#good omens Newton Pulsifer x male reader
toutallyahoe · 5 years
Awake ~ Newton Pulsifer (Good Omens)
Requested By: --
A/n: exams are a pain in the arse and i am still contemplating on selling what's left of my sanity to a demon for this very long ass project im doing for an adorable and sweet angel...
i am not even done half of it and yet, I'm dying... is this what feels like when the muses are being a bitch to you?
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Newton Pulsifer was a... sweet and caring man. Shy most times and is too awkward for his own good but he means well. He is a very caring person and would never even dare to hurt a fly.
An epitome of a sweetheart.
So, when he just wakes up abruptly one night without the sweet and loving embrace on his beloved's arms, he was worried.
Absolutely. Worried.
That night, the night where he just woken up from his slumber, it was oddly cold. Perhaps it was because the lack of warmth on the other side of the bed where he lay. Maybe it was because of the lack of where his beloved's loving embrace on his body, either way, the black haired man was shivering. Newton tiredly turned to look at his side, and to his utter disappointment, it was empty.... again.
A frown slowly formed onto his lips as he unconsciously placed a hand on where his beloved should've layed beside him. Turning his head to look at the nightstand placed beside their (moderately sized) bed, his frown deepen when he had saw the red glowing numbers of the alarm clock. The numbers displayed being: 03:23 a.m.
And those numbers really made the male saddened and worried for his beloved who he fully knows, despite his sleepy and hazy state, that the [Hair color] haired man was working.
Working... he was always working late for about a week now. Always staying up late, around three to five in the morning where Newton would often times catch him knocked up-- probably from over working himself-- in their kitchen table with papers of his files and the laptop still on, displaying the half finished report of his. It was worrying, that can be said and Newton had tried many times to convince his beloved to at least take a break and sleep but the [Hair color] haired man's answer were still the same:
"I'm fine, don't worry. I just need to finish this paperwork, love. I promise I'll get back to sleep soon," Newton often heard as he saw his beloved give him a tired smile then continuing back to his work. It was saddening as the black haired man loved the [Hair color] haired man who is slowly destroying himself from this horrid overworking, the man who had always been caring and supportive of him no matter what. The man who gave him the love he didn't experience much when he was young other than his mother because he was prone to be "bad luck" as what others had said behind his back to even his face.
Newton Pulsifer was worried for his [Hair color] haired lover who is probably still pushing himself on to finish whatever he was doing, knowing well that the man was exhausted to the bone.
Slowly, Newton had sat up from his laying position and rubbed his eyes, blinking whatever sleep left and then grabbing his glasses on the nightstand and then putting them on. Vision cleared, he briefly looked at the clock again and then a sigh left his lips. The black haired man do miss his beloved's embrace and just basically the man to lay beside him again, not overworking himself where Newton swear that if he continues on, he would die from exhaustion.
Newton slowly stood up from his and his beloved's shared bed and then slowly walked towards the closed door where he opened and then went out. Making sure to close the bedroom door and then maneuvering himself to go to the small kitchen they had in their small home.
Another sigh left the black haired man's lips as he arrived at the kitchen. It was no surpise that he saw the kitchen's light was still on and that on the kitchen table were many papers sprawled on top on them, some crumbled to paper balls while others are actually slowly slipping to the kitchen floor. Newton frowned when he saw his [Hair color] haired beloved still typing on his laptop.
"Oh [Name]," Newton softly said as he slowly approached the said man who didn't even spare a glance at his direction as he was to absord with his work. It pained the black haired man dearly to see his beloved like this. Tired, exhausted, barely had any sleep and eating.
"[Name]?" The black haired man softly called out to his beloved who didn't seem to hear him. "[Name]?" He called again, calmly approaching the working male and then laying a hand on the [Hair color] haired man's shoulder when he was beside him, calling his name again but more loudly.
"[Name]?" The said man let out a soft curse left his lips when his lover had abruptly out of nowhere and layed a hand on his shoulder. Furrowing his eyebrows as he paused at his typing and looked at his black haired lover who was looking at him with worry in his blue colored eyes. Seeing Newton, the [Hair color] haired man let out a relieved sigh as he then sent a soft (and tired) smile to his black haired lover. "Newt? Hello love," [Name] had said as he saw Newton look at him, still worry plastered in his face which made [Name] frown a bit.
"Is something wrong?" He had asked as he felt Newton's grip on his shoulder tighten a bit then getting loosen again. Pushing his chair a bit and shifting to face his black haired lover more properly, not only his head looking at Newton, [Name] softly grabbed his lover's hand off his shoulder and squeezed it softly.
"Newt, is there something wrong my love?" He asked again as he continued on when he realized his black haired lover was awake. "And why are you awake at--" [Name] turn to look at his laptop's screen and saw the time, which made him frown. "--half pass three in the morning?" He had worriedly asked as he turned back to look at his lover and then squeezed Newton's hand again.
"[Name]..." Newton softly called out his name as the black haired man continued. "Please... come back to bed and sleep," he had said and [Name] relaxed a bit as it was nothing major than his sweet lover worrying over him again. Although it calmed him down, it made the [Hair color] haired man frown a bit but he quickly wiped it off and replaced it with a smile. Softly squeezing his black haired lover's hand again then raising it to his lips where he softly placed a soft peck on the back of Newton's palm. "I will... soon," [Name] softly promised as he rubbed circles on the black haired man's back palm with his thumb.
His answer though did not satisfy Newton as the black haired man frowned. And it didn't go unnoticed by the [Hair color] haired man who softly let out a sigh and stood up from his seat and let go of Newton's hand to place both of his arms around the black haired man's body. "I will get to bed soon, my love," he softly muttered to his black haired lover's ear as he felt Newton wrapped his owns arms around his torso tightly.
"I just need to finish thi--" to the [Hair color] haired man's shock and surprise, his sweet and normally quiet and shy lover had pushed away from his embrace and shouted, "No!" very loudly. [Name] was surprised to look at Newton to see the black haired man was giving him a glare and it would have made the [Hair color] haired man a bit hurt if it wasn't for the tears that were threateningly falling diwn his lover's face. "Newt?" [Name] softly called out his lover's name but the said man merely shake his head and was still giving him a glare.
"N-no! You are going to stop working! And come with me to our shared bed an... a-and... and you are going to sleep!" The black haired man had said as he grabbed the [Hair color] haired man's shirt to make his beloved know he was serious and maybe trying to be more threatening... but unfortunately for him, he wasn't neither scary nor threatening at all, especially when he was near the verge of tears and that his beloved fully knows well he can't cause that much harm than what he wanted too.
But despite that, Newton still gripped tightly on his [Hair color] haired beloved's shirt as he continued to glare at him. "Y-you are going to sleep, [Name]," Newton had angrily said as his voice cracked when he had said his beloved's name. "Please..." The black haired man had softly muttered, voice cracking again as he finally can't hold the frustrated tears from falling. A soft cry left his lips as he pressed himself to his beloved, hiding himself from the [Hair color] haired man's chest to not let his beloved see his cries.
"Please..." He softly cried out to his lover as he continued on. "Y-you've been working... w-working non-stop and it's... i-it's... I... I-I miss you..." Newton had cried as [Name] had softly rubbed his back and tighen his embrace on the black haired man.
Newton crying, it made [Name] heart ache. He adored this black haired man dearly and he always wanted happiness for his lover. So, for him to be the cause of his lover's sadness, the one to cause his Newton to shed tears, it absolutely broke him.
It was like he was now finally awake from a dark slumber. He was finally awake from the cause he is effecting to his dear lover from his working...
[Name] softly whispered soft nothings to Newton's ear as he tried to calm the black haired man down. "Shh, I will love," [Name] softly muttered to Newton as he rubbed his lover's back. He didn't pay mind the wetness he felt on his shirt as his lover was his priority right now. "I'll go back to sleep now," he assured as he listened to his lover's soft cries for him to sleep and just how Newton misses him. Each cries left the black haired man's lips made his heart ache as he continued to calm Newton down.
"Please stop crying my love," he softly said as he slowly unwrapped his arms off his crying lover's body and then slowly gabbing Newton's face to make the male turn and looked at him. His [Eye color] eyes soften at seeing his black haired lover as he then softly took Newton's glasses off the crying man's face and then placing it to the table. Turning back to his lover as he placed his hands back to each side of the black haired man's face and gently wiped the tears that fell down Newton's eyes with his thumb.
"Oh Newt," [Name] softly said as he finally saw his lover slowly stopped crying and was instead was now just hiccuping some incoherent mumbles. "Newt, my love?" He softly called out to his lover. "Please look at me, love," [Name] had softly said as Newton didn't respond to him.
"Look at me, my love... please?" [Name] said again and this time, his lover finally looked at him.
Newton's expression still made [Name]'s heart clenched as he leaned to his lover closer and then placing a soft kiss on the black haired man's lips. It was delicate, soft and full of longing. Longing for the other because it was already so long they had each other.
Newton didn't wasted to kiss back with equal passion. Although he was shy and don't know how to handle affection well, no matter how much loving his [Hair color] haired beloved is. But right now, Newton was tired, frustrated and worried for [Name] that his shyness was overcame with his frustrations and passion for him.
Newton closed his eyes like [Name] had did as the latter was affectionately rubbing his cheek with his thumb. It was... it was what the two men longed for days now.
Finally, after a few more seconds of the two men kiss, they finally parted with soft pants left their lips. [Name] immediately made his black haired lover turn to look at him again as he caressed Newton's cheek, affectionately as he saw his lover lean to his touch.
"I love you," [Name] softly muttered to Newton as he leaned closer to the said man again and place a quick peck on the black haired man's lips. "I love you so, so much," he had said as he again kissed his lover. "I love you so much and I'm so sorry for causing you to worry, my love," he apologized as he kissed Newton again but this time, much more longer as the black haired man still had a tight grip on his shirt, like Newton was afraid he would let go, his beloved would disappear.
"I love you, my love," [Name] had breathlessly said as he parted from his lover's lips and gently placed his forehead on the black haired man's and then gazing lovingly on Newton's blue colored eyes. "I love you and I promise I'll never make you worry ever again," he said as he saw Newton's lips twitched into a smile.
Taking a step back, the [Hair color] haired man softly let go of his lover's face and had gently wrapped his hands on both Newton's hand to pry the man's tight grip on his shirt. As he finally pried off Newton's grip, he immediately raise his black haired lover's hand to his lips and place a soft kiss on the back palm of both Newton's hands and then looked at his lover with love in his tired [Eye color] eyes. Rubbing the back of the palms with his thumb.
