#going to get a result soon in the next week or so and im actually terrified
itslookingback · 1 year
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dfortrafalgar · 2 months
would you be interested in a more Platonic type fic? Like being good friends with Robin?
alternatively if it has to be romantic: Law being forced on a disaster of a date only to meet a super helpful (comic) bookshop employee and she starts seeming cute when he finds out she has similar interests? (Boy probably went into cardiac arrest at first when someone caught him not being broody)
hope this isn’t too much!
and you’re doing awesome!
thank you so much for your request, anon!!!! im actually going to use both of your ideas, but i started with the Law one because that hit seriously close to home. ive been on some absolute TRAVESTIES of dates in the past, and i needed to write law suffering through a similar fate or i'd die!!!!! I hope you enjoy, and pretty soon I'll post your platonic Robin request as well! I love writing platonic stories just as much as romantic ones <3
An Out.
Law x Fem Reader
Law made the mistake of letting his friends talk him into a first date… and now he desperately needs an out. Fast.
Warnings: an absolute disaster of a first date for our wonderful nerdy man. modern au, implied college setting, some mild slight suggestive language but nothing more than that
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Trafalgar Law tried in vain to recount the series of events that led up to this very moment.
There was the dusty apartment floor discussion about how the med-student hadn’t gotten laid yet, which was followed by a raunchy comment about a girl in someone’s class, it was revealed that this girl was single (‘and ready to mingle’), and her number was forcibly input into Law’s phone.
For the week that followed, he was inundated with flirty texts from this girl he had never met in person.  He was forced to send her a picture of himself, mostly to get her to stop blowing up his texts every hour, and that was the next mistake in the line-up of unfortunate events.
Turned out she had a thing for facial hair.
Then, instead of getting pestered with general flirty messages, it was general flirty messages that were ramped up to a nine.  ‘I’d rip your clothes off if you give me the opportunity,’ kind of nine.
Law knew he was a virgin, but at least he wasn’t this desperate, nor did he have any inclination to be.  If anything, the texts he received from this stranger were making him want sex even less.
And yet… he was still pushed into this.
A date around downtown with this girl.  She clung to his arm, tried to loop her fingers into his, and yet had absolutely no interest in anything he had to say.  At all.
First red flag: she mentioned her ex.  Three times.  In four minutes.  Everything was about what he did wrong to upset her, no self-awareness to be found.  Second red flag: the clinginess.  Law hated public affection, but any attempts to urge her to give him space resulted in a childish pout and her arms caged around his, almost pulling him to the ground.  Third red flag: she couldn’t give two shits about Law, in any sense of the word.  She wouldn’t stop talking about herself.  Her looks, her clothes, her favorite music, her favorite shows to binge watch, her distaste for the area of the city they were in, her distaste for the lunch Law had [regretfully] paid for, her distaste for the speckled jeans he decided to wear…
He could feel the premature wrinkles forming in between his eyebrows the longer the date went on.  He was starting to wonder if he’d have to throw out the shirt he was wearing later.  It already reeked of the too-strong, powdery-scented perfume she bathed herself in.
“Where do you wanna go?” she suddenly asked, still tugging on his arm.
“I kinda want to stop by the bookstore before we leave,” he suggested, his feet already carrying him, and by extension, her, along the sidewalk to a small bookshop that had just recently opened.
“The bookstore?  What kinda guy brings a girl to a bookstore on a first date?!” she demanded, showing off yet another childish pout.  It wasn’t a good look on her.
‘A guy who knows this girl’s not getting a second date,’ he wished he could say.  Instead, all the snarky remarks stayed locked inside his weary brain, bouncing around like a caged lion desperate to escape.
The girl didn’t make any motions to ditch him to his nerdy reprieve, and instead followed on his heels as he pulled open the bookshop’s door, the familiar, calming scent of new books, fresh paper, and ink filling his nose.
“It smells gross in here,” the girl huffed.
Aaaand there went Law’s fleeting moment of peace.  Out the window.  Down fifteen stories and splattered on the pavement.  He needed to violently restrain the eyeroll that begged to appear.  His ocular nerves ached to be a dick in the pettiest way possible.  He inwardly hoped that by dragging this girl to the most unassuming bookshop would encourage her to leave, call a friend or get a cab to take her back to her home, but alas, she stayed glued to Law’s side like a lost dog.
She followed behind him as he blindly perused shelves of new and pre-owned books, Law’s feet subconsciously guiding him to the back of the store where he knew the comic books would be located.
If anything would turn this girl off for good, it had to be his love for all things superhero.  His comic book collection would dry her up like a dessert in a drought.  Or at least, it fucking better.
His eyes lit up as he approached the expansive comic shelf, immediately spotting the latest print of Sora: Warrior of the Sea- Volume 10.  It had finally been officially localized, and he had been saving some of his spending money for this very moment.  He eagerly grabbed the book from the shelf, thumbing through the pages.
“How old even are you?” jeered the girl by his side.  “Comic books are, like, little kid shit.”
“I’m five years old,” barked Law, refusing to look toward her as he continued to analyze the pages of his favorite series.
To the average onlooker, they both probably looked like complete jackasses towards one another.  And while Law was at least brave enough to admit that his behavior was certainly petty, he felt like he was warranted a Get Out Of Jerk Free card for all the painful hours of suffering through this atomic catastrophe of a date had put him through.
“Whatever, I’m going to find a bathroom,” the girl finally groaned, releasing his arm and trudging through the aisles of books toward the checkout counter to ask an employee where the bathrooms were located.
Law watched her go out of his peripheral vision, refusing to exhale a sigh of profound relief until she was completely out of his line of sight.  With shoulders that finally relaxed, free from the overbearing tension, he turned his focus back to the comic in his hands, continuing to thumb through the colorful pages of artwork.  He flipped the book around to examine the price, smiling at how reasonable it was.  He filled his arms with a few other comics from a series he had been meaning to pick up, and retreated toward the cash registers to buy his books.  The sooner he got his treat for this ordeal, the sooner he could get out of here, call this girl a taxi home, and spend the rest of his life as a willingly single comic book mega-nerd.
But reality wouldn’t let him off the hook so easily.
Not when the girl sitting behind the register thumbing through another copy of Sora Volume 10 was an absolute bombshell.
When she looked up at Law, her eyes quickly went wide.  She placed the book under the register counter and eagerly leaned forward, her hands supporting her over the counter.  “Are you alright?” she asked, her voice laced with worry.
Law cocked an eyebrow, confused.  “Yeah, why?”
“That girl you’re with is making you miserable.  You walked through the door looking like you wanted someone to grant you a mercy killing,” she huffed.  Her eyes were clearly concerned.  “Are you dating her?”
Law felt his guard dropping without even realizing it the longer he was in the presence of this cashier.  “My friends set me up on a date with her, but I’m having the absolute worst time of my life.”
The new girl’s own eyebrows angled downward in concern.  “Do you want an out?”
“A what?”
“An out,” she repeated.  “An excuse to get her to leave you alone.”  Time was running out.  At any moment, she could leave the bathroom.
Law frantically looked back and forth between the cashier and the small, short hallway that led to the single restroom.  With pleading, golden eyes, he silently mumbled, “Yes, please.”
The cashier kept her eyes on the bathroom door as she began unloading Law’s hands, spreading his books out on the counter to make it look like she was busy ringing out his purchase.  Law watched with an analytical gaze as she fumbled with his items, clearly buying time until the bathroom door opened.
He didn’t have time to ask what she was plotting.
The second the door cracked open, the man’s shirt collar was violently clenched in the cashier’s hands as she pulled him over the counter, smushing her lips into his.  Law’s fingers flexed in thin air as he froze, brain completely fried as he was frozen in this sudden kiss.
His first kiss.
“What the fuck?!” the girl screeched, exiting the bathroom in a frenzy as she booked it toward the heated exchange happening over the cash register.
The new girl pulled herself away from Law’s face, but only enough where she could display her best rendition of a weary, tired war-torn wife waiting on a cliffside for her husband to return.  “Baby, please just take me back!  My life isn’t complete without you!”  Her voice was cracking as she fake-wailed, her grip on Law’s shirt never faltering, not even once.  The few customers who also occupied the store turned to stare at the commotion, frazzled and befuddled.  “Nothing in life is as good as it was with you!  I’m in shambles!  You were the best sex I’ve ever had!”
It took a few moments for Law to catch on to the ruse.  As soon as he put the puzzle pieces together in his mind, however, he was grabbing the wrists of the cashier and bringing his lips back to hers, closing his eyes and trailing his arms up to grasp her face.  Completely disregarding the fact that they were still separated by the heavy check-out counter between their torsos.
“You were dating someone?!” snapped the original girl.  “Why didn’t you tell me?!”
Law pulled away from the cashier’s lips, his own skin immediately feeling fifteen degrees colder from the loss of her contact.  “I wasn’t.  Until now.”
The new girl put her arm around Law’s shoulders from across the check-out counter, her deft fingers caressing his skin through his shirt.  “I’m sorry, but I’m taking him back, I can’t stand to be without him any longer!  The sight of him with another woman…” she made a show of clenching her chest, “makes me sick!”  She was damn good at this, in a way that almost made Law concerned.  The fact that she was pulling all of this out of nowhere, and the fact that her first course of action was this drastic, made Law’s heart flutter in his chest.
“Ugh, whatever.  This place sucks ass anyway.  I’m going home.”  She finally shouldered her bag and marched out of the shop, her feet stomping across the hardwood floor until the sound of the front door slamming closed finally made the cashier release her arm from Law’s shoulders.
And once again, the man was feeling oddly cold without the contact.  He glanced at her as she started ringing up his items for real.  “You’re… a good actor,” he blurted.
The girl hid her face in her arm with shame, an awkward laugh bubbling from her throat.  “I’m so sorry, I was trying to think of what to do to help you but when the door opened I panicked.”  Her eyes were focused on her work.  “I’ve been on some absolutely awful dates myself, so I understand.  Sometimes I’ve wished I could have Prince Charming swoop me out of the movie theater where a guy made fun of me for my interests the entire run-time.”
His jaw went slack.  “Are you serious?”
“Deadass,” she replied, quick as a whip.  “Insisted on holding my hand the entire time.  I think he was convinced that I had taken him to see a horror movie because I wanted to act scared in front of him, but his hand was so clammy and sticky the whole time.  And not in the endearing ‘Aww he’s shy!’ kind of way.”
Law wished at that moment that he had more charisma.  He was sure one of his friends would be able to pull a witty, flirty quip from their asses like it was nothing, but Law’s personal dictionary of flattery was nonexistent as it was.  He balked while he listened to the cashier who just took his breath away lamenting about her own poor experiences with dating, and he was sure that her example in this moment was only one of many.  Instead of continuing the conversation, his mind blanked.  He stated, more like whispered, “That was my first kiss.”
The girl’s hands stopped scanning his books halfway through.  Her wide eyes darted up to Law’s, her jaw slack.  “It… It was?”
Her hands flew to cover her mouth, eyes wide with shock.  “Oh my god… oh my god, I’m so sorry!”  She dropped her head onto the counter, covering her despair with both of her arms now.  “First kisses are supposed to be special and I just took your’s away from you…”
Law shocked himself by smiling at the weary display in front of him.  “If it makes you feel any better, that was far better than the date I was on.  But I’m sure you already knew that.”
She picked her head up, a trembling hand grabbing one of his last books to scan.  Her eyes nervously darted back and forth as she silently worked, once in a while sucking her bottom lip in with her teeth before releasing the flesh.  She was clearly lost in an intense inner turmoil.
“It’s really alright,” Law muttered, now growing shy himself.  He was just now realizing the gravity of what had happened… and how truly adorable this girl was.
She tapped a few buttons on her cash register before finally making eye contact with him again.  “You are a pretty good kisser… you’re really sure you’ve never done that before?”
He affirmatively shook his head.  “Never.  I’ve never been… popular with the dating scene,” he muttered.  “Hence this awful set-up date.”
The cashier’s eyes went wide again momentarily.  “That’s kind of surprising to me… I would think someone like you would get any girl you wanted.”
Law backpedaled.  “What does that mean?”
She pulled his total up on the small screen that faced him.  She was turning away from him as if to hide her face, her entire expression teeming with a child-like embarrassment.  “Well, you’re crazy hot, for starters.  And you like Sora, clearly.”
Law felt a smirk emerge on his lips.  “Is Sora one of your only qualifiers for a decent partner?”  He began to rekindle some of the confidence he had lost throughout the day.  The longer he spent in this girl’s presence, the more he felt the tension in his body leaving.
She grinned, the stress in her shoulders from her own actions finally releasing.  “Only guys with fluffy black hair and golden eyes that read Sora, if you want my honest answer.”
Now this was flirting.  Law had to admit, he was pretty pleased with this sudden turn of events.  The atmosphere this girl radiated was immensely calming, allowing him to chip through his reinforced walls just enough to feel like a somewhat normal person.  He started to wonder if she could break through his barriers even more.
“What’s your name?” he finally asked, taking out his credit card and swiping it through the machine to finally cash out his order.
The girl excitedly revealed her name.  “And your’s?”
“Trafalgar Law,” he replied.  “I go to North Blue University for med school in the next town over.”
“No shit, so do I!  I’m getting a worker's license there,” she added, her expression shifting from one of moderate happiness to one of excitement.  “I doubt we’ve had any of the same classes, but we should hang out sometime!  Get coffee, maybe talk about Sora…”  Her voice trailed off, her eyes growing soft.  “Unless you’ve been completely turned off to dating after what you’ve clearly just been through.”
