#continuation of sleep newton x male reader
toutallyahoe · 5 years
Awake ~ Newton Pulsifer (Good Omens)
Requested By: --
A/n: exams are a pain in the arse and i am still contemplating on selling what's left of my sanity to a demon for this very long ass project im doing for an adorable and sweet angel...
i am not even done half of it and yet, I'm dying... is this what feels like when the muses are being a bitch to you?
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Newton Pulsifer was a... sweet and caring man. Shy most times and is too awkward for his own good but he means well. He is a very caring person and would never even dare to hurt a fly.
An epitome of a sweetheart.
So, when he just wakes up abruptly one night without the sweet and loving embrace on his beloved's arms, he was worried.
Absolutely. Worried.
That night, the night where he just woken up from his slumber, it was oddly cold. Perhaps it was because the lack of warmth on the other side of the bed where he lay. Maybe it was because of the lack of where his beloved's loving embrace on his body, either way, the black haired man was shivering. Newton tiredly turned to look at his side, and to his utter disappointment, it was empty.... again.
A frown slowly formed onto his lips as he unconsciously placed a hand on where his beloved should've layed beside him. Turning his head to look at the nightstand placed beside their (moderately sized) bed, his frown deepen when he had saw the red glowing numbers of the alarm clock. The numbers displayed being: 03:23 a.m.
And those numbers really made the male saddened and worried for his beloved who he fully knows, despite his sleepy and hazy state, that the [Hair color] haired man was working.
Working... he was always working late for about a week now. Always staying up late, around three to five in the morning where Newton would often times catch him knocked up-- probably from over working himself-- in their kitchen table with papers of his files and the laptop still on, displaying the half finished report of his. It was worrying, that can be said and Newton had tried many times to convince his beloved to at least take a break and sleep but the [Hair color] haired man's answer were still the same:
"I'm fine, don't worry. I just need to finish this paperwork, love. I promise I'll get back to sleep soon," Newton often heard as he saw his beloved give him a tired smile then continuing back to his work. It was saddening as the black haired man loved the [Hair color] haired man who is slowly destroying himself from this horrid overworking, the man who had always been caring and supportive of him no matter what. The man who gave him the love he didn't experience much when he was young other than his mother because he was prone to be "bad luck" as what others had said behind his back to even his face.
Newton Pulsifer was worried for his [Hair color] haired lover who is probably still pushing himself on to finish whatever he was doing, knowing well that the man was exhausted to the bone.
Slowly, Newton had sat up from his laying position and rubbed his eyes, blinking whatever sleep left and then grabbing his glasses on the nightstand and then putting them on. Vision cleared, he briefly looked at the clock again and then a sigh left his lips. The black haired man do miss his beloved's embrace and just basically the man to lay beside him again, not overworking himself where Newton swear that if he continues on, he would die from exhaustion.
Newton slowly stood up from his and his beloved's shared bed and then slowly walked towards the closed door where he opened and then went out. Making sure to close the bedroom door and then maneuvering himself to go to the small kitchen they had in their small home.
Another sigh left the black haired man's lips as he arrived at the kitchen. It was no surpise that he saw the kitchen's light was still on and that on the kitchen table were many papers sprawled on top on them, some crumbled to paper balls while others are actually slowly slipping to the kitchen floor. Newton frowned when he saw his [Hair color] haired beloved still typing on his laptop.
"Oh [Name]," Newton softly said as he slowly approached the said man who didn't even spare a glance at his direction as he was to absord with his work. It pained the black haired man dearly to see his beloved like this. Tired, exhausted, barely had any sleep and eating.
"[Name]?" The black haired man softly called out to his beloved who didn't seem to hear him. "[Name]?" He called again, calmly approaching the working male and then laying a hand on the [Hair color] haired man's shoulder when he was beside him, calling his name again but more loudly.
"[Name]?" The said man let out a soft curse left his lips when his lover had abruptly out of nowhere and layed a hand on his shoulder. Furrowing his eyebrows as he paused at his typing and looked at his black haired lover who was looking at him with worry in his blue colored eyes. Seeing Newton, the [Hair color] haired man let out a relieved sigh as he then sent a soft (and tired) smile to his black haired lover. "Newt? Hello love," [Name] had said as he saw Newton look at him, still worry plastered in his face which made [Name] frown a bit.
"Is something wrong?" He had asked as he felt Newton's grip on his shoulder tighten a bit then getting loosen again. Pushing his chair a bit and shifting to face his black haired lover more properly, not only his head looking at Newton, [Name] softly grabbed his lover's hand off his shoulder and squeezed it softly.
"Newt, is there something wrong my love?" He asked again as he continued on when he realized his black haired lover was awake. "And why are you awake at--" [Name] turn to look at his laptop's screen and saw the time, which made him frown. "--half pass three in the morning?" He had worriedly asked as he turned back to look at his lover and then squeezed Newton's hand again.