"Let's get to bed now, love," he had said as he saw Newton nodded at his suggestion and squeezed his hand. "Yeah... let's," Newton softly said as he softly smiled at his beloved.
[Name] had finally stopped working for his lover. As the two men walked towards their bedroom, their hands were intertwined with each other.
The [Hair color] haired man had opened the door to their room as Newton went inside first as he was then, closing the door as he he walked towards his and his black haired lover's bed to lay beside each other and sleep. [Name] had gently let go of Newton's hand as the latter was the first to get onto their bed and lay while the other man then next. It didn't even took a second as when he layed beside his black haired lover, the man had already unconsciously pressed himself close to him.
The [Hair color] haired man's instantly had wrapoed his arms around Newton's body and brought the other closer towards him as he let a content sight leave his lips.
"I love you," [Name] softly muttered as he closed his eyes, opening his arms to welcome Hypnos' grip onto him.
"I love you too," Newton had said as look at [Name] for a few more sceonds. A small smile on his lips as he was happy and relieved that he finally had his lover beside him. Following [Name]'s footsteps, he too, like his beloved, welcome Hypnos' grip to consciousness.
The two men layed beside each other with peace in mind, knowing that Newton finally managed to make his beloved sleep and have the man back while [Name] being awake from him being blind to not see how he affected his lover from his overworking. The two layed peacefully with nothing to worry over now and it was perfect for the two...
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applepiewinchesters · 5 years
Lashing Out (Crowley x Reader)
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Requested by: Anonymous
Warnings: Fighting, Angst
 When you’d began dating Crowley, you knew it wouldn’t exactly be a normal relationship. He was demon for one, he could probably kill you with a snap of his fingers, and there was that whole snake thing.
Overall though, the relationship really wasn’t bad, he wasn’t exactly affectionate, you just attributed it to his demonic tendencies. He kissed you though, held your hand, but there wasn’t cuddling, not much hugging either, he was…distant.
You decided to confront him one afternoon, he was sitting at his throne, feet up on the table. Walking over you silently hopped up, sitting next to Crowley’s feet. Swinging your legs, you thought a moment, trying to find the right words.
“Need something, darling?” Crowley asked, looking over at you, interrupting your train of thought.
“Oh, yes, um, can we talk about something?” you asked.
Crowley raised an eyebrow at you, “Of course,” he told you, motioning for you to go on.
You didn’t really know how to start, you didn’t want this to turn into an argument.
So, you said, “I…well, you just…you’re distant with me Crowley,” you finally spat out.
“Distant?” Crowley asked, cocking his head to the side.
“Yes, our relationship…I know you love me, you tell me every day, and you hold my hand, take me out, normal stuff, but, it just seems like you don’t want to be intimate,” you said, cringing at your word usage.
“Intimate?” Crowley asked, chuckling a bit, “Like sex?”
You shook your head, “No, no, like…cuddling, hugging, telling me things that are bothering you, you know, normal couple stuff.”
Crowley took his feet off the table, sitting up straight in his chair, “We’re not a normal couple,” he told you.
“Obviously,” you said, crossing your arms, “but, you’re distant, I want to know why.”
The demon thought for a moment, looking down as he rubbed at the back of his neck, “T-There’s no reason love, just how I am I suppose.” He shrugged, still not looking at you.
“Bullshit,” you said, rolling your eyes.
Crowley’s head snapped up to look at you, he snorted, “You don’t know anything,” he said, sitting up straight again, crossing his own arms.
“Wow, thanks,” you spat, hopping down from the table. “You’re distant Crowley and you know it! You barely even touch me at times, and you never talk to me about things that I know are bothering you!”
“Nothing’s bothering me!” Crowley shouted back, standing up, his tall frame towering over you.
“I know about the apocalypse Crowley! Aziraphale told me!” you said, “I’m not stupid!”
Crowley turned, raking a hand through his hair, “That damn angel…,” he grumbled.
“Don’t go blaming Aziraphale for anything, he means well, and you know that,” you said sternly.
“He shouldn’t go sticking his nose in other people’s business!” Crowley yelled back.
“This isn’t about Aziraphale, this is about you!” you said, “Now tell me what’s wrong! I just want to help Crowley, please.”
Crowley shook his head, “Nothing can help me,” he muttered, turning away from you.
“That’s not true…,” you began, but Crowley cut you off.
“I’m a demon Y/N!” he shouted, “I’m not made to be loved or to love, I thought you’d figure that out by now!”
Crowley turned from you again and you sighed, reaching out to touch his arm, when you did though he turned, his face morphing into a mixture between a snake and something else horrible, along with that a horrendous screech left his mouth as well.
You were so shocked you fell back, tripping over your own feet and sending yourself tumbling to the ground, your head smacking against the cold, hard floor.
It was silent then between the two of you as you sat up, your hand gripping the back of your head as tears sprung to your eyes, a few already falling down your cheeks.
Crowley seemed to realize what he’d done, he kneeled down beside you, “Darling, I…” he started, but you shook your head, scooting away from him.
“G-Get away from me,” you whimpered, managing to scramble to your feet as you back away until your back hits the wall.
“Y/N, please, I-I’m so sorry,” Crowley spoke, walking towards you again.
You just shook your head, running off down the hall towards the bedroom, he heard you slam the door and lock it.
Crowley groaned, turning and shoving his throne, it clattered to the floor, the oriental headboard cracking in the process.
He was such an idiot, you’d never forgive him for this one, sure you’d fought before, but not like this, you were scared of him now, he’d really fucked up.
Crowley knew he was being distant, he knew he didn’t give you as much affection as he should, but to be honest, it scared him. He was worried something would happen to you, now that you were only days away from Armageddon.
Getting close to you meant caring, but it was honestly too late, he already did care about you. He loved you for heaven’s sake.
Some days he wanted nothing more than to pull you into his arms and never let go, to let you curl up beside him on the couch, kiss your face when you do that adorable thing and scrunch up your nose.
But he didn’t, he held back, but he knows now that that probably wasn’t the greatest way to handle it.
He paced the living room for a while, trying to figure out what to say, you were probably in the bedroom sobbing, worried he was going to come and eat you or something.
After about an hour or so, Crowley finally made his way to the bedroom, he tried the knob, surprised to find it unlocked now, maybe you weren’t that scared of him.
He quietly went in and found you curled up on the bed, knees to your chest and your face buried in your arms. You looked up though when you heard him approach the bed, sniffling and wiping at your eyes.
“Go away,” you said, voice raspy as you scooted farther away when he actually sat down on the bed.
“Y/N, just let me talk, alright? I won’t hurt you, I promise,” Crowley told you, you just nodded, turning your head away from him.
He sighed before beginning to speak, “I’m sorry I scared you, I never met to do that…I was angry but that’s no excuse,” he told you.
When you didn’t answer, he just kept going, “I love you, I really do, I’m sorry I’m so distant, the truth is…I…I’m scared to lose you, I’ve wanted to just hold you so many times, kiss you, just…I’m scared, I’m not used to feeling that way, and I’m not used to feeling…loved, either.”
Crowley really was scared, he was never scared, but the thought of losing you scared him more than anything. The whole being loved thing…that was another story.
“I could understand if you hate me, I am a demon after all,” he sighed, looking down and running a hand through his hair.
It was silent for a few moments before you surprised him by speaking up, “I don’t hate you Crowley.”
Crowley looked up again, “You don’t?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.
“No,” you said, laughing lightly, “you did scare me, I’ll admit that, but I knew you wouldn’t hurt me, you probably would have by now if you’d planned on it.”
“I’d never hurt you, I swear,” Crowley said.
You nodded, “I know, I believe I hurt myself though,” you said, reaching up to tenderly touch the back of your head.
Crowley sighed, “May I?” he asked, reaching out to you.
Nodding, you leaned forward a bit as he reached around your head, touching the spot on your head that was still throbbing in pain. In a few seconds the pain had subsided, you smiled.
“Thank you,” you told him.
Crowley smiled back, his fingers trailing from the back of your head to lightly brush against your cheek, you leaned into his touch.
“C’mere,” he said softly, reaching both his hands out to grab you, pulling you onto his lap.
You smiled, leaning your head onto his shoulder, “Going soft?” you joked, making Crowley laugh.
“Only for you,” Crowley said, leaning back into the pillows.
He had to admit, this whole cuddling thing was rather nice, and when you fell asleep in his arms, he didn’t dare move.
In the days after the fight, Crowley was much more affectionate, coming up behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist, resting his head on your shoulder. Randomly pressing kisses to your cheek, forehead, or lips.
Your favorite thing was cuddling with him on the couch the night after Armageddon was stopped, after being so worried about losing you, he didn’t even let you get up for a drink, miracling you a glass of water when you complained.
Affectionate Crowley was definitely new, but that wasn’t exactly a bad thing, only you knew how soft he’d gotten in the last few days.
And maybe Aziraphale, you might have told him. If you had told the angel, he definitely found it rather funny, sweet, but funny.
A/N: Hope you liked this one, sorry it took me so long to get through a lot of the angst requests! Requests are open again so feel free to request something! Love you all and thank you for reading! 
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turpentinie · 4 years
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writing requests, as well as headcanons, are now open! please send me an ask, which can be accompanied with a prompt ( i’ll share some later on ) or not, with a couple details of what you’d like! i’m usually pretty flexible when it comes to fairly detailed things, so don’t be shy to get specific. i do have a couple rules i need to go over first, though.
please don’t rush me. it’s pretty hard for me to focus on things often, so this may delay requests.
as i said before, it’s alright to get specific with requests. i’ll try my absolute best so oneshots and headcanons suit your needs!
please respect my boundaries and the ships, prompts, and themes i’ll do. i’m not comfortable with everything ( ships and themes are listed below, as well as the fandoms that the ships belong to respectively ).
i won’t do real people x reader ( e.g. michael reed x reader ).
themes i can do
platonic ships
soft angst/comfort
themes i won’t do
just anything smutty
beetlejuice the musical
adam maitland x barbara maitland
beetlejuice x female!, male!, or gender neutral! reader
lydia deetz x female! or gender neutral! reader
steam powered giraffe
the spine x female! or male! reader
rabbit x female! or gender neutral! reader
the jon x gender neutral! reader
my own oc’s, because i love those motherfuckers
cameron dakota o’reily x male! reader
morgan riley barnes x female! or male! reader
dorian archie hughes x female!, male!, or gender neutral! reader
phoenix abbadon x female!, male!, or gender neutral! reader
roxie adelaide bennett x female!, male!, or gender neutral! reader
good omens
aziraphale x crowley
anathema device x newton pulsifer
that’s about it! if there are any changes, i will update this post, and make a separate post to say it has been updated. ciao!
