juniperarts · 9 months
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An unlikely duo 🌑☀️
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honeymilkbubbletea · 2 months
ProwlerPunk was nice, but what about... GoldenProwler? (Does this ship even have a name???)
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I mean, Miles has two hands for a reson 🤷‍♀️
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sillyboyisntcorporated · 11 months
art trade with another twt mootie (@/petersoup_)
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art dump yayy
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Nuggetkit do you have parents?
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Yep! His parents are Goldenclaw and Tigerflower. Tiger is a stay at home dad and loves his kids while Golden is a fierce warrior and mentor of Ravenpaw (who later becomes the apprentice of Spottedleaf then Yellowfang). Goldenclaw rarely comes to the Nursery after Nugget!Bramble and Tawny were weaned from milk, she immediately went to her Warrior duties and patrols. The only reason Golden visits is due to Tigerflower repeatedly asking her and she caving in. She does love her kits in her... own way..
Blog information UNLOCKED! You can now ask Nuggetkit's parents and Tawny questions!
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jeebweezers · 10 months
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(watching the owl house) yeah this is cool but what if they were cats
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Practicing my new coloring style.
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stickstone · 10 months
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goreclan part two! second half of year one. and oh boy this was 6 moons full of romance
Roachstar - leader of GoreClan. bloodthirsty. has been made the mentor of her daughter, Wolfpaw, who she no longer dislikes! unfortunately Wolfpaw does not feel the same way
Daisyhollow - deputy of GoreClan. bloodthirsty. mentoring his son, Turtlepaw. he had a rough few moons, the man would not stop getting injured so Roachstar had to take over training for both of their kids
Cougardawn - medic of GoreClan. lonesome. due to Daisyhollow’s aforementioned constant injuries, as well as a few other cats who we’ll get to soon, poor Cougardawn has been overworked these past few moons. i imagine he is very tired. he wears laurel now, which i put around his wrist like a bracelet
Leafwhisker - warrior of GoreClan. fierce. in a shocking turn of events, Leafwhisker and Splashheart became mates. i drew them looking like a cute couple here but i checked their relationship right before i posted and turns out they hate each other so uh. impending divorce ig
Splashheart - warrior of GoreClan. bloodthirsty. got together with Leafwhisker and got into a whole bunch of fights with rogues. ended up gaining a scar from one of these fights
Weaselbloom - warrior of GoreClan. shameless. she’s a warrior now! and she immediately became extremely pathetic and rude. said something rude to Roachstar’s face. also tripped over a rock and sprained her ankle in front of Braveclaw, who she has a bit of a crush on
Braveclaw - warrior of GoreClan. charismatic. she also graduated! for some unknown reason she is captivated by Weaselbloom’s swagless look and cringefail demeanor, like she has a massive crush on her
Thymepaw - apprentice of GoreClan. fierce. got apprenticed to Weaselbloom. has been doing extremely well in training and seems to be gaining a lot of confidence and skill. started wearing a moth wing. has a crush on Wolfpaw
Bristlepaw - apprentice of GoreClan. adventurous. got apprenticed to Braveclaw. will not stop misbehaving and breaking the code. has hunted on another clans territory on literally every hunting patrol
Turtlepaw - apprentice of GoreClan. loving. :(. he loves his family members so so much but none of them like him in return :(
Wolfpaw - apprentice of GoreClan. loyal. dislikes everyone in the clan, especially Roachstar and Turtlepaw. the only one she seems to have a positive relationship with is Thymepaw, who she has a mutual crush on
Goldenclaw - elder of GoreClan. confident. being a silly old man still! go Goldenclaw go
Whisperingkit - kit of GoreClan. inquisitive. found by Leafwhisker and Splashheart on patrol, an abandoned kittypet kit with a spiked collar
really enjoying this honestly, fun little clan where everyone has some sort of drama at the moment
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candyskiez · 8 months
okay, someone's gotta make a list of all the spiderverse ship names. I don't know all of them so help me out here, but here's the ones I do know. these aren't me saying I ship them, or condone them! unfortunately there are some nasty ones here, so if you wanna filter them out make sure to do so. this is solely me trying to list every spiderverse ship name so people know what to filter in or out. this is a RESOURCE, nothing more.
gwen/miles: ghostflower, gwiles
gwen/42 miles: ghostprowler (sometimes used for 42 gwen/42 miles as well)
gwen/hobie: ghostpunk
miles/hobie: punkflower
earth fourty two miles/hobie: prowlerpunk, punkprowler
miles/pavitr: chaiflower, goldenflower
miles/margo: flowerbyte, cyberflower
hobie/pavitr: chaipunk, goldenpunk, pavpunk
gwen/pavitr: ghostchai, chaighost
peter b/miguel o'hara: spiderdads
peter b/miguel/MJ: spiderparents. sometimes people use it to include jessica as well.
jessica/miguel: fangbike, motorbite
miguel/spot: bagelbites
jessica/MJ/rio: spidermoms
doctor ock/spot: docspot
miguel/lyla: holofang
miguel/noir: noir99
miguel/lego peter: lego99
earth 42 miles/spider byte: prowlerbyte, clawcode
earth 42 miles/pavitr: goldenclaw
and the ones that I am once again lifting up a sign that says "I am not condoning, don't murder me" over:
miguel/miles: flowerfang, fangflower
miguel/gwen: ghostfang, migwen
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arson-09 · 2 months
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Day 5: Shapeshifter- Tam-cat🐈
i had bigger, cooler plans for this prompt but art block hit and i lost the ability to draw🧍🏻But heres Cat tamlin because why not (his warrior cat name would either be Goldenfur or goldenclaw. iykyk) as well as a small wormlin inspired by @/taymartiart 🪱 @tamlinweek
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nottherealajhq · 10 months
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GC: Ebonyfang, you don't have to do this. You've spent so long running from DarknessClan ever since Bloodstar banished you, but he's ready to accept you now...StarClan is ready to accept you now. If only you'd open up to me. We used to be so close, before you abandoned the Stars...I chose the path of the medicine cat to help lost warriors like you. Come with me, and I can help you now.