Law took a few moments to ponder over her words, watching as the receipts for his purchase slowly emerged from the thermal printer.  “I think I can make an exception this time.”
The smile that broke out on the girl’s face may as well have blinded him.  She was truly dazzling, even in her ratty-looking employee apron and an oversized T-shirt accounting for her work attire.
Law placed his new assortment of books into his own bag, the girl snatching his receipts from the printer and stashing one of the copies in the drawer below the counter.  When he looked back up, she was holding out his second receipt, folded in half.  She gave him a fond smile when he took it.
“I hope you’re able to relax later today, and enjoy your books!” she called, waving to Law as he exited the store.
Once outside again, the air felt clearer now that he was alone.  The day was still young, hardly a cloud in the sky and a pleasant breeze coasting through the city.  He looped his bag over his shoulder and opened the receipt, peering at what was written on the backside.
Call me for Sora… and for just me ;) <3 1125-354-9854
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starsomens · 2 months
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Finding out
I write about Eden a lot however Keaton was your first baby. This happened about a year and a half after you and Noah had gotten married, find out that you are pregnant with your first baby! And that was Keaton :)
Of course, you both were aware of the risk since you guys didn’t use a lot of protection during the first year of marriage and you’re OK with that. During this pregnancy, you both actually had noticed you’re missing period
It was about nine at night after I got home from the studio, when you had told him you were feeling a little weird and you had your suspicions so you both take a trip to the convenience store and buy two boxes of tests just because there were such things as false positives and you wanted to be sure of the results
This was a somewhat planned pregnancy. You knew the risks that would happen and you both came to an agreement that if you did fall pregnant you’d take it as it was and be happy about it
“Do you want me to come with you?”
“ so you can watch me pee on a stick?”
Well, he seen more than that already but you were sure he was just nervous.
He was. He paced, he sat on the couch for like 3 minutes, got up and listened to the bathroom door. Deadass looked up long long a pregnancy test took and went to knock on your door
“Baby? Are you okay? Do you need any help or-“ you opened the door and you swore you saw how panicked he was
“Noah, honey I’m fine…..I haven’t looked yet” you said as you hand him the rest that was wrapped back in the wrapper
“Oh okay….hey it’s okay, we’ll open it together” we both stood there in a space to move while he takes test out of the wrapper and flips it.
You were running around the house not finding a better way to get your energy out
“Baby? Baby, we’re gonna��we’re gonna HAVE a baby. Oh god….a baby!” Then Noah started running after you and finally caught you in a Hug
“Wow…..Noah…I’m….im pregnant!”
“You are princess” he just starts kissing the top of your head and nuzzling you. He then pulls back and comes down to your belly button and you can feel your cheeks blush
“Hey there, I’m your….dad! Or I’m gonna be your dad…..yeah…..I’m gonna be your dad”
He now has a habit of rest his head on your stomach. He feels closer to you and the baby, that wasn’t even the size of a strawberry at the moment.
I don’t really see him as someone made the appointment because he was so excited
“ when is your next earliest appointment?….mhm… at 2? That’s perfect. I can come in with her right? Okay thank you.”
While you waited for your appointment, a lot of symptoms at first, but the closer the day the more nauseous you were feeling. And of course on the date of appointment was when you first experienced morning sickness, and it was awful.
You were very close to canceling the appointment and going on a different day. However, if it wasn’t for Noah helping you out and soothing your nausea you would’ve just crawled back into bed.
1st trimester
Noah has big hands and he put those big hands to use. He holds your hair back with one hand and he rubs circles on your back with the other.
While you brush your teeth from the nasty bitter flavor, he wants to get you some water. the kids make sure you drink all the water
He was very excited for the first appointment, and since this was your first child, he took every pamphlet on any kind of information that you guys would need it. He’ll just read out all the facts to you while you’re waiting in the room for your doctor
He may have went a bit over his head with how much you’d be able to see at this point but still amazing that the tiny little blob on the screen would soon become your baby
“I’d say you’re just about tipping 2 weeks. Still a early on, so you should still enjoy this wonderful early symptoms unfortunately”
You had never seen him so focused as he looked at the screen and subconsciously played with your fingers.
You had never seen his eyes sparkle as much as they did when you had gotten a small sonogram of your first appointment. He was all smiles and was already clearing days so he’d be able to come to the appointments with you.
Time was your first baby.
Nothing I’d put out
The only people who knew were the boys and direct management so they knew about any kind of up coming appointments, or change of plans and dates. He was already protective of you but now you’re carrying a baby! Your baby!
He just feels the need to keep you safe and comfortable and secure
Definitely takes pictures each week that passes to document progress and of course create memories to look back on. Works on a top secret project in his studio for the baby as well. He makes a video documentary for the baby, starting from when he found out and every time you have a milestone
2nd trimester
3 months down, 6 to go!
Your morning sickness is finally easing up and you can actually get up in the morning and get your things done.
Or can you?
Aside from the morning sickness finally subsiding you’re not just very sleepy and you love to take morning naps preferably right after you wake up if you’re a stomach sleeper, Noah is definitely making sure that you’re starting to sleep on your sides or on your back. He’s already offered to buy you a pregnancy pillow so that you can avoid sleeping on your stomach, even though your bump is still not showing.
You’ll get bloated from something you eat and your baby girl over it and you kinda have to ruin the moment. It’s just food, but that’s what it would look like.
His wish does come true. Once you get into your five month mark you start showing and he is over the moon about it. If you scroll through his gallery, it’s a bunch of pictures of your bump from different angles his favorite one, that is now his wallpaper is a picture of you on the sofa with a bullet chips. Stuffing your face while his head is in your lap and he took a picture from that angle and he is in love with it.
The first trimester, it is a time where you both agree to tell anyone else that you are close with meaning any kind of family or very close friends from either one of your sides. You also start to rearrange things in the house. Luckily, you did have an extra room that was mostly being used for storage than Noah was starting to clean out to turn into a nursery.
And has pitched the ideas to his team to make clothes from the band
So that he can start with his baby and he could look hard-core
He definitely does his research and wonders if his type of music would be great for development for the baby to hear. Either way he does sing to your baby bump. Whether it’s songs in general that everyone knows or songs that he and the band wrote.
For sure, seeing because in a sense, he wants them to know that since the day they were conceived, he would be there for them and even beyond
You’ve also noticed faster when his face is right up against your bump, which sometimes is a little uncomfortable for you, but you don’t have the heart to move in because he looks so content and happy
No, you also went to your OB/GYN and heard the heartbeat and this man started crying in the examination room. of course it was all real from the start, but once he heard the heartbeat, it really just made things so real for him. And yes, he does document this in the video that he’s creating. He also asked the doctor if he could record the heartbeat and he has three different versions of them, he sends them to the guys so that they can hear the sound and also so that he can brag about his baby having a great heartbeat.
This heartbeat will appear in any songs that he makes in his fact in his mind he wanted to be beat for every song in the next album that he makes, but you didn’t argue with him on it saying that it might make the song sound repetitive. Which he argues.
“ there is nothing better than heartbeat. If people don’t like it they obviously have some questionable taste”
Is just completely infatuated with your baby from day one which is something that honestly warms your heart and you couldn’t wait to see him as a dad in action if he was being a great dad now
Really do love to watch how he builds and paints the nursery. He doesn’t let you do anything because he doesn’t want you breathing in the harsh chemicals of whatever he’s using and because he he just wants you to rest and let the baby grow. He said your job was to grow the baby and let him take care of you. Which honestly you cannot argue on. It sound of like a great deal.
You guys paint the nursery, a neutral color only because you wanted the sex of your baby to stay a surprise until the day that they’re born so every time you go to your appointment, he makes sure to say no gender please when he enters the room by now all of thenurses, assistance, doctors they all say the most proud father they have ever met, whose baby isn’t even born yet it’s very charming.
He has definitely put in paternity leave already for when after you give birth so he doesn’t even have to worry about going back in to work so soon because he wants to help you out at home once the baby arrives.
When you guys do laundry, definitely separate some clothes into your pile because he knows those are most comfortable for you now. He also loves seeing how big his clothes were on you and how your bump would poke out of his clothes.
Whenever you guys do go to bed, he has a ritual where he says good night to both of you, you eat get kisses good night and I don’t mean a single kiss I mean being smothered by his kisses. Also, he likes to shower with you before bed to help relax you. He massages and washes your back and he goes few too many times over your bump because he likes to feel it
Night and if you ask him what he’s doing, he’ll tell you that he’s having a private conversation with your baby 
But you do pretend to be asleep so that you can hear these infamous conversations, and you were nearly caught because you had a hold in your sniffs because you just want to cry after hearing what he said
“ we are so excited for you to come. I think I’m more excited than Mommy is….. you’re going to love her. She’s amazing, she’s smart and she’s pretty. I hope you have her eyes, and her cute nose, and I hope you laugh like her too…”
3rd trimester
With this pregnancy you showed very little in the first half but now that you’re in the third trimester you really started showing it was like one day you had a little bloating and now it’s like a full-blown baby bump and it was like a huge change for you
he adjusts his cooking for your cravings and what your scene of smell can handle, but he makes sure everything is nutritious and makes sure you take your prenatal vitamins with your meals.
yes, he will get up at 5 am and make you a grill cheese with some chips on the side if that's what he princess wants
But this also means that the baby has started kicking! Every chance he gets Noah is touching your bump (when isn’t he??)
Definitely tried to provoke the kicks and innocent forgets that it kinda hurts you "wow babe did you see that one? That was a huge stretch"
"Yeah, felt it too"
He is also the only one who can get the baby to relax when you couldn't sleep or even sit still because of the kicking and moving and there are 2 version! When he's loving and more strict about it
"hey, hey, hey what's with the party? Having a dance party in there huh? How about let mama sleep for first, then you can party okay?"
"hey, it's 3 am, your mom is overstimulated and needs sleep, which means you should sleep too,"
He lathers you in coco butter and lotion after your showers and massages your hips, back and feet
10/10 pregnancy because he made it barrable
I've said this somewhere and can't remember where, your pregnancy went according to the due date.
Labor started the day before your due date and delivery was on the day of the due date you were given. Baby, right on time!
Noah had your hospital bag packed and near the hall closet near the door, packed with EVERYTHING you'd need. Towels, clothes, shoes, socks, snacks, chargers, camera, extra underwear, his clothes also if you wanted them instead, hair and skin products, EVERYTHING
Now Noah has done his research and is knowing what to expect for labor. Yes, he watched birthing videos, however while you were pushing he peaked and you SWEAR this man became paler
"A-are you okay-"
"fine. Just focus on breathing okay?" despite his shock or nerves, the main focus was on YOU and the baby,
holds your hand, ties up your hair, gives you water, and anything you asked for
P A I N, because you thought it would be a good idea to experience "raw natural birth" but unfortunately once you broke it was a bit too late for any medication. You were honestly ready to punch Noah for saying
"Should have taken it when we got here," he was joking but he was honestly very anxious about the pain you were feeling burr he knew you needed him to be your support
"Come on baby you got this" "good job, take your time, you're doing great" "You're so strong Y/N...you're almost there"
Once the baby is born and crying NOAH IS CRYING
IT'S A BOY. You're crying and Noah is kissing your head and just spilling his guts out "Baby you did amazing!" "I'm so proud of you Y/N" "He's so perfect Y/N,"
Now you had discussed that if it was boy you would honor his best friend Keaton by giving him his name. You thought it was just so sweet and meaningful and you knew it would be so important to Noah you saw nothing better than that
Keaton was born in late October, so he is born as the next Sassy Sebastion Scorpio as discussed with @darling-millicent-aubrey
Noah constantly says he isn't crying but he is, while you're resting he's just admiring Keaton and speaking to him softly
"hey buddy...oh look at you, kinda feel bad you looks like me more than your mom, but you're so perfect....I love you Keaton.....so much"
And you? Ugh....when he'd look at you, all he'd see was an absolute champion, a goddess...his wife and best friend who had just went through something so big like pregnancy and labor to bring your son into the world
"Y/N....thank you," he caresses your hand with his thumb while he held Keaton in his other arm "Thank you so much baby.....I love you."
「🍼taglist」: @badomensls @darling-millicent-aubrey @lma1986 @sanchez099 @steh-lar-uh-nuhs @flowery-mess @veronicaphoenix @malerieee
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cupid-styles · 6 months
omg ok so blurb idea for ginger ale bc u said u needed inspo
i know u kinda already touched up on this in the main story but what if mias like completely drained from school like its exam season and she has to study but shes also somehow failing classes even tho she studied and is swamped with work but cant get up to do anything bc shes panicking and stuff and idk maybe she pushes him away bc shes freaked out and hes like huh bc she never snaps at him like that bla bla and then some angst and fluff and comfort 😭
im so sorry this wasnt supposed to be that long but inspiration struck😭💀obviously u dont have to write it jus a suggestion
omg LOVE THIS!!!!! here's a little something for you :))
word count: 1.7k
content warnings: angst (all is solved in the end), harry being a dummy, age gap romance (8 years)
based on this one-shot!
masterlist | talk to me
. . .
Harry has never seen Mia so exhausted before.
Granted, they've only been officially dating for a few months, but she's typically a relatively organized student. It's something that he's always admired about her — he can think back to his days in university and immediately remembers scattered deadlines and far too many hungover mornings, resulting in constantly missing classes.