- rabbit <3
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toutallyahoe · 3 years
drabble dump pt6
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requested by: –
pairing(s): various x male reader
warnings: cursing, character death, hints of smut
a/n: guys i finally made a banner asdfghskdkhdhf im slowly making this prettier now adagdjskdjfnjdjhsjshdfjdkf pls someone be proud of me
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"kiss" — newton pulsifer (good omens)
Newton face flushed in embarrassment as he immediately tried to hide his face with his hands as he heard [Name] chuckle.
"Awe, come on dear," [Name] had said as he pulled Newton close to him as the other man tried to not shuffle more on his lap. "You're too cute to hide your face."
Newton felt his face heat up more on his lover's words. "Am... not... cute," he had said as [Name] gently took his hands away from hiding his face.
"Yeah, you are," [Name] chuckled as he placed a soft kiss on Newton's lips.
"pretty" — john marston (red dead redemption 2)
John face flushed as he turned the other way to avoid eye contact on the older outlaw that looked at him in amusement.
"What do we have here?" [Name] had asked sarcastically as he looked at John who was on the ground, tangled by his own rope.
"Shut up," John murmured in embarrassment.
"You know what, Johnny boy?" [Name] crouched down in front of John. "Yer pretty," he bluntly stated.
John looked at him in shock with his face flushed at those words. [Name] would usually insult him by now—
"Pretty fucking stupid, that is."
Ah... there it was.
"flirt" — shinsō hitoshi (boku no hero academia)
"Woah Hito-chan! Did you stayed up late at night thinking about me, because those eyebags says so!" Hitoshi rolled his eyes at [Name]'s comment as he heard the male then let out a boisterous laugh.
"Shut up idiot," Hitoshi had said as [Name] sat beside him and put an arm on his neck, the [Hair color] haired beaming him a smile.
"Awe, don't be like that Hito-chan!" [Name] sang as he peck Hitoshi's cheek and his smile widen when he saw Hitoshi looked away from him.
"Shut up you flirty idiot," Hitoshi grumbled but smiled at [Name].
"friends" — sniper / mundy (team fortress 2)
Sniper let out a pained grunt as his back slammed harshly on the wall. Glaring behind the orange tinted lens of his glasses, he saw the [Hair color] haired Agent clad in blue grinned at him.
"Hello there darling," Agent purred as Sniper glared at him.
"We'll get caught," The merc clad in red hissed as he saw the [Hair color] haired merc raised a brow at him.
"What do you mean, dear?" Agent said with false innocence as he leaned his face close to Sniper. "All I see is you and me being very, very close friends," Agent teased.
"thank you for the help" — tsukauchi naomasa (boku no hero academia)
"Thank you again for coming in on such short notice, [Last name]-san," said Naomasa as [Name] nodded.
"Don't mind," [Name] had nonchalantly said as he wave his hand in dismissal. "Happy to help as always," he chuckled, sending Naomasa a smile.
There was a calm silence between the two men, until Naomasa broke it.
"Say, [Last name]-san?" Naomasa said. "Would you perhaps accompany me for dinner?" A shy grin on his lips and pink on his cheeks as Naomasa continued. "For a... well, 'thank you for the help' dinner."
"Sure, why not?" [Name] shrugged, pink on his cheeks.
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applepiewinchesters · 5 years
Dancing with Myself (Crowley x Reader x Aziraphale)
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Requested by: @astrangefairy
Warnings: None, minimal editing
 Aziraphale and Crowley were going to be out most of the day, so you were put in charge of the bookshop, which means Aziraphale literally trusted you with his life.
You were instructed to touch nothing, but make sure that absolutely no one bought anything whatsoever. Seemed easy enough, to make sure no one bought anything, you ended up just closing the store for the day but stayed there just in case anything happened.
With nothing else to do you mainly just strolled around the shop, you had a game you liked to play. Find the oldest book in the shop. You’ve yet to find the actual oldest book, and Aziraphale refused to give you any hints to its whereabouts.
So far, the oldest book you’d found was from the Roman Empire, and it wasn’t really a book exactly, more like a stack of paper in writing you definitely couldn’t read.
While you studied the books, you’d put on a record, Queen’s Greatest Hits, obviously, it was the only record in the store that wasn’t classical music after all. Aziraphale’s taste in music wasn’t awful, but you definitely preferred Crowley’s.
You danced around the shelves, singing softly to yourself, the only thing you could hear was the music as you’d turned the volume all the way up.
It was rather fun, dancing in a store all by yourself, no one around to judge you. You screamed the lyrics, danced on the couch, and even did a little air guitar.
You didn’t even notice when the shop door had opened, or two voices calling your name, and you definitely didn’t hear footsteps coming towards you.
It wasn’t until you turned around in the midst of screaming the lyrics to “Somebody to Love”, that you finally noticed the demon and angel standing behind you.
Aziraphale’s face was bright red and you could tell he was definitely trying to hold back some laughter, Crowley on the other hand was nearly crying from laughing so hard.
With a snap of the angel’s fingers the music quieted, the only sound left was Crowley laughing. You could feel your face heating up as you crossed you arms, “H-How long have you been standing there?” you asked.
“Not long,” Aziraphale answered, while at the same time Crowley said through his laughter, “About ten minutes.”
Oh great, so that means they probably saw your dramatic rendition of “Save Me”.
“You could’ve let me know you were here,” you said, looking down sheepishly.
“You looked as if you were having too much fun to stop you, my dear,” Aziraphale told you, making you smile a bit.
Crowley finally composed himself, wiping at the tears under his eyes, “You’re definitely a better dancer than me,” he said.
You rolled your eyes, “I’m horrendous,” you said, laughing.
“Maybe,” Crowley told you, “but it was rather cute.”
You blushed once again, looking away. “No one came in Aziraphale, and I’ve yet to find the oldest book in the shop,” you said after a moment.
Aziraphale smiled, “Oh, I’m sure you’ll find it someday,” he said, “you’ve got forever to look.”
It was silent again, you were still embarrassed, even if they both found it “cute”.
“Well, I think we should start up the party again,” Crowley said, snapping his fingers, the music once again playing at full volume.
You laughed as Crowley held out his hand, when you grabbed it, he pulled you close, beginning to dance with you, it may not have been good dancing, but it was still fun.
Aziraphale got the wine and sat on the couch watching you two, that was, until you pulled him up to dance as well.
It was the most fun you’d had in a while, and you spent the rest of the night dancing to the same songs over and over again and all together you drank about six bottles of wine. That night was blurry, but it was still fun.
 A/N: Thank you so much for reading, I hope you liked it. As it says up top REQUESTS ARE OPEN AGAIN YAY!!! So feel free to send something in. I love you all! ~ Sara :)
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applepiewinchesters · 5 years
Prick (Crowley x Reader)
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Requested by: @trelaney
Warnings: Minimal editing, if you do find a noticeable error, please let me know and I’ll fix it!
 Crowley and Aziraphale first met you when you stumbled into the bookshop one afternoon. You fell in love with a first edition of a collection of Edgar Allan Poe’s stories, and for the first time ever, Aziraphale let you have it without much of a fuss. He wasn’t exactly a huge fan of the spooky tales anyways.
After that you came around more and more, you and Aziraphale would talk about books for hours while Crowley pouted in a corner of the shop, watching you two.
It’s not that you were a horrible inconvenience, it was the fact that Crowley had started falling for you. He loved your laugh, even when you snorted from laughing too hard, your smile could light up a room, and he could listen to you talk about books for hours, which he often did.
But you were human, you were going to die some day and Crowley wasn’t, you would grow old, your shiny hair would turn gray, and you would die. But Crowley would be remain here, only left with a memory.
Besides, you could do better right? A demon was more than likely below the standards of someone like you. Someone…sweet, kind, funny, and now best friends with an angel.
So, to deter any hint of affection, Crowley was rather rude to you. He ignored you when he could and when you two were forced together he mainly just made snide remarks, whether it be about the book you were currently reading and maybe something about your outfit.
He really never said anything nice to you, not even so much as a “hello” when you’d enter the shop.
You didn’t mind too much, you just figured it was in his nature, he was a demon after all. But unbeknownst to him, you’d fallen equally as hard for him as he did for you. Considering his attitude towards you though, it seemed him returning any affection was definitely out of the question.
Some of his remarks stung, but you tried to ignore them, even when he told you that you had the fashion sense of a blind spinster. Even when he told you your hair looked ratty, or your breath smelled, or that your taste in literature was horrendous.
Each comment you tried to ignore, but it was kind of hard when you hadn’t really done anything to him.
It hurt Crowley to see the pained look on your face whenever he’d say these things, but he figured it was better you hate him than discover how he really felt.
You usually came nearly every day now and when you didn’t show up as expected one afternoon, both the angel and the demon grew worried.
Eventually Aziraphale tried your cell phone and was rather concerned when your mother answered instead of you. She explained you’d gotten into an accident that morning, you were hit by a car when crossing the street and were currently in the hospital.
When Aziraphale hung up he turned to the demon lounging on the couch behind him, “Y/N’s in the hospital, they were in an accident this morning,” the angel explained.
Crowley felt a pang of worry in his chest and his head snapped up from the game he was playing on his phone, but he tried to keep his composure, “They’ll be fine,” he said as nonchalantly as he could, but the shakiness in his voice betrayed him.
“Crowley, my dear, I know you have feelings for Y/N, so I suggest we both go to the hospital. The next time Y/N might not be as lucky and you know that,” Aziraphale told the demon sternly.
While Crowley was a bit shocked at the demand he got up from his spot on the couch quickly, slipping the phone into his pocket.
“Alright, alright, let’s go,” Crowley said, grabbing his jacket and following the angel out the shop doors.
With Crowley driving they were there in five minutes flat and it only took another two minutes to find your room. You were asleep and your mother was gone, she must’ve been downstairs getting food.
“I’ll go find us some coffee,” Aziraphale said and left the room before Crowley could protest.
Crowley was left alone with you then, and he sighed, running a hand through his hair. You looked so small and broken in that hospital bed and it bothered him more than he cared to admit. Your face was covered in small cuts and bruises and your arm was in a sling, you really did get lucky this time.
Walking over to your bed, Crowley quietly took the seat beside your bed, leaning back as he watched you sleep.