"[Name]..." Newton softly called out his name as the black haired man continued. "Please... come back to bed and sleep," he had said and [Name] relaxed a bit as it was nothing major than his sweet lover worrying over him again. Although it calmed him down, it made the [Hair color] haired man frown a bit but he quickly wiped it off and replaced it with a smile. Softly squeezing his black haired lover's hand again then raising it to his lips where he softly placed a soft peck on the back of Newton's palm. "I will... soon," [Name] softly promised as he rubbed circles on the black haired man's back palm with his thumb.
His answer though did not satisfy Newton as the black haired man frowned. And it didn't go unnoticed by the [Hair color] haired man who softly let out a sigh and stood up from his seat and let go of Newton's hand to place both of his arms around the black haired man's body. "I will get to bed soon, my love," he softly muttered to his black haired lover's ear as he felt Newton wrapped his owns arms around his torso tightly.
"I just need to finish thi--" to the [Hair color] haired man's shock and surprise, his sweet and normally quiet and shy lover had pushed away from his embrace and shouted, "No!" very loudly. [Name] was surprised to look at Newton to see the black haired man was giving him a glare and it would have made the [Hair color] haired man a bit hurt if it wasn't for the tears that were threateningly falling diwn his lover's face. "Newt?" [Name] softly called out his lover's name but the said man merely shake his head and was still giving him a glare.
"N-no! You are going to stop working! And come with me to our shared bed an... a-and... and you are going to sleep!" The black haired man had said as he grabbed the [Hair color] haired man's shirt to make his beloved know he was serious and maybe trying to be more threatening... but unfortunately for him, he wasn't neither scary nor threatening at all, especially when he was near the verge of tears and that his beloved fully knows well he can't cause that much harm than what he wanted too.
But despite that, Newton still gripped tightly on his [Hair color] haired beloved's shirt as he continued to glare at him. "Y-you are going to sleep, [Name]," Newton had angrily said as his voice cracked when he had said his beloved's name. "Please..." The black haired man had softly muttered, voice cracking again as he finally can't hold the frustrated tears from falling. A soft cry left his lips as he pressed himself to his beloved, hiding himself from the [Hair color] haired man's chest to not let his beloved see his cries.
"Please..." He softly cried out to his lover as he continued on. "Y-you've been working... w-working non-stop and it's... i-it's... I... I-I miss you..." Newton had cried as [Name] had softly rubbed his back and tighen his embrace on the black haired man.
Newton crying, it made [Name] heart ache. He adored this black haired man dearly and he always wanted happiness for his lover. So, for him to be the cause of his lover's sadness, the one to cause his Newton to shed tears, it absolutely broke him.
It was like he was now finally awake from a dark slumber. He was finally awake from the cause he is effecting to his dear lover from his working...
[Name] softly whispered soft nothings to Newton's ear as he tried to calm the black haired man down. "Shh, I will love," [Name] softly muttered to Newton as he rubbed his lover's back. He didn't pay mind the wetness he felt on his shirt as his lover was his priority right now. "I'll go back to sleep now," he assured as he listened to his lover's soft cries for him to sleep and just how Newton misses him. Each cries left the black haired man's lips made his heart ache as he continued to calm Newton down.
"Please stop crying my love," he softly said as he slowly unwrapped his arms off his crying lover's body and then slowly gabbing Newton's face to make the male turn and looked at him. His [Eye color] eyes soften at seeing his black haired lover as he then softly took Newton's glasses off the crying man's face and then placing it to the table. Turning back to his lover as he placed his hands back to each side of the black haired man's face and gently wiped the tears that fell down Newton's eyes with his thumb.
"Oh Newt," [Name] softly said as he finally saw his lover slowly stopped crying and was instead was now just hiccuping some incoherent mumbles. "Newt, my love?" He softly called out to his lover. "Please look at me, love," [Name] had softly said as Newton didn't respond to him.
"Look at me, my love... please?" [Name] said again and this time, his lover finally looked at him.
Newton's expression still made [Name]'s heart clenched as he leaned to his lover closer and then placing a soft kiss on the black haired man's lips. It was delicate, soft and full of longing. Longing for the other because it was already so long they had each other.
Newton didn't wasted to kiss back with equal passion. Although he was shy and don't know how to handle affection well, no matter how much loving his [Hair color] haired beloved is. But right now, Newton was tired, frustrated and worried for [Name] that his shyness was overcame with his frustrations and passion for him.
Newton closed his eyes like [Name] had did as the latter was affectionately rubbing his cheek with his thumb. It was... it was what the two men longed for days now.
Finally, after a few more seconds of the two men kiss, they finally parted with soft pants left their lips. [Name] immediately made his black haired lover turn to look at him again as he caressed Newton's cheek, affectionately as he saw his lover lean to his touch.