Then again, he's never seen her during finals season, and it's apparent that she's feeling the impact of papers, exams, and one too many late nights spent studying.
Because of the nature of their lives, finding time to spend with one another without work or school is often difficult. It's important to Harry that they actively set aside an evening or two each week that's just for them. No discussion of board meetings, lectures, or any stressors — he likes to keep it simple with a delicious and filling meal, a movie on the TV (whether or not they watch it is a separate factor), and his girl nestled into his side.
But for the first time ever, Mia's texting him to cancel.
Under any other ordinary circumstance, he'd be more understanding. Truly. But it's been almost a week since he's seen her, and he's feeling... well, needy. He misses her! And he knows that distance is good, blah blah blah, but this is their time — and it feels like she's just brushing him off, as if he barely matters.
It's why he ends up calling her on his way home from work with Reese driving smoothly and calmly up in the front. Harry drums his fingers against his knee as he listens to the dial tone, a frown on his lips as he waits for her to answer.
Relief washes over his chest despite her anxiety-ridden tone. "Hey, I'm heading home from work. Do you want me to have Reese come pick you up?"
She sighs frustratedly, "Harry, I just texted you that I can't come over tonight. I have to study."
"You can't give up a few hours to spend with your boyfriend?" he fires back, an accusatory edge to his voice, "I've barely seen you lately."
"You've been in school before, H, you know how stressful exams season is. I need to do well."
"Mi, you're the smartest person I know, you'll be fine if you take some time away from—"
"I won't be, actually," she suddenly snaps. "I'm already failing one of my most important classes and if I don't get at least a B+ on the final, I'll have to retake it next semester. So no, I can't just slack off for a few hours, I need to study, Harry."
Immediately, he pauses. Mia has never gotten angry with him before, vice versa. And he doesn't think he's being particularly unreasonable — if anything, he feels she is — but he's mature enough to know that nothing's getting solved in this conversation. Not when she's clearly tired and stressed. Instead, he opts for the more caring-boyfriend-approach.
"I didn't know you were failing a course. Why didn't you ask for help?"
"Because you can't solve everything!" Mia exclaims, sending a pang of hurt rattling through his chest. "I need to go, alright? I'll see you soon."
With that, the line goes dead.
. . .
Even when Mia falls asleep on her couch, textbook in her lap and a highlighter between her fingers, she can't believe Harry.
The next morning, when she has a persistent ache in her neck and her back feels like it's broken in two, she knows school isn't the only stressful thing her body's responding to.
She thinks dating an older guy is great. Dating Harry is great. Until moments like this, when he somehow forgets that people — including his girlfriend — need to work to get certain things in life, and that they won't just be given an entire company a month after graduation. She doesn't doubt that he understands that on some level, but from the perspective of a partner — well, she thinks he's being pretty insensitive.
Her fingers twitch at her sides in class as she tries her best to pay attention, wanting nothing more to grab her phone from her bag to see if he's texted her. Midway through the day, though, there's still nothing. She can't believe he still hasn't apologized for how he acted the previous night, and it only makes anger fester in her chest even more.
Finally, by the time she trudges home in the cold (December is nearing, and with that comes miserable gusts of wind and flurries of snow), she's had it with his silent treatment. She's barely through the door when she decides that she'll be the one to break the tension — only, when she kicks her shoes off at the door, she notices that her kitchen and living room lights are on, and she surely turned them off before heading out this morning.
Gripping her phone in her hand, she quietly tip-toes out of the entryway, nervous that there's some sort of... homely intruder eating her snacks or watching TV. Instead, she gasps out in shock, clutching her chest when her eyes fall on none other than Harry.
"What the fuck?!" Mia exclaims, her heart thumping quickly with anxiety. "What are you doing here?"
"I wanted to see you."
She squints her eyes, feeling her eyebrows nearly shoot up to her forehead. "So you call. Or text. Not break into my house!"
"You gave me a spare key, Mia—"
"That's for emergencies!" she shouts, suddenly feeling like the living room is slowly getting smaller and closing in on her.
"But you never would've let me come over—"
"Harry, I was literally about to call you when I walked in the door. I'm still mad at you for last night! And you're only making me angrier by being here!"
Tears well up in her eyes as she spits the words out at him. She never thought she'd be in this position with him — it hurts her to even verbalize her anger.
"Wait," Harry stands from the couch, a furrow in his brows as he crosses his arms over the button-up he likely wore to work today, "You're mad at me?"
Mia stares back at him like he has two heads.
"Yes," she slowly replies. "Do not tell me you're mad at me."
His throat bobs. "Yeah. I am."
"For what?!" her anger festers in her chest all over again, exploding like an overflowing pot of boiling water.
"You— you haven't been around lately. You haven't been spending time with me or treating me like a priority."
She squints her eyes, her fingertips finding her temples as an ache begins to settle at the sides of her head. With a shake of her head, she turns around, stomping back towards the entryway of her apartment.
"You need to go," she decides, not even bothering to shed her jacket off yet, "I can't talk to you right now. You're being incredibly unreasonable."
"So you just want to walk away, then? We're not gonna solve anything, we're just gonna keep ignoring each other?"
"I was never ignoring you! I was waiting for you to apologize to me, only to find out that you think I'm in the wrong!"
Harry scoffs as he follows her down the hallway. "Well, I'm not leaving. I want to fix things. And I'm not going until we do."
"Is your approach to annoy me into apologizing?" Mia snaps.
"No," he mutters with a roll of his eyes, "Maybe we're both just being emotional."
She shrugs her shoulders.
"Do you still want me to go?"
Mia shifts her stance from foot to foot. With a noisy sigh, she shakes her head before mumbling out, "No. Let's just... talk about it."
He nods. There's a silence lulling between them as she stands with her back pressed against the wall, stubbornness apparent as she crosses her arms over her chest. He swallows and rolls his lips into a thin line.
"I'm sorry for coming over unannounced. That was very immature of me and crossing a boundary. I wasn't thinking, I just wanted to see you."
She keeps her eyes on the floor. "I just wish you'd texted or called instead. I waited all day to hear from you."
"I'm sorry," Harry repeats, his sock-clad feet taking a hesitant step closer to her, "It makes me feel stupid, how needy I can get. I know we're both busy with our own lives but I adore you, Mi. And I hate being away from you."
"I hate it, too," she mumbles, her bottom lip slightly pouted. "And you're not stupid for being needy... I just need you to understand that I'm working hard trying to get my education, and I need you to respect when I'm stressed or busy."
"I will. I'll do better."
She glances up to look at him. He looks tired, his eyes sad. With a quiet sigh, she lifts her hand to press her palm against his warm cheek. The prickles of his facial hair serve as a harsh juxtaposition from the soft skin beneath.
"I'm sorry, too. I never want you to feel like I don't care or I don't want to be with you. I just get so overwhelmed."
"I understand," Harry coos, wrapping a hand around her wrist to bring it to his mouth. He presses light kisses into her palm. "I know you care. I have to work on being more secure in our relationship."
Mia hums at his kisses, his gentle nature a welcomed change from their arguing.
"You know, you could always move closer," she murmurs with a smirk. He chuckles.
"Yeah. Or you could always just move in."
She rolls her eyes, "Then I'd really never get any work done."
"Mm, but think about how nice it'd be," he mumbles, slipping an arm around her waist to pull her closer. "I'd cook you dinner all the time, bring you snacks and tea while you study... you'd have your own office, of course. We could get a dog or a cat, too. Share a bed every night... you wouldn't have to use travel sizes of all your skincare stuff either, because everything would be there already."
She smiles to herself as she leans her head on his shoulder. The thought is nice. So nice. But they both know it's too early in their relationship, regardless of how deeply they feel for one another. Maybe it's a dream to work up to — a sweet, domestic life together.
"And you know what would be the best part?" she asks, brushing her lips up against the shell of his ear.
"I'd get to use your heated bathroom floors every day."
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vctrvn-ls · 10 months
Being Sick |Beta Squad|
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yeah im sick, v sad but #not3ambutsickthoughts
nice and short
「 ✦ Chunkz✦ 」
Would pull out any and every trick his mom did in his youth when he was sick. He’d tell you all about Somalian herbs, plants and how they’re good for you. For example Pelargonium and the boost it gives to your immune system. I don’t really see Chunkz as the “I’ll get off work just to take care of you” typa guy, like don’t get me wrong he’d be worried as hell but he’s too much of a busy man to drop everything, and you’d respect that because as soon as he got home all of his attention would be on you and you only, baby. Besides he believes that the best cure is a good rest (I feel like I know that for a fact)
「 ✦AJ ✦ 」
Now AJ thinks the best cure is laughter. He knows how boring it could be, staying at home for a week and lying in bed all day, so he’d try and make your days less miserable. He wouldn’t change too much, he’d still violate you and bully you, saying stuff like “you’re the only one who got sick, loser” but at the same time he’d be bringing you your medicine, food and whatever else you needed. He’d definitely feel bad at first, but as soon as you start getting better he will not hesitate to annoy you again. Honestly AJ would be around you so much that your body would fight off the disease faster just so you could get out of the house. Lovingly tho cause AJ is the best <3
「 ✦Kenny ✦ 」
Gosh where do I start? The fuss this guy would make!! First when he finds out that you’re sick he’d lecture you like a mom. “Didn’t I tell you to dress warmer?” , “Why’d you have ice cold drinks if you already had a sore throat?” , “Why didn’t you tell me straight away that you were sick?” He’d walk up and down the room waving his hands around while you sat there with a guilty look on your face. But you know he’s mad only because he cares that much for you, and it’s not long before he apologizes for acting pissed and starts running around you, bringing every type of medicine he could think of. He’d order your favorite take out, get you a warm beverage and turn on a movie for the two of you to enjoy before you dozed off to sleep on his shoulder.
「 ✦Niko ✦ 」
Yeah he’d drop everything he’s doing for you and make sure you are well before continuing on with his life. First thing he’d do is call in a nurse, and after that buy everything the nurse suggests. He might even go a little over the top with the buying. Medicine aside, he’d make sure youre happy and aware that he’s ready to do anything you need. Like cmon Niko is the most SELFLESS man on this planet, he’d actually be ready to do anything!! He’d sleep next to you, just in case you woke up at night feeling unwell, but he wouldnt sleep too close since he wouldn’t want to get sick as well, which would result in him not being able to help you get well as much as he would want to.
「 ✦ Sharky ✦ 」
Girl he’d do the opposite of Niko and literally have you in his embrace every second (unless you feeling like you need some alone time) He’d make chicken soup and as shitty as it might actually taste, you’d still eat it because he made it with aaallll his love. When you’re napping, he’d be beside you editing his videos (in headphones of course) or he’d be replying to emails and whatever else work related. Would he care that your sick? NO! KISSES EVERY DAY AND NIGHT!
“Sharks you’re gonna get sick!” You giggle and try push him away from you. “Nahh.” He’d shake his head before sprinkling your face with kisses. With all his love and support, you’ll be getting well in no time.
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honeylations · 1 year
- Let Me Be Your Edward Cullen -
Prompt: Being a total book nerd, you wanted to spend your entire day off finishing the entire Twilight novel series but it results in a sulky/jealous Huh Yunjin who tries her best in gaining your undivided attention…Even if it meant becoming your Walmart Edward Cullen.
Warning(s): swearing, jealous/sulkyYunjin, bookwormReader, comedy, puppyvibesYunjin
A/N: Idk how this suddenly came into my mind one day but I couldn’t stop giggling to myself at how cute this is😭
Manifesting YUNJIN CULLEN!!
It felt like ages since you and the girls finally had a day off without constant interviews and photo shoots so you decided to cozy up in your shared room with Yunjin and read your Twilight sequels.
The day you and Yunjin met was your first dance practice. You somehow arrived at the studio early so you sat down by the mirror and buried your face in your thick novel, trying to pass time until your members arrived. Yunjin was the first to walk in, absolutely mesmerised how angelic you looked with your metal frame glasses, long hair and bare face. Long story short, she fell in love with you and confessed her feelings a day after you debuted and you were happy to say you felt the same.
Since then, she knew your love for books. Romance ones especially.
She even gifted you a whole bag of romance novels for your birthday and you managed to read every single one within a few weeks. And you were down to do the same to the Twilight sequel Eunchae bought you recently when her and Kazuha stopped by a book store during their snack errands.
Here you were on your bed, legs warm under your quilt and the book resting in your hands, already half way through the story. Yunjin walked in wearing her own glasses which you twinned with after she begged at how cute it would look. She bent over to kiss your lips before sitting next to you.
“Hey baby” she greeted softly.
“Hi” You responded quickly before resuming your reading.
Yunjin’s brows furrowed as you didn’t use your usual nicknames for her but she shrugged it off. “Whatcha reading, pretty girl?”
“Oh is that the Vampire thingy?” Yunjin asked while peeking over your shoulder as if she was actually interested in reading such a boring novel.
“Oh I’ve watched the movie. It’s kinda cringe, don’t you think?”
“It’s romance! And plus, vampires are so hot” You commented, eyes never leaving the page.
Yunjin pouted cutely. She never thought she’d get jealous over a vampire. She pinched your cheek. “Can I have more kisses? It’s our day off, you know”
“After I finish this novel, babe. You’ll get all the kisses you want”
“But that’s gonna take forever! Look how thick that book is!” She threw a tantrum next to you.
“If you somehow magically became Edward Cullen, then my attention is all yours” You chuckled, flipping to the next page.