His eyes widened when you began to stir in your sleep and he silently begged for you to stay sleeping but your eyes eventually fluttered open and you blinked a few times, adjusting to the light before you focused on Crowley.
“What are you doing here?” you asked, your voice raspy.
“Um, angel dragged me along, he’s getting coffee,” Crowley explained, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.
“Where’s my mum?” you asked, looking around the room.
“Downstairs, getting food, relax,” Crowley said, sounding a bit harsher than he meant to.
You sighed and nodded, turning your head away from him, he mentally slapped himself for being so rude, you were in the hospital for Satan’s sake.
“Uh…. Y/N?” Crowley asked, his voice softer now.
“Hm?” you asked, turning to face him again, surprised at his tone.
“I…I’m glad you’re alright, you had me and angel worried when you didn’t show up today,” Crowley said.
You scoffed, “Yeah, I’m sure you were so worried,” you said, sarcasm obvious in your tone.
Crowley frowned, “Why is that so hard to believe?” he asked you.
“Oh, I don’t know,” you said harshly “maybe it’s all the mean things you’ve said to me, or just the overall being rude to me for absolutely no reason.”
Crowley hung his head in shame, “I know I’ve been mean to you…” he started, but you cut him off.
“Mean would be an understatement, you’ve been absolutely horrid to me since the day we met, what did I ever do to you Crowley?!” you shouted.
Crowley hissed, standing up from his seat quickly, startling you a bit, “What did you do?!” he asked, just as loud as you were, “You came into Aziraphale’s shop with your stupid smile and your laugh and your love for books and you’re so goddamn nice to everyone. You’re everything that I could never be, and I know you could never love someone like me but I’m in love with you and it makes me so fucking angry!”
You were both shocked then, you definitely more than Crowley, who was breathing hard as he recovered from his rant, he was practically shaking with adrenaline and fear. God knows what you thought of him now.
It took a few more moments before you found your voice again, “Y-You love me?” you asked, your voice significantly quieter than before.
“Yes!” Crowley said exasperatedly as he plopped down into the chair beside your bed again, his long limbs sprawling out everywhere.
You surprised him though when you started giggling, covering your mouth to try and stop yourself, that only made Crowley feel worse.
When he got up to leave, his face growing redder by the minute, you grabbed his hand, stopping him, “I’m not laughing at you Crowley,” you said, managing to subside your laughter.
“Then why are you laughing?” he asked, throwing his hands up in the air.
“Because…I love you too,” you admitted, looking up at the demon who was now frozen in his place.
“You’re just saying that,” Crowley said, pulling his hand away from yours.
“No, I’m not, even though you were a prick to me, I still fell for you, now maybe that says something about my morals but that’s a completely different story. Right now, I’m telling you I love you, so deal with it,” you said sternly.
Crowley couldn’t help the smile that grew on his face, he leaned down, pressing a gentle kiss to your cheek, careful of the cuts and bruises there.
“I still think your taste in books is rubbish,” he told you when he pulled away. You laughed and slapped his arm playfully, making the demon laugh as well.
Aziraphale had seen the entire exchange from the doorway and silently thanked whoever was listening for you two finally admitting your feelings for each other.
The tension was killing him, but now he’d have to deal with a different type of tension.
A/N: Thank you so much for reading and I’m gonna try and post more than one request per day, again, I’m sorry it’s taking me so long to write these, since school started I haven’t had a ton of time and I’m honestly still struggling with my mental health. But I’m not leaving you guys I could never do that. Thank you for all the love you give me, love you all! ~ Sara :)
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applepiewinchesters · 5 years
You’re a Police Officer (Crowley x Reader x Aziraphale Headcannons)
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Requested by: Anonymous
Warnings: None
 ·         Crowley and Aziraphale had met you when you were attempting to place a ticket on the Bentley, which was parked illegally near St. James Park
·         Crowley was stubborn, but you were more stubborn, you argued with him for about twenty minutes before he finally just took the ticket and sped off, but not before Aziraphale apologized for him
·         That was years ago, you were a detective now, one of the best in London, although your colleagues wouldn’t always agree with that one
·         You were kind when you needed to be, especially with the cases involving kids, but you were a bad ass when needed as well
·         You took any case, especially the ones people thought were nearly impossible
·         It’s earned you a reputation with other officers, and the occasional criminal as well
·         Crowley and Aziraphale both knew you could handle yourself, but that never stopped them from tracking down the pricks who threatened you and giving them a good scare
·         There was one case where you nearly got shot, Crowley had tracked down the bastard in less than an hour and dragged him to the station, but not after roughing him up a bit of course
·         The angel and demon truly admired you, you were great at what you do, and you knew it, but you were humble
·         All you really wanted to do was help people, so when you did that, that was the only reward you needed
·         You took some cases to heart though, when you couldn’t solve them, when you got to a victim too late, and of course, the kids that disappeared without a trace
·         When you had a bad day Crowley and Aziraphale would head to your flat with your favorite take out and watch movies on Netflix with you until you felt better
·         After Aziraphale and Crowley admitted to you that they’d lost the Antichrist and really had no way of finding him, you were able to track the kid down in less than a day.
·         You got the address, the name, hell, even the kid’s shoe size
·         You really were that good
·         Although they explicitly asked you not to, you even helped stop the Apocalypse-That-Never-Was
·         You argued with soldiers, pulled your gun on Death himself, and even stood up to Gabriel, he was a prick, you didn’t take kindly to pricks
·         You all helped each other out when needed, and you’d never admit it, but you were really thankful for the help sometimes. You didn’t know where you’d be without your demon and your angel
A/N: Hope you enjoyed these! Thank you so much for reading and for all the love! Requests will be open again! Love you all! ~ Sara :)
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applepiewinchesters · 5 years
The Nanny (Crowley x Reader)
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Requested by: Anonymous
Warnings: None
 When you’d first heard about Crowley and Aziraphale’s idea to go undercover and help raise Warlock, you thought maybe it wouldn’t be that bad of an idea.
Crowley could do secret service, Aziraphale maybe working as the cook, you could be the nanny possibly, but when they explained who they were going undercover as, you nearly hacked up a lung from laughing so hard.
Aziraphale as the gardener, that wasn’t too hard to imagine, definitely not too far of a reach. You were going to be Warlock’s tutor, at least he was currently only five, just basic things needed to be learned. But Crowley as the nanny? The fucking nanny?
Now that was going to be a sight to behold. He may be your boyfriend of a few years, but out of all the things he’s done, he has definitely never dressed up as a woman to take care of the Antichrist.
“It’s not that funny,” Crowley said, trying to defend himself as you were trying to catch your breath from laughing on the couch.
You giggled, wiping a tear from your eye and took a few deep breaths, composing yourself, “It is love, it really is, you’re…you’re going to dress up as an old woman and be a nanny Crowley?” you asked.
The demon standing before you shrugged, looking away.
“You don’t even like kids,” you reasoned.
“It’s the Antichrist, couldn’t be too bad,” Crowley said nonchalantly.
You smiled and shook your head, standing up and walking over to Crowley, wrapping your arms around his waist. “You know, there’s probably better ways to do this,” you suggested.
“Already made up my mind,” Crowley spoke, still looking away from you, although his hands had moved to your waist.
“So stubborn,” you sighed, reaching up to tuck a bit of Crowley’s long hair behind his ear.
He turned to face you, smiling a bit, “It’s one of my specialties,” he said, making you laugh.
“Just be careful alright? I know you want to help stop Armageddon and all, but just…don’t be too obvious,” you told him.
Crowley leaned down, pecking your lips softly, “I’m always careful love, besides, nannying can’t be too dangerous” he told you.
“Surrreee,” you said sarcastically, pulling away from him and sitting back down on the couch.
The demon huffed but sat down beside you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders, you leaned into him. You just hoped this plan wasn’t as ridiculous as it sounded.
At least you didn’t have to dress up, being a plain old human and all.
A week later, you sat on Crowley’s bed, running your hand over the silk sheets absentmindedly while you waited for your boyfriend to emerge from the bathroom, he wanted to show you his nanny outfit.
“Promise you won’t laugh?!” Crowley called from the bathroom.
You giggled softly, “I’ll try my best!” you called back.
Looking up when the bathroom door open, your eyes widened and you immediately snorted, covering your mouth.
He looked…. hilarious. Crowley was wearing an all-black dress, save the little red ribbon around his neck. He looked like a gothic Mary Poppins. Even had the hat and the umbrella.
You didn’t speak, too afraid you would just burst into laughter.
“What do you think?” he asked, holding out his arms.
You shook your head as a loud laugh left your lips, you quickly buried you face in your hands, trying to hide your wide smile.
“Come on, it’s not that funny,” Crowley groaned.
You continued laughing as you got off the bed, circling your boyfriend and taking in the entirety of the outfit. “Y-You look great babe, but I am definitely not kissing you when you look like that,” you said.
“Why not?” Crowley asked, pouting.
“It would be like kissing my grandmother, speaking of, you need one more thing,” you said, hurrying into the bathroom and grabbing your makeup bag from counter.
“Sit down,” you instructed, and Crowley did as told, taking off his sunglasses as he sat down on the bed, looking up at you.
“Close your eyes,” you told him as you pulled out an eye shadow pallet.
Again, Crowley did as instructed and you got to work, brushing on some eye shadow on his eyes, adding mascara after blending the natural colored eye shadow.  
You next pulled your favorite lipstick color from the makeup bag, holding your boyfriend’s chin as you very carefully spread the light red color onto his lips.
“Alright, done,” you said, wiping off a tiny imperfection and recapping the lipstick, dropping it into the bag.
Crowley followed you into the bathroom to look at your work, he barked out a laugh when he saw himself.
“See, you look hilarious,” you told him.
“Thanks for your help sweetheart,” he told you, leaning down and pressing a kiss to your cheek.
You shuddered and wiped off the lipstick smudge, “Alright, we better get going, don’t want to be late to little Warlock’s lesson,” you said, going back into the bedroom and gathering up the books and study supplies you’d bought, throwing them into the tote bag on the bed.
Hopefully this went well.
It did go rather well in fact, weeks later and everything was going fine, you still weren’t exactly used to Crowley being dressed as a woman, or, as he was known to the Dowling’s, Nanny Ashtoreth.
You were playing the part of “her” granddaughter, happily helping little Warlock with his ABC’s and 123’s. He really was a sweet kid, was this really the one that was supposed to bring on the end times?
One afternoon you were in the kitchen with Warlock making lunch, he was sitting at the table, quietly singing to himself as he colored.