"I love you," [Name] softly muttered to Newton as he leaned closer to the said man again and place a quick peck on the black haired man's lips. "I love you so, so much," he had said as he again kissed his lover. "I love you so much and I'm so sorry for causing you to worry, my love," he apologized as he kissed Newton again but this time, much more longer as the black haired man still had a tight grip on his shirt, like Newton was afraid he would let go, his beloved would disappear.
"I love you, my love," [Name] had breathlessly said as he parted from his lover's lips and gently placed his forehead on the black haired man's and then gazing lovingly on Newton's blue colored eyes. "I love you and I promise I'll never make you worry ever again," he said as he saw Newton's lips twitched into a smile.
Taking a step back, the [Hair color] haired man softly let go of his lover's face and had gently wrapped his hands on both Newton's hand to pry the man's tight grip on his shirt. As he finally pried off Newton's grip, he immediately raise his black haired lover's hand to his lips and place a soft kiss on the back palm of both Newton's hands and then looked at his lover with love in his tired [Eye color] eyes. Rubbing the back of the palms with his thumb.
"Let's get to bed now, love," he had said as he saw Newton nodded at his suggestion and squeezed his hand. "Yeah... let's," Newton softly said as he softly smiled at his beloved.
[Name] had finally stopped working for his lover. As the two men walked towards their bedroom, their hands were intertwined with each other.
The [Hair color] haired man had opened the door to their room as Newton went inside first as he was then, closing the door as he he walked towards his and his black haired lover's bed to lay beside each other and sleep. [Name] had gently let go of Newton's hand as the latter was the first to get onto their bed and lay while the other man then next. It didn't even took a second as when he layed beside his black haired lover, the man had already unconsciously pressed himself close to him.
The [Hair color] haired man's instantly had wrapoed his arms around Newton's body and brought the other closer towards him as he let a content sight leave his lips.
"I love you," [Name] softly muttered as he closed his eyes, opening his arms to welcome Hypnos' grip onto him.
"I love you too," Newton had said as look at [Name] for a few more sceonds. A small smile on his lips as he was happy and relieved that he finally had his lover beside him. Following [Name]'s footsteps, he too, like his beloved, welcome Hypnos' grip to consciousness.
The two men layed beside each other with peace in mind, knowing that Newton finally managed to make his beloved sleep and have the man back while [Name] being awake from him being blind to not see how he affected his lover from his overworking. The two layed peacefully with nothing to worry over now and it was perfect for the two...
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perlocutionary · 6 years
Notorious, pt. 10 - Stuart Twombly
Description: You may have finally met your equal.
Relationship: Fuckboy!Stuart Twombly x Reader
Word count: 2770 (a little bit longer because you had to wait a little bit longer!)
Title: I think we need to talk.
A/N: Ok so the drama starts HERE. I have taken my time because I don’t want to rush this part, as it is quite important for the rest of this story to come! I have to warn you, there might be some sexual implications and they might not be related to a certain DOB character with glasses.. Sorry not sorry. Let me know what you think!
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Part 1 - ... - Part 9 - Part 10 - Part 11
When I’m finally out of the shower, everyone is already done and pre-drinking in anticipation of Ben’s frat party. I'm humming an obnoxious tune to myself as I run a towel along my dripping wet hair, strolling into my bed room.
 Sarina and Daryl are occupying my unmade bed, a bottle of clear liquid passes between them in a rhythmic manner. A sound of recognition slips me when I notice them loitering on my bed. 
 Instead of joining in on the festivities, I ignore them completely as I dive into my closet in search for the perfect outfit for the evening. It is silent for quite some time; the only sound heard my humming still. I don’t mind, it leaves me to get dressed and apply most of my make up before Sarna speaks up.
"I’m not sure if you’re just overly thrilled about something, or so anxious you’re going to burst out of your body.”
"Mhm?" I turn on my heel, holding up a dress and a skirt for my friends to decide and with a simple nod of their heads it's settled. I thread over to the females on my bed, snatching the bottle away from Daryl’s grasp and taking a large, big gulp. I absolutely hate straight Vodka.
 When the initial burn of the alcohol has passed through my throat, I scrape it and answer my best friend. “What makes you say that?”
 A scoff leaves both girls’ lips almost instantaneously, the empty bottle dropped onto the floor with a hollow thud.
“The fact that I see you grinning to yourself like a maniac. But then – realization hits you in the face and I’m afraid you might chew your own fingers off with whatever’s going through that mind of yours.” Sarina sighs, dropping onto my bed and tucking herself in
 I stop in my tracks, my liquid eyeliner dangling in front of my face as I stare at my friends through my vanity mirror. “Is it even possible to chew your own fingers off?”