EF: ...
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EF: I'm not gay, Goldenclaw.
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(EBONYFANG leaves.)
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GC: *Sob*
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ashanimus · 8 months
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@polyhexian I do not have cats but please enjoy Goldenclaw and his kit ;3
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kittiwittebane · 10 months
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Warrior Cats / Huntlow crossover. Meet:
Goldenclaw and Bluebellwhisper
(Feel free to suggest different names, Willowheart was originally the name for her.)
What clans should they be from?? I’m thinking Willow is Shadow or Thunder and Hunter is Thunder or Wind.
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weavingthroughtales · 7 months
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The Gallery's theme had caught her eye even before she'd had a chance to take time to properly read the invitation. Seven Deadly Sins, an extragavant art gallery with an even more so after-party. Xinyi Goldenclaw was not one to shy away from large donations, especially to the arts, but how the invitation ended up in her sharp little claws was a mystery. Or perhaps not, depending on who you asked.
Dressed in luxurious fabrics and adorned in gold, Greed was to be her sin of choice, yet it would not be the room she would eventually spend the most time in later that night. Instead, Xinyi spent quite an amount of time admiring the artwork - one certain muse catching her eye. A dead body, at first nothing too shocking...yet the more she looked...the more she saw. Lipsticks stains on a white collar, strangulation marks around their neck. A wedding ring planted in perfect view on the bedside table. How fascinating, and a storyline she would have just let pass her - but Miss Ana'diel had quite the intuition, didn't she?
She'd spied a few faces she knew, one of which being her former 'Seer'. Quite the suprise, as she didn't think these sorts of things would attract Yan-Ya, but she had also noticed the Seer had company. Perhaps she wasn't just here on her own accord. Either way, the thought passed as her attention was directed elsewhere. The After Party.
Each room would be considered, Xinyi was nothing if not patient. At first, she found herself gravitating towards Greed - as her Sin would suggest, however she would overhear two elves (one questionable, at least), talking about Wrath and Envy. The female, black-haired and wearing a dress that gave incredibly very little left to the imagination (Lust, Xinyi guessed) yet still managing to be formally appropriate, had mentioned something about a 'rage room' in Wrath, and by the grin that spread across her company's face, and that little shiver she caught as he pulled the woman close into him...well. Xinyi could only gather that one of the more inappropriate areas would be their next destination. Lust, and Envy. Who was she to judge what enticed others? She certainly had many things that enticed her....
@vixannya / @straightouttatheashes / @disruptanddisturb for mentions ))
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sillyboyisntcorporated · 11 months
anyone want some goldenclaw? anyone?
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mistressofsha · 1 month
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In life, Suki Silentpaw had been deadly. From childhood, she'd been initiated into the Shado-Pan, and devoted her life to the order - becoming one of the fiercest Blackguards. Many enemies of Pandaria had been felled by her blade, and few times had she been bested herself. Xinyi had known her to be one of those that protected the Serpent's Spine. Suki's resolve was admirable. Even more so in death.
Xinyi had seen the old mark, burned forever into Suki's hand as she'd shed her gloves to reach for the tea that had been offered to her. A friendly gesture, one out of familiarity and nothing more. It didn't matter if the tea grew cold as it remained untouched.
Suki hadn't been hard to find, nor did she resist in being invited for an audience. Daiyu had commented on it being strange, but she didn't understand the threads that connected both Goldenclaw and Silentpaw. Xinyi surmised that Daiyu herself was suprised that the invite had been extended to her as well, expecting to be dismissed and taken her leave. But they all had history together, didn't they?
There was silence for awhile, each pandaren unsure of what to say to the other - well, except for Xinyi. She had plenty to ask, but remained quiet, merely observing the frost that lightly trailed in Suki's wake - dusting her furniture. Much like Yan-Ya with her stardust, although that just seemed to be a pleasantly aesthetic effect for the Seer. In Suki's case, it was just an indication to the nature that had been cast upon her now.
How interesting this meeting could be...
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nixalegos · 4 months
“Well…don’t you have quite the charming business card? I’ve been passed word to, and I extend an invitation to discuss a possible partnership.” - Xinyi Goldenclaw (@mistressofsha)
"Oh the cards an old trick. The charming bit is when you set it on fire." The hooded man said enigmatically as he took the offered seat across the booth from the pandaren. "You've my thanks for agreeing to meet in a public setting like this on such short notice." He said, letting one of his gauntleted arms rest upon the table itself, and the other under, likely resting on one of the various tools or contraptions the warlock had been adorned with. For a man who seemed eager for introductions, he seemed just as willing to turn to violence, his body language not dissimilarly wound like a spring. "I am unaware if our mutual contact went ahead and gave my name, as they did not yours. I am Lord Felscythe, Nethermancer. It is a pleasure." He said, a not dismissible tilt of his cowled visage given in their direction. "When I spoke to them of wanting to be made aware of more matters the world, I did not expect to be turned towards your direction. Pandaren I've crossed paths with usually dismiss a wider view, preferring to keep matters of business local."
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