Yunjin sat up quickly and squinted, an idea forming into her mind. “Ok then. I’m gonna go and…do something BYE BABE LOVE YOU!” She kissed your temple before bolting out the door.
As she exited the room, she ran to Eunchae who was snacking on sliced fruits at the dining table. “Manchae!”
“Oh hi Unnie. Want some apples?”
“No thank you. You still got that glitter you used for your poster the other night?”
“The silver one? Yeah, it’s under my bed. Why?”
“Y/n won’t give me her attention unless I’m Edward Cullen” The 01 liner frowned and crossed her arms.
“Edward Cullen from Twilight? Im pretty sure she was joking Unnie” Eunchae giggled but Yunjin was serious.
She was gonna die if she didn’t get your loving soon. “Im willing to do anything for her affection, man. I need to find my light brown contacts too, for fucks sake”
“Language, young lady” Chaewon appears, slapping the back of Yunjin’s head before taking one of Eunchae’s sliced apples and popping it into her mouth.
“What’s wrong with you this time, Huh Yunjin?” The leader asked, Sakura and Kazuha coming in and sitting down.
“You look stress, Unnie” Zuha commented.
“Hey relax guys, I’m just trying to fulfil my nerd of a girlfriend’s dreams, okay? If she wants Edward Cullen, then I’ll be her Edward Cullen”
The other members giggled before cheering her on. “You go Huh Yunjin! We’ll help you out” Sakura smiled, making Yunjin’s eyes go wide.
“Yeah! It worries me when Y/n spends the entire day reading a book. She needs to go outside sometimes” Chaewon said, a hand on her hip.
“What’s your plan?” Eunchae asked Yunjin who took a deep breath in.
“Well for starters, I’ll do my makeup and have my light brown contacts in. Then I’ll just cover my body in glitter and recreate that scene where Edward let’s the sun shine on his tiddies and shows it to Bella”
“I don’t think that’s how the scene went but I get the drift. Let’s go to the bathroom!” Kazuha laughed, the 5 girls running upstairs, ensuring you didn’t hear their plan.
An hour and a half later…
The other girls decided to go out and eat ramen after helping Yunjin who gulped and peeked through the door, seeing you still in the same reading position.
“Babe” Yunjin whispered.
You hummed in response, not bothering to look up.
“Remember how you said you’d give me attention if I became Edward Cullen?”
You hummed again.
“Well. Here you go” Yunjin sighed and walked in, standing in front of the window where the sun shone through brightly.
Hearing those words, you finally looked up and your eyes widened as Yunjin started unbuttoning her long sleeve, her light brown eyes looking deep into yours.
‘Oh she did not…’ you thought, trying not to laugh.
Finally popping the last button, she stripped the top off and threw it aside, exposing her shining, glittery body. Your eyes scanned from her shoulders down to her gorgeous abs that sparkled from the light. “Holy…”
“Is this good enough to get your attention yet?”
You smiled and set your book down. “Hmmm, I don’t know. Are you able to carry me on your back while running?” You asked as a joke.
But of course your girlfriend didn’t take it as a joke so she snatch you up and gave you a piggy back before running out the room and attempted to go down the stairs. Seeing where this was going, your eyes widened and you jumped off Yunjin’s back who missed a step and fell down the rest of the stairs with a loud thud.
You gasped. “OH MY GOD, YUNJIN!” You screamed as you ran downstairs and saw your topless girlfriend sitting up, rubbing her head.
“For god’s sakes, ‘Jin, everything I said was a joke!” You said with worry, rubbing her slightly bruised head.
“I was just jealous you were reading that book more than spending time with me. I’m sorry” She pouted.
You sighed and pressed your lips softly against her’s, running your fingers through her long hair. “No don’t be sorry. I should’ve been reading that book another time. I’ll give you all the attention now, baby”
“Was I a good Edward Cullen?”
Chuckling, you cupped her face and squished her cheeks together. “You’re way better than Edward Cullen. My gorgeous vampire”
Feeling proud, she leant in and connected your lips again before pulling away.
“Wanna watch a movie?” You asked with love in your eyes.
“Of course! As long as it’s not Twilight though..”
You laughed and gently slapped her shoulder. “You can choose whatever movie you want, my love”
Yunjin jumped happily to her feet and dragged you to the couch where you spent the rest of the day in each other’s arms.
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The process of medically transitioning so far
October 2022, i get a referral from my doctor to a pwychologist
January 2023 I visit the psychologist, get the msychologist shit
February 2023 I visit a therapist because i need a therapist to give his okay, i organize an appoi tment with an endocrinologist
March 2023 I visit a psychiatrist, psychiatrist is unhappy wi t h the psychologist, tells me what psychologist to go to, appointment again with him a week later so he can diacuss the psychologists doctors note thingy with me
May 2023 (earliest avalable appointment) i visit the new psychologist, she says well need at least 4 appointments, making the next appointment with the psychiatrist completely fucking pointless)
june 2023 appointment with the psychichiatrist, he literally just said "aight okay we'll wait, btw yes u can now suddenly have hormone blockers, as soon as the endocrinologist gives his okay, youll be able to get it before you leave for vacation
june 13th 2023, was the second appointments with the spychiateist the next ones are in september (!)
june 26th 2023, i visit the endocrinologist (this was the earliest appointment possible), ill get the blood test results in a few weeks, like precisely when im on a 2 month vacation and cant get it
the next endocrinologist appointment is in october
so basically it took more than 8 months to get to the first actual real doctor, a year until i have a chance of actually getting fucking anything
does anyone know where i can get weapons grade uranium?
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aria-ashryver · 10 months
🌟...aaaaand it's over, no more chemo!🌟
(at least I very much hope so 🤞)
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And Caesar, well...
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How are you feeling, Aria? When are you getting new scans? Should the side effects go away soon? If they schedule a surgery, when will it happen?
(Also, this is how I picture you getting ready to hear the results of said scans)
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HELLO sweet lovely!!
Thoughts under the cut bc I'm getting a little bleak and edgy for a sec here lmao, but out here, lemme just say:
I meet with my oncologist next week, so I won't know much more until then (he'll hopefully be telling me I can make an appointment with the surgery team to talk surgery plans!!), but whatever the news is, bring it on. I've got this.
y'know, these last 3 months have really felt like...
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but you know what? I'm still here. Still standing. Still got my foot on Caesar's throat.
These past couple days I've been... ugh. I want to keep matching the celebratory energy, I really do. But I am standing on a bloodied battlefield, gasping for air, my darling.
Shortly before noon, May 30th, 2023, I was told my cancer was metastatic.
Stage 4.
I've been carrying that knowledge for a few months now. About 114,000 minutes, actually. And I've been cutting down the intrusive thoughts that whole time. The terror. The doubt. The sheer, stark loneliness that is existing in a body with something insidious that's trying to kill you. I cannot tell you how truly claustrophobic cancer is.
I've won this battle, yes. I made it through my chemotherapy. But I'm going to be sword in hand for the rest of my life. I don't get to rest. And you know what? That's okay. In a lot of ways, I've been fighting for years.
The irony isn't lost on me that I fought tooth and nail to claw my way through depression and suicidal ideation, and now that I finally, wholeheartedly want to live, I get handed a death sentence. One I can beat back, yes (see: bloodied battlefield, foot on Caesar's throat, et cetera), but one that I'll have to continue fighting forever.
I'll be honest, I have more flavours of trauma than a goddamn ice cream parlour, I was wholeheartedly fucked up even before the cancer diagnosis lmao. But NOTHING has broken me yet.
The world has been trying to kill me for decades and I haven't let it.
Caesar is just one more enemy to laugh at.
This battlefield may be bloodied and barren, but it is mine.
I may be standing on a field of broken bones and corpses, but I am standing.
So, here's to the next fight. I'm ready 🖤
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also, just as a random parting thought, I was having a massive cry yesterday (again 114,000 minutes!! of being forced to confront my own mortality, and this was only Breakdown #5 (yes, I'm counting), so like... I think I'm doing real good haha). Anyway, I stumbled on a YT short that was so bleakly hilarious to me in the context of having cancer that I laughed so hard it snapped me right the fuck out of it and i stopped being sad and resumed being awesome
the tl;dr is hell yeah chemo is over (hopefully), and I am literally unkillable and feeling very cool and rad about it 💅
also now I want a sword.
oh my god i totally need to buy myself a sword when they declare my body cancer free don't i?
...oh my god im gonna do it
kitty you genius
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memphisfaith · 1 year
Chapter 5: Boundless Nights
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Paring: Jeon Jungkook x reader
Genre: Enemies to Lovers, Street Racer!AU, Smut
Word Count: 8.9K
Warning: Cursing, mentions of smut, smut, consumption of alcohol, mentions of violence, violence, mentions/hints of abuse, abuse, mentions of death, death, mentions of murder, murder, illegal activities.
Warning 2.0: Grinding, fingering, car sex, slight pain kink, dirty talking, scratching, hair pulling, begging, vague overstimulation, protected penetration (WRAP IT BEFORE YOU TAP IT)
Summary: You never know what cards your delt in life, not until you learn to use them. I never thought I'd be good a stealing, but there I was steal off the streets. I never thought I'd learn to drive a car, but here I am learning from The Dark God of Seoul. I never thought I'd have an actual family, but I will.
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It only took a week for Namjoon to find an Old 1971 Monte Carlo, getting here took even less thanks to his extensive connections. Building it however took three months. If I wasn’t in school I was in the garage working on the damn thing. Tae had come around a few times, only for Namjoon to kick him out, not bothering to take the chance of him worming his way into tinkering with my car. 
Yoongi came around once or twice, to tell me he had my bike built and would wait for me to decide on the color, but he lingered longer than he said he would and watched me working on the car. 
The few times I wasn’t in school or working on my car. The three boys drag me out to the farm house for a weekend so I could teach them how to ride a bike. Taehyung, being the way he is, had won himself a bike rather than buying one like Jungkook and Jimin did. Teaching all three boys had been a pain in the ass and resulted in more than a few hospital trips, luckly none of them resulted in anything broken.
By the time I finished my car, all three of them had mastered riding. Upon finishing my car Namjoon and I drove it all the way to Yoongi and Tae's place before I told them the color I wanted. The color I chose? Purple. Yoongi approved my choice with a small hum before getting to work, he even let me help.
Now that it's Friday I finally get to take it to my first race. I even bought a whole new outfit for tonight, a pair of black ripped jeans paired with a purple tank top and a special black leather jacket with purple flames to accent it. I pull my hair up into a ponytail and pull my boots on at the door before meeting Namjoon in the garage. 
I let out a giddy laugh as I climb into the new shiny purple Car, I even go so far as to squeal when I turn it on. I can hear Namjoon’s laugh from his car next to me, but I’m too happy to care. I can’t help but grin when the garage door opens and shows me the road ahead. 
As soon as the door is fully open Namjoon’s car rowers to life. I sent him one glance before hauling ass out of the garage. After that it's a race of running red lights and bobbing and weaving around cars. 
Namjoon beats me to the meet up spot by an inch and a half. When I pull into a stop I can see him grinning smugly at him through both our windows. He meets me at my door still holding that very same smile. “You still have a lot to learn baby girl.” He chuckles.
“It’s a new car, I’m sure if I raced you in monster I could have beaten you.” I huff crossing my arms. Namjoon throws his head back as he laughs before wrapping an arm around my shoulders and pressing a kiss into my temple. “Im sure you could have, I’ve been teaching you to drive Monster for a year.” he muses
“She came pretty close to beating you though, the closest I’ve ever seen. The most I’ve ever seen anyone come that close was when I raced you and I was behind you by two inches,” Yoongi grins. I perk up at the older man’s confession as Namjoon nods in agreement.
“I say she’s ready, don���t you Namjoon?” Hoseok speaks up from his place by his car. “Ready for what?” I mumble, “Something we shouldn’t discuss here,” Namjoon announces sharply. My eyes widened at his tone and immediately let it go. 
“Well,” Jimin speaks up, breaking through the tense air, “I say we let The Goddess officially Christain her new beast.” He continues. “I wouldn’t say he’s a beast.” I smile, Jimin raises an amused eyebrow at me. “Then what just is he?” He smirks, “A guardian.” I smile. “In every good legend a Goddess will always need herself a Guardian.” I explain, “I thought it was a warrior she needed, or like, a Champion.” Taehyung speaks up.
“I have one of those too, more than one according to Namjoon,” I sigh with an eye roll. I watch as Taehyung’s eyes knit together before they shoot up in shock. I felt fear creep up my spine as a knowing smirk crawled it’s way on to his lips. 
“I think I can safely assume one of those is that pretty new bike Yoongi built you.” Taehyung laughs. “True, True. If I knew how to ride a bike, I would have kept that sexy beast for myself.” yoongi sighs out. “I can always teach you? I managed to teach three imbassals, teaching a genius shouldn’t be too hard.” I shrug.
“Easy baby girl, you’ll inflate his ego too much,” Namjoon mutters to me teasingly. “No, no. Please do go on, I love to hear people acknowledge my genius.” Yoongi sighs out blissfully. “Annd that's enough ego inflation for today,” Namjoon cuts in and coves my mouth as soon as it opens.
I sent Namjoon a cheeky smile as looks down at me with a pointed look. “I say we cut the chit chat and get to racing wouldn’t you?” Hoseok calls, I watch as the majority of the men around loudly agree with him before stepping away from each other to find an opponent.
