-jesus · 4 months
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✞  ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ STARTER CALL.
Lengths will vary wildly maybe um-- specify if a multimuse !
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cosmic-cd · 10 months
thinking about leon again tonight
#cosmo rambles#i need to get back to playing around with the Hazel and Leon get Eeby Deebied to Hisui thing#because i think still the dynamic of leon being very athletic and strategic while hazel is more on the artsy side and is like#more ideal in a support role is really fun#leon willing to go out there and wrestle a garchomp while gushing about how fantastic it is at physical attacking#while hazel sits by and sketches it for the pokedex and makes little notes about what they found in the environment#leon building himself a new team around types he's never tried before and picking the weaker starter to hazel's to give himself a challenge#hazel somehow letting leon goad her into actually taking a rival role against her despite never really having rivals before#unless you count blue making her so so so so mad but that's unrelated. she'll fight him without a pokemon#leon's understanding of battle mechanics and what each pokemon needs to thrive and what it's capable of beyond just its typing delights me#while hazel tends to be like me- less strategic and more about getting those type advantages in LOL#also having two trainers taking on nobles and filling the dex with their own roles to make things smoother is fun#but also because im imagining leon and hazel sitting together as hazel draws and talking as they peacefully watch pokemon from afar#or running for their lives together or riding on wyrdeer's back together#on top of that just. the two of them going to paldea together for a temporary teaching gig and getting swept into things#keeping an eye worriedly on students and Oh God No What Do You Mean the World is Ending. Again#theyll go on a vacation to kalos after this. and because XY has already happened theres no stress there#they just get to get into some mega evolution training. the most stress is red blue and green show up like hiiii#red and leon get into the most heated rivalry imaginable and hazel is being pulled away from her pokepuffs#god this is getting so long. im just thinking so hard im sorry IF YOU READ THIS FAR THANK YOU IM SORRY
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poms-resources · 2 years
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An ask meme / sentence starters based on lyrics from some songs I really like for this time of year!
The “//” means the other part is OPTIONAL! You can add that or make it it’s own thing entirely!
Under the Cut since there’s going to be quite a few...
► Cold December Night — Michael Bublé
With a heart on board so please be careful
Each year I ask for many different things
But now I know what my heart wants you to bring
So please just fall in love with me // this Christmas
I want something that lasts forever
So kiss me on this cold December night
Let's cozy on up by a fireplace
Dim those Christmas lights
I'm here, I'm yours for the taking
'Cause I don't wanna be alone tonight
► Beautiful Christmas — Big Time Rush
We'll decorate the halls with love and cheer
Under the mistletoe, Oh I've been waiting all year
As long as I got you here
► Baby, It’s Cold Outside — Michael Bublé & Idina Menzel
I really can't stay
This evening has been so very nice
I wish I knew how to break this spell
Mind if I move in closer?
You're very pushy, you know
I'd like to think of it as opportunistic
Gosh, your lips look delicious
But maybe just another dance more
Never such a blizzard before
You've really been grand but don't you see?
There's bound to be talk tomorrow
► Last Christmas — Ariana Grande’s Ver.
I hate that I remember
You left my heart a mess
But the very next day, you gave it away
I'll give it to someone special
Thought we belong together
I should have known better
You broke my heart with no warnin'
► All I want for Christmas is You — Michael Bublé’s Ver.
You broke my heart with no warnin'
I just want you for my own // more than you could ever know
Make my wish come true
No, I'm just gonna keep on waiting // underneath the mistletoe
I just want you here tonight // Holding on to me so tight
► Santa Tell Me — Ariana Grande
Don't make me fall in love again // if he won't be here next year
I'm trying to play it cool
It's hard to focus when I see [him/her/you] walking 'cross the room
I won't get in the mood
I'm avoiding every mistletoe // until I know it's true love that [he/she/you] think of
I've been down this road before
Fell in love on Christmas night
I woke up and [he/she/you] [wasn't/weren’t] by my side
Now I need someone to hold
it's hard to tell if this is just a fling or if it's true love
► Like It’s Christmas — Jonas Brothers
This is what it's all about
But as long as you're with me // It's always that time of the year
I can't deny what I'm feelin' inside
Nothin' fake about the way you bring me to life
Everyday that I'm with you
► This Christmas — China Anne McClain Ver.