You were cutting the crust off his peanut butter sandwich, and you looked up when you heard the sound of heels against linoleum. It was Crowley, or rather, your grandmother.
“Afternoon,” you said politely.
Warlock looked up from his picture, smiling widely, “Nanny!” he said happily, jumping off his seat and running to Crowley, wrapping his small arms around Crowley’s legs.
Crowley hugged back, “Good afternoon to you too dear,” he said in his sweet old lady voice.
You giggled at the sight, it was rather cute, although very weird at the same time. “Come on Warlock, lunch time,” you said as the little guy ran back over to the table.
After you set his sandwich down in front of him you leaned against the counter, Crowley moving to stand beside you.
“How much longer do we have to do this?” you whispered, watching Warlock as he ate.
“Maybe another week and we should be fine,” Crowley whispered back, reaching between the two of you to grab your hand, giving it a small squeeze.
“Warlock will miss you, he tells me about all the songs you sing for him at night and the stories you tell,” you said.
Crowley chuckled softly, “He’s a cute kid,” he said, shrugging a bit.
You smirked, “Going soft?” you asked, laughing a bit.
“Never,” Crowley shot back almost immediately.
Laughing, you rolled your eyes, patting his shoulder as you began walking away, “Whatever you say nanny,” you told him.
A/N: I loved this request so much, shout out to whoever sent it in! Thank you so much for reading, I hope you loved it. Also, thank you for all the love! Requests should be open again soon! Love you all! ~ Sara :)
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applepiewinchesters · 5 years
Lucky Ones (Crowley x Reader)
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Requested by: Anonymous
Inspired by the song “Lucky Ones” by Lana Del Rey
 Everybody told me love was blind
Then I saw your face and you blew my mind
Finally, you and me are the lucky ones this time
 Crowley never really believed in love, he knew it existed, he’s seen it happen with plenty of people. But with him…never.
He’s never loved anyone, and as far as he knew, nobody has felt that way about him either. Sure, he had Aziraphale, his best friend, but it’s not like the angel could love him. Why would he?
This was his life for 6,000 years, that is, until you stumbled into the bookshop one day to escape the down pour outside.
You were soaking wet and Aziraphale, being the angel that he is, let you stay inside and warm up until the rain stopped. Crowley watched you from across the room as you dried your hair with a towel the angel had given you.
When you caught Crowley staring he’d quickly looked away, you were rather beautiful he had to admit, even soaked to the bone from the rain. Your wet hair hung in your face as you sat on the couch, shivering a bit.
After you’d left later that afternoon, Crowley always wished you would come back, he’d look up whenever the front door opened, and Aziraphale seemed to be rather clueless to why he was hanging around there more often.
It was weeks later before you finally came back, with treats this time, as a thank you.
Aziraphale was in love, you’d brought some of the best homemade brownies he’d ever had, even Crowley had one, they were really good.
After that, you stopped by at least once a week, it had become a routine. Eventually you came by more and more, each time you’d drift towards the demon lounging on the couch.
Aziraphale noticed the two of you growing rather close, so he kept his distance, watching you both from behind one of the shelves.
You’d laugh at all of Crowley’s jokes, putting your hand on his arm as you did. He would listen to you talk about your day while looking at you with the most admiration Aziraphale had ever seen in his eyes.
When you two finally got together after about a year or so of pining, Aziraphale was relieved, he definitely couldn’t take anymore pining.
Crowley on the other hand couldn’t believe his luck, he’d found someone that actually liked him, and not just liked him, but loved him.
He spoiled you, he’d never had anyone to spoil, he’d take you to dinner at least three nights a week, buy you something new every week, from clothing to jewelry to books. You didn’t need any of it, but whenever you protested, Crowley just shook his head, kissing you, “I’ve got to make up for lost time,” he’d say.
You absolutely loved being with him as well, he was kind to you, funny, not to mention incredibly attractive, you had no idea how you’d managed to snag him.
One of your favorite things about Crowley was how touchy he could be, he was always touching you. An arm around your shoulders, holding your hand as you walked down the street, and always holding you in his arms as he slept.
The poor man was touch-starved, but it’s not like you minded the affection. You always gave as much affection back as well, kissing his cheek while you sat next to him, hugging him from behind when he stood at the stove cooking, a hobby of his you’d learned about early on. Your favorite thing to do was cuddle with him on the couch, his head on your chest as you messed with his hair.
His favorite thing you would do was when you’d just lie there on the bed beside him, lightly tracing the lines of his face, he’d squirm when you would trace the snake tattoo just in front of his ear, but grumble and pout if you stopped.
He was eternally grateful for everything, you were his world, and he couldn’t ask for anything better. You both felt as if you were the luckiest people on earth, both finally finding the one.
A/N: Thank you so much for all the requests I’ve just gotten, I promise I will get to each and every one of them, you are all honestly too kind haha. Feel free to request something but I believe I’ll have to close the requests again soon as they are once again piling up. Thank you though for all the love. Love you all! ~ Sara :) 
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applepiewinchesters · 5 years
Crowley and Aziraphale as Dads (Headcannons)
Requested by: @sdavid09
Warnings: None
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·         When he first found out you were pregnant, he was really rather shocked, he didn’t know that that could happen between a human and an angel, he also worried the baby would be too powerful
·         But the birth was perfect, no problems what so ever, your little bundle of joy was a girl, and you’d named her Anathema, whom, after all, did help you stop the end of the world. You used Annie for short.
·         Aziraphale was what one would refer to as a helicopter parent, constantly watching over Annie.
·         When she was an infant, you’d often find him in her room during the night, watching over her as she slept, she really did have a guardian angel.
·         When Annie learned to crawl, Aziraphale followed her everywhere, and he nearly fainted when she finally learned to walk, he’d found her at the top of the stairs one afternoon.
·         Aziraphale tried to keep your daughter away from “Uncle Crowley’s” influences, but more than once she came home from his flat blurting out a new curse word
·         He really was a good dad though, read her a story every night, answered her every question, and even told her all about heaven and the angels, which she begged to go and visit
·         When you’d had a son a few years after Annie was born, Aziraphale was ecstatic, little Samuel, or Sammy as you so affectionately called him, was the son he’d always hoped for.
·         As Sammy grew older Aziraphale made sure to make as much time for him as he did with Annie, he and Samuel would go for walks in the park and feed the ducks, and when he came home, he’d have a tea party with Annie
·         You really couldn’t ask for a better man, well, angel, to be the father of your children.
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·         Crowley wasn’t all too excited about the prospect of children, he was honestly terrified they’d be like him, evil and demonic, but when your little angel, Eli, was born, he was exactly like you, only with Crowley’s flaming red hair
·         Crowley was a rather nervous father, he was worried to hold the baby, Eli was so small it was scary, he was always worried about whether you had enough supplies, the house was constantly stocked with diapers, wipes, hell, even clothes
·         He was a good dad though, always making sure his little man was happy, Eli was definitely a daddy’s boy, always crawling into bed beside Crowley when he got older and learned to climb out of the crib, which definitely scared the shit of the two of you
·         Eli got a big boy bed a few weeks later, custom made to be in the shape of Crowley’s Bentley, a racecar bed, only better, as Crowley put it
·         As Eli grew older, he wanted to be just like his dad, he even took to yelling at the plants, which, in his small voice, was rather comical, you and Crowley would be hiding around the corner, cracking up on the floor as Eli yelled at the fern to GROW BETTER!
·         Eli was your only child, so he was definitely spoiled by Crowley, all the toys, clothes, shoes, and of course, candy, the little guy could want.
·         You drew the line though when Crowley wanted to buy him a python, maybe when he was older
·         Eli pouted until his father morphed into a snake himself, slithering around the boy who only giggled
·         Crowley might have been unsure at first, but he was an absolutely amazing father, he’d never admit it, but he’d definitely grown a little soft for the boy
  A/N: Sorry it’s not a fic but I thought this would work better as headcannons! I hope you liked them! Thank you so much for reading and I love you all! ~ Sara :)
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applepiewinchesters · 5 years
Cuddling with Crowley (Headcannons)
A/N: So, I got a whole bunch of cuddling with Crowley requests that I sort of just compiled them all into a big headcannon, hope you don’t mind! Also, I’m so sorry but I’ve got to close the requests again, I just opened them up and already have about 15 of them once again, not that I don’t love writing for you, but I can get burnt out at times. I’m really sorry but they should open up again later this week, hopefully in just a few days.
Requested by: Anonymous, @astrangefairy and Anonymous
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 ·         It honestly surprised you to discover when you started dating Crowley that he was most definitely a cuddler, could be all those 6,000 he didn’t have anyone
·         The man was definitely touch-starved, the first time you’d held his face in your hands to kiss him he practically melted into your touch, and the first time you cuddled, he was the closest to heaven he’d been in a while
·         Cuddling including his wings was probably one of your favorites, especially in the winter.
·         His wings were incredibly warm and soft, not to mention they very easily blocked out stray morning light, or afternoon if you were just napping, which you two did often. Aziraphale had told you about his 70-year nap he’d taken, which was honestly rather insane to you, but at the same time, nap goals.
·         Another great thing, which was surprising, is when Crowley transformed into a snake and curled up with you, sometimes it was on your lap, other times wrapped around your body, or even tangled around your legs, his head resting on your stomach.
·         He especially loved when you wore the black silk nightgown he’d gotten you, it was soft and smooth, two things snakes rather adored
·         Sometimes he’d even just slither up your body while you stood at the stove making dinner or baking, and he’d hang there around your neck like a big, scaly scarf
·         Another thing Crowley liked to do was pull you onto his lap when he was sitting down, you could be sitting on the couch, hanging out at your flat, or even sitting in Aziraphale’s bookshop
·         He’d grab your hand as you walked past, tugging softly and giving you a sweet smile he knew you couldn’t resist
·         So, you’d sit, wrapping your arms around his neck, sometimes giving him a few kisses, this made Aziraphale blush quite a few times, if only he knew what happened at home
·         When Crowley would sit you down on his lap while he was sitting in his throne, you often sat there for an hour or more, it was his thinking spot, and he liked running his fingers through your hair or having you trace patterns on his chest while he thought
·         It was comforting, but often you got bored and began pressing kisses to his neck and the exposed skin on his chest, and well, that led to other things besides cuddling
·         Whenever Crowley had a bad day he would find you and pull you to the couch if that wasn’t where you were already sitting and plop down on top of you, resting his head on your chest and would often fall asleep, especially if you played with his hair
·         He was also arguably the best cuddler you’ve ever met, his long limbs tangled with yours and he was always warm, must be a side effect of being a demon
·         Cuddling with Crowley was definitely one of your favorite activities
   A/N: Once again, hope you don’t mind that I compiled all these requests together, I thought it would be a good headcannon! Thank you so much for reading and I’m so sorry I had to close requests again, it was just beginning to pile up, which I never really expect to be honest haha. I love you all and requests will be open again soon! ~ Sara :) 
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applepiewinchesters · 5 years
Found Out (Aziraphale x Reader)
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Requested by: Anonymous
You hadn’t been with Aziraphale long, but it’s probably been the best relationship you’ve ever had. He was kind, sweet, actually cared about your well-being and feelings, and he could make the best cup of hot cocoa you’ve ever had.