I watch Taehyung race first, he being the one to find someone to race first. Tae won as expected and added a new car to his already extensive collection. Hoseok took the next race by storm, he completely plastered the guy and crossed the finish line with his opponent still at the second stop light. 
Jimin raced after that, he raced for pink lips and won. As soon as the race ended he picked up his prize and drove back to his place. I couldn’t help but roll my eyes as Jimin waved bye to us, his chest puffed up in pride. 
I let out a strained sigh as I watched Jin line up his pink car for his race. I glanced to my right as I saw Jungkook’s figure approach. “Not your turn yet baby?” He questions with a smirk, “Don’t call me that.” I sneer. “Oh come on, you love it.” He laughs, “When I’m drunk or in hysteria.” I snorted before turning back to the race. “Have you found anyone to race yet?” He questions, I shake my head as I watch Jin’s mustang rawr loudly. “I’ll tell you what, you can race me.” He offers, my jaw drops as my eyes shoot over to him.
I watch his smug face grin, “What’s the catch?” I sneer. Jungkook’s grin widens, “If I win you have to go on a date with me.” He shrugs. I force down my shock as I watch him carefully, “And if I win?” I prompt. “I’ll never call you baby ever again.” He quips, damn that’s tempting.
I swallow my doubt and smile confidently, “Your on.” Jungkook’s smug smile turns into a smirk. He doesn’t say anything else before he turns and makes his way over to the organizer to reserve the next race. 
As Jin came down the street in the lead Jungkook and I made our way to our cars, by the time we were pulling up to our spots Jin was already rolling out with a victory grin. Jin shot us a knowing look as we pass each other, I ignore him and focus on lining my car up. Once in place I put my car in park before glancing at Jungkook.
The bastard is already watching me, a dark stare fills his eyes with his jaw locked and tense. I quickly turn back to the road and brace my hand on the shift, I watch the flag grin strut to the middle from my side. I watch her shoot a suggestive look to Jungkook before reaching behind her and unclasping her bra, I judge her as I watch her attempt to pull it off in a sexy manner. Once she actually got the damn thing off I cringe and the pink with white polka dot bra that can’t be any bigger than a b-cup. 
She raises her bra up and glances at the two of us before the crowd around us counts down. I filter out the shouts and focus on the bra being held in the air. As soon as the bra drops I flick my shift in gear and hit the gas. 
I focus on the road ahead, passing the first, the second, and eventually turning at the third stop light without so much as glips of Jungkook’s blue car ahead of me. Approaching the second stoplight I catch the color blue out of the corner of my eye, glancing over I see Jungkook’s car pull up alongside mine. As he levels with me I glance at him only to see him staring at me intensely, paying no mind to the road ahead of him as I routinely glance at the road ahead to keep in check. 
When we pass the second stoplight our cars are neck and neck for the win, I pull away from watching Jungkook to focus on the last stoplight. Forty feet away from the stop light I see Jungkook’s car inch closer to mine. My eyes widen as he gets closer and closer until we're so close our side view mirrors are an inch apart. 
I felt my heart sink from my chest as I watch when they almost tap from the way he pulls even closer. I glare at Jungkook heatedly, I was NOT going to let him chip my car. As soon as I saw his hand move to turn his wheel I hit the breaks, I pulled back and let Jungkook pass the finish line first. 
I felt my chest flare with anger as the crowd cheered in victory. I grit my teeth and pull back into my parking space next to Namjoon. Namjoon is already standing there waiting for me, an amused expression carved onto his face. 
As soon as I step out of my car I glide my hands over the sides looking for any imperfections Jungkook might have caused without me knowing. Luckily I didn’t find any, I can hear Namjoon’s laughter from the side.
“I didn’t want him to scratch or damage it, I just finished it and I would rather die than let Jeon Jungkook ruin it in a fucking street race.” I grumble. “It’s okay baby girl, I get it.  Just get yourself another car you wouldn’t mind ruining in street races and use that from now on.” He suggests. “Yeah, your right.” I sigh leaning my head into his side, “I guess I’m really gonna have to go on a date with Jungkook huh?” I mumble. I felt Namjoon stiffen, “That little shit,” He grumbles. 
“You didn’t know?” I gasp, “Oh no, I knew. I just assumed when he asked me to let him take you on date I didn’t think he would ask you by racing for pink lips.” He sneers. I let out a long sigh, “Wow, that's soo surprising.” I moan sarcastically. “Don’t sass me little girl,” He grunts, I roll my eyes but a small smile slips onto my lips. 
Jungkook walks over smugly, that is until Namjoon locks his eyes on him. Jungkook visibly shrunk down as Namjoon pressed an intimidating gaze onto him. As soon as he got close enough Namjoon stands to his full height and stalks over to him, “Let’s take a walk Jungkook.” Namjoon smiles as he wraps an arm around his shoulders already leading the shaking boy away.
Taehyung crackles from beside me as Namjoon leads Jungkook away from the group. “Oh I bet he’ll piss his pants,” Tae sighs out blissfully, “I take that action I bet fifty bucks that he buckles as soon as Joon walks away.” Jin pipes up. “I bet he does both” Yoongi adds, I shook my head as all three shook on it. 
Thirty minutes later the four of us watch closely as Jungkook and Namjoon come back. Tae’s eyes shoot down to Jungkook’s pants but there’s no wet patch. Namjoon leads Jungkook all the way over us before patting his shoulder and makes his way over to Hoseok.
As soon as Namjoon was a safe distance away I watched in shock as Jungkook’s legs buckled and he gripped the top of Namjoon’s car for support. As soon as he realizes he touches it he rips his hand away as if he’s been burned. “Oh my god, I think I peed a little.” Jungkook mutters. Tae and Jin groan as they both reach for their wallet and yoongi smirks in victory.
“You seriously bet on me?” Jungkook asks as his face scrunches up. The three males nod as two hand over fifty bucks each. “Some friend you are,” He scoffs, “Says the boy that hussles Namjoon’s little girl into a date.” Yoongi shot back with an eye roll as he collected his winnings. 
“I don’t know about you losers but I’m going to head home.” I yawn, “Night darling,” Tae chimes. I wave tiredly as I walk to my car, as soon as I climb in and start the car a knock comes from my window. I glance over to see Jungkook motioning for me to roll the window down.
Namjoon watches me through the bathroom mirror as I flat iron my hair. His bulky frame acts as a second door taking up the whole door space, even when he’s leaving against the door frame. 
I let out a groan before reluctantly rolling the window down, “What?” I groan. “I’m picking you up at six tomorrow. Be ready.” Jungkook says before he walks away. I let out a sigh before driving home and falling asleep with worries of six pm tomorrow.
“I want you home by midnight, and if he touches you in any way you don’t like, kick him the dick then call me so I can finish the job, and I swear to god if he tries to get you to give him road head-” He rants, I cringe as I hear that last one. “Namjoon, I’ll be fine. I’m not that scared little girl you dropped off on her first day of school anymore.” I comfort.
Namjoon lets out a long sigh before stepping forward and pressing a kiss to the crown of my head. “I know, I'm very proud of you.” he smiles, “I just don’t want to see you hurt or scared ever again. I’ve seen enough to last me my entire life time.” He mumbles. “Thanks, Joon.” I whisper, “Anytime baby girl.” He smiles with the dimples that I adore.
Just as he pulls away a knock comes from the door, “I’ll get the door so you can finish up.” He smiles, before I can protest he’s already rushing down the hallway. I quickly finished the three sections I had left before running to my bedroom and grabbing my shoes.
When I came into the living room I found Namjoon looming over Jungkook, his gun tucked into the very front of his belt on full show. I roll my eyes and pull on my shoes. With my shoes on I approach from the side, “Come on Jungkook, I’ll see you tonight Joon.” I smile pressing a light kiss to Namjoon’s cheek as I pull Jungkook out the door. 
“Remember home by midnight, aim for the balls and no-” I cut off his rant by shutting the door. “No what?” Jungkook questions, “Nothing you need to worry about unless you want to find out why he wants me to aim for the balls.” I quip as we walk down the stairs and out of the garage.
I see Jungkook cringe before nodding, When we reach the street I’m shocked to see that Jungkook didn’t drive his exotic blue car. Instead I’m pleasantly surprised with a black 1967 Chevy Impala. “Oh wow,” I gasp at the beautiful car. “It was a gift from Namjoon when I won my first street race.” He smiles.
I felt a warmness bubble up in my chest hearing the memory. “That's amazing,” I smile, Jungkook nods shly before opening the passenger door for me. He held it open as I climbed in before shutting it after I settled.
I watch as he walks around the car into and climbs into the driverside. I grin as I hear the car purr to life, I relax into the seat as Jungkkook pulls off and starts down the road. “So where are we going?” I question as I watch the buildings pass, “To dinner and then an event,” he answers. 
I lift my eyebrow at him to elaborate but he doesn’t. It isn’t until we pull up to a small diner do I understand his terms of dinner. I recognize this place, from the times where I still mugged people off a dirt bike.
Jungkook opens the car door for me and the diner door as we enter. To my pleasure I spot the old owner at the cash register, I watch her old face light up as we walk past her. I send her a wave before Jungkook and I pick a two seat table.
Jungkook pulls the chair out for me and helps me push in before he sits down himself. An older woman smiles kindly at us before handing us menus and taking our drink orders. Jungkook and I both ordered cokes before looking over our menus.
“Have you been here before? I saw you wave at the older lady at the counter.” Jungkook asks, “I’ve been in and out here a bit, when I didn’t know Namjoon. Her Name is Miss Nam and she owns the diner, I know her son too but Eric works deeper into the city. He comes around when he can.” I inform, looking over the menu and eyeing the new item.
“Anything you would recommend then?” He continues, “The curry is pretty good, but I’m going to try their new chicken and dumplings. It wasn’t on the menu that last time I was here.” I mumble out in thought. Jungkook nods before looking back over the menu.
I jump when I see Miss Nam carry our drinks over to us, “Miss Nam please don’t serve tables!” I panic quickly leaning into her to take the drinks. “Don’t worry yourself (y/n), I’m only doing it to come see you and the handsome young man you've brought along with you.” She smiles.
“But look at you! So full and healthy! I haven’t seen you in forever and I have gotten worried.” She gushes as she cups my cheeks. “Thank you miss Nam, I have someone who looks after me now, I’ve been doing better.” I laugh gently, taking her hands in mine. 
“I saw that your dead beat of a father was found dead on city borders. Boy as soon as I saw the paper I called Eric thinking that they had gotten you too, but lord am I relieved to have the world rid of that man, mostly for your sake sweetie.” She whispers, I saw Jungkook stiffen at the subject but I keep holding my well practiced smile.
“Thank you Miss Nam, But umm… This is Jeon Jungkook, a friend of mine who asked me out on a date tonight.” I smile using one hand to gesture to said boy. Jungkook sent the elder woman a charming smile but the woman sent him a sharp look that caused him to jump. “You take care of her now boy, I may be old but I’m not to be underestimated.” She scolds waving a finger in his face.
Jungkook nods his head obedintly squeaking out a ‘yes ma’am’ every so often. I force down a grin as I watch but eventually Miss Nam lets go of my hands, “I’ll let you get on with your date now sweetie, I just had to say hello.” She sighs, “It’s fine miss Nam, I wouldn't dream of coming in and not coming to say hello before I left.” I laugh.
Miss Nam smiles and affectionately pats my cheek before walking back to her post. Jungkook lets out a sigh in relief as the older woman leaves. I smile and lean my head against my cheek as I watch Jungkook sink into his seat. “She likes you,” I smile, “That’s a relief,” He mumbles.
The older woman came back over a minute later and took our orders, I ordered the chicken and dumplings and Jungkook ordered the curry. A little while later our food came. I watch as Jungkook takes his first bite and his eyes light up at the taste. I smile and try the creamy soup, I moan at the taste. 
I glance up to see Jungkook eyeing the bowl of thick soup, I scoop up a bumping and hold it out for him to try. Jungkook doesn’t hesitate to open his mouth and take in the bite. I laugh as Jungkook hisses at the hot food. He chews quickly before swallowing.
“That is good, Can I have another bite?” He questions, I let out a short laugh before nodding. I scoop up chicken this time and hold it out for him, Jungkook leans forward and blows on it a few times before taking the bite. He groans and chews slowly, nodding his head at taste.
I shook my head and went back to eating my food, but by the time we finished it was almost seven. Jungkook and I wrapped it up before we walked to the front to pay. Jungkook takes the bill as I say goodbye to Miss Nam and promised to come by more often, Jungkook holds the door open for me as we leave and opens the car door for me when we get to the car.
“Alright so what’s part two?” I smile leaning against the window but looking over at Jungkook. Jungkook smiles and glances over at me, “you’ll see.” He grins. I hum in amusement and continue to watch him in silence.
I only pull away as the city buildings start to lessen, it isn’t until we reach a stadium do I realize what he intended for us to do. Jungkook parks before getting out, I watch him circle the car and open the door for me. Once I’m out and he closes the door he wraps an arm around my shoulder as he leads me to the stadium gates.
“I got us here early so we can check out the cars,” He informs as he hands over a pair of tickets. The man in the window nods in thanks before we are allowed to pass. There's a decent crowd gathered in the stadium already, but the Race doesn’t start until an hour.
Jungkook leads us to the garages where racers had pulled their cars out and checked out final details. Jungkook and I walk slowly looking over each car, every now or then Jungkook would recognize someone and whisper a comment about them in my ear.