I'm gonna get to know you better
How much fun it's gonna be together
Your eyes outshine the town, they do
► The Man With The Bag — Darren Criss ft. Adam Lambert Ver.
You're alright? Just alright? // Whaddya mean alright?
I just don't know how much longer I can wait
Hey, if it makes you feel any better
► Mistletoe — Justin Bieber
I'ma be under the mistletoe
I can't stop staring at your face
The way I followed my heart // And it led me to a miracle
'Cause I am feeling one thing // your lips on my lips
Kiss me underneath the mistletoe
Show me, baby, that you love me so
► Sleigh Ride — Meghan Trainor Ver.
it's lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you
Our cheeks are nice and rosy // and comfy cozy are we
We're snuggled up together // likе two birds of a feather would be
► I Don’t Wanna Spend Another Christmas Without You — The Ready Set
I have you on my mind
I wish you could be here tonight
So I could kiss you
So I could hold you one more time
All the signs seem to point in your direction all the time
I wish I could see you again
Because I never know // when you will be here with me
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hamadacare · 8 months
how @scavenger-mat was welcomed in Lucky Cat Cafe
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New customers never bothered Mochi the Cat™; it meant more attention. So when the door opened, the feline sat ever so politely for presentation (not that he needed to put effort to try and earn hands) and the croons ensued. To put the cherry on top, the fat cat weaved around their legs. ‘Awww’ the new customers cooed. But my, how quickly a leaf can turn with one gust of wind.
Mochi’s ears twitch, alerted by the subtle pitter-patter of a certain someone’s footsteps, which makes him turn his head.
He couldn’t believe it! It was a mouse! It must’ve sneaked in with the crowd. And it carried a little rapier of his own!- not that it mattered to the cat; it was time to attack.
Mochi doesn’t excuse himself (it was the privilege of being a cat) as he just bolts right after the running rodent. Chasing and cornering him straight to the kitchen of the cafe. With his knowledge of the cafe’s layout, paired with his size, the calico would be a formidable opponent to evade. Paws glide through the floor, and an open mouth swipes away the pest.
As finesse as his skill was, he does not stop his slide and instead, slams himself into a wall, the sound of a thud making a young man turn quickly and concernedly. “Mochi?” Tadashi asks as if his pet can speak. Mochi turns his head to face his owner, but that only makes him give away the secret that he has a mouse in his mouth, the rodent’s tail dangling like a noodle that needed to be slurped.
“Mochi! No! You spit it out right now!”
Good god, no owner wants to see their pet eat an animal that was out in the street- And for as much grit Mochi demonstrated this whole while, he surrenders to the harsh tone his owner took in his voice, and drops a little being from the gates of his teeth.
When it splats on the floor, Tadashi looms over the mouse, Mochi now in his hold for safekeeping. (Or rather, to keep him from eating the animal again-) They stare at the lifeless body before them …
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… as it, coughs for life?
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viviskull · 11 months
Closed Starter with @lambfated​ - Ensnaring memories, entangled lives
When days went long and nights growing shorter every passing blink of your kingdom slowly growing in constant, there was hardly a date where anything changed beyond the occasional, strange visitor intruding on your lands.  Followers came and went.  Old faces that stuck around sometimes became dull with every game of knucklebones becoming more predictable without the wagering bets of coins growing higher.  Shrumy, Flinky, Klunko and even Bop, as much as you cherished the times you’ve spent with them as companions, often had foreseen strategies they sometimes relied on harshly, making things become tedious in some regard.  Maybe the oddball of a weird god coming down to wreak havoc on your lands did sometimes make things interesting for you, but every time they claimed to be a threat… They always fell from their throne without fail by your blade (excluding the few who’ve bested you yet).  They helped make your endless days at least something to work towards at the end of the day, but even then they get too carbon-copied for you after a while.