 A smirk crawls its way onto my lips when Daryl speaks up almost immediately – she always had the knowledge about these weird facts, but I loved hearing about them.
“There are many cases known of people biting off certain body parts but … Y/N, damn it!” Her voice raises near the end, but she doesn’t finish her sentence as Sarina interrupts her.
"Stop changing the subject!" Sarina demands, her finger pointed threating in my direction, "What’s gotten you on cloud nine? What did you do with Stuart today?"
I hum, shrugging the skirt over my hips pulling it into proper place before answering. "Nothing, just some lunch and then we went for the new Jurassic film."I’m just about done, ready to head down, but the silence I’m met with is eerie. Both are staring at me with blank faces, but I’m there to witness those stares to grow into bright-ass smirk within mere moments. I huff loudly, crossing my arms over my chest – but still, they don’t speak.
 “You went on a date.” Daryl grins, immediately followed by noisy clapping of her hands in excitement. I feel my cheeks heat up – because it had been coursing through my mind as well and I wasn’t sure if these nervous jitters were because of excitement at certain prospects or complete fear of what were to happen now. 
I’m stuttering my answer. "I – uh, no. I did not."
"Yes, you most definitely did."
 Sarina is quick to pipe in. "I told you that you were into him. I was right all along, wasn't I?"
If I could wipe that smug grin off her face without this blowing way out of proportion, I would’ve done it weeks ago. I don’t want to think about these things, I just want to have fun.
Another stuttering sentence from me. "I - uh - no."
“Okay then,” Sarina starts, raising to her feet as she sees me threading over to my bedroom door, “tell me this…” I don’t wait for them, instead, I’m already heading downstairs when her voice picks up and I stop dead in my tracks.
"How long has it been since you have been with anyone beside Stuart?"
I whip around at the bottom of the stairs, watching Sarina and Daryl slowly step down and approach before they pass me easily.
"I -"
 Sarina throws another jab over her shoulder as she continues her way to where the other girls were occupying the sofa. "Do you even remember?"
Daryl is already far ahead of us and disappears along the corner when I dig my finger nails into my best friend’s arm and yank her back, rather forcefully.
My voice is a harsh, loud whisper. I had come to the realization myself that I maybe liked Stuart in different ways than I were supposed to, but I didn’t want anyone outside of my own damn mind to be so on point about it. 
"Can you fucking not? I'm not in love with him, he is my friend, whom I receive some very joyous benefits from. That's all."
I feel my stomach twist around at my lies. Even if it were like this, I did not want it. I didn’t want to like Stuart, or even think about what it would be like to be his girlfriend – I had a very productive shower – I just want him to touch all my sweet spots and make me feel relaxed. Without any hassle.
Sarina snatches her arm from my vice grip as her smug grin makes a reappearance for the night. "Mhm. Very convincing."
 I guess I’ll have to show her, Daryl and myself that I don’t think of Stuart in any way that everyone seems to be implying. I know that if I find myself someone else to sleep with, my infatuation with Stuart will just disappear – who wouldn’t doubt themselves if he gives the best orgasms one has ever experienced?
"Please, stop. Everyone is waiting for us, and I’m sick of having this conversation over and over again.”
I guess there’s only one thing I have to do tonight.
I had to admit that I had chugged back a bit too many shots before we even left for the party, and it didn’t lessen when we finally arrived.
Shot after shot flows and by the time the clock strikes midnight, I am already having trouble standing up straight without swaying back and forth. I hadn’t seen Stuart yet – but I hope it won’t take him too long to find me.
 And that’s when I saw him. I wondered how long he had been here already, but, to be honest, it wasn’t like I was paying attention to my surroundings either. Stuart looks amazing tonight, and I salivate the longer I stare at him.
 He’s talking to a girl, and I can’t help but let my dismissive stare rake over her frame. Her hand runs along Stuart’s exposed arm, and his hand is comfortably resting on her waist. The cup in my hand is squeezed, the plastic squeaking underneath my grasp before I chug it down ad fundum.
 She subtly inches closer, and closer, and closer. Her breasts are pressed against Stuart’s side as she whispers things into his ear, things that make him smile. Just watching them caused me to refill my drink three times in the span of less than ten minutes – and I was starting to feel the consequences of it.
 But then, our eyes meet.
 A bright grin makes its way onto Stuart’s lips and I see his eyelid drops down into a wink. It causes my stomach to flutter with butterflies and my cheeks to heat up instantaneously. As I ready myself to head over – to have a mere conversation with my best friend, of course – the unknown girl presses her lipstick-clad lips against his jaw.
 My smile falters and I take another sip of my drink – but distractions come in the form a lanky, handsome blonde with a new drink.
 I blink a few times as I cock my head to the side, grinning at the handsome young man that is grinning at me deviously. “Oh, hi there.”