One person, a racer sponsored by Red Bull, supposably pees himself if he races too close to that wall. Another person, a racer sponsored by a bread company, gets drunk really fast and throws up after every race. But this is all coming from Jungkook so I have no idea if it's right or not.
Jungkook stops and stares at the last car in the line, a pink one with a general store sponsorship. Jungkook looks at it sadly but he then turns and shoots me a small smile. “This was Seokjin’s car you know,” He smiles. My eyes widen as I recognize the car from the magazine cover in Yoongi's house. 
I open my mouth to reply but another voice cuts me off, “Well if it isn’t little kookie.” A teasing tone sings out. I watch in shock as Jungkook’s face grows dark, “(y/n),” Jungkook spoke stiffly. “This is Lee Jaebeom, he took over when Jin retired,” he almost sneers. I look at the man he gestures to, his pink jumpsuit fits him nicely, he has a clean shaved face, and his hair is neatly styled. He didn’t look as old a seokjin but he definitely isn’t younger than Namjoon.
“Wow Kookie, you sure have grown up since I’ve seen you! And look, you even have a little girlfriend with you!” The man smirks, I glare at the tone he uses. The playful tone he uses is one you talk with when you address a child a decade younger than what Jungkook and I actually are.
Jaebeom turns and actually makes contact with me, I suppress a shiver as his eyes rake over me. Only after he gets his fill does he actually look at my face. It’s then his eerie smirk grows into one that sends a shot of fear down my spine.
“Oooh Kookie!” He jeers, “Moving up in the world are we? Does Namjoon know you're taking his prodigy out on a date?” He laughs. I felt my blood run cold and I shifted closer to Jungkook, Jungkook’s arm automatically wraps around me tighter. “I really don’t think it’s your concern since he kicked you out.” Jungkook snaps, My eyes widen at the new piece of information. My shock furthers as Jaebeom lets out a crazed laugh that attracts more than a few unwanted stares.
“You guys really need to let that go,” He sighs, “Besides Namjoon made it out alive didn’t he, and you and your mentor are now free to race freely.” He continues. I swallow hard at the mention of Namjoon. Jungkook lets out a scoff, “Come on (y/n), we gotta get good seats.” Jungkook calls, providing an exit to the tense conversation.
I nod my head mutely allowing Jungkook to lead me away from the man. Once a safe distance away I glance over my shoulder to look at him, I stiffen when I see he’s still watching us.  He smirks and waves playfully when he catches my gaze, I whip around and move closer to Jungkook until we’re out of eyesight. 
Once Jungkook found us seats and we got settled in, my curiosity finally met its limit. “Who is he?” I question, Jungkook lets out a long sigh. “His name is Jaebeom, long ago before Jimin and Taehyung were a legacy, it was just me and the Elites.  Jaebeom is a world renowned racer known for taking such crazy risks they actually worked. He was brought into the elites when Namjoon and Yoongi were. Not long after them came Jin and I, but by then things were already on the rocks. Jaebeom put Namjoon and Yoongi at risk a lot.” Jungkook recalls, leaning back in his seat and staring blankly at the track in front of us. 
“The final straw was when all the Elites went out, I don’t know where, but when they came back Namjoon was beaten to a pulp. Almost hospitalized, but I remember hearing Jin scream at the top of his lungs at Jaebeom. Screaming about being so reckless that he could have killed anyone of them. When Namjoon recovered he kicked Jaebeom out of the Elites. Being spiteful, Jaebeom took his revenge out on Jin and I.” Jungkook continues.
“He’s the reason Seokjin retired?” I whisper, Jungkook simply nods. “I can’t complain too much though, if he was right about something it's the fact that Jin and I can race freely now. Without track rules, and without professional risk.” Jungkook sighs with a small smile.
I let out a playful scoff, “Maybe you should have stayed in racing, I swear I would have kicked your ass if you had hit my car.” I mumble. Jungkook lets out a boyishly laugh before throwing his arm over the back of my seat, “Ahh, but that was the whole reason I beat you baby, I was counting on you to pull away in fear I’d chip your car.” He smirks.
“It won’t be like that next time, because next time I won’t make the mistake of driving a car that is important to me.” I huff. When Jungkook doesn’t say anything I glance over to him, I feel my cheeks flush when I see him staring me down with a look of endearment. I sent him a sneer and pushed his face away with my hand, another boyish laugh escaped the boy.
The race started a little later, Jungkook bought us some popcorn as we watched. Sometimes Jungkook will explain a certain tactic when we saw it or explain a rule I didn’t understand. But as the Race came to a close I noticed the smug look Jungkook had when another racer completed their hundredth lap before Jaebeom.
We didn’t stay long after the race ended, We quickly made our way to the exit and out to the car. Jungkook starts the car and pulls out of the stadium, “It’s only ten? Do you want to go home?” Jungkook questions without taking his eye off the road. “Would you tease me if I said no?” I mumble, a small smile slips onto Jungkook’s lips at my question. “No,” He muses as he glances over to me, I feel my breath hitch as one of Jungkook’s place itself on my thigh. To my confusion it doesn’t stir any concerning feelings, the warmth and weight of the hand is oddly comforting.
I relax and listen to the hum of the car and gaze at the city lights through the window. I don’t even realize when Jungkook started to rub circles on my thigh, I only notice he’s doing it when one circle goes higher than the rest.
“You know Namjoon will kill you if he finds out you're touching me provocatively,” I tease quietly. Jungkook let out a small laugh as he pulled up to a stop light. As soon as he stops, his hand jerks away from me and puts the car in park, my eyes widen as he lunges across the seat and presses a kiss onto my lips. I push down my shock and press back.
I let out a blissful gasp when Jungkook pushes me against the door of the car and cages me with both hands pressed to the window. With his new found leverage Jungkook deepens the kiss by taking the hand closest to the seat and gently cupping my jaw before using his thumb to push open my mouth. I moan when his tongue slides into my mouth slowly stroking against mine.
Jungkook pulls away and uses the same hand that pushed my mouth open to push my head to the side to give him access to my throat. I hum out in pleasure as wet kisses pepper onto my neck, however gasps soon take their place as Jungkook’s hot tongue presses into my skin. My arms find feeling when his teeth suddenly rake across the previous tongued skin, they wrap around Jungkook quickly as one hand grabs onto the collar of his leather jacket and the other knotting itself into his hair.
The hot air quickly becomes still as I catch sight of blue and red lights coming down the street. I pull on Jungkook’s collar to get his attention, “Jungkook!” I mumble doing my best to keep my voice steady as his teeth continue their tourcher. “Yeah baby?” He mumbles into my skin, “Cops!” I squeak when his teeth clasp against my skin.
I let out a shaky breath as I get whiplash from how fast Jungkook pulls himself off of me. Before I can process what just happened Jungkook is back on the drivers side and skillfully flicking the car into gear. I jerk slightly as Jungkook takes off the road, the cop car sires now blaring as they chase us. 
Jungkook remains silent as he focuses on the road ahead, I gasp when he turns sharply and drifts the car onto a new street. He goes down four blocks before making another turn, then down five blocks. Junkook halts to a stop in front of a wide alleyway.
My eyes widen as Jungkook turns the car vertically in the middle of a parallel street, He lines the car up with the alleyway, and backs into it, he backs up as deep as he can go before shutting the car off. I breathe deeply as a second later the cop car flies past us.
Jungkook relaxes into his seat, he too takes sharp breaths. Finally when we evened out he glanced over at me. “You're really going to get me in trouble one of these days,” He mumbles, “If I do recall, each time you almost have it’s always you who starts it.” I smirk.
Jungkook shot me a dark look, “Then I guess I’ll start it again,” He grunts. I yelp as he reaches forward and pulls me across the seat and effortlessly lifts me into his lap. Jungkook leans forward and presses his lips flush against mine all while he pushes me into the steering wheel. 
I gasp when My back is pressed flush against the wheel, I’m suddenly very thankful that I can’t touch the horn. Jungkook’s hands perch themselves on my ass, he forces out a moan when he cups it tightly. Jungkook’s tongue slides right into my mouth and goes straight for my tongue.
When air becomes needed I try to pull away but Jungkook follows me, the action causes my back to dig into the wheel and our kiss becomes messy. “Jungkook,” I whimper when the desire to breathe properly becomes desperate. Jungkook chuckles before finally pulling away. 
I heave in the air when it becomes available, as I catch my breath Jungkook leans back into his seat and trails his hands from my ass to my thighs then back up. I finally stabilize my breathing but my thoughts are still fuzzy from all the tension.
A moan slips through my lips when Jungkook’s hip slowly rolls between mine, The hard on he sports pushing directly into my apex. My body goes lax and falls against the wheel as his hips roll again. “Jungkook,” I huff as my hands struggle to find something to grab onto.
“M’sorry baby, can’t help it.” He moans, “you’re too much for me you know. You make me want you so bad.” He huffs leaning his head back against the seat as his hips grind harder into me. “Fuck!” He grunts lifting his hips up into me, “You're really going to make me cum in my pants.” he moans. My eyes widened at his confession, “No!” I gasp pressing my hips into his hoping I can stop his movement. 
“Why! What’s wrong?” Jungkook yelps as his head snaps up to meet my eyes. “Don’t want you to cum in your pants.” I mumble, heat rising up my neck and to my cheeks. I feel Jungkook’s tense panicked body relax. I jump as I feel his familiar soft lips press against the neck of my skin, “Where should I cum then baby?” He mumbles against me, I felt my cheeks burn and my body flush as more than a few ideas came to thought.
“Do you need some ideas baby? Because I have a few,” he teases against my skin. I moan slips through my lips as his tongue and teeth work magic against my neck. “Please?” I mumble, I let my neck fall into the groove of his shoulder and throat. I feel Jungkook’s chest vibrate at the action, “Please what? Do you need me?” He questions. I nod my head against him, “Where? Where do you need my baby?” He questions.
I don’t say a word as I take his hand in mine before I gently place it between us at the apex of my legs. Jungkook moans softly, “Here?” He mumbles as I feel his fingers push over my covered slit. I whimper and nod hurriedly. “Fuck,” He breaths, “Okay,” He groans. “Come on, climb in the back.” He instructs, I pull myself off of him and quite literally throw myself over the seat into the back.
I hear Jungkook laugh from the front seat as I do so, once I’m over the seat and laying across the backseat Jungkook heaves himself over the backseat as well. Once he too is over the seat Jungkook settles himself above me and in between my legs. 
I watch hazly as he leans up and tugs off his leather jacket before pulling his shirt over head, he tosses both articles of clothes to the floor behind him. Once off he pulls me up and helps me pull off my shirt, he tosses it off to the floor beside us but stops at my bra. 
I gasp as his hot tongue makes contact with the swells of my breasts, his hands cupping my bra and using it to push my breasts closer together. I moan as he teeth clasp around flesh, he dulls the ache of his bite with his tongue before all at once his hands yank down my bra. The bra is pushed down under my breasts further pushing them up for Jungkook to play with. 
I let my head fall back as his mouth makes contact with a hard nipple, already overstimulated by the content contrast of Jungkook’s hot mouth and air around us that is slowly growing in temperature as well. Jungkook’s tongue rolls against my nipple slowly before sucking then biting. Whimpers fall from my lips as he continues to torcher each breast with his process. 
When Jungkook is satisfied he wraps his arms around me and unclasps my bra letting my breasts fall to their natural place. Slowly Jungkook lowers me back down to the seat before his hands trail from my breast down my stomach to the button of my pants. My chest heaves as he teasingly plays with the button for a second, “Jungkook!” I whines rolling my hips up to him to urge him.
“Alright, alright! Fuck baby I just want to take my time.” He mumbles with a small laugh. “If we had the time I would let you, If I go home late Namjoon will kill you.” I chide, Jungkook stops and looks down at me. His face hardens in thought before a small smile plays on his lips, “A risk I’m willing to take if I can have you for the night.” He decides. 
My eyes widen as he pops open the button of my pants before he’s pulling them off my hips and legs. Jungkook tosses them into my pile of clothes then positions himself right back over me. He places one hand on the seat by my head and uses it to hold himself up as the dips into my panties. 
As soon as his fingers make contact with my womanhood it draws a moan from the both of us. “Fuck your wet, so fucking wet.” He mutters, almost to himself. Jungkook’s fingers trace my slit with the tips of his fingers slightly curved. He gives a small rub to my clit before pulling his hand out and shoving them into his mouth. My mouth falls open when his eyebrows knit together and moans at the taste. 
I lick my lips as he continues to suck on fingers, He pulls them from his mouth slowly. I watch as his fingers are covered in a thick coat of saliva with strands of it stretching from his mouth to his fingers. He smirks just before his hand is back in my panties and fingers buried in my pussy. 
My back arches when he starts to pump his fingers in slowly, I can feel the slight curve he adds to them and how well they stroke a spot inside me that causes a hotness to swell in my stomach. “So good,” I whine rolling my hips into fingers, Jungkook doesn’t reply. He just leans down and catches my lips with his. I gasp against the kiss each time his fingers touch the tight little spot inside me. Each time I gasp Jungkook rolls his tongue around mine, the action adds the messiness of the kiss.
A sharp moan is ripped from me when Jungkook’s thumb makes a sudden appearance at my clit, his thumb presses into my clit harshly but in slow circles. He chuckles at my reaction before taking my bottom lip between his teeth and pulling away taking my lip with him. 