That was at least… Until you felt a new, raw striking energy prick against the dark hides of your skin; the natural twelfth sense of your crown making it all the more difficult to not pick up on, an oddly familiar intruder exploring your lands.  Why did it feel familiar, yet so distinct you couldn’t quite pinpoint it through why you hadn’t sensed it earlier that day?  Well, since you were in Anura anyway out on another crusade hunting for resources, it was a better chance than any to at least go check it out.  You couldn’t quite put your finger on it, but.. it felt nearly like it was drawing you in like a cautious moth to a flame; softly familiar, yet unlike anything you’ve felt in a long time since your ascension.
As such, the more you fought through passing swarms of heretics and cut open paths in your advantage towards this strange presence, the stronger you could feel your crown cling just a bit tighter to the nest of your wool.  Odd, maybe even a bit concerning too.  Normally, it eagerly always responded to your every whim like an extra appendage, it never resisted your trains of thought before.  But the more you continued, the more you were struggling to even summon your weapon or even get an explosive curse of fervor to ward off the occasional enemy that came your way.  You’ve always known your crown was a mere being of its own, but this might’ve been pushing it with it getting vulnerable like this.  Sure, there’d been times the fallen Bishops had restrained your source of identity in some circumstances, however the main four had long since fallen into the cradle of your flock.
What if there had been one that hadn’t actively seeked you out?  Would there be any concrete reason they’d make themselves known now?  The signs of heretics flocking to a NEW power haven’t shown themselves yet.  However, who’s to say it wasn’t happening underground?  A rebellion was always in the works, you’d know from dissenters coming and going from your followers in turn.
Now that you thought about it a bit more, the rotting trees seemed more liver, growing more condensed and thicker together the closer you could feel this energy call out to you.  Anura was never known for its vibrant colors, when everything was naturally overtaken by the crimson reds of fungus and deadly bloom.  Bizarre as it is, at least you’d know this stranger wasn’t too far either.
Trudging, and maybe squeezing through some cracks in between there, through what you may to carry on to this curious energy, after what may’ve felt like ages to mortal… You find yourself in some grassy plains, a natural wide clearing that might’ve as well been Darkwood if you hadn’t kept track of your surroundings prior, and you weren’t alone.  Green as far as the eye could see; colorful flowers flourishing, blooming where they shouldn’t, dry grass looking freshly healthy as if turning from autumn straight to spring, and all these vivid colors leaning towards the very spirit you’ve been drawn to as well.  An unmistakable palette of various ocean tints and hues stands out from the horde of floral plants that seemed to crowd and bunch at the hem of their ruffled skirt.  Uncertainty buzzed about your senses, the familiar energy you’ve sensed before felt all the more overwhelming, but even when you’ve found the source of it you had to find out why they made your crown feel so dead then.  It'd be best to be cautious, however… they didn’t seem to notice you sneaking closer to them just yet.
Preoccupied with something you couldn’t make out from behind, their back remained turned towards you, and you could only assume they were working on something at best.  Perhaps this might’ve been fate yet again.  So close to another God, normally one would turn to the source of your hooves tiptopping against the wet grass.  Were they passive?  Or just oblivious to their surroundings, maybe deep in thought, even?
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A vague form of long hair that practically flowed from atop this being’s head to the very ground, the sparkling baby blue attracts your gaze with unnatural allure.  Nothing you’ve ever seen in these rather gruesome lands has come close to what you’re quietly witnessing then, an abnormal sight of beauty… One can’t help but stare with gentle awe.  It shined and glistened, yet no sunlight spilled forth through the treetops to tell it came natural.  It glowed.  Maybe it had been natural for this strange being, to find themselves here unbeknownst of the land's current ruler?  Whatever made it this way.. You couldn’t help yourself but take the beautiful sight in. 