The male holds out a red solo cup for me to grasp, his head motioning to the drink as well.
“I noticed that you could use another drink.”
 “Thank you.” I shyly smile in return, taking the cup and sniffing its contents. Rum and coke. My favorite.
 “I’m Newt.” Apparently, Newt, speaks, dipping his tongue past his lips to wet them briefly before returning to his smirk. My body shivers at his actions, buzzing with alcohol and want – I did have something to prove.
 That’s when I register his name, and a small chuckle surpasses me. Newt seems to perk up at the sound, taking a sip of his own drink but remaining his gaze firmly trained on me.
“Newt? As in Isaac Newton?”
It draws a chuckle from the tall male, music sounding in my ears. I have already chugged his drink down, glancing briefly at Stuart who now has his eyes trained on me in a harshly set glare. In my buzzed-out state, it seemed like a great idea to lean closer toward Newt, grinning up at him when he answers after his chuckle as died down.
“Yeah, my mom was a science geek.”
 I shrug my shoulders, letting my hand rest on his upper arm, leaning further into him.
“Nothing wrong with that, it’s a special name.”
 The smile I’m granted with makes me think why this handsome man was not taken yet. He has this youthful thing to him, which seems to draw me in rapidly.
“Thank you, love. But you haven’t mentioned your name yet.”
 He hands me another drink and I know I should pass up on the offer, but instead, I grasp it firmly and bring it to my lips without a second thought. Half of it disappears down my throat before I reply to him. “Oh, I’m sorry. I’m Y/N.”
 Newt’s hand raises to brush some stray hairs from my face, his next words a whisper against the shell of my ear. It causes a rush of adrenaline and shiver to run throughout my entire body.
“Beautiful name for a beautiful girl.”
In my mind, I am contemplating if I should just press my lips against his when we’re interrupted. I feel his fingers curl around my biceps and I feel the spark, which ignites every time he touches me, before I feel his hot breath fan against my ear.
“Y/N, I think it’s best if you stop drinking.”
 I briefly let go of Newt to turn around, grinning dumbfounded at a frowning Stuart. I push his hand off me, his firm grasp leaving slight dentures in their wake, but my smile never falters. “Hi Stu! I – I’m not drunk yet, so don’t worry.” I blatantly lie through my teeth. I feel myself swaying on my feet, and it isn’t to the heavy bass surrounding us.
 “Y/N…” His tone is anything but dismissive, his hand raises up to touch me again. I finish off my drink, dropping the empty cup to the floor. “… Please.”
“Stuart, I appreciate this, really, but I’m fine. I’ll come find you later.” I smile, nodding my head briefly – which I immediately regretted when I felt the room spinning – and turn back toward my new friend Newt.
 I push back any thoughts regarding Stuart as I grin up at Newt again. I know I should’ve gone with Stuart. I know that he is the one I want to spend my time with, but it wasn’t the sensible choice at this moment. Newt was friendly, he was handsome, and I knew I had a shot with him. And I wasn’t going to surpass that chance.
I moan against his lips when I feel his tongue swipe along my lips, dipping into my mouth to explore freely. His hands are roaming along my back, momentarily stopping to squeeze my ass tentatively, my whole body pressed firmly against his taut chest.
My hands have disappeared into his luscious blonde locks, enjoying this split moment before I’d wake up with an amazing hangover in the morning.
 “Maybe we…” Next sighs against my lips, trailing kisses from them to my jaw, up to my neck, “… should take this to a more private place.”
 I sigh and tilt my head back when I feel his lips against my sternum. “Yes, please.”
Newt holds out his hand for me to grasp and I let my fingers slip in his, leading me up the stairs and away from the booming party. 
My heart is hammering in my chest as I follow Newt up, disappearing into one of the bedrooms as it clicks and shuts behind me. I’m pressed against the door, Newt’s lips finding mine again as his thighs run between my legs and his hands roam all over my body.
We break away for air, and Newt winks before he trails over to his bed, shrugging his shirt off. I hiccup, giggling immediately after, which makes my heart hammer in my head. The headache was already creeping up on me. I notice a few pictures framed on his desk and hum in acknowledgement. “Your room?”
 It’s Newt’s turn to hum in response. “Yeah. I’m part of this frat.”
I shrug my shirt off my shoulders, slowly threading closer as I let my gaze wander over his now exposed torso. He wasn’t as buff as Stuart, but I noticed the outline of training on Newt’s body. “Ah – I never knew.”
 Newt hums as his hand cups my jaw, our lips roughly pressed together while he guides me toward his bed. Our kiss breaks and he sits down on the bed, motioning me to follow.
“It doesn’t matter love. Com’ere.”
 His body envelopes mine like a blanket as our kiss grows more heated. I feel his fingers trail along my inner thigh, inching up closer to where I needed him.