The hot smoldering pool in my stomach is unbearably deep, and it only gets deeper when Jungkook’s fingers rake against my special spot. I let out a screech and grab onto his forearms when his thumb rolls my clit as soon as his fingers hit that spot. That one action is enough to cause my body to flush, I clench around Jungkook’s fingers as I come. I jerk my hips up to meet his hand with desperate whines tumbling out of my mouth as he works me through my orgasm. 
I let out a quiet moan in bliss when my orgams subsides, but the pool in my stomach is empty and there's an ache for it to be filled again. I whimper as Jungkook’s fingers leave me, I pout when I see him pop them back into his mouth. He smirks upon seeing the look I’m giving him, “Mmm, don’t worry baby we’re not done.” He chimes from between his fingers.
Once satisfied that his fingers are clean, I watch wantonly as his hands move to his belt. As soon as his belt popped open I shot my hands out to his pants and hurried to get them open. I glance up and catch the amused smile on his face at my hurry. As I pull the zipper down Jungkook is pulling his waste line down. I help him get his pants off to his knees before he’s kicking them off and into his pile of clothes on the car floor. 
I gasp at the tent in his pants, “Fuck, I think your going to be the one that kills me,” I moan. “I wouldn’t think so, I think that pretty pussy of yours is going to swallow me whole.” He whispers. I felt my cunt throb at his words, “Now come here,” He smirks before jerking me closer to him. He helps me pull off my panties, as I toss them into my pile Jungkook is tugging off his boxers. As he puts them on the floor he reaches for his pants and digs around in his pockets for his wallet. 
I laugh as he pulls out a new looking condom from his wallet before tossing his wallet to the floor. “Jin gave it to me before I left,” He mumbles, “I won’t tell Joon if you don’t?” I grin, “You got yourself a deal baby,” He laughs before using his hand and teeth to rip it open.
When it opens I gently take it from his mouth and roll it on him, Jungkook moans as soon as my hands come in contact with his cock. As soon as it’s on Jungkook leans down and places a slow kiss on my lips. I let out a blissful sigh as I felt his cock rub against my slit.
Jungkook deepens the kiss when sigh, sliding his tongue back into my mouth. I feel his hands fall to my hips before his tip presses against my entrance, I moan when the tip presses in. Jungkook’s hands slide from my hips up my body before interlacing with mine. I moan loudly when makes a strong thrust in, he jerks our interlaced hands to the small space above my head. My hips jerk up only to feel Jungkook’s, A moan tumbles from us both.
My breathing is heavy and every time my chest heaves up I meet Jungkook’s broader one. Jungkook pulls away from our sloppy his and sinks down to bury his head into my neck. I feel him mouth over the flesh, sucking every so often at a new spot. I close my eyes and feel the way Jungkook fills me up so good, I can feel him throb every so often and I relish in the heat of his cock that seems to soak through the condom. 
When the slight burning feeling subsides I roll my hips into his, A hiss falls from Jungkook’s lips at my small action. Without a word spoken Jungkook pulls up from my body, using our interlaced hands as leverage when he thrusts his hips and rolls them just before he sinks all the way in. 
The move rips a moan right out of me, I lock eyes with Jungkook. His gaze is smoldering and wanting, Lust practically dripping from them. Each thrust of his hips causes a moan and each time the tip of his cock pushes against that spot inside me it causes my stomach to swell. Jungkook groans when my pussy clenches around him when he hits that special spot. 
The swelling builds and builds until I’m thrusting up meeting him, desperate to meet an end. But it becomes too much, my legs shake too much for me to properly meet him causing less pleasure than more. I whine when my hips fall back onto the seat after another failed attempt, my thighs quivering violently around him desperate for the stimulation of an end. 
“Fuck! Baby it's okay, I got you.” Jungkook calls, I yelp when his hands let go of mine as one places itself on the window above me and the other throws my leg closest to the front seats over his hip and holds it there. His first thrust in with his new leverage causes my head to spin. He hits deeper than before and the tip of his cock practically spears at the spot inside of me.
My hands fly around Jungkook, desperately looking for something to grab onto. When Jungkook’s pace starts gaining more speed and in turn power, my nails find home in his skin. But the action just seems to egg him on. I gasp wildly against him and moaning like a porn star every other gasp.
“Fuck!” he curses, “So fuckin’ tight, your getting so fuckin’ tight baby.” He slurs. My nails rake down to his shoulders when the pool in my stomach pulses, so close to flushing out completely. “So close, Jungkook so close.” I beg, “Mmm fuck, It’s okay baby cum for me.” He moans.
The hand holding up my thigh lets go and reappears at his face just before he sinks his thumb into mouth. I watch him suck and lather his tongue over it before he pulls it out a pop. I almost fucking scream when his wet thumb comes crashing down on my clit. The quick harsh circles quickly fall into timing when Jungkook hits the bruising spot inside me.
I get so dangerously close, so close that my eyes squeeze shut in anticipation. “Look at me!” Jungkook growls, My eyes snap open and my jaw drops at the commanding tone. “I wanna see it, I wanna see the look you make when you cum all over this cock.” He snarls. I gasp and clench around him as the dirty words rumble from his chest.
“Fuck your gonna make me cum baby, but you gotta cum first.” He whines, a stark contrast to his previous deep growls. “You gotta cum first, gotta make you come first.” He chants. The sheer pressure of his thrusts throws me over the edge, my nails completely rake down his back as my orgams hits me like a wave and drags me under. I hear Jungkook let out a loud wanton moan and I can feel his erratic thrusts, but I didn’t process that he had come until my orgasm  starts to fade. 
I felt my body go lax against the seat, my breath heavy and uneven. I look up at Jungkook to see him barely holding himself up with his head hung and eyes closed. I wait until I see his breathing even out before leaning up and placing a soft kiss against his lip. I’m thoroughly pleased when Jungkook kisses back. 
“Fuck, I like you a lot more than I orginally planned,” He chuckles, a laugh bubble up from my throat. “You know Joon will kill you for this,” I laugh, Jungkook shrugs “I was damned if I did, damned if I didn’t”. I roll my eyes at his comment, I reach into my piles of clothes and find my phone. 
I flinch as I’m blinded by the screen light, my eyes widen and a laugh rips from my throat as I see the time. “What?” Jungkook mumbles as he lazaly presses kisses against my skin. “It’s only 11:30.” I laugh in disbelief. Jungkook smirks smugly, “That's plenty of time to get you home.” He chimes, “Let’s get dressed, after experience sex like that I really don’t like the idea of getting my dick shot off.” he grunts pushing himself to sit up in the seat.
“I thought you said it would be worth it?” I tease, “Oh don’t get me wrong baby it was very worth it, so much in fact that I would die if I can’t have it again,” He chimes. I laugh at his confession before getting dressed. It took us way longer than it should have to get dressed, but Jungkook managed to get me home ten minutes before 12:00 by running a few red lights and cutting a few tight corners. 
Jungkook pulls to a stop in front of the garage, “I would walk you to the door but…” He tails off nervously. “No I get it, I’d actually prefer it if you didn't. I'm sure Joon is waiting for me at the door,” I giggle. 
“I’ll see you Monday yeah?” I smirk, Jungkook leans forward and presses a soft kiss against my lips, “Definitely,” He agrees. I gave him one last kiss before getting out of the car and making way up to the loft. It was extremely painful to climb up the stairs but I got there. 
To my surprise the loft lights are off, I hum in confusion but shrug it off.  I flick the light on but scream when I see Joon sitting in a chair in front of me with his pistol in hand. “JESUS CHRIST NAMJOON! WHAT THE HELL!” I screech clutching my chest. Namjoon remains passive as he glances at the clock, “cutting it kinda close aren’t you?” He questions. “You're a crazy bastard,” I mutter as I walk to my room. “I’ve been called worse,” He chimes before getting up and going to his own room.
That Monday I drove myself to school, unwilling to allow Namjoon to start a scene with Jungkook in the middle of public. I slept the majority of Sunday, but still woke up tired. Getting dressed this morning mostly consisted of the bare minimum of the uniform, in the midst of my tired haze I forgot my leather jacket adding an unnecessary annoyance to my day. Arriving at school to see three males waiting up on me helped ease my annoyance.
I smile at the group of them tiredly, “You look tired darling,” Jimin chimes. “It was a long weekend.” I mumble, I half expect to see Jungkook snort but all I got was the same analyzing look I saw since I arrived. “Somethings missing,” he spoke randomly, “Now that you mention it, yeah something is,” Tae agrees. “Oh yeah, I forgot my jacket this morning.” I sigh, Tae hums but casts Jungkook a curious look as he runs off. The three of us watch as Jungkook jogs all the way back to his car and opens it up, we continue to watch him as digs through it. Eventually he pulls himself out with a black object in hand, I quickly realize it’s his own leather jacket. 
Jungkook jogs all the way back over before opening it up from me to put on. I don’t question it as I turn and he helps me slip it on. Once over my shoulders Jungkook carefully pulls my hair out from under the jacket before I turn around and he reaches forward to tug it in place. “There much better, it’s weird seeing you without one on.” He chimes, I felt my cheeks heat up a little. No one gets to say anything else about it when the bell rings.
Jungkook and Tae take the lead as Jimin and I follow behind him. “He has a point you know, it is a little weird. But I bet he only likes it because you're wearing his jacket,” Jimin whispers over to me with a smirk. “Why would it matter if it's his or not?” I scoff stuffing my heads into the pockets. “Don’t you know darling? A racer's jacket over a woman is like having their name engraved on a trophy.” he chimes, I felt my cheeks burn at the meaning. I glance at Jungkook as he laughs at something Tae said, completely oblivious to Jimin and I’s conversation, and decide that being equal to his name engraved on a trophy doesn’t sound all that bad.
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junosaurus · 2 years
The Academic Rivals
Keqing x !GN reader
A/N: i write so much but im rly gonna run out of ideas soon so feel free to fill up my inbox with some asks!!!😼😼
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listen to this song while reading ;)
You and keqing, always at the top of the school. Since kindergarden till now. You both now attend the most prestigious, Teyvat High School and are now 2nd years. In kindergarden you both would fight over whose drawing was better, though that only resulted in getting scolded by the caretakers and were forced to go to the naughty corner after apologising to each other. You both would ALWAYS either be the at the top of the school together or one of you would get 2nd.
Everyday after school, go to the library at the same time coincidentally, sit right across each other coincidentally since there were no seats left, give the death stare at each other and study until you both get kicked out of school for staying too long. Even though you both were 'rivals' you two had some kind of bond, you'd always be with her somehow. Keqing would always wait outside of your house in the morning and you two would walk to school and sometimes even going out to the convinience store to get lunch at recess, you both would also walk home together. On top of that, you both also live right next to each other too.
And lately every time you see her, your stomach is full of butterflies. The feeling of warmth when you're with her, you feel comfortable around her. Your heart races everytime she talks to you. She might have even realised how you take longer to respond because you're so distracted with the warmth of her presence.
You two are very busy students as you're part of the student council. You spend your week having meetings with Keqing and some other people a lot, sometimes not even getting to do any of your hobbies. Though that doesn't mean you don't have time at night, although you do, you just spend your night fanatising on Keqing, screaming into your pillow, rolling around on your bed and banging your head on the wall instead of sleeping. Thats when you actually realise what Keqing has done to you. She has totally driven you crazy for her.
However, you've slowly realised how Keqing has been acting weird too. She's stuttering over her own words, avoiding eye contact or technically just blantly avoiding you. She sounds far more worst than you are when you're with her.
Thats until one day, after school as you were going to the student council room back from eating at the cafeteria, Keqing was nowhere to be found. *ding* Keqing had sent you a text message.
Keqing <3 : hey could you come to the school garden real quick?
You: oh sure I'll be there in min.
It had seemed so that all the flowers there had bloomed, the fragrant smell of roses, violets, tulips and more made you mesmerised. As you continued walking, there you saw Keqing standing at the end of the garden. It seemed like she was holding something behind her back. "Liking the flowers? I'm surprised they've already bloomed" she said slowly. "ah yes they're gorgeous and fragrant" you replied. "Just like you Y/N," she mouthed. You were a blushing mess, your heart pounded as if you were running a marathon. "I told you to come here to say that," she handed you a bouqet of *insert your fav flowers* she scoffed. "Y/N L/N, you make me happy, you are my first thought in the morning and the last in the night, when I think of you I immidiately smile, I feel special when I'm around you and although we've rivalled each other because of our academics, from the bottom of my heart, I love you. Care to be my partner?" You were in utter shock, you couldn't move or talk at all. Happy tears streamed down your face. "Of course, I'd love to." you whispered, hugging her. "It's getting late, shall we head home?" she said. You nodded. You both walked to the train station while she offered one of her earphones to listen to music on the ride home. You leaned on her shoulder while she leaned on your head. You both were enjoying the rest of the ride while holding hands. "I love you" she whispered.