However, the longer you studied it in full detail, you could feel a strange sensation of dull euphoria tickle against your chest.  The more you stared, images started to form in the places your eyes landed upon.  Images of you, of forgotten faces you couldn’t recall the names of, images of people who looked similar to you, things you don’t remember being there before, and suddenly… A gut-wrenching agony pierced your heart then.
The memories and screams quickly flooded in.
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todayisafridaynight · 11 months
oh my god i forgot to share my delulu-ass dream where i made a masadai doujin
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queenxfthedxmned · 2 years
closed starter for @criespoison // ivy & jesse  Lately after long nights of events, Ivy had been making a pit stop at bars before heading home.  She was having her ‘treat yourself’ days where after a lot of celebrities bought her pieces, she would reward herself with a few drinks.   One night, she was particularly exhausted, and the last thing she wanted was for some guy to hit on her - which unfortunately is exactly what happened.  He was cute, but the type of guy that had asshole written all over him.  He seemed like the type of guy who had hundreds of girls begging him to text them back, the kind that he only texted to say ‘you up?’ at three am.  You know the ones. This was the exact opposite of what she looked for in a man, no matter how good-looking he was.
“Not interested.” she muttered, taking a sip of her cocktail as she eyed the male.  She hardly gave him a chance to speak, let alone plead his case.  “I know your type and your the last guy I’d ever be interested in.  ”  The pettiness in her voice all too obvious. Her night felt sort of ruined after that encounter, and it put her off bars for a while.  
Fast forward to a week later she felt the itch to ‘treat herself’ yet again, heading to a different bar this time, where low and behold, she’d run into the same ‘asshole’ who’d tried to hit on her the time before.  She met his gaze before rolling her eyes, brushing her hair back behind her shoulder.  She wasn’t going to back down and leave.  Instead, she sat at the bar and ordered a drink, and it wasn’t too long before some other lowlife made his move.  This guy was much different than the first.  He was handsy and persistent, not taking Ivy’s no for an answer.  She pushed his hand away from her knee, the look of disgust on her face very evident.  She could handle herself, but with a few drinks in her system she felt a little weak. “Fuck off, I’m serious.” she muttered, pushing his hand away again as he put it back.  
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adw520 · 1 year
cant sleep because i cant stop thinking about how the mechanic was a bit of an asshole to me for no reason when i got my car finally taken in
#adw's ramblings#'i could tell your car's been sitting for a month' yeah i wouldve moved it sooner if it could. you know. start#'the sun here drains your battery you should be able to pick it up once i charge it' that car has been#jumpstarted five times in the last week and not once has it stayed alive long enough to leave the parking spot#three of those times it died while the starter was still hooked up and on#and one of those three times the starter was the tow truck (she didnt want to go into neutral so the driver gave her a quick spark)#(it was the most pathetic sounding attempt to start i've ever heard her make)#guess what i didnt get the call to pick up my car today#i know im 5'2" and look several years younger than i am but god can you not be so condescending#and like whatever its not the only time this sort of shit will or has happened to me i know#but im already stressed about the car and im not great at sleeping to begin with so this is like the cherry on the cake#i was baking until 11:45 last night in a dorm kitchen#but i dont have milk so i can't make the muffins or quick breads i have mixes for#and guess what i need to get milk.#a working car#not that i need more baked goods im not convinced my roommate and i can make it through the cake i made before it goes bad#i'm very stressed and anxious and a little bit angry and its all just. ughhhhhhh#if you made it this far down the tags uhh here's a cookie i guess 🍪#you can imagine it's one of the ones i made yesterday#or technically the day before yesterday since it's past midnight here
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