 Newt never gets the chance though.
 I squeal loudly when Newt’s presence above me disappears and a loud thump follows immediately after. My eyes are squeezed shut tightly, covering my bra-clad chest from whomever decided to come inside and interrupt.
 It’s when I feel fingers curl around my wrist and I smell his cologne that my eyes snap open. “Stuart?”
 “I told you to fuckin’ stop drinking, Y/N.” He easily lifts me to my feet, and I’m left standing there, swaying, as he retrieves my shirt from the floor. He aids me in pulling it over my body, and then quickly winds his arm around my waist as he guides me outside Newt’s bedroom.
 “Stuart – what are you doing?” I mumble, his cologne infatuating me, and I realize that Newt might have never made me feel ten percent of what Stuart does to me. Instead of verbally answering, Stuart merely growls as he pushes through the masses of bodies, perching me on top of his hood when he cannot find his keys.
 When he returns to me, I curl my arms around his neck and haul him against me, pressing my lips forcefully against his. He seems to lose himself in the kiss for a moment before he pulls away, his eyes fluttering open again.
“Y/N, you’re shitfaced.”
I’m trailing wet, sloppy kisses along his jaw as my hands disappear into his hair.
“That’s never stopped you before…”
 “Y/N, not right now. And not like this. Not anymore.” Stuart sighs as he picks me up swiftly, dropping me into the passenger seat of his ride. He rounds the vehicle and drops into his designated spot, roaring the car to life and setting of to what I presume is my sorority.
 After a few moments of contemplation, I lift my hand and drop it onto Stuart’s that’s resting on the console between us. My fingers lace with his, a sigh slipping from my part lips as I feel my eyes droop closed already. “Thank you, Stuart.”
I didn’t know what I was thanking him for, but I knew that I should be thanking him. And I realized in my drunken stupor that it is now or never to tell him.
“Stuart,” I mumble, my head lolling to the side as I squeeze his fingers affectionately, “… maybe we should talk.”
I hear his reply through a haze, but my eyelids feel to heavy for me to try and stay awake. I’m falling into a fast, deep slumber as my head thumps and my senses scream Stuart Twombly.
Forever tag: @ssweet-empowerment @fuckwhateverfuck @youshiverwhenyouhearmyname @behind-my-hazeleyes27 @itsbilescallmebiles @7e6205 @daddyxraeken @lovelynerdytraveler @redstringlovers @suggsmate @dylxnob
Stuart tag: @cece-lives-here @dancingalone21 @europha @letmebeyoursforever @voidwriter @anneistrash @thesecretlifeofmeinmyhead @flirtstiles 
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Hellos and New Starts Part 01
Draco Malfoy X Reader
Request: Nope
Warning: Torture. Fluff. Marriage talk? Fear
(AN: Takes place post wizarding war. Draco is smol bean. Haha... Next part is fun)
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Shyly, you placed a shaking hand into Draco's, fighting the tears stinging your eyes. You had absolutely nothing in common with Narsissa or Lucius Malfoy except for your love for their son.
You were a Hufflepuff, a half-blood, a fighter on the light side. You and Draco's love was strange and forbidden, but intimate and passionate, simple and classic. The same relationship that your grandpa and grandma had always had ever since you could remember.
Noticing your nerves, Draco squeezed your hand and kissed your neck, "They will adore you, Y/N... Fret not." He whispered tenderly in you ear causing a small ghost of a smile to spread on your lips.
"This is me we are talking about Draco. Fretting is more of a hobby than something I do." Chuckling, I laid against his shoulder while he knocked on the door, rubbing my hand as I took deep breaths in order to calm myself, knowing that it would most likely be his mother who would answer.
"Draco." She smiled brightly at her boy, taking him from me, hugging him and peppering his face in kisses, earning and embarrassed moan from Draco when she turned her eyes to me, bringing me into a hug. "You must be Y/N! Oh it's lovely to finally meet you darling!" She began to kiss both my cheeks and i felt myself tense, but hid it out of the worried feeling of upsetting her.
Soon she was out of my arms and held a single hand leading me inside the manor, "Draco has been babbling to me all about you since his fifth year... Is that how long you've know each other?"
I smiled at Draco, who set your two suitcases down. "Not quite."
Shuffling onto the train, I kept my head down and sat down, avoiding looks I was getting from other students entering. Whilest doing so, I began writing in my journal, pulling out a copy of my grandfather’s book, considering reading it on your way, though all I could think doing was writing. That was until a knock came at my door and I looked at the blond haired figure at the door.
"I-er... I am sorry to bother.” You looked up at the blond male, shyly putting the notebook in your lap, “ I can’t seem to find my friends and I was wondering if I could sit with you?” Nodding and flashing him a small smile, you gestured to the empty seat across from yours. Taking it, he looked out the window, then held out his hand, interrupting your scribbling once more. “Draco Malfoy.”