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mariska · 1 year
had a horrible sickness & chronic autoimmune disease symptom flareup combo hit me really hard last night at a time thats a few hours earlier than when my hyperactive brain is used to taking my nighttime meds and getting ready to try and sleep but one of my moms found me literally like rotting away in physical distress on my recliner in the living room and made me some rly good tomato soup and grilled cheese and encouraged me to take my sleepy meds early and go try to get some rest and i am very glad that she did cuz even though my brain/body was still definitely restless and i didnt sleep entirely through the night, i managed to get a decent amount of rest from like 9 pm to 7 am (i had apparently forgotten to set my alarm too so thank fuck my body just Woke Up then and not like. 2:30 pm like it usually does when i mess up with my alarm clock lmfao 😭) so!! that felt like a promising start to the day at least and i've been in desperate need of having a day that feels hopeful at all in any regard after waking up so i will take that little victory gladly 🥺✌️if im able to gather up the physical & mental energy for it i wanna try to do some dungeons & dragons related art/design for stuff having to do with my character Sludge i play as in the group im a part of since our next session gathering is a week from today and we all leveled up at the end of the last session. Sludge has been evolving in very fun and cool ways as a character too btw she is for sure a new All Time Fav oc of mine amongst the ranks of Lifelong Self-Insert OC Paige Bond™️ at this point bfshhhshssgsbf <3 i wrote down this whole backstory skeleton in my phone notes of general concepts and ideas about where she grew up and what her pre-dnd campaign life was like that resulted in me making a whole new note page of characters and concepts and plots for the actual location she's from which has been such a blast to imagine and slowly piece things together like a big ol puzzle so i would love to turn all of that into actual short stories with illustrations and stuff sometime soon too.....ANYWAYS!! to quote 90's jeff goldblum life uhhhh........finds a way
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madebycoffee · 2 years
Hello Coffee! I hope you're having a lovely weekend!
I'm excited to see your counter poses!! The ones with the kids and toddlers look so cute!! There's a serious lack of cute and "normal" kids/toddler poses. (like, for example, the stealing the cookies thing) All your poses are amazing, and I can't wait to see the final result!
Quick question: Are you still working on your WW animations, or have those been put on the back burner? How are they going? Animating looks so hard!
Also, just a Thought (not a real suggestion, more of a prompt, if it catches your fancy. if not, no problem!) - have you ever considered making some couple poses for a bathtub or hot tub? I know some exist, but just thought I'd float the idea anyways.
Ooh, or what about some poses for a hammock? (again, just a prompt, feel free to ignore these.)
Have a lovely weekend!
my weekend is about to get amazing b/c im like an hour and a half away from ~poolfest~
i was gonna upload the counter poses before I left for said weekend, but I think I want to tweak them poses a little bit more, so they'll be coming sometime next week :3
as far as animations go im at a wall with them D: haven't even looked at any of the wips I started in months- and animating is sO hard because i am striving for a certain quality before I'd even bring the animations in game. gah... idk if animations will even be a thing I can accomplish this year but maybe i'll be motivated again some time soon D: D:
I actually am sitting on a decent chunk of bathtub/hot tub poses that I made for the gianlerette- so i shall be sure to sift through those this month and put together some posepacks to share :D hammocks idk. maybe one day.
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lostacelonnie · 23 days
My apologies for taking. So long to respond time literally slipped away from me. I simply thought school festivals were fake & made up. Can confirm snake bites are cool & i hope you can get them. My tattoo wasnt fully healed yet so its now mostly done & i have to return next month to finish it. For real it was raining here last week & now its like. Sunny & nice & im like. Pick a lane weather. The autism sure does affect. A whole lot & i wish it would like. Do less. Yeah sparkle like. Makes seele cracked. Or anyone really. Thanks! I havent maxed her talents yet but like. I now have all 3 versions of mei & am stoked. Robin actually sings during her ult ive heard which is cool as hell & i wanna try for her maybe? Still undecided but i know people who want boothill. The triple su drops gave me basically nothing for archeron & i am. Salty. I need to build pela & welt but also i have. So little time. Adventurine is actually a solid shielder but like. Idk. I dont have clara on main so im uncertain on his usage when i have so many others to work on. & genshin is taking my time more for arlecchino funds. I wish the game was that nice to me for clara i even have her light cone but not her. Best part of archeron in sim universe easy. Skipping so much bullshit. I finally was able to get ratio up to clear swarm & do gold & gears which i enjoy way more. Ah yeah that is her best set from what ive heard & both of them seem to hate giving me good pieces for her. So im operating on a weird mix until i get good stuff. Scuffed but works. Have you heard her line for joining a team with black swan yet? Ive uh. Been on a trinity of genshin star rail & ai the somnium files trying to like. Actually beat games in my backlog. Bartender event was so fun im glad they are doin solid on the events like the potion makin event for genshin was pretty good. Sorry for throwin off the equilibrium immediately its been. A time.
HI I AM ALSO VERY VERY SORRY...... i was in croatia for 2 weeks + school Got Me..... i am back though. AND YEAH REAL AS HELL i like unironically thought that was something made up for television. but it Is really great that they exist irl. tons tons tons of fun to work on it and then see the result hehehehe...... and thankies!!!!! i will defo in the future. and hey its been around a month so!!!! hows your tattoo!!!!!! also if i may ask what is it Of...... AND REAL LIKE. make up your damn mind. today especially was a weird day cos its cloudy but SO hot out. and godddd yeah. me when the neurodivergence makes my neurons divergent. but at least i get back on my meds Soon...... hopefully....... i have an appointment at least. and oh nice!!!! i am unfortunately seeleless but maybe i will get sparkle......... one day......... saving for firefly right now tho. shes so cool i love her. AND ALSO ISNT IS SOOO COOL THAT SHE IS ACTUALLY CANONICALLY MEI. its so cool its so cool. scratched my brain just right. tho i actually havent finished the trailblaze mission yet bc i failed the second dominicus fight JSHD. cos of the forced tb in the party. hell on penacony. and yeah she does!!!!! also how did your pulls go??? good luck if you havent gotten her yet. i wanted boothill before i found out that firefly is right next patch so. Rerun perhaps. AND YEAH SAME like. What was even the point. i need to get my bailu built better first tho..... Augh. one must imagine star rail players happy. I NEED TO BUILD PELA TOOOOOO and im unfortunately weltless But im planning to get him from the 300 on standard since i still havent hit that. somehow. and ahhhh yeah thats fair, tbf my clara team is just pulled together by. March 7th. but she does her damn job so who am i to complain!! and oh good luck with arlecchino!!!! i cant play genshin anymore, fortunately or not, but i Did get back into arknights recently so. theres that. and auugh i have the same with gepard [yes lightcone, no him]. AND YEAH SHE REALLY DOES MAKE SU EASY. god i love her. and hey congrats!!! yeah i like g&g more as well even if it does not like me. but ah what can you do....... also running chars on scuffed gear is just like. A canon experience i feel. and Yes i have......... augh. and ooh nice!!!! havent heard of the third one i think?? and yeah bartender event Was a lot of fun. also DONT WORRY AB IT as you can see. am Very Late as well.
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spoopywhiskers · 2 months
Boi don't let me fall asleep during a snapcube persona 3 stream i got into some weird dreamception shit
I was the mc makoto (sadly not the pastrami variant) and we were sitting at a lunch table in a corridor wating for them to announce the exam results and then akihiko is like you guys we found fukka and places her like a stray kitten by the scruff at the spare seat and were all like yooo yoo hi fuuka and all handshake and great her like it totally not japan
And as soon i shake her hand the social link pops up and makoto flavoured me is like out loud to fuuka "tf thats not supposed to happen yet" and she just telepathicalluly goes to me "tee hee dw i read your mind and knew you wanted to minmax your social links mr wildcard so id thought you get started early"
So we keep waiting and we end up waiting so long that i fall aleep in dream and suddely im still makto but in a dream dreaming as him dreaming of being stuck in this mcdonals "MEGA BALPIT PLAYPLEX" but
everythings in the style of the persona 3 menus and lavenza is there in a mcdonals employee uniform for some fucking reason and shes like "tee hee the only way to get down without jumping is thought the TUBE SLIDE MAZE OF LOST SOULS and i look over the edge and like theres a good like 3-4 story diving board fall into an outside ballpit next to the burger ordering place and im like "hehahhahaha NAHHHH IM NOT DOIN THAT"
so i have to make my way down through the maze and the whole time im so consious that all the faceless little kids are looking at me like why is this big guy here and whys he keep getting lost the idiot and the whole time ynknow when your consious of your dreaming and you can still feel your body irl, it was like that but the body i was feeling was my first layer dream self as makoto under the fucking lunch table snoring like some cartoon charater
Anyway i eventually find a velvet room door in the maze and have to fuse a few specific personas correctly to proceed and igor(who is dressed as a clown) is like "ok bro you can wake up now." So i wake up back to the first layer of my dream cause yukari woke me up and i was liek "wait tf did i miss the results" and so i go see and turns out i was DOCKED A POINT FOR FALLING ASLEEP DURING THE RESULTS CEREMOMY and im like "WHAT TF YUKARI WHY DIDNT YOU WAKE ME UP" and shes like "awww i couldn't you looked so peacefull comedically passed out under the lunch table like that,i couldn't bring myself to wake you, plus youve been like not sleeping properly cause you've been up grinding tartarus the past week" and im just as makoto going "YUKARI THATS NOT HOW IT WORKS! YUKARI THEY DOCKED ME A POINT CAUSE I FEEL ASLEEP! YUKARI THEY LOCKED ME IN THE FUCKING MCDONALS PLAYPEN FROM HELL YUKARI WHY DIDNT YOU SAVE ME!!!!"
and then i wake up for real just as penny ends steam and my half asleep brain is so sad that it doent actually happen like that in game ...
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onlyjaeyun · 4 months
i will actually beat the shit out of fuma i thought he was decent?????? but at the end of the day he’s still a man so i should’ve known🥲 WHAT A WAY TO START OFF THIS ASK LMAO HI ZADIE BABY 🎀💫!!!!
no cause i totally see where riki is coming from and although he crossed the line by beating the guy up, he’s still young and literally JUST had that encounter with his mom so he’s got a lot of pent up anger, my poor baby :((( he deserves a happy story the way ch!sunghoon and ch!yn do too🥺🥺 currently preparing myself for this next angst wave bc omg is fuma finally leaving the picture which means more character development for hoon & yn???👀👀👀
anyway baby i’m feeling much better today!! slept a bit more throughout the day so hoping for a full recovery soon🤞🏻💞 my cousin and i got an email back from the apartment complex we applied to, and we got approved!!!!! our move in date is this weekend, but i’m going to spend a couple more days to rest and hopefully start packing and moving things slowly next week!!
also im sorry your cake didn’t turn out the way you wanted to :(( baking is hard!! but i’m sure the next time your results will be even better than the previous one! take care of yourself my love!!! ilysm mwah💋✨💞
- 💌
hi my sweetest love 🥺 firstly i'm really happy to hear that you're feeling better and have decided to rest a little more, you really do deserve and need this so pls make sure to get whatever your body needs!🥺💗 and congratulations on the new apartment, so so so excited for you to start this new chapter!🥺💗
onto CH: i'm honestly so glsd we all understood how and why riki reacted the way he did and why he said that bc i was lowkey scared y'all would hate him too much 😭 don't worry tho, i will have him make up for this very soon! and dont worry!!!! fuma's not a bad guy at all, there's just been a bit of backstabbing and exaggerating from that freshman's side to annoy riki!!!! he's a good guy but this was needed for the upcoming plot!💗🤪
thank you so much for this, honestly i'm so tired and have just noticed how mentally exhausted i am bc pf work and uni and all of that, can't wait for exam season to be over tbh 😭
sending you the biggest kiss baby, i love you 🥺💗🎀
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thoughtcock · 1 year
in a better place
for once I’m coming on here because I’m not feeling devastatingly sad or anything. in fact, things are actually turning around, and change is to come soon. i am intimidated but also excited for whats to come, shedding old things that are not the best for me.
its funny how all these changes happening to me aren’t a result of me trying hard or being desperate like how i was in the past. things just somehow fell on my lap.
i guess its true when they say the universe will work its magic, all i have to do is just be patient and tide over things.
i’m getting a new job, that actually pays well and with good benefits and management (hopefully). this wasn’t easy. i broke down so many times at my current and soon-to-be-old job, felt so lost esepcially in the first half of my employment. i rage-applied for jobs a couple of times because i was so Over It, and some even tried to poach me. but somehow nothing works out or i just couldnt find it in me to take on the next job, because despite all the shit here, i still had room for learning and growth. i enjoyed my beat after a transfer.
and now this new job just lands on my lap just like that. all it took was a recruiter and weeks later, i’m actually quitting my job and embarking on a new journey!!!!! i think my time in my current job has truly run its place now, and no amount of advantages can keep me in anymore. i wasn’t the most valued in the work place (seriously, who gives promotions without a pay raise?) and im just tired that this management can suck so much out of me and my colleagues.
a new change is coming.
and now the thought of having more money, means i can actually think of renting a better home, having more fun money to do things and save/invest more (which i have been neglecting because i’ve just been pretty fuck it the last year). its pretty insane because i never envisioned myself to be part of this company, but somehow they saw potential in me lol.
also, dating wasn’t part of the plans after i told myself i was ok with being alone and quit the apps. somehow this colleague who has been in my sight (because of work) but never in my mind for the longest time, just got closer with me and here we are. definitely not the most ideal way to start dating because this industry is so small and i do know his ex longer than him... but after a very dramatic start with so much tension, everything has dissolved into this nice stability i like. granted this is yet another situationship, i know.... but im just gonna let this relationship tide however it likes. im mentally prepared for its ending, but im also a little optimistic perhaps it could be something good. after all, the present has been good. he has been nothing but caring, funny, sweet, accepting and cute to me. 
again, this situation landed on me just like that. but things are nice so far. this transition of change actually feels nice because u try to think the best of your upcoming future, while knowing full well that u are waving goodbye to all the situations u should have let go of long ago. maybe there might be more things to let go of in the future, but this means more doors wil open for better things to come.
and i will try to be patient through it all.
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