Overall, it was a great relationship you two had, you’ve became quite close, and you even helped him and Crowley, along with four kids, a witch finder, a psychic, a witch, a really bad computer engineer, and a dog, save the world from the end times.
All was going great, that was, until the angels Gabriel and Uriel showed up at the bookshop one afternoon when Aziraphale was out.
“Haven’t you caused enough trouble?” you asked the two, glaring at them as you tried to focus on organizing a few books on the shelf. You weren’t really scared of them, they were just a couple of douchebags.
“It’s you causing the trouble now, little human,” Uriel spoke.
“What could I possibly have done to anger heaven?” you asked, rolling your eyes and crossing your arms, staring down the two angels.
“We know about your relationship with Aziraphale, it’s forbidden, so, you’re coming with us,” Gabriel said, giving you a rather fake smile.
“You can go to hell,” you said venomously, turning to grab a book on the table behind you.
Before you could react, your arms were pulled behind your back and a rag was pressed to your mouth roughly, within seconds, the world went black.
When Aziraphale returned to the bookshop and found you no where in sight, he started panicking a bit. He looked up in his flat, in the shop next door, and he called your cell phone, it rang in your purse that was hanging on a hook by the door.
So, he called Crowley then. “Angel,” the demon said when he answered.
“Is Y/N with you by any chance?” Aziraphale asked quickly.
“Uh, no, no she’s not,” Crowley spoke, obviously confused.
“I can’t find her anywhere, I left the bookshop for an hour and now she’s gone,” the angel said, pacing the room as he spoke.
“Maybe she just went out, I’m sure she’ll be back,” Crowley said casually, he definitely wasn’t as worried as Aziraphale.
“She didn’t take anything if she did, her purse is here, her phone…. what if something’s happened?” Aziraphale asked, he could feel nervousness building inside him.
Had someone hurt you? Taken you? Killed you?
A sudden realization hit him like a train in that moment, there was only one group of people, celestial beings rather, that would ever want to hurt you in anyway.
It was just a hunch, but it was probably the best hunch he had. “Meet me at St. James,” he told Crowley, “Now.” With that he hung up and grabbed his coat, hurrying out of the bookshop.
When you woke again, everything surrounding you was, bright, too bright, it hurt your eyes and you had to blink a few times to get them adjusted to the sudden brightness.
You managed to register you were tied to a chair, your arms and legs restrained. The room you were in was huge, white, and most of the walls were made of windows.
Standing in front of you was Gabriel, Uriel, and two other angels you recognized to be Michael and Sandalphon.
“Aw, looks like our little human is awake,” Uriel said, obvious disdain in their voice.
“W-Where am I?” you asked, still a bit dizzy from whatever they’d done to you.
“Drugged you, brought you to heaven,” Michael spoke up.
You glared at them, “Why am I here?” you asked, trying to pull at the restraints.
“Your execution of course,” Gabriel said, “can’t have our Aziraphale distracted from heaven’s plan.”
“You promised to leave him alone after his own failed execution!” you argued.
You all thought that was the last of the angels and demons you’d see for a while, Crowley and Aziraphale switching bodies was probably the most genius thing they’d ever come up with, there was no way the angels, or demons, had figured it out already.
“We lied,” Gabriel chuckled, shrugging.
“You can’t execute me! I haven’t done anything wrong!” you argued, pulling at the restraints again.
“We’re teaching Aziraphale a lesson, no fraternizing with the humans, one of his rules for living down on earth,” Michael said.
“That’s not true!” you yelled, you were panicking a bit now. Aziraphale wasn’t here, he had no idea you were in heaven, what if he didn’t come in time? What if he didn’t come at all?
“Have the sword?” Gabriel asked, turning to Michael.
“Of course,” Michael said, a sword appeared out of thin air suddenly, Aziraphale’s flaming sword to be exact, how ironic.
“Untie her,” Gabriel said, Uriel came forward, easily undoing the ropes around your wrists and angels.
“Stand,” Uriel told you, you did as you were told, following Uriel forward as they walked.
“You can’t kill me,” you tried to reason, “Aziraphale will find out who did it, he’ll come for you.”
“That sack of fudge?” Gabriel said, laughing as he spoke, “I’d be more worried about a small dog attacking me.”
You glared at Gabriel as you were pushed to your knees by Sandalphon, Michael stepped forward, sword in hand.
“Any last words?” Gabriel asked you, smirking.
“Not for you, douchebags,” you spoke, trying to be brave. You couldn’t show how truly terrified you were, you were probably going to hell, these angels definitely didn’t want you here in heaven.
As Michael lifted the sword you closed your eyes, not wanting to see it coming, it was better not to know.
Just as Michael was about to bring down the sword, a voice echoed throughout the room, “STOP!”
Your eyes snapped open and you turned, smiling as you saw Aziraphale standing there.
“Ah, Aziraphale, just in time to see your human die,” Michael said, smiling.
“No one is dying today,” Aziraphale said, “except you, if you do not let her go.”
With a snap of Aziraphale’s fingers, fire grew from his fingertips, you could feel the heat from your spot on the ground.
“You’re familiar with the damage hell fire can cause an angel, correct?” Aziraphale asked, smirking.
His eyes met yours for a second, and you swore they flashed yellow, you smirked.
“Y-You really are a monster,” Sandalphon spoke, backing up.
“Now, I suggest you let Y/N go and not go against the agreement we’d made a few weeks ago,” Aziraphale spoke.
The angels just nodded, shock and fear on each of their faces, it made you want to laugh.
“Come here, darling,” Aziraphale told you, smiling as he held out his hand.
You reached up and he pulled you to your feet, keeping your hand in his. “If these bastards are smart,” Aziraphale said, giving the other angels a pointed look, “they’ll leave you alone from now on. Come along.”
Following Aziraphale out of the room and to the rather long, shining escalator that led back to earth, you watched as he snapped his fingers once again, the flames going out.
When you stepped onto the escalator and were out of earshot of the other angels, you started giggling, “Well played,” you said, smirking, “Crowley.”
“Oh, it was nothing, Aziraphale called me, he was worried, always willing to help out a friend,” Aziraphale (Crowley) shrugged.
You laughed and shook your head, “I didn’t think I was getting out of that one,” you admitted, crossing your arms over your chest.
“Well, good thing your angel is so smart, this was his idea,” Crowley said.
You smiled, “I’ll definitely have to show him my appreciation for this then.”
Crowley shuddered, “Don’t need to know all the details,” he said, making you laugh.
“Where is he?” you asked.
“Bookshop, once we get downstairs, I’ll miracle us home,” Crowley said, you nodded.
The rest of the ride down was silent, you were still a bit shaken, adrenaline still pumping through your veins, but right now, you were alive, and that’s all the mattered.
When you finally got down, Crowley grabbed your hand, and with a quick snap of his fingers, you were back in the book shop, Aziraphale, well, sort of Aziraphale, stood from the chair he was sitting in the moment he spotted you.
“Oh, thank heavens,” he said, smiling at the sight of you.
“Before we continue with this, can we please switch back?” Crowley asked, holding out his hand.
Aziraphale nodded and you watched as they switched back, taking the other’s place. You smiled at Aziraphale, who was once again his normal self.
“I’m so glad you’re alright,” he said, reaching out and pulling you into a hug.
You hugged him back tightly, burying your face into his shoulder, you thought you were never going to see him again.
“This is really sweet, but I’m going to go, you’re welcome,” Crowley spoke, you heard the door of the bookshop open and close and you giggled.
“He’s still not comfortable with affection I suppose,” you said, Aziraphale smiled and shook his head.
“Probably never will be,” he said, leaning down and pressing a kiss to your lips.
When he pulled away, you smiled, reaching up to adjust the angel’s bow tie, “I heard that this was all your idea,” you told Aziraphale.
He smiled, looking down sheepishly, “I had to save you some how my dear,” he told you, taking your hands in his, bringing one up to his lips, kissing your knuckles softly.
“You’re too good to me,” you said.
“That’s my job,” Aziraphale told you.
The rest of the day was spent cuddling on the couch and reading, Aziraphale even made your favorite for dinner. He didn’t even let you out of his sight for an entire week after.
You’d never admit it, but you loved how protective your angel was, even if he was a bit overbearing at times.
A/N: Hi friends! I hope you loved this one aaannnddd ALSO MY REQUESTS ARE OPEN AGAIN SO PLEASE FEEL FREE TO REQUEST SOMETHING, I LOVE WRITING FOR YOU ALL! Thank you so much for reading, love you guys! ~ Sara :)
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applepiewinchesters · 5 years
Four Times Aziraphale Wanted to Kiss You, And the Time he Finally Did (Aziraphale x Angel!Reader)
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Requested by: Anonymous
Warnings: Maybe Angst, Fluffiness although that’s not really a warning
 The first time Aziraphale wanted to kiss you was seeing you for the first time after the garden.
You were dressed in a long, flowing white dress and had come to stand beside him as you watched the animals being loaded into Noah’s ark. You were stunning, your hair in curls down your back, a popular style of the time. Just…stunning.
“Good to see you again, my dear,” Aziraphale said to you.
You smiled, “You as well, Aziraphale, I just wish it was during better circumstances” you told him.
Before Aziraphale could answer, you turned when you felt a tap on your shoulder, turning to see the demon, Crawley, standing beside you.
“Oh, hello again,” you said, giving the demon a polite nod.
Aziraphale silently cursed for the interruption, not that he wasn’t just slightly happy to see Crawley, he was a rather interesting companion.
“So, giving the mortals a flaming sword, how did that work out for you?” Crawley asked, looking over to Aziraphale.
“The Almighty has never actually mentioned it again,” Aziraphale spoke.
“Most likely a good thing,” you added, the demon and angel beside you both nodded.