Looking up at him rapidly, knowing what you had been told of the Malfoy-Black family and you could feel the nerves coiling and your body suffocating itself in panic and fear. Still quickly, perhaps almost too quickly you responded, “Scamander. Uh-I m-mean Y/N Scamander.”
Draco raised his eyebrows at this shaking your hand, “Scamander? Granddaughter of Newton Scamander?” You nodded, dropping the hand and blushing crimson, “That’s neat. You seen the creatures then yeah?”
“Some.” You replied smelly, “Grandfather and Grandmother are protective. Waiting till I am eighteen. My brother Ralf though has seen them. He is trying to be a magzooligist just like my grandfather.”
Draco nodded, “And what are you writing?”
Realizing that you were still scribbling, your blush grew deeper and you handed your notebook over reluctantly, watching his eyes scan the book. “It’s good. Interesting. You want to be an author?” Nodding, he smiled, “Good. Keep writing.”
"So this is the girl Draco wouldn't stop babbling about." A voice from behind me called, causing my bones to crack and ice to run through my body.
Luckily for me, Draco noticed (pray not anyone else) and wrapped both arms around my waist. "Father. This is Y/N. Y/N S-"
"Yes. I know who she is..." Lucius cut his boy off, "I remember her quite clearly."
“You can’t do this! You can’t!” I grabbed Draco’s arm hard, looking up at him with pleading eyes “Draco please.”
He scoffed, pushing me off him, “You are so naïve, Y/N.” Pulling down the sleeve to revel his mark to you, “I am one of them.”
“I know and I don't care I just- AH!” You whimpered, clutching your head, both you and Draco reaching out for each other, him placing an arm around your waist while you grabbed his shoulders, both of you whining as you said his name at the same time.
Helping me to walk, we were greeted by a screaming Ginny Weakly as you walked aside your classmates and you felt yourself begin to cry, turning, myself against Draco’s chest while he hid you two, hoping not to get caught but of course Voldemort spotted his youngest Death-Eater
“Draco my boy, come over here.”
I felt Draco stiffen as Voldemort called him and I hid deeper in his shoulder blades, preventing him from going to him. Feeling him soften, I loosened my grip and nuzzled back down into his chest, relaxing until I felt the spell hit my back and I arched back wards, screaming in pain.
“Crucio!” It came again and my hearing went static, Draco trying to pick me up as more were thrown at my body only for me to fall to the pavement hitting my head.
Voldemort approached my body, Draco sobbing slightly, commanding Draco’s Aunt to stop, “Ah a Scamander. Good blood. Strong family. You have a brother named Rolf, yes?” Getting only a whine in return, he grinned darkly, looking up at Draco, “Is she yours?” Fading in and out of consciousness, you couldn't see Draco’s response but you heard more laughter and felt your arm being grabbed and a slight, “Well she will make a good first example to join my arm.” You could hear Draco protest and panic between your colleagues, what you assumed to be Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy calling their son but all you could do was grunt and whine. Feeling a single burning sensation on your arm, it stopped and you thought you died but instead, you felt hands roaming your face and screams erupting.
“Come back to me Y/N!” A figure called from the darkness, gently slapping my cheeks, as I blinked, “C’mon! We are safe. We are out. We are safe.”
Looking up into his beautiful grey eyes, I placed my hand on his cheek, “I-I love-”
“Stop.” He whined, “Stop. We are safe. We are out, I used the cabinet. We are safe.” Tears splashed onto my cheeks as he held me in his lap, holding me up with trembling hands, “We are fine.”
“We are fine.” I replied, Smiling weakly while  I  blinked, exhausted, “Where are we?”
“I appareted to a old place I visited as a child.” He sighed looking out, “No. You need to stay awake now.”
“ so tired.” I whined, shutting my eyes, but hurting to much to sleep, “Just hold me. Please. ”
He nodded, holding you tighter, bringing one hand up to kiss it while the other he ran  through my hair, “You just got to stay awake for me.”
“Please.” He whimpered, “I love you. I can’t.. I can’t”
“You won’t.” I yawned, “Never. I am not going anywhere.”
“Ever again?”
“Ever.” You sighed, forcing myself to his neck as I was about to fall into sleep so he could feel me breathing, “You won’t. And I won’t. Always.”
"Ah!" Mrs. Malfoy cooed, breaking the tension, "I think that dinner is done."
Turning from my trembling body to his wife, Mr. Malfoy smiled, "excellent! Draco go help your mother set up and I'll show Ms. Scamander around the house." "Father I don't think it's a-"
"No." I smiled at him, letting go of his embrace, "It's alright Draco. I'll be fine." Kissing his cheek I smiled at him, walking towards Mr. Malfoy and our bags while Draco shot his dad the 'Be nice' eyes before walking away with his mother.