“What’s all this about?” Crawley asked, motioning towards the large boat in front of you all, “Build a big boat and fill it with a traveling zoo? From what I hear, God’s a bit tetchy.”
“Wiping out the human race,” Aziraphale said, lowering his voice, “Big storm.”
“All of them?” Crawley asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Just the locals,” Aziraphale told him.
“I don’t believe the Almighty is upset with the Chinese,” you said, “Or the Native Americans. Or the Australians.”
“Yet,” Crawley said, shrugging.
“And God’s not actually going to wipe out all the locals,” Aziraphale spoke, “I mean, Noah, up there, his family, and his sons, their wives, they’re all going to be fine.”
“But they’re drowning everyone else?” Crawley asked, looking around, “Not the kids? You can’t kill kids.”
You and Aziraphale both just nodded, a bit uncomfortable at the realization. “Well, that’s more the kind of thing you’d expect my lot to do,” Crawley said.
“Yes, but when it’s done, the Almighty’s going to put up a new thing called a rainbow, as a promise not to drown everyone again,” said Aziraphale.
“How kind,” Crawley said sarcastically, you sort of agreed with him, you weren’t as…devoted to the ineffable plan as Aziraphale was.
“You can’t judge the Almighty Crawley,” Aziraphale argued, “God’s plans are…”
Crawley cut him off, “Are you going to say “ineffable?” he asked.
“Possibly,” Aziraphale said, making you giggle softly, the sound was music to his ears.
That was the first time Aziraphale wanted to kiss you.
The second time Aziraphale wanted to kiss you was when you met Shakespeare, you looked beautiful in your long, red velvet gown, your hair still long and flowing down your back, but Crawley, well, Crowley now, interrupted you once again.
Not to mention Shakespeare kept flirting with you for lack of a better word, reciting some of his new work to you as you giggled.
“Jealous?” Crowley asked, leaning over to Aziraphale, watching as you blushed at whatever Shakespeare was telling you.
“I-I have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about,” Aziraphale said, turning his gaze away from you to Crowley.
Crowley raised an eyebrow, “I’m not stupid Aziraphale, I can see the way you look at her, just get on with it already, it’s been a few thousand years after all.”
Aziraphale shook his head, “I can’t, she’s too…her, and I’m too me,” he said.
“Would you like me to tell her then?” Crowley asked, smirking.
Aziraphale nearly felt his heart jump out of his chest as he quickly shook his head, “No, no, please,” he said, making the demon chuckle.
“I’m only joking,” Crowley spoke, “but I would definitely snatch her up before someone like Casanova over there does.”
Aziraphale sighed, “I’ll tell her, at the right time,” he said, although he himself had no idea when that would be.
The third time Aziraphale wanted to kiss you was in 1941 in London when you both thought you were going to be rather inconveniently discorporated by a couple of scumbag Nazis.
You were pretty bad ass that day, talking back to Nazis and all, he himself wasn’t exactly that brave.
Both of you were relieved when Crowley strolled in, well, more like interpretive danced into the room, given the consecrated ground and all.
“Crowley, what are you doing here?” you asked, crossing your arms.
“Coming to save you two! Can’t have you getting into trouble,” he spoke, still doing his little dance, it was rather comical.
“We were doing just fine Crowley,” Aziraphale spoke.
“Ah, Anthony J. Crowley, your fame precedes you,” one of the Nazi’s spoke.
“Anthony?” Aziraphale questioned, looking to Crowley.
“You don’t like it?” he asked.
“No, I didn’t say that, I’ll get used to it,” Aziraphale said.
“The famous Mr. Crowley,? That’s such a pity you must all die,” the Nazi woman spoke.
“What does the J stand for?” you asked, raising an eyebrow at the demon, who shrugged.
“It’s just a J really,” he said, looking off to the side, “Look at that! A whole font full of holy water, doesn’t even have any guards.”
“Enough babbling!” one Nazi yelled, “Kill them all.”
After Crowley rerouted that bomb and Aziraphale saved you all from being discorporated, you were covered in soot from the destroyed church rubble now surrounding you.
Aziraphale came over to you, taking a handkerchief out of his jacket, “Here you are my dear,” he told you, smiling.
You smiled back, “Oh, thank you,” you said, using the cloth to wipe the soot off your face, you handed it back after you were done.
“Missed a spot,” Aziraphale said, reaching out and wiping a bit of soot off your cheek, you could feel your face heat up when you looked down sheepishly.
Aziraphale wanted nothing more than to feel that heat against his lips, but he didn’t, not that time at least.
The fourth time Aziraphale wanted to kiss you was shortly after you started helping him at his bookshop. You spent hours organizing books with him, finding just the right spots for everything.
He’d accumulated quite a collection over the years, and while he had no trouble organizing things, he was also happy to have some help, especially when it came from you.
After a really long day you’d even go out and buy dinner and pastries to eat together at small table by the window. It was one of his favorite things that came with you helping in the shop.
Another was when you’d bring him tea when you noticed he has having a particularly hard time organizing or trying to interpret some old language no one knew anymore.  
You were incredibly kind, but truly brave when you needed to be, it was something he loved about you. Also, you were different than most angels, sometimes going against protocol for the greater good of those surrounding you, not just heaven.
Aziraphale especially loved watching how careful you were with the books, carefully placing each of them on a shelf, especially if they were very old.
You were the only one he’s found to appreciate books as much as he did, and as he watched you, he wondered what your reaction would be from just a small kiss of appreciation.
Aziraphale shook these thoughts from his mind though, still not the right time he’d decided.
The fifth time Aziraphale wanted, and did, finally, kiss you, was when he came back to the bookshop after switching places with Crowley to help the other survive their punishments for stopping the apocalypse. You’d been spared for some reason, probably since Gabriel only had some weird thing against Aziraphale.
But the look on your face when he walked through the doors of the bookshop was so full of happiness and love that he knew this had to be the right time.
You’d run up to him and hugged him tightly, burying your face into his shoulder, “I’m so glad you’re alright,” you mumbled into his jacket.
Aziraphale smiled, wrapping his own arms around you, holding you close, “I could never leave you behind, love,” he told you, making you blush as you pulled away slightly from the hug, his hands still resting on your waist.
“My dear,” he started, “forgive me if this is completely inappropriate but…”
You’d cut him off, smashing your lips against his. He was quite shocked to say the least, but soon melted into the kiss, pulling you closer to him. You tasted just as sweet as he’d imagined, and your lips were incredibly soft.
When you pulled away, you giggled at how red Aziraphale’s face had gotten, “I’d been waiting to do that for about six thousand years,” you admitted, “I could see you did too, and I figured it was now or never.”
Aziraphale smiled, leaning down to press another gentle kiss to your lips, “That is just what I was thinking,” he told you.
When you’d both told Crowley you were officially together about a week later, he nearly burst with relief, “Finally!” he shouted, “I don’t think I could take another six thousand years of the sexual tension.”
Aziraphale had choked at his tea at that comment, while you on the other hand just laughed.
A/N: This took me a few hours to write, I kept getting stuck haha, but I hope you loved it! Thank you so much for reading and all the love! Requests will be open again either later this week or next week! Love you all! ~ Sara :)
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applepiewinchesters · 5 years
Feeling the Love (Aziraphale x Reader)
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Requested by: @trelaney
 Aziraphale started feeling love roll off you in waves about a year after meeting you, and it was only whenever you were near him, it would hit him like a ton of bricks, you felt absolutely elated when you were around him.
He found it rather endearing, but he never said anything, no matter how much love was flowing around you, he never spoke up. Your friendship was too dear to him to ruin with assumptions.
You could just love being around him, you weren’t necessarily in love with the angel.
It had been bothering Aziraphale for a while, so, while out to dinner with Crowley at the Ritz, he brought it up.
“Crowley, could I talk to you about something?” he asked, “Something serious?”
Crowley sipped his champagne, eyeing the angel before taking the glass away from his lips, “This wouldn’t have anything to do with Y/N, would it?” the demon asked, smirking.
Aziraphale’s eyes widened, “H-How did you know?” he asked, face turning a bit red with embarrassment. Was it that obvious?
Crowley chuckled, “Aziraphale, you look at her with the most love I’ve seen in your eyes.”
“I do?” Aziraphale asked, face getting redder by the second.
“Obviously,” Crowley spoke, “she likes you as well, she’s told me,” he added, sipping his champagne again.
“R-Really?” the angel asked, eyes widening once again.
The demon nodded, “I had this same conversation with her about two weeks ago, angel,” he said.
“Well, I suppose there is a reason I can feel so much love coming from her then, “Aziraphale said, smiling softly.
“I’d say go for it, considering you both feel the same way, “Crowley said, shrugging.
Aziraphale agreed, you were stopping by the bookshop tomorrow, he’d tell you then.
When you did come to the bookshop the next afternoon, Aziraphale smiled when he felt the same feeling of love rolling off of you.
“My dear, could I talk to you about something?” he asked after you’d taken off your coat and hung it on the coat rack.
“Of course!” you told him, giving him a wide smile as he led you over to the couch where you both sat.
Aziraphale seemed to be trying to find the right words to say as you both sat in silence, you reached up, taking one of his hands in yours, giving it a reassuring squeeze.
This seemed to boost his confidence a bit, so he began to speak, “I have been wanting to talk to you about this for a while. For quite some time now I’ve felt a rather large amount of love surrounding you whenever you are near me. I-I just wanted to know if…”
You cut him off though with a soft kiss to his lips, making the angel’s eyes widen and his body freeze in shock, after a moment though, he seemed to regain his senses and molded into the kiss.
When you pulled away about a minute later, giggling at how flushed the angel looked, “Crowley called me last night, he wanted to warn me about the talk I was going to be getting,” you giggled.
Aziraphale silently cursed the demon, but out loud he said, “So, you do feel the same way I feel for you?” he asked.
You nodded, “I thought it was obvious,” you admitted, shrugging
“I’m sorry it took me so long to say something,” Aziraphale told you.
You smiled and shook your head, “I wanted to let you do it on your own terms, I didn’t want to scare you away,” you said, giggling.
“I was afraid I would be doing the same,” the angel said, making you both laugh.
“Well, I’m glad we both finally owned up to our feelings,” you told him, Aziraphale nodded, reaching up to cup your cheek in his hand.
“May I kiss you again?” he asked, smiling.
You nodded, “My answer to that question will almost always be yes,” you said, leaning forward to kiss the angel again.