About to reach the handles, an "Allow me." came from behind me and the suitcases flew up the stairs, Mr. Malfoy offering me up his arm before following the cases on their path. Room to room, Mr. Malfoy shared history gracefully and in depth about the lifestyle he and his boy grew up in and what each room meant. It was quite interesting and impressive, but then he stopped, dropping your arm and looking into your eyes. "Ms. Scamander... I just wanted to thank you for all you did for my family."
"Mr. Malfoy I hardly-"
"Hush." He spoke slightly stern but with a hint of sport in his voice, "You are a game changer, Ms. Scamander, whether you see it or not. Not just in my family, but for millions of others." I smiled at this, feeling tension slowly relieve itself from my body.
"It was only the right thing, Mr. Malfoy, no need to thank me."
It was never I who was looking after Draco... Even in the beginning
Knocking on the office door shyly, I tapped my feet, smiling gently at Harry and whishing him a good night before entering Dumbledore’s office.
“Good evening Ms. Scamander.” He smiled brightly at me as I walked in, “I don’t believe we have properly met?” I nodded shyly, “I have, however, heard a lot about you from your grandfather. We were very close and from what he has told me and what I hear, you are very similar.”
I smiled brightly at this, looking around his office in wonder before looking back at him, “Thank you professor, but I have to ask. why am I in here?”
He sighed, gesturing me to sit across from his desk while he sat down, sighing before continuing, “You are becoming closer to Draco Malfoy as I am told. Romantically?”
“I, ah, no.” I blushed, “We are just friends.” I beamed brightly at him, trying to hide my blush, “You know how the old rumor about how who you ride to school with on the Hogwarts express will be a tight friend. He was probably just a little harder to open up.”
Taking note, he nodded, “I have a task for you.”
“For Draco, sir?” I asked, confused, causing him to nod, “Is he alright?”
“He will be, with your help.”
I raised my eyebrows, “Is he in trouble?”
“Not yet. And with your help, he won’t be.” He sighed, “Next year, Draco will become more distance, probably already has, but you need to stand by him, watch over him. He trusts you. You can do this.”
“I don’t understand sir.” I questioned confused, “What will come after him that only I can help.”
Dumbledore smiled at me, “You shall see child, you shall see.
It was a mixed blessing, something I would gladly do, but as our sixth year hit, he stopped writing during the summer, he didn't find me on the train, even avoided me on grounds until I cornered him.
“Y/N?” A voice called, causing you to snap out of your mind as you jumped, “Hey you okay love?” Seeing Draco behind you, you nodded, humming slightly and leaning into his embrace, allowing him rub my shoulders while I calmed my breathing, “What were you thinking about?”
“Nuthing. Fifth year” She smiled softly, “Dinner almost ready? I’m famished.”
“Merlin fifth year was awful. And yes. I will lead you down.” He smiled, kissing your hand and pulling you down the stairs as though you were a princess.
“I hate you.” He spat, “Leave me alone.”
“Merlin Draco.” You scoffed, pushing him against the wall to prevent him from running off. “What the bloody hell have I ever done to you besides look out for you? Help you with homework? Stand with you, stand for you? And now you think you can push me aside. Hell no.” He looked down while you waited several beats only for nothing. “Screw you Draco. I just want to help. I only want you to let me so I can help you. For six goddamn years that is all I wanted. I haven't slept in days. I haven’t properly eaten. I didn't go home for the holidays. All for you. But you know I am done sacrificing just so that yo-”t
Grabbing your shoulders and flipping you so that you were against the wall, pressing his lips hungrily on yours while you stood in shock. Finally when he pulled away for a breath, he put his forehead on yours and cupped your face, “Y/N.. I cant tell you. But I promise I will try and be less of an ass... But we need to hide. Meet me here, this time nightly okay? Don’t tell anyone.”
“Draco I-”
“Shh..” He smiled tearfully, kissing the top of your head, “Let that be all for tonight... Please.”
You shook your head tearing up slightly and grabbing his arms as he tried to pull away, “No please Draco. I can’t- I need to- I-” He looked at you concern filling his eyes as he looked behind him before cupping your face with his palms, “Draco I...”
It was as though something in the back of your mind flipped and you collapsed against Draco.
Dinner had ended quickly and you had retired, exhaustion filling your system (you claimed but Draco knew you were just nervous and needed to distress) so Draco stayed down with his parents helping them clean up in silence until his father broke it.
“She really is lovely Draco.” He smiled at his son proudly, “Inside and out. Don't wait to long until you make her yours and ours.” He went to Narcissa, clutching her hand as they looked at their son.
“I don’t plan on it. One more stop.” He smiled, hugging them both before heading up the stairs to console the girl. “One more stop and we’ll see if she’ll say yes.”
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