Crowley teased the two of you for weeks after that, playing “Can you Feel the Love Tonight?” whenever the both of you were in his Bentley, you found it funny, while Aziraphale just tried to hide the tomato color his face was turning. 
  A/N: Thank you so much for reading and for the request! I hope you loved it! Thank you also for the love I’ve been getting. Requests will be open again soon! Love you all! ~ Sara :)
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applepiewinchesters · 5 years
Devil’s Backbone: Part 2 (Crowley x Reader)
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Part 2 Requested by: @aquananner24
Warnings: Some Angst
Part One: Here
 Oh Lord, Oh Lord, what have I done?
I’ve fallen in love with a man on the run
Oh Lord, Oh Lord, I’m begging you please
Don’t take that sinner from me
 You’d been with Crowley about a year now, you couldn’t believe you’d been gone this long. You also couldn’t believe you’d managed to hide this from your family this long.
Every time you heard a knock on Crowley’s door you feared it was your family, they’d found you and had come to drag you back to the middle of fuck ass nowhere to marry a nice boy and become a baby factory.
You even had nightmares about, you’d wake up in a cold sweat, grasping at the black silk sheets beneath you. It took Crowley at least half an hour to calm you down every time.
Considering he’s seen how much you were scared of going back home, it was safe to say Crowley had formed a grudge against your family himself, even though he hasn’t even met them, and hopefully, never will.
You were curled up on the couch one afternoon, watching movies on Netflix when there was a knock at the door.
“I’ll get it,” you said, untangling yourself from Crowley’s limbs and heading towards the front door of the flat.
When you opened the door though, you felt as if time had stopped, your blood ran cold when you met the worried eyes of your mother, who was standing there along with your father and oldest brother.
“M-Mom?” you asked, unable to form a coherent sentence.
“Oh, sweetheart, you’re okay!” you mother said tearfully, wrapping her arms around you as she hugged you tight.
You didn’t hug her back, just gently pushed her off, “What are you doing here?” you asked, not really able to meet anyone’s gaze.
“Libby called us months ago saying she hasn’t heard for you!” your mother began, “We got here weeks ago to look for you, it took us so long but the door man at the front recognized your photo, we came to bring you home!”
Shaking your head, you backed away further into the flat, “I’m not coming home mom, I like it here,” you told her, making her elated expression fall.
Before your mom could speak again your father butted in, “Oh yes you are young lady, you’ve had us worried sick! We’ve been searching for you for months! It’s time to drop this little fantasy and come home!”
Your father always got mad easily, it was one of the reasons you’d wanted to leave home so badly, it was never physical, but the yelling…it was unbearable at times.
“No dad, I’m not, I’m staying with Crowley,” you spoke confidently. You had to stand up to them, no matter how afraid you were.
“Come on sis, just come home,” you brother tried, using a kinder tone than the one your father had.
“Crowley? Who the hell is that?!” your father asked angrily, his face getting redder by the minute.
“That’s me,” you heard the familiar voice behind you, smiling as his arms snaked around your waist and he pressed a kiss to your cheek, much to your family’s horror.
“You’ve been living with a man?” you mother asked, “You’re not married Y/N! I thought you knew better than this!”
“Crowley loves me for who I am! He isn’t expecting me to marry him and pop out six kids like you!” you argued.
“Just come home darling, please, we can fix this, God will still forgive you,” your mother tried to reason.
You snorted, shaking your head, “I’d rather burn in hell than go home with you,” you spat.
You heard Crowley let out a small chuckle behind you, his demeanor was calm, but with the grip he had on your waist, you could tell he was getting angrier by the minute.
“Don’t you dare talk to your mother that way! You’re coming home and that’s final!” you father yelled.
You stepped forward out of Crowley’s grip towards your father, “Fuck you!” you shouted back.
Raising his hand, your father was ready to smack you hard across the face, but Crowley strode forward, gripping your father’s arm so tightly he fell to his knees.
Calmly, Crowley leaned down so he was eye level with your father, he took off his sunglasses, revealing his bright yellow eyes, “If you ever raise your hand at your daughter or any woman again, I will personally rip your throat out,” the demon said, letting go of your father who scrambled away.
You smirked, it was nice to see your father actually scared of something instead of scaring others himself.
“W-What are you?” your mother asked, backing up into the hall as your father managed to get to his feet. Your brother just stood there, a look of absolute terror on his face.
Crowley reached over, wrapping an arm around your waist, “A demon who, according to your daughter, has shown her more love in just a year than you lot have shown her her entire life.”
“A demon? Y-You can’t be,” your father spoke.
“You believe in God don’t you sir?” Crowley asked, smirking.
“Of course,” your father said, trying to sound confident, his religion was the only thing he was actually confident in it seemed.
“Then why is my being a demon so hard for you to comprehend?” Crowley asked, “You seem like a smart enough man.”
“I-It’s just, shouldn’t you be in hell?” your brother asked then.
“Oh, I’ve been, didn’t really agree with me,” Crowley said, making you laugh softly, “I came up here to fuck your daughter instead.”
Your eyes widened as your family members spluttered to find the right words, “Now, I suggest you go home and pray to your God that I don’t decide to come find you, and if you ever contact Y/N again, I can promise you I won’t be as nice,” Crowley spoke.
“Y-You’re going to hell for this,” your mother told you, you shrugged.
“As I said mother, hell is better than going anywhere with you,” you said as you shoved your family out the door, slamming it and locking it behind them.
When you turned back towards Crowley, your slapped his chest lightly, “What was that for?” he asked, laughing a bit.
“You came up here to fuck me instead?!” you asked, not really able to hold back your own laughter.
“Well, it freaked them out didn’t it?” Crowley asked, laughing more as he spoke.
You shook your head, laughing, “I don’t think they’ll be coming back, thank you,” you said, wrapping your arms around Crowley and hugged him tightly.
Crowley smiled, leaning down to kiss your forehead, “Anything for you,” he said, pulling you back over to the couch in the living room and onto his lap once he sat down.
“What would the other demons say if they knew you’d grown soft for a human?” you joked, making Crowley smile and shake his head.
“Better not tell them love,” he said, leaning up and kissing you.
You might be going to hell, but if Crowley was there, it definitely wouldn’t be too bad.
A/N: Thank you so much for the idea for part two! I hope you loved it! Thank you so much for reading and for all the love you give me! Love you all! ~ Sara :)
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applepiewinchesters · 5 years
Falling (Crowley x Reader)
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Requested by: @aquananner24
Warnings: None
Prompt: Inspired by “Only The Good Die Young” by Billy Joel
 You didn't count on me When you were counting on your rosary
They say there's a heaven for those who will wait Some say it's better, but I say it ain't I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints The sinners are much more fun
 After growing up in a religious household, it was a rather huge surprise that you’d fallen for a demon.
You’d met Crowley after stumbling into Aziraphale’s book shop one day, while the angel would not let you buy any books, he said you were welcome anytime to come sit and read.
So, that became your routine for quite a few months, you’d come hang out with Aziraphale all day, drinking cocoa and talking about recent books you’ve read, he even let you help organize a few times.
Crowley was there often, at first he was rather apprehensive about sharing his angel with someone else, but you grew on him.
You were kind, and you didn’t scream or anything when you found out he was a demon, it was an accident anyway, you’d overheard a conversation he and Aziraphale were having and well, the cat was out of the bag.
After finding out this secret, you’d asked Aziraphale to tell you all about heaven and the angels, and after learning that some, well, quite a few, were douche bags, you’d began to question your faith a bit.
Sure, you still believed of course, you were friends with a literal angel and demon. But, the angels being all holier than thou and the demons being wickedly horrid, it seemed like bullshit now.
Aziraphale could definitely be a bastard when he wanted to, and Crowley had his moments, he definitely wasn’t going to kill you or anything.
When you’d started developing feelings for him though, it worried you. Would you go to hell for falling for a demon? Could God smite you on the spot?
One afternoon when it was just you and Aziraphale, you’d brought up the conversation.
“Aziraphale,” you spoke, looking up from the book you were reading.
“What is my dear?” the angel asked, turning away from the bookshelf he was organizing so he could look at you properly.
“C-Can I talk you about…Crowley?” you asked, nervously fiddling with the pages of your book, you could already feel your face heating up.
“Of course, what about him?” Aziraphale questioned, coming to sit beside you on the couch.
“Well, I…I believe I’ve developed feelings for him,” you began, looking up from your book.
A small smile graced Aziraphale’s lips, “I’ve noticed,” he told you, making you blush. “It’s quite obvious in the way you look at him when he’s not looking at you, and the same goes for him as well.”
“H-He likes me too?” you asked, eyes widening.
“Of course, he does, who wouldn’t?” Aziraphale said, making your face heat up once again.
“Well, that makes everything a little less awkward, but, I have one more question,” you told Aziraphale.
Aziraphale nodded, signaling for you to go on, you sighed before speaking again, “Will I go to hell? For falling in love with a demon?” you asked.
The angel smiled, shaking his head, “There are far worse things you could do my dear, hell has better things to worry about,” he reassured you.
That lifted a bit of weight off your shoulders. You nodded, already thinking of ways you could actually talk to Crowley about this.
Eventually though, it worked out, and as they say, the rest is history.
Currently, you were curled up with Crowley on the couch in your flat, flipping through a photo album from your childhood.
When Crowley had found it on the bookshelf, he’d insisted you look at it together, he wanted to see what your life was like growing up.
There was a small section of the album dedicated to your first communion and Crowley barked out a laugh when you got to that.
“What?” you asked, looking up at him, giggling a bit yourself.
“N-Nothing love,” Crowley said, still chuckling to himself, “I just bet you didn’t count on meeting me when you pledged yourself to God.”
You giggled, “No I guess not, but honestly the only thing I was worried about that day was the cake,” you said, pointing to the photo of you next to your huge communion cake.
Crowley smiled softly, running a finger over the photo of your smiling face, “You were cute,” he commented.
You smiled, flipping the page, “I suppose,” you told him, studying the photos of you on Halloween.
“I mean it, and you’re quite stunning now,” he said, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
You could feel your face heating up, “You’re not so bad yourself,” you said, turning your head so you could give him a proper kiss.
While you definitely never counted on falling in love with a literal demon, you had to admit, life with a sinner was undoubtedly more fun.
A/N: Hello my loves! Sorry I haven’t posted anything in the last few days, to be honest I’ve been in a bit of a slump mentally. But I’m back! Sorry this isn’t my best but I hope you liked it, requests will be open again soon! Thank you for reading! Love you all! ~ Sara :)
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